Hands On Exercises 2013

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Hands-On Exercises:

Apache Hadoop for



Hands-On Exercises: Apache Hadoop for


General Notes

This training courses use a Virtual Machine running the CentOS 5.6 Linux
distribution. This VM has Clouderas Distribution including Apache Hadoop version
3 (CDH3) installed in Pseudo-Distributed mode. Pseudo-Distributed mode is a
method of running Hadoop whereby all five Hadoop daemons run on the same
machine. It is, essentially, a cluster consisting of a single machine. It works just like
a larger Hadoop cluster, the only key difference (apart from speed, of course!) being
that the block replication factor is set to 1, since there is only a single DataNode

Points to note while working in the VM
1. The VM is set to automatically log in as the user training. Should you log out
at any time, you can log back in as the user training with the password

2. Should you need it, the root password is training. You may be prompted for
this if, for example, you want to change the keyboard layout. In general, you
should not need this password since the training user has unlimited sudo

3. In some command-line steps in the exercises, you will see lines like this:

$ hadoop fs -put shakespeare \

Hands-On Exercises: Apache Hadoop for


The backslash at the end of the first line signifies that the command is not
completed, and continues on the next line. You can enter the code exactly as
shown (on two lines), or you can enter it on a single line. If you do the latter, you
should not type in the backslash.
Hands-On Exercises: Apache Hadoop for


Points to note during the exercises

1. There are additional challenges for most of the Hands-On Exercises. If you finish
the main exercise, please attempt the additional exercise.
2. Sample solutions are always available in the sample_solution subdirectory of
the exercise directory.

3. As the exercises progress, and you gain more familiarity with Hadoop and
MapReduce, we provide fewer step-by-step instructions - as in the real world,
we merely give you a requirement and its up to you to solve the problem! There
are stub files for each exercise to get you started, and you should feel free to
ask your instructor for assistance at any time. We also provide some hints in
many of the exercises. And, of course, you can always consult with your fellow
Hands-On Exercises: Apache Hadoop for


Hands-On Exercise: Using HDFS

In this exercise you will begin to get acquainted with the Hadoop tools. You
will manipulate files in HDFS, the Hadoop Distributed File System.


Hadoop is already installed, configured, and running on your virtual machine.
Hadoop is installed in the /usr/lib/hadoop directory. You can refer to this using
the environment variable $HADOOP_HOME, which is automatically set in any
terminal you open on your desktop.
Most of your interaction with the system will be through a command-line wrapper
called hadoop. If you start a terminal and run this program with no arguments, it
prints a help message. To try this, run the following command:

$ hadoop
(Note: although your command prompt is more verbose, we use $ to indicate the
command prompt for brevitys sake.)

The hadoop command is subdivided into several subsystems. For example, there is
a subsystem for working with files in HDFS and another for launching and managing
MapReduce processing jobs.

Hands-On Exercises: Apache Hadoop for


Step 1: Exploring HDFS
The subsystem associated with HDFS in the Hadoop wrapper program is called

FsShell. This subsystem can be invoked with the command hadoop fs.

1. Open a terminal window (if one is not already open) by double-clicking the
Terminal icon on the desktop.
2. In the terminal window, enter:

$ hadoop fs
You see a help message describing all the commands associated with this
3. Enter:

$ hadoop fs -ls /
This shows you the contents of the root directory in HDFS. There will be
multiple entries, one of which is /user. Individual users have a home
directory under this directory, named after their username - your home
directory is /user/training.

4. Try viewing the contents of the/userdirectory by running:

$ hadoop fs -ls /user
You will see your home directory in the directory listing.

Hands-On Exercises: Apache Hadoop for


5. Try running:

$ hadoop fs -ls /user/training
There are no files, so the command silently exits. This is different than if you ran
hadoop fs -ls /foo, which refers to a directory that doesnt exist
andwhich would display an error message.

Note that the directory structure in HDFS has nothing to do with the directory
structure of the local filesystem; they are completely separate namespaces.

