DuPont underwent significant changes to its capital structure in the 1970s, increasing its debt ratio to over 40% from less than 10% due to acquisitions, inflation, and recession. This led to a downgrade of its credit rating. We recommend DuPont target a 40% debt ratio going forward to take advantage of tax benefits of debt financing and send positive signals to the market, despite its past financial issues. Maintaining a lower debt ratio would require costly equity issuances and signal the board believes the share price is accurate when it is actually undervalued.
DuPont underwent significant changes to its capital structure in the 1970s, increasing its debt ratio to over 40% from less than 10% due to acquisitions, inflation, and recession. This led to a downgrade of its credit rating. We recommend DuPont target a 40% debt ratio going forward to take advantage of tax benefits of debt financing and send positive signals to the market, despite its past financial issues. Maintaining a lower debt ratio would require costly equity issuances and signal the board believes the share price is accurate when it is actually undervalued.
Original Description:
This is a case study that highlights DuPont Chemicals Company and their financial decisions.
DuPont underwent significant changes to its capital structure in the 1970s, increasing its debt ratio to over 40% from less than 10% due to acquisitions, inflation, and recession. This led to a downgrade of its credit rating. We recommend DuPont target a 40% debt ratio going forward to take advantage of tax benefits of debt financing and send positive signals to the market, despite its past financial issues. Maintaining a lower debt ratio would require costly equity issuances and signal the board believes the share price is accurate when it is actually undervalued.
DuPont underwent significant changes to its capital structure in the 1970s, increasing its debt ratio to over 40% from less than 10% due to acquisitions, inflation, and recession. This led to a downgrade of its credit rating. We recommend DuPont target a 40% debt ratio going forward to take advantage of tax benefits of debt financing and send positive signals to the market, despite its past financial issues. Maintaining a lower debt ratio would require costly equity issuances and signal the board believes the share price is accurate when it is actually undervalued.
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Subject: DuPont Case Study
Summary & Recommendations:
Given Du Ponts financial history and current position, we recommend that they forego a low debt capital structure for a 4! target debt ratio and attempt to cut their dividend" #n the period of $%&'($%)$, Du Pont had undergone drastic change in their capital structure policy" #ncreases in industry capacity surpassed demand growth, driving prices down" *long with inflations effect on re+uired capital spending, the oil shoc, driving up costs, a recessionary environment for the industry, and the vertical ac+uisition of Conoco, Du Ponts capital structure was near unrecogni-able by the end of the transitionary period" Du Ponts debt ratio stood at 4.!, up from less than .! and eventually led to a downgrading of the firms credit rating to **" Due to Conocos performance after the ac+uisition, the firm was in a troubled situation" Du Pont sold a part of Conocos assets dropping its debt ratio to /&!0 Despite +uestionable financial ratios and poor earnings in )., Du Pont maintained its ** rating" Key Issues 1he pec,ing order theory postulates that maintaining a 4! debt level would be ideal over the target .'! debt scenario" 2educing the debt ratio would re+uire large issuing of e+uity, a source of capital that is more e3pensive than debt" *dditionally, Du Ponts diversified business units provide e3tra protection from the added(on ris, of debt Du Ponts shares are undervalued due to investor conceptions from previous financial performance" 1he Conoco ac+uisition, although costly and unluc,y, reduces costs for Du Pont as its vertical integration potential is still largely untapped" #ssuing e+uity would only signal the boards belief that the share price is accurate4over(valued, driving the price down even further" 5ther industry competitors are at a 4! debt level *ccording to the 676 theorem, Du Ponts value as a firm is correlated to its debt level" 1he 4! debt scenario will yield higher dividends per share, earnings per share, and 258" #ncreasing target debt levels would send positive signals to the mar,et by demonstrating the ability to increase debt levels while staying financially stable" 1his should lead investors to focus on anticipated future growth"