Handbook On Pressurized Irrigation Techniques

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Increasing the efficiency of water use and enhancing

agricultural water productivity at all levels of the production

chains are becoming priorities in a growing number of countries.
In particular, shifting to modern on-farm irrigation practices can
contribute to a substantial increase in both water use efficiency
and water productivity. The objective of this handbook is to provide
a practical guide on the use of pressurized irrigation techniques to
farmers, irrigation technicians, and extension workers in the field.


9 7 8 9 2 5 1 0 5 8 1 7 6
ISBN 978-92-5-105817-6




A. Phocaides
FAO Consultant
Second Edition
ROME, 2007
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FAO 2007
Foreword xxiii
Acknowledgements xxiv
List of acronyms xxv
Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1
Chapter 2: Pressure piped irrigation techniques 2.1
Pressure piped irrigation systems 2.1
Network layout 2.1
Head control 2.2
Main pipeline 2.2
Submains 2.3
Offtake hydrants 2.3
Manifolds (feeder lines) 2.3
Laterals (irrigating lines) 2.3
Emitters 2.3
System classification 2.4
Pressure 2.4
Water delivery method 2.4
Type of installation 2.5
Piped irrigation techniques compared
with traditional irrigation methods 2.5
Irrigation efficiency 2.5
Economic return per unit of water 2.5
Operation and maintenance (O&M) 2.5
Cost 2.6
Table of Contents Contents iv
Chapter 3: Irrigation equipment and jointing techniques 3.1
Introduction 3.1
Pipes 3.2
Steel threaded pipes 3.2
Quick coupling light steel pipes 3.3
Quick coupling aluminium pipes 3.3
Rigid PVC pipes 3.4
Polyethylene (PE) pipes 3.6
Selection of PVC and PE pipes dimensions 3.7
Layflat hose 3.9
Pipe connector fittings 3.10
Malleable iron threaded 3.10
Polypropylene (PP) pipe connector fittings 3.10
PVC fittings 3.12
Flow control devices 3.12
Shut-off valves or stop valves 3.13
Check valves 3.15
Regulating valves 3.15
Meters 3.16
Pressure gauges 3.17
Air valves 3.17
Safety valves (also called pressure relief valves) 3.19
Filters 3.20
Gravel filters 3.20
Hydrocyclone (sand separator) filters 3.20
Screen type filters 3.21
Disk type filters 3.22
Automatic self-cleaning filters 3.22
Fertigation equipment 3.23
Fertilizer (closed) tank 3.23
Venturi type 3.23
Piston pump 3.24
Water emitters 3.24
Sprinklers 3.25
Microsprinklers 3.26
Table of Contents Contents v
Spitters, micro-jets and sprayers 3.26
Bubblers 3.27
Dripplers 3.28
Drip tapes 3.28
Pressure compensated (PC) emitters 3.29
Pulsators 3.30
Porous pipes 3.31
Garden hoses 3.31
Automation equipment 3.32
Electric (solenoid) valves 3.32
Controllers 3.32
Automatic volumetric metering valves 3.33
Operation equipment 3.33
Soil moisture sensors 3.34
Conductivity meters 3.34
Soil solution extractors 3.34
Class A evaporation pan 3.35
Water-lifting devices 3.36
Direct-lift devices 3.37
Displacement pumps 3.38
Velocity pumps 3.38
Air-lift pumps 3.40
Impulse (water hammer) pumps 3.40
Gravity devices 3.41
Chapter 4: System design 4.1
Introduction 4.1
System design 4.1
Design of the laterals 4.1
Determination of the size of the pipelines 4.2
Lateral lines 4.2
Manifolds, submain and main pipelines 4.4
Head control 4.5
Table of Contents Contents vi
Total dynamic head of the system 4.5
Total dynamic head of the pumping unit 4.6
Chapter 5: Equipment, standards and tenders for supply 5.1
Working pressure of the equipment 5.1
Main, submain and manifold pipelines, and hydrants 5.1
Laterals 5.2
Head control 5.2
Pumping unit 5.2
Standards 5.3
Tenders 5.8
Example 5.9
Tenders for the supply of irrigation equipment 5.9
Chapter 6: Irrigation scheduling 6.1
Soil-water relationship 6.1
Example 6.2
Effective root depth 6.2
Permissible deficit or depletion of soil available water 6.2
Net irrigation application depth 6.3
Crop water requirements 6.3
Example 6.4
Example 6.4
Effective rainfall 6.5
Ground cover 6.6
Irrigation interval or frequency 6.6
Example 6.6
Irrigation application efficiency 6.6
Example 6.6
Table of Contents Contents vii
Gross irrigation application depth 6.7
Leaching requirements 6.7
System flow (system capacity) 6.7
General example 6.8
Chapter 7: Water quality for irrigation 7.1
Introduction 7.1
Classification of water quality for irrigation 7.1
The chemical quality of irrigation water 7.2
Composition and concentration of soluble salts 7.2
Effect of soluble salts on plants 7.3
Effects of soluble salts on oil 7.5
Crop tolerance to salinity 7.6
Water quality criteria 7.14
Salinity control 7.16
Micro-irrigation and salinity control 7.17
The physical quality of irrigation waters and treatment (filtration) 7.21
Filtration 7.22
Operation and maintenance 7.22
Application of chemicals 7.23
Quality of treated wastewater for irrigation
(physical, biological and chemical) 7.23
Evaluation criteria and parameters 7.24
National guidelines and standards (The Cyprus case) 7.27
Pressurized irrigation with treated wastewater 7.28
Chapter 8: Hose-move sprinkler irrigation 8.1
Introduction 8.1
System layout and component parts 8.2
Sprinklers 8.2
Design criteria and considerations 8.3
Table of Contents Contents viii
Wind conditions 8.4
Irrigation scheduling programme 8.6
Cost 8.6
Advantages 8.6
Disadvantages 8.6
Example design Hose-move sprinkler for cotton 8.8
Area and crop 8.8
Soil, water and climate 8.8
Crop water requirements and irrigation scheduling 8.8
System layout, performance and hydraulics 8.8
Chapter 9: Traveller spray booms irrigation systems 9.1
Introduction 9.1
System layout and components 9.2
The Boom with the water emitters (sprayers) and the trolley 9.3
The Flexible polyethylene pipe 9.4
The Reel machine 9.4
Design criteria and considerations 9.5
Area and topography 9.5
Soil 9.5
Water availability 9.6
Water quality 9.6
Kind of crops 9.6
Special considerations and irrigation schedule 9.6
Cost 9.8
Advantages 9.8
Disadvantages 9.9
Example design Spray Boom in alfalfa 9.10
Area and crop 9.10
Soil, water and climate 9.10
Table of Contents Contents ix
Crop irrigation requirements and irrigation program 9.10
System characteristics layout and performance 9.10
Technical specifications (minimum requirements) 9.11
Description and general requirements 9.11
Reel (assembly) 9.12
Boom and Trolley 9.12
Chapter 10: The center pivot irrigation system 10.1
Introduction 10.1
System layout and component parts 10.2
The Pipeline 10.3
The water emitters 10.3
The Central Tower 10.5
The CP System Control 10.5
Driving 10.6
The generator 10.7
Cost 10.7
Advantages 10.8
Disadvantages 10.8
Design criteria and considerations 10.8
Design and erection 10.8
Application rate and frequency of irrigation 10.10
Special considerations 10.11
The site selection criteria 10.12
Example design 10.14
Area, CP radius and crop 10.14
Crop water requirements and soil 10.15
System characteristics 10.15
Minimum specifications for the center pivot system 10.15
The general CP system characteristics 10.15
The technical specifications 10.16
Table of Contents Contents x
Chapter 11: Microsprinklers 11.1
Introduction 11.1
System layout and components 11.1
Microsprinkler emitters 11.2
Irrigation scheduling programme 11.2
Design criteria and considerations 11.3
Cost 11.4
Advantages 11.4
Disadvantages 11.4
Example design Microsprinklers with potatoes 11.4
Area and crop 11.4
Soil, water and climate 11.4
Crop water requirements and irrigation schedule 11.4
System layout 11.6
Sprinklers 11.6
Lateral line discharge 11.6
Chapter 12: Minisprinklers 12.1
Introduction 12.1
System layout and components 12.1
The minisprinkler emitter 12.1
Irrigation scheduling 12.3
Design criteria and considerations 12.3
Cost 12.5
Advantages 12.5
Disadvantages 12.5
Example design Minisprinklers with citrus lemon trees 12.5
Area and crop 12.5
Soil, water and climate 12.5
Crop water requirements and irrigation schedule 12.6
Table of Contents Contents xi
System layout, performance and hydraulics 12.7
Chapter 13: Bubbler irrigation of trees 13.1
Introduction 13.1
System layout and components 13.1
Bubbler emitters 13.1
Irrigation scheduling 13.2
Design criteria and considerations 13.2
Cost 13.3
Advantages 13.3
Disadvantages 13.3
Example design Bubbler irrigation with fruit trees 13.3
Area and crop 13.3
Soil, water and climate 13.3
Crop water requirements and irrigation scheduling 13.4
System layout, performance and hydraulics 13.4
Chapter 14: Drip irrigation 14.1
Introduction 14.1
System layout and components 14.1
Drip emitters (drippers) 14.3
Drip tapes 14.4
Porous-wall pipes 14.4
Filtration 14.4
Irrigation scheduling 14.4
Design criteria and considerations 14.5
Cost 14.6
Advantages 14.6
Disadvantages 14.7
Example design Drip irrigation in watermelons 14.7
Area and crop 14.7
Soil, water and climate 14.7
Crop water requirements and irrigation schedule 14.7
System layout 14.8
System flow and operation 14.8
Operating pressure 14.9
Chapter 15: Low-cost family drip irrigation system 15.1
Introduction 15.1
The affordable micro-irrigation techniques (AMIT) 15.1
The family drip system 15.2
What is new in the family drip system? 15.3
System layout and components 15.3
The water tank 15.4
The control head 15.5
The water pipeline 15.5
The dripper lines 15.5
Irrigation scheduling 15.5
Irrigation requirements 15.5
Number and frequency of irrigations 15.6
Design criteria and considerations 15.6
Area, size and shape 15.6
Topography and type of soil 15.7
Water availability 15.7
Water quality 15.7
Kind of crops 15.7
Special consideration 15.7
Cost 15.9
Advantages 15.10
Disadvantages 15.10
Example design Family drip systems in tomatoes (trellised) 15.10
Area and crop 15.10
Table of Contents Contents xii
Table of Contents Contents
Soil, water and climate 15.11
Crop water requirements and irrigation scheduling 15.11
The layout of the system (description and characteristics),
performance and hydraulics 15.12
Hydraulics of the system 15.12
Various AMIT systems configuration (after IDE) 15.13
Chapter 16: Fertigation 16.1
Introduction 16.1
Fertilizer injectors 16.1
Fertilizer (closed) tank 16.1
Venturi type 16.1
Piston pump 16.2
Fertilizer application 16.3
Solubility 16.3
Acidity 16.3
Quantity 16.3
Example: fertigation with vegetables 16.5
Chapter 17: Low-cost pipes distribution system 17.1
Introduction 17.1
System layout and components 17.2
Design criteria and consideration 17.2
Cost 17.4
Advantages 17.4
Disadvantages 17.4
Example design 17.5
Area and crop 17.5
Soil and water 17.6
Water requirements and irrigation scheduling 17.6
The system layout and dynamic head 17.7
Chapter 18: Low-cost hose irrigation 18.1
Introduction 18.1
System layout and components 18.2
Hoses 18.2
System types and design criteria 18.3
Conventional hose basin for trees 18.3
Drag hose basin for trees 18.4
Hose basin for field crops 18.5
Hose furrow for vegetables 18.5
Cost 18.7
Advantages 18.8
Disadvantages 18.8
Example designs Hose basin with trees:
conventional and drag types 18.8
Area and crop 18.8
Soil, water and climate 18.8
Crop water requirements and irrigation scheduling 18.8
Layout performance and hydraulics 18.9
Equipment for system installation 18.10
Hose basin irrigation for maize and hose furrow for tomatoes 18.12
Area and crops 18.12
Soil, water and climate 18.12
Crop water requirements and irrigation scheduling 18.12
Layout, performance and hydraulics 18.12
Equipment for system installation 18.14
Chapter 19: An outline for engineering investigation
for a pressurized irrigation system 19.1
Introduction 19.1
Data collection 19.1
Farm datasheet 19.1
Table of Contents Contents xiv
Table of Contents Contents
Selection criteria and parameters for various systems 19.3
The center pivot (CP) irrigation systems 19.3
Traveller irrigation machines spray boom carts 19.4
The drip irrigation system 19.5
Mini-sprinklers irrigation systems (for fruit trees) 19.6
Pipe distribution system 19.7
Hose-move sprinkler irrigation system 19.8
Low-cost (family kid) drip irrigation systems 19.9
Chapter 20: Operation and Maintenance 20.1
Introduction 20.1
Operation 20.1
When and how long to irrigate 20.1
Starting and stopping the system 20.2
System performance 20.2
The equipment needed for this task is as follows: 20.2
Pump plant 20.4
Maintenance 20.4
System network 20.4
Pump plant 20.5
Conclusion 20.7
Chapter 21: Irrigation terminology 21.1
Chapter 22: Irrigation equipment supply database - IES 22.1
Annex: Units Conversion Table 23.1
List of figures
Figure 1.1 Wasteful surface irrigation method 1.1
Figure 2.1 Scheme of a network layout 2.2
Figure 2.2 Improved surface irrigation method with pipes 2.3
Figure 2.3 Modern irrigation techniques 2.6
Figure 2.4 Sprinkler irrigation techniques 2.7
Figure 3.1 A threaded steel pipe fitting (male adapter) 3.2
Figure 3.2 Quick coupling light steel galvanized pipes and fittings 3.3
Figure 3.3 Quick coupling aluminium pipes 3.4
Figure 3.4 Rigid PVC pipes 3.5
Figure 3.5 Polyethylene pipe in a coil 3.6
Figure 3.6 A layflat hose 3.10
Figure 3.7 Threaded galvanized steel pipe fittings 3.11
Figure 3.8 Polypropylene fittings compression type quick release 3.11
Figure 3.9 PVC solvent welding pipe fitting 3.12
Figure 3.10 PVC pipe with grooved ring socket push/fit joint 3.12
Figure 3.11 Various shut-off valves. From left to right a gate,
a butterfly and ball valves 3.14
Figure 3.12 Scheme and photograph of a check valve 3.14
Figure 3.13 A pressure reducing valve maintains downstream
pressure constant when pressure upstream increases 3.16
Figure 3.14 Cross-section of a water meter 3.17
Figure 3.15 A Bourdon type pressure gauge 3.17
Figure 3.16 Air valves operate by introducing and releasing air
to the water system 3.19
Figure 3.17 Scheme and photograph of a safe valve 3.19
Figure 3.18 Scheme and photograph of a gravel filter 3.20
Figure 3.19 Scheme and photograph of hydrocyclones 3.21
Figure 3.20 Operational scheme and photograph of a screen filter 3.21
Figure 3.21 A grooved disk and a disk filter 3.22
Figure 3.22 An automatic self-cleaning filter uses the back flushing
mechanism for the removal of accumulated debris 3.22
Figure 3.23 Scheme and photograph of a fertilizer closed tank 3.23
Figure 3.24 Scheme and photograph of a Ventury type fertilizer 3.24
Table of Contents Contents xvi
Table of Contents Contents
Figure 3.25 Scheme and photograph of a piston pump fertilizer 3.24
Figure 3.26 Rotating sprinklers 3.25
Figure 3.27 A microsprinkler with a rotating spinner 3.26
Figure 3.28 Photograph of a micro-jet irrigating a citrus tree
and in detail the microjets head with no-moving parts 3.27
Figure 3.29 Scheme of a bubbler 3.27
Figure 3.30 On top an on-line dripper, below an in-line dripper 3.28
Figure 3.31 Scheme and photograph of a drip tape 3.29
Figure 3.32 Differences in discharge between a normal emitter
and an ideal and a real pressure compensated emitters 3.29
Figure 3.33 Picture of a pressure compensated emitter showing
the membrane that is used as flow-regulator 3.30
Figure 3.34 Operational scheme and photograph of a pulsator 3.30
Figure 3.35 Scheme of a porous pipe 3.31
Figure 3.36 Photograph of a garden hose with outlet 3.31
Figure 3.37 Operational scheme and photograph
of an electric control valve 3.32
Figure 3.38 Operational scheme and photograph of an
irrigation controller device 3.33
Figure 3.39 Operational scheme and photograph of an
automatic volumetric metering valve 3.33
Figure 3.40 Scheme and photographs of tensiometers and a TDR 3.35
Figure 3.41 Direct measurement of soil solution with a
conductivity meter and extractors in the field 3.35
Figure 3.42 A class A evaporation pan in the field 3.36
Figure 3.43 Typical curves showing relationship between head, flow,
speed, and efficiency (example for a centrifugal pump) 3.37
Figure 3.44 Scheme of a Persian wheel and photograph of a Noria 3.37
Figure 3.45 Left: Scheme of a hand pump with single acting
bucket piston (piston valve shown open as on the
down-stroke, and inlet valve is closed). Center: A peadle
piston-type pump. Right: Scheme of a progressive
cavity or "mono" pump 3.38
Figure 3.46 Rotodynamic pumps: (a) radial or centrifugal pump
and (b) axial pump 3.39
Figure 3.47 Left: a rotodynamic pump powered by a tractor. Right: a
pumping unit with rotodynamic pumps in parallel 3.39
Figure 3.48 Scheme of an air-lift pump 3.40
Figure 3.49 Schematic diagram of hydram installation 3.41
Figure 3.50 A syphon arrangement 3.41
Figure 3.51 Ht is the total head, Ha is the elevation head, Hi is the
emitter operation head and Hp is the friction losses head
(sum of friction losses in the main line, submains,
manifolds, laterals, valves, pipe fittings and minor losses) 3.42
Figure 4.1 Operating pressure required for pressurized systems 4.4
Figure 7.1 Divisions for relative salt tolerance ratings
of agricultural crops 7.15
Figure 7.2 Drip maize with recycled water 7.29
Figure 7.3 Sprinkling with treated municipal water 7.29
Figure 8.1 Hose-move sprinkler irrigation? 8.2
Figure 8.2 Profile of wetted soil under sprinklers 8.4
Figure 8.3 Hose move sprinkler irrigation 8.7
Figure 8.4 Hose - Move sprinkler jointing techniques 8.10
Figure 9.1 Spray Boom on Trolley in operation 9.1
Figure 9.2 The boom, the PR pipe and the reel machine 9.2
Figure 9.3 The full-circle and the half-circle Sprayers 9.3
Figure 9.4 The reel machine with the PE pipe 9.4
Figure 9.5 Towing the compact machine 9.5
Figure 9.6 Spray Boom in operation 9.9
Figure 9.7 Spray boom machine 9.9
Figure 9.8 Layout (setting) of Spray boom machine 9.11
Figure 9.9 Variable irrigation strip widths with different
sprayers arrangements 9.12
Figure 10.1 The Center Pivot 10.1
Figure 10.2 A Center Pivot overview 10.2
Figure 10.3 Hose drops with sprayers 10.5
Figure 10.4 The Central tower and the control panel 10.6
Figure 10.5 The Support towers 10.7
Figure 10.6 High and Low-profile structures 10.8
Figure 10.7 The erection of a center pivot 10.9
Figure 10.8 Towing the system 10.10
Figure 10.9 Overview 10.13
Figure 10.10 System Layout 10.14
Table of Contents Contents xviii
Table of Contents Contents
Figure 10.11Connection to the water source 10.16
Figure 11.1 Microsprinkler emitters in potatoes 11.2
Figure 11.2 Low capacity sprinkler irrigation in potatoes (solid system) 11.5
Figure 11.3 Low capacity (micro) sprinkler system 11.7
Figure 12.1 Irrigation of citrus orchard with minisprinklers 12.2
Figure 12.2 Minisprinklers in trees 12.4
Figure 12.3 Minisprinkler irrigation in fruit trees 12.6
Figure 12.4 Minisprinkler system jointing techniques 12.8
Figure 13.1 Bubbler in fruit trees 13.5
Figure 13.2 Bubbler irrigation jointing techniques 13.6
Figure 14.1 The mains, manifold and dripper laterals 14.2
Figure 14.2 Double lines with bananas 14.6
Figure 14.3 Drip irrigation in watermelons 14.10
Figure 14.4 Head control unit in drip irrigation 14.11
Figure 15.1 AMIT Configuration of the typical Bucket kit
with one 12 mm lateral and spaghetti micro-tubes
fitted on either side. 15.2
Figure 15.2 The Family Drip System 15.3
Figure 15.3 Locally made Tank for FDS 15.4
Figure 15.4 FDS dripper lines in China 15.8
Figure 15.5 The FDS system layout 15.12
Figure 15.6 Drum kit using a 16 mm sub-main five 12 mm
laterals with spaghetti micro-tubes in 120 m
area 15.13
Figure 15.7 System with dripper lines using standard sized holes
as dripper emitters covered with plastic sleeves to
control water discharge 15.14
Figure 15.8 Micro-sprinkler kit in 250 m
Figure 15.9 Shiftable dripper lines system 15.15
Figure 15.10 Pitcher Irrigation 15.15
Figure 16.1 The Fertiliser Injectors 16.2
Figure 16.2 Preparing the fertilizer solution 16.4
Figure 17.1 Irrigating young trees with the PDS 17.1
Figure 17.2 Installation of the pipes 17.3
Figure 17.3 The PDS Control Head and the Hydrant 17.5
Figure 17.4 The Layout of the PDS 17.6
Figure 18.1 Hose basin irrigation in young fruit trees 18.1
Figure 18.2 Hose furrow irrigation in vegetables 18.3
Figure 18.3 Schematic diagram for hose basin for trees 18.4
Figure 18.4 Hose irrigation for vegetables & field crops.
Hose positions and movements 18.6
Figure 18.5 Schematic diagram for short furrows 18.7
Figure 18.6 Women irrigating young trees with hose basin system 18.7
Figure 18.7 Hose irrigation for trees 18.9
Figure 18.8 Hose irrigation for early vegetables in low tunnel 18.11
Figure 18.9 Hose irrigation for vegetables and field crops 18.13
Figure 18.10Hose irrigation jointing techniques 18.15
Figure 22.1 IES Web site 22.2
List of tables
Table 2.1 Comparative costs of piped irrigation systems 2.7
Table 2.2 Cost breakdown for piped irrigation systems 2.7
Table 3.1 Maximum recommended flow in plastic pipes without outlets 3.7
Table 3.2 uPVC Pipe series 3.8
Table 3.3 PE Pipes (50, 63, 80) wall thickness for PN 6 and PN 10 3.9
Table 3.4 Scheme for flow control devices 3.13
Table 3.5 Sprinkler classification 3.25
Table 4.1 F factor for multiple outlets 4.3
Table 4.2 Total pressure head of system 4.5
Table 5.1 A 4 inch rigid PVC pipe (6.0 bars) in two different
national standars 5.4
Table 5.2 Equipment standards and specifications 5.5
Table 5.3 Bill of quantities 5.10
Table 5.4 Equipment specification 5.11
Table 6.1 Soil physical properties (average values) 6.1
Table 6.2 Example of rooting depth (metres) during the growing season 6.2
Table 6.3 Estimate of ETo in millimetres per day
in the Wadi Tuban Delta 6.4
Table 6.4 Cotton, growing season August-December 6.4
Table 6.5 Crop factor (kc) for seasonal crops (average figures) 6.5
Table of Contents Contents xx
Table of Contents Contents
Table 6.6 Crop factor (kc) for permanent crops 6.5
Table 6.7 Approximate application efficiency of various
on-farm irrigation systems and methods 6.7
Table 6.8 Cotton example 6.8
Table 6.9 Irrigation programme 6.9
Table 7.1 Principle ions present in irrigation water 7.2
Table 7.2 Relative salt tolerance of herbaceous crops
vegetables and fruit crops 7.7
Table 7.3 Relative salt tolerance of herbaceous crops
woody crops 7.8
Table 7.4 Relative salt tolerance of herbaceous crops
grasses and forage crops 7.9
Table 7.5 Boron tolerance limits for agricultural crops 7.10
Table 7.6 Salt tolerance of ornamental shrubs, trees and ground cover 7.12
Table 7.7 Boron tolerance limits for ornamentals 7.13
Table 7.8 Water classification by salinity 7.14
Table 7.9 Potential infiltration problem due to sodium
in irrigation water 7.15
Table 7.10 Case 1: Water chemical analysis data sheet 7.18
Table 7.11 Case 2: Water chemical analysis data sheet 7.19
Table 7.12 Case 3: Water chemical analysis data sheet 7.20
Table 7.13 Cyprus Guidelines for Domestic Treated Effluents use
for Irrigation 7.30
Table 8.1 Maximum number of low-medium pressure sprinklers
on quick coupling lateral pipes 8.5
Table 8.2 Total dynamic head required 8.9
Table 8.3 List of the equipment required for the hose-move
sprinkler system installation (bill of quantities) 8.9
Table 9.1 Example Performance Table for Boom Retraction
Speed and Precipitation 9.8
Table 11.1 Maximum permissible length of laterals 11.3
Table 11.2 Systems operating pressure 11.6
Table 11.3 List of equipment needed for the installation 11.8
Table 12.1 Minisprinkler irrigation scheduling 12.3
Table 12.2 Maximum number of minisprinklers on the lateral
and length of lateral on level ground. Minisprinkler
flow rate at 2.0 bars 12.4
Table 12.3 Systems operating pressure 12.7
Table 12.4 Equipment required for the system installation 12.9
Table 13.1 Systems operating pressure 13.4
Table 13.2 Equipment required for the system installation 13.5
Table 14.1 Type of soil and average radius of water spread
laterally with drippers 14.1
Table 14.2 Systems pressure required 14.9
Table 14.3 Equipment for system installation 14.9
Table 15.1 Useful data on common seasonal crops in the open 15.9
Table 15.2 The Irrigation program of the case example 15.11
Table 15.3 List of equipment for system installation
(Low-cost Family Drip irrigation system) 15.13
Table 16.1 Net concentration of fertilizers in ppm 16.4
Table 17.1 Flow versus pipe diameter 17.4
Table 17.2 List of equipment needed for the Pipe Distribution
System installation (Bill of quantities) 17.7
Table 18.1 Flow characteristics of 24 m hoses 18.2
Table 18.2 Slope and the size of the flow 18.5
Table 18.3 Conventional and drag hose basin 18.10
Table 18.4 Conventional hose basin system (trees) 18.10
Table 18.5 Drag hose basin installation (trees) 18.11
Table 18.6 Hose basin and hose furrow 18.14
Table 18.7 Hose basin installation (maize) 18.14
Table 18.8 Hose furrow installation (tomatoes) 18.15
List of boxes
Box 10.1 Low Energy Precision Application 10.4
Table of Contents Contents xxii
Table of Contents xxiii
Water is essential for all socio-economic development and for
maintaining healthy ecosystems. As population increases and development
calls for increased allocations of groundwater and surface water for the
domestic, agriculture and industrial sectors, the pressure on water
resources intensifies, leading to tensions, conflicts among users, and
excessive pressure on the environment. The increasing stress on freshwater
resources brought about by rising demand and growing pollution
worldwide, is of serious concern.
Increasing water productivity holds the key to future water scarcity
challenges. Today, agriculture accounts for 70 percent of all water use
globally, up to 95 percent in several developing countries. Adding to the
pressures on agricultural use is the increased awareness of the instrumental
value of water in maintaining environmental services. Increasing the
efficiency of water use and enhancing agricultural water productivity at all
levels of the production chains are becoming priorities in a growing
number of countries.
A comprehensive approach to agricultural water productivity requires
actions at all levels, from crops to irrigation schemes, and up to national
and international economic systems. In particular, shifting to modern on-
farm irrigation practices can contribute to a substantial increase in both
water use efficiency and water productivity.
The objective of this handbook is to provide a practical guide on the
use of pressurized irrigation techniques to farmers, irrigation technicians,
and extension workers in the field. In this second edition, the handbook
has been considerably revised, including new chapters on low-cost drip
irrigation and pipe distribution systems for smallholders.
Table of Contents xxiv
The handbook on pressurized irrigation techniques is a joint effort of the
Water development and management Unit of FAO (NRLW) and of the
International Programme for technology and research in irrigation and
drainage (IPTRID).
The first edition of the handbook was published in 2001 and was
prepared by Andreas Phocaides, irrigation technology consultant, with the
assistance of Reto Florin, former Chief of the FAO Water Service and David
Casanova, irrigation expert.
For its second edition, the handbook was completely revised, with the
addition of several new chapters. The author was assisted in its preparation
by Ines Beernaerts and Jean-Marc Faurs (FAO), and Virginie Gillet
Table of Contents xxv
List of acronyms
ABS Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (thermoplastic material)
AMIT Affordable micro-irrigation technologies
ANSI American National Standards Institute
ASAE Society for Engineering in Agriculture, Food, and Biological
Systems (former American Society of Agricultural Engineers)
ASTM American Society for Testing Material
BHP Break horspower
BOD Biochemical oxygen demand
BS British Standards
CAMS Computer aided management systems
CEN European Committee for standardization
CIF Cost insurance and freight
COD Chemical oxygen demand
CP Center pivot
CYS Cyprus Standards
DIN Deutsches Institut fr Normung (German standards).
DN Nominal diameter
ECe Electrical conductivity
ECiw Electrical conductivity of irrigation water
ECw Electrical conductivity of water
EN European Standard
ESP Exchangeable sodium percentage
ET Evapotranspiration
ETc Crop water requirements
ETo Reference evapotranspiration
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FC Field capacity
FDS Family drip system
FOB Free on board
HDPE High density polyethylene
IES Irrigation equipement supply database
IPTRID Internatioanl Programme for Technology and Research
in Irrigation and Drainage
ISO International Standards Organization
kc Crop coefficient
LDPE Low density polyethylene
LEPA Low energy precision application
LR Leaching requirements
NTU Turbidity
PC Pressure compensated
PDS Pipe distribution irrigation system
PE Polyethylene
PIP PVC irrigation pipe
PN Nominal pressure
PP Polypropylene
PR Pressure rating
PVC Polyvinyl chloride
PVC-U Polyvinyl chloride unplasticised (equivalent to uPVC)
O&M Operation and maintenance
RSC Residual sodium carbonate
SDR Standard dimension ratio
SS Suspended solids
Sa Available moisture
SAR Sodium adsorption ratio
SC Saturation capacity
TC Technical Committee
TDR Time domain reflectometry
TDS Total dissolved solids
uPVC Unplasticised polyvinyl chloride
USDA United States Department of Agriculture
WHO World Health Organization
WP Wilting point
Table of Contents Contents xxvi
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 1.1
In the Proceedings of the Consultation on Irrigation in Africa (Lom, Togo,
1997) irrigation was defined as the application of water supplementary to
that supplied directly by precipitation for the production of crops.
Although clearly defined, irrigation has not been clearly identified and
separated from the wide-ranging area of water development activities, such as
major and minor constructions for water harvesting, storing, conveyance and
allocation; the drilling of tube-wells; and pumping. Most of the efforts and
investments made in many countries for irrigation development result in water
resources development and very few in on-farm water use improvement.
The application of improved irrigation methods and techniques on small
farms is expanding rapidly as a result of the increasing demand for higher
irrigation efficiency, improved utilization of water and intensification and
diversification of production.
An irrigation system consists of canals and structures to convey, regulate
and deliver the water to the users. Two basic types of irrigation systems exist:
open canal systems (Figure 1.1) and pressured piped systems. This book
concentrates in the latter one.
Experience gained from many countries in arid and semi-arid zones has
shown that pressure piped irrigation techniques are replacing successfully
the traditional open canal surface methods at farm level.
For any queries please contact: FAO-water@fao.org
FIGURE 1.1 - Wasteful surface irrigation method
Pressure piped
irrigation techniques
A pressure piped irrigation system is a network installation consisting of
pipes, fittings and other devices properly designed and installed to supply
water under pressure from the source of the water to the irrigable area.
The basic differences between traditional surface irrigation and piped
irrigation techniques are:
The water flow regime: With traditional surface methods the size of
the stream should be large, while in pressure piped irrigation systems
very small flows, even 1 m
/h, can be utilized.
The route direction of the flow: With traditional surface methods the
irrigation water is conveyed from the source and distributed to the
field through open canals and ditches by gravity following the field
contours. The piped system conveys and distributes the irrigation
water in closed pipes by pressure following the most convenient
(shortest) route, regardless of the slope and topography of the area.
The area irrigated simultaneously: With traditional surface methods the
water is applied in large volumes per unit of area, while piped irrigation
systems distribute the water at small rates over a very large area.
The external energy (pressure) required: Traditional surface gravity
methods do not need external energy for operation, while piped
irrigation systems require a certain pressure, 23 bars, which is provided
from a pumping unit or from a supply tank situated at a high point.
The pipelines that convey and distribute the irrigation water to the
individual plots are usually buried, and are so protected from farming
operations and traffic hazards. Offtake hydrants, rising on the surface, are
located at various spots according to the planned layout. With surface
methods the irrigation water can be delivered directly to the open ditches
feeding the furrows or the basins.
In micro-irrigation and other complete systems, e.g. sprinkler, the
hydrants are coupled with smaller manifold feeder pipelines placed along
the edges of the plots. These feed the lateral irrigating lines which are laid
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 2.1
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 2 Pressure piped irrigation techniques 2.2
along the plants rows perpendicular to the manifolds. The laterals are
equipped with water emitters at frequent spaces and distribute uniformly
the irrigation water to the plants under certain pressure.
There are many kinds of irrigation systems. However, a thorough
examination of the various system layouts, the equipment and the
principles in operation shows that the same approach is always employed
from the planning procedure to their application and that all of them have
most of their features and components parts in common.
In all piped systems the main component parts (Figure 2.1) are:
the control station (head control unit);
the mains and submains (pipelines);
the hydrants;
the manifolds (feeder pipelines);
the laterals (irrigating pipelines) with the emitters.
Head control. This consists of a supply line (rigid polyvinyle chloride or
PVC, or threaded galvanized steel) installed horizontally at a minimum
height of 60 cm above ground. It is equipped with an air release valve, a
check valve, two inch hose outlets for connection with the fertilizer
injector, a shut-off valve between the two outlets, a fertilizer injector and a
filter. Where a gravel filter or a hydrocyclone sand separator is needed, it is
installed at the beginning of the unit complex.
Main pipeline. It is the largest diameter pipeline of the network, capable
of conveying the flow of the system under favourable hydraulic conditions
of flow velocity and friction losses. The pipes used are generally buried
FIGURE 2.1 - Scheme of a network layout.
permanent assembly rigid PVC, black high density polyethylene (HDPE),
layflat hose, and quick coupling galvanized light steel pipes in sizes ranging
from 63 to 160 mm (26 inches) depending on the area of the farm.
Submains. These are smaller diameter pipelines which extend from the
main lines and to which the system flow is diverted for distribution to the
various plots. The pipes are the same kind as the mains.
Offtake hydrants. These are fitted on the submains or the mains and
equipped with a 23 inches shut-off valve. They deliver the whole or part
of the flow to the manifolds (feeder lines).
Manifolds (feeder lines). These are pipelines of a smaller diameter than
the submains and are connected to the hydrants and laid, usually on the
surface, along the plot edges to feed the laterals. They can be of any kind
of pipe available (usually HDPE) in sizes of 23 inches.
Laterals (irrigating lines). These are the smallest diameter pipelines of
the system. They are fitted to the manifolds, perpendicular to them, at fixed
positions, laid along the plants rows and equipped with water emitters at
fixed frequent spacings.
Emitters. A water emitter for irrigation is a device of any kind, type and
size which, fitted on a pipe, is operated under pressure to discharge water
in any form: by shooting water jets into the air (sprinklers), by small spray or
mist (sprayers), by continuous drops (drippers), by small stream or fountain
(bubblers, gates and openings on pipes, small diameter hoses), etc.
These component parts replace the ones in the traditional surface
systems, i.e. the main gate, the main and submain canals, the canal gates
the field ditches, and the furrows or the basins, respectively (Figure 2.2).
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 2.3
FIGURE 2.2 - Improved surface irrigation method with pipes.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 2 Pressure piped irrigation techniques 2.4
Piped irrigation systems are classified according to the pressure
required for operation, the method of delivering water to plants, and the
type of installation.
The pressure of the system is the maximum water pressure required for
normal system operation and encompasses: a) the friction losses in the
piping network from the control station to the distal end of the system; b)
the pressure required at the emitter; and c) the difference in elevation (plus
or minus). Systems can be classed as:
low pressure systems, where the pressure required is 2.03.5 bars;
medium pressure, where the pressure required is 3.55.0 bars;
high pressure, where the pressure required exceeds 5.0 bars.
Water delivery method
The water delivery method is the way the water is distributed to the
plants. Systems can be classed as:
Sprinkler (overhead) irrigation: The water is delivered in the form of
raindrops precipitated over the entire area. There are many variations
of this method in terms of the discharge and diameter coverage, the
height of the water jet above ground (overhead, under the foliage),
the type of sprinkler mechanism, etc.
Surface irrigation (furrow, basin, border, etc.): The water is delivered
to the field plots direct from the main or submain pipelines through
the hydrants and it is spread all over the area, or it is side applied.
Micro-irrigation (localized irrigation) by drippers, sprayers, bubblers,
microjets, etc. The water is delivered to the plants without being
spread over the entire area but by being applied in low rates to a
limited soil surface area around the plants.
The water delivery method and the kind of the water emitter are the
main characteristics of a piped irrigation system. In many cases they
influence and specify the other characteristics (pressure and type of
installation) and performances, such as the flow capacity of the system and
the duration of application.
The flow capacity of a system is the water flow (in cubic metres per
hour or litres per second) given, or designed to meet the irrigation
requirements of the irrigable area at peak demand. It is inversely
proportional to the duration of application. Where designed, it is usually
the minimum permissible in order to economize on pipe size and other
equipment. The duration of application is the time required for the
completion of one irrigation cycle.
Type of installation
Systems can be classed as:
Solid installations (fixed systems), where all the components are laid
or installed at fixed permanent or seasonal positions.
Semi-permanent installations, where the mains and submains are
permanent while the laterals are portable, hand move or
mechanically move.
Portable installations, where all the component parts are portable.
Irrigation efficiency. In open canal distribution networks, the water
losses are estimated at up to 40 percent in unlined ditches and up to 25
percent in lined canals. These losses are due to seepage, phreatophytes
and leakage in gates, spillways, etc. In piped systems, no such losses
occur. During the application to the plants, the water losses range from 10
percent in localized micro-irrigation (Figure 2.3.) to 30 percent in
overhead conventional sprinkler and surface methods (Figure 2.4). As a
result, water losses can be minimized and an irrigation efficiency of 7595
percent can be achieved. In open canals, the irrigation application
efficiency ranges from 45 percent to a maximum of 60 percent.
Economic return per unit of water. Piped systems facilitate the
manipulation of the irrigation water under more favourable conditions than
do open canals. This can result in a yield increase of 1045 percent and an
improvement in quality.
Operation and maintenance (O&M). The man-hours needed in the
piped systems range from one-tenth to one-quarter of those required for
open canals. Any person can easily operate the piped systems, while the
open canals can require skilled labour. In the open canals, expensive
operations are carried out to prevent damage caused by roots; seepage
through banks; the spread of weeds; siltation and sedimentation; clogging
of outlets and gates; etc. In the piped systems, no maintenance or
continuous repair of constructions is required. The basic component parts
of the piped systems require minimal maintenance during the first seven
years. The complete piped system requires a yearly maintenance costing
about 5 percent of the initial investment.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 2.5
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 2 Pressure piped irrigation techniques 2.6
Cost. The use of thermoplastic pipes and fittings, made of unplasticized
polyvinyl chloride (rigid PVC), low density polyethylene (LDPE), high
density polyethylene (HDPE), and polypropylene (PP), which are
manufactured in almost every country in many sizes and classes, has
reduced the cost of piped irrigation installations to a relatively low level at
a time when open canal networks are becoming increasingly expensive.
The initial capital investment for the application of these techniques
varies according to the method of irrigation and the type of the installation.
The cost of the solid installations for localized methods is higher than that
of the semi-portable hand-move sprinkler systems and the piped networks
for surface methods. The costs for various piped irrigation systems
installations in Europe are presented in Table 2.1 and the average
percentage costs of the various parts of a piped system calculated on the
basis for smallholdings (about 1.0 ha) are presented in Table 2.2. A
detailed cost analysis of all the kinds and types of the piped systems has
shown that the pipes (laterals included) account for about 50 percent of
the total cost of the system.
The design complexity and the multiplicity of costly equipment is only
apparent. The technology of piped irrigation systems is simple and flexible,
and the investment yields a good return. Several mechanical difficulties are
to be expected in the early stages. Subsequently, the farmers become
familiar with the systems features and components and make the best use
of it. The application of piped irrigation techniques produces a drastic
change in irrigation management practices at farm level.
FIGURE 2.3 - Modern irrigation techniques.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 2.7
FIGURE 2.4 - Sprinkler irrigation techniques.
TABLE 2.1 - Comparative costs of piped irrigation systems
Piped surface method Sprinkler conventional Micro-irrigation
hand-move solid installation
Area (ha) 1 1-2 2-3 1 1-2 2-3 1 1-2 2-3
Installation cost (US$/ha) 1 700 1 600 1 400 2 800 2 700 2 100 3 950 3 300 3 000
Annual maintenance
cost (US$/ha) 85 80 70 140 135 105 200 165 150
Note: Average 1997 prices in Europe.
TABLE 2.2 - Cost breakdown for piped irrigation systems
Component parts Sophisticated installation Simple installation
Control station >23% 13%
Mains, submains and manifolds 10% 21%
Fittings and other accessories 22% 24%
Laterals (pipes and emitters) 45% 42%
Irrigation equipment
and jointing techniques
Irrigation system installations consist of various pipes, fittings, valves and
other equipment depending on the kind of system and the type of
installation. Most installations have the same structure, and thus a relatively
small range of equipment can meet the requirements of a whole region.
Irrigation equipment can be divided into:
pipe connector fittings;
flow control devices;
fertigation equipment;
water emitters;
automation equipment;
operation equipment;
water-lifting devices.
The main characteristics of the irrigation equipment are:
material, e.g. galvanized steel, rigid PVC, etc.;
size, i.e. the nominal diameter (DN) of the ISO metric range in
millimetres (16160 mm) and/or of the BSP threaded range in inches
( 4 inches);
type of joint, e.g. threaded, quick coupling, solvent welded, etc.;
working pressure PN (nominal pressure) or PR (pressure rating) in
bars, e.g. 6.0 bars;
national and/or international standards conformed to, e.g. DIN, ISO,
The working pressure of a pipe or a fitting is the maximum internal
water pressure to which the pipe or the fitting is subjected continuously in
ordinary use, with certainty that failure of the pipe will not occur. It is
specified as nominal pressure (PN) or pressure rating (PR).
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 3.1
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 3 Irrigation equipment and jointing techniques 3.2
The pipes are the basic component of all irrigation networks. There are
various kinds and types available in many pressure ratings and in different
sizes (diameters). The pipes in use for farm-level irrigation systems are
mainly in rigid PVC and polyethylene (PE). Quick coupling light steel pipes
and layflat hoses are used on a smaller scale. Threaded galvanized steel
pipes are of limited use. All these pipes are described below.
Steel threaded pipes. Galvanized steel pipes have been used widely in
every country for all kinds of water works. In the past they were used as
mains and submains in pressure piped irrigation solid installations. Due to
their excellent properties, they have the ability to withstand stress, to resist
high pressures and to maintain their strength for the duration of their
service life, unlike plastic pipes which suffer a continuous creep strength
with time and temperature fluctuations. They are not often used nowadays
for irrigation because they are very expensive. However, they are useful in
small pieces needed for risers in the hydrants, connector tubes in the head
control units and similar applications. They are available in nominal
diameters (DN), usually in inch-based series of , , 1, 1 , 1 , 2
inches, etc., which correspond more or less to the actual bore diameter,
and in several high pressure rates (classes) in accordance with various
standards and recommendations (ISO R-65, BS 1387, DIN 2440/41/42, or
to American Standards, etc.). Supplied in random lengths of 6 m, they are
for permanent assembling with screw-type (threaded) joints. Each pipe
carries an internal threaded socket. Welded hot-dip galvanized steel pipes
have an average life of 1520 years on the surface in the atmosphere and
of 1015 years in soil depending on soil physical properties. There is a
large range of pipe connector fittings made of galvanized malleable iron
for jointing these pipes (Figure 3.1).
FIGURE 3.1 - A threaded steel pipe fitting (male adapter).
Quick coupling light steel pipes. These pipes are made of light rolled
strip steel which has been hot-galvanized inside and outside. Each pipe is
equipped with a hand-lever quick coupling welded on one end while the
other end is arranged accordingly for water and pressureproof tight
closure. The standard pipe length is 6 m and the working pressure (PN)
ranges from 12.0 to 20.0 bars. They are light in weight, easy to install and
remove, and they are used as mains, submains, manifold feeder lines and
laterals with sprinklers. They have a full range of pipe connector fittings of
the same type of joints. They are available in many sizes and in diameters
(DN) of 70, 76 and 89 mm, which are convenient for farm-level pressure
irrigation techniques (Figure 3.2.).
Quick coupling aluminium pipes. They are mostly used, always above
ground, as moveable lateral lines in sprinkler irrigation portable
installations. Made of aluminium alloy by extrusion or by fusion welding,
they are light in weight (about half that of the light steel ones), relatively
strong and durable. In accordance with ASAE S263.2, they are
manufactured in nominal diameters quoted in inches, corresponding to the
outside pipe diameter, of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 inches (51, 76, 102, 127 and
159 mm). The minimum working pressure is 7.0 bars. In accordance with
ISO 11678, the same sizes in the metric series are 50, 75, 100, 125 mm
and so on with working pressures of 4.0, 10.0 and 16.0 bars. They are
supplied in standard lengths of 6, 9 and 12 m, complete with aluminium
quick couplings. These are either detachable by means of clamps and
rings, or permanently fixed on the tubes. With the use of U-shaped rubber
gaskets, the couplings seal automatically under high water pressure during
operation and drain in pressures below 1.0 bar. There are several types of
quick couplings which allow the farmer to couple or uncouple the
connections from any location along the pipe. The most widely used are
the latch system (single or dual), with a or 1 inch threaded outlet for
sprinkler risers, or hose extensions (Figure 3.3). Quick coupling provides a
high degree of flexibility to aluminium pipelines laid on uneven ground.
The expected life of these pipes is 15 years under good management. The
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 3.3
FIGURE 3.2 - Quick coupling light steel galvanized pipes and fittings.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 3 Irrigation equipment and jointing techniques 3.4
light portable quick coupling pipes, steel or aluminium, can be used not
only as sprinkler lateral lines, but also as water conveyance and
distribution lines. In micro-irrigation systems they are often used as
manifolds. These pipes maintain their value for a considerable length of
time. Indeed, some cases have been reported of farmers selling many of
these pipes at a profit even after extensive use.
Rigid PVC pipes. Extruded from unplasticized polyvinyl chloride, also
called uPVC for unplasticised polyvinyl chloride (or PVC-U), these pipes
are ideal for irrigation, (cold) water conveyance and distribution lines as
mains and submains. In many cases they can also serve as manifolds and
laterals. Very light in weight, they are easy to transport and to handle on
site. Their only limitations are that they must always be laid permanently
underground, protected from high or very low ambient temperatures and
solar radiation. The maximum flow velocity should not exceed 1.5 m/s.
They are manufactured in standard lengths of 6 m, and in several series
and classes denoting the working pressure, in accordance with various
national and international standards applied in Europe, the United States
and elsewhere (ISO 161-1/2: 1996, ISO 3606, BS 5556, DIN 8062, ASTM
D 2241, ANSI/ASAE S376.1, ANSI/ASTM D 1785).
These standards, although equivalent to each other, vary in the pipe
dimensioning, i.e. the pipes actual diameter, the working pressure (PN), the
safety factors, etc. In the United States, thermoplastic pipes are mainly
classified in terms of standard dimension ratio (SDR) between the pipes
outside diameter and the pipe wall thickness, and schedules (for higher
pressures). In Europe, the hydrostatic design stress (hoop strength) of PVC
common material is 100 bars. In the United States, several compounds are
used with different stress values, thus a great variety of pipes are produced,
all in inch sizes. In accordance with the European standards and ISO 161,
FIGURE 3.3 - Quick coupling aluminium pipes.
rigid PVC pipes are available in nominal diameters (DN), which is the
approximate outside diameter, in 50, 63, 75, 90, 110, 125, 140, 160, 200
and 225 mm (Figure 3.4.). The working pressures are 4.0, 6.0, 10.0 and
16.0 bars at 24C. At higher temperatures, the working pressures decrease
accordingly. Usually, small diameter pipes up to 50 mm and inch-sized
pipes have one end plain with a preformed socket at the other end for
solvent cement welding. Larger diameter pipes have a tapered spigot at one
end while the other end consists of a wall-thickened, preformed grooved
socket with a rubber sealing ring for a push-fit integral mechanical joint.
There is a complete range of connector fittings for these pipes; some
made of uPVC and others of cast iron. The compression-type polypropylene
(PP) fittings are also suitable for uPVC pipes up to 110 mm. All the fittings
and the valves of underground PVC pipelines should be thrust blocked to
prevent them from moving whilst in operation due to the thrusting force of
the water pressure. The estimated average life of buried uPVC pipes is 50
Rigid PVC pipes are made for underground installation, where they are
protected from temperature changes and hazards imposed by traffic,
farming operations, etc. The trench should be as uniform as possible, firm,
relatively smooth and free of large stones and other sharp edged material.
Where ledge rock or hardpan is encountered, the trench bottom should be
filled with embedment material, such as compacted grained soil or sand, to
provide a bed depth of about 10 cm between pipe and rock. The minimum
depth of cover should be 45 cm for pipes up to 50 mm, 60 cm for pipes up
to 100 mm, and 75 cm for pipes over 100 mm DN. Where rigid PVC pipes
are installed under roads, the depth of cover should not be less than 1 m;
otherwise the pipes must be sleeved in a protective steel tube.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 3.5
FIGURE 3.4 - Rigid PVC pipes.
