LX200 Classic Manual
LX200 Classic Manual
LX200 Classic Manual
(2) (1)
(1) (2)
Ray (2) 1/2°
Ray (1)
(1) 8.0"
8.0" Mirror
Plane Secondary
Primary Baffle Tube Baffle
Field Stops
Primary Mirror Plate
In the Schmidt-Cassegrain design of the Meade 8", 10", and 12" models, light enters from the right, passes through a thin lens with
2-sided aspheric correction (“correcting plate”), proceeds to a spherical primary mirror, and then to a convex aspheric secondary
mirror. The convex secondary mirror multiplies the effective focal length of the primary mirror and results in a focus at the focal plane,
with light passing through a central perforation in the primary mirror.
The 8", 10", and 12" models include oversize 8.25", 10.375" and 12.375" primary mirrors, respectively, yielding fully illuminated fields-
of-view significantly wider than is possible with standard-size primary mirrors. Note that light ray (2) in the figure would be lost entirely,
except for the oversize primary. It is this phenomenon which results in Meade 8", 10", and 12" Schmidt-Cassegrains having off-axis
field illuminations 10% greater, aperture-for-aperture, than other Schmidt-Cassegrains utilizing standard-size primary mirrors. The
optical design of the 4" Model 2045D is almost identical but does not include an oversize primary, since the effect in this case is small.
LX200 Schmidt-Cassegrain telescopes now feature new baffle tube designs. These computer-optimized designs incorporate a series
of 7 to 11 (depending on the focal ratio and size of the LX200) internal field-stops to eliminate almost all internal reflections, yielding
the best image contrast available in any Schmidt-Cassegrain available today.
Field Stops
8.25" 7"
Primary Baffle Tube
Secondary Baffle
The oversize 8.25" primary mirror results in a fully-illuminated (unvignetted) field of view significantly wider than can be obtained with
Maksutov optics incorporating primary mirrors of the same aperture as their meniscus correcting lenses. Computer-optimized primary
and secondary mirror baffles, as well as a sequence of field stops internal to the primary mirror baffle, yield lunar, planetary, stellar,
and deep-space images of uncommonly high contrast and resolution.
Never use the LX200 telescope to look at the Sun! Looking at or near the Sun will cause instant
and irreversible damage to your eye. Eye damage is often painless, so there is no warning to the
observer that damage has occurred until it is too late. Do not point the telescope or its viewfinder
at or near the Sun. Do not look through the telescope or its viewfinder as it is moving. Children
should always have adult supervision while observing.
1 18 2
4 6 5
The 7", 8", 10", and 12" LX200 are, with the exception of a few 2. Standard Equipment
assembly operations and features, almost identical
a. 7" Model LX200
operationally. Most standard and optional accessories are
lncludes 7" Maksutov-Cassegrain optical tube assembly with
interchangeable between the three telescopes. The
EMC super multi-coatings (D = 178mm,
instructions in this manual generally apply to all three
F = 2670mm-f/15); heavy-duty fork mount, with 4"-dia. sealed
telescopes; when exceptions to this rule occur, they are clearly
polar ball bearing, quartz-microprocessor-controlled 5.75"
pointed out.
worm gears on both axes; setting circles in RA and Dec;
Important Note: If you are anxious to use your Meade LX200 handheld keypad Electronic Command Center with digital
Telescope for the first time, at the very least be sure to read readout display, permanently-programmable Smart Drive, 9-
TELESCOPE ASSEMBLY (page 7), and QUICK START (page9) speed drive control on both axes, GO TO controller, High-
sections of this manual. Thereafter, we urge you to read the Precision Pointing, and 64,340-object onboard celestial
balance of this manual thoroughly at your leisure, in order that software library; internal tube-cooling fan for rapid image
you may fully enjoy the many features offered by the stabilization; 25 ft. power cord and adapter for telescope
instrument. operation from 115v.AC; 8 x 50mm viewfinder; eyepiece-holder
and diagonal prism (1.25"); Series 4000 SP26mm eyepiece;
1. What Is the LX200? An Overview variable-height field tripod; operating instructions.
Meade LX200 SCT’s mark a new era in telescope technology
for the amateur astronomer, whether beginner or seasoned b. 8" Model LX200
veteran. For the beginner LX200 electronics permit the location lncludes 8" Schmidt-Cassegrain optical tube assembly with
and observation of the major planets as well as hundreds of EMC super multi-coatings (D = 203mm, F = 1280mm-f/6.3 or
deep-sky objects the very first night you use the telescope. For 2000mm-f/10); heavy-duty fork mount, with 4"-dia. sealed polar
the experienced amateur the telescopes’ pushbutton electric ball bearing, quartz-microprocessor-controlled 5.75" worm
slewing, digital readouts, Smart Drive, and much more open up gears on both axes, and multi-function power panel display on
visual and photographic capabilities heretofore undreamed of. the drive base; manual and electric slow-motion controls on
both axes; setting circles in RA and Dec; handheld keypad
a. Heavy-Duty Mounts Electronic Command Center with digital readout display, PPEC
with 9-speed Dual-Axis Electronics Smart Drive, 9-speed drive control on both axes, GO TO
DC-servo-motor-controlled worm gear drives on both telescope controller, High-Precision Pointing, and 64,340-object onboard
axes permit observatory-level precision in tracking, guiding, celestial software library; 25 ft. power cord and adapter for
and slewing. The 9-speed dual-axis drives cover every possible telescope operation from 115v.AC; 8 x 50mm viewfinder;
contingency of telescope positioning: Press the SLEW button eyepiece-holder and diagonal prism (1.25"); Series 4000
on the keypad controller for rapid motion of the telescope SP26mm eyepiece; variable-height field tripod; operating
across the skies at up to 8 degrees per sec. (6 degrees per sec. instructions.
for the 12" LX200) on both axes simultaneously; once near the
c. 10" Model LX200
target, switch instantly to the FIND speed for centering in the
lncludes 10" Schmidt-Cassegrain optical tube assembly with
viewfinder at 2 degrees per sec. Observing the object in the
EMC super multi-coatings (D = 254mm, F = 1600mm-f/6.3 or
main telescope, use the CNTR speed (32x sidereal) to place
2500mm-f/10); heavy-duty fork mount, with 4"-dia. sealed polar
the object in the center of the field. During long-exposure
ball bearing, quartz-microprocessor-controlled 5.75" worm
astrophotography press the GUIDE button for precise
gears on both axes, and multi-function power panel display on
corrections at 2x sidereal speed.
the drive base; manual and electric slow-motion controls on
b. Built-in 64,359-Object Library both axes; setting circles in RA and Dec; handheld keypad
Enter into the keypad any of the 110 Messier objects, 7,840 of Electronic Command Center with digital readout display, PPEC
the finest NGC objects (galaxies, diffuse or planetary nebulae, Smart Drive, 9-speed drive control on both axes, GO TO
star clusters), one of the 8 major planets from Mercury to Pluto, controller, High-Precision Pointing, and 64,340-object onboard
celestial software library; 25 ft. power cord and adapter for As the high intensity light passes through the Schmidt corrector
telescope operation from 115v.AC; 8 x 50mm viewfinder; plate, most of it is transmitted through (about 98%+) while the
eyepiece-holder and diagonal prism (1.25"); Series 4000 rest of the light scatters through the glass. As the light hits the
SP26mm eyepiece; variable-height field tripod; operating mirrored surfaces, most of it is reflected back (about 94%) while
instructions. the rest of it scatters across the coatings. The total amount of
scattered light will be significant, and its effects allow you to see
d. 12" Model LX200
microscopic details that are normally invisible to the unaided
lncludes 12" Schmidt-Cassegrain optical tube assembly with
eye. These anomalous details are real, but their combined
EMC super multi-coatings (D = 305mm, F = 3048mm-f/10);
effects will in no way impose limits on the optical performance,
heavy-duty fork mount, with 4"-dia. sealed polar ball bearing,
even under the most demanding observing or imaging criteria.
quartz-microprocessor-controlled 5.75" worm gears on both
axes, and multi-function power panel display on the drive base; 4. Caution: All LX200 Owners
manual and electric slow-motion controls on both axes; setting
CAUTION: Serious damage to the drive gears may
circles in RA and Dec; handheld keypad Electronic Command
result from shock in handling, while transporting or
Center with digital readout display, PPEC Smart Drive, 7-speed
commercially shipping the LX200, should the R.A.
drive control on both axes, GO TO controller, High-Precision
lock (7, Fig. 1), and/or the Dec. lock (2, Fig. 4) be left
Pointing, and 64,340-object onboard celestial software library;
engaged. Always release the locks when storing in the
25 ft. power cord and adapter for telescope operation from
case, or when crating for commercial shipment to
115v.AC; 8 x 50mm viewfinder; 2" diagonal mirror with 1.25"
allow the telescope to give, if the case or crate is
adapter; Series 4000 SP26mm eyepiece; giant field tripod;
sharply jarred or dropped.
foam-fitted carrying case; operating instructions.
Also, the optical and mechanical axes of all LX200
UNPACKING AND INSPECTION telescopes have been carefully aligned at the factory
As you begin to unpack your telescope from its cartons, you will to ensure accurate object pointing. Do not loosen or
probably be interested in setting it up right away; we certainly remove the fork arms or optical tube assembly from
understand your excitement but please take a few minutes to the drive base; the resulting misalignment of the axes
read this page before doing so. You should verify that you have will result in inaccurate slewing of the telescope in the
all the proper equipment, and that it has arrived to you GO TO mode.
5. Caution: 10" and 12" LX200 Owners
We strongly recommend that you keep your original packing
materials. If it should ever become necessary for you to return CAUTION: Do not attempt to turn the focuser knob of
your telescope to the Meade factory for servicing, these will the optical tube until you have read this note!
help ensure that no shipping damage will occur.
NOTE: Next to the base of the focuser you will see a red-
Meade LX200 telescopes supplied to countries outside the colored slotted head bolt. This bolt is used only for safety in
U.S.A. are identical to those offered domestically, with the shipment. Remove this bolt before attempting to turn the
exception of the AC wall adapter. focuser knob. In its place, insert the rubber plug provided as a
1. What You Should Have dust protector (this rubber plug is included with your hardware
Carefully unpack and remove all the telescope parts from their
packing material. Compare each part to the Standard Your focuser is now operational.
Equipment. You may wish to place a check next to each item
as you identify it. These Packing Programs represent the WARNING: The 10" and 12" LX200 should never be
original specifications for this instrument. Each telescope has commercially shipped without this red-colored bolt in
been inspected twice at the factory to confirm the inclusion of place. This is essential during commercial transport
every item. where rough handling may occur. For your personal
transport and storage, you will never have to use this
2. Please Look Everything Over bolt again.
Meade Instruments and your shipper have taken precautions to
ensure that no shipping damage will occur, but if your shipment a. Commercial Reshipment
has suffered severe vibration or impact damage (whether or not To commercially re-ship the telescope, be sure to follow this
the shipping cartons show damage) then it is important that you procedure:
retain all the original packing and contact the shipper to 1. Turn the focuser knob clockwise until it stops. This will
arrange a formal inspection of the package or packages. This bring the primary mirror all the way back in the tube.
procedure is required prior to any warranty servicing by Meade
Instruments. 2. Remove the rubber plug and insert the red-headed bolt.
Thread it in to a firm snug feel. Do not overtighten. (If you
3. Inspecting the Optics have misplaced the red-headed bolt, you may use any
Note on the “Flashlight” Test: If a flashlight or other high- other bolt that is 1/4-20x1" long.
intensity light source is pointed down the main telescope tube, 3. When packaging the 10" or 12" LX200, be sure to release
you may at first be shocked at the appearance of the optics. To the R.A. lock (7, Fig. 1), and Dec. lock (2, Fig. 4), to
the uninitiated, the view (depending on your line of sight and prevent shock to the gears in the motor assemblies should
the angle the light is coming from) may reveal what would the package suffer severe handling.
appear to be scratches, dark or bright spots, or just generally
uneven coatings, giving the appearance of poor surface quality. Please note that commercial shipment of the 10" and 12"
These effects are only seen when a high intensity light is LX200 Telescope without the safety bolt in place and packed in
transmitted through lenses or reflected off the mirrors, and can the original factory supplied shipping containers as described
be seen on any high quality optical system, including the giant above is done at the owner’s risk and your warranty may be
research telescopes in use today. It should be pointed out, voided if shipping damage results.
however, that optical quality cannot be judged by this grossly 6. Keypad Version Number
misleading “test”, but through careful star testing. The The current keypad version is 3.20 (see sticker on back of
Flashlight Test causes even the very best optics to look keypad). This does not indicate the telescope software
“terrible”. version—which is displayed on the keypad LED at power-up.
TELESCOPE ASSEMBLY Alternately, the field tripod can be used in conjunction with the
Use the following steps to assemble your telescope. appropriate optional equatorial wedge (APPENDIX A, page 25)
for long exposure astrophotography. The equatorial wedge
NOTE: If the section is not applicable to all LX200 models, it is permits alignment of the telescope’s Polar Axis with the
noted at the beginning of each section. Celestial Pole (or North Star).
1. The Field Tripod After removing the field tripod from its shipping carton, stand
The field tripods (Figs. 2 and 3) for Meade 8", 10", and 12" the tripod vertically, with the tripod feet down and with the tripod
LX200 telescopes are supplied as completely assembled units, still fully collapsed (see Fig. 3). Grasp two of the tripod legs
except for the spreader bar (4, Fig. 2) and the 6 lock knobs (2 and, with the full weight of the tripod on the third leg, gently pull
knobs for each of the 3 tripod legs) used to adjust the height of the legs apart to a fully open position.
the tripod. These knobs are packed separately for safety in
Thread in the 6 lock-knobs (2 on each tripod leg) near the foot
of each tripod leg (Fig. 2). These lock-knobs are used to fix the
For visual (i.e., non-photographic) observations, the drive base height of the inner, extendible tripod leg sections.
(17, Fig. 1) of the telescope’s fork mount is attached directly to
NOTE: “Firm feel” tightening is sufficient; over-tightening may
the field tripod. The telescope in this way is mounted in an
result in stripping of the knob threads or damage to the tripod
“Altazimuth” (“Altitude-Azimuth,” or “vertical-horizontal”) format.
legs and results in no additional strength.
The telescope in this configuration moves along vertical and
horizontal axes, corresponding respectively to the Declination The spreader bar (4, Fig. 2) has been removed for shipment.
and Right Ascension axes (explained later in this manual) in an To replace, first remove the threaded rod (2, Fig.2) from the
astronomical observing mode. tripod head (1, Fig. 2); a small piece of plastic holds the
threaded rod in place. Remove the small plastic bag that is
stapled to the threaded rod. This bag contains the “C” clip
2 retainer (used below) and an extra clip.
Slide the spreader bar onto the threaded rod (note the correct
orientation as shown in Fig. 2) and position the threaded rod
back through the tripod head. Place the clip retainer ( a “C” clip)
into the slot in the threaded rod. This clip holds the threaded
rod in place. See Fig. 3.
4 5 Position the spreader bar so that the 3 arms of the spreader bar
3 are lined up with the 3 tripod legs.
Place the entire telescope onto the top of the tripod head, and
thread the threaded rod into the central threaded hole in the
bottom of the drive base of the telescope. Tighten the tension
knob (3, Fig. 2); firm tightening of the tension knob is sufficient
to result in rigid positioning of the tripod legs.
7 6 To vary the tripod height, loosen the 6 lock-knobs, slide the 3
inner tripod leg sections out to the desired height, and firmly re-
tighten (but do not overtighten) the 6 lock-knobs.
To collapse the tripod (after removing the telescope and
equatorial wedge, if applicable) for storage follow these steps:
• Rotate the spreader bar 60° from its assembled position,
Fig. 2: LX200 Field Tripod. (1) Tripod Head; (2) Threaded so that one spreader bar arm is located between each
Rod; (3) Tension Knob; (4) Spreader Bar; (5) Lock Knobs; adjacent pair of tripod legs.
(6) Extension Strut; (7) Tension Hub. • At the base of the tripod is a 3-vane extension strut
system, with a circular hub at its center (7, Fig. 2). Grasp
the tripod head (1, Fig. 2) with one hand and, with the
“C” Clip other hand, pull directly “up” on the central hub of the
extension strut system. This operation will cause the
tripod legs to move inward to a collapsed position.
• If the tripod does not seem to extend or
collapse easily, do not force the tripod legs in
or out. By following the instructions above,
the tripod will function properly, but if you are
unclear on the proper procedure, forcing the
tripod into an incorrect position may damage
the extension strut system.
• Do not overtighten the 6 lock-knobs used to
fix the inner tripod leg sections at various
heights. “Firm feel” tightening is sufficient.
• Be sure the spreader bar (4, Fig. 2) is not
upside-down on the threaded rod.
Display 9
→LOCAL = 11:24:30
SIDE = 21:38:02 10. Press the ENTER key when the date is correct.
4. Using the number keys, enter the current local time to After you press the ENTER key, the keypad hand controller will
within 5 seconds. (Remember, 2:40:00 P.M. is 14:40:00 in display “Updating planetary data.” The position of the planets
the 24 hour format.) Corrections can be made by moving depends on the date, so anytime the date is changed, the
the flashing cursor using the W and E keys. The display planet positions are recalculated.
should look like Display 10. (NOTE: The time should be This is all the information the LX200 needs to make use of all
checked and reset about once a month.) features. The next steps actually align the telescope with the
night sky.
Display 10 →LOCAL = 14:40:00 d. Setting Up the Telescope
SIDE = 21:38:02 After the basic information has been entered into the telescope,
5. Press the ENTER key when the time is correct. The the telescope is ready to actually set-up and use. Follow
display will change to Display 11. TELESCOPE ASSEMBLY (page 6) to set-up the telescope
outside, and follow these steps:
1. Using the Bubble Level (14, Fig. 1) located on the
Display 11 Hours from GMT: telescope’s drive base, level the telescope. This is a very
+08 important step because the telescope’s pointing ability
depends on the telescope being level. Make sure the
The next step is to enter the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) time
bubble is precisely centered by adjusting the height of the
zone shift (This procedure is a lot easier than it sounds). Simply
three tripod legs.
look up your time zone in the table below to find the GMT time
zone shift. 2. Loosen the Dec. lock knob (18, Fig. 1) and position the
optical tube assembly approximately level (so that the
Dec. Circle (3, Fig. 1) reads 0°. Retighten the Dec. lock
- 12 -
3. Loosen the R.A. lock (7, Fig. 1) and rotate the telescope use the next month’s chart. Once you identify the
so that the R.A. pointer (9, Fig. 1) and the HA pointer constellation, pick any of the labeled stars that is not
(16, Fig. 1) are approximately in line with each other. This within a 10 degree radius of overhead, but do not choose
will position the fork arms so that they are parallel to the Polaris, for reasons made clear below. Polaris is also
power panel (11, Fig. 1). lock the R.A. lock. known as the North Star, and is shown for reference only.
Steps 2 and 3 are not required for the telescope to work, so When aligning in ALTAZ, overhead stars can confuse the
don’t worry about getting it exactly right. The telescope has LX200 because of an illegal position that prevents the
some “illegal” positions (places where the telescope will not optical tube assembly from slewing past 90 degrees
go) and these two steps insure proper operation. altitude to protect the viewfinder from hitting the fork arm.
4. Turn the telescope on. After a few seconds (after the self- The LX200 will track an overhead object, but it does so
diagnostic test is complete), the display will look like by moving higher in altitude up to the illegal position, then
Display 15. the drive speeds up and move 180 degrees in azimuth so
that the optical tube assembly can now be lowered in
Display 15
→TELESCOPE altitude to keep up with the overhead object. Confusion
OBJECT LIBRARY arises because the LX200 does not know which side of
180 degrees of azimuth that it is on. Similarly, Polaris
5. Press the ENTER key. This selects the TELESCOPE
presents position problems in ALTAZ alignment because
functions. The display should look like Display 16.
it is so close to the North Celestial Pole. In this region of
→1) SITE the sky, the lines of Right Ascension are so close
Display 16 together that even the LX200’s high-resolution encoders
2) ALIGN can yield ambiguous data.
6. Press the NEXT key. This will move the arrow to the In our example of August 5, we would use the August
lower line (see Display 17). chart, face North and look up about 45 degrees. Cygnus
is probably the easiest constellation to recognize, and we
Display 17
1) SITE will use the star Deneb for our example.
→2) ALIGN Use the PREV and NEXT key to scroll through the list of
7. Press the ENTER key to select the ALIGN function. The alignment stars until the arrow is positioned on Deneb
display will look like Display 18. (If the display looks like (Display 24).
Display 19 — with a checkmark already next to ALTAZ,
go to step 9.)
Display 24
Display 18
accessed through a series of menus, which are shown on the
8. Press the ENTER key to activate the ALTAZ mode. The keypad hand controller display. You can scroll up or down
keypad hand controller will beep and display a through the list of choices by using the PREV and NEXT keys,
checkmark next to the ALTAZ (see Display 19). and select the indicated menu option with the ENTER key.
Menu choices that are shown in lower case letters are
Display 19 →1) ALTAZ ✔ unavailable in the current operating mode (LAND, ALTAZ, or
2) POLAR POLAR). If you try to select a lower case menu option, the
keypad hand controller will emit three warning beeps. Three
9. Press the ENTER key to use the checked mode (ALTAZ). beeps always indicate an attempt to perform an invalid
The keypad hand controller display will look like Display telescope operation.
14. Press the ENTER key to select Deneb. The keypad hand
1 Star or controller displays a message (Display 25).
Display 20
2 Star Alignment
Display 25
Center DENEB
10. Press “1” to select “Star.” The display screen will now then press ENTER
look like Display 21.
