5D Crown and 3rd Eye Combo Activation
5D Crown and 3rd Eye Combo Activation
5D Crown and 3rd Eye Combo Activation
Journey into the Sacred Diamond and Sapphire Temples of Shamballa with Lord Maitreya and
Metatron, and raise the energies of your crown and 3rd eye chakras into the 5th dimension Deep
and mind altering
!scended Master "uthumi#
Through Michelle $loff%
&'th (ebruary '))5
5D *rown and Third $ye *ombo !cti+ation
, am "uthumi and , come forward upon the rays of Lo+e and -isdom to greet thee at this time and
to bring unto thee the blessings of independence, the blessings of further awakening, the blessings
of acti+ation and initiation
.reetings belo+ed ones
!nd it is with great /oy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with you upon this day as we
hold each one of you firmly within the heart of *hrist and securely upon the hands of .od
Sisters of light, as we stand in the presence of the *hrist *onsciousness with you, it is an honour to
stand within this light, and to welcome your light into the presence of !ll That ,s
The /ourney of initiation is one that you will e0perience throughout the duration of your lifetime
1ou ha+e done this in past lifetimes and you will e0perience it in future lifetimes ,nitiations are a
part of the process of awakening !n initiate is often tested, not because Spirit has nothing better to
do, but for the purpose of assisting you in reali2ing how the lessons that Spirit presents you with,
are to be applied in the system of li+ing life 3n many occasions a master will deliberately present
an initiate with a lesson for the purpose as we ha+e said, of seeing how well the lesson has in fact
been learned
Many times the masters, your masters and teachers, present themsel+es to their initiates in many
different forms More and more this is happening, howe+er, it is not +ery often that the master or
teacher is recogni2ed 4ecause of the le+el of spiritual acceleration your planet has been through,
more and more people are being presented with the opportunity to e0perience collecti+e initiations
such as this group today This is for the purpose of bringing your planet into a higher state of
consciousness so that those who still follow can find their way through the darkness5 the darkness
within themsel+es and the darkness being manifested around them as a result of their pro/ected
belief systems
1our belief systems ha+e manifested a different reality for you, and that reality has offered you this
opportunity today !s a group you ha+e chosen to accelerate your 5th Dimensional acti+ation at a
far more rapid rate than other groups ha+e 6owe+er, you are prepared for this and ha+e been
preparing for this for some time now -hen more than one chakra is acti+ated at a time there are
many le+els of energy integrated into one7s body system
The two most powerful +ibrations that humanity is learning to integrate at this time is that of light
and sound These two energies are what make up /ust about e+erything that you are conscious of
and much more of what you are unconscious of 4y working with two chakras at a time you are also
acti+ating multidimensional le+els of consciousness for yourself, as well as working with parallel
aspects of yourself to manifest in a different reality This means that as part of a group soul you are
drawing other members of your group soul into an accelerated process of integrating 5th
dimensional consciousness, and awakening to the gifts that come with that awakening
1our bodies may e0perience physiological change5 there may be physical sensations within your
body that you e0perience Some of you may e0perience it in the form of an emotional deto0ification
and others of you may e0perience it in an influ0 of +ery powerful inspirational creati+e energy ,t
does not matter how you e0perience it -hat is important is that you do e0perience it
The Masters of the Light ha+e also chosen to make it a part of their duty to teach people the
importance of spiritual well8being, and also to understand how important it is for the physical body,
the emotional body and the mental body, to be as balanced and as clear as one7s spiritual body is
-ithout the four systems of light, the four bodies, being aligned and balanced, one can ne+er truly
achie+e the higher le+els of initiation
There are a number of initiations that all of you will go through !nd in the not too distant future
more initiations will be presented to people on this path5 more intensified lessons re+ol+ing around
initiation and ascension Those who choose to embark upon the path of intensi+e training regarding
the +arious le+els of initiation will find themsel+es working for a period of &' to '9 months, per
initiation !ll in all, one needs to go through 5 le+els of physical life initiation, before one is
reconnected with the spiritual hierarchy of the highest le+els of life that e0ist beyond the ::th
3nce that has occurred, then one e0periences a whole new le+el of spiritual rebirth and awakening
That rebirth and awakening e0pands one7s senses beyond what one can imagine at this time, and
that is when one is taken through many new lessons of integrating the uni+ersal wisdom and
understanding that ;ower is what dri+es Lo+e The power of light is what gi+es birth to lo+e The
power of lo+e and light combined, manifest the power of wisdom The power of wisdom gi+es birth
to additional lo+e
-hen one learns the laws of the inner planes one finds that the world that one became accustomed
to is truly a drop in the ocean of e0perience to be gained within the e0panse of all uni+erses and the
wisdom, knowledge, power and light held within it
Today you are all being supported in lifting your energy into the 5th dimension The energy of light
and sound is what will carry you Light and sound alters the +ibration of your body internally and
e0ternally Therefore the adapted +ibrational fre<uencies within the cellular structure of your body
manifest a sound That sound completely restructures and constructs new structures of light, which
you learn to grow into and then to grow through, which brings about higher fre<uencies of sound
3ne of the reasons why this place that you are currently residing in =Johannesburg>, and its
surrounding areas are e0periencing so many thunderstorms specifically, is because thunder is, in
truth, the sound that spirit makes e+ery time it connects with the earth (or the past '9 hours there
has been a constant rumbling of sound around this area This has been the grounding of a new
structure of light and sound for your .auteng area Johannesburg has opened its base chakra to
welcome those 5th dimensional le+els of light and sound
-hat affects the base chakra affects the crown chakra and +ice +ersa Therefore much of what will
be done today will filter through the energy systems all the way to London, $ngland There will be
opportunities for those of you who ha+e it in your di+ine plan to make your /ourney to London to
carry the energy physically, of what is also being grounded upon this day
The .reat -hite 4rotherhood, and &99 !rchangels of the $lohim, ha+e gathered around your earth
plane to ensure that this energy is grounded in the proper manner
This also results in tremendous shifts of consciousness for Jhb and its surrounding areas ?esidents
of these areas will find a sudden spurt of acti+ity manifesting in their li+es after a recent period of
e0treme fatigue, and listlessness Some ha+e e0perienced physical illness in the form of colds and
flu like symptoms Many people ha+e been battling with headaches5 others ha+e been battling with
processes within the base and sacral chakras This is the body7s response to those new energies
grounding themsel+es today Those energies ha+e shifted within their bodies in order to raise their
bodies to the higher dimensions of light and sound
So let us now begin with the process of initiating your energy fields and acti+ating them, bringing
you into the temples of Shamballa, the world of light and sound, through which all earthly beings
must tra+el in order to mo+e to the higher realms of e0perience !s we work with you for the
duration of this morning, this is when the completion of the integration of the energy within the
base chakra of this area of your planet will take place
;lace your physical body in a comfortable position, closing your physical eyes 4egin by taking a
deep breath in through your nose, filling your lungs !s you e0hale allow your physical body to
rela0 and to become more comfortable in your chair 3n the ne0t in8breath, breathe in through your
crown chakra filling your lungs, and as you e0hale, e0hale through your base chakra
*ontinue to breathe in and out5 in through your crown and out through your base chakra !s you
breathe in this manner, you bring in light and you release sound5 you breathe in sound and you
release light 4reathing in this manner also acti+ates the light and sound fre<uencies of higher
intelligence within the cellular structure of your bodies, which accelerates the process of integrating
the light and sound of your higher self, and the light and sound +ibrations of higher intelligence
-ith each in and out breath, imagine your body becoming more rela0ed, at ease and at peace with