Step 2: Uploading Files

Besides browsing the existing filesystem, another important thing you can do
with FsShell is to upload new data into HDFS.
1. Change directories to the directory containing the sample data we will be
using in the course.

cd ~/training_materials/developer/data
If you perform a regular ls command in this directory, you will see a few files,
including two named shakespeare.tar.gz and shakespeare-
stream.tar.gz. Both of these contain the complete works ofShakespeare in
text format, but with different formats and organizations. For now we will work
with shakespeare.tar.gz.
2. Unzipshakespeare.tar.gzby running:

$ tar zxvf shakespeare.tar.gz
This creates a directory named shakespeare/ containing several files on
Hands-On Exercises: Apache Hadoop for


your local filesystem.

3. Insert this directory into HDFS:

$ hadoop fs -put shakespeare /user/training/shakespeare

This copies the local shakespeare directory and its contents into a
remote, HDFS directory named /user/training/shakespeare.

4. List the contents of your HDFS home directory now:

$ hadoop fs -ls /user/training
You should see an entry for the shakespeare directory.

5. Now try the samefs -lscommand but without a path argument:

$ hadoop fs -ls
You should see the same results. If you dont pass a directory name to the -ls
command, it assumes you mean your home directory, i.e. /user/training.

Hands-On Exercises: Apache Hadoop for


Relative paths

If you pass any relative (non-absolute) paths to FsShell commands (or use
relative paths in MapReduce programs), they are considered relative to your
home directory. For example, you can see the contents of the uploaded
shakespeare directory by running:

$ hadoop fs -ls shakespeare

You also could have uploaded the Shakespeare files into HDFS by running the
following although you should not do this now, as the directory has
alreadybeen uploaded:

$ hadoop fs -put shakespeare shakespeare
6. Extract the Apache log file:

$ gunzip access_log.gz
7. Upload the Apache log file to HDFS:

hadoop fs -mkdir weblog
hadoop fs -put access_log weblog

8. Run the fs -ls command to verify that the Apache log file is in your HDFS
home directory.

Hands-On Exercises: Apache Hadoop for


Step 3: Viewing and Manipulating Files
Now lets view some of the data copied into HDFS.
1. Enter:

$ hadoop fs -ls shakespeare
This lists the contents of the /user/training/shakespeare directory,
which consists of the files comedies, glossary, histories, poems, and

2. The glossary file included in the tarball you began with is not strictly a work
of Shakespeare, so lets remove it:

$ hadoop fs -rm shakespeare/glossary
Note that you could leave this file in place if you so wished. If you did, then it
would be included in subsequent computations across the works of
Shakespeare, and would skew your results slightly. As with many real-world big
data problems, you make trade-offs between the labor to purify your input data
and the precision of your results.

3. Enter:

$ hadoop fs -cat shakespeare/histories | tail -n 50

This prints the last 50 lines of Henry IV, Part 1 to your terminal. This command
is handy for viewing the output of MapReduce programs. Very often, an
individual output file of a MapReduce program is very large, making it
inconvenient to view the entire file in the terminal. For this reason, its often a
good idea to pipe the output of the fs -cat command into head, tail, more,
or less.
Hands-On Exercises: Apache Hadoop for


Note that when you pipe the output of the fs -cat command to a local UNIX
command, the full contents of the file are still extracted from HDFS and sent to
your local machine. Once on your local machine, the file contents are then
modified before being displayed. If you want to download a file and
manipulate it in the local filesystem, you can use the fs -get command. This
command takes two arguments: an HDFS path and a local path. It copies the
HDFS contents into the local filesystem:

$ hadoop fs -get shakespeare/poems ~/shakepoems.txt

$ less ~/shakepoems.txt

Other Commands

There are several other commands associated with the FsShell subsystem, to
perform most common filesystem manipulations: rmr (recursive rm), mv, cp,
mkdir, etc.