15. Center the alignment star (Deneb in our example) in the
Display 21
Level base, then eyepiece of the telescope. You can manually move the
press ENTER telescope by loosening the Dec. lock knob and R.A. lock
or electrically by using the N, S, W, and E keys. If moving
11. If you have not already leveled the telescope, do so now. the telescope electrically, be sure to use the speed keys,
When the telescope is level, press ENTER. The display SLEW to get close, FIND to center in the viewfinder, and
will look like Display 22. CNTR to center the star in the eyepiece. When the star is
centered, press ENTER.
Display 22
Press ENTER, then
The telescope is now aligned and fully functional, and
pick align star automatically begins to track objects. From this point on, make
12. This message simply reminds you what you should do all telescope movements using of the keypad hand controller.
next. Press ENTER to show a display like Display 23. Manual movements by loosening the Dec. or R.A. locks will
cause the LX200 to “lose” position, requiring realignment.
Display 23
ACRUX A e. Using the MODE Key
The LX200 has 5 basic keypad hand controller displays, and
13. Using the monthly star charts (APPENDIX B, page 29) pick the MODE key is used to move between them. The 5 modes
an alignment star. Look at the chart for the current month are:
and face the direction indicated. The constellations 1. Telescope Functions. The TELESCOPE mode is where
shown are easily found — even in the city. The charts are all telescope functions are changed or activated and the
approximately 90 degrees wide, with the top of the chart OBJECT LIBRARY is where the features of the object
indicating straight up. If the time is after 9:00 PM, then library are accessed.
- 13 -
2. Telescope Position. The first display shows the RA and 3. Follow the keypad display prompts to choose and center
DEC (telescope position in stellar coordinates) and the the the second alignment star. Be sure to use the keypad
second display (accessed by pressing the ENTER key) to slew to the second star. After pressing the ENTER key
shows the telescope position in ALTAZ coordinates. in the last step, the keypad display should show the
3. Time and Date. The first display shows local and Sidereal TELESCOPE/OBJECT LIBRARY screen.
time and the second display (accessed by pressing the Important Note: Whenever using either of the 2-Star
ENTER key) shows the date. alignment procedures (at a known SITE or at an unknown
4. Timer and Freq. This display is a countdown timer and SITE), choosing the proper two stars will determine the
allows the user to change drive rates. These are pointing accuracy of the telescope. Choose two stars that are
advanced features. not too close together — try to use stars that are at least 90°
5. All Off. This mode simply turns off all displays and apart. Do not use Polaris because RA changes very fast at the
backlighting. You can also adjust the backlighting Pole and minor centering errors translate to large RA pointing
brightness by pressing the ENTER key and using the errors. Also, avoid stars near the zenith (straight up) since
PREV and NEXT keys to adjust the brightness. azimuth changes very fast in this area. Generally speaking,
choosing two stars as far apart as possible will yield very
f. Library Object Keys accurate pointing, often within a few arc minutes.
While in any of the 5 main keypad display modes, you can The LX200 calculates the distance between the two stars that
directly access the library objects by using the M, STAR, or you chose in the alignment steps and compares this to the
CNGC keys (see APPENDIX C, page 31, of this manual for more distance that you actually slewed the telescope. This is a check
information on the 64,359 Object Library). Simply press an to be sure you centered the correct stars during the alignment
object key, and type in the number of the object desired, steps. Should the LX200 discover a discrepancy, the keypad
followed by ENTER. For example, a good first object for the will display an “Align Mismatch — Check Stars” message. If
first part of the year is M42 — the Great Orion Nebula. you get this message after aligning the telescope, check that
Press the M key, the 4 key, the 2 key, and finally the ENTER you are using the correct stars and align again.
key. The display will show data on the object (name, rating,
object type, brightness, size). Now press GO TO. The c. Unknown SITE
telescope will automatically slew to M42. To use the LX200 telescope at an unknown location, use the
If the object entered is not above the horizon, the keypad hand following procedure:
controller will display the message “Object Below Horizon.” 1. Select site #5 (UNKNOWN) from the SITE menu.
Other good first objects (if above the horizon) are any of the M NOTE: This site cannot be edited like site numbers 1 to 4 as
objects — from M1 to M 110, and the planets. To find a planet described in Entering Basic Information, page 10.
enter: (NOTE: 903 is the Moon.) 2. Follow the keypad display prompts to select and center
the two alignment stars.
As described above, the LX200 will check the accuracy of the
PLANET STAR # PLANET STAR# two stars and give the “Align Mismatch — Check Stars”
MERCURY 901 SATURN 906 message if it detects an error.
d. Which Alignment Method to Use?
MARS 904 NEPTUNE 908 Each of the three method described above has advantages and
JUPITER 905 PLUTO 909 disadvantages. The following table summarizes these
4. Star Alignment
1-Star 2-Star 2-Star
The 2-Star initialization routines provide three options for
Known Known Unknown
aligning the LX200 telescope when in the ALTAZ mode.
Pointing Level 2-Star 2-Star
NOTE: The 2-Star initialization routines only apply to the ALTAZ
Accuracy of Alignment Alignment
alignment mode (see MODE FUNCTIONS, page 16, for POLAR Determined Telescope
and LAND mode initialization). By:
The first and second options require that entry of the SITE and Atmospheric Yes Yes No
TIME information as described in Entering Basic Information Refraction
(page 10). The third option is used when the SITE information Correction*
is not known or has not been entered into the LX200’s memory.
Atmospheric Level Level Not
a. 1-Star with Known SITE Refraction of of Applicable
The 1-Star alignment routine was explained in detail in Setting Correction Telescope Telescope
Up the Telescope (page 11). Determined
b. 2-Star at Known SITE When Best used Best used Best used
To use the 2-Star alignment procedure at a known site, follow Best when the on a when the
these steps: Used telescope is transportable SITE
1. Select the 2-Star alignment (by pressing the “2” key); the permanently telescope information
keypad display will prompt you to level the base. This mounted with the is not
leveling step requires a rough level only and, unlike the 1- and SITE available
accurately information
Star alignment routine, does not affect the pointing
leveled available
accuracy of the telescope. (See Section d. below for a
summary of the differences in telescope operation when * Atmospheric Refraction Correction: Light from an astronomical
selecting each of the three alignment procedures.) object is “bent,” (refracted) as it passes through the atmosphere.
This bending is more pronounced near the horizon because there is
2. After leveling the base and pressing ENTER, follow the more atmosphere for the light to pass through, and it shifts the
keypad display prompts to select the first alignment star. apparent position of the star. The LX200 calculates this bending and
Slew to that star using the N, S, E, and W keys. compensates for it when slewing to objects near the horizon.
- 14 -
Designed to make you a better astronomer, the integration of The MODE key (2, Fig.6) cycles through the five modes of the
optics, mechanics, electronics, and software in the LX200 LX200, and is used to exit from specific menu files.
Maksutov Cassegrain or Schmidt Cassegrain Telescope is
easily mastered. So easy, in fact that the telescope becomes a 3. GO TO Key
natural extension of the observer. The GO TO key (3, Fig. 6) causes the LX200 to automatically
The LX200 gives you virtually every telescope function possible slew to specific library entry coordinates. The GO TO key also
with every control in a compact hand held console. The red produces a blinking cursor in the GO TO menu file of the
LCD backlit keypad has tactile touch buttons (some of which COORDINATES/GO TO mode, to allow new Right Ascension
are brighter than others), designed to have the right feel even and Declination coordinates to be entered.
if you wear gloves. Its red LCD backlit display, key
4. Direction Keys
arrangement, and easy to understand information allow you to
Labeled N, S, E, and W, (4, Fig. 6) these four keys make the
focus the telescope and your mind on the subject at hand.
LX200 move, or slew, in a specific direction, with an option of
The LX200 keypad hand controller is a dual axis drive corrector four different speeds, explained later. During entry to change a
with periodic error control; an information display center for the value, the E and W keys can be used to move the blinking
computerized library; a digital coordinate readout system; a cursor back and forth across the LCD display, so that if an error
pulsing, illuminated reticle eyepiece brightness controller; a two is made during entry, it can be erased and changed.
speed electric focuser controller, and a red LED flashlight!
The remaining 12 keys have multiple functions, there are up
You will find within a few minutes of powering up the LX200 that and down arrow keys, and numbered keys from 0 through 9.
the keypad becomes warm, which is normal for the system. Each one of these keys also has alternate functions listed
The electronics utilize a heat sink as a means to provide the above the arrow symbols and numbers. The ALT LED light is
correct operating environment temperature for the LCD display only visible when entering numerical data. A description of the
even in sub-zero weather. If you are in these colder conditions, individual keys follows:
the display may not be visible until the keypad has transferred
enough heat. This process can take a few minutes upon 5. Speed Keys (SLEW, FIND, CENTER, and GUIDE)
powering up the telescope. While severe cold weather is not These keys (6, Fig. 6) allow you to set the rate of movement
damaging to the electronics, it is advised to keep the keypad in (slew) speed in the drives of the LX200, as activated by the N,
a warmer area to allow immediate proper display performance. S, E, and W keys. The chosen rate is indicated by the speed
indicator illuminated LED beside the rate key that you have
pressed. the speed rates are SLEW (4 degrees per second),
FIND (1 degrees per second), CNTR (16X sidereal rate), and
7 GUIDE (2X sidereal rate).
1 NOTE: All of the slew speeds will drive the LX200 in all four
8 directions, except for GUIDE. The 2X sidereal speed in GUIDE
has one difference in that it will not interrupt the Right
2 Ascension tracking direction to make Easterly (for Northern
9 hemisphere) or Westerly (for Southern hemisphere)
3 adjustments; it will merely slow down the tracking drive to one
half its normal speed. You will find, however, that the slower
drive will move the image opposite of the tracking direction,
without disturbing the smooth drive action. This performance is
5 10 absolutely essential when making astrophotographs.
SLEW, FIND, CENTER, and GUIDE keys also have numbers
listed 7, 4, 1, and 0 respectively. When editing a value, the
6 11 multiple function of each of these keys is realized. SLEW and
FIND are also used to set the “fast” focus speed for the electric
focuser accessory option, while CNTR and GUIDE set the
“slow” focus speed. There are other special functions for the
CNTR and GUIDE keys that are discussed in the RET KEY
12 operations.
Fig. 6: Keypad Hand Controller. (1) ENTER Key; (2) MODE 6. RET Key
Key; (3) GO TO Key; (4) Direction Keys;(5) RETURN Key; Typically used for guiding the LX200 during an
(6) Speed Keys; (7) Red LED Light; (8) Display; (9) Focus astrophotograph, the RET key (5, Fig. 6) is used to change the
Key; (10) Object Keys; (11) MAP Key; (12) PREVIOUS and brightness and pulse rate of the optional corded style
NEXT Keys. illuminated reticle eyepiece. Pressing either the PREV and
NEXT (up and down arrow) keys while holding down the RET
The LX200 keypad buttons are described as follows: key, alters the reticle brightness level up or down.
1. ENTER Key When guiding on very faint stars, you may find it helpful to
The ENTER key (1, Fig. 6) is used to select a menu file, a file pulse the light from the LED so that the reticle crosshairs blink
option, or to edit a value. To select a file or an option, press and on and off. You will be able to adjust the reticle brightness as
release the ENTER key. The LX200 will give a short beep tone well as adjust the pulse rates. There are three pulse rates that
and perform the action that you have requested. To edit a can be used, all with a one second pulse interval. The
value, press and hold the ENTER key until a double beep tone continuous illumination control and pulse rates are set by
is heard and a blinking cursor appears in the display. There are holding down the RET key and pressing one of the following
some other specific situations where the ENTER key is used. keys; GUIDE (100% on, no pulsing), CNTR (50% on, 50% off),
These are described in detail where necessary. From now on, MAP (25% on, 75% off), CNGC (10% on, 90% off).
the two types of presses will be called ‘press’ and ‘press and
- 15 -
The FOCUS key (9, Fig. 6) allows 2 speed electric focus control The power panel incorporates a power switch and LED
of the optional Meade #1206 Electric Focuser (or equivalent indicators showing power on with a current ammeter to show
corded electric focusers such as the Meade Model #1200A). To power draw.
activate, press either the SLEW or FIND key (for fast focusing), The power panel has all of the connectors for the AC or DC
or the CNTR or GUIDE key (for slow focusing), press and hold power input, the DEC Motor, and the keypad. There are
the FOCUS key, and then press and hold the PREV or NEXT connectors designed to accept optional accessories such as a
keys for near and far focus. CCD autoguiding camera, the optional Meade Field De-
Rotator, the Meade #1206 Electric Focuser, and an illuminated
8. MAP Key reticle eyepiece. There is even a connector for RS-232
The Map key (11, Fig. 6) turns on and off the red LED communication that will allow you to perform every function of
‘flashlight’ that is located at the top of the keypad. The deep red the keypad from your personal computer. An illustration and a
LED light will protect your night vision while you search for a description of the 16” LX200 power panel features follows:
particular accessory or examine a star chart.
1. ON/OFF Switch
9. Object Keys (M, STAR, and CNGC)
When the ON/OFF Switch (7, Fig. 7) is moved to the ON
These keys (10, Fig. 6) allow direct access to the LX200’s position, the power light indicator, the Current Ammeter, and
Object Library any time that you are not editing a value or the keypad all light up. You will hear the drive motors rev which
setting a parameter, or selecting a file menu. Use the Object momentarily pegs the Ammeter, then the drive motors shift to a
keys when you are at a “top level” of a mode. After pressing one slower speed which allows the RA worm gear to find its
of these keys, the keypad’s display will give a blinking cursor, centering position for calibrating the Smart Drive, then
allowing you to enter the catalog number for objects listed in resuming to an even slower tracking speed. The keypad
the library (see APPENDIX C, page 31). After entry press the display reads “Meade,” then the version of the software is
ENTER key. To see the entered object press the GO TO key. A indicated briefly before defaulting to the TELESCOPE/OBJECT
brief description of the catalog key symbols are; M (Messier LIBRARY. Within 15 seconds, the planetary orbital calculations
objects), STAR (stars and planets), and CNGC (Computerized with their corresponding apparent sizes and magnitudes, and
New General Catalog). current stellar precession calculations are made. Every
The 16" LX200 has several object libraries which are accessed computer function is checked, and the LX200 diagnostics are
with the STAR and CNGC keys. complete.
When you press the STAR or CNGC keys, the display will show
which object library you are currently in and wait for a number
2. N/S Switch
entry, as described above. The recessed N/S Switch (8, Fig.7) converts the LX200 for
operation in the Northern or Southern hemisphere, making the
To switch to a different library, press the ENTER key instead of drive reverse its’ tracking direction. Before power up, the
entering a number. appropriate N or S switch position should be made, as the
The keypad display will show a menu of libraries available. LX200 will not recognize a change made on the N/S switch
Move the cursor to the desired library and press ENTER to afterwards. Use a pen or small tool to slide the switch
select. appropriately. Be sure before you travel across the equator,
that you are setting the proper + or - latitude SITE entry for your
The 16" LX200 will “remember” the database you last
final destination.
accessed. Each time you press the STAR or CNGC keys, the
same object database will be displayed on the first line of the 3. Ammeter
keypad display. The Ammeter display (1, Fig. 7) is a series of vertical red LED
bars. Each bar that is fully lit represents 0.3 ampere (300 milli-
10. PREV AND NEXT Keys amperes) of current draw. The LED Ammeter represents its
The PREV and NEXT (up and down arrow) keys (12, Fig. 6) lowest value on the extreme left of the scale. During normal
move the display LCD arrow up and down the menu files and tracking speeds, the Ammeter will show about three fully lit LED
menu file options, so that you may choose an individual bars and at times a fourth that is partially lit, indicating about
selection to enter. These keys are also used when adjusting the 900 to 1000 milli-amps or 0.9 to 1.0 amps of current draw
RET brightness range, or when activating the electric focuser. (when a slew is initiated, the ammeter will peg the scale
PREV and NEXT work as well to select the objects from the momentarily showing the inertia load, this effect is entirely
Object Library when using START FIND. normal). The current draw information can be useful if you are
trying to calculate how much battery life you will have during an
observing session. As an example,
if the ammeter has four bars lit,
1 indicating 1.2 amps and you are
7 using a 12 amp hour battery, then to
2 know the approximate number of
hours of life the battery would yield
8 by dividing 12 by 1.2. This indicates
a battery life of 10 hours.
4 4. DEC Motor Connector
The DEC Motor Port (11, Fig. 7) is a
10 DB-9 socket, designed to accept
the supplied coil cord. One end of
the supplied coil cord plugs in to the
6 11 power panel and the other plugs
into the DEC MOTOR socket in the
Fig. 7: 16” LX200 Power Panel. (1) Ammeter; (2) RS-232 Connector; 3) Aux Connector; right fork arm to power the
(4) Focuser Connector; (5) Reticle Connector; (6) Keypad Connector; (7) ON/OFF Switch, declination motor.
(8) N/S Switch; (9) 12v DC Power Connector; (10) CCD Connector; (11) DEC Motor Connector.
- 16 -
The CCD Port (10, Fig. 7) allows direct interface from popular To view the separate modes within the LX200 system, press
aftermarket CCD autoguiding/imaging cameras with their the MODE button located between the ENTER and GO TO
compatible connecting cables to accomplish autoguiding for keys at the top of the hand controller. Simple entry and editing
non-attended astrophotography. The CCD cameras effectively of information in the different modes contained within the
watch a star and detect slight movements. When star system, will customize the operation of your LX200 to perform
movements are detected, signals from the CCD electronics virtually any of your observing requirements. Better still, all of
make drive corrections in the LX200, to bring the star to a home the critical information such as time, location, alignment type,
position. and many other functions are kept in memory...even with the
Most CCD autoguiding/imaging cameras are supplied with a LX200 turned off!
cable which is compatible with the LX200 port. If your CCD unit The type of alignment, the objects that you see, the location
does not have a cable, one can be obtained from the CCD that you observe from, the tracking speeds of the drives, all of
manufacturer, or you can make your own cable using the the clock and timing functions, the position information, and
following table of information. even the brightness level of the backlit keypad are defined by
the information that you give and/ or the commands that you
edit, through five different modes of the LX200 computerized
Connector Pin Assignment
hand controller.
#1 Normally Closed
Once you have selected the desired mode, you can then select
#2 West the individual file within the mode by pressing the PREV or
#3 North NEXT key (up and down arrow key) in the bottom right hand
#4 Ground portion of the hand controller, moving the LCD arrow up or
#5 South down beside the file description. Although you will only be able
to see two menu selections at a time in the keypad display, you
#6 East
will see more as you continue to press the PREV and NEXT
6. Power 12 vDC Connector keys.
The power 12 vDC connector (9, Fig. 7) is designed to accept When the desired file is chosen, press the ENTER key to view
either the standard-equipment AC Converter or the optional DC the files menu. To choose an individual menu, again use the
Power Cord. The acceptable voltage range (under load) is from PREV or NEXT key to run the LCD arrow up or down the files
12 to 18 volts. menu. To explore a menu selection, again press the ENTER
key. In some modes there will be options for a files menu
7. Keypad Connector selection, in others you will only enter data.
The keypad connector (6, Fig. 7) is a 4 pin phone jack
At any time that you wish to return to main file heading in a
connector socket, designed to accept standard 4 pin phone
particular mode, just press MODE and it will behave as an exit
jack coil cords. One end of the supplied coil cord plugs into the
keypad port, the other end plugs into the LX200 keypad.
8. Reticle Connector This is the mode that the LX200 will default to after the
The Reticle connector (5, Fig. 7) accepts optional accessory instrument completes its self-check, when the LX200 is first
corded, plug-in style illuminated reticle eyepieces such as the turned on. The TELESCOPE/OBJECT LIBRARY mode can be
optional Meade 12mm Illuminated Reticle Eyepiece, or the thought of as command central. It is here that we can select the
Meade Series 4000 Plössl 9mm Illuminated Reticle Eyepiece way that we want the LX200 to perform mechanically, and
(corded style), to allow brightness control and on/off pulsing where we can explore and select from its extensive library of
rates to be set from the LX200 keypad. stored objects.
9. Focuser Connector To explore either the TELESCOPE menu file or the OBJECT
The focuser connector (4, Fig. 7) accepts optional accessory LIBRARY menu file, move the LCD arrow to the appropriate
corded, plug in style electric focusers such as the Meade selection by using the PREV or the NEXT key and press the
#1206 Electric Focuser, to allow electric focus adjustment ENTER key.
control from the LX200 keypad. a. TELESCOPE Menu File
Below are the 14 selections of the TELESCOPE menu file,
10. RS-232 Connector illustrating the individual menu files and file options.
The RS-232 connector (2, Fig. 7) allows personal computer
interface to allow communications at 9600 baud to access 1. SITE: The SITE menu option allows you to enter up to four
every feature of the LX200 keypad. Many popular astronomy of your favorite viewing locations in longitude and latitude.
programs are available which directly interface with Meade The entered longitude and latitude is compared by the
LX200 telescopes, including Epoch 2000sk Sky Software by LX200’s computer to your local time, GMT offset, and
Meade Instruments Corp. In APPENDIX F (page 58) of this calendar date to accurately calculate celestial
manual is a wiring schematic to make your own RS-232 coordinates. Once entered, the information is stored in the
connector cord, a cord test program, a demonstration program, telescope’s internal memory, you need never re-enter the
and the LX200 Command Set for writing programs. Meade same information. To enter new site information or to
Instruments supplies this information for professional change an old one, see QUICK START, page 9.
programmers. Meade Instruments Corporation does not offer You can choose any one of the four site options (or the
support or advice for writing software for the RS-232 option. UNKNOWN site) at your convenience, without the bother
of entering longitude and latitude every time you use the
11. Aux Connector LX200. Once the site is chosen, exit the SITE menu by
The Auxiliary connector (3, Fig. 7) is used for the 7" Maksutov pressing the MODE key.
fan power. 2. ALIGN: The Align menu selection of the TELESCOPE file
demonstrates the unique ability to transform the LX200
into an Altazimuth, celestial tracking telescope, a polar-
equatorial celestial tracking telescope, or land spotting
scope with electric Altazimuth movements within three
- 17 -
options, which are; ALTAZ, POLAR, and LAND. TELESCOPE mode and press the ENTER key.