Polyethylene (PE) pipes. Flexible black PE pipes are extruded from
polyethylene compounds containing certain stabilizers and 2.5 percent
carbon black which protect the pipes against ageing and damage from
sunlight and temperature fluctuations. LDPE (low-density resin) pipes are
also known as soft polyethylene and PE 25, while HDPE pipes (highdensity
resin) are more rigid and known as hard polyethylene or PE 50 (the
numbers correspond to the pipe materials hydrostatic design stress). They
are manufactured in accordance with various standards in inch-based and
metric series (ISO 161-2, DIN 8072/8074, etc.) Both sorts have proved
successful in pressure piped irrigation techniques and are the predominant
kind of pipes in micro-irrigation systems. All laterals with micro-emitters
are LDPE pipes (hoses) of 1232 mm. HDPE pipes of larger diameters are
used for main lines, submains and manifolds. They are also often used as
water conveyance pipelines. LDPE pipes are less affected by high
temperatures than HDPE pipes are. PE pipes are supplied with plain ends
in coils of 50400 m, depending on the diameter (Figure 3.5). Laid on the
surface, they have a service life of 1215 years. Conforming to European
and international standards, they are available in the following sizes and
working pressures:
DN (external diameter) millimetres:
12, 16, 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 63, 75, 90 and 110;
PN (working pressure) bars:
2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 10.0 and 16.0.
Jointing PE pipes is simple. A full range of PP connector fittings is
available in all diameters and types suitable for pressures from 2.0 to 10.0
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 3 Irrigation equipment and jointing techniques 3.6
FIGURE 3.5 - Polyethylene pipe in a coil.
The manufacturers of PVC and PE pipes recommend that the maximum
flow velocity in the plastic pipes should not exceed 1.5 m/s. Based on this
recommendation, Table 3.1 presents the flow rates in various plastic pipes
with a flow velocity of 1.7 m/s, which should be taken as the maximum
permissible under normal operating conditions.
Selection of PVC and PE pipess dimensions. Thermoplastic pipes
(uPVC, PE etc.) have had widespread application in water conveyance,
supply and irrigation in recent years. Many national and international
special standards and specifications have been issued and many others are
in the course of preparation for these pipes, in which different regulations
and recommendations are included regarding the wall thickness of the
various pipes as related with the pressure rating and the service time. The
wall thickness s of the pipes is calculated by means of the equation given
in ISO/R 161:
Where, p is the pressure rating, d the outside diameter of the pipe, and
hydrostatic design stress i.e. the permissible stress of material in
calculating the wall thickness s. The value of s was based on a specific
span of time creep rupture stress, making allowance for a safety factor too.
For many years the manufacturers offered plastic pipes designed for
standard values materials (PVC 100, HDPE 50 and LDPE 25). The
hydrostatic design stress (creep strength) values given in kPa were based on
a 50-year creep stress (service life) with safety factor 2.5 and maximum
working (internal) pressure. These criteria in many cases were beyond the
actual installation and operating conditions. Meantime new types of resins
are available in the market with better mechanical strengths, higher than
what has been required by current standards. The material designations
have been updated, the safety factors modified and the wall thickness
specifications have been amended to conform to ISO 4065. The pipe
nominal pressure (PN) is no longer the basis for specifying the dimensions.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 3.7
TABLE 3.1 - Maximum recommended flow in plastic pipes without outlets
Rigid PVC 6 bars DN mm 63 75 90 110 125 160
(DIN 8062) Inside d. mm 59.2 70.6 84.6 103.6 117.6 150.6
/h 17 24 34 51 66 109
HDPE 6 bars DN mm 50 63 75 90 110
(DIN 8074) Inside d. mm 44.2 55.8 66.4 79.8 97.4
/h 9 15 21 30 45
LDPE 4.0 bars DN mm 16 20 25 32
DIN(8072) Inside d. mm 12.4 16.4 20.6 27.2
/h 0.75 1.3 2.0 3.5
V = 1.7 m/s
p s
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 3 Irrigation equipment and jointing techniques 3.8
In accordance with DIN 8062 (1988) the un-plasticised uPVC pipes
series are as in the previous standards. In the new standards the uPVC
pipes are categorized in series (S), nominal pressure (PN) and standard
dimension ratio (SDR). The sizes of the pipes (outside diameter) have not
changed. There are many series and each one corresponds to a PN and an
SDR (Table 3.2). The ISO 4065 gives a universal number of series, which
correspond to specific series of other standards (see the following tables).
The pipe dimensions given above are designed for a service life of 50
years at 20 Celsius under the precise PN. The three factors are interrelated
and vary accordingly, e.g. at higher temperatures both the service life and
the permissible working pressure change accordingly and the same applies
when the working pressure differs from the designed one. Informative
tables are included in the standard papers and/or in the manufacturers
Regarding irrigation pipes made from polyethylene (PE) the worldwide
known LDPE pipes to DIN 8072 are still in production, however new
types of resins especially for high density (HDPE) are available in the
market with better mechanical strengths, higher than what has been
required by previous standards. Next to the familiar PE 25 and PE 50,
there are the PE 32, PE 63, PE 80 and PE 100. The number corresponds to
the value for the pipes designation. So the pipes for a specific PN differ
in SDR and wall thickness according to the hydrostatic design stress of the
row material made from. The selection of the appropriate pipe has
become more accurate for the designed application, although more
complicated (Table 3.3).
TABLE 3.2 - uPVC Pipe series
Nominal pressure in Bars (PN) PN 4 PN 6 PN 8 PN 10 PN 12.5 PN 16
Pipes series to DIN 8062 2 3 4 5
Pipes series to ISO 4422 (S)** 25 16.7 12.5 10 8 6.25
Standard Dimension Ratio (SDR) 51 34.4 26 21 17 13.5
Pipe size d (out.dia.) Wall thickness s mm
75 1.8 2.2 2.9 3.6 4.5 5.6
90 1.8 2.7 3.5 4.3 5.4 6.7
110 2.2 3.2 3.4* 5.3 5.3* 8.2
125 2.5 3.7 3.9* 6 6* 9.3
160 3.2 4.7 4.9* 7.7 7.7* 11.9
Note: Up to the sizes of 90 mm the safety factor 2.5 is taken for designation of the pipes to DIN and ISO. For larger sizes
> 90 to ISO the safety factor is 2.0. Then for the pipes PN 10 and PN 16 the wall thickness to ISO is less than the ones
to DIN in sizes >90.
** ISO 4422 contains additional series, (S 20SDR 41PN 5), (S 16SDR 33PN 6.3), (S 4SDR 9PN 25).
Layflat hose. Layflat tubing has been used in irrigation for a number of
years (Figure 3.6). It is an alternative to rigid PVC pipes for surface use as
water conveyance lines, mains and manifolds, in drip and other low
pressure micro-irrigation installations. It is made of soft PVC reinforced
with interwoven polyester yarn. Layflat hoses are flexible, lightweight, and
available in various sizes (millimetres or inches) from 16 inches and for
working pressures (PN) of 4.05.5 bars. They are manufactured with plain
ends and supplied in coils in standard lengths of 25, 50 and 100 m.
There are no special connector fittings for layflat hoses. The hoses are
connected by inserting small pieces of PE piping into the ends of the
hoses, or by metallic quick couplings attached to both pipe ends. Small
diameter PE tubes are used to connect laterals to the layflat manifolds. In
these cases, wire ties are needed to secure the connections. However,
several micro-irrigation industries have designed and manufactured special
connector fittings for jointing their drip lines with layflat hoses.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 3.9
TABLE 3.3 - PE Pipes (50, 63, 80) wall thickness for PN 6 and PN 10
PN 6 PN 10
Hydrostatic design stress (kPa)
PE 50 PE 63 PE 80 PE 50 PE 63 PE 80
Pipe series (s) to ISO
S 8.3 S 10 S 5 S 6.3 S 8
Standard Dimension Ratio (SDR)
17.6 21 11 13.6 17
Pipe d mm Pipe wall thickness s mm
50 2.9 4.6
63 3.6 5.8 4.7
75 4.3 6.8 5.6 4.5
90 5.1 4.3 8.2 6.7 5.4
110 6.3 5.3 10.0 8.1 6.6
125 7.1 6.0 11.4 9.2 7.4
Note: For the same PN with different material hydrostatic stress () values there are different characteristics (SDR, S, wall
thickness and weight).
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 3 Irrigation equipment and jointing techniques 3.10
Malleable iron threaded. These fittings are made for use with
galvanized steel threaded pipes and they are available in a wide range as
elbows, bends, reducers, tees, plugs, nipples and other (Figure 3.7). They
are characterized by toughness and ductility and they provide a sound
joint able to withstand pipeline expansion and contraction and other
stresses. They are manufactured with screw type joints male and female
(taper threads) in accordance with BS 21, DIN 2999, ISO R 7 and
American standards in nominal sizes (inside diameters) as in the
galvanized steel pipes. The sizes, usually quoted in inches, may be
converted to millimeters i.e. inch for DN 15 mm, inch for 20 mm, 1
inch for 25 mm, 1 inch for 32 mm, 2 inches for 50 mm, etc. Mostly they
comply to BS 143&1256, DIN 2950, ISO R 49 for working pressures of
minimum 14.0 bars.
Polypropylene (PP) pipe connector fittings. PP connector plastic pipe
fittings (joints) are primary suitable for use with PE plastic pipes. There is a
full range of all kinds, sizes and types of these pipe fittings worldwide.
FIGURE 3.6 - A layflat hose.
There are three main types with several modifications. These are:
lock connector fittings, inserted into the pipe, with a locking ring
which securely fastens the hose pipe to the fitting and can withstand
high pressures;
barbed type fittings, also inserted into the pipe, available only in small
diameters up to 20 mm, and for pressures up to 2.0 bars only;
compression type, which are available in all diameters and are for
high pressures, 10.0 bars. The compression fittings are also suitable for
larger size rigid PVC pipes. They are easily mounted and dismantled
without cutting the pipe. They are more expensive than the other
fittings but last longer and can be used in several installations.
All PP connector fittings are also available with one or both ends
threaded (Figure 3.8).
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 3.11
FIGURE 3.7 - Threaded galvanized steel pipe fittings.
FIGURE 3.8 - Polypropylene fittings compression type.
PVC fittings. Pipe fittings made of PVC are available in the inch system
following the same dimensioning with the metal pipes and fittings and in
the metric system (mm) conforming the ISO and DIN dimensioning. They
are manufactured for solvent welding, threaded jointing and for push-fit
integral mechanical jointing (Figures 3.9 and 3.10).
Any device installed in a fluid supply system, in order to ensure that the
fluid reaches the desired destination, at the proper time, in the required
amount (the flow rate), and under the right pressure, is called a control
As such an appliance controls proper operation of a fluid system,
selecting its type, size and placement is of uppermost importance and ought
to be done with the full knowledge of the various features of the device and
with complete understanding of the way it performs. Equally important is
proper maintenance in order to ensure faultless and sound performance of
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 3 Irrigation equipment and jointing techniques 3.12
FIGURE 3.9 - PVC solvent welding pipe fitting.
FIGURE 3.10 - PVC pipe with grooved ring socket push/fit joint
the appliance. Made of metal base material or reinforced high engineering
plastics, the common flow control devices used in irrigation systems can
withstand high pressures (PN 10.016.0 bars) with screw-type end
connections with internal or external threads for in-line installation.
Fluid control devices can be divided into three main classes (Table 3.4):
Directional devices or valves. These serve to directly regulate the fluid
flow. Installed in the pipeline, they enable starting or stopping the
flow, and setting its rate, pressure and direction. Examples of such
devices are the stop valves, the check valves and the regulating valves.
Measuring devices or valves. In order to ensure the appropriate flow
regime, just regulating the flow is not enough. It is also necessary to
obtain accurate information about flow parameters, so that adjustments
can be made, as required, to achieve the desired flow conditions.
Water and flow meters and pressure gauges belong to this group.
Auxiliary devices. These do not directly influence fluid flow, but
ensure an undisturbed functioning of a system. To this group belong
air valves and safety valves.
Shut-off valves or stop valves. They are most widely used valves,
manually operated (Figure 3.11). Usually installed between the ends of
two pipes they serve to start or stop the flow of fluid in the pipeline. Stop
valves are primarily designed for just two extreme situations: either to be
completely open, to freely pass the full flow of fluid, or to be completely
closed, to prevent any flow. The most common are the gate, ball, butterfly,
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 3.13
Directional devices or
Measuring devices
Auxiliary devices
Shut-off valves
(stop valves)
Check valves
(non-return valves)
Regulating valves**
Air valves
Safety valves
ball valves
butterfly valves
gate valves
disk* valves (globe, angle and oblique or Y valves)
radial valves
swing check valve
parallel check valve
disk* valves (globe, angle and oblique or Y valves)
radial valves
water meters
flow meters
pressure gauges
TABLE 3.4 - Scheme for flow control devices.
*: The sealing of a disk valves can be either a piston or a diaphragm.
**: Regulating valves regulate pressure, flow or water level in either a direct acting or pilot operated way.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 3 Irrigation equipment and jointing techniques 3.14
radial and disk valves. In gate valves, the water moves in a straight line
without resistance when fully open. Gate valves are not recommended for
regulating or throttling flow, they must be either fully open or full closed.
Ball valves are used on a large scale in small sizes of to 2 inches due to
their many advantages. They feature quick on-off operation, quarter-turn
and they can balance or throttle the flow. Of the disk valves, the most
widely used model in irrigation networks is the oblique (Y-valve), ideal for
throttling and regulating the flow. All types are made of brass in sizes of
to 4 inches, screw type with internal and/or external threads, at a PN of
16.0 bars. Oblique disk valves are also made of PP plastic material.
FIGURE 3.11 - Various shut-off valves. From left to right a gate,
a butterfly and ball valves.
FIGURE 3.12 - Scheme and photograph of a check valve.
Check valves. Check valves, also called non-return valves, permit flow in
one direction only and prevent reversal flow in piping by means of an
automatic check mechanism (Figure 3.12). They come in two basic types:
the swing check, which can be installed in horizontal or vertical piping; and
the lift check, for use in horizontal lines only. Water flow keeps the check
valves open, and gravity and reversal of flow close them automatically. They
are placed in-line at the head control unit immediately after the pump.
Swing checks are used with gate valves, lift checks with disk valves. Check
valves are made of several metal materials and brass, and are screw type
(female joints) quoted in inches from to 4 inches, at a PN of 16.0 bars.
Regulating valves. Regulating valves are directional, semi-automatic
devices, which allow controlling pressure and flow in a water supply
system. These valves operate without any intervention from the operator,
but the parameters of their performance must be preset by hand or by
remote control, according to the requirements of the water supply system.
Regulating valves can be divided basically in three categories:
For reducing the downstream pressure.
For sustaining or relieving the upstream pressure.
As flow regulators.
A pressure reducing valve will throttle flow and maintain downstream
pressure at the required level, but only if the upstream pressure is higher
than the preset level. Hence, it is controlled only by the downstream
pressure (Figure 3.13).
A pressure sustaining valve will maintain upstream pressure either at its
maximum permitted level, by relieving the superfluous flow, or at its
minimum required level, by throttling the flow. Hence, it is controlled by
the upstream pressure level.
Flow regulators are in-line valves that maintain a constant
predetermined flow rate, regardless of pressure changes in the system.
All the types of regulating valves work on the principle of flow
throttling, being based on the principle of inverse relationship between the
cross-sectional area of a flexible orifice and the line pressure. In most
cases the valves are of the disk (globe, angle and oblique or Y) or the
radial type. Radial valves are often preferred to disk valves. Gate, ball,
butterfly and other types are unsuitable for automatic regulation.
Regulating valves are either direct acting or pilot operated. Pressure
regulating valves are often installed at the entrance of the manifolds to
ensure a constant operating pressure for the laterals. They are made of
brass, bronze or plastic in sizes of 1 to 3 inches with threaded
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 3.15
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 3 Irrigation equipment and jointing techniques 3.16
Meters. A distinction must be made between water meters and flow
meters. Water meters measure and record the volumes of water passing
through them, without considering the time element. Reading the output of
a water meter gives information about the volume of water that passed
through the appliance in a period, beginning with the last reading or
zeroing of the meter. The most common type used for irrigation water is
the Woltmann type with an impeller for axial flow. The velocity of flow
activates the impeller and the turns are translated into total volume of
water transmitted to the display dial through a series of reducing gears.
They are manufactured in various designs, with the body made of cast
iron, and constructed either as compact units or with an interchangeable
inner mechanism. Sizes up to 2 in are available with threaded joints; larger
sizes having flanges (Figure 3.14).
The flow meter measures the velocity of flow or, less often, the rate of
flow or discharge. The most common type is the rotameter where a
specially shaped float moves freely in a tube so that the flow velocity or
rate is directly indicated by the float rim.
FIGURE 3.13 - A pressure reducing valve maintains downstream
pressure constant when pressure upstream increases.
Pressure gauges. Measurement of pressure in key points of a network is
of major importance for water system operator. The pressure gauge should
be installed in easily accessible places, so that it is convenient to read and
to maintain in proper working condition. The most common pressure
gauge used in water supply and distribution service is the Bourdon gauge,
in which the primary element is an elastic metal tube (Figure 3.15). As the
pressure inside the tube increases the oval tube tends to become circular
and this causes it to uncoil slightly.
Air valves. These valves are of great importance as they protect the pipe
network from damage by trapped air in the system or from collapse due to
a vacuum. If improperly chosen or located in a wrong place, it can also
cause severe functional problems.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 3.17
FIGURE 3.14 - Cross-section of a water meter.
FIGURE 3.15 - A Bourdon type pressure gauge.
The presence of free air in water installations causes many difficulties in
the piping system at start-up, during operation and when draining the
system. Air valves are needed so that air can be either released from or
admitted into the pipelines. Its operation and air flow rate cannot be
influenced either by the system operator or by the performance of any
other appliance (Figure 3.16). There are three main kinds of air valves:
Single automatic air release valves, for the continuous automatic release
under pressure of the trapped air pockets accumulated at the summits
of the mains. The single air valves are small in size with a 1 inch
threaded connection, larger sizes not being required. They are installed
on risers above ground at the high points of the conveyance and mains
or every 200 m.
Large orifice air-vacuum valves (low pressure kinetic), for releasing or
admitting air in bulk when filling or draining the system. They do not
function under pressure. During normal operating conditions, a float
held up by the system water pressure closes the large orifice. Sizes of 2
inches can meet the system requirements of 160 mm pipelines. They
are installed at high points of the system after the pump or the systems
main service hydrant on the head control unit, and at the beginning and
the end of long branch pipelines.
Double (dual) air valves, which are a combination of the two above.
They are the safest and most efficient air valves in mains and
conveyance lines during filling, draining and operating the piped
irrigation systems. The 2 inches size of the double air valve is
appropriate for most on-farm piped irrigation installations up to 160
mm in diameter.
In addition to the above air valves, small vacuum breakers of inch are
available for preventing vacuums in drip laterals laid on the soil surface,
thus protecting them from clogging.
Air valves are manufactured for high working pressures of at least
10.0 bars PN. They are installed on-line with threaded internal or external
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 3 Irrigation equipment and jointing techniques 3.18
Safety valves (also called pressure relief valves). The practical use of
safety valves began with steam boilers so that steam was released at
critical pressures to avoid bursting of tanks and pipes. In water supply
systems, the compressibility of water is very low and the problem of safety
is therefore smaller. However, it is used mainly to ensure proper working
of a system in cases of failure of other pressure control appliances.
Safety valves are on-line valves of smaller diameter than the pipelines,
spring-loaded or otherwise, in which the outlet is inclined 90 to the inlet.
When the pressure in the system exceeds the pre-set value, the valves
open and release water into the air. Thus, they prevent the pipes from
bursting due to sudden high pressures which might occur in the system.
They are located immediately upstream of the main valve of the system.
They are available in sizes of 13 inches with threads (Figure 3.17).
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 3.19
FIGURE 3.16 - Air valves operate by introducing and
releasing air to the water system.
FIGURE 3.17 - Scheme and photograph of a safe valve.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 3 Irrigation equipment and jointing techniques 3.20
The filtration of the irrigation water is essential in order to avoid
blockage damage to the micro-irrigation emitters. The type of filter used
depends on the kind of impurities contained in the water and the degree of
filtration required on the emitters. Their size should be the most economical
with the lowest friction losses ranging from 0.30.5 bars. The following
kinds of filters are available:
Gravel filters. These filters, also called media filters, are closed
cylindrical tanks which contain a gravel grain of 1.53.5 mm or a basalt
sand filter bed. Where the irrigation water source is an open reservoir, they
are installed at the beginning of the head control of the system. Water
entering the tank from top passes through the gravel bed, which traps the
large particles of unbroken organic matter, mostly algae, and exits through
the outlet at the bottom of the tank. They are equipped with the necessary
inlet, outlet and drain valves, and a back-flushing arrangement. The filter
body is epoxy coated metal, minimum 8.0 bars PN, and is 50180 cm
high and 40100 cm in diameter. They are available in threaded
connection sizes of 1 to 8 inches (Figure 3.18).
Hydrocyclone (sand separator) filters. These are closed conical metal
tanks placed at the beginning of the head control unit where needed. They
separate sand or silt from well or river water through the creation of a
centrifugal force by a vortex flow inside the filter. This force drives the
solids downward to a collecting chamber attached below and lets the
clean water out. They are epoxy coated, PN 8.0 bars, and are available in
threaded connection sizes of to 8 inches (Figure 3.19).
FIGURE 3.18 - Scheme and photograph of a gravel filter.
Screen type filters. These are used for final filtration as a safeguard for
either moderate quality water or following a primary filtration with gravel
or hydrocyclone filters. They are installed at the end of the head control
before the main pipeline. They are made of epoxy coated metal or high
engineering plastics in various cylindrical shapes (horizontal on-line,
vertical angle, etc.), and are equipped with interchangeable perforated
filtering elements, inlet, outlet and drain valves and pressure inspection
gauges. They can withstand a working pressure (PN) of 8.0 bars. The
degree of filtration ranges from 60 to 200 mesh (75 microns). They are
available in sizes of to 4 inches. Smaller sizes are made of reinforced
plastic (Figure 3.20).
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 3.21
FIGURE 3.19 - Scheme and photograph of hydrocyclones.
FIGURE 3.20 - Operational scheme and photograph of a screen filter.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 3 Irrigation equipment and jointing techniques 3.22
Disk type filters. They are cylindrical, made of reinforced plastic,
horizontal in-line or vertical angle-shaped. The filtering elements consist of
stacks of grooved plastic rings with multiple intersections providing a three
dimensional filtration of high level. They are very effective in removing all
kinds of impurities of inorganic and organic origin, algae included. The
degree of filtration can range from 40 to 600 mesh (40025 microns). They
are available in all sizes ( to 6 inches), PN 8.0 bars, with threaded joints.
They are placed at the end of the control unit before the main pipeline
(Figure 3.21).
Automatic self-cleaning filters. Most of the different kinds and types of
filters can be supplied with an automatic cleaning capability, as
determined by pressure differential, duration of filtration, volume of water
filtered, or by any combination of these. The cleaning mechanism, usually
back flushing, for the removal of accumulated debris uses the systems
water pressure. It is activated: a) whenever the pressure difference across
the filter body increases to a predetermined value, e.g. 0.5 bar; and b) at
fixed time intervals with an electronic timer back-up (Figure 3.22).
FIGURE 3.21 - A grooved disk and a disk filter.
FIGURE 3.22 - An automatic self-cleaning filter uses the back flushing
mechanism for the removal of accumulated debris.
Fertilizers are applied with the irrigation water through the system using
special devices called fertilizer injectors installed at the head control.
There are three main types of fertilizer injectors: closed tank, Venturi type
and piston pump. All of them are water driven by the operating pressure of
the system.
Fertilizer (closed) tank. This is a cylindrical, epoxy coated, pressurized
tank, resistant to the systems pressure, and connected as a bypass to the
supply pipe of the head control. It is operated by differential pressure
created by a partially closed valve, placed on the pipeline between the
inlet and the outlet of the tank. Part of the flow is diverted to the tank
entering at the bottom. It mixes with the fertilizer solution and the dilution
is ejected into the system. The dilution ratio and the rate of injection are
not constant. The concentration of fertilizer is high at the beginning and
very low at the end of the operation. However, this apparatus is still in
service on a very small scale in some countries because of its low cost and
easy manufacture (Figure 3.23).
Venturi type. This is based on the principle of the Venturi tube. A
pressure difference is needed between the inlet and the outlet of the
injector. Therefore, it is installed on a bypass arrangement placed on an
open container with the fertilizer solution. The rate of injection is very
sensitive to pressure variations, and small pressure regulators are
sometimes needed for a constant ejection. Friction losses are
approximately 1.0 bar. The injectors are made of plastic in sizes from to 2
inches and with injection rates of 402 000 litres/h. They are relatively
cheap compared to other injectors (Figure 3.24).
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 3.23
FIGURE 3.23 - Scheme and photograph of a fertilizer closed tank.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 3 Irrigation equipment and jointing techniques 3.24
Piston pump. This type of injector is powered by the water pressure of
the system and can be installed directly on the supply line and not on a
bypass line. The systems flow activates the pistons and the injector is
operated, ejecting the fertilizer solution from a container, while
maintaining a constant rate of injection. The rate varies from 9 to 2 500
litres/h depending on the pressure of the system, and it can be adjusted by
small regulators. Made of durable plastic material, these injectors are
available in various models and sizes. They are more expensive than the
Venturi type injectors (Figure 3.25).
The water emitters specify the kind of system and in most cases the type
of installation. Fitted on the laterals at frequent spaces, they deliver water
to the plants in the form of a rain jet, spray, mist, small stream, fountain or
FIGURE 3.24 - Scheme and photograph of a Ventury type fertilizer.
FIGURE 3.25 - Scheme and photograph of a piston pump fertilizer.
continuous drops. All kinds and types of emitters in use now are of the
small orifice-nozzle, vortex or long-path labyrinth types. Thus, the flow in
the water emitters is turbulent. Some drip emitters of laminar flow used in
the past are no longer available.
Sprinklers. Most of the agricultural sprinklers are the hammer-drive,
slow rotating impact type, single or twin nozzle. The sprinklers shoot jets
of water into the air and spread it to the field in the form of raindrops in a
circular pattern. They are available in various nozzle sizes, flow discharges,
operating pressures and wetted diameters or diameter coverage, full circle
or part circle. They are classified as low, medium and high
pressure/capacity, as shown in Table 3.5; according to the height of the
water jet above the nozzle, they are divided into low angle (411), or
high angle (2030). They are made of brass or high engineering plastics
with internal or external threaded connections of 1 inch. They are
installed vertically on small diameter riser pipes, 60 cm above ground,
fitted on the laterals. The sprinkler spacing in the field is rectangular or
triangular at distances not exceeding 60 percent of their diameter
coverage. Filtration requirements, where necessary, are about 20 mesh
(Figure 3.26).
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 3.25
TABLE 3.5 - Sprinkler classification
Agriculture sprinklers Nozzle size mm Operating pressure Flow rate Diameter
(two nozzle) (bars) (m
/h) coverage (m)
Low pressure 3.04.5 x 2.53.5 1.52.5 0.31.5 1221
Medium pressure 4.06.0 x 2.54.2 2.53.5 1.53.0 2435
High pressure 12.025.0 x 5.08.0 4.09.0 5.045.0 6080
FIGURE 3.26 - Rotating sprinklers.
Microsprinklers. These water emitters are small plastic sprinklers of low
capacity with flow rates less than 300 litres/h. Their main characteristics
are their rapid rotation/whirling, less than a minute per rotation, the very
small size of the water drops and the low angle of the water jet above
nozzle. They have only one nozzle, of about 2.0 mm. They discharge
150250 litres/h at 2.0 bars operating pressure. They are full circle and the
wetted diameter is only 1012 m. Mounted at a height of 60 cm on
metallic or plastic rods inserted into the ground, they are connected to PE
laterals (25 or 32 mm) through small flexible tubes 7 mm in diameter and
80 cm long. The spacing arrangement in the field is the same as for
conventional sprinklers. The spacing does not exceed 6.0 m, i.e. 50
percent of the wetting diameter. The filtration requirements are about 60
mesh (300 microns) (Figure 3.27).
Spitters, micro-jets and sprayers. These are small plastic emitters with a
low water discharge at a low angle in the form of fine drops in a sectorial
or full circle pattern. They are mainly used for tree crops. They are of
various mechanisms with a wide range of flow rates and water diameters.
They have a small passage diameter, thus filtration of the water is essential.
Their main performance characteristics are:
operating pressure: 1.52.0 bars;
flow rate: 35250 litres/h (generally 150 litres/h);
wetting diameter: 36 m;
precipitation rate: 220 mm/h (generally 48 mm/h);
filtration requirements: 6080 mesh (250200 microns).
Their heads are fixed to small plastic wedges 2030 cm above ground
and they are connected to the PE laterals with 79 mm flexible plastic
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 3 Irrigation equipment and jointing techniques 3.26
FIGURE 3.27 - A microsprinkler with a rotating spinner.
tubes 60120 cm long and a barbed plunger. They are placed one per tree,
3050 cm apart (Figure 3.28).
Bubblers. Low pressure bubblers are small-sized water emitters
designed for localized flood irrigation of small areas. They deliver water in
bubbles or in a low stream on the same spot. The flow rate is adjusted by
twisting the top and ranges from 110 to 250 litres/h at operating pressures
of 1.03.0 bars. The bubbler heads are installed, as are the minisprinklers,
on small plastic wedges inserted into the ground and connected to a PE
lateral with a 7 mm flexible plastic tube 80 cm long. They are placed in a
tree basin; one or two per tree. The basin is always needed to contain or
control the water because the bubbler discharge usually exceeds the soil
infiltration rate (Figure 3.29).
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 3.27
FIGURE 3.28 - Photograph of a micro-jet irrigating a citrus tree and
in detail the microjet's head with no-moving parts.
FIGURE 3.29 - Scheme of a bubbler.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 3 Irrigation equipment and jointing techniques 3.28
Drippers. The drippers are small-sized emitters made of high quality
plastics. They are mounted on small soft PE pipes (hoses) at frequent
spaces. Water enters the dripper emitters at approximately 1.0 bar and is
delivered at zero pressure in the form of continuous droplets at low rates
of 1.024 litres/h. Drippers are divided into two main groups according to
the way they dissipate energy (pressure):
orifice type, with flow areas of 0.20.35 mm
long-path type, with relatively larger flow areas of 14.5 mm
Both types are manufactured with various mechanisms and principles of
operation, such as a vortex diode, a diaphragm or a floating disc for the
orifice drippers, and a labyrinthine path, of various shapes, for the long-path
ones. All the drippers now available on the market are turbulent flow ones.
Drippers are also characterized by the type of connection to the lateral:
on-line, i.e. inserted in the pipe wall by the aid of a punch; or in-line,
where the pipe is cut to insert the dripper manually or with a machine
(Figure 3.30).
On-line multi-exit drippers are also available with four to six spaghetti
type tube outlets.
Drip tapes. These are thin-walled integral drip lines with emission
points spaced 10, 20, 30, 45 cm or any other distance apart, delivering
lower quantities of water than the usual drippers at very low pressures, i.e.
0.41.0 litres/h at 0.61.0 bar. They are integrated drip lines where the
drippers are built in the pipe walls at the desired spacing during the
manufacturing process. They are ready-made dripper laterals with a very
high uniformity of application. Drip tapes are made of LDPE or other soft
PE materials in various diameters from 12 to 20 mm and in several wall
thicknesses (0.101.25 mm). Thanks to a filtration system incorporated
inside the tubing, they are less susceptible to mechanical and biological
blockages than conventional drippers are (Figure 3.31).
FIGURE 3.30 - At left an on-line dripper, at right an in-line dripper.
Pressure compensated (PC) emitters. Several sprinklers, drippers and
other water micro-emitters are available with built-in flow regulators. These
emitters deliver a constant flow of water at any pressure exceeding the fixed
operating one. Uniform rates of discharge are achieved along the laterals
regardless of the number of emitters, spacing, length of line or elevation,
where excessive pressure is available. Therefore, pressure variations in the
laterals due to friction losses can exceed 20 percent. Thus, less expensive
smaller diameter pipes can be installed in certain cases. However, the self-
regulated emitters, called pressure compensated, are normally operated
under pressures exceeding the fixed operational pressures and cost more
than the conventional ones (Figures 3.32 and 3.33).
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 3.29
FIGURE 3.31 - Scheme and photograph of a drip tape.
FIGURE 3.32 - Differences in discharge between a normal emitter
and an ideal and a real pressure compensated emitters.
Pulsators. Pulsators are small plastic hydraulic devices used in micro-
irrigation systems to reduce emitter and system flow rates to very low
levels for higher efficiencies. The pulsators employ a built-in dripper with a
discharge of 48 litres/h that feeds an integral silicone sleeve chamber. This
in turn acts as a miniature pulsating pump generating hundreds of pulses
per hour and so emitting the water. Thus, they can convert a low
continuous flow into an instantaneous pressurized emission of water in
short pulses. This process enables application rates of 0.30.8 mm/h with
spitters, minisprinklers and sprayers, and 100300 cm3/h with drippers.
They are attached to the emitters, one for each minisprinkler or sprayer,
and one for 2070 drippers accordingly. The emitted water per pulse is
roughly 0.5 cm
. The silicone sleeve remains closed when the water
pressure drops with the termination of the irrigation and prevents the water
in the system from draining. Pressure compensated pulsators are also
available for use on mountains and sloping terrain (Figure 3.34).
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 3 Irrigation equipment and jointing techniques 3.30
FIGURE 3.33 - Picture of a pressure compensated emitter showing
the membrane that is used as flow-regulator.
FIGURE 3.34 - Operational scheme and photograph of a pulsator.
Porous pipes. These pipes are small-sized (about 16 mm) thin-walled
porous flexible hoses made from PE fibres, PVC, ABS (Acrylonitrile
Butadiene Styrene) or rubber. They permit water and nutrients under low
pressure to pass from inside the tube, by transpiration, and irrigate the
crops. The porous pipeline discharge is not accurate because the size of
the pores varies and is not stable. They are used as lateral drip lines
beneath the surface. Their application is limited although they do offer
some advantages (Figure 3.35).
Garden hoses. Flexible garden hoses are made of various plastic
materials, usually soft PVC, reinforced with textile or polyester yarn. They
come in nominal diameters, the approximate inside diameter, of 1
inch (15, 19, 25, 32 and 38 mm) with plain ends. They have a wide range
of water applications (Figure 3.36).
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 3.31
FIGURE 3.35 - Scheme of a porous pipe.
FIGURE 3.36 - Photograph of a garden hose with outlet.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 3 Irrigation equipment and jointing techniques 3.32
The main component parts for automation in an irrigation system are
the remote control (electric) valves, the controller and the field wiring,
where electricity is the transmitting power.
Electric (solenoid) valves. These are automatic valves which can be
commanded from a distant point to turn the water flow on and off. The
body construction is based on the globe valve design. They open and close
by means of a flexible diaphragm or a piston utilizing hydraulic pressure
controlled by an electrically actuated solenoid valve mounted on top
(Figure 3.37). Made of reinforced glass or plastic, the electric valves,
normally closed, are in inches with screw-type connections, a working
pressure of 10.0 or 14.0 bars, and with a handle for manual operation and
flow control.
Controllers. These are automatic timing devices which supply the
actuating power to operate the remote control (electric) valves, i.e. to open
and close on a pre-set programme. They contain a transformer which
reduces the standard voltage to 2430 V. The power output from the
electric controllers is transmitted to the electric valves through
underground wiring. Their main features are the stations and the
programmes. Each station usually operates one valve. The operation of the
stations is sequential. There are many types of controllers available in
many stations, up to 30, with dual or triple programmes for different
scheduling and variable cycles of more than 14 days, and 012 hour
station timing. Battery powered controllers are also available for
independent stations (Figure 3.38).
FIGURE 3.37 - Operational scheme and photograph of an
electric control valve.
Automatic volumetric metering valves. These valves consist of a water
meter, a pilot assembly and a shut-off mechanism. Once the pre-set volume
of water has been delivered, they shut off automatically (Figure 3.39). Small
sizes are operated mechanically and larger ones hydraulically by means of
a diaphragm or a piston. Small sizes are available with screw-type joints
while larger sizes, made of cast iron, come in flanged connections. They
have a relatively limited application, mainly due to their high cost.
For the proper management of the irrigation systems, frequent simple
water and soil checks and other measurements must be carried out on site.
For this purpose, there are several instruments that give direct readouts of
the results.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 3.33
FIGURE 3.38 - Operational scheme and photograph
of an irrigation controller device.
FIGURE 3.39 - Operational scheme and photograph
of an automatic volumetric metering valve.
Soil moisture sensors. Soil moisture measurement is difficult mainly
because of the variability in soil types, calibration of the sensor, area of
influence of the sensor, and the extrapolation of that measurement to crop
management. Basically, two parameters are of interest: (i) the volumetric
soil moisture because it provides information on the ratio of soil water to
solid phase plus air (it is a useful measurement for irrigation control
informing about how much water is needed in order to fill the sponge)
and (ii) the soil moisture tension because it informs about the effort the
plant has to make to extract moisture from the soil. At present, there are
various technologies for soil moisture measurement. Two of them, because
of their relevance, are briefly explained below:
Tensiometers: The force by which the water is held in the soil is called
soil water tension and it is directly related with the moisture content
in the soil. It is measured in centi-Bars by the use of tensiometers.
Nearly all types of tensiometers consist of three parts, a closed plastic
tube, a ceramic porous cap at the bottom and a vacuum measuring
gauge at the top. They are available for various depths in several
lengths from 30 to 150 cm. They are filled with de-aired water and
inserted permanently into cored holes in the soil near the plants,
always in pairs, at two different depths, one at 30 percent the
effective root-depth and one at 60 percent. Good contact of the
surrounding soil must be arranged. The water availability is easily
controlled and high osmotic pressure values in the root environment
can be secured. At the state of field capacity the soil moisture tension
is normally 10 cBars in sandy soils, 20 cBars in medium and 30 cBars
in clays. Readings below 10 centibars indicate saturated soil, 2040
excellent soil water availability and higher than 55 danger for severe
water stress. In cash crops irrigation starts when the reading of the
shallow depth tensiometer is in the range of 1825 cBars depending
on the type of soil and the stage of growth (Figure 3.40).
Time Domain Reflectometry (or TDR). The method is based on the
principle that velocity of an electromagnetic wave depends on the
conducting medium. The larger the soil water content is, the slower
the wave will travel. Thus, the wave travelling time along a probe of
known length can be related to the soil water content. The main
advantages of the method are that it is accurate, continuous, and it
does not require calibration. The main disadvantage is that it has
complex electronics and expensive equipment.
Conductivity meters. These portable instruments are battery powered
and enable rapid and accurate determination of the concentration of
soluble salts in the soil solution and the irrigation water. They are
temperature compensated but they need frequent calibration (Figure 3.41).
Soil solution extractors. These instruments consist of a plastic tube with a
porous ceramic cap at the bottom, like the tensiometers, and a syringe. They
are inserted in pairs into the soil at the root plant area (in microirrigation
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 3 Irrigation equipment and jointing techniques 3.34
one near the emitter and one between the emitters lines). A vacuum is
created within the empty tube and forces the moisture to move from the soil
into the extractor through the ceramic cap. The solution collected is then
withdrawn by the syringe for evaluation. These instruments enable the
continuous follow up of the change in the soil total salinity, the chlorides
and the nitrates content and the pH, as a result of intensive irrigation and
fertigation. They are available in various lengths from 15 to 150 cm.
Class A evaporation pan. This is an open circular pan which is widely
used to measure evaporation. It is made of 22-gauge galvanized steel plate,
all surfaces painted aluminium, or of 0.8 mm Monel metal. The pan has a
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 3.35
FIGURE 3.40 - Scheme and photographs of tensiometers and a TDR.
FIGURE 3.41 - Direct measurement of soil solution with a
conductivity meter and extractors in the field.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 3 Irrigation equipment and jointing techniques 3.36
standard size: 121 cm in diameter and 25.5 cm deep. It is placed level on a
wooden beamed base support 15 cm above ground (Figure 3.42). It is filled
with water to 5 cm below the rim. It has a simple or advanced reading
mechanism to indicate the decrease in water level due to evaporation.
Measurements are recorded every morning at the same time. The water is
topped up when its level drops to about 7.5 cm below the rim.
Pumps and lifting/propelling devices are often classified on the basis of
the mechanical principle used to lift the water: direct lift, displacement,
creating a velocity head, using the buoyancy of a gas or gravity. Most
categories sub-divide into further classifications reciprocating/cyclic and
rotary. The first of these relates to devices that are cycled through a
water-lifting operation (for example, a bucket on a rope is lowered into the
water, dipped to fill it up, lifted, emptied and then the cycle is repeated);
in such cases the water output is usually intermittent, or at best pulsating
rather than continuous. Rotary devices were generally developed to allow
a greater throughput of water, and they also are easier to couple to engines
or other mechanical drive.
Virtually all water lifting devices can best be characterized for practical
purposes by measuring their output at different heads and speeds.
Normally the performance of a pump is presented on a graph of head
versus flow (an H-Q graph, as in Figure 3.43) and in most cases curves can
be defined for the relationship between H and Q at different speeds of
operation. Invariably there is a certain head, flow and speed of operation
that represents the optimum efficiency of the device, i.e. where the output
is maximized in relation to the power input. Some devices and pumps are
more sensitive to variations in these factors than others; i.e. some only
function well close to a certain design condition of speed, flow and head,
FIGURE 3.42 - A class A evaporation pan in the field.
while others can tolerate a wide range of operating conditions with little
loss of efficiency. For example, the centrifugal pump characteristic given in
Figure 3.42 shows an optimum efficiency exceeding 80 percent is only
possible for speeds of about 2000 rpm.
Direct-lift devices. These are all variations on the theme of the bucket
and are the earliest artificial method for lifting and carrying water. It
generally improves both efficiency and hence productivity if the water
lifting element can move on a steady circular path. An obvious
improvement to the simple rope and bucket is to fit numerous small
buckets around the periphery of an endless belt to form a continuos bucket
elevator. The original version of this, which is ancient in origin but still
widely used, was known as a Persian wheel. The water powered Noria, a
water wheel with pots, is similar in principle (Figure 3.44).
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 3.37
FIGURE 3.43 - Typical curves showing relationship between head,
flow, speed, and efficiency (example for a centrifugal pump).
FIGURE 3.44 - Scheme of a Persian wheel and photograph of a Noria.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 3 Irrigation equipment and jointing techniques 3.38
Displacement pumps. The most common and well-known form of
reciprocating/cyclic are the piston-type pumps and of rotary/continuous
are the Archimedean screw-types. In the piston pump, water is sucked into
the cylinder through a check valve on the up-stroke, and the piston valve
is held closed by the weight of water above it; simultaneously, the water
above the piston is propelled out of the pump. On the down-stroke, the
lower check valve is held closed by both its weight and water pressure,
while the similar valve in the piston is forced open as the traped water is
displaced through the piston ready for the next up-stroke. The rotary
positive displacement pumps have their origins among the Archimedean
screw. Modern concepts have appeared such as the progressive cavity
pump (also called mono pump), yet they all have a number of
similarities. The principle is that water is picked up by the submerged end
of the helix each time it dips below the surface and, as it rotates, a pool of
water gets trapped in the enclosed space between the casing and the lower
part of each turn. The progressive cavity (mono) pump is ready to fit in
down boreholes and it is of great advantage because positive displacement
pumps can cope much more effectively than centrifugal pumps with
variations in pumping head. Therefore, any situation where the water level
may change significantly with the seasons makes the progressive cavity
pump an attractive option (Figure 3.45).
Velocity pumps. Their mechanism is based on the principle that when
water is propelled to a high speed, the momentum can be used either to
create a flow or to create a pressure. The reciprocating/cyclic ones are
rarely used while the rotary/continuous ones are highly widespread. The
latter are called rotodynamic pumps and their mechanism is based on
propelling water using a spinning impeller or rotor.
FIGURE 3.45 - Left: Scheme of a hand pump with single acting bucket
piston (piston valve shown open as on the down-stroke, and inlet
valve is closed). Center: A peadle piston-type pump.
Right: Scheme of a progressive cavity or "mono" pump.
Since any single rotodynamic pump is quite limited in its operating
conditions, manufacturers produce a range of pumps, usually
incorporating many components, to cover a wider range of heads and
lows. Where high flows at low heads are required (which is common in
irrigation pumps), the most efficient impeller is an axial-flow one (this is
similar to a propeller in a pipe). Conversely, for high heads and low flows
a centrifugal (radial-flow) impeller is needed (Figure 3.46).
Where a higher head is needed than can be achieved with a single
pump, two pumps can be connected in series. Similarly, if a greater
discharge is needed, two centrifugal pumps may be connected in parallel
(Figure 3.47).
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 3.39
FIGURE 3.46 - Rotodynamic pumps: (a) radial or centrifugal pump
and (b) axial pump.
FIGURE 3.47 - Left: a rotodynamic pump powered by a tractor.
Right: a pumping unit with rotodynamic pumps in parallel.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 3 Irrigation equipment and jointing techniques 3.40
Air-lift pumps. A rising main, which is submerged in a well so that more
of it is below the water level than above it, has compressed air blown into
it at its lowest point. The compressed air produces a froth of air and water,
which has a lower density than water and consequently rises to the surface.
The compressed air is usually produced by an engine driven air compressor
(Figure 3.48). The main advantage of the air-lift pump is that there are no
mechanical below-ground components to wear out, so it is essentially
simple, reliable, virtually maintenance-free and can easily handle sandy or
gritty water. The disadvantages are rather severe: first it is inefficient as a
pump, probably no better than 20-30 percent in terms of compressed air
energy to hydraulic output energy and this is this is compounded by the
fact that air compressors are also general inefficient. Second, it usually
requires a borehole to be drilled considerably deeper (more than twice the
depth of the static water level) than otherwise would be necessary.
Impulse (water hammer) pumps. These devices apply the energy of
falling water to lift a fraction of the flow to a higher level than the source.
The principle they work by is to let the water from the source flow down a
pipe and then to create sudden pressure rises by intermittently letting a
valve in the pipe slam shut. This causes a water hammer effect which
results in a sudden sharp rise in water pressure sufficient to carry a small
proportion of the supply to a considerably higher level. They therefore are
applicable mainly in hilly regions in situations where there is a stream or
river flowing quite steeply down a valley floor, and areas that could be
irrigated which are above that level that can be commanded by small
channels contoured to provide a gravity supply. A practical example of this
pump is the hydraulic ram pump or hydram (Figure 3.49). The main
virtue of the hydram is that it has no substantial moving parts, and is
therefore mechanically extremely simple, which results in very high
reliability, minimal maintenance requirements and a long operational life.
However, in most cases the output is rather small (in the region of 13
litre/sec) and they are therefore best suited for irrigating small-holdings.
FIGURE 3.48 - Scheme of an air-lift pump.
Gravity devices. Syphons are the most common device of this type,
though strictly speaking they they are not water-lifting devices, since, after
flowing through a syphon, water finishes at a lower level than it started.
However syphons can lift water over obstructions at a higher level than the
source and they are therefore potentially useful in irrigation (Figure 3.50).
Syphons are limited to lifts about 5 m at sea level for exactly the same
reasons related to suction lifts for pumps. The main problem with syphons
is that due to the low pressure at the uppermost point, air can come out of
solution and form a bubble, which initially causes an obstruction and
reduces the flow of water, and which can grow sufficiently to form an
airlock which stops the flow. Therefore, the syphon pipe, which is entirely
at a subatmospheric pressure, must be completely air-tight.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 3.41
FIGURE 3.49 - Schematic diagram of hydram installation.
FIGURE 3.50 - A syphon arrangement.
Calculation of the power requirements (P)?
The power requirements are calculated as:
Ht is the total head;
e1 is the pump efficiency (fraction in the order of 0.50.8); and
e2 is the driving efficiency (fraction of 0.70.9 for electric motors and
0.50.75 for diesel engines).
The total head (Ht) required for the normal operation of the system is
the sum of the following pressures (Figure 3.51):
P kw
Q l s Ht m
e e
( )
( / ) ( )

102 1 2
Q l s Ht m
e e
( )
( / ) ( )

75 1 2
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 3 Irrigation equipment and jointing techniques 3.42
FIGURE 3.51 - Ht is the total head, Ha is the elevation head,
Hi is the emitter operation head and Hp is the friction losses head
(sum of friction losses in the main line, submains, manifolds, laterals,
valves, pipe fittings and minor losses).
System design
The engineering design is the second stage in irrigation planning. The
first stage is the consideration of the crop water requirements, the type of
soil, the climate, the water quality and the irrigation scheduling. The water
supply conditions, the availability of electricity and the field topography
also need to be considered. The economic considerations, the labour and
the know-how also need to be taken into account. The irrigation system is
selected after a thorough evaluation of the above data and the
computation of the systems flow, the irrigation dose, the duration of
application and the irrigation interval.
Once the design has been completed, a detailed list of all the
equipment needed for the installation of the system must be prepared with
full descriptions, standards and specifications for every item.
The engineering and hydraulic design procedure is almost the same in
all kinds of pressurized irrigation systems. It consists of a series of
interlinked calculations. The various stages are outline below.
Selection of the water emitter (sprinkler, dripper, minisprinkler,
bubbler, hose, etc.) according to the crop, irrigation method and
type, flow rate, operating pressure, diameter coverage;
spacing and number per lateral line.
length, direction, spacing and total number of lateral lines (in solid
systems) or lateral positions (in semi-permanent installations);
flow of the lateral = number of emitters per lateral x emitter flow rate;
number of laterals operating simultaneously = system flow/flow of lateral;
number of shifts to complete one irrigation = total number of lateral
lines or positions number of laterals operating simultaneously;
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 4.1
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 4 System design 4.2
Duration of application = irrigation dose in millimetres application
rate in millimetres per hour, or irrigation dose in cubic metres
system flow in cubic metres per hour.