the process of absorbing light and sound to your physical en+ironment and into your body, as well
as your emotional and mental bodies
@ow when you breathe in, imagine yourself breathing in light, and as you e0hale imagine e0haling
sound 3n the ne0t in8breath imagine inhaling sound and as you e0hale, imagine e0haling light ,n A
through the crown, and out A through the base
3n the ne0t in8breath, breathe in through your crown chakra, and e0hale through your base chakra
-hen you ne0t breathe in, breathe in through your base chakra, and e0hale through your crown
chakra Do the same in the sense of breathing in light and e0haling sound5 inhaling sound and
e0haling light
@ow on your ne0t in8breath, breathe in light through your third eye, and e0hale sound through your
sacral chakra !nd then remember to breathe in sound, and e0hale light
3n your ne0t in8breath, inhale through your sacral chakra, and e0hale through your third eye
?epeat the process inhaling light and e0haling sound5 inhaling sound and e0haling light
Sisters, your pituitary and pineal glands will e0perience a further increase in energy +ibration as a
result of breathing in light and sound in this manner -e suggest you practice this way of breathing
on a daily basis to keep the flow of light and sound mo+ing in a balanced manner through your
body5 from your crown to your base, from your base to your crown5 from your third eye to your
sacral, and from your sacral to your third eye
These two glands in the body A the pituitary and the pineal A are two of the most important glands
in the body at this current time, esoterically speaking These glands are responsible for maintaining
the le+els of light coming into your body through your pineal gland, and the le+els of sound coming
into your body through your pituitary gland Many people ha+e been e0periencing difficulty within
their sleeping patterns, and difficulty coping with different pitches of sound as a result of these
1our pineal gland is undergoing change in a sense of speaking, of mutation, as it is e0panding to it7s
original si2e, prior to the onset of puberty when the pineal shrank to its current pea si2e in the adult
brain The pineal taking its original shape is a harmonious transformation, and not one that would
be considered dangerous in normal medical terms ,t is not an inflammation of the pineal as a result
of disease ,t is an e0pansion of the pineal as a result of light
Sound affects the hormones !s sound settles itself within the body the hormones find a le+el of
balance, which brings other le+els of e0periencing light into balance Therefore the endocrine
system finds a sense of balance, as do all the other systems of the body, which are affected and
influenced by the pituitary and the pineal glands The glands for the planet A the pituitary and pineal
A will e0perience as much shift and change ,t will appear as if more and more light is coming into
the planet in order to re+erse the e0periences of darkness as a result of the pineal gland shrinking
Sound will also increase in its process of integration to raise humanity7s consciousness
This may result in uprisings of negati+e energy in different areas of the world, for the reason of
ha+ing to manifest that balance -hen a body comes into healing and balance, it has to rid itself of
whate+er causes the disease and illness in order to maintain perfect health The same will happen to
Mother $arth7s body, and to bodies of systems of rule, like go+ernments etc, that are e0periencing
diseased effects within these bodies
The natural disasters you ha+e witnessed to date ha+e been Mother $arth7s emotional deto0ification
process The processes of deto0ification that ha+e taken place between her third eye and sacral
chakra A the emotional body =water> A and things such as earth<uakes and shifting of the earth ha+e
been the deto0ification of the combination of her physical and mental body A through the crown and
base charkas
4ecause of the manner in which we are performing the initiations today, we are able to describe the
process of shifts and change in this manner !s the crown chakra holds these new le+els of sound,
so the base chakra can hold new le+els of sound, which means that the lower denser fre<uencies of
third and fourth dimensional base chakra energy, can be lifted to fifth dimension for the planet as a
!s the third eye holds the new fre<uencies and +ibrations of light, more light can be held within the
sacral chakra, therefore releasing humanity from the lower +ibrations of third and fourth
dimensional sacral chakra e0perience, and into the higher e0perience =of fifth dimension> This is
also why there is so much change taking place within the areas of money, power, se0uality, sur+i+al
and spiritual awakening So re/oice in being a part of the great shift5 in being a part of the group of
souls who agreed to assist the process of raising humanity7s collecti+e consciousness to a higher
le+el ,t is important to know that not e+erybody will do it, but there will be enough A because there
are already enough souls who ha+e sent out the call for support to integrate fifth dimensional
*ontinue now to breathe deeply A in and out A in a comfortable rhythm for you ,magine yourself
manifesting in the heart of a magnificent garden5 the sacred garden of light and sound, of lo+e and
wisdom, of power and truth5 the garden that your inner child tra+els to for healing, for nurturance
and for support Simply take some time to obser+e your surroundings and to become one with this
high +ibration of light and sound, of lo+e and wisdom, of power and truth A breathe it into your
,magine yourself looking down now and seeing a pathway manifest beneath your feet (ollow this
pathway through your garden, until you find yourself standing before two magnificent golden gates
3n either side of the gates there is a dragon A the dragons of Lady "wan 1in7s energy A who are the
protectors of Shamballa 1ou need to ask to ask permission from these dragons to enter the world of
Shamballa ,f permission is granted, the gates will open and you can make your way through them
*ontinue walking along the path
@ow imagine a light approaching you and as this light mo+es closer you recogni2e Lord Maitreya,
within this powerful fre<uency of emanating light 6e welcomes you into the world of Shamballa5
he takes you by the hand and leads you deeper into the gardens of Shamballa, into the worlds of
light and sound, where many different fre<uencies of energy are manifest The deeper you go into
Shamballa, the stronger your body responds to these energy fre<uencies These fre<uencies of
energy help your body realign itself with the higher le+els of light and sound5 the inner worlds of
light and sound
Lord Maitreya leads you to the Diamond Temple within Shamballa5 a magnificent creation of light,
manifested out of diamond Bpon reaching this temple Lord Maitreya will lea+e you at the entrance,
and make his way into the centre of the temple -hen you feel ready ask permission to enter and
make your way to the centre to stand before Lord Maitreya
The light +ibrations emitted from the Diamond Temple begin to increase as it feeds all the systems
of your body with the higher le+els of light, increasing the light <uotient that you can integrate
during this time Lord Maitreya welcomes you into the Diamond Temple and acknowledges your
choice to recei+e your initiation of light
,t is now time to call in those other beings of the light, whom you work with ,n your mind in+oke
into the Diamond Temple the presence of all your healing angels of the light
*all upon the presence of St .ermain and his (i+e !scension (lames
*all upon Lord $l Morya and his ?ed ?ay
*all upon the presence of your *hristed Self of the light
,n+oke the presence of your 6igher Self of the light
*all in all your Master Teachers and your Master .uide
,n+oke the presence of the Mighty $lohim
,n+oke the presence of the .reat -hite 4rotherhood
,n+oke the presence of Lord 4uddha
,n+oke the presence of your inner child and adolescent self
*all upon the ;leiadian $missaries of Light who work with you, to /oin you
,n+oke the presence of your brothers and sisters of the Sirian !rchangelic League of the Light
,n+oke the presence of your brothers and sisters of the !ndromedan ,ntergalactic League of the
*all upon Lord !rcturus and his highly ad+anced technology
*all upon Lady CenusD
DDand any other beings of the light that you ha+e a special affinity with, who you would like to
ha+e present with you at this sacred time
The presence of all these beings is there for the purpose of supporting your /ourney They are there
to inspire you and to witness the le+els of change taking place within your consciousness !ll of
them will assist you !s you ser+e they will support you in ser+ice and will +ery often guide you to
help you understand what the path of an initiate re<uires, and what is re<uired from the initiate on
the path
Many times the initiate is re<uired to work with himself or herself so as to be able to properly assist
others 6owe+er through the process of ser+ing the self, one is also re<uired to be of assistance to
