The Sociological Jurisprudence of Roscoe Pound (Part I)
The Sociological Jurisprudence of Roscoe Pound (Part I)
The Sociological Jurisprudence of Roscoe Pound (Part I)
Issue 1 Article 1
Te Sociological Jurisprudence of Roscoe Pound
(Part I)
James A. Gardner
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James A. Gardner, Te Sociological Jurisprudence of Roscoe Pound (Part I), 7 Vill. L. Rev. 1 (1961).
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Villanova Law Review
(PART I)tt
"A desire for an ideal relation among men which we
call justice leads to thinking in terms of an achieved
ideal relation rather than of means of. achieving it."*
W ITH THE RISE OF MODERN SCIENCE, there came to exist
among jurists an apparent unanimity of belief in the possibility of
applying "the scientific method" to the study of law and legal phi-
losophy. Under the influence of the Comtian positivist sociology, there
developed a sociological jurisprudence having in view the understanding
of the role of law in society and the application of the social sciences
to the study of law in action and the rendering of law more effective as
an instrument of social control for the ends which law is designed
to accomplish in the civilization of the time and place.
As the recognized leader of the sociological school in America for
more than half a century, Roscoe Pound has devoted his efforts to
this work. Through his vast legal studies, excursions into legal his-
t This article is a rewritten and enlarged version of a paper prepared for
Professor Harry W. Jones's Graduate Seminar in Legal Philosophy, Columbia Uni-
versity, 1957-1958. Because of space limitations and structural organization, this
article does not consider Dean Pound's five volume treatise nor his single important
volume on the Ideal Element in Law.
tt Part II, a critique of Pound's jurisprudence, will appear in Volume VII,
Number 2.
ttt Member of the Bar of California (Fresno) and the Bar of Illinois; formerly
Assistant Professor of Law, Chicago-Kent College of Law; Harlan F. Stone
Fellow, Columbia University, School of Law, 1957-1958; LL.B. 1948, Harvard
University; LL.M. 1958, Columbia University, School of Law.
*POUND, Niew PATHS OF THs LAW 26 (1950).
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tory, mastery and application of pbilosophy to law, and his research
into case law for purposes of understanding how law is actually
functioning, Dean Pound has made tremendous strides toward the
accomplishment of this objective. In addition to these efforts, Pound
has contributed a "theory of interests" which he believes to be the
most effective instrument yet devised for the scientific development
and application of law. A brief consideration of Pound's theory of
interests in the context of sociological jurisprudence is the subject of
this article.
The forerunner of sociological jurisprudence was Montesquieu,
who was the first to apply the-fundamental principle which sociological
jurists assume. In L'Esprit des Lois, he expounded the thesis that a
system of law is a living growth and development interrelated with
the physical and societal environment.
The great impetus to the movement in modern times was fur-
nished by Rudolph von Jhering, who revolted against the jurispru-
dence of conceptions of the historical-metaphysical school. Whereas
juristic activity was centered around speculation as to the nature of
law, Jhering emphasized consideration of the function and end of law.
He stressed the social purpose of law and insisted that law should be
brought into harmony with changing social conditions. His thesis
was that the protection of individual rights is dictated by social con-
siderations only. What are termed "natural rights" are nothing more
than legally protected social interests. The individual's welfare is not
an end in itself but is recognized only insofar as it aids in securing the
welfare of society.
The basic ideas of Jhering, called social utilitarianism, stand as
a link between Bentham's individual utilitarianism and two im-
portant movements of the twentieth century; the "jurisprudence of
interests" in Germany and the sociological jurisprudence of Roscoe
Pound. While writing his great treatise, the Spirit of the Roman Law,
Jhering reached the position that a legal right is a legally protected
interest. This led him to search for the purpose of law and to con-
clude that purpose is the creator of all law, that every rule of law
owes its origin to some practical motive. Every act is an act done for
a purpose. Thus, while he held the human will to be free from me-
chanical causation, he concluded that it is subjected to the law of
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purpose, that is, it acts "because of" reasons (interests). Interests
become the basic ingredient of his system.
Jhering treats law in the broad context of society. The purpose
of law is to secure the conditions of social life, and this determines
the content of law. The conditions of social life include both physical
existence and ideal values, but these are relative to the social order
of the time and place. He developed an inchoate scheme of interests
and designated them as individual, state, and public, the last two of
which he tended to treat as one. However, he did not develop a
successful means of "evaluation" of the interests as against each other.
Jhering thoroughly subordinates individual interests to social inter-
ests, holding that the duty to assert one's individual interest is a
duty owed to society, even when in a material sense it would not pay
to do so. Thus, individual rights regarded from the socialized point of
view are but a means for society to realize its social ends. Unlike
Bentham, Jhering recognized altruistic interests as well as egoistic
interests, but he gave little consideration to the former. He recognized
the beneficial interests to society which comes from an individual's
acting to vindicate his personal interests, however. Jhering's scheme
has been criticized for lack of a reasonably objective criterion for
selection and evaluation of interests. His ideas were to have a great
influence on the thought of Roscoe Pound.'
Rudolph Stammler began his critical philosophy with an attack
upon economic and historic determinism. He sought a systematic
coordination of the various phenomena under a comprehensive princi-
ple, a formal method by which the changing content of empirical rules
might be worked out. Stammler focused his attention on the
relation of ethics to law rather than administration of justice by
legal rules. Under his scheme, the jurist is confronted with a two-
fold problem: the existence of a rule of right and law; and the mode of
effectively executing such a law. It is the duty of the state to study
social phenomena and to use its findings for the attainment of just law.
This functional sociological approach is Stammler's greatest achieve-
ment. He set up the social ideal as the goal of justice through law.
Whereas Kant had looked to free-willing individuals, Stammler looked
to a community of free-willing men. He conceived of an ideal of
social cooperation, whereby the individual is merged in the community.
1. Jhering's principle work is DER ZWxCK IM RgCHT, translated in English
as LAW AS A MEANS TO AN END (Husik transl. 1913). Good short accounts of
Jhering's philosophy are found in the following sources: FRIZDMANN, LEGAL THEoRY
213-217 (2d ed. 1949); PATTERSON, JURISPRUDENcz 459-464 (1953); RsuscHLEiN,
299-316 (2d ed. 1950).
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Then, putting emphasis on individual ends rather than individual
wills, he arrived at a theory of justice. He sought to supplant an
individualist philosophy with a social philosophy of law and to add a
theory of just rule-making and just decision in concrete cases. With
his airis the sociological jurist must be in thorough accord.
