Army Aviation Digest - Jan 1985
Army Aviation Digest - Jan 1985
Army Aviation Digest - Jan 1985
1 Commander's Farewell, MG Bobby J.
2 The AH64 and OT II, CPT Robert L. Jr.
13 U.S. Army Aviation Board Adds New
Dimension, CW3 Ray E. Stanton
17 Aviation Doctrine and Training Literature
18 Back Pain in the Army Helicopter Pilot,
MAJ Dennis F. M.D.
24 DES Report to the Field: Changes to
Instrument Flight Evaluations-Why?
25 Army Aviation Museum
26 Converting the AH1 for the Air-to-Air Role,
CW3 Ron Moring
28 Why Air Assault at the U.S. Army Aviation
Center, COL C. and CPT
Jeffrey J. Anderson
31 Jump TOC for the Air Cavalry Squadron, CPT
Alan D. Swain and CPT Richard L. Lucas
36 AVLOG 84, CPTThomas W. and CPT
Joseph E. Faubion
44 Instrument Corner: Holding Entries Made
Simple, CW4 Mike Harbin
Outside Back Cover: ATC Action Line:
RPV Operations, Mr. Jesse M. Burch Jr.
Cover: Related to the tactical lessons
learned during the AH64 OT II at Ft.
Hunter-Liggett. Story begins on page 2.
The mission the U.S. Army Aviation Digest (USPS 415350) is to provide information
of an operational, functional nature concerning salety and aircraft accident prevention,
page 13 page 25
Honorable John O. Marsh Jr.
Secretary of the Army
Major General Bobby J. Maddox
Commander, U.S. Army Aviation Center
Brigadier General (P) Ellis D. Parker
Assistant Commandant
U.S. Army Aviation Center
Brigadier General Wayne C. Knudson
Army Aviation Officer, ODCSOPS
Richard K. Tierney
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Major General Bobby J. Maddox
Chief, Army Aviation Branch
Commander's Farewell
As COMMANDER of the Aviation Center, and
first chief of the Aviation Branch, I have been
privileged to be part of many exciti ng events
concerning the development and implementation
of the Army Aviation Branch. Much has been said
about these events in both the Aviation Branch
Update letter and the Aviation Digest. There is
much more to be said and there are a great many
tasks to be completed.
It has been my pleasure to help mold many of
the projects concerning Aviation development.
The Aviation Digest has served the Army Aviation
community well by bringing Aviation matters to
the forefront and highlighting doctrine, tactics,
training and equipment.
Historic milestones and events have been iden-
tified, and met. Some of the highlights of those
events were: Operational testing for the Army
Helicopter Improvement Program (AHI P); con-
tract awards to qualify and integrate Air-to-Air
Stinger (ATAS) on our scout aircraft; AH-64
Apache production; the first Aviation Advanced
Course and Aviation Basic Officer Course gradua-
tions; and the reorganization of the training
elements at the Aviation Center to include the
first all enlisted training department at the Avia-
tion Center with a sergeant major as director.
All of these events have been reported in the
Aviation Digest as we have guided Army Aviation
through its embryonic stage. We see results
because highly motivated professional soldiers
and civi I ians loyally devoted their time and effort
to inject innovative ideas into Branch implemen-
tation. They are the people we count on. As I leave
Ft. Rucker, I can assure you that the team
assembled there is superb in every respect.
I challenge each of you involved with Army
Aviation to search out problems and offer solu-
tions on the pages of the Aviation Digest. I calion
everyone in the field to publish - to make a
significant professional contribution by writing
substantive material which will help shape the
Aviation Branch of the future.
It is vital to your professional development, the
Branch and the Army to keep continuous
technical and tactical information flowing across
the pages of this magazine. It is our duty to con-
tinuously process this information for the benefit
of those charged with the development and
growth of the Army's newest and most potential-
ly lethal combat arm.
I leave this command, comfortable with the
knowledge that our Branch has measured up to
the Army of Excellence for which we are proud to
bear the standard. Your untiring efforts and
dedication have brought together the dreams of
so many who preceded us. Thank you for your in-
novative leadership, enthusiasm and plain old
hard work. You have brought Army Aviation into
the 21 st century. AIR ASSAULT.
Cited as being the greatest training experience for combat preparation, the AH-64 Advanced
Attack Helicopter Operational Test II (OT II) was conducted during the summer
of 1981 at Ft. Hunter-Liggett , CA, using a standard threat scenario where the Threat forces were
attacking and the Blue forces were defending. Lessons learned during the
OT II will ensure a better doctrine and hopefully lead to a training program with real-time
casualty assessment exercises.
Captain Robert L. Johnson Jr.
Ch ief, Scout/Attack Branch
U.S. Army Aviati on Board
Fort Rucker, AL
URING THE summer of
1981, the most advanced
attack helicopter in the
world, the AH64 Apache,
was pitted against an over
whelminy threat force in a free
play exercise. The results led to
aircraft modifications and doc
trinal employment concepts
which one day may prove to be
the combat multiplier that will
ensure victory in any future
The AH64 Advanced Attack
Helicopter Operational Test II
(OT II) was conducted at Ft.
HunterLiggett, CA. This was a
free play, realtime casualty
AH64 Apache aircraft at holding
area (below) and returning to base after
completing mission (right)
during Operational Test II at Ft.
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assessment, forceonforce ex
ercise. Threat forces consisted
of a reinforced tank company of
T72 tanks (M60A1), BMPs(M113
armored personnel carriers
with TOW), one to two SA8 air
defense artillery threat simulators
(ADATS), one SA9 ADATS, two
ZSU 234s (one ADATS and one
.. ' ) ~ "
ZSU 23A) and four SA7s (in
jeeps and M 113s). The Blue force
consisted of one tank platoon
(M60AI) and an AH64 platoon
consisting of three AH64s, two
surrogate scout airborne target
and fire control systems (ATAFCS)
and a battle captain in an
OH58C Kiowa. The ATAFCS air
craft were AH1 R model Cobras
that incorporated a target ac
quisition and designation system
similar to the AH64.
The OT II was conducted us
ing a standard threat scenario
where the Threat forces were at
tacking and the Blue forces were
defending. The range facilities
and all equipment were fully in
strumented and allowed for real
time casualty assessment. Each
engagement was monitored by
computer facilities to determine
who the players were (i.e., AH64
versus T72, etc.); what the
capabilities of the engaging
weapon system were (i.e., AH64
engaging by HELLFIRE missile
at "X" range with "X" time of
flight, etc.); if the correct
parameters for launch, track and
hit were met; and, finally to
determine if a kill occurred.
The following is a typical
engagement sequence: An
AH64 acquires a T72 and laser
designates the target. The laser
sensor on the T72 tells the com
puter that an AH64 laser is
"painting" the tank and the
length of time the AH64's laser
stays on target. The sensors on
the AH64 tell the computer the
aircraft's location and if the air
craft has properly gone through
all procedures (switchology)
necessary to launch a missile.
They also tell the computer
when the missile is launched.
As the computer gathers this
information, it determines if the
laser track from the AH64 to the
T72 is long enough and accurate
enough for a missile hit. If so, the
computer analyzes the HELLFIRE
missile characteristics (range,
time of fire, mode of launch, etc.)
to determine if it hit the target
and subsequently made a kill. If
all the data indicates that the
T72 has been destroyed, the
computer will transmit a
message to the tank and a
flashing light will illuminate on
the T72. The vehicle then stops,
and a crewmember "pops" a
smoke grenade.
All this takes place almost in
stantaneously so that the flow of
battle appears real time. Similar
engagements occur simultaneously
all over the battlefield. It's
almost like fighting a real battle,
but with lasers instead of
bullets. For those of us who par
ticipated in the AH64 OT II, this
was the greatest training ex
perience we could have received
to prepare us for combat.
The OT lasted all summer, and
we tried to run up to three
"trials" a day, with each trial
lasting 30 minutes. Each began
with an announcement from the
test officer to "start trial" and
ended when one side or the
other became combat ineffec
tive, the Threat forces secured
their objective or when 30
minutes had elapsed. The trials
varied by the terrain that was
used and by certain "distrac
tors" such as electronic warfare
played in both day and night
The doctrine and employment
concepts that we initially
developed before the OT, were
modified and improved as we
gained experience. Although the
OT participants in the AH64 pia
toon were highly experienced,
many problems initially developed
in tactically employing the
AH64 platoon. At first, the task
overload inside the cockpit of
both AH64 and surrogate scout
aircraft often produced less than
desirable results.
Operating in a high threat air
defense radar environment
proved to be most difficult.
Despite their vast experience,
few of the pilots had ever worked
against an ADATS before, and
definitely not against the full ar
ray of threat air defense artillery
(ADA) radar systems at the same
time. It was not until we learned
how to function in this kind of
environment that employment
concepts were refined and proper-
ly used. It is these employment
concepts and tactical lessons
learned during the aT that I
discuss below in three parts: first,
tactical lessons leamed during the
aT; second, premission planning
and battle organization; and third,
actual mission employment. These
employment concepts are the
closest thing to "battle tested" that
one can get without firing a live
round in combat. With the fielding
of the AH-64, now is an opportune
time to reflect on the employment
concepts and lessons leamed duro
ing the AH64 aT II. Furthermore,
these lessons learned might
enhance new concepts currently
under consideration.
Before discussing the employ
ment concepts and premission
planning, it is important to look
at the tactical lessons learned to
understand why the AH64 was
employed in the manner that
evolved during the latter portion
of the aT.
Organization for Satt/e. Dur
ing the OT, only three AH64 pro
totype aircraft were available.
Therefore, we organized into two
sections, each consisting of an
AH64 and a scout. If the third
AH64 was available for the trial,
it was assigned to one of the sec-
tions and used as the primary air
cralt to service ground laser
identification and designator
(G LI 0) calls for fire. The battle
captain flew in an OH58C. This
was primarily because no other
surrogate scouts existed and
because we found it was an ade-
quate aerial platform for the mis-
sion of the battle captain.
The battle captain cannot
simultaneously function as both
battle captain and as one of the
section scouts. This is because
of the sophistication of the
various visionics, increased
workload as a result of the
technological equipment on the
aircraft, and the complexity of
the interaction between the
scout and AH64. The complexity
of the responsibilities of the bat
tie captain and the section scout
will become clearer throughout
the article.
The battle captain needed a
miminum of one very high fre-
quency (VHF), one ultrahigh
frequency (U H F) and two frequen
cy modulated (FM) radios on his
aircraft to maintain communica-
tion between both sections a{ld
all supporting ground units,
GLlO, artillery, ground com
mander, etc. With the extended
ranges and separations in which
the AH64 platoon worked, inter
communications between air-
cralt and between sections
became extremely difficult at
times. This was because of the
poor ability of the current radios
to operate over extended
distances in nap-ofthe-earth en
vironment. Intercommunica-
tions between air and ground
units also proved to be very dif-
ficult. The battle captain had to
continually move about the bat-
tlefield to establish and maintain
communication with all of these
elements. He had to pass perti-
nent information about Threat
actions from one section to the
other because the radios were
inadequate for both sections to
hearthe initial spot report to the
battle captain.
The battle captain also had to
act as the intermediary in
transmitting request for
H ELLFI RE missile engagements
between the GLID and the third
AH64. Whenever pOSSible, the
third AH64 was used to service
these requests from the G LI D.
However, it was the battle cap-
tain's responsibility to know
where the G LI D was, the general
location of the target the GLID
wanted to engage, and whether
or not an AH64 was available to
meet the launch constraints of
the missile. Too many missiles
were lost initially by allowing the
AH64 to communicate directly
with the G LI O. The communica
tions problems were such that
by allowing the AH64 to com
municate directly with the GLlO,
it effectively took that AH64 out
of the platoon as a maneuver
With -a platoon conSisting of
five AH64s and three scouts, an
organization consisting of a sec-
tion with one scout and three
AH64s and a second section
having one scout and two
AH64s would be best. The battle
captain must have his own air
craft. The third AH64 in the first
section should be maneuvered
so that normally it is centrally
located to more readily meet
GllO missions which might
arise. Missile launch constraints
between the GLiO and the target
being designated and the loca
tion of the G LI 0 with respect to
the AH64 are the driving factors
Scouts and Remote HELLFIRE
Engagements. Since the sur
rogate scouts participating in
the aT had laser designation
capability as well as onboard vi
sionics that were somewhat
compatible to the AH64s', the
capability for remote HELLFIRE
missile launches existed.
Remote shots are important
because they allow a higher
volume of fire, permit the
greatest possible use of the
maximum eltective range of the
missile, allow the AH64 to reo
main masked while firing
missiles and provide the oppor
tunity to effect a continuous
volume of fire on the threat
forces by having the AH64 fire
for a remote designator while the
other aircraft is relocating.
FIGURE 1: Calls for fire.
However, the initial tendency
for the scouts during the OT was
to concentrate more on being
"killer" scouts than on ac
complishing the traditional
scout functions. Additional
Iy,the remote shot is difficult to
accomplish. It requires good
communication between the
AH64 and the scout; requires
the scout pilot to ensure that his
laser designation is within the
constraints of the H ELLFI RE
missile on the AH64; mandates
an extremely good target hand
off procedure over the radio to
ensure that the scout's laser is
painting the target for a suffi
cient amount of time for the
HELLFIRE missile to lockon
and impact the target; and ex-
poses the unmasked scout for
an extensive period. The
methods developed for the
various calls for fire are in figure
1. Few remote shots were suc-
cessful during the OT and all sur
rogate scout losses (kills by
Threat forces) occurred while
scouts attempted remote shots.
Therefore, because of the above
mentioned problems, the
autonomous direct shot by the
AH64 (in other words, self
designation) was by far the most
effective means of engaging
targets during the OT II.
Scouts should attempt remote
shots only when targets of
opportunity arise, during initial
engagements when AH64s are
outside the maximum effective
range for (autonomous) direct
shots, or during situations when
a maximum volume of fire is
wanted on targets, such as a
tank battalion that is caught in
the open. The scout's role is
critical in the section. The "kill
ing" should be left to the most
efficient killing machine, which
is the AH64.
