Maritime News: EAC To Get EUR 2.3mln From EU To Improve Maritime Security

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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

International maritime news for seafarers
EAC to get EUR 2.3mln from EU to improve
maritime security
The EU has extended its financial support to the East frican !ommunity "E!# to fi$ht
maritime crime in the Indian %cean&
Under a deal si$ned in rusha, Tan'ania, late last wee(, the EU has a$reed to pro)ide
EU* 2&+ million to impro)e maritime security and create a fa)oura,le en)ironment for
economic de)elopment in the re$ion&
The EU has assured the E! of full support in its efforts to fi$ht piracy, dru$s and
human traffic(in$, arms smu$$lin$, ille$al fishin$ and maritime pollution, which are
considered serious threats that can undermine peace and sta,ility in the E! re$ion&
The EU m,assador to Tan'ania and E!, -ili,erto .e,re$ondi, said/ 0Impro)in$
maritime security is (ey to creatin$ fa)oura,le conditions for economic $rowth and
social de)elopment& The Maritime .ecurity "M.E# 1ro$ramme will support the E! in
ta(in$ part in $lo,al and re$ional efforts towards a safer Eastern frica&0
The M.E 1ro$ramme is part of a EU* +2&3 million pac(a$e to four re$ional
or$anisations of Eastern and .outhern frica, which include the East frican
!ommunity, the !ommon Mar(et for Eastern and .outhern frica, the Inter4
5o)ernmental uthority on 6e)elopment and the Indian %cean !ommission&
It is expected that the pro$ramme will ,oost re$ional capacities to implement the
*e$ional .trate$y and ction 1lan a$ainst 1iracy and for Maritime .ecurity adopted in
0The threat of piracy in the Indian %cean has $one down considera,ly 4 than(s to the
concerted efforts of international and re$ional partners in the last few years& 7owe)er,
other forms of criminal action at sea ha)e ,ecome )isi,le and we should not relent on in
our efforts to continue stren$thenin$ the tools and capa,ility to enforce law and order on
the hi$h seas,0 .e,re$ondi concluded&
routine tas( to dump dunna$e o)er,oard while the )essel was underway pro)ed fatal
for an ,le .eaman&
The crew of a 3,224$t car$o )essel made preparations to dump four ,i$ ,a$s of
dunna$e o)er,oard& The weather was calm as the ship sailed at a steady nine (nots&
The !hief %fficer decided that the crane should ,e used for hoistin$ the ,a$s up to
hatch8o2& Three a,le seamen 9oined the ,oatswain who operated the crane& The
master and the !% 9oined the men wor(in$ on dec(& The crane house is located on the
port side of the 8o2 hatch& s the ,a$s were hoisted to the hatch, the derric( was
turned star,oard to place it ,ac( to its cradle&
There were no 9ac(stays alon$ the ed$e of the hatch&
%ne of the :s was on the hatch handlin$ one of the $uidin$ lines& 7e followed the
hoo( to the star,oard side as derric( was turned& The !%, who was handlin$ the other
$uidin$ line, had his ,ac( to the :& The captain stood ,etween the !% and the :&
The other two :;s stood in the corridor on the port side&
The master noticed that the : suddenly fell from the hatch in star,oard side& 7e did
not hear any shout from the : durin$ the fall& The : was seen in the water holdin$ on
to the $uidin$ line which was attached to the hoo(& The derric( was standin$ a,eam
star,oard& life,ouy was thrown at him and landed a,out 20 metres from his position&
:y then he had let $o of the line and was floatin$ astern of the )essel& The !%, who did
not see the fall, prepared the life,oat& The ship turned around as the life,oat was
launched with the 2%, +%, 2E and another : a,oard& The : who had fallen
o)er,oard could no lon$er ,e found on the surface&
The accident happened while the : was holdin$ on to the crane hoo( with a line, came
close to the ed$e of the hatch and ultimately lost his ,alance& It is the opinion of the
In)esti$ation 6i)ision that the procedure for this wor( was inefficient ,ecause of the ris(
of fallin$&
ccordin$ to the opinion of the In)esti$ation 6i)ision, ,oth the Master and the !hief
%fficer should ha)e considered the ris( of fallin$ and ensured that the wor( on the hatch
would ,e done in safety&
.ource/ 6MI:
%rosecutors to summon sun&en ferry's
suspecte( o)ner
