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Faculty Seminar Dr. Suga

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SPEAKER: Bi. iei nat Tauatomo Suga, Piofessoi, The 0niveisity of Tokyo,
Piesiuent, The }apan Institute of Electionics Packaging (}IEP)

TITLE: Suiface activateu bonuing (SAB) foi packaging anu bonuing of metals, semiconuuctois,
glasses anu polymeis at ioom tempeiatuie- its histoiy, cuiient status anu futuie outlook -

BATE: Nonuay, }une 2
, 2u14

TINE: 1u:Su AN



The mechanism of bonuing of soliu mateiials has been consiueieu baseu on the uiffusion anu
ieactions at elevateu tempeiatuies. Bowevei, chemical inteiactions between atoms on the mateu
suifaces exist always as the natuie of the soliu suiface. These inteiactions aie oiigin of the
cohesive eneigy of solius as well as the auhesion eneigy between solius. It means that any soliu
mateiials shoulu be bonueu even if theie is no high tempeiatuie ieaction. This is the iuea of the
ioom tempeiatuie bonuing.
The suiface activateu bonuing (SAB) has been uevelopeu successfully to bonu metals, Si, anu III-v
semiconuuctois, attiacteu incieasing inteiest uue to its simple piocess flow anu the ioom
tempeiatuie piocess without heat anu auuitional mateiials foi bonuing. It has been applieu foi
volume piouuction of SAW uevices, metal laminates, anu NENS packaging.
The oiigin of SAB uates back to expeiiments on auhesion in the 0Bv conuucteu by NASA in the
197us. The authoi's gioup in the 0niveisity of Tokyo maue consiueiable piogiess in 0Bv
bonuing in the 198us, anu the technique was extenueu to apply to heteiogeneous bonuing
between metals, anu metals to ceiamics, anu semiconuuctois. Foi SB-IC, SAB was uemonstiateu
to enable Cu-Cu uiiect bonuing at ioom tempeiatuie on a chip-scale bump-less inteiconnect of
1,uuu,uuu electioues consisting of S m electioues with 6 m pitch. The possibility of applying
SAB in ambient aii has been also uemonstiateu on Au, AnSn, anu SnAg, which aie iathei
insensitive to oxiuation.
A uisauvantage of SAB was its uifficulty of bonuing ionic mateiials to each othei, which incluue
glass, sapphiie anu silicon uioxiue. The ieason foi this is still not cleai but it is assumeu that the
suiface of ionic mateiials is spontaneously polaiizeu at uiffeient levels by ion beam
bombaiument, which is peifoimeu piioi to the bonuing. To oveicome the pioblem of the oiiginal
SAB methou, a mouification was pioposeu. In this appioach, the suifaces to be bonueu aie
sputtei cleaneu by Ai anu simultaneously uepositeu with Fe anu subsequently Si. The metallic
thin layei may shielu the suiface polaiity of the ionic mateiials anu theiefoie the wafeis aie
bonueu veiy stiongly. By this mouifieu methou, ioom tempeiatuie bonuing of Si0
, glass, anu
vaiious single ciystalline wafeis as well as polymei films was achieveu at ioom tempeiatuie with
veiy high bonu stiength.
The application of the mouifieu SAB is extenueu to sealing of glass anu polymei uevices such as
0iganic Electio-Luminescent Bisplay (0ELB) oi lightening uevices, since theie is no othei
suitable methou foi goou sealing agent against peimeation of watei anu oxygen fiom the
atmospheie into those uevices.


Tauatomo S0uA joineu the Nax-Planck Institut fi
Netallfoischung in 1979, anu ieceiveu the Ph.B. uegiee in
mateiials science fiom 0niveisity of Stuttgait in 198S.
Since 1984 he has been a faculty membei of the
0niveisity of Tokyo, anu since 199S, he has been a
piofessoi at the Bepaitment of Piecision Engineeiing of
the School of Engineeiing. Be was also the uiiectoi of
Reseaich uioup of Inteiconnect Ecouesign at National
Institute of Nateiials Science (NINS), anu a Nembei of
}apan Council of Science, as well as the chaii of IEEE
CPNT Society }apan Chaptei. Bis ieseaiches focus on
micio-systems integiation anu packaging, anu
uevelopment of inteiconnect technology, especially the
ioom tempeiatuie bonuing technique foi SB integiation.
Be has enueavoieu to establish collaboiation between inuustiies anu acauemia foi the packaging
technology, uiiecting R&B pioject of the Institute of Nicio-System Integiation (INSI), anu
auvocating also impoitance of the enviionmental aspects of packaging technology as the key
oiganizei of }apanese ioaumap of leau-fiee solueiing anu Inteinational Eco-uesign Confeience as
well as the geneial chaii of IEEE Woikshop on Low Tempeiatuie Bonuing foi SB integiation.
Cuiiently he is also appointeu as the piesiuent of }apan Institute foi Electionics Packaging (}IEP).
C0NTACT: E-mail: sugape.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp

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