Powerplant Guide For Certification of Part 23

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Date: 2/23/04
Initiated By: ACE-100
AC No.: 23-16A


a. This advisory circular (AC) provides information and guidance about acceptable means, but
not the only means of compliance with Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR)
part 23, subpart E, applicable to the powerplant installation in normal, utility, acrobatic, and
commuter category airplanes. This AC consolidates existing policy documents, and certain
ACs that cover specific paragraphs of the regulations, into a single document. Material in
this AC is neither mandatory nor regulatory in nature and does not constitute a regulation.

b. The guidance in this AC has been reviewed for suitability as an acceptable means, but not the
only means, of compliance with the Airship Design Criteria (ADC), document FAA-P-8110-
2. This document notes when guidance is considered applicable to the ADC requirements and
cross-references the applicable ADC paragraph with the 14 CFR part 23, subpart E paragraph.
Applicability of this guidance to airship projects that do not use the ADC, or that are not
noted as applicable, must be determined by the certifying office.

c. Wherever there is no written policy or guidance material applicable to a specific paragraph,
the phrase, No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002, is used. ACs and
policy memos approved after this date may be included as reference material only.


The following ACs and policy statements have been incorporated into this revision in whole or
in part and are superseded:

a. AC 23-16, Powerplant Guide for Certification of Part 23 Airplanes, dated September 21,
AC 23-16A 2/23/04

b. Policy concerning Unusable Fuel Tests and Prolonged Sideslip Maneuvers (23.959), dated
November 17, 1999.

c. PS-ACE111-2000-23.901(d)(2), Notice of Compliance with the Engine Ingestion
Requirements Applicable to Turbine Powered, 14 CFR Part 23, Normal, Utility, Acrobatic,
and Commuter Category Airplanes, issued December 14, 2000, published in the Federal
Register January 5, 2001.

d. PS-ACE111-2001-23.1093(b), Compliance with Induction System Icing Protection for Part
23 Airplanes, issued October 23, 2001, published in the Federal Register November 7, 2001.

e. PS-ACE111-2000-23.1155-01, In-Flight Operation of Propellers at Pitch Settings Below the
Flight Regime for 14 CFR Part 23/CAR 3 Airplanes, issued December 22, 2000, published in
the Federal Register January 12, 2001.

f. Policy Guidance for Extrapolation of Propulsion Data for Showing Compliance with 14 CFR
Part 23, 23.45(d) Thrust Lapse Rate and 23.939 Powerplant Operability Requirements,
dated December 1, 1998, applying to 23.939 only.

g. Policy on Fuel Tank Outlet Strainer ( 23.977), dated April 9, 1996.

h. Policy on Confirmation of Definition of Maximum Weight in 23.1001, dated June 24, 1999.

i. Policy on Certification of Small, Single-Engine Piston or Turbopropeller Airplanes used for
Special Purpose Agricultural Operations, dated December 1, 1997, pages 4 and 5, referring to
23.954, 23.1043, 23.1093, 23.1141(e), and 23.1163(a)(1).


The AC is current through Amendment 23-55, effective February 22, 2002. Policy
released before December 31, 2002 is included in this AC. This material spans nearly
38 years of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) aviation history.


a. The guidance provided in this document is directed to airplane manufacturers, modifiers,
foreign regulatory authorities, and Federal Aviation Administration small airplane type
certification engineers, and their designees.

b. This material is neither mandatory nor regulatory in nature and does not constitute a
regulation. It describes acceptable means, but not the only means, for showing
compliance with the applicable regulations. The Federal Aviation Administration will
consider other methods of showing compliance that an applicant may elect to present.
While these guidelines are not mandatory, they are drawn from extensive FAA and
2/23/04 AC 23-16A

industry experience in determining compliance with the relevant regulations. If
circumstances convince us that following this AC would not result in compliance with
the applicable regulations, we will not be bound by the terms of this AC, and we may
require more substantiation or design changes as a basis for finding compliance.

c. This material does not change, create any, authorize changes in, or allow deviations from,
regulatory requirements.

d. If the implementing office becomes aware of reasons that an applicant's proposal that
meets this guidance should not be approved, the office must coordinate its response with
the office that issued the guidance.


This advisory circular (AC) is organized and arranged by section of 14 CFR part 23, subpart E, in
a hierarchical format. This arrangement provides generally applicable information about each
section under each major header and continues with information specific to each paragraph under
a given section. The outline below shows the format and explains each portion of the information
contained under each section heading. The advisory material is given in a question and answer
format with each of the questions in bold text followed by the answer in plain text. Except for the
section header and the CAR 3 Cross-reference, the other portions will only be shown as
applicable. In general, this AC provides policy for the most recent amendment of a given section.

Section Header Bold text banner that includes section number, section title, and current
amendment level

CAR 3 Cross-reference The CAR 3 regulation the section was drawn from
ADC Cross-reference The Airship Design Criteria paragraph
General Information Advisory material that is generally applicable to the entire
Related Material More sources of information generally applicable to the entire section

Paragraph The number of the paragraph under the section
ADC Cross-reference The Airship Design Criteria paragraph
Paragraph Specific Information Advisory material that is specific to the paragraph
Related Material More sources of information specific to the paragraph


a. Regulations: Part 23 through Amendment 23-55. While this AC specifically addresses only
those regulations in subpart E, the following additional regulations are commonly associated
with the airplane powerplant and should be considered with the regulations in subpart E by
the users identified in paragraph 4a above:

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

Subpart B Flight

23.33 Propeller speed and pitch limits
23.45 Performance
23.55 Accelerate-stop distance
23.75 Landing distance
23.239 Spray characteristics

Subpart C Structure

23.307 Proof of structure
23.361 Engine torque
23.363 Side load on engine mount

Subpart D Design and Construction

23.611 Accessibility provisions
23.771 Pilot compartment
23.777 Cockpit controls
23.779 Motion and effect of cockpit controls
23.781 Cockpit control knob shape
23.859 Combustion heater fire protection
23.863 Flammable fluid fire protection
23.865 Fire protection of flight controls, engine mounts, and other
flight structure
23.867 Electrical bonding and protection against lightning and static

Subpart F Equipment

23.1305 Powerplant instruments
23.1309 Equipment, systems, and installations
23.1311 Electronic display instrument systems
23.1321 Arrangement and visibility
23.1322 Warning, caution, and advisory lights
23.1337 Powerplant instruments installation
23.1419 Ice protection
23.1431 Electronic equipment
23.1435 Hydraulic systems
23.1437 Accessories for multiengine airplanes
23.1461 Equipment containing high energy rotors

Subpart G Operating Limitations and Information

23.1501 General
23.1521 Powerplant limitations
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23.1522 Auxiliary power unit limitations
23.1527 Maximum operating altitude
23.1529 Instructions for Continued Airworthiness
23.1541 General
23.1543 Instrument markings: General
23.1549 Powerplant and auxiliary power unit instruments
23.1551 Oil quantity indicator
23.1553 Fuel quantity indicator
23.1555 Control markings
23.1557 Miscellaneous markings and placards
23.1581 General
23.1583 Operating limitations
23.1585 Operating procedures

b. Joint Aviation Requirements (JAR): The rules of the JAR part 23 have been harmonized
with those in Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) part 23 to the extent the
powerplant installation requirements are essentially the same. The numbering scheme is the
same between JAR and 14 CFR part 23 so they are easily cross-referenced. With the coming
of the European Aviation Safety Authority (EASA), the rules will be embodied as
Certification Specifications (CS), which, in the beginning, are created directly from the JARs
with the same numbering scheme.

c. FAA Orders, Advisory Circulars, and Technical Standard Orders: Copies of the current
FAA Orders and Advisory Circulars listed below can be obtained at no charge from:

U.S. Department of Transportation, Subsequent Distribution Office
DOT Warehouse, SVC-121.23
Ardmore East Business Center, 3341Q 75
Landover, MD 20785

Telephone 301-322-4779
or by faxing your request to 301-386-5394

These documents are available for viewing via the Internet by following the aircraft
certification links from the FAA homepage (www.faa.gov).

FAA Order 8100.5A Aircraft Certification Service Mission, Responsibilities,
Relationships, and Programs

FAA Order 8110.4B Type Certification

AC 20-29B Use of Aircraft Fuel Anti-icing Additives

AC 20-32B Carbon Monoxide (CO) Contamination in AircraftDetection
and Prevention

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

AC 20-43C Aircraft Fuel Control

AC 20-53A Protection of Aircraft Fuel Systems Against Fuel Vapor Ignition
Due to Lightning

AC 20-66A Vibration and Fatigue Evaluation of Airplane Propellers

AC 20-73 Aircraft Ice Protection

AC 20-88A Guidelines on the Marking of Aircraft Powerplant Instruments

AC 20-100 General Guidelines for Measuring Fire-Extinguishing Agent
Concentrations in Powerplant Compartments

AC 20-107A Composite Aircraft Structure

AC 20-116 Marking Aircraft Fuel Filler Openings with Color Coded

AC 20-119 Fuel Drain Valves

AC 20-122A Anti-misfueling Devices: Their Availability and Use

AC 20-124 Water Ingestion Testing for Turbine Powered Airplanes

AC 20-128A Design Considerations for Minimizing Hazards Caused by
Uncontained Turbine Engine and Auxiliary Power Unit Rotor

AC 20-135 Powerplant Installation and Propulsion System Component Fire
Protection Test Methods, Standards, and Criteria

AC 20-136 Protection of Aircraft Electrical/Electronic Systems Against the
Indirect Effects of Lightning

AC 20-144 Recommended Method for FAA approval of Aircraft Fire
Extinguishing System Components

AC 20-18A Qualification Testing of Turbojet Engine Thrust Reversers

AC 21-37 Primary Category Aircraft

AC 21.17-3 Type Certification of Very Light Airplanes Under FAR

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AC 23-2 Flammability Tests

AC 23-10 Auxiliary Fuel Systems for Reciprocating and Turbine Powered
Part 23 Airplanes

AC 23-11A 14 CFR Part 23 Type Certification of an Airplane Originally
Certificated to Joint Aviation Regulations Very Light
Airplane (JAR-VLA) Standards

AC 23-14 Type Certification Basis for Conversion from Reciprocating
Engine to Turbine Engine-Powered Part 23 Airplanes

AC 23-15 Small Airplane Certification Compliance Program

AC 23.1309-1C Equipment, Systems, and Installations in Part 23 Airplanes

AC 23.1311-1A Installation of Electronic Displays in Part 23 Airplanes

AC 23.1419-2B Certification of Part 23 Airplanes for Flight in Icing Conditions

AC 23.1521-1B Type Certification of Automobile Gasoline in Part 23 Airplanes
with Reciprocating Engines

AC 23.1521-2 with Type Certification of Oxygenates and Oxygenated Gasoline
Change 1 Fuels in Part 23 Airplanes with Reciprocating Engines

AC 25.939-1 Evaluating Turbine Engine Operating Characteristics

AC 33-2B Aircraft Engine Type Certification Handbook

AC 33.28-1 Compliance Criteria for 14 CFR 33.28 Aircraft Engines,
Electrical and Electronic Engine Control Systems

AC 33.28-2 Guidance Material for 14 CFR 33.28, Reciprocating Engine,
Electrical and Electronic Engine Control Systems

AC 33.47-1 Detonation Testing in Reciprocating Aircraft Engines

AC 33.74/92-1A Turbine Engine Continued Rotation and Rotor Locking

AC 35.37-1A Composite Propeller Blade Fatigue Substantiation

TSO-C80 Flexible Fuel and Oil Cell Material

Copies of the current Advisory Circulars listed below may be purchased from:
AC 23-16A 2/23/04

Superintendent of Documents
P. O. Box 371954
Pittsburgh, PA 152507954

These documents are also available for viewing via the Internet by following the aircraft
certification links from the FAA homepage (www.faa.gov).

AC 23-8B Flight Test Guide for Certification of Part 23 Airplanes

AC 23-17A Systems and Equipment Guide for Certification of Part 23 Airplanes

d. Policy Memoranda: Copies of the current Policy Memoranda listed below can be
obtained at no charge from the Small Airplane Directorate Regulations and Policy
Branch, 901 Locust St., Room 301, Kansas City, MO 64106. These documents are
available for viewing via the Internet by following the aircraft certification links from the
FAA homepage (www.faa.gov).
PS-ACE100-2002-004, Diesel Engine Installation
PS-ACE100-2002-008, Propeller Testing V
Versus V
e. Other Publications:

Copies of the Design Standards for Advanced Ultra-light Aeroplanes (DS10141) may be
purchased from:

L.A.M.A.C. ~ Light Aircraft Manufacturers Association of Canada
880 St-Fereol
Les Cdres, Qubec
Canada J7T 1N3
Tel.: (450) 452-4772 or 1-888-977-1447
Fax: (450) 452-2694
A copy of Airship Design Criteria (FAA-P-8110-2) is available for viewing via the
Internet by following the aircraft certification links to airships from the FAA homepage

Copies of the following Society of Automotive Engineers documents are available for
purchase via the Internet by following the store link on the SAE homepage

SAE ARP 5904, Airborne Icing Tankers

SAE ARP 5905, Calibration and Acceptance of Icing Wind Tunnels

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This advisory circular uses the definitions listed below. Some of these terms are used throughout,
and will only be defined here. Sometimes, the term definitions may be repeated in the relevant
document section as an aid to the reader. More definitions and abbreviations are included in 14
CFR part 1, 1.1 and 1.2, respectively.

Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM)

The documentation detailing the operating limitations and instructions for an aircraft.

Airship Design Criteria (ADC)

The design criteria for airships in document number FAA-P-8110-2.

American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) International

The ASTM is an international body of producers, consumers, and regulators that develops,
maintains, and administers material standards.

Auxiliary Power Unit (APU)

A device, separate from the aircraft propulsion system, that produces power (i.e., electrical,
pneumatic, hydraulic) for aircraft systems.

Cabin Pressurization Systems

The collection of components used to pressurize air for airframe services. These systems
can have air supplied by any number of means (including turbochargers, engine bleed air,
and ram air).

Certificate Management Aircraft Certification Office (CMACO)

The CMACO is the office responsible for aircraft certification. The term is usually shortened
to ACO. These offices are located throughout the United States and are each responsible for
projects in different States. A listing of these offices can be found by following the
certification and design approvals links from the FAA homepage (www.faa.gov).

Civil Air Regulations (CAR)

The body of rules governing aviation before being recodified by final rule on September 28,

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Part 3 of the Civil Air Regulations as amended through March 25, 1964.

Electronic Engine Control (EEC)

An EEC engine functions electronically in either a supervisory (electronic adjustments to
manual inputs) or full authority capacity (see FADEC definition below).

Full Authority Digital Engine Control (FADEC)

A FADEC contains all the engine control functions and exercises full control over engine
operations within the pilot selected operating parameters.

High Intensity Radiation Fields (HIRF)

HIRF is electromagnetic fields that emanate from electrical components and occur in nature
that can induce current flows in aircraft systems.

Instructions for Continued Airworthiness (ICA)

The documentation detailing how to maintain the aircraft, engine, or propeller.


A device installed in the engine air induction system that lowers the intake air charge
temperature. The intercooler can be approved either as part of the engine or the engine

Maximum Continuous Power (MCP)

MCP is the maximum power setting the engine is certified to sustain.

Normal Ground Attitude

Normal ground attitude is defined as the aircraft ground attitude that would normally
be expected in service. Therefore, consideration of nose wheel strut, main gear strut,
variation of all landing gear tires, and the apron gradient is necessary. Use a minimum
ground slope of 1 percent. An appropriate slope for seaplanes/amphibian airplanes
would have to be determined from the worst-case static in-water attitude of the aircraft at
the most adverse center of gravity location(s).

Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP)

The RVP is a measure of the tendency of a liquid to form vapor.

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Revolutions per minute


A mechanically driven compressor used to provide and maintain a manifold pressure greater
than sea level pressure to a critical altitude.

Type Certificate Data Sheet (TCDS)

The TCDS is attached to the Type Certificate and contains information about the certification
basis, design and operating parameters, and limitations for the product.


Any engine exhaust gas-driven compressor that is a component of a Turbonormalized
Engine, Turbosupercharged Engine, or Cabin Pressurization System.

Turbonormalized Engine

Turbocharger used to maintain sea level manifold pressure to a critical altitude.


A propeller driven by a turbine engine.


A turbocharger used to provide and maintain a manifold pressure greater than sea level
pressure to a critical altitude. This term has been used interchangeably with the term

Turbosupercharged Engine

Turbocharger used to provide and maintain a manifold pressure greater than sea level
pressure to a critical altitude.

Unusable fuel

The largest total quantity of fuel remaining in the fuel system when the first evidence of
engine malfunction occurs because of fuel interruption. Engine malfunction normally
occurs under the most adverse fuel feed conditions. Each intended operation and flight
maneuver should be checked for each fuel tank.

AC 23-16A 2/23/04


Aircraft design diving speed.


The maximum airplane flap extended speed.


Aircraft never-exceed speed


The airplane stalling speed or the minimum steady flight speed in the landing configuration.


Aircraft best rate-of-climb speed

James E. Jackson
Acting Manager, Small Airplane Directorate
Aircraft Certification Service
2/23/04 AC 23-16A


Subpart EPowerplant


Section PAGE

23.901 Installation .................................................................................................... 1
23.903 Engines .......................................................................................................... 10
23.904 Automatic power reserve system .................................................................. 17
23.905 Propellers ...................................................................................................... 18
23.907 Propeller vibration ........................................................................................ 23
23.909 Turbocharger systems ................................................................................... 25
23.925 Propeller clearance ........................................................................................ 35
23.929 Engine installation ice protection ................................................................. 37
23.933 Reversing systems ......................................................................................... 39
23.934 Turbojet and turbofan engine thrust reverser systems tests .......................... 41
23.937 Turbopropeller-drag limiting systems .......................................................... 42
23.939 Powerplant operating characteristics ............................................................ 43
23.943 Negative acceleration .................................................................................... 45


23.951 General .......................................................................................................... 46
23.953 Fuel system independence ............................................................................ 49
23.954 Fuel system lightning protection ................................................................... 50
23.955 Fuel flow ....................................................................................................... 51
23.957 Flow between interconnected tanks .............................................................. 63
23.959 Unusable fuel supply .................................................................................... 64
23.961 Fuel system hot weather operation ............................................................... 71
23.963 Fuel tanks: General ....................................................................................... 77
23.965 Fuel tank tests ............................................................................................... 78
23.967 Fuel tank installation ..................................................................................... 80
23.969 Fuel tank expansion space ............................................................................ 82
23.971 Fuel tank sump .............................................................................................. 83
23.973 Fuel tank filler connection ............................................................................ 85
23.975 Fuel tank vents and carburetor vapor vents .................................................. 87
23.977 Fuel tank outlet ............................................................................................. 89
23.979 Pressure fueling systems ............................................................................... 90

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23.991 Fuel pumps .................................................................................................... 91
23.993 Fuel system lines and fittings ........................................................................ 93
23.994 Fuel system components ............................................................................... 95
23.995 Fuel valves and controls ............................................................................... 97
23.997 Fuel strainer or filter ..................................................................................... 99
23.999 Fuel system drains ........................................................................................ 101
23.1001 Fuel jettisoning system ................................................................................. 102


23.1011 General .......................................................................................................... 104
23.1013 Oil tanks ........................................................................................................ 108
23.1015 Oil tank tests ................................................................................................. 110
23.1017 Oil lines and fittings ...................................................................................... 111
23.1019 Oil strainer or filter ....................................................................................... 112
23.1021 Oil system drains .......................................................................................... 113
23.1023 Oil radiators .................................................................................................. 114
23.1027 Propeller feathering system .......................................................................... 115


23.1041 General .......................................................................................................... 116
23.1043 Cooling tests ................................................................................................. 117
23.1045 Cooling test procedures for turbine engine powered airplanes .................... 119
23.1047 Cooling test procedures for reciprocating engine powered airplanes ........... 120


23.1061 Installation .................................................................................................... 121
23.1063 Coolant tank tests .......................................................................................... 122


23.1091 Air induction system ..................................................................................... 123
23.1093 Induction system icing protection ................................................................. 124
23.1095 Carburetor deicing fluid flow rate ................................................................ 135
23.1097 Carburetor deicing fluid system capacity ..................................................... 136
23.1099 Carburetor deicing fluid system detail design .............................................. 137
23.1101 Induction air preheater design ....................................................................... 138
23.1103 Induction system ducts .................................................................................. 139
23.1105 Induction system screens .............................................................................. 140
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23.1107 Induction system filters ................................................................................. 141
23.1109 Turbocharger bleed air system ...................................................................... 142
23.1111 Turbine engine bleed air system ................................................................... 143


23.1121 General .......................................................................................................... 144
23.1123 Exhaust system .............................................................................................. 147
23.1125 Exhaust heat exchangers ............................................................................... 149


23.1141 Powerplant controls: General ........................................................................ 150
23.1142 Auxiliary power unit controls ....................................................................... 152
23.1143 Engine controls ............................................................................................. 153
23.1145 Ignition switches ........................................................................................... 156
23.1147 Mixture controls ............................................................................................ 157
23.1149 Propeller speed and pitch controls ................................................................ 158
23.1153 Propeller feathering controls ......................................................................... 159
23.1155 Turbine engine reverse thrust and propeller pitch settings below the
flight regime .................................................................................................. 160
23.1157 Carburetor air temperature controls .............................................................. 162
23.1163 Powerplant accessories ................................................................................. 163
23.1165 Engine ignition systems ................................................................................ 165


23.1181 Designated fire zones; regions included ....................................................... 167
23.1182 Nacelle areas behind firewalls ...................................................................... 169
23.1183 Lines, fittings, and components .................................................................... 170
23.1189 Shutoff means ............................................................................................... 172
23.1191 Firewalls ........................................................................................................ 174
23.1192 Engine accessory compartment diaphragm .................................................. 176
23.1193 Cowling and nacelle ...................................................................................... 177
23.1195 Fire extinguishing systems ............................................................................ 179
23.1197 Fire extinguishing agents .............................................................................. 182
23.1199 Extinguishing agent containers ..................................................................... 183
23.1201 Fire extinguishing systems materials ............................................................ 184
23.1203 Fire detector system ...................................................................................... 185
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Subpart EPowerplant


23.901 Installation (Amendment 23-53)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: 3.411

ADC Cross-reference: 5.1

What guidance is there for the certification of powerplant electronic systems

Electronic systems are increasingly used to control different airplane systems including
powerplant systems. During certification of these installations, 23.1309 must be used
to determine the potential failure modes and the resulting severity of a failure event. A
safety analysis is generated during the engine certification that covers engine and engine-
airplane interfaces. This engine level safety analysis should be used as input to the
airplane level safety analysis. Software level requirements for the installed engine should
be determined early in the process to ensure the software level certificated for the engine,
according to part 33, is compatible with the installation. The engine manufacturer and
the Airplane Certification Office should be coordinated with early in the project.
According to 11.19, special conditions, may be required for powerplant systems
installations to comply with the requirements of 23.1309. These special conditions
should not require retesting of the engine or its certificated components except as part of
the airplane.

What may be required by special conditions?

Examples of special condition requirements may include, but are not limited to, the

1. Lightning test;

2. High Intensity Radiated Fields (HIRF) testing;

3. Software level validation testing; and

4. Environmental testing.

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

What are some examples of powerplant electronic systems?

Examples of powerplant electronic systems may include, but are not limited to, the

1. Electronic Engine Controls (EEC);

2. Full Authority Digital Engine Controls (FADEC);

3. Electronic turbocharger wastegate controls; and

4. Electronic propeller speed, pitch, and feathering controls.

Related Material

AC 23.1309-1C, Equipment, Systems, and Installations in Part 23 Airplanes

AC 23.1311-1A, Installation of Electronic Displays in Part 23 Airplanes

AC 33.28-1, Compliance Criteria for 14 CFR 33.28 Aircraft Engines, Electrical and
Electronic Engine Control Systems

AC 33.28-2, Guidance Material for 14 CFR 33.28, Reciprocating Engines, Electrical
and Electronic Engine Control Systems

Policy Memorandum ANE-2001-35.31-R0, Policy for Bird Strike, Lightning, and
Centrifugal Load Testing for Composite Propeller Blades and Spinners

Paragraph 23.901(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.1(a)

What components should be included as part of the powerplant installation?

Examples of powerplant installation components may include, but are not limited to, the

1. Engines;

2. Propellers;

3. Gearboxes and engine driven accessories;

4. Nacelles and inlets;

5. Engine oil systems;
2/23/04 AC 23-16A

6. Fuel tanks, lines, manifolds, and controls;

7. Ignition system components;

8. Propulsion control and monitoring devices;

9. Exhaust nozzles, mufflers, plenums, etc.;

10. Fluid collectors and drain lines;

11. Pneumatic bleed valves and ducting;

12. Engine fire protection systems;

13. Engine and propeller icing protection systems; and

14. Thrust attenuating or reversing installations

Components that are part of an engine or propeller type design certificated under parts 33
or 35, respectively, are considered part of the powerplant installation. Any findings of
compliance with part 23 requirements should take maximum advantage of the relevant
findings made in support of part 33 or 35.

What regulations should be considered for powerplant installations using technologies
other than the typical spark ignition reciprocating and turbine engines?

In the future, designs using engines other than the typical spark ignition reciprocating and
turbine engine cycles, such as fuel cell/electric motor, diesel cycle, or even rocket or jet
assisted take-off, may be proposed. These designs will require careful selection of the
applicable powerplant rules and may require special conditions depending on how similar
they are to the typical engines.

Related Material

PS-ACE100-2002-004, Diesel Engine Installation

Paragraph 23.901(b)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.1(b)

What are examples of potential inspection and maintenance items?

Examples of potential powerplant inspection and maintenance items may include, but are
not limited to, the following:

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

1. Oil reservoir fill and quantity sight glasses;

2. Engine control linkages;

3. Oil, fuel, air filters;

4. Oil system chip detectors;

5. Engine mount inspections;

6. Engine exhaust system components; and

7. Firewalls.

What are the typical methods for showing compliance?