Stammler considered the universal element in every rule to be
the adjustment between the individual purposes and the unitary pur-
poses of society. Since the latter are ideal purposes, it is impossible to
apply the conception of harmonizing them to any particular time and
place.' Thus, he deduces them a priori from a harmonious synthesis,
which he terms the "Social Ideal," to form "Principles of Just Law,"
equally void of empirical content and impossible of application to
concrete problems. These ideological constructs are the ultimate basis
for discriminating just law from unjust law. Stammler posits his
community as an ideal abstract one, which he terms a "special com-
munity," one where this harmonizing of conflicting purposes could
ideally take place according to principles drawn from pure reason.
Thus the "Principles of Just Law," free of all empirical content, are
in direct contrast to the jural postulates of Roscoe Pound.'
Joseph Kohler's great postulate was that law is relative to the
civilization of the time and place. He denied any universal body of
legal rules or institutions but insisted on the universal idea of civiliza-
tion. The mission of law is the advancement of civilization through
the forcible ordering of society. Law is relative to civilization.
Changing with changed conditions, it is a means to and a product
of civilization, which means the social development of human powers
to their highest unfolding. Kohler believed that the idea of civilization
pervades an aggregate of individuals as a deterministically active force
for its advancement. Thus the evolution of civilization toward a higher
state is inevitable. The two-fold purpose of law is to maintain the
existing values of civilization and to carry forward human develop-
ment; therefore law must adapt itself to the tasks of the time and place
to perform its proper function of furthering this ideal. But this can
only be done by the formulation of the jural ideals of the time and
place. How else could lawmakers and judges be guided in their day to
day work? These jural postulates are not rules but are ideas of right
which are to be made effective through legal precepts and institutions.
2. The best known of his juridical ideas is his conception of "natural law with a
changing content."
3. Stammler's principle work in English is Dix LHaz vOm RICHTIGEN RZCHT',
translated as THEORY Ol' JUSTIcE (Husik transl. 1925). Good short accounts of
his philosophy are found in the following texts: FRIEDMANN, op. cit. supra note 1, at
93-100; PATTERSON, op. cit. supra note 1, at 389-95; REUSCnLIN, op. cit. supra note
1. at 113-17; STONE, op. cit. supra note 1, at 317-27, 357-59.
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The jurist's function is to formulate these jural postulates for the
civilization of the time and place by observation of the phenomena of
a given society and objective synthesis of the principles concerning
human conduct which such society presupposes. Under the guidance of
these jural postulates, the legislators and judges are to formulate and
shape the development of the law. While Kohler recognizes the weak-
ness of abstract logical propositions, he is never definite as to the
nature of the phenomena from which the postulates are to be drawn.
Dean Pound was considerably influenced by the Comtian sociolo-
gist Lester F. Ward. Ward's description of animated nature as
burning with desires and desire itself as the dynamic agent in society
furnished a foundation for a theory of interests. Ward's phrase "the
efficacy of effort" was taken over by Pound as indicative of the en-
deavor which men should make to master internal and external
The influence of William James and pragmatism, however, is
more specifically avowed. It was from James and pragmatism that
Pound derived the ethical and philosophical basis for his theory of
interests.' Therefore, some consideration should be given to James's
ethical ideas.
In seeking for an ethical philosophy, James considers three ques-
tions: the psychological question, which involves the historical origin
of our moral ideas and judgments; the metaphysical question, which
asks as to the meaning of such terms as "good," "ill," and "obligation";
and the casuistic question, which inquires as to the measure of the good
which man recognizes.'
In considering the psychological question, James believes that
our values cannot be said to be derived wholly from Bentham's plea-
sure-pain principle, though this is important. The difficulty is that it
is impossible to explain all of our sentiments and preferences in this
The more minutely psychology studies human nature, the more
clearly it finds there traces of secondary affections, relating the
4. Kohler's principle work in English is LEHRBUCH DER RECHS PHILOSOPHIE,
translated as PHILOSOPHY Or LAW (Albrecht transl. 1914). Good short accounts of
his philosophy are found in the following texts: FRIEDMANN, op. cit. supra note 1,
at 139-40; RtUSCHLEIN, Op. cit. supra note 1, at 117-20; STONE, op. cit. supra note 1,
at 331-40. And see: POUND, INTXRPRgrATIONS O LEGAL HISTORY, 141-151 (1923)
(hereinafter cited as INTERPRETATIONS).
5. Ward's main theses are contained in four works: DYNAMIC SOCIOLOGY (1883);
SOCIOLOGY (1911). See RAUSCHLZIN, op. cit. supra note 1, at 127; STONE, Op. Cit.
supra note 1, at 403.
7. James, The Moral Philosopher and ,the Moral Life, in THE WILL TO B IEV
AND OTHER ESSAYS 184, 185 (1896). The following discussion is taken from the
same source at 185-210.
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impressions of the environment with one another and with our
impulses in quite different ways from those mere associations of
co-existence and succession which are practically all that pure
can admit.
Thus it follows that a vast number of our perceptions are of "this
secondary and brain-born kind." "They deal with directly felt fitnesses
between things, and often fly in the teeth of all the prepossessions of
habit and presumptions of utility." These include the higher feelings,
spiritual values and ideals - all the "subtleties of the moral sensi-
bility" which go beyond the laws of associations.
Considering the meaning of the terms "good," "ill," and "obliga-
tion," James reasons that these words can have no meaning in a
merely material universe, where no sentient life exists." They take on
meaning only in relation to the consciousness of sentient beings. When
one sentient being comes into existence, there is a chance for good
and evil to exist. "Moral relations now have their status in that being's
consciousness. So far as he feels anything to be good, he makes it
good." Being good for him, it is "absolutely good," "for he is the
sole creator of values in that universe, and outside of his opinion
things have no moral character at all."" If there are two individuals
in this universe, you cannot find any ground for saying the opinion of
one is more correct than that of the other or that either has the
"truer moral sense." Such a world is a "moral dualism," and if there
are many such persons, a "pluralism." The philosopher, therefore, to
obtain a hierarchial scheme of values "must trace the ought itself to
the de facto constitution of some existing consciousness, behind which,
as one of the data of the universe, he as a purely ethical philosopher is
unable to go." Such consciousness must make right and wrong such
by feeling it to be so. If one thinker were divine, the others (human)
would accept him as a model, but even here the question would remain
as to the ground of the obligation. James concludes that:
the moment we take a steady look at the question, we see not
only that without a claim actually made by some concrete person
there can be no obligation, but that there is some obligation
wherever there is a claim. Claim and obligation are, in fact,
co-extensive terms; they cover each other exactly.'
James denies that there is some "validity" outside of a "claim's mere
existence as a matter of fact" which gives to it an obligatory charac-
8. Id. at 186.
9. Id. at 187-88.
10. Id. at 189.
11. Ibid.
12. Id. at 194.
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ter. He does not believe there can be "such an inorganic abstract
character of imperativeness" outside the "imperativeness which is in
the concrete claim itself."'"