Assuming that you have already entered correct local Ignore the keypad display instructions to return the
time, latitude, and longitude (see QUICK START, page 9) telescope to 90 degrees in Declination and 00 HA.
you are ready to choose a particular type of alignment, by Instead, press the GO TO key and the LX200 will
pressing the NEXT or PREV key to run the arrow beside slew to the calculated position of where the pole star
the desired option of ALTAZ, POLAR, or LAND, and then should be.
pressing the ENTER key. The display will then give you Re-center the pole star in the field of view in the
specific instructions from this point that will literally walk eyepiece using only the adjustments on the pier in
you through the chosen alignment type. altitude and azimuth.
a. ALTAZ: ALTAZ (Altazimuth) requires that you mount Press the ENTER key, and the LX200 will once again
the LX200 directly to the top of the field tripod (with slew to a bright star overhead. Center this star using
the power panel facing North), and adjust the leg the N, S, E, or W keys, then press ENTER.
extensions of the tripod until the instrument is level.
NOTE: Pressing the MODE key at any point in the
You are then required to align on one or two of the
alignment routine aborts the routine and exit to the top
bright stars in its look up table of 33 alignment stars.
This allows your LX200 to track in altitude and
azimuth simultaneously for visual observations, or After each 15 minute interval you will find that the
very brief (under five minutes) exposure pole star becomes more accurately centered each
astrophotography or CCD imaging (longer exposures time. You can repeat the intervals as often as you like
will require the Field De-Rotator). ALTAZ allows you to obtain the highest accuracy. An optional
to fully access the Object Library as well as all other illuminated reticle crosshair eyepiece makes the job
telescope functions. Complete instructions for using of centering the star easy.
ALTAZ are in the QUICK START (page 9). There may be situations when it is impossible to see
b. POLAR: POLAR allows you to use the 16” LX200 the pole star due to something blocking your line of
(mounted on a permanent pier set to your latitude) as sight. On such an occasion, just press the ENTER
an equatorial telescope. With the LX200 powered up, key for the POLAR option so that it has a check next
the POLAR file option selected, and the field tripod to it, then follow the instructions in Precise Polar
leveled, the telescope should be adjusted so that the Alignment, page 30. You will require the use of an
Declination setting circle (3, Fig. 1) is set to 90 illuminated reticle crosshair eyepiece* to complete
degrees and the telescope is rotated to the 00 hour the task. Once finished, follow the steps below for a
angle (HA) position in Right Ascension. In this permanently mounted LX200 section to access the
position, the viewfinder (Fig. 1) is up-side down, and Object Library.
the R.A. pointer (4, Fig. 5), the 00 line of the R.A. d. The Permanently Mounted, Polar Aligned LX200:
setting circle (3, Fig. 5), and the HA pointer (5, Fig. 5) For those who will permanently mount the LX200 in
all line up. (If you do not start at the 00 H.A. position, an observatory, or wish to use the already polar
the telescope will point to the ground instead of the aligned telescope for several nights in succession, it
sky, when the keypad display chooses its second is recommended that a high precision polar
star.) Press the ENTER key and the LX200 will alignment be made with one of the methods
determine and slew to the precise off-set of the pole described above. Once done, however, you need not
star in Declination and Right Ascension. bother yourself to go through a polar alignment
routine on successive nights (provided that you do
At this point you need only aim the instrument at the
not move the instrument on the pier) to access the
pole star (see APPENDIX C, page 31, if the pole star
Object Library and enjoy near perfect tracking.
is not visible) and center it in the eyepiece field using
only the altitude and azimuth adjustments on the To bypass the polar alignment sequence, follow the
pier. Once done, you again press the ENTER key steps outlined below:
and the LX200 will choose and slew to a very bright • Return to the POLAR menu option and place a check
star that is overhead and can usually be seen in the next to it by pressing the ENTER key.
field of view of the viewfinder. At this point, center the
• Then directly enter the catalog number of an object
bright star using only the Right Ascension and
that you are familiar with in the sky by pressing the
Declination adjustments of the telescope (either
M, STAR, or CNGC key (see APPENDIX D, page 34,
manually by loosening the locks only or electrically),
for information on the Object Library) and press the
then press ENTER. You can now access every every
ENTER key again.
function of the LX200.
• Manually center the familiar object in the eyepiece of
c. Refined Polar Alignment: Astrophotographers the telescope.
routinely require polar alignments of the highest
accuracy for the finest guiding characteristics. Your • Press and hold the ENTER key until the display
initial polar alignment can be refined by using the reads “Coordinates matched.”
LX200’s electronics by using a slightly different You have now synchronized the Object Library and
method in the POLAR menu option. The steps the LX200 will correctly access every other object in
outlined below should be performed in two or three 15 the sky.
minute intervals. At each interval the telescope will e. LAND: The LAND menu option transforms the
slew to the area where the pole star should be ALTAZ (Altazimuth) mounted LX200 into an electric
centered in the optics. You may find that the pole star slewing spotting scope. In this mode, continuous
is somewhat off-center in the eyepiece showing the tracking is canceled and all of the celestial modes
alignment error that may have been made during your and menus are non-functional, showing lower case
initial setup. Re-center the pole star during each lettering in the displays and a beep tone if you try to
interval using the tripod adjustments only (see enter one of them.
APPENDIX B, page 29) in altitude and azimuth, then The LX200 will slew at any one of the four speeds of
follow the rest of the routine. SLEW, FIND, CNTR, and GUIDE as activated by
Return to the POLAR menu option in the pressing the appropriately marked keys on the left
- 18 -
side of the keypad. Altazimuth coordinate readings corrections immediately by pressing any of the direction
can still be displayed in the coordinates mode (see (N, S, E, W) keys to keep the star on the crosshair of the
MODE 2, page 22). Refer to QUICK START (page 9) guiding eyepiece. It is suggested that you train in DEC
for the LAND menu option, for full operating LEARN for at least half of your intended exposure time for
procedures. You will also find that the addition of the an astrophoto. The longer that you train, the more
Meade #928 45-Degree Erect Image Prism or the accurate the DEC LEARN will be. Once the desired time
Meade #924 Porro Prism instead of the standard is finished, press ENTER and the training will cease. The
supplied star diagonal prism, will give the normal Smart Drive will then determine how many key pushes
right-side-up and left-to-right views that you are that you gave in N and S and choose the direction based
accustomed to when using a spotting scope. from which direction received more commands. It then
3. SMART: The SMART menu file controls the Smart Drive averages the time between key pushes in the chosen
and allows you to train almost all of the periodic error from direction. In this way, the Smart Drive can correct for
the Right Ascension drive worm gear (errors induced by Declination drift (should your polar alignment be slightly
tiny gear imperfections that tend to slightly speed up or off), or will allow you to more precisely guide on non-
slow down the drive tracking speed, that occur in a regular stellar objects, such as comets, asteroids, etc.
8 minute pattern, or for every rotation of the worm) for To play back your DEC LEARN training, move the LCD
greatly enhancing the tracking characteristics or the arrow to DEC CORRECT and press ENTER. To halt the
amount of East and West drift of your LX200. This greatly play back press ENTER again. To erase the DEC LEARN
simplifies guiding during astrophotography. The menu training, either move the LCD arrow back to DEC LEARN
also has provisions for correcting Declination drift. Smart and press ENTER twice or turn the LX200 off.
Drive will retain the training given to the R/A drive, even 4. 12/24 HR: The 12/24 HR menu selection of the
after the telescope is turned off. There is of course a way TELESCOPE file simply toggles between a 12 and 24
to erase any training given to it at your command. hour display of local time in the time mode.
The SMART menu has five options. They are; LEARN, To toggle between 12 and 24 hours displays, move the
UPDATE, ERASE, DEC LEARN, and DEC CORRECT. To arrow to 12/24HR and press ENTER. To return to the
use the Smart Drive, the LX200 must be mounted with the original setting, press ENTER again.
optional equatorial wedge (see APPENDIX A, page 25),
equipped with an illuminated reticle eyepiece*, and used 5. HELP: The HELP menu selection of the TELESCOPE file
in the POLAR align menu selection. Be sure to train the is an electronic mini-manual that will briefly describe the
Smart Drive in the 60.1 Hz Quartz setting that the LX200 function of each command key on the LX200 keypad.
will be automatically set at power up. Thereafter, you can To use this menu, move the arrow with the PREV or
adjust this setting in the TIMER/ FREQ mode and still NEXT key to HELP and press ENTER. To read the lines
enjoy the periodic error correction. of text, use the PREV and NEXT keys. To exit, press
Once a polar alignment has been completed, your LX200 MODE.
will point to a bright star overhead that will be near the 6. REVERSE N/S: The REVERSE N/S menu selection of
Celestial Equator. This will be a good star to train the the TELESCOPE file reverses the direction of the
Smart Drive on. You can of course, move to another star telescope in North and South movements (e.g., when you
just as long as you are near 0 degrees in declination and press the N key the scope will move South or down
more or less overhead in Right Ascension. Now is good instead of North or up). This is especially useful during
time to set the brightness and/ or the pulse rate (see THE some guiding applications in imaging and observing.
LX200 KEYPAD HAND CONTROLLER, page 14) of the
To use the REVERSE N/S menu, move the arrow to
illuminated reticle on the guide star and practice guiding
REVERSE N/S and press ENTER. If you wish to return
for a few minutes.
the direction commands to the original setting, press
To actually begin training the Smart Drive, move the LCD ENTER again.
arrow to LEARN by using the PREV or NEXT key and
7. REVERSE E/W: The REVERSE E/W menu selection of
press ENTER. There will be numbers that will appear next
the TELESCOPE file reverses the direction of the
to the LEARN display, that will begin counting down to
telescope in East and West movements (e.g., when you
zero. The highest number that can appear is 240. The
press the W key, the telescope will move East instead of
period of the worm is eight minutes and the number
represents a sector of the worm wheel which will change
to the next lower digit every two seconds. As the keypad To use the REVERSE E/W menu, move the arrow to
display approaches sector 5, an alarm will alert you that REVERSE E/W and press ENTER. If you wish to return
training is about to commence. At this point try to keep the the direction commands to the original setting, press
star on the same location of the crosshair during the eight ENTER again.
minute training sequence by pressing the N, S, E, and W 8. BALANCE: When adding optional equipment to the
keys. After eight minutes, the training is over and Smart LX200, like a heavy camera, it is often necessary to
Drive will play back the drive corrections automatically, rebalance the telescope using the Meade #1404 Tube
dramatically improving the R.A. drive tracking. Balance Weight Systems.
If you wish to further refine the accuracy, move the LCD Selecting option #8 from the TELESCOPE menu moves
arrow to UPDATE and press ENTER and follow the same the LX200 telescope rapidly up and down in Declination.
instructions as above. This can be done in UPDATE as This provides an easy way to determine when the
many times as you wish. With each training the Smart telescope is balanced in the Declination axis.
Drive will average your training sequences. (Remember, loosening the Dec. lock to check the balance
If you find that you have made a mistake in training (e.g. will cause the LX200 to lose alignment.)
pushed E instead of W when you should have), you can When the telescope is out of balance, the LX200 will draw
eliminate the memory by moving the LCD arrow to more current when slewing in the “heavy” direction and
ERASE and press ENTER. the Dec. motor will sound different.
A star that drifts consistently North or South during After selecting option #8, watch the Ammeter and listen to
guiding, can also be corrected for. Move the LCD arrow to the Declination motor to determine when the LX200 is
DEC LEARN and press ENTER. Begin making drive balanced.
- 19 -
9. HI-PRECISION: The High-Precision Pointing feature of NOTE: If this star is not in the field of view or if it is obstructed
LX200 allows for very precise pointing of the telescope. by a land object, the other two stars are available. Use the
By incorporating the unique LX200 SYNC command, 0.3 PREV and NEXT keys to cycle through the three closest stars.
arc-sec resolution encoders, and high-speed DC servo c. The telescope will slew to the selected object or
motors, observers can now place objects in the position.
telescope’s field of view with 1 arc-minute or better
pointing accuracy. This makes critical image placement 10. SLEW RATE: Option #10 in the TELESCOPE menu is for
applications, such as CCD imaging, possible. changing the slew rate of the LX200 telescope. Slowing
down the slew rate will result in less noise as the
Normal telescope pointing accuracy is better than 5 arc-
telescope moves and will also use a little less power. To
minutes when doing a casual alignment, which is more
change the slew rate, follow these steps:
than accurate enough for most observing applications. (A
“casual” alignment is one that uses the UNKNOWN SITE a. Press the MODE key on the keypad until the
or one that is done without the use of a reticle eyepiece to TELESCOPE/OBJECT LIBRARY menu appears.
exactly center the alignment stars.) This type of alignment The cursor should be next to the TELESCOPE
will put objects into the field of view of most eyepieces option — if not, press the PREV key to move the
and is more than adequate for almost any visual cursor up one space.
observing application. b. Press ENTER to select the TELESCOPE functions.
A “critical” alignment will improve the pointing accuracy of c. Press the PREV or NEXT keys to move the cursor to
the telescope to 2 arc-minutes or better. This type of option #10: SLEW RATE. On the right hand part of
alignment requires accurate SITE information, time, date, the display, the number 4 is displayed. This
proper selection of the two alignment stars, and a reticle represents the current slew rate in degrees per
eyepiece to exactly center the alignment stars. These second.
steps generally require only a few extra seconds to
d. Press the ENTER key to change the slew rate. Each
accomplish, and will improve the telescope’s positioning
successive ENTER key press increments the slew
by a substantial amount. Using the “critical” alignment will
rate by 1 degree per second.
provide telescope positioning suitable for all but the most
demanding pointing applications — including CCD e. After setting the desired rate, press the MODE key to
imaging with larger chip cameras, like the Meade Pictor return to the TELESCOPE/OBJECT LIBRARY menu.
416 and Pictor 1616 CCD cameras. NOTE: The slew rate is NOT stored in permanent memory and
The HI-PRECISION feature increases the pointing needs to be reset each time the telescope is powered up. The
accuracy of the LX200 to 1 arc-minute or better and also default slew rate is 4 degrees per second.
requires the “critical” alignment described above. This will 11. BACKLASH: The Backlash feature is only available in the
yield the best pointing accuracy possible, placing objects POLAR mode.
onto the active area of the even the smallest CCD
When taking long exposure astrophotographs, it is
cameras available.
necessary to “guide” the photograph to make sure the
It should be stressed that for most applications, using the telescope is tracking perfectly, otherwise stars will appear
HP feature is NOT required to get maximum enjoyment as ovals instead of pinpoints. This is done by setting the
out of the telescope. For an evening of simple visual LX200 keypad to the GUIDE speed, monitoring the star
observations, the “casual” alignment is all that is required. location (e.g. with an off-axis guider), and making small
Don’t let the pointing precision of the telescope become corrections to the telescope position by using the N, S, E,
more important than the fun of observing the night sky! and W keys.
The High-Precision Pointing mode requires the “critical” When making these corrections, the R.A. motor will speed
alignment, described above, to maximize the telescope’s up or slow down (by pressing the “E” and “W” keys). The
pointing ability. The LX200 default condition is with HP Declination motor, however, when activated (by pressing
disabled. To activate the HP mode, select the “hi- the “N” and “S” keys) will actually stop and reverse
precision” option from the TELESCOPE menu (option #9). direction. Because of backlash in the Declination motor
When selected, “HI-PRECISION” will change to upper gearbox, there will be a few seconds delay before the
case letters. telescope begins to move when reversing direction.
When HP is active, the LX200 automatically does several The Dec. backlash feature compensates for the Dec.
things whenever a GO TO is initiated. motor gearbox backlash and provides instant telescope
a. HP will search the alignment star database and find movement when the motor is reversed.
the three closest stars to the object (or position) To program the Dec. backlash, use this procedure:
entered. This process takes about 10 seconds and
the keypad will show Display 26: a. Move to option #11 from the TELESCOPE menu.
The keypad display will show:
Display 26
Searching. . . The “00” in the display shows the number of arc-
b. The telescope will slew to the nearest alignment seconds of backlash the LX200 is set to compensate
star. These are all bright (brighter than 3rd for (the default setting is 0 arc-seconds).
magnitude) stars and far enough apart to insure b. While observing a star at high power, time the
that there will only be one in the field of view. Declination movement delay when reversing the
The keypad display will show Display 27: motor directions (by pressing the “N” and “S” keys).
Typical values are 2 to 4 seconds.
Display 27 Center STAR XXX c. The GUIDE speed for the Declination motor is 15
then press GO TO arc-seconds per second. Therefore, multiply the
number of seconds delay by 15.
Using a reticle eyepiece, center the star in the field of
view. (Or center the star on the CCD chip if using a d. Press and hold the ENTER key for 1 second. The
CCD camera.) Press GO TO when the star is keypad will beep and a blinking cursor will appear on
centered. the keypad display. Enter the number determined in
- 20 -
step c, above. Press ENTER when the number is Press the ENTER key and the hand control will display the
entered. first object in its finding sequence. This first object is
e. Check the time delay as described in step b. If there selected by the LX200, based off of where the instrument
is a delay, increase the compensation number. If is pointing in the sky when you entered START FIND. To
there is a slight jump when reversing direction, then point your LX200 to the object displayed, press the GO TO
the number is too large. key and it will slew to the object.
While in the START FIND option, you can either choose
When the compensation number is correct, the
the next object in line or skip it as you wish. In order to find
LX200 telescope will move almost instantly when
the next object in sequence, press the NEXT key, and the
reversing the direction in Declination. This
display will show the new CNGC object. If you do not wish
compensation feature also works in conjunction with
to view this object, press NEXT again. If you wish to return
popular CCD autoguiders, allowing for more
to a previously viewed object, press the PREV key until
accurate autoguiding.
the desired catalog number is displayed and press the GO
This number is stored in permanent memory and TO key. If you have set some limitations in the
should never need to be set again. PARAMETERS option, it will only find those objects within
your chosen confines.
b. OBJECT LIBRARY Menu File If you find that the object is not well centered in the
The OBJECT LIBRARY menu file is the other half of the eyepiece after executing a GO TO (due to poor leveling,
TELESCOPE/OBJECT LIBRARY mode. With it you can improper time input, or errors in site location), center the
become a tourist of the sky, or conduct research surveys of the object; then press and hold the ENTER key until the
64,359 objects. The LX200 Object Library is accessible in the display reads “Coordinates Matched.” This feature in
most results-getting, user friendly system ever designed for essence synchronizes the LX200 for an area of the sky, so
observers and astrophotographers. that the next object (if the leveling, time input, or site
The core library, essentially a “greatest hits of the sky,” location information is not corrected) will be better
encompasses eight planets of our solar system from Mercury centered, provided it is not too far away from the object
to Pluto, 351 stars (doubles, variables, pole stars), the entire that you matched coordinates to.
Messier catalog of 110 objects, 7840 of the finest galaxies, To exit the START FIND menu selection (and cease its
diffuse and planetary nebulae, and globular and open star operation) to the main menu, press MODE.
3. FIELD: Press the ENTER key to identify objects in the
The position epoch of these objects is for real time, updated field of view of the telescope. The LX200 will display the
each time you turn on your LX200. Even the planet’s positions object centered in the eyepiece field, and how many other
have their orbits calculated! This not only qualifies the LX200 NGC objects are in the field at the same time (defined by
as the most accurate integrated object library available, it will the RADIUS parameter setting) as shown in Display 28:
never require updated software for precession of the stars or
planetary orbital changes.
Display 28
Objects: 5
There are three primary ways to use the Object Library. You Center: CNGC 4438
can directly access the library by using the M, STAR, or CNGC
keys (see THE LX200 KEYPAD HAND CONTROLLER, page 14) and Press the ENTER button to reveal information about the
entering a specific catalog number, the START FIND option can object as shown in Display 29:
be used to logically find objects in organized strips of the sky
that can be custom tailored to only show the objects you wish Display 29
to see with a selection of object types, size brightness, etc., or MAG 10.1 SZ 9.3’
you can scan the sky and have the Object Library tell you what Display 29 is interpreted; COMPUTERIZED NEW
is in the field of view in the eyepiece by using the FIELD option. GENERAL CATALOG Object #4438, VERY GOOD,
Below is a description of the four OBJECT LIBRARY menu files GALAXY, MAGNITUDE 10.1, SIZE 9.3’ (in arc minutes).
and file options: Press ENTER again to read the coordinate location of the
To access the OBJECT LIBRARY menu file, move the arrow to object (notice the * legend next to RA coordinate number,
the OBJECT LIBRARY display by pressing the PREV or NEXT it indicates the catalog coordinates of the object, not
key while in the TELESCOPE/OBJECT LIBRARY mode and necessarily where the telescope is pointing) as shown in
press the ENTER key. Now you can access the four menu Display 30:
selections within the OBJECT LIBRARY by moving the arrow to RA = 12:27.2*
the desired menu selection by using the PREV or NEXT keys Display 30
and doing the following steps.