others through sharing the healing process that one is in the process of mastering, and processes that
one has mastered
Life is the great conduit that holds all the initiations, belo+ed ones, and it is +ital for all of humanity
to realise that the gates to hea+en are found on earth5 not in the sky 3ne has to find .od on earth, in
order to be able to find .od in hea+en The le+el of consciousness that one embodies at the point of
death is the le+el of consciousness that one e0periences in the after8life 3ne does not e0perience
instant illumination at the point of death ,llumination must come through the /ourney walked on
earth, because that is where it matters most
$arth is a piece of hea+en ,t has been taught for aeons that hea+en is something outside of you, up
in the sky, and that hell is a place in the core of the earth, in which you will burn for all eternity
Bnderstanding needs to be born within the crown chakra, heart chakra and base chakra of humanity,
to realise that hea+en is within, as is hell !nd one7s state of mind, ones belief systems, are what
determine whether one is burning within the pits of hell or li+ing within the blissful state of hea+en
!s you e+ol+e and as you complete your +arious initiations, the more you master your emotional
body and your mental body, the easier it is to deal with the tests and the challenges that are
presented to you 3ne of the most important initiations that one needs to go through is mastering the
emotional body5 detaching emotionally This does not mean that one is ne+er empathetic or
compassionate, or that one does not consider another7s feelings ,n a state of emotional detachment
one does not become caught up in the glamour and illusion of the third dimensional world 3ne is
not caught up in the fears fed through the astral plane
Mastering yourself is +ery important ,t is serious business, so to speak =Tape endsD> Shirking
ones responsibilities of e0ploring the spiritual path ha+e also come to a close
Lord Maitreya and Lord Metatron are here today to show you as a group the importance of this, and
this will be re+ealed to you on a continuous basis throughout your future
So now, ha+ing welcomed all these beings into your space, being aware of how important it is to
enter hea+en from earth5 to mo+e into a hea+enly state of mind by mastering the earthly e0perience,
one understands the process of the chakric system e+ol+ing ,n other words, ascending the spiral
that was originally descended
Lord Maitreya asks you now to look directly into his eyes and to become aware of the power of
Light within them !s this occurs, Lord Metatron, the !rchangel of all !rchangels and the Lord of
Light, manifests alongside Lord Maitreya Metatron is there to support you in a grid of light for the
duration of your acti+ation with Lord Maitreya, who manifests a grid of sound to support your body
through this transition This sound +ibration acti+ates your diamond sheath, one of your crystal
bodies, that makes up the full manifestation of your fifth dimensional body of crystalline light
Lord Maitreya begins to emanate +arious le+els of sound from his crown chakra, which is
automatically absorbed through your crown chakra, and all these sounds begin to loosen belief
systems and attitudes within you that ha+e kept you trapped in the belief that your purpose in life is
to suffer, to struggle and to e0perience endless pain, because only then would you be welcomed into
the kingdom of hea+en
4elo+ed ones, it is important now to open your energy5 to understand that with the initiation
currently taking place with the filtering of sound into your body, that as sound dissol+es density, so
it becomes easier for you to tap into the original wisdom, purity and innocence of the child spirit5
the spirit of purity, of innocence and wisdom, that bound you through the cords of light to the spirit
world 3ne needs to become like a child to enter the kingdom of hea+en Therefore, one needs to
reclaim one7s purity, one7s innocence A in other words, one7s inner sense A in order to embrace that
wisdom and light that the child is fully conscious of on many le+els when it enters into the third
dimensional world
1our initiation today is helping you remember the purpose of life5 to remember that coming to earth
was for the purpose of raising humanity7s consciousness5 for the purpose of learning /ust how
powerful life is5 how powerful sound is5 that the +ibrations of light and sound destroy all worlds of
density that harbour darkness and pain
Lord Maitreya asks each one of you to remember the /ourney of life as being an opportunity to
e0plore a new world5 the opportunity to break out of limitation 1ou are in a free8will 2one,
therefore, free your will and use it -ill yourself to be free $+ery time you comply5 e+ery time you
compromise your truth5 e+ery time you deny it, you are gi+ing away your ability to use free will
*onforming to a limited system is not the utilisation of free will, because the will is trapped within
a limited consciousness and belief system, and does not ha+e the full freedom to be e0pressed
3pening your crown chakra to these +ast energies of sound stir memories in you of what it was like
to be fully liberated5 to e0perience the full will of your heart, of your spirit, and the free will of
MotherE(ather .od working through you 1our purpose in this lifetime, belo+ed ones, is to
recogni2e that you are channels5 channels through which energy flows5 energy that brings change to
humanity 1ou are conduits of light and sound
Lord Maitreya is the Bni+ersal Logos for your uni+erse 6e is the Lord of all Lords, the "ing of
"ings 6e is the greatest being of light and sound currently working in your solar system, and it has
become time for those initiates who ha+e walked a number of initiation pathways already, to
consciously wake up to the ne0t initiation The more conscious you are made of your initiations, the
faster you grow, the more awareness you gain, the closer you become to MotherE(ather .od, and
the sooner your teacher of flesh, who is an !scended Master in physical body, will find you
?emember, when the student is ready, the teacher will come -e guarantee each and e+ery single
one of you here today, that your teacher will come The <uestion may be whether you will recogni2e
your teacher or not
Take a deep breath in through your crown chakra, and as you e0hale, imagine fre<uencies of sound
mo+ing beyond your physical body into all your subtle bodies, drawing more and more power into
your being The power of this sound e0pands your crown chakra, and draws it past the density of
third dimension ,t draws it through the fourth dimension, and harnesses it in the fifth dimension
Lord Maitreya e0plains to you now, that the diamond energy of the crown chakra of the fifth
dimension is about to manifest in truth, because sound as +ibration destroys illusion Truth is what
is left behind This sound gi+es birth to light and that light e0pands itself through all the different
facets of truth Light becomes a prism of different colours and energy emanated in all directions
That is what you are being prepared for Today your grooming has reached a new le+el, and you are
ready to mo+e in a new direction
Those of you in the corporate world or in the world of business, your light is +ital The way the
prisms shine through your energy systems5 the way light and sound will be emanating through your
crown chakra and through your third eye chakra, will shed light on all that is being held in darkness
!nd this is the purpose for you being there at this time Those of you in the healing field, you are
also there for the purpose of bringing those new fre<uencies of light and sound into that world
There is an immense amount of density and of darkness within the healing fields because many
healers ha+e as yet not mastered their emotional or their mental bodies They ha+e not mastered the
lower ego Therefore the lower ego is still in competition with others -ar rages between healers,
mediums and psychics, /ust as war rages between corporate companies and nations5 it is all there
Mastering the emotions, mastering the mind, puts the lower ego in check The higher self takes
o+er That is when true spiritual work is done5 that is when one is a true spiritual professional
Master the skill of your path
Spirit is in e+ery area 4eing a spiritual professional in the corporate world is necessary 4eing a
spiritual professional within the healing field is necessary, and in e+ery other field of life, including
parenting, in relationships, in one7s attitude and relationship to Mother $arth, to the animal
kingdom, the plant, the +egetable, the herb, the mineral kingdoms5 all is one !nd where one is
missing, one is incomplete
Lord Maitreya asks you to breathe these words into your consciousness 4reathe it into your
subconscious5 draw that sound into your unconscious !s this sound e0pands through all those
le+els, your diamond sheath merges with all your subtle bodies, and in so doing draws the
consciousness of all your multidimensional aspects including your parallel reality sel+es, into the
Diamond Temple, as you stand fully present within the presence of Lord Maitreya