Take any demand, however slight, which any creature, how-
ever weak, may make. Ought it not, for its own sole sake, to be
satisfied? If not, prove why not. The only possible kind of proof
you could adduce would be the exhibition of another creature who
should make a demand that ran the other way. The only possible
reason there can be why any phenomena ought to exist is that
such a phenomenon actually is desired. Any desire is imperative to
the extent of its amount; it makes itself valid by the fact that it
at all.'
He therefore concludes that the words "good," "bad," and "obligation"
have "no absolute natures, independent of personal support." They
are objects of desire, which have no anchorage in Being, apart from the
existence of living minds.
In seeking for a measure of values, James decides that it is those
types of things which contain the most essence of good in its various
forms. He concludes that this is demand, that the essence of good
is demand.
The best, on the whole, of those marks and measures of goodness
seems to be the capacity to bring happiness. But in order not to
break down fatally, this test must be taken to cover innumerable
acts and impulses that never aim at happiness; so that, after all,
in seeking for a universal principle we inevitably are carried
onward to the most universal principle, - that the essence of good
is simply to satisfy demand. The demand may be for anything
under the sun. There is really no more ground for supposing
that all our demands can be accounted for by one universal under-
lying kind of motive than there is ground for supposing that all
physical phenomena are cases of a single law .... 0
But all demands cannot be satisfied because "this world is vastly
narrower than all that is demanded." There is competition for goods and
there are alternatives to be chosen. "Every end of desire that presents
itself appears exclusive of some other end of desire." Then, there must
be some basis of selection. But the philosopher cannot be objective and
rule out any ideal. If he is to keep his judicial position, he must never
become a party to the fray. Then, what can he do? Is there any way
13. Id. at 195.
14. Ibid.
15. Id. at 197.
16. Id. at 201.
17. Id. at 202.
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Since everything which is demanded is by that fact a good,
must not the guiding principle for ethical philosophy (since all
demands conjointly cannot be satisfied in this poor world) be
simply to satisfy at all times as many demands as we can? That
act must be the best act, accordingly, which makes for the best
whole, in the sense of awakening the least sum of dissatisfactions.
In the casuistic scale, therefore, those ideals must be written
highest which prevail at the least cost, or by whose realization the
least possible number of other ideals are destroyed .... 1I
"The course of history," says James, "is nothing but the story of men's
struggles from generation to generation to find the more and more
inclusive order." For this reason, James finds, society has already made
a better casuistic scale for the philosopher than he can ever make for
An experiment of the most searching kind has proved that, the
laws and usages of the law are what yield the maximum of satis-
faction to the thinkers taken all together. The presumption in
cases of conflict must always be in favor of the conventionally
recognized good. The philosopher must be a conservative, and in
the construction of his casuistic scale must put the things most in
accordance with the customs of the community on top.
There can be no ultimate test as to which claims are to be preferred
except through experience.
2 1
One will vote always for "the richer uni-
verse," for the good which seems "most apt to be a member of the
more inclusive whole." Which this is he cannot know in advance; "he
only knows that if he makes a bad mistake the cries of the wounded
will soon inform him of the fact." He must therefore act tentatively
rather than dogmatically, and his treatises on ethics can never be
on this philosophy
of James, that the essence of
good is to satisfy demand, Pound has stated that this seems to him to
be the problem of the legal order, to satisfy the most demands with
the least friction and waste.
This thesis is central to Pound's theory
of justice, and James's pragmatism was most influential in Pound's
formative years.
18. Id. at 205.
19. Id. at 205-06.
20. Id. at 206.
21. Id. at 209-10.
22. Id. at 210.
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Sociological jurisprudence is not, strictly speaking, a legal phi-
losophy. Rather, it is a method which attempts to use the various
social sciences to study the role of the law as a living force in society
and seeks to control this force for the social betterment. It has ex-
perienced an evolution through a mechanical positivist stage, a biologi-
cal and a psychological stage, and is now well into the stage of uni-
fication. Its attitude is essentially functional. Law is an instrument of
social control, backed by the authority of the state, and the ends
towards which it is directed and the methods for achieving these ends
may be enlarged and improved through a consciously deliberate effort.
The sanction of law lies in social ends which law is designed to serve.
The sociological jurist has no preference for any particular type of
precept but only for that which will do the most effective job. In
philosophy he is generally a pragmatist. He is interested in the nature
of law but only with reference to its use as a tool to serve society, and
his examination into the law is always in connection with some
specific problem of the everyday work of the legal order. Stated more
The sociological jurists propose to study law in action on the
basis of the hypothesis that the law in action bears some signifi-
cant relationship to law in the books, and to proceed then to
ascertain in what respects the hypothesis is or is not substantiated
and requires
Dean Pound came upon the field in 1909, with a cry for reform
through the study of law in action
and became the recognized leader
of the American school with the systematic statement of his philosophy
two years later.
He has continuously maintained this position since
that time.
Pound defines jurisprudence as the science of law. But this is
more than an organizing of a body of legal precepts. There are
three things to consider: the administration of justice, the legal order,
and law. The first is clearly enough a process, but it is not the simple
mechanical process which the last century wished it to be and vainly
strove to make it. Mechanical application is wise social engineering
24. Stone, A critique of Pound's Theory of Justice, 20 IowA L. Rzv. 531,
532-33 (1935).
25. Pound, The Need of a Sociological Jurisprudence, 19 GuxN BAG 607 (1907).
26. Pound, The Scope and Purpose of Sociological Jurisprudence, 24 HARv. L. P-v., 591 (1011) - rnnf~nii~d ;,n 7q T- T P] 1, 1A AQO tf11'3
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only in matters of property and commercial law, the economic forms
of the social interest in the general security of acquisitions and trans-
actions where mechanical application of fixed, detailed rules or rigid
deductions from fixed conceptions makes for certainty and predicta-
bility in industrial and commercial undertakings of economically or-
ganized society over long periods of time.1
In types of controversies involving the moral quality or reason-
ableness of the individual conduct, the attempt to reduce law to strict
rule and concept, susceptible of mechanical application, failed. Elaborate
apparatus of individualization of justice, by at least seven agencies,
were developed. Succinctly stated, these are: (1) equitable discretion;
(2) legal standards, such as due care; (3) general verdicts of juries;
(4) "finding the law" in adjudication of cases; (5) individualized
penal sentences; (6) informal justice in petty courts; and (7) admin-
The legal order itself is more than a state or condition conceived
by the nineteenth century. It too is a ,process of ordering through
judicial and administrative tribunals and through the means which
it adopts to furnish men with legal guidance for the avoidance of
Law itself is more than a body of rules. It is the knowledge and
experience with which the juristic process is carried on. It not only
includes rules, principles, concepts, and standards but also doctrines
and modes of professional thought, skill, and art."
