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Tunisia 1943: High Command Army Lists

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Tunisia 1943

High Command Army Lists

Adaptation to Riccardo Affinati's Rules
of the DBA WWII from Damond Crump
Force Composition
The game is played with a force that is composed of a maximum of
1 elements! according original ta"le of organisation#
In each di$ision list there are two categories% Re&uired and
'upport# It's not possi"le to use 'upport "efore Re&uired is
Troop Definitions
Infantry ( 'oldiers with rifles and light support weapons such as
s&uad machine guns and light mortars# Infantry primarily mo$e and
fight on foot "ut can also "e transported "y truc) or half trac)#
*ea$y Weapons ( Infantry armed with hea$y machine guns and mortars
that support regular infantry on the attac) or defense# +ften
hea$y weapons teams are mo$ed "y
transport such as truc)s or half,trac)s#
Tan) ( Armored $ehicles with large cannon and machine guns#
-xamples are the .erman /an0er III or I1! the 'o$iet T,2! and the
American 32 'herman!
*ea$y Tan) ( Tan)s with superior weapons and armor for their time
period# They tended to mo$e slowly and to ignore the effects of
lesser weapons# +"$ious examples are the .erman Tiger and 'o$iet
I'1! "ut the 3atilda in the first years of the desert war would
also "e a hea$y tan)#
Reconnaissance ( Armored cars and light tan)s used for scouting
that ha$e good mo"ility and light armor and armament 4generally
machine guns or light cannon5# -xamples are the .erman /an0er II!
the British *um"er scout car and the Russian T,67#
Anti Tan) .uns ( Towed guns or self propelled guns whose primary
use are for destroying armored $ehicles# -xamples are the British
8 pounder! the 'o$iet '9,177 and
the .erman *et0er# This is also includes anti,aircraft guns that
ha$e "een pressed into anti,tan) ser$ice li)e the dreaded .erman
Artillery ( Towed or self,propelled! large "ore guns that are used
to "om"ard distant targets in preparation of an attac) or used to
"rea) up an attac)# -xamples are the American 6;mm *owit0er!
.erman <e"elwerfer and the British Bishop#
Anti,Aircraft .un ( Towed or self propelled! often rapid firing!
guns that are used to attac) aircraft# They are somewhat effecti$e
against armored targets# -xamples are the .erman =uad >7mm and the
American 3 *alftrac) with #;7 cal machineguns#
*ead&uarters ( The .eneral and his command staff tra$eling in
command $ehicles and
communications $ehicles#
27mm wide "ases gi$e enough room to mount enough troops to ma)e it
loo) nice# If you are not using 27mm "ases "e sure to use the same
width with all elements 4yours
and your opponents5# The minimum "ase depth is suggested "elow#
Base Depth
Infantry >7mm
Tan) 27mm
Reconnaissance 27mm
Anti,Tan) .un >7mm
Artillery >7mm
Anti,Aircraft >7mm
Transport 27mm
*ead&uarters 27mm
?orce @ist format
The force list is "ro)en into nation! di$ision type and year# -ach
element type is preceded "y a num"er! which tells how many of
those elements are a$aila"le# In "rac)ets after are the target
types 4sAsoft! aAarmored5 and mo$ement types 4fAfoot! wAwheeled!
'ome elements ha$e a slash! for example 1 Infantry 4sfBw5# This
usually represents an element that is transported "y truc)s or
some other $ehicle#
Great Britain and Commonwealth
Armoured Di$ision
1 *ead&uarters 4sw5
Tan) 4at5
1 Reconnaissance 4at5
1 Reconnaissance 4aw5
1 Infantry 4sfBw5
Infantry 4sf5
> Artillery 4sfBw5
1 Anti,Tan) 4sfBw or at5
1 Anti,Aircraft 4sfBw5

Infantry Di$ision

1 *ead&uarters 4sw5
8 Infantry 4sf5
Infantry 4sf5
1 *ea$y Weapons 4sfBw5
1 Reconnaissance 4at5
Artillery 4sfBw5
1 Anti,Tan) 4sfBw5
1 Anti,Aircraft 4sfBw5
1 Tan) 4at5
?rench Infantry Di$ision

1 *ead&uarters 4sw5
8 Infantry 4sf5
1 Artillery 4sfBw5
1 Anti,Aircraft 4sfBw5
1 *ead&uarters 4sw5
> Tan) 4at5
1 Infantry 4sf Bat! half trac)5
Infantry 4sf Bw! truc)s5
1 Reconnaissance 4at5
1 Anti,Tan) 4at5
1 Anti,Tan) 4sfBw5
1 Artillery 4sfBw5
1 *ea$y Tan) 4at5
1 Anti,Aircraft 4at5
1 Anti,Aircraft 4sfBw5