1. Enter:

$ hadoop fs
This displays a brief usage report of the commands within FsShell. Try
playing around with a few of these commands if you like.

This is the end of the Exercise
Hands-On Exercises: Apache Hadoop for


Hands-On Exercise: Running a

MapReduce Job

In this exercise you will compile Java files, create a JAR, and run MapReduce
In addition to manipulating files in HDFS, the wrapper program hadoop is used to
launch MapReduce jobs. The code for a job is contained in a compiled JAR file.
Hadoop loads the JAR into HDFS and distributes it to the worker nodes, where the
individual tasks of the MapReduce job are executed.

One simple example of a MapReduce job is to count the number of occurrences of
each word in a file or set of files. In this lab you will compile and submit a
MapReduce job to count the number of occurrences of every word in the works of

Compiling and Submitting a MapReduce Job
1. In a terminal window, change to the working directory, and take a directory

$ cd ~/training_materials/developer/exercises/wordcount

$ ls

This directory contains the following Java files:

WordCount.java: A simple MapReduce driver class.
WordMapper.java: A mapper class for the job.
SumReducer.java: A reducer class for the job.

Hands-On Exercises: Apache Hadoop for


Examine these files if you wish, but do not change them. Remain in this
directory while you execute the following commands.

2. Compile the four Java classes:

$ javac -classpath `hadoop classpath` *.java

Note: in the command above, the quotes around hadoop classpath are
backquotes. This runs the hadoop classpath command and uses its
output as part of the javac command.
Your command includes the classpath for the Hadoop core API classes. The
compiled (.class) files are placed in your local directory. These Java files use
the old mapred API package, which is still valid and in common use: ignore
any notes about deprecation of the API which you may see.

3. Collect your compiled Java files into a JAR
file: $ jar cvf wc.jar *.class

4. Submit a MapReduce job to Hadoop using your JAR file to count the occurrences
of each word in Shakespeare:

$ hadoop jar wc.jar WordCount shakespeare wordcounts

This hadoop jar command names the JAR file to use (wc.jar), the class
whose main method should be invoked (WordCount), and the HDFS input and
output directories to use for the MapReduce job.

Your job reads all the files in your HDFS shakespeare directory, and places its
Hands-On Exercises: Apache Hadoop for


output in a new HDFS directory called wordcounts.

5. Try running this same command again without any change:

$ hadoop jar wc.jar WordCount shakespeare wordcounts

Your job halts right away with an exception, because Hadoop automatically fails
if your job tries to write its output into an existing directory. This is by design:
since the result of a MapReduce job may be expensive to reproduce, Hadoop
tries to prevent you from accidentally overwriting previously existing files.

Hands-On Exercises: Apache Hadoop for


6. Review the result of your MapReduce job:

$ hadoop fs -ls wordcounts
This lists the output files for your job. (Your job ran with only one Reducer, so
there should be one file, named part-00000, along with a _SUCCESS file

a _logs directory.)

7. View the contents of the output for your job:

$ hadoop fs -cat wordcounts/part-00000 | less
You can page through a few screens to see words and their frequencies in the
works of Shakespeare. Note that you could have specified wordcounts/* just
as well in this command.

8. Try running the WordCount job against a single file:

$ hadoop jar wc.jar WordCount shakespeare/poems pwords

When the job completes, inspect the contents of the pwords directory.

9. Clean up the output files produced by your job runs:

$ hadoop fs -rmr wordcounts pwords

Note: you may see a warning that hadoop fs -rmr is deprecated, and
that you should use hadoop fs -rm -r. This command is new in CDH4;
we retain -rmr for students who are still using older versions of Hadoop
at their workplace.

Hands-On Exercises: Apache Hadoop for


Stopping MapReduce Jobs

It is important to be able to stop jobs that are already running. This is useful if, for
example, you accidentally introduced an infinite loop into your Mapper. An important
point to remember is that pressing ^C to kill the current process (which is displaying
the MapReduce job's progress) does not actually stop the job itself. The

Hands-On Exercises: Apache Hadoop for


MapReduce job, once submitted to the Hadoop daemons, runs independently of any
initiating process.
Losing the connection to the initiating process does not kill a MapReduce job.
Instead, you need to tell the Hadoop JobTracker to stop the job.