Compliance is typically shown using the following methods either alone or in

1. Review of drawings, schematics, system descriptions, and safety analyses;

2. Mock-up inspections and demonstrations;

3. Laboratory and aircraft testing;

4. Comparison with the service experience on similar designs; and

5. Comparison with accepted design standards.

Related Material

AC 23-10, Auxiliary Fuel Systems for Reciprocating and Turbine Powered Part 23

Paragraph 23.901(c)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.1(c)

What are some of the considerations for complying with this rule?

To comply with this rule, the powerplant installation should be designed to provide
access (cowling that is easily opened and closed) for the pilot to visually check the

1. Engine oil level;

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2. Flammable fluid leaks;

3. If applicable, the exterior condition of the turbocharger and wastegate installation;

4. If applicable, tail pipe, multi-segmented V-band clamps, and firewalls;

5. Electrical wiring;

6. Fuel and oil lines and fittings; and, otherwise, make a cursory inspection of the
engine installation; and

7. Other items as defined by the engine, propeller, or airplane manufacturer.

For more information refer to 23.611, Accessibility provisions.

Paragraph 23.901(d)

ADC Cross-reference: None

This guidance may be used for Airship Certification as applicable.

What special considerations are there for turbine engine installations?

Paragraph 23.901(d) requires that carcass vibration and rain, hail, ice, and bird ingestion
be considered for all turbine engine installations. This requirement ensures the
installation does not degrade the certificated capability of the engine.

What considerations and methods of compliance are typical for the vibration

Compliance with rules concerning vibration usually involves instrumentation and testing.
These tests may consist of a combination of bench vibration tests and full-scale airplane
tests. Analysis can be used to support the placement of instrumentation and to identify
the critical test conditions. Coordination with the engine manufacturer may be necessary
to understand the engine vibration limits and to design the tests to show the installation
vibration characteristics are within the engine certification limits throughout the airplane
flight envelope.

What considerations and methods of compliance are typical for the ingestion

Compliance with the rain ingestion requirements of 23.901(d)(2) is typically shown
with design analysis that identifies areas of concern and tests for those areas of concern.
Part 33 engine certification testing may be used for part 23 compliance if the engine
certification testing addressed the areas of concern identified by the installation design
analysis (for example, use of an installation representative test inlet system). Part 33
AC 23-16A 2/23/04

engine certification testing may also be used for part 23 compliance if specific conditions
addressed in the rule were addressed during engine certification testing. For airplanes
with a certification basis before Amendment 23-53, a test is typically required if the
specific operating considerations contained in the part 23 rule were not addressed during
engine certification.

When evaluating areas of concern with the installation, consider areas where water
pooling with resulting ingestion or shed of localized slugs of water normally not
addressed during engine certification might occur. Some examples are inlet system
channels, indentations, and so forth. These are typical of turbopropeller or S-duct type
inlets that have complex geometry that can allow water pooling. This consideration is
usually not a concern with simple pitot style inlets typical of part 23 turbofan/jet engine
installations. Part 23 turbine engine installations typically require testing since most of
these are turbopropeller installations. However, if design analysis shows the installation
will not affect the water ingestion characteristics and engine certification addressed the
specific conditions addressed in the part 23 rule, this analysis combined with engine
certification testing may be enough to demonstrate rain ingestion compliance. Because
of the large diversity of turbine engine installations in part 23 airplanes, all installations
should be evaluated to determine whether areas of concern exist. Since the rain ingestion
requirements in part 33 were not added until Amendment 33-6, the airplane applicant
needs to evaluate the engine's certification basis to determine whether the engine has
been subjected to part 33 rain ingestion testing. If the engine does not have Amendment
33-6 or a later amendment as part of the certification basis, the engine must have a safe
service history of rain ingestion in similar installations, under 23.903(a)(2)(iv).

If it is determined that testing for rain ingestion should be performed, flight test is not
required. The intent of the part 23 rule is to ensure the engine installation has not
deteriorated the rain ingestion tolerance of the certificated engine. Since a ground static
engine test normally demonstrates engine certification compliance, use of installation
ground tests at the required power/thrust settings has been commonly accepted as a
means of compliance. The applicant can use design analysis to determine critical
configurations and conditions of the installation. This might reduce required installation
tests to the critical configurations and conditions instead of repeating the entire part 33
test conditions. Engine certification should address the results of the critical point
analysis for the engine; therefore, it is important for the engine installer to research the
conditions and requirements used for engine certification.

What are some other examples of issues not addressed by engine certification that need
to be addressed for installation compliance with 23.901(d)?

Amendment 23-53 added requirements for ice, hail, and birds similar to those in part 33.
Examples of installation issues normally not addressed by engine certification, but that
should be addressed for installation compliance, include the following:

1. Ice build-up on areas where ice shed may be ingested by the engines (for example, ice
shed from wings and airframe sources into aft mounted engines); and
2/23/04 AC 23-16A

2. Consideration of items such as inlet splitters, acoustic liners, and so forth, that may be
damaged by impact with ice, hail, and birds.

Paragraph 23.901(e)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.1(d)

What instructions are typically provided under the engine and propeller type

Sections 33.5 and 35.3 list the requirements for engine and propeller installation
instruction manuals. Examples of subjects typically provided under the engine and
propeller type certificates may include, but are not limited to, the following:

1. Engine and propeller operating limitations;

2. Engine and propeller mounting provisions;

3. Allowable fuel and oil specifications;

4. Allowable fuel and oil temperatures;

5. Fuel inlet pressures;

6. Allowable accessory temperature limits;

7. Vibration limits;

8. Accessibility requirements;

9. Turbine engine inlet distortion limits; and

10. Abnormal engine failure load conditions such as turbine engine fan blade failure.

It is important to identify and accommodate all engine and propeller certification
dependencies with the aircraft installation to ensure compatibility of the hardware and
operational limitations.

Is it possible to certificate an airplane to use a fuel other than one certificated for use on
the engine?

No, the fuel used in the airplane must be certificated for use in the engine as well as the
airplane to comply with 23.901(e). Other fuels such as automobile gasoline have been
certificated for use in an airplane with a separate certification for using the fuel in the
AC 23-16A 2/23/04

engine. All applicable sections of 14 CFR part 33 and part 23 must be considered when
certificating a fuel for use in an engine and in an airplane, respectively.

Related Material

AC 23.1521-1B, Type Certification of Automobile Gasoline in Part 23 Airplanes with
Reciprocating Engines

AC 23.1521-2 with Change 1, Type Certification of Oxygenates and Oxygenated
Gasoline Fuels in Part 23 Airplanes with Reciprocating Engines

AC 20-24B, Qualification of Fuels, Lubricants and Additives for Aircraft Engines

AC 20-122A, Anti-misfueling Devices: Their Availability and Use

Paragraph 23.901(f)

ADC Cross-reference: None

This guidance may be used for Airship Certification as applicable.

What should be considered when determining the applicable parts of these regulations
as applied to Auxiliary Power Units (APU)?

The typical Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) is a combustion cycle powerplant operated
primarily to generate electrical, pneumatic, and hydraulic power for ground and limited
flight operations and not thrust for flight. Each of the rules applicable to powerplant
installations must be considered carefully relative to the design features and operating
requirements for a given APU. Below are three examples.

1. APUs typically do not have propellers connected to them and, in such a case, it is
obvious, the portions of this part that apply to propellers should not be considered for
such an installation.

2. APUs generally have a much smaller operating envelope than do thrust producing
powerplants and, as such, due consideration should be given to the requirements in
areas such as induction system icing ( 23.1093).

3. An APU that is used to provide emergency power to meet the requirements of
23.1351 would be considered differently than an APU intended only for ground use.

What regulations should be considered for Auxiliary Power Units using technologies
other than the typical combustion cycles?

In the future, designs using exotic technologies to produce auxiliary electrical,
pneumatic, and hydraulic power, such as fuel cells, may be proposed. These designs will
2/23/04 AC 23-16A

require careful selection of the applicable powerplant rules and may require special
conditions depending on how similar they are to the typical combustion cycle designs.

Related Material

AC 20-128A, Design Considerations for Minimizing Hazards Caused by Uncontained
Turbine Engine and Auxiliary Power Unit Rotor Failure
AC 23-16A 2/23/04

23.903 Engines (Amendment 23-54)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: 3.415

ADC Cross-reference: 5.2

What guidance is available for replacing a reciprocating engine with a turbine engine?

Guidance for turbine engine airplane conversions is provided in AC 23-14, Type
Certification Basis for Conversion from Reciprocating Engine to Turbine Engine-
Powered Part 23 Airplanes. This AC highlights the differences between the two engine
installations that must be accounted for including, but not limited to:

1. Fuel system compatibility with turbine fuel;

2. Fuel Gelling and icing;

3. Part 34 fuel and venting requirements for turbine engines; and

4. Inlet icing and falling and blowing snow requirements.

What guidance is available for certification of the installation of unique types of

Typical airplane engines fall into two categories: spark ignition reciprocating and turbine
engines. These types account for most airplanes in service today, but other types such as
compression ignition reciprocating (diesel cycle) and sinusoidal cam spark ignition
engines have been proposed. When certifying an airplane with engines that are different
from the typical engines, the unique features of the new engines should be carefully
considered relative to the rules of 14 CFR part 23. Special conditions may be necessary
to account for these unique features. Suitable guidance material will be written as
necessary to capture any certification experience and other considerations about these
installations. For example, Policy Memo PS-ACE100-2002-004, Diesel Engine
Installation, was released in May 2003 in response to current engine and airplane
certification projects involving diesel engines.

Related Material

AC 23-14, Type Certification Basis for Conversion from Reciprocating Engine to
Turbine Engine-Powered Part 23 Airplanes

PS-ACE100-2002-004, Diesel Engine Installation

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

Paragraph 23.903(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.2(a)

Does an engine(s) require a type certificate if the airplane is to be certified under 14
CFR part 23?

Yes, the engine(s) must have an approved type certificate (according to 14 CFR part 33
or CAR Part 13) for normal, utility, acrobatic, and commuter category airplanes
certificated under part 23. The airplane, with the engine(s) installed, must also comply
with 14 CFR part 34, 34.11.

Is it possible to certificate an airplane under 14 CFR part 23 with an engine(s) that does
not have a type certificate?

No, it is not possible to certificate an airplane under 14 CFR part 23 with an engine(s)
that does not have a type certificate under 14 CFR part 33. There are rules other than
part 23 that do allow engines that are not certificated under part 33. Engines may be
approved as part of the airplane for airplanes originally certificated in the Primary
Category under 14 CFR part 21, 21.17(b), or airplanes certificated under Joint Aviation
RequirementsVery Light Airplane (JAR-VLA), or Sport Plane (Transport Canada
Design Standard TP10141E).

Related Material

AC 21.17-3, Type Certification of Very Light Airplanes under 21.17(b)

AC 21-37, Primary Category Aircraft

AC 23-11A, 14 CFR Part 23 Type Certification of an Airplane Originally Certificated to
Joint Aviation Regulations Very Light Airplane (JAR-VLA) Standards

Is it possible to affect the type certificate of the engine by its installation in an airplane?

This section requires compliance with the engine manufacturers installation drawing,
installation manual, and engine specific operating instructions. Non-compliance with the
engine manufacturers installation requirements can invalidate the type certification
status of the engine, making the engine non-compliant with 23.903(a)(1). This, in turn,
would prevent certification of the airplane under part 23. Examples of engine
requirements that could be affected by the airplane installation may include, but are not
limited to, the following:

1. Fuel delivery flow and pressure requirements;

2. Allowable turbine engine inlet aerodynamic distortion; and

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

3. Compliance with 14 CFR part 34, Fuel Venting and Exhaust Requirements for
Turbine Engine Powered Airplanes.

Paragraph 23.903(b)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.2(b)

What is the intent of this rule?

Airplanes with turbine engines should be designed to minimize the hazard to the airplane
if a maximum energy rotor burst (typically the energy level associated with a one-third
sector of the engine rotor at the critical rotating speed) occurs. Airplanes with turbine
engines should also be designed to minimize the hazard to the airplane if any other
uncontained turbine engine failure (i.e., fan blade), including engine case burn through,
occurs. It is impossible to protect any design in an absolute sense, but good engineering
judgment must be used to minimize the effects of these failures. This requires a design
with features that protect structure, systems, and components from the adverse effects of
heat, pressure, and loads associated with these failures. Minimizing the hazard has been
interpreted through the years as allowing continued safe operation, with emergency
procedures that allow for landing the airplane.

Airplanes using new technology materials or novel designs should be carefully evaluated
for their ability to minimize the effects of engine rotor burst and case burn through. A
Small Airplane Directorate policy letter dated April 7, 1989, defined the word
minimize as used in 23.903(b)(1) as to reduce to a minimum, decrease to the least
practical amount. The least practical amount has to consider what is attainable with
current technology and materials. In these cases, the standard has become the existing
certificated airplanes. These airplanes used discrete source damage analysis to select the
most effective and suitable design precautions and to substantiate that these precautions
minimized the rotorburst hazard to the least practical amount. A typical design case
minimizing the effects consists of a crown skin cut with a limit gust load that then is used
as the ultimate load when analyzing the remaining structure. Advisory Circular 20-128A,
in the Related Materials below, contains information on the discrete source damage

Information on engine case burn through is contained in the related material.

What compliance methods are generally acceptable?

At the most basic, a review of drawings, schematics, system descriptions, hazard
assessments, and a rotor burst analysis with inspections of the installation are acceptable
means of compliance. Design similarity and service experience can also be considered
with the means above to comply with this rule provided a clear link to the similar
airplane can be established. Advisory Circular 20-128A provides guidance on methods
to mitigate the hazard to critical systems such as engine and airplane control cables and
2/23/04 AC 23-16A

wiring, flammable fluid tanks and lines, pneumatic ducts, and hydraulic lines if a rotor
burst occurs.

Related Material

AC 20-128A, Design Considerations for Minimizing Hazards Caused by Uncontained
Turbine Engine and Auxiliary Power Unit Rotor Failure

AC 20-135, Powerplant Installation and Propulsion System Component Fire Protection
Test Methods, Standards, and Criteria

Paragraph 23.903(c)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.2(c)

What do the words in at least one configuration mean?

The intent of this rule is to ensure that, during any one flight, any initial failure condition
that could prevent the continued safe operation of one engine will not prevent the
continued safe operation of the other engine(s). Compliance with this rule requires there
should be no immediate crew intervention necessary for continued safe flight.

Related Material

AC 23.1419-2B, Certification of Part 23 Airplanes for Flight in Icing Conditions

Paragraph 23.903(d)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.2(d)

What concerns are there with starting and stopping a piston engine?

The intent of the rule relative to starting is to ensure the engine(s) can be started without
creating a hazardous condition. Procedures and limitations must be established and
documented in the Airplane Flight Manual and on proper airplane placards to cover all
allowed conditions for starting engine. These conditions must include ground starts for
all airplanes and in-flight restarts for multiengine airplanes.

The intent of the rule relative to stopping an engine is to ensure that any engine on a
multiengine airplane can be stopped in flight if necessary to prevent a hazardous
condition without creating an airplane hazard. According to 23.901(d)(2), commuter
category airplanes also require the stopping system components to be fire resistant.
While the rule does not explicitly state any requirements for stopping an engine in normal
conditions, such as ground shutdown at the end of operations, there should be no hazards
associated with these conditions. Conditions that may require stopping an engine in
flight include:
AC 23-16A 2/23/04

1. Engine compartment fires;

2. Turbocharger or exhaust system failures;

3. Engine or accessory failures resulting in excessive vibration; and

4. Propeller malfunction.

The design of the system should consider and minimize hazards during both starting and
stopping, such as the following:

1. The collection of flammable liquids and vapors;

2. Any adverse affects on engine accessories from reduced rotation, starting and

3. Vibrations that adversely affect the structural integrity of the engine, its components,
or aircraft structures; and

4. Any conditions that would prevent safely restarting the engine.

Paragraph 23.903(e)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.2(e)

What concerns are there with starting and stopping a turbine engine?

The intent of the rule relative to starting is to ensure the engine(s) can be started without
creating a hazardous condition. Procedures and limitations must be established and
documented in the Airplane Flight Manual and proper airplane placards to cover all
allowed conditions for starting the engine. These conditions include ground starts as well
as in-flight restarts. Provisions and procedures for in-flight restarts must be established
and documented in the Airplane Flight Manual.

The intent of the rule relative to stopping an engine is to ensure that any engine on an
airplane can be stopped in flight if necessary to prevent a hazardous condition without
creating an airplane hazard. Conditions that may require stopping an engine in flight

1. Engine compartment fires;

2. Engine rotorburst; and

3. Engine or accessory failures resulting in excessive vibration.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

The design of the system should consider and minimize hazards during both starting and
stopping, such as the following:

1. The collection of flammable liquids and vapors;

2. Any adverse affects on engine accessories from windmilling;

3. Vibrations that adversely affect the structural integrity of the engine, its components,
or aircraft structures; and

4. Any conditions that would prevent safely restarting the engine.

Related Material

AC 23-2, Flammability Tests

AC 33.74/92-1A, Turbine Engine Continued Rotation and Rotor Locking

Paragraph 23.903(f)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.2(f)

What differences are there between reciprocating and turbine engines when showing
compliance with this rule?

The requirement to define the in-flight restart envelope applies to all normal, utility,
acrobatic, and commuter category airplanes. A full complement of tests to define the in-
flight restart envelope may not be necessary. For example, normally aspirated
reciprocating engine in-flight restart procedures typically only specify the airspeed to
restart the engine. In this case, the restart envelope is the entire flight envelope for the
selected airspeed. On the other hand, defining a turbine engine restart envelope typically
requires data from a comprehensive altitude/airspeed envelope test program. Review the
engine installation manual to understand the engine limitations relative to the starting
envelope. We recommend you coordinate with the engine manufacturer to determine the
start testing performed during the certification of the engine.

1. Airplanes powered by reciprocating engines.

The amount of in-flight restart envelope testing is dependent on the particular design
features of the engine installation. Comprehensive in-flight restart envelope testing is
not usually necessary for single-engine airplanes powered by conventional
reciprocating engines. The service experience of these airplanes with typical
reciprocating engine installations is that a reliable in-flight engine restart can be
made, provided the airplane is equipped with an adequate engine starting system.
Thus, in-flight restart envelope testing has not been necessary provided a
mechanically sound engine can be restarted under typical power-off flight conditions.
AC 23-16A 2/23/04

However, if the engine installation contains new or non-conventional design features,
more extensive in-flight restart envelope testing may be necessary. This is
particularly the case when the flight conditions impact the ability to restart the engine
in flight. For example, consider the effects of new or unusual engine designs or
operating cycles, propeller feathering systems, engine control systems, fuels or fuel
system arrangements, engine starting systems, etc. Any in-flight restart envelope
limitations and/or starting procedures should be defined in the proper areas of the
Airplane Flight Manual (AFM). This information is required for compliance with

As with conventional designs, extensive in-flight restart envelope testing may not be
required provided the applicant can substantiate this position on the new or non-
conventional design features. Flight tests are generally the most appropriate means to
develop this substantiating data.

2. Airplanes powered by turbine engines.

Turbine engine starting is sensitive to small differences in flight conditions, primarily
pressure altitude, speed, temperature, and attitude. Therefore, it is necessary to test
the engine restart envelope to ensure that turboprop or turbofan engines can be
reliably restarted in flight. These flight conditions and the associated starting
procedures (windmill, starter assisted, or otherwise) should be defined in the proper
areas of the Airplane Flight Manual (AFM). This information is required for
compliance with 23.1585.

Paragraph 23.903(g)

ADC Cross-reference: None

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Related Material

AC 23-8B, Flight Test Guide for Certification of Part 23 Airplanes
2/23/04 AC 23-16A

23.904 Automatic power reserve system (Amendment 23-43)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: None

ADC Cross-reference: None

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.
AC 23-16A 2/23/04

23.905 Propellers (Amendment 23-43)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: 3.416

ADC Cross-reference: 5.3

Related Material:

AC 23-8B, Flight Test Guide for Certification of Part 23 Airplanes

PS-ACE100-2002-008, Propeller Testing V
Versus V

Paragraph 23.905(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.3(a)(1)

What regulations cover propeller certification?

Propeller certification is covered under 14 CFR part 35. These rules set the minimum
requirements for propellers in a manner similar to that for engines. Installation
information from the propeller manufacturer is used to comply with 23.901(e)(1).

Do the rules in 14 CFR part 35 cover propeller blades that are constructed of composite

The rules in 14 CFR part 35 were written to cover wooden and metal propeller blades,
and do not, by themselves, address all issues unique to blades constructed of composite
materials. The following airworthiness issues are typically addressed with special
conditions, according to 11.19, as part of the propeller certification under part 35.

1. Safety assessment
2. Centrifugal load tests
3. Fatigue limits and evaluation
4. Bird impact
5. Lightning strike

Paragraph 23.905(b)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.3(a)(2)

What should be considered when determining compliance with this rule?

Evaluate the maximum propeller power and shaft rotational speed for each airplane
installation throughout its normal operational envelope. The installed limits must be at or
2/23/04 AC 23-16A

below the certificated propeller and engine power and rotational speed limits (listed on
the propeller and engine type certificate data sheets) that are typically based on static
ground testing performed before flight test.

Engine power and propeller shaft rotational speed limits must not be exceeded during
transient events.

14 CFR part 23, 23.33, contains additional requirements pertaining to the installed
propeller speed and pitch limits.

Paragraph 23.905(c)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.3(a)(3)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.905(d)

ADC Cross-reference: None

This guidance may be used for Airship Certification as applicable.

How do I know if a propeller blade pitch control system has been approved for use with
my propeller?

The propeller Type Certificate Data Sheet (TCDS) identifies operationally compatible
components of the propeller blade pitch control system that may or may not be included
in the propeller type design. If the propeller blade pitch control system components are
included in the propeller type design (verify this with the propeller manufacturer or the
FAA office controlling the propeller type design), the components have demonstrated
compliance with 14 CFR part 35, 35.42, Blade pitch control system component test.

How do I get approval for a propeller blade pitch control system if it has not been
approved as part of the propeller type certificate?

The propeller manufacturer may not have tested components that are not included in the
propeller type design according to 35.42. For components that have not been
previously tested, demonstrate compliance with 35.42 either by testing or by similarity
to prior approved components.

Paragraph 23.905(e)

ADC Cross-reference: None

This guidance may be used for Airship Certification as applicable.
AC 23-16A 2/23/04

Is an airplane required to comply with 23.905(e) if it is not being certificated to fly in
icing conditions?

Yes, compliance with 23.905(e) for pusher propeller airframe icing protection is
required for all normal, utility, acrobatic, and commuter category airplanes certificated
under part 23 even if the airplane is not being certificated for flight in icing conditions
( 23.1419 compliance). Service experience has shown that airplanes can inadvertently
encounter icing conditions even if the airplane is not approved for flight into icing

What type of icing encounter should be considered when showing compliance with
23.905(e) if the airplane is not being certified to fly in icing conditions?

In the case where the airplane is not being certificated to fly in icing conditions,
compliance with 23.905(e) should be shown for an inadvertent encounter with icing
conditions. Ice accumulations and shapes should be based on a typical inadvertent
encounter of five minutes duration. The five minutes in the icing condition is broken
down as follows:

1. 1 minute for detection of the icing condition.
2. 1 minute for the pilot to take actions necessary to exit the icing condition.
3. 1 minute to execute a 180-degree turn.
4. 2 minutes to exit the icing condition.

Does the type certification of a propeller account for any foreign object damage

Propeller type certification does not include any type of foreign object damage
requirements, unless accomplished with special conditions or special tests.

What foreign object damage concerns are unique for pusher propeller installations?

Most propeller installations are subject to ice being shed into them. The source of the ice
for tractor propeller installations is the ice accumulated and shed from the propeller
spinner. Typically, for tractor propellers, the amount of ice results in no significant
propeller damage. Airplanes with pusher propellers that are very close to the fuselage
and well back from the front of the airplane's nose can be subject to ice shed from the
forward fuselage and from the wings. The ice from these areas may cause significant
propeller damage.

Related Material:

AC 23.1419-2B, Certification of Part 23 Airplanes for Flight in Icing Conditions

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

Paragraph 23.905(f)

ADC Cross-reference: None

This guidance may be used for Airship Certification as applicable.

Why are pusher propellers required to have visible markings and tractor propellers are

Visibility of the propeller disk is of concern during ground operations. Because ground
personnel and boarding and deplaning passengers are accustomed to tractor propellers,
there is a significantly higher probability of inadvertent contact with a turning pusher
propeller. Increased visibility of tractor propellers could also enhance ground operations
safety. However, any additional visual distractions in the pilot's normal viewing area
could adversely affect collision avoidance.

Paragraph 23.905(g)

ADC Cross-reference: None

This guidance may be used for Airship Certification as applicable.

Do the requirements for propeller certification cover engine exhaust impingement?

Propeller type certification does not include any type of engine exhaust requirements,
unless accomplished with special conditions or special tests.

What are the concerns for engine exhaust impingement on pusher propeller

In most pusher propeller installations, the engine exhaust pass through the propeller disc.
The affects of the exhaust temperatures and composition on the materials of the propeller
are of major concern. Factors affecting the exhaust vary with the flight conditions and
must be considered relative the propellers ability to withstand them.

Paragraph 23.905(h)

ADC Cross-reference: None

This guidance may be used for Airship Certification as applicable.

What other concerns are there for pusher propeller installations?

Similar to the concerns with ice in 23.905(e), there is increased potential of foreign
object damage because the propeller is aft of major portions of the airplane. Therefore,
AC 23-16A 2/23/04

the design of parts like those used to meet 23.901(c) are required to ensure that they
will not separate from the airplane such that they could contact the propeller.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

23.907 Propeller vibration (Amendment 23-51)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: 3.417

ADC Cross-reference: 5.3

What should I consider when showing compliance with this rule?

For acceptable means of compliance, refer to AC 20-66A, Vibration and Fatigue
Evaluation of Airplane Propellers.

