1. Hydrogen is used to cool the internal components of large turbogenerators due to its high heat transfer properties and ability to reduce machine size.
2. A dedicated hydrogen cooling system is required to supply, control pressure and purity of the hydrogen atmosphere inside the generator. Nitrogen is used to purge air and hydrogen from the generator to prevent explosive mixtures from forming.
3. Seals are required between the stator and rotor to prevent hydrogen leakage, which are lubricated by a high-pressure seal oil system. Additional cooling systems include direct water cooling of the stator winding for large generators.
1. Hydrogen is used to cool the internal components of large turbogenerators due to its high heat transfer properties and ability to reduce machine size.
2. A dedicated hydrogen cooling system is required to supply, control pressure and purity of the hydrogen atmosphere inside the generator. Nitrogen is used to purge air and hydrogen from the generator to prevent explosive mixtures from forming.
3. Seals are required between the stator and rotor to prevent hydrogen leakage, which are lubricated by a high-pressure seal oil system. Additional cooling systems include direct water cooling of the stator winding for large generators.
1. Hydrogen is used to cool the internal components of large turbogenerators due to its high heat transfer properties and ability to reduce machine size.
2. A dedicated hydrogen cooling system is required to supply, control pressure and purity of the hydrogen atmosphere inside the generator. Nitrogen is used to purge air and hydrogen from the generator to prevent explosive mixtures from forming.
3. Seals are required between the stator and rotor to prevent hydrogen leakage, which are lubricated by a high-pressure seal oil system. Additional cooling systems include direct water cooling of the stator winding for large generators.
1. Hydrogen is used to cool the internal components of large turbogenerators due to its high heat transfer properties and ability to reduce machine size.
2. A dedicated hydrogen cooling system is required to supply, control pressure and purity of the hydrogen atmosphere inside the generator. Nitrogen is used to purge air and hydrogen from the generator to prevent explosive mixtures from forming.
3. Seals are required between the stator and rotor to prevent hydrogen leakage, which are lubricated by a high-pressure seal oil system. Additional cooling systems include direct water cooling of the stator winding for large generators.
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Turbo generator cooling
An efficient cooling and ventilating system is
needed to keep the temperature of the windings and other components of the generator resulting due to various losses, below certain limits depending on the insulation.
Cooling in ac generator Dissipation in generators appears as heat which must be removed. This heat appears in the armature conductors, field-winding conductors, stator core, rotor surface, and other structural elements of the machine. Cooling of armature and field conductors may be direct or indirect; the difference is direct contact of the cooling medium with the conductor or contact through electrical insulation. Dissipationa loss of energy from a dynamic system. Dynamic - !otion
"osses in an ac generator The three losses found in an AC generator are - #.$nternal voltage drops due to the internal resistance and impedance of the generator %.&ysteresis losses
'.!echanical losses
Cooling methods of turbogenerators #.(tator winding-indirectly air cooled )otor winding-directly air cooled %.stator winding-indirectly hydrogen cooled )otor winding-directly hydrogen cooled '.stator winding-directly water cooled )otor winding-directly hydrogen cooled
Air cooled turbo generator $n this,stator winding is indirectly air cooled whereas the rotor winding and stator core is directly air cooled.This type of cooling is applicable for rating of '* !+ to ,* !+ generators.
&ydrogen cooled turbogenerator A hydrogen-cooled turbo generator is a turbo generator with gaseous hydrogen as a coolant. Advantages #.)eduction in si-e of machine %.$ncrease in life of machine Coolant-An agent that produces cooling.
&ydrogen cooling system Although hydrogen is a very useful medium for cooling the generator internal com- ponents, it is very dangerous if not handled correctly. A dedicated system to handle the supply and control of the hydrogen atmosphere inside the generator is re.uired. (ince hydrogen is used at generator casing pressures up to /* psig, the generator is also con- sidered a pressure vessel. This re.uires various sealing arrangements to keep the hy- drogen inside the machine.
(upply of the hydrogen to the generator is generally provided by an on-site hydro- gen manufacturing plant, or purchased in a pressure container and replenished periodically. Degas-to remove gas 0urge-to clean thoroughly
$n addition to the hydrogen, a separate supply system is re.uired for C1% to purge the generator of hydrogen during filling and degassing. C1% is used because it is inert and will not react with the hydrogen. $f the hydrogen in the generator were to be purged with air, this would encroach upon both the upper and lower e2plosive limits due to the combustible nature of a hydrogen3o2ygen mi2ture.
&ydrogen at high purity 4above /*56 will not support combustion, and at this level there is no danger of e2plosion since the e2plosive range of a hydrogen3o2ygen mi2ture is 7 to 895 hydrogen in air. To prevent the possibility of an e2plosive mi2ture when filling the generator with hydrogen for operation, air is first purged from the generator by C1%, and the C1% is then purged by hydrogen. +hen degassing the generator for shutdown, hydrogen is first displaced by C1% and then the C1% is purged by air. This way, no e2plosive mi2- ture of hydrogen and o2ygen can occur. $n some rare cases, other inert gases have been used, such as argon.
During operation, a gas pressure regulator automatically maintains the generator casing hydrogen pressure at a preset 4rated6 value. $f hydrogen leaks occur, the pres- sure regulator admits additional hydrogen from the supply system until the predeter- mined pressure is restored. There is always a certain amount of e2pected leakage into the seal oil, through minute leaks, permeation through the stator winding hoses, and so forth, but most generators should be capable of continuous operation below 9** cubic feet per day loss. $f the loss increases to #9** cubic feet per day, the source of the leak should be investigated immediately and corrected.
A hydrogen gas analy-er is usually present to monitor the hydrogen purity, which should be maintained above /85. Dew-point monitoring is sometimes provided to control the level of moisture inside the generator. The dew point is generally maintained below : #*;C and should not be allowed to rise above *;C at generator casing 0ressure.
Dew pointThe dew point is the temperature at which the air will become completely saturated. Dew 0oint the temperature at which air becomes saturated by water vapor when cooled at a given moisture content and a constant pressure. (aturation is the point at which a solution of a substance can dissolve no more of that substance and additional amounts of it will appear as a separate phase
$nside the generator, the hydrogen picks up heat from the various components as it flows over and through such components as the stator core vents and rotor winding. Then it is routed to pass through heat e2changers inside the generator, where the hy- drogen leaving the cooler outlet side has been reduced in temperature to complete an- other cycle of heat pickup as it goes through the same generator components again.
(eal oil system (eal-to close completely <uncture-a place where things =oin )ating-A number, letter, or other mark that refers to the ability of something #.To keep the hydrogen inside the generator, various places in the generator must be sealed to prevent hydrogen leakage to atmosphere. %.1ne of the most difficult seals to make is the =uncture between the stator and the rotating shaft of the rotor. This is done by a set of hydrogen seals at both ends of the machine.
'.The seals may be of the =ournal 4ring6 type or the thrust-collar type, one thing both arrangements have in common is the re.uirement of high-pressure oil in the seal to do the actual sealing. The e.uipment that provides the oil to do this is called the seal-oil system.
(tator cooling water system The stator cooling water system 4(C+6 is used to provide a source of deminerali-ed water to the generator stator winding for direct cooling of the stator winding and asso- ciated components. The (C+ is generally used in machines rated at or above '** !>A. !ost (C+ systems are provided as package units, mounted on a single platform, which includes all of the (C+ system components. All components of the sys- tem are generally made from stainless steel or copper materials.