Drilling String Inspection
Drilling String Inspection
Drilling String Inspection
net - 3rd MENDT - Middle East Nondestructive Testing Conference & Exhibition - 27-30 Nov 2005 Bahrain, Manama
This paper concerns drilling string inspection, API and DS1 Specification requirements, and the way these
should be handled in the oil industry.
For the time being the requirements are stated by the Clients ( Oil Operating Companies) but the services are
called by the Drilling Contractors. This actual inter-company relationship is not the best way to tackle inspection,
risk, and perfect understanding of what should be tubular inspection for the oil drilling industry. Techniques are used
for the purpose of inspection but the most important fact is the relation between inspection results and fatigue
against time. An inspected pipe is not a granted piece of equipment. Inspection would only detect the first sign of
fatigue, if any. The extent to be evaluated and the “risk taker” (Oil Operating Companies) should decide up to which
acceptable level they would still take the risk to use these pipes again. Periodicity of inspection is also a risk to be
assessed taking in consideration many factors (Pipe age, strength vs requirements, percentage of rejection, well
conditions, etc.). As a Tubular Inspection Services Company, we are not giving ideal solutions but questions are to
be asked to clear the permanent misunderstanding between the Oil Operating Company, the Drilling Contractors and
pipe Inspection Companies.
A component is designed to perform certain functions. The user buys a product with every expectation that it
performs the assigned function well and gives trouble-free service for a stipulated period of time (reliability).
Reliability comes through improving the quality level of the component. Quality is also related to defects which
are generated during service. Inspection is used for routine monitoring of various items during service to predict
and assess the remaining life of the component while retaining its structural integrity.
Reliability of inspection depends on standards. Standards are used to ensure reproducible results during
inspection/ testing, no matter when, where or who conducts the inspection. Standards also helps to compare
results and to take decisions on acceptance/rejection.
Drill String inspection employ standards i) API RP 7G: Recommended practice for Drill Stem Design
and Operating Limits
ii) Standard DS-1 Volume 3: Drill Stem Inspection
Major differences
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Standard DS1: ■ Standards for Inspection- Accepting & Rejecting used drill Pipes
■ Drill Stem Inspection covering wide range of components
■ specific Procedures & Methodology
■ Flexible options
■ Training & Qualifications
■ Calibration mandatory requirement
■ Quality Control measures outlined for equipment & processes
Process Comparison
DS-1 Category
Drill Pipe Inspection API RP7G
1 2 3 4 5
Tube Body
Visual Tube Not Addressed
OD Gauging
Table only
UT Wall Thickness checks
Electromagnetic Scanning
MPI/Slip Area Not Addressed
UT Slip Area
Tool Joint
Visual connection
Optional requirement
Fluorescent MPI of connection
Thread profiling w/gauge Not identified
OD/ID Gauging OD only
Seal width/Condition Condition only
Shoulder width Table only
Bevel Diameter
Seal Flatness
Not Addressed
Counter-bore depth
Counter-bore Diameter
Pin stretch
Box Swell Option on request
Tong Space
Most of the time API Inspection loosely called as “Standard Rack Inspection”. This “Standard Rack
Inspection”( or Its rough equivalent, since its meaning varied by company and location) was adopted by
the DS1 sponsor committee as DS1 Category 3.
The cost of a Category 5 inspection is roughly twice that of the normal program represented by
Category 3 or Standard Rack Inspection. DS1 Category 5 is intended for drill string components that
Are to be used in extremely adverse conditions where the potential cost of failure is very large.
DS1 Category 5 includes the Ultrasonic End Area Inspection of Upset and Slip areas of the Drill
pipe, where the accumulated fatigue at both the areas together contribute 96% probability of failure.
2. Inspection Capabilities
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Most failures of drill pipe result from some form of metal fatigue. A fatigue is one which originates as a result
of repeated or fluctuating stresses having maximum values less than the tensile strength of the material. Fatigue
fractures are progressive, beginning as minute cracks that grow under the action of the fluctuating stress. The
rate of propagation is related to the applied cyclic loads and under certain conditions may be extremely rapid.
The failure does not normally exhibit extensive plastic deformation and is therefore difficult to detect until such
time as considerable damage has occurred. There is no accepted means of inspecting to determine the amount of
accumulated fatigue damage or the remaining life in the pipe at a given stress level.
Presently accepted means of inspection are limited to location of cracks, pits, and other surface marks:
measurement of remaining wall thickness; measurement of outside diameter; and calculation of remaining cross
sectional area. Recent industry statistics confirm that a major percentage of tube body in-service failures occur
near the upset run out or within the slip area. Special attention to these critical failure areas should be performed
during inspection to facilitate crack detection in drill strings which have been subjected to abnormally high
bending stresses. Drill pipe which has just been inspected and found free of cracks may develop cracks after
very short additional service through the addition of damage to previously accumulated fatigue damage.”
3. Detecting Fatigue:
No reliable method exists to quantify the amount of fatigue damage a component may have accumulated.
Rather, present inspection technology is limited to looking for fatigue cracks, and even when these inspections
are performed properly, they can still occasionally fail to find small cracks.
Most of the fatigue life of a drill string component will have been used up by the time a crack has formed
and grown large enough to be detected by inspection, so a fatigue crack, once detected, is cause for immediate
rejection of the component.