The following applies to all propellers except conventional fixed-pitch wood propellers:

1. The most important part of approving a propeller installation is to demonstrate that
the propeller steady and vibration stresses do not exceed the safe levels established by
the propeller manufacturer. It is often beneficial to use approved propeller type
design data (contact the propeller manufacturer) to approve a propeller for use on an

2. Some propeller TC data sheets contain a section called Note 9. This note simplifies
the vibration compliance for propellers under 23.907 for normal category, single
reciprocating engine airplanes in tractor configuration. The acceptable engine and
propeller model combinations are listed in this note, and they can be used to
determine compliance within the defined limitations. If the engine or airframe is
modified such that the power of the stock engine model is increased during any phase
of airplane operation, the potential exists to increase propeller stresses. Therefore,
the Certificate Management Aircraft Certification Office (CMACO) should be
contacted prior to using Note 9 as approval for 23.907. Such modifications include,
but are not limited to, the addition of a turbocharger, increased boost pressure,
increased compression ratio, increased RPM, altered ignition timing, electronic
ignition, full authority digital engine controls (FADEC), or tuned induction or

3. Perform a flight-vibration stress survey. This test typically consists of placing
instruments on the propeller hub, shanks, and blades with strain gauges and operating
the airplane both on the ground and in flight to verify that the stress and vibration
levels are within those certificated for the propeller.

Generally, reciprocating engines are the dominant contributor to any steady and
vibration stress levels the propeller will experience in operation, but there are
exceptions. For example, agricultural and acrobatic category airplane maneuvers
may exceed the stress levels the engine produces during such operation. Additional
testing may be needed to show compliance with 23.907 for special use or unique
AC 23-16A 2/23/04

aircraft categories. Turbopropeller installations have stress levels that are generally
driven by aerodynamic forces during ground and flight operations.

The stress survey should identify any operational and maintenance limitations to note
in either the airplane Instructions for Continued Airworthiness or the Airplane Flight
Manual (AFM), or both. These limitations may also need to be incorporated into the
propeller airworthiness limitations section. According to 23.1549, operational
limitations are to be made available to the crew by the use of appropriate placards and
powerplant instrument markings (i.e., red and yellow arcs).

4. The vibratory stress levels in pusher propeller installations can be much higher than
on tractor aircraft configurations. Any small change in the airplane configuration can
influence the propeller stress levels, especially if the change is upstream and in the
propeller inflow area. Engine exhaust locations and nozzle shapes can impact
propeller-operating temperatures. Engine exhaust flows that impinge on the propeller
blades can introduce potential corrosion issues and affect propeller blade life. Small
changes to the propeller spinner shape and size can change the inboard propeller
blade and hub operating temperatures. For these reasons, perform the vibration
survey under the same caustic and high temperature environmental conditions
identified in 23.905(g).

5. The Airplane Instructions for Continued Airworthiness (ICA) should require regular
calibration of the tachometer to ensure that the limits are not exceeded.

Related Material:

AC 20-88A, Guidelines on the Marking of Aircraft Powerplant Instruments (Displays)

AC 20-66A, Vibration and Fatigue Evaluation of Airplane Propellers

AC 35.37-1A, Guidance Material for Fatigue Limit Tests and Composite Blade Fatigue

Paragraph 23.907(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.3(b)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.907(b)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.3(b)(4)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

23.909 Turbocharger systems (Amendment 23-43)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: None

ADC Cross-reference: 5.5

What paragraphs of 23.909 apply to a turbocharger installation that is not
certificated as part of the engine under part 33?

Apply 23.909(a) through (e) to a turbocharger system (or portions of the system) that is
not certificated as part of the engine under part 33.

What paragraphs of 23.909 apply to a turbocharger installation that is certificated as
part of the engine under part 33?

Apply 23.909(b) through (e) to a turbocharger system (or portions of the system) that is
certificated as part of the engine under part 33.

Related Material:

AC 23-8B, Flight Test Guide for Certification of Part 23 Airplanes

AC 23.1521-2 with Change 1, Type Certification of Oxygenates and Oxygenated
Gasoline Fuels in Part 23 Airplanes with Reciprocating Engines

AC 33-2B, Aircraft Engine Type Certification Handbook

AC 33.47-1, Detonation Testing in Reciprocating Aircraft Engines

What are the definitions of some of the common terms used relative to turbocharger

Turbocharger System

Includes the following:

1. The turbocharger;

2. All components necessary to control the turbocharger and the associated
engine/installation connections;

3. All ducting, heat exchangers, and other plumbing between the turbocharger to the
engine intake and exhaust interface points;

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

4. All plumbing and control devices between the turbocharger and the aircraft; and

5. Mounting provisions for these components.


Any engine exhaust gas-driven compressor that is a component of one or more of the
following systems:

1. Turbonormalized Engine: Turbocharger used to maintain sea level manifold
pressure to a critical altitude.

2. Turbosupercharged Engine: Turbocharger used to provide and maintain a
manifold pressure greater than sea level pressure to a critical altitude.

3. Cabin Pressurization Systems: Turbocharger used to pressurize air for airframe


A device installed in the engine air induction system that lowers the intake air charge
temperature. The intercooler can be approved either as part of the engine or the engine

Paragraph 23.909(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.5(a)

What engine affects should be considered when adding a turbocharger to a normally
aspirated engine?

Adding a turbocharger to a normally aspirated engine will have the following affects on
the engine.

1. A turbocharged engine will have different endurance and reliability characteristics
than the non-turbocharged engine.

2. A turbocharged engine will have different overhaul characteristics and intervals than
the non-turbocharged engine.

3. A turbocharged engine will have different detonation characteristics than the non-
turbocharged engines. Detonation margin is affected by the following:

a. Induction air temperature and pressure;

b. Exhaust back pressure;
2/23/04 AC 23-16A

c. Ignition timing;

d. Fuel grade and flow;

e. Carburetor or injector metering characteristics;

f. Compression ratio;

g. Cooling; and

h. Exhaust gas temperature.

4. A turbocharger has high speed rotating components similar to a turbine engine.
Consider the effects of low-cycle fatigue on turbocharger rotor integrity and
durability. The installation should be designed to minimize the effects of an
uncontained turbocharger rotor burst event.

5. Expect higher pressures and temperatures with a turbocharged engine induction
system due to heat generated from adiabatic compression. An intercooler between
the turbocharger and the engine will lower the induction air temperature.

6. Expect higher rates of oil consumption, contamination, and deterioration due to the
more severe operating environment. These items may shorten oil change intervals.

7. Expect higher flow rates of hot exhaust gas with a turbocharged engines exhaust
system, which will increase the temperature of the metal and raise internal pressure.
Consequently, the durability of the exhaust system components is important.
Increased or mandatory inspections of the exhaust system components may be

8. Both the engine and propeller vibration characteristics of the turbocharged engine
installation might be altered by changes in horsepower and by changes in
horsepower-to-altitude relations. Readdress the propeller vibration compatibility
according to 23.907 or determine if propeller recertification is necessary.

What are the typical means of compliance with 23.909(a)?

Turbochargers certificated as part of the engine may use the findings of compliance from
the engine certification.

Turbochargers that have not been certificated as part of the engine require analysis and
testing. Endurance tests should be conducted to meet the reliability standards established
by the 150-hour endurance test under 33.49 for the engine and turbocharger
combination. In addition, the engine and turbocharger combination should be tested to
determine the effects on the service life of the engine and engine components as required
AC 23-16A 2/23/04

by 33.7. Any component of the engine and turbocharger installation not substantiated
by endurance testing as capable of operating in all normally anticipated flight and
atmospheric conditions should be subjected to additional tests or investigations to
substantiate this capability as required by 33.53.

Affects of low-cycle fatigue on turbocharger rotor integrity and durability: A rotor
without prior service history should be subjected to a 1,000-cycle start-stop test under the
most adverse operating conditions to provide a basis for establishing initial service life.

The applicant should provide instructions for the installation, operation, service,
maintenance, repair, and overhaul of the turbocharger and related items as required by
33.4, Instructions for continued airworthiness, and 33.5, Instruction manual for
installing and operating the engine. Particular attention should be given to component
life limits for both the engine and turbocharger.

The exhaust system and supports should be capable of withstanding all vibration and
inertia loads at the higher temperatures and pressures to which they are subjected by the
turbocharger installation as required by 23.1123, Exhaust system. Tests or
investigations, as necessary, should be conducted to substantiate that the exhaust system
meets the standards of airworthiness established by the basic engine 150-hour endurance
test as required by 33.49.

Turbocharger mounts and supporting structure should withstand all vibration and inertia
loads to which they are subjected in operation as required by 23.307, Proof of structure.

Conduct calibration tests and investigations to establish the sea level and altitude power
characteristics of the engine and turbocharger combination.

Conduct flight tests to demonstrate that the engine operates throughout its anticipated
operating range without exceeding detonation limits at limit temperatures and fuel flow,
using the minimum-grade fuel. If necessary, establish the minimum fuel flow required
for proper operation. Also, consider the limitations specified in the installer's instructions
and as required by 33.47, Detonation test.

Turbocharger and engine mount provisions should have sufficient strength to withstand
loads arising from the conditions prescribed in 33.23, Engine mounting attachments
and structure. Because of relative motion and fire concerns in the event of a failure,
experience has shown that turbochargers should not be remotely mounted on the firewall.

Paragraph 23.909(b)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.5(b)

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

What should be considered when certificating the turbocharger control system?

A turbocharged engine requires additional systems necessary to control the turbocharger,
such as the wastegate and wastegate controller. The effects of cold oil on the operating
characteristics of the turbocharger wastegate and any oil-operated flow control devices
should be considered when certificating the turbocharger control system.

The design of the turbocharger control devices should be such that any probable failure
does not result in engine or turbocharger limits being exceeded, which should preclude
damage to the turbocharger compressor or turbine.

Guidance for electronic wastegate controllers is contained in AC 33.28-2.

Related Material

AC 33.28-2, Guidance Material for 14 CFR 33.28, Reciprocating Engines, Electrical
and Electronic Engine Control Systems

Paragraph 23.909(c)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.5(c)

What guidance is available when determining compliance with 23.909(c)?

A turbocharger has high speed rotating components similar to a turbine engine. Consider
the possibility of damage from turbine or compressor rotor failure.

If the turbocharger case alone has not demonstrated compliance with 23.909(c), then
the installer may provide additional containment shielding to preclude damage due to
rotor failure.

No additional containment shielding is required for turbochargers approved with the
engine provided the following conditions are both met. Information concerning the
testing for part 33 certification should be obtained from the engine manufacturer.

1. Containment has been demonstrated during part 33 certification.

2. The containment testing was performed at operating conditions appropriate to the
airplane and its engine installation.

Related Material

AC 20-128A, Design Considerations for Minimizing Hazards Caused by Uncontained
Turbine Engine and Auxiliary Power Unit Rotor Failure

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

Paragraph 23.909(d)

ADC Cross-reference: None

This guidance may be used for Airship Certification as applicable.

What affect does a turbocharger have on the engine induction air temperature at

A turbocharged engine has higher induction air temperatures at altitude because of the
increased compression required to maintain engine manifold pressure. Turbocharger
speed and compressor discharge temperature increase up to critical altitude.

What should be considered relative to the turbocharger system discharge?

Turbochargers on engines with carburetors produce combustible mixtures (at elevated
pressure and temperature) in portions of the induction system. Induction system leaks
should be minimized. Consider the relation of the turbocharger to the point of fuel
introduction into the induction system. For turbocharged engines with carburetors, a
combustible mixture at elevated pressure and temperature exists in portions of the
induction system and should require special precautions. Consider that engine backfire
combined with combustible mixtures in the induction system might produce fire in the

What methods of compliance are typical for 23.909(d)?

Demonstrate the strength of the intercooler and mounting provisions as required by

Evaluate the intercooler installation for adequacy of:

1. The intercooler and mounting provisions;

2. Vibration response;

3. Engine cooling;

4. Additional instrumentation required for the intercooler to ensure that the engine
ratings are not exceeded; and

5. Any cowling or airframe protrusions located in front of the firewall for fire resistance.

Demonstrate that the induction system can withstand pressure differentials (positive and
negative) and temperature levels resulting from the turbocharger under the most critical
operating conditions expected.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

Determine the effect of turbocharger installation on ice accretion characteristics of the
induction system according to 33.35(b). The induction system should meet the
requirements of 23.1091 and incorporate means to prevent and eliminate ice
accumulation within the engine and turbocharger induction system, as required by
23.1093. Associated heat rise requirements should also be evaluated.

Paragraph 23.909(e)

ADC Cross-reference: None

This guidance may be used for Airship Certification as applicable.

What methods of compliance are typical for 23.909(e)?

It is difficult to thermodynamically match a turbocharger to an engine by analysis alone.
A combination of test data and analysis is required for performance predictions and
correction factors.

Power (Performance)

For airplanes required to comply with the performance requirements of 23.45,
Amendment 23-21, establish the actual calibrated power available at all altitudes. If
performance information is required by 23.45, Amendment 23-50, determine the actual
engine power at altitude.

Investigate each engine installation at all operating points to ensure engine power output
at the specified manifold pressure.

On intercooled installations, evaluate the effects the intercooler has on the engine-
approved limits. These installations may require redefining the engine ratings. For
example, increased engine horsepower output at the same manifold pressure and engine
speed would require a method of limiting engine horsepower.

The Maintenance Manual should identify any turbocharger control system calibration
checks required to ensure that the engine is maintaining the approved power output. This
is especially important on installations with automatic turbocharger control systems.


If turbocharger lubrication is provided by the engine oil system, the capacity of that
system should be adequate to serve the engine and turbocharger under the most adverse
combination of oil temperature and bearing clearances.

External lines and fittings containing flammable fluids as part of the turbocharger
installation should comply with 23.1017 and 23.863.

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

If the turbocharger oil system is self-contained, the capacity should be adequate to
provide lubrication and cooling under the most adverse conditions of turbocharger oil
temperature and bearing clearance.

Powerplant cooling provisions should be capable of maintaining the temperature of all
powerplant components, parts, and fluids at or below the maximum established safe
values under all ground and flight operating conditions as required by 23.1047.

All portions of the engine exhaust system and turbocharger should be isolated from lines
or components carrying flammable fluids, the accessory section, and primary structure by
firewalls and shrouds, or by adequate separation as required by 23.1121. Where
required, adequate cooling air should be provided so that there is no adverse change in
service life or failure rate of adjacent components.

Any ducting that bypasses the firewall and/or cowling should be fireproof.

Operating Limits

Define all operating limitations or instructions in the AFM and revise placards as

Demonstrate, using an engine conforming to type design data, that the approved power is
not exceeded at any altitude.

Demonstrate through test that engine and turbocharger limits are not exceeded under any
intended operating condition. In particular, establish that the turbocharger is operating
within its speed and turbine inlet temperature limits.

Establish turbocharger oil temperature and pressure limits according to 33.39,
Lubrication system.

Specify temperature limits for any components requiring special cooling as required by
33.21, Engine cooling.

Determine whether propeller blade, crankshaft, and prop shaft stresses are within
acceptable limits. The applicant should readdress the propeller vibration compatibility
according to 23.907. Additionally, propeller recertification may be required.

Demonstrate compliance with 23.955 if the maximum fuel flow has increased or the
operating condition where maximum fuel flow is required has changed.

Operating Procedures

Demonstrate compliance with 23.939(b), which includes a demonstration that the
engine installation is free from compressor surge at all operating points.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

Investigate the in-flight restart characteristics of the turbocharged engine. Demonstrate
engine in-flight restart procedures.

The fuel system should be free from vapor lock throughout the flight envelope as
required by 23.961.

Because additional moisture might be introduced into the engine crankcase, demonstrate
that the engine crankcase breather is adequately protected from ice blockage.

If the turbocharger provides airplane cabin pressurization, a failure of the installation
should not contaminate the cabin air. Refer to 23.831 for cabin Carbon Monoxide (CO)
contamination levels and 23.1121(a) for design requirements to prevent engine exhaust
leaks that would allow CO to enter into the cabin area.

Evaluate the propeller-engine-airplane vibration characteristics at altitude to provide
continued compliance with 23.907. Additionally, demonstrate that the engine
crankshaft torsion characteristics are within the original engine certificated limits or other
safe operational limits.

If the turbocharger installation can affect the windshield defogging system, demonstrate
continued compliance with 23.773(b).

What engine cooling conditions should be considered for a turbocharged engine?

The peak temperature for a turbocharged engine normally occurs at maximum rated
power at the altitude above which maximum rated power cannot be maintained. This
altitude is called the critical altitude. Cooling air is less effective at altitude due to its
lower density. As a general rule, design the engine cooling capacity for the sea level
power output, then check the flight envelope cooling capacity at various altitudes. The
applicant should investigate enough of the operating envelope to ensure that engine
cooling is adequate. The simplest means to determine compliance is by performing a
cooling climb test.

What should be considered relative to the turbocharger effect on the engine fuel

The increased heating of the induction system for turbocharged engines can affect the
vapor lock potential for the engine. In addition, diaphragm-type fuel pumps might be
inadequate to supply fuel to the turbocharged engine under all operating conditions. It
might become necessary to add a fuel boost pump or make other changes to the pumping
system to ensure freedom from vapor lock. The critical conditions should be determined
by test, and acceptable fuel system vapor lock characteristics should be demonstrated
under all desired operating conditions.

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

What should be considered if the turbocharger is used to supply pressurized cabin air?

The possibility of contamination of the cabin air during normal operation and after a
failure in the system should be considered.

Can the turbocharger lubrication system use pressurized engine oil?

Turbocharger lubrication systems may be self-contained or require oil from an external
source. If pressurized engine oil is used, the following effects should be considered:

1. The additional oil requirements should not exceed the capacity of the engine oil

2. Heat rejected by the turbocharger to the oil should not exceed the engine oil system
cooling provisions.

3. Air entrained in the turbocharger scavenge oil should not exceed the capability of the
engine breather or scavenge systems.

What should be considered relative to turbocharger failures?

The operating procedures to minimize the potential hazards relating to fire and/or loss of
engine power due to a turbocharger failure should be specified in the AFM. In particular,
the in-flight restart characteristics of the engine with a failed turbocharger should be

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

23.925 Propeller clearance (Amendment 23-51)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: 3.422

ADC Cross-reference: 5.3(c)

Paragraph 23.925(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.3(c)

What is the basis for the minimum clearances specified for ground clearance?

The clearances of seven and nine inches have been in the rules since the 1930s and are
probably based on experience. The primary purpose of these minimums is to provide
enough clearance to limit the amount of foreign object damage from debris kicked up
from the runway surfaces by the propeller wash and no propeller strike probability. The
rule sets out the minimums as well as the airplane and propeller configurations to limit
the number of potential test conditions required to demonstrate compliance.

What is the purpose of the positive clearance at the end of the rule if the minimums are

The minimums are for normal operational conditions whereas the positive clearance
portion of the rule applies with the critical tire deflated and deflected struts. This portion
of the rule is used to ensure that in such a condition the propeller will not strike the
runway surface. Although tire is singular, the intent of the rule is that the airplane be in
the most critical condition necessary to prevent a propeller strike. Thus, for airplanes
with more than one critical tire, the interpretation is that tire could be plural.

Paragraph 23.925(b)

ADC Cross-reference: None

This guidance may be used for Airship Certification as applicable.

If the positive ground clearance from 23.925(a) is met, why are there additional
requirements for aft-mounted propellers?

The positive ground clearance in 23.925(a) is for a condition with a deflated tire,
whereas this rule is used for normal takeoffs and landings. Propellers mounted aft of the
center of gravity of the airplane will be naturally closer to the ground with the airplane
nose pitched up as for takeoff and landing. Thus, this rule is used to ensure that aft-
mounted propellers will not contact the runway surface during these conditions.
Compliance with this paragraph is required in addition to 23.925(a).
AC 23-16A 2/23/04

Paragraph 23.925(c)

ADC Cross-reference: None

This guidance may be used for Airship Certification as applicable.

What is the basis for the minimum clearances specified for water clearance?

The eighteen-inch clearance has been in the rules since the 1930s and is probably based
on experience. The primary purpose of these minimums is to provide enough clearance
to limit the spray kicked up from the water by the propeller wash. The rule sets out the
minimum to limit the number of potential test conditions required to demonstrate
compliance with 23.925(c) and 23.239.

Paragraph 23.925(d)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.3(c)(2)

What is the basis for the minimum clearances specified for structural clearance?

These minimum clearances have been in the rules since the 1930s and are probably
based on experience. The purpose of these minimums is to provide enough clearance to
prevent the propeller from striking any other part of the airplane during operations and to
limit propeller induced fuselage fatigue. These are considered the minimums, but care
should be taken to identify any propeller or structural vibration modes that occur during
operations that may lead to propeller strikes.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

23.929 Engine installation ice protection (Amendment 23-51)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: None

ADC Cross-reference: 5.4

What components of the engine installation does this apply to?

This section applies to propellers, and cooling inlets for oil, generators and other
components, when the applicant has requested certification with the ice protection
provisions of 23.1419. This section does not apply to engine induction system icing
protection, which is covered under 23.1093.

Who is responsible for engine installation ice protection certification?

Ice protection is the responsibility of the type certificate applicant. Propeller type
certification requirements do not include any type of propeller ice protection
requirements, unless accomplished with special conditions or special tests. In most
instances, the propeller ice protection components are not included in the propeller type

Since the ice protection equipment is normally mounted on the propeller, include the
propeller manufacturer in the process of assuring that the installation or failure of ice
protection equipment will not harm the propeller. For example, an electrical short on a
deicing boot could burn a hole in a composite blade or locally change the heat treatment
of an aluminum blade. The resulting damage could make the propeller un-airworthy.

Can a deicing system that is certificated as part of the propeller be used to show
compliance with 23.929?

Deicing systems that are certificated according to the requirements of 14 CFR part 35 do
not fully meet the requirements of 23.929. Part 35 requirements address only propeller
structural and vibration characteristics and require that the system functions. System
failure modes are not addressed with part 35 certification of deicing systems.

The typical analysis report from the deicing boot manufacturer is not sufficient by itself
to show compliance to 23.929. The typical report calculates intercycle ice thicknesses
for various flight and icing conditions, but it does not calculate the effect on propeller
efficiency, which must be done to show no appreciable loss of thrust. It would be
acceptable to show that intercycle ice is equal to or less than the accretions obtained on
the same propeller on an airplane that was flight-tested in icing conditions and shown to
have no appreciable loss in thrust.

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

The typical deicing boot manufacturer report also contains a caveat that it does not
address propeller runback ice. Similarity to another propeller that was flight tested in
icing conditions is usually done to address runback. Similarity would include propeller
and deicing boot aerodynamic and thermal similarity, deicing timer, propeller RPM, and
flight conditions. Note that metal and composite propellers have different thermal

As a final qualitative check for both intercycle and runback ice on new airplane
programs, airplane performance is checked during flight tests in icing conditions.

Related Material

AC 20-73, Aircraft Ice Protection

AC 23-8B, Flight Test Guide for Certification of Part 23 Airplanes

AC 23-1419-2B, Certification of Part 23 Airplanes for Flight in Icing Conditions

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

23.933 Reversing systems (Amendment 23-51)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: None

ADC Cross-reference: None

This guidance may be used for Airship Certification as applicable.

What are the origins of this rule?

This rule reads exactly the same as 25.933, which was developed in response to
uncommanded, in-flight deployments of thrust reversing systems in turbine powered
transport airplanes.

Paragraph 23.933(a)

If the reversing system can be restored to forward thrust, why must the airplane be
capable of continued safe flight with the reverser in any possible position?

During uncommanded reversing system deployment, there is a possibility of damage to
the system due to the dynamic nature of the deployment that might prevent the system
from being restored to forward thrust. The nature of this damage is considered
unpredictable, and it is necessary that the airplane be capable of continued safe flight in
such an event.

Paragraph 23.933(b)

Is propeller reversing system certification covered as part of the propeller certification?

The requirement of 14 CFR part 35, 35.21, applies to components of the propeller
reversing system. If the reversing system components are included in the propeller type
design (this can be verified with the propeller manufacturer or the FAA office controlling
the propeller type design), the components have demonstrated compliance with 35.21.
The compliance data used to certify the propeller may be used to support the
demonstration of compliance with 23.933(b).

Components that are not included in the propeller type design may or may not have
demonstrated compliance with 35.21. Those components that have not been
certificated as part of the propeller are covered under and must show compliance with

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

Are there other rules in 14 CFR part 23 that are related to 23.933?

Requirements related to the operation of propeller reversing systems are contained in 14
CFR part 23, 23.1155.

Related Material

AC 23-8B, Flight Test Guide for Certification of Part 23 Airplanes

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

23.934 Turbojet and turbofan engine thrust reverser systems tests (Amendment 23-43)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: None

ADC Cross-reference: None

This guidance may be used for Airship Certification as applicable.

Are there other rules in 14 CFR part 23 that are related to 23.934?

Requirements related to the operation of thrust reverser systems are contained in 14 CFR
part 23, 23.1155.

Related Material

AC 20-18A, Qualification Testing of Turbojet Engine Thrust Reversers

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

23.937 Turbopropeller-drag limiting systems (Amendment 23-43)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: None

ADC Cross-reference: 5.6

Paragraph 23.937(a)

Is a failure probability analysis an acceptable means of showing compliance to

A failure probability analysis may be used to show compliance with this paragraph.
Show that the probability of an accident occurring because of any failure of a propeller
drag limiting system (either automatic or manual) is extremely improbable.

Related Material

AC 23.1309-1C, Equipment, Systems, and Installations in Part 23 Airplanes

Paragraph 23.937(b)

Is there any policy available for compliance with 23.937(b)?

This paragraph was added at Amendment 23-43 in 1993 to define a propeller drag
limiting system as manual or automatic devices that, when actuated after engine power
loss, can move the propeller blades toward the feather position to reduce windmilling
drag to a safe level. This does not include negative torque sensing systems. Prior to this,
there was confusion as to whether these systems included negative torque sensing
systems or only propeller feathering systems.

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

23.939 Powerplant operating characteristics (Amendment 23-42)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: None

ADC Cross-reference: 5.7

Related Material

AC 23-8B, Flight Test Guide for Certification of Part 23 Airplanes

AC 25.939-1, Evaluating Turbine Engine Operating Characteristics

Paragraph 23.939(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.7(a)

Is it possible to extrapolate engine operability compliance for airfields at higher
elevations than those tested when showing compliance with 23.939(a)?

