The Cross Chart: The Paradox of Christian Growth

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The Cross Chart illustrates the Luke 7:47 principle - that He who is forgiven much loves much, but

he who is forgiven little, loves little.



I get glimpses
(narrow beam)
I see more of
God's holiness
and my sin...
But, I refuse to deal
with what
I see...
through the
Spirit's gracious
work, I believe
the Gospel afresh,
repent of my
hardness of heart,
and enter into my
new identity in
The Cross Chart
The Paradox of Christian Growth
eople tell me Im growing in grace, but I dont
feel Im any betterespecially when I consider
my thought life (envy, lust, jealousy, greed, a critical
spirit, the lot). The truth is, I need the Holy Spirits
power now more than ever. Thats the paradox. I
know Im stronger than when I was a new Christian,
but I feel weaker. Perhaps thats the point. Its just
as Paul said: weaker is stronger! (1Cor. 15:9)
THE POINT? Spiritual growth comes as I see my sin, admit it, and let the Cross grow in my life. The power to change flows from this faith-action of focusing on my identity in Christ.
Concept by Richard Lovelace (Renewal as a Way of Life, IVP, page 162); Paul Miller (Sonship WHM 1988); John Wade Long, Jr. (SONSHIP for Africa 2003 Nairobi & Grace4Life 2009 London).
My Physical Birth
Luke 7:47
Seeing myself
as a Big
Sinner leads
to BIG love.
Seeing myself
as a little
sinner leads
to little love.
My sinfulness
(grey area below the centre line)
The shading below represents my inability
or unwillingness to see my sin. I walk in
darkness. (1John 1:6ff)
The absolute holiness of God
(grey area above the centre line)
The shading above indicates that I cannot
see Gods holinessor the standard of love
to which I am called. Thus, I am not undone
by as was Isaiah. (Isa. 6:1-5)
as I repent, take
my sins to Jesus
for cleansing, walk
in the light, and so
am empowered by
the Spirit to sin
less and love more.
as I see more sin
(my failure to love
God and others),
and my need to
repent. (Isa. 6:5;
Rom. 7:24)
he chart explained: Before I knew Christ, I was in the dark concering Gods holiness and the magnitude
of my sin (the solid grey area on the left). The new birth changed all that. As a babe in Christ, two things
began to dawn on methe absolute holiness of God, and the ugliness of my sinespecially in light of the new
life of love to which God was calling me. But, when I made a mess of it, I would repent, look in faith to Jesus,
and trust in his righteousness to bridge the gap between what I should be and what I was (the small cross).
Even today, the battle is in the choosing. Every time Im exposed as a sinner, Im faced with a choice.
1. I can try to save face by lowering the standard, rationalising, fiddling the books, shifting the blame, or
otherwise making excuses for my shortcomings (inserting wedges). At this point, my growth will plateau.
2. Or, in repentant faith, I can bridge the gap by running to Jesus with my sinlet the Cross grow (see the
large cross). There is no power in the discovery of sin. New life comes as I work the Gospeli.e. as I take my
sin to Jesus, rest in my new identity in him, and rely on the Holy Spirit to produce his fruit in me (Gal. 5:22).
READ & DISCUSS Luke 7:36-47 - With which character do you identify - Jesus, Simon, or the woman?
I lower the standard of perfect love.
I insert the Surely God cant be serious!
wedge. e.g. Peter in Matt.18:21
I cook the books.
I insert the Surely I am not that big a
sinner! wedge. e.g. Aaron in Ex.32:24
I am loved,
in by God!
I become
a Christian
My New Birth
The Gospel
Light Dawns
My New Identity
in Christ
Cheap Grace
I parrot Gospel words,
but I am not being
changed by the Gospel.
as I see Gods
holiness and the
purity of his
perfect law of
love (Isa.6:1-4;

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