@ow if it is still your conscious wish and will to continue on the path of fifth dimension as an
initiate and as a light worker, please then repeat this affirmation after me, out loud
F G,, =and state your name>, call upon the .reat -hite 4rotherhood, to assist me in integrating with
Lord Maitreya, the le+els of sound, that mo+e my physical body, emotional and mental bodies, fully
and completely into fifth dimension , ask that belo+ed Lord Maitreya, hold me within his grid of
pure sound, as , release myself from the lower ego, and choose to embark upon the /ourney, of
mastering my emotional and mental sel+esH
Take a deep breath in, breathing this into your body !ll the energy is set in place to honour what
you ha+e asked Take another deep breath in, and as you breathe in imagine your diamond sheath
becoming more and more a part of you @ow let us continue
F G, ask Lord !rcturus and his highly ad+anced technology to support me in manifesting balance,
healing and alignment, with the highest le+els of light, with and for, my parallel sel+es, and my
multidimensional aspects , ask that all darkness and pain, that holds me within third and fourth
dimensional consciousness, be raised to fifth dimension, where , may recogni2e the light, within its
purpose, for ser+ing meH
Take a deep breath in, breathing this into your body, and as you e0hale, surrender, to what Lord
Maitreya has brought you today
3n your ne0t in8breath, acknowledge that Lord !rcturus is there to assist and support you, and will
utili2e their ad+anced technology to assist you in gaining the clarity you re<uire, to understand how
your challenges in this life time ha+e in fact been your initiations into the higher worlds, and the
gifts that they bring you
F Let us continue G, consciously acknowledge, that by accepting this sound into my body, my mind
and my spirit, , mo+e beyond the density of the third dimensional world7s consciousness, and , am
welcomed into a whole new world, of e0panded consciousness and awareness , commit to the path
of e0ploring this, and , commit to sharing with my fellow brothers and sisters, the ad+anced
information and consciousness , will come to embraceH
4reathe this in deeply, filtering it into all the le+els of your minds
F G@ow, , ask Lord Maitreya, to release all the subconscious programmes from my subconscious,
that keep me trapped in an e0perience of limited thinking, and a limited e0perience of e0pressing
my will , ask that my subconscious be opened to the higher worlds of light and sound, and that my
conscious consciousness, be opened to the higher worlds of light and sound !nd so it is, and so it
shall be doneH
4reathe this deeply into your body
Lord Maitreya now asks each one of you, to start chanting the 3um mantra 4egin all at once
Take a deep breath in now through your nose, e0haling through your mouth, allowing all of the
energy that has been released from your subconscious, all that has been released from your cellular
structure, to dissol+e into the nothingness
Let your body absorb, like a sponge absorbing water, all the new sound of MotherE (ather .od5 the
sound of the higher planes5 of lo+e, of wisdom, of light and truth, that you had forgotten The
absorption of this sound gi+es birth to an added dimension of power This is there for the purpose of
showing you how necessary power is, in order to propel you forward
,t is also for the purpose of showing you that power ser+es humanity, for it is, through power that
new sound and new light can be brought forth
!ll of the 4eings of Light currently present with you in the Diamond Temple begin to chant the
3um sound now The +ibration of their collecti+e chanting rearranges all of the electrons, the
protons and the neutrons, that originally ga+e birth to life This rearrangement manifests a di+ine
alignment of power, a di+ine manifestation of sound and light The manifestation becomes an
emanation of this di+ine power A light and sound
Lord Maitreya now steps forward and places the palm chakra of his left hand upon your crown
chakra, and places the palm chakra of his right hand in the area of your base chakra ,magine him
taking in a breath that fills his lungs with the greatest sound of purity that you could e+er imagine,
and as he e0hales, he e0hales this sound through your base and through your crown chakra,
manifesting in a great gust of wind through your body which literally blows out all of the dust and
cobwebs5 all of the areas in your body which ha+e not been utili2ed, or forgotten
,magine the chanting of the 3um mantra increasing in +ibration, and as this +ibration increases,
rumblings of thunder manifest within your crown chakra, shifting the energy within the cellular
structure of your brain, bringing light and sound into its structure, so that you may remember the
power of !ll That ,s, and who you are These rumblings of thunder mo+e throughout your body, as
the power of sound continues to be filtered in through your crown, and through your base, by Lord
Maitreya, bringing e+erything into its perfect alignment, dislodging e+erything that is no longer
re<uired Take a deep breath into your lungs, drawing this sound in deeper, and as you e0hale, it
settles peacefully within your pituitary gland and your crown chakra
Lord Maitreya now mo+es his right hand from your base chakra area 6e places it upon the left
hand he has upon your crown chakra The 3um mantra increases in +ibration, its power so intense
that it manifests a symbol in the form of light, which Lord Maitreya places within your crown
chakra This is your fifth dimensional crown chakra seal of light Take another deep breath in, as the
seal is absorbed into your crown, ensuring that the openness and clarity of the flow of sound and
light within your crown chakra will be maintained
4elo+ed ones now imagine e0panding your energy beyond the Diamond Temple Take a deep breath
in, and as you breathe out e0pand your energy beyond Shamballa, e0pand your energy beyond all
parameters you can imagine !s we do this II le+els of sound begin to spiral in a downward motion
to your earth plane, specifically o+er the area of Johannesburg and its surrounding areas Cisualise
this powerful spiral of sound, clearing density in its wake ,t draws the wind with it, the wind
bringing about the shifting, blowing through the body of Mother $arth, like Lord Maitreya blew
through yours Cisualise that spiral of sound, connecting with the earth of the area of Johannesburg,
and all its surrounding areas, and as it connects and is absorbed into the earth, that sound dissol+es
all the darkness, the limitation, the fear, the pain and suffering that Mother $arth has held in her
base chakra
,magine that sound gi+ing birth to a powerful light, and as you breathe in, that light contracts to a
tiny, tiny light, and as you e0hale, imagine that light e0ploding like a nuclear bomb through her base
chakra ,magine that blast of light destroying the templates that held the matri0 of lust
consciousness, of po+erty consciousness, of +ictim and conditional lo+e consciousness o+er this
area we speak of for the last 99 thousand years
Those of you here today, and those you will read these words in the future are supporting Mother
$arth7s chakric system and her subtle bodies in absorbing the new le+els of sound Those who will
come to read these words in the future, will make an energetic link with what has occurred today,
and will support the maintenance of this new grid of sound for the base chakra of Mother earth in
this particular area, and on this particular grid of energy of her physical body 6er subtle bodies also
ha+e base chakras Those are situated o+er different parts of the world, which will also e0perience
these shifts and changes, so as you welcome this sound into your own crown chakra, you welcome
that sound into the base chakra
1ou are geographically located on the base chakra, for the purpose of being able to ser+e through
the crown chakra, from the higher le+els of light, as opposed to the baser le+els of the ego 1ou are
now ready to ser+e in your capacity as a leader of light through the +ibrations of sound, to dissol+e
all of that which has manifested limitation
The challenges that come in the form of lessons and tests by the masters are in truth what keep you
moti+ated to continue your search, to continue growing The moment that one becomes complacent
on the path is when one stagnates Just when you think you ha+e mastered it all, your master will
show you how much you ha+e mastered by presenting you with a test See this as an opportunity to
show your master how much you lo+e him or her, by responding to it ,t is an honour and a
pri+ilege to be tested by your master ,t is not a punishment 1our master will not test you if he or
she does not think you are capable of working with it
4elo+ed ones, you ha+e entered the world of initiates5 you ha+e entered the world of higher le+els
of initiation The twel+e earthly rays of light that currently go+ern your planet are mo+ing through
your body at an accelerated rate Si0 cosmic rays of ad+anced energy will come to merge with your
energy field -e suggest that you work with the eighteen rays, understanding how each ray