The practical objectives of sociological jurisprudence have been
formulated by Pound as follows :1
1. A study of the social effects of legal institutions, legal precepts
and legal doctrines, of the law in action as distinct from the law in
2. A sociological
study as an essential
step in law-
3. A study to ascertain the means by which legal rules can be
made more effective in the existing conditions of life, including the
limits of effective legal action.
4. An attempt to understand the actual growth of the law
by a study of the judicial methods and modes of thought of the great
judges and lawyers.
28. Id. at 154-55.
29. Id. at 156.
30. Id. at 156-57.
31. Pound, supra note 26, at 512-15; INTARPArATIONS 153.
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5. A sociological legal history of the common law, for studying
the past relations of law to then existing social institutions.
6. Individualization of the application of legal rules so as to take
account of the concrete circumstances of particular cases.
7. The establishment of a "Ministry of Justice" by the states to
participate in this program.
Pound has compared the sociological jurisprudence with other
schools of legal thought and notes the following characteristics
of adherents to the sociological school: they pursue a comparative study
of legal phenomena as social phenomena and criticize these with re-
spect to their relation to society. In particular they (1) consider the
working of the law rather than its abstract content; (2) regard law as
a social institution which may be improved by human effort and
endeavor to discover and effect such improvement; (3) lay stress upon
the social ends of law rather than sanctions; (4) urge that legal
precepts be used as guides to socially desirable results rather than
inflexible molds; and (5) their philosophical views are diverse,
usually positivist or some branch of the social-philosophical school.
Dean Pound has frequently referred to law as "experience de-
veloped by reason and reason tested by experience.""
Therefore, he
goes to history and philosophy for much of the material which he
studies in order to carry out the sociological program. In this field,
Pound has made one of his major contributions to the law as a means
of social engineering: the classification of legal history into five stages
and the discovery and specific formulation of the ends of law in each
of these stages. The first stage is primitive law, in which the end of
law is to keep the peace. The second stage is that of the strict law,
in which the end is certainty and uniformity in the ordering of society.
The means to this end are rule and form; the watchword, "certainty."
The third stage is that of equity and natural law. This stage is
represented in Roman law by the classical period; in English law by
the rise of the Court of Chancery and the development of equity; and
32. Pound, supra note 26, at 516.
33. POUND, Nzw PATHS Olt THEt LAW 13 (1950) (hereinafter cited as NEw
PATHS). In POUND, THz TASK OF LAW 62 (1944), he states this point nicely:
"Philosophical jurists in the last century conceived of a law as an expression of
reason. They held it was an attempt to bring about justice, the ideal relation
between men, by means of an authoritative pronouncement of reason. Thus they
put the stress upon reason where the historical jurists put the emphasis on ex-
perience. There is truth in each of these ideas. It is only laws which can meet the
test of reason which endure. It is only pronouncements of reason founded on or
tested by experience which become permanent parts of the law. Experience is
developed by reason and reason is tested by experience. Nothing else maintains itself
in the legal system. Law is experience organized and developed by reason,
authoritatively promulgated by the lawmaking or law-declaring organs of a politically
organized society and backed by the force of that society." See also Id at 89.
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on the Continent of Europe, by the rise of the law of nature schools of
the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. In this stage, notions of
ethics and morality are brought into the law. The end of law becomes
the assurance of moral conduct as derived from reason or the se-
curing of individual rights derived from the nature of man as a
rational creature. The fourth stage is that of maturity of the law.
Here the watchwords are "equality" and "security." The end of law
is free individual self-assertion. The working out of individual legal
rights is emphasized; hence, emphasis is on equality, property and
rigid adherence to fixed rules. The fifth stage, socialization of law,
is marked by a new infusion of ethical notions into the law and
emphasis on social rather than individual interests. The end of law
exists for the furthering of civilization through the protection of the
interests which are best designed to accomplish this purpose. A
complete change of attitude has been responsible for a state of fluidity
in the present stage of the law.
3 4
Thus in law and philosophical
thinking, there has been a continual broadening of the sphere of recog-
nized and secured interests, a widening of the conception of the
nature and end of law, from primitive societies to the present day.
Pound understands law in three senses, as: (1) "a highly
specialized form of social control in a developed politically organized
society" obtained by the application of force of that society; (2) a body
of authoritative guides to decision; and (3) a judicial and administra-
tive process, in which the guides to decision are developed and applied
by authoritative techniques, in the light of received authoritative
However, definitions of law change with social circumstances,
and no final answer to the question about the nature of law is possible.
Law is a social mechanism, a means to further the ends of society.
"Law is experience organized and developed by reason, authorita-
tiv'ely promulgated by the lawmaking or law-declaring organs of a
politically organized society and backed by the force of that society."1
3 6
The end of law is justice, but what is justice? We cannot answer
this question absolutely, but we must attempt an answer - we cannot
neglect it." Justice is not an "individual virtue" nor is it "the ideal
relation among men"; rather, it is merely "such adjustment of relations
and ordering of conduct as will make the goods of existence . . . go
34. POUND, THP SPIRIT Or TH COMMON LAW 139, 195 (1921) (hereinafter
cited as COMMON LAW).
35. POUND, MY PHILOSOPHY Op LAW 249-62, at 249 (Sixteen American
Scholars, 1941) (hereinafter cited as My PHILOSOPHY). See POUND, SOCIAL
CONTROL THROUGH LAW, 40-41 (1942) (hereinafter cited as SOCIAL CONTROL).
36. POUND, THE TASK Or THi LAW 62 (1944).
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round as far as possible with the least friction and waste.""
In the
world of today, the era of free opportunity has ended, and accordingly
abstract freedom of the individual is no longer sufficient. The goods of
existence are limited, while the demands on those goods are infinite.
Therefore, a new type of freedom is necessary - freedom to enjoy
at least a minimum of the goods necessary for life and perhaps enough
to enjoy a comfortable measure of living in accordance with the
means available. To order the activities of men so as to satisfy the
maximum number of claims or demands with the least friction and
waste is what jurists have been striving for and what philosophers
say we ought to be doing.
For purposes of analytical comparison and study, Pound has
further classified law (the precept element) as a body of rules, princi-
ples, conceptions, doctrines, and standards.'
The science of law cannot be self-sufficient. Viewed functionally,
as a technique of social control with a changing purpose in view, it
must draw upon other disciplines for insights. Ethics, economics,
political science, sociology, social psychology, history, psychology, and
philosophy are the disciplines which can-be used advantageously to
further the purposes of law."' In his early years, Dean Pound drew
most heavily upon the first five of these and psychology, but in later
years his most extensive studies have been in history and philosophy.
