2001 American Standard Inc. All rights reserved Volume 30, No. 3 I engineers newsletter design tips for effective, efficient Dedicated Ventilation Systems from the editor Often the Engineers Newsletter limits its coverage of design concepts to theoretical discussions. This issue tackles the subject of ventilation system design, but does so by adopting a practical, workaday approach. If you design HVAC systems for multiple- space applications, we think youll appreciate this ENs how-to instructions for determining equipment capacities. Youll also find ideas for improving the efficiency of dedicated ventilation systems. For years, most HVAC installations have been mixed-air systems in which an air handler combined outdoor air (OA) and return air, then conditioned the resulting mixture and delivered it to occupied spaces in the building. Such systems made it easy to provide proper ventilation: the designer could set the outdoor-air damper or outdoor airflow to accommodate the worst-case ventilation requirements. Although this simplistic solution satisfied the immediate concern, indoor air quality, it also required high outdoor airflow to compensate for the low ventilation efficiency of the system. Ventilation efficiency describes the percentage of first-pass outdoor air that dilutes indoor contaminants before being exhausted from the building. The higher the percentage of used ventilation air, the more efficient the system. Ventilation becomes less efficient when the mixed-air system serves multiple spaces with differing ventilation needs. One space (the critical space) receives precisely enough outdoor air for adequate ventilation; all other spaces are overventilated. There are various ways to improve ventilation efficiency, but the dedicated ventilation system is an increasingly popular solution. What Is a Dedicated Ventilation System? A dedicated ventilation system uses a separate air handler to condition the outdoor air before delivering it to the outdoor/mixed-air intakes of other HVAC units or directly to the occupied spaces. In either case, terminal units handle the local space loads. Whether it is called a dedicated OA unit (as in this EN), a 100-percent OA unit, or a fresh air unit, the air handler must dehumidify, cool, heat, and sometimes humidify the incoming outdoor air. For now, lets focus our attention on dehumidification and cooling Most unit designs use chilled water or DX coils to cool the air and either cold- coil or active-desiccant technology to dry it. For this discussion, well look only at cold-coil dehumidification because it is less expensive, less complex, and more widely understood and applied than active-desiccant technology. Also, cold-coil designs sufficiently dehumidify conditioned air for most commercial and institutional applications. Implications for SystemDesign To demonstrate how a dedicated ventilation system affects equipment selection, lets consider the system in Figure 1 (page 2). A dedicated OA unit meets the minimum ventilation requirement by treating the outdoor air and then delivering the conditioned air (CA) directly to the occupied spaces. Fancoils, controlled by thermostats, Cold or Neutral Conditioned Air? When some spaces ventilated by a dedicated OA unit need heating while others need cooling, designers usually choose to deliver neutral-temperature conditioned air. Dry conditioned air must be reheated to the desired dry-bulb temperature (a subjective value that typically ranges from 70F to 74F). Neutral-temperature air minimizes the additional heating load that the dedicated OA unit imposes on the terminal units. If most of the spaces ventilated by the dedicated OA unit are thermally similar (that is, all of them need either heating or cooling), designers may choose to deliver cold conditioned air. The conditioned-air dry-bulb temperature depends on the required supply-air dew point, typically between 50F and 55F. Cold conditioned air means smaller, therefore less costly, terminal units. I I 2 Trane Engineers Newsletter Vol. 30, No. 3 satisfy the local sensible load in each space. Selecting the dedicated OA unit. Required airflow, dew point, and dry- bulb temperature of the conditioned air (CA) are key to the selection of the dedicated OA unit. The inset at right demonstrates the selection logic described below. 1 Determine the enthalpy-based design condition. The weather (entering-coil) condition with the highest enthalpythat is, peak wet bulb and mean coincident dry bulb generally sets the peak cooling capacity required from the dedicated OA unit. The ASHRAE HandbookFundamentals provides climatic design data for various geographical locations. 2 Choose the target condition for the occupied space. Most designers choose a dry-bulb temperature of 72F to 76F as the setpoint. To discourage microbial growth, ASHRAE Standard 621999 recommends a relative humidity of 60 percent or less during cooling. Therefore, select the dedicated OA unit to limit the relative humidity in all spaces to no more than 60 percent. Designing a dedicated ventilation system that limits the space relative humidity to a lower value (50 percent, for example) adds unnecessary cost Figure 1. Dedicated Ventilation System because it requires larger equipment and increases energy consumption. 3 Determine the latent load for each space. Latent loads in spaces, which are usually unaffected by weather conditions, can be calculated with the help of load-design software. 