Lateral lines
It is important to understand the water emitters functions and principle
of operation before commencing the design process. One of the main
characteristics of all types of emitters is the relationship between flow rate
and operating pressure, which is usually expressed by the empirical
q = kdH *
where q is the emitter discharge, k and d are coefficients (constants), H
is the pressure at the emitter and * is an exponent characterized by the
emitter flow regime and the flow rate curve as a function of the pressure.
The lower the value of *, the less the influence of pressure variations on
the emitter flow rate along the lateral line. Most of the water emitter flow
regime is fully turbulent with an exponent value equal to 0.5. Thus, the
difference in discharge is half the difference in pressure, when the ratio of
the two different pressures is < 1.3/1.0.
In order to ensure a high uniformity of water application over the field,
the differences in the discharge of the emitters should be kept to the
minimum possible and in no case exceed 10 percent. These criteria were
established by J. Christiansen for sprinklers and are now applied in all
pressurized systems. As a general rule, the maximum permissible
difference in pressure between any two emitters in operation should be
no more than 20 percent. The lateral lines with emitters must be of a size
that does not allow a loss of head (pressure) due to friction of more than
20 percent.
The loss of head due to friction (friction losses) in lateral pipes is taken
from a graph or a table. The reading is usually given as loss of head of
water in metres or feet per 100 m or 100 ft of pipe. For example, in a 50
mm quick coupling sprinkler lateral pipe with a 15 m
/h flow, the friction
losses are 7 percent. If the length of the lateral is 120 m, the friction losses
are: 7/100 120 = 8.4 m. However, this figure is for the total flow of 15
/h running the whole length of lateral. Thus, it is not the true figure as
the flow is distributed en route through the emitters. In order to compute
the actual losses the above figure is multiplied by Christiansens reduction
coefficient, F, to compensate for the water delivered along the lateral line.
The F values depend on the number of the outlets uniformly spaced along
the pipeline (Table 4.1).
Three different series of F values exist corresponding to the Q exponent
(m) of the three main friction loss formulas: Hazen Williams, 1.85; Scobey,
1.9; and Darcy Weisbach, 2.0. Moreover, lower values are taken if the
distance of the first outlet is half the spacing of the outlets, etc. However,
the differences between the various F values are almost negligible.
Assuming that in the above example there are ten emitters (in this case
sprinklers) on the lateral, the F value is 0.4. Then, in a 50 mm quick
coupling lateral, 120 m long, with a flow of 15 m
/h, with 10 sprinklers of
1.5 m
/h at 2.0 bars, the friction losses are: 7/100 x 120 x 0.4 = 3.36 m
head of water. This figure must not exceed the maximum permissible,
which is 20 percent of the emitters average operating pressure, i.e. 2.0
bars x 0.20 = 0.4 bars (4 m) on level ground. Where the lateral slopes
downwards, the difference in elevation is added to the maximum
permissible loss of pressure. Similarly, it is deducted where the lateral
slopes upwards.
Due to the multiplicity of emitters with variable flow regimes and other
factors affecting the pressure/discharge relation along the laterals in the
field, such as local minor losses that occur at the connection of the
emitters on small-sized pipes and temperature fluctuations, the
manufacturers should always provide charts for the optimum length of
emitter laterals, based on the size of pipe, emitter spacing, operating
pressure, flow rate and slope.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 4.3
of outlets
F value
(m = 2.0)
of outlets
F value
(m = 2.0)
TABLE 4.1 - F factor for multiple outlets
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 4 System design 4.4
Manifolds, submain and main pipelines
On the manifolds, whether these pipelines are the submains or the
mains as well, a number of laterals are fed simultaneously. The flow of the
line is distributed en route, as in the laterals with the emitters.
Consequently, when computing the friction losses, Christiansens reduction
coefficient, F, is also considered. Example: 120 m of 75 mm HDPE, 6 bars,
manifold line, 16.3 m
/h, 6 laterals operating simultaneously; the friction
loss under full flow is 3.3 percent, i.e. 4.0 m x 0.42 = 1.7 m approximately.
The mains, submains and all hydrants are selected in such sizes that the
friction losses do not exceed approximately 15 percent of the total dynamic
head required at the beginning of the systems piped network. On level
ground, these friction losses amount to about 20 percent of the emitters
fixed operating pressure. This is a practical rule for all pressurized systems
to achieve uniform pressure conditions and water distribution at any point
of the systems. Figure 4.1 below should not be confused with or related in
any way to the maximum permissible friction losses along the laterals.
In the above figure, Pa is the average emitter pressure, or fixed pressure
taken from the catalogue; Pn is the lateral inlet pressure; Po = 0.95 Pa is
the distal end emitter pressure; and Pm is the pressure at the inlet of the
main line.
Pn - Po = 0.20 Pa;
Po = Pn 1.21;
Pn = 1.15 Pa;
Pm = 1.35 Pa.
FIGURE 4.1 - Operating pressure required for pressurized systems.
The friction loss in a lateral with emitters is very high at the beginning
and drops rapidly after the first few outlets and then more gradually toward
the end of the line. In the upper one-fourth of the lateral the friction loss is
approximately 75 percent of the total. Another important element is the
flow velocity in the mains, submains and hydrants. This value should
always be kept below 1.7 m/s in plastic tubes and a maximum of 2 m/s in
other pipes (steel, aluminium, etc.). From the flow velocity formula,
V = Q/A, the pipe inside diameter is determined for a given flow:
The component parts of the head control and their size are in
accordance with the system requirements. In micro-irrigation systems the
units are complete with filters and fertilizer injectors, while in sprinkler
and hose irrigation systems the head controls are simple with the
minimum of equipment. The friction losses in the various component parts
vary accordingly from 3 to 10 m.
The friction loss formulas are empirical and include many variables and
correction factors. In calculating the pipe friction losses from equations,
extensive practical experience is needed. In view of the fact that great
accuracy is not possible due to the unpredictable changes in pipe
roughness, water viscosity, nozzle wear, clogging, etc., the use of friction
loss tables and nomographs is recommended.
The total pressure head or dynamic head required for the normal
operation of the system is the sum of the following pressures (Table 4.2):
diameter(mm) 18.8
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 4.5
Pressure at the emitter
Friction losses in the lateral line
Friction losses in the manifold
Friction losses in the submains and in the main line
Friction losses in the valves and pipe fittings and minor losses
(usually up to 15 percent of the total losses in the pipes)
Difference in elevation (plus or minus)
Loss of pressure in the head control
Total pressure head of system
Metres head
Metres head
Metres head
Metres head
Metres head
Metres head
Metres head
Metres head
TABLE 4.2 - Total pressure head of system
This is the sum of the systems total head plus the pumping lift. The
brake horsepower formula is:
where Q is the flow capacity in cubic metres per hour, TDH is
expressed in metres, e1 is the pump efficiency (fraction), e2 is the driving
efficiency (fraction), and 270 is a constant for metric units.
Pump efficiency: 0.50.8;
Electric motor efficiency: 0.70.9;
Diesel engine efficiency: 0.50.75.
The overall pumping efficiency under field conditions ranges
accordingly from 0.35 in engine driven units to 0.50 in motor driven
pumps. Higher efficiencies are not realistic.
e e

270 1 2
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 4 System design 4.6
Equipment, standards and
tenders for supply
With the completion of the design, a detailed list of all the equipment
needed (bill of quantities) for the installation of the system must be
prepared with full descriptions, standards and specifications for every item.
The preparation of this list is of great importance. In addition to the
quantities, it is imperative to determine and specify:
size and name (2 inches ball valve, 50 mm pipe, etc.);
kind of material (brass, uPVC, etc.);
pressure rating (PN 16 bars, 6 bars, etc.);
type of joints (screw, solvent welded, etc.);
standards complied with (ISO 161, 3606, BS 21, ISO 7, etc.).
Three different lists may be prepared: one for the mains, submains and
manifolds with the hydrants; one for the laterals with the emitters; and one
for the head control. Sizes will have already been decided on during the
design stage.
A closed pipe pressurized system installation consists of pipes of
different working pressures according to the location. The main pipelines
are subjected to higher pressures than the submains, manifolds and laterals,
therefore the main lines should be stronger than the other pipelines. The
working pressure of the pipes to be installed should always be higher than
the systems operating pressure. For example, in a micro-jet (minisprinkler)
installation the approximate operating pressure is 2.32.5 bars in the
laterals, 2.52.7 bars in the manifolds and 2.73.0 bars in the mains. A pipe
working pressure of 4.0 bars seems to meet the requirements of the system.
However, although the low to medium pressure systems are not subjected
to the very high pressures created by water hammer, it is advisable to use
6.0 bar pipes for the main line and 4.0 bars for the other pipelines.
The most widely used kinds of pipes for these lines are rigid PVC,
HDPE, LDPE and quick coupling light steel or aluminium. The following
must be determined:
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 5.1
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 5 Equipment, standards and tenders for supply 5.2
total length and pieces of the pipelines (about 5 percent should be
added to the total);
quantities of pipe connector fittings (bends, tees, end plugs, reducers,
etc.) of the same type of connection to be used with the above pipes;
number of bends, tee outlets and clamp saddles, which have two
different types of connections, e.g. tee 90 mm x 90 mm x 2 inches
(internal threaded), bend 110 mm x 3 inches (flanged);
quantity of adaptors (starters). These fittings have one end threaded or
flanged and the other end arranged in the same type of connection as
the pipes. They are used at the starting point of the pipelines and at
any other point where valves are fitted;
number of shut-off and air valves on the distribution network. The air
valves are fitted on riser pipes connected with clamp saddles on the
quantities of the riser pipes for the hydrants, if the mains are buried,
and of the shut-off valves or the special hydrant valves. If the mains
are not buried, then the fittings for connecting clamp saddles with the
shut-off valves must be determined. The number of these fittings is
equal to the number of the hydrants.
Quick coupling and LDPE pipes are used as surface laterals in the
majority of the systems. The following must be determined:
total length of pipes required;
quantities of adaptors, tees, bends, end plugs and line filters;
total number of emitters and their connector fittings if any, e.g.
minisprinkler complete with plunger, connecting flexible tube and
plastic wedge, or specify in terms of set, e.g. minisprinkler complete set.
All the components of the head control of the system must be
determined, i.e. shut-off valves, check valve, air valve, fertilizer injector,
filters, pressure regulators, etc. In addition, all the auxiliary fittings must be
included, such as the pipe pieces, hoses and fittings needed to assemble
the unit, and the pressure gauges and other small devices required.
A full and detailed description of the pumping unit must be given,
including the following:
the average break horsepower (BHP) calculated of the driving force
and the type (engine or motor);
the kind of pump (centrifugal single or multi-stage, turbine,
electrosubmersible), the inlet and outlet diameter, and the type and
number of stages;
the capacity and output of the pumping unit, i.e. the water delivery
versus the dynamic head.
Standards are consensus documents developed by task groups and
technical committees to specify mechanical, functional and other
requirements of irrigation equipment (workmanship, materials, dimensions,
pressures, test methods, supply and delivery conditions). The continuing
development of new standards follows the accelerated pace of the
technological development in the field of pressurized irrigation techniques.
However, some old standards may be used as an indication of the basic
needs. All pipes, pipe fittings and other irrigation equipment are
manufactured according to various standards applied in the countries of
origin. These standards, although equivalent to each other, vary in terms of
the dimensioning, the class rating, the safety factor and the nomenclature.
Much technical engineering effort has been devoted by the International
Standards Organization (ISO) to the establishing of international standards
and specifications so that all national and regional standards are in broad
The general policy in many countries is to adopt gradually the European
Standards (EN) and to withdraw any conflicting national standards. The EN
are prepared by the Technical Committees of the European Committee for
Standardization (CEN/TC) and is given the status of national standards in
most for the European countries and the United Kingdom. Each EN forms
part of a System Standard based on the results of the work undertaken by
corresponding ISO/TC. The System Standards are consistent with general
standards on function and installation and supported by separate standards
on test methods to which references are made throughout the System
Standards. Also EN incorporate provisions of other publications.
However, at present the variety of standards causes small farmers a
great deal of confusion regarding thermoplastic irrigation equipment. In
Table 5.1 below is an example of a 4 inches rigid PVC pipe, 6.0 bars, in
two different national standards:
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 5.3
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 5 Equipment, standards and tenders for supply 5.4
The description of the equipment should be as clear and simple as
possible. An example with the minimum specifications required for two
items is as follows:
Item 1: Black LDPE pipe, PN 4.0 bars, to DIN 8072 or equivalent
standards in compliance with ISO standards, supplied in coils
of 200 m:
a. 32 mm DN, 1 800 m;
b. 25 mm DN, 3 200 m.
Item 2: Polypropylene connector fittings manufactured to ISO metric
dimensions. Quick release, compression type and/or threaded
(screw-type) ends male or female, to ISO 7 or BS 21, PN 10
bars for use with the above PE pipes:
a. 63 mm x 2 inches (male) adaptor, 7 pieces;
b. 63 mm x 2 inches (female) clamp saddle, 2 pieces;
c. 50 mm x 2 (male) adaptor, 2 pieces.
Should the equipment not comply with any standard, due to many
reasons, a full technical description should be given of the material it is
made of, the working pressure and the use. The latter is important because
the fittings should be made of material recommended for use with the
particular pipe.
Most of the irrigation equipment should meet the appropriate material,
dimensional, and quality requirements recommended in the specifications
in Table 5.2.
TABLE 5.1 - A 4 inches rigid PVC pipe (6.0 bars) in two different national standards
to DIN 8062 to ASTM D2241
(SDR 4.1)
Nominal diameter 110.0 mm 4 inches
Outside diameter 110.0 mm 114.3 mm
Inside diameter 103.6 mm 108.7 mm
Wall thickness 3.2 mm 2.8 mm
Working pressure 6.0 bars 6.8 bars (100 psi)
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 5.5
TABLE 5.2 - Equipment standards and specifications
Standard name: Standard description:
ASAE EP419.1 February 2003 Evaluation of Irrigation Furrows
ASAE EP405.1 february 2003 Design and Installation of Microirrigation Systems
ANSI/ASAE S261.7 December 2001 Design and Installation of Nonreinforced Concrete Irrigation Pipe Systems
ASAE S526.2 January 2001 Soil and Water Terminology
ASAE S491 February 2003 Graphic Symbols for Pressurized Irrigation System Design
ANSI/ASAE S395 February 2003 Safety for Self-Propelled, Hose-Drag Agricultural Irrigation Systems
BSR/ASAE S577-200x Specification for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Irrigation Pipe (PIP) Fittings
ANSI/ASAE S376.2 February 2004 Design, installation and Performance of Underground,
Thermoplastic Irrigation Pipelines
ANSI/ASAE S436.1 December 2001 Test Procedure for Determining the Uniformity of Water Distribution
of Center Pivot and Lateral Move Irrigation Machines Equipped with Spray
or Sprinkler Nozzles
ANSI/ASAE S330.1 February 2003 Procedure for Sprinkler Distribution Testing for Research Purposes
ANSI/ASAE S539 February 2003 Media Filters for Irrigation - Testing and Performance Reporting
ASAE S447 February 2003 Procedure For Testing and Reporting Pressure Losses in Irrigation Valves
ANSI/ASAE S397.2 February 2003 Electrical Service and Equipment for Irrigation
ASAE EP409.1 February 2004 Safety Devices for Chemigation
ASAE S435 February 2004 Polyethylene Pipe Used for Microirrigation Laterals
ASAE S398.1 january 2001 Procedure for Sprinkler Testing and Performance Reporting
ASAE EP367.2 February 2003 Guide for Preparing Field Sprayer Calibration Procedures
ASAE S327.2 February 2003 Terminology and Definitions for Agricultural Chemical Application
ANSI/ASAE S553 march 2001 Collapsible Emitting Hose (Drip Tape) Specifications and Performance Testing
ASAE EP369.1 December 1999 Design of Agricultural Drainage Pumping Plants
ASAE S561 February 2003 Procedure for Measuring Drift Deposits from Ground, Orchard,
and Aerial Sprayers
ASAE EP400.2T February 2003 Designing and Constructing Irrigation Wells
ASAE EP285.7 January 2001 Use of SI (Metric) Units
ASAE S431.3 February 1999 Safety Signs
ANSI/ASAE S397.2 February 2003 Electrical Service and Equipment for Irrigation
ASAE S471 February 2003 Procedure for Measuring Sprayer Nozzle Wear Rate
ASAE S263 Minimum Standards for Aluminum Tubing
ISO 7714:2000 Agricultural irrigation equipment Volumetric valves
General requirements and test methods
ISO 7749-1:1995 Agricultural irrigation equipment Rotating sprinklers
Part 1: Design and operational requirements
ISO 8026:1995 Agricultural irrigation equipment Sprayers
ISO 8026:1995/Amd 1:2000 General requirements and test methods
ISO/TR 8059:1986 Irrigation equipment Automatic irrigation systems Hydraulic control
ISO 8224-1:2003 Traveller irrigation machines
Part 1: Operational characteristics and laboratory and field test methods
ISO 8224-2: 1991 Traveller irrigation machines
Part 2: Soft wall hose and couplings Test methods
ISO 8779:2001 Polyethylene (PE) pipes for irrigation laterals Specifications
ISO 8796:2004 Polyethylene (PE) 32 and PE 40 pipes for irrigation laterals
Susceptibility to environmental stress-cracking induced by insert-type fittings
Test method and requirements
ISO 9261:2004 Agricultural irrigation equipment Emitters and emitting pipe
Specification and test methods
ISO 9625:1993 Mechanical joint fittings for use with polyethylene pressure pipes
for irrigation purposes
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 5 Equipment, standards and tenders for supply 5.6
TABLE 5.2 - Equipment standards and specifications (contd)
Standard name: Standard description:
ISO 9635-1:2006 Agricultural irrigation equipment Irrigation valves
Part 1: General requirements
ISO 9635-2:2006 Agricultural irrigation equipment Irrigation valves Part 2: Isolating valves
ISO 9635-3:2006 Agricultural irrigation equipment Irrigation valves Part 3: Check valves
ISO 9635-4:2006 Agricultural irrigation equipment Irrigation valves Part 4: Air valves
ISO 9635-5:2006 Agricultural irrigation equipment Irrigation valves Part 5: Control valves
ISO 9644:1993 Agricultural irrigation equipment Pressure losses in irrigation valves
ISO 9644:1993/Amd 1:1998 Test method
ISO 9911:2006 Agricultural irrigation equipment Manually operated small plastics valves
ISO 9912-1:2004 Agricultural irrigation equipment Filters for micro-irrigation
Part 1: Terms, definitions and classification
ISO 9912-2:1992 Agricultural irrigation equipment Filters Part 2: Strainer-type filters
ISO 9912-3:1992 Agricultural irrigation equipment Filters
Part 3: Automatic self-cleaning strainer-type filters
ISO 10522:1993 Agricultural irrigation equipment Direct-acting pressure-regulating valves
ISO 11545:2001 Agricultural irrigation equipment Centre-pivot and moving lateral irrigation
machines with sprayer or sprinkler nozzles Determination of uniformity of
water distribution
ISO 11678:1996 Agricultural irrigation equipment Aluminium irrigation tubes
ISO 11738:2000 Agricultural irrigation equipment Control heads
ISO 12347:1995 Agricultural irrigation Wiring and equipment for electrically driven
or controlled irrigation machines
ISO 13457:2000 Agricultural irrigation equipment Water-driven chemical injector pumps
ISO 13460:1998 Agricultural irrigation equipment Plastics saddles for polyethylene pressure pipes
ISO 15081:2005 Agricultural irrigation equipment Graphical symbols for pressurized
irrigation systems
ISO 15873:2002 Irrigation equipment Differential pressure Venturi-type liquid additive injectors
ISO 15886-1:2004 Agricultural irrigation equipment Sprinklers
Part 1: Definitions of terms and classification
ISO 15886-3:2004 Agricultural irrigation equipment Sprinklers
Part 3:Characterization of distribution and test methods
ISO 16149:2006 Agricultural irrigation equipment PVC above-ground low-pressure pipe for
surface irrigation Specifications and test methods
ISO 4065 Thermoplastics pipes Universal wall thickness table
ISO 7-1:1994 Pipe threads where pressure-tight joints are made on the threads
Part 1: Dimensions, tolerances and designation
ISO 7-2:2000 Pipe threads where pressure-tight joints are made on the threads
Part 2: Verification by means of limit gauges
ISO 49:1994/Cor 1:1997 Malleable cast iron fittings threaded to ISO 7-1
ISO 4422-1:1996 Pipes and fittings made of unplasticised poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U)
for water supply Specifications Part 1: General
ISO 4422-2:1996 Pipes and fittings made of unplasticised poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) for
water supply Specifications - Part 2: Pipes (with or without integral sockets)
ISO 4422-3:1996 Pipes and fittings made of unplasticised poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U)
ISO 4422-4:1997 Pipes and fittings made of unplasticised poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) for
water supply Specifications - Part 4: Valves and ancillary equipment
ISO 4422-5:1997 Pipes and fittings made of unplasticised poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) for
water supply Specifications - Part 5: Fitness for purpose of the system
for water supply Specifications - Part 3: Fittings and joints
ASTM D1785-06 Standard Specification for Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe,
Schedules 40, 80, and 120
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 5.7
TABLE 5.2 - Equipment standards and specifications (contd)
Standard name: Standard description:
ASTM D2241-05 Standard Specification for Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Pressure-Rated
Pipe (SDR Series)
ASTM D2447-03 Standard Specification for Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40
and 80, Based on Outside Diameter
ASTM D2464-99 Standard Specification for Threaded Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic
Pipe Fittings, Schedule 80
ASTM D2466-02 Standard Specification for (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings,
Schedule 40
ASTM D2467-02 Standard Specification for (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings,
Schedule 80
ASTM D2609-02 Standard Specification for Plastic Insert Fittings for Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe
ASTM D2683-98 Standard Specification for Socket-Type Polyethylene Fittings for Outside
Diameter-Controlled Polyethylene Pipe and Tubing
ASTM D2683-04 Standard Specification for Socket-Type Polyethylene Fittings for Outside
Diameter-Controlled Polyethylene Pipe and Tubing
ASTM D3139-98(2005) Standard Specification for joints for Plastic Pressure Pipes Using Flexible
Elastometric Seals
ASTM D3261-03 Standard Specification for Butt Heat Fusion Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Fittings
for Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe and Tubing
BS 21:1985 Specification for pipe threads for tubes and fittings where pressure-tight joints
are made on the threads (metric dimensions) (equivalent to ISO 7-2:1982)
BS 3867:1987 Method of specifying outside diameters and pressure ratings for pipe of
thermoplastics materials (inch series) (equivalent to ISO 161-2:1977)
BS 4346 (Part 13) Joints and fittings for use with unplasticized PVC pressure pipes
BS 143 and 1256:2000 Threaded pipe fittings in malleable cast iron and cast copper alloy
DIN 2440/41/42 Steel tubes (Medium-Weight) suitable for screwing
DIN 2999 (16) Pipe threads for tubes and fittings
DIN 8062 (1988) Unplasticised polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U, PVC-HI) pipes Dimensions
DIN 8072 (1987) Pipes of low-density PE (low-density polyethylene) Dimensions
DIN 8074 (1999) High-density polyethylene (PE-HD) pipes Dimensions
DIN 8075 (1999) High-density polyethylene (PE-HD) pipes Testing
DIN 8161 (1994) Unplasticised polyvinyl chloride pipes General quality requirements and testing
EN 2452-2 Plastic piping systems for water supply - Unplasticized Poly(vinil chloride)
(PVC-U) Part 2: Pipes
EN 12201-2 Plastic piping system for water supply Polyethylene (PE) Part 2: Pipes
ASAE: The Society for Engineering in Agriculture, Food, and Biological Systems
(former American Society of Agricultural Engineers).
ANSI: American National Standards Institute.
ASTM: American Society for Testing Material.
BS: British Standards.
DIN: Deutsches Institut fr Normung (German standards).
ISO: International Standards Organization.
EN: European Standard.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 5 Equipment, standards and tenders for supply 5.8
The purchasing of irrigation equipment or execution of services, such as
the installation, operation and maintenance of irrigation networks and or
pumps, should be subject to public tender.
For equipment and services up to a value of US$500, the purchase can
be effected through quotations, i.e. written quotations may be asked from
a representative number (23) of suppliers. Where the value of the
equipment exceeds a certain amount, e.g. US$600, their purchase should
be affected through tender. This is done in accordance with the stores
regulations applied in the project or the country concerned.
Wide publicity should be given to every notice inviting tenders (invitation
for tenders). This must include the name of the buyer, a brief description of
the items for which tenders are invited, the address for delivery of equipment,
and the closing date and time of the tenders. Moreover, it should include a
statement that the buyer is not bound to accept the lowest or any other
tender, and also state to whom the bidders must apply for full particulars.
In the case of local tenders for the purchase of relatively limited
quantities, the tender document that must be available and given to
prospective bidders on request should include only the general conditions
of the tender and the technical specifications of goods. It is important that
all required conditions be clearly stated in detail in the tender document,
including the time and method of delivery, i.e. FOB (Free on board), CIF
(Cost insurance and freight), ex-stock; method of payment, i.e. letter of
credit, cash against documents, payment on delivery, etc.; and other
related information. For tenders over US$3 000, bidders should furnish a
bank guarantee or cheque equal to 10 percent of the value of the tender
price. An example of this kind of tender is given below
In the case of international bids, the contract documents must include,
in detail, the following:
invitation for bids (as described above);
instructions to bidders (source of funds, eligible bidders, goods and
services, cost, content of bidding documents, preparation and
submission of bids, opening and evaluation, award of contract, etc.);
general conditions of contract (definitions, country of origin and
standards, performance, security, inspection and tests, insurance,
transportation, warranty, payment, amendments, delays, force
majeure, etc.);
special conditions;
technical specifications (general, materials and workmanship,
schedules of requirements/bill of quantities [Table 5.3], and particular
technical requirements/specifications [Table 5.4]);
bid form and price schedules;
contract form, bid security and performance security.
Tenders for the supply of irrigation equipment
Tenders are hereby invited for the supply of irrigation equipment
required for a private farm in the Project area, as per attached quantities,
description and specification.
General conditions of tenders
Price: Bidders to quote prices per unit and total, CIF nearest port,
Republic of , full liner terms, including bank charges on the attached
price schedules. Prices to be firm for at least 90 calendar days from the
closing date of tender.
Delivery: Date of delivery in the project site should not exceed 60 days
from the time of awarding the tender.
The tenders should be sealed and addressed to the General Manager,
Irrigation Project, P.O. Box 5564. Tenders should be marked TENDER
on the envelope and should reach Project main offices not later than 31
December 2007.
The bidder shall be prepared to accept the prices tendered by him. The
tender shall become binding and be carried into effect upon being
accepted by the Project. Should the bidder delay execution of the
tender or refuse to execute the tender, the bidder shall be liable for any
expenses incurred by the Project.
Payment: The Project shall make all necessary arrangements towards the
opening of the letter of credit in US dollars for goods to be supplied in its
name and on behalf of the supplier within seven days after receiving the
import licence. The Project shall make a first payment of 50 percent of
the value of the tender upon submission of all the necessary shipping
documents. Such documents shall reach the Project at least one month
before the scheduled date of arrival of goods into the port of entry. A
second payment of 50 percent of the value of contract shall be paid to
the supplier after receipt of goods at Projects store and issuing certificate
of acceptance in accordance with the technical specifications.
Insurance to cover all the risks for the CIF value, plus 10 percent from
warehouse up to the Projects stores.
Bidders to quote the country of origin. It is imperative to quote for the
items according to the specifications and standards as per the attached
list. Otherwise, full details are required.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 5.9
TABLE 5.3 - Bill of quantities
Bidders should provide a guarantee of excellent workmanship and
against faulty material of not less than 12 months.
Selected candidates should confirm by fax without delay their receipt of
the invitation to tender.
Tenders shall not be considered unless all the above conditions have
been strictly observed.
Tenders to be submitted in duplicate.
The Project does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 5 Equipment, standards and tenders for supply 5.10
Item Description Unit Quantity Rate (US$) Amount (US$)
1. HDPE pipe 75 mm m 300
2. HDPE pipe 63 mm m 650
3. HDPE pipe 50 mm m 100
4. LDPE pipe 25 mm m 3 600
5. LDPE pipe 16 mm m 1 400
6. Clamp saddle 75 mm x 2 in (F) pcs 8
7. Clamp saddle 63 mm x in (F) pcs 70
8. Clamp saddle 50 mm x in (F) pcs 10
9. Adaptor (starter) 75 mm x 3 in (M) pcs 1
10. Adaptor (starter) 63 mm x 2 in (M) pcs 7
11. Adaptor (starter) 50 mm x 2 in (M) pcs 1
12. Adaptor (starter) 25 mm x in (M) pcs 240
13. Adaptor (starter) 16 mm x in (M) pcs 150
14. Coupling 75 mm pcs 2
15. Coupling 63 mm pcs 4
16. Coupling 50 mm pcs 1
17. Coupling 25 mm pcs 30
18. Coupling 16 mm pcs 10
19. Tee 50 x 50 x 50 mm pcs 1
20. Tee 25 x 25 x 25 mm pcs 10
21. Tee 25 mm x in (M) pcs 10
22. Tee 25 mm x in (F) pcs 150
23. Cross 2 pcs 1
24. Nipple hexagon 2 in pcs 8
25. Nipple hexagon in pcs 80
26. End plug 75 mm pcs 1
27. End plug 63 mm pcs 10
28. End plug 50 mm pcs 1
29. Ball valve 2 in pcs 8
30. Ball valve in pcs 80
31. Filter strainer 3 in pcs 1
32. Dripper emitter 24 litres/h pcs 5 000
33. Sprinkler pop-up full circle pcs 4
34. Air valve in pcs 2
35. Valve box pcs 8
36. Excavation of trench and backfill m 1 050
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 5.11
number Equipment specification
1,2,3 Black HDPE pipes, PN 6.0 bars, in accordance with CYS104: Part 1: 1985 (Cyprus Standard) or equivalent
other national standards in compliance with ISO. Supplied in 100 and 60 m rolls.
4,5 Black LDPE pipes, PN 4.0 bars, in accordance with CYS106: Part 1, Part 2: 1985 or equivalent other national
standards in compliance with ISO. Supplied in 200 m rolls.
6-28 Polypropylene connector fittings for use with PE Pipes to CYS and ISO dimensions, quick release compression
type and/or screw ends to BS 21, or ISO 7, PN 10 bars.
29,30 Ball valves, quarter-turn, on-off operation, made of brass, PN 16 bars to BS 5154, threaded to BS 21, or ISO 7.
31 Filter (strainer), screen type, or grooved disks, 120 mesh/130 micron, epoxy coated metal body, or other high
quality material, PN 10, complete with pressure inspection valves, wash-out drain valve, threaded connection
to BS 21.
32 On-line, point-source dripper emitters, turbulence flow made of high quality plastic material, 24 litres/h
discharge, 1.0 bar operating pressure, cv < 7%, filtration requirements 120 mesh/130 micron.
33 Pop-up sprinkler rotary gear driven full circle, 0.70.8 m
/h discharge at 22.5 bars operating pressure, radius
7 m, interchangeable nozzle, c/with small strainer, drain mechanism and plastic cover, threaded (F)
connection inch to BS 21.
35 Valve boxes, made of reinforced plastic or any other material, with cutout openings for pipe on opposite sides
of the open bottom, c/with tight-fitting lids or covers on the top. Approximate dimensions: 33 cm x 45 cm
(base) x 30 cm height.
36 The trench should be as uniform and level as possible, free of large stones and any other sharp-edged
materials. Where required it must be filled with embedment material such as grained soil or sand to a depth
of 10 cm. Trench dimensions should be 60 cm minimum depth for the 75 mm pipe and 50 cm for the 63 and
50 mm pipes, and 35 cm minimum width in all cases.
TABLE 5.4 - Equipment specification
Irrigation scheduling
Irrigation scheduling is one of the factors that influence the agronomic
and economic viability of small farms. It is important for both water
savings and improved crop yields. The irrigation water is applied to the
cultivation according to predetermined schedules based upon the
monitoring of:
the soil water status;
the crop water requirements.
The type of soil and climatic conditions have a significant effect on
the main practical aspects of irrigation, which are the determination of
how much water should be applied and when it should be applied to a
given crop.
In addition to the basic factors relevant to the preparation of irrigation
schedules examined below, other important elements should also be
considered, such as crop tolerance and sensitivity to water deficit at
various growth stages, and optimum water use.
Table 6.1 presents a summary table of soil physical properties.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 6.1
Type of soil
Saturation capacity (SC) % weight
Field capacity (FC) % weight
Wilting point (WP) % weight
Bulk density(volume weight)
Soil available water (moisture) by volume
(FC-WP x bulk density)
Available moisture (Sa) in mm per metre soil
depth (FC-WP x bulk density x 10)
Soil water tension in bars:
at field capacity
at wilting point
Time required from saturation to field capacity
Infiltration rate
Heavy (fine)
1.01.2 g/cm
160200 mm
3689 h
26 mm/h
1.21.4 g/cm
120 mm
2436 h
816 mm/h
(coarse) texture
1.41.6 g/cm
60 mm
1824 h
2575 mm/h
TABLE 6.1 - Soil physical properties (average values)
The field capacity (FC) of a 45-cm layer of soil is 18 percent. How
much water in cubic metres per hectare does this layer hold?
FC = 18 %, WP = FC 1.85 = 9.7 %, Sa = 18-9.7 = 8.3 %;
Bulk density = 1.2 g/cm
; Sa mm/m = 8.3 x 1.2 x 10 = 99.6, Sa mm/45
cm = 8.3 x 1.2 x 10 x 0.45 = 44.8 mm; m
/ha = 0.0996 1 x 0.45 x 10 000
(1 ha) = 448.2, or m
/ha = Sa (mm/m) x depth of layer (m) x 10.
Therefore, the answer is 448.2 m
This is the soil depth from which the plants take nearly 80 percent of
their water needs, mostly from the upper part where the root system is
denser. The rooting depths depend on the plant physiology, the type of soil,
and the water availability (kind of irrigation). Indicative figures are
presented in FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper No. 24, Table 39.
In general, vegetables (beans, tomatoes, potatoes, onions, peanuts,
cucumbers, etc.) are shallow rooted, about 5060 cm; fruit trees, cotton
and some other plants have medium root depths, 80120 cm. Alfalfa,
sorghum, and maize have deeper roots (Table 6.2). Moreover, rooting
depths vary according to age.
The fraction of moisture in the soil which amounts to 2070 percent of
the total available moisture (Sa) and is easily absorbed by the plants
(without any stress that results in yield reduction) is called readily available
moisture. It is a product of Sa multiplied by p, which represents the
maximum permissible depletion of available water (moisture). The p value
differs according to the kind of plant, the root depth, the climatic
conditions and the irrigation techniques. Values for p are given in FAO
Irrigation and Drainage Paper No. 33, Tables 19 and 20, and vary from
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 6 Irrigation scheduling 6.2
August September October November December January
Maize - 0.4 0.9 1.2 1.2 -
Cotton 0.4 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 -
Tomato - - 0.3 0.7 0.9 0.9
TABLE 6.2 - Example of rooting depth (metres) during the growing season
0.25 in shallow rooted sensitive crops to 0.70 in deep rooted tolerant
crops. Table 23 of the same paper provides information on the sensitive
growth periods of different crops.
Field observations have shown that the lower the soil moisture
depletion (p), the better the crop development and yield. Hence, the
recommended p values are:
0.200.30 for shallow rooted seasonal crops;
0.400.60 for deep rooted field crops and mature trees.
Irrigation takes place when the permissible percentage (p) of available
water (Sa) is depleted from the root depth, i.e. to replenish the depleted
water. Therefore:
Net depth of irrigation dose (d) (mm) = (Sa p) D
where Sa is the available water in millimetres per metre, p is the
permissible depletion (fraction), and D is the root depth (m).
Where Sa = 99 mm/m, p = 0.5, D = 0.4 m, what is the net irrigation
dose (d) in millimetres to replenish the moisture deficit?
d = 99 x 0.5 x 0.4 = 19.8 mm
The amount of water which evaporates from wet soils and plant surfaces
together with the plant transpiration is called evapotranspiration (ET). Its
value is largely determined by climate factors, such as solar radiation,
temperature, humidity and wind, and by the environment. Out of the total
evapotranspiration, evaporation accounts for about 10 percent and plant
transpiration for the remaining 90 percent. Crop water requirements
encompass the total amount of water used in evapotranspiration.
Alternative approaches for estimating the evapotranspiration, such as
the radiation, Penman and pan methods, are presented in FAO Irrigation
and Drainage Papers Nos. 24 and 33. Reference evapotranspiration (ETo)
represents the rate of evapotranspiration of green grass under ideal
conditions, 815 cm tall, with extensive vegetative cover completely
shading the ground. It is expressed as a mean value in millimetres per day
over a period of 1030 d.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 6.3
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 6 Irrigation scheduling 6.4
The most practical method for determining ETo is the pan evaporation
method. This approach combines the effects of temperature, humidity,
wind speed and sunshine. The best known pans are the Class A
evaporation pan (circular) and the Colorado sunken pan (square).
The evaporation from the pan is very near to the evapotranspiration
ofgrass that is taken as an index of ETo for calculation purposes. The pan
direct readings (Epan) are related to the ETo with the aid of the pan
coefficient (kpan), which depends on the type of pan, its location
(surroundings with or without ground cover vegetation) and the climate
(humidity and wind speed) (Table 6.3). Hence, ETo = Epan x kpan.
The kpan values for both types of pans are given in FAO Irrigation and
Drainage Paper No. 24, Tables 18 and 19. For the Class A pan the average
kpan is 0.70 and for the Colorado sunken pan it is 0.80.
In order to relate ETo to crop water requirements (ETc), the specific crop
coefficient (kc) must be determined: ETc = ETo x kc.
The crop coefficient (kc) depends on the crop leaf area and its
roughness, the stage of growth, the growing season and the prevailing
weather conditions (Table 6.4). Tables 6.5 and 6.6 list the kc values for
different crops at various growth stages.
Total net water requirement approximately 580 mm
(December taken as half)
TABLE 6.3 - Estimate of ETo in millimetres per day in the Wadi Tuban Delta
Month June July August September October November December
Epan 9.0 8.8 8.8 8.2 8.0 6.5 5.7
kpan average 0.70
ETo 6.3 6.2 6.2 5.7 5.6 4.5 4.0
August September October November December
ETo mm/d 6.2 5.7 5.6 4.5 4.0
Cotton kc 0.4 0.7 1.1 1.0 0.8
Cotton ET cmm/d 2.5 4.0 6.2 4.5 3.2
Cotton ET cmm/month 78 120 192 135 99
TABLE 6.4 - Cotton, growing season August-December
In many areas, seasonal rain precipitation (P) might provide part of the
water requirements during the irrigation season. The amount of rainwater
retained in the root zone is called effective rainfall (Pe) and should be
deducted from the total irrigation water requirements calculated. It can be
roughly estimated as:
Pe = 0.8 P where P > 75 mm/month;
Pe = 0.6 P where P < 75 mm/month.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 6.5
Crop Initial Crop development Mid-season Late and harvest
Bean (green) 0.35 0.70 1.0 0.9
Bean (dry) 0.35 0.75 1.1 0.5
Cabbage 0.45 0.75 1.05 0.9
Carrot 0.45 0.75 1.05 0.9
Cotton 0.45 0.75 1.15 0.75
Cucumber 0.45 0.70 0.90 0.75
Eggplant 0.45 0.75 1.15 0.80
Groundnut 0.45 0.75 1.0 0.75
Lettuce 0.45 0.60 1.0 0.90
Maize (sweet) 0.40 0.80 1.15 1.0
Maize (grain) 0.40 0.75 1.15 0.70
Melon 0.45 0.75 1.0 0.75
Onion (green) 0.50 0.70 1.0 1.0
Onion (dry) 0.50 0.75 1.05 0.85
Pea (fresh) 0.45 0.80 1.15 1.05
Pepper 0.35 0.75 1.05 0.90
Potato 0.45 0.75 1.15 0.75
Spinach 0.45 0.60 1.0 0.90
Squash 0.45 0.70 0.90 0.75
Sorghum 0.35 0.75 1.10 0.65
Sugar beet 0.45 0.80 1.15 0.80
Sugar cane 0.45 0.85 1.15 0.65
Sunflower 0.35 0.75 1.15 0.55
Tomato 0.45 0.75 1.15 0.80
TABLE 6.5 - Crop factor (kc) for seasonal crops (average figures)
Crop Young Mature
Banana 0.50 1.10
Citrus 0.30 0.65
Apple, cherry, walnut 0.45 0.85
Almond, apricot, pear, peach, pecan, plum 0.40 0.75
Grape, palm tree 0.70 0.70
Kiwi 0.90 0.90
Olive 0.55 0.55
Alfalfa 0.35 1.1
TABLE 6.6 - Crop factor (kc) for permanent crops
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 6 Irrigation scheduling 6.6
Another element to consider when estimating crop water requirements
is the percentage of the field area (ground) covered by the cultivation. A
reduction factor, expressed as kr, is applied to the conventional ET crop
calculations. This factor is slightly higher, by about 15 percent, than the
actual ground covered by the crop. For example, if the actual ground
cover is 70 percent, kr = 0.70 x 1.15 = 0.80.
This is the number of days between two consecutive irrigations, i = d
ETc, where d is the net depth of irrigation application (dose) in millimeters
and ETc is the daily crop evapotranspiration in millimetres per day.
Where d is 19.8 mm, and ETc is 2.5 mm/d, then i = 19.8 2.5 = 8 days.
The amount of water to be stored in the root zone is estimated as the
net irrigation dose (d). However, during the irrigation process, considerable
water loss occurs through evaporation, seepage, deep percolation, etc. The
amount lost depends on the efficiency of the system (Table 6.7). Irrigation
field application efficiency is expressed as:
where, d is water stored in the rootzone and Water Applied (gross) is
the irrigation water.
The net irrigation dose (d) for an area of 1 ha is 19.8 mm, i.e. 198 m
The water delivered during irrigation is 280 m
. What is the application
Ea = 198 x 100 280 = 70.7 percent, or expressed as a fraction, 0.70.
The remaining 30 percent of water applied is lost.
Ea 100
Water Applied (gross)
Given the irrigation efficiency as a fraction, i.e. Ea = 0.60 (60 percent),
the gross depth of irrigation application or gross irrigation dose (dg) is
calculated as follows:
The salinity level in the root zone is related directly to the water quality,
the amount of fertilizers and the irrigation application depth. A high salt
content in the soil is controlled by leaching (see Chapter 7 Water Quality).
An excess amount of water, 1015 percent, is applied during the irrigation
where necessary for leaching purposes. In this way a portion of the water
percolates through and below the root zone carrying with it a portion of
the accumulated soluble salts. The leaching requirements (LR) are
considered for the calculation of the gross irrigation application (d).
The minimum flow capacity of any irrigation system should be the one
that can meet the water requirements of the area under irrigation at peak
where Q is the system flow in cubic metres per hour, A is the area in
hectares, dg is the gross irrigation application depth (irrigation dose) in
minimumQ 10 A
Ea (fraction)
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 6.7
Earth canal network surface methods
Lined canal network surface methods
Pressure piped network surface methods
Hose irrigation systems
Low-medium pressure sprinkler systems
Microsprinklers, micro-jets, minisprinklers
Drip irrigation
Ea %
TABLE 6.7 - Approximate application efficiency
of various on-farm irrigation systems and methods
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 6 Irrigation scheduling 6.8
millimetres, i is the interval in days between two irrigations at peak
demand, t is the operating hours per day, and 10 is a constant for hectares.
However, the minimum flow of the system should be the one that enables
the completion of irrigation at least two days before the next irrigation. This
allows time to repair any damage to the system or pumping unit. Therefore,
the value of i in the above formula should be reduced by two days.
The duration of application per irrigation is determined as:
where T is the total operating hours of the system.
In the following example (Table 6.8) the effective rainfall (Pe), the ground
cover (kr) and the leaching requirements (LR) are not considered. However,
these elements are important in localized micro-irrigation systems.
Crop: Cotton
Area: 1.5 ha.
Location: Tuban Delta.
Growing season: August-December.
Irrigation method: Pressure piped surface method.
Irrigation efficiency: 70 percent.
Soil of medium texture, Sa = 99 mm/m.
The peak demand is in October when ETc is 6.2 mm/d and the
irrigation frequency (interval) is 8 days. If the number of operating hours
per day is seven, the system flow should be:
T 10 A
August September October November December
Soil available water Sa mm/m 99 99 99 99 99
Depletion of available water p 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6
Cotton root depth D m 0.4 0.7 1.0 1.0 1.0
Net irrigation application d mm 19.8 41.6 59.4 59.4 59.4
Epan mm/d 8.8 8.2 8.0 6.5 5.7
kpan 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7
ETo mm/d 6.2 5.7 5.6 4.5 4.0
Cotton kc 0.4 0.7 1.1 1.0 0.8
Cotton ETc mm/d 2.5 4.0 6.2 4.5 3.2
Irrigation interval i days 8 10.5 9.6 13 18.5
Gross irrigation dose dg mm 28.3 59.4 85.0 85.0 85.0
Gross irrigation dose dg m
/h 425 891 1 275 1 275 1 275
TABLE 6.8 - Cotton example
The duration of application per irrigation would be as follows (Table 6.9):
August: T = 10 x 1.5 x 28.3 26 = 16.3 hours, i.e. 2 days;
September: T = 10 x 1.5 x 59.4 26 = 34.3 hours, i.e. 5 days;
October: T = 10 x 1.5 x 85.0 26 = 49.0 hours, i.e. 7 days;
November: T = 10 x 1.5 x 85.0 26 = 49.0 hours, i.e. 7 days;
December: T = 10 x 1.5 x 85.0 26 = 49.0 hours, i.e. 7 days.
The last irrigation on 26 November can last up to 9 December, i.e. until
harvest. The total amount of water that must be applied to this crop on an
area of 1.5 ha is: 11 598 m
plus 1 273 m
as the minimum amount for
pre-irrigation, for a total of 12 871 m
minimumQ 10
1.5ha 85mm
= 26m
/hr =
(9days 2days) 7hrs/day
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 6.9
End of July pre-sowing irrigation to wet 0.6 m soil depth 1 273 m
Beginning of August crop establishment
8 August irrigation 425 m
16 August irrigation 425 m
24 August irrigation 425 m
1 September irrigation 891 m
11 September irrigation 891 m
22 September irrigation 891 m
2 October irrigation 1 275 m
11 October irrigation 1 275 m
21 October irrigation 1 275 m
31 October irrigation 1 275 m
13 November irrigation 1 275 m
26 November irrigation 1 275 m
TABLE 6.9 - Irrigation programme
Water quality for irrigation
Irrigation waters whether derived from springs, diverted from streams, or
pumped from wells, contain appreciable quantities of chemical substances
in solution that may reduce crop yield and deteriorate soil fertility. In
addition to the dissolve salts, which has been the major problem for
centuries, irrigation water always carry substances derived from its natural
environment or from the waste products of mans activities (domestic and
industrial effluents). These substances may vary in a wide range, but
mainly consist of dirt and suspended solids (SS) resulting into the emitters
blockages in micro-irrigation systems and bacteria populations and
coliforms harmful to the humans and the animals.
In several studies carried out in the eighties on the various causes for
the clogging of the emitters, the engineers, based on the three major
interrelated factors contributing to that specific problem, classified the
water according to the chemical quality, the physical and the biological.
This classification although primary and simple seemed convenient for a
more or less broad evaluation to cover the whole spectrum of irrigation
waters quality for crop production. With the inclusion of reuse of treated
municipal wastewater in agriculture during that period, the water quality
considerations were broadened in order to cover all the physicochemical,
biological and microbiological properties of water that may cause any
impact on soil, plants, environment and the consumers, human or
livestock. The water quality evaluation method in this chapter, although in
brief, draws on the important parameters and criteria for a more or less
practical evaluation of the chemical, the physical and the biological
quality of the water for irrigation with pressurized techniques as follows:
a) Chemical, (salinity/toxicity hazards for the soil, the plants and the
irrigation system such as it is pipe corrosion and emitter chemical
b) Physical (emitters blockages problems from suspended solid particles
and other impurities content),
c) Biological (problems from bacteria and other contents harmful for
human and animal health as well as for the soil the plants and the
irrigation systems).
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 7.1
The information on the physical and biological evaluation is given in
brief as compared to the chemical evaluation. Yet an in-depth and
complete examination should include the soil physical properties and the
climatic conditions as well as many other factors with direct or indirect
influence on water use in agriculture and landscape.
Composition and concentration of soluble salts
Salinity is a common problem facing farmers who irrigate in arid
climates. This is because all irrigation waters contain soluble salts. Whether
derived from springs, diverted from streams, or pumped from wells, the
waters contain appreciable quantities of chemical substances in solution,
dissolved from the geological strata through and over which the waters
have flowed. Waters with a high salt content may have moved from a
saline water table. In areas with intensive agriculture, fertilization is a
major cause of aquifer salinization.
The composition of salts in water varies according to the source and
properties of the constituent chemical compounds. These salts include
substances such as gypsum (calcium sulphate, CaSO4.2H2O), table salt
(sodium chloride NaCl) and baking soda (sodium bicarbonate NaHCO3).
When dissolved in water, salts separate into ions; e.g. sodium chloride
breaks down into sodium and chloride ions. Thus, it is customary to refer
to ions rather than salts. The principle ions in irrigation water and their
characteristics are listed in Table 7.1.