There currently are no extrapolation procedures for showing compliance with the
requirements of 23.939(a) for airplanes certificated to part 23. Traditionally, testing up
to the field elevation for which the airplane is to be approved has been used to show
compliance. This is the most desirable method since it does not require parameter
variation analysis to account for the higher airfield elevations. Extrapolations have been
used for part 25 airplanes, and the same considerations may be used for part 23 airplanes.

When considering extrapolation for compliance with 23.939(a), data must be presented
that substantiates the proposed extrapolation procedures. This data should include
supportive flight test and engine operations data. The applicant should determine,
understand, and substantiate the critical operating modes of the engine including a
determination and quantification of the effects the installation and variations in ambient
conditions have on these modes. Advisory Circular 25.939-1 may be used for turbine
engines to determine and evaluate the engine critical operating modes. If the proposal is
appropriately substantiated, the extrapolation of the engine data for compliance with the
operability requirements of 23.939(a) may be performed up to a maximum of 3,000 feet
above the airfield elevation tested.

Paragraph 23.939(b)

ADC Cross-reference: None

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

Paragraph 23.939(c)

ADC Cross-reference: None

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

23.943 Negative acceleration (Amendment 23-43)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: None

ADC Cross-reference: None

This guidance may be used for Airship Certification as applicable.

What methods of compliance are acceptable?

This requirement can be satisfied by flight test demonstrations that consider critical
airplane, engine, and APU configurations (for an APU approved for use in flight).
Guidance concerning these tests is included in AC 23-8B. The durations of the tests
specified in Chapter 196 of AC 23-8B are intended to represent anticipated abnormal
operational events such as atmospheric upsets and collision avoidance maneuvers. Fuel,
oil lubrication, and electrical systems are typically monitored during these tests. Fuel
tanks should not be more than half full to allow room for fuel to lift and uncover fuel line
inlets and boost pump pickups during the negative accelerations.

Related Material

AC 23-8B, Flight Test Guide for Certification of Part 23 Airplanes

AC 23-16A 2/23/04


23.951 Fuel System General (Amendment 23-43)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: 3.429, 3.430

ADC Cross-reference: 5.8

Related Material

AC 23-10, Auxiliary Fuel Systems for Reciprocating and Turbine Powered Part 23

AC 23.1521-2 with Change 1, Type Certification of Oxygenates and Oxygenated
Gasoline Fuels in Part 23 Airplanes with Reciprocating Engines

Paragraph 23.951(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.8(a)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.951(b)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.8(b)

Under what conditions can fuel be drawn from more than one tank at a time?

Section 23.951(b) allows fuel (for the purpose of direct engine feed) to be drawn from
more than one tank at a time provided:

1. There are means to prevent introducing air into the fuel system; and

2. The pilot has a means to draw fuel from a single tank.

What are some of the considerations for such systems?

Fuel systems that supply engine fuel from more than one tank at a time do not consume
fuel at the same rate from both tanks. This is attributable to differences in vents, filter
condition, line losses, pumps, fuel return flow, fuel consumption rates (multiengine
airplanes), etc. It is probable that one tank will run out of usable fuel while there is still
usable fuel on board. To prevent air being drawn into the engine fuel supply line, use a
method to seal the fuel tank outlets whenever the tank is out of usable fuel.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

Substantiation tests are required for systems that draw fuel from more than one tank
demonstrating that air is not drawn into the fuel system.

A series of fuel tanks can be interconnected to function as a single tank. For example,
two left-handed wing tanks using gravity to feed from one to the other with
interconnected vent lines function as a single tank provided that fuel is drawn from only
one location. For the purposes of this discussion, these tanks may be treated as a single

Interconnecting the vent lines on two independent tanks (i.e., left-hand and right-hand
wing tanks feeding to a common fuel selector valve) does not cause the tanks to function
as a single tank. As above, this configuration may allow air into the fuel system when
either independent tank has consumed its usable fuel unless there is a means to prevent
the introduction of air.

(Many in-service airplanes were certified under the Civil Air Regulations (CAR). For
background, CAR 3.430, which preceded 23.951(b), required the fuel system
arrangement to permit any one fuel pump to draw fuel from only one tank at a time. In
the past, this has sometimes been interpreted (incorrectly) as a fuel pump may only draw
fuel from one tank at a time. The CAR regulation is actually more permissive than
23.951(b) as it did not address the possibility of introducing air into the fuel system.)

Paragraph 23.951(c)

ADC Cross-reference: None

This guidance may be used for Airship Certification as applicable.

Is the use of fuel anti-icing additives an acceptable means of compliance for 23.951(c)?

Yes, the fuel icing requirements of 23.951(c) may be satisfied by using the anti-icing
additives as specified in AC 20-29B, Use of Aircraft Fuel Anti-icing Additives.

Related Material

AC 20-29B, Use of Aircraft Fuel Anti-icing Additives

Paragraph 23.951(d)

ADC Cross-reference: None

This guidance may be used for Airship Certification as applicable.
AC 23-16A 2/23/04

Is this requirement covered under 23.903(a)(1)?

The portion of the fuel system that is certificated with the engine is covered under
23.903(a)(1). The remainder of the airplane fuel system, including the tanks, pumps,
fuel lines, and firewall shutoff valves, is covered under 23.951(b).

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

23.953 Fuel system independence (Amendment 23-43)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: 3.431

ADC Cross-reference: 5.9

What parts of the fuel supply system should be considered when assessing its
independence for each engine?

The independence of a fuel supply system for each engine should be assessed starting at
the fuel supply pickup point within the tank and continue to the fuel inlet at the engine.

Related Material

AC 23-10, Auxiliary Fuel Systems for Reciprocating and Turbine Powered Part 23

Paragraph 23.953(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.9(a)

What is the intent of requiring no immediate action by the pilot to prevent the loss of
thrust to more than one engine?

In the event a multiengine airplane experiences a loss of thrust on one engine as a result
of a fuel system failure, the pilot will be occupied with flying the airplane in the new
thrust configuration, as well as trouble shooting the problem engine. The intent of
23.953(a) is that the system should be designed such that, in this event, the remaining
engine(s) will not be affected by the failure so the pilot will not be required to deal with
another engine thrust loss during this time of increased workload.

Paragraph 23.953(b)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.9(b)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

23.954 Fuel system lightning protection (Amendment 23-7)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: None

ADC Cross-reference: 5.10

Is it possible to comply with 23.954 with operational limitations only?

Operational limitations only are not acceptable means of compliance for standard
category airplanes. However, this has been allowed for special purpose, restricted
category, single-engine agricultural airplanes using the normal category requirements of
part 23 as a certification basis. A limitation in the Airplane Flight Manual, such as
Operation of the airplane in and around thunderstorms is prohibited, has been
determined to be sufficient to address this regulation for these non-standard category

Related Material

AC 20-53A, Protection of Aircraft Fuel Systems Against Fuel Vapor Ignition Due to

AC 23-15, Small Airplane Certification Compliance Program

AC 23.1521-2 with Change 1, Type Certification of Oxygenates and Oxygenated
Gasoline Fuels in Part 23 Airplanes with Reciprocating Engines

Paragraph 23.954(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.10(a)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.954(b)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.10(b)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.954(c)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.10(c)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

23.955 Fuel flow (Amendment 23-51)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: 3.433, 3.434, 3.435, 3.436, 3.437(e)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.11

Paragraph 23.955(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.11(a)

What are the acceptable means for showing compliance with 23.955(a)?

Demonstrate fuel-flow characteristics with the entire fuel system installed in the airplane
during the airplane type certification program. A suitable mock-up of the fuel system can
also be used to demonstrate fuel-flow capacity. Analysis may be used to reduce the tests
required, provided the analysis has been validated through appropriate tests.

Some applicants may modify their airplanes in such a way as to affect the original fuel
system. Changes in the type of fuel used are also considered a change to the fuel system.
In these cases, additional fuel-flow testing may be required to substantiate continued
compliance of the fuel system with applicable regulations and engine manufacturer's

In-service fuel that has the correct physical properties and octane ratings should flow at
the rate specified by regulation and at the pressure established in compliance with 14
CFR part 33, 33.7, Engine ratings and operating limitations. This information is
provided in the engine installation manual.

As stated in 23.955(d), the test conditions and tests provided in this section are also
applicable to auxiliary fuel systems and their associated fuel transfer systems.

What test conditions should be considered?

1. Airplane Attitude

Flow tests should be conducted at the critical attitude for the airplane. The critical
attitude may be determined with the use of an inclinometer by flying the airplane at
critical weight.

Conventional tractor airplanes normally have fuel tanks aft of the carburetor or
engine injector inlet. Conditions grow less favorable for fuel flow as the airplane
rotates in the nose-up attitude. Likewise, pusher airplanes normally have the fuel
tanks forward of the carburetor or engine injector inlet making conditions less
favorable for fuel flow as the airplane rotates in the nose-down attitude.
AC 23-16A 2/23/04

2. Minimum Inlet Pressure

The engine manufacturer typically establishes the minimum and maximum fuel
pressure limits necessary to obtain acceptable engine operation during certification to
14 CFR part 33, 33.7(b)(5)(i) and 33.7(c)(6)(i). These limits are on the applicable
FAA Engine Type Certificate Data Sheet (TCDS).

The fuel pressure limits are shown in a number of different ways:

a. Minus or plus x pounds per square inch (psi);

b. y psi above true vapor pressure; and

c. z inches fuel head differential between carburetor fuel inlet fitting and float
bowl chamber.

Most of these inlet pressure limits require no conversions. Some turbine engine
manufacturers specify either the minimum inlet fuel pressure as x psi above the true
vapor pressure of the fuel used with a Vapor/Liquid (V/L) ratio of zero, or as the
maximum V/L ratio for emergency use that should not exceed a specific value. These
fuel pressure limits will require an analysis of the fuel to determine true vapor
pressure of the fuel with the corresponding V/L. Alternatively, a laboratory test may
be conducted to determine the engine minimum fuel inlet pressure.

3. Supercharged Engine Fuel System Inlet Pressure

This applies to engines using either a mechanical or an exhaust-driven (turbocharger)
device to pressurize the intake air charge.

The required fuel pressure at the carburetor or injector inlet is stated on the engine
TCDS and is normally referenced to the engine inlet air (manifold) pressure. The
manifold pressure is an absolute pressure and is typically stated in inches of mercury
(Hg). Be sure to use compatible units when calculating the (carburetor or injector)
fuel pressure minimum limit.

The inlet air (or upper deck) pressure is maintained up to the critical altitude, while
the fuel tank pressure decreases with increasing altitude. This usually results in the
greatest difference between the fuel tank pressure and the inlet air pressure at the
critical altitude. Therefore, conduct pressure and flow tests at conditions that account
for the difference between the tank pressure at the actual test altitude and the critical
altitude. The pressure and flow tests may be done in two ways:

a. Reduce the fuel tank pressure, or

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

b. Add the difference to the pressure that the engine TCDS indicates the pump is
required to deliver to the carburetor or injector.

How can the minimum inlet fuel pressure for reciprocating engines be determined if it
is not available from the engine manufacturer?

Should the minimum carburetor or injector-inlet fuel-pressure figure not be available
from the engine manufacturer, the following process may be used to determine the
acceptable inlet pressure:

1. Connect a gravity flow fuel tank to the engine inlet that can be varied in
height in relation to the carburetor inlet. Large tubing may be used to
minimize the effects of fluid friction;

2. With the airplane in the ground attitude position, run the engine at full
takeoff r.p.m. and manifold pressure. Consider using a propeller that
will allow full takeoff r.p.m. and satisfactorily cool the engine;

3. Start with the fuel tank high enough to permit proper operation of the
engine. Vary the fuel level by lowering the tank until the first
evidence of engine malfunction occurs, then measure and record the
fuel head available to the engine. This measurement is to be made
from the carburetor fuel inlet to the top of the fuel level in the tank;

4. Engine malfunction may be detected by use of an exhaust gas
temperature indicator, which will indicate change in the fuel-air
mixture. Any change in fuel-air mixture will result in an exhaust gas
temperature change and impending engine malfunction. Also, any
noticeable change in engine r.p.m. or manifold pressure will indicate a
change in engine horsepower; and

5. Establish the minimum fuel pressure 10 percent above the measured
fuel pressure (at the carburetor inlet) required for acceptable engine

Are there any special considerations?

If a fuel flowmeter is installed, block the flowmeter during the flow test and measure the
fuel flow through the bypass according to 23.955(a)(2).

If a fuel filter with bypass provisions is installed, block the fuel filter during the flow test
and measure the fuel flow through the bypass.

For engines operating on kerosene (jet) or diesel fuels, evaluate the effects of fuel
density, low temperature, altitude, attitude, and water saturation.

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

Paragraph 23.955(b)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.11(b)

How can I demonstrate the fuel flow rate compliance for a gravity fed fuel system?

This method is applicable only to airplanes with reciprocating engines. Use this method
only if the airplane is being certificated without the use of airplane supplied fuel pumps
for normal operation. The airplane may be equipped with optional auxiliary or
emergency pumps provided they are installed but not used during this test.

This test demonstrates the adequacy of the engine fuel supply under the most adverse
operating condition. Measure the flow directly at the carburetor inlet (for example, if a
reducing nipple is used at the carburetor inlet, measure the fuel flow through the nipple).

Position the airplane on the ground with the thrust or fuselage level line at the most
critical attitude for fuel flow. A bench test using the pertinent fuel system components
located at relative elevations to represent actual airplane critical attitudes may be used. If
the airplane is tested in the level flight attitude, determine the appropriate fuel head for
the critical attitude by analysis and test, and add this fuel head to the fuel system in the
level flight attitude.

Reduce the fuel pressure to the minimum operating pressure for an acceptable takeoff
power mixture as recommended by the carburetor and engine manufacturer. An
acceptable method of simulating the minimum pressure required at the carburetor inlet is
to disconnect the fuel-feed line at the carburetor and raise the end of the line above the
carburetor a distance equal to that of the required minimum operating pressure in inches
of fuel.

Compensate for the differential pressure (calculated as shown below under Normally
Aspirated, Carbureted, Reciprocating Engine Fuel System Pressure Differential), by
subtracting it from the required minimum carburetor inlet pressure. For example, if the
minimum permissible fuel inlet pressure is 19 inches of fuel and a system pressure
differential is 7 inches (produced between the fuel tank vent space and the carburetor
float bowl airspace), then run the test with the fuel line assembly raised 12 inches above
the fuel inlet fitting of the carburetor. (The pressure, in psi, can be estimated at
approximately one psi for each 40 inches head of fuel.)

Alternatively, compute the sum of the head pressure associated with best rate-of-climb
and carburetor inlet requirements, and demonstrate (with the fuel restricted by a valve
installed at the engine-end of the system to simulate this pressure) that fuel flow is at
least equal to the regulatory minimum.

Completely drain the fuel system before beginning the test. Set the system to feed from
one tank only. Slowly add fuel to the tank until a steady flow is established at the inlet to
the carburetor or fuel injector unit. Steady flow should be established when slightly more
2/23/04 AC 23-16A

than the unusable fuel supply has been added. When steady flow has been established,
add an additional gallon (or the fuel quantity necessary to complete the flow test) to the

Record the time in seconds for at least one gallon of fuel to flow from the feed line. The
time for one gallon of fuel to flow should not be more than the figure computed from the
following equations:

1. For reciprocating engine powered airplanes, certificated under Part 3 of the CAR or
14 CFR part 23, at the rate of 150 percent of the actual fuel flow to the engine at
maximum takeoff power:

Seconds per gallon = 14,400/(SFC)(TOHP)

Where SFC = Engine Specific Fuel Consumption (SFC)
(at Takeoff Power (TOPH)) expressed in (lb./bhp/hr.)

TOHP = Engine brake horsepower (bhp) at takeoff

2. For reciprocating engine powered airplanes certificated under Part 04a of the CAR, at
the rate of double the normal flow required for takeoff engine power:

Seconds per gallon = 10,800/(SFC)(TOHP)

NOTE 1. For the purpose of this discussion, engine fuel flow has been defined by the
calculated term (SFC)(TOHP). If the engine manufacturer has specified a higher
maximum fuel flow rate, then use that fuel flow rate in place of the calculated term.
These calculations are based upon a fuel density of 6 lbs. per U.S. gallon.

NOTE 2. The fuel flow for airplanes powered by a turbine engine(s) under part 23
should meet the requirements discussed under Fuel Flow Rate for Pressure Regulated
Systems below.

How do I account for the Normally Aspirated, Carbureted, Reciprocating Engine Fuel
System Pressure Differential?

A pressure differential normally exists between the fuel tank airspace and the carburetor
float bowl airspace at various climb attitudes and climb speeds. Account for this pressure
differential when calculating the minimum fuel head for conducting fuel-flow tests. One
way to determine the fuel system pressure differential is as follows:

1. Connect a calibrated airspeed indicator between the fuel tank vent and the carburetor
float bowl airspace. Connect the pitot pressure connection to the fuel tank vent
airspace and the static connection to the carburetor float bowl airspace. Use a liquid
trap on each side of the airspeed indicator. The carburetor float bowl should be
vented to the atmosphere at the normal carburetor air passage during the test.
AC 23-16A 2/23/04

2. With the airspeed indicator installed as described above, fly the airplane at critical
weight (using the regular airspeed indicator) at the best angle-of-climb airspeed (V
with the carburetor inlet air heat off and a full rich mixture setting (if mixture is
controllable). Record the airspeed indicated on the instrument connected between the
fuel tank and the carburetor.

3. Calculate the pressure differential (H) between the fuel tank vent airspace and the
carburetor float bowl using this equation:

H = 6.81 (V/100)
Where H = Pressure differential in inches of fuel
V = Airspeed indicator reading in miles per hour
2/23/04 AC 23-16A

4. The H obtained may be subtracted from the minimum carburetor inlet pressure
specified by the engine manufacturer to determine the minimum pressure to be
substantiated by the fuel flow tests. (See Figure 1 below in this AC section.)


Vent Space
Fuel Tank
Float Bowl
Liquid Traps
Line from fuel tank vent
space to pitot pressure
side of airspeed indicator
Line from carburetor float
bowl air space to static
pressure side of air speed
AC 23-16A 2/23/04

5. A U-tube manometer (see figure 2 below in this AC section) containing actual fuel or
any other appropriate fluid may be used instead of the airspeed indicator to determine
the pressure differential. Use of the manometer allows reading pressure differential
directly in inches of fuel or the chosen fluid. If some other fluid is used, correct the
differential height for the specific gravity of the test fluid. A U-tube manometer is
generally commercially available or can be constructed of clear plastic or glass

Vent Space
Fuel Tank
Float Bowl
Fuel or other
test fluid

6. Installation of a U-tube manometer, containing fuel, in the cabin can be hazardous;
therefore, take special precautions to prevent damage or spillage. Incorporate
provisions to collect and drain any fuel spillage overboard.

Paragraph 23.955(c)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.11(c)

How can I demonstrate the fuel flow rate compliance for a pump fed fuel system?

These tests are required to demonstrate that the airplane fuel system can deliver an
adequate fuel supply to the engine.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

1. Fuel Flow Rate for Pressure Regulated Systems

Conduct these fuel-flow rate tests by placing the airplane in the same attitude as
outlined in the procedure for gravity-feed fuel system tests. Operate the fuel pump
either driven by the engine with the pump mounted on the regular engine-fuel pump
drive pad or driven by a separate external power source.

If conducted with the pump mounted on the engine, use a separate source of fuel,
external to the airplane, to operate the engine at takeoff r.p.m.

If an external power source is used to drive the fuel pump, conduct the test with the
pump operating at the same speed as the pump operates when the engine is running at
takeoff r.p.m. Mount the pump at the same height as it would be if mounted on the
fuel pump pad on the engine.

In either case, measure the pump discharge flow rate using a calibrated flowmeter and
correct for inlet condition if necessary.

Completely drain the fuel system before beginning the test. Set the system to feed
from one tank only. Slowly add fuel to the tank until a steady flow is established at
the inlet to the carburetor or fuel injector unit. Steady flow should be established
when approximately the usable fuel supply has been added. When steady flow has
been established, add an additional gallon of fuel to the tank. The fuel-flow tests
should be made on the main fuel-pump system followed by a test on the emergency
fuel-pump system with the main pump inoperative in the critical mode for fuel

Part 23 airplanes using aviation or automobile gasoline

For airplanes certified under part 23 using aviation or automobile gasoline, the time
for one gallon to flow should be less than or equal to the smaller of the following:

a. At the rate of 0.9 pounds for each TOHP:

Seconds per gallon = 24,000/TOHP

b. At the rate of 125 percent of the actual fuel flow to the engine at maximum
takeoff power:

Seconds per gallon = 17,280/(SFC)(TOHP)

Airplanes using jet or diesel fuel

For airplanes using jet or diesel fuels, the time for one gallon to flow should be less
than or equal to the following at each intended operating condition and maneuver:

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

At the rate of 100 percent fuel flow:

Seconds per gallon = 24,480 (JP-5)/(SFC)(bhp or lb. thrust)
23,400 (JP-4, Jet B)/(SFC)(bhp or lb. thrust)
23,760 (JP-7)/(SFC)(bhp or lb. thrust)
24120 (JP-8, Jet A, Jet A-1)/(SFC)(bhp or lb. thrust)

NOTE 1. For the purpose of this discussion, engine fuel flow has been defined by
the calculated term (SFC)(TOHP) or (SFC)(bhp or lb. thrust). If the engine
manufacturer has specified a higher maximum fuel flow rate, then use that fuel flow
rate in place of the calculated term.

NOTE 2. Jet fuels vary considerably in density. For example, at 60 F:

JP-4, Jet B range is 6.27 to 6.69 lbs./U.S. gallon
JP-5 range is 6.58 to 7.05 lbs./U.S. gallon
JP-7 range is 6.50 to 6.73 lbs./U.S. gallon
JP-8, Jet A, Jet A-1 range is 6.47 to 7.01 lbs./U.S. gallon

Since the flow rates for turbine-powered airplanes are 100 percent, account for the
effects of cold fuel, blocked filters, altitude, attitude, maneuvers, acceleration, etc.

Part 04a airplanes using aviation or automobile gasoline

For airplanes certified under Part 04a of the CAR using aviation or automobile
gasoline, the time for one gallon to flow should be less than or equal to the following:

At the rate of double the normal flow required for takeoff engine power:

Seconds per gallon = 10,800/(SFC)(TOHP)

2. Fuel Flow Rate for Unregulated Fuel Injection Pump Systems

Some fuel injection systems utilize an integral speed-sensing pump, approved as part
of the engine type design, that delivers fuel at an unregulated pressure proportional to
engine speed. A fuel injection system with an integral speed sensing pressure pump
(refer to AC section on 23.991) is normally capable of suction lift at the inlet to the
pump; therefore, an emergency pump may not be required. Use care in selecting and
operating emergency pumps with these types of systems as engine malfunction (as
defined in the AC section on 23.959) can also occur due to excess fuel when
operating under high fuel pressure.

Conduct these fuel-flow rate tests by placing the airplane in the same attitude as
outlined in the procedure for gravity-feed fuel system tests, with the following
exceptions or additions:

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

a. The fuel-injector system normally has an engine-driven fuel-injector pump that is
approved as part of the engine. It is necessary to show that the fuel system,
excluding the injector pump, complies with the applicable regulations. Therefore,
any fuel pump capable of providing the flow capacity may be used to conduct the
fuel-flow tests. Pressure indicators installed in the fuel lines will be necessary to
determine that the system will maintain the pressure specified by the engine

b. Some engine fuel injector systems have a bypass or return-flow fuel system.
These systems may be evaluated by determining that the system can conduct fuel
back to the tank at the required flow rate without exceeding the back pressure
established by the engine manufacturer at the bypass exit port.

c. When conducting the fuel flow test with a separate fuel pump, the fuel flow
requirements of the main fuel system should include the quantity of fuel
consumed by the engine plus the quantity returned to the fuel tank.

Airplanes equipped with engine-driven integral speed-sensing pressure pumps can
experience engine misfire, stall, or other engine malfunction attributable to excess
fuel should the optional emergency fuel pump produce too high an output pressure.
In these cases, the optional fuel pumps are not required by the regulation as
emergency pumps but are used to supply fuel pressure at the engine-driven injector
pump inlet for engine starting, vapor suppression, and, in some cases, maintaining
engine power after an engine-driven fuel injector pump failure. These optional
pumps may have a sufficiently high fuel output pressure to adversely affect engine
operation when the pump is turned on with the engine-driven pump operating
normally. To ensure that the optional fuel pump operates within the maximum
allowed fuel pressure limit at the inlet to an engine-driven injector fuel pump, an in-
flight evaluation with both pumps operating or a ground pressure check is
recommended as follows:

a. Block the engine-driven fuel pump outlet line and operate the airplanes electric
fuel pump under a no-flow condition, then

b. Take a pressure reading to ascertain that the fuel pressure falls within the pressure
limits specified for the engine at the inlet to the fuel injector or compare the pump
manufacturer's no-flow performance pressure with the injector pump's inlet limit.

Is it possible to certify component changes without a full fuel system test?

Changes in components, such as an engine-driven fuel pump or a wobble pump, can often
be substantiated by comparative tests of the components themselves without testing the
entire airplane system. For example, a replacement fuel pump should be capable of
delivering at least the same flow as the original pump when operating at the same speed,
suction lift, and delivery pressure.

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

Paragraph 23.955(d)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.11(d)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Related Material

AC 23-10, Auxiliary Fuel Systems for Reciprocating and Turbine Powered Part 23

Paragraph 23.955(e)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.11(e)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Related Material

AC 23.1521-1B, Type Certification of Automobile Gasoline in Part 23 Airplanes with
Reciprocating Engines

AC 23.1521-2 with Change 1, Type Certification of Oxygenates and Oxygenated
Gasoline Fuels in Part 23 Airplanes with Reciprocating Engines

Paragraph 23.955(f)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.11(f)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

23.957 Flow between interconnected tanks (Amendment 23-43)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: 3.439

ADC Cross-reference: 5.12

Paragraph 23.957(a)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.957(b)

Can fuel tank vent lines be used to transfer fuel between tanks?