Pound has devoted much time to a study of the various factors
which enter into judicial lawmaking.
The chief agency in our law-
making has been judicial empiricism, the search for the workable
legal precept, the principle which is fruitful of the good result ". . . that
accord[s] with justice between the parties to concrete litigation.
It is a process of trial and error with all the advantages and disad-
vantages of such a process."
This judicial search for law is to be governed, as in the past,
by ideals of the end of law and the legal order. "Such ideals must
be our [main] reliance today and tomorrow.""
We must be conscious
that these ideals are invoked and of the purpose for which they are
invoked. Our theory must recognize what takes place and must
rationally account for it. Our judges must be conscious that what
39. Id. at 64; INTERPRTATIONS 157.
40. Pound, Hierarchy of Sources and Forms in Different Systems of Law, 7
TuL. L. Rnv. 475, 482 (1933).
41. MY PHILOSOPHY 252-54.
42. Pound, The Theory of Judicial Decision, 36 HARv. L. Rev. 641, 802, 940
43. Id. at 953.
44. Ibid.
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they are doing is "social engineering."
Pound repeatedly stresses
this ideal element. "Men tend to do what they think they are doing.
Hence professional and judicial ideals of the social and legal order are
a decisive factor in legal development.
' 46
Such ideals are frequently so
much a part of the authoritative tradition as to be a form of law in
the strictest analytical sense.
It is futile to reject wholly an ideal element in legislation,
administration and adjudication. Men are governed consciously
or unconsciously in what they do by assumptions as to what it is
that they are doing and of purposes of their doing it.
Nor does it dispose of these ideals to show that they are not wholly
realized in the course of judicial decision. They are as much a part of
the "authoritative traditional legal materials" as are the legal rules
and doctrines themselves, which are shaped to conform to these ideals.
This jural ideal of judges and lawyers is well described by the
unique Poundian phrase "positive natural law." This phrase was
coined along with "natural natural law" to distinguish the two types:
the latter being ideal law simply as an ideal and independent of actual
law; whereas, the former is defined thus:
Positive natural law, which in practice is what usually goes by
the name of natural law, is an idealized version of the positive
law of the time and place, in which the jurist, postulating that
it is declaratory of natural law, and that it derives its force
from conformity to the ideal precepts . . . or some of them in
universal form. These idealised precepts of a positive law in which
the jurist was trained now appear as universal, unchallengeable
and unchangeable."
Moreover, the idea implicit in the term "positive natural law" came to
Pound as a result of his researches into legal history. It has been of
great value in giving new insight into the juristic behavior of past
periods and in combating "juristic pessimism" of the twentieth cen-
Law as an instrument of progress toward civilization cannot stand
still, yet it must be stable. A task of the law is the reconciliation of
the need for stability with the need for change.
' The "give-it-up"
philosophies would say that nothing can be done because of the deter-
45. Id. at 954.
46. Pound, The Ideal Element in American Judicial Decision, 45 HARV. L. R~v.
136 (1931).
47. Id. at 136.
48. Pound, Natural Law and Positive Natural Law, 68 L.Q. Rzv. 330, 332
49. Pound, supra note 46, at 147.
50. Pound, supra note 48, at 330.
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ministic nature of history, economics, psychology, and the primitive
nature of man. They would deny the "efficacy of effort" and assert
that lawyers and jurists are merely shadow-boxing. But Pound denies
with spirit that law is mere myth or superstition, that the great systems
of the civil law and the common law are nothing more than human
It is idle to say that the arbitrary personal subjective element in
magisterial behavior, which these traditions have for centuries
shown us how to subdue, is the reality and this accumulated ex-
perience a mere sham. I repeat, experience of social control by
the judicial process operating according to law is as objectively
valid as engineering
The legal realists' distrust of traditional legal rules and concepts,
insofar as they purport to describe what either courts or people are
doing and Pound's insistence on the ideal element in law, with its
emphasis on the ends of law as the primary motivating factor, are the
basic points of divergence between Pound and realism. For this
reason, Pound has been classified as a sociological idealist.
The well-taken phrase "social engineering," indicates Pound's
conception of the role of the jurist and advocate in the progress of
society toward civilization, through the conscious improvement of the
law as an instrument of social control for the furthering of the ends
in view. He has described this conception on numerous occasions, but
nowhere better than in the following paragraph:
For the purpose of understanding the law today I am content
with a picture of satisfying as much of the whole body of human
wants as we may with the least sacrifice. I am content to think
of law as a social institution to satisfy social wants - the claims
and demands and expectations involved in the existence of civilized
society - by giving effect to as much as we may with the least
sacrifice, so far as such wants may be satisfied or such claims
given effect by an ordering of human conduct through politically
organized society. For present purposes I am content to see in
legal history the record of a continually wider recognizing and
satisfying of human wants or claims or desires through social
control; a more embracing and more effective securing of social
interests; a continually more complete and effective elimination
of waste and precluding of friction in human enjoyment of the
goods of existence - in short, a continually more efficacious
social engineering.
52. POUND, CONTIMPORARY JURISTIC THRORY 53 (1940); cf. Ch. III, paosim.
(hereinafter cited as THnoaY.)
53. FRIZDMANN, op. cit. supra note 1, at 194. Realism limits itself to the ob-
servation of law in its making, working, and effect.
54. POUND, AN INTRODUCTION TO THt PHiLOsoPHy or LAw 47 (2d ed. 1954)
(hereinafter cited as Pinnqmnitv)
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Dean Pound considers that today we are on the threshold of a
new era in law and society. The boundless opportunities of past ages,
which could be utilized in order to satisfy reasonable expectations, no
longer exist.
Security no longer means security of opportunity for free com-
petitive acquisition. Men no longer claim only security of free
opportunities for individual initiative. More and more they de-
mand equality of satisfaction of wants and expectations which
liberty itself cannot give them. They think of a full economic and
social existence.
.... 55
This complete change of conditions and the resulting change of attitude
has put twentieth century law in a state of fluidity like that of third
century Rome or seventeenth century Europe.
5 6
Therefore, a most
important task lies ahead: to rationalize the judicial process as it
exists today; to substitute a larger picture of the end of law; and to
idealize more critically and along broader lines than in the past.
This is the task of the jurist and teacher of law, to educate the judges to
a new picture with the following content: (1) a process of social
engineering as a part of the whole process of social control; (2) to
set off the part of the legal order appropriate to government by
principle from the part involving unique situations, requiring intuition
and individualized application; (3) to portray a balance between the
needs of justice for the individual decision and generalized social
claims; and (4) to induce a consciousness of the role of ideal pictures
of the social and legal order in both judicial decision and legislation.