There were times during the
OT that scouts became so in
volved in trying to be "killer
scouts" that they lost contact
with sections of the Threat
forces. Many times the volume
and effectiveness of fire was
decreased because the scouts
were trying to fire remote shots
at targets that would have been
more efficiently serviced by an
AH64 firing direct. This was a
hard lesson to learn, and it
wasn't until the latter part of the
OT that a proper balance
between remote shots for the
scouts and direct shots by
AH64s was struck.
Battle Positions. A number of
things were learned about
fighting and selecting a good
battle position. All the factors in
selecting a battle position as
stated in the field manuals are
valid, but a few need elaboration.
Background is critical. A battle
position which has a background
makes detection of an aircraft by
both optical and electronic
means extremely difficult-as
opposed to an aircraft being
skylined when unmasking. This
applies regardless of range to
the target. If the battle position
and back.ground are in the
shade, the detectability of an un
masked aircraft is further
decreased making it almost im
possible to see. This is the best
combination that an aircraft can
find (background and shade).
The battle position has to have
intervisibility with the various
engagement areas. Given the
ranges at which the AH64s were
engaging and the terrain in
which the fighting was occurring
(Ft. HunterLiggett was hilly and
cluttered with trees), altitude is
critical in gaining intervisibility.
The greater the altitude of the
battle position, the easier to ac
quire and track a target with the
visionics onboard the aircraft.
The lower the altitude, the closer
the pilot had to get to the target
to engage it.
Remember that when firing a
TOW missile you can continue to
track a moving target in a clut
tered wooded environment as
long as the missile hasn't
entered the woods. Also, if the
target is moving in and outof
folds in the earth, you can still
track the TOW missile to where
you expect the target to
With a HELLFIRE missile,
things are different. Once the
missile is launched, it guides on
the laser energy painted on the
target. If the target is moving
through a cluttered, wooded en
vironment, the laser beam may
be deflected by the clutter and
send false signals to the missile
about the target's location. If the
target moves into a fold in the
earth while you're tracking it,
and you don't shift to some type
of solid ground target to get a
constant laser return, you run
the risk of losing the missile.
Therefore, altitude is critical in
selecting battle positions to
maintain your standoff range
and intervisibility with the target.
Another key to selecting a
good battle pOSition is to find
one that has a portion of the ter
rain which masks you from the
threat ADA radar (primarily
SA8/ZSU 234). USing certain
portions of the terrain (a large
boulder, rocky knob, etc.) to
mask your aircraft signature
prevents the threat radar from
"locking" on you even though it
knows you're in that area. Until
we learned how to use the terrain
in this manner-to prevent radar
lockon during the OT -we were
not an effective fighting force. It
seemed that every time we stuck
our heads up to take a look, we
were being searched, acquired
and lockedon in a matter of
seconds. If a threat radar system
can prevent you from engaging
the threat forces simply by using
its radar systems (without hav
ing to fire a shot), it has fulfilled
its mission and prevented you
from completing yours. Once we
learned how to use our APR39s
and to properly select the terrain
from which to unmask, we
became extremely effective.
To prevent the ADA radar lock
on, we began adjusting many of
our techniques. Often the
scouts would run "decoy" mis
sions. They would position
themselves away from the
AH64, beyond range of the ZSU
234, in a shaded battle position
to prevent visual acquisition and
use the APR39s to tell us where
the radar systems were coming
from. We would then "occupy"
the radar systems by allowing
them to acquire and sometimes
lockon (immediately breaking
lock) to fix the attention of the
radar operators on the scouts.
This afforded the AH64s an
unhindered opportunity to
engage the Threat forces.
I do not recommend this
technique unless the scout
crews are thoroughly familiar
with the use of their APR39s, the
capabilities and limitations of
threat radar systems, and they
are thoroughly knowledgeable in
using the terrain to select battle
positions. As a point of interest,
no casualties were taken while
using this decoy technique.
Flank shots are invaluable. I
cannot say enough about this. It
is to your advantage to select a
battle position that will permit
flank shots into your engage
ment area. Also, if you find a
good battle position which
allows you to engage the threat
without being acquired, you
should continue to use that posi
tion until you are forced to
relocate: This was a very in
teresting development that
came out of the OT. Every once
in a while we ran across a perfect
battle position which afforded
the desirable characteristics
mentioned. We found it better to
stay in such a battle position and
fire 8 to 10 missiles instead of
relocating 5 to 6 times and firing
the same number of missiles.
This causes a lot of heartburn
with "book" tacticians, who
teach staying in a battle position
only long enough to fire one
missile (sometimes two). I agree
that for TOW missile engage
ments that is true. However,
when fighting with AH64s firing
HELLFIRE missiles, and given a
battle position with the char
acteristics mentioned (Le., with
shade, background, altitude,
allowing flank shots and lateral
unmasking), and when the posi
tion is in excess of 3 km from the
Threat forces, firing 8 to 10
missiles is more expedient, effi
cient, and creates a more ac
curate and higher volume of fire.
During the OT it was not
unusual for the AH64s to have
fired all 16 missiles before leav
ing the second battle position.
Here's why: In the time it takes
for an AH1 Cobra to engage two
targets at 3 km from a battle
position, an AH64 can engage
eight targets. In a targetrich en
vironment the rapid fire capability
of the AH-64 permits a more ef
fective employment if the air
craft remains in a good battle
position than if it continues to
relocate when it is not necessary. If
you add the ripple fire capability
of the AH-64 (when the AH-64
gunner is launching a missile for
a remote designator for every
missile fired for himself) to the
same scenario, you find the
AH-64 might possibly launch all
16 missiles and destroy 16
targets in the time it takes a TOW
Cobra to destroy two targets.
Specific Engagement Areas.
When selecting engagement
areas during premission plan
ning ensure that these areas are
specific and not just big goose
eggs on your maps. The AH-64
can program the Target Acquisi
tion and DeSignation System
(TAOS) to reflect the grid coor
dinates of the center of mass of
each engagement area you use.
This aids in rapid acquisition for
the AH64s when they're moving.
The TAOS can be "prepointed"
so when the AH64 unmasks, the
TAOS is looking right at the
engagement area. Also, the
more specific your engagement
areas are, the easier it is to pass
threat movements and locations
to all members of the team.
When selecting an engage
ment area, choose an area that
maximizes your aircraft capa
bilities. It is better to engage the
threat in a specific area which
allows you standoff, intervisibili
ty, etc., even if these specific
engagement areas are separated
by several kilometers. If you try
to fight the AH64 throughout
the entire terrain on a con
tinuous basis you negate many
of the favorable characteristics
of the system. The AH-64s will be
forced to get closer to the threat
to engage them, creating situa
tions where the AH-64s will be
selectively and individually
engaging targets instead of
engaging many targets with a
massive volume of fire. It is in
these situations (between
engagement areas) where the
scouts are more efficient. The
scouts, with their smaller pro
files and mast mounted Sights,
can engage selected targets of
opportunity while maintaining
contact with the Threat forces,
using remote shots. This allows
the AH64s to position them
selves for a massive firepower
release as the Threat forces
move into the engagement area.
Night Fighting and a Compati
ble Scout Aircraft. Another fact
which became obvious during
the OT was the night fighting
capability of the AH64. Ground
forces have a tendency to bunch
up when moving or attacking at
night. They also tend to move
across more open areas which
enables them to better see
where they are going. These
facts tend to make the AH64 ex
tremely effective in that it can
quickly move about the bat
tlefield using the Pilot Night Vi
sion System (PNVS) and can
engage targets with the forward
looking infrared radar (FLIR)
system. Without a doubt the
AH64 is the finest night fighting
aircraft in the world. However,
one fact that came out of the OT
loud and clear is that a scout air
craft with compatible visionics
(both day and night) is essential.
When these two aircraft are
employed together the synergistic
effect on the battle is remarkable.
To employ the AH64 without a
compatible scout implies using
only half of the system's
capabilities. Employing the
AH64 with the OH58C means
the same thing. The OH58C
does not have the visionics or a
designation capability, and it is
slow and unmaneuverable. To
send the AH64 out with this air
craft, particularly at night, is to
virtually put a leash on the
AH64. It can be compared to
sending out a scout on
horseback in front of an armor
battalion of M1 tanks. The bot
tom line is that if you want to
maximize the effectiveness of
the AH64, and get the high kill
ratios that are expected, the
AH64 must be employed with a
compatible scout aircraft.
Although many more lessons
were learned, those mentioned
above impacted directly in the
evolution of the employment
concepts used during the latter
stages of the OT. Because of the
complexity of the fire control
system of the AH64, thorough
premission planning is essential.
Probably the most important
ingredient to successful employ
ment of the AH64 is premission
planning. A complete mission
brief is always important;
however, there are some unique
items of information which must
be given to the crews of the
AH64 platoon to maximize their
efficiency. Since a large volume
of information needs to be
copied down and later made ac
cessible to the crew, it becomes
apparent that some means has to
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1 5min TOS
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be developed to ensure that
crews get the proper informa
tion, copy all pertinent items and
have access to it quickly once
they are in the cockpit. This was
accomplished by two things:
A standard mission brief in
the company tactical standing
operating procedure was used
by the battle captain when
An information sheet the
size of your kneeboard which left
blanks for all required informa
tion to be copied down.
Figure 2 is a copy of the sheet
used during OT II. This sheet was
acetate covered so that all the in
formation could be marked
down with a water soluble pen
and quickly erased for the next
mission. This sheet and its in
teraction with premission plan
ning was invaluable.
Note that the front side of the
information sheet is divided into
columns. The first column is for
call signs to be used during the
mission. The second column is
the storage address in the fire
control computer (FCC) in which
the laser code (column 3) is
assigned to that aircraft. Column
4 contains the primary radio free
quencies that particular aircraft
will be using.Each scout and
AH64 aircraft must have a
predetermined laser code (and
FIGURE2: Pilot kneeboard
Brevity Codes Meanings
1. Set (NC) Set in initial position
2. Dead Bug (NC) Malfunction A/C
3. Standby (NC) Self-explanatory
4. Abort (NC) Self-explanatory
5. ZSU 23-4 8 ~ (NC) ZSU point at 285
6. SA-8 265 (NC) SA-8 point at 265
7. SA6 245 (NC) SA-6 point at 245
8. No Joy (C) No targets in the
engagement area
9. Game Time (C) Start problem play
10. Playboy (C) ECCM Fox
11 . Joker (C) Return to FARP
12. Bingo (C) 50% HELLFIRE ammo
remaining/20 minutes
fuel on station
13. Burnout (C) 0% HELLFIRE ammo
remaining/10 minutes
fuel on station
14. Wait (C) Sel f-exp lanatory
15. Sparkle (C) Signal for GUO to
FIGURE 3: Brevity code words.
address) prior to beginning the
mission. If AH64 #2 of Section 1
is assigned laser code 1141 and
stores that laser code in address
(C), then everyone in the platoon
knows what code AH64 #2 is
working for direct, autonomous
engagements. If the scout for
Section 1 is assigned a laser
code in address "A," then all air
craft know what code scout #1 is
working for remote shots and for
laser range finding. Notice that
the call for fire for a remote shot
is simply, "A64 (AH64) this is
012 (Set), REO OVER"-(REO is
the engagement area). This
means that the AH64 will launch
a HELLFIRE missile with the
scout's (012) laser code pro
gramed into the missile, toward
engagement area Red. Conse
quently, when the missile is
launched, it will begin searching
for the laser spot being
designated by the scout (012)
and home in on that particular
laser frequency.
By assigning each aircraft a
laser code and address, any air
(NC) Code words do not change
(C) Code words change daily craft can communicate with any
FIGURE 4: Electronic warfare operations procedures.
(1) Primary consideration is to get the AH-84 into
the engagement area as soon as possible to maintain
a high volume of fire.
(2) It is imperative that the AH-84 pilot gain and
maintain intervisibility with his assigned scout.
(3) The scout's job is to get the AH-84 into the
engagement area so that it can engage autonomously.
(4) Worst case, the AH-84 pilot acquires the
engagement area as soon as possible to continue the
battle if he has lost visibility with his scout or the
scout is rendered ineffective.
(1) Radios:
(a) Attempts to work through jamming on
assigned frequency;
(b) Calls battle captain on unaffected radio
i.e. PLAYBOY -
(c) Battle captain calls "Execute PLAYBOY
FM," that is the time to switch to alternate frequency.
(d) If all three radios on both primary and alter
nate frequencies are jammed, then and only then, the
team will go to the use of SAM cards.
(2) SAM Cards:
(a) The battle position occupied by the AH-84
pilot will designate the engagement area into which
he should orient his fire.
(b) Gaining intervisibility with assigned scout
2. TAOS PrePoint
3. Naked Eye
(a) Scout will remote the first
I- missile, after missile launch the
~ AH-84 goes autonomous.
(b) This enables the scout to get the AH-84 into the
desired engagement area.
(c) If the scout shows the remote card again, that
will terminate that engagement.
The AH64 will go
r:!:J Mo," to EA (A.dl
other aircraft for a remote
HELLFIRE engagement and all
parties involved know which
laser code to use. This precludes
any lost missiles because of im
proper or incorrect laser code
use. This also aids in remote
HELLFIRE engagements using a
When establishing initial con
tact with the GLlO, the battle
captain verifies the laser code
the GLiO will be working in sup
port of the AH64 platoon. The
battle captain also tells the GLiO
the storage address in the FCCs
of the AH64s in which his code
is located. Therefore, when a
"GLIO shot" is called for, the in
itial call for fire to the AH64 from
the battle captain is, "A64 this is
011, REO H (Hotel), OVER." In
this case the AH64 will launch a
HELLFIRE missile with the
"Hotel" address and laser code
programed into the missile. This
procedure of assigning specific
addresses and codes facilitates
the organization and control of
missile engagements and
simplifies the calls for fire.
CD Mo"toEA
Mo," to EA _____ _
~ MO'"toEA_
(a) The AH-84 pilot acknowledges the assigned
card by turning on his WHITE strobe light for 10
seconds and the scout takes the appropriate action.
If the scout does not acknowledge, the AH-64 will
then go autonomous.
(b) Cards 3-6 are used for movement. Cards 12 are
used for execution once in position.
(c) On a remote shot once the scout pilot sees the
acknowledgement from the AH64, he turns back
toward the engagement area, unmasks and
designates his target. The AH-64 fires on the scout's
unmaSk, then spot tracks to acquire the specific sec
tor of the engagement area.