1. Start another word count job like you did in the previous section:

$ hadoop jar wc.jar WordCount shakespeare count2
2. While this job is running, open another terminal window and enter:

$ hadoop job -list
This lists the job ids of all running jobs. A job id looks something like:

Note: you may see a warning about deprecated commands when you run
hadoop job. We are using the older style because it is still
perfectlyacceptable, and is also compatible with older versions of
Hadoop which students may be running.
3. Copy the job id, and then kill the running job by entering:

$ hadoop job -kill jobid
The JobTracker kills the job, and the program running in the original terminal,
reporting its progress, informs you that the job has failed.

This is the end of the Exercise
Hands-On Exercises: Apache Hadoop for


Hands-On Exercise: Writing a

MapReduce Program

In this exercise you write a MapReduce job that reads any text input and
computes the average length of all words that start with each character.
You can write the job in Java or using Hadoop Streaming.
For any text input, the job should report the average length of words that begin with
a, b, and so forth. For example, for input:
Now is definitely the time
The output would be:

N 3
d 10
i 2
t 3.5

(For the initial solution, your program can be case-sensitivewhich Java string
processing is by default.)
The Algorithm
The algorithm for this program is a simple one-pass MapReduce program:

The Mapper
The Mapper receives a line of text for each input value. (Ignore the input key.) For
Hands-On Exercises: Apache Hadoop for


each word in the line, emit the first letter of the word as a key, and the length of
the word as a value. For example, for input value:
Now is definitely the time
Your Mapper should emit:

Hands-On Exercises: Apache Hadoop for


N 3
i 2
d 10
t 3
t 4

The Reducer
Thanks to the sort/shuffle phase built in to MapReduce, the Reducer receives the
keys in sorted order, and all the values for one key appear together. So, for the
Mapper output above, the Reducer (if written in Java) receives this:

N (3)
d (10)
i (2)
t (3, 4)

If you will be writing your code using Hadoop Streaming, your Reducer
would receive the following:

N 3
d 10
i 2
t 3
t 4

For either type of input, the final output should be:
Hands-On Exercises: Apache Hadoop for


N 3
d 10
i 2
t 3.5

Hands-On Exercises: Apache Hadoop for


Choose Your Language

You can perform this exercise in Java or Hadoop Streaming (or both if you have the
time). Your virtual machine has Perl, Python, PHP, and Ruby installed, so you can
choose any of theseor even shell scriptingto develop a Streaming solution if
you like. Following are a discussion of the program in Java, and then a discussion of
the program in Streaming.

If you complete the first part of the exercise, there is a further exercise for you to try.
See page 20 for instructions.
If You Plan To Use Eclipse
If you plan to use Eclipse to develop your code, we have created projects for each of
the Hands-On Exercises. This will speed up your development time. Follow these
instructions to import the projects into Eclipse:

1. Launch Eclipse.

2. Select Import from the File menu.

3. Select General -> Existing Projects into Workspace, and click Next.

4. Specify /home/training/workspace in the Select Root Directory field. All the
exercise projects will appear in the Projects field.

5. Click Finish. That will import all projects into your workspace.

Hands-On Exercises: Apache Hadoop for


The Program in Java
Basic stub files for the exercise can be found in


If you like, you can use the wordcount example (in
~/training_materials/developer/exercises/wordcount as a
starting point for your Java code. Here are a few details to help you begin your Java

Hands-On Exercises: Apache Hadoop for


6. Define the driver

This class should configure and submit your basic job. Among the basic steps
here, configure the job with the Mapper class and the Reducer class you will
write, and the data types of the intermediate and final keys.

