PIV Blood Draws
PIV Blood Draws
PIV Blood Draws
analysis (P = .84). Table 2 shows hub versus tubing
hemolysis rates.
RESEARCH/Stauss et al
Because no hemolysis, or 0 mg/dL, yields the best pos-
sible test result, we were interested in whether reanalyzing
the data using a criterion of 0 mg/dL to indicate no hemo-
lysis with any value greater than 0 mg/dL considered
hemolyzed would yield different results. When the data
were reanalyzed with that criterion, the rate of hemolysis
was the same for both groups (33.33% [n = 120]).
A secondary purpose of this study was to determine
whether the investigators could predict whether a coagula-
tion sample was hemolyzed. Nurses were significantly more
likely to predict that a sample was hemolyzed when it was
not and to think that it was not hemolyzed when in fact it
was (Pearson
, 18.18; P < .001, 2 sided).
The nurse investigators also reported difficulty of
insertion, ease of draw, and blood flow. Analysis showed
a significant difference in hemolysis rates (P = .00021,
Mantel-Haenszel trend test) with samples rated as no diffi-
culty and thus less likely to be hemolyzed than those rated
as either a difficult draw or difficult insertion.
This is the first randomized clinical study to our knowledge
that evaluated hemolysis rates of coagulation specimens
drawn using extension tubing compared with those drawn
directly from an IV catheter hub. There were no statisti-
cally significant differences found in the hemolysis rates
between the 2 groups. Prior studies have evaluated blood
drawn from an IV catheter using a syringe compared with
blood drawn via a Vacutainer device, but none have com-
pared the 2 techniques used in this study.
During data collection, the nurse investigators indicated
whether they thought the coagulation specimen was hemo-
lyzed. At the time of this study, no literature was found that
addressed nurses ability to predict sample hemolysis. Some
of our staff nurses were convinced that they could tell
whether a sample was hemolyzed. Nurses in this study were
not able to predict hemolysis with any degree of certainty.
This misconception is most likely due to a lack of knowledge
regarding the clinical laboratory process for determining
hemolysis. Of interest was the finding that the nurses per-
ceptions regarding the difficulty of IV catheter insertion,
ease of blood draw via either method, and problems with
blood flow during specimen collection were associated with
hemolysis. In our sample these factors were associated with a
significantly higher hemolysis rate than samples rated as hav-
ing no difficulty. Any type of difficulty with the blood draw
was more likely to be associated with hemolysis than the
method of withdrawal. It seems that the difficulty of speci-
men collection may be an important factor associated with
hemolysis of coagulation specimens.
Although the cause of hemolysis in samples drawn
through IV catheters is unknown, other researchers have
hypothesized that the soft walls of the peripheral IV cathe-
ters used today may actually collapse and/or kink during
blood withdrawal, leading to excessive turbulence in blood
flow and hemolysis.
Finding methods for blood withdra-
wal that limit catheter wall collapse could lead to lower
hemolysis rates.
Sample characteristics
Total sample
(N = 120)
Group 1: Hub
(n = 60)
Group 2: Tubing
(n = 60) P value
Age .15
Mean (SD) (y) 60.49 (16.67) 58.27 (17.93) 62.71 (15.14)
n 116 58 58
Anticoagulant use 19 12 7 .23
n (%) 119 (16%) 60 (20%) 59 (12%)
Hemolyzed at >0 mg/dL on colormetric scale, n (%) 40 (33%) 20 (33%) 20 (33%) >.99
Hemolyzed at 140 mg/dL on colormetric scale, n (%) 37 (31%) 19 (32%) 18 (30%) .84
There were no significant differences between groups for any variable.
Hemolysis rates for blood coagulation samples
drawn from IV catheter hub versus extension tubing
Hemolyzed Hub group
Tubing group
Yes (139 mg/dL) 41 (68.3%) 42 (70%)
No (140 mg/dL) 19 (31.7%) 18 (30%)
Total 60 60
There was no significant difference between groups (P = .84).
Stauss et al/RESEARCH
Anatomic site of the blood draw may also affect hemo-
lysis rates. Several studies identified greater hemolysis rates
when sites other than the antecubital were used for blood
These studies used multiple devices for
blood sampling, so it is unclear what the best approach
is. One of the limitations of our study was that we did
not control for anatomic site for blood withdrawal. A com-
parison of the various methods using the antecubital site
may yield further clarity on this issue. In particular, butter-
fly devices, another method of blood withdrawal in emer-
gency departments, may warrant future investigation.