(d) Log books held up to the window means
BURNOUT-return to the FARP.
As you can imagine, remote
HELLFIRE engagements require
extensive use of the radio;
therefore, it is essential that
each section have a primary free
quency on which to conduct in
ternal section calls for fire. Our
ing the OT, the FM radio was
usually used as the platoon free
quency; the VHF, for one of the
section's primary frequencies,
and the UHF, for the other sec
tion's primary working frequency.
Below these columns on the
information card are the primary
and alternate frequencies for the
platoon. At the bottom of the
card are the brevity codes. Our
ing OT II some code words were
never changed and some were
changed daily. Figure 3 lists the
brevity codes used during OT II.
The brevity code is important
because it decreases the use of
the radios. It also expedites pro
cedures such as operations in an
electronic warfare (EW) (i.e., jam
ming) environment. See figure 4
for EW procedures.
The SAM (sendamessage)
cards used in figure 4 are simple
and can be seen in all of the
AH64's sighting systems, in
cluding FLIR, out to 2 km.
On the back side of the infor
mation card are columns for
writing down the coordinates for
the onboard Laser Doppler
Navigation System (LONS) and
for those coordinates to be
stored in the FCC, which require
eightdigit coordinates and
elevation of that coordinate.
Hopefully, this article sheds
some light on the AH64 unique
type information that needs to
be provided during the mission
brief and the premission plan
ning stages of an operation. Us
ing the background information
discussed before in the lessons
learned and premission planning
sections of the article, let's
briefly look at tactical employ
ment procedures during a defen
sive operation.
The mission brief is con
ducted at the assembly area.
From the information provided
in the mission brief, the AH64/
scout crews program their on
board equipment (FCC, Doppler,
laser codes, etc.). Following this
programing, the crews conduct a
functional systems check, in
cluding boresighting their
respective systems, Doppler,
commo checks, etc. Once all
systems are programed and
checked out, the aircraft is flown
to the holding area. Upon arrival
at the holding area, the AH64s
usually shut the engines down
and run on their internal APU
(auxiliary power unit) to save
fuel. The scouts and battle cap
tain depart the holding area and
move forward to establish con
tact with the ground com
mander, with G LI 0, and recon
the battle positions, etc. The bat
tie captain receives a situation
update from the ground com
mander and makes contact with
the GLID to inform him which
laser code/address he is to work.
As the Threat forces approach
the selected engagement area,
the AH64s are brought forward.
The AH64s should select initial
battle positions at a distance
such that the Threat forces enter
the engagement area in the
vicinity of the maximum effec
tive range for direct fire (see
figure 5). The scouts should
select initial positions that will
allow them to cover the area
which extends from the limit of
the AH64's direct fire range to
the maximum effective range of
the missile. Keep in mind the
fact that the scout who is
designating the target must be
within a range to the target
which does not exceed the max
imum effective range for direct
fire for the scout's laser (figure 6,
page 12). This allows the scouts
to begin engagement using the
maximum effective range of the
missile while the AH64s are
masked and while the Threat
forces are outside the maximum
effective range for direct shots
by the AH64s. The scouts
should select priority targets to
engage, i.e., ADA, command and
control, tanks. This is done in an
attempt to strip the attacking
Threat forces of their ADA sup
port (ZSU 234, SA8, etc.) and
disrupt their command and
As the Threat forces move into
the engagement area within
direct fire range of the AH64s,
the scouts designate the AH64
to begin autonomous engage
ments. By using the pre'pointed
TAOS on the aircraft, the gunner
of the AH64 should be looking
directly into the center mass of
laser .
indirect fire
direct fire
the engagement area as he un-
masks. If for some reason the
AH-64 crew is unable to acquire
the Threat forces, the scout can
laser designate the threat target
and allow the AH-64 TAOS to
"laser spot track" to the target
the scout is designating. The
scouts relocate and provide
local security for the AH-64 as
well as continue with the other
traditional scout functions.
As the Threat forces move to
where the AH-64s are within
direct fire range of the ZSU 23-4,
the AH-64s relocate to engage
the threat from the next battle
position. If the next suitable
engagement area is several
kilometers away, the AH-64s
should relocate and prepare for
that engagement. Since the
scouts are maintaining contact,
they continue to engage targets
of opportunity with remote shots
from the AH-64s. This ensures
that a continual attrition of the
Threat forces is occurring.
However, the scouts should only
engage targets that allow clean
shots. They should not waste
missiles trying to hit a target
whose engagement is ques-
tionable. If the scouts cannot hit
the target between engagement
areas because of the terrain, the
AH-64s will get the targets as
they move into the next engage-
ment area (figure 7). As the
Threat forces move into the next
engagement area, the AH-64's
begin direct fire engagements.
Relief on stations should be
coordinated so as not to inter-
rupt the flow of battle. I believe
that relief on stations will need
to be conducted more frequently
because of the ability to rapidly
engage targets and expend
missiles. The more frequent the
relief on station, the greater the
pressure that is placed on the
forward arming and refueling
point (FARP) for reloading the
aircraft and getting them turned
around and back in the battle.
The number of armament people
in the FARP must be closely
scrutinized to ensure that there
are enough to facilitate rapid
reloading of aircraft.
I have discussed the lessons
learned during the AH-64 OT II in
the tactical employment of the
AH-64. I also discussed how
these lessons contributed to the
evolution of the employment
doctrine used during the latter
stages of the OT. These con-
cepts were successful; however,
a great deal of that success can
be attributed to the experience
gained from the real-time
casualty assessment trials con-
ducted during the OT. The best
equipment and doctrine in the
world are only as good as the
people who use them. Hopefully,
these lessons learned will lead
to not only a better employment
doctrine, but also to a com-
prehensive training program
with real-time casualty assess
ment exercises using threat
radar systems. If this occurs, the
new concepts under considera-
tion today might profit from the
experiences of the past.
u.s. Army
Adds New
The Army's newest simulator, the
2840 AH64A Combat Mission
Simulator(CMS), will be used to
train AH64 aviators in combat
skills. Capable of flying virtually all
modes of terrain flight in various
weather conditions, the AH64A
CMS will allow you to perform a
multitude of simulated combat
procedures, all in airconditioned
CW3 Ray E. Stanton
Chief, Simulation Branch
U.S. Army Aviation Board
Fort Rucker, AL
is the newest addition to the United
States Army Aviation Board at Ft.
Rucker, AL. The job of our branch
is to test flight simulators, to ensure
that you, the users of these devices,
are receiving the best possible equip-
ment that technology can provide.
Now, when you have a complaint,
you know at whom to point your
When we test a device, a training
concept or an improved software
Helmet Mounted Visual System is just one test being conducted by the
Simulation Branch. Photo courtesy of McDonald Douglas Electronics
package, our prime consideration is
the aviator who will be required to
use it at the organizational level.
Since flight simulators have not been
around as long as the aircraft they
represent, that's not an easy job. The
technology which has caused the
evolution of flight simulation to the
current state of the art has grown
faster than the general aviator's
knowledge of electronics, computer
science, fluid mechanics, dynamics,
methods of visual scene representa-
tion, audio cuing, motion replica-
tion and system management. Con-
sequently, our knowledge of flight
simulators is continually expanding.
This rapid growth within the in-
dustry has caused the Army to
reassess the purpose of flight
simulators. Think back to your days
of flight school. Do you remember a
device called the "Blue Canoe"? Or,
maybe, the instrument training you
received in the 2B24 Huey instru-
ment procedure trainer? It was real-
ly great when we finally had a
simulator that had a cockpit which
looked and responded like that of
the UH-l Huey helicopter. All the
gauges worked like the real thing!
The radios really could be tuned and
the same emergency conditions
which could occur in the aircraft
could be duplicated and actually ex-
perienced in the simulator while you
sat in air-conditioned comfort. Sure,
the simulator didn't really fly like the
real aircraft, and one of the older,
more experienced aviators once told
you that some of the emergency
setups weren't the way he had ex-
View of copilot/gunner's station (above)
of AH64 eMS 2840.
View of pilot's station (next page) of
AH64 eMS 2840.
View of instructor/operator's station (left)
of AH64 eMS 2840. Note simplicity of
control arrangement and added monitors.
Photos courtesy of Link Flight Simulation Division,
Singer Company.
perienced the real thing. But it sure
beat having to go out and try to fly
hood or challenge actual instrument
meteorological conditions to meet
Thanks to the breakthrough of
microcircuitry and the overall prog-
ress made in simulation design, we
now have a simulator that will allow
you to start; run-up; hover or
ground taxi; takeoff; land; fire
weapon systems; practice chemical,
biological and radiological pro-
cedures; electronic countermeasures;
and engage a host of threat vehicles
and aircraft. It will fly all modes of
terrain flight in day or night lighting
conditions and in virtually any type
of weather (sorry, they haven't
figured out how to simulate
precipitation yet), while using
various types of sensors or night vi-
sion goggles and much, much more.
And you can still do all this in air-
conditioned comfort!
One such simulator is the 2B40
AH-64A Combat Mission Simulator
or better known as the CMS. It is
currently in the plant at Link Flight
Simulation Division, Singer Com-
pany, Binghamton, NY, and is the
latest in the Army's family of flight
simulators. The simulator will be
used at the Aviation Center at Ft.
Rucker to train AH-64 Apache
aviators in combat skills. For 15
hours of simulator time, each crew
of two students will be subjected to
the most challenging environment
ever created for the training of
aviators. The types of missions
which the newly qualified AH-64
aviators will be expected to ac-
complish once they arrive at their
units will be covered in 10 flight
But this isn't all. Technology
doesn't stand still. New methods of
displaying the visual scene are evolv-
ing. In the not too distant future,
you will have a full 360-degree field
of view in both the horizontal and
vertical plane. Perhaps you'd like an
improvement in depth perception,
texturing of objects within a scene,
or actual terrain representation of
any locale in the world. All are being
developed by industry, and these
developments will improve the
realism and training effectiveness of
future simulators. With such growth
in the industry, how does the Army
effectively use this equipment? What
is the most cost effective mix of
simulator and aircraft hours? Are we
now capable of overloading the stu-
dent or the instructor? What will be
the reliability, availability and main-
tainability for these devices?
At present the Simulation Branch
has 12 tests scheduled to address
questions such as these. The first test
scheduled concerns the Helmet
Mounted Visual System (HMVS).
This particular test is being done to
assess the utility of a new method of
displaying the simulated visual
scene. All of the present Army visual
systems use a television screen from
which an image is collimated and
reflected to present the visual scene
in front ofthe cockpit window struc-
ture. The result is a fairly good
representation of the outside world
as viewed from the pilot's seat.
HMVS brings the visual display to
the student's eye. Mounted to the
helmet are two small cathode ray
tubes which are also collimated and
reflected to bring the image around
and in front of both eyes in much the
same way that the Pilot Night Vision
Sensor (PNVS) is displayed to the
pilot of the AH-64A. We will be ex-
amining the overall suitability of this
method of scene display. Maybe
someday it will be the method used
on our next generation of simulators.
The next test concerns the AH-64
CMS. This is a three-phase effort
which begins with an in-plant
evaluation of the simulator. Our
first look will be to verify that the
simulator meets the requirements of
the Aviation Center and if we note
any problems to document and have
them corrected before the device is
delivered to Ft. Rucker. Bear in
mind, however, that we are not the
first to examine the CMS. The
manufacturer will have already
demonstrated through testing that
the device will function as advertised.
Also, the Government, through the
office of the PM-TRADE (Program
Manager for Training Devices), will
have had the Aviation Development
Test Activity test the simulator to en-
sure that it is in accordance with the
design specifications. We then ex-
amine the CMS to make certain that
it will do the job the Aviation Center
had in mind.
Next, we again test the device after
it is installed and ready for use to
train at Ft Rucker. At this stage, our
purpose is to assist the Aviation
Center to best use what it has bought
to train Apache pilots. Finally, we
will test the simulator at a Forces
Command installation to determine
how it can best be used to maintain
individual aviator and aircrew profi-
ciency in the Apache.
Remember, simulators cannot be
used to replace flight hours. They
can only be employed to augment
flight hours by providing a higher
quality of training relative to the
tasks for which the device is best
suited. Some tasks are best trained in
simulators; others, in aircraft. This
same theme carries over to the AH-l
Cobra and CH-47 Chinook simulators.
Both of these simulators are being
upgraded at existing facilities or
planned to be newly installed at
other installations. The problem
with these two simulators (as with all
simulators) is that the individual
needs of the aviator to train by
means of a simulator vary while the
regulatory requirements do not (20
hours per annual period, etc.). This
seems to be a very poor method of
management of the Army's
resources. Precepts are changing and
we hope to help by better defining
how the use of simulators can be im-
proved. Cost effectiveness and max-
imized training effectiveness do go
hand-in-hand, particularly when the
commander is given the latitude to
customize each aviator's training
program to that person's individual
Other questions which we will ad-
dress in the near future include the
Which gunnery tasks are best
trained in the simulator and which
are best trained in the aircraft?
How much training does it take
for an attack pilot to really peak his
How much trainmg time does it
take to sustain him at that peak?
What is realistically affordable
to the Army when considering peak
performance and cost?
These issues will be addressed during
a training effectiveness analysis
planned for the AH-IS (MC) Flight
Weapons Simulator (FWS).
Pilots' and copilots' station visible on 2840 (AH64) Combat
Mission Simulators at the manufacturer.
There is also a possibility that we
may be permitted to assist the Avia-
tion Center in the use of its newly up-
dated AH-IS (MC) FWS. You may
recall that the current Aviator
Qualification Course program of in-
struction (POI) only uses the device
for 3 hours of gunnery tasks. The
updated simulator should allow the
incorporation of better combat skills
and emergency procedures into the
POI for the AH-l aviator. Hopefully, a
better trained course graduate will be
the result.
The remaining tests are not
scheduled for several years. They in-
clude the Operational Test II for the
scout and attack team simulator, the
SEMA (special electronic mission
aircraft) simulator (the first mission
oriented fixed wing simulator the
Army has tried to purchase, and one
that is badly needed), and a trainer
aircraft laser for the AH-64.