DEC = +13'03
1. OBJECT INFO: Press the ENTER key to read the type, Press ENTER once more to see physically how far your
brightness, size, and quality. Press ENTER again to read telescope will have to move to acquire the object entered.
the coordinates. Press ENTER once more to determine The display will show LED bars, each bar represents ten
how far off the telescope is pointing from the entered degrees of movement as shown in Display 31:
object (this is displayed in LCD bars, each bar is ten
degrees, or if it is on the object, no bars). This same Display 31 ■■■■
information can also be accessed at any time by pressing ■
the ENTER key for any object entered by the M, STAR, or
CNGC keys. Press MODE to exit to the main menu file. If you are centered on the object already, such as if you
2. START FIND: The START FIND option resources the are in the FIELD menu selection, or if you have already
CNGC objects within the Object Library and begins a made a GO TO command in one of the other methods for
logical search starting wherever the telescope is finding an object, the above display will be blank.
positioned when activated. To cover the entire visible sky To review any of the data of an object, continue to press
it will make 31 strip divisions about 12° wide, moving from ENTER until the desired field appears. You can use these
West to East, from the North Pole to the South Pole, then commands at any time that you have an object entered in
South to North. Once it has found all of the CNGC objects the keypad, while directly entering in specific objects by
it will repeat its sequence until new objects are visible. pressing the M, STAR, or CNGC keys, in the START FIND
- 21 -
menu selection, the OBJECT INFORMATION menu so that your LX200 will not try to find objects below
selection, or the FIELD menu selection. your setting.
4. PARAMETERS: It is here that you can edit the Press Enter the number of degrees above the horizon that
ENTER to find eight options which can be reviewed by will clear the obstructions in the sky. To roughly judge
scrolling through this menu selection using the PREV or how many degrees the obstruction is taking up of the
NEXT key. To edit an option, move the arrow to the sky, merely hold your fist at arms length. Each fist
desired option and press and hold ENTER until a double diameter is approximately 5 degrees. So, if a tree is
beep is heard and a blinking cursor appears (except in the three fists high, you would make a setting of 15
BETTER option) Where numerical values are to be input, degrees in the HIGHER setting. Once the setting is
simply type them in from the keypad. If you make a finalized, press ENTER.
mistake, you can move the cursor backward using the W d. LOWER: The LOWER menu file option sets the
key, then re-enter the data. To exit to the main option zenith limit setting for the telescope. At power up, the
menu, press the ENTER key once again. A description of setting is 90 degrees, which assumes that you point
the eight options and how to set them is below: the telescope straight up. If, however, you have
a. TYPE GPDCO: This menu file option allows you to instruments on the telescope which will not clear the
select the type of CNGC objects that you wish to fork arms, or if you want to avoid the 10° Field De-
locate. GPDCO represent: Rotator limit, this setting can be used.
Enter the number of degrees from the zenith that you
want to limit. Once the setting is finalized, press
G GALAXIES e. LARGER: The LARGER menu file option allows
P PLANETARY NEBULAE settings of the lower apparent size limit of the objects
D DIFFUSE NEBULAE you wish to see. At power up it is set to 000’ (arc
minutes). In order to make a decision as to the size
limits that you may impose, it helps to have a clear
O OPEN STAR CLUSTERS understanding of exactly what an arc minute of sky
is. A good example is the apparent size of the Moon,
Initially, the blinking cursor appears over the G
which could be expressed as 1/2 of a degree, 30 arc
symbol. If you decide not to look for galaxies, press
minutes, or 1800 arc seconds. Each arc minute is 60
NEXT and the symbol will change from an upper
arc seconds, and there are 60 arc minutes for each
case letter (G) to a lower case letter (g), to deselect
degree of sky.
the GALAXIES category. If you wish to leave
GALAXIES selected, then move the blinking cursor Some beginning observers have a tough time
over to one of the other category symbols by discerning objects less than about 1 arc minute in
pressing the W or E key on the keypad. You can then size unless it is a double star or a planet.
deselect the undesired categories. Astrophotographers and those involved with CCD
imaging may want to set a higher value based on the
If you wish to recall a category symbol, move the
desired image scale coverage that would be most
blinking cursor over the symbol and press the PREV
impressive with different types of films or CCD
key. After your selections are made, press ENTER.
cameras. Enter the new value in arc minutes, then
b. BETTER: The BETTER menu file option allows you press ENTER to exit to the option file.
to define the visual object quality range. At power up,
f. SMALLER: This menu option is the upper size object
the range is set at the bottom of the scale on VP,
limit. At power up the setting is for 200 arc minutes or
when using the START FIND menu selection, it will
3.33 degrees. This setting is high enough to cover
select all objects that are very poor through super or
the largest objects in the OBJECT LIBRARY. You
what could be considered an “ALL” setting. The
may want to lower the value because of true field-of-
object quality symbols are:
view limitations of a particular eyepiece (see the
QUALITY SYMBOL LEGEND RADIUS parameter option for calculating true field).
There are three menu file options in FREQ =. To see or set the
options, move the arrow to FREQ = and press ENTER. At
power up, the FREQ = default is the 60.1Hz Q setting. The
quartz rate is precisely fixed and cannot be altered. To choose
a different rate, press the ENTER key to see 60.1 M and then
again to see 60.1 M with the up and down arrow. These two
menu file options can adjust the tracking speeds. The
adjustment techniques are described below:
Display 34 shows the manual rate menu file option that can be
adjusted by pressing and holding the ENTER key to get the
double beep tone and the blinking cursor. Type in the new rate,
then when finished, press the ENTER key again.
Display 35 shows the menu file option that allows you to step
the drive tracking frequency setting in tenths of a hertz, by
using the PREV and NEXT (up and down arrow) keys. This is
a convenient feature if you are trying to match the precise
speed of a planet, comet, or any other non-stellar object. To exit
this option, press the MODE key.
3 4
4 8
7 1
6 6
3 30°
Fig. 14: Telescope on Wedge. (1) Tilt Plate Attachment 20° 23°
19° 22°
Knobs; (2) Telescope to Tilt Plate Attachment Knobs; (3) 21°
18° 20°
Deluxe Latitude Control (DLC) Knob; (4) Altazimuth 19°
Attachment Hole; (5) DLC Main Crossbar; (6) DLC Crossbar 17°
16° 15°
Attachment Screws. 14°
Thread one of these knobs (or screws, as appropriate) partially 12°
14° 11°
into the hole on the underside of the drive base, located at the 10°
13° 9°
curved-end of the drive base (4, Fig. 12). This knob or screw 8°
12° 7°
should be threaded in about 3 full turns, not fully threaded into 6°
the hole. 11° 3°
Check that the knobs or bolts at the side of the wedge (5, Fig. 8 1°
or 5, Fig. 10), are firmly tightened before placing the telescope 10° 3°
6° 5° 4°
onto the wedge. 9° 8°
Grasping the 2 fork arms of the telescope firmly, with the power Fig. 15: Magnetic Declination Map.
panel towards you, place the telescope onto the tilt plate of the
wedge by sliding the knob (7" and 8" LX200) or screw (10" and b. Compass Installation
12" LX200) into the slot at the top of the curved-end of the The Magnetic Compass is now set for the correct declination
wedge tilt-plate. angle. To attach to the equatorial wedge, follow these steps:
Insert the 2 remaining knobs for the 7" and 8" LX200, or socket 1. Snap the Magnetic Compass into the 3" diameter wedge
screws for the 10" and 12" LX200, through the underside of the attachment knob (after setting the Magnetic Declination as
tilt plate and into the underside of the drive base. Tighten down described above). Position the compass into the knob so
all 3 knobs or screws to a firm feel. Extreme force is not that the 360 degree location on the direction scale (the
necessary in this regard. “North” position) lines up with one of the nine points of the
knobs. (See Fig. 16.) Press the compass firmly into the
The telescope is now fully mounted onto the wedge and field
tripod. Adjustments in wedge latitude angle and/or azimuth
orientation may be made with the telescope in place. Further 2. Assemble the equatorial wedge onto the field tripod as
details on telescope polar alignment see APPENDIX B, page 30. described in the Instruction Manual using the
knob/compass combination to attach the wedge to the
- 28 -
2. Rotate the knob/compass so that the magnetic pointing
16° West Point of knob and arrow lies directly over the painted black alignment arrow
Declination “North” line up (painted on the bottom surface of the compass, Fig. 18).
The “North” position on the direction scale (and the point
N Magnetic on the knob/compass) now point directly north.
W Arrow Magnetic
Centerline of wedge North
Orienting Arrow
Fig. 16: Magnetic Compass.
c. Finding True North
The Magnetic Compass is now ready to use. Just follow these
simple steps for a quick and easy azimuth alignment:
1. Loosen the knob/compass slightly. This allows for rotation
of the equatorial wedge under the knob/compass
(Fig. 17). The magnetic pointing arrow will point to
magnetic north.
Centerline of wedge North Fig. 18: Equatorial Wedge.
E Magnetic
line of
Fig. 22: Mount too far East. Fig. 23: Mount too far West. Fig. 25: Mount too high.
- 31 -
1. Alignment Stars
The LX200 utilizes 33 bright and well known stars to calibrate
the telescope’s Object Library in the ALTAZ and POLAR
alignments. These stars were selected to allow observers from
anywhere in the world on any given night, to be able to easily
and quickly make precision alignments. The LX200 Alignment
Star Library and Star Charts are below for your reference:
January 7:00 to 9:00 February 7:00 to 9:00
Overhead Overhead
Sirius Aldebaran
March 7:00 to 9:00 April 7:00 to 9:00
Overhead Alkaid
May 7:00 to 9:00 June 7:00 to 9:00
- 33 -
Overhead Overhead
Polaris Alkaid
July 7:00 to 9:00 August 7:00 to 9:00
Overhead Overhead
Deneb Deneb
September 7:00 to 9:00 October 7:00 to 9:00
Betelgeuse Rigel
November 7:00 to 9:00 December 7:00 to 9:00
- 34 -
APPENDIX D: The following guide to VQs was used in the visual observation
LX200 64,359-OBJECT LIBRARY process:
1. The LX200 64,359-Object Library SUPER Very bright object with very interesting
The LX200 64,359-Object Library is a collection of the most shape or structure.
studied and fantastic objects in the sky. It includes: Bright object with very interesting shape or
• 15,928 SAO (Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory) structure.
Catalog of Stars: All stars brighter than 7th magnitude. EXCEL OR
Very bright object with moderately
• 12,921 UGC (Uppsala General Catalog) Galaxies: interesting shape or structure.
Complete catalog.
Bright object with moderately interesting
• 7,840 NGC (New General Catalog) objects: Complete shape or structure.
Catalog. V GOOD OR
• 5,386 IC (Index Catalog) objects: Complete catalog. Very bright object with little or no
interesting shape or structure.
• 21,815 GCVS (General Catalog of Variable Stars) objects:
Complete catalog. Easy to see without averted vision with
some interesting shape or structure.
• 351 Alignment Stars: LX200 alignment stars.
• 110 M (Messier) objects: Complete catalog. Bright object, but little or no interesting
• 8 major planets from Mercury to Pluto. shape or structure.
This appendix has three object listings in sections 2, 3, and 4. FAIR Easy to see without averted vision, but little
Section 2 (page 36) is a partial list of 278 of the best NGC or no interesting shape or structure.
objects. These are most of the best objects in the sky, and as POOR Easy to see with averted vision. Often
such, make good first targets. Section 3 (page 43) is a list of the borderline visible without averted vision.
250 brightest stars and 100 double stars. The complete
V POOR A struggle to see with careful use of
Messier list is shown in Section 4 (page 49).
averted vision.
The above databases are accessed through the M, STAR, and
Not yet rated AND missing information for
CNGC keys. The M key accesses the M object database only;
computer estimate.
the STAR key the SAO, STAR, GCVS, and planet databases;
(none) OR
and the CNGC key the UGC, NGC, and IC databases.
Could not see despite careful use of
When the STAR or CNGC key is pressed, the display will show averted vision.
which database is currently active. At this point you can enter
the object number for that database, or hit ENTER to bring up All, or very nearly all, of the objects in the CNGC are visible with
the menu to change databases. The LX200 will remember standard instrumentation and observing conditions used to
which database was last used. obtain the visual quality ratings. It is a good indication of what
a. SAO Catalog to expect with similar equipment by experienced deep-sky
The standard Star catalog used in astronomy, this catalog observers in excellent conditions. Naturally smaller telescopes
includes all stars brighter than 7th magnitude. and/or less optimal observing conditions will lower the apparent
quality of all objects.
b. UGC Catalog
The following is a description of the format of the optional
This catalog of galaxies includes objects as faint as 15th CNGC listing for each object:
The CNGC is enhanced from the RNGC in many ways.
Angular sizes are given in arc-seconds on the CNGC listing, 1 CNGC # CNGC 0001 - CNGC 7840
and in a convenient scaled format on the LX200 display. 2 RA Right Ascension
Magnitudes are given to 0.1 magnitude where possible. 3 DEC Declination
The coordinates in the CNGC listing are listed for the year 4 SIZE Size of object (arc-seconds)
2000. The LX200 calculates object positions upon power up to
5 MAG Magnitude (-5.5 through 19.9)
the current date (as shown on the time/date display). This
makes the LX200 pointing more accurate. 6 TYPE Type of object
Objects have been assigned a “Visual Quality Rating” (VQ). A 7 * * object is not in the RNGC
large number of VQs have been obtained by observing the 8 ALT CAT Alternate catalog name & number
objects. To make the VQs as useful as possible, all 9 VQ Visual Quality Rating
observations have been made with the same telescope and (abcdefg ) or (ABCDEFG)
eyepiece under substantially identical observing conditions.
10 TAGS Object Type # (0-F):
Only for very small objects was a higher power eyepiece used.
S = Sky-Cat : T = Tirion
Your “Visual Quality Rating” of a particular object will vary,
largely due to sky conditions. 11 COMMENTS Name, comments, other info