It is not advisable to use the fuel tank vent lines to transfer fuel between tanks as a
normal procedure because this will prevent the vent lines from venting and expose the
tanks and lines to higher pressures.
AC 23-16A 2/23/04

23.959 Unusable fuel supply (Amendment 23-51)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: 3.437

ADC Cross-reference: 5.13

Paragraph 23.959(a)

What is the definition of unusable fuel supply?

The following definitions are for terms used throughout this section.

Unusable fuel is the largest total quantity of fuel remaining in the fuel tank(s) when
the first evidence of engine malfunction occurs due to fuel interruption. Engine
malfunction normally occurs under the most adverse fuel feed conditions depending
on such things as tank geometry, fuel system geometry and operating characteristics,
and operating maneuvers. Each intended ground operation and flight maneuver
should be checked for each fuel tank. See figure 3 on the next page in this AC
section for common fuel tank configuration definitions relative to unusable fuel.

is the maximum airplane flap extended speed.

is the airplane stalling speed or the minimum steady flight speed in the landing

is the best angle-of-climb speed.

is the best rate-of-climb speed.

is the best rate-of-climb speed with one engine inoperative.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

Unusable Fuel
Drainable Sump
Vent Expansion Space
Sump Drain
Fuel to Engine

Fuel Level Representations

A Completely empty tank.
B Remaining fuel after draining tank using sump drain. (Normal ground attitude)
C Remaining fuel after fuel pump has run dry. (At most adverse fuel condition in flight)
D Fuel quantity after tank has been topped off. (Normal ground attitude)
E Fuel quantity where fuel first enters vent system. (Normal ground attitude)


What are acceptable means of compliance for 23.959?

The applicant must conduct tests to determine the most adverse fuel feed flight condition
and the in-flight maximum unusable fuel amount. This will define the Red Line
identifying ZERO on the fuel quantity indicator according to section 23.1337(b)(1).
Further tests must be conducted to determine if any additional indicator marking in the
form of a Yellow Arc is needed to assure satisfactory fuel flow during taxi turns and
turning takeoffs.

The fuel system and tank geometry should be analyzed to determine what flight
maneuvers, appropriate to the airplane flight envelope, are critical for the specific tanks
being tested. Radical or extreme maneuvers are only investigated if they are part of the
airplanes flight envelope. Ground tests using equipment that accurately simulates the
AC 23-16A 2/23/04

airplane fuel systems and in-flight effects may be used. Alternatively, the applicant may
establish a conservative unusable fuel quantity and conduct necessary tests to show that
engine malfunction will not occur.

A tank that is not used in all flight regimes need only be tested in the flight regime where
it is used (e.g., cruise). Either the Airplane Flight Manual (AFM) or placards, or both,
may be used to provide limitations for the use of this tank.

The guidance presented in this AC is based on service experience. It is the applicants
responsibility to conduct sufficient tests to determine the most adverse fuel feed
condition that is appropriate to the airplane.

What are the general guidelines for testing?

When testing an airplane with a single fuel tank, an auxiliary tank must be installed.
Many general aviation airplanes have symmetrical fuel systems. Test planning should
determine, on a symmetrical system, that the unusable fuel results from one side are
applicable to the other or whether one side could be more critical and if the results are
applicable and conservative for the other side.

The test configuration must be able isolate the test tank after each test condition to not
alter the resulting quantity of unusable fuel. Consider isolating vapor return flow to
prevent crossover flow through vent interconnects and loss of fuel due to attitude changes
into header tanks from the tank being tested.

The airplane best angle of climb (Vx) airspeed adjusted to light weight, should be
determined and used for flight tests where high positive deck angles are desired. Also,
the airplane configuration and airspeed that results in the most negative deck angle
should be determined.

What criteria should be used to determine engine malfunction due to fuel interruption
during the testing?

For the purpose of these tests, only malfunctions attributable to fuel flow interruption are
considered. Some examples are the following:

1. Engine roughness;

2. Partial or total loss of power;

3. Fuel pressure reduced below minimum; or

4. Fuel flow fluctuations.

To ensure the most conservative unusable fuel supply value for each tank, another fuel
tank should be selected at the first indication of engine malfunction due to fuel
2/23/04 AC 23-16A

interruption. During the test, the system should be configured to direct the fuel return
lines from the engine to the non-test tank. The fuel remaining in the test tank at the time
of malfunction is the unusable fuel. If header tanks (small tanks that accumulate fuel
from one or more fuel tanks and supply the engine directly) are utilized, the fuel
remaining in the header tank should be added to the unusable fuel, but it is not shown on
the fuel gauge marking.

What flight maneuvers are typically used to determine the unusable fuel quantity,
according to 23.959, for establishing the gauge marking, according to 23.1337(b)(1),
on the fuel quantity indicator?

The following tests should be performed as applicable to determine the unusable fuel
supply at the most critical condition during flight. The unusable fuel quantity is the
largest quantity of fuel necessary to accomplish the critical maneuvers. This quantity
should be used to set the fuel gauge zero mark.

1. Level Flight: Maximum Recommended Cruise Power

NOTE. If the airplane manufacturer does not specify Maximum Recommended
Cruise Power, then operate engine at the maximum allowable power for continuous

Condition a.Straight coordinated flight. Perform the following until the first
indication of interrupted fuel flow is observed:

Maintain straight coordinated flight (bank angles not exceeding 5 degrees).

Condition b.Turbulent Air. Perform the following until the first indication of
interrupted fuel flow is observed:

Simulate turbulent air with +/- half-ball width oscillations at approximately the
natural yawing frequency of the airplane in pitch, roll, and yaw.

Condition c.Skidding turn in the direction most critical with respect to fuel feed.
Repeat the following until the first indication of interrupted fuel flow is observed:

Maintain a skidding turn with 1-ball width skid for 30 seconds and return to
coordinated flight for 1 minute.

2. Climb: Maximum Climb Power at Best Angle-of-Climb Speed, V

The climbs at Maximum Climb Power and V
should be performed uninterrupted to
obtain the most conservative results.

NOTE. If the airplane manufacturer does not specify Maximum Climb Power, then
operate engine at either the maximum allowable power for takeoff operation
AC 23-16A 2/23/04

(maximum airplane weight over 6,000 lbs.) or maximum allowable power for
continuous operation (maximum airplane weight 6,000 lbs. or less).

Condition a.Straight coordinated flight. Perform the following until the first
indication of interrupted fuel flow is observed:

Maintain straight coordinated flight (bank angles not exceeding 5 degrees).

Condition b.Turbulent air. Perform the following until the first indication of
interrupted fuel flow is observed:

Simulate turbulent air with +/- half-ball width oscillations at approximately the
natural frequency of the airplane.

Condition c.Skidding turn in the direction most critical with respect to fuel feed.
Repeat the following until the first indication of interrupted fuel flow is observed:

Maintain a skidding turn with 1-ball width skid (or full rudder if 1-ball width
cannot be obtained) for 30 seconds and return to coordinated flight for 1 minute.

3. One-Engine-Inoperative Climb: Maximum Climb Power at One-Engine-
Inoperative Best Rate-of-Climb Speed, V

NOTE. If the AFM does not specify Maximum Climb Power, then operate engine at
either the maximum allowable power for takeoff operation (maximum airplane
weight over 6,000 lbs.) or maximum allowable power for continuous operation
(maximum airplane weight 6,000 lbs. or less).

Set the critical engine to zero thrust to simulate a critical engine-out condition (do not
shut down the critical engine). Conduct a straight climb at the best rate-of-climb
speed for one engine inoperative (V
). Utilize the bank angle and ball
displacement used in determining single-engine performance. Continue climb until a
malfunction occurs.

4. Descent and Approach

Condition a.Emergency descent or rapid descent. Perform the following until the
first indication of interrupted fuel flow is observed:

Make a continuous power-off straight descent at V
with gear and flaps down or
follow emergency descent procedures contained in the AFM.

Condition b.Perform the following until the first indication of interrupted fuel
flow is observed:

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

Make a continuous power-off glide at 1.3 V
. Simulate turbulent air or smooth
condition, whichever is most critical.

Condition c.Transition from power-off glide.

Starting from the most critical condition established in condition b above, verify
that there is no interruption of fuel flow when making a simultaneous application
of Maximum Continuous Power (MCP) and a transition to best rate-of-climb
speed, V
from a power-off glide at 1.3 V

Condition d.Sideslip on approach. Perform the following for 30 seconds or until
the first indication of interrupted fuel flow is observed, whichever comes first:

Establish a 1.3 V
descent in a landing configuration. Maintain at least a 1-
ball or full rudder steady heading sideslip in the direction most critical for the fuel
feed system. (Use the maximum sideslip anticipated for the airplane if it is less
than 1-ball.) Maintain a constant heading using sufficient aileron.

Condition e.Sideslip on approach with balked landing. Perform the following test.

Establish a 1.3 V
descent in a landing configuration. Maintain at least a 1-
ball or full rudder steady heading sideslip in the direction most critical for the fuel
feed system for 60 seconds. (Use the maximum sideslip anticipated for the
airplane if it is less than 1-ball) followed by a maximum power straight ahead
balked landing climb for 1 minute. Maintain a constant heading using sufficient

What ground operational maneuvers are typically used to determine the necessity for
further gauge markings?

After determining the unusable fuel supply using the tests above, perform the following
tests to determine the need for additional fuel gauge markings and restrictions.

Taxi Turns and Turning Takeoffs

Choose the minimum fuel quantity sufficient to perform the maneuvers described
below. This quantity should not exceed the flight unusable fuel supply plus 30
minutes of fuel supply at MCP (see NOTE below). Turns should be in the direction
most adverse for the tank being used. Load the airplane to the approximate minimum
flying weight or its critical weight. Any engine malfunction due to fuel interruption
during this test sequence is not acceptable.

Make a maximum lateral gravity (gs) 90-degree turn rolling takeoff. (The maximum
lateral gs turn is where lateral skidding is evident.) Immediately follow the takeoff
with a 3-minute climb at best angle-of-climb speed for single-engine airplanes or
speed determined under 23.51 for multiengine airplanes. Follow normal flight
AC 23-16A 2/23/04

procedures and maintain operating conditions necessary for safe operations (i.e.,
proper engine cooling).

Make a 360-degree clearing turn at a rate appropriate to the airplane, immediately
followed by a takeoff and a 3-minute straight climb at best rate-of-climb speed for
single-engine airplanes or the speed determined under 23.51 for multiengine
airplanes. Follow normal flight procedures and maintain operating conditions
necessary for safe operations (i.e., proper engine cooling).

Make a 180-degree turn at normal taxi speed, immediately followed by a takeoff and
a 3-minute climb at best rate-of-climb speed for single-engine airplanes or a speed
determined under 23.51 for multiengine airplanes. Follow normal flight procedures
and maintain operating conditions necessary for safe operations (i.e., proper engine

NOTE. If the initial fuel quantity used during the above tests exceeds the 30-minute
fuel supply at MCP, take the following actions:

1. Mark the fuel quantity gauge with a yellow arc (appropriately placarded) from the
unusable fuel (zero level) to a level corresponding to the amount of fuel used in
the above tests.

2. Add an AFM limitation restricting takeoff with the fuel quantity less than the top
of the yellow arc.

Related Material

AC 20-88A, Guidelines on the Marking of Aircraft Powerplant Instruments (Displays)

Paragraph 23.959(b)

Does compliance with 23.959(b) require fuel quantity indicator markings?

The preamble to Amendment 23-51 states paragraph (b) requires that, The effect of any
fuel pump failure on the unusable fuel supply be established. This change would not
require any change in the fuel quantity indicator marking required by 23.1553.

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

23.961 Fuel system hot weather operation (Amendment 23-43)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: 3.438

ADC Cross-reference: 5.14

What is the primary concern with fuel systems hot weather operation?

The primary concern is vapor formation resulting in vapor lock in the fuel system. Vapor
lock occurs most frequently with hot fuel. Evaluate airplanes using aviation gasoline at
the fuels critical temperature with respect to vapor formation. Evaluate airplanes using
jet or diesel fuel at the more critical temperature with respect to vapor formation of
110 F (-0, +5) or the airplanes maximum allowable outside air temperature.

Procedures for conducting hot weather fuel tests on airplanes using automobile gasoline
(autogas) are contained in AC 23.1521-1B, Type Certification of Automobile Gasoline in
Part 23 Airplanes with Reciprocating Engines.

Test results referred to in this section were made at the William J. Hughes Technical
Center in Atlantic City, New Jersey.

What considerations are applicable to evaluating hot weather performance for airplane
fuel systems?

Several factors are involved in the evaluation of an airplane fuel system for hot weather.
The applicant should consider at least the following:

1. Fuel System Design

Fuel system designs should be in compliance with 14 CFR part 23. In particular, do
not route fuel lines close to hot exhaust systems as that may cause increased fuel
temperature in the fuel lines.

Any fuel system (including gravity feed systems) using aviation or automobile fuels
is conducive to vapor formation. Systems using a fuel pump with suction lift are
highly susceptible to vapor formation.

2. Determination of Critical Fuel Temperature

The likelihood of vapor formation and subsequent interruption of engine power
increases with elevated fuel temperature up to 110 F. The temperature value of
110 F was derived from the distillation data pertinent to aviation and turbine fuels.

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

The tendency of various fuels to form vapor is different. Fuels such as automobile
gasoline (autogas) have an initial boiling point of approximately 85 F, whereas some
turbine fuels have an initial boiling point of approximately 120 F.

The distillation data for any other fuel should be analyzed and the appropriate test
temperature chosen. If, for example, an applicant wanted to test an airplane with
liquid hydrogen fuel, it would not be reasonable to require the fuel to be heated to
110 F since the boiling point is -423 F at one atmosphere pressure. The same logic
should apply, regardless of what alternate fuel is being tested.

Distillation data, provided from the National Institute for Petroleum and Energy
Research (NIPER), using the ASTM D-86 distillation method for ASTM D-910
aviation gasoline and winter-grade automotive gasoline, revealed autogas heated to
110 F in a vented vessel (i.e., an airplane fuel tank) will boil off approximately 18
percent of its mass in the form of non-recoverable vapors. These lost constituents are
primarily the highly volatile fractions, mainly pentane and butane, the fuel
constituents that can cause vapor lock problems. In contrast, aviation gasoline will
boil off approximately 1 percent of its mass when heated to 110 F.

Since the initial boiling point is a vapor temperature, the actual fuel temperature for
the initial boiling point is greater than the vapor temperature. The tendency to form
vapor may be related to Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP) with the higher values being
more conducive to vapor formation.

3. Test Requirements for Demonstrating Compliance

A flight test is required for the initial certification of an airplane to complete the hot
weather operation tests at the critical operating conditions, including the following:
maximum fuel flow, highest angle-of-attack (for tractor propeller aircraft), maximum
fuel temperature, etc. Supplemental ground testing should closely simulate flight
conditions. Derivative models of an airplane may use ground testing and analysis
using the original flight test data to demonstrate compliance.

In the case of small airplanes with shallow depth fuel tanks, the actual fuel level in
the tanks has little affect on hot weather test results.

4. Other

Fuel temperatures will be significantly higher than the ambient air temperature if the
airplane has been parked in direct sunlight.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

What are the definitions of common terms used when talking about fuel?

Initial boiling point

The vapor temperature at which the first drop of liquid fuel is observed after passing
vapor through a distillation test apparatus.

Fuel volatility

The fuels tendency to evaporate (change to a vapor from a fluid).

Vapor lock

Vapor lock is the tendency of a liquid to form vapor in fuel lines, pumps, etc., that
would restrict liquid fuel flow to the engine and interrupt combustion.

True vapor pressure

True vapor pressure is the pressure exerted by its vapor in equilibrium with the liquid
at a specific temperature with the absence of air over the fuel.


Weathering is the reduction of fuel volatility when given sufficient time, agitation,
temperature cycles, and/or pressure changes.

What are the requirements for running hot weather compliance tests?

Perform hot weather operation tests only with outside air temperatures at 85 F or higher
measured at 4 feet to 6 feet above the runway surface.

Conduct the tests with the fuel system operating normally according to the Airplane
Flight Manual (AFM). Do not operate the emergency fuel pumps if they are being
considered for use as backup pumps. This test may be used to establish the maximum
pressure altitude for operation with the pumps off.

Do not allow the test fuel to weather, which includes exposure to the atmosphere
overnight, as this may have a significant effect on the RVP. This ensures that the fuel has
the maximum RVP. Take fuel samples just prior to the test to establish that the fuels
vapor pressure is correct.

Set the airplane weight with critical fuel level in the critical fuel tank, minimum crew
necessary for safe operation, and the ballast necessary to maintain the center of gravity
within allowable limits. If the critical fuel tank cannot be positively identified, then the
hot weather operation tests should be repeated for the other tank(s). The critical fuel
level in most cases would be low fuel; however, full fuel can be critical.
AC 23-16A 2/23/04

If required, heat the fuel in the shortest time period possible without causing excessive
local temperature conditions at the heat exchanger, optimally less than 90 minutes but not
to exceed 180 minutes. The temperature of the fuel during this time period should not
exceed the critical values below. Exceeding this temperature will weather the fuel by
driving off the volatile elements. This will make the fuel less susceptible to vapor lock
and defeat the purpose of this test. It is not necessary to provide additional heat to the
fuel system after this initial heating is completed. Raise the temperature of the fuel to the
critical value with respect to vapor formation as follows:

1. For aviation gasoline, 110 F (-0 to +5 F), and

2. For turbine fuel, 110 F (-0 to +5 F).

There are several methods of heating the fuel such as the following:

1. Circulating hot water or steam through a heat exchanger placed in the fuel tank to
increase the fuel temperature, or

2. Placing black plastic or other material on the fuel tanks in bright sunlight, or

3. Blowing hot air over the fuel tank.

NOTE. Do not agitate or excessively handle the fuel during the heating process.

CAUTION: Heating and handling fuel at elevated temperatures is hazardous to
ground and flight personnel; therefore, every safety precaution should be taken.

If the outside ambient conditions interfere with the ability to conduct a valid test, it may
be necessary to insulate fuel tank surfaces, fuel lines, and other fuel system components.

Perform the following as soon as possible after the fuel in the tank reaches the required
test temperature:

1. Perform a maximum power takeoff and climb. (This ensures maximum fuel flow

2. Use the same climb airspeed used in demonstrating the requirements specified in

3. Continue the climb to the maximum operating altitude approved for the airplane.

NOTE. It is not necessary for the engine oil temperature to be at maximum, although it
should be at least the minimum recommended for takeoff.

Record the following data, at minimum, throughout the test:
2/23/04 AC 23-16A

1. Fuel temperature in the tank;

2. Fuel pressure at the start of the test and continuously during climb, noting any loss of
pressure, fluctuation, or variations;

3. Main and emergency fuel pump operation, as applicable;

4. Pressure altitude;

5. Ambient air temperature, total or static as applicable;

6. Airspeed;

7. Engine power (i.e., engine pressure ratio, gas generator speed, torque, r.p.m.), turbine
inlet temperature, exhaust gas temperature, manifold pressure, and fuel flow, as

8. Comments on engine operation;

9. Fuel quantity in the fuel tank(s) during takeoff;

10. Fuel vapor pressure for autogas only, determined prior to test; and

11. Fuel grade or designation, determined prior to test.

The test is passed if:

1. The fuel pressure is at or above the minimum prescribed by the engine manufacturer;

2. The fuel pressure does not fluctuate excessively; and

3. There is no engine malfunction due to fuel interruption throughout the test.

If fuel pressure fluctuations occur, but the test is otherwise passed, consider additional
testing requirements to determine that pressure failure may not occur during any expected
operating mode. Also, evaluate the fuel system for vapor formation during cruise flight
at maximum approved altitude in smooth air at low to moderate power setting, and at low
fuel flow and idling approach to landing.

Document instructions for proper fuel pump use during hot weather operation in the
AFM. Also, document any limitations on the outside air temperature in the AFM.

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

23.963 Fuel tanks: General (Amendment 23-51)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: 3.440

ADC Cross-reference: 5.15

Paragraph 23.963(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.15(a)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.963(b)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.15(b)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.963(c)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.15(c)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.963(d)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.15(d)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.963(e)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.15(e)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

23.965 Fuel tank tests (Amendment 23-51)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: 3.441

ADC Cross-reference: 5.16

Paragraph 23.965(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.16(a)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.965(b)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.16(b)

When is the vibration testing in 23.965(b) required?

The vibration tests are necessary for any tank with a capacity of more than 10 gallons
constructed in a wide flat shape with no baffles. It is acceptable to test the portion of the
wing encompassing the tank(s) with a suitable amount of structure extending on all sides
provided the support is representative. If there are several tanks spanwise, it may be
desirable to test the entire wing, thus substantiating all tanks at the same time. If the
entire wing span is wet, then test the entire structure.

The tests may not be required if:

1. The tanks include internal baffles (not exceeding 15 inches apart in length and
width); or

2. The tank is constructed of a .050 inch or more thick aluminum alloy and the tank uses
suitable joints. Joining methods can be determined suitable based upon design
characteristics and relevant service experience.

The tests are necessary, even if the above are met, if any permanent set is observed in the
baffles or their attachments during the pressure test.

Refer to AC 23-15, Small Airplane Certification Compliance Program, for fuel tanks
with less than a 10-gallon capacity.

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

What test setup and procedures are typically used for the slosh test in 23.965(b)(5)
and 23.965(d)?

The test cell is a 24x30x30 inch cell containing fittings representative of those used in
tank construction for airframe installation. The test cell, complete with filler cap, vents
and typical outlet fittings, is installed in a suitable mounting structure, which is mounted
on the support jig and rocker assembly. The cell is oriented such that the 24-inch
dimension is vertical. Flexible hoses connect the vent and outlet fittings on the cell with
fittings rigidly attached to the support jig and are installed and supported in a manner
representative of an actual installation in an aircraft.

The tank mounting structure is representative of an actual aircraft fuel cell compartment.
Recommendations of the cell manufacturer for supporting or mounting the fuel cell in the
aircraft fuel cell compartment are to be incorporated. The interior of the support jig
should be completely lined with brown paper held in place by a suitable adhesive to
assist in identifying leakage.

The test specimen is filled two-thirds full with the applicable test fluid containing a
suitable dye. For fuel cells, one-half gallon of water is added. At the conclusion of this
test, the test cell is completely filled with the applicable test fluid and thoroughly
inspected for leakage or other evidence of failure.

This test setup and procedure is also used to comply with 23.1015(b)

Related Material

AC 23-15, Small Airplane Certification Compliance Program

TSO-C80, Flexible Fuel and Oil Cell Material

Paragraph 23.965(c)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.16(c)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.965(d)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.16(d)

See 23.965(b).

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

23.967 Fuel tank installation (Amendment 23-43)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: 3.442

ADC Cross-reference: 5.17

Paragraph 23.967(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.17(a)

What should be considered when determining if the tanks are sufficiently supported?

Consideration should be given to installed fuel system components such as fuel quantity
capacitance probes, fuel level floats, fuel lines, and any other components that could
induce concentrated loads on primary structure or tank liner attach points during the slosh
and vibration test in 23.965.

What is the definition of minor spillage?

Minor spillage applies to ground operation only. The definition of minor is upon
removal of the filler cap, no fuel makes it from the filler opening to the surface upon
which the airplane is resting.

What operations does this rule apply to?

Current policy on 23.967(a)(6) applies the prohibition against fuel siphoning only to
bladder (flexible) fuel tanks. A legal review of the regulation has concluded that the
intent of this paragraph is to prevent the fuel loss and associated fuel quantity measuring
inaccuracies in collapsed bladder cells due to filler openings being left uncovered. This
policy applies to ground and flight operations.

Paragraph 23.967(b)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.17(b)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.967(c)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.17(c)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

Paragraph 23.967(d)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.17(d)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.967(e)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.17(e)

What are acceptable means of compliance with 23.967(e)(1)?

Compliance with 23.967(e)(1) may be demonstrated by analysis alone, provided
sufficient margin can be shown to ensure that fuel leakage is such that no hazard to
occupants results.

Related Material

AC 20-107A, Composite Aircraft Structure

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

23.969 Fuel tank expansion space (Original)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: 3.443

ADC Cross-reference: 5.18

Does this apply to a pressure refueling system?

Yes, these requirements are applicable, and are related to compliance with 23.979(b).

NOTE. Fuel tank expansion space is illustrated in Figure 3 of this AC under
section 23.959.

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

23.971 Fuel tank sump (Amendment 23-43)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: 3.441

ADC Cross-reference: 5.19

Paragraph 23.971(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.19(a)

What is the purpose of the fuel tank sump?

The fuel tank sump functions as an operational trap for contaminants. The fuel tank
sump may be located either within the fuel tank, or outside of the fuel tank, provided the
tank is drainable to the sump.

A single fuel tank sump may serve multiple fuel tanks provided:

1. The fuel tanks are interconnected to function as a single tank, and

2. The fuel tanks are completely drainable to one tank.

While part 23 does not require fuel cross-feed capabilities, airplanes with fuel cross-feed
systems should also incorporate fuel tank sumps to prevent contaminated fuel from
entering the engine.

Paragraph 23.971(b)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.19(a)(2)

Is there guidance as to the time it should take for water to migrate from any part of the
fuel tank to its sump?

Design each fuel tank to allow drainage of any hazardous quantity of water from any
part of the fuel tank to its sump, with the airplane in the normal ground attitude within
a reasonable period of time. The amount of time it takes for water in a fuel tank to
migrate to the tank sump is dependent on many different factors, including temperature
and size and design of the tank. Because of this, a time limit cannot be assigned. The
fuel tanks should be designed to provide the most direct path from the different areas of
the tank to the sump.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

What is a hazardous quantity of water?

A hazardous quantity of water is generally taken to be the amount necessary to affect
engine operation if it were taken up into the fuel system and made its way to the engine.
Coordination with the engine manufacturer may be required to determine the quantity of
water. The term hazardous was incorporated by Amendment 23-43 (55 FR 40598,
October 3, 1990) based on service experience that reciprocating engine airplane fuel
systems are susceptible to water collecting in the fuel tanks. Prior to Amendment 23-43,
tank sumps or a sediment bowl/chamber arrangement could be approved that does not
always prevent water from reaching the engine, especially in tank configurations with
flexible liners.