influences you and how it supports you, so that you may understand the worlds beyond the third
and fourth dimensional world, and how you can grow further into them
Mo+ing into a different reality re<uires the effort to learn about it 1ou will not be able to function
properly within the higher worlds if you remain limited in the third and fourth dimensional
consciousness, within the belief systems and conditions that you were programmed with !sk to be
shown what to do !sk for your master guides and teachers to show you what you need to in+est
your energy in, and follow your heart
The chanting begins to slow down in +ibration ,t becomes softer, and this softness brings about a
sense of peace to all your subtle bodies Lord Maitreya remo+es his hands from your crown chakra
6e now hands you a rod made of gold, sil+er, platinum and titanium 3n either end of this rod are
two diamonds !long the shaft of the rod, are a further se+en diamonds, different in colour This is
your staff of sound through which you can transmit light to the world, to the other kingdoms of your
world, to your multidimensional sel+es and parallel sel+es
?ecreate this wand if you can ,t is not necessary to use all the same materials !s a replacement
you can use Juart2 crystal and copper, or <uart2 crystal and wood Bse the wood of a ;ine tree
Btilise different crystals of the <uart2 crystal family specifically for the se+en stones down the shaft,
and use this as your staff of light Bse sound belo+ed ones5 mantras and your +oice, by speaking
truth to manifest the light of truth in your world
!ll the +ibrations of sound that are being created by the chanting are absorbed into your energy
field, and e0pand your energy field &999 feet around your physical body 1our energy field is a
+ibration of sound and will remain so for the ne0t &9 days ,t is important that during this time you
do not e0pose yourself to too much density Therefore keep your mind positi+e5 keep your thoughts
clear *ommunicate with spirit as often as you can Bse the art of creati+ity to keep your energy
flowing Bse music that stimulates your energy to keep the fre<uencies of sound acti+e within your
energy field
Lord Maitreya steps forward and hands you your staff 6e places upon your crown chakra a
scintillating diamond which is absorbed into your pituitary gland, and will ser+e as a beacon of light
and sound as it unites with your pineal gland through your ne0t initiation Lord Maitreya gi+es
thanks to you for your conscious choice to step into the sound chambers of Shamballa within the
Diamond Temple, for recei+ing your initiation of sound5 for welcoming the true sounds of your
soul, which will bring about the full manifestation of the different le+els of purpose within your life
?emember as you complete each initiation, your life purpose changes !s you master each aspect of
yourself therefore, your truth changes5 therefore automatically your life purpose changes yet again
The purpose of life is to find .od in e+erything, so that when you mo+e into the other worlds you
know e0actly where to go
Some of you may be utili2ed at times to ser+e as messengers and channels of light and sound, to
deli+er messages to those who are about to make their transition, to remind them that if they found
.od in their earthly life, there is no reason to fear the afterlife, because they will find MotherE(ather
.od there too Some of you may find yoursel+es in the position of ha+ing to assist people who feel
that .od has abandoned them They cannot hear the +oice of .od in their heart ?emind them to
open to the world they are in, in order to recei+e the blessings their world presents, and the gates of
hea+en will open
4elo+ed ones, it is now time to transfer your energy from the Diamond Temple, to the Sapphire
Temple !rchangel Metatron has already made his way to the Sapphire Temple where he awaits
you So now gi+e thanks to Lord Maitreya for the /ourney you ha+e /ust e0periencedD=tape ends>
D.i+e thanks to all those beings of light who are with you and ask that they will mo+e with you
to the Sapphire Temple, before you lea+e the Diamond Temple .i+e thanks to the Diamond Temple
for holding you in its energy of powerful sound, and know that at any time you may return to the
Diamond Temple of Sound, and that within these sound chambers you can use the high le+els of its
+ibration to shift dense energy, be it a dis8ease, a depression, a limitation or a fear
-hen you are ready take a deep breath in !s you e0hale, bow before Lord Maitreya, turn and make
your way out of the Diamond Temple, with all the beings of light accompanying you -alk across
the garden to the Sapphire Temple that awaits you Do not enter until you ha+e asked permission
3nly then may you proceed to the centre of the temple where Lord Metatron awaits you
Lord Metatron welcomes you into the Sapphire Temple The consciousness and being of the
Sapphire ;resence welcomes you into its temple The Diamond Temple fed you with light, which
manifested sound The Diamond Temple held the fre<uencies of sound through light The Sapphire
Temple holds the fre<uencies of light through sound These fre<uencies filter into your body,
e0panding your energy field now to &559 feet beyond your physical body
The light emanated by the Sapphire Temple acti+ates the ,nner $ye of your being The pineal gland
has within it what looks like an eye5 a physical eye This eye howe+er can only look upward5 it
cannot look down ,t has the same cones within it that your human physical eyes ha+e within them
This allows the lenses to regulate the light, another reason why the ,nner $ye is linked to the pineal
gland The pineal gland regulates how much light comes into your body The more consciously you
work with bringing light into your life, by releasing and letting go of darkness and those shadow
aspects of yourself, the more enlightened you become MotherE (ather .od sit within your ,nner
$ye -hen one is taught to see through the eyes of .od, one is being asked to utili2e the ,nner $ye
,t is often said that one7s master is closer to the self than one7s own heart is, and that is because your
spirit, your soul, is linked to you through your third eye5 that is where Spirit links to you Therefore
it is closer to you than your physical heart is, because your soul and spirit reside within the third
3ne of the most e0citing changes currently happening for your planet is the shift into fifth
dimensional consciousness ,t is raising humanity7s energy to a new le+el of interacting with
MotherE(ather .od5 a new le+el of interacting with the Self This is another reason why the masters
of the light will not gi+e you information that depri+es you of a life e0perience -e are aware that
this has already been discussed with some of you, if you were present with St .ermain The more
you insist on asking a source outside of yourself what you must do, why you must do it, when and
how you must do it, the more you will remain in third and fourth dimensional consciousness
$+ery time you choose to gi+e your power away to an outer source, you draw your energy out of
fifth dimension and into third and fourth dimension This means a greater in+estment of energy to
draw yourself out of that density, and back into the light 1our higher bodies are being linked with
fifth dimension, which means you will not completely descend, but your emotional and mental
bodies will !nd this is where you will find yoursel+es e0periencing frustration and depri+ation
again5 the po+erty consciousness, the +ictim, the lust and conditional lo+e consciousness patterns
!ll the answers are within you because .od is within you
Therefore if you re<uire an answer to a <uestion, ask MotherE (ather .od5 ask beings of light to
help you find that answer5 to show you the path to clarity Then use your ,nner $ye, your inner
sense, to recogni2e what is shown There is no harm in sharing what you feel with others, asking for
support, asking for guidance from one7s whom you lo+e, or a trusted teacher ,t is howe+er
important that you are clear in yourself that you ha+e gone through the process of self searching,
before you ha+e gone outside of yourself Many times the answer to the <uestion may in fact
manifest through an outer source5 the outer source bringing the information, which gi+es you the
inner reali2ation of the answer to the <uestion
There is absolutely no harm in confiding in someone ,t is in fact important that one creates
community, or a group of support systems, as in friends, family, healers, teachers, therapists,
whate+er it is, who support your path of self empowerment5 who will acknowledge your /ourney
and your search A and who will not depri+e you of the e0perience A /ust as the teachers of the higher
worlds do .oing to fortune tellers, psychics, mediums and channels, to ask what you should do,
why you should do it, how and when you should do it, gi+es your power away to that medium, to
that channel, to that psychic or clair+oyant !sking for support, for a deeper understanding
regarding a situation, so that one can make an informed decision, is +ery different So use
discernment when you feel you need to seek such guidance and ad+ice