' ' Pound asserts that a legal system attains the ends of the legal
order in the following manner: (1) by the recognition of certain
interests, individual, public, and social; (2) by defining the limits
within which these interests shall be legally recognized and given effect
through legal precepts; and (3) by endeavoring to secure the interests
so recognized within the defined limits.
" This is one way of stating
that a legal system can accomplish its purposes through the theory of
Pound's greatest drive has been to formulate a scientific theory
of justice. This has resulted in his theory of interests. Pound adopted
pragmatist ethics, which conceives of the highest good as the satis-
faction of the maximum number of claims consistent with the least
friction or waste. He adopted Kohler's conception of the end of law
55. Pound, supra note 48, at 334.
56. Nsw PATiHS, passim.
57. Pound, supra note 42, at 958.
UQ AX 'Pun nA'nAPv 259-
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as making for civilization, which is the highest possible control over
nature, both internal and external, for the time and place, achieved by
the recognition of the social interest in the individual life. He adopted
Jhering's notion that rights exist only to protect interests which the
state ought to secure and the notion that the growth of law takes place
because of purposes, that is, in order to protect such interests. He was
influenced by the notions of Stammler that justice can be obtained
only by a harmonious synthesis, but whereas Stammler posited an
ideal abstract community as a device by which this result might be
achieved, Pound claims that he has achieved the result a posteriori
in the actual working community of the given society. This is
questionable because of the emphasis which Pound puts on "positive
natural law" as an idealized version of the legal status quo. He even
admits the tendency of jurists to adopt an idealized version of the
legal picture of an earlier time. In Pound's system there is theoretically
no external standard for. any claim other than the fact of the making
of that claim by the individual claimant. But, of course, the legal
system exists as a working agent, and the adjustment of claims must
take place within the confines of the system until such time as the
system has been changed in accordance with the procedures which
Pound provides to meet the needs of society in flux. The satisfactory
working of this system requires the knowledge, skill, and insight of
the "great lawyer," who will be judge and law-giyer and will perform
the task by the process of sound "social engineering."
As Pound sees it, the pragmatist ethics naturally works for the
development of the individual personality and, through this, of civiliza-
tion. The theory of interests is a theory of justice, since there is no
good without reference to some criterion, and this criterion is the
satisfaction of the maximum number of claims with the least friction
and waste. Thus, there is no individual justice in the old sense of
personal right and wrong, since all values are relative, and the only
standard is the pragmatist ethics, summarized in the last preceding
sentence. The theory of interests, therefore, is an attempt to keep the
law in harmony with this pragmatic ideal. This Pound endeavors to do
by the survey of interest, i.e., de facto claims of people in society,
formulation of the jural postulates,. generalized propositions of law
(major premises) expressing the jural ideals of the civilization of the
time and place, excluding all claims of interests from consideration
which do not come within the purview of the jural postulates; formu-
lation of a table or classification (scheme) of interests, which he uses
as a device or measuring rod for ascertaining the elements of value
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in claims subsumed under the jural postulates; and evaluation of
claims competing for recognition in a given instance (law suit or
legislative endeavor) by balancing or weighing them against each
other with reference to harmonizing the scheme as a whole. Accepting
the legal order of the time and place as presumptively the best available
system, Pound relies on teleological ideals as to the end of law as the
motivating factor in the growth of law and "experience developed by
reason and reason tested by experience" as the best juristic method
yet devised for the intelligent shaping of that growth in accordance
with the desired ends or purposes. But this goes beyond pragmatist
theory, which does not purport to accept values outside the system
other than the bare presumption necessary to get the system going
without permitting anarchy.
Change occurs when there is sufficient demand for change to shift
or expand the perimeter of the mass of surveyed claims, thus requiring
the revision of the jural postulates. But in the harmonizing of claims,
it must ever be by the ideals of the civilization of the time and place.
Thus the "balancing of interests" takes place only when the opposing
claims both fall within the area of principles subsumed under the jural
postulates. Recognized difficulties exist with reference to: retrogressive
civilizations; "value judgments" in the formulation of jural postulates,
classification of interests, and weighing of claims; homogeneity of
ideals as to the time and place and society in transition; and great social
engineers capable of surveying and interpreting the civilization area-
period. These will be considered further in the critique of Pound's
writings. The theory of justice will be considered more fully in the
next section.
So long as the legal order performs this function of harmonizing
interests, it's authority is justified and it maintains that "habit of
obedience that makes practicable the employment of force upon those
who require it."
But there are limits to effective legal action which
precludes our doing through law everything which ethical considera-
tions and social ideals would move us to attempt. Pound describes
these limitations as growing out of the following difficulties: (1)
difficulties involved in the ascertainment of facts; (2) the intangible-
ness of many duties which are morally important but defy legal en-
forcement; (3) the subtlety of modes of infringing important interests
which the law would like to secure if it could; (4) the inapplicability
of legal machinery of rule and remedy to many phases of human con-
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duct; (5) the necessity of appealing to individuals to set law in mo-
The other agencies of social control today are religion and morals
and education.
We are on the verge of a new era in law and society, Pound
repeatedly points out. The path of the immediate past, which he
terms "the path of liberty," is no longer the ideal of our society. We are
now following "the humanitarian path," but he fears that we are
headed for "the totalitarian path." He bases this possibility on his test
of reason and experience, although he hopes that the last-named path
can be avoided and that mankind will continue in paths which will lead
to the highest value, that of civilization.
In the effort to accomplish the program of sociological juris-
prudence, Pound believes that the first problem comfronting society is
the establishment of his theory of interests as a functioning part of
the legal order. The development of this theory occurred in two steps:
the formulation of the jural postulates, in 1919,8 followed by the
announcement of a classification or scheme of interests two years
Pound claims this to be his most valuable contribution to
jurisprudence. While recognizing certain valid criticisms, he has de-
fended it vigorously as the most workable means yet devised for sound
The jural postulates consist of five generalized propositions about
the law which are supposed to serve as major premises under which
all valid principles of positive law, both civil and criminal, may be
comprehended or subsumed. They are grounded in human nature and
conduct as expressed in Pound's interpretation of American judicial
decisions on the appellate court level and represent his conception of
the jural ideals of our society.
The relationship of the jural postulates
to the scheme of interests will be discussed hereinafter.
60. Id. at 54-62.
61. Id. at 62.
62. See generally Nsw PATHS.
63. AN INTRODUCTION TO AMERICAN LAW 36-37, 40, 43 (1919).
64. A Theory of Social Interests, 15 PAPERS AND PROCzEDINGS O1 THE AMERICAN
SOCIOLOGICAL Socry 16-45 (May, 1921) ; revised and published as Pound, A Survey
of Social Interests, 57 HARV. L. Rpv. 1-39 (1943) (hereinafter cited as Survey).