Related Material

AC 20-43C, Aircraft Fuel Control

AC 20-116, Marking Aircraft Fuel Filler Openings with Color Coded Decals

Paragraph 23.971(c)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.19(a)(2)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.971(d)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.19(d)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

23.973 Fuel tank filler connection (Amendment 23-51)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: 3.445

ADC Cross-reference: 5.20

Paragraph 23.973(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.20(a)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.973(b)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.20(b)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.973(c)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.20(c)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.973(d)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.20(d)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.973(e)

ADC Cross-reference: None

This guidance may be used for Airship Certification as applicable.

Why are there fuel-filler opening dimensional restrictions?

The fuel-filler opening dimensional restrictions specified in 23.973(e) and (f) were
incorporated by Amendment 23-43 (55 FR 40598, October 3, 1990) to prevent turbine
fuel from being put into tanks of airplanes that operate only on gasoline. The dimensions
were established through discussions with airplane manufacturers, fuel suppliers, and
pertinent industry associations. In addition, airplanes in production at that time were
found to comply with the proposed dimensions.
2/23/04 AC 23-16A

Related Material

AC 20-122A, Anti-misfueling Devices: Their Availability and Use

Paragraph 23.973(f)

ADC Cross-reference: None

This guidance may be used for Airship Certification as applicable.

See paragraph (e) above.

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

23.975 Fuel tank vents and carburetor vapor vents (Amendment 23-51)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: 3.446

ADC Cross-reference: 5.21

What other sections of this document are pertinent to 23.975?

Some general information on this subject is found in this AC under sections 23.951,
23.955, and 23.959 of this document.

Paragraph 23.975(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.21(a)

What is considered excessive pressure as mentioned in 23.975(a)(3)?

Section 23.975(a)(3) refers to excessive pressure differences between the interior and
exterior of the fuel tank. The characteristics and consequences of excessive difference in
pressure will depend on the type and material of the tank. For instance, excessive
differences in pressure for a bladder-type tank would result in deformation in the bladder
resulting in an erroneous fuel quantity indication. Adequate positive pressure should
remain within the bladder tank. For an integral tank system, excessive difference in
pressure may result in collapse or structural failure of the tank and supporting structure.

What are acceptable means of compliance to 23.975(a)?

Compliance with the requirements of 23.975(a) is typically accomplished through a
combination of design review, analysis, and testing (both ground and flight testing).

What are acceptable means of compliance to 23.975(a)(1) for icing if the airplane is
not being certificated for flight into icing conditions?

Compliance to 23.975(a)(1) for icing if the airplane is not being certificated for flight
into icing conditions can be shown using an impingement analysis at critical airspeeds
and angles of attack throughout the flight envelope. The intent is to show that the
location and design of the vents is such that they are in areas of zero collection
efficiency. It is possible for ice to accrete on flush inlets and this should be analyzed.
Similarity to a design that has been either analyzed or tested, or both, may be also be
used as the method of compliance. If the collection efficiency is not zero, it should be
shown by either analysis or test, or both, that the critical ice accretion would not prevent
the vent from functioning.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

Paragraph 23.975(b)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.21(b)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.975(c)

ADC Cross-reference: None

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

23.977 Fuel tank outlet (Amendment 23-43)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: 3.448

ADC Cross-reference: 5.22

Paragraph 23.977(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.22(a)

Why are the requirements different for reciprocating and turbine engine powered

The requirement in 23.977(a)(1) is that the strainer has 8 to 16 meshes per inch. This
requirement was introduced with Civil Air Regulations (CAR) 3 in 1945, and the mesh
size was found desirable by field service experience. Section 25.977 has the same
requirement. The 23.977(a)(2) requirement for turbine engines is different because
field experience showed that this mesh size produced strainer icing problems with turbine
engine fuel. Turbine engine fuels have a greater affinity for water than aviation
gasolines, and there is a greater chance for entrained water to enter turbine engine fuel
systems. The strainer mesh size for turbine engines and turbine fuel is typically larger (4
meshes per inch) than for aviation gasoline. Sections 23.951(c), 23.955, 23.997,
23.1305(b)(4), and 23.1305(c)(8) contain related applicable requirements. For example,
the requirements of 23.997, Fuel Strainer or Filter, are in addition to 23.977 and must
be considered.

Paragraph 23.977(b)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.22(b)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.977(c)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.22(c)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.977(d)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.22(d)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

23.979 Pressure fueling systems (Amendment 23-51)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: None

ADC Cross-reference: 5.23

Paragraph 23.979(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.23(a)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.979(b)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.23(b)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.979(c)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.23(c)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.979(d)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.23(d)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A


23.991 Fuel pumps (Amendment 23-43)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: None

ADC Cross-reference: 5.24

Paragraph 23.991(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.24(a)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.991(b)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.24(b)

How are 23.991(b) and 23.991(c) related?

Paragraphs (b) and (c) are interrelated, and the interpretation of 23.991(c) should
consider 23.991(b).

Both the main and emergency fuel pumps may operate continuously (simultaneously)
provided there is a means to immediately indicate to the crew (in-flight) a malfunction of
either pump.

A main fuel pump(s) supplies sufficient fuel to sustain the engine(s) during normal
operations. An emergency fuel pump can sustain engine operation at full power in the
event the engine-driven fuel-injector pump fails. An auxiliary fuel pump can provide
some fuel flow during emergency operations but not enough to sustain engine operation
at full power. Its function is to aid in priming the engine and suppressing fuel vapors.

Some fuel injection system designs utilize an integral speed-sensing pump, approved as
part of the engine type design that delivers fuel at a (unregulated) pressure proportional
to engine speed. Such systems have fuel lift capability that enables the system to
function with a negative inlet pump pressure within specific limits as indicated by the
engine type certificate data sheet (TCDS). For these types of fuel systems, an emergency
fuel pump is not required when the injection pump is approved as part of the engine
under 23.991(b).

Other fuel injection system designs require an essentially constant (regulated) fuel
pressure to the fuel-injector inlet. The acceptable pressure limits are specified on the
engine TCDS. In these systems, the engine-driven fuel pump is functionally independent
of the engine and not tied to the type design (regardless of the fuel pump supplier).
2/23/04 AC 23-16A

Consequently, these systems do require an emergency pump (according to 14 CFR part
23, 23.991(b)) to ensure engine operation is sustained should the engine-driven pump

Paragraph 23.991(c)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.24(c)

See paragraph (b) above.

Paragraph 23.991(d)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.24(d)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

23.993 Fuel system lines and fittings (Amendment 23-43)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: 3.550

ADC Cross-reference: 5.25

Related Material:

AC 23-10, Auxiliary Fuel Systems for Reciprocating and Turbine Powered Part 23

Paragraph 23.993(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.25(a)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.993(b)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.25(b)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.993(c)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.25(c)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.993(d)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.25(d)

What does the term suitable for a particular application mean?

The term suitable for a particular application was incorporated by Amendment 23-43
(55 FR 40598, October 3, 1990) to remove the words must be approved or. This
wording made 23.993(d) more restrictive. All components are approved if they are
installed on a certificated airplane; however, this in itself does not guarantee suitability.
For example, fuel hoses could be approved through the Technical Standard Order
(TSO) system but still not be suitable for the environment of a particular installation.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

Paragraph 23.993(e)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.25(e)

How is 23.993(e) related to the powerplant cooling requirements?

Section 23.1041 specified that there be provisions for maintaining the temperatures of
powerplant components and fluids within their limits during various operations including
shutdown. One such provision, as specified in 23.993(e), is to not locate these items in
areas exposed to unacceptable temperatures.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

23.994 Fuel system components (Amendment 23-29)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: None

ADC Cross-reference: 5.26

What is considered a hazardous quantity of fuel in 23.994?

For the purpose of this section, hazardous quantity is defined as one quart, except a
greater amount may escape if that greater amount can be substantiated as non-hazardous.

What other sections of the regulations are related to 23.994?

The following sections are related to 23.994 and may help determine the acceptability
of the design.

23.561 Emergency Landing Conditions, General

23.721 Landing Gear, General

23.863 Flammable fluid fire protection

23.967(e) Fuel tank installation

23.1189 Shutoff means

What are some typical methods used in complying with this rule?

The release of fuel from damaged fuel system components is the most likely cause of fire
during a wheels-up landing on a paved runway. Therefore, the location and routing of
fuel system components in the engine nacelle(s) and fuselage should be evaluated with
respect to runway scraping and the resultant structural deformation. Particular attention
should be paid to the release of fuel in areas with possible ignition sources such as
electrical arcing and hot components. The following guidelines should be considered.

1. Design the fuel system to minimize the spilling or leaking of fuel and migration of the
fuel into areas with likely ignition sources.

2. Locate and route the fuel system components as far as practicable from likely impact
areas and areas where structural deformation may cause crushing, severing,
punctures, rupture of frangible fittings, or high tensile loads in the lines.

3. Construct fuel lines to protect their integrity during and after a wheels-up landing.
The lines should allow stretching or movement with the deformed structure.
2/23/04 AC 23-16A

4. Isolate, separate, and route fuel lines and electrical wiring to the maximum extent
practicable to minimize hazardous fuel spillage in these potential ignition source

5. Shield and drain areas of potential fuel spillage away from potential ignition source

6. Locate fuel shutoff valves outside areas of potential damage, such as engine nacelles,
and design the valve support structures to maintain their integrity during and after the

7. Install auxiliary fuel tanks and systems based on the guidance in AC 23-10, Auxiliary
Fuel Systems for Reciprocating and Turbine Powered Part 23 Airplanes.

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

23.995 Fuel valves and controls (Amendment 23-29)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: 3.551

ADC Cross-reference: 5.27

What rules are related to 23.995?

See 23.1189 Powerplant Fire Protection, Shutoff Means.

Paragraph 23.995(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.27(a)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.995(b)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.27(b)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.995(c)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.27(c)

What is a typical means of compliance for 23.995(c)?

Compliance with this rule is usually accomplished by designing the fuel valve installation
such that the valve is supported by primary or secondary airframe structure.

Paragraph 23.995(d)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.27(d)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.995(e)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.27(e)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

Paragraph 23.995(f)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.27(f)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.995(g)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.27(g)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

23.997 Fuel strainer or filter (Amendment 23-43)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: 3.552

ADC Cross-reference: 5.28

Does the powerplant installation require a fuel filter if the engine has one according to
its type certificate?

Turbine engines certificated to 14 CFR part 33, 33.67, Fuel system, Amendment 33-6
or subsequent, will include a fuel filter complying with 23.997, and no airframe-
supplied filter is required. Turbine engines certificated prior to 33.67, Amendment 33-
6, may require an airframe-supplied filter.

Reciprocating engines certificated to 14 CFR part 33, 33.35 are not required to have a
fuel filter as part of their certificated fuel system. The engine manufacturer is required
only to specify the degree of filtering necessary and to verify that particles passing
through the specified filter will not adversely affect the engine fuel system operation.
Because of this, an engine with a fuel filter certified to 33.35 is not sufficient to meet
all the requirements of 23.997. To show compliance to 23.997 for an engine with a
filter, an airplane manufacturer would have to coordinate with the engine manufacturer
on the filter installation to provide compliance data or add an airframe filter.

Paragraph 23.997(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.28(a)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.997(b)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.28(b)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Related Material

AC 23-15, Small Airplane Certification Compliance Program

Paragraph 23.997(c)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.28(c)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.
2/23/04 AC 23-16A

Paragraph 23.997(d)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.28(d)

Is there any requirement for a pilot indication system relative to the fuel filter?

Section 23.1305 requires fuel flow indicators for both reciprocating and turbine-powered
airplanes and a means to warn the pilot of fuel strainer or filter blockage before it reaches
the capacity specified in 23.997(d).

Paragraph 23.997(e)

ADC Cross-reference: None

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Related Material

AC 23.1419-2B, Certification of Part 23 Airplanes for Flight in Icing Conditions

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

23.999 Fuel system drains (Amendment 23-43)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: 3.553

ADC Cross-reference: 5.29

Paragraph 23.999(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.29(a)

Where are drains typically located?

Usually more than one drain valve is required to drain the entire fuel system. These are
typically located in fuel tank sumps, fuel line low spots, and in fuel filter/strainers.

Paragraph 23.999(b)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.29(b)

May a spring-loaded drain valve be used to comply with 23.999(b)?

Spring-loaded drain valves may be used to comply with the positive locking provision of
this paragraph in any region of positive fuel pressure. If a spring-loaded valve is located
in a negative fuel pressure region (e.g., upstream of an engine-drive fuel pump providing
suction lift), substantiate the installation by a test.

Related Material:

AC 20-119 Fuel Drain Valves

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

23.1001 Fuel jettisoning system (Amendment 23-51)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: None

ADC Cross-reference: 5.30

Related Material

AC 23-8B, Flight Test Guide for Certification of Part 23 Airplanes

Paragraph 23.1001(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.30

What is the definition of maximum weight as used in 23.1001(a)?

The maximum weight to be used in calculating the fuel jettison rate is the maximum
takeoff weight of the airplane. This is supported by Amendment 23-7, which, for the
most part, used the requirements of 25.1001 as a new 23.1001. At the time,
25.1001 stated that the calculation was to use maximum takeoff weight.

Paragraph 23.1001(b)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.30(a)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1001(c)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.30(a)(1), 5.30(a)(2), 5.30(a)(3), 5.30(a)(4)

What methods are typically used to show compliance with 23.1001(c)?

Colored fuel or a surface treatment that changes appearance upon contact with fuel or
fuel vapor has been used to detect surface impingement. Combustible mixture detectors,
scent, or visual inspections have been used to detect fuel or fuel vapor entering portions
of the airplane.

Paragraph 23.1001(d)

ADC Cross-reference: None

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

Paragraph 23.1001(e)

ADC Cross-reference: None

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1001(f)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.30(b)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1001(g)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.30(c)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1001(h)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.30(d)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A


23.1011 General (Amendment 23-43)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: None

ADC Cross-reference: 5.31

Paragraph 23.1011(a)

ADC Cross-reference: None

This guidance may be used for Airship Certification as applicable.

Can the part 33 certification of oil system components be used to show compliance with

Oil systems and components certified with the engine may or may not be suitable for use
in a specific airplane installation, depending upon the test/analysis performed at the time.
Also, engines may be originally certified with the intention of being installed in different
airplanes than where they are eventually used. Consequently, oil systems and
components approved during engine type certification are only acceptable for use without
further substantiation when they complied with standards that are equal or more stringent
than those in this subpart.

Evaluate each pertinent item in the installation to assess the airplane requirements versus
the requirements demonstrated during engine certification. Verify the latter with the
engine manufacturer or the FAA office controlling the engine type design.

Paragraph 23.1011(b)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.31(a)

What are the requirements for continued safe operation of the engine(s)?

The engine requirements for oil quantities and temperatures are established by the engine
manufacturer and may be found on the Type Certification Data Sheet or in the engine
installation manual. The airplane installation must not cause the engine limits to be
exceeded under normal operations.

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

Paragraph 23.1011(c)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.31(b)

How much oil must the system contain?

Paragraph 23.1011(c) requires that, The usable oil tank capacity may not be less than the
product of the endurance of the airplane under critical operating conditions and the
maximum oil consumption of the engine under the same conditions, plus a suitable
margin to ensure adequate circulation and cooling. In other words, there needs to be
enough oil (usable supply) to allow the engine to consume the usable fuel. This should
be substantiated by a quantitative analysis.

In addition, a suitable oil quantity margin for system circulation is necessary for all
engine installations. The oil system should be capable of maintaining the engine within
its operating limitations (i.e., oil temperature with the minimum oil quantity provided for
circulation). Cooling tests do not need to be performed with a low usable oil supply
provided the oil is properly cooled at all oil levels.

What are the definitions of some of the terms used to determine the required oil

Usable Oil

Usable oil is defined as the quantity of oil in the oil tank (or sump in the case of wet
sump engines) in excess of the minimum quantity of oil required to keep the oil pump
inlet feed covered under the most adverse operating condition.

Without any other data, the most severe of the following two conditions may be used
as the most adverse operating condition (in both cases, with the airplane at a zero-
degree roll angle):

1. The nose-up pitch angle required for the sea level best rate-of-climb speed with
maximum continuous power, or

2. The nose-down pitch angle required for the 1.3 V
power-off landing

For most wet sump engines, the usable oil quantity for various pitch angles is listed
on the appropriate engine Type Certificate Data Sheet (TCDS). This quantity may be
used instead of a determination of usable oil as described above. If the usable
quantity is not listed, it may be determined by contacting the engine manufacturer or
conducting a usable oil test with the critical operating conditions.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

Usable Fuel

The usable quantity of fuel is established under 23.959.

Specific Oil Consumption (SOC)

The SOC is the maximum oil consumption rates established by the engines
manufacturer, expressed in pounds per brake horsepower per hour (lb./bhp/hr.). If
such a maximum oil consumption rate is not available, use 0.012 lb./bhp/hr. for
reciprocating engines. There is no similar default maximum oil consumption rate
for turbine engines.

You can also establish an oil consumption rate by the following:

1. Statistical analysis of actual in-service oil consumption rates. The analysis
should include observed data on the actual oil consumption from statistically
valid sample engines of the same model. These data should be obtained from
high time engines or those with high oil consumption just before removal for

2. Testing according to an FAA-approved test plan. Testing for a lower oil
consumption rate should include a positive demonstration that a lower oil
consumption rate will not jeopardize the airworthiness of the engine.

Specific Fuel Consumption (SFC)

SFC is the fuel consumption established for the engine based on available engine
power expressed in pounds per brake horsepower per hour.

What are the acceptable means of compliance for 23.1011(c)?

Single-engine Installations

Determine the minimum allowable usable oil capacity from the airplanes endurance
(~total fuel capacity divided by the minimum SFC) and the maximum allowable oil
consumption rate. For either wet or dry sump engines, this is expressed
mathematically as follows:

[Minimum Usable Oil Capacity (lbs.)] =

[Maximum Usable Fuel Capacity (lbs.)] x [Maximum SOC (lb./bhp/hr.)]
[Minimum Obtainable SFC (lb./bhp/hr.)]

A usable oil capacity greater than or equal to the calculated number above is

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

Multiengine Installations

Calculate the minimum usable oil capacity for a multiengine aircraft as above, except
modify as follows:

Account for the additional usable fuel if the airplane has a fuel cross-feed system
or common fuel tank in the event of an engine shutdown. Allocate 50 percent of
the maximum usable fuel capacity attributable to the shutdown engine as
available to the other engine(s). For example, for a twin-engine airplane with
1,000 pounds of maximum usable fuel, 500 pounds of which is attributed to the
shutdown engine, add 50 percent of that (250 pounds) to the available fuel.

In addition, adjust the fuel consumption of the remaining engine(s) to reflect any
power or mixture setting changes made to complete the flight safely.

Paragraph 23.1011(d)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.31(c)

What oil quantity should be used in finding compliance with 23.1011(d)?

A conventional system (no transfer system provided) should only consider the usable oil
tank or sump capacity to determine the usable oil supply. Do not consider the quantity of
oil in the engine oil lines, in the oil radiator, oil filter, propeller feathering reserve, etc. If
the airplane manufacturer elects to operate the engine with less than total oil capacity, the
lower oil level should be used in the analysis.

Paragraph 23.1011(e)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.31(d)

Is it possible to consider oil in transfer lines as part of the usable oil?

When an oil reserve system is installed, additional oil may be available. The system is
often configured so the transfer pump can pump oil into the main engine oil tank(s) from
the transfer lines. In this case, include the quantity of oil that would be pumped to the
main engine oil tank(s) to determine the usable oil supply.

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

23.1013 Oil tanks (Amendment 23-51)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: None

ADC Cross-reference: 5.32

Paragraph 23.1013(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.32(a)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1013(b)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.32(b)

What is the difference between the expansion space requirements in 33.71(c) and

The requirements of 33.71(c) and 23.1013(b) are similar, and both the engine
manufacturer and the installer must show compliance to the oil tank expansion space
requirement. When showing compliance with 23.1013(b), data from the certification of
the engine to 33.71(c) may be used. Compliance with the installation requirements
should account for any installation affects including wing dihedral, installed engine
droop, and yaw angles. This could require ground test of both a left and right wing
engine if adequate data is not available from the part 33 compliance demonstration.

Sometimes, the oil quantity in the tank may change with changing engine operating
conditions such as engine rotation. This condition can result in overfilling the engine oil
tank resulting in less than the required expansion space if the tank is serviced soon after
engine shutdown. If conditions like this exist, they can be handled by oil system
servicing limitations in the appropriate manuals with placards near the fill port.

Paragraph 23.1013(c)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.32(c)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1013(d)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.32(d)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.
AC 23-16A 2/23/04

Paragraph 23.1013(e)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.32(e)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Related Material

AC 20-135, Powerplant Installation and Propulsion System Component Fire Protection
Test Methods, Standards, and Criteria

AC 23-2, Flammability Tests

NOTE. If there are differences between AC 20-135 and AC 23-2 (see below for AC
title), the applicant may choose the advisory circular that is either most applicable or
most advantageous, or both.

Paragraph 23.1013(f)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.32(f)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1013(g)

ADC Cross-reference: None

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

23.1015 Oil tank tests (Amendment 23-15)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: None

ADC Cross-reference: 5.33

Paragraph 23.1015(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.33(a)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1015(b)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.33(b)

What test setup and procedures are typically used for the slosh test in 23.1015(b)?

Refer to 23.965(b) for a description of the test setup and procedure.

Related Material

TSO-C80, Flexible Fuel and Oil Cell Material

Paragraph 23.1015(c)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.33(c)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

23.1017 Oil lines and fittings (Amendment 23-14)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: 3.570, 3.575

ADC Cross-reference: 5.34

Paragraph 23.1017(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.34(a)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1017(b)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.34(b)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

23.1019 Oil strainer or filter (Amendment 23-43)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: 3.573

ADC Cross-reference: 5.35

Paragraph 23.1019(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.35(a)

Can the engine oil pressure indicator be used to comply with 23.1019(a)(3)?

The engine oil pressure indication may be used as a method of detecting oil filter/strainer
contamination provided the applicant demonstrates a procedure that does the following:

1. Identifies the oil strainer/filter contamination, and

2. Isolates the contamination as the sole cause of an indicated oil pressure change.

The procedure used to comply with 23.1019(a)(3) should be documented in the
Airplane Flight Manual.

Can a red warning light be use to comply with 23.1019(a)(5)?

A red warning light is one means of complying with 23.1019(a)(5).

Paragraph 23.1019(b)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.35(b)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

23.1021 Oil system drains (Amendment 23-43)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: 3.574

ADC Cross-reference: 5.36, 5.36(a)

Paragraph 23.1021(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.36

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1021(b)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.36(b)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1021(c)

ADC Cross-reference: None

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

23.1023 Oil radiators (Original)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: 3.572

ADC Cross-reference: 5.37

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.
2/23/04 AC 23-16A

23.1027 Propeller feathering system (Amendment 23-43)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: None

ADC Cross-reference: 5.38

Related Material

AC 23-8B, Flight Test Guide for Certification of Part 23 Airplanes

Paragraph 23.1027(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.38(a)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1027(b)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.38(b)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1027(c)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.38(c)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1027(d)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.38(d)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A


23.1041 General (Amendment 23-51)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: 3.581

ADC Cross-reference: 5.39

When is testing required to show compliance with 23.1041?

Sections 23.1043, 23.1045, and 23.1047 require testing to show compliance with

What changes to an airplane would require testing to show compliance with 23.1041?

Changes to an airplane that would require testing to show compliance with 23.1041
could include, but are not limited to, the following:

1. Engine horsepower increase;

2. Nacelle changes, including cooling inlet modifications and blockage;

3. Adding or changing engine accessories such as turbochargers, generators, oil coolers,

4. Changing the operating temperature limits of components in the nacelle; and

5. Propeller changes affecting climb or cruise performance.

What should be instrumented during the cooling tests on changes to airplanes?

The tests should be conducted to show the changed components remain within their
temperature limits. During the testing, if negative impacts on other components are
found, additional testing may be warranted to investigate these effects.

What altitudes are typically used for demonstrating compliance with the cooling
requirements for reciprocating engine powered airplanes?

For reciprocating engines, cooling climb tests are typically commenced at pressure
altitudes below 5,000 feet. The applicant should choose test conditions that are the most
adverse for demonstrating engine and engine component cooling for the installation.

Related Material

AC 23-8B, Flight Test Guide for Certification of Part 23 Airplanes
2/23/04 AC 23-16A

23.1043 Cooling tests (Amendment 23-51)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: 3.582, 3.583, 3.584, 3.585

ADC Cross-reference: 5.40

Paragraph 23.1043(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.40(a)

What are the typical means of complying with 23.1043?

In general, the demonstration of compliance with this section requires analysis to identify
areas of concern and instrumentation requirements and flight tests to demonstrate
compliance. The applicant must identify all critical components (electronic components,
actuators, etc.), fluids (engine oil, hydraulic fluid, etc.), and structures (primary
composite structural elements, vibration isolators, etcetera) that have temperature limits.
The limits are typically based on component qualification testing. Each limit may be
expressed as a fluid temperature, surface temperature, or environmental temperature and
may have associated time limits. Instrumentation should be installed to provide data
needed to show the corrected temperature for each critical component, fluid, and
structure remains below the identified limit.

Are there any special considerations for special purpose, restricted category, single-
engine agricultural airplanes using the normal category requirements of part 23 as a
certification basis?

For these aircraft, conduct engine cooling test according to AC 23-8B, except as follows:
After the temperature has stabilized for the pre-takeoff holding condition on the taxiway,
feather the propeller and record the data until the temperatures stabilize.

NOTE: This simulates normal agricultural operational engine running loading
conditions. These criteria can be disregarded if the propeller is not feathered during
normal agricultural operations on the ground.

Are there any special considerations for certificating winterization kits?