So there you are. That is what we
will be doing for the next 4 years in
operational testing of flight
simulators. But there is so much that
needs to be done and we need your
help. If you have a need, whether it is
related to concepts, doctrine, train-
ing or materiel, and which you feel
would improve the system, let us
know. The Simulation Branch will
do everything in its power to ensure
that you receive the best simulators
The Aviation Board is your
representative for the test and
evaluation of Aviation related items.
Without feedback from the field we
can only guess what you want. The
majority of us are active duty
military with extensive TOE (table of
organization and equipment) ex-
perience. We have been where you
are and will rejoin you again once
our tours at Ft. Rucker are com-
pleted . We do understand. Call or
write us and let us know what you
think. If you would like to hear
more about what is currently in the
testing cycle or what we do, tell us
that too.
rID OCTRINAL publications are key to the
development and integration of the Army Aviation
Branch. To keep pace with new forces design and
changed battlefield doctrine, new Aviation doc-
trinal manuals continue to emerge. The goal of the
U.S. Army Aviation Center at Ft. Rucker, AL, is to
get the most current doctrine to the field as ex-
peditiouslyas possible. To accomplish this goal,
field circulars are being used to the maximum ex-
tent possible, and the Aviation Center has been
converting to state-of-the-art, ,computer-based
print technology (Project UPDATE).
The Aviation Center is the first to publish field
manuals under Project UPDATE. The reader opi-
nion cards indicate these new UPDATE publica-
tions are indeed "the right stuff." Your concerns
about the durability of the paper caused The Adju-
tant General's Office to upgrade the quality of the
paper for future UPDATE publications. Take the
time to fill out and submit your reader opinion
card; it's your vote-use it.
Seven doctrinal field circulars (FCs) are
schedu led for production prior to July 1985. These
FCs will serve three purposes:
To provide the most current doctrine that will
be used as an interim measure until the field
manual is produced.
To be used as coordinating drafts forthe field
To serve as a vehicle to validate doctrine and
training practices.
Ft. Rucker will stock limited quantities of all
proponent field circulars. If your unit is in need of
a field circular, submit your request through com-
mand channels to: Commander, U.S. Army Avia-
tion Center and Fort Rucker, ATTN: ATZQ-SS-TS
Fort Rucker, AL 36362-5000.
Several sharp-eyed soldiers have written in
about the error in the August 1984 edition of FM
1-402, the "Aviator's Recognition Manual." For
those of you that haven't picked up on it, disregard
the illustration on the bottom of 3-45. The
photo incorrectly depicts an allied M-901 , Improved
Tow Vehicle as a Warsaw Pact SA-13.
Soon to be published:
FM' .lQ4 > FM 1-102, "Army
FOfwrc,d Arming
Aviation in an NBC
Environment," and
FM 1104, "Forward
Arming and Refuel-
ing Points," expect-
ed to be published
by the end of June
1985 as UPDATE
FM 1140, "Attack Helicopter Gunnery,"
is scheduled for publication as a field
circular in March 1985.
> FM 1-300, "Flight Operations and
Airfield Management," is under revision
and a coordinating draft is expected in
March 1985. An addUional chapter is
planned to address nonaviator flight
A series of manuals that address the employment
of Aviation units:
> FM 1111,
"Combat Aviation
Brigade," FM 1112,
"Attack Helicopter
Battalion," and
FM 1113, "Combat
Aviation Battalion
and Combat
Aviation Battalion
(GS)," are
schedu led to be
produced as field
circulars by the end of March 1985.
> FM 1114, "Regimental Combat
Aviation Squadron," is slated for
circulation as a field circular with a cover
date of January 1985.
> FM 1116, "Air Cavalry Troop," should
be available as a field circular by the end
of June 1985.
Back Pain
in the Army
-I t ~ m ~
Major Dennis F. Shanahan, M.D., SFS
Flight Surgeon, U.S. Army Safety Center
Fort Rucker, Alabama
aviators, 72.8 percent reported hav-
ing experienced one or more
episodes of back discomfort while
flying helicopters over the preceding
2 years. There was a wide variation
in reported frequency of symptoms
(fig. 1). This variation may be ex-
plained by the fact that data show
there is a minimum duration ex-
posure to helicopter flight before
back pain is experienced. For the
subjects surveyed the average ex-
posure time before onset of pain was
88 minutes. Since many helicopter
missions do not exceed this
minimum threshold, pilots will not
necessarily suffer back discomfort
on every flight. There is also some in-
ARLY IN THE history of
helicopter flight, it became
apparent that helicopter
flightcrews complained of a
remarkably high incidence of back
pain compared to their fixed wing
counterparts. Over the past 25 years,
the high incidence of back pain in
helicopter flightcrews has been
documented in numerous reports.
Most of these studies have reported
prevalence rates in excess of 50 per-
cent and many have reported
prevalences exceeding 75 percent;
apparently depending on the group
studied. Based on this data, it has
become clear that there are certain
factors unique to helicopter flight
operations that induce a high rate of
back pain in crewmembers. This ar-
ticle discusses the typical pain syn-
drome reported by helicopter
crewmembers, factors influencing
this condition, and possible causes
of the back pain reported. Recom-
mendations for prevention and
treatment are also discussed.
Incidence and symptoms
5 0 ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
In a survey of 802 U.S. Army
3 25
a. 20
<10% 10%-25% 25%-50% 50%-75% 75%
FIGURE 1: Frequency of missions causing back discomfort based on a
survey of 802 U.S. Army aviators.
dication that the difficulty and inten-
sity of the mission influence the
onset of symptoms.
In the U.S. Army survey, 70 per-
cent of the respondents reported that
they most frequently experienced
pain in the lower back and 16.6 per-
cent complained most frequently of
pain in their buttocks. Relatively few
aviators reported symptoms in other
regions of the back or neck and
radiation into the lower extremities is
rare. Once pain begins it may con-
tinue to increase in intensity
throughout the flight or it may reach
a certain intensity and then remain
stable. Changing positions or relin-
quishing the controls does not relieve
the pain. These aviators did not
notice relief until the flight was over.
Some aviators reported that they can
delay the onset of discomfort by
placing a rolled-up jacket or in-
flatable cushion in the small of their
backs to provide lumbar support.
Aviators participating in the
Army survey were asked to rate the
intensity of the discomfort they ex-
perienced. The intensity of the
reported pain can be generally
classified as mild to moderate.
Although the reported intensity of
the pain was not severe, it was
significant enough that 28.4 percent
of the aviators admitted to rushing
through missions because of back
pain and 7.5 stated that they had
refused missions because of it. It is
clear that back pain is a significant
problem for Army helicopter pilots
and that it has an adverse effect on
operational readiness of aircrews.
A majority of Army aviators
surveyed reported that their symp-
toms began to improve immediately
after the flight was terminated, and
53 percent stated that they were com-
pletely painfree within 12 hours.
However, 14.5 percent reported
their symptoms persisted for longer
than 48 hours, and 8 percent said
their symptoms may last longer than
4 days. It may be possible to separate
the afflicted crewmembers into two
groups-those with transient symp-
toms (less than 24 hours) and those
with persistent symptoms (more
than 48 hours). Further study will
have to be done before it can be
determined whether the aviators
with persistent symptoms progressed
to their present state as the result of
repeated exposure to helicopter
flight and if the transient group is
likely to progress to a similar state
with continued exposure.
Although the lifetime incidence of
low back pain in industrialized
societies has been reported to be be-
tween 60 and 80 percent, prevalence
rates rarely exceed 35 percent. Clear-
ly, the 73 percent prevalence
reported by U.S. Army pilots
represents a dramatic departure
from the general population. Most
nonaviators report experiencing
acute intermittent episodes of back
pain. The length of time the symp-
toms last varies and years may go by
when they have no episodes of pain.
The activity or event that triggers a
new episode frequently cannot be
identified or anticipated. The back
pain reported by Army aviators
shows a rather clear pattern of onset
and symptoms. It is evident that
there is some factor or combination
of factors associated with helicopter
flight that produce a high prevalence
of back pain that is rather predict-
able in character.
The two factors most widely im-
plicated in the causes of back pain in
helicopter crewmembers are poor
posture and exposure to vibration.
Posture as a contributing factor has
been established but there is still con-
siderable controversy concerning the
role of vibration in the problem.
The posture that helicopter pilots
must assume to fly is considerably
different from that required to fly
fixed wing aircraft. Helicopters re-
quire simultaneous input from all
four extremities in order to maintain
full control over the aircraft, and the
types of missions flown seldom
allow for relaxation from the con-
trols. Furthermore, the seat and con-
trol configuration in most heli-
copters forces the pilot to assume an
asymmetrical posture. It has been
well documented that this control
configuration forces pilots to bend
forward in their seats and lean slightly
to the left. This position does not
permit relaxation of the spinal mus-
culature and is a major source of
discomfort for helicopter pilots.
It is reasonable to conclude from
available data that the posture that
helicopter pilots are obliged to main-
tain for extended periods is a major
causal factor in the high prevalence
of back pain noted in this popula-
tion. Furthermore, the rapid resolu-
tion of symptoms for the majority of
afflicted pilots upon termination of
the provoking flight, suggests that
their symptoms are related to muscle
spasm or other transient mechanical
factors rather than permanent
pathological conditions.
It remains uncertain what the
pathological effects of chronic, in-
termittent exposure to vibration of
the frequency and amplitude ex-
perienced in Army aircraft may be
over the short and long term.
Researchers have recently reported
the results of a preliminary study
that may help shed some light on the
relationship of helicopter-similar
vibration to the production of the
acute back symptoms that helicopter
pilots describe. In this study 11 pilots
who reported that they usually ex-
perience back discomfort within 2
hours of flight in a UH-IH were
placed in a UH-IH seat and control
simulator that was mounted to a
three-axis vibration table (fig. 2).
The cyclic control of the simulator
was wired so as to act as the control
for a television computer game. The
subjects wore standard U.S. Army
flight clothing including flight
helmet, and they also used standard
restraint equipment. They were in-
structed to position themselves as
they would in an actual helicopter
and to keep all extremities on the
controls at all times except that they
were allowed to remove their left
hands from the collective for brief
FIGURE 2: Right side view of pilot
in UU-IU mock-up.
intervals as in actual flight.
Each pilot was subjected to two
2-hour test periods-one with
simulated helicopter vibration and
one without. During the test period,
the subject played computer games
to keep himself occupied at roughly
the same concentration level as
would be required to fly a helicopter.
Pilots verbally reported the onset of
back discomfort, and the time into
the test was noted. At the completion
of the test, each aviator answered a
brief questionnaire relating to the
nature of his symptoms. Pain inten-
sity was subjectively measured by a
visual analog scale.
The experimental conditions pro-
duced back pain in all 11 subjects
which they described as identical to
the pain they typically experience
while flying helicopters. Further-
more, there was no significant dif-
ference in the time of onset or the in-
tensity of pain for the vibration and
no vibration test conditions. The
authors concluded that vibration ap-
peared to play little if any role in the
acute symptoms these subjects ex-
perienced. Of course, this work is
only preliminary and will require
further validation, but the conclu-
sions have definite implications for
prevention of this ailment.
Prevention and treatment
As has been discussed, the
primary causal factor in the acute
back symptoms that most helicopter
pilots report is probably posture.
These symptoms mayor may not be
aggravated by the addition of low
frequency vibration in the range of
the resonant frequency of the spinal
system. Therefore, the key to reduc-
ing the incidence of the acute ailment
is to improve the seat and control
configuration in helicopters to allow
crewmembers to maintain better
To build a cockpit that will permit
the recommended postural relation-
ships for all aviators will require a
substantial departure from current
design standards. The gun-
ner / copilot position in the AH-l
Cobra helicopter comes close to
achieving the type of support needed
(fig. 3). The AH-l has side-mounted
controls for the cyclic and collective
which allow the gunner/copilot to
operate the helicopter without bend-
ing forward or laterally (fig. 4). He
may lean back against the back of
the seat and his forearms are well
supported on foam pads. The con-
trols are operated by pressure from
the hands, wrists and forearms.
Short of redesign of the helicopter
cockpit, what can be done to prevent
back pain in helicopter aircrews?
Researchers have stressed good
physical condition and spinal
strengthening exercises. They also
recommend screening of aviators to
preclude entry of those individuals
with spinal anomalies who are at
greater risk of developing problems
when exposed to helicopter flight.
Measures that crewmembers may
take to delay or prevent the onset of
back pain symptoms, or to lessen
their severity, include:
Placing a firm cushion in the
lumbar region to provide support to
the back. (This does not mean that it
replaces the requirement for crash-
worthiness construction of the
seats.) Care must be taken to ensure
that the cushion does not blowout of
the aircraft and hit the tail rotor,
controls, etc.
Walking for short distances or
performing simple flexion and ex-
tension exercises during breaks be-
tween flights.
Waiting in the aircraft or sitting
during short stops should be
discouraged. There may be some ad-
vantage also to limiting the time on
the controls by alternating with the
FIGURE 3: Pilot in gunner/copilot position of AU-IS Cobra.
Arms are supported by rests and back is supported by
seat back.
copilot in 15- to 30-minute intervals
rather than by alternating piloting
duties by flight leg.
Aircrewmembers who are severely
afflicted with back pain should be
removed from flight duties as long as
they continue to have symptoms and
flight surgeons need to 'ensure that
they are not placed at desk jobs dur-
ing their recovery. In most cases, this
will require hospitalization or
suspension from all duties.
When symptom-free, the patient
should be returned to non flying
duties for a period while maintaining
a program of physical therapy. If no
symptoms recur, the aviator may be
returned to flying duties and in-
structed to follow the recommenda-
tions for prevention of back pain
discussed above. Permanent suspen-
sion from flying duties should be
considered if a severe and persistent
relapse of symptoms is subsequently
Major Dennis F. Shanahan,
M.D., Senior Flight Surgeon,
graduated from Middlebury College
in Vermont in 1971 with a B.A.
degree in chemistry. He received his
M.D. from Washington University
in 1976.
Major Shanahan served his in-
ternship in general surgery at TripIer
Army Medical Center in Hawaii and
completed 1 Y2 years of a general
surgery residency there in 1978.