If the object has been rated by observation, an upper-case
character (ABCDEFG) is used for the VQ on the CNGC listing.
If the object has not been observed, the VQ has been
estimated by a computer program from the object type, size,
and brightness and the VQ is specified in lower-case
characters (abcdefg). The VQs for visually-rated objects are a
considerably more consistent guide to observability and
appearance than either the computed VQs or an examination
of the type, magnitude, and size data.
- 35 -
The following types are distinguished in the CNGC:
0188 00 44.3 +85 21 840 8.1v OPEN CLUS sp=F2 c 1 ST Oldest Open Cluster 5kly
0205 00 40.4 +41 42 1044 8.0 GALAXY E6: UGC 426 C 5 ST M110 Comp of M31 17.4x9.8
0221 00 42.8 +40 53 456 8.2 GALAXY E2 UGC 452 C 5 ST M32 Comp of M31 7.6x5.8
0224 00 42.8 +41 17 10680 3.5 GALAXY Sb I-II UGC 454 B 5 ST M31 Andromeda Gal 178x63
0225 00 43.5 +61 48 720 7.0 OPEN CLUS c 1 ST
0370 01 04.8 +02 07 720 9.3 GALAXY Ir+ V * IC 1613 c5S 12.0x11.2
0411 01 07.9 -71 46 750 11.0 GLOB CLUS IN SMC cD
0458 01 14.9 -71 32 750 10.5 GLOB CLUS IN SMC cD
0581 01 33.3 +60 43 360 7.4v OPEN CLUS CNGC 0581 D 1 ST M103
0598 01 33.9 +30 40 3720 5.7 GALAXY Sc II-III UGC 1117 C 5 ST M33 Triangulum Gal 62x39
0628 01 36.7 +15 47 612 9.2 GALAXY Sc I UGC 1149 D 5 ST M74 10.2x9.5
0650 01 42.0 +51 34 290 12.2 PLAN NEB PART OF 0651 CNGC 0650 C 4 ST M76 Little Dumbbell Nebula
0651 01 42.0 +51 34 290 12.2 PLAN NEB PART OF 0650 C 4 ST Little Dumbbell Nebula
0654 01 43.9 +61 53 300 6.5v OPEN CLUS c 1 ST
0660 01 43.0 +13 38 546 10.8 GALAXY SBap UGC 1201 c5S 9.1x4.1
1039 02 42.0 +42 47 2100 5.2v OPEN CLUS CNGC 1039 C 1 ST M34
1068 02 42.7 -00 01 414 8.8 GALAXY Sbp SEYFERT UGC 2188 D 5 ST M77 6.9x5.9 Seyfert Galaxy
1097 02 46.5 -30 16 558 9.3 GALAXY S(B)b I-II 2-SYS UGC A41 c A ST 9.3x6.6 2-SYS + E5
1112 02 51.2 +60 27 720 6.5v OPEN CLUS + DNEB IV 3 p n * IC 1848 c 6 ST
1232 03 09.7 -20 34 468 9.9 GALAXY Sc I 2-SYS C A ST 7.8x6.9 2-SYS +SBm
1454 03 46.7 +68 07 1068 9.1 GALAXY S(B)c I-II * IC 342 b 5 ST 17.8x17.4 UGC 2847
1457 03 47.1 +24 07 7200 1.6 OPEN CLUS + RNEB sp=B6 * CNGC 1457 c 6 ST M45 Pleiades 410ly
1502 04 07.4 +62 19 480 5.7v OPEN CLUS c 1 ST
1513 04 10.1 +49 31 540 8.4v OPEN CLUS c 1 ST
1528 04 15.4 +51 15 1440 6.4v OPEN CLUS c 1 ST
1851 05 14.0 -40 02 660 7.3v GLOB CLUS sp=F7 b 2 ST 46kly X-Ray Source
1857 05 20.1 +39 21 360 7.0v OPEN CLUS c 1 ST
1893 05 22.7 +33 24 660 7.5v OPEN CLUS + ENEB HII c 6 ST
1904 05 24.2 -24 31 522 8.0v GLOB CLUS CNGC 1904 D 2 ST M79
1912 05 28.7 +35 51 1260 6.4v OPEN CLUS sp=B5 CNGC 1912 C 1 ST M38 4600ly
1952 05 34.5 +22 01 360 8.4 PLAN NEB EMIS SN REM CNGC 1952 B 4 ST M1 Crab Nebula 4kly
1960 05 36.2 +34 08 720 6.0v OPEN CLUS CNGC 1960 C 1 ST M36
1966 05 26.5 -68 47 780 8.5 OPEN CLUS + DNEB IN LMC bFS
1975 05 35.4 -04 41 600 8.8 DIFF RNEB b 3 ST Blue
1976 05 35.3 -05 23 3960 3.9 DIFF RNEB + ENEB CNGC 1976 A 3 ST M42 Orion Nebula Blue+Red
1980 05 35.2 -05 55 840 2.5 OPEN CLUS + ENEB sp=O5 c 6 ST Trapezium in M42 1300ly
1981 05 35.3 -04 26 1500 4.6v OPEN CLUS b 1 ST
1982 05 35.5 -05 16 1200 5.8 DIFF RNEB + ENEB CNGC 1982 C 3 ST M43 Orion Nebula Extension
1999 05 36.5 -06 43 960 9.5 DIFF RNEB C 3 ST
2024 05 42.0 -01 50 1800 8.8 DIFF ENEB HII b 3 ST Red Near Zeta Ori
2068 05 46.8 +00 03 480 11.3 DIFF RNEB CNGC 2068 C 3 ST M78 Blue 1500ly
2070 05 38.5 -69 05 300 8.3v OPEN CLUS + ENEB IN LMC B F ST Tarantula Nebula Very Red
2074 05 39.0 -69 30 960 8.5 OPEN CLUS + ENEB IN LMC bFS 30 Dor Nebula (part)
2099 05 52.4 +32 33 1440 5.6v OPEN CLUS sp=B8 CNGC 2099 C 1 ST M37 4200ly
2129 06 01.1 +23 18 420 6.7v OPEN CLUS c 1 ST
2168 06 08.9 +24 21 1680 5.1v OPEN CLUS sp=B5 CNGC 2168 C 1 ST M35 2800ly
2169 06 08.4 +13 58 420 5.9v OPEN CLUS c 1 ST
2175 06 09.8 +20 19 1080 6.8v OPEN CLUS + ENEB c 6 ST Red Faint/Low Contrast
2194 06 13.8 +12 49 600 8.5v OPEN CLUS c 1 ST
2204 06 15.7 -18 39 780 8.6v OPEN CLUS c 1 ST
2287 06 47.1 -20 45 2280 4.5v OPEN CLUS sp=B4 CNGC 2287 C 1 ST M41 2200ly
2301 06 51.8 +00 28 720 6.0v OPEN CLUS c 1 ST
2323 07 02.9 -08 20 960 5.9v OPEN CLUS CNGC 2323 D 1 ST M50
2324 07 04.2 +01 04 480 8.4v OPEN CLUS c 1 ST
2331 07 07.3 +27 21 1080 8.5p OPEN CLUS c1S
2403 07 36.9 +65 36 1068 8.4 GALAXY Sc III UGC 3918 b 5 ST 17.8x11.0
2420 07 38.4 +21 34 600 8.3v OPEN CLUS c 1 ST
2421 07 36.3 -20 37 600 8.3v OPEN CLUS c 1 ST
2422 07 36.6 -14 29 1800 4.4v OPEN CLUS sp=B3 CNGC 2422 D 1 ST M47 1600ly
2423 07 37.2 -13 52 1140 6.7v OPEN CLUS c 1 ST
- 38 -
CNGC Catalog (continued)
2437 07 41.9 -14 49 1620 6.1v OPEN CLUS sp=B8 CNGC 2437 C 1 ST M46 5400ly (+CNGC 2438 PN)
2447 07 44.6 -23 52 1320 6.2v OPEN CLUS + DNEB CNGC 2447 D 6 ST M93 Includes dark nebula
2451 07 45.4 -37 58 2700 2.8v OPEN CLUS sp=B5 C 1 ST 1000ly
2467 07 52.5 -26 24 480 7.2p OPEN CLUS + ENEB C 6 ST Open Cluster + Red Nebula
2477 07 52.3 -38 33 1620 5.8v OPEN CLUS C 1 ST
2682 08 51.1 +11 49 1800 6.9v OPEN CLUS sp=F2 CNGC 2682 D 1 ST M67 Very old 2700ly
2808 09 11.9 -64 51 828 6.3v GLOB CLUS sp=F8 C 2 ST 30kly
2841 09 22.1 +50 58 486 9.3 GALAXY Sb- I UGC 4966 C 5 ST 8.1x3.8
2903 09 32.1 +21 30 756 8.9 GALAXY Sb+ I-II UGC 5079 b 5 ST 12.6x6.6
2997 09 45.7 -31 12 486 10.6 GALAXY Sc I UGC A181 C 5 ST 8.1x6.5
3031 09 55.7 +69 04 1542 6.9 GALAXY Sb I-II CNGC 3031 C 5 ST M81 25.7x14.1 Near M82
3034 09 55.9 +69 41 672 8.4 GALAXY P EDGE-ON UGC 5322 C 5 ST M82 11.2x4.6 Exploding
3109 10 03.1 -26 10 870 10.4 GALAXY Ir+ IV-V UGC A194 c 5 ST 14.5x3.5
3114 10 02.7 -60 08 2100 4.2v OPEN CLUS sp=B5 b 1 ST 2800ly
3115 10 05.3 -07 43 498 9.2 GALAXY E6 c 5 ST 8.3x3.2
3157 10 08.4 +12 18 642 9.9v GALAXY dE3 * UGC 5470 c5S 10.7x8.3
3198 10 20.0 +45 33 498 10.4 GALAXY Sc II UGC 72 c 5 ST 8.3x3.7
3201 10 17.5 -46 24 1092 6.8v GLOB CLUS b 2 ST
3228 10 21.7 -51 43 1080 6.0v OPEN CLUSTER c 1 ST
3231 10 27.4 -57 38 480 4.3v OPEN CLUS + DNEB I 3 m n * IC 2581 c 6 ST
3234 10 28.5 +68 26 738 10.6 GALAXY S+ IV-V * IC 2574 c 5 ST 12.3x5.9 UGC 5666
3242 10 24.8 -18 38 1250 8.6p PLAN NEB C 4 ST Ghost of Jupiter
3293 10 35.9 -58 14 360 4.7v OPEN CLUS + ENEB c 6 ST
3324 10 37.5 -58 38 360 6.7v DIFF ENEB + RNEB + OPEN c 6 ST 9kly
3328 10 43.2 -64 24 3000 1.9v OPEN CLUS II 3 m * IC 2602 b 1 ST
3351 10 43.9 +11 42 444 9.7 GALAXY S(B)b II UGC 5850 C 5 ST M95 7.4x5.1 Near M96
3368 10 46.7 +11 49 426 9.2 GALAXY Sbp UGC 5882 C 5 ST M96 7.1x5.1 Near M95
3372 10 45.1 -59 41 7200 5.3 DIFF ENEB + OPEN CLUS HII A 6 ST Eta Carina Nebula Red 9kly
3379 10 47.8 +12 35 270 9.3 GALAXY E1 2-SYS UGC 5902 C A ST M105 4.5x4.0
3496 10 59.8 -60 20 540 8.2v OPEN CLUS c1S
3521 11 05.9 -00 02 570 8.9 GALAXY Sb+ II UGC 6150 b 5 ST 9.5x5.0
3532 11 06.5 -58 40 3300 3.0v OPEN CLUS sp=B8 b 1 ST 1400ly
3556 11 11.6 +55 41 498 10.1 GALAXY Sc NEAR EDGE-ON UGC 6225 C 5 ST M108 8.3x2.5 Near M97
3572 11 10.5 -60 14 420 6.6v OPEN CLUS + ENEB c 6 ST
3587 11 14.8 +55 02 194 12.0p PLAN NEB CNGC 3587 C 4 ST M97 Owl Nebula 12kly
4244 12 17.6 +37 48 972 10.2 GALAXY S- IV: EDGE-ON UGC 7322 b 5 ST 16.2x2.5
4254 12 18.9 +14 25 324 9.8 GALAXY Sc I NEAR FACE-ON UGC 7345 D 5 ST M99 5.4x4.8
4258 12 19.0 +47 18 1092 8.3 GALAXY Sb+p UGC 7353 C 5 ST M106 18.2x7.9
4303 12 22.0 +04 28 360 9.7 GALAXY Sc I 2-SYS UGC 7420 D A ST M61 6.0x5.5 Face-On
4321 12 23.0 +15 49 414 9.4 GALAXY Sc I FACE-ON UGC 7450 D 5 ST M100 6.9x6.2 Brite Nucleus
- 39 -
CNGC Catalog (continued)
4438 12 27.8 +13 00 558 10.1 GALAXY Sap UGC 7574 c 5 ST 9.3x3.9
4472 12 29.8 +08 00 534 8.4 GALAXY E4 UGC 7629 C 5 ST M49 8.9x7.4
4486 12 30.9 +12 23 432 8.6 GALAXY E1 + E0 2-SYS UGC 7654 D A ST M87 7.2x6.8 + CNGC 4471
4501 12 32.1 +14 25 414 9.5 GALAXY Sb+ I MULTI-ARM UGC 7675 D 5 ST M88 6.9x3.9
4517 12 32.8 +00 06 612 10.5 GALAXY Sc 2-SYS UGC 7694 c A ST 10.2x1.9 Near Edge-On
4548 12 35.5 +14 29 324 10.2 GALAXY SBb + Sc 2-SYS UGC 7753 D A ST M91 5.4x4.4 Near CNGC 4571
4552 12 35.7 +12 33 252 9.8 GALAXY E0 UGC 7760 D 5 ST M89 4.2x4.2
4559 12 36.0 +27 57 630 9.9 GALAXY Sc II-III 3-SYS UGC 7766 C A ST 10.5x4.9 Coarse Structure
4565 12 36.4 +25 59 972 9.6 GALAXY Sb I: + 3-SYS FNT UGC 7772 B A ST M40 16.2x2.8 Edge-On Lane
4569 12 36.9 +13 09 570 9.5 GALAXY Sb+ UGC 7786 C 5 ST M90 9.5x4.7
4579 12 37.8 +11 49 324 9.8 GALAXY Sb UGC 7796 C 5 ST M58 5.4x4.4 Near CNGC 4621
4590 12 39.4 -26 46 720 8.2v GLOB CLUS CNGC 4590 D 2 ST M68
4594 12 39.9 -11 38 534 8.3 GALAXY Sb- CNGC 4594 C 5 ST M104 8.9x4.1 “Sombrero”
4605 12 40.0 +61 36 330 11.0 GALAXY SBcp Edge-On UGC 7831 C 5 ST 5.5x2.3 Edge-On
4609 12 42.4 -62 59 300 6.9v OPEN CLUS c 1 ST
4621 12 42.1 +11 38 306 9.8 GALAXY E3 UGC 7858 D 5 ST M59 5.1x3.4 Near CNGC 4579
4631 12 42.1 +32 32 906 9.3 GALAXY Sc III Edge-On UGC 7865 B 5 ST 15.1x3.3 Edge-On
4649 12 43.7 +11 33 432 8.8 GALAXY E1 UGC 7898 D 5 ST M60 7.2x6.2 Near CNGC 4621
4656 12 43.9 +32 10 828 10.4 GALAXY Sc IV + Ir+ 2-SYS UGC 7907 C A ST 13.8x3.3 Near CNGC 4631
4725 12 50.5 +25 33 660 9.2 GALAXY S(B)b I UGC 7989 C 5 ST 11.0x7.9
4736 12 50.9 +41 08 660 8.2 GALAXY Sb-p II: UGC 7996 C 5 ST M94 11.0x9.1
4755 12 53.6 -60 21 600 4.2v OPEN CLUS sp=B3 c 1 ST Jewel Box 6800ly
4762 12 53.0 +11 14 522 10.2 GALAXY SB0 UGC 8016 c 5 ST 8.7x1.6
4826 12 56.7 +21 41 558 8.5 GALAXY Sb- UGC 8062 C 5 ST M64 9.3x5.4 Black Eye Gal
4833 12 59.4 -70 52 810 7.4v GLOB CLUS b 2 ST
5055 13 15.8 +42 02 738 8.6 GALAXY Sb+ II UGC 8334 C 5 ST M63 12.3x7.6 Sunflower Gal
5102 13 21.9 -36 39 558 10.0 GALAXY S0 c 5 ST 9.3x3.5
5128 13 25.3 -43 01 1092 7.0 GALAXY S0p B 5 ST 18.2x14.5 Centarus A X-Ray
5138 13 27.3 -59 01 480 7.6v OPEN CLUS c 1 ST
5139 13 26.8 -47 29 2178 3.7v GLOB CLUS sp=F7 Omega Cen A 2 ST Omega Centauri 17kly
5194 13 30.0 +47 11 660 8.4 GALAXY Sc I 2-SYS FACE UGC 8493 B A ST M51 11.0x7.8 Whirlpool Gal
5236 13 37.1 -29 51 672 8.2 GALAXY Sc I-II FACE-ON CNGC 5236 B 5 ST M83 11.2x10.2
5272 13 42.3 +28 23 972 6.4v GLOB CLUS sp=F7 CNGC 5272 B 2 ST M3 35kly
5281 13 46.7 -62 54 300 5.9v OPEN CLUS c 1 ST
5286 13 46.2 -51 22 546 7.6v GLOB CLUS b 2 ST
6093 16 17.1 -23 00 534 7.2v GLOB CLUS CNGC 6093 D 2 ST M80
6101 16 25.7 -72 13 642 9.3v GLOB CLUS c 2 ST
6121 16 23.7 -26 31 1578 5.9v GLOB CLUS sp=G0 CNGC 6121 B 2 ST M4 14kly
6124 16 25.6 -40 42 1740 5.8v OPEN CLUS c 1 ST
6144 16 27.2 -26 03 558 9.1v GLOB CLUS c 2 ST
6231 16 54.3 -41 48 900 2.6v OPEN CLUS + ENEB sp=O9 b 6 ST In 240' ENEB 5800ly
6242 16 55.6 -39 30 540 6.4v OPEN CLUS c 1 ST
6250 16 58.0 -45 48 480 5.9v OPEN CLUS c 1 ST
6254 16 57.1 -04 07 906 6.6v GLOB CLUS sp=G1 CNGC 6254 D 2 ST M10 20kly
6259 17 00.7 -44 41 600 8.0v OPEN CLUS c 1 ST
6266 17 01.3 -30 07 846 6.6v GLOB CLUS OBLATE CNGC 6266 D 2 ST M62 Non-symmetrical
6273 17 02.6 -26 15 810 7.2v GLOB CLUS OBLATE CNGC 6273 D 2 ST M19 Oblate Shape Globular
6281 17 04.8 -37 53 480 5.4v OPEN CLUS + ENEB c 6 ST
6284 17 04.5 -24 45 336 9.0v GLOB CLUS c 2 ST
6293 17 10.3 -26 34 474 8.2v GLOB CLUS c 2 ST
6383 17 34.7 -32 35 300 5.5v OPEN CLUS + ENEB c 6 ST ENEB is 80' in diameter
6388 17 36.3 -44 45 522 6.9v GLOB CLUS b 2 ST
6397 17 40.9 -53 41 1542 5.7v GLOB CLUS sp=F5 b 2 ST 9kly
6398 17 20.2 +57 55 2010 11.9p GALAXY dE3 * UGC 10822 c5S 33.5x18.9 Maybe Can’t See
6400 17 40.8 -36 56 480 8.8p OPEN CLUS c 1 ST
6475 17 54.0 -34 49 4800 3.3v OPEN CLUS sp=B5 CNGC 6475 C 1 ST M7 800ly
6494 17 57.0 -19 01 1620 5.5v OPEN CLUS sp=B8 CNGC 6494 D 1 ST M23 1400ly
6514 18 02.3 -23 02 1740 6.3v DIFF ENEB + OPEN CLUS HII CNGC 6514 B 6 ST M20 Trifid Nebula 3500ly
6520 18 03.5 -27 54 360 6.7p OPEN CLUS c 1 ST
6522 18 03.6 -30 02 336 8.6v GLOB CLUS c 2 ST
- 41 -
CNGC Catalog (continued)
6523 18 03.2 -24 23 5400 5.2 OPEN CLUS + ENEB sp=O5 CNGC 6523 B 6 ST M8 Lagoon Nebula 5100ly
6530 18 04.8 -24 20 900 4.6v OPEN CLUS + ENEB b 6 ST In M8 = Lagoon Nebula
6531 18 04.6 -22 30 780 5.9v OPEN CLUS CNGC 6531 D 1 ST M21
6541 18 08.0 -43 44 786 6.6v GLOB CLUS sp=F6 b 2 ST 13kly
6543 17 58.6 +66 38 350 8.8p PLAN NEB c 4 ST Blue-Green 300ly
6626 18 24.6 -24 52 672 6.9v GLOB CLUS CNGC 6626 D 2 ST M28
6630 18 20.0 -18 26 4800 4.7 OPEN CLUS * CNGC 6630 c1 T M24 Best with large field
6633 18 27.5 +06 34 1620 4.6v OPEN CLUS b 1 ST
6634 18 33.5 -19 14 2400 6.5 OPEN CLUS SPARSE * CNGC 6634 c1 M25 IC 4725 Sparse Cluster
6637 18 31.4 -32 21 426 7.7v GLOB CLUS CNGC 6637 D 2 ST M69
6681 18 43.2 -32 18 468 8.1v GLOB CLUS CNGC 6681 D 2 ST M70
6694 18 45.4 -09 24 900 8.0v OPEN CLUS CNGC 6694 D 1 ST M26
6705 18 51.1 -06 16 840 5.8v OPEN CLUS sp=B8 CNGC 6705 C 1 ST M11 Very rich 5600ly
6709 18 51.5 +10 21 780 6.7v OPEN CLUS c 1 ST
6712 18 53.1 -08 43 432 8.2v GLOB CLUS c 2 ST
6715 18 55.2 -30 28 546 7.7v GLOB CLUS CNGC 6715 D 2 ST M54
6716 18 54.6 -19 53 420 6.9v OPEN CLUS c 1 ST
6720 18 53.5 +33 02 150 9.7p PLAN NEB RING-LIKE CNGC 6720 B 4 ST M57 Ring Nebula 5kly
6723 18 59.6 -36 38 660 7.3v GLOB CLUS sp=G4 b 2 ST 24kly
6738 19 01.4 +11 36 900 8.3p OPEN CLUS c1S
6913 20 23.9 +38 32 420 6.6v OPEN CLUS CNGC 6913 D 1 ST M29
6934 20 34.2 +07 24 354 8.9v GLOB CLUS c 2 ST
6939 20 31.4 +60 38 480 7.8v OPEN CLUS c 1 ST
6940 20 34.6 +28 18 1860 6.3v OPEN CLUS c 1 ST
6946 20 34.8 +60 09 660 8.9 GALAXY Sc I UGC 11597 b 5 ST 11.0x9.8
- 42 -
CNGC Catalog (continued)
6981 20 53.5 -12 33 354 9.4v GLOB CLUS CNGC 6981 D 2 ST M72
6994 20 59.0 -12 37 168 8.9p OPEN CLUS CNGC 6994 D 1 ST M73
7000 21 01.8 +44 12 7200 6.6 DIFF ENEB HII b 3 ST North American Nebula 3kly
7009 21 04.3 -11 22 100 8.3p PLAN NEB C 4 ST Saturn Nebula 3000ly
7036 21 12.1 +47 43 240 6.8v OPEN CLUS I 1 m * IC 1369 c 1 ST
7089 21 33.5 -00 50 774 6.5v GLOB CLUS sp=F4 CNGC 7089 C 2 ST M2 40kly
7092 21 32.2 +48 26 1920 4.6v OPEN CLUS CNGC 7092 D 1 ST M39
7093 21 39.1 +57 30 3000 3.5v OPEN CLUS + DNEB II 3 m n * IC 1396 b 6 ST
7099 21 40.3 -23 11 660 7.5v GLOB CLUS CNGC 7099 D2S M30
7143 21 53.4 +47 16 540 7.2v OPEN CLUS + DNEB IV 2 p n * IC 5146 c 6 ST
7380 22 47.0 +58 06 720 7.2v OPEN CLUS + ENEB c 6 ST Red Nebula
7635 23 20.7 +61 12 900 12.8 DIFF ENEB c 3 ST Bubble Nebula Red
7640 23 22.1 +40 51 642 10.9 GALAXY S(B)b+ II: UGC 12554 c 5 ST 10.7x2.5
7654 23 24.2 +61 36 780 6.9v OPEN CLUS CNGC 7654 D 1 ST M52
7686 23 30.2 +49 08 900 5.6v OPEN CLUS c 1 ST
* 16 02 04.0 +42 21 100 2.3v STAR K3 IIb + B9 V + A0 V Gamma And A 9 ST Almaak B=5.4 C=6.2
* 17 02 07.2 +23 28 2.0v STAR K2 IIIab Alpha Ari 8 ST Hamal
* 18 02 09.5 +34 59 3.0v STAR A5 IV Beta Tri 8 ST
* 19 02 14.7 +89 17 180 2.0v STAR F5-8 Ib + F3 V Alpha UMi A 9 ST Polaris B=8.2
* 20 02 19.4 -02 58 10 2.1v STAR M5.5-9 IIIe + Bpe Omicron Cet A 9 ST Mira B=9.5
* 41 05 14.6 -08 12 90 0.1v STAR B8 Iae + B5 V Beta Ori A 9 ST Rigel B=7.6 C=7.6
* 42 05 16.6 +46 00 0.1v STAR G6: III + G2: III Alpha Aur AB 8 ST Capella
* 43 05 24.5 -02 24 3.3v STAR B1 IV + B Eta Ori AB 8 ST
* 44 05 25.2 +06 21 1.6v STAR B2 III Gamma Ori 8 ST Bellatrix
* 45 05 26.3 +28 37 1.7v STAR B7 III Beta Tau 8 ST Alnath
*121 12 26.6 -63 06 50 1.3v STAR B0.5 IV + B1 Vn Alpha Cru A 9 ST Acrux A B=1.7
*122 12 26.7 -63 07 50 1.7v STAR B1 Vn + B0.5 IV Alpha Cru B 9 ST Acrux B A=1.3
*123 12 29.9 -16 31 240 3.0v STAR B9.5 III + K2 V Delta Crv A 9 ST Algorab B=8.3
*124 12 31.2 -57 07 1.6v STAR M3.5 III Gamma Cru 8 ST Gacrux
*125 12 34.4 -23 24 2.7v STAR G5 II Beta Crv 8 ST Kraz
*131 12 47.7 -59 42 1.2v STAR B0.5 III Beta Cru 8 ST Becrux Mimosa
*132 12 54.0 +55 58 1.8v STAR A0p IV: (Cr+Eu) Epsilon UMa 8 ST Alioth
*133 12 56.1 +38 19 2.9v STAR A0p III: (Si+Eu+Sr) Alpha^2 CVn A 8 ST Cor Caroli B=5.6 F0 V