Winterization kits modify an airplane for operation in cold weather environments. These
kits typically block or baffle air inlets to decrease mixing cold air in the engine
compartments and keep the temperatures of fluids and components from falling below
operating range. These kits can allow certification to lower ambient temperature
operations than the standard 38 C (100 F). These limits must be reflected in the
Airplane Flight Manual and placards on the equipment to indicate when the equipment
should be removed. Additional guidance is available in paragraph 246 of AC 23-8B.
2/23/04 AC 23-16A

Related Material

AC 23-8B, Flight Test Guide for Certification of Part 23 Airplanes

Paragraph 23.1043(b)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.40(b)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1043 (c)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.40(c)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1043 (d)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.40(d)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Related Material

AC 23-8B, Flight Test Guide for Certification of Part 23 Airplanes

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

23.1045 Cooling test procedures for turbine engine powered airplanes (Amendment 23-51)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: None

ADC Cross-reference: 5.41, 5.41(a), 5.41(b), 5.41(c), 5.41(d)

Related Material

AC 23-8B, Flight Test Guide for Certification of Part 23 Airplanes

Paragraph 23.1045(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.41(a)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1045(b)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.41(b)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1045(c)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.41(c)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

23.1047 Cooling test procedures for reciprocating engine powered airplanes
(Amendment 23-51)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: 3.587

ADC Cross-reference: 5.41, 5.41(a), 5.41(b), 5.41(c), 5.41(e)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Related Material

AC 23-8B, Flight Test Guide for Certification of Part 23 Airplanes

AC 23-16A 2/23/04


23.1061 Installation (Amendment 23-43)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: None

ADC Cross-reference: 5.42

Paragraph 23.1061(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.42(a)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1061(b)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.42(b)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1061(c)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.42(c)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1061(d)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.42(d)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1061(e)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.42(e)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1061(f)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.42(f)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

23.1063 Coolant tank tests (Original)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: None

ADC Cross-reference: 5.43

Paragraph 23.1063(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.43(a)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1063(b)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.43(b)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

AC 23-16A 2/23/04


23.1091 Air induction system (Amendment 23-51)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: 3.605

ADC Cross-reference: 5.44

Related Material

AC 20-135, Powerplant Installation and Propulsion System Component Fire Protection
Test Methods, Standards, and Criteria

Paragraph 23.1091(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.44(a)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1091(b)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.44(b)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Related Material

AC 23-2, Flammability Tests

Paragraph 23.1091(c)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.44(c)

What is considered a hazardous quantity in 23.1091(c)?

A hazardous quantity is defined as one that if ingested into the engine inlet would cause
the engine to exceed its operational limitations, cause a significant loss of power, or
otherwise cause the engine to operate in an unsafe condition.

Related Material

AC 20-124, Water Ingestion Testing for Turbine Powered Airplanes

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

23.1093 Induction system icing protection (Amendment 23-51)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: 3.606

ADC Cross-reference: 5.45

Is an airplane required to comply with 23.1093 if it is not being certificated to fly in
icing conditions?

Yes, compliance with 23.1093(b) for induction system icing protection is required for
all normal, utility, acrobatic, and commuter category airplanes certificated under part 23
even if the airplane is not being certificated for flight in icing conditions ( 23.1419
compliance). Service experience has shown that airplanes can inadvertently encounter
icing conditions even if the airplane is not approved for flight into icing conditions. This
is particularly true for turbine engine powered airplanes, which typically have a greater
operating flight envelope than reciprocating engine powered airplanes. These
requirements are also those demonstrated during engine certification (reference 14 CFR
part 33, subpart E, 33.68, Induction system icing, for turbine aircraft engines).

What other icing related sections of 14 CFR part 23 cover the propulsion systems?

Sections 23.901(d)(2), 23.929, and 23.975(a)(1) address engine ice ingestion capability,
engine installations including propellers, and fuel tank venting, respectively.

Are all icing related sections of 14 CFR part 23 that cover the propulsion systems
required for airplanes not being certificated to fly in icing conditions?

Airplanes not being certified for flight into icing conditions according to 23.1419 do
not have to demonstrate compliance with 23.929.

Are there any special considerations for special purpose, restricted category, single-
engine agricultural airplanes using the normal category requirements of part 23 as a
certification basis?

An exemption to the requirements of 23.1093 is possible for single-engine piston or
turbopropeller airplanes certificated under 14 CFR part 21, 21.25(a), for special
purpose agricultural operations. A limitation in the Airplane Flight Manual, such as
Operation of the airplane in visible moisture below 40 F is prohibited, will be enough
to address this regulation for these non-standard category airplanes.

What methods can be used to show compliance with 23.1093?

Compliance with 23.1093 can be shown using an appropriate combination of the
methods listed and described below.
AC 23-16A 2/23/04

1. Compliance with part 33 icing requirements

2. Similarity and service experience

3. Analysis

4. Ground testing

5. Flight testing with an airborne icing tanker

6. Flight testing in natural icing conditions

How can the part 33 engine certification be used to demonstrate compliance?

Engine certification to part 33 does not fully address all the part 23 engine installation
requirements. For example, part 33 engine certification does not address snow ingestion.
It is the responsibility of the airplane applicant and not the engine manufacturer to show
compliance with the part 23 induction system ice protection requirements.

An applicant seeking airplane certification should coordinate the installation of an engine
with the engine manufacturer. The engine manufacturer should be able to identify
critical points, conditions, and operational requirements that may need to be addressed
when showing compliance with the installation requirements. Engine type certification
data can be used as the basis for reducing design risk, analysis, and testing when showing
compliance with 23.1093. The airplane applicant should evaluate the engine type
certification data and demonstrate how the data is applicable to the particular installation.
For example, the use of an inlet system recommended by the engine manufacturer would
still require installation substantiation to show compliance with part 23 requirements.

How can similarity and service experience be used for compliance?

The use of similarity and service experience is appropriate to lessen the design risk
associated with an installation. Once an applicant has developed data on an installation,
the applicant may then use this data, when suitable, for substantiation on later projects
with similar installations. It is common and proper for an applicant to base analytical
methods and test point definitions on experience and testing from previous, similar
certification programs performed by the applicant. Certification is based on the analysis
and testing of an airplanes type design. Because of this, it is difficult to show similarity
to an airplane configuration certified by another applicant without direct access to the
type design data used for that certification.

Even if previous experience and data are used, each inlet/engine installation and the
associated operating characteristics can be different and should be considered
individually. Therefore, it is not appropriate to use similarity or service experience by
itself to demonstrate compliance to the 23.1093 requirements. Rather, such means as
2/23/04 AC 23-16A

similarity or service experience should be supplemented with either analysis, even if only
basic design analysis to substantiate similarity, or testing, or a combination of both.

Can compliance with 23.1093 be accomplished with analysis alone?

No, analysis alone is not sufficient to show compliance. Testing is normally required to
demonstrate compliance as analytical methods have been difficult to validate. It is
possible, for airplanes not being certified to 23.1419, that flight testing will not be
required given analysis that is backed by similarity to and service experience of other
certified installations.

How can ground testing be used to show compliance?

Artificial icing conditions can be generated in icing tunnel facilities. Artificial icing for
compliance to ground ice fog requirements can also be generated with an icing spray rig
set up in front of the airplane. The icing conditions are very dependent on the calibration
of the nozzles. SAE ARP 5905 contains calibration guidelines for icing tunnels. The
personnel operating icing spray rigs should be familiar with the calibration of icing

Artificial snow can be generated in some ground facilities to supplement natural snow
testing. Considerations are provided in the discussion under 23.1093(b).

How can tunnel test data be used for compliance?

An area where there has been much discussion has been the use of tunnel test data instead
of full-scale, airplane flight test data for showing compliance with 23.1093. The use of
tunnel test data is a common, appropriate, and often efficient means to reduce the amount
of testing required by the applicant for showing compliance. However, the extent that
this data can be used for compliance is dependent upon how representative the test article
and test conditions are to the installation and airplane operating conditions.

It is not uncommon for tunnel testing to be performed on a prototype or test inlet that
often has design differences from the production inlet used by an installer. When using
tunnel test data, or any test data for that matter, as a basis for testing or certification, the
applicant must address the differences and the impact of the differences. Three areas of
difference usually addressed include the following:

1. Heated versus non-heated inlets;

2. Inlets with movable or variable internal devices (for example, movable vanes used to
select bypass modes on a number of turbopropeller inlets) versus fixed inlets; and

3. Differences in geometry even if the inlet type (fixed versus variable) is the same.

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

As an example, if tunnel testing is performed with a heated inlet and an applicant
incorporates a non-heated inlet, ice runback/refreeze may be reduced, but items such as
ice accretion characteristics will be different.

It must be ensured that the tunnel tests were performed at the critical points. Advisory
Circular 20-73, Aircraft Ice Protection, provides guidance on critical points

How can testing with airborne icing tankers be used for compliance?

Tanker icing tests are not used as a sole means of compliance, but may be used:

1. To verify analyses or scaled icing tunnel tests

2. To obtain data at the limits of the Appendix C icing envelopes

3. To evaluate ice-shedding characteristics

SAE ARP 5904 provides useful information on icing tanker testing.

One limitation of icing tankers in the past has been their inability to generate droplet
sizes at the low end of the Appendix C envelope, which may be critical for inlets with
curves and bends, such as some turboprop inertial separation inlets.

How can flight test in natural icing conditions be used for compliance?

Airplanes being certified for flight into icing conditions according to 23.1419 will
require flight test into natural icing conditions. The results of this testing can be used to
show compliance with 23.1093.

Airplanes not being certified for flight into icing conditions according to 23.1419 do
not necessarily require flight test into natural icing conditions to show compliance with
23.1093. It is acceptable to use analysis backed with sufficient similarity and service
experience to show compliance.

Related Material

AC 20-73, Aircraft Ice Protection

AC 23-8B, Flight Test Guide for Certification of Part 23 Airplanes

AC 23.1521-1B, Type Certification of Automobile Gasoline in Part 23 Airplanes with
Reciprocating Engines

SAE ARP 5904, Airborne Icing Tankers

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

SAE ARP 5905, Calibration and Acceptance of Icing Wind Tunnels

Paragraph 23.1093(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.45(a)

What does the term preheat mean and how is it different from heat rise?

Current interpretation of the term preheat as written in 23.1093(a)(4) and
23.1093(a)(6) is that it is a change in temperature above the ambient requirements
stated in the regulation. Thus, it is interpreted as interchangeable with the term heat rise.

The regulation is written to provide rules of compliance that can be reasonably
demonstrated without testing over the whole range of the icing and engine power
envelopes. According to Appendix C of part 25, the icing temperature envelope extends
down to -22 F, a condition that is difficult to attain during a normal flight test program.
The interpretation of 23.1093(a)(6) is that a preheat of 60 F requires a change of
60 F above the 30 F ambient baseline temperature. This interpretation ensures that the
system will always provide sufficiently heated air to prevent icing even if the airplane
encounters the worse case scenario with 22 F temperatures and the engines at idle as
with a descent to landing.

Related Material

AC 23.1419-2B, Certification of Part 23 Airplanes for Flight in Icing Conditions

Paragraph 23.1093(b)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.45(b)

Why are the falling and blowing snow requirements separate from the icing and water
ingestion requirements?

The falling and blowing snow requirement was incorporated separately from the icing
and water ingestion requirements due to the unique characteristics of snow. The
requirement contained in 23.1093(b)(1)(ii), incorporated initially by Amendment 23-
15, is to evaluate the installed powerplant system to ensure that no hazardous effects are
encountered when operating in falling and blowing snow. A hazardous effect could be
unacceptable engine operating characteristics (for example, adverse power loss, surges,
and so forth) due to inlet blockage or engine damage resulting from conditions such as
snow, which may accumulate, melt, refreeze, shed, and then be ingested by the engine.
Therefore, compliance with engine induction system icing requirements does not show
compliance with the snow requirements in 23.1093(b)(1)(ii).

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

What should be considered relative to complying with the falling and blowing snow

The effect of ingesting snow during ground operations and critical in-flight operations
should be evaluated. Service experience has demonstrated that engine damage can occur
as a result of prolonged ground operations in falling and blowing snow. Also, in-flight
service experience has shown that snow, which has melted and refrozen, can shed from
engine, inlet, or airplane accumulation sites, resulting in adverse engine operability or
engine damage. The critical snow environment is a wet, sticky snow, which
accumulates on unheated exterior and interior surfaces subject to impingement.

When showing compliance with 23.1093(b)(1)(ii), the installation should be reviewed
to identify potential inlet, engine, and airframe sites where snow accumulation and
shedding is possible. The airplane ground and in-flight operational envelope should be
reviewed to determine critical conditions that should be addressed. The information from
these reviews should be used to identify the critical conditions to evaluate compliance.
The following differences between turbopropeller and turbofan/jet installations should be

1. Typical turbopropeller installations have inlets that incorporate complex geometry
with features such as particle separators, plenum chambers, screens, oil coolers, and
so forth, where hazardous snow accumulations may occur. Turbopropeller
installations normally require testing in operationally representative conditions.

2. Typical turbofan/jet installations, using simple pitot (straight duct) inlets, have
minimal, if any, areas for snow accumulation. For these inlets, in-flight icing tests
have generally been found to be more critical than snow tests. Turbofan/jet
installation may be found acceptable by inlet design and airplane operation analysis.
Care should be taken to identify potential airplane accumulation sites that could shed
into the engine(s), such as in the case of aft-mounted engines. Atypical installations
with S-type inlet geometries should be treated like the turbopropeller installations
when finding compliance with 23.1093(b)(1)(ii).

What operationally representative condition should be considered?

When evaluating the conditions for showing compliance, the following airplane
operations should be considered:

1. Takeoff power after static operation with the engine at idle for 30 minutes.

This condition is considered critical due to the operational consideration of idling an
engine on the ground with minimal ability for de-ice/anti-ice. The primary concern is
the loss of power at takeoff roll.

It is acceptable to incorporate engine run-up to higher power settings during the 30
minute period for the purposes of ice/snow shed, provided the procedure does not
2/23/04 AC 23-16A

create any hazards. A potential hazard could be the airplane sliding toward other
airplanes due to the higher power settings required. If run-ups are performed during
compliance demonstration, these procedures should be incorporated as limitations in
the flight manual.

2. Higher power settings

Higher power settings, which could result in increased snow ingestion, associated
with taxi/hold ground operations.

3. Takeoff run to takeoff speed

Airplanes with identified sites of possible hazardous snow accumulation and all inlets
with bypass ducts (for example, typical turbopropeller inlets), should consider a
takeoff run to takeoff speed. This condition is considered critical since

a. Accumulated snow may come loose and the engine can ingest it in this condition;

b. The static, idle point will not provide the ram effects that create bypass flow for
bypass ducts.

4. Takeoff climb

Airplanes with identified sites of possible hazardous snow accumulation should
consider a takeoff climb. This condition is considered critical because accumulated
snow may come loose and the engine can ingest it in this condition.

5. Extended in-flight operations

Conditions such as holding patterns should be considered.

6. Operation when engine rotor speeds are low

Operations with low engine rotor speeds, such as during descent from high altitudes,
should be considered. An engine is highly susceptible to snow/ice accretion during
this condition.

Is a flight test required for all these operational conditions?

The preceding conditions are operational considerations and not meant to require flight
test at all the conditions. Each installation may have different critical operational
considerations and only the critical conditions may need flight testing.

When appropriately substantiated by the applicant, some of the conditions can be, and
have been, simulated and accepted by the FAA. For example, for a turbopropeller engine
AC 23-16A 2/23/04

that incorporates an inlet screen that precludes the ingestion of hazardous quantities of
materials, the critical concern may only be the effect of snow accumulation and release
from the inlet and screen. In this case, the inlet, bypass duct, inlet screen, and so forth,
could be blocked to simulate snow accumulation on an identified area of concern. Since
accumulation during dynamic operation would be simulated, the effects of snow
ingestion could be determined through ground tests (for example, effects of operability
on items such as reverse flow). Such methodologies need to be substantiated by means
such as design analysis, operational review, tunnel tests, icing tests, and so forth, and
coordinated early with the FAA.

How is the actual snow amount quantified for testing?

When testing in falling and blowing snow the actual snow amount is often difficult to
quantify. The FAA Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM), an official FAA guide to
basic flight information and air traffic control procedures, may be used as guidance for
what constitutes falling and blowing snow. According to the AIM, paragraph 7-1-18,
heavy snow, which is representative of what may be expected in operation, is defined as
visibility of 1/4 mile or less as limited by snow (not snow and fog). These conditions are
usually indicative of the wet snow environment necessary for test. When using the 1/4
mile or less visibility for test, including flight tests, this value can be determined using
ground conditions. Useful information on snow characterization can also be found in
FAA Report DOT/FAA/AR-97/66, Snow and Ice Particle Sizes and Mass Concentrations
at Altitudes Up to 9 km (30,000 ft.). Advisory Circular 29-2C (Certification of Transport
Category Rotorcraft), section AC 29.1093, paragraph c(4)(iv), also provides information
on snow quantification, including desired snow concentration, which is acceptable for
use on part 23 airplanes. Whatever method is used to characterize the snow, as
mentioned earlier, the design consideration that has been found to be critical is snow that
accumulates on surfaces subject to impingement. Therefore, the applicant should address
this consideration when choosing the appropriate snow environment.

What temperatures are considered appropriate for testing?

The applicant is responsible for defining the critical ambient temperatures for snow tests.
The primary consideration is to demonstrate operability in a snow environment that is
critical as far as snow accumulation on exterior and interior areas of impingement (for
example, wet, sticky snow). However, for a snow environment indicative of a
representative concentration expected for the airplane, temperature is also an important

Typically, in natural conditions, a temperature range between 25 and 34 degrees
Fahrenheit has been found conducive to the heavy snow environment. However, colder
temperatures may be critical to some configurations. For example, in some installations,
colder exterior surfaces may be by-passed, with snow crystals sticking to partially heated
interior inlet surfaces, leading to melting and refreeze. Company developmental tests or
experience with similar induction systems may be used to determine critical conditions.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

Is it difficult to locate and maintain the desired conditions for the test?

Snow concentration corresponding to the visibility prescribed is often extremely difficult
to locate naturally and it is often difficult to maintain the desired concentrations for the
duration of testing. Because of this, it is likely that exact target test conditions will not be
achieved for all possible test conditions. Those involved in certification must exercise
reasonable engineering judgment in accepting critical test conditions and alternate
approaches, with early coordination between the applicant and the FAA addressing these

Is it possible to use artificially produced snow for the test?

Artificially produced snow is an excellent developmental tool and has been used
successfully to show potential problem areas and critical test points. When the desired
natural snow concentration is not found, artificial means may be used to supplement the
snow amount. However, when snow testing is required, the use of simulated snow is
normally not used as the sole means of compliance. The desired heavy snow
environment produces wet, sticky snow, which accumulates on unheated exterior and
interior surfaces subject to impingement. Most artificial means (for example snow
blowers) produce snow pellets that are dissimilar to the snowflakes associated with wet,
sticky snow. Also, simulated snow produced indoors does not accumulate moisture
from snowfall as seen in naturally created snow, with critical temperatures for simulated
snow varying significantly from natural snow. Therefore, quantification of artificially
produced snow for critical conditions can be difficult and subjective. If artificial means
is proposed as a means of compliance, the applicant should provide data and
substantiation on how the artificial means will effectively simulate the critical, desired
operational consideration.

What is the difference between falling and blowing snow?

The concentration of snow entering the inlet in blowing snow will normally exceed the
amount in falling snow; hence, the need to address blowing snow. The location of the
inlets should be considered to determine critical directions of blowing snow in relation to
snow accumulation on impingement surfaces. Snow blowing in excess of 15 knots is the
appropriate compliance condition. Means such as use of another airplane's propeller,
taxiing the airplane in excess of 15 knots, and so forth, may be used to simulate blowing.

Is it possible to use flight manual limitations to comply with 23.1093(b)(1)(ii)?

The only possible flight manual limitation that may be acceptable would be prohibitions
for ground operations such as taxi, takeoff, engine runs, and so forth. As with all
environmental considerations, such as rain, ice, hail, lightning, and so forth, operation in
snow is considered an unavoidable, meteorological hazard that must be addressed
including flying into snow after deployment.

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

What should be considered relative to complying with the 23.1093(b)(2)

The requirement of 23.1093(b)(2), incorporated by Amendment 23-15, addresses
running the engine in an atmospheric condition commonly referred to as ice fog. The
engine is run at idle power in this condition to ensure no ice build-up that produces
adverse engine operational characteristics (for example, no surges or adverse power
losses). The 23.1093(b)(2) requirement is as an extension of the 14 CFR part 25,
Appendix C, icing envelope addressed in 23.1093(b)(1)(i) and 23.1419. Therefore,
the methodologies and analysis used for compliance with 23.1093(b)(1)(i) can be
extended for 23.1093(b)(2) compliance.

It is often difficult to encounter all the ambient conditions required by 23.1093(b)(2);
therefore, when testing, one or more of the conditions is typically simulated. For
example, a common and acceptable method of compliance is using water spray devices to
simulate the water conditions required while testing at the required ambient temperature
conditions. Other manufacturers have used thermal analysis combined with dry air tests
using ice shapes/simulated blockage to demonstrate compliance, which is also acceptable
if properly substantiated.

The rule allows an engine run-up periodically to higher power settings to shed ice. As
with snow testing, if run-ups are performed during compliance demonstration, then these
procedures should be incorporated as limitations in the flight manual. Also, before run-
ups are accepted, the practicality of the procedures should be evaluated.

Related Material

FAA Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM)

FAA Report DOT/FAA/AR-97/66, Snow and Ice Particle Sizes and Mass Concentrations
at Altitudes Up to 9 km (30,000 ft.)

AC 23.1419-2B, Certification of Part 23 Airplanes for Flight in Icing Conditions

AC 20-73, Aircraft Ice Protection

AC 29-2C, Certification of Transport Category Rotorcraft

Paragraph 23.1093(c)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.45(c)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

23.1095 Carburetor deicing fluid flow rate (Original)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: None

ADC Cross-reference: None

Paragraph 23.1095(a)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1095(b)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

23.1097 Carburetor deicing fluid system capacity (Original)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: None

ADC Cross-reference: None

Paragraph 23.1097(a)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1097(b)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

23.1099 Carburetor deicing fluid system detail design (Original)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: None

ADC Cross-reference: None

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.
AC 23-16A 2/23/04

23.1101 Induction air preheater design (Amendment 23-43)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: 3.610

ADC Cross-reference: None

This guidance may be used for Airship Certification as applicable.

What is the purpose of the induction air preheater?

Some carburetor and fuel injection system designs do not experience icing. Designs that
are susceptible to icing typically incorporate a means to preheat the air supply entering
the system. The purpose of this system is to add sufficient heat to replace the heat lost
due to vaporization of the fuel such that the mixing chamber temperature cannot drop to
the freezing point of water. This is typically accomplished with a system consisting of an
engine exhaust heated jacket surrounding the induction duct, which serves to preheat the
inducted air. There is a control installed in the flight deck for adjusting the preheater
valve such that the system may be operated only when required to prevent ice formation.

Paragraph 23.1101(a)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1101(b)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1101(c)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

23.1103 Induction system ducts (Amendment 23-43)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: 3.611

ADC Cross-reference: 5.47

Paragraph 23.1103(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.47(a)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1103(b)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.47(b)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1103(c)

ADC Cross-reference: None

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1103(d)

ADC Cross-reference: None

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1103(e)

ADC Cross-reference: None

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1103(f)

ADC Cross-reference: None

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

23.1105 Induction system screens (Amendment 23-51)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: 3.612

ADC Cross-reference: 5.48

Paragraph 23.1105(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.48(a)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1105(b)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.48(b)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1105(c)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.48(c)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1105(d)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.48(d)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

23.1107 Induction system filters (Amendment 23-51)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: None

ADC Cross-reference: None

This guidance may be used for Airship Certification as applicable.

Paragraph 23.1107(a)

What should be considered in the design of induction system filters to comply with

The filter media, gasket materials, and adhesives used in the induction system should be
resistant to fuel, oil, water, cleaning materials, and other engine/airplane fluids in the
powerplant installation. They should be flame resistant and should not deteriorate from
exposure to engine compartment temperatures.

Paragraph 23.1107(b)

What design features should be considered for filter installations?

Design the filter installation to preclude the release of pieces of the filter and/or gasket
material into the intake airstream. These failures are critical as they can result in a power
loss. Consider the performance of the filter under the operating conditions of the
installation such as rain impingement at airplane speeds. One methodology is to provide
screens or other restraints to prevent failed pieces from moving downstream and
interfering with the fuel metering components.

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

23.1109 Turbocharger bleed air system (Amendment 23-42)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: None

ADC Cross-reference: None

Paragraph 23.1109(a)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1109(b)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

23.1111 Turbine engine bleed air system (Amendment 23-17)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: None

ADC Cross-reference: 5.49

Paragraph 23.1111(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.49(a)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1111(b)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.49(b)

How can the bleed air effects on the engine and airplane be established?

The engine manufacturer provides information on the engine bleed air limits. This
information should be used as a starting point for determining the effects on the installed
engine and the airplane that are usually established through testing. It is important not to
exceed the certificated engine limits as this could invalidate the engine certification for
the installation required in 23.903(a)(1).

Paragraph 23.1111(c)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.49(c)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

AC 23-16A 2/23/04


23.1121 General (Amendment 23-51)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: 3.615

ADC Cross-reference: 5.50

Are there any general guidelines for exhaust system installations?

Use the following guidelines for exhaust system installations:

1. Provide sufficient clearance and/or heat shielding between exhaust components and
spark plugs, plug leads, mount isolators, induction systems, engine controls, fuel
systems, and other heat-sensitive airframe components.

2. The exhaust system should be accessible for inspections. Adequately support all
exhaust components such as tail pipes, heat exchangers, and mufflers.

3. Provide slip joints or other suitable components in the exhaust system to address
thermal expansion and engine movement. Locate any such components so minor
leakage does not impinge on components or contaminate the cabin air.

Related Material

AC 20-135, Powerplant Installation and Propulsion System Component Fire Protection
Test Methods, Standards, and Criteria

Paragraph 23.1121(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.50(a)

What are acceptable means of compliance with 23.1121(a)?

Compliance with 23.1121(a) should be demonstrated through testing using any
acceptable carbon monoxide detection method. The test should be conducted with the
airplanes heater system in operation if there is any possibility of the system containing
carbon monoxide and with aircraft thermal deicing systems, if installed, in full operation.
The effect of different airplane configurations and flight and ground conditions on the
induction of carbon monoxide into the passenger cabin should be considered in
establishing the test procedures. Flight test guidance is provided in chapter 166 of AC

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

Is a system that employs a carbon monoxide (CO) detector to warn the pilot of unsafe
concentrations during normal operations acceptable to show compliance with

No, a system with a CO detector to warn the pilot of unsafe concentrations is not
sufficient to show compliance. Section 23.1121(a) requires that the system be designed
to prevent CO contamination of the personnel compartment in the first place.

