Bank Regulation and Deposit Insurance

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Huston McCulloch
Ohio State University
Bank Regulation and Deposit Insurance
The subject of government bank regulation is intimately intertwined
with that of government deposit insurance. If the government is to
insure bank deposits, it should also have some say in the risks that
insured banks are allowed to take, otherwise it would leave itself wide
open to unlimited potential losses.
John H. Kareken (in this issue) comes close to arguing that banks
without government deposit insurance could provide satisfactorily safe
transactions accounts. I would go one step further and argue that gov-
ernment deposit insurance is not just unnecessary but actually unde-
Banks that offer transaction deposits are supposedly subject to an
"inherent instability problem" that makes them prone to self-realizing
depositor panics. Traditionally, transaction deposits are denominated
as a fixed number of currency units, while the assets corresponding to
these deposits are mostly finite-term securities or commercial loans. If
depositors all want their money at once, the banks simply do not have
it. To the extent that their assets are marketable, the banks can sell
them off to meet withdrawals with only minimal losses. But if there is a
run on the banking system as a whole, the banks' scramble for funds
could conceivably drive interest rates up and asset prices down to the
point at which the banks are actually insolvent simply because of de-
positor fears that they might fail. To the extent that bank assets consist
of poorly marketable commercial loans, they are even more exposed to
the risk of runs. This inherent instability problem is the most com-
monly cited argument for government deposit insurance and the care-
ful government regulation it entails (or ought to entail).
However, the money market mutual fund (MMMF) is a recent mar-
ket innovation that completely solves this inherent instability problem
of the payments system. As Kareken points out in his paper, MMMFs,
like all mutual funds, are run proof since their obligations to their
investors are simply pro rata shares in the current market value of the
(Journal of Business, 1986, vol. 59, no. 1)
? 1986 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved.
0021-9398/86/5901-0006$01 .50
80 Journal of Business
fund's portfolio. To the extent that depositors/investors line up at the
front door to take their money out, the rate of return to depositing new
funds will increase, and new depositors/investors will line up at the
back door to put their money in. As long as the fund sticks to very
short term instruments (20 days is a common average maturity for
existing MMMFs), fluctuations in the market value of the portfolio will
hardly be perceptible, and balances will be predictable enough to make
check writing practical.1
Money market mutual fund balances like these have performed well
as transactions balances throughout the turbulent past decade. In the
early months of 1983 they actually weathered a run that depleted about
25% of their assets without a single mishap in spite of their lack of
government deposit insurance.2 Most MMMFs voluntarily restrict
check writing to large amounts, leaving small checks to commercial
banks subsidized by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
(FDIC). In the absence of government deposit insurance, however,
one could imagine that for a suitable fee MMMFs would be willing to
process checks of any size.
One important limitation of MMMFs is that their assets must be so
highly marketable that there is at all times a clearly defined market
price for each one, with only a small bid-asked spread. This means that
MMMFs could not directly monetize the commercial loans that are an
important staple of the traditional commercial bank's diet. Illiquid
commercial loans could nevertheless still be monetized indirectly by
MMMFs through a two-tier system similar to the one Kareken pro-
poses: each existing commercial bank would be split into two firms.
The first, as Kareken suggests, would essentially be a finance com-
pany, making illiquid term loans, financed by issues of its own com-
mercial paper with comparable maturity. The second firm would not be
the modified "100% reserve' bank Kareken proposes but rather an
1. Unfortunately, many MMMFs attempt to emulate traditional banks by engaging in
"penny rounding," i.e., rounding the net share value to the nearest cent per dollar. This
gives investors, particularly large institutional ones, an incentive to withdraw funds
when interest rates have risen by less than enough to cause a penny change since then
shares are overvalued relative to the shares of funds that do not penny round. The
resulting shortfall will provide an even greater incentive for withdrawals, until either the
penny limit is hit and the shares become undervalued, resulting in an instable influx of
funds, or the fund's manager voluntarily makes up the shortfall. The latter was actually
done for one penny-rounding fund a few years ago, at great expense to its sponsor.