7. Define the Mapper

Note these simple string operations in Java:

str.substring(0, 1) // String : first letter of str

str.length() // int : length of str

8. Define the Reducer

In a single invocation the Reducer receives a string containing one letter along
with an iterator of integers. For this call, the reducer should emit a single
output of the letter and the average of the integers.

9. Test your program

Compile, jar, and test your program. You can use the entire Shakespeare dataset
for your input, or you can try it with just one of the files in the dataset, or with
your own test data.

Solution in Java
The directory

sample_solution contains a set of Java class definitions that solve the problem.

Hands-On Exercises: Apache Hadoop for


The Program Using Hadoop Streaming
For your Hadoop Streaming program, launch a text editor to write your Mapper
script and your Reducer script. Here are some notes about solving the problem
in Hadoop Streaming:

Hands-On Exercises: Apache Hadoop for


1. The Mapper Script

The Mapper will receive lines of text on stdin. Find the words in the lines
to produce the intermediate output, and emit intermediate (key, value)
pairs by writing strings of the form:
key <tab> value <newline>
These strings should be written to stdout.

2. The Reducer Script

For the reducer, multiple values with the same key are sent to your script on
stdin as successive lines of input. Each line contains a key, a tab, a value,
and anewline. All lines with the same key are sent one after another, possibly
followed by lines with a different key, until the reducing input is complete. For
example, the reduce script may receive the following:

t 3
t 4
w 4
w 6

For this input, emit the following to stdout:

t 3.5
w 5

Notice that the reducer receives a key with each input line, and must
notice when the key changes on a subsequent line (or when the input is
finished) to know when the values for a given key have been exhausted.
Hands-On Exercises: Apache Hadoop for


3. Run the streaming program

You can run your program with Hadoop Streaming via:

$ hadoop jar \

\ -input inputDir -output outputDir \

-file pathToMapScript -file pathToReduceScript
\ -mapper mapBasename -reducer reduceBasename

(Remember, you may need to delete any previous output before running your
program with hadoop fs -rmrdataToDelete.)

Solution in Python
You can find a working solution to this exercise written in Python in the directory


Hands-On Exercises: Apache Hadoop for


MapReduce Next Exercise

Now attempt the additional exercise. In the subdirectory
which is in the averagewordlength directory, youwill find stubs for the
Mapper and Reducer. (There is also a sample solution available.)

Your task is to count the number of hits made from each IP address in the sample
(anonymized) Apache log file that you uploaded to the /user/training/weblog
directory in HDFS when you performed the Using HDFS exercise.
Hands-On Exercises: Apache Hadoop for


1. Change directory to ~/training_materials/developer/exercises/

2. Using the stub files in that directory, write a Mapper and Driver code to count
the number of hits made from each IP address in the access log file. Your final
result should be a file in HDFS containing each IP address, and the count of log
hits from that address. Note: You can re-use the Reducer provided in the

WordCount Hands-On Exercise, or you can write your own if you prefer.

This is the end of the Exercise
Hands-On Exercises: Apache Hadoop for


Hands-On Exercise: Writing and
Implementing a Combiner
In this Hands-
On Exercise, you will write and implement a Combiner to reduce the
amount of intermediate data sent from the Mapper to the Reducer. You will u
se the WordCount Mapper and Reducer from an earlier exercise.
There are further exercises if you have more time.
Implement a Combiner
1. Change directory to
2. Copy the WordCount Mapper and Reducer into this directory
$ cp ../wordcount/WordMapper.java .
$ cp ../wordcount/SumReducer.java .
3. Complete the WordCountCombiner.java code and, if necessary, the
SumCombiner.java code to implement a Combiner for the Wordcount
4. Compile and test your solution.