From 1979 to 1983 he was Chief,
Crew Injury and Epidemiology
Group, U.S. Army Aeromedical
Research Laboratory, Fort Rucker,
AL. In July of 1983 he was assigned
as Flight Surgeon, U.S. Army Safe-
ty Center. During these assignments
he has conducted extensive research
into the mechanisms of injury in
helicopter crashes through field in-
vestigation and laboratory ex-
FIGURE 4: Gunner/copilot position in AU-IS Cobra helicopter. Note
side-mounted position of cyclic (right) and collective (left)
About the Author
periments. He has been instrumental
in the development of new aviation
helmet standards and in seeking im-
proved crashworthiness for Army
helicopters. Major Shanahan is con-
sidered an authority on crash injury
and has taught extensively, both in
the United States and abroad. He is
the author of numerous scientific
Major Shanahan is a graduate of
the U.S. Navy Basic Flight Surgeons
Course and the U.S. Army Basic
Flight Surgeons Course. He has also
completed the Crash Survival In-
vestigators Course and the Advanced
Crash Survival Investigators Course
where he now serves as an instructor.
Major Shanahan has more than
2100 hours of flight time and he
holds commercial pilot, CFI, instru-
ment and multiengine ratings. He
has been awarded the U.S. Army
Meritorious Service Medal and the
U.S. Navy Surgeon General's
Willie Maude Leake
Personal Equipment And Rescue/survival Lowdown
photo by Reflections Studio
Rescue Seat, Forest Penetration
Effective immediately, all unserviceable rescue seats,
forest penetration, NSN 4240-00-199-7353, are to be
returned by the users to Lexington Blue Grass Depot
Activity (RIC BL6), Lexington, KY 40511, for repair or
condemnation. Disposal is not permitted below depot
level. Point of contact is Virginia Farwig, HQ,
AVSCOM, AMSAV-SAIA, 4300 Goodfellow Blvd.,
St. Louis, MO 63120-1798, AUTOVON 693-3809 or
Commercial (314) 263-3809.
Foliage Penetrating Flares (KIT)
(NSN 1370-00-490-7362 L119)
It has come to our attention that some substitutions
have been made when ordering the foliage penetrating
flare kit. The kit NSN as above is the only signal flare kit
authorized for Army use in the SRU-21/P and
OV-l/RV-1 survival vests. When ordering this item you
should use the "no substitution" Code 11, 2B or 2 J. See
AR 725-50 for the code that best suits your purposes. SC
8465-90-CL-P02 dated July 1978 is the supply catalog
covering the vest. It gives only one stock number for
subject kit and no other is authorized.
Address Listing for QDRs and RODs
I refer you to the August 1984 PEARL'S article, sub-
ject as above. Because of the ongoing reorganizations
and redesignation of names and office symbols the ad-
dresses for Quality Deficiency Reports (QDRs) and
Reports of Discrepancy (RODs) are shown at right.
If you have a question about personal equipment or rescue/survival gear, write PEARL, AMC Project Officer, ATTN: AMCPO-
ALSE; 4300 Goodfellow Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63120-1798 or call AUTOVON 693-1218/9 or Commercial 314-263-1218/9.
0 Restraint Equipment
0 Ejection Seats
0 Oxygen Equipment
4300 Goodfellow Blvd
St. Louis, M063120-1798
0 Survival Kits/Vests
0 SPH4 Helmet
0 Emergency Parachutes and Accessories
0 Flotation Equipment
0 Flight Clothing, Aircrew Boots
0 Chemical Clothing and Accessories
4300 Goodfellow Blvd
St. Louis, MO 63120-1798
0 M24 Protective Mask
Rock Island, IL61299-6000
0 Pyrotechnics
0 Foliage Penetrating Flares
0 Smoke Flares
0 Survival Weapons Ammunition
Rock Island, I L 61299-6000
o Night Vision Goggles/Equipment
Night Vision and Electro Optics Laboratories
Ft. Belvoir, VA 22060-5677
o AN/PRC90 Survival Radio
o RT1 0 Survival Radio
o T8-24 Radio Tester and Other Radio Testers
o Radio Inspection Equipment
Communications Electronics Command
Ft. Monmouth, NJ 07703-5017
o AH64 Helmet
Prog ram Manager
Advanced Attack Hel icopter
4300 Goodfellow Blvd
St. Louis, MO 63120-1798
I nformation copies of QDRs and RODs should be
furnished to:
AMC Project Officer for ALSE
4300 Goodfellow Blvd
St. Louis, M063120-1798
AUTOVON 693-1218
FTS 273-1218
U.S. Army Aviation Center
Ft. Rucker, AL 36362-5000
AUTOVON 558-5272
FTS 533-5272
U.S. Army Transportation and Aviation
Logistics Schools
Ft. Eustis, VA 23604-5361
AUTOVON 927-2475
U.S. Army Safety Center
Ft. Rucker, AL 36362-5000
AUTOVON 558-2947/3759/6510
FTS 533-2947/3759/6510
Directorate of Evaluation/Standardization
Changes to Instrument Why?
DEPARTMENT of the Army (DA) Form 954, 1 Similarly, AH-l Cobra, UH-60 Black Hawk, CH-47
October 1960, was the Army standard instrument card Chinook and OH-6 Osage aviators also must be
and was in the possession of most aviators a few years evaluated in the aircraft when a compatible SFTS is not
ago. Aviators with 50 hours weather time could put a available.
green special instrument card (DA Form 954-1) in their How is an instrument flight examiner to administer
billfolds and carry it around for years just waiting for an instrument flight evaluation in an OH-58 on federal
someone to challenge the number" 1" instrument airways and execute a very high frequency omnidirec-
qualification entry on a flight plan. Some helicopter tional range or an instrument landing system approach?
drivers had pink tactical instrument cards that proved He or she doesn't because it is not required. Paragraph
they had flown a TH-13T Sioux while attending initial 3-30b, AR 95-1, tells us that, "The evaluation will be
entry training at Ft. Rucker, AL. In the mid-1970's Anny conducted per the appropriate ATM," meaning that a
Regulation (AR) 95-63, "U.S. Anny Aviation Standard- minimum of two approaches are required. This can be
ization and Instrument Program," was revised to accomplished in an OH-58 by flying nondirectional
eliminate all instrument cards. All of these are collec- radio beacon (NDB) and precision approach radar
tors' items now because someone finally realized that (PAR). A variety of facilities can be used for NDB ap-
they served no practical purpose. proaches to include tactical beacons and commercial
Some other words, rules and procedures no longer ex- radio stations. The approach procedure used also may
ist for the same reason. For example, instrument "re- be for an airfield in a completely different part of the
qualification," "reestablishment," "expiration" and world and at altitudes that aid in reducing traffic and
"examination" do not appear in AR 95-1. noise problems around airports. A "talk down" PAR,
When AR 95-1 was undergoing revision in 1982, an conducted by the examiner, may be the answer to a pro-
attempt was made to apply the same rules to instrument blem of nonavailability of a fixed ground controlled ap-
flight evaluations. After all, both evaluations are parts proach (GCA) facility or air traffic congestion. Condi-
of the same annual aviator proficiency and readiness tions and standards remain the same per task number
test (AAPART). Aviator "contact" qualification had 1082 of the appropriate ATM.
no expiration, nor were the words "requalification" or What about en route navigation and Federal Aviation
"reestablishment" ever applied to the st8.ndardization Administration (FAA) voice procedures for evaluations
flight evaluation. Once an aviator is qualified in an air- in OH-58 and AH-l helicopters? Consider this. These
craft he/she is always qualified; not always proficient, two helicopters have no role to play in an FAA instru-
but always qualified. Similarly, once instrument ment environment and will only fly instrument
qualified an aviator is always qualified. The AAPART meteorological condition in an absolute emergency.
verifies proficiency. This change in the regulation, Therefore, the evaluation should be in the environment
followed by revisions to aircrew training manuals in which the emergency is most likely to occur, for ex-
(A TMs), simply means that an a viator must be ample, en route tracking to an NDB using only the voice
evaluated at least once annually on his/her ability to procedures necessary to return the aircraft safely to
perform contact and instrument tasks specified in visual meteorological conditions.
ATMs. No cards, tickets, certificates or other awards This does not mean that an aviator is no longer re-
are issued to the aviator attesting to the successful com- quired to be trained in the other instrument flight pro-
pletion of evaluations. Entries on training and flight cedures. Continuation training in other procedures
records are made to serve that purpose. should be accomplished in the SFTS. After all, AR 95-1
Change 2, AR 95-1, restricted the use of "noncom- only changed the evaluation requirements not the man-
patible" synthetic flight training systems (SFTS) for in- datory SFTS requirements. In the case of an OH-58, or
strument flight evaluations. This change was made in an other aircraft that have no compatible simulator
effort to ensure that aviators have the ability to safely fly available, hood time flown may be applied to up to 50
their primary aircraft in an instrument environment. It percent of the mandatory SFTS requirements.
means that an aviator whose primary aircraft is the The emphasis of the current instrument training and
OH-58 Kiowa cannot be evaluated in an SFTS. evaluation program is to improve each aviator'S ability
to fly his/her primary aircraft in instrument conditions
in their normal operating environment as safely as
possible. To accomplish this, instrument flight evalua-
tion procedures that have long been oriented toward the
FAA must be reoriented to accommodate the real world
in which Army tactical aircraft are flown. Instrument
flight examiners and instructor pilots must place greater
emphasis on instrument flight in the environment where
the preponderance of the unit's helicopter operations
occur. 'b ,
DES welcomes your inquiries and requests to focus attention
on an area of major importance. Write to us at: Commander,
U.S. Army Avi ation Center, ATTN: ATZQ-ES, Ft. Rucker, AL
36362-5000; or call us at AUTOVON 558-3504, FTS 533-3504 or
Commercial 205-255-3504. After duty hours call Ft. Rucker
Hotline, AUTOVON 558-B487 or 205-255-6487 and leave a message.
cash and pledges
~ r ~ Aviatio!1
This is a series about the Army Aviation Museum Foundation fund
drive. Currently, plans call for building a modern complex to house
your Army Aviation Museum. Since last month $2,500 in donations
have been received. However, we still have a ways to go, as the
barometer above shows. If you would like to help "build" the Army
Aviation Museum's new home, you are invited to send a tax
deductible contribution to: The Army Aviation Museum Foundation,
Box H, FL Rucker, AL 363625000. If you desire additional information
call Mr. Ed Brown at (205) 5982508.
A Look at What's In Your Museum
The H-13, sometimes referred to as Angel of Mercy, was first
flown in Korea at Ascom City in the winter of 1950. Used
primarily for medical evacuations, observation and utility du-
ty, the H-13 performed extensively in Korea and in 1951
established a Korean medical evacuation record while flying
with the 2d Helicopter Detachment. Continuing its record
breaking history, in 1952 the H-13 also set a new record for
evacuating casualties from the Chorwan Area for an observa-
tion type helicopter. In 1962, the designation of OH-13 was
adopted to signify observation
type. The H-13B presently on
display was transferred from " ~ ~
the Army Aviation School to . ~
the Museum in 1958 and is the 1. - '-r,--:-,- .. _ " .,-\ )
32d model delivered from the ' --:---; ~ "-
contract of 65 ordered. ~
Converting the AH1 for the
Air-fo-Air Role
CW2 Ron Moring
8th Aviation Battalion
APO New York
DURING THE Vietnam War. the Soviets took
quite an interest in u.s. helicopter operations. Since
that time, they have been ambitiously developing their
own helicopters. It seems that their primary goal is to
counteract our helicopter anti armor mission.
Rather than develop another aircraft to defeat the
Soviet helicopter threat, I suggest the modification of an
"on-the-shelf" airframe for the air-to-air role. That
system is the AH-l Cobra, which I feel would be a for-
midable opponent for any Soviet helicopter.
The informat ion in this article represents t he opinion of the author and
does not necessarily reflect any current or planned policies of the
Department of Defense or any of it s agencies.
r lou, blade 'y,lem
___ single
'--__ Stinger capable
2.75 inch rocket pods
Drive Train Modifications
The T53-L-703 engine is a sufficient powerplant in its
present state. Its primary limit is the power that the
transmission can handle. Strengthening the transmis-
sion, however, would be quite costly and lead to re-
quired strengthening of the tail rotor gear boxes and air-
frame. Since the engine is sufficient and the transmis-
sion is the limitation, trimming the aircraft's weight
(which would happen with removal of the TOW missile
system and copilot) would be a much easier solution.
Another good modification would be a mechanical
environmental control system (ECS). This would great-
ly reduce the engine's operating temperature during
ECS use and it would afford the pilot more of the
engine's power in extreme temperature conditions.
Rotor System Modifications
The Cobra's tail rotor system is well proven and quite
dependable. It is quite sufficient without improvement.
The main rotor system, however, is unacceptable for an
air-to-air role.
Bell Helicopter Textron has designed a new four-
blade system which is a good alternative and is about 46
pounds lighter. Additionally, the system has a higher
maximum thrust and is negative G-capable.
These modifications would mean a faster aircraft
with a greater rate of climb. Additionally, the aircraft
would be able to turn in a much smaller radius. All of
these qualities are required in the air-to-air role.
Airframe Modifications
The Cobra airframe is a good size and shape for the
air-to-air role. The tailboom should be left intact with
the exception of possibly converting the flush rivets.
This would reduce the drag ratio to some degree.
The main fuselage is also acceptable in the present
form. The wings, however, should be cleaned up to
reduce drag.
The forward portion of the aircraft would require the
greatest modification. The front seat position would be
removed and the pilot station moved about 1 foot for-
ward to improve the rearward field of view. Due to an
enhanced avionics capability this would not overburden
the pilot. Additionally, the canopy should be reverted to
the old bubble type, possibly wider, to afford better
visibility. The nose section would be changed to the old
G model type with the removal of the telescopic sight
unit (TSU).
The armament system of the AH-l has been specialized
for the antiarmor role. In its present state, the Cobra is
a potent day antiarmor weapon. Before employment in
the air-to-air role, however, there are several modifica-
tions that should be made.
The 20 mm is a well-proven system. For it to be useful
in an air-to-air role, the rate of fire needs to be increased
from 750 rounds per minute to 1,500 rounds per min ute.
This increased rate of fire is required to put sufficient
rounds on an airborne target; it could be established
easily with a more powerful gundrive motor-say that
of the Vulcan system. The gun would be able to with-
stand this rate of fire without substantial reduction in
the life of the barrel. The helmet sight system allows the
pilot to position the gun 110 degrees either side of center
and should be retained. This would allow the pilot to
fire fixed forward using the heads-up display and to also
maneuver the gun for a close in, off center shot.
