This document contains a quiz about retroperitoneal germ cell tumors with 5 multiple choice questions and their answers.
1. Retroperitoneal nodal disease in young males is most likely a germ cell tumor until proven otherwise.
2. All of the answer choices for the second question are correct - retroperitoneal germ cell tumors may be seminomas, non-seminomatous germ cell tumors, or originate in the retroperitoneum with no testicular lesion.
3. PET-CT is generally the best imaging modality for understanding a retroperitoneal mass following chemotherapy as it provides both anatomical and functional data.
This document contains a quiz about retroperitoneal germ cell tumors with 5 multiple choice questions and their answers.
1. Retroperitoneal nodal disease in young males is most likely a germ cell tumor until proven otherwise.
2. All of the answer choices for the second question are correct - retroperitoneal germ cell tumors may be seminomas, non-seminomatous germ cell tumors, or originate in the retroperitoneum with no testicular lesion.
3. PET-CT is generally the best imaging modality for understanding a retroperitoneal mass following chemotherapy as it provides both anatomical and functional data.
This document contains a quiz about retroperitoneal germ cell tumors with 5 multiple choice questions and their answers.
1. Retroperitoneal nodal disease in young males is most likely a germ cell tumor until proven otherwise.
2. All of the answer choices for the second question are correct - retroperitoneal germ cell tumors may be seminomas, non-seminomatous germ cell tumors, or originate in the retroperitoneum with no testicular lesion.
3. PET-CT is generally the best imaging modality for understanding a retroperitoneal mass following chemotherapy as it provides both anatomical and functional data.
This document contains a quiz about retroperitoneal germ cell tumors with 5 multiple choice questions and their answers.
1. Retroperitoneal nodal disease in young males is most likely a germ cell tumor until proven otherwise.
2. All of the answer choices for the second question are correct - retroperitoneal germ cell tumors may be seminomas, non-seminomatous germ cell tumors, or originate in the retroperitoneum with no testicular lesion.
3. PET-CT is generally the best imaging modality for understanding a retroperitoneal mass following chemotherapy as it provides both anatomical and functional data.
1. 1. Retroperitoneal nodal disease in a young male is: A) Germ cell tumor until proven otherwise B) Always has surgery C) Always responds to chemotherapy D) Always responds to radiation
2. Retroperitoneal germ cell tumor- which one is Incorrect? 1. May be Seminoma 2. May be non-seminomatous germ cell tumor 3. May originate in the retroperitoneum with no testicular lesion 4. None of the above
3. The best imaging modality for understanding a retroperitoneal mass following chemotherapy is A) Ultrasound B) MRI C) CT D) PET-CT
4. The template for Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection is A) Based on a case-by-case basis tailored to an individual patient's disease. B) A full template dissection involves removing all retroperitoneal tissue including autonomic nerves C) Should be determined based on the histology of the germ cell tumor D) None of the above
5. Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection: A) Is done as a day case in many hospitals B) Requires surgical expertise and a well-trained team C) Generally involves dissecting only one side of the retroperitoneum D) All of the above
Q1 Answer A: is correct- although lymphoma and other rare malignancies such as sarcoma may present with a retroperitoneal mass in a YOUNG man germ cell tumor, in most cases metastatic should be considered- always examine the scrotum in such instances, measure germ cell tumor markers and get a scrotal ultrasound all incorrect because B) not all retroperitoneal masses get surgery, fewer D) radiation and yes most will get chemotherapy upfront but not ALL resolve Q2 Answer D: None of the above incorrect because Retroperitoneal germ cell tumor- A) May be Seminoma; B) May be non-seminomatous germ cell tumor and 3 May originate in the retroperitoneum with no testicular lesion Q3 Answer D: PET-CT likely to be most helpful as a residual mass that lights up or enhances and gives functional data whilst A) No and B) No. C) being a CT would be the best alternative to PET-CT but offers no functional element- only size yet remains the most common modality in many centres Q4 Answer D: None of the above because- The template for Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection is fairly set- Certainly A) Based on a case-by-case basis it may be tailored to an individual patient's disease is somewhat correct but will always include a baseline template. However B) A full template dissection involves removing all retroperitoneal tissue including autonomic nerves is incorrect- try to spare nerves and surgery C) Should NOT be determined based on the histology of the germ cell tumor but on the size and activity of a residual mass and extent of other metastatic disease (although the type will be very important in treatment decisions) Q5 Answer B: RPLND Requires surgical expertise and a well-trained team. A) Is NOT done as a day case in any hospitals- typically 4-14 days in hospital whilst C) Generally involves dissecting only one side of the retroperitoneum is not true as even modified dissections cross the midline right to left. D) Incorrect
By @lawrentschuk Editor-in-Chief @UrologyQuiz Assoc. Professor Nathan Lawrentschuk, University of Melbourne AUSTRALIA