Related Material

AC 20-32B, Carbon Monoxide (CO) Contamination in AircraftDetection and

AC 23-8B, Flight Test Guide for Certification of Part 23 Airplanes

Paragraph 23.1121(b)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.50(b)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1121(c)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.50(c)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Related Material

AC 23-2, Flammability Tests

AC 20-107A, Composite Aircraft Structure

Paragraph 23.1121(d)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.50(d)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1121(e)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.50(f)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

Paragraph 23.1121(f)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.50(e)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1121(g)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.50(g)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1121(h)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.50(h)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1121(i)

ADC Cross-reference: None

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

23.1123 Exhaust system (Amendment 23-43)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: 3.616

ADC Cross-reference: 5.51

Related Material

AC 20-135, Powerplant Installation and Propulsion System Component Fire Protection
Test Methods, Standards, and Criteria

Paragraph 23.1123(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.51(a)

What are the general considerations relative to compliance with 23.1123(a)?

Exhaust components are typically constructed of stainless steel or steel alloys of
appropriate wall thickness to withstand the highly corrosive high temperature exhaust
gases in order to comply with 23.1123(a). Proper material selection and corrosion
protective design should be performed and validated during certification. Analysis and
validation tests are done to ensure thermal and structural integrity and to ensure thermal
expansion does not cause structural overload, failure, unintentional contact of adjacent
components, or hazardous heating of surrounding components. The thermal expansion
analysis and test should be done at the maximum in-service temperature excursions
expected for the installation.

Related Material

AC 23-2, Flammability Tests

Paragraph 23.1123(b)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.51(b)

What loading cases are typically considered?

Typically, the worst-case static design load conditions are either the inertia loads from an
emergency impact, such as that specified in 23.561, or combined loading from thermal
expansion, in-flight deflections, and internal exhaust gas flow. The exhaust system
components should be designed and supported to avoid critical frequencies and to
minimize the effects of the vibration environment. Flight test vibration surveys may be
necessary to properly define or validate the critical modes and vibration environment. In
addition, the strength reduction in the system materials at the operating and worst-case
AC 23-16A 2/23/04

temperatures should be properly accounted for during the design and structural

Paragraph 23.1123(c)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.51(c)

What should be considered in the design of an exhaust system with components having
relative motion between them?

Section 23.1123(c) requires that exhaust system components with relative motion
between them have a means for flexibility. This is typically provided by different types
of flexible joints employing metal bellows, metal rings, or carbon rings. These
components typically have limited lives because of the high temperatures and corrosive
nature of the exhaust gases. For this reason, experience has shown that it is good to
design the system to avoid relative motion between components to eliminate the use of
these failure prone components.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

23.1125 Exhaust heat exchangers (Amendment 23-17)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: 3.617, 3.618

ADC Cross-reference: 5.52

Paragraph 23.1125(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.52(a)

Does the heat exchanger require constant cooling airflow?

Yes, the intent of 23.1125(a)(3) is to require cooling airflow when and where the
exhaust gasses are in contact with the heat exchanger.

Paragraph 23.1125(b)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.52(b)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

AC 23-16A 2/23/04


23.1141 Powerplant controls: General (Amendment 23-51)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: 3.627

ADC Cross-reference: 5.53

Related Material

AC 20-135, Powerplant Installation and Propulsion System Component Fire Protection
Test Methods, Standards, and Criteria

AC 23-8B, Flight Test Guide for Certification of Part 23 Airplanes

Paragraph 23.1141(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.53(a)

Do single-lever power controls comply with 23.1141?

Airplanes may be equipped with single-lever power controls (a control arrangement
allowing the engine throttle, propeller pitch control, and possibly mixture control to
operate via one lever) where the propeller pitch varies with engine r.p.m. by means of a
mechanical cam or slider device as a function of throttle position. Any such propeller
control system must be shown to have the level of integrity and reliability of a typical
installation with independent propeller and throttle controls. Specific guidance for this is
contained in the related material listed below under 23.777.

Related Material

AC 23-17A, Systems and Equipment Guide for Certification of Part 23 Airplanes

Paragraph 23.1141(b)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.53(b)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1141(c)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.53(c)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

Paragraph 23.1141(d)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.53(d)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1141(e)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.53(e)

Are there any special considerations for special purpose, restricted category, single-
engine agricultural airplanes using the normal category requirements of part 23 as a
certification basis?

It is acceptable for special purpose, restricted category, single-engine agricultural
airplanes using the normal category requirements of part 23 as a certification basis to
delete the phrase or probable combination thereof when demonstrating compliance
with the rule as restated below.

This regulation currently reads as follows:

For turbine engine powered airplanes, no single failure or malfunction, or probable
combination thereof, in any powerplant control system, may cause the failure of any
powerplant function necessary for safety.

Paragraph 23.1141(f)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.53(f)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Related Material:

AC 23-2, Flammability Tests

Paragraph 23.1141(g)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.53(g)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

23.1142 Auxiliary power unit controls (Amendment 23-43)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: None

ADC Cross-reference: None

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

23.1143 Engine controls (Amendment 23-51)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: 3.628

ADC Cross-reference: 5.54

Paragraph 23.1143(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.54(a)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1143(b)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.54(c)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1143(c)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.54(b)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1143(d)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.54(a)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1143(e)

ADC Cross-reference: None

This guidance may be used for Airship Certification as applicable.

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Related Material:

AC 20-136, Protection of Aircraft Electrical/Electronic Systems Against the Indirect
Effects of Lightning

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

Paragraph 23.1143(f)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.54(d)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1143(g)

ADC Cross-reference: None

This guidance may be used for Airship Certification as applicable.

What is the origin of this requirement?

This regulation was introduced with Amendment 23-43 on May 10, 1993, and originated
as a proposal in response to the Small Airplane Airworthiness Review conducted in 1983
and 1984. This proposal was forwarded by the National Transportation Safety Board as a
response to a study of single-engine aircraft accidents involving separation of the throttle
linkages with subsequent loss of propulsive power. The original wording of the proposal
stated the following:

(f) A means must be provided to assure that if throttle linkage separation occurs in a
single engine airplane, the fuel control will be automatically positioned at:

(1) The full throttle position for agricultural airplanes.

(2) An intermediate throttle position for other airplanes which will allow the pilot
to maintain level flight in the cruise configuration.

A review of the minutes of the Small Airplane Airworthiness Review Conference held in
St. Louis, Missouri on October 22-26, 1984, reveals that the discussion was centered
around the appropriate settings for different airplane classifications.

The rule as proposed and subsequently accepted in Amendment 23-43 states the

(g) For reciprocating single-engine airplanes, each power or thrust control must be
designed so that if the control separates at the engine fuel metering device, the
airplane is capable of continued safe flight and landing.

The generally accepted definition of engine fuel metering device is a device that
controls the amount of fuel flow (fuel control in the original proposal) to the engine
based on throttle position. The throttle refers to the device the pilot uses to set the
desired engine power level.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

The intent of the rule is to keep the engine supplied with a sufficient amount of fuel to
allow continued safe flight and landing in the event of a control system failure that
prevents the pilot from setting the appropriate power level (i.e., fuel flow rate).

Can a design that maintains positive retention of the linkage be used to show
compliance with 23.1143(g)?

A number of Equivalent Level of Safety (ELOS) findings have been issued that have
allowed linkage designs incorporating positive retention means when complying with
23.1143(g). These ELOS findings have required a higher level of attachment
reliability, establishment of mandatory inspection intervals, inspection procedures, and
replacement criteria for the attachments.

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

23.1145 Ignition switches (Amendment 23-43)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: 3.629

ADC Cross-reference: 5.55

Paragraph 23.1145(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.55(a)

Does 23.1145 apply to turbine and reciprocating engines?

This paragraph applies to both turbine and reciprocating engines. The required ignition
switch may be used to select any position such as continuous, automatic, on, or off.

Paragraph 23.1145(b)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.55(b)

Is it possible to integrate the required shutoff switch with the engine power lever?

On turbine engines incorporating an auto-relight system, one acceptable means of
complying with the shutoff provision would be to have the shutoff switch activated by
the power lever. Adequate instruction should be available to the pilot.

Paragraph 23.1145(c)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.55(c)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

23.1147 Mixture controls (Amendment 23-43)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: 3.630

ADC Cross-reference: 5.56

Paragraph 23.1147(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.56

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1147(b)

ADC Cross-reference: None

This guidance may be used for Airship Certification as applicable.

Can a design that maintains positive retention of the linkage be used to show
compliance with 23.1147(b)?

A number of Equivalent Level of Safety (ELOS) findings have been issued that have
allowed linkage designs incorporating positive retention means when complying with
23.1147(b). These ELOS findings have required a higher level of attachment
reliability, establishment of mandatory inspection intervals, inspection procedures, and
replacement criteria for the attachments.

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

23.1149 Propeller speed and pitch controls (Original)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: None

ADC Cross-reference: 5.57

Paragraph 23.1149(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.57(a)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1149(b)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.57(b)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

23.1153 Propeller feathering controls (Amendment 23-51)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: None

ADC Cross-reference: 5.58

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Related Material

AC 23-8B, Flight Test Guide for Certification of Part 23 Airplanes

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

23.1155 Turbine engine reverse thrust and propeller pitch settings below the flight regime
(Amendment 23-7)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: None

ADC Cross-reference: None

This guidance may be used for Airship Certification as applicable.

What is the history of this requirement?

The FAA has long recognized the hazard of inadvertent operation of propeller reversing
systems. Prior to the commercial use of turbine-powered airplanes, a few reciprocating
engine powered airplane designs included propeller-reversing systems and were
addressed by Civil Air Regulations (CAR) paragraph 4b. Section 23.1155 was added to
part 23 with Amendment 23-7 (1969) and applied to turbine-powered airplanes only. In
the event of a part 23 reciprocating engine powered airplane using propeller-reversing
systems, special conditions should be developed.

If the possibility of inadvertent operation can be shown to be remote, does it comply
with 23.1155?

No, the intent is to prevent inadvertent operation in the beta mode, even if the possibility
of inadvertent operation is remote. If an operation or feature of the design can allow in-
flight, inadvertent placement of the control below the flight regime, the design does not
comply with the regulation. The design should be evaluated considering the types of
operations that will be seen in service, and it should consider items such as hardware
wear modes or maintenance issues that may cause the control to be unintentionally
placed or creep into the beta regime over time.

Amendment 23-7 added 23.1155 requiring that operations of the propeller controls at
pitch settings below the flight regime have a means to prevent inadvertent operation. For
airplanes with a certification basis before Amendment 23-7 that are modified to add in-
flight beta capability, the provisions of 21.101(b) should be used to evaluate the
possible unsafe nature of inadvertent operation of propellers in the beta regime. If it is
determined that such operation is unsafe, the issue may be addressed by showing
compliance with 23.1155.

What is an acceptable means of compliance with 23.1155 relative to intentional in-
flight operation?

On all future type certification projects, the flight manuals should include the appropriate
operational limitations and consequence statement for in-flight beta operation.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

Is a Beta Lock-out system acceptable for compliance with 23.1155?

To add an assurance that in-flight beta will not occur, some airplanes have incorporated
lock-out systems. These systems remove the ability to do this operation in flight, even if
intentionally commanded. It is important to note that the installation of a beta lock-out
system cannot be used instead of the design requirements of 23.1155 compliance.
Also, in some cases, propeller beta operation is used to show compliance with stopping
distances in part 23, subpart B. Under subpart B, when means other than wheel brakes
are used for determining stopping distances, the means must be safe and reliable. If
beta operation is used to show compliance with stopping distances, the reliability of a
system that would prevent in-flight beta operation must be such that this capability, when
required, will be available to comply with subpart B, and 21.21(b)(2) or 21.101(b).
With a system safety analysis, the applicant can determine the required reliability level
for the beta lock-out system based on the hazard level (for example, 23.1309

Therefore, for new type certificated airplanes that have a beta lock-out system
incorporated or previously certificated airplanes that add a beta lock-out system, the
applicant should perform a system safety analysis of the installation of this system. This
analysis should consider hazards such as the inability to command beta on one engine of
a multiengine airplane. For example, if beta is commanded on both engines during
landing roll-out, but only one propeller goes into beta mode, this might adversely affect
ground controllability.

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

23.1157 Carburetor air temperature controls (Original)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: 3.634

ADC Cross-reference: 5.59

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

23.1163 Powerplant accessories (Amendment 23-42)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: 3.635

ADC Cross-reference: 5.60

Paragraph 23.1163(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.60(a)

What accessory provisions are included in 23.1163?

Paragraph (a)(1) refers to provisions for mounting items such as brackets, isolating
bushings, belt tension arms, belts, and other hardware up to, but not including, mounting
lugs on the accessory. These provisions are to be approved under the engine Type
Certificate (TC).

Are there any unique considerations for special purpose, restricted category, single-
engine agricultural airplanes using the normal category requirements of part 23 as a
certification basis?

Each engine mount accessory must be acceptable for mounting on the engine involved
and use the proper provision on the engines for mounting.

Paragraph 23.1163(b)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.60(b)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1163(c)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.60(c)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1163(d)

ADC Cross-reference: None

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

Paragraph 23.1163(e)

ADC Cross-reference: None

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

23.1165 Engine ignition systems (Amendment 23-34)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: 3.636

ADC Cross-reference: 5.61

Paragraph 23.1165(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.61(a)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1165(b)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.61(b)

What are acceptable means of compliance for 23.1165(b)?

An electrical load analysis should be conducted to ensure that the capacity of the
batteries and generator is large enough to meet the highest current demands in the
system. The analysis should show that there is sufficient electrical power available from
either the battery or the generator to operate all components simultaneously.

Paragraph 23.1165(c)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.61(c)

What are acceptable means of compliance for 23.1165(c)?

The requirements of 23.1165(c) should be demonstrated by a test that has been
coordinated with the FAA prior to conducting the test.

Paragraph 23.1165(d)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.61(d)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1165(e)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.61(e)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

Paragraph 23.1165(f)

ADC Cross-reference: None

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A


23.1181 Designated fire zones; regions included (Amendment 23-51)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: None

ADC Cross-reference: None

This guidance may be used for Airship Certification as applicable.

What is the intent of 23.1181?

The intent of 23.1181 is to identify areas where a high degree of safety precaution must
be taken. These areas are designated fire zones because of the presence of both ignition
sources and flammable fluids where a single failure that releases these fluids may result
in a fire. Sections 23.1182 through 23.1203 address precautions for areas identified in

Paragraph 23.1181(a)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1181(b)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1181(c)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1181(d)

Can the guidance in 23.1181 through 23.1203 be applied to other systems that use
combustible materials other than combustion heaters?

Yes, the guidance provided can and should be considered when certificating other
equipment using combustible materials. Examples of these systems include the

1. Smoke, alcohol and dispensing systems that might carry flammable fluids;

2. Liquid cargo tanks that carry flammable fluids; and

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

3. Other systems that produce heat/flames such as pyrotechnic systems for rainmakers,
flares, chaff dispensers.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

23.1182 Nacelle areas behind firewalls (Amendment 23-14)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: None

ADC Cross-reference: 5.64

What are the acceptable means of compliance with 23.1182?

In general, compliance with 23.1182 must be shown by tests that demonstrate the fire-
resistant and fireproof properties of the components and their installation. Consideration
should be given to component temperature limits, structural properties at elevated
temperatures, and the possibility of gaseous emissions from heated components entering
the cabin when finding compliance.

Related Material

AC 20-135, Powerplant Installation and Propulsion System Component Fire Protection
Test Methods, Standards, and Criteria

AC 20-107A, Composite Aircraft Structure

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

23.1183 Lines, fittings, and components (Amendment 23-51)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: 3.638

ADC Cross-reference: 5.65

Related Material

AC 20-107A, Composite Aircraft Structure

AC 20-135, Powerplant Installation and Propulsion System Component Fire Protection
Test Methods, Standards, and Criteria

Paragraph 23.1183(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.65(a)

What is the intent of 23.1183(a)?

The intent of 23.1183(a) is to ensure that lines and components in the fire zone carrying
flammable fluids do not fail in a manner that contributes additional fuel to a fire.
Compliance with this rule is demonstrated by testing the lines and components under the
conditions expected in the event of a fire. Conditions such as worst-case flow rates of
fluids and air, lowest dispatchable fluid quantities, and highest fluid and air temperatures
should be considered as test parameters.

Can the fire prevention certification of the engine components under 14 CFR part 33,
33.17 be used to show compliance with 23.1183?

Components certified with the engine under 33.17 may or may not meet the
requirements in 23.1183 for a specific airplane installation, depending upon the
test/analysis performed to certify them. In particular, the test conditions, such as fluid
flow rates and quantities used during the part 33 certification, may not be representative
of the conditions expected during a fire in the airplane fire zone. Consequently, the
components approved during engine type certification can only be used for compliance
with the part 23 installation requirements when the test conditions were equal to or more
severe than those expected for the installation. Coordination with the engine
manufacturer is generally required to determine the test conditions applicable to the
original certification of the components.

To what extent must components be shielded?

The intent of this requirement is to prevent leaking flammable fluids from contacting
ignition sources, including hot surfaces and components that produce electrical arcs.
2/23/04 AC 23-16A

Compliance with this paragraph has been shown by installation of shrouds around the
entire high-pressure fuel manifold, installation of shrouds around only the fittings, and
installation of spray shields to deflect leaking fuel away from hot surfaces. The level of
shielding necessary depends upon the type of leaks possible and the ignition sources.
Shielding should be provided for any component that would be an ignition source if
contacted by leaking flammable fluid.

It is possible to have complex shroud arrangements that are difficult to maintain and
result in increased incidence of leaks. In addition, sharp spray shield edges may cause
damage to fuel lines. Therefore, it is important to carefully consider both the benefits
and potential hazards of a given shielding configuration.

Related Material

AC 23-2, Flammability Tests

Paragraph 23.1183(b)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.65(b)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

23.1189 Shutoff means (Amendment 23-43)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: None

ADC Cross-reference: 5.67

Related Material

AC 20-135, Powerplant Installation and Propulsion System Component Fire Protection
Test Methods, Standards, and Criteria

Paragraph 23.1189(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.67(a), 5.67(b), 5.67(c), 5.67(d), 5.67(e), 5.67(f)

What are the typical means of complying with 23.1189?

The intent of 23.1189 is to provide a means to shut off lines containing flammable
fluids in the event of a fire in the fire zone to prevent hazardous quantities of fluid from
entering into and feeding a fire in the zone. Typically, shutoff valves or flow prevention
means located outside the engine fire zone have been used on fuel supply, hydraulic,
external oil supply, and deicer lines. If shutoff valves are located within the fire zone, the
valves as well as their actuation means, including wiring or cables, are required to be

What is considered a hazardous quantity?

The quantity that is considered hazardous depends on the particular engine installation
design. It is important to consider the potential fuel, the worst-case state of the fluid,
such as mist, and the other fuel sources feeding the fire during the fire event. Ultimately,
the intent is to limit the potential fuel sources for the fire such that it loses intensity and

Paragraph 23.1189(b)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.67(g)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Related Material

AC 23-2, Flammability Tests

AC 23-8B, Flight Test Guide for Certification of Part 23 Airplanes
2/23/04 AC 23-16A

Paragraph 23.1189(c)

ADC Cross-reference: None

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.
AC 23-16A 2/23/04

23.1191 Firewalls (Amendment 23-51)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: 3.623, 3.624

ADC Cross-reference: 5.68

Related Material

AC 23-2, Flammability Tests

AC 20-135, Powerplant Installation and Propulsion System Component Fire Protection
Test Methods, Standards, and Criteria

Paragraph 23.1191(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.68(a)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1191(b)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.68(b)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1191(c)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.68(c)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1191(d)


Paragraph 23.1191(e)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.68(d)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

Paragraph 23.1191(f)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.68(e)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1191(g)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.68(f)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1191(h)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.68(g)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.
AC 23-16A 2/23/04

23.1192 Engine accessory compartment diaphragm (Amendment 23-14)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: None

ADC Cross-reference: 5.69

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Related Material

AC 23-2, Flammability Tests

AC 20-135, Powerplant Installation and Propulsion System Component Fire Protection
Test Methods, Standards, and Criteria

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

23.1193 Cowling and nacelle (Amendment 23-43)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: 3.625

ADC Cross-reference: 5.70

Related Material

AC 23-2, Flammability Tests

AC 20-107A, Composite Aircraft Structure

AC 20-135, Powerplant Installation and Propulsion System Component Fire Protection
Test Methods, Standards, and Criteria

Paragraph 23.1193(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.70(a)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1193(b)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.70(b)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1193(c)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.70(c)

What typical cowling materials are considered fire resistant?

Cowlings fabricated of Alclad Aluminum Alloy 2024-T3 (minimum 0.032-in. thickness)
are considered fire resistant. Materials considered fireproof, according to 23.1191, by
definition, are also considered fire resistant.

Many airplanes are constructed from fiber reinforced (carbon, fiberglass, Nomex, Kevlar,
etc.) composite materials. These materials vary widely in the composition of the fiber
and matrix materials, the lay-up of the fibers, and their processing, all factors that could
affect their fire resistance. Because of this, testing of these materials according to the
methods described in AC 23-2, AC 20-107A, and AC 20-135 is typically required to
show compliance with 23.1193(c).

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

Can airflow on the exterior of the cowling be used to meet the fire resistant test

Conduct tests to substantiate alternate materials using an airflow velocity not more than
the minimum stall speed of the airplane on the exterior side of the test specimen.

Paragraph 23.1193(d)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.70(d)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1193(e)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.70(e)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1193(f)

ADC Cross-reference: None

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1193(g)

ADC Cross-reference: None

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

23.1195 Fire extinguishing systems (Amendment 23-43)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: None

ADC Cross-reference: None

This guidance may be used for Airship Certification as applicable.

What methods for complying with the fire extinguishing requirements of 23.1195 are

Flight testing of the engine and APU compartments on the airplane is the accepted
method for demonstrating compliance with 23.1195. The tests should be designed and
performed to show that an extinguishing agent concentration sufficient to extinguish fires
is attained in all the protected compartments within the nacelle simultaneously. The use
of an actual fire during the test is not recommended or required, as this is both dangerous
and destructive. Laboratory testing is used to establish the required concentrations of the
selected agent to extinguish flames for all of the flammable materials in the protected
area according to 23.1197. The concentrations established in the laboratory should be
used in the flight testing. The flight test should encompass the worst-case operational
conditions under which the extinguishing system would be expected to operate. The
instrumentation for the testing should be designed to make sure there is sufficient
coverage of the nacelle area. Some of the conditions to consider for the testing include
the following:

1. Maximum and minimum airflow in the nacelle

The amount of airflow in the nacelle affects the distribution as well as the
concentration of the agent over time.

2. Airflow patterns in the nacelle

The airflow patterns in the nacelle are generally for meeting cooling and venting
requirements. An understanding of the patterns is necessary for determining the
affects on the extinguishing agent concentrations.

3. Likely fire locations in the nacelle

The likely fire locations should be considered along with the airflows in the nacelle to
account for the airflow affects on agent concentration.

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

4. Maximum and minimum temperatures in the nacelle

The temperatures in the nacelle or APU compartment in which the extinguishing
agent is expected to work should be considered for their effect on the dispersion of
the agent.

5. Maximum and minimum operational temperatures of the extinguishing agent (agent
soak temperatures)

Minimum operational temperature testing with the typical extinguishing agents
cannot be sufficiently simulated with lower pressures in the system because of the
presence of multi-phase flow in the system during discharge. These tests should be
performed with agent filled containers that have been conditioned at the appropriate

6. Type of extinguishing agent

Advisory Circular 20-100, referenced under related material below, contains
minimum concentration values sufficient to extinguish turbine engine fires for five
different agents (CO
, CH
Br, CH
BrCl, CF
, and CF
Br), except for the carbon
dioxide all are chlorofluorocarbons. Environmental concerns have led to worldwide
restrictions on the production and use of the chlorofluorocarbons, and work has been
ongoing for over a decade to find replacement agents. The use of agents other than
those currently in use will require special consideration to validate their efficacy.
Consult with the Small Airplane Directorate in these situations.

7. Type of fuel

The majority of aircraft extinguishing systems have been used on turbine-powered aircraft using
turbine fuel. As a result, the agents and their required concentrations have developed around
extinguishing fires common to turbine engines and not reciprocating, or exotic engines. Other
fuels, such as Avgas, alcohol, bio-diesel, and hydrogen, may require additional work to
determine the appropriate concentrations, measurement, and testing techniques to show
compliance with 23.1195.

Related Material

AC 20-100, General Guidelines for Measuring Fire Extinguishing Agent Concentrations
in Powerplant Compartments

Paragraph 23.1195(a)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

Paragraph 23.1195(b)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

23.1197 Fire extinguishing agents (Amendment 23-34)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: None

ADC Cross-reference: None

Paragraph 23.1197(a)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1197(b)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

23.1199 Extinguishing agent containers (Amendment 23-34)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: None

ADC Cross-reference: None

Paragraph 23.1199(a)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1199(b)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Related Material

AC 23.1419-2B, Certification of Part 23 Airplanes for Flight in Icing Conditions

Paragraph 23.1199(c)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1199(d)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1199(e)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

AC 23-16A 2/23/04

23.1201 Fire extinguishing systems materials (Amendment 23-34)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: None

ADC Cross-reference: None

Paragraph 23.1201(a)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1201(b)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

2/23/04 AC 23-16A

23.1203 Fire detector system (Amendment 23-51)

CAR 3 Cross-reference: None

ADC Cross-reference: 5.72

Paragraph 23.1203(a)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.72(a)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1203(b)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.72(b)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1203(c)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.72(c)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1203(d)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.72(d)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Paragraph 23.1203(e)

ADC Cross-reference: 5.72(e)

No specific policy is available as of December 31, 2002.

Related Material

AC 23-2, Flammability Tests


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