!sking <uestions like, should , marry this man or woman, or is this the right man or woman for me,
or should , change my /ob right now, or should , or shouldn7t ,D gi+es your power away Bse your
inner compass to determine the direction you should walk in 4y doing this, you draw the fibre of
spiritual belief deeper into your system -hen you gi+e your power away to another source to make
your decision for you, you separate yourself from Spirit That is why when one acts based on what a
psychic, or clair+oyant, or channel, or anyone for that matter, has said, and it does not manifest as
they ha+e said it would, you gi+e your power to them yet again by becoming angry or disappointed
because it did not manifest for you 1ou gi+e your power away because you blame them for your
life not working out
1ou, and only you are responsible for what you e0perience in your life5 how you allow your belief
systems to support you or to paralyse you 6ow you allow your attitudes to inspire you or to
paralyse you is your responsibility Therefore, using the inner light and the inner eye to seek the
truth, you understand what limits and paralyses you, and what supports and inspires you !nd
miracles happen, because then you feel safe =enough> to surrender and trust the second initiation,
releasing the emotional and mental bodies5 surrendering completely to the master, MotherE(ather
.od Trusting implicitly in that (orce to guide you, because it is the Source of all truth, the Source
of power, and the Source of wisdom -ithout mastering this you cannot complete your initiation of
the earth world 1ou will return o+er and o+er and o+er again to complete it Many past li+es o+er
the past two and a half thousand years ha+e been for the purpose of trying to complete an initiation
This is why this time is so glorious, because many initiations are being completed at once, whereas
in the past, at times not e+en one initiation was passed in a lifetime
This shows you how far you7+e come, and how capable you are, and it is up to you how much you
will choose to see inside yourself, reflected in your outer world Learn from that, as opposed to
gi+ing your power away to someone or something, to tell you what to do, or to pro+e to you how
good you are
The reason why we ha+e spoken about this is because the third eye impacts upon your sacral
chakra, the chakra of creati+ity ,t is through that chakra that you e0perience how you emotionally
respond to money, to power, to your se0uality5 how you use energy to manipulate, or how others use
that energy to manipulate you5 in other words gi+ing power away @o one can take your power
away from you unless you gi+e them permission to
;erhaps now many of you will understand why, for the past two years, we ha+e been working so
intensely with humanity, to release their po+erty consciousness, their +ictim consciousness, the lust
and conditional lo+e consciousness ,t has been an initiation Those of you who ha+e been following
it for that period of time, e+en =during> the past twel+e months, you are entering another phase of
your initiation This is what this particular fifth dimensional initiation is all about, for your third
eye, that is ,t is about seeing the +alue of remaining self8empowered 4eing self8empowered is
being empowered with the force of MotherE(ather .od ,t is being in touch with the Source
Lord Metatron asks you now to breathe in deeply through your third eye, to mo+e that energy to
your sacral chakra, and as you breathe out, simply to allow all tension to spill out of your sacral
chakra 3nce more, take a deep breath in through your third eye, and as you e0hale, allow all fears
of utili2ing your power to spill out of your sacral chakra
The Sapphire Temple absorbs that energy and transforms it into pure light *ontinue to breathe in
this manner, breathing light into your third eye, and releasing whate+er is dark within you through
your sacral chakra ,t spills into the Sapphire Temple, is transmuted into light, and that light is fed
back to you
Lord Metatron now asks you to open your third eye ,magine it as a physical eye, opening, lifting its
lid, to look directly into the three eyes of Metatron 1ou would consider them to be two physical
eyes, including the third eye
Looking into the Three $yes of Light forms the triangle of ;ower, of Light, and of -isdom This
manifests another triangle in the opposite direction, of Lo+e, of "nowledge and of Truth This
creates the Star of Da+id Bsing a ray of light from his third eye, Lord Metatron now pro/ects this
Star of Da+id to your third eye 3pen your third eye to absorb that template of light !s you breathe
in draw the Star of Da+id all the way into your pineal gland @ow imagine, with this Star of Da+id
in the centre of your pineal gland that a burst of light manifests, filling your pineal gland with the
light of MotherE(ather .od That inner eye, the eye described within your pineal gland, begins to
open, as your pineal gland begins to transform itself from a shri+elled pea, to the plump, round
perfect shape the pineal gland was always meant to be, /ust as it always was when you entered the
world as a fresh being in human form
,magine that light mo+ing out of your pineal gland, filtering into the cells of your brain !s this
light filters into your brain, it manifests sparks of light, which acti+ate the dormant cells, and as
time passes you will learn how to use those cells 1ou will learn to use those cells the more you
learn to use your inner light, your in8sight, to find the truth, the answers to your /ourney, through
working with the Source of all life, from the inside out
$+ery time you take responsibility for your /ourney of learning, e+ery time you take responsibility
for mastering an aspect of yourself, successfully completing an initiation, more of your brain
becomes ali+e The .od Mind, which uses the brain, has more room to e0press itself 1our mind is
separate from your brain5 the mind uses the brain as a tool of communication, of transmitting
information, +isually and audibly ,n order to de+elop your clair+oyant, your clairsentient, and
clairaudient abilities, you need to be filled with light5 your pituitary gland needs to be nourished by
the light ,magine being in a dark room, searching for a pen 1ou will ne+er find it5 turn on the light
howe+er, and it becomes a much easier task That is the same when it comes to mastering these
4ecause your third eye chakra is being raised to the +ibration of fifth dimension, it is also re<uired
of you, more importantly than pre+iously, to tap into the higher le+els of the light To mo+e beyond
the astral plane, and to ensure that you set that intention, ask that your consciousness recei+e
guidance from the highest planes of Light, -isdom, Lo+e and Truth, "nowledge and ;ower, so that
you can trust that the source from which you are recei+ing, is of a much higher +ibration than what
you ha+e pre+iously been e0posed to A through perhaps, people like fortune tellers This is a whole
new world of recei+ing information, and you becomethe recei+er and the transmitter
!s this information now unfolds in your consciousness, your Sapphire sheath begins to +ibrate This
is another of the bodies of your crystal form5 your fifth dimensional body of light Cisualise more
and more light filtering into your pituitary gland, as this occurs, your Sapphire sheath becomes
stronger, brighter and more powerful than before
Take a deep breath in as you draw this light in, and as you e0hale, imagine your Sapphire sheath
coming closer, filtering through all your subtle bodies, like a colouring placed in clear water Take
another deep breath in, and as you e0hale that Sapphire light merges more and more with the
Diamond Sound of Light of your Diamond sheath Don7t rush it Let it be a gentle process
@ow belo+ed ones, it is time for Lord Metatron to raise you into that fifth dimensional grid8work
Take a deep breath in and as you breathe out, repeat after me
F K G,, =say your name> consciously re<uest that Lord Metatron, raise the +ibrations of energy of my
third eye, into the fifth dimension, bypassing the astral plane , ask Lord Metatron, to se+er the
cords of illusion, to dissol+e the +eils of illusion, that ha+e pre+ented me from seeing the higher
truths of the higher worlds , ask that my emotional and mental bodies, and that the physiology of
my physical body, and the super8consciousness of my spirit body, tra+el in unison, and be raised to
work completely from the higher le+els of the lightH
Take a deep breath in as you draw this intention into your body, and as you breathe out e0tend this
intention out to the Sapphire Temple, where Lord Metatron accepts this intention 6e steps forward,
placing the middle finger of his right hand directly o+er your third eye The pulsations of Light are
filtered through his light body, into your physical body These emanations of light dissol+e those
+eils, and se+er ties to illusion
@ow take the middle finger of your left hand, and place it directly o+er your third chakra So, Lord
Metatron is able to link your physical body and its physiology, with all the le+els of light that you
are integrating through your emotional and mental body, and through the super8conscious of your