Hands-On Exercises: Apache Hadoop for


Optional Hands-On Exercise:
Writing a Partitioner
In this Hands-
On Exercise, you will write a MapReduce job with multiple Reducers,
and create a Partitioner to determine which Reducer each piece of Mapper o
utput is
sent to.
We will be modifying the program you wrote to solve the Additional Exercise
page 20.
Prepare The Exercise
1. Change directories to
If you completed the Additional Exercise on page 20, copy the code for your
Mapper, Reducer and driver to this directory. If you did not, follow steps 1, 2,

and 3 on page 20, then change directories back to the partitioner directo
and copy the sample solution from
h/additional_exercise/sample_solution into the current director
The Problem
The code you now have in the partitioner directory counts all the hits made t
o a
Web server from each different IP address. (If you did not complete the exerc
view the code and be sure you understand how it works.) Our aim in this exe
rcise is
to modify the code such that we get a different result: We want one output fi
le per
month, each file containing the number of hits from each IP address in that
In other words, there will be 12 output files, one for each month.
Note: we are actually breaking the standard MapReduce paradigm here. The
Hands-On Exercises: Apache Hadoop for


standard paradigm says that all the values from a particular key will go to th
e same
Reducer. In this example -
which is a very common pattern when analyzing log files -
values from the same key (the IP address) will go to multiple Reducers, base
d on the
month portion of the line.

Writing The Solution
Before you start writing your code, ensure that you understand the required
outcome; ask your instructor if you are unsure.
You will need to modify your driver code to specify that you want 12 Reduce
Hint: conf.setNumReduceTasks() specifies the number of Reducers for
Change the Mapper so that instead of emitting a 1 for each value, instead it
emits the entire line (or just the month portion if you prefer).
Write a Partitioner which sends the (key, value) pair to the correct Reducer
based on the month. Remember that the Partitioner receives both the key an
value, so you can inspect the value to determine which Reducer to choose.
4. Configure your job to use your custom Partitioner (hint: use
conf.setPartitionerClass() in your driver code).
5. Compile and test your code. Hints:

a. Write unit tests for your Partitioner!
b. Create a directory in HDFS with just a small portion of the entire log
file to run your initial tests
c. Remember that the log file may contain unexpected data - that is, lines
which do not conform to the expected format. Ensure that your code
copes with such lines.
This is the end of the Exercise
Hands-On Exercises: Apache Hadoop for


Hands-On Exercise: Creating an

Inverted Index

In this exercise, you will write a MapReduce job that produces an inverted index.

For this lab you will use an alternate input, provided in the file
invertedIndexInput.tgz. When decompressed, this archive contains
adirectory of files; each is a Shakespeare play formatted as follows:

6 CLAUDIUS king of Denmark. (KING CLAUDIUS:)
8 HAMLET son to the late, and nephew to the present
10 POLONIUS lord chamberlain. (LORD POLONIUS:)
Each line contains:

Line number
separator : a tab
character value: the line
Hands-On Exercises: Apache Hadoop for


of text
This format can be read directly using the KeyValueTextInputFormat class
provided in the Hadoop API. This input format presents each line as one record to
your Mapper, with the part before the tab character as the key, and the part after
the tab as the value.
Hands-On Exercises: Apache Hadoop for


Given a body of text in this form, your indexer should produce an index of all
the words in the text. For each word, the index should have a list of all the
locations where the word appears. For example, for the word honeysuckle
your output should look like this:

honeysuckle 2kinghenryiv@1038,midsummernightsdream@2175,...
The index should contain such an entry for every word in the text.

We have provided stub files in the directory

Prepare the Input Data

1. Extract theinvertedIndexInputdirectory and upload to HDFS:

$ cd \

$ tar zxvf invertedIndexInput.tgz

$ hadoop fs -put invertedIndexInput invertedIndexInput

Define the MapReduce Solution

Remember that for this program you use a special input format to suit the form of
your data, so your driver class will include a line like:

Dont forget to import this class for your use.