*134 13 02.2 +10 58 2.8v STAR G9 IIIab Epsilon Vir 8 ST Vindamiatrix
*135 13 19.0 -23 11 3.0v STAR G8 IIIa Gamma Hya 8 ST
*166 15 35.1 -41 10 5 2.8v STAR B2 IVn + B2 IVn Alpha Lup AB 9 ST A=3.5 B=3.6
*167 15 54.3 +06 25 2.7v STAR K2 IIIb (CN1) Alpha Ser 8 ST Unukalhai
*168 15 55.1 -63 26 2.9v STAR F0 IV Beta Tra 8 ST
*169 15 58.9 -26 08 2.9v STAR B1 V + B2 V Pi Sco A 8 ST
*170 15 59.5 +25 54 2.0v STAR gM3: + Bep T CrB 8 ST Galt
*191 17 15.1 +24 50 90 3.1v STAR A1 IVn + ? Delta Her 9 ST Sarin B=8.8
*192 17 15.1 +36 48 3.2v STAR K3 IIab Pi Her 8 ST
*193 17 22.1 -25 00 3.3v STAR B2 IV Alpha Oph 8 ST
*194 17 25.4 -55 32 2.9v STAR K3 Ib-IIa Beta Ara 8 ST
*195 17 25.5 -56 23 3.3v STAR B1 Ib Gamma Ara A 8 ST
*221 19 09.8 -21 02 6 2.9v STAR F2 II + ? + ? Pi Sgr ABC 9 ST Albaldah A=3.7 B=3.8
*222 19 12.6 +67 39 3.1v STAR G9 III Delta Dra 8 ST Nodus Secundus
*223 19 30.8 +27 58 350 3.1v STAR K3 II + B9.5 V Beta Cyg A 9 ST Albireo B=5.1
*224 19 45.0 +45 08 20 2.9v STAR B9.5 III + F1 V Delta Cyg AB 9 ST B=6.4
*225 19 46.3 +10 37 2.7v STAR K3 II Gamma Aql 8 ST Tarazed
*251 00 06.1 +58 26 15 6.4 STAR 6.4:7.2 @308 ADS 61 9 ST 1980=1.4 @287 107y
*252 00 40.0 +21 27 66 5.5 STAR 5.5:8.7 @194 ADS 558 9 ST 1964 Yellow:Blue
*253 00 42.4 +04 11 15 7.8 STAR 7.8:9.4 @207 ADS 588 9 ST 1980=1.5 @ 200
*254 00 49.9 +27 42 44 6.3 STAR 6.3:6.3 @296 ADS 683 9 ST 1959 p(Yellow:Blue)
*255 00 54.6 +19 11 5 6.2 STAR 6.2:6.9 @211 ADS 746 9 ST 1980=0.5 @ 224 400y
*256 00 55.0 +23 38 8 6.0 STAR 6.0:6.4 @292 ADS 755 9 ST 1980=0.6 @ 259
*257 01 05.7 +21 28 299 5.6 STAR 5.6:5.8 @159 ADS 899 9 ST 1964 Yellow:pBlue
*258 01 09.5 +47 15 5 4.6 STAR 4.6:5.5 @133 ADS 940 9 ST 1980=0.5 @ 140
*259 01 13.7 +07 35 230 5.6 STAR 5.6:6.6 @063 ADS 996 9 ST 1972 Yellow:pBlue
*260 01 39.8 -56 12 113 5.8 STAR 5.8:5.8 @193 p Eri 9 ST 1980=11.1 @195
*261 02 35.5 +89 35 178 2.0 STAR 2.0:8.9 @216 ADS 1477 9 ST Polaris North Star
*262 01 53.6 +19 18 78 4.6 STAR 4.6:4.7 @000 ADS 1507 9 ST 1969 1831=8.6
*263 01 55.9 +01 51 10 6.8 STAR 6.8:6.8 @057 ADS 1538 9 ST 1980=1.2 @053
*264 01 57.9 +23 36 385 4.7 STAR 4.7:7.7 @047 ADS 1563 9 ST 1973 Yellow:Blue
*265 02 02.0 +02 46 16 4.2 STAR 4.2:5.2 @273 ADS 1615 9 ST pBlue:pGreen
*266 02 03.9 +42 20 98 2.2 STAR 2.2:5.1 @063 ADS 1630 9 ST 1967 Orange:Emerald
*267 02 12.4 +30 18 39 5.3 STAR 5.3:6.9 @071 ADS 1697 9 ST 1959 Yellow:Blue
*268 02 14.0 +47 29 11 6.6 STAR 6.6:7.1 @274 ADS 1709 9 ST 1980=1.1 @266
*269 02 29.1 +67 25 25 4.6 STAR 4.6:6.9 @232 ADS 1860 9 ST 1980=2.4 @234
*270 02 37.0 +24 39 383 6.6 STAR 6.6:7.4 @276 ADS 1982 9 ST 1973 Yellow:pBlue
*271 02 43.3 +03 15 28 3.6 STAR 3.6:6.2 @297 ADS 2080 9 ST 1974 Yellow:Ashen
*272 03 14.1 +00 11 11 8.8 STAR 8.8:8.8 @139 ADS 2416 9 ST 1980=1.0 @144
*273 03 17.8 +38 38 8 7.8 STAR 7.8:8.3 @259 ADS 2446 9 ST 1980=0.9 @265
*274 03 35.0 +60 02 14 6.8 STAR 6.8:7.6 @261 ADS 2612 9 ST 1980=1.3 @258
*275 03 34.5 +24 28 7 6.6 STAR 6.6:6.7 @002 ADS 2616 9 ST 1980=0.6 @006
*276 03 50.3 +25 35 4 5.8 STAR 5.8:6.2 @211 ADS 2799 9 ST 1980=0.6 @207
*277 03 54.3 -02 57 67 4.7 STAR 4.7:6.2 @347 ADS 2850 9 ST Fixed
*278 04 09.9 +80 42 7 5.5 STAR 5.5:6.3 @120 ADS 2963 9 ST 1980=0.8 @109
*279 04 07.5 +38 05 16 7.4 STAR 7.4:8.9 @353 ADS 2995 9 ST 1980=1.4 @003
*280 04 16.0 +31 42 7 8.0 STAR 8.0:8.1 @275 ADS 3082 9 ST 1980=0.8 @270
*281 04 20.4 +27 21 496 5.1 STAR 5.1:8.5 @496 ADS 3137 9 ST 1973 Yel/Ora:Blue
*282 04 22.8 +15 03 14 7.3 STAR 7.3:8.5 @352 ADS 3169 9 ST Purple:Blue
*283 05 07.9 +08 30 7 5.8 STAR 5.8:6.5 @349 ADS 3711 9 ST 1980=0.7 @021
*284 05 14.5 -08 12 92 0.2 STAR 0.2:6.7 @206 ADS 3823 9 ST Rigel
*285 05 35.2 +09 56 43 3.6 STAR 3.6:5.5 @044 ADS 4179 9 ST 1959 Yellow:Purple
*286 05 35.3 -05 23 132 5.1 STAR 5.4:6.8:6.8 ADS 4186 9 ST Trapezium in M42
*287 06 28.8 -07 02 99 4.6 STAR 4.6:5.1:5.4 ADS 5107 9 ST Fixed White Stars
*288 06 46.3 +59 27 17 5.4 STAR 5.4:6.0 @074 ADS 5400 9 ST 1980=1.7 @079
*289 06 45.3 -16 42 45 -1.5 STAR -1.5:8.5 @005 ADS 4523 9 ST 1980=10.3 @049
*290 07 12.8 +27 14 13 7.2 STAR 7.2:7.2 @316 ADS 5871 9 ST 1980=1.3 @320 120y
*291 07 30.3 +49 59 8 8.8 STAR 8.8:8.8 @195 ADS 6117 9 ST 1980=0.8 @189
*292 07 34.6 +31 53 30 1.9 STAR 1.9:2.9 @073 ADS 6175 9 ST 1980=2.2 @095 420y
*293 08 12.2 +17 39 6 5.6 STAR 5.6:6.0 @182 ADS 6650 9 ST Yellow:Yellow:Blue
*294 09 21.1 +38 11 11 6.5 STAR 6.5:6.7 @271 ADS 7307 9 ST 1980=1.1 @254
*295 10 16.3 +17 44 14 7.2 STAR 7.2:7.5 @181 ADS 7704 9 ST 1980=1.4 @183
*296 10 20.0 +19 51 44 2.2 STAR 2.2:3.5 @124 ADS 7724 9 ST 1980=4.3 @123
*297 11 18.3 +31 32 13 4.3 STAR 4.3:4.8 @060 ADS 8119 9 ST 1980=2.9 @105
*298 11 32.4 +61 05 6 5.8 STAR 5.8:7.1 @295 ADS 8197 9 ST 1980=0.4 @211
*299 12 16.1 +40 39 115 5.9 STAR 5.9:9.0 @260 ADS 8489 9 ST 1925 Gold:Blue
*300 12 24.4 +25 35 16 6.8 STAR 6.8:7.8 @325 ADS 8539 9 ST 1980=1.5 @326
- 48 -
STAR Catalog (continued)
*301 12 26.6 -63 06 47 1.6 STAR 1.6:2.1 @114 Alpha Cru 9 ST 1943 White:White
*302 12 35.1 +18 22 202 5.2 STAR 5.2:6.8 @271 ADS 8600 9 ST 1963 Yellow:vBlue
*303 12 41.7 -01 28 30 3.5 STAR 3.5:3.5 @287 ADS 8630 9 ST 1980=3.9 @297 White
*304 12 53.3 +21 15 8 5.1 STAR 5.1:7.2 @194 ADS 8695 9 ST 1980=0.8 @175
*305 13 23.9 +54 55 144 2.3 STAR 2.3:4.0 @151 ADS 8891 9 ST 1967
*306 13 49.1 +26 59 34 7.6 STAR 7.6:8.0 @167 ADS 9031 9 ST 1980=3.4 @159
*307 14 15.3 +03 08 12 7.8 STAR 7.8:7.9 @239 ADS 9182 9 ST 1980=1.1 @252
*308 14 20.4 +48 30 13 8.1 STAR 8.1:8.3 @105 ADS 9229 9 ST 1980=1.2 @104 White
*309 14 40.0 -60 51 197 0.0 STAR 0.0:1.2 @214 Alpha Cen 9 ST 1980=21.8 @209
*310 14 41.2 +13 44 10 4.5 STAR 4.5:4.6 @160 ADS 9343 9 ST 1980=1.1 @305 White
*311 14 45.0 +27 04 28 2.5 STAR 2.5:5.0 @339 ADS 9372 9 ST 1971 Orange:Green
*312 14 51.4 +19 06 70 4.7 STAR 4.7:6.9 @326 ADS 9413 9 ST Orange:Blue
*313 14 51.4 +44 56 11 8.4 STAR 8.4:8.6 @348 ADS 9418 9 ST 1980=1.1 @346
*314 15 18.4 +26 50 15 7.3 STAR 7.3:7.4 @255 ADS 9578 9 ST 1980=1.4 @250
*315 15 23.2 +30 17 10 5.6 STAR 5.6:5.9 @027 ADS 9617 9 ST 1980=0.4 @321
*316 15 24.5 +37 20 22 7.0 STAR 7.0:7.6 @012 ADS 9626 9 ST 1980=2.2 @016
*317 15 34.8 +10 32 39 4.1 STAR 4.1:5.2 @179 ADS 9701 9 ST 1960 Yel-Whi:Ashen
*318 15 39.4 +36 38 63 5.1 STAR 5.1:6.0 @305 ADS 9737 9 ST 1957
*319 16 04.4 -11 22 7 4.9 STAR 4.9:4.9 @044 ADS 9909 9 ST 1980=1.2 @021
*320 16 14.7 +33 51 69 5.6 STAR 5.6:6.6 @235 ADS 9979 9 ST 1980=6.7 @233
*321 16 29.4 -26 26 24 0.9v STAR 0.9:5.5 @276 ADS 10074 9 ST Antares Red:pGreen
*322 16 28.9 +18 24 17 7.7 STAR 7.7:7.8 @129 ADS 10075 9 ST 1980=1.4 @136
*323 16 30.9 +01 59 15 4.2 STAR 4.2:5.2 @022 ADS 10087 9 ST 1980=1.3 @ 013
*324 16 56.5 +65 02 14 7.1 STAR 7.1:7.3 @069 ADS 10279 9 ST 1980=1.3 @069
*325 17 05.4 +54 28 19 5.7 STAR 5.7:5.7 @025 ADS 10345 9 ST 1980=1.9 @042
*326 17 15.4 -26 35 48 5.1 STAR 5.1:5.1 @151 ADS 10417 9 ST Orange:Orange
*327 17 14.7 +14 24 47 3.2 STAR 3.2:5.4 @107 ADS 10418 9 ST 1968 Yellow:Blue
*328 17 23.7 +37 08 40 4.6 STAR 4.6:5.5 @316 ADS 10526 9 ST 1964
*329 18 01.5 +21 36 65 5.1 STAR 5.1:5.2 @258 ADS 10993 9 ST 1953 Yellow:pRed
*330 18 03.1 -08 11 18 5.2 STAR 5.2:5.9 @280 ADS 11005 9 ST 1980=1.9 @277
*331 18 05.3 +02 32 15 4.2 STAR 4.2:6.0 @220 ADS 11046 9 ST Yel-Ora:Ora
*332 18 25.0 +27 24 7 6.5 STAR 6.5:7.5 @126 ADS 11334 9 ST 1980=0.7 @129
*333 18 35.8 +16 58 15 6.8 STAR 6.8:7.0 @155 ADS 11483 9 ST 1980=1.6 @161
*334 18 44.4 +39 40 26 5.0 STAR 5.0:6.1 @353 ADS 11635 9 ST 1980=2.7 @355 White
*335 18 44.4 +39 36 24 5.2 STAR 5.2:5.5 @080 ADS 11635 9 ST 1980=2.3 @084 White
*336 18 57.1 +32 54 10 5.4 STAR 5.4:7.5 @021 ADS 11871 9 ST 1980=1.1 @051
*337 19 06.4 -37 03 13 4.8 STAR 4.8:5.1 @109 Gamma CrA 9 ST 1980=1.5 @157
*338 19 26.5 +27 19 20 8.1 STAR 8.1:8.4 @292 ADS 12447 9 ST 1980=1.8 @293
*339 19 30.7 +27 58 344 3.2 STAR 3.2:5.4 @054 ADS 12540 9 ST 1967 Gold:Blue
*340 19 45.5 +33 37 24 8.3 STAR 8.3:8.4 @349 ADS 12889 9 ST 1980=2.0 @357
*341 20 21.0 -14 46 2050 3.1 STAR 3.1:6.2 @267 Beta Cap 9 ST Yellow:Blue
*342 20 46.6 +16 08 98 4.3 STAR 4.3:5.2 @268 ADS 14279 9 ST 1967 Gold:Blue-Gre
*343 20 47.5 +36 29 9 4.9 STAR 4.9:6.1 @011 ADS 14296 9 ST White:pBlue
*344 20 59.1 +04 18 10 6.0 STAR 6.0:6.3 @285 ADS 14499 9 ST 1980=1.1 @286
*345 21 02.3 +07 11 28 7.3 STAR 7.3:7.5 @217 ADS 14556 9 ST 1961
*346 21 06.7 +38 42 297 5.2 STAR 5.2:6.0 @148 ADS 14636 9 ST 1980=29.0 @146
*347 22 28.8 +00 15 19 4.3 STAR 4.3:4.5 @207 ADS 15971 9 ST pYellow:pBlue
*348 22 28.2 +57 42 33 9.8 STAR 9.8:11.5 @132 ADS 15972 9 ST 1980=2.6 @176 Reds
*349 22 33.0 +69 55 4 6.5 STAR 6.5:7.0 @094 ADS 16057 9 ST 1980=0.5 @086
*350 23 34.0 +31 20 4 5.6 STAR 5.6:5.7 @280 ADS 16836 9 ST 1980=0.4 @267
*351 21 12.3 -88 58 5.5 STAR VAR 5.3-5.7 F0III Sigma Oct 8 ST S-Pole * Sigma Oct
- 49 -
4. M (Messier) Catalog
M 1 05 34.5 +22 01 360 8.4 PLAN NEB EMIS SN REM CNGC 1952 B 4 ST M1 Crab Nebula 4kly
M 2 21 33.5 -00 50 774 6.5v GLOB CLUS sp=F4 CNGC 7089 C 2 ST M2 40kly
M 3 13 42.3 +28 23 972 6.4v GLOB CLUS sp=F7 CNGC 5272 B 2 ST M3 35kly
M 4 16 23.7 -26 31 1578 5.9v GLOB CLUS sp=G0 CNGC 6121 B 2 ST M4 14kly
M 5 15 18.6 +02 05 1044 5.8v GLOB CLUS sp=F6 CNGC 5904 B 2 ST M5 26kly
M 6 17 40.1 -32 13 900 4.2v OPEN CLUS sp=B4 CNGC 6405 C 1 ST M6 1500ly
M 7 17 54.0 -34 49 4800 3.3v OPEN CLUS sp=B5 CNGC 6475 C 1 ST M7 800ly
M 8 18 03.2 -24 23 5400 5.2 OPEN CLUS + ENEB sp=O5 CNGC 6523 B 6 ST M8 Lagoon Nebula 5100ly
M 9 17 19.2 -18 31 558 7.9v GLOB CLUS CNGC 6333 D 2 ST M9
M 10 16 57.1 -04 07 906 6.6v GLOB CLUS sp=G1 CNGC 6254 D 2 ST M10 20kly
M 11 18 51.1 -06 16 840 5.8v OPEN CLUS sp=B8 CNGC 6705 C 1 ST M11 Very rich 5600ly
M 12 16 47.2 -01 57 870 6.6v GLOB CLUS sp=F8 CNGC 6218 D 2 ST M12 24kly
M 13 16 41.7 +36 27 996 5.9v GLOB CLUS sp=F6 CNGC 6205 B 2 ST M13 Hercules Globular
M 14 17 37.6 -03 17 702 7.6v GLOB CLUS CNGC 6402 D 2 ST M14
M 15 21 30.0 +12 10 738 6.4v GLOB CLUS sp=F2 CNGC 7078 C 2 ST M15 X-Ray Source 34kly
M 16 18 18.8 -13 47 2100 6.0v OPEN CLUS + ENEB sp=O7 CNGC 6611 D 6 ST M16 Eagle Nebula 5500ly
M 17 18 20.8 -16 11 2760 6.0v DIFF ENEB + OPEN CLUS HII CNGC 6618 B 6 ST M17 Omega/Swan/Horseshoe
M 18 18 20.0 -17 08 540 6.9v OPEN CLUS CNGC 6613 D 1 ST M18
M 19 17 02.6 -26 15 810 7.2v GLOB CLUS OBLATE CNGC 6273 D 2 ST M19 Oblate Shape Globular
M 20 18 02.3 -23 02 1740 6.3v DIFF ENEB + OPEN CLUS HII CNGC 6514 B 6 ST M20 Trifid Nebula 3500ly
M 31 00 42.8 +41 17 10680 3.5 GALAXY Sb I-II UGC 454 B 5 ST M31 Andromeda Gal 178x63
M 32 00 42.8 +40 53 456 8.2 GALAXY E2 UGC 452 C 5 ST M32 Comp of M31 7.6x5.8
M 33 01 33.9 +30 40 3720 5.7 GALAXY Sc II-III UGC 1117 C 5 ST M33 Triangulum Gal 62x39
M 34 02 42.0 +42 47 2100 5.2v OPEN CLUS CNGC 1039 C 1 ST M34
M 35 06 08.9 +24 21 1680 5.1v OPEN CLUS sp=B5 CNGC 2168 C 1 ST M35 2800ly
M 41 06 47.1 -20 45 2280 4.5v OPEN CLUS sp=B4 CNGC 2287 C 1 ST M41 2200ly
M 42 05 35.3 -05 23 3960 3.9 DIFF RNEB + ENEB CNGC 1976 A 3 ST M42 Orion Nebula Blue+Red
M 43 05 35.5 -05 16 1200 5.8 DIFF RNEB + ENEB CNGC 1982 C 3 ST M43 Orion Nebula Extension
M 44 08 40.1 +19 59 5700 3.1v OPEN CLUS sp=A0 CNGC 2632 C 1 ST M44 Praesepe/Beehive 590ly
M 45 03 47.1 +24 07 7200 1.6 OPEN CLUS + RNEB sp=B6 CNGC 1457 c 6 ST M45 Pleiades 410ly
M 46 07 41.9 -14 49 1620 6.1v OPEN CLUS sp=B8 CNGC 2437 C 1 ST M46 5400ly (+CNGC 2438 PN)
M 47 07 36.6 -14 29 1800 4.4v OPEN CLUS sp=B3 CNGC 2422 D 1 ST M47 1600ly
M 48 08 13.7 -05 47 3240 5.8v OPEN CLUS CNGC 2548 D 1 ST M48
M 49 12 29.8 +08 00 534 8.4 GALAXY E4 UGC 7629 C 5 ST M49 8.9x7.4
M 50 07 02.9 -08 20 960 5.9v OPEN CLUS CNGC 2323 D 1 ST M50
M 51 13 30.0 +47 11 660 8.4 GALAXY Sc I 2-SYS FACE UGC 8493 B A ST M51 11.0x7.8 Whirlpool Gal
M 52 23 24.2 +61 36 780 6.9v OPEN CLUS CNGC 7654 D 1 ST M52
M 53 13 13.0 +18 10 756 7.7v GLOB CLUS CNGC 5024 D 2 ST M53
M 54 18 55.2 -30 28 546 7.7v GLOB CLUS CNGC 6715 D 2 ST M54
M 55 19 40.1 -30 56 1140 7.0 GLOB CLUS sp=F5 CNGC 6809 D 2 ST M55 20kly
M 61 12 22.0 +04 28 360 9.7 GALAXY Sc I 2-SYS UGC 7420 D A ST M61 6.0x5.5 Face-On
M 62 17 01.3 -30 07 846 6.6v GLOB CLUS OBLATE CNGC 6266 D 2 ST M62 Non-symmetrical
M 63 13 15.8 +42 02 738 8.6 GALAXY Sb+ II UGC 8334 C 5 ST M63 12.3x7.6 Sunflower Gal
M 64 12 56.7 +21 41 558 8.5 GALAXY Sb- UGC 8062 C 5 ST M64 9.3x5.4 Black Eye Gal
M 65 11 18.9 +13 05 600 9.3 GALAXY Sb II: UGC 6328 C 5 ST M65 10.0x3.3 Near M66
M 66 11 20.2 +12 59 522 9.0 GALAXY Sb+ II: UGC 6346 C 5 ST M66 8.7x4.4 Near M65
M 67 08 51.1 +11 49 1800 6.9v OPEN CLUS sp=F2 CNGC 2682 D 1 ST M67 Very old 2700ly
M 68 12 39.4 -26 46 720 8.2v GLOB CLUS CNGC 4590 D 2 ST M68
M 69 18 31.4 -32 21 426 7.7v GLOB CLUS CNGC 6637 D 2 ST M69
M 70 18 43.2 -32 18 468 8.1v GLOB CLUS CNGC 6681 D 2 ST M70
M 76 01 42.0 +51 34 290 12.2 PLAN NEB PART OF 0651 CNGC 0650 C 4 ST M76 Little Dumbbell Nebula
M 77 02 42.7 -00 01 414 8.8 GALAXY Sbp SEYFERT UGC 2188 D 5 ST M77 6.9x5.9 Seyfert Galaxy
M 78 05 46.8 +00 03 480 11.3 DIFF RNEB CNGC 2068 C 3 ST M78 Blue 1500ly
M 79 05 24.2 -24 31 522 8.0v GLOB CLUS CNGC 1904 D 2 ST M79
M 80 16 17.1 -23 00 534 7.2v GLOB CLUS CNGC 6093 D 2 ST M80
M 81 09 55.7 +69 04 1542 6.9 GALAXY Sb I-II CNGC 3031 C 5 ST M81 25.7x14.1 Near M82
M 82 09 55.9 +69 41 672 8.4 GALAXY P EDGE-ON UGC 5322 C 5 ST M82 11.2x4.6 Exploding
M 83 13 37.1 -29 51 672 8.2 GALAXY Sc I-II FACE-ON CNGC 5236 B 5 ST M83 11.2x10.2
M 84 12 25.1 +12 53 300 9.3 GALAXY E1 UGC 7494 C 5 ST M84 5.0x4.4 Near M86
M 85 12 25.5 +18 11 426 9.2 GALAXY Ep 2-SYS UGC 7508 C A ST M85 7.1x5.2
M 91 12 35.5 +14 29 324 10.2 GALAXY SBb + Sc 2-SYS UGC 7753 D A ST M91 5.4x4.4 Near CNGC 4571
M 92 17 17.2 +43 09 672 6.5v GLOB CLUS sp=F1 CNGC 6341 D 2 ST M92 X-Ray Source 26kly
M 93 07 44.6 -23 52 1320 6.2v OPEN CLUS + DNEB CNGC 2447 D 6 ST M93 Includes dark nebula
M 94 12 50.9 +41 08 660 8.2 GALAXY Sb-p II: UGC 7996 C 5 ST M94 11.0x9.1
M 95 10 43.9 +11 42 444 9.7 GALAXY S(B)b II UGC 5850 C 5 ST M95 7.4x5.1 Near M96
M 96 10 46.7 +11 49 426 9.2 GALAXY Sbp UGC 5882 C 5 ST M96 7.1x5.1 Near M95
M 97 11 14.8 +55 02 194 12.0p PLAN NEB CNGC 3587 C 4 ST M97 Owl Nebula 12kly
M 98 12 13.9 +14 54 570 10.1 GALAXY Sb I-II: 3-SYS UGC 7231 D A ST M98 9.5x3.2
M 99 12 18.9 +14 25 324 9.8 GALAXY Sc I NEAR FACE-ON UGC 7345 D 5 ST M99 5.4x4.8
M100 12 23.0 +15 49 414 9.4 GALAXY Sc I FACE-ON UGC 7450 D 5 ST M100 6.9x6.2 Brite Nucleus
M101 14 03.3 +54 21 1614 7.7 GALAXY Sc I FACE-ON UGC 8981 C5S M101 26.9x26.3 Pinwheel
M102 15 06.5 +55 45 312 10.0 GALAXY E6p 2-SYS UGC 9723 D A ST M102 5.2x2.3
M103 01 33.3 +60 43 360 7.4v OPEN CLUS CNGC 0581 D 1 ST M103
M104 12 39.9 -11 38 534 8.3 GALAXY Sb- CNGC 4594 C 5 ST M104 8.9x4.1 “Sombrero”
M105 10 47.8 +12 35 270 9.3 GALAXY E1 2-SYS UGC 5902 C A ST M105 4.5x4.0
M106 12 19.0 +47 18 1092 8.3 GALAXY Sb+p UGC 7353 C 5 ST M106 18.2x7.9
M107 16 32.5 -13 02 600 8.1v GLOB CLUS CNGC 6171 D 2 ST M107
M108 11 11.6 +55 41 498 10.1 GALAXY Sc NEAR EDGE-ON UGC 6225 C 5 ST M108 8.3x2.5 Near M97
M109 11 57.6 +53 22 456 9.8 GALAXY S(B)b+ I UGC 6937 D 5 ST M109 7.6x4.9
M110 00 40.4 +41 42 1044 8.0 GALAXY E6: UGC 426 C 5 ST M110 Comp of M31 17.4x9.8
- 51 -
APPENDIX E: some small particles on the inside or outside of telescope
MAINTAINING YOUR LX200 optics. Should the optics get more dust on them than you would
care for, simply use a photographic grade camel hair brush with
1. Keeping Your Telescope Clean very gentle strokes. You can also blow off dust with an ear
Prevention is the best recommendation that a telescope owner syringe (available from a local pharmacy).