spiritual body The middle finger is your finger of intuition5 it is the finger that connects you to your
third eye @ow imagine a powerful red laser beam being pro/ected through the middle finger of
your left hand, through the +ery centre of your pineal, dissol+ing any blockages within it as a result
of your third and fourth dimensional conditioning and programming, that pre+ent you from fully
integrating your fifth dimensional consciousness
,n your imagination, close your physical eyes if you ha+e opened them Still with Lord Metatron7s
middle finger on your third eye, he affirms to you that you are a being of the light, and that being
filled with light ser+es not only humanity but, you =also>, in a capacity you are currently unaware
of 4ecause you ha+e not e0perienced these le+els of light in this incarnation before, it is +ital that
you do not limit your e0perience by pondering on the past, or limiting your future e0perience by
imagining things that could go wrong, or telling yourself that this stuff does not always work The
more light you bring into your body, the more you work with your truth, and the more fibres of
belief are grounded within you, the more you will witness the miracles That has always been the
Lord Metatron asks you to hold that in your mind ?emember that the key to e0periencing the
miracles of Spirit is e0panding your consciousness, and bringing in more light, by surrendering and
trusting, and by setting the intention to mo+e your consciousness beyond the collecti+e
consciousness, beyond what the world has come to accept as a norm Set your intention to mo+e
beyond that Set your intention to increase your spiritual intellect, and your spiritual knowledge to
higher le+els !sk that you recei+e the teachings of spiritual technology !nd if this is your wish and
your will, tell Lord Metatron now, that this is what you wish to do
Lord Metatron and Lord Maitreya will accompany you to the inner planes, to their higher schools of
learning, where each of you will be taken through specific programmes to learn to use the power of
sound and the power of light in your physical world, and how to mo+e through your initiations at an
accelerated rate so that you may take more initiations, and achie+e a le+el of ascension that only
!scended Masters ha+e achie+ed before That is the blessing that Spirit has gi+en humanity 1ou
ha+e the potential to ascend as an !scended Master in this lifetime 1ou howe+er need to commit to
it !s we ha+e said, your teacher will appear 1our master of light will come to you in flesh, and will
take you through the final initiation, which will initiate you into becoming an initiator of the new
Take a deep breath in through your third eye, as you breathe out, push the energy down your spine,
out through your base chakra and into the core of mother earth, grounding this information in the
body of your flesh, as much as it has been held within the body of your spirit This light will keep
your emotional body and your mental body light so that you can absorb the teachings of light 1ou
are called light workers for a purpose5 light warriors, light wea+ers, light walkers, leaders of the
light5 because that is what you embody @ow, you can embody more of it
F K @ow repeat after me, G, consciously ask Lord Metatron, to assist me in e0panding my
consciousness, so that , may absorb more light, and be a powerful emanator of lightH
Take a deep breath in as you draw light into your body5 as you breathe out imagine this light
emanating from your body $ach of those beings of light present with you in the Sapphire Temple,
ignite a ray of light from their third eye They ignite a ray of light from their sacral chakra and
pro/ect this light to your sacral chakra and to your third eye Take a deep breath in as you welcome
this light into all your bodies, including your physical body !s you e0hale, surrender to the light of
F K @ow repeat after me, G, ask Lord Metatron, to fully assist and guide me, to teach and train me,
through the process of taking me through the initiations of light, to be able to utili2e, my powers of
clair+oyance, clairsentience, and clairaudience, through the fifth dimension, and through the higher
dimensions of lightH
Take a deep breath in drawing this intention into your body, as Lord Maitreya embraces you, as
Lord Metatron embraces you, and your healing angels embrace you !s this occurs your Sapphire
Sheath is merged completely with your body, and your energy is completely ele+ated into fifth
F K @ow repeat, G, acknowledge that it is still re<uired of me to li+e in the third dimensional world
6owe+er, , accept and understand that my consciousness is of the fifth dimensional world, and as a
leader of light, , shall lead those of third dimensional consciousness who are willing to come into
fifth dimensional consciousness Through this process, , honour and commit to the path of
maintaining my consciousness through fifth dimension and abo+e So it is, and so it shall beH
Draw your hands together o+er your heart chakra, taking a deep breath, drawing this commitment
into your being 4elo+ed ones, !rchangel Metatron now asks you to make a commitment to your
inner child and to your adolescent self The commitment is a form of promise that you will continue
to walk in the light, to work with light, and to work within the light, for there are truly only three
paths home 3ne path is the dark one5 black magic The second one is the path of white magic The
third one is the path of the master
The path of white magic still works with those souls within the third and fourth dimensional plane
The path of the master works with the dimensions of fi+e, and beyond The teachers and the leaders
of light, who work through white magic support the process of the elements and of the animal
kingdom, and the mineral kingdoms, of the plant and +egetable kingdom To unite their energy with
those of third dimension, the dark path, that of black magic, is also the path of ignorance So choose
your path wisely This is why we say, promise to yourself that you will always walk in the light5 the
light of knowledge, the light that supports you in taking responsibility, the light that wins wisdom,
the light that feeds power, the light DD=tape ends>
-hen you are ready, affirm to Lord Metatron, that you are willing to make this commitment to your
inner child, and to your adolescent self Do this by addressing your inner child, and addressing your
adolescent self, by saying that you make this commitment, and add the words of light in, that you
choose -e shall gi+e you a moment to do this now -hen you are done, ask Lord Metatron to seal
this commitment with Light
Lord Metatron now takes the middle finger of his left hand, and dips it in a bowl of li<uid light, and
places this li<uid light o+er your third eye as a form of anointing This anointing dissol+es all the
barriers of limited sight that ha+e been created through the belief systems you ha+e adopted as a
result of your conditioning, and all the programming that you are e0posed to on a daily and nightly
(or the ne0t se+enteen months, you will recei+e instruction from Metatron and Lord Maitreya
within their schools of light 1ou will work through their ashrams, to bring about the opportunities
of presenting light to others Some of you may do this in the form of teaching, some of you may do
it in the form of healing and some of you may do it in the form of communicating, such as
counselling, speaking moti+ational and inspiring words !llow the light to show you
!s you complete your +arious initiations through the years and months to come, your clairaudient,
clair+oyant and clairsentient powers will increase, as long as you are bringing in light 1ou ha+e
re<uested that they work only through the higher dimensions Therefore, if you descend your energy
back into the lower dimensions, you will not ha+e access to those powers, /ust as it has been in the
past 4e conscious of your choices, of your actions, of your thoughts, of your words and of your
feelings This gi+es you power o+er your emotional body5 this gi+es you power o+er the ego that
influences the mental chatter 1ou are the master of your bodies 1our bodies do not master you
The lower ego has been the dri+er thus far @ow you are taking o+er the controls
4y choosing to participate within these initiations, you ha+e made that choice to take full control of
your life, to work in di+ine alignment with the higher powers that be, for you too are a source of
that power
Take a deep breath in The li<uid light filters its way into the centre of your pineal gland Lord
Metatron now asks you if there is anything specific that you re<uire him to assist you with in any
area of your life ,f so, discuss this with him now Set your intentions with him, and surrender the
process to him This will be your first lesson in utili2ing your new fifth dimensional powers -e
shall gi+e you a moment now to do this ;lease remember to ask that this manifest in accordance
with the highest will of your soul, and of your di+ine plan
Lord Metatron manifests an orb of white light, which you may place your intention into !s you set