All ions are expressed in the form of milligrams per litre (mg/litre or
ppm) and milliequivalents per litre (meq/litre). The latter unit is preferable
because water quality criteria involve milliequivalents per litre
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 7 Water quality for irrigation 7.2
TABLE 7.1 - Principle ions present in irrigation water
Ions Chemical symbol Equivalent weight
Anions (acidic ions)
Chloride Cl 35.5
Sulphate SO4 48
Carbonate CO3 30
Bicarbonate HCO3 61
Nitrate NO3 62
Cations (basic ions)
Sodium Na+ 23
Potassium K+ 39.1
Calcium Ca++ 20
Magnesium Mg++ 12.2
The conversion formula is:
Boron is also present in irrigation waters as un-ionized boric acid
expressed as boron element (B) in milligrams per litre. The salt
concentration in most irrigation waters ranges from 200 to 4 000 mg/litre
total dissolved solids (TDS). The pH of the water is also an indicator of its
quality and it normally ranges from 6.5 to 8.4.
The common method for evaluating the total salts content in water is by
measuring the electrical conductivity of water (ECw) at 25C. Electrical
conductivity is expressed in deciSiemens per metre. There is a relation
between the electrical conductivity and the concentration of salts in
milliequivalents per litre and in milligrams per litre when the ECw is in the
range of 15 dS/m. Thus, every 10 meq/litre of salts (cation concentration)
create 1 dS/m ECw. The relationship between electrical conductivity and
total dissolved salts (TDS) is:
ECw (dS/m) x 640 = TDS (mg/litre)
The sum of cations should equal the sum of anions. The accuracy of the
chemical water analyses should be checked on the basis of the above
Effect of soluble salts on plants
The application of irrigation water to the soil introduces salts into the
root zone. Plant roots take in water but absorb very little salt from the soil
solution. Similarly, water evaporates from the soil surface but salts remain
behind. Both processes result in the gradual accumulation of salts in the
root zone, even with low salinity water. This situation may affect the plants
in two ways: a) by creating salinity hazards and water deficiency; and b)
by causing toxicity and other problems.
Salinity hazards and water deficiency
The build-up of salinity in the root zone increases the osmotic pressure
of the soil solution and causes a reduction in both the rate of water
absorption by the plants and the soil water availability. Thus, a continuous
water deficiency may exist even though the field is heavily irrigated. Plant
wilting symptoms may not become apparent, but growth and yield are
depressed. Under such circumstances it is not possible to maintain good
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 7.3
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 7 Water quality for irrigation 7.4
crop development conditions and obtain high yields. Instead, plant growth
is delayed and there is a considerable reduction in yield. Seed germination
is also affected by the presence of salts. It is usually delayed and in some
cases does not occur.
The level of salinity build-up depends on both the concentration and
the composition of salts in the water. Chloride is highly soluble and
remains in the soil solution, while sulphate and bicarbonate combine with
calcium and magnesium, where present, to form calcium sulphate and
calcium carbonate, which are sparingly soluble compounds.
Toxicity hazards
Many fruit trees and other cultivations are susceptible to injury from salt
toxicity. Chloride, sodium and boron are absorbed by the roots and
transported to the leaves where they accumulate. In harmful amounts, they
result in leaf burn and leaf necrosis. Moreover, direct contact during
sprinkling of water drops with a high chloride content may cause leaf burn
in high evaporation conditions. To some extent, bicarbonate is also toxic.
Other symptoms of toxicity include premature leaf drop, reduced growth
and reduced yield. In most cases, plants do not show clear toxicity
problems until it is too late to remedy the situation.
Chloride and sodium ions are both present in the solution. Thus, it is
difficult to determine whether the damage caused is due to the one or to
the other. Chloride ions in high concentrations are known to be harmful to
citrus and many woody and leafy field crops. A chloride content exceeding
10 meq/litre may cause severe problems to crops. The effect of sodium
toxicity is not very clear. However, it has been found that it may cause
some direct or indirect damage to many plants.
Boron is an essential element to the plants. However, where present in
excessive amounts, it is extremely toxic, even at relatively very low
concentrations of 0.6 mg/litre. Toxicity occurs with the uptake of boron
from the soil solution. The boron tends to accumulate in the leaves until it
becomes toxic to the leaf tissue and results in the death of the plant. In
arid regions, boron is considered the most harmful element in irrigation
Other problems
In addition to the moisture availability effect and the toxicity problems
to which the soluble salts contribute, certain salt constituents may interfere
with the normal nutrition of various crops. Bicarbonate ions in high
concentrations may affect the uptake of mineral nutrients and their
metabolism in the plant. Chlorotic symptoms in sensitive plants may be
due to the direct or indirect effects of bicarbonate, e.g. an increase in soil
Excessive nitrate contents, higher than 100 mg/litre, may affect
transplants and sensitive crops at the initial growth stage. However, no
negative effects have been reported in the last three decades from
fertigation with pure nitrogen concentrations in irrigation water of about
200 ppm. Although there is no doubt about the problems existence, it
seems that the main concern should be the nitrate content in the irrigation
water, when calculating the total nitrogen application, NO3 equals 0.226
N (pure nitrogen).
Effects of soluble salts on soil
Sodium hazard
A soil permeability problem occurs with a high sodium content in the
irrigation water. Sodium has a larger concentration than any other cation
in saline water, its salts being very soluble. Positively charged, it is
attracted by negatively charged soil particles, replacing the dominant
calcium and magnesium cations. The replacement of the calcium ions with
sodium ions causes the dispersion of the soil aggregates and the
deterioration of its structure, thus rendering the soil impermeable to water
and air. The increase in the concentration of exchangeable sodium may
cause an increase in the soil pH to above 8.5 and reduce the availability of
some micronutrients, e.g. iron and phosphorus.
The degree of absorption to the clay particles of the sodium depends on
its concentration in the water and the concentration of the calcium and
magnesium ions. This reaction is called cation exchange and it is a
reversible process. The capacity of soil to adsorb and exchange cations is
limited. The percentage of the capacity that sodium takes up is known as
the exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP). Soils with ESP > 15 are
seriously affected by adsorbed sodium.
The sodium problem is reduced if the amount of calcium plus
magnesium is high compared with the amount of sodium. This relation is
called the sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) and it is a calculated value from
the formula:
(ions units meq/litre)
Mg Ca
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 7.5
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 7 Water quality for irrigation 7.6
The use of water with a high SAR value and low to moderate salinity
may be hazardous and reduce the soil infiltration rate. The SAR of
irrigation water indicates the approximate ESP of a soil with water.
Residual sodium carbonate (RSC)
This is defined as the difference in milliequivalents per litre between the
bicarbonate ions and those of calcium and magnesium. Calcium and
magnesium may react with bicarbonate and precipitate as carbonates. The
relative sodium concentration in the exchangeable complex increases
resulting in the dispersion of soil. When the RSC value is lower than 1.25
meq/litre, the water is considered good quality, while if the RSC value
exceeds 2.5 meq/litre, the water is considered harmful.
Crop tolerance to salinity
Crop tolerance is the degree to which a crop can grow and yield
satisfactorily in saline soil. Different crops vary widely in their response to
salinity. Some can tolerate less than 2 dS/m and others up to and above 8
dS/m. Salt tolerance also depends considerably upon cultural conditions
and irrigation management practices. Many other factors such as plant,
soil, water and climate interact to influence the salt tolerance of a crop.
Relative salt tolerance data have been developed for many crops and
are used as general guidelines. The following data are related to the
expected decline in yield. The ECe is the soil salinity in terms of electrical
conductivity (EC) measured from the soil saturation extract, with a value of
1.5 EC for irrigation water (ECiw). Tables 1318 (taken from Maas, 1990)
give two important parameters for expressing a plants salt tolerance:
Threshold - the maximum allowable salinity of soil saturation extract (ECe).
Slope - the percent yield decrease per unit increase in salinity.
The rating of plants according to their sensitivity/tolerance to salts
(Tables 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6 and 7.7) is even more important as it
provides vital information at first sight for the evaluation of and diagnosis
for potential salinity problems.
S sensitive, MS moderately sensitive, MT moderately tolerant,
T tolerant. The above data serve only as a guideline to relative tolerance among
crops. Absolute tolerance varies, depending upon climate, soil conditions, and
cultural practices.
In gypsipherus soils, plants will tolerate an ECe about 2 dS/m higher than indicated.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 7.7
TABLE 7.2 - Relative salt tolerance of herbaceous crops - vegetables and fruit crops (Maas, 1990)
Botanical name
cynara scolymus
asparagus officinalis
phaseolus vulgaris
vigna radiata
beta vulgaris
brassica oleracea botrytis
b. oleracea gemmifera
b. oleracea capitata
daucus carota
brassica oleraca botrytis
apium graveolens
zea mays
cucumis sativa
solanum melongena esculentum
brassica oleracea acephala
b. oleracea gongylode
lactuca sativa
cucumis melo
abelmoschus esculentus
akkium cepa
pastinaca sativa
pisum sativa
capsicum annuum
solanum tuberosum
cucurbita pepo pepo
raphanus sativus
spinacia oleracea
curcubita melo melopepo
curcubita melo melopepo
fragaria sp.
ipomoea batatas
lycopersicon lycopersicum
l.esculentum var cerasiforme
brassica rapa
citrullus lanatus
Threshold dS/m
Slope % per dS/m
Common name
Bean, mung
Beet, red
Brussels sprouts
Corn, sweet
Squash scallop
Squash zucchini
Sweet potato
Tomato cherry
*: Ratings are estimates.
Data applicable when rootstocks are used that do not accumulate Na or Cl rapidly,
or when these ions do not predominate in the soil.
In gypsipherus soils, plants will tolerate an ECe about 2 dS/m higher than indicated.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 7 Water quality for irrigation 7.8
TABLE 7.3 - Relative salt tolerance of herbaceous crops - woody crops (Maas, 1990)
Botanical name
prunus duclis
malus sylvestris
prunus americana
persea americana
rubus sp
rubus ursinus
ricinus communus
annona cherimola
prunus avium
prunus besseyi
ribes sp.
phoenix dactylifera
ficus carica
ribes sp.
vitis sp.
citrus paradisi
parthenium argentantum
simmondsia chinensis
ziziphus jujuba
citrus limon
citrus aurantiifolia
eriobotrya japonica
mangifera indica
olea europea
citrus sinensis
carica papaya
passiflora edulis
prunus persica
pyrus communis
diospyros virginiana
ananas comosus
prunus domestica
punica granatum
citrus maxima
rubus idaeus
syzygium jambos
casimiroa edulis
citrus reticulata
Threshold dS/m
Slope % per dS/m
Common name
Castor seed
Cherry, sweet
Cherry, sand
Date palm
Passion fruit
Plum, prune**
Rose apple
Sapote, white
*: Ratings are estimates.
**: Tolerance is based on growth rather than yield
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 7.9
TABLE 7.4 - Relative salt tolerance of herbaceous crops - grasses and forage crops (Maas, 1990)
Botanical name
medicago sativa
sporobolus airoides
puccinellia airoides
hordeum vulgare
poterium sanguisorba
agrostis stolonifera palustris
cynodon dactylon
dichanthium aristatum
bromus marginatus
b. inermis
cenchrus ciliaris
phalaris arundinacea
trifolium hybridum
trifolium alexandrinum
melitotus alba
trifolium repens
trifolium pratense
trifolium repens
zea mays
vigna unguiculata
paspalum dilatatum
f. pratensis
festuca elatior
alopecurus pratensis
bouteloua gracilis
phalaris tuberosa
diplachne fusca
eragrostis sp.
astragalus cicer
arrhenatherum danthonia
avena sativa
dactylis glomerata
panicum antidotale
brassica napus
bromus unioloides
chloris gayana
secale sereale
lolium italicum multiflorum
l. perenne
distichlis stricta
sesbania exaltata
macroptilium atropurpureum
sphaerophysa salsula
sorghum sudanense
phleum pratense
lotus uliginosus
l. corniculatus arvenis
l. corniculatus tenuifolium
vicia angustifolia
triticum aestivum
t. turgidum
Threshold dS/m
Slope % per dS/m
Common name
Alkali sacaton
Alkaligrass, Nuttal
Barley (forage)
Bluestem, Angleton
Brome, mountain
Brome, smooth
Canarygrass, reed
Clover, alsike
Clover, Berseem
Clover, Hubam
Clover, ladino
Clover, red
Clover, strawberry
Clover, white Dutch
Corn (forage)
Cowpea (forage)
Fescue, meadow
Fescue, tall
Foxtail, meadow
Grama, blue
Milkvetch, Cicer
Oatgrass, tall
Oats (forage)
Panicgrass, blue
Rye (forage)
Ryegrass, Italian
Ryegrass, perennial
Saltgrass, desert
Trefoil, big
Trefoil, broadleaf
Trefoil, narrowleaf
Vetch, common
Wheat (forage)
Wheat, durum (forage)
The above data serve only as a guideline to relative tolerance among crops. Absolute
tolerance varies, depending upon climate, soil conditions, and cultural practices.
In gypsipherus soils, plants will tolerate an ECe about 2 dS/m higher than indicated.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 7 Water quality for irrigation 7.10
TABLE 7.4 - Relative salt tolerance of herbaceous crops - grasses and forage crops (contd)
Botanical name Threshold dS/m Slope % per dS/m Rating Common name
a. cristatum
a. intermedium
a. trachycaulum
agropyron sibiricum
a. elongatum
elymus angustus
e. triticoides
e. canadensis
e. junceus
Wheatgrass, fairway
Wheatgrass, intermediate
Wheatgrass, slender
Wheatgrass, standard
Wheatgrass, tall
Wheatgrass, western
Wildrye, Altai
Wildrye, beardless
Wildrye, Canadian
Wildrye, Russian
*: Ratings are estimates.
TABLE 7.5 - Boron tolerance limits for agricultural crops (Maas, 1990)
Botanical name Threshold ** mg/litre Slope % per mg/litre Common name
Citrus limon
Rubus sp.
persea american
citrus paradisi
c. sinensis
prunus americana
p. persica
p. avium
p. domestica
diospyros kaki
ficus carica
vitis vinifera
juglans regia
carya illinoienis
allium cepa
allium sativum
ipomea batatas
triticum aestivum
helianthus annuus
vigna radiata
sesamum indicum
lipinus hartwegii
fragaria ap.
helianthus tuberosus
phaseolus vulgaris
p. lunatus
arachis hypogaea
Very sensitive
Fig, kadota*
Sweet potato
Bean, mung*
Artichoke, Jerusalem*
Bean, kidney*
Bean, limab
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 7.11
TABLE 7.5 - Boron tolerance limits for agricultural crops (contd)
Botanical name Threshold ** mg/litre Slope % per mg/litre Common name
brassica oleracea botrytis
capsicum annuum
pisum sativa
daucus carota
raphsnus sativus
solanum tuberosum
cucumis sativus
brassica oleracea capitata
b. rapa
poa pratensis
hordeum vulgare
vigna unguigulata
avena sativa
zea mays
cynara scolymus
nicotiana tabacum
brassica juncea
melitotus indica
cucurbita pepo
cucmis melo
b. oleracea botrytis
medicago sativa
vicia bengalensis
petroselinum crispum
beta vulgaris
b. vulgaris
sorhgum bicolor
gossypium hirsutum
apium graveolens
asparagus officinalis
Moderately sensitive
Pepper, red
Moderately tolerant
Bluegrass, Kentucky*
Clover, sweet*
Vetch, purple*
Beet, red
Sugar beet
Very tolerant
*: Tolerance based on reduction in vegetative growth
**: Maximum permissible concentration in soil water without reduction in yield. Boron tolerances may vary,
depending upon climate, soil conditions, and crop varieties.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 7 Water quality for irrigation 7.12
Salinities exceeding the maximum permissible ECe may cause leaf burn, loss of
leaves and/or excessive stunting.
TABLE 7.6 - Salt tolerance of ornamental shrubs, trees and ground cover (Maas, 1990)
Common name Max. permissible ECe dS/m
Very sensitive
Star jasmine
Pyrenees cotoneaster
Oregon grape
Pineapple guava
Chinese holly, cv. Burford
Rose cv. Grenoble
Glossy abelia
Southern yew
Tulip tree
Algerian ivy
Japanese pittosporum
Heavenly bamboo
Chinese hibiscus
Laurustinus cv. Robustum
Strawberry tree, cv compact
Grape myrtle
Moderately sensitive
Glossy privet
Yellow sage
Orchid tree
Southern magnolia
Japanese boxwood
Japanese black pine
Indian hawthorn
Dodonaea, cv. atropurpurea
Oriental arborvitae
Thorny elaeagnus
Spreading juniper
Pyracantha, cv. Graberi
Cherry plum
Moderately tolerant
Weeping bottlebrush
European fan palm
Blue dracaena
Aleppo pine
Sweet gum
Brush cherry
Natal plum
Evergreen pear
Italian stone pine
Very tolerant
White iceplant
Rosea iceplant
Purple iceplant
Croceum iceplant
Botanical name
Trachelospermum jasminoides
Cotoneaster congestus
Mahonia aquifolium
Photinia fraseri
feijoa sellowiana
Ilex cornuta
Rosa sp.
Abelia grandiflora
Podocarpus macrophyllus
Liriodendron tulipifera
Hedera canariensis
Pittosporum tobira
Nandina domestica
Hibiscus rosa sinensis
Viburnum tinusm
Arbutus unedo
Lagerstroemia indica
Ligustrum lugidum
Lantana camara
Bauhinia purpurea
Magnolia grandiflora
Buxus microphylla var. japonica
Xylosma congestum
Pinus thunbergiana
Raphiolepis indica
Dodonaea viscosa
Platycladus orientalis
Elaeagnus pungens
Uniperus chinensis
Pyracantha fortuneana
Prunus cerasifera
Callistemon viminalis
Nerium oleander
Chamerops humilis
Cordiline indivisa
Rosmarinus officinalis
Pinus halepensis
Liquidamabar styraciflua
Syzygium paniculatum
Leucophyllum frutescens
Carssa grandiflora
Pyrus Kawakamii
Bougainvillaea spectabilis
Pinus pinea
Delosperma alba
Drosanthemum hispidum
Labranthus productus
Hymenocyclus croceus
> 8
> 8
> 8
> 8
> 8
> 8
> 10
> 10
> 10
> 10
> 10
Species listed in order of increasing tolerance based on appearance as well as
growth reductions. Boron concentration exceeding threshold may cause leaf burn
and leaf loss.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 7.13
TABLE 7.7 - Boron tolerance limits for ornamentals (Maas, 1990)
Common name Threshold mg/litre
Very sensitive
Oregon grape
Thorny elaeagnus
Wax-leaf privet
Pineapple guava
Spindle tree
Japanese pittosporum
Chinese holly
Yellow sage
American elm
Glossy abelia
Oriental arborvitae
Moderately sensitive
China aster
Southern yew
Brush cherry
Blue dracaena
Moderately tolerant
California poppy
Japanese boxwood
Chinese hibiscus
Sweet pea
Indian hawthorn
Natal plum
Botanical name
Mahonia aquifolium
Photinia x fraseri
Xylosma congestum
Elaeagnus pungens
Viburnum tinus
Ligustrum japonicum
Feijoa sellowiana
Euonymu japonica
Pittosporum tobira
Ilex cornuta
Juniperus chinensis
Lantana camara
Ulmus americana
Zinnia elaeagnus
Viola tricolor
Viola odorata
Delphinum sp.
Abelia x grandiflora
Rosmarinus officinalis
Platycladus orientalis
Pelargoium x hortorum
Gladiolus sp.
Calendula officinalis
Euphorbia pulcherrima
Callistephus chinensis
Gardenia sp.
Podocarpus macrophyllus
Syzygium paniculatum
Cordyline indivisa
Leucophyllus frutenscens
Callistemon citrinus
Eschscholzia californica
Buxus microphylla
Nerium oleander
Hibiscus rosa-senensis
Lathyrus odoratus
Dianthus caryophyllus
Raphiolepis indica
Carissa grandiflora
Oxalis bowiei
Water quality criteria
There have been calls to establish standards as a guide for judging the
suitability of water for irrigation. Any classification should be based on the
total concentration and the composition of salts. However, the suitability
of water for irrigation also depends on other associated factors, such as the
crop, soil, climate and management practices. The classification adopted
by FAO in 1985 (after Maas), and proposed as an initial guide (Table 7.8),
has proved most practical and useful in assessing water quality for on-farm
water use. The principal parameters for water classification (crop response
to salinity, sodium hazard and toxicity) are quite clear and understood by
both the extension engineers and the farmers themselves for proper
irrigation management and follow-up purposes.
With the FAO assessment method, the parameters taken into
consideration are the four presented below.
Total salinity
Crop response to salinity
The Figure 7.1 below shows the expected yield reduction for each crop
in accordance with its sensibility/tolerance to salt. This graph enables a
quick assessment of the two main parameters for the water suitability.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 7 Water quality for irrigation 7.14
Non-saline water
Saline water
Slightly saline
Medium saline
Highly saline
Very saline
EC dS/m
< 0.7
> 6.0
> 14.0
> 42
TDS mg/litre
< 500
50030 000
5002 000
2 0004 000
> 4 000
> 9 000
> 30 000
TABLE 7.8 - Water classification by salinity
Sodium hazard
The sodium adsorption ratio is commonly used as an index of the
sodium hazard of soils and waters, and as a substitute soil ESP. The SAR
(Sodium Absorption Ratio) of a given water determines, to a certain extent,
the relative amount of sodium that may be adsorbed by the soil. The effect
of sodium ions in the irrigation water in reducing the infiltration rate and
soil permeability is dependent on the total salt concentration, as shown in
Table 7.9.
Source: Based on Rhoades, Oster and Schroer.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 7.15
FIGURE 7.1 - Divisions for relative salt tolerance ratings of
agricultural crops (Maas, 1984)
TABLE 7.9 - Potential infiltration problem due to sodium in irrigation water
Salinity levels of
irrigation water dS/m
ECw = 0.7
ECw = 0.73.0
ECw = 3.06.0
ECw = 6.014.0
ECw = >14.0
No reduction
< 1
< 10
< 25
< 35
No effect
Slight reduction
> 25
> 35
No effect
Medium reduction
No effect
No effect
No effect
Severe reduction
> 11
> 23
No effect
No effect
No effect
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 7 Water quality for irrigation 7.16
Toxicity problems
Toxicity problems may be created by excess chloride, sodium, boron,
bicarbonate, nitrates and an abnormal pH. The evaluation of the water
quality for irrigation should include these and a few other parameters in
association with all the other factors involved.
Salinity control
The salts that accumulate in the soil can be effectively removed only by
leaching. For this to occur, enough water must enter the surface to produce
downward percolation and outflow of drainage water from the root zone.
The extra amount of this water in addition to the irrigation dose is called
the leaching requirement (LR), and can be estimated exactly with the use
of the equation:
where LR is the leaching requirements as a fraction of the irrigation
dose, and ECe is the permissible level of salinity in the soil solution
primarily related to the salt tolerance of the crop grown at a 100 percent
yield potential. The average value usually taken for ECe is 1.5 ECw. In this
case, LR = 0.15.
Leaching is especially necessary as a soil preparation for crops with
high plant density, such as carrots, onions and groundnuts. The salinity
over the entire area should be the same with no difference between the
wetted and the non-wetted parts of the field during the preceding season.
The leaching of the salts in the top layer is particularly important because
crops are sensitive to salinity during the first stages of their growth.
For the control of the salinity level in the root zone, frequent
observations should be conducted with soil sampling for the laboratory
determination of the soil extract EC. The use of soil solutions, extractors
and portable metering devices on the spot enables the continuous
monitoring, for immediate action, of any significant change in the EC of
the soil solution, the chloride and nitrate content, and the soil pH as a
result of irrigation and fertilization.
5(ECe) ECw
Micro-irrigation and salinity control
In drip irrigation, the distribution of dissolved salts in the soil profile
follows the pattern of the water flux with the tendency for accumulation at
the periphery of the wetted soil mass. Most of the wetted zone below the
emitter, where most of the roots concentrate and function, remains free
from salts during the irrigation season with low to medium salinity values.
Near the surface, due to evaporation, the salt accumulation is five times
greater than in the deeper layers and increases with distance from the
emitters. This, in combination with the use of poor quality irrigation water
and the application of fertilizers through the system, will cause a salinity
build-up, which might become a problem in areas where the annual
rainfall does not exceed 250 mm. In these cases, it is essential to flood the
total area once a year, at the end of the season, with adequate amounts of
water in order to leach the salts beyond the rooting depth.
The salinity level in the root zone is related to the water quality, the
amount of fertilizers and the irrigation dose. The salt accumulation in the
vicinity of the emitters is less than half that between the emitter lines. The
EC value of the saturation extract beyond the emitter is 23 times the ECw,
and between the lines it is six to ten times higher. This high salt content
can be controlled only by leaching or by reducing the amount of fertilizer
during the growing season. In no case should the fertilizer concentration in
the irrigation water exceed EC 0.5 dS/m that is added to the total salinity of
the irrigation water.
In drip irrigation, extra leaching with increased quantities of water every
application during the irrigation season is not recommended unless salt
accumulation reaches hazardous levels. Leaching should take place after
the crop harvest, between irrigation seasons, where the salt content is
excessive and the rainfall is not sufficient. It is done either by flooding the
area or by low precipitation sprinklers with very fine drops (Tables 7.10,
7.11 and 7.12).
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 7.17
Example analyses
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 7 Water quality for irrigation 7.18
Submitted by: Andreas Christoforou
Locality: Potamia
Analysis requested: Full ionic plus boron
Remarks: Planning cropping patterns - fruit trees, vegetables
Electrical conductivity ECw dS/m: 3.6
Date: 11.9.97
Laboratory No.: W-76/97
Borehole No.: N332
Analyst: N. Antoniou
Date: 19.9.97
pH: 7.1
TABLE 7.10 - Case 1: Water chemical analysis data sheet
Chloride (Cl)
Sulphate (SO4)
Carbonate (CO3 )
Bicarbonate (HCO3)
Nitrate (NO3)
1 641
2 360
Sodium (Na
Potassium (K
Calcium (Ca
Magnesium (Mg
Boron (B)
Evaluation and remarks: SAR = 8, RSC = Nil
Medium saline water - High in sodium and boron content at toxic levels for most fruit trees (citrus,
deciduous, etc.) grapes, strawberries and some vegetables (onion, garlic, beans) - there is no sodium
hazard - under proper management, on light soil with good infiltration and internal drainage and no
impermeable layer, it can be used for irrigation of crops tolerant to salinity and boron, such as olives,
pomegranates, pistachio, date palms, most of the vegetables, watermelons, potatoes, etc. and forage
crops - some delay in crop development and certain yield reduction should be expected - any problems
from bicarbonates can be solved easily - due to high nitrate content, which is equal to 40 g of net nitrogen
per cubic metre of water, the application of nitrogen fertilizer should be reduced by 66 percent for fruit
trees and 20-30 percent for vegetables accordingly - frequent irrigation is recommended - LR 0.15.
Signature: A. Phocai des
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 7.19
Submitted by: N. Papas
Locality: Orini
Analysis requested: Full ionic plus boron
Remarks: Irrigation use
Electrical conductivity ECw dS/m: 2.1
Date: 2.10.1997
Laboratory No.: W/400/97
Borehole No.: N335
Analyst: A.Magnetis
Date: 9.10.1997
pH: 8.35
TABLE 7.11 - Case 2: Water chemical analysis data sheet
Chloride (Cl)
Sulphate (SO4)
Carbonate (CO3 )
Bicarbonate (HCO3)
Nitrate (NO3)
1 333
Sodium (Na
Potassium (K
Calcium (Ca
Magnesium (Mg
Boron (B)
Evaluation and remarks: SAR = 9, RSC = 2.11
Slightly saline water - no sodium hazard or any severe toxicity problem - under proper management and
on light soils with good structure and internal drainage it is suitable for use in the majority of the crops -
bicarbonate may cause some micronutrient deficiency problems that can be overcome.
Signature: A. Phocai des
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 7 Water quality for irrigation 7.20
Submitted by: G. Demosthenous
Locality: Limassol
Analysis requested: Full ionic plus boron
Remarks: Irrigation of olives and other field crops
Electrical conductivity ECw dS/m: 2.3
Date: 3.11.97
Laboratory No.:
Borehole No.:
Analyst: E. Iasonos
Date: 10.11.97
pH: 8.7
TABLE 7.12 - Case 3: Water chemical analysis data sheet
Chloride (Cl)
Sulphate (SO4)
Carbonate (CO3 )
Bicarbonate (HCO3)
Nitrate (NO3)
1 023
1 461
Sodium (Na
Potassium (K
Calcium (Ca
Magnesium (Mg
Boron (B)
Evaluation and remarks: SAR = 20, RSC = 8.67
Slightly saline water, however problematic - boron content at toxic levels for the majority of fruit trees
and most herbaceous agricultural crops - danger of severe soil infiltration and permeability problem from
the use of this water - excess bicarbonate salts could cause chlorosis to some plants - pH is higher than
normal and may result in imbalanced nutrition - usage of this water should be done with caution, very
good management, on light soils with high infiltration rate and permeability, and selected crops tolerant
to boron toxicity, such as date palms, cabbage, cauliflower, squash, parsley, tomato, celery, asparagus,
corn, alfalfa, sugar beet - the existing olive trees may be irrigated reservedly - soil improvement additives
(washed manure, gypsum, etc.) should be applied occasionally - frequent irrigation is preferable -
a follow-up based on a schedule is essential.
Signature: A. Phocai des
Irrigation water usually is not found in its pure state, but mostly with
foreign solid particles and other impurities. The solid content in irrigation
water mainly consist of dirt and suspended inorganic matter (silt, sand,
leaves, fine clay and rust dust) and organic substances (algae, bacteria,
protozoa) from vegetative origin and living organisms and bacteria
populations. The introduction of improved irrigation systems with the use
of closed pipes networks and small nozzles passage water emitters, liable
to blockages, necessitates the removal of the suspended solids to protect
the emitters against clogging hazards.
The suspended solid content in the irrigation water may vary in a wide
range and depends on the nature of the source. The four main sources of
the irrigation water used with pressurized irrigation techniques and the
primary kind of suspended solids (SS) content are:
a) Dams and open reservoirs: Green algae (phytoplankton), bacteria
and zooplankton of different kinds and bacterial slime (sulphatic,
iron and other), dissolved iron and manganese, and all kinds of other
impurities from inorganic origin (debris, silt, clay etc.).
b) Underground water (wells and boreholes): Sand, silt, iron,
manganese, sulphates and carbonates and bacteria.
c) Treated wastewater: Suspended solid particles of different sizes and
d) Water from pipe networks: Zooplankton (grown for years in the
pipes in colonies up to 5 mm size and developed in 23 days in
worms that blocked the filters).
Irrigation water quality cannot be clearly defined in respect of clogging
problems, yet it can be primarily classified as Good Moderate Bad -
Very Bad. The various substances in water, which contribute to the
clogging of the micro-irrigation systems can be divided into three main
categories of:
Suspended particles of organic and inorganic matter,
Precipitate forming elements (iron, manganese, calcium, magnesium),
Bacterial slimes.
For an in-depth evaluation it is necessary to examine the Total
Suspended Solids, the Particle size Distribution, the Total Dissolved Solids,
the water pH, the Hardness, the Turbidity, Iron and Manganese, the
Hydrogen Sulphide and the Microbial population.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 7.21
The filtration of the irrigation water is essential in order to avoid
blockages damage of the small passage emitters, drippers, sprayers and
sprinklers. This is a mechanical water treatment and it is achieved by the
installation of main filtering devices (filters) at the Control head of the
irrigation systems. It is an integral part of the pressurized systems
installations. The size of flow (capacity of filtration) may affect the type of
the filtration in major water works, but for low rate applications at the farm
level the type and the degree of filtration depends on:
The kind of suspended matter in the irrigation water, and
The filtration requirement of the system (emitters).
Most of the filters available for irrigation water are:
the gravel or granular (sand media) filters, which operate on the
principle of in-depth filtration and effectively withhold the large
particles of unbroken organic mutter (algae) and dust,
the hydrocyclones (sand separators) operate on the vortex flow
principle and are used to collect large quantities of sand contained in
pump underground water,
the strainers (screen type or disk/grooved rings type) effective in
filtering the inorganic suspended matter. These are equipped with
filtering elements with perforations smaller than the emitters diode
(up to 70 percent).
In cases where water contains all kind of suspended matter it is necessary
to install all three types of filters. The Hydrocyclone and the Gravel filter are
always placed at the upstream of the Control Head of the System and the
Strainer filter at the downstream. The latter is always installed in every micro-
irrigation system after the fertilizer apparatus. The degree of filtration is usually
given in the old English unit mesh (number of perforations per linear inch)
or in microns. The filtration requirements of various water emitters are:
1625 mesh (1000500 micron) for Slow-rotation impact drive
sprinklers medium pressure
60100 mesh (250120 micron) for mini and micro-sprinklers and
80160 mesh (200100 micron) for dripper emitters.
Operation and maintenance
Proper operation and maintenance (cleaning) of the filters is of
paramount importance for effective filtration and to avoid the build up of a
filter cake generating further clogging problems to the systems. Some
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 7 Water quality for irrigation 7.22
filters are made for complete automatic and unattended operation, others
are automatic self-cleaning and others are of self-cleaning or manual
flushing and cleaning mechanism (a brief description of the filters is given
in Chapter 3). The systems hydraulic pressure operates the filters, but
automation requires electricity (AC or DC). The frequency of cleaning is
planned either at fixed time intervals between two consecutive cleanings
or whenever the differential pressure along the filter increases to the initial
normal value (0.20.3 Bars). The suppliers give detail instructions for back
flushing (size and velocity of flow, stream direction etc.) according to the
filter mechanism and mode of operation.
Application of chemicals
Application of chemicals into the irrigation water, before the filtration
system, may reduce the quantity of suspended matter, control the bacteria
growth in the system network, decompose algae and dissolve the solid
particles. It also prevents sedimentation. Copper sulphate is used extensively
in reservoirs at a maximum concentration of 2 ppm to control growth of
algae. Treatment with acid reduces the pH of the water thus prevents
precipitation of dissolved solids and dissolves the existing precipitations. It
can prevent carbonate precipitation too. The various acids recommended are
the Hydrochloric acid (HCl) the Sulphuric acid (H2SO4) and Phosphoric acid
(H3PO4). The phosphoric acid is a fertilizer too, however the concentration
should be high enough to decrease pH < 6 and prevent phosphorous
sediments. The quantity of acid depends on the requested pH of the water.
The safest and less expensive chemical for use with irrigation water, at
normal pH and temperatures around 20C, is chlorine in the form of
Sodium Hypochlorite (NaOCl). Contact time also influences the
effectiveness of chlorination. It is available everywhere as household liquid
at concentrations of 215 percent available chlorine. The application is done
through continuous or intermittent injection during irrigation at low uniform
concentrations of approx. 5 ppm and 10 ppm respectively. Control of
effective chlorination is achieved by the measurement of the free residual
chlorine concentration in the water. This should be around 1.02.0 ppm at
the end of the irrigating pipe. Use of ammonia fertilizer should be avoided
during chlorination. Over dosage of chlorine into the systems networks may
result into the movement of sediments cause severe clogging of the emitters.
The treated wastewaters are a new source of water, which is expected to
cover gradually more than 10 percent of the water requirements for
agricultural and landscape irrigation. Treated wastewater may possess various
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 7.23
chemical contaminants (salts, nutrients and trace elements) and biological
undesirable constituents (water born pathogens, i.e. helminths, protozoa,
bacteria and viruses shed in the excreta of healthy people and ill persons).
Uncontrolled use of this type of water frequently is associated with significant
negative impacts on human health and the environment. These impacts can
be minimized when good management practices are implemented. So, it
introduces a new element regarding the water quality evaluation for
irrigation. Wastewater refers to domestic sewage and municipal
wastewaters that do not contain substantial quantities of industrial effluents.
Evaluation criteria and parameters
The use of reclaimed wastewater is always planned, designed and
managed properly. If not it might become hazardous for the people, the
livestock and the environment. World Health Organization (WHO)
published Guidelines for the Safe Use of Wastewater and Excreta in
Agriculture and Aquaculture in 1989. These guidelines are currently under
revision with expected publication in 2004. In this context some
additional water quality criteria are considered based on water suitability
for re-use in agriculture and landscape irrigation, and on ways and
methods of improvement and management to satisfy the requirements of
the installations, the operators and the yield consumers.
The evaluation of the treated effluents is based on world-wide
established criteria, which refer to limiting values of certain physical,
chemical and biological parameters in order to avoid possible adverse
responses, when used, or disposed. The following parameters, when
considered can give a correct picture of the usability of the treated
wastewater and the level of its suitability for irrigation purposes:
Chemical Parameters:
Total Salinity, ECw dS/m, TDS mg/l,
Acidity/Basicity, pH
Hardness, CaCO3 mg/l
Types and concentration of anions and cations, me/l
Sodium adsorption Ratio, SAR
Nitrate Nitrogen, NO3N mg/l
Phosphate Phosphorus, PO4P mg/l
Trace Elements, mg/l
Heavy Metals, mg/l
Physical and Biological Parameters:
Turbidity NTU,
BOD 5 mg/l (Biochemical Oxygen Demand)
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 7 Water quality for irrigation 7.24
COD mg/l (Chemical Oxygen Demand)
SS mg/l (Suspended Solids)
Total Coliforms/100 mg
Faecal Coliforms
Intestinal Nematodes
Impact on soils and plants
The evaluation of the treated wastewater as it is concerned with its
chemical quality is well understood, as it has already been described
previously. It is made for any possible long-term effect on irrigated soils
and plants and groundwater protection. Experience gained so far, suggests
that with proper management (improved irrigation system, proper irrigation
schedule) salinity/toxicity and nitrogen effects on soil can be under control.
Excess NO3 may cause some problems to the plants. The trace elements
and heavy metals, which are present in many treated effluents rarely, exhibit
serious toxicities to plants although in most cases they accumulate in the
plants themselves. When the plants are consumed by livestock possible
health hazards can developed. E.g. lead and vanadium is toxic to forage
crops at normal and low concentrations respectively. Still the time required
for development of health hazards to the livestock is very long, 2050 years
and if repeated applications of heavy metals in excess of the maximum
permissible are practiced. Even then it does not mean that phytotoxicity will
occur. No problem has been observed with the accumulation of heavy
metals in the crops or in the soil. In fact the conventional fertilizers were
found to add far greater quantities of heavy metals.
Effects on the environment
As it is concerned with the effects on the environment, the values of the
chemical and biological parameters for the treated effluents should be at
levels acceptable for the purpose of use and disposal. There is always the
risk that wastewater irrigation may facilitate the transmission of intestinal
nematode infections and faecal bacterial diseases to both consumers and
agricultural workers. In fact there is no practical experience and
knowledge on the wastewater pollutants movement downwards and the
current devices and sensors detecting the contaminants within the soil are
too expensive. However, it is known that nitrates contained in the
irrigation water are mobile and eventually reach the groundwater. There is
no doubt that the same happens with boron. As regards with the toxic
heavy metals, studies have indicated that more than 85 percent of the
applied trace elements accumulate in the surface few centimetres of the
soil. Yet it is possible that long term application of treated effluents with
toxic elements, especially under acid soil conditions and on sandy soils
might lead ultimately to their mobilization and leaching down in deeper
layers and finally to pollute the groundwater. It must be underlined that no
such cases have been reported until recently.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 7.25
Effects on the irrigation system
Treated wastewaters contain generally large quantities of suspended
organic matter, other waterborne trash and impurities of inorganic origin
that cause blockages and clogging of emitters on the irrigation systems.
Health protection (after WHO)
From the standpoint of public health protection, the available measures
can be grouped under the following four main categories:
Treatment process and degree of pathogens removal:
Removal of pathogens is the prime objective in treatment of
wastewaters for reuse. Various conventional processes for primary and
secondary treatments, plain sedimentation, activated sludge,
biofiltration (trickling filters), aerated lagoons, oxidation ditches, row-
sewage disinfections and waste stabilization ponds cannot remove the
bacterial and helminth egg effectively. Supplementary disinfections
and filtration (tertiary treatment) is needed to produce quality water at
accepted levels to comply with recommendations for unrestricted
irrigation. In arid and semi-arid regions the Waste stabilization ponds
are used. With a minimum retention time of 11 days and depending
on the temperature with about twice that time this treatment process
may achieve adequate pathogens removal (helminth and bacteria) to
meet the recommended standards for reuse. Additional polishing
ponds are needed to the conventional treatment plants.
Crop selection:
Based on the treated water quality the various crops to be grown
without risk to the consumer are categorized (A, B and C) in
accordance with the required extent of measures for health
protection. (WHO recommended microbiological quality guidelines
for wastewater use in agriculture, 1989)?
- Category A - protection for field workers includes industrial crops,
grains and forestry and food crops for canning.
- Category B - protection for consumers, farmers and the general
public, applies to pasture, green fodder and tree crops, as well as to
fruit and vegetables that are peeled or cooked before eating.
- Category C - unrestricted irrigation, covers fresh vegetables, spray
irrigated fruit, grass and lawns in public parks, sport fields etc.
It must be underlined that the crop selection in category B provides
protection only to consumers and not to the farmers and field
workers. Additional measures should be applied, such as control of
human exposure.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 7 Water quality for irrigation 7.26
Method of irrigation application:
Irrigation with pressurized irrigation systems has many advantages
over the traditional surface methods. Gravity surface methods expose
the farmers to the greatest risk. This is eliminated with the use of Pipes
Distribution surface systems. However if the treated water is not
recommended for unrestricted irrigation, sprinkling and spraying
methods should not be used for crops likely to be eaten uncooked,
fruits and for grass and lawns in public parks, sport fields etc. Drip
irrigation (conventional) and bubblers can give a great degree of
health protection. Drip irrigation with mulching and sub-surface gives
the highest protection.
Human exposure:
The people at potential risk from the use of treated wastewater are the
farmers and their families, the crop handlers, the consumers of
products and those living near the effected fields. The risk can be
reduced by several precaution measures such as are the proper
management, the immunization against typhoid and hepatitis and
other infections, the limited exposure by the use of the right clothe
and footwear, thorough cooking of food, and other hygiene measures.
National guidelines and standards (The Cyprus case)
The national guidelines for reuse of treated wastewater for irrigation in
many countries mostly comply with those published by WHO. The
objectives of WHO is to provide background and guidance to governments
for developing their national standards with respect to international health
matters, the protection of the public health and the preservation of the
environment. An excellent example is the Cyprus case. In this country
the reuse of treated effluents is a relatively new practice, it started in mid-
eighties, however a lot of progress has been made through and now it can
be used as a model for many other countries.
The Cyprus Standards
The Sewage Effluent and Sludge Technical Committee under the
Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Res. and Environment of the Republic of
Cyprus prepared quality standards for the treated effluents and sludge to be
reused in agriculture and amenity areas. The standards are composed of
two parts, the Guidelines and the Code of Practice and at the moment they
seem to be the most advanced as compared with other national standards,
so they are used in this chapter.
The Guidelines includes the variables of BOD as the main indicator
for better monitoring and control of the treatment process, Suspended
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 7.27
Solids for the effective disinfections against pathogens and especially
viruses, as well as for the elimination of filters clogging and micro-emitters
blockages. Faecal Coliforms are included as an indicator of pollution and
Intestinal Nematodes as the parameter directly referring to a group of
pathogens and as an indicator for protozoa removed from the treated
wastewater as intestinal warms. The methods of treatment (secondary,
tertiary/storage and disinfections or stabilization maturation) are also
included to ensure the quality parameters. The Code of Practice is
complementary regulations yet inseparable part of the Guidelines
specifying treatment techniques, irrigation methods for each crop and
criteria for handling the systems of irrigation, security measures, etc. It
incorporates additional measures, which act as barriers to the transmission
of diseases. The techniques/methods for tertiary treatment are also specified.
Pressurized irrigation with treated wastewater
All pressurized irrigation systems described in this Handbook can be
used for irrigation with treated wastewater. The water microbiological
quality standards, the farming practice, and the kind of crop are the main
interrelated factors that affect the selection of the irrigation system.
Different techniques and methods are suggested for the irrigation of
different crops for many reasons.
The micro-irrigation systems in general (drip, low-capacity sprinklers,
bubbler and mini-sprinkler) are suitable for irrigation with this type of
water, as these permanent localized methods secure for the minimum
contact of treated water with crops and farmers (Figures 7.2 and 7.3).
Conventional sprinkling (solid installations) and mechanized spraying
systems (center pivot and traveller boom) are conditionally suitable. Low-
cost systems (hose-basin, hose furrow and pipe distribution surface
systems) are also recommended. Their use mainly depend on the quality of
the effluent, the kind of crop, the potential risk to the health of the
workers, the public and the environment and finally on the background
and skill of the farmers to handle this type of water. For further details
please read the Cyprus Code of Practice (see Table 7.13), which provides
adequate and specific information for nearly all crops and the appropriate
irrigation techniques. The installation of efficient filtration at the Control
Head of the systems is of major importance as it is the arrangement for
automation in sprinkling and spraying methods of water application.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 7 Water quality for irrigation 7.28
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 7.29
FIGURE 7.2 - Drip maize with recycled water.
FIGURE 7.3 - Sprinkling with treated municipal water.
(A) Mechanized methods of treatment (activated sludge,
(B) Physical methods of treatment (Stabilization Ponds)
* These values must not be exceeded in 80 percent of samples per month. Min. No of
samples 5
** Maximum value allowed
(a) Irrigation of leafy vegetables, bulbs and corms eaten uncooked is not allowed
(b) Potatoes, beet-roots, colocasia
No substances accumulating in the edible parts of crops and proved to be toxic to
humans or animals are allowed in effluent.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 7 Water quality for irrigation 7.30
Irrigation of: BOD SS Faecal Intestinal Treatment
mg/l mg/l Coliforms Worms/l required
/100 ml
TABLE 7.13 - Cyprus Guidelines for Domestic Treated Effluents use for Irrigation
All crops (a)
Amenity areas of unlimited
Vegetables eaten cooked (b)
Crops for human
Amenity areas of limited
Fodder crops
Industrial crops
(A) 10*
(A) 10*
(A) 20*
(B) --
(A) 20*
(B) --
(A) 50*
(B) --
1 000**
1 000**
1 000*
5 000**
5 000*
3 000*
10 000**
3 000*
10 000**
Secondary and
Tertiary and
Secondary and
Tertiary and
Secondary and
Storage > 7 days and
Disinfection or
Tertiary and
maturation ponds
total retention time >
30 days or Secondary
and storage> 30 days
Secondary and
Storage > 7 days and
Disinfection or
Tertiary and
maturation ponds
total retention time >
30 days or Secondary
and storage> 30 days
Secondary and
maturation ponds
total retention time >
30 days or Secondary
and storage> 30 days
Code of Practice for Treated Sewage Effluent
used for Irrigation in Cyprus
1. This sewage treatment and disinfection must be kept and maintained
continuously in satisfactory and effective operation so long as treated
sewage effluent are intended for irrigation, and according to the
license issued under the existing legislation.
2. Skilled operators should be employed to attend the treatment and
disinfection plant, following formal approval by the appropriate
authority that the persons are competent to perform the required
duties, necessary too ensure that conditions (1) are satisfied.
3. The treatment and disinfection plant must be attended every day
according to the program issued by the Authority and records to be
kept on all operations performed according to the instructions of the
appropriate Authority. A copy must be kept for easy access within the
treatment facilities.
4. All outlets, taps and valves in the irrigation system must be secured to
prevent their use by unauthorised persons. All such outlets must be
coloured red and clearly labelled so, as to warn the public that water
is unsafe for drinking.
5. No cross connections with any pipeline or works conveying potable
water, is allowed. All pipelines conveying sewage effluent must be
satisfactory marked with red so as to distinguish them from domestic
water supply. In unavoidable cases where sewage/effluent and
domestic water supply pipelines must be laid close to each other the
sewage or effluent pipes should be buried at least 0.5 m below the
domestic water pipes.
6. Irrigation methods allowed and conditions of application differ
between different plantations as follows:
6.1. Park lawns and ornamental in amenity areas of unlimited access:
Subsurface irrigation methods
Drip irrigation
Pop-up sprinklers, low-pressure, high precipitation rate lo-angle <
11. Sprinkling preferably practiced at night and when people are
not around.
6.2. Park lawns and ornamental in amenity areas of limited access,
industrial and fodder crops
Subsurface irrigation
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 7.31
Drip irrigation
Surface irrigation methods
Low capacity sprinklers
Spray or sprinkler irrigation, is allowed with a buffer zone of
about 300 meters.
For fodder crops irrigation is recommended to stop at least one week
before harvesting and no milking animals should be allowed to graze
on pastures irrigated with this sewage. Veterinary services should be
6.3. Vines:
Drip irrigation
Mini-sprinkler and sprinklers (in case where crops get wetted,
irrigation should stop for two weeks before harvesting).
Moveable irrigation systems not allowed No fruit should be selected
from the ground.
6.4. Fruit trees
Drip irrigation
Hose-basin irrigation
Bubbler irrigation
Mini-sprinklers irrigation
No fruit to be collected from the ground, except for nut-trees. In case
where crops get wetted, irrigation should stop one week before
6.5. Vegetables
Subsurface irrigation
Drip irrigation
Crops must not come in contact with effluents.
Other irrigation methods could also be considered.
6.6. Vegetables eaten cooked
Subsurface irrigation
Drip irrigation
Other irrigation methods may be allowed after the approval of the
appropriate Authority. Restrictions may be posed to any method of
irrigation by the appropriate Authority in order to protect public health
or environment.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 7 Water quality for irrigation 7.32
7. The following tertiary treatment methods are acceptable:
7.1. Coagulation plus flocculation followed by rapid sand filtration
7.2. Slow Sand Filters
7.3. Any other method, which may secure the total removal of
helminth ova and reduce faecal coliforms to acceptable levels,
must be approved by the appropriate Authority.
8. Appropriate disinfection methods should be applied when sewage
effluents are to be used for irrigation. In the case of chlorination the
total level of free chlorine in the effluent at the outlet of the
chlorination tank, after one hour of contact time should be at least
0.5 mg/l and not greater than 2.0 mg/l.