65. The jural postulates are set out in POUND, OUTLI S Op LcTuRus ON
JURISPRUDENCE 168, 179, 183-84 (5th ed. 1943) (hereinafter cited as OUTLINES).
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The need for the jural postulates is described in the following
Yet important as it is not to lay down dogmatically an
abstract scheme of universal law, something more definite than a
conception of maintaining and furthering civilization is needed
for the immediate purposes of jurisprudence and legislation. The
judge must have a more detailed picture in his mind to guide him
in finding legal rules, in interpreting them and in applying them
to the decision of causes. The legislator must have a more de-
tailed picture to guide him in lawmaking. The jurist also must
have a clear picture whereby to lay out the lines of creative as
well as of ordering and systematizing activity. It is well that
the jurist, at least, should recognize that it is but a picture for
use in the time and place and that his mind should be reasonably
open with respect to the possibility of repainting it in whole or in
part. Still he must have some such picture, and will be governed
by one whether he is aware of it or not. . . . The civilization of
every time and place has certain jural postulates - not rules of
law but ideas of right to be made effective by legal institutions
and legal precepts. It is the task of the jurist to ascertain and
formulate the jural postulates not of all civilization but of the
civilization of the time and place - the ideas of right and
justice which it presupposes - and to seek to shape the legal
materials that have come down to us so that they will express
or give effect to those postulates .... 6
In answer to the criticism that the jural postulates give us a
natural law once more, Pound replies that while this is true, it is a
natural law drawn from concrete observation of the civilization of
the time and place "an endeavor to ascertain the ideas of right which
it presupposes" rather than a philosophical deduction from the nature
of abstract man. It is also a "practical natural law," that is "a
natural law with a changing or a growing content."
The revival of
natural law in this century is not a revival of the rigid natural law of
the metaphysical school of the nineteenth century nor the universal
natural law of the eighteenth century. "It is a revival of the creative
natural law of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, but as some-
thing relative, not something that shall stand fast forever."
' 8
The advantages of Kohler's interpretation are clear. It recognizes
the creative element in legal history and avoids the confident rejection
of the past faith in abstract rationalization of the eighteenth century.
"It takes account of the need for stability through recognizing that
67. Id. at 149, citing STAMMLZR, VIRTHSCHAFT UND RACHT 180-81 (2d ed.
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we must work with the materials which the social and legal past have
given us, and of the need of change by conceiving of law as relative
to a constantly changing civilization."
Yet Pound is not satisfied
because this is an idealistic interpretation, and he prefers an instru-
mental point of view. Kohler's interpretation gives us an idea of
operating from within, of growth and unfolding - not an instrument
by which men understand legal development and organize its future
for their purposes. Its Hegelian form would tend to obscure the
element of human activity and so would remain in the juristic
stagnation, if not pessimism, of the immediate past.
While this interpretation
is not required, it is a danger which
Pound seeks to avoid by an engineering interpretation. All inter-
pretations utilize analogies, and theories are constructed and under-
stood in this manner. The engineering interpretation has the advan-
tage of being put in terms of the dominant activity of the time. It is
an analogy which will not postulate formal, logical or positivist deter-
minism. Rather, while reminding us that law is conditioned by many
things, it will give us an interpretation in terms of activity and of legal
institutions as things that are made. It must be in terms of conditioned
activity, of the capacities, characters, and prejudices of the engineers,
the materials with which and the circumstances under which they
work, and their goals or purposes.
Pound's theory of social interests has been termed his most im-
portant contribution to legal philosophy, not only because it preserves
continuity with the past but also because "it stands for the method of
reason and compromise which is essential to the development of a
democratic and free society.
' 72
His table of social interests can serve,
like Mendelejeff's table of chemical elements, for working purposes
while looking for new interests.
It is composed of values for the
construction of legal norms by legislative and judicial action. The
first step, the survey of social interests (claims), was intended to end
the chaotic and episodic character of discussions of public policies
recognized in mature systems of law. Pound found six classes and
several sub-classes.
Pound recognized that when decisions are made in new areas of
the law, the courts have at all times been required to weigh interests
but that usually they were not fully aware of what they were doing.
The courts made vague reference to some public policy but often
69. Id. at 150.
70. Id. at 150-51.
71. Id. at 151-52.
73. Ibid.
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without realizing that there was a competing policy struggling for
recognition, which might have an equally valid claim to consideration.
Thus the conception of public policy was never clearly worked out,
nor were the several policies recognized by the common law defined as
were the individual interests to which the jurists gave their whole
attention. To put it in Pound's own words:
"The body of the common law is made up of adjustments or
compromises of conflicting individual interests in which we turn
to some social interest, frequently under the name of public
policy, to determine the limits of a reasonable adjustment.1
7 4
Moreover, in the nineteenth century, the social interest in the general
security overshadowed all other interests under the conception of a
public policy promoting free individual self-assertion. Social legisla-
tion was frequently struck down by reason of this policy without
adequate consideration being given to the competing policies as in-
dicated by the legislatures and the wishes of the public. Thus, courts
and legislatures were constantly under pressure of new social interests
struggling for recognition and being dealt with vaguely under dis-
trusted notions of "policy." Today, they are more conscious of the
new social interests and are attempting to state the ends of law in
terms of "the social interest in the individual life" rather than in
terms of one or more categories of social interests such as security of
acquisitions or transactions. Pound believes that his classification is
a good working guide for the conscious pursuit of this task."
Pound defines an interest as any claim or desire which human
beings seek to satisfy and which must therefore be taken into account
by society in its ordering of human relations."' He then breaks this
down into individual, public, and social interests. Individual interests
are "claims or demands or desires involved immediately in the in-
dividual life and asserted in title of that life." Public interests are
"claims or demands or desires involved in life in a politically organized
society and asserted in title of that life." Social interests are "claims or
demands or desires involved immediately in the individual life and
asserted in title of that life."
Pound's outline itself should be
To effectuate this scheme of interests, Pound believes it is neces-
sary to accomplish five objectives.
First, there must be an inventory
74. Survey at 4.
75. Id., passim.
76. My PHILOSOPHY 259.
77. Survey at 1-2.
78. The classification is set out completely in OUTLINES 97-111.
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of the interests pressing for recognition, a generalization and classifi-
cation of them. This is accomplished by a general survey of legal
claims being made, followed by classification and arrangement ac-
cording to a logical-analytical scheme. The second step is to deter-
mine the interests which the law should recognize and secure. This
is accomplished by the formulation of the jural postulates and their
application to the claims (interests) as measuring devices."' Thirdly,
we must fix the limits of securing the interests so selected. As it
appears to the writer, this is a question of the "balancing of interests"
against each other, which involves theproblem of evaluation, though in
a more relative degree than when the question is whether an interest
is to be recognized at all, which is the problem considered under the
fifth step."