Moreover, a fire control computer for this system would
be a good addition.
Although the helmet sight system should be retained,
the TOW missile system and TSU are useless in an air-
to-air role and should be removed. This would result in
a weight savings of about 450 pounds.
The TOW system would be replaced by the Stinger
air-to-air missile system. The black boxes could be
placed in the copilot's section so that the center of
gravity wouldn't be greatly affected and the com-
ponents would be cooled by the present copilot ECS
ducting. Additionally, the removal of the TSU would be
compensated for by the removal of the TOW system
black boxes and counterbalance weights from the tail
The Stinger missiles themselves could be placed in
modified seven-shot pods and used in conjunction with
the 2.75 inch rocket system. The inboard stores could
then be removed or possibly used for jettisonable exter-
nal fuel stores. This external fuel system would require
only minimal modification because of the room left by
removing the hydraulic lines used in conjunction with
the TOW missile system.
The completed system could be used in numbers of
two per scout/attack team to provide air security. This
would allow the scouts to better perform their mission.
The air-to-air Cobra also would be a superior air assault
escort because its increased speed would enable it to
keep up with the UH-60 Black Hawk. Furthermore, it
would have an increased station time in both roles
because of its ability to take off fully loaded and fueled.
This article represents concepts that I have considered
for some time. It seems more feasible to convert an "on-
the-shelf system" than to develop new systems or to tax
an already overloaded scout. Regardless, one of these
alternatives should be chosen and acted upon to counter
the Soviet helicopter-to-helicopter threat.
For more information see FM 1-107,
"Air-to-Air Combat."
at the U.S. Army Aviation Center?
Colonel Lynn C. Hooper
Commander, 1 5t Aviation Brigade
U.S. Army Aviation Center
Fort Rucker, AL
FOR YEARS the U.S. Army Aviation Center and
School at Ft. Rucker, AL, has trained Army Avia-
tion soldiers. Today, we train and branch-qualify
Army Aviation soldiers in the areas of combat,
combat support or combat service support, all of
which are directed toward supporting the soldier
on the ground. In turn, Army Aviation's missions
are an integral part of the ground commanders'
schemes of maneuver. Ground commanders
know that the quality of Aviation soldiers being
graduated at the Aviation Center is second to
Part of the credit for producing these highly
trained Aviation soldiers can be traced to the Avia-
tion Center's Ai r Assault School. The 10-day
course teaches soldiers of all ranks the tech-
niques of rappelling, equipment rigging and
sling load operations, pathfinder operations and
planning execution of air assault (some still use
the term airmobile) operations. The course is
physically demanding and students participate in
Captain Jeffrey J. Anderson
S3, 1 5t Aviation Brigade
U.S. Army Aviation Center
Fort Rucker, AL
forced marches and runs in excess of 81
kilometers or 50 miles during each course.
Air assault training is essential to support the
AirLand Battle and the Army of Excellence. If you
dissect the word AirLand-we, Army Aviation, are
the major tactical air asset and represent the most
mobile and lethal combat multiplier in the United
States Army. Not only must aviators and the Avia-
tion community be experts in aircraft capabilities,
limitations and operation, but they also must be
successful as tacticians, leaders and combat
asset managers. Army Aviation soldiers must
thoroughly understand the missions of Infantry,
Armor, Artillery, Air Defense and the Corps of
Engineers to effectively fight with, employ and
support these branches. We must be combat
soldiers if we are to successfu lIy meet the
challenges of the AirLand Battle.
Ft. Rucker air assault training began when Army
Aviation became a full-fledged branch and
memberof the combined arms team. The concept
is most applicable at the Aviation Center where
enlisted, noncommissioned officers and warrant
and commissioned officers alike are trained.
Advanced Individual Training students in the
67V (OH-58 Repairman), 67N (UH-1 Repairman),
93H (Air Traffic Control (ATC) Tower Operator),
93J (ATC Ground Controlled Approach Controller)
and 93P (Flight Operations Coordinator) military
occupational specialty fields are assigned to the
1 st Aviation Brigade's (Air Assault) 4th Aviation
Training Battalion. They comprise the frontline
Aviation soldiers who will repair aircraft, provide
air traffic control and monitor Aviation assets on
the future battlefield. Aviation warrant officer can-
didates and newly commissioned second
lieutenants, assigned to the 6th Aviation Training
Battalion, will operate and employ those assets in
rapidly changing and dynamic scenarios.
Transition to the Army of Excellence requires
all Aviation soldiers to have indepth knowledgeof
Army Aviation tactics and doctrine. Consider the
void that exists in the deletion of many pathfinder
units from the force structure in the Army of Ex-
cellence. The air assault soldier has the requisite
skills to set up landing zones (LZs), use proper arm
aphs by th
stAviatio .
n Bngade
and hand signals and is familiarwith proper com-
munications procedures.
Tactically, air assault missions are planned and
executed by all combat arms. The final decisions
made with regard to air routes, air check pOints,
enemy situations, chalk orders and timetables
rests with the Aviation asset commander. Air
assault training at Ft. Rucker familiarizes the
students with both ends of the spectrum-air and
ground. An appreciation is gained forthe ground
so'idiers' efforts to set up LZs, hook up sling loads
and rappel into areas that are not adequate for
helicopter landings. Likewise, ground Aviation
soldiers get a feel for aircraft operations,
capabilities and limitations and gain new con-
fidence in rotary wing aircraft when they actually
participate in air assault operations. This team
building and cooperative spirit will be brought to
the field in the form of air assault soldiers.
A substantial benefit of conducting an air
assault school at Ft. Rucker is the real-world train-
ing student pilots receive in supporting slingload,
air assault and rappel training. Initial entry flight
students, under the constant supervision of
seasoned instructor pilots, actually fly the
slingload, rappelling and air assault missions in
support of the air assault program of instruction.
Aviation officer basic course and advanced in-
dividual training students participate in air assault
operations during the course of their extensive
field training exercises. It is these synergistic ef-
fects that assist in producing qualified and aware
Aviation soldiers, a product that has never been
better. The intangible benefits of this training and
philosophy are profound. They produce:
better qualified Aviation soldiers assigned to
the field;
a confidence in Aviation as a branch, a com-
bat arms and a combined arms team member;
an effect where Aviation and air assault is
analogous as is infantry and ranger;
pride and esprit de corps through team work,
challenges and plain hard work;
self-confidence and a can do attitude which
improves each soldier's view of himself.
Aviation soldiers are members of a highly
mobile force which will employ assets in every
phase and physical area of the battle. Air assault
training builds expertise, knowledge and con-
fidence which produces more technically and tac-
tically qualified Aviation soldiers. And that spells
the difference between success and failure on the
AirLand Battlefield. "Air assault, sir!" ...... . '
1: Recommended load
hl configuration for Jump TOC.
For the ...
Air (/L 0 "
Cavalry .. $j
The ability to communicate with
ground forces during wartime is vital, but
to be able to communicate with speed and
mobility over the battle area is imperative. The
4/9 Cav can provide the ground commander with
pertinent information concerning the enemy, terrain and
weather, as well as the protection needed against such observations.
Captain Alan D. Swain
Captain Richard L. Lucas
When this article was written, CPT Swain
was S-3 and CPT Lucas, Assistant S-3 of
the 41 st Squadron (Air), 9th Cavalry, 6th
Cavalry Brigade (Air Combat), Ft. Hood,
ARMY AVIATION will fight
the Air Land Battle as a member of
the Combined Arms Team. Support
of the ground commander's tactical
scheme of maneuver in a timely
manner is imperative. The unique
advantage Aviation affords with its
speed and mobility may well be the
key to a successful operation. Com-
mand and control (C2) of forward
Aviation assets is most important.
The March 1979 A viation Digest ar-
ticle titled, "A Tactical Command
Post for Use in the Command and
Control of Forward Aviation
Assets," written by Major James J.
Rudy, addressed a C
concept used
by his unit. MAJ Rudy, while an at-
tack helicopter company com-
mander in Europe, recognized the
difficulty of controlling forward
Aviation assets and developed a tac-
tical command post for C
In the 4th Squadron (Air), 9th
Cavalry, 6th Cavalry Brigade (Air
Combat), the C
concept is used in
a similar manner to provide that
timely support to the ground maneuver
commander. The mission of the Air
Cavalry is to perform recon-
naissance, security and surveillance;
to provide real-time information
concerning the enemy, terrain and
weather throughout the battle area;
and to alert or provide protection
agains enemy observation or attack.
The 4/9th Cavalry Squadron is
composed of a large number of
aerial gun platforms which provide
armor-defeating power to the
ground commander. It is capable of
moving rapidly about the modern
battlefield to bring firepower to
bear on tanks and other armored
vehicles. The unit's speed, mobility
and maneuverability enable it to
traverse great distances, use terrain
for concealment, mass anti armor
firepower at the critical time and
place, and exploit the enemy's
weaknesses. The 6th Cavalry Brigade
(AC) organizes the available
squadrons into task forces (TFs).
The 4/9th Cavalry Sqaudron may
detach an air cavalry troop and at-
tach an attack helicopter company.
This results in like configured TFs
in the brigade and permits each TF
to accomplish the dual mission and
capability of finding and destroying
its 'adversaries.
The unit's tactical employment
plans require it to operate over long
distances. The squadron's tactical
operations center (f0C) and logistical
support (Gasses III and V) are located
from 60 to 100 km behind the for-
ward edge of the battle area (FEBA)
in the squadron forward support
area (FSA). Operating over such
long distances places a strain on the
C2 of operations. Effective com-
munications are essential for
positive C2 of tactical elements by
the squadron headquarters. The
4/9th Cavalry uses the "Jump-
TOC" (JTOC) concept to exercise
C2. All the equipment used in the
JTOC is authorized under the cur-
rent Modification Table of
Organization and Equipment. The
JTOC concept has been used by the
squadron for many years. Im-
provements and refinements of the
JTOC operation and its configura-
tion have been made since its in-
troduction several years ago. The
following is a brief description of
the squadron's present JTOC
operation and configuration.
A UH-1H Huey helicopter equip-
ped with dual frequency modulated
(FM) capability is used for the
JTOC. Additional equipment re-
q\liked for the JTOC includes: a 1.5
kW' 28v direct current (DC)
generator with two 5-gallon cans for
FIGURE 2: Brigade employment distances and lines of communications.
Brigade or
Supported Unit )
..... , <" SQUADRON
',,' ..... ... > JTOC JTOC
retra nsmission
M #1 -r )
Area .--::::::UHF/vHF .s-
TR P/COMPANY =----::s::' )
.. ------25-30km
fuel; two Radio Code (RC)-292 or
OE-254 antennas; and a map-board
of the area of operations (positioned
against the front of the transmission
bulkhead). The command console
(ANI ASC-15) is not used due to its
excessive weight (about 500
pounds). Use of the ANI ASC-15
would limit helicopter employment
in high density altitude and high
temperature environments. By not
using the command console, more
space is available in the crew com-
partment for JTOC operations. The
JTOC crew is limited to the S3, the
fire support officer (FSO), the S2,
the UH-l pilot, the fire support
noncommissioned officer (FSNCO)
FIGURE 3: FM number 1 radio antenna connection.
and the crewchief. Personal gear is
limited to one rucksack per in-
dividual because of space limita-
tions. (Figure 1 depicts a recom-
mended load configuration for
JTOC operations.)
The JTOC positions itself on
relatively high ground anywhere
from 25 to 30 km from the FEBA
Disconnect the radio lead (connector P3301) from the FM number 1
radio antenna; located at station 83 in the UH1 ceiling, behind the
soundproofing. Attach the RC292 with adaptor connector (NSN
5935001493914) to the FM number 1 radio lead (connector P3301).
(beyond the range of enemy ar-
tillery). It selects a position from
which it can communicate with its
troops/ companies and with the
squadron TOC in the FSA. The
squadron commander with his air-
craft positions himself near the
JTOC. His UH-l, equipped in the
same configuration as the JTOC
aircraft, is the squadron's alternate
command post. If terrain or
distance precludes the squadron
jump from directly communicating
with the main TOC, a retrans vehi-
cle is used. Each troop/company is
equipped to operate an aircraft in
the JTOC configuration. Primary
communication and control of
operations is on FM number 1
secure between the main TOC, the
squadron jump and the troops/ com-
panies. The troops use ultrahigh fre-
quency Ivery high frequency
(UHF IVHF) for C
of their for-
ward elements. In the event FM
number 1 is jammed, the squadron
switches to UHFIVHF for com-
mand and control of forward
operations. The FM number 2 radio
is available for communicating with
brigade or supported unit head-
quarters. The squadron TOC is up-
dated periodically on operations by
the JTOC. Depending on the tac-
tical situation and how fluid the bat-
tle is, ground JTOC setup may not
be necessary or advisable. The
JTOC can control operations in an
effective manner while airborne or
from a ground position. (Figure 2
on page 32 depicts the distances in-
volved and the squadron's line of
JTOC setup duties at the selected
field site are evenly distributed. The
S3 operates the UH-l's radios using
battery power while the UH-l pilot
shuts down the aircraft.The S2 and
crewchief setup the 1.5 kW
generator and the FSO and FSNCO
erect the RC-292s. In about 7
minutes the squadron jump is fully
operational using 1.5 kW generator
power. The antennae (292) are con-
nected to both-FM number 1 and 2
radios with an adaptor connector,
national stock number (NSN) 5 9 5 ~
149-3914. (Figures 3, page 33, and 4
show the antennae connections for
the FM number 1 and FM number 2
radios.) The 1.5 kW 28v DC
generator with an auxiliary power
unit cable (AN 2551E20) connects
to the helicopter at the external
power receptacle. (Note: During the
initial setup of the day, it is recom-
mended that generator power out-
put be checked before connection to
the aircraft.) (Caution: Ensure bat-
tery switch is in the "OFF" position
prior to bringing DC generator
power "on-line.") To reduce the
power drain on the generator there
are a number of DC systems which
should be disengaged during ground
operations. (Figure 5 shows which
circuits should be pulled.) (Note: In-
verter power is required only to
change UHF IVHF frequencies and
should be OFF when not needed.)