Hands-On Exercises: Apache Hadoop for


Retrieving the File Name
Note that the exercise requires you to retrieve the file name - since that is the name of
the play. The Reporter object can be used to retrieve the name of the file like this:
Hands-On Exercises: Apache Hadoop for


FileSplit fileSplit = (FileSplit)

Path path = fileSplit.getPath();

String fileName = path.getName();

Build and Test Your Solution

Test against the invertedIndexInput data you loaded in step 1 above.

You may like to complete this exercise without reading any further, or you may
find the following hints about the algorithm helpful.
The Mapper
Your Mapper should take as input a key and a line of words, and should
emit as intermediate values each word as key, and the key as value.

For example, the line of input from the file hamlet:

282 Have heaven and earth together
produces intermediate output:

Have hamlet@282
heaven hamlet@282
and hamlet@282
earth hamlet@282
together hamlet@282

Hands-On Exercises: Apache Hadoop for


The Reducer

Your Reducer simply aggregates the values presented to it for the same key, into
one value. Use a separator like , between the values listed.


You can find a working solution to this exercise in the directory

This is the end of the Exercise

Hands-On Exercises: Apache Hadoop for


Hands-On Exercise: Importing Data

With Sqoop

For this exercise you will import data from a relational database using Sqoop.
The data you load here will be used in a subsequent exercise.

Consider the MySQL database movielens, derived from the MovieLens project
from University of Minnesota. (See note at the end of this exercise.) The database
consists of several related tables, but we will import only two of these: movie,
which contains about 3,900 movies; and movierating, which has about 1,000,000
ratings of those movies.

Review the Database Tables
First, review the database tables to be loaded into Hadoop.

1. Log on to MySQL:

$ mysql --user=training --password=training movielens

2. Review the structure and contents of themovietable:

mysql> DESCRIBE movie;
. . .

mysql> SELECT * FROM movie LIMIT 5;

3. Note the column names for the table.

Hands-On Exercises: Apache Hadoop for


4. Review the structure and contents of the movierating table:

mysql> DESCRIBE movierating;
. . .

mysql> SELECT * FROM movierating LIMIT 5;

5. Note these column names.

6. Exit mysql:

mysql> quit

Import with Sqoop

You invoke Sqoop on the command line to perform several commands. With it you
can connect to your database server to list the databases (schemas) to which you
have access, and list the tables available for loading. For database access, you
provide a connect string to identify the server, and - if required - your username and
1. Show the commands available in Sqoop:
$ sqoop help

2. List the databases (schemas) in your database server:

Hands-On Exercises: Apache Hadoop for


$ sqoop list-databases \ --connect
jdbc:mysql://localhost \

--username training --password training

(Note: Instead of entering --password training on your command line,
you may prefer to enter -P, and let Sqoop prompt you for the password, which
is then not visible when you type it.)

Hands-On Exercises: Apache Hadoop for


3. List the tables in themovielensdatabase:

$ sqoop list-tables \
--connect jdbc:mysql://localhost/movielens \
--username training --password training
4. Import themovietable into Hadoop:

$ sqoop import \
--connect jdbc:mysql://localhost/movielens \
--table movie --fields-terminated-by '\t' \
--username training --password training

Note: separating the fields in the HDFS file with the tab character is one way to
manage compatibility with Hive and Pig, which we will use in a future exercise.
5. Verify that the command has worked

$ hadoop fs -ls movie
$ hadoop fs -tail movie/part-m-00000

6. Import the movierating table into Hadoop.

Repeat steps 4 and 5, but for the movierating table.

This is the end of the Exercise

Hands-On Exercises: Apache Hadoop for


Hands-On Exercise: Using a Mahout

In this exercise you will use Mahout to generate movie recommendations for

1. Ensure that you completed the Sqoop Hands--On Exercise to import the movie
and movierating data.

2. Create a list of users for whom you want to generate recommendations,
by creating and editing a file on your local disk named users.
Into that file, on separate lines place the user IDs
so that the file looks like this:


Important: Make sure there is not a blank line at the end of the file.
The line containing the last user ID should not have a carriage return
at the end of that line.