can follow to keep astronomical equipment in top working There is a point, however, when the optics must be cleaned.
order. Proper measures taken during observation and when This is when you can easily tell that there is a thin layer of fine
storing equipment between observing runs can add many particulates that make the optics look very slightly hazy. To
years of trouble free use. clean the optics we must suggest that you make your own lens
Dust and moisture are the two main enemies to your cleaning solutions, since it is impossible to know all of the
instrument. When observing, it is advisable to use a proper ingredients used in commercial lens cleaners. Pure isopropyl
fitting dew shield. The dew shield not only prevents dew from alcohol (90% or better) will clean most residual film build-up on
forming, and dust from settling on the corrector plate lens, it optical surfaces (and metal surfaces too).
prevents stray light from reducing image contrast. Organic materials (e.g., fingerprints) on the front lens may be
Although dew shields go a long way to prevent moisture build- removed with a solution of 3 parts distilled water to 1 part
up, there can be times when the telescope optics will have a isopropyl alcohol. A single drop of biodegradable dishwashing
uniform coating of moist dew. This is not particularly harmful, as soap may be added per pint of solution. Use soft, white facial
long as the instrument is allowed to let the dew evaporate. This tissues and make short, gentle strokes. Change tissues often.
can be done with a hair dryer, or just setting up the telescope CAUTION: Do not use scented, colored, or lotioned
indoors with the dust covers removed. It is also advisable that tissues or damage could result to the optics.
you let the foam lined case for the LX200 dry out indoors for a
day if the night was moist. Packing your telescope away in a Sprayer bottles are a convenient dispenser of lens cleaning
moist case can result in giving it a steam bath later. solutions onto the tissues. Use soft, white facial tissues and
make short, gentle strokes. Change tissues often. If the optics
CAUTION: Anytime the LX200 is being stored or are small (such as viewfinders or eyepieces), the tissue can be
transported, be sure to release the R.A. and Dec. rolled to the appropriate thickness and then broken in half to
locks, to prevent serious damage to the drive gears. create two cleaning wands. It is advised that you avoid many of
the so-called lens cleaning papers (many which contain
fiberglass), lens cloths, or chamois.
CAUTION: Never attempt to wipe down optics that are
covered with dew. Dust and dirt may be trapped with Before attempting to clean an optical surface with a liquid
the collected dew, and upon wiping the optics you solution, it is very important that as much dust as possible is
may scratch them. After the dew has evaporated you removed by using forced air and/or gentle strokes with a
will most likely find them in fine condition for the next photographic grade camel hair brush. The forced air can come
observing session. from a rubber ear syringe, or canned compressed air from a
photographic supply store. Be sure to hold the canned air in a
If you live in a very moist climate, you may find it necessary to vertical position and try spraying compressed air on your hand
use silica desiccant stored in the telescope’s case to ward off before aiming at the optics to see if any of the propellant (solid
moisture and the possibility of fungus growing on and within the material) comes out. Propellant is very difficult to remove from
coatings of the optics. Replace the desiccant as often as optics, so take care not to tip the can when using it. If you have
necessary. access to a compressor hose, be sure that it is filtered to
Those living in coastal areas or tropic zones should also cover prevent oil from being sprayed on the optics.
the electronic ports on the power panel and the keypad with Once you are confident that you have removed most of the dust
gaffers tape to reduce corrosion on the metal contacts. Apply a and large particles, begin cleaning with the mixture described
dab of a water displacement solution (i.e. WD-40) with a small above. Pour or spray enough solution onto a pillow or wand of
brush on all interior metal contacts and the input cord metal tissue until it is quite wet. If you are cleaning a corrector plate,
contacts. The keypad and all separate accessories should be use radial strokes with a smooth pillow of tissue, starting from
kept in sealable plastic bags with silica desiccant. the center out, using no pressure. If you are cleaning small
A thick layer of dust will attract and absorb moisture on all optical surfaces, use the rolled wands of tissue starting from
exposed surfaces. Left unattended, it can cause damaging the edges then spiraling in to the center, again using no
corrosion. To keep dust at bay when observing, the telescope pressure. Never pour or spray the solution onto the corrector
can be set up on a small section of indoor/outdoor carpet. If you plate or eyepieces themselves, as the liquid may go behind or
are observing for more than one night in a row, the telescope in between lenses, where it is difficult or impossible to reach.
can be left set up but covered with a large plastic bag (such as Never attempt to disassemble an eyepiece to clean the inner
the one supplied with the telescope). The rear cell opening of elements, as you will certainly not be able to properly center
the LX200 can also be sealed off to the elements by threading and re-assemble the optical train.
on the optional accessory Skylight 1A Dust Seal. Eyepieces, Use dry tissue to make the final clean up, again using no
diagonals, and other accessories are best kept in plastic bags pressure. If there is still some sort of residue, repeat the
and stored in cases, such as the Meade #50 Accessory Case. procedure using the three part formula described above, again
All of the non optical surfaces of the LX200 should be cleaned using the same cleaning techniques.
routinely with a soft rag and alcohol to prevent corrosion. The The inside surface of the corrector plate and secondary mirror
cast metal surfaces and the individual exposed screws can also may at some point become dirty due to particles falling inside
be kept looking new and corrosion free by wiping them down the tube when removing or replacing the rear dust cover or
with a water displacement solution. Take care not to smear the threading on accessories. To reduce the chance of interior
solution onto any optical surface, and to wipe up any excess contamination, the Meade Skylight 1A Dust Seal is very
solution with a clean dry cloth. The painted tube can be effective. If the Dust Seal is not used, it helps to have the rear
polished with a liquid car polish and a soft rag. cell pointed downward when replacing the rear dust cover or
Surprisingly, the most common telescope maintenance attaching accessories.
error is cleaning the optics too often. A little dust on any of Another more serious, but not damaging problem is the
the optical surfaces causes virtually zero degradation of optical possibility of a hazy (usually uneven) film building up on the
performance. It should be of no concern whatsoever to see inside of the corrector plate. This can be caused by
- 52 -
environmental pollutants, or temperature changes reacting with 2. Collimation of the Optical System
the interior paint, causing outgassing or water condensation, or The optical collimation (alignment) of any astronomical
combinations thereof. telescope used for serious purposes is important, but in cases
It is possible to clean the interior of the optical system yourself of the Schmidt-Cassegrain design of the 8”, 10”, and 12”
or to have it done professionally. In the case of the former, take LX200, such collimation is absolutely essential for good
great care in handling the optics. Any impact or rough handling performance. Take special care to read and understand this
can damage the surfaces, which may require complete optical section well so that your LX200 will give you the best optical
replacement at Meade Instruments at substantial cost. Meade performance.
Instruments assumes no liability for damage incurred to the NOTE: The 7” LX200 does not require collimation.
telescope by the customer.
For final optical tests, every Meade Schmidt-Cassegrain is
The cleaning techniques described above are used while precisely collimated at the factory before shipment. Our
cleaning the interior of the optical system, with one exception: company is well aware that through shipment and normal
Do not apply cleaning solutions to the front surface handling, the optical alignment can be degraded. The design of
mirrored optics. Only use the soft camel hair brush and the the optical support system make the method of collimation easy
suggested ear syringe for removing particles. The corrector to do. Even the uninitiated can make an alignment of the optics
plate can be cleaned in the normal manner. to the same high precision that is performed at the Meade
To remove the corrector plate, follow the instructions below: Instruments Optical Laboratories.
a. Remove the six (8” and 12” models) or the eight (10” To check the collimation of your LX200, center a bright star that
model) stainless steel screws that hold the corrector plate is overhead, or use a reflected “hot spot” of reflected sunlight
retaining ring with the raised white lettering in place. This from a chrome car bumper or a telephone pole insulator, with
should be done with the Drive Base placed flat on a work the supplied 26mm eyepiece. To make a correct evaluation of
bench, and the optical tube assembly pointed up at a 45- the alignment it helps if the telescope has been allowed to
degree angle with the declination lock secure to prevent either cool down or warm up to the ambient temperature where
accidental dislodging of the corrector plate. the instrument is set up. Temperature differences between the
optics and the outside air can cause distortion in the images.
b. Remove the plastic retaining ring and locate the two white
alignment marks, one at the edge of the corrector plate With the star or hot spot centered, de-focus the image. You will
lens and one beside it on the black metal front cell. These notice that the out of focus star image looks like a ring of light
two marks line up and serve as the precise rotational (the dark center of the ring is the shadow of the secondary
position of the corrector plate in the optical train. If no mirror). Turn the focus knob until the ring of light fills about 1/8th
marks exist, make them yourself with a small paintbrush of the eyepiece field. Take note that if you keep de-focusing the
and some white paint, so that when you return the star past about 1/8th of a field, that the ring will look perfectly
corrector plate to the front cell you are putting it back in concentric (even on all sides) even if the optics are out of
the same position that you took it off. alignment, thus preventing you from seeing any misalignments.
If the ring of light does not seem to be even on all sides, or if
c. Remove the corrector plate from the telescope, holding it
the dark center seems to be offset in the in the ring of light,
by the plastic central secondary housing. Gently flip it over
follow the method below:
so that the secondary mirror is facing you, then reinsert
the corrector plate back into the front cell. This will allow a. To make collimation easy, the only adjustments possible
you full access to clean the interior optical surfaces on the 8”, 10”, and 12” LX200 come from the three set
without touching them with your fingers. screws (1, 2, and 3, Fig.26) located at the edge of the
outer surface of the secondary mirror housing.
d. When cleaning is complete, replace the corrector plate in
it’s original position, carefully lining up the rotational index WARNING: DO NOT FORCE THE 3 COLLIMATION
marks described in paragraph b, above. Then replace the SCREWS PAST THEIR NORMAL TRAVEL AND DO NOT
retainer. Partially thread in all of the stainless steel LOOSEN THEM MORE THAN 2 FULL TURNS
screws, then, one at a time, snug the screws down to (COUNTER-CLOCKWISE DIRECTION), OR THE
prevent the corrector plate from rotating in the front cell. SECONDARY MIRROR MAY COME LOOSE FROM ITS
Take care not to overtighten the screws as it will stress the SUPPORT. YOU WILL FIND THAT THE ADJUSTMENTS
e. A final check of the optical system is to inspect for proper COLLIMATION SCREW 1/2 A TURN WILL GIVE
collimation (alignment) of the optics. DRAMATIC RESULTS.
d. Turn the set screw that you found with the pointing standard 1.0 amp slow-blow fuse (2, Fig. 28). The long-life
exercise while looking in the eyepiece. You will notice that lithium battery (Panasonic CR2032 3 vDC or Duracell
the star image will move across the field. If while turning, DL2032B) is stored behind the front panel of the Drive Base.
the out-of-focus star image flies out of the eyepiece field, The battery does have to be changed every few years, and is
then you are turning the screw the wrong way. Turn the done by unthreading the four phillips-head screws that secure
opposite direction and bring the image to the center of the the Front Panel to the Drive Base. Then with a thin flat-head
field. screw driver, lift the small coin-size battery out of its holder. The
e. If while turning, you feel the screw get very loose, tighten new battery simply slides in place.
the other two screws by even amounts. If while turning, The 1.0 amp slow-blow fuse will sacrifice itself to protect the
the set screw gets too tight, unthread the other two by LX200 electronics in the event that the telescope is prevented
even amounts. from completing a GO TO function (e.g., the tube runs into
f. When you bring the image to center (3, Fig. 27), carefully something that keeps it from slewing).
examine the evenness of the ring of light (concentricity). If
you find that the dark center is still off in the same 1 2
direction, continue to make the adjustment in the original
turning direction. If it is now off in the opposite direction,
you have turned too far and you need to turn in the
opposite direction. Always double check the image in the
center of the field of the eyepiece.
g. You may find after your initial adjustment that the dark
center is off in a new direction (e.g., instead of side-to-
side, it is off in an up-and-down direction). If this is the
case follow steps b through f as described above to find
the new adjustment screw.
Fig. 28: Reverse Side of Power Panel. (1) Fuse; (2) Battery.
h. Now try a higher power (e.g., 9mm or less) eyepiece and
repeat the above tests. Any lack of collimation at this point
will require only very slight adjustments of the 3 set
5. Factory Servicing and Repairs
screws. You now have a good collimation. Meade LX200 models have been designed and manufactured
for years of trouble-free operation and repairs should rarely be
i. As a final check on alignment, examine the star image in- necessary. If a problem does occur, first write or call our
focus with the higher power eyepiece as suggested Customer Service Department. Do not return the telescope
above, under good seeing conditions (e.g., steady until you have communicated with us in this way, since the
atmospheric conditions). The star point should appear as great majority of problems can be handled without the return of
a small central dot (the so-called “Airy disc”) with a the telescope to us. However, should the occasion arise that
diffraction ring surrounding it. To give a final precision the instrument requires factory servicing, a Meade Instruments
collimation, make extremely slight adjustments of the 3 Customer Service Representative will issue a Return Goods
set screws, if necessary, to center the Airy disc in the Authorization (RGA) number and give you full instructions on
diffraction ring. You now have the best alignment of the how to use it. Product returned without the RGA number may
optics possible. greatly delay any servicing or repairs. When telephoning or
writing, please explain the exact nature of the problem so that
3. Right Ascension Lock we may offer a prompt remedial procedure. Be sure to include
After a period of time, it is possible that the R.A. lock (7, Fig. 1) your full name, address, phone and fax numbers where you
of the LX200 will not tighten sufficiently due to internal wear of can be reached.
the clutch mechanism. In such an event, remove the R.A. lock
lever using one of the hex wrenches supplied with the Should you live outside of the United States, contact your
telescope. Then, with a pair of pliers, tighten the shaft Authorized Meade Distributor.
protruding outward from the drive base until you cannot easily You can reach the Meade Instruments Customer Service
rotate the fork arm in R.A. (Take care in this operation not to Department either by mail, phone, or fax at: Meade Instruments
damage the cosmetic finish of your LX200). Replace the R.A. Corporation, 6001 Oak Canyon, Irvine, CA 92620-4205,
lock lever so that the handle points straight out from the cross- telephone (949) 451-1450, or fax (949) 451-1460. Outside of
bar connecting the fork arm. the U.S.A., dial your International Access Code, then 1, then
the ten digit number above in the 949 area code. Customer
4. Behind the Power Panel Service hours are 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Pacific Time, Monday
The LX200 power panel houses the back-up replaceable through Friday.
battery (1, Fig. 28) for the clock and calendar and a replaceable
- 54 -
Remote operation of a computerized telescope has only been
a fanciful dream for most amateur astronomers. The realization
of fully controlling a telescope through a personal computer has Panel
previously been a staggering proposition involving high Connector
monetary cost and expert knowledge of software and
The LX200’s internal software supports the RS-232 interface,
requiring only a serial communication program such as
Procomm. With a serial communication program, you can use
the individual commands from the LX200 Command Set to
simulate keypad control functions of the LX200. Every LX200
command and mode is available to explore the Object Library,
to adjust slewing speeds, or to adjust focus with the optional
#1206 Electric Focuser, just to name a few, with a simple RS-
232 line connection to virtually any computer. 6 3 5 2 4 1
If you are not a professional programmer, but wish to explore
remote operation of the LX200 with your computer, there are Fig. 29: LX200 Modular Connector.
after-market software programs available specifically for the
LX200, including AstroSearch from Meade Instruments Corp.
10 CLS
What follows is a schematic for constructing your own RS-232 20 DEFINT A-X
cable, a program to test the RS-232 communication line called 30 OPEN "COM1:9600,N,8,1,CD0,CS0,DS0,RS," FOR RANDOM
LX200 TEST, the LX200 Command Set, and LX200 DEMO, AS #1
which is a program that you can enter into your computer to 50 key1$ = INKEY$: IF key1$ = "" THEN GO TO 50
access the Object Library, slew to the object, and center the 60 REM KEY1S
image. 70 IF key1$ = CHR$(119) THEN GOSUB 200: REM "w" key
80 IF key1$ = CHR$(101) THEN GOSUB 200: REM "e" key
1. RS-232 Cable 90 IF key1$ = CHR$(110) THEN GOSUB 200: REM "n" key
The input hardware uses a standard 6-line telephone jack 100 IF key1$ = CHR$(115) THEN GOSUB 200: REM "s" key
connector, pre-attached to a 6-conductor flat line telephone 105 IF key1$ = "x" THEN END: REM To exit test.
style cable (of any length, up to 100’ and perhaps even more, 110 GO TO 50
depending on the gauge of the cable). You will also need either 120 END
a 9-pin or 25-pin RS-232 connector, whichever your computer 200 REM directions
uses for the serial port. All of the above items are available at 210 REM west
most electronics hardware stores. 220 IF key1$ = "w" THEN a$ = "#:Mw#": PRINT #1, a$: REM GO west
230 REM east
Fig. 29 shows the LX200 pinouts for the 6-line telephone 240 IF key1$ = "e" THEN a$ = "#:Me#": PRINT #1, a$: REM GO east
connector. The table below shows standard IBM compatible 250 REM north
DB-9 and DB-25 serial port pin outs,** and how they should be 260 IF key1$ = "n" THEN a$ = "#:Mn#": PRINT #1, a$: REM GO north
connected to the LX200 6-line modular connector. 270 REM south:
NOTE: Only 3 wires are required. 280 IF key1$ = "s" THEN a$ = "#:Ms#": PRINT #1, a$: REM GO south
290 key1$ = INKEY$:
2. LX200 Test Program 300 IF key1$ = CHR$(32) THEN GO TO 400 ELSE GO TO 200
Once you have the RS-232 cable constructed you will want to 400 REM This stops motion (by hitting SPACE bar).
test the cable. Below is a simple program called “LX200 TEST” 410 B$ = "#:Qe#": PRINT #1, B$
that is written in GW Basic programming language and will 420 B$ = "#:Qw#": PRINT #1, B$
work with virtually any IBM compatible computer. LX200 TEST 430 B$ = "#:Qn#": PRINT #1, B$
is an effective program to fully check the RS-232 line 440 B$ = "#:Qs#": PRINT #1, B$
communications from your personal computer to the LX200, 450 RETURN
allowing you to concentrate on de-bugging your RS-232 cable. 460 END
To enter the following program, first load BASIC or GWBASIC To use the above program, connect the completed cable to
(whichever your computer system uses), then type in the your PC serial port and to the LX200 RS-232 Port. Load BASIC
following program. When complete, be sure to save the (or GWBASIC), if not already loaded, and run
program as “LX200TST.BAS.” “LX200TST.BAS.” Nothing will appear on the computer screen.