9. Suitable facilities for monitoring of the essential quality parameters
should be kept on site of treatment.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 7.33
Hose-move sprinkler irrigation
In recent decades various sprinkler irrigation methods and installations,
both solid and portable, have been developed to meet farmers needs. The
most widely adopted and least expensive system for irrigating small to
medium-sized farms is the piped hand-move system with a low to medium
operating pressure (2.03.5 bars). The sprinklers are mounted at equal
spacings (612 m) on the lateral pipelines laid across the field at
predetermined intervals (called lateral positions) of 618 m so that the
irrigation water is sprinkled uniformly over the area covered (Figure 8.1).
To avoid lateral movement and to reduce labour requirements, the
hose-move sprinkler system has been developed. It is an improvement on
the conventional piped hand-move system and combines some features of
semi-permanent installations with those of permanent ones. In this system
the sprinkler lateral lines are placed permanently at a wide spacing up to
60 m apart. The sprinklers, mounted on tripod stands, are not fitted directly
to the lateral pipes, but connected to them via flexible PE hoses which are
2025 mm in diameter and up to 30 m in length. The hoses with the
sprinklers can be moved laterally on either side to cover a number of
lateral positions.
As the sprinklers are of low to medium pressure, this system can be
classed as a low or medium pressure, semi-permanent, hand-move
installation. It is recommended for the irrigation of full coverage crops
such as alfalfa, maize, cotton, potatoes, carrots and groundnuts. It should
be noted that hose-move systems are different from the drag-hose system.
The latter is used only for under-tree sprinkling and the sprinklers are fitted
on small skids which can be easily dragged backwards from a distance.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 8.1
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 8 Hose-move sprinkler irrigation 8.2
The layout of the system is the standard one consisting of a head control,
a pipe distribution network (mains, submains and manifolds, where
needed), hydrants, laterals and a number of hoses (one per sprinkler).
The head control is simple and includes only the regulating valves
(shutoff, non-return, air, etc.). The main and submain pipelines are usually
buried 90150 mm rigid PVC pipes, or 75110 mm HDPE pipes laid on
the surface. The hydrants (23 inches) are located along the manifolds
(mains or submains) at the same wide spacing as the sprinkler laterals. The
manifolds and the sprinkler laterals can be either HDPE or quick coupling
light steel/aluminium pipes (6375 mm). The flexible hoses are soft 2025
mm LDPE pipes. The tripod stands for the sprinklers can be made of 8 mm
iron rods.
The water discharged through the sprinkler devices is shot into the air
and falls to the ground in a circular pattern around the sprinkler. Most of
the agricultural sprinklers have a hammer-drive slow-rotating or revolving
mechanism (hammer wedge and spring, or hammer and rocker weight) and
use a low to medium operating pressure (2.03.5 bars). They are equipped
with two nozzles for discharging the water: the range and the spreader. The
range nozzle, larger in diameter, shoots a water jet and covers the area
FIGURE 8.1 - Hose-move sprinkler irrigation.
distant from the sprinkler, activating the rotating mechanism at the same
time. The spreader nozzle sprays the water in the vicinity of the sprinkler.
The nozzles are interchangeable to allow variability in performance
according to requirements. The sprinklers are made of brass or heavy-duty
plastic. Most of them have several parts made of brass and others of plastic.
The axle and the spring are made of stainless steel. The main performance
characteristics of the sprinklers used in hosemove systems are:
two nozzles: 3.06.0 mm (range) x 2.54.2 mm (spreader);
low to medium operating pressure: 1.83.5 bars;
water discharge: 1.13.0 m
diameter coverage (wetted): 1835 m;
jet angle: 2030 (except where low angle jet is needed, e.g. strong
wind, treated water);
type of connection: threaded internal or external 1 inch.
To ensure satisfactory sprinkling with impact rotating conventional
sprinklers, the minimum operating pressure should be at least 2.0 bars.
The water discharged from a single sprinkler is not uniformly distributed
over the entire area; a greater quantity falls near the sprinkler and less in
the periphery. To ensure a uniform precipitation over the entire area under
irrigation, the sprinklers are always placed so that they overlap each other
from both directions. This setting is termed sprinkler spacing. The spacing
of the sprinklers along the lateral lines is known as SL, and the spacing
between two lines as Sm. The spacing pattern is square, rectangular or
triangular, with SL = Sm.
In order to obtain good distribution uniformity by overlapping, the
sprinkler spacing (Sm) should not exceed 65 percent of the sprinkler
diameter coverage under light to moderate wind conditions in the square
and rectangular patterns. In the triangular pattern, the spacing can be
extended up to 70 percent of the diameter coverage. In strong wind
conditions, the spacing should be 50 percent of the diameter coverage
with the lateral direction perpendicular to the wind direction. With a wind
strength of over 3.5 m/s, sprinkling is not recommended (Figure 8.2).
The average application (precipitation) rate is a function of the sprinkler
discharge and the spacing of the sprinklers:
Precipitation rate (mm/h) = sprinkler discharge (litres/h) SL x Sm (m)
The rate of precipitation should not exceed the soil intake (infiltration)
rate (25 mm/h in light soils, 816 mm/h in loams and 28 mm/h in clays).
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 8.3
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 8 Hose-move sprinkler irrigation 8.4
Wind directions and velocities must be recorded and classified
accordingly, (00.7 m/sec Nil wind, 0.72.5 m/sec Light, 2.53.5 m/sec
Moderate to Strong, and > 3.5 m/sec very Strong). Sprinkling is not
recommended under strong wind conditions.
The common sprinkler spacing in low-medium pressure systems is 6, 9,
or12 m along the laterals and 12 or 18 m between the laterals. Initially,
these spacings were convenient given the standard length of the quick
coupling pipe (6 m). However, they have proved most practical as the
close spacing, low discharge and precipitation rates of 814 mm/h give
better results. The height of the sprinklers above ground should be a
minimum of 60 cm for low-growing crops. For high-growing crops, the
height should be adjusted accordingly.
FIGURE 8.2 - Profile of wetted soil under sprinklers
The light portable quick coupling pipes (steel or aluminium) can be
used not only as sprinkler lateral lines but also as water conveyance and
distribution lines. These pipes maintain their value for a considerable
length of time. There are cases where farmers have sold many of these
pipes at a profit even after extensive use.
The design procedure is the same as for the pipe-move sprinkler systems.
The sprinkler laterals are laid across the field perpendicular to the manifold
line (mains or submains) on lateral positions in accordance with the designed
Sm spacing, every 6, 12 or 18 m. The number of laterals operating
simultaneously, capable of delivering the flow of the system, is called the set
of lateral lines; these lines are fewer in number than their positions. Therefore,
after the completion of their operation at one position, the set of laterals is
moved to the next position and so on. The number of lateral positions should
be a multiple of the number of lateral lines per set. The quotient of the two
numbers is the number of movements or shifts per irrigation cycle.
In hose-move sprinkler systems, the sprinklers can be extended on both
sides of the lateral line to cover a distance of up to 60 m, which
corresponds to six lateral positions at 12 m Sm spacing. Instead of the
lateral positions and movements, there are sprinkler positions and
movements (shifts). Thus, one lateral line may cover up to six sprinkler
positions. Two sets of complete lateral lines with their hoses and sprinklers,
one in operation and one on stand-by, can cover an entire field area just
by moving the sprinklers from one position to another.
The maximum permissible length of the lateral lines is a function of the
size of the pipe, the number of the sprinklers (the spacing) and their
discharge. The loss of pressure due to friction in the lateral line should not
exceed 20 percent of the pressure at its entrance. Based on this
assumption, some indicative figures for quick coupling light steel or
aluminium laterals are presented in Table 8.1.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 8.5
TABLE 8.1 - Maximum number of low-medium pressure sprinklers on quick coupling lateral pipes
6 m
12 m
6 m
12 m
6 m
12 m
50 mm 70 mm 89 mm
SL spacing
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 8 Hose-move sprinkler irrigation 8.6
With sprinkler irrigation, the whole area is wetted and, thus, a larger
volume of soil is wetted. This allows a relatively higher water content in
the soil to be maintained than is the case with localized methods, thereby
increasing the irrigation interval. The larger the volume of wetted soil, the
later the crop goes into deficit. The preparation of the irrigation programme
follows the standard procedure, i.e. taking into consideration the soil
moisture holding capacity, the plant physiology (root depth, growing
stages, crop coefficient, etc.) and the climate. The irrigation efficiency is
about 75 percent. In general, the irrigation dosage application depth for
deep rooted field crops under sprinkling ranges from 40 to 100 mm. With
a precipitation rate of about 14 mm/h, the operating time at each position
is approximately 3 to 7 hours. Irrigation intervals of two weeks are
common in sprinkler irrigation.
The total cost for the installation of the system in 2.0 ha (as in the
example design) is US$1 790, or less than US$1 000/ha. A cost analysis
shows that the head control costs about US$70. The major cost items are the
plastic pipes, PVC and PE tubes, for the systems network which amount to
US$1 177, 65.7 percent of the total cost. Imported sophisticated equipment,
such as the sprinklers, rarely exceeds 10 percent of the total cost.
High irrigation application efficiency 75 percent.
Easy design, simple installation and operation.
Adaptability for all types of soils, many kinds of field crops and small
irregular plots.
Less expensive than many other modern irrigation systems.
Involves unskilled labour.
Moving the hoses with the sprinklers is heavy and unpleasant work
(Figure 8.3).
Long duration for the irrigation cycle.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 8.7
FIGURE 8.3 - Hose move sprinkler irrigation
(Sample design) 2.0 ha
EXAMPLE DESIGN Hose-move sprinkler for cotton
Area and crop
An area of approximately 2.0 ha planted with cotton at the beginning of
August. The field is square and level.
Soil, water and climate
Medium texture soil of good structure, with good infiltration and
internal drainage. The soil available moisture (Sa) is 110 mm/m depth. The
water is of good quality with no salinity or toxicity hazards; the source is a
tube-well equipped with a pumping unit delivering 36 m
/h. The peak
irrigation demand is in October, at the midseason growth stage of the crop.
Crop water requirements and irrigation scheduling
The pan average readings in October are 5.6 mm/d. This figure
multiplied by 0.66 (pan correction factor) gives an ETo of 3.7 mm/d. The
crop factor kc for cotton at this stage is taken as 1.05, the root depth 1.0 m
and the moisture depletion 50 percent. Then, ETc cotton = 3.7 x 1.05 =
3.88 mm/d. The net application depth is Sa 110 mm x root depth 1.0 m x
depletion 0.5 = 55 mm. The maximum permissible irrigation interval in
October is 55 mm 3.88 mm/d = 14 days. The irrigation frequency
depends on many factors and in no case should exceed the maximum
permissible irrigation interval. The systems application efficiency is
75 percent, therefore, the gross application depth at peak is: 55 mm 0.75
= 73.3 mm. The gross irrigation dose is: 73.3 mm x 10 x 2.0 ha = 1 466 m
System layout, performance and hydraulics
A 90 mm rigid PVC main pipeline is buried along the northern
boundary of the field. Two 63 mm HDPE lateral pipelines are placed
perpendicular to the mains, from north to south, 60 m apart and
connected with the mains through offtake surface hydrants. On the lateral
lines and at a regular spacing of 12 m, 25 mm flexible PE hoses 30 m long
are fitted and extended on the sides. At the other end of the hoses are
sprinklers on tripod stands (Tables 8.2 and 8.3 and Figure 8.4).
sprinkler characteristics and performance: low pressure, two-nozzle
sprinklers, discharge = 1.5 m
/h at 2.5 bars operating pressure,
diameter coverage = 26 m;
sprinkler spacing: 12 x 12 m;
precipitation rate: 10.4 mm/h;
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 8 Hose-move sprinkler irrigation 8.8
number of sprinklers per lateral: 12;
number of laterals: 2;
total number of sprinklers: 24 (operating simultaneously);
lateral discharge: 18 m
system discharge: 36 m
number of (lateral) sprinklers positions (shifts): 6;
duration of application per shift: 73.3 mm 10.4 = 7 hours;
duration of irrigation cycle: 42 hours.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 8.9
Pressure required at sprinkler
Friction losses in the 25 mm LDPE sprinkler hose, 30 m
Friction losses along the 63 mm HDPE lateral line
Friction losses along the 90 mm PVC main line
Minor local and other losses
Total dynamic head required
TABLE 8.3 - List of the equipment required for the hose-move
sprinkler system installation (bill of quantities)
TABLE 8.2 - Total dynamic head required
System distribution network
90 mm rigid PVC pipe, 6 bars
63 mm HDPE pipe, 6 bars
3-in x 90 mm PP adaptor
2 -in x 63 mm PP adaptor
90 mm PP end plug
63 mm PP end plug
90 mm x 2 in PP clamp saddle
63 mm x in PP clamp saddle
in x 25 mm PP adaptor
2 in threaded riser pipe, 60 cm
2 in gate valve
2 in nipple
Tripod sprinkler stand
Sprinkler two nozzle, 1.5 m
/h at 2.5 bars
25 mm LDPE hose, 4 bars
Trench excavation and backfilling
Head control
2 in brass check valve
2 in brass shut-off valve
2 in tee (galvanized iron, or PVC)
2 in nipple
1 in single air valve
110 m
280 m
1 pc
2 pcs
1 pc
2 pcs
2 pcs
24 pcs
48 pcs
2 pcs
2 pcs
2 pcs
24 pcs
24 pcs
720 m
110 m
1 pc
2 pcs
3 pcs
4 pcs
1 pc
Unit price US$
Total price US$
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 8 Hose-move sprinkler irrigation 8.10
FIGURE 8.4 - Hose move sprinkler jointing techniques
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 9.1
Travellers Spray Booms
irrigation systems
The Traveller Spray Boom is a complete mechanized automated
spraying irrigation system, easy to transport from one field to another
(Figure 9.1). The spray boom-irrigating lateral, placed on a wheel trolley
1.3 to 2.5 m above the ground, is towed at the far end of the field up to
400 m apart from the machine main body, which stays near the hydrant.
They are connected to each other with a long PE pipe laid on ground.
When operated, the pipe is re-winded on a reel (dram) attached to the
machine main body and the spray boom on the trolley is dragged
backwards irrigating a strip until the full length of the field is covered. The
traveller spray booms are compact irrigation systems of low medium
operating pressure (3.04.5 Bars). The area irrigated per shift (setting)
ranges from 0.4 to 2.0 ha depending on the size of the unit. The Spray
booms are used for the irrigation of forage, grain, potatoes, groundnuts and
most agro-industrial field crops. They have a large application in
supplementary irrigation of cereals (wheat and barley) during the winter
FIGURE 9.1 - Spray boom on trolley in operation.
In this system a boom, equipped with low-pressure rotary spray
nozzles, applies the irrigation water to the plants overhead in the form of
fine sprays. The boom is a single travelling irrigation sprayer pipeline
hanging above ground. It is mounted on a trolley and fed from a long
flexible PE hose/pipe connected to a large reel (drum). The reel is placed
on a swivel-base mounted on a wheeled cart (Figure 9.2). It is equipped
with a controller and other optional devices for the proper functioning of
the system. For operation the whole compact unit is transferred (towed),
with aid of a small agricultural tractor, and connected to the hydrant or
other pressurized source of water. The trolley with the spray boom folded
(or unfolded) is towed to the length of the hose up to 400 m at the far end
of the field area to be irrigated.
The system operates with the water pressure. The power is transmitted
from the machines turbine drive system on to the reel over a gearbox and
a chain drive. During operation the water turbine driven reel pulls
automatically the boom across a large strip area irrigated and rewinds the
hose/pipe back on the drum. The retraction speed is regulated from 2 to 60
m/h. When the hose is completely retracted the reel stops winding
automatically. The swivel base can be turned up to 180 and the boom
and hose are towed to another direction of the field, where the irrigation
operation is repeated to a new area of the same field. Then the whole
compact unit can be towed to another field or stored.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 9 Travellers Spray Booms irrigation systems 9.2
FIGURE 9.2 - The boom, the PR pipe and the reel machine.
The Boom with the water emitters (sprayers) and the trolley
The boom pipeline consists of 23 inches (5080 mm) hot dip zinc
galvanized steel pipes in approximate lengths of 4 m, foldable, with
reduced diameters at both ends. It is mounted on a two or four wheels
cart/trolley for bigger booms, made of high quality steel and aluminium
with swivelling turntable with supports and safety device for transporting
on the traveller. The boom is hanging above ground at 1.3 m to 2.5 m
hydraulically adjustable height achieved by means of special mechanism
on the trolley. Burdening weights continuously balance the boom parallel
to the ground. The boom is quickly and easily folded and unfolded by one
operator and its full length (width) varies according to the model from 15
m to 50 m. End spray nozzles or impact-rotating sprinklers at both boom
arms can increase the effective wetting width (irrigation strip width)
significantly (Figure 9.3).
The sprayers are mostly the deflector type and with grooved plates
stationary or rotating for longer effective water throw radius up to 6 m, as
in the Center Pivots. The size of nozzles varies from 2 mm up to 5 mm and
the operating pressure ranges from 0.7 Bars to 2.5 Bars with flow
discharges from 100 l/h to 4.5 m
/h. They are the full circle (360) and half
circle (180) and they are placed along the boom line on the lower part
facing the ground at frequent spacing of around 1.52 m apart for efficient
overlapping. Near the trolley half- circle sprayers of deflector type with
reduced throw radius are placed to direct the water in front of the boom,
away from the wheels and to preventing the trolley from being dug into the
wet soil, thus enable backwards move on dry soil.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 9.3
FIGURE 9.3 - The full-circle and the half-circle Sprayers.
The Flexible polyethylene pipe
This is made from reinforced special virgin HDPE and it is high pressure
PN 10 Bars minimum. It is specially developed for reel machines and its size
varies according to the system from 75 to 110 mm in lengths of 300 to 500
m. One end is connecter to the reel machine and the other to the boom line.
It is the irrigation water conveyance and the boom line feeding-pipeline.
The Reel machine
According to the model and the size there are two, three or four wheel,
heavy structural frame undercarriages, with turntable base on which the
pipe revolving reel (drum) can be swivelled mechanical or hydraulic
through 270 and turned to any desired position. The whole machine stays
fixed immovable even at high pulling forces during operation. The reel
drum is about 2 m diameters. It is equipped with a full-flow turbine drive
system and a four stage gearbox, a controller (electronic or mechanical) an
over-pressure shut-off valve, a tachometer and a feeler bar for the exact
regulation of retraction speed. The reel is safe during operation, start-up
and shut-off. It stops automatically after the pipe pull-off (Figure 9.4). The
winding mechanism guides the PE pipe precisely and evenly through all
windings and layers without bends or bruises on the rolled inner drum.
The system can be interrupted at any time of the operation with the use of
a gearshift lever. When needed the PE pipe can be rolled up quickly. A
blow out system empties the water left in the pipe with the completion of
irrigation. At the end of the operation the boom is easily folded and the
trolley is lifted hydraulically into the transport position and loaded on the
reel carriage. The whole structure is made of hot dip galvanised steel.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 9 Travellers Spray Booms irrigation systems 9.4
FIGURE 9.4 - The reel machine with the PE pipe.
The travelling Spray Booms are movable systems and can easily be
transferred from one field to another towed by a tractor. The most
convenient size the farmers are using is the ones with flow discharge of
2535 m
/h at 3.04.5 Bars operating pressure (connecting pressure), 3550
m wetted strip width and area covered per position 0.81.5 ha, 1012
hours of operation with total precipitation 4050 mm irrigation depth. One
irrigation machine can easily cover 25 ha with supplementary irrigation
during the winter months. This practice is usually applied in cereals during
drought periods. Each model can be modified for variable flow and
irrigation strip width by the replacement of the sprayers of the boom.
Area, and Topography
The area should be a plain agricultural field of regular shape. The
system can be towed and moved to a next position nearby and so on
(Figure 9.5). The Spray booms can operate on uneven ground, however,
level lands are recommended and uniform sloping fields with slopes up to
1 percent. Undulating topography may produce a lot of difficulties
especially where runoffs occur.
The soil should be of medium texture with high infiltration rate >15
mm/hour good internal drainage and water holding capacity.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 9.5
FIGURE 9.5 - Towing the compact machine.
Water availability
The source of water can be a tube-well, a river, a small water tank. The
system can be fed with water from hydrants placed at various points on the
farm plot boundaries. The water pressure should be adequate for the
system normal operation and in any case not less than 3.5 Bars. Otherwise
a booster pump is needed, to delivering the flow at the required pressure
connected directly to the system inlet. The system inlet will be connected
to the hydrant or the pump outlet through a quick coupling flexible hose.
For every Spray boom position a hydrant is needed. The water source
should be as near as possible too the field.
Water quality
The water should be clean and free from suspended solids and other
impurities, of normal pH 6.5 to 8.4, with no salinity hazard, sodium
hazard and toxicity problems caused by bicarbonates, nitrates or boron.
TDS should not exceed, if possible, 1 500 mg/l (ppm), SAR < 12, RSC <
1.25 meq/l, Boron content < 0.7 mg/l, Chlorides <200 mg/l, Nitrates (NO3)
< 100 mg/l and low content Bicarbonates (HCO3).
Kind of crops
The field crops to be grown, among others, under Spray boom irrigation
and their growing season are the same as with the Center pivots as follows:
Winter Crops: Wheat, barley, mid-October/mid-November (sowing) to
May/June (harvest), Chickpeas, March (sowing)June (harvest), Lentils,
May (sowing)June (harvest).
Industrial Crops: Soybeans, March/April (planting)October/November
(harvest). Maize, March/June/July (planting)July/October (harvest),
Sunflower, March (planting)June (harvest).
Other Crops: Leafy Vegetables, early spring; Potatoes (spring,
autumn); Watermelons March/June-July/October (harvest);
Groundnuts, AprilSept.; Lucerne, perennial.
It must be underlined that this system is completely different from the
conventional sprinkler irrigation systems as it is concerned with the
intensity of irrigation water application. In the conventional stationary
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 9 Travellers Spray Booms irrigation systems 9.6
systems the rate of precipitation (P) is determined by the soil infiltration
rate and depends on the sprinkler discharge (m
/h) and the sprinkler
spacing (m) along the line and between the lines. The depth (D) of water
application (irrigation dosage) is determined by the irrigation schedule and
depends on the hours of operation. E.g. when the precipitation rate (P) is
12 mm/h and the operation hours 3.5 then the depth of irrigation
application (D) is 12 mm/h x 3.5 h = 42 mm.
In the travelling spray booms the rate of precipitation P is nearly
identical to the depth (quantity) of water needed per unit of area per
irrigation. This quantity is applied at once, like in the surface methods and
not for a given a span of time (duration of application). In other words the
area irrigated simultaneously is limited to the small area wetted at each
moment by the boom sprayers, which along the travel deliver the whole
amount of water needed. Then the intensity of precipitation is very high
and ranges from the 50 percent to 100 percent the depth of irrigation
application. It is obvious that run-off and water paddling is unavoidable in
many fields of moderate and low infiltration rates, despite the
manufacturers/suppliers opinion. The irrigation water dosage cannot be
applied partially like with the Center Pivots by repeated travels, as it is not
practical to the farmers.
The higher the retraction speed of travels the lower the depth of water
application and vice/versa. Other important factors are the area covered
per shift and the operating hours of the system. So, for the calculation of
the irrigation program the following two formulas can be used, (1) for the
determination of the retraction speed and (2) for the area irrigated per shift
- S, retraction speed meters/h,
- Q, system flow m
- W, irrigation strip width meters,
- D, depth of irrigation mm (irrigation dosage)
- A, area per setting ha and
- H, hours of system operation
1000 Q

Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 9.7

For the irrigation program the users of the spray booms can use the
above formulas, or make use of the suppliers tables prepared for this
purpose (Table 9.1). These tables contain the calculated depth of water
application at various retraction speeds of the boom, based on the system
flow and the irrigated strip width.
The figures of the table are calculated by the use of the above given
formula (1) for the retraction speed determination.
The system is recommended for deep-rooted crops with irrigation dosage
of around 40 50 mm. The use of the right sprayers with fine drops at the
right size and distribution is of major importance, as the very small drops
are drifted by winds and distort uniform application pattern, whilst larger
drops may have impact on the soil surface and influence the infiltration rate.
The cost for a complete traveller spray boom system varies according to
the size of the unit. The general characteristics for a relatively moderate
size machine are, 25 40 m/h system water flow, 3.0 3.5 Bars connecting
pressure, 75 mm flexible HDPE hose 300 m length, 50 meters effective
wetted strip, 1.5 ha average area irrigated per setting. For this unit the cost
is approximate US$12 000.
Automated complete irrigation system in a compact movable unit.
Irrigation efficiency 80 percent
Considerable savings in labour
Fine precipitation improves soil structure
Simple to handle
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 9 Travellers Spray Booms irrigation systems 9.8
TABLE 9.1 - Example performance table for boom retraction speed and precipitation
20 mm
30 mm
40 mm
50 mm
Depth of irrigation application per setting
Retraction speed m/h
No pipe networks installations within the field (Figure 9.6)
Gives the farmer practical solutions to many irrigation problems
Ideal for supplementary irrigation of large and remote fields (Figure 9.7)
High initial purchase cost
High intensity of precipitation resulting into runoff and water paddling
Not recommended for heavy soils of fine texture with low permeability
Transportation from one field to another is made by a tractor (Figure 9.8).
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 9.9
FIGURE 9.6 - Spray Boom in operation.
FIGURE 9.7 - Spray Boom machine.
EXAMPLE DESIGN Spray Boom in alfalfa
Area and crop
The field is a rectangular area with dimensions 100 m along the road x
280 m, more or less plain and uniform slope, total area 2.8 ha. It is
planted with alfalfa, perennial, deep-rooted forage crop tolerant to salinity.
Soil, water and climate
The soil is of medium texture, with high infiltration rate of > 15 mm/h
and Sa 120 mm/m. The source of the irrigation water is a deep tube-well of
30 m3/h capacity at 3.2 Bars pressure output. The water is slightly saline
with TDS 1 400 mg/l with no sodium hazard and any other problem. The
climate is semi-arid with warm summer and highest evaporation 9 mm/day
in July August.
Crop Irrigation requirements and irrigation program
Alfalfa is a perennial crop and grows for 3 to 4 years in climates with
mild winters. Crop water requirements are high ranging from 900 to 1 500
mm per season. There is a variation in the water consumption (kc values)
during the irrigation season that depends mainly on the timing of the
cuttings and the dormancy period, which is practiced by the farmers
during the high temperature months. With average kc 0.95 and 80 percent
irrigation application efficiency the gross irrigation requirements in this
example case amount to 1 350 mm. This total depth (amount) of water is
applied in steady irrigation dosages of 50 mm, with a total number of 27
irrigations per season.
System characteristics layout and performance
The selected Spray boom machine is of low connecting pressure around
3 Bars and flow 30 m
/h to match with the available source. The length of
the boom is around 32 m with 50meters effective irrigation strip width. The
flexible HDPE hose is 75 mm and 300 m long. The Spray boom is towed
and placed at one end of the field 280 m apart and the Reel cart on the
other, near the hydrant, with the PE reel pipe laid unwinds on ground.
When operated the pipe is re-winded and the spray boom on the trolley is
dragged backwards irrigating a 50 m strip. With two spray boom settings
(50 m x 280 m) the whole area is covered.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 9 Travellers Spray Booms irrigation systems 9.10
The application of 50 mm depth per irrigation is achieved with the 30
/h system flow at a travel speed of 12 meters/hour (see table or make use
of formula). The time required per setting is 280 m 12 m/h = 23.3 hours.
With 8 operating hours per day three days are needed per setting and six
days to fulfil irrigation. In summer time the daily operating hours can increase
to 10 or 12, so the time to fulfil irrigation can be two four days, i.e. two days
per setting. According to the irrigation program the total number of 27
irrigations will be given, 2 in April, 3 in May, 5 in June, 5 in July, 5 in August,
4 in September and 3 in October. During the peak demand the machine will
operate for 20 days per month to meet the requirements (Figure 9.9).
Description and General Requirements
One Traveller Spray Boom Irrigation Reel type machine, integrated unit
to be used as a single whole irrigation system as follows:
Area cover per position: 1.2 to 1.8 ha.
System flow and connecting pressure: 30 m/h at 3.0 to 3.5 Bars.
Type of Systems: Travelling mechanised.
Systems Component parts: a) Reel machine on hydraulic travel
wheeled cart, b) HDPE reel Pipe 75 mm c) Boom with sprayers
mounted on trolley.
System layout: The Spray boom is placed at one end of the field and
the Reel cart on the other with the PE reel pipe laid unwinds on
ground. When operated the pipe is re-winded and the spray boom on
the trolley is dragged backwards.
Total Length of reel pipe: 300 m.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 9.11
FIGURE 9.8 - Layout (setting) of Spray Boom machine.
Reel (assembly)
Travel cart assembled from best quality steel and aluminium, with
adjustable track width. Easily moved.
Frame mounted on 24 wheelbase with large size tyres.
Hydraulic or mechanical swivel aid for turning in any desired position
on level and unlevelled ground.
Machine supports with mechanical winch.
Completely hot-dip galvanised travel cart and turntable.
Revolving pipe Reel with integrated supports, swivel reel around 2 m
Adjustable retraction speed with tachometer for digital speed indication.
Equipped with drive mechanism powered by water pressure (full-flow
turbine, pressure gauge, 4 speed gearbox, feeler bar, safety guards.)
System for asymmetric and symmetric pipe guidance.
Blow out system for residual water in the pipe.
Hydraulic automatic lifting device for boom assembly and supporting legs
Built-in automatic shut-off
Arrangement for easy coupled to hydrant through connecting hoses 10 m.
Boom and Trolley
Swivelling boom arms.
Hot zinc plated or aluminium.
Mounted on Trolley with wheels.
Rotator Sprayers full-circle with fine drops and large radius coverage
suitably placed at even frequent spaces; half-circle pattern near the
trolley; end sprinklers.
Effective irrigation strip width 50 to 55 m (Figure 9.10).
Boom easily folded and unfolded.
Adjustable boom height above ground 1.2 to 2.5 m.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 9 Travellers Spray Booms irrigation systems 9.12
FIGURE 9.9 - Variable irrigation strip widths with different sprayers arrangements.
The center pivot
irrigation systems
The center pivot system consists of one single sprayer or sprinkler
pipeline of relatively large diameter, composed of high tensile galvanized
light steel or aluminum pipes supported above ground by towers move on
wheels, long spans, steel trusses and/or cables (Figure 10.1). One end of the
line is connected to a pivot mechanism at the center of the command area;
the entire line rotates about the pivot. The application rate of the water
emitters varies from lower values near the pivot to higher ones towards the
outer end by the use of small and large nozzles along the line accordingly.
The center pivot (CP) is a low/medium pressure fully mechanized
automated irrigation system of permanent assemble. It has become very
popular in the Near East region in recent years for irrigation of most of
field crops, cereals, legumes, forage and vegetables. It is also used for
supplementary irrigation for rain fed grain. The cost of each system unit is
relatively high and is therefore best suited to large irrigated farms. The area
covered can be from 3.5 ha to 60 ha, according to the size of the CP, and
the larger the area the lower is the cost of the system per unit area.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 10.1
FIGURE 10.1 - The center pivot.
The typical center pivot system consists of a single long irrigating
pipeline attached to a central tower and moves slowly over the field in a
circular pattern and irrigates the plants with sprayers, or sprinklers placed
on it at frequent spacing, The central tower with a pivot mechanism and
main control panel (electric) is anchored to a small concrete base at a
fixed water supply point (hydrant) at the center of the field. The entire
irrigating pipeline is supported above ground by A frame towers move on
wheels, long spans, steel trusses and/or cables; the end of the pipe is
overhung with a sprinkler gun. The whole system rotates slowly, at a typical
speed (last span) of 23 m/min., around the fixed pivot, self-propelled,
applying water in the form of overhead spray irrigation and covers the area
in a circular pattern. The drive system features small individual power units
mounted on each wheeled tower. These units are electric drive, but can be
hydraulic (water, oil) or mechanical drive. An automatic alignment system
keeps always the irrigating pipeline straight (Figure 10.2).
The typical CP systems can be fixed permanent installations or
movable/towable type with the central tower based on wheels or a skid,
easily move from one field to another. The Linear Center Pivot is another
common type towable system, which can irrigate rectangular or square
shaped fields using a canal water resource parallel to the travel direction.
Computer aided management systems (CAMS) models (MULTICENTER)
and self-propelled are now available and the whole installation can be
managed through a remote control for towing from one place to another.
Corner systems are also available for irrigation of square, rectangular and
odd shaped fields. Monospan systems are also available for small fields.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 10 The center pivot irrigation systems 10.2
FIGURE 10.2 - A center pivot overview.
The Pipeline
The long irrigating pipeline (Lateral) with water emitters (sprinklers,
bubblers, or sprayers) can be from 140 to 250 mm diameter, according to
the system flow and the length; standard sizes of approximate 160 mm (6
inches) and 200 mm (8 inches) are very common. The length of the
pipeline can be from 50 to 750 meters according to the design. It is made
of high tensile material galvanized light steel, or aluminum, with extra
strong couplers to stand the system operating pressures.
The pipeline is placed on wheeled A frame towers of typically 3 meters
minimum height above ground and spaced 3555 meters distance apart
(length of spans). The common or standard length of spans is 40 m. Truss
rod arches maintain the even distribution of weight and loads between the
towers. On level ground the ground clearance varies from 2.75 to 4.5
meters for high profile machines. The spans are equipped with flexible joints
at the ends allowing the pipeline to articulate and to allow side-to-side, up
and down and rotational movement with no stress on the pipeline.
The water emitters
The water emitters, computerized sized and spaced for high uniformity
of application, are mounted on the pipeline at spacing of 1.5 to 3.0 m, and
6 m approx. according to the type and coverage of the sprayer emitters, and
operate when the system is in motion. The emitters in the past were full-
circle rotating sprinklers. Since the early eighties the Low Energy Precision
Application (LEPA) mode is using sprayers, bubblers or angle mist sprayers,
fitted on flexible hose drops hanging down from the lateral at a height
above ground of about 20 to 45 cm for the bubblers and 1.01.8 m for the
sprayers. The hose drops are connected to the pipeline by a gooseneck
or furrow arm and operate at lower pressures of about 0.5 to 1.5 bars.
Goosenecks and drops are usually installed alternately on each side of the
Lateral to even stresses on the line when used on high profile crops. There
are several models of sprayers with excellent performance, long radius and
uniform rain precipitation. Pressure/flow regulators are used in most cases.
The discharge rate of the emitters along the pipeline is not the same along
the line, but varies from lower values near the center to higher ones
towards the outer end by the use of small and large nozzles along the line
accordingly and sometimes variable spacing. Good overlapping is essential.
Part circle sprayers are used near the towers to avoid over wetting the area
along the wheels. The most common sprayers in use the last few years are
the Senningers wobblers and the Nelsons rotators.
A sprinkler gun is placed at the end of the overhang pipe (Figure 10.3)
and may increase the length of the line by of its sprinkling radius, yet
under low pressures rotating sprinklers have poor performance. Operating
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 10.3
pressures along the line are low, that makes the system sensitive to pressure
changes caused from friction losses or differences in elevation and uneven
ground. Installation of pressure gauges for frequent monitoring is important
to ensure proper flow and good application efficiency and uniformity. A
pressure gauge is always needed at the last drop of the pipeline. Since 0.4
Bars pressure regulators often used with LEPA need at least 0.65 bars at the
inlet to function properly, then maintaining 0.65 bars at the end of the line
will ensure that all regulators are operating properly. The inlet pressure
needed for the CP normal operation is slightly less than 3 bars.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 10 The center pivot irrigation systems 10.4
BOX 10.1 - Low Energy Precision Application
Low Energy Precision Application (LEPA irrigation) is defined as: a low pressure
irrigation method for uniformity applying small frequent irrigations at or near the
ground level to individual furrows (usually alternate furrows) with a mechanical
move system accompanied by soil-tillage methods or tillage plus crop residue
management to increase surface water storage capacity. It is used on-farm with
small diameter bubblers located about 0.3 m above ground and with socks or
sleeves discharging water directly into furrows.
Spray irrigation is defined as: the application of water by a small spray or mist to the
soil surface, where travel through the air becomes instrumental in the distribution of
the water. It was developed to reduce the droplet evaporation and drift inherent
with impact sprinklers. The sprinkler manufacturers have developed many types of
spray heads and today many combinations of pressure regulators and spray heads,
nozzles and deflector plates are commercially available.
Today the CP irrigation systems are mainly available in three types: a) The LEPA
sock, b) The LEPA bubbler, c) The sprayer.
The bubbler mode produces an umbrella shaped pattern approximately 0.4 to 0.5 m
in diameter, which minimizes wind effects and only wet part o the soil surface. This
so called true LEPA system as developed and introduced by Lyle and Bordovsky
(1981). The spray mode produces a horizontal spray approximately 2.5 to 3.3 m in
diameter, which wets the entire soil surface. The so-called chemigate mode
produces a 60 upward spray, which sprays the underside of the leaves). Lately new
sprayers have been developed.
Commercial LEPA heads and nozzles, which can operate in the three different
modes by changing the pad and hood positions, are now available. So, the same
product can be used for pre-irrigation and germination, irrigation with the bubbler
mode and chemigation.
The Central Tower
This is a pyramidal structure of about 3.54.5 m height, built up with
galvanized steel angular profiles and anchored on a concrete square
platform. This structure has an access ladder. It is the head of the system
and carries all equipment necessary for the control of the system, such as
the system water fed up-going piece of pipe with the elbow on the top and
inlets for fertilizer injection; the Collector ring, the Central Control Panel.
The CP System Control
A modular control panel, protected in a cabinet, is installed on the
pivot central tower and enables handling of the irrigation machine and the
programming of irrigation, thus the control of flow and pipeline
movementoperation time and speed/time per lap (Figure 10.4). A
voltmeter and several pilot lights indicate control tension, support tower
alarm and luck of pressure. Automatic starter, position stop device,
automatic shut-off and hour counter are included too in a standard control
panel. Manufacturers offer several models of various level of control
including full telemetry control with the use of cellular telephone.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 10.5
FIGURE 10.3 - Hose drops with sprayers.
The CP irrigation system is fully mechanized automated. The drive
system features small electric motors (standard HP 0.75) mounted one on
each two-wheel tower. Whereas electric power is not available a generator
is attached to the system. An automatic alignment system keeps always the
lateral in a straight line. The distance that is covered by each tower varies,
as the distance around the circle is greater at the far end of the pipeline
and smaller near the center. The towers (Figure 10.5) do not move
continuously, but in a series of starts and stops controlled by the
movement frequency of the outer guide tower. The percent time set the
fraction of time that the guide tower motor operates during each
movement cycle, thereby setting the rate of revolution and the application
rate. Micro-switches in the alignment mechanism operate the motors of
interior towers to keep the system properly aligned.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 10 The center pivot irrigation systems 10.6
FIGURE 10.4 - The Central tower and the control panel.
The generator
In most cases and especially in areas without electricity facilities a
small generator set attached to the central tower, diesel driven with fuel
tank, provides the electric power for the system operation.
The cost of each system unit is relatively high and varies from US$
2 500US$750 per ha depending on the size of the area. It is best suited to
large irrigated farms. A relatively small to moderate unit with four spans
pipeline of approximate 220 m radius for a 15 ha area per position costs
around US$35 000.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 10.7
FIGURE 10.5 - The Support towers.
High irrigation application efficiency 7585 percent resulting into
water savings, with the absolute control of the irrigation water from
the source to the plants (Figure 10.6).
Higher application uniformities as compared with other sprinkling or
spraying systems because of continuously emitters.
With the completion of one irrigation the system is at the starting
Savings in labour and fuel
Reduced tillage and associate costs
Salinity control. Essential leaching of the root-zone at the end of the
season is highly efficient with CP
Supplementary irrigation in rain fed grains in drought periods.
High initial purchase cost.
Not practical for small holdings
Design and erection
The manufacturers/suppliers are responsible for the design of the
mechanical structures and the drive mechanisms for CP systems, since a
specific knowledge of all the system components and features is required.
They are also responsible for the erection of the machine (Figure 10.7). A
turnkey system is provided to the end user. They also provide operators
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 10 The center pivot irrigation systems 10.8
FIGURE 10.6 - High and Low-profile structures.
manual that gives detailed steps necessary to prepare a CP system for
operation at the beginning of the season, the maintenance during
operation and the things that should be done to prepare the system for
long periods when it is not used. New CP machines seldom need repair
parts, but a source of repairs will be needed for several years after the
installation. There are special requirements for transport (Figure 10.8),
storing, loading/unloading the CP and erection of the systems.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 10.9
FIGURE 10.7 - The erection of a center pivot.
Application rate and frequency of irrigation
All systems and irrigation methods are planned to apply water at rates
equal or less the soil infiltration rate. CP is designed to be for the most
part, independent of soil intake rate. Instead, CP design is based on the
application volume per irrigation not exceeding the surface storage
volume. With spray heads the wetted diameter greatly exceeds that with
bubblers, however surface runoff occurs and reduce the application
efficiency as well, as the uniformity of application, due to the
redistribution of water in the field. The travel speed is important factor in
designing these systems. In most cases the CP must run at a greater travel
speed to compensate for the additional water reaching the ground. The
irrigation frequencies are shortened and the irrigation application smaller.
Irrigation Detailed irrigation programs should be prepared on the spot. In
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 10 The center pivot irrigation systems 10.10
FIGURE 10.8 - Towing the system.
any case the in the semi-arid regions CP irrigation systems should be
designed for crop requirements up to 89 mm/day at peak demand and
increased daily operating hours during this period.
Special Considerations
The type and kind of soils their topography, water holding capacity,
and infiltration rate are among the principal factors controlling the
successful application of the CP. A major problem is that this type of CP
system results into a very high precipitation rate, because the small
emitters (sprayers and bubblers) have very small diameter coverage, (higher
amount of water over a smaller area). This usually leads to the soil intake
rate being exceeded, thus causing water run-off, or water ponding. In such
cases additional runoff prevention practices are needed. CP systems
operate best on soils with high infiltration rates that absorb the water at the
point of impact and the nearby area. Runoff usually collect in low areas
and log down the towers wheels. It tends to concentrate and create erosive
streams. The one method to reduce runoff includes small dikes between
the rows and the formation of small basins that keep the water where it
falls, allowing it to be absorbed into the soil. Remedial tillage is necessary.
The CP systems operation are more trouble-free on level lands and on
uniform sloping fields with slopes up to 3 percent. Slope differences can
be up to 20 percent in the radial direction on rolling ground. In the
circular direction the pipeline can move up and down slopes of 15 percent
on plain fields or with shallow furrows. Where furrows are more than 0.15
m deep the ground slopes should never exceed 10 percent. Undulating
topography may produce a lot of difficulties especially where runoffs
occur. Substantial runoff or translocation occurs on deep slopes under CP
irrigation without remedial tillage even if the soil is very sandy and water
application is light. Because of the higher application rates than the
infiltration rates significant runoff can occur on slopes greater than 3
percent. This problem can be remedy by performing some modifications
the soil surface, or by the use of sprayers with larger diameter coverage,
thus to apply water over a larger area.
On fields with uneven gradients variations in pressure can adversely
affect the uniformity of application if pressure regulators are not used at
each nozzle. With the use of circular CP, approximately 21 percent of a
square field remains without irrigation. With the use of end guns this area
is reduced to 15 percent.
In heavy loamy soils when wet soil does not support the weight of the
wheels and deep ruts are cut, filling the ruts with sand can provide
temporary solution to prevent stalling of the pipeline. If the soil becomes
sticky as well, the pipeline may bog down if the land becomes too wet.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 10.11
The speed of the CP is of major importance as it affects the rate of
precipitation, which should not be identical to the irrigation dosage (water
application). Then the irrigation dosage can be applied in several laps. As a
rule of thump the minimum water application per irrigation cycle should
be taken above 30 mm.
When water is pumped into the CP system, water fills the Lateral
pipeline and the hose drops. Weight of the water causes the pivot to
squat especially toward mid-span. Length of the hose drop should be
regulated to account for the change so that all emitter heads will be same
height above ground when the system is running.
The Site Selection Criteria
The criteria to the collection and preparation of the above information
are based on the kind and the type of the irrigation system and its
techniques. A thorough study of the previous text specifies the site
selection criteria for the installation of the CP irrigation systems as follows:
Area, size and shape
The area should be relatively level. This practice is usually applied in
cereals for supplementary irrigation during drought periods.
The CP irrigation systems can operate on uneven ground; however,
level lands are recommended and uniform sloping fields with slopes up to
3 percent. Undulating topography may produce a lot of difficulties
especially where runoffs occur.
Type of soil
The soil should be of medium to light texture with high infiltration rate
>15 mm/h and good internal drainage.
Water and pressure availability
The source of water can be a tube-well, a river, a small water tank. But
the circular CP systems should be fed from a hydrant placed near the pivot.
A booster pump can deliver the flow at the required pressure. The system
inlet is connected to the hydrant through a quick coupling flexible hose.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 10 The center pivot irrigation systems 10.12
Water quality
The water should be of normal pH, free from suspended solids, salinity
hazard, sodium hazard and toxicity problems caused by bicarbonates,
nitrates or boron. TDS should not exceed 1 500mg/l (ppm), SAR < 12,
RSC < 1.25 meq/l, boron content< 0.7 mg/l.
Fuel requirements
The CP systems are equipped with generators for driving the towers and
booster pumps, both diesel engine driven. The fuel tanks must be
connected with additional bigger tanks placed nearby for long
uninterrupted operation of the CP systems.
Kind of crops
Winter Crops (Wheat, barley, Chickpeas, Lentils) Industrial Crops
(Soybeans, Maize, Sunflower), Other Crops (Leafy Vegetables, Groundnuts,
Watermelons, Lucerne etc.) (Figure 10.9).
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 10.13
FIGURE 10.9 - Overview.
The design of the CP irrigation project is relatively simple and in any case
easier than the conventional drip systems. This example design is a most
difficult case. A summer field crop is selected in a semiarid area with high
evapotranspiration and scarce water resources. The main steps are as follows:
Determination of the irrigated area, the length of the CP radius and
the crop main characteristics (root depth, growing season, critical
stages etc.).
Calculation of the crop irrigation requirements at peak demand and
soil available moisture (water holding capacity)
Irrigation schedule (dosage, daily operating hours and interval)
System main characteristics and technical specifications
Area, CP radius and crop
The area is around 15 ha, with minor slopes. The length of the CP
pipeline is 215 meters with effective wetted length with the end gun 218.5
m (circle radius). The periphery of the circular area is around 1 350 m
(Circle circumference = 2 r) (Figure 10.10). The area is planted with
groundnuts (Arachis hypogaea); it is a sensitive crop and any water stress
results into yield reduction; growing season AprilSeptember, 130 days
approximately; effective root depth 0.65 m.; kc values 0.45 initial stage,
0.75 vegetative growth, 1.0 at flowering and yield formation, 0.75 at the
late stage. Mid-season stage is around 45 days with kc 1.0 and falls into
July/August with the irrigation water demand at peak.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 10 The center pivot irrigation systems 10.14
FIGURE 10.10 - System layout.
Crop water requirements and soil
Highest ETo in July-August is around 7.0 mm/day multiplied by crop kc
1.0, then ETc is 7.0 mm/day. The system application efficiency is 85
percent, so the gross irrigation needs are 7 mm 0.85 = 8.2 mm/day or
8.2 mm x 10 x 15 ha =1 235 m
/day at peak demand period. Soil is light
medium texture with available moisture (Sa) 120 mm/m soil depth and
infiltration rate > 15 mm/h. Based on the above data a detailed irrigation
program (schedule) can be prepared.
Systems characteristics
The systems performances should meet the peak demand period as well
as with the other growing period and the prevailing conditions with regard
to the water availability, daily operating hours cost of fuel etc. The factors
and data needed for the calculation of the system flow are the irrigation
dosage and the daily water requirements. The dosage (d) = Soil available
moisture mm/m (Sa) x moisture depletion percent (p) x root depth m (D).
The frequency of irrigation in days is d mm Etc/day. The interval between
irrigations (end of one irrigation until the beginning of the next) is the
frequency in days minus the days required for fulfilment of one irrigation.
The latter depends on the size of flow and the daily operating hours. In
most cases the available flow dictates the basic system characteristics and
performances. Irrigationists should take into consideration that the designed
flow in practice is available only in 7 percent to 9 percent of the cases.
A system flow around 1517 l/s (60 m
/h) is selected and the minimum
daily operating hours to meet the demand at the crop mid-season stage is:
1 235 m
/day 60 m
/h = 20.5 h/day.
For one lap per day the speed time is 1.125 m per min. With two laps per
day the speed is 2.25 m/h and the time per lap 10 hours and 15 minutes.
The general CP system characteristics
System Component parts: a) Pivot tower with Control Panel, and
Generator, Towable on swivel wheels b) Pipeline with sprayers on
Hose drops and end gun, supported by self-propelled wheeled Towers
(4), c) Booster Pump with engine. d) Length of spans 4050 meters.
Minimum crop clearance 3.0 meters.
Length of Pipeline: 216 m (4 spans of approx. 48 m + 24 m overhang)
Length of wetted Radius: 219m approx.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 10.15
System Flow: 60 m
Pressure at the Pivot Inlet: 2.3 Bars approx. (Figure 10.11)
Area coverage: 15 ha approx.
Min. speed, Time per Lap, Precipitation: 0.3 m/min., 74 hours, 29.6 mm
Max. speed, Time per Lap, Precipitation: 3 m/min., 7.4 hours, 2.96 mm
The technical specifications
The central tower
Heavy-duty structure, hot dip galvanized including the elbow. Braces on
all sides and Access ladder for checking the Collector ring. Appropriate size
of riser inlet tube for minimum friction losses. Tower on swivel wheels and
heavy-duty feet in cases of anchoring the pyramid to the concrete base.
Galvanized Main Control Panel support angles. Pressure gauge. Riser-pipe
support angles. No vibration of the inlet water with high pressure.
