The Holocaust at A Glance
The Holocaust at A Glance
The Holocaust at A Glance
The Holocaust
The Holocaust was the Nazi regimes deliberate, organized, and state-
sponsored persecution and murder of approximately six million European Jews.
Holocaust is a word of Greek origin that means sacrifice by fire.
Nazi ideology said that Germans were racially superior and that Jews were an
inferior race and a threat to the survival of Germany. Anti-Semitism, or hatred
of Jews, had a centuries-long history in Germany and throughout Europe, but
reached its height during the Nazi era (1933-1945). The Nazis also claimed
that Roma (Gypsies), Slavs (Poles, Russians), and physically and mentally
disabled people were Untermenschen, or sub-human, and could therefore be treated inhumanely. Communists, socialists,
Jehovahs Witnesses, homosexuals and anyone who publically disagreed with the Nazi regime were also persecuted,
imprisoned, and murdered.
The Nazis came to power in 1933 when their leader, Adolf Hitler, was made chancellor. Hitler rose to power in part by using
Jews as scapegoats (made to bear the blame) for everything that had gone wrong in Germanythe loss of WWI, the Treaty of
Versailles that punished Germany after the war, and the Great Depression. Jews were soon after forcibly removed from civil
service jobs, medicine, the judicial system, and the military. Jewish businesses were boycotted or shut down. The Nuremburg
Laws of 1935 denied Jews their German citizenship, forbade Jews to marry non-Jews, and took away most of their political
During Kristallnacht, or the Night of Broken Glass (November 9, 1938), a violent riot against Jews organized by the Nazis, over
1,440 synagogues were burned, at least 91 people were murdered, countless Jewish businesses and homes were vandalized
and destroyed, and 30,000 Jews were sent to Dachau, Buchenwald, Sachsenhausen and other concentration camps. By this
point it had become very difficult for German Jews to leave Germany because few countries would take them in. At this point,
too, it was difficult, if not impossible, for the world to claim it did not know how Jews were being treated in Nazi Germany.
Once WWII began (September 1, 1939) and the Nazis overran Europe, Jews in conquered countries were herded into ghettos
walled off sections of a city where the inhabitants lived in overcrowded, unsanitary conditions with a lack of food, medical
services, and heat. Starvation and disease led to hundreds of thousands of deaths in the ghettos of Warsaw, Lodz, Vilnius, and
many others. Many Jews went into hiding, often relying on the kindness and bravery of non-Jewish friends. To hide a Jew was
dangerous and to be caught doing so meant prison or even death. Few Jews were able to survive the war by hiding, as most
like Anne Frank and her familywere found out and sent to concentration camps.
In January 1942, high-ranking Nazi party members met at in the town of Wannsee to discuss the Final Solution of the Jewish
question. Hundreds of thousands of Jews were already in Nazi concentrations camps being used as slave labor for the
German war effort. Beginning later that year, the Nazis started deportations from the ghettos and concentration camps to
extermination campskilling centers in Poland with specially designed gassing facilities, like Auschwitz, Treblinka, and
Chelmno. With the efficiency of the entire German state behind the effort, trains loaded with Jewish men, women and children
rolled daily into these killing centers. Most were sent directly to the gas chambers to be murdered.
There were notable efforts to resist the Holocaust. A number of armed uprisings in the ghettos and camps surprised the Nazis,
but were ultimately put down. Some Jews escaped ghettos and joined partisan movements fighting against the Nazis. Within
the ghettos and camps acts of defiance, small or large, were met with brutality and murder, but occurred all the same.
When the Soviets, Americans, and British began to close in on Germany in early 1945, the Nazis forced Jews on long marches
away from the advancing Allied armies. Hundreds of thousands died of exposure, violence, and starvation on these death
marches. As the Allies moved into Germany and Poland they liberated the concentration and extermination camps and were
horrified by what they found. Although news reports about camps had earlier informed the world of these atrocities, it wasnt
until the camps were liberated that the full extent of the Nazi crimes against the Jewish people was exposed to the world.
While not all victims were Jews, all Jews were victims. Jews were destined for annihilation solely because they were
born Jewish. They were doomed not because of something they had done or proclaimed or acquired but because of who
they were, sons and daughters of Jewish people. As such they were sentenced to death collectively and individually
Elie Wiesel, writer, political activist, Nobel Peace Prize recipient, and Holocaust survivor