2. The "run" alluded to occurred as depositors moved funds into the new money
market deposit accounts (MMDAs) at banks and thrifts, which are guaranteed by the
FDIC and the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation (FSLIC) against any loss
of present value. Although MMDAs are even safer than MMMFs from the depositors'
point of view, they are much riskier from the point of view of the economy as a whole
since they may be used to finance loans of very long maturity, very low liquidity, or very
high default risk.
Bank Regulation 81
MMMF holding, inter alia, the marketable commercial paper of other
bifurcated commercial banks like itself.3
Kareken's proposed 100% reserve banks for transactions balances
could in fact be very risky. Note first that Kareken's use of the term
"100% reserves" is at variance with the usual meaning of the expres-
sion. Writers like Irving Fisher and Milton Friedman have used it to
refer to a bank whose transactions balances are backed 100% by im-
mediately available high-powered money. Kareken uses it to mean
instead a bank whose transactions deposits are 100% backed by Trea-
sury securities. While it is true that Treasury securities are free from
default risk (at least under the post-1933 paper money standard), they
are still subject to interest rate risk, and for long-term Treasury bonds
this risk can be considerable. Note that 30-year Treasury bonds neces-
sarily have an even greater Macaulay duration and, therefore, an even
greater interest rate sensitivity than do the 30-year amortized mortgage
loans that have gutted the net worth of the thrift industry in recent
years. Long-term Treasury-backed zeroes would be even more
Banks holding 100% reserves in the traditional sense would be at
least potentially available in the absence of government deposit insur-
ance for those who want complete certainty of present value. How-
ever, if these reserves paid no interest, as would be the case under a
metallic standard or under the Federal Reserve's current policy, banks
could offer no interest on their transactions deposits and in fact might
charge a small fee ("negative interest") for their trouble. My guess is
that most depositors would prefer to receive healthy interest on an
MMMF account and live with the minor inconvenience of slightly un-
certain present value rather than to hold such accounts.4
Diamond and Dybvig (1983) have shown, in an article approvingly
cited by Kareken, that, under sufficiently simplifying assumptions,
fixed present value deposits with mandatory government deposit insur-
ance may be Pareto superior to any voluntary contractual arrangement
3. There is no reason why these finance companies replacing the commercial loan
function of commercial banks could not function as the managers of the MMMFs replac-
ing the transaction deposit function. However, in order to prevent a potential conflict of
interest, it would probably be necessary to prevent the MMMF from buying its own
manager's commercial paper or at least from purchasing a disproportionate amount of it.
Note that Kareken erroneously asserts that all MMMFs invest exclusively in Treasury
bills. A few do so specialize, but most deal primarily in commercial paper and bank
certificates of deposit (CDs).
4. If the central bank paid interest on reserves under a 100% reserve system, as
proposed, e.g., by Friedman (1959), with a probability of one, the rate paid would either
be too high, in which case money would dominate all other investments, or else too low,
in which case MMMF deposits would begin to dominate the regulated money supply.
Finding the right interest rate to set on reserves under such a system could be almost as
destabilizing as setting an interest rate target rather than a monetary growth target under
a conventional banking arrangement.
82 Journal of Business
the market may come up with. Their argument is based on the ten-
dency for voluntary insurance programs to be less than fully efficient
(relative to a full-information ideal) when important state variables are
observed by the insured but not by the insurers.
These theoretical benefits, however, must be weighed against the
fact that noncontractual insurance may easily create externalities
where none existed before. The individual taxpayers who must ulti-
mately bear the costs of government deposit insurance have little in-
centive to monitor the risks any individual insured bank is taking. The
bureaucrats who administer government deposit insurance will not per-
sonally take any losses and are only remotely answerable to the tax-
payers who will. The depositors, who are insured, do not care what
risks are being taken with their money. As a result, insured institutions
may be induced to take on risks that are excessive in terms of their
total social costs. If the risky investments pay off, the shareholders
and/or management will reap the profits. If they fall through, the re-
mote taxpayers will take the losses. If taxpayers had full information
and could organize costlessly, this problem would not arise. However,
the nature of the economic problem is that information and organiza-
tion often are in fact very costly.