Press any one of the N, S, E, or W (lower case) keys on your
f. Miscellaneous
Command :B+#
- 58 -
4. LX200 Demo Program Please note that Meade Instruments does not support these
The RS-232 interface communicates with your computer at programs, or programs that you may write in any way. For
9600 Baud Rate, Parity = None, 8 Data Bits, 1 Stop Bits. For questions relating to after-market software programs, refer
those who are familiar with programming, the LX200 Command back to those manufacturers.
Set is written in ASKII character format and can be used to Meade does recommend and support our Epoch 2000sk
write your own programs. software package which is fully compatible with the LX200
The LX200 Demo Program on the following pages, is written in telescope (Fig. 30). This program presents on the display of a
Quick Basic and is intended to demonstrate how commands personal computer an incredibly detailed simulation of the
are sent to the telescope and information is received from the entire sky, including up to 281,000 celestial objects
telescope. It is not a “polished” program and does not Epoch 2000 allows the presentation of the most complex
incorporate all of the RS-232 features available. starfields just as they actually appear through the telescope.
The program is set-up to operate on serial port 2 (COM2:). To This software is available for Windows 3.1 or higher, including
operate on serial port 1 (COM1:) line 4 should be changed from Windows 95.
“COM2:” to “COM1:.” The program is as follows:
counter = 0
OPEN "COM2:9600,N,8,1,CD0,CS0,DS0,OP0,RS,TB2048,RB2048" FOR RANDOM AS #1
KEY 1, "GO TO":
ON KEY(1) GOSUB key1
ON KEY(3) GOSUB key3
KEY(11) ON
ON KEY(11) GOSUB key11
KEY(12) ON
ON KEY(12) GOSUB key12
KEY(13) ON
ON KEY(13) GOSUB key13
KEY(14) ON
ON KEY(14) GOSUB key14
GOSUB status
GOSUB key3
GOSUB help
20 GOSUB telpos
50 key$ = INKEY$: IF key$ = "" THEN GO TO 20
- 59 -
IF key$ = CHR$(119) THEN GOSUB senddir: REM a$ = "#:Mw#"
IF key$ = CHR$(101) THEN GOSUB senddir: REM a$ = "#:Me#"
IF key$ = CHR$(110) THEN GOSUB senddir: REM a$ = "#:Mn#"
IF key$ = CHR$(115) THEN GOSUB senddir: REM a$ = "#:Ms#"
IF key$ = "m" THEN GOSUB objects
IF key$ = "t" THEN GOSUB objects
IF key$ = "c" THEN GOSUB objects
IF key$ = "p" THEN GOSUB objects
IF key$ = "x" THEN CLS : END
IF key$ = "r" THEN RUN
GO TO 20
IF key$ = "w" THEN a$ = "#:Mw#": PRINT #1, a$: REM GO TO west
IF key$ = "e" THEN a$ = "#:Me#": PRINT #1, a$: REM GO TO east
IF key$ = "n" THEN a$ = "#:Mn#": PRINT #1, a$: REM GO TO north
IF key$ = "s" THEN a$ = "#:Ms#": PRINT #1, a$: REM GO TO south
GOSUB telpos
key$ = INKEY$:
IF key$ = CHR$(32) THEN GO TO end1 ELSE GO TO senddir
B$ = "#:Qe#": PRINT #1, B$
B$ = "#:Qw#": PRINT #1, B$
B$ = "#:Qn#": PRINT #1, B$
B$ = "#:Qs#": PRINT #1, B$
c$ = "#:GR#": PRINT #1, c$; : d$ = INPUT$(8, 1): RAL$ = LEFT$(d$, 3):
RAM$ = MID$(d$, 4, 4): LOCATE 7, 10: PRINT USING "RA : \\:\ \"; RAL$; RAM$;
c$ = "#:GD#": PRINT #1, c$; : d$ = INPUT$(7, 1): RAL$ = LEFT$(d$, 3):
RAM$ = MID$(d$, 5, 2): LOCATE 8, 10: PRINT "DEC: "; RAL$; CHR$(248); RAM$; "'";
c$ = "#:GA#": PRINT #1, c$; : d$ = INPUT$(7, 1): RAL$ = LEFT$(d$, 3):
RAM$ = MID$(d$, 5, 2): LOCATE 9, 10: PRINT "ALT: "; RAL$; CHR$(248); RAM$; "'";
c$ = "#:GZ#": PRINT #1, c$; : d$ = INPUT$(7, 1): RAL$ = LEFT$(d$, 3):
RAM$ = MID$(d$, 5, 2): LOCATE 10, 10: PRINT "AZ : "; RAL$; CHR$(248); RAM$; "'";
c$ = "#:GS#": PRINT #1, c$; : d$ = INPUT$(9, 1): RAL$ = LEFT$(d$, 2):
RAM$ = MID$(d$, 4, 2): RAR$ = MID$(d$, 7, 2): LOCATE 2, 55:
PRINT USING "Sidereal Time: \\:\\:\\"; RAL$; RAM$; RAR$;
c$ = "#:GL#": PRINT #1, c$; : d$ = INPUT$(9, 1): RAL$ = LEFT$(d$, 2):
RAM$ = MID$(d$, 4, 2): RAR$ = MID$(d$, 7, 2): LOCATE 3, 55:
PRINT USING "Local (24hr) : \\:\\:\\"; RAL$; RAM$; RAR$;
c$ = "#:GG#": PRINT #1, c$; : d$ = INPUT$(4, 1): RAL$ = LEFT$(d$, 3):
LOCATE 3, 25: PRINT USING "GMT Offset: \ \ Hours"; RAL$;
c$ = "#:GC#": PRINT #1, c$; : d$ = INPUT$(9, 1): RAL$ = LEFT$(d$, 2):
RAM$ = MID$(d$, 4, 2): RAR$ = MID$(d$, 7, 2): LOCATE 2, 25:
PRINT USING "Date : \\/\\/\\"; RAL$; RAM$; RAR$;
counter = 1
LOCATE 21, 25
IF key$ = "m" THEN INPUT "Enter Messier number: "; m$: o$ = "#:LM" + m$
IF key$ = "t" THEN INPUT "Enter Star number: "; m$: o$ = "#:LS" + m$
IF key$ = "c" THEN INPUT "Enter CNGC number: "; m$: o$ = "#:LC" + m$
IF key$ = "p" THEN INPUT "Enter Planet number: "; m$: o$ = "#:LS" + m$
o$ = o$ + "#"
PRINT #1, o$
LOCATE 21, 15:
PRINT " ";
PRINT #1, "#:LI#": info$ = INPUT$(33, 1): REM LOCATE 10, 20: PRINT info$;
- 60 -
LOCATE 6, 31: PRINT " O B J E C T I N F O R M A T I O N";
LOCATE 7, 31: PRINT "Object: "; LEFT$(info$, 9);
LOCATE 8, 31: PRINT "Rating: "; MID$(info$, 10, 7);
LOCATE 9, 31: PRINT "Magnitude: "; MID$(info$, 20, 5);
LOCATE 10, 31: PRINT "Size: "; MID$(info$, 27, 6);
IF counter = 0 THEN LOCATE 11, 31: PRINT "RA:"; : LOCATE 12, 31:
PRINT "DEC:"; : LOCATE 7, 60: PRINT "Distance to SLEW"; :
LOCATE 9, 55: PRINT "RA"; : LOCATE 10, 55: PRINT "Dec"; : GO TO scale
c$ = "#:Gr#": PRINT #1, c$; : d$ = INPUT$(8, 1): RAL$ = LEFT$(d$, 2):
RAM$ = MID$(d$, 4, 4): LOCATE 11, 31:
PRINT USING "RA : \\:\ \"; RAL$; RAM$;
c$ = "#:Gd#": PRINT #1, c$; : d$ = INPUT$(7, 1): RAL$ = LEFT$(d$, 3):
RAM$ = MID$(d$, 5, 2): LOCATE 12, 31:
PRINT "DEC: "; RAL$; CHR$(248); RAM$; "'";
rad$ = "": decd$ = ""
c$ = "#:D#": PRINT #1, c$: d$ = INPUT$(33, 1)
FOR i = 1 TO 16
IF ASC(MID$(d$, i, 1)) = 255 THEN rad$ = rad$ + CHR$(254)
FOR i = 17 TO 33
IF ASC(MID$(d$, i, 1)) = 255 THEN decd$ = decd$ + CHR$(254)
LOCATE 7, 59: PRINT " Distance to SLEW ";
LOCATE 8, 59: PRINT "0"; CHR$(248); " 45"; CHR$(248); " 90"; CHR$(248); " 150+"; CHR$(248);
IF counter = 0 THEN RETURN
LOCATE 9, 55: PRINT " "; : LOCATE 9, 55:
PRINT "RA "; rad$;
LOCATE 10, 55: PRINT " "; : LOCATE 10, 55:
PRINT "DEC "; decd$;
c$ = "#:Gt#": PRINT #1, c$; : d$ = INPUT$(7, 1): RAL$ = LEFT$(d$, 3):
RAM$ = MID$(d$, 5, 2): LOCATE 2, 3: PRINT "Lat. : "; RAL$; CHR$ (248); RAM$; "'";
c$ = "#:Gg#": PRINT #1, c$; : d$ = INPUT$(7, 1): RAL$ = LEFT$(d$, 3):
RAM$ = MID$(d$, 5, 2): LOCATE 3, 3: PRINT "Long.: "; RAL$; CHR$ (248); RAM$; "'";
BOXSTX = 2: BOXSTY = 3: BOXWIDE = 10: boxtall = 5: GOSUB drawbox
PRINT #1, "#:MS#"
error1$ = INPUT$(1, 1)
IF error1$ = "1" OR error1$ = "2" THEN error2$ = INPUT$(33, 1) ELSE RETURN
LOCATE 22, 20: PRINT error2$
GOSUB clearscr
PRINT #1, "#:CM#"
sync$ = INPUT$(33, 1)
LOCATE 22, 20: PRINT sync$;
FOR i = 1 TO 30000: NEXT i: FOR i = 1 TO 30000: NEXT i: FOR i = 1 TO 30000: NEXT i:
FOR i = 1 TO 30000: NEXT i: FOR i = 1 TO 30000: NEXT i: FOR i = 1 TO 30000: NEXT i:
LOCATE 22, 20: PRINT " ";
PRINT #1, "#:RS#"
LOCATE 24, 18: PRINT CHR$(219); CHR$(178); CHR$(176); CHR$(176); CHR$(178); CHR$(219);
PRINT #1, "#:RM#:"
LOCATE 24, 1: PRINT " ";
LOCATE 24, 26: PRINT CHR$(219); CHR$(178); CHR$(176); CHR$(176); CHR$(178); CHR$(219);
- 61 -
PRINT #1, "#:RC#"
LOCATE 24, 34: PRINT CHR$(219); CHR$(178); CHR$(176); CHR$(176); CHR$(178); CHR$(219);
PRINT #1, "#:RG#"
LOCATE 24, 42: PRINT CHR$(219); CHR$(178); CHR$(176); CHR$(176); CHR$(178); CHR$(219);
key$ = "n"
GOSUB north
key$ = "w"
GOSUB west
key$ = "e"
GOSUB east
key$ = "s"
GOSUB south
REM BOX$ = CHR$(201)
LOCATE 14, 10: PRINT "E W N S keys move telescope. SPACE BAR stops.";
LOCATE 15, 10: PRINT "M key to enter Messier object.";
LOCATE 16, 10: PRINT "T key to enter sTar.";
LOCATE 17, 10: PRINT "P key to enter Planet (900 + orbit #).";
LOCATE 18, 10: PRINT "C key to enter Cngc object.";
LOCATE 19, 10: PRINT "X to End program.";
- 62 -
Telescope 7" LX200 f/15 8" LX200 f/6.3 10" LX200 f/6.3
Optical Design Maksutov-Cassegrain Schmidt-Cassegrain Schmidt-Cassegrain
Catadioptric Catadioptric Catadioptric
Clear Aperture 178mm (7") 203mm (8") 254mm (10")
Primary Mirror Diameter 194mm (7.625") 209.6mm (8.25) 263.5mm (10.375)
Focal Length 2670mm (105") 1280mm (50.4") 1600mm (63")
Focal Ratio f/15 f/6.3 f/6.3
Resolution .64 arc sec. .56 arc sec .45 arc sec
Super Multi-Coatings standard Standard Standard
Limiting Visual Magnitude (approx) 13.5 14.0 14.5
Limiting Photographic Magnitude (approx) 16.0 16.5 17.0
Image Scale (°/inch) .55°/inch 1.14°/inch 0.91°/inch
Maximum Practical Visual Power 450X 500X 625X
Near Focus 50' 25' 50'
Optical Tube Size 9.1" Dia. x 19" Long 9.1" Dia. x 16" Long 11.75" Dia. x 22" Long
Secondary Mirror Obstruction 2.5" (12.8%) 3.45" (18.6%) 4.0" (16.0%)
Telescope Mounting Heavy-Duty Fork-Type Heavy-Duty Fork-Type Heavy-Duty Fork-Type
Double Tine Double Tine Double Tine
Setting Circle Diameters Dec.: 6"; R.A.: 8.75" Dec.: 6"; R.A.: 8.75" Dec.: 6"; R.A.: 8.75"
RA Motor Drive System 9-speed, microprocessor 9-speed, microprocessor 9-speed, microprocessor
controlled 12v. DC servo controlled 12v. DC servo controlled 12v. DC servo
motor; 5.75" worm gear motor; 5.75" worm gear motor; 5.75" worm gear
with Smart Drive with Smart Drive with Smart Drive
Hemispheres of Operation North and South - North and South - North and South -
switchable switchable switchable
Declination Control System 9-speed, DC servo 9-speed, DC servo 9-speed, DC servo
controlled 5.75" worm gear controlled 5.75" worm gear controlled 5.75" worm gear
with Dec drift software with Dec drift software with Dec drift software
Motor Drive Gear Diameter 5-3/4" Worm Gear 5-3/4" Worm Gear 5-3/4" Worm Gear
Manual Slow-Motion Controls Dec. and R.A. Dec. and R.A. Dec. and R.A.
Hand Controller Motorola 68HC05 Motorola 68HC05 Motorola 68HC05
microcontroller; 2 line x 16 microcontroller; 2 line x 16 microcontroller; 2 line x 16
alphanumeric character alphanumeric character alphanumeric character
display; 19 button keypad, display; 19 button keypad, display; 19 button keypad,
red LED backlit red LED backlit red LED backlit
Main Controller 16 MHz 68000 16 MHz 68000 16 MHz 68000
microprocessor; 1 Meg microprocessor; 1 Meg microprocessor; 1 Meg
program memory program memory program memory
16K RAM; 512 byte 16K RAM; 512 byte 16K RAM; 512 byte
non-volatile memory non-volatile memory non-volatile memory
Telescope Size, Swung Down 9.25" x 16" x 32.5" 9.25" x 16" x 25" 12" x 19" x 31"
35mm Angular Film Coverage 0.74° x 0.52° 1.55° x 1.08° 1.24° x 0.86°
35mm Linear Film Coverage @:
50" 4.7" x 6.6" 9.7" x 13.6" 7.75" x 10.9"
500" 4.6' x 6.5' 9.4' x 13.3' 7.5' x 10.7'
3000" 27.4' x 38.9' 56.3' x 79.7' 45.0' x 63.8'
Tele-Extender Used Without Eyepiece @:
50' 4.4" x 6.5" 9.1" x 13.3" 7.3" x 10.6"
500' 4.2' x 5.5' 7.7' x 14.1' 6.1' x 9.0'
3000' 24' x 34' 48' x 70' 39' x 56'
Net Telescope Weights (approx)
Telescope 45# 37# 61#
Optional Equatorial Wedge 7# 7# N/A
Optional Super Wedge N/A N/A 26#
Field Tripod 20# 20# 20#
Accessories 8# 8# 8#
Shipping Weights (approx)
Telescope 65# 64# (w/ case) 69#
Equatorial Wedge (optional) 9# 9# N/A
Super Wedge (optional) N/A N/A 38#
Field Tripod 26# 26# 26#
Case (for 10" models) N/A N/A
Accessories 5# 5# 5#
- 63 -
Telescope 8" LX200 f/10 10" LX200 f/10 12" LX200 f/10
Optical Design Schmidt-Cassegrain Schmidt-Cassegrain Schmidt-Cassegrain
Catadioptric Catadioptric Catadioptric
Clear Aperture 203mm (8") 254mm (10") 305mm (12")
Primary Mirror Diameter 209.6mm (8.25) 263.5mm (10.375) 314.3mm (12.375")
Focal Length 2000mm (80") 2500mm (100") 3048mm (120")
Focal Ratio f/10 f/10 f/10
Resolution .56 arc sec .45 arc sec .375 arc sec
Super Multi-Coatings Standard Standard Standard
Limiting Visual Magnitude (approx) 14.0 14.5 15.0
Limiting Photographic Magnitude (approx) 16.5 17.0 17.5
Image Scale (°/inch) 0.72°/inch 0.57°/inch 0.48°/inch
Maximum Practical Visual Power 500X 625X 750X
Near Focus 25' 50' 75'
Optical Tube Size 9.1" Dia. x 16" Long 11.75" Dia. x 22" Long 13.6" Dia. x 25" Long
Secondary Mirror Obstruction 3.0" (14.1%) 3.7" (13.7%) 4.0" (11.1%)
Telescope Mounting Heavy-Duty Fork-Type Heavy-Duty Fork-Type Heavy-Duty Fork-Type
Double Tine Double Tine Double Tine
Setting Circle Diameters Dec.: 6"; R.A.: 8.75" Dec.: 6"; R.A.: 8.75" Dec.: 6"; R.A.: 8.75"
RA Motor Drive System 9-speed, microprocessor 9-speed, microprocessor 9-Speed, microprocessor
controlled 12v. DC servo controlled 12v. DC servo controlled 12v. DC servo
motor; 5.75" worm gear motor; 5.75" worm gear motor; 5.75" worm gear
with Smart Drive with Smart Drive with Smart Drive
Hemispheres of Operation North and South - North and South - North and South -
switchable switchable switchable
Declination Control System 9-speed, DC servo 9-speed, DC servo 9-speed, DC servo
controlled 5.75" worm gear controlled 5.75" worm gear controlled 5.75" worm gear
with Dec drift software with Dec drift software with Dec drift software
Motor Drive Gear Diameter 5-3/4" Worm Gear 5-3/4" Worm Gear 5-3/4" Worm Gear
Manual Slow-Motion Controls Dec. and R.A. Dec. and R.A. Dec. and R.A.
Hand Controller Motorola 68HC05 Motorola 68HC05 Motorola 68HC05
microcontroller; 2 line x 16 microcontroller; 2 line x 16 microcontroller; 2 line x 16
alphanumeric character alphanumeric character alphanumeric character
display; 19 button keypad, display; 19 button keypad, display; 19 button keypad,
red LED backlit red LED backlit red LED backlit
Main Controller 16 MHz 68000 16 MHz 68000 16 MHz 68000
microprocessor; 1 Meg microprocessor; 1 Meg microprocessor; 1 Meg
program memory program memory program memory
16K RAM; 512 byte 16K RAM; 512 byte 16K RAM; 512 byte
non-volatile memory non-volatile memory non-volatile memory
Telescope Size, Swung Down 9.25" x 16" x 25" 12" x 19" x 31" 15" x 20" x 37"
35mm Angular Film Coverage 0.97° x 0.68° 0.78° x 0.54° 0.65° x 0.45°
35mm Linear Film Coverage @:
50" 6.2" x 8.7" 5.0" x 7.0" 4.1" x 5.8"
500" 6.0' x 8.5' 4.8' x 6.8' 4.0' x 5.7'
3000" 36.0' x 51.0' 28.8' x 40.8' 24.0' x 34.0'
Tele-Extender Used Without Eyepiece @:
50' 6.8" x 8.5" 4.6" x 6.8" 3.5" x 5.7"
500' 4.9' x 7.2' 4.0' x 5.8' 3.3' x 4.8'
3000' 31' x 45' 25' x 36' 21' x 30'
Net Telescope Weights (approx)
Telescope 37# 61# 70#
Optional Equatorial Wedge 7# N/A N/A
Optional Super Wedge N/A 26# 26#
Field Tripod 20# 20# 50#
Accessories 8# 8# 8#
Shipping Weights (approx)
Telescope 64# (w/ case) 69# 95# (w/ case)
Equatorial Wedge (optional) 9# N/A N/A
Super Wedge (optional) N/A 38# 38#
Field Tripod 26# 26# 57#
Case (for 10" models) 30# 30# N/A
Accessories 5# 5# 10#
Every Meade telescope, spotting scope, and telescope accessory is warranted by Meade Instruments Corporation (“Meade”)
to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of ONE YEAR from the date of original purchase in the U.S.A.
and Canada. Meade will repair or replace a product, or part thereof, found by Meade to be defective, provided the defective
part is returned to Meade, freight-prepaid, with proof of purchase. This warranty applies to the original purchaser only and is
non-transferable. Meade products purchased outside North America are not included in this warranty, but are covered under
separate warranties issued by Meade international distributors.
RGA Number Required: Prior to the return of any product or part, a Return Goods Authorization (RGA) number must be
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detailing the nature of the claimed defect, as well as the owner’s name, address, and phone number.
This warranty is not valid in cases where the product has been abused or mishandled, where unauthorized repairs have been
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special, indirect, or consequential damages or lost profit which may result from a breach of this warranty. Any implied
warranties which can not be disclaimed are hereby limited to a term of one year from the date of original retail purchase.
This warranty gives you specific rights. You may have other rights which vary from state to state.
Meade reserves the right to change product specifications or to discontinue products without notice.