The pipeline
Hot dip-galvanized steel zinc coated inside and outside. Pipe diameter
approx. 141160 mm for minimum friction losses, min. PN 10 Bars. Rubber
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 10 The center pivot irrigation systems 10.16
FIGURE 10.11 - Connection to the water source.
gaskets, galvanized steel holders, short reinforced cardan type union of
spans for great resistance, rubber union sleeves with steel clamps or
aluminum couplings, flanged type of jointing of spans. All structure hot dip
galvanized for preventing corrosion, unions with security bolts and nuts.
The water emitters
Low pressure sprayers with relatively large diameter coverage with
interchangeable nozzles for various performances; equipped with
individual pressure regulators on flexible hose drops sets for various crop
clearance of 22.5 meters.
The driving towers
All the structure hot dip galvanized, with heavy duty tower legs, fixed to
the pipe line, with braces on both sides and heavy duty train shaft supporting
the gearboxes, the towers legs and the power drive. Drive units legs must be
integrated on into the gearbox mounting and not on the free pipe.
The drive unit
Compact unit equipped with cooling fins, aluminum body, external dust
seals to protect oil seals Tension 380 v. Frequency 50 Hz, rate: 40:1. Horse
power . Heavy duty Wheel Gearbox. Double side Output Shaft. Worm
gear rate: 50:1. Drive Shaft with the transmission system based on a
telescopic cardan joint, with steel crosses arms and protective casing.
The alignment system
Plastic Tower box anticorrosive with safety micro switches. Stainless steel
internal support for electric components. Alignment components on stainless
steel and aluminum. Individual electricity switch on every control box.
The control panel
Closed Box reinforced, double door, airtight totally isolated interior,
Tension 380 V. Frequency 50 Hz. Including voltmeter, several pilots
indicating control tension, support tower alarms and lack of pressure,
control indicator forward and reverse running, forward and reverse
selector, with or without water selector, automatic shut down (when
pressure is insufficient), tension tester, hour counter, speed control, general
switch. Possibility of stopping the electric generator electro valve or the
water pump station in case of any problem during the pivot work. Outlet
available for 24 and 110 V.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 10.17
Collector ring
Totally sealed placed on top of the central pivot tower.
Wheels for Irrigation use. First use High flotation wheels. Hot dip
galvanized rims, with valve protection.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 10 The center pivot irrigation systems 10.18
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 11.1
Microsprinklers are low capacity water emitters, sprinkler in type, but
smaller in size than the conventional sprinklers and with flow rates up to
250 litres/h. They are placed on a relatively close rectangular or triangular
spacing for the maximum overlap to irrigate potatoes, carrots, leafy
vegetables, groundnuts and other densely planted field crops. This method
is reliable, highly efficient, and easy to apply, operate and handle.
The system is a seasonal, low pressure, micro-irrigation solid installation
which can be easily placed in the field and quickly removed (collected) at
the end of the season.
The layout of the system consists of a head control equipped only with
the regulating valves (shut-off, non-return, air) and a filter of about 4060
mesh (200300 microns). No injectors are needed as fertigation through
this system is not a common practice among farmers.
The arrangement of the main and submain lines, hydrants and
manifolds is the same as in other micro-irrigation piping networks.
The size of the manifold feeder lines should be 5063 mm and in no
case exceed 75 mm. Pipelines of 5063 mm are recommended for flows of
approximately 1218 m
/h when the water is distributed en route
The pipes used for the systems distribution network are mainly in rigid
PVC (buried) or black HDPE (normally laid on the surface). Other kind of
pipes are used also, such as layflat hoses and quick coupling galvanized
light steel pipes.
The laterals are soft PE pipes, 20, 25 or 32 mm in diameter, according
to the length, PN 4.0 bars, laid permanently on the surface. The
microsprinklers are placed along the laterals at a spacing of 57 m, fixed
7080 cm above the surface on iron rods inserted into the ground. They
are connected to the laterals through a small flexible PVC tube 79 mm in
diameter and 1 m long.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 11 Microsprinklers 11.2
These emitters are low capacity rotary sprinklers designed for low
discharges uniformly distributed over the irrigated area in a rainfall pattern
(Figure 11.1). Made of durable plastic, they have various operating
mechanisms, and are usually compact without external moving parts. They
have one low trajectory (jet angle above nozzle), quick rotating, 1.52.0
mm nozzle. The main performance characteristics are:
operating pressure: 2.0 bars;
flow rate (discharge): 130250 litres/h (recommended 160180 litres/h);
wetting diameter (coverage): 12 m average;
precipitation rate: 47 mm/h (recommended);
filtration requirements: 4060 mesh (300250 microns) approximately.
A complete set consists of: a) the sprinkler emitter compact head; b) a
6 mm iron rod 1 m long; and c) a 79 mm flexible PVC tube with a
barbed plunger for connection with the PE lateral line.
This system enables a high degree of control of both when to apply and
how much irrigation water to apply. The restrictions imposed by the system
are limited. Thus, there are more timing options in the irrigation scheduling
programme. The vegetables are mostly shallow rooted crops, so the
selected option is generally that of fixed depletion irrigation.
FIGURE 11.1 - Microsprinkler emitters in potatoes.
A gross application depth of 2030 mm is common for potatoes and
vegetables. The gross water requirements of a vegetable or a potato
plantation vary from 300 to 400 mm in terms of depth. Thus, the total
number of irrigations required is about 1215, at intervals based on the
cumulative evaporation.
In addition to the standard design criteria, such as area, crop, water
supply, soil and climate, it is important to examine the systems special
features and characteristics as these parameters influence the final decision.
Microsprinklers deliver the water in low application rates and in fine
drops. Such drops easily drift in the air, even under low to moderate wind
conditions. In order to ensure a high uniformity of application, the sprinkler
spacing should be decreased and not exceed 50 percent of the diameter
coverage, i.e. the sprinkler spacing along the laterals and between the
laterals should range from 5 to 7 m. Hence, common spacings are 5 x 5 m,
5 x 6 m, 5 x 7 m and 6 x 7 m. Furthermore, to mitigate the adverse effects of
the wind, a relatively large number of sprinklers per unit area should be
operated simultaneously. The operation shifts should be arranged so that the
area irrigated at the same time is as compact as possible.
The system laterals are made of LDPE. Experience has shown that the
optimum size of these pipes for this system is 32 mm as such pipes are
easy to handle on site, to place, to remove, etc. Larger diameters are not
The maximum permissible length of various size laterals on level
ground depending on the number of the sprinklers, the spacing and the
flow rate is as follows (Table 11.1):
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 11.3
No. of sprinklers
Lateral length m
No. of sprinklers
Lateral length m
Lateral size and spacing
20 mm 5 m
20 mm 6 m
20 mm 7 m
20 mm 8 m
25 mm 5 m
25 mm 6 m
25 mm 7 m
25 mm 8 m
32 mm 5 m
32 mm 6 m
32 mm 7 m
32 mm 8 m
160 litres/h 180 litres/h
TABLE 11.1 - Maximum permissible length of laterals
All pipes LDPE 4.0 bars to DIN 8072 (inside diameter 16.0, 20.2 and 27.2 mm respectively).
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 11 Microsprinklers 11.4
The cost for a complete installation of this system is approximately
US$3 300/ha. The head control unit accounts for 810 percent of the total
cost of the system; the plastic pipes (tubes), exactly 50 percent; and the
low capacity sprinklers, nearly 35 percent.
Low labour O&M requirements.
Flexibility and adaptability: the technology is simple and easy to
adopt and manage. The safe transition from traditional surface
methods to advanced micro-irrigation can be successfully
accomplished through the installation of this kind of system.
High irrigation application efficiency.
High initial purchase cost.
EXAMPLE DESIGN Microsprinklers with potatoes
Area and crop
The plot dimensions are 120 85 m (1.0 ha) planted with spring
potatoes (Figure 11.2).
Soil, water and climate
Fine texture soil of good structure with a permeability of approximately
11 mm/h, and a high water holding capacity (200 mm/m). The water is
supplied from a properly treated reservoir; it is clean, but slightly saline.
The spring potato season is from January to May. In April the average pan
readings are 3.3 mm/d; multiplied by the pan correction factor (0.66), this
gives ETo = 2.18 mm/d.
Crop water requirements and irrigation schedule
Peak demand is in April and the kc value is 0.9. Then, ETc = 2.18 x 0.9 =
1.96 mm/d (net water requirements at peak). The systems application
efficiency is 75 percent. In addition, an extra amount of about 15 percent
should be applied for leaching salts. The peak gross irrigation requirements are:
1.96 mm/d x 100 75 = 2.61 mm/d x 100 85 = 3.1 mm/d x 10 x 1.0 ha = 31 m
The soil available moisture is 200 mm/m depth, the effective root depth
is 0.35 m, and the maximum recommended moisture depletion is 40
percent. The maximum irrigation interval in April is:
200 x 0.35 x 0.4 1.96 = 14 days
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 11.5
FIGURE 11.2 - Low capacity sprinkler irrigation
in potatoes (solid system). (Sample design)
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 11 Microsprinklers 11.6
The irrigation scheduling programme is arranged at a fixed depletion of
about 20 mm (cumulative evaporation). Thus, the interval in April is: 20
1.96 = 10 days. The gross irrigation application is 31.4 mm, which gives a
gross amount of 314 m
/ha per irrigation.
System layout
The system is a solid installation with all the sprinkler laterals
permanently laid on the field. The head control unit is equipped with
regulating valves and a screen filter of 60 mesh. There is only the main
line, 75 mm HDPE, 6.0 bars, laid along the side of the field serving also as
a manifold, feeding the laterals. The sprinkler laterals are 32 mm LDPE, 4.0
bars, connected with the mains through 2 inches hydrants.
160 litres/h at 2.0 bars, full circle, wetting diameter (coverage) 11 m.
Spacing: 5 m along the lateral x 5 m between the laterals. Precipitation
rate: 6.4 mm/h. Number of sprinklers per lateral: 17.
Lateral line discharge
2 720 litres/h. Total number of laterals: 24. Number of laterals operating
simultaneously (per shift): 6. System discharge: 16.3 m
/h. Number of shifts
per irrigation: 4. Duration of application per shift: 4.9 h (4 h 50 min). Time
required for one irrigation: 19.5 h (all shifts) (Tables 11.2 and 11.3 and
Figure 11.3).
Pressure required at the sprinkler head
Friction losses in the lateral
Friction losses in the main line
Friction losses in the head control
Minor local losses
Total dynamic head
TABLE 11.2 - Systems operating pressure
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 11.7
FIGURE 11.3 - Low capacity (micro) sprinkler system.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 11 Microsprinklers 11.8
TABLE 11.3 - List of equipment needed for the installation
System distribution network
75 mm black HDPE, 6.0 bars
32 mm black LDPE, 4.0 bars
75 mm x 2 in PP adaptor
32 mm x 1 in PP adaptor
75 mm PP end plug
32 mm PP end plug
75 mm x 1 in PP clamp saddle
1 in brass shut-off valve
1 in nipple
Low capacity sprinklers, full circle, 160
litres/h at 2.0 bars, 11 m wetted diameter,
complete with supporting stake and
connector tube
Head control
2 in brass check valve
2 in brass shut-off valve
2 in tee (galvanized iron or PVC)
2 in nipple
1 in air valve (single automatic)
2 in filter screen type 60 mesh
120 m
2040 m
1 pc
24 pcs
1 pc
24 pcs
24 pcs
24 pcs
24 pcs
408 pcs
1 pc
2 pcs
3 pcs
4 pcs
1 pc
1 pc
Unit price US$
Total price US$
With this method a single minisprinkler emitter is placed for each tree.
The emitter sprays water in a circular pattern under the foliage at low
ratesover a limited area around the tree. This approach combines the
principles and advantages of both sprinkler and localized drip irrigation.
Minisprinkler irrigation is a localized micro-irrigation approach which
uses a low pressure system in a solid permanent or seasonal installation.
The control station can be as simple as possible. However, a filtering
device is necessary as in all micro-irrigation installations. The fertilizer
injector is not always needed, as many farmers prefer to apply fertilizer
manually. Nonetheless, the arrangement of the equipment should be one
which will enable the installation of a fertilizer injector at a later stage.
The mains and the submains can be of any kind of permanently
assembled pipes, either on the surface or buried, with hydrants (23
inches) rising on the surface, or protected in valve boxes where buried.
The manifold (feeder) pipelines can be either surface-laid HDPE or
buried rigid PVC pipes. Other kinds of pipes can also be used, such as
layflat hose or quick coupling light steel pipes.
The laterals with the minisprinklers are laid along the rows of the trees
near the trunks, one line at each row, with one minisprinkler per tree.
The lateral pipelines are generally (soft) 16, 20, 25 and 32 mm LDPE
pipes, 4.0 bars PN. Buried small-diameter PVC pipes can also be used for
the laterals, with longer connecting small plastic tubes, rising on the surface.
The microsprayers used in tree orchards (Figure 12.1), called
minisprinklers, spitters or micro-jets, are small plastic emitters of the static
sprinkler type with a low-angle small water discharge in the form of fine drops
which is uniformly distributed around the trees in a full or part circle pattern.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 12.1
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 12 Minisprinklers 12.2
They can be of various mechanisms (capped with a rotating needle,
non-capped with a swivel spreader, or with a deflector) with a wide range
of flow rates and water diameters. All kinds have rather small flow
sectional areas (nozzle diameter 11.7 mm approximately). The irrigation
water needs to be filtered before it enters the system.
The main performance characteristics of the minisprinklers are:
operating pressure: 1.52.0 bars;
flow rate: 35250 litres/h (generally 150 litres/h);
wetting diameter: 36 m;
precipitation rate: 220 mm/h (generally 48 mm/h);
filtration requirements: 6080 mesh (250200 microns).
The minisprinkler heads are fixed to small plastic wedges or metallic
rods 2030 cm above the ground and they are connected to the PE laterals
with 79 mm flexible plastic tubes 60120 cm long and a barbed plunger.
Thus, a complete minisprinkler emitter consists of the head, support wedge
and connecting tube with plunger. All component parts are press-fit,
interchangeable and easily assembled and dismantled.
FIGURE 12.1 - Irrigation of citrus orchard with minisprinklers.
As in all localized micro-irrigation methods, the amount of water stored
in the root zone is restricted as a result of the limited wetted soil volume.
However, with this method the wetted volume of soil exceeds 65 percent
of the total volume, there thus being no urgent need for very frequent
irrigations unless the soil water holding capacity is very low.
The common practice is to irrigate at a fixed interval on a weekly basis
and to apply the accumulated water requirements in the preceding days.
With young trees, the irrigation interval is shorter, twice a week. Farmers in
most arid and semi-arid zones apply water to their tree crops (citrus,
guavas, avocado, etc.) as per Table 12.1.
Minisprinklers are mainly used with intensively irrigated fruit trees
(Figure 12.2). They can also be used with rainfed trees for supplementary
irrigation. One emitter per tree is sufficient; therefore, the emitter spacings
are identical to the tree spacings. The distance between the minisprinklers
and the tree trunks is 3050 cm depending on the age and size of the tree.
For young trees, the minisprinkler heads can be mounted upside down to
reduce the wetting diameter.
The emitter flow rate should be one which matches the existing
conditions of water availability; the area; the number, age and size of the
trees; and the number of irrigation shifts (irrigation programme). This is not
a difficult task, considering the large range of minisprinkler flow rates
The minisprinkler emitters are short-path nozzle-orifice emitters with
fully turbulent flow. Therefore, the variation in minisprinkler discharge is
half the variation in the operating pressure; e.g. a 20 percent difference in
pressure results in a 10 percent difference in discharge, which is considered
the maximum permissible. Table 12.2 is based on this principle.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 12.3
TABLE 12.1 - Minisprinkler irrigation scheduling
Age of trees
7 plus
Litres per tree
per day
Irrigation interval
Average irrigation
dosage per tree
Average operation
time (hours)
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 12 Minisprinklers 12.4
70 litres/h 120 litres/h 150 litres/h
Lateral size and
spacing (metres)
16 mm 5
20 mm 5
25 mm 5
Max. no. of
Lateral length
Max. no. of
Lateral length
Max. no. of
Lateral length
TABLE 12.2 - Maximum number of minisprinklers on the lateral and length
of lateral on level ground. Minisprinkler flow rate at 2.0 bars
FIGURE 12.2 - Minisprinklers in trees.
Note: All pipes are LDPE, 4.0 bars, to DIN 8072.
The total cost for the installation of the system on 1.0 ha, as in the
example design, is US$1 634. A cost analysis shows that the head control
unit costs US$470, i.e. 26 percent of the total. The same unit can serve an
area of at least 3.0 ha. The most important cost item is the PE pipes (tubes),
i.e. the system network, at US$864. This is 55 percent of the total cost for
a 1 ha system. For a 3 ha complete installation, the pipes represent about
65 percent of the total cost.
High irrigation application efficiency. The amount of water is
precisely controlled and only a partial area is wetted. No losses occur
due to evaporation, deep percolation or runoff.
Salinity control. The water movement through the soil profile is
vertical downwards and the accumulated salts in the root zone can
easily be leached to deeper layers.
Flexibility and adaptability. It is the most flexible micro-irrigation
system and is easily adopted and managed by farmers. The
technology is simple and the range of equipment relatively low.
Low labour requirements.
High initial purchase cost.
EXAMPLE DESIGN Minisprinkler with citrus lemon trees
Area and crop
The plot is 85 x 120 m, i.e. about 1 ha, planted with mature (12-year-
old) citrus lemon trees in rows at a spacing of 6 x 6 m (Figure 12.3). There
are 20 rows with 14 trees in each row for a total of 280 trees. The slope of
the plot is 0.5 percent from west to east and from north to south.
Soil, water and climate
The soil is of medium texture with a permeability of approximately 4
mm/h, a water holding capacity of 22 percent, and soil available moisture
of 150 mm/m depth. There are no salinity or toxicity hazards. The source
of water is an existing tube-well with a safe output of 5 litres/s (18 m
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 12.5
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 12 Minisprinklers 12.6
The water is of good quality with the electrical conductivity of the
irrigation water ECw = 1.5 dS/m total salinity. The evaporation pan average
readings in mid-July are 7.0 mm/d. The irrigation season is from April to
Crop water requirements and irrigation schedule
A pan reading of 7.0 mm/d multiplied by 0.66 (pan correction factor)
gives an ETo of 4.65 mm/d. The crop factor kc is 0.65. Thus, ETc = 4.65 x
0.65 = 3.0 mm/d. The area shaded by the tree canopy is 70 percent and
for calculation purposes it is taken as 82 percent. Therefore, the daily
water requirements are: 3.0 x 0.82 = 2.48 mm/d net. With a system
application efficiency of 80 percent, the gross daily irrigation requirements
are: 2.48 x 100 80 = 3.1 mm (31 m
). If irrigation takes place every 10
days, the gross irrigation dosage is: 10 x 31 = 310 m
FIGURE 12.3 - Mini sprinkler irrigation in fruit trees. (Sample design)
The maximum permissible irrigation interval in July with a 50 percent
moisture depletion for a tree root depth of 0.6 m is: 150 x 0.6 x 0.5 3.0
= 15 days. The irrigation frequency depends on many factors and in no
case should exceed the maximum permissible irrigation interval.
However, as mentioned, the common practice is to irrigate every seven
days. The seven-day interval accumulates gross irrigation requirements of
217 m
, i.e. the irrigation dosage at peak demand in July.
One lateral irrigating line of 25 mm LDPE pipe, 81 m long, is laid
along each row of trees, with one minisprinkler per tree, i.e. 14
minisprinklers per line. The laterals lines are connected directly to the
main line, a 63 mm HDPE pipe laid along the plot boundaries, which
also serves as a manifold (Figure 12.4).
Minisprinkler performance: 120 litres/h flow rate full circle, 2.0 bars,
60 mesh, filtration required (Tables 12.3 and 12.4).
Number of minisprinklers per lateral line: 14
Lateral discharge: 1 680 litres/h
System discharge: 1718 m
Total number of laterals: 20
Maximum number of laterals operating simultaneously: 10
Number of shifts per irrigation: 2
Duration of irrigation application per shift: 6.2 hours approximately.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 12.7
Pressure required at minisprinkler operation
Friction losses along the lateral line
Friction losses along the main line
Friction losses in the head control unit
Minor local losses
Difference in elevation
Total dynamic head
- 0.15
TABLE 12.3 - Systems operating pressure
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 12 Minisprinklers 12.8
FIGURE 12.4 - Minisprinkler system jointing techniques.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 12.9
TABLE 12.4 - Equipment required for the system installation
System distribution network
63 mm black HDPE pipe, 6.0 bars
25 mm black LDPE pipe, 4.0 bars
63 mm x 2 in PP adaptor
25 mm x in PP adaptor
63 mm PP end plug
63 mm x in PP clamp saddle
in brass shut-off valve
Minisprinkler full circle, 120 litres/h, 2.0 bars
Head control
2 in brass check valve
2 in brass shut-off valve
in brass shut-off valve
2 in galvanized iron nipple
in galvanized iron nipple
2 in galvanized iron tee
1 in air valve automatic single
2 in filter (screen or disk type) 60 mesh
120 m
1620 m
1 pc
20 pcs
1 pc
20 pcs
20 pcs
280 pcs
1 pc
2 pcs
2 pcs
2 pcs
2 pcs
3 pcs
1 pc
1 pc
Unit price US$
Total price US$
Bubbler irrigation of trees
Bubbler irrigation is a localized, low pressure, solid permanent
installation system used in tree groves. Each tree has a round or square
basin which is flooded with water during irrigation. The water infiltrates
into the soil and wets the root zone. The water is applied through
bubblers. These are small emitters placed in the basins which discharge
water at flow rates of 100250 litres/h. Each basin can have one or two
bubblers as required.
The system layout is the typical one of all pressurized systems. It consists
of a simple head control unit without filters and fertilizer apparatus. The
mains and the submains are usually buried rigid PVC pipes, with hydrants
rising on surface. The manifolds and laterals are also often buried rigid PVC
pipes. The bubblers are placed above ground, supported on a stake, and
connected to the laterals with a small flexible tube rising on the surface, or
they can be fitted on small PVC risers connected to the buried laterals.
The difference between bubbler systems and other micro-irrigation
installations is that whereas in the other installations the lateral lines are
small (1232 mm), the bubblers are usually 50 mm (due to the lateral high
discharge). This is why the laterals need to be underground.
The bubblers are small plastic head emitters with a threaded joint. They
were originally designed for use on risers above ground for flood irrigation
of small ornamental areas. In recent decades they have been used
successfully in several countries for the irrigation of fruit trees. They
perform well under a wide range of pressures delivering water in the form
of a fountain, small stream or tiny umbrella in the vicinity of the emitter.
The main performance characteristics are:
Operating pressure: 1.03.0 bars;
Flow rate (discharge): 100250 litres/h (adjustable);
No filtration is required.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 13.1
There is a wide range of flow rates up to 800 litres/h; this paper
presents only low discharge bubblers.
With bubbler irrigation the percentage of the root soil volume wetted is
about 80 percent. Thus, there are no restrictions on the way the irrigation
programme is prepared. This can be either fixed depletion or fixed interval,
taking into consideration the soil water holding capacity, the availability of
the irrigation water, the size of flow, etc.
Bubbler irrigation is mainly applied in fruit tree orchards. The most
important criteria, apart from the routine design criteria, are the systems
special features and characteristics.
Bubbler emitters discharge water on the same spot of ground at high
rates. Thus, for a uniform distribution over the basin area, a minimum of
land preparation is needed. In sandy soils, the water infiltrates at the point
of application and high losses occur due to deep percolation. In fine soils
with low infiltration rates, the water ponds and evaporation occurs.
Mature trees always take two bubbler emitters, one on each side, in
order to ensure an acceptable uniformity of application. The flow rate per
tree is relatively high compared with other micro-irrigation techniques at
about 500 litres/h. Thus, the diameter of an 80 m-long lateral for a single
row of 13 trees spaced at 6 m intervals should be 50 mm.
The common practice is to have one lateral per two rows of trees with
small flexible tubes extended on both sides and connected to the bubblers.
In this way, the same size of lateral pipe (50 mm), placed (buried) between
two rows can serve 12 trees on each side (24 trees in total) spaced at 6 m
intervals with 48 bubbler emitters.
The size of the equipment for the installation should always be able to
accommodate the flows required for mature trees.
For longer laterals, pressure compensated bubblers can be used, though
this involves higher energy consumption and more expensive higher
pressure pipes.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 13 Bubbler irrigation of trees 13.2
The cost for a complete permanent installation of this system is about
US$3 900/ha, of which US$70 are needed for the head control unit, i.e.
less than 2 percent. The cost of the pipes (all rigid PVC) is US$1 250 plus
US$970 for the trench (excavation and backfilling), i.e. approximately 56
percent of the total cost. The bubblers with the connecting small flexible
tubes cost US$980, or 25 percent of the total cost of the system. The cost
per tree of the laterals with the bubblers is about US$6.60.
High irrigation application efficiency, up to 75 percent, resulting in
considerable water savings, with absolute control of the irrigation
water from the source to the tree basin.
All the piping network is buried, so there are no field operations
The technology is simple and no highly sophisticated equipment is
used. The system can be operated by unskilled farmers and labourers.
No filters or fertilizer injectors are needed.
High initial purchase cost.
Small water flows cannot be used as in other micro-irrigation systems.
In sandy soils with high infiltration rates, it is difficult to achieve a
uniform water distribution over the tree basins.
EXAMPLE DESIGN Bubbler irrigation with fruit trees
Area and crop
The plot dimensions are 120 x 85 m (1.0 ha) with mature guava trees in
rows at a spacing of 6 x 6 m. There are 20 rows with 14 trees in each row
for a total 280 trees. The slope of the plot is 0.5 percent from west to east
and from north to south.
Soil, water and climate
Medium texture soil with an infiltration rate of approximately 8 mm/h
and a soil available moisture of 150 mm/m depth. The source of water is
an existing tube-well with a safe output of 25 m
/h of suitable quality. The
evaporation pan average readings in July are 7 mm/d.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 13.3
Crop water requirements and irrigation scheduling
The pan reading of 7.0 mm/d multiplied by 0.66 (pan correction factor)
gives an ETo of 4.65 mm/d. The crop factor kc is 0.65, thus ETc = 4.65 x
0.65 = 3.0 mm/d. The area shaded by the tree canopy is 70 percent and
for calculation purposes it is taken as 82 percent. Therefore, the daily
water requirements are: 3.0 x 0.82 = 2.48 mm/d net. With a system
application efficiency of 75 percent, the gross daily irrigation requirements
are: 2.48 x 100 75 = 3.3 mm (33 m
). If irrigation takes place every ten
days, the gross irrigation dosage is: 10 x 33 = 330 m
The maximum permissible irrigation interval in July on a 50 percent
moisture depletion for a tree root depth of 0.6 m is: 150 x 0.6 x 0.5 3.0
= 15 days. The irrigation frequency depends on many factors and in no
case should exceed the maximum permissible irrigation interval.
System layout, performance and hydraulics
The main line also serves as a manifold (feeder) line. The laterals are
buried 50 mm rigid PVC pipes laid between every other row of trees with
12 mm flexible tubes rising on both sides and extended to the tree basins
with two bubblers in each tree basin (Figures 13.1 and 13.2). The main
characteristics of the bubblers are (Tables 13.1 and 13.2):
flow rate: 225 litres/h at 2.0 bars;
number of bubblers per lateral: 56 (each lateral irrigates two rows
oftrees, i.e. 28 trees);
lateral discharge: 12 600 litres/h (12.6 m3/h);
total number of laterals: 10;
system discharge: 25 m
number of laterals operating simultaneously: 2;
number of shifts per irrigation: 5;
operating hours per shift: 2.64 h (2 h 38 min);
time to complete one irrigation: 13.2 h (13 h 15 min);
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 13 Bubbler irrigation of trees 13.4
Pressure at the bubbler
Friction losses in the lateral
Friction losses in the main line
Friction losses in the head control unit
Minor local losses
Difference in elevation
Total dynamic head
- 0.10
TABLE 13.1 - Systems operating pressure
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 13.5
FIGURE 13.1 - Bubbler in fruit trees. (example design)
TABLE 13.2 - Equipment required for the system installation
System distribution network
75 mm uPVC pipe, 6.0 bars, push-fit joint
50 mm uPVC pipe, 6.0 bars, push-fit joint
75 mm x 2 in PP clamp saddle
50 mm x 1 in PP clamp saddle
75 mm x 2 in PP adaptor
50 mm x 2 in PP adaptors
75 mm PP end plug
50 mm PP end plug
2 in nipple
2 in brass shut-off valve
1 in PVC tee threaded
1 in x in PVC bushing
12 mm PP tee barbed
12 mm x in PP adaptor barbed
12 mm soft flexible PVC tube
Bubbler set, 225 litres/h at 2.0 bars (adjustable)
Valve box, plastic 31 x 50 x 40 cm
Trench excavation and backfilling
Head control
2 in brass check valve
2 in brass shut-off valve
2 in tee (galvanized iron or PVC)
2 in nipple
1 in single air valve
120 m
850 m
10 pcs
140 pcs
1 pcs
10 pcs
1 pc
10 pcs
10 pcs
10 pcs
140 pcs
280 pcs
280 pcs
280 pcs
1120 m
560 pcs
10 pcs
970 m
1 pc
2 pcs
3 pcs
4 pcs
1 pc
Unit price US$
Total price US$
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 13 Bubbler irrigation of trees 13.6
FIGURE 13.2 - Bubbler irrigation jointing techniques.
Drip irrigation
In drip irrigation, water is applied to each plant separately in small,
frequent, precise quantities through dripper emitters. It is the most
advanced irrigation method with the highest application efficiency. The
water is delivered continuously in drops at the same point and moves into
the soil and wets the root zone vertically by gravity and laterally by
capillary action. The planted area is only partially wetted.
In medium-heavy soils of good structure, the lateral movement of the
water beneath the surface is greater than in sandy soils (Table 14.1).
Moreover, when the discharge rate of the dripper exceeds the soil intake
rate and hydraulic conductivity, the water ponds on the surface. This
results in the moisture being distributed more laterally rather than
vertically. The following water lateral spread values are indicative:
A complete drip irrigation system consists of a head control unit, main and
submain pipelines, hydrants, manifolds and lateral lines with dripper emitters.
Control station (head control unit)
Its features and equipment depend on the systems requirements.
Usually, it consists of the shut-off, air and check (non-return) valves, a
filtering unit, a fertilizer injector and other smaller accessories.
Main and submain pipelines:
The main and submain pipelines are usually buried, especially when
made of rigid PVC.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 14.1
Type of soil
Light texture
Medium texture
Fine texture
Average radius of water spread
0.30 m
0.65 m
1.20 m
TABLE 14.1 - Type of soil and average radius of water spread laterally with drippers
Fitted on the mains or the submains and equipped with 23 inches shut-
off valves, they are capable of delivering all or part of the piped water flow
to the manifold feeder lines. They are placed in valve boxes for protection.
Manifold (feeder) pipelines
These are usually 50, 63 or 75 mm. Where made of HDPE, they are
attached to the hydrants through compression-type, quick release, PP
connector fittings and remain on the surface.
Dripper laterals
These are always made of 1220 mm soft black LDPE, PN 3.04.0 bars.
They are fitted to the manifolds with small PP connector fittings at fixed
positions and laid along the plant rows. They are equipped with closely
spaced dripper emitters or emission outlets (Figure 14.1).
In general, the distribution network (mains, submains and manifolds)
consists of thermoplastic pipes and fittings (PVC, PE, PP, etc.), PN 6.0 and
10.0 bars. However, for the mains, submains and manifolds, other kind of
pipes can also be used, such as quick coupling light steel pipes. In the past,
permanently assembled buried rigid PVC pipes were used as mains and
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 14 Drip irrigation 14.2
FIGURE 14.1 - The mains, manifold and dripper laterals.
submains, with hydrants rising on the surface at desired points. More
recently, surface-laid 5075 mm HDPE pipes, PN 6.0 bars, have been used
for the whole distribution network in smallholdings. Larger diameter PE
pipes are also available but cost more than rigid PVC pipes of the same size.
The systems pressure ranges from 2.0 to 3.0 bars. Therefore, all drip
irrigation systems can be classed as low pressure, localized, solid
permanent or seasonal installation systems.
The drippers are small-sized emitters made of high quality plastics. They
are mounted on small soft PE pipes (hoses) at frequent spaces. Water enters
the dripper emitters at approximately 1.0 bar and is delivered at zero
pressure in the form of continuous droplets at low rates of 1.024 litres/h.
Drippers are divided into two main groups according to the way they
dissipate energy (pressure):
orifice type, with tiny flow areas of 0.20.35 mm
long-path type, with relatively larger flow areas of 14.5 mm
Both types are manufactured with various mechanisms and principles of
operation, such as a vortex diode, a diaphragm or a floating disc for the
orifice drippers, and a labyrinthine path, of various shapes, for the long-path
ones. All the drippers now available on the market are turbulent flow ones.
Drippers are also characterized by the type of connection to the lateral:
on-line, i.e. inserted in the pipe wall by the aid of a punch; or in-line,
where the pipe is cut to insert the dripper manually or with a machine.
On-line multi-exit drippers are also available with four to six spaghetti
type tube outlets.
Specifications that should be stated by the supplier are:
dripper discharge (flow rate) at the recommended operating pressure,
usually 1.0 bar;
dripper discharge versus pressure variations and the optimum length
of dripper line with different spacing and slopes;
type of connection;
filtration requirements;
coefficient of variation (cv) (the drippers manufacturing variability).
Dripper emitters which are available as separate items, not built into the
pipe, can be referred to as separate source point drippers.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 14.3
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 14 Drip irrigation 14.4
These are thin-walled integral drip lines with emission points spaced
10, 20, 30, 45 cm or any other distance apart, delivering lower quantities
of water than the usual drippers at very low pressures, i.e. 0.41.0 litres/h
at 0.61.0 bar. They are integrated drip lines where the drippers are built in
the pipe walls at the desired spacing during the manufacturing process.
They are ready-made dripper laterals with a very high uniformity of
application. Drip tapes are made of LDPE or other soft PE materials in
various diameters from 12 to 20 mm and in several wall thicknesses
(0.101.25 mm). Thanks to a filtration system incorporated inside the
tubing, they are less susceptible to mechanical and biological blockages
than conventional drippers are.
These pipes are small-sized (about 16 mm) thin-walled porous flexible
hoses made from PE fibres, PVC, ABS or rubber. They permit water and
nutrients under low pressure to pass from inside the tube, by transpiration,
and irrigate the crops. The porous pipeline discharge is not accurate
because the size of the pores varies and is not stable. They are used as
lateral drip lines beneath the surface. Their application is limited although
they do offer some advantages.
The filtration of the irrigation water is of major importance for the
normal application of this system. The solid content in the water must be
removed through effective filtration in order to avoid blockage damage in
the drippers. The kind of filtration depends on the impurities contained in
the water and the degree of filtration required.
In drip irrigation, the soil volume in the root zone is only partly wetted
and the availability of moisture restricted. The soil moisture depletion
should not exceed 40 percent of the soil available moisture in the late
growing stages of vegetables and fruit trees, and 2030 percent in the early
stages for vegetables. However, in order to obtain higher yields, the
common practice is to irrigate every day in the later stages. Proper
irrigation scheduling can be arranged by using tensiometers to indicate the
soil moisture tension in the root zone. This should range from 10 cbars for
light soils to 25 cbars for heavy soils.
Drip irrigation is mainly applied in intensive cultivations planted in rows
(vegetables, fruit trees, melons, bananas, papayas, flowers, grapes, etc.). It is
not recommended for potatoes, salad leafy vegetables, groundnuts, alfalfa
and other dense planted crops, although it can be applied successfully.
The drippers and/or the lateral spacing are directly related to the crop
planting spacing. In most vegetable crops, the dripper spacing is identical
to the crop planting spacing, i.e. one dripper per plant and one dripper
lateral per row of cultivation. With drip tapes there are several emission
points per plant in order to ensure a continuous wetted strip along the row.
Here, the arrangement is one drip tape per row of crop.
Under drip irrigation, most of the vegetables develop the bulk of their roots
in the first 30 cm depth of the soil profile below the emission point. Thus, if
both the crop and the emission points along the rows are closely spaced, most
of the soil volume can be sufficiently wetted with optimum results.
Where the crop is planted closely in beds, one dripper lateral per two
rows might be applied with good results. Other crops planted in double
rows (celery, capsicum and hot peppers) are also irrigated by one dripper
lateral placed in between the rows.
In widely spaced tree orchards, the dripper spacing differs from that for
vegetables. As the soil surface is partially wetted, only a part of the root
system is being wetted too. The main consideration is to wet the largest
possible volume of soil per tree (root system volume), not less than 35
percent, and at the same time to avoid deep percolation, beyond 5060
cm, which is the average root depth of fruit trees under drip irrigation. The
above percentage corresponds to an area of approximately 1012 m
soil surface with a tree spacing of 5 x 6 m or 6 x 6 m. Based on this
consideration and the indicative lateral water spread figures, the dripper
lateral design arrangements in tree orchards can be as follows:
Single line per row of trees, with 48 drippers at approximately every
0.81.2 m along the line;
Circular layout, or loop around the tree. In this arrangement there is a
single line per row and for each tree there is either a smaller extension
line with 58 drippers around the tree, or a multi-exit dripper with 46
small emission tubes extending radially around the tree. The circle
diameter can be from 1.2 to 2.2 m. Newly planted trees can have two
drippers only on both sides of the trunk, 3540 cm away from the trunk.
Double lines per row of plants. This design is applied in banana
plantations, with two dripper lines per row, one on each side, set
approximately 1.21.6 m apart. The drippers along the lines are
spaced at 0.71.2 m accordingly (Figure 14.2).
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 14.5
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 14 Drip irrigation 14.6
The cost for a complete drip irrigation installation is US$4 0005 000/ha.
The cost of the pipes (all tubing, laterals included) is about US$2 000, i.e.
45 percent of the total cost. The head control unit accounts for 30 percent of
the total cost.
Water savings. The planted area is partially wetted with precisely
controlled water amounts. Thus, large quantities of irrigation water
are saved and the irrigated area can be expanded with the same
water supply, resulting in higher income per unit of water.
Utilization of saline water resources. With drip irrigation, low soil
moisture tensions in the root zone can be maintained continuously
with frequent applications. The dissolved salts accumulate at the
periphery of the wetted soil mass, and the plants can easily obtain the
moisture needed. This enables the use of saline water containing
more than 3 000 mg/litre TDS, which would be unsuitable for use
with other methods.
FIGURE 14.2 - Double lines with bananas.
Use on marginal fields. Small irregular marginal plots, remote because
of land fragmentation with varying topography and shallow soil full of
rocks, can be productive under drip irrigation techniques that deliver
the required amounts of water and nutrients directly to the plants.
Low labour operating requirements, reduced cultivation and weed
control, and uninterrupted operation are among the other advantages
of this irrigation method.
High initial purchase cost.
Good irrigation management is essential for skilled system operation,
application of fertigation and maintenance of the head control unit
equipment (filters, injectors, etc.).
Emitter blockages. The first limitation on the successful introduction of
drip irrigation techniques in developing countries is mechanical
clogging of the emitters because of insufficient filtration of impurities
in the irrigation water.
EXAMPLE DESIGN Drip irrigation in watermelons
Area and crop
The plot dimensions are 120 x 83 m (about 1 ha), planted in the open
with watermelons in rows 2.20 m apart and spaced along the rows at 0.5
m. The plot is divided into two parts, each with 54 rows 40.5 m long.
There are 81 plants per row. Thus, there are 4 374 plants in each part, i.e.
8 748 plants in the whole plot and 108 plant rows.
Soil, water and climate
Heavy texture soil with low permeability (approximately 6 mm/h) and a
high water holding capacity. The source of water is a nearby open water
reservoir; it is of good quality but with a high impurity content of organic
origin (algae). The crop growing season is from early April to early July; the
evaporation pan average maximum readings are 3.3 mm/d in April, 4.64
mm/d in May and 6.13 mm/d in June.
Crop water requirements and irrigation schedule
The maximum irrigation requirements of the watermelons are during the
mid-season stage and the yield formation in late May-early June, when the
kc value is 1.0. The average reading for the two months is 5.38 mm/d, which
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 14.7
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 14 Drip irrigation 14.8
multiplied by a correction factor of 0.66 gives an ETo of 3.55 mm/d. As kc =
1.0, ETc = 3.55 mm/d. The systems application efficiency is 90 percent.
Therefore, the daily gross requirements at peak are:
3.55 x 0.90 100 = 3.94 mm/d
3.94 x 10 x 1 ha = 39.4 m
The irrigation scheduling in late May is not arranged at a fixed depletion
of the available soil moisture, but at a fixed interval of one day. Therefore,
irrigation takes place every day and the dose is 39.5 m3. At the early stages
of the growing season, the irrigation interval ranges from 4 to 2 days.
System layout
The system consists of a head control equipped with a gravel filter and
a strainer, a fertilizer injector and a regulating valve. The 63 mm HDPE
main line is laid on surface along the middle of the field. On this main line
(which also serves as a manifold), there are 54 hydrants inch at a
spacing of 2.20 m. The laterals, connected to the hydrants, are 16 mm
LDPE pipes laid perpendicular to the main line on both sides, one per row
of plants. Separate point source drippers are inserted in the laterals at a
spacing of 0.5 m, one per plant.
Dripper characteristics:
on-line: 4 litres/h at 1.0 bar;
filtration requirements: 160 mesh.
Lateral characteristics:
pipe: 16 mm LDPE, 4.0 bars PN, length 41 m;
number of drippers: 81;
water discharge: 324 litres/h;
total number of laterals: 108;
total number of drippers 8 748.
System flow and operation
For the simultaneous operation of all the laterals, the required flow is
35 m
/h. If one irrigation is to be completed in three shifts, the flow of the
system is 12 m
/h, a reasonable size of flow for an area of 1 ha. The
duration of application per shift at peak demand for an irrigation dosage of
39.5 m
is 1 h 06 min. The time required to complete one irrigation is 3 h
18 min (Figures 14.3 and 14.4).
Operating pressure
The required pressure for the normal operation of the system is (Tables
14.2 and 14.3):
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 14.9
TABLE 14.3 - Equipment for system installation
System distribution network
63 mm HDPE pipe, 6.0 bars
16 mm LDPE pipe, 4.0 bars
Drippers, 4 litres/h,1 bar
63 mm x 2 in PP adaptor
16 mm x in PP adaptor
63 mm PP elbow
63 mm PP end plug
63 mm x in PP clamp saddle
in nipple (galvanized iron or PVC )
in tee (galvanized iron or PVC )
in brass shut-off valves
Head control
2 in brass check valve
2 in brass shut-off valve
in brass shut-off valve
2 in tee (galvanized iron or PVC)
2 in nipple
in nipple
1 in air valve
2 in gravel filter complete
2 in disk filter, c/with gauges, etc.
Fertilizer injector complete, up to 150 litres/h
180 m
4430 m
8750 pcs
1 pc
108 pcs
1 pc
1 pc
54 pcs
54 pcs
54 pcs
108 pcs
1 pc
2 pcs
2 pcs
3 pcs
4 pcs
4 pcs
1 pc
1 pc
1 pc
1 pc
Unit price US$
Total price US$
Pressure for the drippers
Friction losses in the dripper lateral
Friction losses in the main line
Friction losses in the head control
Minor local losses
Total dynamic head
TABLE 14.2 - Systems operating pressure
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 14 Drip irrigation 14.10
FIGURE 14.3 - Drip irrigation in watermelons. (Sample design)
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 14.11





Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 15.1
Low-cost family drip
irrigation systems
The drip irrigation is the most efficient method of water use for crop
production. Yet millions of small farmers in the third world countries
cannot adopt this technique, due to:
a) The high initial capital cost of the system installation and
b) The relatively sophisticated level of management.
To address these two critical constraints in water scarce areas a number
of international NGOs (International Development Enterprises [IDE], Swiss
Development Co-operation [SDC], UK Department for International
Development [DFID] introduced a variety of low-cost non-surface
technologies with the same technical advantages water savings, increased
yield as conventional installations. The aim was to enable small-scale
and poor farmers to utilize efficiently marginal quantities of water and to
cultivate home gardens and other land for the production of food needed
for the family and some trade.
The various new techniques promoted, named affordable micro-
irrigation technologies (AMIT), are predominantly simplified drip and other
micro-irrigation techniques for small land areas ranging from 100500 m
Most of them (see Systems Configuration) the shiftable dripper line,
pitchers (ceramic pots) irrigation, the spaghetti micro-tubes, the bucket and
drum kits, the PE hose with plain holes (perforated) at frequent spacing and
the multi-exit drippers had been tried in many countries long ago. All
these techniques minimize the initial capital cost at the expense of
available cheap labour. The concept is very promising and can be critical
for poverty alleviation in many areas of the world.
Many efforts have been made since the early nineties to promote the
application of these systems in poor areas in the Indian continent and in the
Sub-Saharan Africa. Field trials and research projects were implemented to
give answers to key questions on the suitability and profitability of these
techniques on a sustainable commercial basis for the millions of poor small
farmers around the world. No matter the efforts made, the grants and the
subsidies given the customised AMIT systems have not generated any sound
interest among the farmers. It must be noted that the Government extension
agencies were not in any approach to technology transfer (Figure 15.1).
More AMIT configuration are given at the end of the chapter.
Nevertheless, the AMIT systems have drawn the attention of the drip
irrigation commercial enterprises. A leading commercial manufacturer in
the field of modern irrigation developed the so-called family drip system
(FDS). It is an improvement of the Drum kit. Other big companies have
also included this type of system in their range of products under various
names, e.g. Easy Drip etc.
This system is a complete drip irrigation unit; it operates by water gravity
from a tank placed at 11.5 meters high. It is a closed piped gravity system,
localized method, and solid seasonal installation, for growing vegetables,
flowers and other horticultural crops on flat or minor slope land. It does not
necessarily need any external power for normal operation. The average
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 15 Low-cost family drip irrigation systems 15.2
FIGURE 15.1 - AMIT Configuration of the typical Bucket kit with one
12 mm lateral and spaghetti micro-tubes fitted on either side. Area
covered 20 m
(by IDE).
system flow is around 1 m
/h. Developed especially for family farming as a
single production unit, the typical system sizes range from 5001000 m
. It is
ideal for rural conditions and small-scale agricultural production in rural areas
with water shortage and limited supply. It can be installed in greenhouses,
low-tunnels and in the open and in the back yard of village houses.
What is New in the Family Drip Systems?
The pressure of the system is very low (0.10.2 Bar). No external
power, electricity or other, is needed.
The System Control Head is very simple and inexpensive. It consists
only of a shut off (control) valve and a small screen or disk filter.
The management of the Family kit systems is very easy. No skilfulness
and/or expertise are needed.
The system layout is almost the same as in all closed pipes pressurized
irrigation systems. A complete Family drip kit consists of four component
parts - a water delivery tank, a simple control head, the water
distribution pipelines and the irrigation dripper lines. All component
parts of the Family drip system are supplied in one case as a complete kit.
Yet in many cases the farmers provide their own Water Tanks. This reduces
the initial capital investment (Figure 15.2). The following description refers
to the standard kit of the Family drip systems for approx. 500 m
land area.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 15.3
FIGURE 15.2 - The Family Drip System.
The water tank
The water tank is of 3003000 liters capacity. It can be a plastic barrel,
one, two r more, an iron drum, a self-made with concrete or any other
suitable tank. It is always placed 11.5 m above ground level, so that the
system will have enough gravity for water pressure. Filling the tank method
depends on the particular situation, by buckets, by a hand pump or a
treadle pump or by a small diesel pump. The source of the water can be
canals, or ditches, shallow wells, rivers and boreholes. The tank is always
covered, to protect the water from the various impurities and the sunlight
and prevent algae development. It has a drain tap at the bottom for
frequent flush out and cleaning from suspended solid particles. A plastic
tank outlet 1 inch threaded male is fixed on the tank at least 5 cm above
the bottom. This fitting is necessary to be included in the systems parts,
with the tank or separately (Figure 15.3).
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 15 Low-cost family drip irrigation systems 15.4
FIGURE 15.3 - Locally made Tank for FDS.
The control head
The control head consists of a control plastic shut off valve 1 inch
(gate or ball valve), and a 1 inch plastic (PP) line filter, screen or disk type,
120 mesh. The control valve is connected directly to the tank outlet and
then the filter is installed.
The water pipelines
The water pipelines 20 mm, 25 mm, or 32 mm size black PE pipes PN
2.5 Bars, 50 m to 75 m long according to the size and/or the shape of the
land. They serve as main and as laterals laid along the borderline of the
field. The very few pipe connector fittings needed are polypropylene quick
release compression type. Small size plastic start connectors (adaptors),
barbed type, are inserted to the lateral pipelines at spacing according to
the rows of the crop for feeding the dripper lines.
The dripper lines
The dripper lines are integrated drip-lines 8 mm or 12 mm size, made
of a mixture of Low and Linear density PE to ISO 9260/61, with wall
thickness 0.6 mm to 0.9 mm (24 mil35 mil). The built-in point source
dripper emitters are labyrinth type with wide water passages and
protection filter to avoid clogging. They are normally spaced at 30 cm
frequent intervals. The dripper discharge ranges from 0.50.7 liters/h at
1meter pressure head and from 0.650.95 liters/h at 2 m pressure head,
depending on the dripper. The average recommended length of the dripper
line at 1 meter pressure head, on relatively level ground, is 1215 m for
the 8 mm size and 2530 m for the 12 mm sizes. They are laid along the
rows and push-fit connected to the water pipelines. The total length of the
dripper lines for approximately 500 m
lands is around 500 m.
Very often the use of a small pump is essential when there is a number
of neighboring farmers with water rights from the same well. In such cases
larger tanks for each individual farmer are recommended.
Irrigation requirements
One of the practical difficulties in the concept of the AMT is how much
water and when to apply it. The total irrigation water requirements of a
certain crop are always the same and depend on the climatic conditions,
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 15.5
the growing season and the method of irrigation application. They can be
calculated following FAO methodology. The considerable savings in water
with drip and other micro-irrigation are mainly due to the high application
efficiencies of the techniques. The total irrigation water needs of most of
the annual field crops (vegetables and melons) vary from 300 mm to 650
mm, depending mainly on the length and the time of the growing period.