Largely as a consequence of the federal deposit insurance umbrella,
banks and thrifts have engaged with impunity in all manner of exces-
sive risks-foreign exchange speculation (Franklin National), specula-
tive energy loans (Penn Square), inadequately investigated loans (Con-
tinental Illinois), insider loans (the Butcher banks), uncollectable Third
World loans (almost every top ten bank), and so forth.
One particularly mischievous risky activity thrifts and, to a lesser
extent, banks engage in is maturity transformation, which exposes
them to interest rate risk. In McCulloch (1981b) I show that this activ-
ity, which I call "misintermediation," can upset the macroeconomic
equilibrium of the economy, resulting in a mismatch of the planned
flow of aggregate production and consumption and leading ultimately
to an aggregate excess supply of, or demand for, current output, that
is, a recession or a boom. In McCulloch (1985), I demonstrate that the
fair value of insurance against this type of risk far exceeds the 8.3 basis
point premium that the FSLIC and the FDIC charge for insuring
against all types of risk. Since the federal insurers do not bother to rate
the premiums they charge according to the risks the insured institu-
tions are taking, their insurance acts as a subsidy to misintermediation,
making it artificially more viable than balanced intermediation.
In his new book The Gathering Crisis of Federal Deposit Insurance,
Edward J. Kane estimates that by 1981 the economic value of the
assets of insured savings and loans (S&Ls) and mutual savings banks
had fallen short of their liabilities by approximately $176.6 billion
Bank Regulation 83
(1985, pp. 101-2). Most of these losses were caused by interest rate
speculation-misintermediation-in earlier years.
By March 1982 (which was even before the status of loans to less-
developed countries became apparent), the condition of federally in-
sured institutions was so grim that Congress abandoned all pretense
that the FDIC and the FSLIC were self-supporting corporations by
passing a measure (House Concurrent Resolution [HCR] 290, 97th
Cong., 2d Sess. [1982]) placing the "full faith and credit of the United
States" behind federally insured deposits. Today federally insured de-
posits are as safe as the dollar; or, rather, since the Fed will probably
ultimately be called on to monetize the "assets" of failing institutions,
the dollar is only as safe as our federally insured banks and thrifts.
Thanks to federal deposit insurance and, in particular, to HCR 290,
insured depositors have no need to concern themselves about the
safety or riskiness of the particular bank with which they do business.
One is as good as another, so far as depositors are concerned. Instead,
bank customers must concern themselves, as taxpayers, with the
safety of every bank in the country.
Complete elimination of federal deposit insurance, and, therefore,
the replacement of federal regulation with private regulation by depos-
itors and/or private insurers would be the ideal solution. However, this
is probably not in the wings, nor is the division of commercial banks
into finance companies and MMMFs. It is therefore pertinent to ask
what less radical reforms might be attempted within the current institu-
tional framework.
First, risk-rated deposit insurance is not as impractical as Kareken
makes it out to be, at least not for interest rate risk, which is relatively
easy to quantify and evaluate. In McCulloch (1985) I show how this
may be done and provide actual estimates for a variety of degrees of
duration mismatch and capital/asset ratios. This would at least elimi-
nate the important problem of misintermediation. A small degree of
maturity transformation is probably not significantly harmful, nor
would it be prohibitively expensive with risk-rated premiums.
Second, the federal deposit insurance agencies should limit their
efforts to protecting the legally insured depositors. In the Penn Square
failure there was a commendable move in this direction, but with Con-
tinental Illinois the FDIC not only backslid to its old habit of bailing out
all deposits but actually bailed out the holding company creditors as
5. By 1983, according to Kane's figures, the shortfall of the thrifts had fallen to "only"
$86.0 billion, and there has probably been further improvement since then. Nevertheless,
it surely continues to far exceed the dwindling (and to an increasing extent the artificial)
reserves of the FDIC and the FSLIC.