your intention into this light, affirm that you release it to Spirit, in order to assist you through the
fifth dimensional energy dynamics, to manifest whate+er it is that you ha+e asked for assistance
with, in your physical world -hen you are ready, release this orb of white light that holds your
intention, and as you release it, affirm that it is time now to trust that Spirit will bring you the
clarity, the insight, the support, and whate+er else it is that you ha+e asked for, o+er the ne0t few
days, so that you may truly understand how <uickly the power of light works
,f you find yourself doubting or becoming fearful, stop yourself immediately5 take that fear, and
take the doubt, place it into an orb of light, and send it off into the ethers ?emind yourself of the
light of Lord Metatron, the power and light of MotherE(ather .od, and breathe that into your body
and tell yourself, , ha+e handed this o+er to Spirit, and Spirit will pro+ide the answers, or the
solutions, or the means to manifest what , re<uire, in perfect and di+ine time Then continue what
you are doing Do this as many times as you feel afraid This will condition your lower ego to
surrender to light This further absorbs those fibres of spiritual belief into your body, which in itself
is another powerful initiation, which you will work with as well
Lord Metatron now confirms that your energy is in its totality and completeness raised into the fifth
dimension, including your parallel aspects, and your multidimensional aspects They are all
working collecti+ely, in the here and now to work with the fifth dimension
4elo+ed ones, it is also now time for you to bring your focus to your planet again, and as you do
this, imagine the presence of a further &99 great $missaries of the Light who /oin the &99 beings of
the !rchangelic League of the Light They bring the ne0t spiral of energy to your planet, being
brought specifically to the heart of Johannesburg 4ecause Johannesburg is known as the *ity of
.old, it is the place where .olden *onsciousness will be born !ll of you who ha+e been drawn to
Johannesburg, or who come to Jhb at different times5 those of you who ha+e come from other
countries and those who will come from other countries5 come to recei+e the energy integration of
the .olden *onsciousness, which you then physically take back to where+er it is you are if you are
choosing not to reside permanently in the golden basin
Those of you who reside permanently within Johannesburg, where+er you may tra+el to, you take
the .olden *onsciousness This is where the pro+erbial ;ot of .old at the end of the rainbow is
situated South !frica is the ?ainbow @ation Johannesburg is the ;ot of .old, and all of you ha+e
that .olden *onsciousness within you, to take it to the ne0t le+els $mbrace your .olden
*onsciousness The 'LL beings of the light, who hold the earth at this time, hold you in your
*ontinue to breathe deeply in and out, as this energy is drawn down to the earth, breathed into
Mother $arth, and the template is laid to rest that further supports the manifestation of the .olden
*onsciousness for your planet !s this energy continues to ground itself upon the planet, it is
absorbed into your physical body Lord Metatron now takes one white sapphire crystal and one blue
sapphire crystal, and one at a time he places them o+er your third eye ,t becomes li<uid energy and
as you breathe in, it is breathed into the centre of your pineal gland both the white, and the blue
Lord Metatron now asks you to e0tend the middle finger of your left hand to him, and he places
upon it a ring with a white, and a blue sapphire gem in it5 the link to light and sound5 the power of
your third eye and crown chakra united as a force of Lo+e, as a force of ;ower, as a force of
-isdom and a force of Truth, that gi+es birth to further light and to further sound
.i+e thanks to Lord Metatron for your gifts of light Those beings around you increase the
amplification of the light they ha+e been pro/ecting to you This e0tends your energy field 'LL feet
beyond your energy body 1our energy field is filled with a mi0ture of light and sound all the atoms
+ibrating with life These atoms ser+e to attract more energy to you5 energy that will further ser+e
you to raise your consciousness and to e0pand your light and to increase your sound
3n the ne0t in8breath, imagine light being breathed into your pituitary gland and pineal gland
simultaneously, and acti+ating your fifth dimensional clair+oyant abilities to their full capacity Take
another deep breath through your pineal and pituitary simultaneously, and bring the light in to
acti+ate your clairaudient abilities to their full fifth dimensional capacity Do the same for your
clairsentient abilities 3n the ne0t in8breath, Lord Metatron seals your energy field of 'LL feet in a
powerful crystalline shield, protecting you so that you may absorb these light emanations, that you
may integrate these pulsations, that you may become one with light and sound 1ou may use that
+isuali2ation as a means of protection, directly from Lord Metatron, on a daily basis if you choose
3nce more gi+e thanks to Lord Metatron for the initiation of light that you ha+e e0perienced Take
your inner child and adolescent self by the hand, and draw them into this powerful energy field of
light, so they are sealed within this grid with you Take a deep breath in, and as you e0hale, imagine
Mother $arth being sealed in the same grid of light
.i+e thanks now to all those beings of light whom ha+e witnessed your initiation !s you do this,
they begin to withdraw the ray of light This does not deplete you in any manner 1ou are
sufficiently filled with light !s you take another deep breath in, the sacred seal of light of your fifth
dimensional third eye chakra, manifests itself in that chakra, so that all who see you upon the inner
planes, recogni2e you as a fifth dimensional initiate of light and sound
.i+e thanks to yourself for making this /ourney .i+e thanks to the Sapphire Temple for holding
you within her powerful body Lord Maitreya blesses you and assures you that it is safe to make
your way back into the third dimensional world 6e assures you that you will always be linked to
your fifth dimensional body 6e reminds you to remain linked to the light
-hen you are ready, make your way out of the temple 3nce more gi+e thanks to it Slowly make
your way out of the gardens of Shamballa, and as you make your way, gi+e thanks to the world of
Shamballa for welcoming you so that you may ha+e completed these initiations -hen you reach
the gates, you may pass through them, and once more gi+e thanks to the dragons
Make your way through your sacred gardens 4y taking a deep breath in, start drawing your
consciousness back into your physical body Take a deep breath in, drawing your consciousness
down your spine, out through your base chakra and rooting you to Mother $arth Take another deep
breath in, drawing the energy down your spine, down your legs, out through your feet, and rooting
you to Mother $arth Take another deep breath in, feeling your body in the room, in your chair
4elo+ed ones, the /ourney that you ha+e /ust taken has been one into a +ery deep aspect of the fifth
dimension 4ecause you also facilitated the process of grounding the two new grids and
mechanisms of light for this area, you may find that your energy is e0tremely sensiti+e for the ne0t
few days, which is why we ha+e asked you to be gentle with yourself -e do understand that some
of you ob+iously ha+e commitments, and will be e0posed to harsher en+ironments where there is
perhaps noise pollution Just ensure that you are protected within those en+ironments, and all will
be well
,f your body does manifest an emotional deto0ification, simply go with that process -e suggest
that you feed yourself large doses of ?escue remedy -e also suggest Tissue Salt no : to assist you
with that ,f your body manifests a process of physical deto0ification, we suggest that you gi+e
yourself dosages of Tissue Salt no 9, and no L Tissue Salt no L will support the muscular system of
your body to release what it has been holding onto as false support mechanisms, and you will be
able to integrate your new support mechanisms of light
4elo+ed ones, so it is that we embrace you in your new grid of light and sound -e support each
one of you in the manifestation of your new fifth dimensional world -e shall assist you and guide
you through the process of adapting to the new world, as you release the old ways of your old
Trust in the many in+isible arms that hold you through this time, and trust in your abilities to bring
about the manifestation of light through different mechanisms of manifestation in the sense of the
spoken word, a gentle touch, gifts that may be shared with you A or which you share with another
"now that we are all one, and that we are with you always, in all ways, and may the light of the
higher worlds be at one with you, be at one within you, and all around you, and may the sound of
MotherE(ather .od7s heartbeat be the one that comforts you through this transition
, am "uthumi, Lord of Lo+e and -isdom, and , greet and bless you in Lo+e !donai