Number and frequency of irrigations
In the calculation of the water needs the area factor is replaced with the
number of plants. Area covered is the number of plants multiplied by the
planting spacing. As in the conventional drip irrigation in the Family drip
systems the irrigated area and volume of soil is partly wetted and the
availability of moisture in the soil is restricted. Then small frequent
applications are needed in all seasonal cultivations as well as in
perennials. This must always be explained to the farmers who are using
drip and other micro-irrigation techniques.
The minimum number of irrigations per season in vegetables can be
from 40 (water melons) to 75 (tomatoes) according to the crop and the
length of growing period. This varies from 75 days (fresh beans, green
onions, squashes) to 170 days (tomatoes). Pulse irrigation may raise the
number of irrigations up to 120. The frequency of irrigation normally may
be from 13 days with an average water dosage of 0.51 litre/day/plant at
the first stage of growth. During the yield formation the dosage increases to
meet the requirements of 12 litres/day/plant. Later the daily needs
increase up to 36 litres/day/plant and at late season, sometimes, 57
litres/day/plant. Daily applications are needed. During the stage of harvest
the requirements decrease by 1020 percent. (The higher needs mentioned
are for watermelons). Irrigation Schedules for all crops will be prepared
on the spot.
Area, size and shape
The area can be any agricultural land, planted with field crops in rows
of short lengths from 12 to 24 meters located in the rural areas on the
mountains or in the plains. The size can be from 250 m
to 1000 m
. The
standard Family drip systems are designed for 500 m
, however smaller or
larger fields can be irrigated depending on the crop planting spacing. The
shape should be of normal rectangular or square shape.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 15 Low-cost family drip irrigation systems 15.6
Topography and type of soil
These irrigation systems operate at very low pressures, so flat level lands
are recommended and/or uniform sloping fields with slopes < 0.5 percent.
The soil can be of any texture, preferably medium and/or fine and with an
infiltration rate < 20 mm/hour. Very light sandy soils with high permeability
are not recommended.
Water availability
The source of water can be a small hand-dug well, a tub, small
seasonal rivers, ponds and ditches or any other which can fill the systems
water tank regularly. Hand-pumps, treadle pumps and small diesel pumps
are often used to fill the tank regularly. The designed flow of the Family
drip irrigation systems offered is around 1.1 m
/h at 1.5 m head.
Water quality
The water should be, as clean as possible although there is a complete
filtration system. Chemically it must be of normal pH 6.5 8.4, with low to
medium salinity, low sodium hazard and toxicity problems caused by
bicarbonates, nitrates or boron. TDS can be from 500 up to 2 000 mg/l
(ppm), SAR < 12, RSC < 1.25 meq/l. Most of the seasonal vegetables and
the melons are relatively tolerant to boron content from 1.5 2.0 mg/l. But
strawberries and beans are sensitive, so the boron content should not
exceed 0.7 mg/l and the total salinity not to exceed the 1.5 dS/m
(1 000mg/l).
Kind of crops
All data on the field crops, which can be grown under drip irrigation
techniques in an area, the growing season in winter and summer time,
planting spacing, etc. are known to the local agronomists and the farmers.
The table Useful data on common seasonal crops is very important for
the design of the FDS and any other AMIT. The local agronomists and
farmers can give data for any field crop (Figure 15.4).
Special consideration
Duration of irrigation application
In all micro-irrigation systems the irrigation dosage is applied
simultaneously to a larger area, but at lower rates per unit of area (plant) in
comparison with the other techniques and methods of irrigation. In the
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 15.7
FDS the discharge from the dripper emitters is very low, around 0.65 l/h.
At the last stage of crop growth many plants need up to 78 litres per day,
so the duration of irrigation should be almost 5 hours for 1 000 m
The duration of irrigation application is directly related with the system
flow, the size of the tank, and the number of fillings and the availability of
water. E.g. for a drum of 200 litres capacity with a system flow of 1.1 m
for a daily application of 2 750 litres of water on 500 m
cultivated land,
the duration of application would be 2.5 hours and the number of fillings
around 14. This factor should be considered seriously in the planning and
designing. Partial water application (pulse irrigation) is recommended
during high water demands.
The Installation of the FDS
During installation the connection between the various components
and fittings should be made properly, so that water will not leak. Leaking
may affect seriously the performance of the system. Teflon plastic tape is
used in all threaded connections. In FDS, like in all pressurized systems,
when the installation is completed it is necessary to flash the system. First
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 15 Low-cost family drip irrigation systems 15.8
FIGURE 15.4 - FDS dripper lines in China.
the water pipes are flashed, then the dripper lines are attached to the start
connectors and the valve is open again. When the dripper lines are flashed
too then the system is ready for operation.
The initial capital cost for a complete Family drip piping system unit
without the Tank is US$100120 for a land area of around 500 m
. The
price of a plastic tank of 300500 litres capacity is almost the same with
the piping system. In the many cases where the farmers use their own self-
made tanks the cost is less. Two system units at a cost of US$200240 may
cover a land area of 1 000 m
. In case of the need of a water supply small
pump for a group of farmers the extra cost is divided by the number of
users (Table 15.1).
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 15.9
TABLE 15.1 - Useful data on common seasonal crops in the open (all values approximate)
Plant. Spacing (cm)
Growing No. of Minimum
Planting Period Along Between plants for No. of
Crop (transplant.) (days) Harvest rows rows 100 m
Beans (trell., Feb.Mar. 7590 MayNov. 1522 90 500700 60
non-trell.) &Aug. average (510) (4560) 2 800
Cabbage Aug.Apr. 120140 Year around 3045 4575 300700 20
Celery MayOct. Aug.May 2530 3045 25
Cucumbers Mar.May 105130 MayAug. 3050 130160 120240 55
Aug.Sep. Oct.Nov.
Eggplants Apr.May 125140 Jun.Dec. 6075 90 150 65
Lettuce Sep.May 7090 Year around 1530 3045 7502 200 20
Onions green Sep.Feb. 70 Nov.May 5 15 15
Peppers Apr.May 120180 Jul.Nov. 4560 75 200300 60
Squashes Mar.Sep. 90120 MayNov. 60 120140 100140 50
Tomatoes Mar.Sep. 135190 Jun.Dec. 4560 90150 180250 65
Tomatoes Mar.Sep. 135180 Jun.Dec. 6075 150 100 65
Watermelons Mar.May 90120 Jun.Sep. 5075 180240 6090 50
The growing seasons and periods of vegetables and annual field crops vary according to the local
climatic conditions. In general the growing period of most of the seasonal crops is from 90 days to 170
days. The above indicative figures cover most of the arid and semi-arid regions of the N. Hemisphere.
This cost is significantly lower than the cost for a conventional high-level
management drip irrigation system with the same coverage. In conventional
sophisticate systems the Control Head accounts from 30 percent to 45
percent the total initial capital cost, whilst in Family drip systems there is no
need for such investment and the Control Head comprises only of a valve 1
inch and a line filter of same size. At this total cost the Family Drip Systems
can be classified as Low-cost irrigation systems.
The price is very low, it is easily installed and operated and has all the
advantages of drip irrigation, when correctly use and maintained.
Fertigation can be applied through the system by diluting the soluble
fertilizers in the tank of the system. The expenses of maintenance and the
total cost of irrigation are reduced significantly.
There is no energy consumption. The pressure required for the system
operation is very low (12 m head of water) as in gravity systems. In
conventional drip installations the initial pressure at the Control Head is
3.03.5 Bars.
The lack of training and knowledge among the farmers on the
agronomic aspects create negative results. The simplicity of the system in
many cases turns into a negative factor as illiterate farmers in many
countries do not maintain the dripper lines and the systems life is
shortened to one or two seasons only.
EXAMPLE DESIGNS Family drip systems in tomatoes (trellised)
Area and crop
The plot dimensions are 20 x 25 m (500 m
) planted in the open with
tomatoes in rows 1.50 m apart and spaced along the rows 0.60 m. The
plot is divided along into two parts, each one having 13 rows 12.5 m long.
There are 21 plants per row. So there are 273 plants in every part, i.e. 546
plants in the whole plot and 26 plant rows. Planting is planned to be done
in late July/early August and the growing period to be extended up to early
next year 140 days approx.). Irrigation stops in late November, but
harvesting continues until February.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 15 Low-cost family drip irrigation systems 15.10
Soil and water
Medium texture soil with permeability around 12 mm/h and relatively
good water holding capacity. The source of water is a nearby shallow
hand-dug well equipped with a small pumping unit; it is of good quality
but with low impurities content. Filling of the systems tank is done directly
from the well with the use of a PE hose.
Crop water requirements and irrigation schedule
The total irrigation requirements of the tomatoes are around 650 mm.
The calculation is made following the FAO methodologies. The irrigation
scheduling in this system is not arranged at a fixed moisture depletion of
the available soil moisture, but at fixed interval of one day, two and three
days. So irrigation takes place frequently and the dose varies according to
the stage of growth of the crop. At the last, the harvest stage, the irrigation
depends on the effective rainfall and the price of the tomatoes.
In this example design the crop is planted in mid summer at the highest
Eto values. It is an extreme case as example, however very common in
practice. As already mentioned above, The frequency of irrigation
normally may be from 25 days with an average water dosage of 0.51
litre/day/plant at the first stage of growth. During the yield formation the
dosage increases to meet the requirements of 12 litres/day/plant. Later the
daily needs increase up to 36 litres/day/plant and at late season,
sometimes, 57 litres/day/plant. Daily applications are needed.
In the example case the water demand is very high in the early stages
of the crop, although the crop ground cover is limited and increases as the
crop is entering the mid and late season stages. (During the crop
development and the mid-season stages and the kc value is 1.0, whilst in
the early stages is 0.450.75. The systems application efficiency is 90
percent. In this example the following irrigation program can be used as a
guideline (Table 15.2 and Figure 15.5):
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 15.11
Growing Irrigation Interval Dose Irrigation Number Total water
period demand (days) litres/ dose of applied (m
(stages) (mm) plant (m
) irrigations per 500 m
30 Jul.15 Aug. 90 1 5.5 3.0 15 45
16 Aug.10 Sep. 155 1 5.5 3.0 25 75
11 Sep.10 Oct. 155 2 9 5.170 15 76
11 Oct.15 Dec. 210 3 8 4.722 22 104
16 Dec.15 Jan. 50 Ef f ect i ve r ai nf al l equi val ent t o ETc 25
TOTAL 660 77 326
TABLE 15.2 - The irrigation program of the case example
The layout of the system (description and characteristics),
performance and hydraulics
Area covered: 0.5 ha (average) (Plot dimensions 25m x 20 m).
Type of Systems: Low-pressure, drip irrigation, solid systems installed
at fixed seasonal positions.
System layout: The 25 mm LDPE water pipeline crosses the area along
the 20 m dimension with dripper lines one per row of plants fitted
perpendicular on both sides.
Systems Component parts: a) Water tank (200 l), b) 1 inch control valve,
c) 1 inch Filter, d) 25 mm LDPE main Pipelines, e) 8 mm Drip lines.
System flow and pressure: 1 100 l/h at 1.5 m head approximately.
Number of drip lines: 40
Length of Dripper lines: 12 m
Total length of dripper lines: 480 m
Dripper discharge: 0.50.65 l/h at 1 m head and 0.650.80 l/h at 2 m
Dripper spacing along the line: 30 cm
Spacing between the lines: 1.5 m
Total number of drippers: 1 600
Entire area irrigated simultaneously.
Number of shifts to fulfil one irrigation: 1 shift
Area covered (irrigated) depends on the kind of crop and especially the
crop planting spacing. There are various layouts of the system depending on
the size and the shape of the field. The drippers frequent short spacing along
the line ensures a continuous wetted strip along the plants rows, as in furrows.
Hydraulics of the system
The pressure required for the normal operation of the dripper lines is 11.5
m head of water. The loss of head due to friction in the 25 mm LDPE main
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 15 Low-cost family drip irrigation systems 15.12
FIGURE 15.5 - The FDS system layout.
pipelines with 1.1 m/h flow is around 6 percent for pipes without outlets and
2.25 percent when water is distributed en route. So, the layout of the system
and especially of the main lines should be the one that keeps these losses of
head to the minimum. The placement of the water tank in the middle of the
plot or next to it, is recommended. Sometimes the farmers arrange the tank at
a higher position to compensate for these losses (Table 15.3).
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 15.13
TABLE 15.3 - List of equipment for system installation (Low-cost family drip irrigation system)
LDPE pipe 25 mm
PP QR elbow 25 mm x 1 in (F)
PP QR elbow 25 mm
PP barbed start connector 8 mm
PP barbed start connector 8 mm blind
Plastic shut off valve 1 in (F)
Plastic screen filter 1 in (M) 120 mesh
Plastic tank outlet 1 in (M)
LPDE drip line 8 mm with built-in point
source drippers at 30 cm frequent intervals
45 m
1 pc
1 pc
45 pcs
10 pcs
1 pc
1 pc
1 pc
500 m
Cost US$
The cost for the tank is not included.
FIGURE 15.6 - Drum kit using a 16 mm sub-main five 12 mm laterals
with spaghetti micro-tubes in 120 m
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 15 Low-cost family drip irrigation systems 15.14
FIGURE 15.7 - System with dripper lines using standard sized holes as
dripper emitters covered with plastic sleeves to control water discharge.
FIGURE 15.8 - Microsprinkler kit in 250 m
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 15.15
FIGURE 15.10 - Pitcher irrigation.
FIGURE 15.9 - Shiftable dripper lines system.
In micro-irrigation, fertilizers can be applied through the system with
the irrigation water directly to the region where most of the plants roots
develop. This process is called fertigation and it is done with the aid of
special fertilizer apparatus (injectors) installed at the head control unit of
the system, before the filter. The element most commonly applied is
nitrogen. However, applications of phosphorous and potassium are
common for vegetables. Fertigation is a necessity in drip irrigation, though
not in the other micro-irrigation installations, although it is highly
recommended and easily performed.
Several techniques have been developed for applying fertilizers through
the irrigation systems and many types of injectors are available on the
market. There are two main techniques: the ordinary closed tank; and the
injector pump. Both systems are operated by the systems water pressure.
The injector pumps are mainly either Venturi type or piston pumps. The
closed tanks are always installed on a bypass line, while the piston pumps
can be installed either in-line or on a bypass line.
Fertilizer (closed) tank. This is a cylindrical, epoxy coated, pressurized
metal tank, resistant to the systems pressure, and connected as a bypass
to the supply pipe of the head control. It operates by differential
pressure created by a partially closed valve, placed on the pipeline
between the inlet and the outlet of the tank. Part of the flow is diverted
to the tank entering at the bottom. It mixes with the fertilizer solution
and the dilution is ejected into the system. The dilution ratio and the
rate of injection are not constant. The concentration of fertilizer is high
at the beginning and very low at the end of the operation. However,
this apparatus is still in service on a very small scale in some countries
because of its low cost and easy manufacture (Figure 16.1).
Venturi type. This is based on the principle of the Venturi tube. A
pressure difference is needed between the inlet and the outlet of the
injector. Therefore, it is installed on a bypass arrangement placed on an
open container with the fertilizer solution. The rate of injection is very
sensitive to pressure variations, and small pressure regulators are
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 16.1
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 16 Fertigation 16.2
sometimes needed for a constant ejection. Friction losses are
approximately 1.0 bar. The injectors are made of plastic in sizes from
to 2 inches and with injection rates of 402 000 litres/h. They are
relatively cheap compared to other injectors.
Piston pump. This type of injector is powered by the water pressure of
the system and can be installed directly on the supply line and not on a
bypass line. The systems flow activates the pistons and the injector is
operated, ejecting the fertilizer solution from a container, while
maintaining a constant rate of injection. The rate varies from 9 to 2 500
litres/h depending on the pressure of the system and it can be adjusted
by small regulators. Made of durable plastic material, these injectors are
available in various models and sizes. They are more expensive than the
Venturi-type injectors.
FIGURE 16.1 - The Fertiliser Injectors.
The fertilizer solution in liquid form is fed into the system at low rates
repeatedly, on a continuous basis, during irrigation. The flow rate of the
injector should be such that the calculated amount of solution is supplied
at a constant rate during the irrigation cycle, i.e. starting fertigation right
after the system starts operation and finishing a few minutes before the
operation ends. Regarding the choice of the fertilizers, apart from the
amount and the kind, other parameters need to be considered, such as
solubility, acidity, compatibility and cost.
The fertilizer stock solution should always be dissolved in a separate
container and then poured into the suction tank (Figure 16.2). The types of
fertilizer should be highly soluble and when dissolved in water must not form
scums or sediments which might cause emitter clogging problems. The
solution should always be agitated, well stirred and any sludge deposited in
the bottom of the tank should be periodically removed. The injector suction
pipe should not rest on the bottom of the tank. Hot water helps dissolve dry
fertilizers. Their degree of solubility varies according to the type and the
country of origin. Potassium nitrate (13-0-46) seems to have a low solubility of
approximately 1:8, i.e. 1 kg of dry fertilizer in 8 litres of water. The solubility
of potassium chloride (0-0-62) is 1:3, while ammonium nitrate (34-0-0) and
calcium nitrate (15.5-0-0) have a high solubility of approximately 1:1. Dry
phosphorous fertilizers have a lower solubility than nitrates at about 1:2.5.
The acidity produced by the several forms of nitrogen varies from type
to type and is greatly affected by the kind of irrigation water and the type
of soil. At least one check on the soil pH should be carried out at the
beginning of the season and one at the end. Furthermore, a complete ionic
analysis of the water is necessary.
A simple method for calculating the amount of fertilizer required for
fertigation is to divide the annual application by the number of irrigations.
Various recipes have been developed in different countries based on the
conventional nutrition dosages. The total quantity of fertilizers applied is also
related to the length of the growing season and the irrigation requirements.
Table 16.1 presents some of the recipes applied in Cyprus for fertigation
on a continuous basis, at a constant rate and feeding, during irrigation.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 16.3
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 16 Fertigation 16.4
The above recipes vary in accordance with the fertilizer reserves in the soil.
The above recipes are recommended for irrigation water with very low
salinity. As a rule of thumb for average quality water, the maximum
fertilizer concentration, which is added to the irrigation total salinity,
should have an EC of about 0.5 dS/m. For higher concentrations, the
salinity level in the soil root zone must be checked frequently and the
application adjusted according to the soil test results.
Bell peppers
TABLE 16.1 - Net concentration of fertilizers in ppm
(mg/litre, or net fertilizer g/m
irrigation water)
FIGURE 16.2 - Preparing the fertilizer solution.
EXAMPLE Fertigation with vegetables
Crop: Tomatoes;
Concentration of NPK fertilizers: 180-50-250;
Type of fertilizers available: Ammonium nitrate (33.5-0-0) NH4NO3;
Diammonium phosphate DAP (16-48- 0); (NH4)2HPO4; Potassium
chloride (0-0-60) K2O;
System flow: 23 m
Irrigation dosage: 18 m
Duration of application: 1.5 hours.
Phosphate and potassium are given in oxides, therefore they are converted
into P and K elements by multiplying by 0.4364 and 0.8302 respectively.
Calculation of the amounts of fertilizers needed in grams per cubic
metre of water:
K = 250 x 100 (60 x 0.8302) = 0.502 kg K2O
P = 50 x 100 (48 x 0.4364) = 0.239 kg (NH4)2HPO4
This amount also provides 38 g of N.
N = (180-38) x 100 33.5 = 0.424 kg NH4NO3
Thus, for 18 m
of water, which is the irrigation dosage, the exact
quantities are:
0.502 kg x 18 = 9.036 kg K2O
0.239 kg x 18 = 4.30 kg (NH4)2HPO4
0.424 kg x 18 = 7.63 kg NH4NO3
The amount of water needed for the dilution of the above quantity of
fertilizers is estimated by taking into account the solubility of the fertilizers:
9.036 kg K2O x 3 litres 27.00 litres
4.30 kg Ca (H2PO4) x 2.5 litres 10.75 litres
7.63 kg NH4NO3 x 1 litre 7.63 litres
Minimum amount of water needed 45.00 litres
If the fertilizers are diluted in 60 litres of water and the duration of the
irrigation is 1.5 h (1 h 30 min), then the injection rate should be about 4045
litres/h in order to complete the fertigation in approximately 1 h 25 min.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 16.5
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 17.1
Low-cost pipes
distribution system
Pump irrigation covers the majority of the irrigated lands in the
developing countries of the arid and semi-arid regions. The irrigation water
taken from the aquifer or the surface run off ponds, lakes, rivers and dams,
is pumped to the fields through conventional (earth) ditches or lined
canals, resulting into tremendous losses from seepage and evaporation,
deep percolation and canal leakage.
Studies from many countries show an average of 33 percent water
losses during conveyance through a 100 m conventional channel. The field
irrigation methods are the traditional surface gravity - furrow, basin, border
etc., with field application efficiencies of 6070 percent, i.e. additional
water losses of about 2027 percent of the total. Then the overall irrigation
efficiency ranges from 40 pecent to 47 percent approximately.
The solution to the problem is the closed pipes improved irrigation
techniques. The huge gap between the water wasteful open surface
irrigation practices and the highly efficient improved irrigation techniques
FIGURE 17.1 - Irrigating young trees with the PDS.
can be eliminated with the implementation of the Pipe Distribution
Irrigation System (PDS). This irrigation technique had been extensively
applied in Cyprus in the early sixties and in Yemen (Tihama) in early
eighties with big success. It is actually the replacement of the open
channels with a properly designed closed piping network to convey and
distribute the irrigation water up to the field plots without any losses. It is a
simple technology with the minimum cost, which in one night may raise
the overall irrigation efficiency from 40 percent up to 77 percent. The PDS
is a closed pipe surface irrigation technique and it is classified as a low-
medium pressure system with solid permanent installation (Figure 17.1).
The basic layout of the PDS consists of a simple control head, a pipe
distribution network and the hydrants.
The control head includes the necessary regulating valves (shut off,
check valve, air valve) placed on a piece of galvanized steel threaded pipe,
60 cm above ground surface, with tee outlet for taps and pressure gauge.
This arrangement, at a later stage, can easily be converted to a more
sophisticated control unit, suitable for micro-irrigation systems.
The main and sub-main pipelines (distribution network) can be of rigid
PVC, 90160 mm DN, 46 Bars PN, buried underground. On hilly areas
other kind of pipes are used on surface ground, such as the flexible black
Polyethylene (HDPE), the Quick Coupler light steel or the galvanized steel
threaded pipes. The latter is used only up to the 3 in size, because of the
high cost.
The hydrants are rising on surface equipped wit a shut off valve (gate
valve) capable to deliver part of the systems flow or the whole of it to the
manifold open ditches. At a later stage portable lightweight pipes (quick
couplers aluminum, light steel, lay-flat hose, black polyethylene, etc.) can
be attached to the hydrants, replacing the manifold open ditches, for the
final delivery. From the hydrants the irrigation water is discharged directly
to the manifold open earth channels for diversion to the furrows, the
basins or the strip borders.
The pipes distribution system combines both the features of the open
surface methods and the pressurized closed pipe techniques. The design
criteria and the parameters are too many as compared to the simplicity of
the installation (Figure 17.2). The topography of the area (shape, slope,
etc.), the type of soil, the size of flow and the method of water delivery to
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 17 Low-cost pipes distribution system 17.2
the crop (furrow, basin, border or other) should be carefully examined. The
take-off hydrants must be placed at the highest points of the field plots and
at the right distances to enable efficient practices of the gravity irrigation
techniques through the manifold ditches.
The most important criterion to be considered during the design is the
possibility for future extension of the network for the adoption of any other
low-medium improved irrigation system, such as sprinkling, drip, spitters,
etc., with the minimum expenses. Then the careful design of a flexible
skeleton-piping network, suitable to serve all methods of irrigation and
water delivery techniques is of major importance.
In this kind of installations the size of the pipes is not reduced at the
secondary and tertiary branches (sub-mains, etc.), but remains the same all
along the network (Figure 17.3). Thus the system is capable to deliver its total
flow at any point of the farm, through each separate hydrant. This results into
some extra cost for the pipes. There are no limitations on the kind of the
pipes and fittings to be used, apart from the dimensions and the working
pressures. The diameter (DN) of the pipes of the network depends on the
size of water flow and the flow velocity that should be in the range of 1.4
m/s to 2.0 m/s (Table 17.1). The pipes working pressure (PN) must be around
6.0 Bars and in any case not less than 4.0 Bars. For the determination of the
pipe diameter the flow velocity formula Q = AV is used in the form:
Q (l/h) = V (m/s) x 2,826 di
where, Q the system flow, V the selected flow velocity (usually taken
1.7 m/s), di the pipe internal diameter. Based on the above, the
recommended flow for various kinds and sizes of pipes are as follows:
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 17.3
FIGURE 17.2 - Installation of the pipes.
This system is a low-medium pressure with solid permanent installation.
The initial cost per unit of area is lower as compared with the other closed
pipes pressurized irrigation systems. The average cost per ha is around 850
US dollars. In the following example design the cost is US$900 per ha.
Also the fuel consumption is lower than in any other improved irrigation
system. Only the labor expenses are relatively high. This technique is
classified as low-cost irrigation technology.
Low initial capital investment
Availability of equipment
Easy to operate and maintain
High adaptability by the farmers
Suitable for a wide range of crops
Appropriate for all sizes of holdings and plot irregular shapes
Requires skilled irrigator
Low field application (delivery) efficiency
In unleveled fields and sandy soils is not easily adapted
Not applicable for small flows
Best suited for medium-heavy soils
Despite the above mentioned advantages and disadvantages the main
characteristic of this system is that this is the first step to be taken to
facilitate the farmers to change from the traditional irrigation practices to
the more advanced ones smoothly, safe and with the least expenses (Figure
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 17 Low-cost pipes distribution system 17.4
TABLE 17.1 - Flow versus pipe diameter
Galvanized steel threaded, Rigid PVC, HDPE,
V = 1.7 m/s
light series 6.0 bars 6.0 bars
DN mm 2 in 2 in 3 in 90 110 160 90 110
di mm 54 69 82 84.4 103.2 150.2 79 97
Flow m
/h 14 23 32 34 51 108 30 45
Area and crop
The design area is 3.3 ha approximately, divided into six field-plots of
the same rectangular shape and dimensions, 90 x 45 m. The crop can be
citrus, cotton, vegetables, melons, potatoes, alfalfa, or any other seasonal
or perennial one. The topography is smooth and there is a slope of around
0.40.6 percent from north to south and east to west (see map).
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 17.5
FIGURE 17.3 - The PDS Control Head and the Hydrant.
Soil and water
The soil is of medium texture and of good structure with moderate
infiltration rate and internal drainage. Sa is around 150mm/m depth. The
water is good quality with no toxicity or sodium hazards. It is a pumped
from a nearby tube-well at a rate of 27 m
/hour (7.5 l/s) for 12 hours per day.
Water requirements and irrigation scheduling
The estimate of the irrigation needs and the schedule depends upon the
climatic data and the kind of crop to be irrigated. However, the water
availability that is 324 m
/day (27 m
/h x 12 hours) corresponds to a daily
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 17 Low-cost pipes distribution system 17.6
FIGURE 17.4 - The Layout of the PDS.
application of 9.8 mm in an area of 3.3 ha. This amount of water can meet
the demands of any crop at peak.
The system layout and dynamic head
There is a conveyance pipeline, 100 m approx., from the pump to the
farm gate. It is made of rigid PVC 90 mm, 6.0 Bars. The on-farm piping
distribution network, of the same kind and size, is placed along the
borderlines of the field plots. All pipes are buried. Take off hydrants 2 in are
raising on surface, each one serving an area of 0.27 ha. The systems dynamic
head for normal operation is the pipeline loss of head due to friction, plus the
losses in the control head and the local minor losses, minus the difference in
elevation, all included 0.9 Bars (Figure 17.5 and Table 17.2).
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 17.7
TABLE 17.2 - List of equipment needed for the Pipe Distribution System Installation
(Bill of quantities). Area: 3.3 ha, System flow: 27 m
/h, Dynamic head: 0.9 Bars. 0.9 Bars.
System distribution network
90 mm rigid PVC pipe, 6.0 bars
2 in x 90 mm PP male adaptor
90 mm PP elbow
90 mm PP tee
90 mm x 2 in PP female tee
90 mm x 2 in PP female elbow
2 in threaded riser pipe 60 cm
2 in brass gate valve
2 in elbows threaded male
Trench excavation and backfilling
Head control
2 in brass check valve
2 in brass gate valve
2 in tee threaded female
2 in nipple
2 in pipe threaded 60 cm
2 in elbows threaded female
1 in single air valve
Pressure gauge w/adaptor base 2 in
660 m
1 pc
1 pc
5 pcs
6 pcs
6 pcs
12 pcs
12 pcs
12 pcs
660 m
1 pc
1 pc
2 pcs
2 pcs
2 pcs
1 pc
1 pc
1 pc
Unit price US$
Total price US$
Low-cost hose irrigation
In many countries the low-cost hose irrigation installations are popular
among small and part-time farmers for the irrigation of many crops. This
method of irrigation is an improvement on the traditional furrow-basin and
furrow irrigation approaches. The water is applied to the basins and the
furrows through 1 inch plastic hoses which are portable, hand-
move, and can be extended in various directions. When one furrow or
basin has been filled up with water, the hose is moved manually to the
next one and so on.
A considerable engineering development has turned this practice from
an old open surface method into a highly efficient closed pipe modern
irrigation method. It is a localized method using a low pressure system,
and a semi-permanent hand-move installation. It has been applied on a
large scale and used extensively in many southern Mediterranean countries
of the semi-arid zone in family managed smallholdings of about 1 ha.
Properly designed hose basin systems for trees have also been successfully
installed and operated on farms up to 20 ha (Figure 18.1).
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 18.1
FIGURE 18.1 - Hose basin irrigation in young fruit trees.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 18 Low-cost hose irrigation 18.2
The layout of the system and the hydraulics of design and operation are
almost the same as in the other closed pipe low pressure systems. On the
main pipeline, there are hydrants with movable or permanently laid
laterals running along the crop rows. Long hoses are connected on these
lateral lines at a regular wide spacing to deliver water to each basin or
furrow separately. Each hose covers many basins or furrows according to
its length.
The systems piping network is also similar to the other low pressure
irrigation systems. It can be either a complete installation with all
component parts, as in the sprinkler and the micro-irrigation installations,
or a simple one. A hose irrigation system usually consists only of a main
pipeline of any kind, 5090 mm (23 inches) uPVC, HDPE or layflat,
4.06.0 bars, which also serves as a manifold, with hydrants to which the
laterals are connected. The laterals can be of any kind of 5063 mm pipe
but are usually LDPE, 4.0 bars. Smaller diameter long plastic hoses are
connected on the laterals. Sometimes, the hoses can be fed directly from
the source of the water, which can be a small reservoir at a higher level, a
low capacity pump, or a tap. There is no need for filters, injectors or other
accessories for a head control.
The hoses are the well-known and widely available garden hoses. They
are elasticized soft small diameter ( 1 inch) flexible PVC tubes with
plain ends. Soft black 2032 mm PE hoses (LDPE, 2.54.0 bars), are also
used. The length of the hoses varies from 18 to 36 m and the water flow is
1.58.0 m
/h. Thus, each hose can irrigate an area of approximately 600
2 100 m
respectively, covered with a number of small basins or furrows
according to the cultivation. These sizes and lengths have been found to be
the most convenient for farmers. The average flow characteristics for 24 m
hoses with flow velocities up to 2.0 m/s are presented in Table 18.1.
Kind of hose
Flexible PVC
Soft polyethylene (LDPE)
Nom. diameter
1 in
1 in
1 in
20 mm
25 mm
32 mm
Average flow - m
Pressure losses - bars
TABLE 18.1 - Flow characteristics of 24 m hoses
The types of hose irrigation systems refer to the characteristics of the
water delivery hoses, their position in the field, the general operating
procedure and the method of water distribution over the land (basin or
furrow). In tree groves, each tree has a basin, whose shape and size is
mainly determined by the age and the spacing of the trees. With close
planting spacing, two to six trees can be in one larger rectangular basin
along the row. With vegetables and other field crops, the land slope, type
of soil, crop, water availability and farming practices determine the
dimensions of the basins and furrows.
All types have movable water delivery hoses which are transferred or
dragged from one spot to another. In this sense, there are four different
types or variations of the system.
Conventional hose basin for trees
With a common tree spacing of 6 x 6 m, one 24 m-long hose can irrigate
36 tree basins in all directions in an area of about 1 300 m
. The laterals are
placed along the rows 36 m apart (every six rows) and the hoses are fitted
on the laterals every six trees (36 m). Thus, the hose spacing is 36 x 36 m.
With other planting spacings, the lateral and hose spacings differ, but not
greatly, from the above (Figure 18.2). Flexible PVC garden hoses about 1
inch in diameter have proved to be the most suitable kind, as they can
easily cross the field perpendicularly and diagonally without being damaged
(cracked). The hoses are moved by hand from one basin to another.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 18.3
FIGURE 18.2 - Hose furrow irrigation in vegetables.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 18 Low-cost hose irrigation 18.4
Drag hose basin for trees
This type of system is an improvement on the conventional one as it is
easier to design and operate. The water delivery hoses are 2032 mm soft
black LDPE pipes, 2.5 or 4.0 bars, connected to the laterals. Each hose can
irrigate two or four rows of trees on both sides of the lateral line. The hose
can be 2040 m long, and the area covered from 900 to 1 800 m
. It is
called the drag hose system because at the beginning of each irrigation the
hoses are extended to the distant end basins and then moved to the other
basins by dragging them backwards (Figure 18.3).
FIGURE 18.3 - Schematic diagram for hose basin for trees.
Hose basin for field crops
In this system, the hoses cannot cross the basins because they may
damage the crop. The size of the small basins is usually 12 x 12 m, 6 x 12
m or 6 x 18 m. The laterals are placed at a closer spacing than for trees, in
relation to the basins dimensions and arrangement. The hoses can be of
any kind, soft PVC or LDPE, in the appropriate lengths (1824 m) and sizes
(25 mm1 inch). For example, with basins 6 m wide and 12 m long, the
lateral lines are placed along the slope direction 24 m apart (every four
basins). The 24 m hoses are connected to the laterals every three basin
lengths (36 m), irrigating four basins upstream, two on each side, and eight
basins downstream, four on either side, for a total of 12 basins, in an area
of approximately 865 m
. The hose spacing in this example is 24 x 36 m.
However, it can vary as required. The hoses can be moved from one basin
to another either by dragging them backwards or by carrying them.
Hose furrow for vegetables
Similar to the hose basin for vegetables, here the lateral lines are placed
along the slope with the hoses connected at the head of the furrows. They
are extended perpendicular to the lateral on either side delivering water to
a number of furrows, as a drag system. The hoses are generally 2532 mm
soft black LDPE or 1 inch soft PVC garden hoses. The spacing of the
hoses along the lateral is the same as the length of the furrows. The length
of the furrows depends mainly on the type of soil, the slope, and the size
of flow. With these systems, the furrows are usually short, 1830 m long,
15 cm deep and about 1 m apart. The factors that influence the furrow
layout are: farming practices; size and shape of the field; and irrigation
application depth. The lower the depth of application and the size of the
flow, the shorter the length; and the steeper the slope, the longer the
furrow. In sandy soils, the furrow is shorter than in heavy clay soils. In
medium texture soils, the following approximate relationship between
slope and size of flow (Table 18.2) can be considered:
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 18.5
TABLE 18.2 - Slope and size of the flow
Slope %: 0.3 0.6 1.0 1.3 1.5
Size of flow m
/h: 8.0 4.0 2.25 1.75 1.5
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 18 Low-cost hose irrigation 18.6
In small basins, the flow can be the minimum, while in large ones, the
flow should be the maximum possible as the rate of application is
proportional to the irrigation requirements. In sandy soils with high
infiltration rates, the small discharge hoses can be moved from one place to
another in the basin itself during the irrigation if necessary to ensure
uniform distribution of water. It is common for farmers to subdivide the
basins into smaller ones, or to construct short furrows within the basins in
order to achieve ideal results. Several furrow layouts are applied (zigzag
pattern, key pattern, etc.) in both types of systems. When the hose discharge
is highly pressurized, some informal techniques are exercised on the spot
by the farmer, such as the use of a tin vessel at the hose outlet, or a plastic
bucket to avoid soil erosion and destruction of the ridges (Figure 18.4).
FIGURE 18.4 - Hose irrigation for vegetables & field crops.
Hose positions and movements.
Although hose irrigation systems are classed as semi-permanent
installations, the water delivery hoses are the only movable component.
However, the cost for a complete installation is very low compared with any
other improved closed pipe technique. The average cost for all types of hose
irrigation systems is about US$660/ha. Moreover, many years of study and
observation have shown that the operating costs to the farmers, in terms of
out-of-pocket money, are much lower than for any other system (Figure 18.5).
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 18.7
FIGURE 18.5 - Schematic diagram of short furrows.
FIGURE 18.6 - Women irrigating young trees with hose basin system.
High application efficiencies of about 75 percent, resulting in
considerable water savings.
Low-cost improved irrigation installation.
Simple technology easily managed by small children and old women.
Gainful employment of available labour in small communities.
Utilization of small water flows and quantities.
Low energy (fuel) consumption.
High labour requirements for system operation.
EXAMPLE DESIGNS Hose basin with trees:
conventional and drag types
Area and crop
The field dimensions (for design purposes) are taken as 140 x 72 m
(about 1.0 ha) with mature trees planted in a spacing of 6 x 6 m. There are
24 rows with 12 trees in each row for a total of 288 trees (Figure 18.6).
Soil, water and climate
Medium texture soil of good structure, with good infiltration and
internal drainage. Soil available moisture: 150 mm/m depth. The water is
of good quality with no salinity or toxicity hazards; the source is a high-
level reservoir. The peak irrigation demand is in July; the evaporation pan
average readings are 7 mm/d.
Crop water requirements and irrigation scheduling
The pan reading of 7.0 mm/d multiplied by 0.66 (pan correction factor)
gives an ETo of 4.65 mm/d. The crop factor kc is 0.65. Thus, ETc = 4.65 x
0.65 = 3.0 mm/d. The area shaded by canopy is 70 percent and for
calculation purposes this is taken as 82 percent. Therefore, the daily water
requirements are: 3.0 x 0.82 = 2.48 mm/d net. With a system application
efficiency of 75 percent, the gross daily irrigation requirements are: 2.48 x
100 75 = 3.3 mm (33 m
). If irrigation takes place every ten days, the
gross irrigation dosage is: 10 x 33 = 330 m
The maximum permissible irrigation interval in July on a 50 percent
moisture depletion for a trees root depth of 0.6 m is: 150 x 0.6 x 0.5 3.0
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 18 Low-cost hose irrigation 18.8
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 18.9
FIGURE 18.7 - Hose irrigation for trees (example designs) (area=1.0 ha).
= 15 days. The irrigation frequency depends on many factors and in no
case should exceed the maximum permissible irrigation interval.
Layout performance and hydraulics
In both the conventional and drag hose basin systems, a 63 mm HDPE
or PVC main pipeline is placed along the border of the field with 2 in
offtake hydrants, four for the conventional type and two for the drag type.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 18 Low-cost hose irrigation 18.10
Laterals of 50 mm LDPE are laid perpendicular to the mains, four and two
respectively, connected to the hydrants. The hose arrangements of the two
systems differ. In the conventional type, the hose spacing is 36 x 36 m with
two 24 m-long 1 inch garden hoses per lateral. There are four laterals
and eight hose positions. Thirty-six trees can be served from each hose
position. In the drag system, the hose spacing is 24 x 48 m with three 36
m-long 25 mm LDPE hoses per lateral. There are only two laterals and six
hose positions. Forty-eight trees can be irrigated from each hose position.
The general characteristics (Table 18.3) of the systems are as follows:
Equipment for system installation
TABLE 18.4 - Conventional hose basin system (trees)
System distribution network
63 mm HDPE pipe, 4.0 bars
50 mm HDPE pipe, 4.0 bars
63 mm PP compression end plug
50 mm PP compression end plug
63 mm x 2 in PP compression adaptor
50 mm x 2 in PP compression adaptor
63 mm x 2 in PP clamp saddle
50 mm x 1 in PP clamp saddle
2 in brass gate valve
1 in brass gate valve
2 in nipple
1 in nipple
1 in tap hose adaptor
1 in soft PVC garden hose, 24 m long
125 m
220 m
1 pc
4 pcs
1 pc
4 pcs
4 pcs
8 pcs
4 pcs
8 pcs
4 pcs
16 pcs
4 pcs
4 pcs
Unit price US$
Total price US$
Drag hose basin
System flow
Hose discharge
Basins dimensions
No. of basins per hose
Irrigation frequency
Irrigation dosage
No. of hoses operating simultaneously
Time to fill a basin
Time to complete one irrigation
Pressure losses in the hoses
Pressure losses in the laterals
Pressure losses in the main line
Minor local and other losses
Total dynamic head
Conventional hose basin
16 m
Soft PVC, 1 in, 24 m
4 m
5 x 5 m
10 days
330 m
4 (double shift)
17.4 min
20.8 h
16 m
LDPE, 25 mm, 36 m
2.7 m
5 x 5 m
10 days
330 m
26 min
20.8 h
TABLE 18.3 - Conventional and drag hose basin
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 18.11
TABLE 18.5 - Drag hose basin installation (trees)
System distribution network
63 mm HDPE pipe, 4.0 bars
50 mm HDPE pipe, 4.0 bars
63 mm PP compression end plug
50 mm PP compression end plug
63 mm x 2 in PP compression adaptor
50 mm x 2 in PP compression adaptor
63 mm x 2 in PP clamp saddle
50 mm x 1 in PP clamp saddle
2 in brass gate valve
1 in brass gate valve
2 in nipple
1 in nipple
1 in x 25-mm PP compression elbow
25-mm soft LDPE hose, 4.0 bars, 36 m
105 m
120 m
1 pc
1 pc
1 pc
2 pcs
2 pcs
6 pcs
2 pcs
6 pcs
2 pcs
6 pcs
6 pcs
6 pcs
Unit price US$
Total price US$
FIGURE 18.8 - Hose irrigation for early vegetables in low tunnel.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 18 Low-cost hose irrigation 18.12
Area and crops
Two plots of the same dimensions 108 x 96 m, 1.0 ha area each, are
planted with maize and tomatoes respectively in mid-April. The maize plot
is arranged in small basins, 6 x 12 m, for a total of 144 basins. The tomato
plot is planted in short furrows 18 m long (Figure 18.8).
Soil, water and climate
Medium texture soil of good structure, with good infiltration and
internal drainage. Soil available moisture: 150 mm/m depth. The water is
of good quality with no salinity or toxicity hazards; the source is a high-
level reservoir. The peak irrigation demand is in July; the evaporation pan
average readings are 7 mm/d.
Crop water requirements and irrigation scheduling
The pan reading of 7 mm/d multiplied by 0.66 (pan correction factor)
gives an ETo of 4.65 mm/d. The crop factor for maize at harvest time in
July is taken as 1.0 and for late season tomatoes as 0.85. Thus, ETc maize:
4.65 x 1 = 4.65 mm/d, and ETc tomatoes: 4.65 x 0.85 = 3.95 mm/d. The
systems application efficiency is 75 percent. Therefore, the gross daily
irrigation requirements at peak are: 4.65 0.75 = 6.2 mm (62 m
) for
maize; and 3.95 0.75 = 5.26 mm (52.6 m
) for tomatoes. At peak
demand, the irrigation frequency for maize is every seven days, while for
tomatoes it is every other day. Thus, the irrigation dosage would be: 7 x 62
= 434 m
for maize; and 2 x 52.6 = 105 m
for tomatoes. The available
system flow is 16 m
Layout, performance and hydraulics
In both systems, the pipe network is almost the same, i.e. 63 mm HDPE
pipes for the main line, 50 mm HDPE pipes for the lateral lines, and 1
inch flexible PVC garden hoses. In the basin system, the hose spacing is 36
m along the laterals and 12 m between the laterals. There are four laterals
with three hoses each for a total of 12 hose positions. Each hose position
can serve 12 basins.
In the short furrow system, the hose spacing is 18 m along the lateral and
24 m between the laterals. There are only two laterals with six hoses each,
for a total of 12 hose positions irrigating the furrows downstream on either
lateral side. The general characteristics (Table 18.6) of the systems are:
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 18.13
FIGURE 18.9 - Hose irrigation for vegetables and field crops.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 18 Low-cost hose irrigation 18.14
Equipment for system installation
TABLE 18.7 - Hose basin installation (maize)
System distribution network
63 mm HDPE pipe, 4.0 bars
50 mm HDPE pipe, 4.0 bars
63 mm PP compression end plug
50 mm PP compression end plug
63 mm x 2 in PP compression adaptor
50 mm x 2 in PP compression adaptor
63 mm x 2 in PP clamp saddle
50 mm x 1 in PP clamp saddle
2 in brass gate valve
1 in brass gate valve
2 in nipple
1 in nipple
1 in tap hose adaptor
1 in soft PVC garden hose, 24 m long
84 m
336 m
1 pc
4 pcs
1 pc
4 pcs
4 pcs
12 pcs
4 pcs
12 pcs
4 pcs
12 pcs
6 pcs
6 pcs
Unit price US$
Total price US$
Hose furrow
System flow
Hose type
Hose discharge
No. of hoses operating simultaneously
No. of hose positions
No. of shifts per irrigation
Irrigation frequency at peak
Irrigation dosage (gross)
Time to complete irrigation
Pressure losses in the hoses
Pressure losses in the laterals
Pressure losses in the main line
Minor local and other losses
Total dynamic head
Hose basin
1.0 ha
16 m
Soft PVC, 1 in, 24 m
5.3 m
7 d
434 m
27 h
1.0 ha
16 m
Soft PVC, 1 in, 24 m
5.3 m
2 d
105 m
6.5 h
TABLE 18.6 - Hose basin and hose furrow
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 18.15
TABLE 18.8 - Hose furrow installation (tomatoes)
System distribution network
63 mm HDPE pipe, 4.0 bars
50 mm HDPE pipe, 4.0 bars
63 mm PP compression end plug
50 mm PP compression end plug
63 mm x 2 in PP compression adaptor
50 mm x 2 in PP compression adaptor
63 mm x 2 in PP clamp saddle
50 mm x 1 in PP clamp saddle
2 in brass gate valve
1 in brass gate valve
2 in nipple
1 in nipple
1 in tap hose adaptor
1 in soft PVC garden hose, 24 m long
72 m
180 m
1 pc
2 pcs
1 pc
2 pcs
2 pcs
12 pcs
2 pcs
12 pcs
2 pcs
12 pcs
6 pcs
6 pcs
Unit price US$
Total price US$
FIGURE 18.10 - Hose irrigation jointing techniques.
CHAPTER 19: An outline for
engineering investigation for a
pressurized irrigation system
The choice of the system of irrigation sometimes is predetermined by
specific limiting factors, which leave no alternatives. In other cases, where
more than one system is theoretically possible, the final choice is made on
the basis of sound criteria, as:
The suitability/adaptability under the prevailing conditions,
The cost,
The efficiency (water savings),
The layout flexibility,
The yield and profit potential,
The sustainability
A minimum engineering investigation is required to enable the
successful planning, designing and implementation of every irrigation
system at the farm level.
The collection and preparation of the necessary information are related
to the kind and the type of the irrigation system and its techniques. A
thorough study of the systems description and technical characteristics is of
major importance for the selection criteria of the irrigation systems. Detail
plans and designs with maps, installation instructions, jointing drawings
and irrigation programs and schedules are prepared after the selection of
the systems and crops to irrigate. The suppliers of the systems should
always provide user manual.
The data needed for each individual field for the installation of the
irrigation system must be recorded on a Datasheet form as follows:
Farm Datasheet
a) Farm identification: Name of the farm, location, ownership (private
or Government), size (ha or m
) and cropping pattern.
b) Topography: Topographic map of the area on a large scale, or drawing
sketch with dimensions illustrating North point, plots arrangement
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 19.1
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 19 An outline for engineering investigation for a pressurized irrigation system 19.2
and dimensions, location of water source, farm roads, premises etc.
Contour lines, or elevation points and direction of slopes.
c) Crops: Kind, area and location of each crop on the map - Age if
perennials. Cropping pattern for annuals planting spacing along
and between the rows direction of rows Height of plants -
Growing season/irrigation period - kc factors (crop coefficient).
d) Soil: Type and physical characteristics, e.g. sandy, sandy, sandy loam,
silt loam, clay loam Permeability, internal drainage water holding
capacity depth of top soil existence of hardpan Potential
problems of salinity, toxicity, alkalinity.
e) Climate and altitude: Height of farm above sea level Rainfall
(monthly totals averaged over the last five years) and effective rainfall
Temperature (monthly average maximum) Relative humidity
Winds prevailing (direction and velocity) - ETo values
f) Water: Source of water supply and type (deep borehole, spring, river,
other) - Location (distance apart and difference in elevation) - Flow
available (m
/h or l/s) and quantity per day when at lowest levels
Quality, physical (foreign suspended particles content such as sand,
silt, impurities, algae etc), chemical (complete ionic analysis plus
boron and nitrates) and biological if treated wastewater - Depth of
borehole, static water level, draw down and safe capacity Type,
capacity and output of existing pumping unit available.
g) Existing conditions: Existing water conveyance network - Present
irrigation method (frequency of applications, operating hours and
quantities applied) Equipment available.
h) Labour availability and average working hours in the fields
Maximum recommended daily operating hours of the improved
irrigation installations.
i) Remarks and recommendations: Any other information of particular
importance, Remarks and recommendations.
As it is concerned with the water availability it must be noted that in
cases where the source of water is far from the command field to be
irrigated, then a conveyance pipeline should be installed from the source
to the field. The distance and the difference in elevation in no one case
should affect the pressure needed for the normal operation of the systems.
A Booster pump can either be placed at the beginning of the conveyance
pipeline or at the beginning of the system. Arrangements should be
planned according to the site conditions.