3. Upload the file to HDFS:
$ hadoop fs -put users users

4. Run Mahouts item--based recommender:
$ mahout recommenditembased --input movierating \
--output recs --usersFile users \
5. This will take a long time to run; it runs approximately 10 MapReduce jobs.
Hands-On Exercises: Apache Hadoop for


but when the final job is complete, investigate the part-r-00000 file in your
newly--created recs directory.

$ hadoop fs -cat recs/part-r-00000

Hands-On Exercises: Apache Hadoop for


Hands-On Exercise: Manipulating

Data With Hive

In this exercise, you will practice data processing in Hadoop using Hive.
The data sets for this exercise are the movie and movierating data imported from
MySQL into Hadoop in a previous exercise.

Review the Data
1. Review the data already loaded into HDFS:

$ hadoop fs -cat movie/part-m-00000 | head
. . .

$ hadoop fs -cat movierating/part-m-00000 | head

Prepare The Data For Hive

For Hive data sets, you create tables, which attach field names and data types to your
Hadoop data for subsequent queries. You can create external tables on the movie
and movierating data sets, without having to move the data at all.

Prepare the Hive tables for this exercise by performing the following steps:

1. InvoketheHiveshell:

Hands-On Exercises: Apache Hadoop for


$ hive

2. Createthemovietable:

> (id INT, name STRING, year INT)
> LOCATION '/user/training/movie';

3. Createthemovieratingtable:

hive> CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE movierating
> (userid INT, movieid INT, rating INT)
> LOCATION '/user/training/movierating';

4. QuittheHiveshell:

hive> QUIT;

Hands-On Exercises: Apache Hadoop for


The Questions
Now that the data is imported and suitably prepared, use Hive to answer the following

This is the end of the Exercise

Hands-On Exercises: Apache Hadoop for


Hands-On Exercise: Using Pig
to Retrieve Movie Names From
Our Recommender

In this Hands-On Exercise you will use Hive to extract movie names from the
recommendations file you created earlier.
1. Create a text file called listrecommendations with the following


movies = load 'movie' AS (movieid, name, year);

recs = load 'recs' AS (userid, reclist);

longlist = FOREACH recs GENERATE userid,
FLATTEN(TOKENIZE(reclist)) AS movieandscore;

finallist = FOREACH longlist GENERATE userid,
REGEX_EXTRACT(movieandscore, '(\\d+)', 1) AS movieid;

results = JOIN finallist BY movieid, movies BY movieid;

final = FOREACH results GENERATE userid, name;

srtd = ORDER final BY userid;

dump srtd;

Hands-On Exercises: Apache Hadoop for


2. Run The Pig Script

$ pig listrecommendations

This is the end of the Exercise

Hands-On Exercises: Apache Hadoop for


Hands-On Exercise: Running an
Oozie Workflow
Change directories to the oozie-labs directory within the exercises
2. start Oozie Server

$ sudo /etc/init.d/oozie start

3. Change directories to lab1-java-mapreduce/job

$ cd lab1-java-mapreduce/job

Inspect the contents of the job.propertiesand workflow.xml files. You will
see that this is our standard WordCount job.

5. Change directories back to the main oozie-labs directory

$ cd ../..

6. We have provided a simple shell script to submit the Oozie workflow. Inspect

$ cat run.sh

7. Submit the workflow to the Oozie server

$ ./run.sh lab1-java-mapreduce

Notice that Oozie returns a job identification number.

Hands-On Exercises: Apache Hadoop for


8. Inspect the progress of the job

$ oozie job -oozie http://localhost:11000/oozie -info <job_id>

9. When the job has completed, inspect HDFS to confirm that the output has been
produced as expected.

10. Repeat the above procedure for lab2--sort--wordcount.
Notice when you inspect workflow.xml that this workflow includes two
MapReduce jobs which run one after the other.
When you inspect the output in HDFS you will see that the second job sorts the
output of the first job into descending numerical order.

This is the end of the Exercise

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