84 Journal of Business
well, for which there was no excuse or even precedent.6 Indeed, the
comptroller of the currency actually announced that the regulators
would not allow any of the 11 largest banks to fail as a matter of policy.
This gives an enormously anticompetitive edge to these large banks
relative to smaller banks.
And third, federal deposit insurance should, at least marginally, be
replaced by private insurance and/or self-insurance by depositors. I
would not bother to reduce the $100,000 limit as Kareken suggests,
however. The flagrant abuse of "brokered deposits" shows us that it is
all too easy to circumvent such limits. Rather, federal deposit insur-
ance coverage should be limited to 90 or 95 cents on the dollar (up to
the existing limit). Depositors could then either subscribe to private
insurance for the remainder or else self-insure. At the same time, banks
should be charged federal deposit insurance premiums only on that
portion of their deposits that is actually guaranteed by the federal
government. Depositors should be allowed to opt out of federal deposit
insurance entirely in exchange for the somewhat higher rates banks
could then afford to pay. There is no reason why depositors should not
be offered the choice of more than one private deposit insurance car-
rier at any given bank.
I do not agree with Kareken that it has been a mistake to remove
interest rate ceilings. It is true that the FDIC's and the FSLIC's ability
in the past to tap the cartel profits these ceilings generated by finding
willing merger partners for otherwise insolvent institutions has helped
keep the federal insurance agencies afloat thus far. However, this has
been a very expensive way to provide "safe and sound" deposits,
compared to the reduced interest rates that would be paid under rate
deregulation with risk-rated premiums.7 Nevertheless, deregulation
does create an even more urgent need than existed before for risk-rated
Rate deregulation does greatly lessen the importance of one major
case for federal deposit insurance that I have thus far not touched on,
namely, the stability of the money supply and therefore the price level.
Many economists are concerned that the possibility of losses on depos-
6. The rationale cited by Kareken, and which was given at the time by the regulators,
for the bailout of Continental Illinois Corp., namely, that it was necessary in order to
help banks attract capital in the future, is fundamentally flawed. As I pointed out in a
letter published in the New York Times (September 24, 1984), "The function of bank
capital is to serve as a buffer to protect the FDIC and depositors against losses. The
argument made for protecting holding company creditors is therefore completely falla-
cious if these funds are in fact not at risk and thus not serving as capital from the FDIC's
point of view. What automobile insurance company in its right mind would give drivers
lower rates if they accepted a $250 deductible because it encourages safer driving and
reduces claims, and then make a policy of paying the deductible anyway in order to
induce customers to accept it?"
7. For elaboration on this point, see McCulloch (1981a, p. 247).
Bank Regulation 85
its makes the bank multiplier, and, therefore, the money supply for any
given volume of monetary base, unstable. Economic theory, however,
predicts that deposits paying fully competitive interest in fact provide
zero monetary services at the margin. In a world with completely
deregulated deposit rates it is the zero-interest monetary base rather
than the MI or M2 money supply that would have the greatest degree
of "moneyness." Fluctuations in the latter would therefore be of little
or no macroeconomic consequence.
Diamond, Douglas W., and Dybvig, Philip H. 1983. Bank runs, deposit insurance, and
liquidity. Journal of Political Economy 91 (June): 401-19.
Friedman, Milton. 1959. A Program for Monetary Stability. Bronx, N.Y.: Fordham
University Press.
Kane, Edward J. 1985. The Gathering Crisis in Federal Deposit Insurance. Cambridge,
Mass.: MIT Press.
Kareken, John H. In this issue. Federal bank regulatory policy: A description and some
McCulloch, J. Huston. 1981a. Interest rate risk and capital adequacy for traditional
banks and financial intermediaries. In Sherman J. Maisel, Risk and Capital Adequacy
in Commercial Banks. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
McCulloch, J. Huston. 1981b. Misintermediation and macroeconomic fluctuations. Jour-
nal of Monetary Economics 8, no. 1 (July): 103-15.
McCulloch, J. Huston. 1985. Interest-risk sensitive deposit insurance premia: Stable
ACH estimates. Journal of Banking and Finance 9, no. 1 (March): 137-56.

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