The criteria and data collected are examined and evaluated in
accordance with the various irrigation systems technical characteristics and
performances. Here below are the main parameters considered for the
selection of a kind of system. Additional parameters and factors are
examined too, such as, easy accessibility, protected area, organized farm,
labour availability, operation and maintenance facilities etc.
Description and characteristics of the systems are given in the related chapters.
The center pivot (CP) irrigation systems
Kind of crops
Nearly all crops can be grown under CP irrigation. The field crops
mostly recommended are the cereals, agro-industrial, leafy vegetables and
the forage crops.
Area, size and shape
The area should be a plain agricultural field of a relatively large size
15100 ha. Pivot systems can be tow able and moved to a next position
nearby and so on. This practice is usually applied in cereals for
supplementary irrigation during drought periods.
These CP irrigation systems can operate on uneven ground; however,
level lands are recommended and uniform sloping fields with slopes up to
3 percent. Undulating topography may produce a lot of difficulties
especially where runoffs occur.
The soil should be of medium texture with high infiltration rate >15
mm/hour good internal drainage and water holding capacity.
Water availability
The source of water can be a tube-well, a river, a small water tank. But
the CP systems, like all circular CP systems, will always be fed from a
hydrant placed at the centre of the irrigable area near the pivot. So a
buried water conveyance pipeline should be installed from the source of
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 19.3
the water to the pivot. At the end of the pipeline, in the middle of the area
near the pivot the hydrant should be installed to deliver irrigation water at
pressure of about 3.0 Bars. The system inlet will be connected to the
hydrant through a quick coupling flexible hose. For every CP position a
hydrant is needed.
Water quality
The water should be clean and free from suspended solids and other
impurities, of normal pH 6.5 to 8.4, with no salinity hazard, sodium
hazard and toxicity problems caused by bicarbonates, nitrates or boron.
TDS should not exceed 1 500 mg/l (ppm), SAR < 12, RSC < 1.25 meq/l,
Boron content < 0.7 mg/l, Chlorides <200 mg/l, Nitrates (NO3) < 100 mg/l
and low content Bicarbonates (HCO3).
Fuel requirements
The CP systems are equipped with generators for driving the towers and
booster pumps, both diesel engine driven. Arrangements should be made
so that the fuel tanks to be connected with additional bigger tanks placed
nearby for long uninterrupted operation of the CP systems.
Traveller irrigation machines spray boom carts
Kind of crops
The field crops to be grown, among others, under Spray boom irrigation
are the same as with the Center pivots such as wheat, barley, chickpeas,
lentils, potatoes, industrial crops soybeans, maize, sunflower, leafy
vegetables, water melons, alfalfa, perennial etc. Their largest application is
for supplementary irrigation of cereals (wheat and barley) during the winter
months. The height of the plants is considered for the boom ground
Area, size and shape
The area should be a plain agricultural field of at least 1.8 ha. The
system is tow able it can be towed and moved to a next position nearby
and so on. This practice is usually applied in cereals for supplementary
irrigation during drought periods.
The Spray boom irrigation systems can operate on uneven ground,
however, level lands are recommended and uniform sloping fields with
slopes up to 1 percent. Undulating topography may produce a lot of
difficulties especially where runoffs occur.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 19 An outline for engineering investigation for a pressurized irrigation system 19.4
The soil should be of medium texture with high infiltration rate >15
mm/h good internal drainage and water holding capacity.
Water availability
The source of water can be a tube-well, a river, a small water tank. The
system can be fed with water from hydrants placed at various points on the
farm plot boundaries. The system inlet is connected to the hydrant or the
pump outlet through a quick coupling flexible hose. For every Spray boom
position a hydrant is needed. The water source should be as near as
possible too the field. The water pressure should be from 3.5 to 5.0 Bars.
Water quality
The water should be clean and free from suspended solids and other
impurities, of normal pH 6.5 to 8.4, with no salinity hazard, sodium
hazard and toxicity problems caused by bicarbonates, nitrates or boron.
TDS should not exceed, if possible, 1 500 mg/l (ppm), SAR < 12, RSC <
1.25 meq/l, Boron content < 0.7 mg/l, Chlorides <200 mg/l, Nitrates (NO3)
< 100 mg/l and low content Bicarbonates (HCO3).
The drip irrigation system
Kind of crops
The field crops, which can be grown, among others, under Drip
irrigation techniques are all crops planted in rows and mainly vegetables
in winter and summer time and water melons. Deciduous trees give
excellent results with drip irrigation.
Area, size and shape
The area can be any farm planted with field crops in rows of any length
from 40 to 150 meters length located in the mountains or in the plains.
The size of plots can be from 0.2 to 1.0 ha. The shape should be of normal
rectangular or square shape.
The drip irrigation systems whether with normal dripper emitters or with
the pressure compensated ones that can operate on uneven ground, level
lands are recommended and uniform sloping fields with slopes up to 3
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 19.5
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 19 An outline for engineering investigation for a pressurized irrigation system 19.6
Type of soil
The soil can be of any texture, preferably medium and/or fine and with
infiltration rate < 20 mm/h. Very light sandy soils with high permeability
are not recommended.
Water availability
The source of water can be a tube-well, a river, a small water tank. In
cases of a booster pump, this should be placed at the beginning of the
system before the Head control unit. The system operating pressure is
around 3.0 Bars.
Water quality
The water should be, as clean as possible although there must be a
complete filtration system. Chemically it must be of normal pH 6.58.4,
with low to medium salinity, low sodium hazard and toxicity problems
caused by bicarbonates, nitrates or boron. TDS can be from 500 up to
2 000 mg/l (ppm), SAR < 12, RSC < 1.25 meq/l, boron content< 0.9 mg/l.
Mini-sprinklers irrigation systems (for fruit trees)
Kind of crops
Any fruit trees, which can be grown in the area.
Area, size and shape
The area can be any agricultural field located in the mountains or in the
plains and it is or will be planted with fruit trees in rows of a maximum
length of 80 to 90 meters even ground. The size of separate plots can be from
0.5 to 1.0 ha. The shape should be of normal rectangular or square shape.
The Mini-sprinkler irrigation systems normally operate on smooth even
ground, so level lands are recommended and uniform sloping fields with
slopes ranging from 0.25 percent to 5 percent. In sloppy lands the length
of the rows and the Mini-sprinkler lines vary accordingly.
Type of soil
The soil can be of any texture, preferably medium and/or fine, but with
infiltration rate > 6 mm/h. Very light sandy soils with high permeability are
suitable too.
Water availability
The source of water can be a tube-well, a river, a small water tank. The
system operating pressure should be 2.53.0 bars.
Water quality
The water should be, as clean as possible although there is a disc-filter.
Chemically it must be of normal pH 6.58.4, with low to medium salinity,
low sodium hazard and toxicity problems caused by bicarbonates, nitrates
and especially chlorides and boron. TDS can be from 500 up to 1 500 mg/l
(ppm), SAR < 12, RSC < 1.25 meq/l, Cl < 12 meq/l, boron content< 0.7 mg/l.
Pipe distribution system
Kind of crops
The field crops, which can be grown, among others, under the Pipe
Distribution irrigation techniques are nearly all winter and summer crops
annual and perennial, i.e. vegetables, cereals, melons, forage crops and
fruit trees.
The system consists of a water conveyance and distribution pipe
network for surface irrigation methods in-plot. It is actually the
replacement of the open channels with a properly designed closed piping
network to convey and distribute the irrigation water from the source to
the field plots without any losses.
Area, size and shape
The area can be any agricultural farm, planted with field crops irrigated
with furrows, borders, basins or any other method of water application,
located preferably in more or less plain areas. The size of the field plots
can be from 0.1 to 1.0 ha, planted with one or more cultivations.
Normally rectangular or square shapes are recommended.
The Pipe Distribution irrigation systems network can be installed and
operate on uneven ground, however, the systems hydrants should be
placed at the highest points of each plot. The method of application is
surface, so level lands and uniform sloping fields with regular slopes of 0.1
to 0.25 percent are recommended.
Type of soil
The soil can be of any texture, but preferably of medium and with
infiltration rate < 20 mm/h. Very light sandy soils with very high
permeability are not recommended.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 19.7
Water availability
The source of water can be a tube-well, a river, a small water tank. The
pressure of the system is 1.0 to 2.0 Bars.
Water quality
The water should be, as clean as possible. Chemically it must be of
normal pH 6.58.4, with low to medium salinity, low sodium hazard and
toxicity problems caused by bicarbonates, nitrates or boron. TDS can be
from 500 up to 2 500 mg/l (ppm), SAR < 12, RSC < 1.25 meq/l, boron
content< 0.75 mg/l.
Hose-move sprinkler irrigation system
Kind of crops
Alfalfa and other forage crops, maize, sunflower, and other dense
planted crops. This system can be installed successfully for nurseries.
Area, size and shape
The area can be any agricultural levelled farm located in the mountains
or in the plains planted with agricultural crops. The plots size can be from
0.5 to 1.0 ha. The shape should be of normal rectangular or square shape.
The Hose-move sprinkler irrigation systems normally operate on smooth
even ground, so level lands are recommended and uniform sloping fields
with slopes ranging from 0.25 percent to 0.2 percent.
Type of soil
The soil can be of any texture, preferably medium and/or fine, but with
infiltration rate > 8 mm/h and good internal drainage. Very light sandy soils
with high permeability are suitable too.
Wind Conditions
Wind directions and velocities must be recorded and classified
accordingly, (00.7 m/s nil wind, 0.72.5 m/s light, 2.53.5 m/s moderate
to strong, and > 3.5 m/s very strong). Sprinkling is not recommended
under strong wind conditions.
Water availability
The source of water can be a tube-well, a river, a small water tank. The
designed flow of the system at 3.5 bars pressure.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 19 An outline for engineering investigation for a pressurized irrigation system 19.8
Water quality
The water should be of good quality suitable for irrigation purposes.
Chemically it must be of normal pH 6.58.4, with low to medium salinity,
low sodium hazard and toxicity problems caused by chlorides,
bicarbonates and nitrates. TDS can be from 500 up to 2 000 mg/l (ppm),
SAR < 12, RSC < 1.25 meq/l, boron content< 1.0 mg/l.
Low-cost (family kid) drip irrigation systems
Kind of crops
The field crops, which can be grown, among others, under Drip
irrigation techniques in N. Iraq and their growing season are mainly
vegetables in winter and summer time and water melons.
Area, size and shape
The area can be any agricultural farm, planted with field crops in rows
of short lengths from 12 to 24 meters located in the rural areas on the
mountains or in the plains. The size can be from 250 m to 1 000 m. The
shape should be of normal rectangular or square shape.
These drip irrigation systems operate at very low pressures level lands
are recommended and uniform sloping fields with slopes < 0.5 percent.
Type of soil
The soil can be of any texture, preferably medium and/or fine and with
infiltration rate < 20 mm/h. Very light sandy soils with high permeability
are not recommended.
Water availability
The source of water can be a small well, a tub, a garden hose or
anything that can fill the systems water tank regularly. The designed flow
of the Family drip irrigation systems is around 1.1 m/h at 1.5 m head.
Water quality
The water should be, as clean as possible although there is a complete
filtration system. Chemically it must be of normal pH 6.58.4, with low to
medium salinity, low sodium hazard and toxicity problems caused by
bicarbonates, nitrates or boron. TDS can be from 500 up to 2 000 mg/l
(ppm), SAR < 12, RSC < 1.25 meq/l, boron content< 0.9 mg/l.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 19.9
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 20.1
and maintenance
The efficient operation of an irrigation system depends mainly on the
ability of the farmer to make the best use of it. For every system, depending
on the kind and the type of the installation and the way the water is
delivered to the farm, there are several steps to be taken and factors to
consider in order to ensure the efficient operation and performance of the
installation. Sometimes, the irrigation installation fails to give full
satisfaction because of poor design, faulty installation, or equipment that
does not conform to specification. However, the way both the irrigation
system as a whole and its component parts are operated and maintained
will determine the success or failure of any properly designed and installed
The O&M of the irrigation system is also the key factor for good
irrigation management. Farmers need a sound knowledge of the O&M
procedures of their installation. This knowledge should be acquired from
complete information, demonstration and written instructions from the
designers and the suppliers.
When and how long to irrigate
The application of the exact amount of water required by the crops at
the right time is the main achievement of the irrigation installation. Farmers
normally understand matters concerning the main elements of irrigation
programming, such as water discharge and rate, operating hours and
irrigation frequency, and they can follow instructions. Properly installed,
operated and maintained irrigation networks enable farmers to exercise
absolute control over water use at farm level. Thus, it is easy for them to
apply irrigation schedules based on crop, soil, weather, and water
availability and quality factors.
Starting and stopping the system
Starting and shutting down the pressurized irrigation installation needs
to be done very carefully in order to prevent surges and water hammer and
to avoid air pockets in the pipelines.
The opening and closing of the valves at the head of the system, the
main and submain pipelines, should always be done slowly.
Where there is a pump, engine or motor driven, the suppliers
instructions should be followed. Priming the pump, filling the pipes,
adjusting the speed and lubricating the pumping equipment are matters of
major importance. Manufacturers provide detailed instructions in their
literature for starting and operating each pumping unit.
System performance
Frequent observations and checks should be carried out during the
irrigation season to ensure the proper functioning and good performance
of the system. This involves a number of procedures for simple evaluations
based on measurements taken under field conditions.
The equipment needed for this task is as follows:
a map/sketch of the irrigated area showing the locations of all the
systems component parts and the various plots;
a portable pressures gauge (06.0 bars) with a special adaptor and
pivot tube adjustment;
a stopwatch (chronometer);
a measuring tape, approximately 20 m;
graduated vessels, capacity 15 litres;
a soil auger, shove or probe;
a notebook for recording data.
In most closed pipe pressure systems there are a number of factors that
should be evaluated to determine the level of operation and that can be
readjusted where not satisfactory.
Operating pressures
With the system in operation, pressure measurements are taken at
various points on the piping network, preferably at the beginning and at
the far end of the main and the submain pipelines. The operating pressures
of the first and last emitters on a number of laterals are also measured. All
pressures should be within the designed range. The difference in the
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 20 Operation and maintenance 20.2
emitter pressure should not differ from the recommended average pressure
by more than 20 percent on level ground. Any change should be
investigated immediately.
Flow rates and water discharge
The flow rates (discharge) of the same emitters whose operating
pressures are measured are also determined. This is done by recording the
time required to fill up a graduated vessel with water. The figures should
be in accordance with the suppliers specifications and the difference
between them should be less than 10 percent. The systems rate of
discharge is the sum of the emitters average flow rates.
Uniformity of application and depth of wetting
This may be checked by probing the soil at various locations using a
probe, shovel or soil auger. The examination can be made 1224 h after
irrigation depending on the type of soil. Water should penetrate a few
centimetres below the root depth. Areas taking less or more water can be
easily identified for further investigation.
Visual observations for evaluation purposes of any type should be
avoided as they might lead to misjudgements. In addition to the above
simple evaluations, the following checks, on-site modifications, re-
arrangements and preventive maintenance are necessary:
Check and repair any leakage in piping or through valves.
Position the sprinklers vertically to the ground and check spacing.
Replace or rehabilitate clogged emitters.
Flush the system network at least three times during the irrigation
season when water originates from underground. With reservoir
water, flush once every fourth irrigation. An approximate flushing
time of 23 min for each line will prevent sedimentation on the inner
pipes walls.
Clean the filters of the system thoroughly before every irrigation.
During operation, check for the minimum difference in pressure
between the inlet and the outlet of the main filter.
Check the air and check valves periodically for proper functioning.
Inspect plastic equipment, valves and devices for cracks and other
physical damage.
Flush fertilizer injectors (pump and tank) after each use. Inspect hoses
and valves.
Conduct systematic checks to spot malfunctioning equipment affected
by physical deterioration and other possible damage by machinery,
animals, etc.
Make frequent visual checks of the system to ensure that it is in good
condition and operating efficiently.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 20.3
Pump plant
Preventive maintenance of the pumping system is essential during the
irrigation season. Equipment manuals contain trouble-shooting chapters
which are useful for solving common problems associated with the normal
operation of the pumping unit. The following checks and inspections are
recommended for most engine or electric motor driven pumps:
temperatures of bearings and windings;
fuel/power consumption;
capacity and output (water discharge and dynamic head);
ventilation screens, clean where necessary;
oil pressure;
oil, lubrication, change where necessary.
The long-term operation of the irrigation installation depends upon
simple maintenance carried out by the farmer. The periodic servicing of
pumping plants and the repair of special devices (filters, injector, etc.) is
carried out by trained maintenance and repair personnel.
Maintenance is carried out during a period of non-use to prepare the
system: a) for the off-season shut-down; and b) for use before the next
season. All equipment requires a certain amount of care in handling for
storage and maintenance. For every installation there is a procedure which
concerns various aspects of the distribution network and the pumping unit.
System network
The procedure for the network is as follows:
Flush mains, submains, manifolds and laterals.
Inspect for possible damage to the network and repair it.
Open fully and drain completely all valves.
Remove dirt, corrosion and other foreign material from the
component parts.
Check emitters for possible clogging, damage, wear and signs of
deterioration, and replace where necessary.
Store all emitters in a dry clean place on shelves away from fertilizers,
chemicals, oil, grease and lubricants.
Examine the condition of air and check valves.
Flush and drain filtration and fertilizer injection equipment.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 20 Operation and maintenance 20.4
Clean all filter elements.
Check condition of gaskets and seals; remove, clean and store in a
dry place.
Retrieve all portable plastic tubes by rolling them up in coils; store
Inspect all portable metal pipes for any kind of damage and consult
suppliers for repair; store properly away from power lines and wiring.
Drain completely all pipes left in the open.
Pump plant
Pump plants usually consist of a centrifugal pump of some type and the
power unit (electric motor or internal combustion engine). Maintenance
instructions are available from manufacturers, pump users associations and
other technical organizations. Special care should be taken to protect
engines from moisture that can accumulate inside the machines and cause
serious damage.
Below is a list of checks, inspections and steps to be taken for the
preparation of the pumping plant a) for the off-season period and b) for use
before the next season:
Maintenance for the off-season period
Centrifugal pumps
Drain all the water from pump and connecting pipelines.
Where possible, remove suction lines and store them.
Cover shaft and any exposed metal and all oil or grease lubricated
bearings with protective lubricant.
Loosen v belt or flat belt drive and insert piece of greaseproof paper
between belts and pulley.
Loosen packing gland.
Clean debris and any other material from impeller and volute.
Internal combustion engines
Run engine to thoroughly warm up oil in the crankcase; stop engine
and drain crankcase oil; replace drain plug and refill crankcase with
high-grade engine oil; start engine and run slowly for two minutes to
complete oil distribution on all surfaces.
Stop engine; remove all spark plugs; pour 60 ml of engine oil into
each spark plug hole; with ignition switch off, crank engine for
several revolutions to distribute oil over the cylinder walls and valve
mechanism; replace spark plugs.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 20.5
Drain oil from crankcase; drain cooling system and close drain cocks;
drain all fuel from tank, lines and carburettor bowl; replace all plugs
and close drain cock.
Lubricate all accessories and seal all openings airtight, including air
cleaner inlet, exhaust outlet, and crankcase breather tube, with
weatherproof masking tape.
Check oil filler cap, gas tank and radiator cap.
Spray all accessories and electrical equipment with suitable insulating
Insert a strip of greaseproof paper under the v belt pulley.
Remove battery and store fully charged.
Where the engine is in the open, cover with waterproof material.
Electric motors
Ensure that all bearings are well lubricated.
Cover motor to protect against rodents, insects and dust,
but provide ventilation.
Lock control box in off position and cover with a canvas where
exposed in the open to protect against moisture and dust.
Preparation for use before the next period
Centrifugal pumps
Where there is a trash screen, clean and install it properly.
Ensure foot valve on suction line of horizontal centrifugal pumps
operates properly.
Install suction line of horizontal pumps and/or vertical turbine pumps
and/or check they are adequately submerged; check impeller
adjustment of deep-well vertical turbine pumps.
Clean all passages for liquid.
Tighten packing gland to proper setting.
Replace bearing oil, or lubricate bearings with grease.
Ensure pump shaft turns freely without noticeable dragging.
Start pump and check for normal operation.
Internal combustion engines
Remove all tape from sealed openings.
Open fuel tank valve; shut water drain cocks and add coolant.
Check oil drain plug; replace oil filter and add correct amount of oil
to engine.
Remove spark plugs and spray cylinder walls with a light engine oil.
Replace spark plugs and crank engine several revolutions by hand to
spread oil on cylinder walls.
Lubricate all engine accessories.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 20 Operation and maintenance 20.6
Where a distributor is used, clean inside and outside of cap; inspect
cap and rotor for cracks; lubricate distributor sparingly with suitable
lubricant; where a magneto is used, inspect breaker points for wear
and gap; lubricate rotor.
Where oil bath air cleaner is used, clean and fill with correct grade oil.
Check all terminals and electrical connections.
Start engine; run slowly for a few minutes; monitor oil pressure; if it
fails to come up to correct reading, stop engine and investigate cause.
Check oil level in crankcase and bring level up to proper mark on
Electric motor
Clean all debris accumulated during the storage period.
Change motor bearing oil with special type of lubricant, do not
overfill, use grease gun to lubricate bearings.
Change oil in reduced voltage starters.
Check that motor ventilation vents are open; clean dust and dirt from
all moving parts of motor and panel.
Check and tighten all electrical connections, replace overheated
connections with new material; test all coils and heaters for
continuity and shorts; clean all magnet surfaces; check for spare fuses
of proper size; ensure all conduits or shielded cables are in good
condition; check that all conduct points are corrosion free.
Ensure service cabinet interior is moisture free.
Operate all moving parts by hand before applying power.
Through investment in equipment for improved irrigation techniques,
farmers expect to save considerable amounts of water, to increase yields
and to improve crop quality.
Professionals and irrigation extensionists in association with
manufacturers and farmers have been working for years on the proper
O&M of irrigation system installations. Water conservation is and will
continue to be a major goal for farmers, industry and governments.
All parties concerned should cooperate to achieve this goal.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 20.7
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 21.1
Irrigation terminology
Actual evapotranspiration
Balance of water
resources and needs
Basin irrigation
Border irrigation
Bulk density
Capacity of a well
Capital cost
Catchment area
Command area (=designed area)
Centre pivot sprinkler
Conventional technology
Represents the actual rate of water uptake by the plant which is determined by
the level of available water in the soil.
The usable water resource of a certain water management unit in a given period
of investigation, and the assessment and comparison of quantitative and
qualitative characteristics of the water requirements to be supplied by this
A gravity surface irrigation method in which crops are surrounded by a border
to form a submersion check called basin of round, square or any other form.
Irrigation water generally comes directly from the supply ditch/canal or from
other basins.
A sub-system of controlled flood (surface) irrigation in which the land is divided
into parallel border strips demarcated from one another by earth ridges. Water
is successively delivered into each strip from a head or field ditch at its upper
end. On the upstream part of each strip is a flat zone, the level portion from
which the stream of water spreads evenly across the entire downstream portion.
Bulk density or volume weight or apparent density or apparent specific gravity
(As) of a soil is the dry weight of a unit volume of soil, which includes both the
soil particles and the pores between them. It is expressed in g/cm
and varies
from soil to soil according to texture and structure. It depends on soil porosity.
Then, the larger the pore percentage the smaller the volume weight (Bulk
density) of the soil.
The rate at which a well will yield water, in litres per second or cubic metres
per hour.
The total expenditure incurred on a work since the beginning of its construction
or supply of equipment and installation, excluding cost of operation, maintenance
and repairs, but including cost of investigations and of all extensions and
The area from which a lake, a reservoir or a chosen cross-section of a stream or
waterway receives water (= watershed or drainage basin, but usually smaller).
The specific land area, designed for irrigation by the irrigation system.
A sprinkler system in which the water source is in the centre, and a system of
pipes and sprinkler heads rotates or pivots about the central point to water a
given circular area.
Technology based on a long history of experience without making use of later
developments (compare with alternative technology).
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 21 Irrigation terminology 21.2
Conveyance losses
Conveyance structures
Crop water requirement
Drip irrigation
Drip tapes
Duration of application
Economic value of unit
of irrigation water
Effective root depth (D)
Erosion control
Exchangeable sodium percentage
Losses of water in transit from the source of supply to the point of service whether
in natural channels or in artificial ones, such as canals, distributaries, ditches or
watercourses. They comprise evaporation from the water surface, seepage, and
incidental transpiration by vegetation growing in the water or along the banks of
natural channels, canals or watercourses (= transmission losses).
Structures built to help provide general control and conveyance of the flow from
the intake structures to the area to be irrigated.
The total water needed for evapotranspiration from planting to harvest for a
given crop in a specific climatic regime when adequate soil water is maintained
by rainfall and/or irrigation so that it does not limit plant growth and crop yield.
Quantity (volume) of water passing through a given section of pipe, canal, valve,
sprinkler nozzle or emitter etc. during a given period of time expressed in m
hour, litres per second, gallons per minute, etc.
In its simplest form, it is an irrigation method using a system of perforated plastic
pipes along the ground at the base of a row of plants (= trickle irrigation). In its
more advanced form, it is a micro-irrigation system in which water flow is very
low, generally less than 8 litres/h and without pressure, i.e. drop by drop. The
water emerging infiltrates directly into the soil where it wets a volume of soil
called bulb.
Drip Irrigation Tapes are thin walled (0.121.1 mm) integral drip lines with
emission points spaced at 10, 20, 30, 35, 45 cm, or any other distance apart,
delivering very low quantities of water, 0.41.0 litre per hour at low operating
pressures of 0.61.0 Bar. They are made of black PE (Polyethylene) in various
diameters from 12 mm to 20 mm and in several wall thicknesses.
Small emitters made of durable plastic, mounted on, or built in the small size
(1225 mm) PE irrigating pipelines at desired frequent spacing. The water enters
at certain operating pressure and is discharged at zero pressure in the form of
drops at constant low rates (124 litres per hour).
Time required for the completion of one irrigation cycle.
The value of a crop raised by a unit of irrigation water if run continuously
throughout the life of the crop.
Soil depth from which the plants take nearly 80 percent of their needs in water
(mostly from the upper part where root system is denser).
The application of necessary measures to control accelerated erosion of land
surfaces by vegetation or artificial structures, such as terraces, dams or bunds.
The process of a water body becoming anaerobic, i.e. without oxygen. Human
activities that add nutrients to a water body can accelerate this process.
The degree of saturation of the soil exchange complex with sodium. It may be
calculated by the formula:
ESP = exchangeable sodium (meq/100 g soil)/cation exchange capacity
(mec/100 g soil) x 100.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 21.3
Field capacity (FC)
Flood irrigation
Flow-duration curve
Flow capacity
Friction losses
(= head or pressure loss)
Fully automatic irrigation system
Furrow irrigation
Gravity irrigation
Hydraulic conductivity
The fertilizers are applied through the system with the irrigation water, directly
to the region, where most of the plants roots developed. The process, called
fertigation, is done with the aid of Fertilizer apparatus (injectors) placed at the
Head Control unit of the system. The fertilizer, liquid or dry, is firstly dissolved
and diluted in a separate container and then poured into the injectors tank, to
be ejected into the system while in operation.
The amount of moisture retained in the soil one to four days after saturation,
when the gravitational water is drained down to the lower soil layers. In light
soils the time needed for the gravity water to drain is from 18 to 36 hours after
saturation and in heavy soils from 36 hours to 4 days. In light soils the FC is
lower than in heavy soils.
In order to bring the state of moisture in the soil at FC at a certain depth, the
amount of water required in a light soil is less than in a heavy soil. Again the
same amount of water applied by irrigation or rain will wet a light soil to a
greater depth than a heavy soil.
All types of irrigation which make use of rising water from flood for inundating
areas without major structural works, e.g. flood recession, spate irrigation and
wild flooding.
A duration curve of stream flow, used for example to define minimum discharge
and identify low-flow periods for the appraisal of irrigation water withdrawal.
Water flow in m
/hr or l/sec (lps) given or designed to fulfill the irrigation
requirements of the command area at peak water demand. It is inversely
proportional to the duration of application. It is often designed to be the lowest
permissible to economize on sizes of pipes and equipment of the system network.
Loss of pressure (head) in the irrigation system that occurs during the flow of
water in the system closed piping network as a result of the friction between the
water and the pipes walls. The losses are proportional to the flow (discharge) and
are dependent on the area of the pipe and on various obstructions to the flow
such as contractions, outlets, valves, etc. The losses are measured in meters/feet
or atmospheres/bars.
An irrigation system or network on a farm, whereby the water requirements of
the plants are met automatically. It makes use of devices which measure soil
moisture (e.g. tensiometer), or other indicators of irrigation need (e.g. time
elapsed since rainfall), and trigger a series of operations to convey the necessary
water through the network at the proper time.
A method similar to corrugation irrigation used in permeable soils. It consists in
feeding narrow furrows very close to one another with small discharges so as to
wet more easily all the soil situated between two rows of crops (often orchards).
Furrows parallel to the rows may be laid mechanically with a drill plough.
Method of operating a system or part of a system using gravity alone, water
being available at a sufficient level (or pressure) to ensure its conveyance or
delivery to the fields or its distribution in the fields.
1. The rate of flow of a fluid through a unit cross-section of a porous mass under
a unit hydraulic gradient, at a specified temperature (sometimes called unit of
permeability, transmission constant or coefficient of transmission).
2. The flux of water per unit gradient of hydraulic potential.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 21 Irrigation terminology 21.4
Individual irrigation system
Infiltration Rate
Irrigation Application Efficiency (Ea)
Irrigation cycle
Irrigation efficiency
Irrigation potential
Irrigation requirements
Irrigation water quality table
Leaching requirement
Localised Irrigation
Main drainage system
Method of water delivery
Systems located downstream of the outlets served by the collective irrigation
system and meant to deliver water to the farms or fields of an individual area.
Infiltration or intake rate of soils is the maximum amount of water per unit of
area, which can enter the soil (level) surface per unit time during the irrigation.
It is expressed in millimeter per hour and it is governed by the conditions of the
soil surface and the soil physical characteristics.
Percentage of the irrigation water, applied to the command area that is stored in
the root-zone directly available to the crop; it is expressed in Percentage % or
in fraction:
Ea (%) = (water stored x 100)/ water applied
Successive deliveries of water on all the units of a network in such a way as to
achieve a given irrigation on the entire field concerned.
The ratio or percentage of the irrigation water consumed by crops of an irrigated
farm, field or project to the water diverted from the source of supply. It is called
farm irrigation efficiency or farm delivery efficiency when measured at the farm
head-gate; field irrigation efficiency when measured at the field or plot; and
water conveyance and delivery efficiency, or overall efficiency when measured
at the source of supply.
Total possible area brought under irrigation, plus that which can be planned for
irrigation in a river basin, region or country, from available water resources,
with designs based on good technical practice at the time of assessing the
The quantity of water exclusive of precipitation, i.e. quantity of irrigation water,
required for normal crop production. It includes soil evaporation and some
unavoidable losses under the given conditions. It is usually expressed in water-
depth units (millimetres) and may be stated in monthly, seasonal or annual
terms, or for a crop period.
This indicates guidelines for the interpretation of water quality for crop
production. The table was adapted from the University of California Committee
of Consultants, the United States, in 1974 and revised in 1979. It emphasizes the
long-term influence of water quality on crop production and farm management.
The fraction of water entering the soil that must pass through the root zone in
order to prevent soil salinity from exceeding a specified value. Leaching
requirement is used primarily under steady-state or long-term average
The irrigation methods, where the water is delivered to the plants without
spreading it over the entire area, but applied it to limited soil surface around the
System which conveys drainage water from the field drainage system to an
Way of making an irrigation system function to convey water from the source of
supply to each field served by the system.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 21.5
Micro-irrigation with mini-diffusers
Mobile micro-irrigation
Moisture (water) holding capacity
Net irrigable area
Net irrigation requirement
Nominal discharge of a dripper
Operation and maintenance (O&M)
Overall efficiency
Overhead irrigation
A micro-irrigation system in which water is emitted in small sprinklings through
fixed small diffusers in the form of fine droplets distributed over a certain area,
or by individual low pressure jets localizing the water on the soil in separate
spots. Their discharge is generally limited (2060 litres/h at 1 bar) and often
emitted in the form of circular sectors either to avoid wetting the neck of the
trees or to limit the range on the sides of the space between rows, which should
remain dry. Their use is limited to orchards.
Small water emitters (drippers, sprayers, bubblers, mini-sprinklers) made of
durable plastic material. The rate of water discharge is in the range of 1
litre/hour to 170 litres/hour approximatively at operating pressure ranging from
0.6 bars to 2.0 bars. They have small water-passage diameters and the filtration
requirements are from 100 microns (drippers) to 200 microns (minisprinklers).
An irrigation machine (generally frontal nozzle-line) in which the mobile nozzle-
line functioning at low pressure applies water directly to the space between rows
of annual crops. Suspended flexbles pipes fitted with mouthpiececs at their end
feed continuously into small basins dug beforehand or simple partitioned
The quantity of water (moisture) hold by the soil is expressed by the dry
weight percentage water in the soil
Where, PWis the soil water content percentage (dry weight), Ww is the weight
of wet soil and Wd is the weight of the dry soil.
The total area within the extreme limits set for irrigation by a project, supply
system or canal less areas excluded because of their un-suitability for irrigation
(nature of the soil, ground too high to be irrigated by gravity flow or
economically by pumps or other water lifting devices).
This is the crops irrigation need (without including losses of any kind) expressed
as a layer of water in millimeters per day, month or other period of time.
Discharge in litres per hour at the nominal pressure indicated by the manufacturer.
This discharge is determined by a test carried out as per the ISO standard on 25
samples taken at random. In the case of a self-regulating dripper, the test pressure
is the arithmetic mean of the minimum and maximum pressures in the regulation
range indicated by the manufacturer.
Operation is the organized procedure for causing a piece of equipment, a
treatment plant, or other facility or system to perform its intended function, but
not including the initial building or installation of the unit. Maintenance is the
organized procedure for keeping the equipment, plant, facility or system in such
condition that it is able to perform its intended function continually and reliably.
The ratio or percentage of the irrigation water consumed by crops to the water
diverted from the source of supply (measured at the source of supply).
Irrigation by which water is ejected into the air to fall on the soil surface as spray.
Excessive irrigation with regard to the actual requirements, due to excessive
doses of watering, an insufficient irrigation interval or an overestimation of the
requirements (lesser evapotranspiration or excess of rains with respect to the
normal). It causes either a leaching of the soil if it is sufficiently drained, or a
water-logging of the soil which harms crop growth.
Ww Wd
= 100
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 21 Irrigation terminology 21.6
Pan evaporation
Peak period crop water requirements
Percolation rate
Perennial irrigation
Perforated pipe sprinkler irrigation
Permanent wilting point
Permissible velocity
Poor drainage
Pore Space of Soil
Potential evapotranspiration (ETo)
Potential yield (of a well)
Pressure of the system
Pumping irrigation
Rate of water loss by evaporation from an open water surface of pan (usually,
Class A pan or Colorado sunken pan).
For a given crop, the peak crop water requirements during the month of highest
water requirements.
The maximum rate at which water will flow into the subsoil from the topsoil
under specific conditions, expressed in millimetres per hour or day.
An irrigation is termed perennial when the lands of the area can be irrigated
throughout the year and have the volume of water actually required.
A sprinkler method in which the nozzle-lines consist of portable and lightweight
pipes, the wall of which is perforated with several rows of small holes in such a
way as to cause the water to be applied on both sides of the nozzle-line.
The moisture content of the soil, expressed as a percentage of the soil volume
or as a percentage of dry weight, at the time when the leaves of a plant growing
in the soil first undergo a permanent reduction in their moisture content as the
result of the deficiency in the soil moisture supply.
The highest velocity at which water may be carried safely in a canal or other
conduit. The highest velocity throughout a substantial length of a canal or other
conduit that will not scour.
Occurs in soils which lose gravitational water slowly, or which are situated
where the groundwater table remains high in the profile. In most years, the soil
root zone loses excess soil water only during the summer months. In an
unimproved condition, successful cropping is unlikely (e.g. standing water,
water margin, wetland and peatland environments).
Percentage of volume of the soil not occupied by the soil particles and filled
with water and air. Fine texture soils (heavy) have greater pore space than
coarse texture (light) soils. The pores can be divided theoretically into
capillary pores holding the water against gravitational pull and non-capillary
pores containing air. Downward movements of water due to gravity are
through these pores.
1. The amount of water that could pass into the atmosphere by
evapotranspiration if the amount of soil water were not a limiting factor.
2. The amount of water utilized by a crop for its growth plus evaporation from
the soil if the soil contains sufficient moisture for crop growth at all times.
The greatest rate of artificial withdrawal from an aquifer which can be maintained
throughout the foreseeable future without regard to cost of recovery. The potential
yield (or physical yield limit) is, therefore, equal to the present recharge, or that
anticipated in the foreseeable future, less the unrecoverable natural recharge.
Maximum water pressure or head of water needed for the normal operation of
the system and encompasses: a) the total losses of head due to friction in the
pipes, the connector fittings and other accessories from the beginning to the
distal end of the close piping network, b) the pressure required for the water
emitter, c) the pressure needed for the head control unit, d) plus or minus the
difference in elevation from the beginning to the distal end of the close piping
network pressure.
Method of operating a system or part of a system using, fully or partly, an
artificial pressure for ensuring the conveyance of water, its delivery or
distribution in the fields.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 21.7
Rainfall intensity
Readily available moisture
Reference crop evapotranspiration
Regulation structure
Regulation with downstream control
Regulation with upstream control
Roll-move sprinkler lateral system
Salinity control
Seasonal irrigation
Semi-automatic field water
distribution system
(partially automatic system)
Semi-module (flexible module)
Sensitivity analysis
The rate at which rainfall occurs expressed in depth units per unit of time. It is
the ratio of the total amount of rain to the length of the period in which the rain
The state of moisture in the soil, which amounts 40 to 70 percent of the total
available moisture (Sa) easily absorbed by the plants. It is the product of the Sa
multiplied by P (fraction) maximum permissible moisture deficit or depletion of
the Sa in percentage, hence:
Readily available moisture = Sa x P
The rate of evapotranspiration from an extensive surface of 815 cm tall green
grass cover, actively growing, completely shading the ground and not short of
water. Alternative approaches for estimating ETo are the radiation, the Penman
and the Pan Evaporation (presented in FAO bulletin Irrigation and Drainage No
24). In all methods is expressed in millimeter per day mean value over 30 or 10
days period. ETo data are normally available in all countries. They can also be
computed from climatic data.
A stage-discharge regulating device of a spillway. It may be of any form, viz.
weir, side channel, glory spillway, orifice, tube, pipe or a channel. (= control
Method of regulation in which the flow in a canal (or in a pipeline) is controlled
at a gate by the level of the water (or pressure) measured by a sensor or by a
float connected to the gate placed in the immediate downstream of the gate. It
is a delivery-oriented control method.
Method of regulation in which the flow in a canal (or in a pipeline) is controlled
at a gate by the level of the water (or pressure) measured by a sensor or by a
float connected to the gate placed in the immediate upstream of the gate. It is a
supply-oriented control method.
A sprinkler method in which the nozzle-line, which carries medium pressure
sprinklers, is used as an axle to the wheels which support it at regular intervals.
Watering is done in a permanent shift and the nozzle-line is moved manually
between waterings to its new position by rolling it fully.
Abatement or prevention of saltwater contamination of agricultural, industrial
and municipal water supplies, or reducing alkaline salts and preventing
deterioration of cultivable lands.
Irrigation is termed seasonal when the lands of the area are irrigated only during
a part of the year, called watering season.
Irrigation system in which the water distribution and field application are partly
automatic and partly manual. A semi-automatic system may carry out a
sequence of operations automatically for a single irrigation, but need to be
manually started or manually reset prior to the subsequent irrigation. It may
involve use of volumetric or timer controlled valves that are started manually
but which close automatically.
A device that automatically delivers a discharge which is independent of
fluctuations of water level or pressure on the delivery side, and only varies with
water level or pressure on the supply side (used for regulation with down-stream
The study of the influence of discrete parameter changes on optimized results.
Those parameters whose changes in value have more significant influence on
the results need treating with great care, while other parameters can be
recognized as relatively insignificant.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 21 Irrigation terminology 21.8
Social benefits
Sodium adsorption rate (SAR)
Soil available moisture (Sa)
Soil moisture characteristics
Soil moisture deficit
Soil permeability
Soil profile
Benefits as a result of the project, during and after construction, consisting
mainly of opportunities for: (i) employment of labour; and (ii) employment of
A ratio for soil extracts and irrigation waters used to express the relative activity
of sodium ions in exchange reactions with soil:
SAR = Na
x [(Ca
+ Mg
where the ionic concentrations are expressed in meq/litre.
Available moisture (or water) is the percentage content of water in the soil at the
range between Field Capacity and Wilting Point. It is the principal source of
water for plants and is usually called as capillary water.
Available Water Sa % = FC% WP%
The dry weight percentage water in the soil at any state is converted to
volume weight when multiplied by the soil Bulk density. Values of Available
water are always given in volume weight. Then,
Sa % dry weight x Bulk density g/cm
= Sa % volume weight
The percentage volume weight Soil Available Moisture Sa can be expressed
as amount (depth) of water in mm per meter soil depth, e.g.
Sa 10.92 % volume weight = 109.2 mm of water per meter depth of soil.
Saturation, field capacity and wilting point of a soil can be determined by
several methods direct or indirect required field and or laboratory work and
simple calculations. The gravimetric method to determine FC is the oldest
one, the most common and reliable method. Soil samples taken from several
depths are put in an oven at 105 Celsius and kept for 8 hours (light soils) to 16
hours (heavy soils) Three soil samples are weighted before and after drying and
the difference in dry weight gives FC percentage by weight. Other methods to
determine the Soil FC are a) by the use of pressure on the soil samples,
0.100.30 atmospheres in the pressure plate apparatus, b) the moisture
equivalent centrifuge and c) the speedy moisture test. Figures given by the
pressure plate apparatus method are higher than those given by the
gravimetric method in heavy soils. The permanent wilting point can be
determined by the pressure membrane apparatus method, where 15
atmospheres air pressure is applied to saturated soil samples and then by the
gravimetric method the moisture content is found.
The amount of water that must be applied to the soil to cause thorough
It is the readiness with which the soil conducts or transmits water. It is
quantitatively defined as Hydraulic Conductivity (K) and greatly depends on the
soil texture and the quality of the irrigation water.
The whole arrangement of different layers (horizons) from top to bottom, from
soil surface to mother rock. The top layer, called A horizon, is normally
cultivated for crops. The layer below is called horizon B usually with higher
clay content and further below is horizon C. Horizons A and B can be
defined as the soil.
Soils formed under different conditions have different profiles. Young soils formed
by alluvial materials have moderate or no profile development and sometimes
show a significant variation in texture within the depth of the root zone.
An average depth of 70 cm and even less is suitable nearly for all kind of crops.
Under modern irrigation and nutrient supply methods (fertigation) soil depths of
45 cm are sufficient for most vegetables and shallow root trees.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 21.9
Soil saturation
Soil texture
Soil water stress
Soil moisture tension
Spate irrigation
Sprinkler irrigation system
Subsurface drainage system
Supplemental irrigation
Surface drainage system
Surface irrigation
Technology transfer
(transfer of know-how)
When all the pore space of the soil is filled with water, after a heavy irrigation
or rainfall, the soil is saturated. The amount of water, which can be held by a
soil at saturation capacity, depends on the volume of its pore space. Hence the
saturation capacity is larger in heavy soils than in light ones.
The soil as a physical body is described by the size and arrangement of its
particles, determining the porosity. Soil particles are divided into three major
size fractions: a) sand, b) silt and c) clay. Soils are classified, according to United
States Department of Agriculture (USDA) classification system, by their textural
class i.e. the percent composition of sand, silt and clay. Soils with high sand
content are called light soils or sandy soils and soils with high clay content
are called heavy soils. The soil properties such as water holding capacity and
intake rate mostly depend on the texture.
The sum of soil water tension and osmotic pressure to which water must be
subjected to be in equilibrium with soil water.
The equivalent negative pressure or suction in the soil moisture; expressed in
pressure units (bar or pascal).
A method of random irrigation using the floodwaters of a normally dry
(stream, river) system. It includes the construction of earthen diversion banks
across the bed and then canals leading to embanked fields where the water is
ponded until total infiltration.
It is a designed network of pipes with sprinkler emitters or nozzles attached for
shooting water jets or spraying water in the form of drops over the land surface,
under pressure.
Any drainage system (drainage wells, open ditches or drain pipes) that is
designed to control the groundwater table.
Irrigation carried out only occasionally to make good for short and irregular
drought periods.
Shallow ditches or open drains that serve to receive surface flow or drainage
A method of irrigation in which water is applied to the land by allowing it to
flow by simple gravity, before infiltrating. It includes various systems depending
upon the relative magnitude of the surface flooding phase and infiltration phase
after accumulation (submersion).
Technology transfer consists in supplying project users or training personnel
with technical knowledge and training essential for proper command of O&M
functions. This transfer may remain too theoretical or abstract if not
accompanied by: a transfer of know-how from the development corporation
officials to the users; a set of demonstrations; and a suitable follow-up of the
concrete operations (technical and management).
An instrument for measuring the suction that plant roots have to exert in order
to extract moisture from the soil.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 21 Irrigation terminology 21.10
Undertree sprinkler method
Water conveyance
and delivery efficiency
Water emitter
Wetting front
Wilting point (WP)
Sprinkler method used in orchards with small sprayers with an outstretched jet
in order not to wet the leaves and avoid the wind effect on the distribution of
water. Such sprayers can be permanent, semi-permanent or portable.
The ratio or percentage of the irrigation water delivered at the irrigation plot to
the water diverted from and measured at the source of supply.
Also named water distributor is a device of any kind, type and size, which
fitted on a pipe, is operated under pressure to discharge water in any form - by
shooting water jets into the air (sprinklers and rain guns), by small spray or mist
(sprayers), by continuous drops (drippers), by small stream or fountain
(bubblers). The pressure/discharge rate relationship and other performances, e.g.
coverage pattern, way of dissipating energy (pressure), size and type of
connection, is always specified. Sprinklers, drippers, spitters, sprayers, bubblers,
pulsators and garden hoses are water emitters.
The depth in the soil above that the moisture content of the soil is at maximal
field capacity, is called the wetting front and depends on the amount of water
applied and the soil texture.
The state of moisture in the soil at which water content is very low and not
readily available to the plants. At permanent wilting point the moisture in the
soil is even less, only hygroscopic water, and the plants wilt permanently. The
water percentage content at wilting point is nearly half the water content at field
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 22.1
Irrigation equipment supply
database IES
Irrigation Equipment Supply (IES) is a joint initiative of the Water
Resources, Development and Management Service of FAO and the
International Programme for Technology and Research in Irrigation and
Drainage (IPTRID). It has been developed as part of FAOs mandate to
provide information on irrigation and based on the first version of this
handbook. Potential beneficiaries of IES are those who need to locate
information on irrigation equipment at regional or country level.
IES database seeks to establish an up-to-date list of of irrigation
equipment services and Suppliers/Manufacturers providing irrigation
equipment worldwide. National Suppliers/Manufacturers can be displayed
through the selection of the country on a map. Moreover, the website
offers a database query facility for identifying Suppliers/Manufactures
providing specific irrigation equipment through a small set of search
criteria. Apart from obtaining detailed Supplier/Manufacturer contact
information, a list of the irrigation equipment provided by each
Supplier/Manufacturer is given. The equipement option provides a detailed
description of equipment items, including a sample photo and a list of
corresponding international standards, where available. Retrieval is
facilitated by a name and/or keyword search option. The complete list of
standard referring to irrigation equipment, organized by institution is
available at the standards page.
This application is primarily Supplier/Manufacturer-driven in the sense
that information contained in the database is inserted and maintained
exclusively by the Suppliers/Manufacturers of irrigation equipment. Once
the registration has been submitted, the Supplier/Manufacturer receives an
e-mail confirmation with a confidential Supplier/Manufacturer
identification code permitting an independent update of the
Supplier/Manufacturer and equipment information at any time. FAO can
thus not give any guarantee that the information is correct and up-to-date
and does not accept any liability arising out of the information. Information
submitted is visible in the database only after verification by the IES staff.
FAO reserves the right to reject any non-pertinent contribution.
IES is located on the Web site (Figure 22.1):
The mention of specific companies or of their products or brand names
does not imply any endorsement by, and the view expressed do not
necessarily reflect the views of, the Food and Agriculture Organization of
the United Nations.
For any kind of technical query regarding this website, the functioning
of the database application as well as any query regarding the content of
IES, we propose you send a message to the administrators (ies@fao.org).
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Chapter 22 Irrigation equipment supply database IES 22.2
FIGURE 22.1 - IES Web site.
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Pressurized Irrigation Techniques 23.1
Units Conversion Table
Old Units
ft (foot)
mile (nautical)
sq. mile
hectare (ha)
oz (ounce)
lb (pound)
cwt (Hundredweight)
long ton (U.K.)
short ton (USA)
metric ton
gallon (Imp.)
gallon (Imp.)
gallon (USA)
gallon (USA)
SI (metric) Units
L (liters)
A to B
4 046,87
10 000
1 016,0
1 000
1 000
B to A
1 550,150
Lenght Multiply by
Area Multiply by
Mass Weight Multiply by
Volume Capacity
1 Acre foot = 1234 m
Multiply by
Pressurized Irrigation Techniques Annex Units Conversion Table 23.2
Old Units
Imp. gal./min. (IGPM)
Imp. gal./min. (IGPM)
Imp. gal./min. (IGPM)
U.S. gal./min.
U.S. gal./min.
U.S. gal./min.
/s (CFS)
/s (CFS)
SI (metric) Units
m water column
m water column
m water column
mm mercury column
m water column
A to B
B to A
Flow Multiply by
Pressure Multiply by
Velocity Multiply by
Heat Multiply by
Horsepower (HP) Multiply by
Electrical Conductivity Multiply by

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