The JTOC repositions about
every 1 Y2 hours (the approximate
time of a generator fuel load) to
lessen the potential of enemy
discovery of its position because of
the large electromagnetic signature
the JTOC presents during opera-
tion. The troop JTOCs normally
operate within range of threat ar-
tillery and may have to reposition
more often. Teardown of the JTOC
before repositioning takes less than
5 minutes. (Emergency displace-
ment can be accomplished in 2 to 3
minutes.) During teardown and air-
craft runup an AN/PRC-77, with
headset, may be used for continued
radio contact with forward
elements. Additional equipment
which can enhance JTOC opera-
tions is an aircraft equipped with an
ANI ARC-I02 high frequency (HF)
radio. The HF radio increases the
range of communications, but
FIGURE 4: FM number 2 radio connection.
Disconnect the radio lead (connector P2104) from the FM number 2
radio antenna lead located at station 243.89 in the oil cooler fan
compartment. Attach the RC-292 with adaptor connector (NSN
5935-00-149-3914) to the FM number 2 radio lead (connector P2104).
URE 5: DC systems to be pulled "OFF LINE" during JTOC operations.
1. BAT - OFF
2. RADIOS-as desired
6. INST LIGHTING-as desired
7. INVERTER SWITCH-OFF (except to change frequencies)
9. DC CIRCUIT BREAKERS-OFF (as specified below)
10. CABIN LIGHTS-as desired (N)
DC VOLTMETER: External DC generator should be set to reflect 28v DC on
the DC voltmeter, with appropriate radios and equipment ON.
For JTO operations: Pull out the following DC circuit breakers and use a 1.5
kW 28v DC generator connected to the external power receptacle.
1. AIMS Altimeter
2. Caution Panel Lights
3. RPM Warning
4. LH Fuel Boost Pump
5. Turn & Slip Indicator
6. Force Trim
7. RH Fuel Boost Pump
places a strain on the 1.5 kW
generator and should be used only
when necessary. Also, a canopy
cover or poncho should be used to
reduce canopy glint and aid in cover
and concealment. (Other recom-
mended equipment is addressed in
figure 6.)
This JTOC concept has been used
throughout the squadron during
numerous exercises, and was highly
successful during the squadron's
April 1983 Army Training and
Evaluation Program. This concept
has increased the Aviation com-
manders' positive C
of their for-
ward Aviation assets and vastly im-
proved the unit's responsiveness
and support to the ground com-
mander as part of the Combined
Arms Team. ~
FIGURE 6: JTOC equipment list.
UH-1H 1520-00-087 -7637
(1 .5 kW 28vDC 6115-00-017 -8236
APU Cable AN 2551E20
Grounding Rod 5975-00-878-3791
Adaptor, Connector 5935-00-149-3914 2
AN/RC-292 5985-00-497 -8554 2
Fuel Can, 5 Gal 2
Map Board
JTOC Box (supplies,
report forms, etc.)
AN/PRC 77 5820-00-930-3724
Headset 5965-00-226-2915 4
"Y" Cord 2
Sound proof paneling
(for use around
enerator) 2
Captain Thomas W. Light
Commander, Company E
2d Battalion, School Brigade
Fort Eustis, VA
Captain Joseph E. Faubion
Course Development Division
Directorate of Training and Doctrine
U.S. Army Aviation Center
Fort Rucker, AL
The first Aviation Logistics Conference.
achieved by the Aviation com-
munity when MG Bobby J. Mad-
dox and MG Aaron L. Lilley Jr.
presented their closing remarks
to the attendees of the 1984
Aviation Logistics Conference
(AVLOG-84) at Ft. Rucker. The
conference was cohosted by the
U.S. Army Aviation Center, Ft.
Rucker, AL, commanded by MG
Maddox, and the U.S. Army Avia-
tion Logistics School, Ft. Eustis,
VA, commanded by MG Lilley.
The conference, from 15 to 17
August 1984, was the first time
Aviation field commanders,
nonrated commanders and
logisticians-including the
Department of the Army (DA)
Deputy Chief of Staff for
Logistics and the Aviation
Logistics Center commander-
were brought together in a
general officer forum to discuss
Aviation logistics exclusively.
The need for a separate Avia-
tion logistics conference was
recognized during the October
1983 Aviation Employment Con-
ference (AVNEC-83) (reported in
the January 1984 Aviation Digest,
page 2) in light of the rapid im-
provements and capabilities of
Aviation in flexibility, mobility and
the ability to act within the
enemy's decision cycle. These
improvements dictated that
logistical support and doctrine
be developed so as not to
restrict the employment of Avia-
tion assets on the AirLand
AVLOG Objectives.
The conduct of AVLOG-84
was patterned after AVN EC-83
for continuity and to capitalize
on its proven format. The focus
of AVLOG was on the Army of
Excellence combat Aviation
brigade (CAB) in three levels of
conflict: high-intensity (Europe),
mid-intensity (Southeast Asia)
and contingency mission.
The expressed objectives of
the conference were to:
Seek consensus on how to
support Army Aviation in
the AirLand Battle.
Incorporate these conclu-
sions into our doctrinal
Document any unresolved
issues into a viable action
plan with attainable goals.
AVLOG-84 served as a capstone
conference to resolve issues for
which solutions could be
developed in that forum; to
recommend further research in-
to the ones that needed it; and,
to put to rest issues recognized
as being resource constrained
and impossible to implement in
the near term. By accomplishing
this in an open forum of rated
and nonrated commanders and
logisticians, a unified position
was established representing
not onlytheAviation community
but also ground commanders.
AVLOG Issues.
During the early stages of con-
ference planning, a message
was sent worldwide to units and
activities concerned with Army
Aviation announcing AVLOG-84
and soliciting their input for the
conference. Comments received
from the field were screened by
subject matter experts during a
working group held at the Avia-
tion Logistics School from 21
through 26 March 1984. In addi-
tion to the field responses,
issues were also extracted from
the following sources:
Army Aviation Mission Area
Analysis (AAMAA).
Combat Service Support
Mission Area Analysis,
Army Aviation Systems Pro-
gram Review,
Logistics System Program
Army Aviation Functional
Area Assessment,
Cavalry Brigade (Air Attack)
Independent Evaluation Re-
port, 9th Infantry Division,
October 1982, and
The Aviation Logistics School
working group consolidated the
issues into various categories
for review and approval by the
Aviation supportability commit-
tee, which has been established
at the Aviation Logistics School
and acts as a clearing house for
ideas on improving Aviation
logistic support. The committee
approved the categories which
were then structured into the
AVLOG consensus document.
The consensus document con-
sisted of a series of questions on
each issue for which the panels
were to seek resolution. The
categories of issues discussed
during AVLOG-84 were:
DA approved wartime flying
hour rates
Classes "I and V (fuel and
Aircraft combat maintenance
and battle damage repair
Aircraft recovery and
Night maintenance,
Forward support battalion
Aircraft maintenance com-
pany mobility,
CAB mobility,
Aviation ground support
equipment, test, measure
ment and diagnostic equip-
ment (TMDE)/intermediate
forward test equipment
(I FTE) and AH-64 Apache
electronic equipment test
Army air transport,
Rear area combat opera-
tions (RACO) and rear area
protection (RAP),
Classes VII and IX pro-
visioning and distribution
(major end items and repair
parts and components).
Nature and Scope of the
Conference Procedure.
AVLOG-84 participants were
provided a thorough overview of
Aviation logistics. Included were
Aviation force structure, logistics
support design in the Army of
Excellence, lessons learned in
Grenada and the Falkland
Islands, total package and unit
materiel fielding, and an update
on the maximizing daily helicopter
flying hours series of studies con-
ducted by the Concepts Analysis
Agency (CAA).
Three panels were organized
and shown the scenario video
tapes from AVNEC-83. The high-
intensity scenario was adapted
from the U.S. Army Training and
Doctrine Command (TRADOC)
approved scenario based on a
European conflict. The mid-
intensity scenario was based on
the Mideast III scenario issued
for use by TRADOC. The con-
tingency mission scenario was
developed by the Scores Branch,
Directorate of Combat Develop-
ments, at the Army Aviation
Center. It was not a derivative of
any standard scenario and used
a fictitious geographic location,
a generic threat and hypothetical
U.S. Forces.
Fact sheets providing back-
ground information and the cur-
rent status of the issues were
given to each participant. Using
this information and the ques-
tions posed in the consensus
document, the three panels
worked to reach agreement on
logistical doctrine and tech-
niques to support the CAB.
Common Conclusions.
The resu Its of each panel were
presented and discussed on the
second day. Consensus from the
three panels was then established
regarding these conclusion
Summarized below are the
background and outcomes on
each issue.
OH-58 2.27 3.70
AH-64 3.70
UH-1 2.63 4.17
UH-60 2.53 5.50 6.11
CH-47 3.50
FAAO 2.27 4.17
Flying Hour
Background: DA wartime fly-
ing hours are the basis for Avia-
tion support and affect logistical
support planni ng in any
scenario. The Aviation MAA
(April 1982 Aviation Digest) iden-
tified a need to fly more hours
than cited in Army Regulation
(AR) 570-2. The AAMAA flyi ng
hour rates were determined
ing the required flight hours by
intensity from maintenance,
manpower, logistics analysis;
losses from the helicopter attri-
tion rate portion of the wartime
requirements for ammunition,
materiel and personnel fiscal
year (FY) 1984 to 1988 (WAR-
RAM P P88E) study; and a theater
scenario of intensities by day for
180 days from the CAA. Sustain-
ment packages have been iden-
tified to meet the short fall.
AAMAA flying hours are currently
used by the Aviation Center in
the conduct of studies and in the
2.71 4.74 3.21 3.21
3.28 5.53 3.28
5.93 5.93
2.31 2.21 5.00 6.10
* AAPRSO: Army Aviation Personnel Requirements for Sustained Operations
*CSAC: combat support Aviation company
* AHB: attack helicopter battalion
*CAV: cavalry
*GSAC: general support Aviation company
*SEMA: special electronics mission aircraft
*FAAO: Field Artillery aerial observer
computation of fuel requirements
for force design. A comparison of
DA-approved, MAA 90-day war
with the Army Aviation person-
nel requirements for sustained
operations (AAPRSO) study of
daily flying hours is in the figure
at left.
Current published wartime
flying hour rates (AR 570-2) are
too low.
Aviation MAA proposed
wartime flying hour rates are prob-
ably not affordable within Army
and Aviation resource accounts.
Required rates have been
identified and validated. The DA
staff must decide on an afford-
able rate above those currently
published to establish a stand-
ard for all logistics and tactical
planners within TRADOC and
the Army.
III and V.
Background: Classes III and V
were described as the Achilles'
Heel of Aviation at AVN EC-83.
Considerable work has been
done in the area of forward arm-
ing and refueling points (FARPs)
at the Aviation Center and in
refueling operations at the
Quartermaster School, Ft. Lee,
VA. The FARP operational con-
cept is included in TRADOC
Pamphlet 525-15, dated 19 March
1982. Additionally, a draft of
Field Manual 1-104 on FARPs
was sent to the field for review
on 1 May 1984. The introduction
of the heavy expanded mobility
tactical truck and the heavy ex-
panded mobility ammunition
trailer are significant ongoing
materiel actions to improve
FARP operations.
The need that exists to im-
prove our ability to emplace and
resupply the forward arming and
refueling points was underscored.
The Army must reexamine
its capabi I ity to store, handle
and manage Aviation Classes III
and V from introduction into a
theater until ultimate consump-
tion, including operation across
the forward line of own troops.
And Battle
Background: The maintenance
system is designed to support the
wartime flying hour program
outlined in AR 570-2. As stated
before, the 1982 AAMAA published
a requirement roughly twice that
of the DA-approved program. It is
essential that damaged aircraft
be repaired quickly to meet the
higher flying hour requirement
predicted by the AAMAA.
Peacetime procedures for repair
of damage may take weeks and
normal scheduled maintenance
may unnecessarily prevent the
maximum use of limited Aviation
assets, even if all required per-
sonnel and parts are available.
Recent wars in the Mideast have
shown that major sytems avail-
ability and number of missions
completed can be increased
significantly through the ap-
plication of an organized battle
damage repair program. Armies
of other nations, such as the
United Kingdom and Israel, have
existing programs and the
United States Air Force is rapidly
developing the capability.
ACM/BDR provides expeditious
aircraft maintenance hardware and
software to augment and enhance
the ability to maintain air*
craft during intense
combat operations. The
main characteristics consist of:
assessment and inspection
'tol"nn[ru deferrability and ser-
I"l"i't,al"l>::I quick-fix repair
carlnit)alization procedures.
This program is top
research and development (R&D)
priority at the Aviation Logistics
ACM/BDR is critical to
achieve maximum aircraft avail-
ability on the battlefield. It
should to be the number
one Aviation logistics R&D
Background: The concept ex-
tending the responsibility to
Aviat unit maintenance
(AVUM) for rigging their
aircraft evolved from the
sion 86 Study as a method of
significantly increasi the
recovery potential with n the
division. It provides
capability to augment
Aviation maintenance
(AVIM) a
conflict, prevents
effort with multip
damage inspections (AVUM
then AVIM) and should be more
responsive. I n I 1980 the
Chief of Staff the Army
approved the air cavalry attack
brigade and
tional concept for the
sion and directed its
tation in the 9th Infantry Divi-
sion. At that time the Aviation
School recommended
that action be initiated to
develop a lig tailored
aerial recovery kit to meet AVU M
The unit maintenance aircraft
recovery kit (UMARK) was con-
ceived to meet the needs of
AVUM units to quickly rig for
recovery of their organic heli-
,...,."","n,rc- which cannot be repaired
on the or nonflyable
helicopters main-
tenance which must be moved
when relocate. The second
phaseisto the
AVIM aerial recovery (ARK)
usin advanced technology
to reduce kit weight by
50 and also yield adap-
tion to the UH-60 Black Hawk,
AH-64 and OH-58D Kiowa. Full-
scale engineering development
nds are now programed for
both the UMARK and improved
AVIM ARK in FY 86.
The doctrine of AVUM rig-
is and we need to get
on with field of the unit air-
craft maintenance recovery kit
and planned improvement of the
i ntermed iate mai ntenance recov-
ery kit.
