CPN & Proxy Server
CPN & Proxy Server
CPN & Proxy Server
Proxy Servers
What is a VPN?
VPN stands for virtual private network. A VPN keeps your wireless counications safe !y creatin" a secure #tunnel$# thou"h
which your encrypted data travels. %hese tunnels cannot !e entered !y data that is not properly encrypted. Not only is data
encrypted when you use a VPN$ !ut the ori"inatin" and receivin" network addresses are also encrypted. %his adds an extra layer of
What is a proxy?
Proxy sites ena!le you to !ypass your own &nternet provider and !rowse throu"h the proxy we! site. All that you have to do is
type the we! site address you would like to visit in the for they provide$ and start !rowsin". 'nce you keep !rowsin" usin" that
for$ you are protected and your real &P address is not !ein" lo""ed.
VPN downloads(
)* +ltraVPN
+ltraVPN is a free VPN that hides your connection fro unwanted ears and allows you to use !locked application. %raffic is ,uota is
unliited. -andwidth is up to .//0o1s dependin" on network conditions.
2* 3oki VPN
3oki Network allows you to surf the &nternet anonyously and hides your real location 4&P address*. 5verythin" you do throu"h the
3oki Network is done fro the nae of the 3oki Network server and fro its &P address. 6onnection !etween your coputer and
3oki Network is secured with SS3.
7owever$ to protect your anonyity you still have to !e careful a!out any data you fill in We! fors and network applications you
use locally 4any locally runnin" application still have the coplete access to your real &P address*.
8* %or
An anonyous &nternet counication syste$ %or is a toolset for a wide ran"e of or"ani9ations and people that want to iprove
their safety and security on the &nternet. +sin" %or can help you anonyi9e We! !rowsin" and pu!lishin"$ instant essa"in"$ &:6$
and SS7. %or also provides a platfor on which software developers can !uild new applications with !uilt;in anonyity$ safety$ and
privacy features.
<* 6y!er"host VPN
%he &nternet has lon" since !ecoe an interactive eans of counication. 5veryone writes e;ails$ and any are akin" use of
online stora"e sites$ !lo""in"$ or sharin" their views on We! forus. =ortunately$ 6y!er>host VPN "ives users a way to surf
anonyously and keep their private inforation fro the eyes of others. 6y!er>host VPN provides you with anonyous &P
address and encrypts transissions !etween you and the We!
.* ?AP
?AP Anon Proxy provides the functionality to surf the we! without !ein" o!served. %his eans that neither the re,uested server
nor any o!server on the &nternet can know which user has viewed which we! pa"e ; in short$ anonyity.
@* =reeProxy
=reeProxy ena!les any users to share an &nternet connection. %he !asic features include proxyin" 7%%P$ SA%P$ P'P$ =%P Proxy$
%6P %unnelin"$ and S'60S <1<a1.. %he application works well with a wide ran"e of clients includin" !rowsers$ &6B$ and ASN
essen"er and coprehensive help illustrates the setup of these clients. &n addition$ =reeProxy includes authentication to !oth an
internal user data!ase or to a windows doain$ extensive reportin"$ coprehensive control of resource perissions$ +:3 filterin"$
&P address filterin"$ local port !indin"$ deand dialin"$ calendar control$ proxy chainin"$ and includes a functional We! server$ plus
nuerous other features.
C* Analo"D Proxy
Analo"D Proxy supports =%P 4file transfer*$ 7%%P 4we!*$ 7%%PS 4secure we!*$ NN%P 4news"roups*$ P'P8 4recieve ail*$ SA%P
4send ail* and Socks<1<a and partial Socks. 4no +DP* protocols( &t works "reat with &nternet 5xplorer$ Netscape$ &nstant
E* 7otspot Shield
7otspot Shield is a freeware which ensures anonyous and censor;free internet usa"e. With 7otspot Shield you can even access
!locked we!sites. =or exapleF Skype is !locked in certain parts of the world. With 7otspot Shield$ anyone can access Skype 4and
any other site they choose*. %he free software ensures censor;free internet usa"e !y encryptin" all counications to and fro
your coputer to protect you fro online spyin". While advertisin" supported$ 7otSpot Shield is is not an invasive adware or
pervasive spyware application.