Another technique that might result in lower hemolysis
rates would be release of the tourniquet after successful
IV catheter insertion and reapplication of it to draw blood
specimens. Our study controlled for investigator differences
in tourniquet use by leaving the tourniquet in place until
after the blood sample was drawn.
The rate of hemolysis found in our study is higher
than the rates observed in prior research.
most studies were non-experimental, none of the studies
had hemolysis rates greater than 21%, with the exception
of the study by Fang et al
(33.7%). We do not know why
our rate of hemolysis is so high. In the month before the
start of this study, our coagulation hemolysis rate was
15.2%. The higher hemolysis rate may be because of the
implementation of the color visualization scale chart. Our
study used methods for blood withdrawal that were very
similar to prior studies, including use of a Vacutainer
assembly device, emphasis on slow withdrawal of blood
from the catheter, and use of a larger-gauge IV catheter.
In addition, we used smaller-volume tubes (2.7 mL). A
prior experimental study showed decreased hemolysis rates
with lower-volume tubes (5 mL) compared with 10 mL.
Use of soft-draw coagulation tubes may also decrease
However, soft-draw tubes for coagulation spe-
cimens are not available.
A likely cause of the hemolysis rate differences may be
the methods used for determining hemolysis in each of the
studies. This study used a standardized, visual inspection
method where individual specimens are compared with a
color chart depicting the color of samples with different
levels of hemolysis.
Although some of the studies did
not adequately describe the method used for determining
hemolysis, none of those studies appeared to have used the
particular hemolysis chart used in this study. In comparing
the hemolysis visualization chart used in this study with the
2 studies that did publish a figure of a hemolysis chart,
found that although the colors on the visual scale indica-
tors were similar, the designated level for a hemolyzed spe-
cimen in the studies was different. This study had a lower
threshold for hemolysis, rejecting specimens with a value of
140 mg/dL or greater. In 2005 Dugan et al
identified speci-
mens as hemolyzed at 200 mg/dL or greater on the color-
metric scale used in their study. If we used a higher
hemolysis cutoff level similar to that of Dugan et al, our hemo-
lysis rates would still be higher than in prior studies. This indi-
cates the need for further studies using similar criteria.
Temperature regulation of the blood sample tubes dur-
ing storage is another factor that could have accounted for
the high hemolysis rates observed in our study. The man-
ufacturer recommends that Vacutainer blood sample tubes
with sodium citrate are stored at room temperature.
iances in temperature affect the vacuum of the tube, which
may affect hemolysis rates. It is possible that the Vacutainer
tubes used in this study were not properly stored after man-
ufacture, leading to higher hemolysis rates.
The results of this study cannot be generalized to other emer-
gency departments because of the small sample size. We
attempted to limit variations in technique between the emer-
gency nurse investigators by training all data collectors
before study enrollment. However, this study did not con-
trol for user differences in draw technique, anatomic site of
draw, or number of IV insertion attempts. Another limita-
tion was the use of a visual color scale to determine hemoly-
sis. Our clinical laboratory does not routinely use this scale
but instead relies on the individual technicians visual
inspection and judgment of level of hemolysis.
Implications for Emergency Nurses
In this study emergency nurse investigators could not accu-
rately predict by visualization whether a coagulation sample
was hemolyzed at the time of blood withdrawal. Second,
high hemolysis rates occurred equally when coagulation
blood samples were drawn via a peripheral IV catheter
either at the hub or through extension tubing. Replication
studies are needed to determine whether the findings of
this study can be generalized to the larger population. In
the interim, if hemolysis rates are a concern, one should
consider obtaining blood whenever possible through a
venipuncture rather than through an IV catheter. Veni-
puncture as the preferred method of blood draw is also
an industry recommendation.
Furthermore, this method
has been shown in prior experimental studies to reduce
hemolysis rates to less than 4%.
We found that neither method made a difference in hemo-
lysis rates in this study. Difficulty of IV catheter insertion,
RESEARCH/Stauss et al
ease of blood draw, and problems with blood flow during
specimen collection were associated with a significantly
higher hemolysis rate than samples rated as having no diffi-
culty. It seems that the difficulty of specimen collection may
be an important factor associated with hemolysis of coagula-
tion specimens. Additional research is needed to identify
whether this and/or other factors increase or reduce hemoly-
sis rates in coagulation samples obtained in ED patients.
We thank Barry Milcarek, PhD, Krystal Hunter, MBA, and Marianne Chulay,
RN, PhD, FAAN, for their mentorship and support of this research project.
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Stauss et al/RESEARCH