1 *ead&uarters 4sw5
8 Infantry 4sfBw! truc)s5
1 *ea$y Weapons 4sfBw! truc)5
1 Anti,Tan) 4at5
> Anti,Tan) 4sfBw5
1 Artillery 4sfBw5
1 Anti,Aircraft 4sfBw! truc) or at! self propelled5
1 Tan) 4at5
1 *ea$y Tan) 4at5

1 *ead&uarters 4sw5
8 Infantry 4sf5
Infantry 4sf5
1 *ea$y Weapons 4sfBw! truc)5
1 Reconnaissance 4sf! horse or "icycle5
> Anti,Tan) 4sfBw5
1 Artillery 4sfBw5
1 Tan) 4at5
1 *ea$y Tan) 4at5
1 Anti,Aircraft 4sfBw5
?allschirmCager Di$ision 1D2 ( 1D2;
1 *ead&uarters 4sw5
8 Infantry 4sfBw! truc)5
Infantry 4sfBw5
1 *ea$y Weapons 4sfBw! truc)5
1 Anti,Tan) 4sfBw5
1 Anti,Tan) 4sfBw or at5
> Artillery 4sfBw5
1 Anti,Aircraft 4sfBw5
1 Tan) 4at5
1 *ea$y Tan) 4at5
1 Anti,Aircraft 4sfBw5
<ote% ?allschirmCaeger Di$isions no longer airdropped after the
in$asion of Crete 4Eune 1D215# ?or "attles where the
?allshirmCaeger ha$e "een air dropped remo$e all transport except
for *ead&uarters#
*ermann .oering Di$ision
1 *ead&uarters 4sw5
> Tan) 4at5
1 Infantry 4sf Bat! half trac)5
Infantry 4sf Bw! truc)s5
1 Reconnaissance 4at5
1 Anti,Tan) 4at5
1 Anti,Tan) 4sfBw5
1 Artillery 4sfBw5
1 Anti,Aircraft 4at5
1 Anti,Aircraft 4sfBw5
Di$isione cora00ata
1 *ead&uarters 4sw5
Tan) 4at5
1 Reconnaissance 4at5
> Anti,Tan) 4at5
> Infantry 4sfBw5
> Anti,Tan) 4sfBt or at5
1 Anti,Tan) 4sfBw5
1 Anti,Aircraft 4sfBw5
1 Tan) 4at5
1 Reconnaissance 4at5
Di$isione motori00ata
1 *ead&uarters 4sw5
8 Infantry 4sfBw5
1 Infantry 4sfBw! motorcycles5
1 *ea$y Weapons 4sfBw5
1 Artillery 4sfBw5
> Tan) 4at5
1 Anti,Tan) 4sfBw or at5
1 Anti,Aircraft 4sfBw5
Di$isione fanteria
1 *ead&uarters 4sw5
8 Infantry 4sf5
1 Artillery 4sfBw5
1 Anti,Aircraft 4sfBw5
1 Tan) 4at5
1 Anti,Tan) 4sfBw or at5
;7F Brigata 'peciale
1 *ead&uarters 4sw5
8 Infantry 4sf5
1 Artillery 4sfBw5
1 Anti,Aircraft 4sfBw5
1 Tan) 4at5
1 Anti,Tan) 4sfBw or at5
!nited "tates
*ea$y Armoured Di$ision
1 *ead&uarters 4sw5
2 Tan) 4at5
> Infantry 4sfBat! halftrac)5
Reconnaissance 4at5
> Infantry 4sfBat! halftrac)5
1 Anti,Tan) 4at5
1 Anti,Tan) 4sfBw5
1 Artillery 4at5
1 Artillery 4sfBw5
1 Anti,Aircraft 4at5
1 Tan) 4at5
@ight Armoured Di$ision
1 *ead&uarters 4sw5
Tan) 4at5
Infantry 4sfBat! halftrac)s5
1 Anti,Tan) 4at5
1 Reconnaissance 4sw5
1 Artillery 4at5
1 Artillery 4sfBw5
1 Anti,Aircraft 4at5
1 Tan) 4at5
1 Infantry 4sfBat! halftrac)5
1 Anti,Tan) 4sfBw5
Infantry Di$ision
1 *ead&uarters 4sw5!
8 Infantry 4sfBw! truc)s5
Infantry 4sfBw! truc)s5
1 Infantry 4sfBat! halftrac)5
1 *ea$y Weapons 4sfBw! truc)5
1 Anti,Tan) 4at5
1 Anti,Tan) 4sfBw5
> Tan) 4at5
1 Artillery 4sfBw! truc)s5
1 Artillery 4sfBw5
1 Reconnaissance 4sw! Ceeps5
1 Anti,Aircraft 4sfBw! truc)s5

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