4 Calculate the system-level outdoor airflow by finding and summing the minimum ventilation- airflow values of the occupied spaces. Minimum ventilation requirements are set by local codes or by ASHRAE Standard 621999. 5 Determine the largest rise among the space humidity ratios. As noted in a previous EN (volume 29, number 4), constant-volume terminal units without dehumidification enhancements usually dont remove enough moisture at a partial sensible load. By providing conditioned air that is drier than the air in each space, the dedicated OA unit can offset the local latent loads and maintain the relative humidity at or below the 60-percent maximum limit. Note: The space with the highest latent load may not be the space with the largest humidity-ratio rise. 6 Calculate the required humidity ratio and corresponding dew point for the conditioned air delivered by the dedicated OA unit. To do so, subtract the largest humidity-ratio rise from the target humidity ratio for the spaces. The dedicated ventilation system in Figure 1 removes the entire outdoor load and the latent load generated within each space. When the latent- critical space is at the relative- humidity limit, all other spaces are drier. Note: Designs that deliver conditioned air at a humidity ratio or dew-point Practical Example: Selecting a Dedicated OA Unit Lets see how the procedure outlined on pages 23 can help us size a dedicated outdoor-air (OA) unit that provides ventilation directly to four classrooms in a Jacksonville, Florida school: 1 Peak enthalpy condition (from ASHRAE HandbookFundamentals): T oa = 91F DB, 79F WB 2 Target space condition (designers choice): T ra = 74F DB (setpoint) RH ra = 60% (maximum limit) W ra = 75.2 gr/lb 3 Space latent and sensible loads (from load calculations) in Btu/h: Rm 1 Q l = 5,250; Rm 1 Q s = 29,750 Rm 2 Q l = 5,465; Rm 2 Q s = 26,775 Rm 3 Q l = 5,697; Rm 3 Q s = 26,927 Rm 4 Q l = 5,250; Rm 4 Q s = 28,262 4 Outdoor airflow (based on ASHRAE Standard 621999) in cfm: Rm 1 V oa = 15 cfm/p 29 people = 435 Rm 2 V oa = 15 cfm/p 30 people = 450 Rm 3 V oa = 15 cfm/p 32 people = 480 Rm 4 V oa = 15 cfm/p 29 people = 435 System V ot = ! (V oa ) = 1,800 cfm 5 Key humidity-ratio rise (calculated) in gr/lb, that is, W = Q l / (0.69 V oa ): Rm 1 W = 5,250 / (0.69 435) = 17.5 Rm 2 W = 5,465 / (0.69 450) = 17.6 Rm 3 W = 5,697 / (0.69 480) = 17.2 Rm 4 W = 5,250 / (0.69 435) = 17.5 6 Conditioned-air dew point (calculated): W ca = W ra W = 75.2 17.6 = 57.6 gr/lb T ca = 52F DP 7 Conditioned-air dry bulb (designers choice): T ca = 71F DB (neutral), with reheat or T ca = 52F DB (cold), no reheat Select the dedicated OA unit to deliver 1,800 cfm of ventilation air at a dew point of 52F when the outdoor temperatures are 91F DB and 79F WB. To deliver neutral-temperature air, include reheat to temper the ventilation air to 71F DB. providing insights for todays HVAC system designer 3 I temperature that equals the space target cannot handle local latent loads. These designs may result in a smaller dedicated OA unit, but they require larger terminal units and usually result in higher indoor relative humidities. 7 Choose the required dry-bulb temperature of the conditioned air. If the system design requires neutral-temperature conditioned air (that is, conditioned air that approximates the target for the space), pick a dry-bulb value of 70F to 75F. If the design requires cold ventilation air, use a dry-bulb temperature that is approximately equal to the required dew point. Selecting the terminal units. How you select the dedicated OA unit can significantly affect the required cooling capacity (supply airflow and dry-bulb temperature) for each terminal unit. The inset on this page demonstrates the following selection logic. 1 Determine the entering air temperature. Terminal units see only recirculated return air, which has a temperature equaling the space target. 2 Calculate the sensible cooling provided by the ventilation system. Cold conditioned air provides more sensible cooling than neutral conditioned air, which is slightly cooler than the space target. (See Cold or Neutral Conditioned Air? on page 1.) 3 Determine the sensible cooling load for each terminal unit. Subtract the sensible cooling of the ventilation system from the peak sensible load (at the peak dry-bulb temperature), which was calculated for each occupied space with the help of load-design software. 4 Find the required supply airflow for each terminal unit, given an arbitrary supply-air temperature and the sensible cooling load that the terminal unit must satisfy. Unit placement and geometry influence the selection of a target supply-air temperature, as does the design of the dedicated ventilation system. Delivering cold conditioned air reduces required terminal-unit airflow (and permits smaller terminal-unit cabinets) than a system that delivers neutral-temperature conditioned air. Figure 2 offers a psychrometric summary of the equipment-selection conditions. Figure 2. Selection Summary When designing a dedicated ventilation system that delivers conditioned air directly to occupied spaces: I Size the dedicated OA unit so that it also handles the latent loads in the spaces at the peak enthalpy condition. I Size each terminal unit to handle the sensible load in the space at the