Ch01 Case2 Q

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Short Case

The Henry Ford of ophthalmology

High-volume operations can be found in some surprising places even surgery.
Not all surgery conforms to our preconceptions of the individual super-
craftsperson, aided by his or her back-up team, performing the whole operation
from first incision to final stitch. any surgical procedures are, in fact, fairly
routine. !here can be few e"amples, however, of surgery being made #uite as
routine as in the $ussian clinics of eye surgeon, %vyatoslav &yodorov.
He has been called the Henry &ord of ophthalmology, and his methods are
indeed closer to the automobile assembly plant than the conventional operating
theatre. !he surgical procedure in which he speciali'es is a revolutionary
treatment for myopia (short-sightedness) called radial keratotomy. *n the
treatment the curvature of the cornea is corrected surgically still a controversial
procedure among some in the profession, but very successful for &yodorov. &rom
his oscow head#uarters he controls nine clinics throughout $ussia.
!he source of his fame is not the treatment as such other eye surgeons
around the world perform similar procedures but the way he organi'es the
business of the surgery itself. +ight patients lie on moving tables arranged like the
spokes of a wheel around its central a"is, with only their eyes uncovered. %i"
surgeons, each with his or her station, are positioned around the rim of the
wheel so that they can access the patients eyes. ,fter the surgeons have
completed their own particular portion of the whole procedure, the wheel inde"es
round to take patients to the ne"t stage of their treatment. !he surgeons check to
make sure that the previous stage of the operation was performed correctly and
then go on to perform their own task. +ach surgeons activity is monitored on !-
screens overhead and the surgeons talk to each other through miniature
microphones and headsets.
!he result of this mass production approach to surgery according to &yodorov
is not only far cheaper unit costs (he and his staff are paid for each patient
treated, so they are all e"ceptionally wealthy as a result) but also a better success
rate than that obtained in conventional surgery.
1 .ompare this approach to eye surgery with a more conventional approach.
2 /hat do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of this approach
to eye surgery0
Chapter1/boxes/opthalmology 1

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