4. Drivers Affecting
Fatigue Life:
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How quickly a fatigue crack will form and propagate to failure depends on many variables. The four major
drivers are:
(a) Mean tensile stress: Higher mean stress shortens fatigue life, other things equal.
(b) Cyclic stress excursions about the mean stress: Larger stress excursions shorten fatigue life, other things
(c) Corrosiveness of the mud system: More corrosive environments shorten fatigue life, other things equal.
(d) Fracture toughness of the material: Tougher material will have a longer fatigue life and support a larger
crack before final failure, other thing equal (Fracture toughness, rather than being a driver of fatigue
damage, should be thought of as a retarder).
The component being examined is actually either good or bad, depending on its condition and the acceptance
criteria in effect. The inspector examines the part and decides whether to accept or reject it. Therefore, four
possibilities exist. Two correct decision and two errors
Type 1 Error: (Accepting bad material) increase failure probability and may add catastrophic failure costs to the
well costs
Type 2 Error: ( Rejecting good material) increase inspection costs, cause undue hardship on drilling contractors
and rental companies, and lead to logistical cost to unnecessarily replace good equipment.
6. Standard Procedure:
The purpose of different standards is to provide operators a specific guideline to perform different inspection
by reducing the possible Inspection errors
To accomplish this, users of this standard establish specific rules to govern the inspection process. Taken
together, these rules become the “Inspection Program”. The inspection program defines:
(a) Which inspection methods will be applied to each drill stem component.
(b) How each inspection method must be conducted in a step-by-step procedure.
(c) What acceptance criteria will be in effect during inspection -- that is, the user’s definition of “good” and
In addition to errors caused by the inherent limitations of inspection tools and procedures, many inspection
errors occur because the inspection buyer does not know or does not spell out his exact requirements. Two
common phrases should be avoided because their meaning is undefined and ambiguous:
(a) “API Inspection” is an often used but ambiguous phrase. The attributes of acceptable used drill stem
components can be found in API RP7G for many types of equipment. However, that standard is essentially
silent on how those attributes are to be evaluated. Therefore, the phrase “API Inspection” has no real
universally understood meaning.
(b) “DS-1 Inspection” is likewise a meaningless phrase when used alone. A DS-1 inspection can vary from
very little (Cat 1) to a great deal (Cat 5). Therefore, for the term “DS-1 Inspection” to have a precise
meaning, a category must also be stated. The term “DS-1, Cat 3” (for example) exactly establishes the
inspection program and process quality controls that the inspector must use on certain equipment.
i) Failure Analysis:
Group 1 Failure: if stress in a component exceeds some fairly high stress threshold. The threshold
stress is also used for setting minimum acceptable dimensions for a component when the maximum
load is fixed.
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Group 2 Failure: can occur at low stress levels and heavily influenced by the drilling mud chemical
environment and accumulated fatigue.
The response to a drill stem failure also depends on weather the failure mechanism is Group1 or
Group 2
In the planning phase of a well, the approach to preventing failures depends on whether the
Failure mechanism is Group 1 or Group 2
Well Depth ( feet) Minimum Service Mud Weight (ppg) Minimum Service
Category Category
< 5000 2 < 9.0 2
5000 – 10000 3 9.1 – 11.0 3
10000 – 16 000 4 11.1 – 14.5 4
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Offshore, inland water or remote locations, use minimum Service Category 4. For
formation H2S concentrations greater than 0.05 psia, use Service Category 5
Evolution of a highly effective Tubular Management System can only be possible by good
coordination and frequent communication between a) Oil Operating Company
b) Drilling Contractor
c) Inspection Service Company.
All these three parties should work together from the design stage of the proposed well
Design Objectives are to
a) Keep the maximum stress at any point in the drill stem less than yield strength down-rated by a
design (safety) factor
b) Select components and configure assemblies to retard fatigue as much as economically practical
Inspection System: Inspection Program design the inspection system as per the specific
2. Use Soft Die Slips: The slip cut contributes more than 25% of failure mechanism in
tubular and the usage of soft dies can avoid the slip cut, the potential stress risers to
initiate crack.
3. New design ( Drill Pipe) : 72% of Drill Pipe failures occurs at internal/ external upsets,
the area of thickness transition from thick Toll Joint to thin Tube Body. Thus the design
of the internal upset shall be modified , such that the thickness transition zone(upset )
extent at least 5 to 6 feet from the Tool Joint. The elongated Transition zone reduces
fatigue accumulation and risk of failure.
4. Packing, Storage, Transportation & Handling of Tubular in Cradled System: The industry
follows conventional method of bundling tubular for packing and transportation. The
storage of the same bundles by stacked on precarious racks results in costly damages.
Use of cradle system protects the tubular from metal to metal contact. Easy, safe to
handle and transport & easy accountability of pipe as the pipe size are packed equally in
each bundle.
5. Traceability of pipe through unique identification: API recommends the sample marking
at the base of pin. But these identification marks vanishes , when the connection under
goes re-cut. To have a better traceability, efficiency and sealing capacity of joint (a) the
original marking should be re-die stamped and (b) the re-cut (RCT) should be timely
identified by month and year.
1. Standard DS1 : Drill Stem Design and Inspection, TH Hill Associates
2. API RP 7G : Recommended practice for Drill Stem Design and Operating
3. IADC/SPE 87188 : An Innovative Design Approach to reduce Drill String Fatigue