By Laws:: General Guidelines

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2.1 Students of the guild are expected to perform any task, keeping in mind the basic rules and
regulations of the University.

2.2 Students must not disrupt the academic activities of any member of the academic community,
or any ceremony, meeting or social, cultural, political or sporting event of the University held on
the Universitys premises or elsewhere whether or not the event or meeting is open to the public.

2.3 Students must not disrupt the administration and general operation of the University.

2.4 Students must not engage in any criminal activity against any other student, employee of the
University or any authorized visitors.

2.5 Students must not perform any act which might render the University liable in criminal law.

2.6 Students must not damage, deface or misappropriate any property of the University, the
Students Guild, any other organisation or body of students in the University or any other
member of the academic community or employee of the University.

2.7 Students must not behave in a violent, indecent, disorderly or threatening manner or use
violent, indecent, disorderly or threatening language while on the Universitys premises or
engaged in any Institutional or Guild activity.

2.8 Students must not take or use without authority any property belonging to the University, the
Students Guild, any student organisation, any other student, member of staff or authorised
visitor. 2.9 Students must not bring onto any property of the University a firearm of any
description, or imitation firearm, any other weapon, ammunition, or any explosive material
(including fireworks), or any substance hazardous to life without the written authority of a
person authorised by the Institution.

2.10 Students must not engage in fraud, deceit, deception or dishonesty in relation to the
University, its staff or students, or in connection with holding any office in the Guild.

2.11 Students must not use the name of the University or their position in the Guild or in the
University to engage in fraud, deceit, deception or dishonesty.

2.12 Students must disclose their name and other relevant details to a person duly authorised by
the University in circumstances when it is reasonable to require that such information be given.

Students should note that if they commit a breach of this rule they render themselves liable
to under prosecution until the issue is solved and the culprit is found or proved guilty.


All the students of Centre for Business Administration will be the member of the Guild.

A sum of Rs. 100 will be charged by every member on yearly basis as the membership
fee for the guild.

The members of the Executive Committee will be from among the members of the Guild.

All members are expected to follow the rules of the Guild as well as the University.

Executive Committee

The different posts under the Executive Committee comprises of Secretary, Treasurer,
Event Head, Legal Advisor, Inf. Officer.

The candidate for the above mentioned posts will be chosen from among the members of
the Student guild.

To hold the posts the candidate -
a) Must have 75% attendance in the Academic Session.
b) Should have at least credits in the previous semester.
c) There should not be any disciplinary charges against the candidate.

The tenure for the posts will be for one year; starting from even semester and ending in
odd semester.

The guild coordinators have the full right to ask any of the Executive Committee
members to leave there post any time. Their decisions will be final.

The members can also be asked to leave their post if any case of disciplinary action is
charged against them and they are proved guilty.

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