peak sensible (dry- bulb) condition. Practical Example: Effect on Terminal-Unit Sizing If the dedicated outdoor-air (OA) unit handles the peak latent load for the four- classroom system in our Jacksonville, Florida example, then the terminal units only need sufficient capacity to satisfy the peak sensible load. Select the terminal units to deliver the required sensible capacity (depending on whether the dedicated OA unit delivers neutral or cold conditioned air, T ca ) at the assumed supply-air temperature and calculated supply airflow. Procedure Neutral CA (T ca = 71F DB) Cold CA (T ca = 52F DB) 1 Target space condition, T ra , (designer choice) 74F DB 74F DB 2 Sensible cooling provided by ventilation system (calculated), that is, Q ca = 1.085 V oa (T ra T ca ): Rm 1 Q ca = 1.085 435 (74 T ca ) = Rm 2 Q ca = 1.085 450 (74 T ca ) = Rm 3 Q ca = 1.085 480 (74 T ca ) = Rm 4 Q ca = 1.085 435 (74 T ca ) = 1,416 Btu/h 1,465 Btu/h 1,562 Btu/h 1,416 Btu/h 10,383 Btu/h 10,742 Btu/h 11,458 Btu/h 10,383 Btu/h 3 Sensible cooling load provided by terminal unit (calculated), that is, Q tu = Q s Q ca : Rm 1 Q tu = 29,750 Rm 1 Q ca = Rm 2 Q tu = 26,775 Rm 2 Q ca = Rm 3 Q tu = 26,927 Rm 3 Q ca = Rm 4 Q tu = 28,262 Rm 4 Q ca = 28,334 Btu/h 25,310 Btu/h 25,365 Btu/h 26,846 Btu/h 19,367 Btu/h 16,033 Btu/h 15,469 Btu/h 17,879 Btu/h 4 Supply airflow from terminal unit (given supply-air temperature), that is, V tu = Q tu / [1.085 (T ra T sa )]: Rm 1 V sa = Q tu1 / [1.085 (74 55)] = Rm 2 V sa = Q tu2 / [1.085 (74 55)] = Rm 3 V sa = Q tu3 / [1.085 (74 55)] = Rm 4 V sa = Q tu4 / [1.085 (74 55)] = 1,374 cfm 1,228 cfm 1,230 cfm 1,302 cfm 939 cfm 778 cfm 750 cfm 867 cfm I 4 ENEWS-30/3 Trane believes the facts and suggestions presented here to be accurate. However, final design and application decisions are your responsibility. Trane disclaims any responsibility for actions taken on the material presented. The Trane Company An American Standard Company www.trane.com For more information, contact your local district office or e-mail us at comfort@trane.com Ways to Improve Efficiency Various options such as energy recovery can improve operating efficiency. If the ventilation system delivers neutral-temperature air, recovered or transferred energy can provide tempering. Such designs can recover heat from the refrigeration circuit in a direct-expansion (DX) unit or from an air stream, usually by arranging an air-to-air heat exchanger in series with the cooling coil. Using a total-energy wheel (or any other air-to-air heat exchanger) to precondition the entering outdoor air reduces both cooling and heating loads. Smaller loads not only enable you to downsize the dedicated OA unit, but can also reduce operating cost. To take advantage of this benefit, however, most of the building exhaust must be routed back to the air handler. (For details, see EN volume 29, number 5.) Although most dedicated OA units are designed to deliver a constant flow of conditioned air, applications with fluctuating occupancies may benefit from variable airflow. Automatically adjusting the flow of conditioned air to match the systems current ventilation requirements can reduce operating costs without sacrificing indoor air quality. Adding an airside economizer also reduces operating costs, but requires a duct system that is entirely separate from the dedicated OA unit. Thats because the dedicated OA unit is usually selected to accommodate only minimum outdoor airflow and does not handle recirculated return air. (Alternatively, airside economizing can occur at the terminal units, but effective operation also requires a means for modulated exhaust.) Setpoint reset can improve system efficiency, too. Raising the humidity ratio (dew point) of the conditioned air while limiting the humidity in the critical space avoids overdrying and lowers the operating cost of the dedicated OA unit. Similarly, raising the conditioned- air dry-bulb temperature while avoiding heating in all spaces reduces the cost of operating the terminal units. It also delays cooling-to-heating changeover in two-pipe systems. To effectively control relative humidity, unoccupied dehumidification may be necessary. A dedicated OA unit with DX cooling can provide this function without operating chillers and cooling towers. Implementation requires a return-air path to the dedicated OA unit and a humidity sensor in the critical space. Key Concepts I Always provide conditioned air that is drier than the space. This practice minimizes the required terminal-unit capacity and adequately controls the indoor relative humidity without additional dehumidification enhancements in the terminal units. I Deliver cold conditioned air whenever possible. Neutral conditioned air increases the capacity needed from the terminal units and requires reheat at the dedicated OA unit. I Select equipment to limit the relative humidity to 60 percent. Targeting a drier-than-necessary condition in the space requires oversized equipment and consumes more energy. I By Dennis Stanke, staff applications engineer, and Brenda Bradley, information designer, The Trane Company. You can find this and other issues of the Engineers Newsletter in the commercial section of www.trane.com. To comment, send a note to The Trane Company, Engineers Newsletter Editor, 3600 Pammel Creek Road, La Crosse, WI 54601-7599, or e-mail us at comfort@trane.com.