G* %he>reen-ow VPN 6lient
%he>reen-ow VPN 6lient is a standard;!ased &PSec VPN 6lient$ copliant with ost of the popular VPN "ateways allowin" fast
inte"ration in existin" networks. 7i"hly efficient and extreely easy to confi"ure$ it provides the reote users an &PSec VPN 6lient
to securely connect to the corporate network. &t also allows peer;to;peer VPN with full &PSec standards$ full &05 NA% %raversal$ &P
address eulation$ stron" encryption 4D./G$ A5S$ AD.$ D5S$ D7 "roup ) to .*$ Stron" authentication 46ertificates$ D;Auth$ Pre;
shared key$ +S- token*$ redundant "ateway and DPD detection$ hi"h perforances$ no syste overhead$ DNS and W&NS
resolutions supported$ operates as a Service$ allowin" the use on unattended Servers$ accepts incoin" &Psec %unnels$ optional
H&Psec onlyH traffic filterin". Wireless connectivity 4>P:S$ Wi=i$ -luetooth*.
IDownload link untested$ please scan any crack1key"en !efore use
)/* ProxyWay
ProxyWay is free proxy tool that provides easy way to scan proxy lists$ check proxy$ filter and chan"e proxy servers on fly. Jou can
use ProxyWay with !rowsers and different applications to visit different sites$ download ovies$ files$ send essa"es$ etc.
%o silify ProxyWay confi"uration you can use HProxyWay Auto 6onfi"urationH option. +sin" this option you donHt need to download
proxy lists$ check proxies$ create services and confi"ure !rowser settin"s anually. ProxyWay will do it for you. %he only one thin"
you should do is start surfin".
ProxyWay ain featuresF
K 5asy setup ; Proxy Way HAuto 6onfi"urationH option autoatically updates proxy list$ checks proxies$ creates services and
confi"ures your !rowser
K 7ide Jour :eal &P
K Proxy =inder
K Proxy 6hecker
K Proxy Aana"eent Syste ; creates proxy chains and easily chan"es the on fly
K Supports we! proxies
))* &nterWAP
=ree SS7 and VPN =+33 SP55D +N3&A&%5D tunnel anonyi9er. -ypass provider restrictions and surf anonyous. +se any services$
"aes and applications even if your provider !locks the access. %he speed is not affected.
)2* =ree VPN
=ree VPN protects your entire we! surfin" sessionL securin" your connection at !oth your hoe &nternet network & Pu!lic &nternet
networks 4!oth wired and wireless*. =ree VPN protects your identity !y ensurin" that all we! transactions 4shoppin"$ fillin" out
fors$ downloads* are secured throu"h 7%%PS. =ree VPN also akes you private online akin" your identity invisi!le to third party
we!sites and &SPMs. +nless you choose to si"n into a certain site$ you will !e anonyous for your entire we! session with =reeVPN.
We love the we! !ecause of the =reedo that it creates to explore$ or"ani9e$ and counicate. =ree VPN ena!les access to all
inforation online$ providin" freedo to access all we! content freely and securely. Secure your entire we! session and ensure
your privacy onlineL your passwords$ credit card nu!ers$ and all of your data is secured with =ree VPN.
)8* -arracuda Proxy
-dProxy ; S'60S$ 7%%P$ and 7%%PS Proxy Server. %he -dProxy acts as a S'60S$ 7%%P$ and 7%%PS proxy server. %he proxy allows
you to use your &nternet applications anonyously$ despite firewalls. %he -dProxy is a free and copleentary -arracudaDrive
product. %he -dProxy client connects and esta!lishs a secure tunnel to the 7%%PS %unnel server inte"rated into the -arracudaDrive
We! Server. %his product re,uires the -arracudaDrive server.
)<* ProxyAaster
ProxyAaster is an &nternet utility to let you !rowse the We! anonyously !y hidin" your &P address.
When you surf the &nternet your uni,ue identification nu!er 4&P nu!er* can !e detected !y any We!site you visit.
ProxyAaster lets you use another &P nu!er which is provided !y a server called anonyous proxy server as a uni,ue.
; 7ide your &P nu!er fro people.
; 6heck the availa!ility of ultiple anonyous proxy servers with a !la9in" fast speed.
; &port any list of anonyous proxy servers into Winnow Anonyous Proxy
; 5xport the list of anonyous proxy servers contained in Winnow Anonyous Proxy to text file
; ProxyAaster autoatically deletes dead anonyous proxy servers.
Proxy Sites
+se these for ,uick access to we!sites your workplace1colle"e1school has !locked.
5nNoy anonyous surfin"(