Housing Project
Housing Project
Housing Project
Directions: You are going to be moving out in a months time! Your goal is to find two different
housing options that meet the needs and budget of 1) a minimum wage worker, and 2) a worker
with a bachelors degree. Remember, housing costs should not exceed 30% of your entire budget
You are searching for your first apartment. You work in the Northgate area
You take public transportation. However, depending on the cost of housing you may or may
not choose to buy a car after you find a place to live.
You have enough money for the security deposit, and first and last months rent.
Project Guidelines: The two housing options that you choose must fit the
following criteria:
Housing must meet the Top 5 Needs that you listed on your Needs vs. Wants handout.
Look for housing that first meets your needs NOT your wants.
Using your Housing Costs handout: If you find housing for less than or equal to 30% of the
budget then you can afford a car, but can live no more than 20 miles from this address:
Northgate Mall, Seattle, WA 98125.
Using your Housing Costs handout: If you cannot find housing for less than or equal to
30% of the budget then you must take public transportation/walk and live no more than 5
miles from this address: Northgate Mall, Seattle, WA 98125.
You must find housing without any aid from the city or state, e.g. cannot live in subsidized
or Section 8 housing.
You do not receive any additional aid from the city, state, family/friends for any of your
budget expenses, including, food, amenities, transportation, insurance, savings, etc.
Living on the streets, in a shelter, and/or with family and friends is not an option.
You may choose to live with a roommate(s).
The housing that you find must be currently on the market for rent.
Follow these steps:
1. Using the Real Housing Costs handout, calculate the housing expenses for the
minimum wage worker and the bachelors education worker.
2. Complete the Needs vs. wants handout. Select your top 5 needs and top 5 wants.
a. See handout attached
3. Find two housing ads.
a. Useful websites include: www.Apartments.com; www.Hotpads.com;
www.For Rent.com; www.Rentjungle.com; www.Rental houses.com
b. One of the ads must fit a minimum wage workers budget, and the other ad must fit a
worker with a bachelors degree budget. Label the ads either Minimum Wage or
Bachelors Degree.
c. Each ad must include a physical address. You may have to call to get the address.
d. Print or cut out the ad. All ads should be on 8 x 11 paper.
e. Each ad must clearly meet the Top 5 Needs as listed on your Needs vs. Wants
Handout. Highlight or underline the top 5 needs that the housing covers.
f. Each ad must adhere to the Project Guidelines as mentioned.
4. Evaluation. For a-d answer each of the questions separately. Your answers must be
specific and given with detail:
a. What method(s) did you use to find your housing? If you were given an entire
month to look for housing, would you have used a different method to search for
b. Were you able to stay within your budget? Why or why not? What percentage of
your budget did you end up spending on housing?
c. What, if any, adjustments or compromises did you have to make to your budget in
order to pay for housing? Why did you choose to make the adjustments that you
d. For each housing ad, which needs of yours did the housing ad meet? Did any of the
ads meet your wants? Which wants?
e. What were at least three differences in searching and finding housing for the two
different budgets? For example, were you able to meet your needs easier using the
bachelors degree budget versus the minimum wage budget?
f. What five questions would you ask the landlord about your preferred properties?
g. What are two things you can do to be an ideal candidate on a rental
application and tenant?
5. Submission of Housing Project.
a. Staple the following documents in order and turn in to the In Box.
* Rubric
* Needs vs. Wants Handout
* Two housing ads
* Evaluation
Housing Project Finding My Own Place Rubric
Name: ____________________________________________________________Period:____________
Needs vs. Wants: _____/10
o Top 5 Needs are prioritized and written out.
o Top 5 Wants are prioritized and written out.
Housing Ads: _____/20
o Ads are clearly labeled either Minimum Wage or Bachelors Degree.
o Ads have a physical address listed.
o Rent fits the budget of a minimum wage worker and a worker with a bachelors degree.
o The ads clearly meet the Top 5 Needs as listed in your Needs vs. Wants handout. Print or
cut out ads. All ads should be on 8 1/2 x 11 paper.
o Ads adhere to the Project Guidelines.
Evaluation: _____/30
o Questions a-g are answered.
o Answers are thoughtful, reflective, and use specific examples.
o Answers are clearly written/typed, using complete sentences, correct spelling, and
o Staple the following documents together in order and turn in to the In Box:
o Rubric (Name and Period)
o Needs vs. Wants Handout
o Two housing ads (including any call logs that were made.
o Evaluation
Total Grade: _____/60
Real Housing Costs
Directions: Calculate the spending plan expenses. To find the percentage in each expense
category take the monthy income and multiply it by 30% or .30. This is the amount you can
affort according to the expenditures chart. If you find housing for less, you can add money
to any of the other categories. If you find housing that costs more, you will have to take
from any of the other categories.
*Minimum Wage: $17,356 Annually
Net Income (Monthly): $1012
Bachelor's Degree: $46,000 Annually
Net Income (Monthly): $2,683