.outh <orea;s prosecutors said on Tuesday they would summon the suspected owner
of the sun(en ferry;s operator, !hon$hae9in Marine, later this wee( o)er alle$ations of
Incheon 6istrict 1rosecutors; %ffice has ordered =oo :yun$4eun, 2+, who is widely
,elie)ed to ,e the de facto owner of !hon$hae9in Marine, to appear at the prosecutors;
office ,y 10am on -riday, =onhap news a$ency reported&
1rosecutors said =oo and his family mem,ers may now face accusations includin$
em,e''lement, dereliction of duty, tax e)asion and ,ri,ery&
1rosecutors on Monday also issued arrest warrant for =oo;s eldest son =oo 6ae4$yun
after he diso,eyed summons& 7e was the ,i$$est shareholder of four affiliates of their
family ,usiness includin$ a holdin$ company of the operator of .ewol&
=oo;s second son =oo 7yeo(4$i and eldest dau$hter =oo .om4na, who currently li)e
a,road, also e)aded the office;s in)esti$ation& They are suspected of mana$in$ the
family;s secret funds in o)erseas accounts, >inhua reported&
$*ip)rec& off +aiti may ,elong to
C*ristop*er Colum,us
shipwrec( off the coast of 7aiti may ,e the remains of the .anta Maria, !hristopher
!olum,us; fla$ship from his first )oya$e to the mericas, researchers said on Tuesday&
press conference to un)eil details of the disco)ery and why researchers thin( it may
,e a piece of history is planned for Wednesday in 8ew =or( !ity&
The ship was found in the area where !olum,us said the .anta Maria ran a$round
more than 300 years a$o, said underwater explorer :arry !lifford&
!lifford ,elie)es the expedition he led to find the wrec( may finally ha)e unearthed
sufficient proof to esta,lish its authenticity 4 11 years after he first in)esti$ated it&
0ll the $eo$raphical, underwater topo$raphy and archaeolo$ical e)idence stron$ly
su$$ests that this wrec( is !olum,us; famous fla$ship, the .anta Maria,0 said !lifford, a
maritime archaeolo$ical in)esti$ator who li)es in Massachusetts&
0I am confident that a full exca)ation of the wrec( will yield the first4e)er detailed marine
archaeolo$ical e)idence of !olum,us; disco)ery of merica,0 he said in a statement&
C*ange in process for reporting (eat* -
-ederal *e$ulations and the process for reportin$ death and illness on ,oard )essels
destined to the U. has chan$ed from March this year&
The paperwor(, which is re?uired to ,e completed, has chan$ed and is a)aila,le from
the !6! "!entre for 6isease !ontrol# we,site, the U< 1@ I clu, reported&
The full $uidance for car$o ships on how to report on,oard death or illness to the !6!
can ,e found at the !6! we,site&
Mem,ers are ad)ised to ensure their )essels ha)e the correct forms readily a)aila,le in
the unfortunate e)ent of a death or illness&
Asia.Europe container freig*t rates up /.01
6ata from the .han$hai !ontainerised -rei$ht Index showed that shippin$ frei$ht rates
for transportin$ containers from sia to northern Europe went up 2&4A to U.6 1,401
per 204foot container "TEU# in the wee( ended on -riday&
It was the third consecuti)e wee(ly rise in frei$ht rates on the world;s ,usiest routes&
.o far, frei$ht rates for containers ha)e increased in six wee(s this year ,ut dropped in
1+ wee(s&
!ompared to U.6 1,0B0 in 201+, a)era$e rates for 2014 are U.6 1,+03 per TEU&
Maers( Cine, $lo,al mar(et leader with around D00 container )essels and part of oil and
shippin$ $roup 1 Moller4Maers(, recorded a profit in 201+&
5ermany;s 7apa$ Cloyd, the sixth lar$est carrier, plans to increase rates on routes from
sia to northern Europe ,y U.6 230 per TEU "a 3+A increase# from Eune B this year&
$crapping rates may *it anot*er recor( in
.crappin$ rates are li(ely to hit another record this year, as o)er 212,000 TEU of
container ship capacity has ,een scrapped ,etween Eanuary4pril in 2014, accordin$ to
an lphaliner report&
!ompared to the same period last year, the total scrappin$ rate for the first four months
of 2014 is 22A more and it is expected that scrappin$ will hit record hi$hs of 300,000
TEU ,y the end of the year, said the report&
The a)era$e a$e of the ships scrapped so far this year was 21&
The a)era$e a$e of scrapped tonna$e has ,een decreasin$ since 2011, from an
a)era$e of 2F years, down to 2+ and 22 in 2012 and 201+ respecti)ely&