Fourth, we must consider the means by which the law may
secure the interests when recognized and delimited (that is, take ac-
count of the limits of effective legal action). This involves an evaluation
of the efficiency of legal machinery, the extent to which it can be
improved, and the extent to which the law should be used to enforce
some social value, as compared with some other means of social
control. And finally, we must evaluate the interests. This is ob-
viously necessary in the decision of concrete cases of conflicting in-
terests within the comprehended scheme, and it is the problem which
has caused the most trouble. Since Pound has repeatedly abjured any
absolute scheme of values,
this evaluation can be accomplished only,
as in the past, by judicial empiricism but in the light of modern
social sciences and the conscious knowledge of the effect of what is
being done (the purpose of the scheme of interests itself). Dean
Pound declares that this can be done and is being done "by scientific
scrutiny of experience in finding how to deal effectively with concrete
As the writer has endeavored to show, the most significant part
of sociological jurisprudence has been its effort to render the law a
more effective instrument of social control. Early in his career Dean
Pound perceived that some guiding light was necessary to enable
lawyers, judges and legislators to do their work more effectively - to
consciously shape the growth and development of the law, to harmonize
it with existing social needs and to use it as an intrument for progress
toward civilization. The whole program of sociological jurisprudence
80. See OUTLINES 95; SOCIAL CONTROL 80-81, 113; Survey at 15; Ntw PATHS
2-3; Stone, A Critique of Pound's Theory of Justice, 20 IowA L. Rxv. 531, 544 (1935).
81. See SOCIAL CONTROL 78-80 (e.g., problem of secondary boycott).
82. THEORY 82; PHILOSOPHY 45-46; COMMON LAW 92-93.
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has been an endeavor to ascertain the purposes we are seeking and to
determine which of alternative choices will best further these purposes.
Pound adopted Kohler's conception of civilization. Therefore, he
sees in law an attempt to maintain, further, and transmit civilization by
raising human powers over nature, both internal and external, to
greater completeness, yielding the maximum control of which men
are capable for the time and place."
He believes that cooperation to-
ward civilization will replace free individual self-assertion as the jural
8 5
However, he rejected natural law notions and any absolute
standards of value and has repeatedly reaffirmed this position, main-
taining at all times that values are relative to the given time and place
As a sociological jurist, he has looked to society and the
part played by law therein, observing and recording data, namely, the
interests which human beings are pressing for recognition in this field.
From this comprehensive picture, the jurist must synthesize the prin-
ciples of conduct which are recognized and given effect by law, that is,
the legal ideals of the particular society. Only substantially all of the
claims will be considered, however, in framing this picture, as those
which are inconsistent with the great mass of claims will not be a
part of the social ideals which should be recognized and given effect.
From this synthesis, the jurist will formulate the jural postulates of
the civilization of the time and place. These postulates will serve as
working hypotheses, subject to change as other de facto claims are
pressed for recognition and as society comes to recognize such claims
and thus moves forward toward civilization.
But there is obvious need for a more concrete guide to the detailed
problems of the administration of justice than an abstract statement of
the jural ideals of the legal order. Pound naturally realized this and as
a supplementary instrument sets up his scheme of interests. This idea is
derived from the pragmatic ideal of justice as the end of law, as the
satisfaction of the maximum number of wants consistent with the
harmonious ordering of society as a whole. As Pound states:
The task is one of satisfying human demands, of securing in-
terests or satisfying claims or demands with the least of friction
and the least of waste, whereby the means of satisfaction may be
made to go as far as possible."
Formulation of the scheme of interests follows next, but how is
this to be accomplished? The first task is to define and classify in-
85. SOCIAL CONTROL 127. But he points out that free initiative and cooperation
work together. Id. at 132.
86. Id. Ch. IV, passim; INTERPRSTATIONS 148, 149, 158, 159.
[VOL. 7: p. 1
Villanova Law Review, Vol. 7, Iss. 1 [1961], Art. 1
terests. Using the jural postulates as working hypotheses, Pound
worked out a systematic inventory of the interests which may claim
recognition and enforcement in the given society. Not all of the claims
made are recognized in this scheme, however, but only those encom-
passed within the purview of the jural postulates. The scheme will thus
include all the de facto claims which are in harmony with the working
hypotheses of the legal order.
Pound adopts a convenient mode of classification of these claims
into individual, public, and social interests. Each type is convertible
into the other and must be converted for purposes of weighing con-
flicting interests. This is necessary because the interests might be
considered as a sort of hierarchy. Thus if one interest is considered as
a social interest and another interest in conflict therewith is considered
as an individual interest, in weighing these interests against each other
the social interest would inevitably'win out. As Pound has put it, in
this type of situation "our way of stating the question may leave
nothing to decide.""I
The final phase of the theory of interests is the analysis and
evaluation of conflicting interests in a specific case. Of this difficult
problem, the author has already written at some length. The particu-
lar technique, however, may be indicated as follows. The first step is
to ascertain what interests are in conflict and to state them in common
terms. Pound generally recommends their statement as social interests.
The conflicting interests in a generalized form are contained within the
classification of social interests, frequently under more than one
heading. This is also a factor to be considered, the number of interests
under which a particular de facto claim may be subsumed. Since in
any particular case there are obviously conflicting interests, one in-
terest must prevail, and the solution to be preferred is that which will
allow the law to give the greatest possible satisfaction to the social
needs, for both stability and progress, in accordance with the end of law.
To recapitulate: The first step is the survey of claims. The next
step is the formulation of jural postulates in harmony with the jural
ideals as indicated by the pattern of the claims. The jural postulates
once adopted are maintained only until new facts show that they are
no longer applicable. The third step is the construction of a scheme of
de facto claims in harmony with the jural postulates. The jural postu-
lates are thus put to the practical work of bringing legal institutions
of society into harmony with the actual demands of the people (as
formulated in the postulates themselves). Interests outside of the
88. Survey at 2.
FALL 1961 ]
Gardner: The Sociological Jurisprudence of Roscoe Pound (Part I)
Published by Villanova University School of Law Digital Repository, 1961
ambit of the jural postulates are cut off. The fourth step is analysis
and evaluation of interests. Conflicting de facto claims must be first
converted to a common level for purposes of comparison of the com-
peting interests pressing for recognition. Then, the conflict must be
resolved by evaluation with reference to harmonizing the scheme as a
89. See Stone, supra note 80, at 544.
Villanova Law Review, Vol. 7, Iss. 1 [1961], Art. 1