The majority recovery will
be accomplished air; how-
ever, ground evacuation capability
is still
... Maintenance.
Background: Units are staffed
for 12-hour Current
doctrine states that Aviation
un with AVUM capabilities
shou Id ize person nel
teams which will
capability. The night main*
tenance potential for AVIM units
is greater due to the fact that
AVI M units are farther to
the rear and the considerations
of light and noise discipline are
not as critical. It is cu
recommended that
maintenance no''t ..... 'rnt:it"l
areas, wh ite
tain maximum
return of aircraft.
quency and type
tenance required is no,"'\o ... ,no,n
on the scenario and
rate '"''''."\L:>rll ....
tions have focused on ..... """".,.,r"\
ing lightproof shelters such as
the transportable helicopter
enclosure and the nondivisional
AVIM shop set.
Night maintenance must be
conducted in all geographical
areas of the battlefield.
anticipate a h
centage of night
will reduce the opportunity to
perform night maintenance.
Battalion ..
Background: The CAB as cur-
rently designed will receive ad-
ministrative and logistical sup-
port from the division support
......... nnrn':Inn (DISCOM) on an area
basis. Units operating in a
brigade area will be supported
DISCOM from the support bat-
talion in the brigade support area
(BSA). Conceivably, Aviation
could receive support from each
BSA as well as from the main
support battalion in the division
support area.
Advantages of a forward sup-
port battalion for the CAB are
that the FSB establishes a
habitual relationship for support
and allows the brigade to coor-
dinate for support at one loca-
tion. It also places, as the
logistical operator for the
brigade, a lieutenant colonel
who is attuned to the function of
DISCOM and is coequal with the
other support battalion com-
Disadvantages of an FSB for
the CAB are that it will require
the FSB to have the capability to
provide support across the en-
tire division area. Personnel in-
creases required to build the
FSB are not supportable in the
Army of Excellence.
The FSB is a highly emo-
tional issue. Ideally, if it were af-
fordable, a separate FSB should
support each divisional CAB.
Corps CAB may require a
dedicated FSB when operating
in the division.
Background: In the 9th Infan-
try Division, the aircraft main-
tenance company was removed
from the combat support Avia-
tion battalion and placed under
the control of the newly formed
forward support battalion
(DISCOM) in support of the cavalry
brigade air attack (CBAA). The
aircraft maintenance company,
by table of organization and
equipment (TOE) design, has
about a 50 percent mobility
capability for TOE equipment
and personnel when administrative
loading techniques are employed.
However, due to tactical loading,
"in lieu of" equipment, and the
addition of newly fielded special-
ty equipment, a degradation of
the actual mobility capability is
experienced. The aircraft main-
tenance company of the Infantry
division light (IDL) is assigned to
the DISCOM. Although mobility
of the aircraft maintenance com-
pany was not considered as a
design factor, the unit is about
38 percent mobile by weight and
cube. The heavy division, air-
borne and air assault aircraft
maintenance units currently be-
ing developed are also assigned
to the DISCOM.
TOE design (50 percent
mobility) requires the aircraft
maintenance company to displace
by echelon (bounds) in order to
provide continuous support to
the CAB.
Background: The original
design of the CAB required the
maneuver elements to be 100
percent mobile in organic
vehicles. This means that the
cavalry squadrons, attack heli-
copter battalions and combat
Aviation assets could relocate
one ''"''''' ..... u' ......
is how
elements must be
to support for
deployed units.
list (PLL) and
other classes supply reduce
the CAB.
each weapon
and manager has IOOIKea
at the development
of his weapon
system, maximizing the
weapon but sometimes subop-
for the Automatic
is true n
divisional and nondivisional
maintenance area. The nl"r\IO' .... ,.
manager for TM DE has
chartered to reduce this
magn we
weight and size reclSllDle
vice su pport
grouped into and base
clusters to enhance defense
level II and III threats and
to allow continued execution of
the and
base is a smaIlI"lO,"'I"I.e-::>
under the sen commander
the base cluster is a
area containing several bases
The rear area ope rat ion center
base cluster com-
rY'I<::llnrtor'c;:, and provides centralized
tactical planning and control
within the rear battle.
When threat
capabi ities, m
provide initial forces to
rU:"T:l.::lT the threat with combat
For Aviation
must be with
incorporate mutual
control movement of the /\\1,''\1',,,,,.,...
Current down-sized Aviation
maintenance and FARP ..... 1"","" .... ,,""
tions must be .. \o.rt
RAP mission
tactical situation.
tinue their nr'nT'l"","',
l I Classes VII And
,: IX Provisioning
. . and Distribution.
Background: Class VII (major
end items such as launches, tanks,
mobile machine shops, vehicles):
The Army Aviation Systems Pro-
gram Review, specifically the
Organization and Force Structure
Panel (September 1982 Aviation
Digest) addressed the absence of
aircraft in war reserve stock (WRS)
and pre-positioning of materiel
configured to unit sets (POMCUS).
Although it was recognized that
ground systems have an acquisi-
tion strategy which provides
replacements for attrited systems
from war reserve stocks, regulatory
restrictions may preclude aircraft
being placed in either WRS or
POMCUS. The panel recommend-
ed exploiting self-deployability,
continuation of tests in Europe to
determine if aircraft could tolerate
extended storage, revision of
regulations and development of an
acquisition strategy which in-
The Joint Concept Validation
Program for placing fully mission
capable (FMC) aircraft in pre-
positioned storage was conducted
in Europe from January 1982 to
March 1983 (March 1984 Aviation
Digest, page 2). The program
established that AH-1S (Modern-
ized Cobra) and other less complex
helicopters may be stored fully
fueled and with minimum preserva-
tion for up to 13 months in a
controlled-humidity warehouse en-
vironment and remain FMC.
Class IX (repair parts and com-
ponents to include kits, assem-
blies, etc., required for mainte-
nance support of all equipment):
Currently, PLLs are kept to sup-
port a unit's daily organizational
maintenance operation in com-
bat for a prescribed number of
days. Combat PLL parts are to be
used and replenished as
necessary; they are not to be
boxed and banded. A combat
PLL requires stockage of man-
datory parts lists and most of the
items stocked on PLL.
The combat PLL and
authorized stockage list, to be
identified by the Army Materiel
Command, must be completed
as soon as practicable. These
preplanned supply support
packages or "pull" packages will
increase sustainability in the
early days of a conflict.
IX must be increased.
We must use POMCUS for
Class VII.
We should buy spares and
repair parts to sustain, possibly
at the expense of reducing the
total number of end items.
AVLOG-84 was a timely and
valuable experience for the Army
Aviation community as well as
those not familiarwith Aviation.
Because of the split respon-
Sibilities for Classes III and V,
ground maintenance and the
the other elements of Aviation
logistics, it served as an education
forum and provided the opportuni-
ty for all proponents to develop
the package of employment and
logistics necessary for successful
combat Aviation operations.
With weapons systems ever in-
creasing in technological sophis-
tication, it is vital that Aviation
logistics keep pace. During his
keynote address, MG Lilley
described two essential pro-
grams designed to achieve
this-the Aircraft Combat
Maintenance Battle Damage
Repair Program and Progressive
Phased Maintenance (PPM).
Both are applicable in wartime,
with PPM potentially increaSing
availability and mission flexibili-
ty in peacetime as well. Within
safety constraints, PPM may
provide an overall manhour to
flight hour savings by requiring
fewer inspections and extend-
ing the interval on others. These
programs could help offset part
of the difference between the
established DA wartime flying
hours planning figure (AR 570-2)
and the required wartime flying
hours developed by the Aviation
community in the AAMAA.
By continuing to explore new
and innovative ways of pro-
viding Aviation logistics sup-
port, Army Aviation can better
exploit its unique mobility and
firepower against an opposing
force. But, as MG Lilley observed in
his keynote address, "Aviation
logistics is the most critical
aspect of Aviation power, and
without log istics it cou Id very
well restrict the employment of
the commander's Aviation assets."
Simply stated, employment and
logistics are inseparable and must
be considered together. .'
Holding Entries Made Simple
(or how to beat the checkride blues)
CW4 Mike Harbin
8th Aviation Training Battalion
Aviation Training Brigade
U.S. Army Aviation Center
Fort Rucker, AL
The views expressed in this article are the author' s and do not necessarily reflect
Aviation School policy. The author is a National Guard instructor pilot on special
assignment to the Aviation Center
I MAGINE YOURSELF on an instrument
checkride. You are about halfway through the ride and
feeling rather proud of your performance. In fact, you
only have one last approach and a holding procedure
left (probably to be completed back at the home plate)
and you will be recerti fied good-to-go for another year.
Then all of a sudden it happens without warning!
Something that is feared by some and dreaded by
many . Your check pilot issues you a completely unan-
ticipated and fairly off-the-wall holding clearance at
the worst possible fix he could find. You figure you
have only 3 or 4 minutes before you reach the fix and
time to plan is at a premium. Your thoughts stray to
your opinions on unrealistic holding clearances, cocky
check pilots and how to remain calm.
Does this sound familiar? If so, then read on
because you are going to learn about a technique for
holding entries that is super easy and virtually
foolproof. It is so easy that you do not even need to
visualize the holding pattern or your relative .position
within the holding pattern. (The only technique I know
to be easier is to refuse the clearance-which has been
tried on occasion.) This technique works at NA VAIDs
(navigational aids) or intersections and automatically
takes into account the effects of wind.
The only requirement for this technique to work
properly is that you must be heading (or tracking if
you prefer) directly to the fix. Then all you need to
know are three items:
The outbound course.
Whether the holding pattern is right or left turns.
Right Turns
(Teardrop segment IS on
o . I >0
the nght side of Radio
o \ Magnet,c tnd,cator lace)
FIGURE 1: RMI Segment Procedure.
Segment line is
offset 20 degrees
from 90/ 270.
Direct segment is
always on
Left Turns
The procedure for segmenting the radio magnetic
indicator (RMI).
Now, the way this works is simple. After you receive
a holding clearance, mentally segment the face of the
RMI. (Some folks draw a line across the face glass of
the RMI with a grease pencil when first learning this
technique.) Each segment represents a specific entry
procedure (i.e., either teardrop, parallel or direct). See
figure l-RMI Segment Procedure. Next, locate the
outbound course on the RMI compass card and note
the segment into which the outbound course falls. If
the outbound course falls in the teardrop segment then
perform a teardrop entry. If it falls in the parallel seg-
ment then do a parallel entry, and if it is in the direct
segment, do a direct entry.
Review the simplified example in figure 2 and set
up some of your own examples on the chalkboard.
You will be amazed because it works every time (if it
doesn't, recheck your figures because you made a
mistake). Master this technique and I guarantee that
you will be able to dazzle your check pilot with
. JANUARY 1985
FIGURE 2: Example.
Your clearance is: "Hold
south of the VOR on the 210
degree radial, right turns. "
(Expect further clearance at
coffee break.)
@ You are here, heading 180
degrees and tracking
if)bound on the 360 degree
radial to the VOR (no wind
Your Radio Magnetic
Indicator is segmented for
right turns and shows your
current heading. Use a
grease pencil to draw line
across the face glass of the
Radio Magnetic Indicator.
Your outbound course falls in
the teardrop segment. Do a
teardrop entry
brilliance, impress your copilot with finesse and win
bets at the club. dnn ,
The Aviation Digest welcomes short articles for use in th is
Instrument Corner.
US. Army Communications Command
RPV Operations
Mr. Jesse M. Burch Jr.
u.s. Army Ai r Traffic Cont rol Act ivi ty
Aeronautical Services Office
Cameron Station, Alexandria, VA
T HE FIRST QUESTION might well be, "What
is an RPV?" For the purpose of this discussion, an
RPV is a winged aerial vehicle that is controlled by
means other than a human in the cockpit (a
remotely piloted vehicle). This may be ac
complished by radio or radar navigation systems,
computer programing or by any other means other
than directly by a pilot. Regardless how they are
controlled, all RPVs will be operated in accor
dance with the procedures contained in Federal
Aviation Administration Handbook (FAAH)
7610.4, "Special Military Operations."
The second question may be, "Why does the
Army have to comply with FAAH 7610.4?" The
answerto this is simple. By federal law the FAA is
charged with the management of the National
Airspace System (NAS). Thus, the FAA established
the rules, regulations and procedures by which
operations in the NAS are to be conducted.
The following is extracted from FAAH 7610.4,
paragraph 1500.
Since RPVs do not have seeand-avoid capability,
operation of these vehicles must be rigidly con
trolled to avoid hazards to other air traffic. Opera
tion of RPVs shall be limited as follows:
Within positive control areas.
Within restricted areas.
Within warning areas.
Outside of the above areas, the RPV must be
accompanied by a chase pl,ane with direct com
munication with the controlling source facilities.
It is the chase plane pilot's responsiblity to relay
potential conflicts to the controlling source
and provide changes of heading and
altitude to resolve any traffic conflicts. If an alter
nate means of observing RPV flight and com
munications with the controlling source facilities
is available, which would provide a level of safety
equal to that provided by the chase plane, it may
be approved at the discretion of the concerned
FAA region. This may include visual observation
or more ground sites, RPV flight
mOnitoring by patrol aircraft , primary radar obser
vation .or the controlled firing area concept.
O.peratlons shall be conducted in VFR (visual
flight rules) conditions.
Army RPV operations will normally be con
ducted within a restricted area. The following
guidelines apply:
If a restricted area exists and has been ape
for R.PVor similar activity, operations may
be Initiated Immediately.
If a restricted area exists but has not been ape
proved for RPV operations, FAA must be advised.
upon circumstances, rulemaking ac
tlon may be required.
If no restricted area exists, action must be
taken to establish one. It is stated Army policy
that activities requiring special use airspace will
not be conducted unless that airspace has been
designated by FAA.
NOTE: FAAH 7610.4 is directive in nature on the
Department of Defense and is implemented for
the Army by Army Regulation 9550.
For additional information or clarification, con
tact Mr. Jesse M. Burch, AUTOVON 2847796/6304.
Readers are encouraged to address matters concerning air traff ic cont ro l t o
Di rect or, USAATCA Aeronaut ical Services Office, Cameron Station, Alexandria, VA 22304-5050.