Reefs c*eaper t*an concrete to protect coast
!oral reefs are as $ood as concrete defences at protectin$ tropical coastal cities from
risin$ seas ,ut are far cheaper, scientists said in a study pu,lished on Tuesday&
Instead of committin$ ,illions of dollars to ,uild ,rea(waters and sea walls, many
tropical cities should consider conser)in$ or restorin$ their coral reefs, they said&
The paper, pu,lished in the 9ournal 8ature !ommunications, coincides with findin$s that
the West ntarctic icesheet is startin$ to collapse 4 a phenomenon that will slowly dri)e
up sea le)els o)er hundreds of years&
*esearchers led ,y Michael :ec( at the Uni)ersity of !alifornia at .anta !ru' estimated
that coral reefs dissipate up to B2A of the ener$y that wa)es would otherwise deli)er to
a shoreline&
The seaward ed$e of the reef, called the crest, is ,y itself responsi,le for dissipatin$
FDA of the ener$y&
8early two4thirds of the remainin$ ener$y is then ,uffered ,y the reef flat, the shallow
part of the reef that extends outward from the shore&
%)erall, this natural shield leads to a reduction in wa)e hei$ht of D4A on a)era$e,
compara,le to a reduction of +0420A achie)ed ,y a system of detached ,rea(waters,
accordin$ to the study&
:ec(;s team also did a rou$h cost analysis/ the a)era$e price for a tropical ,rea(water
pro9ect was U.6 1B2 million, compared with U.6 12B million for restorin$ a reef& "-1#
Ne) "MO film launc*e(
The International Maritime %r$anisation "IM%# launched its latest film at the
International %il .pill !onference 2014 "held from May 34F# in the U.&
The film shows 4 usin$ dramatic on4location foota$e from an oil4spill simulation in
!ameroon 4 how IM% and oil industry ,ody I1IE! wor( to$ether to help create
resources and expertise in parts of the world least a,le to cope with the disastrous
effects of a spill, IM% reported&
ABB to supply electric po)er plant -
propulsion units
::, a $lo,al leader in power and automation technolo$y, has secured a new order to
supply electric power plant and 'ipod propulsion units for one ice ,rea(er )essel ,uilt
for -innish Transport $ency "-T# at rctech 7elsin(i .hipyard& The competiti)e
,iddin$ was done ,etween se)eral suppliers&
6ue for deli)ery in 201D and set for operation in the :altic .ea, the new )essel features
dual fuel capa,ility and as such will ,e the first ice,rea(er in operation a,le to run usin$
li?uefied natural $as "C85# as a fuel, cuttin$ ,oth emissions and fuel cost&
The concept desi$ners at (er rctic Technolo$y and IC. were instructed to select the
industry;s most ad)anced technolo$ies to meet ice4,rea(in$ conditions in the :altic .ea
year4round and to perform open sea oil spill response and towin$ duties in summer and
winter& rctech has de)eloped the ,asic desi$n of the )essel& %nce operational, the
new )essel is expected to attract worldwide attention to -innish arctic expertise&
!entral to the )essel;s performance expectations will ,e its three4pod propulsion
solution, with a DMW 'ipod unit at the ,ow and two D&3MW units at the stern included
to optimise efficiency and manoeu)ra,ility in ice4rid$e conditions in particular&
0The safety of sea,orne transport in the :altic .ea is under political and re$ulatory
scrutiny as ne)er ,efore, ma(in$ -T;s preference for ::;s power and propulsion
technolo$y ,ased on our pro)en references0 7ei((i .ol9ama, head of ::;s Marine and
!ranes ,usiness unit, said in a press release& 0%nce more, the system;s performance
and its ease of maintenance ha)e pro)ed critical factors in the selection process& It is no
coincidence that the most forward4loo(in$ ice,rea(er desi$ns in)aria,ly feature podded
propulsion,0 .ol9ama added&
The wide adoption of 'ipod propulsion technolo$y in ice4,rea(in$ field has
stren$thened ::;s reputation to fulfil e)en the most demandin$ sea transportation
performance re?uirements& :: has deli)ered electric propulsion systems to o)er F0
ice,rea(ers or ice4$oin$ )essels with a propulsion power of up to +D MW&
Market snapshot: 1100 GMT
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Capesize Index BCI 15! -!0
"ana#ax Index B"I 9!! $2!
%&pra#ax Index B%I 90 -1
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