Role of Statistics in Education

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Role of Statistics in Education

Statistics can be defined as follows:
Statistics can be defined as the collection presentation and interpretation of numerical
data.- Croxton and Crowed.
Statistics are numerical statement of facts in any department of enquiry placed
interrelation to each other.- Bouly.
Statistics are measurement, enumerations or estimates of natural or social phenomena
systematically arrangement to exhibit their inner relation.- Conner.
By Statistics we mean quantitative data affected to a marked extend by a multiplicity of
causes. Youle and Kendal.
The science of Statistics is essentially a branch of applied mathematics and can be
regarded as a mathematics applied to observation data.- R.A fisher.
Scope and importance of Statistics:
The modern world is based on calculations more than anything else. Calculations of money,
calculation of wages, calculation of taxes and all these calculations need to be assimilated, and
utilized in making more calculations. Thus, a proper system of data usage involves collecting all
the data and organizing it properly. Moreover, not everyone will be able to understand data in the
form it is organized, which, in turn, requires proper interpretation of data. Statistics is a science,
which deals with all these phases of data rendering. Statistics is actually a branch of applied
mathematics. Statistical methods are used to attain specific values out of a given data, based on
probability. However, we need to understand that the basic understanding of statistics is not
enough for a successful interpretation of business statistics. In fact, it is just the tip of the iceberg.
Over the years, the importance of statistics has risen dramatically. Today, statistics is used in
almost all the fields. In the following lines, we have given a few points about the scope of
statistics in different fields ok knowledge.

1. Statistics and planning:
Statistics in indispensable into planning in the modern age which is termed as the age of
planning. Almost all over the world the govt. are re-storing to planning for economic

2. Statistics and economics:
Statistical data and techniques of statistical analysis have to immensely useful involving
economical problem. Such as wages, price, time series analysis, demand analysis.

3. Statistics and business:
Statistics is an irresponsible tool of production control. Business executive are relying more and
more on statistical techniques for studying the much and desire of the valued customers.

4. Statistics and industry:
In industry statistics is widely used inequality control. In production engineering to find out
whether the product is confirming to the specifications or not. Statistical tools, such as inspection
plan, control chart etc.

5. Statistics and mathematics:
Statistics are intimately related recent advancements in statistical technique are the outcome of
wide applications of mathematics.

6. Statistics and modern science:
In medical science the statistical tools for collection, presentation and analysis of observed facts
relating to causes and incidence of dieses and the result of application various drugs and
medicine are of great importance.

7. Statistics, psychology and education:
In education and physiology statistics has found wide application such as, determining or to
determine the reliability and validity to a test, factor analysis etc.

8. Statistics and war:
In war the theory of decision function can be a great assistance to the military and personal to
plan maximum destruction with minimum effort.

Role and importance of statistics in education:
The issue of the quality of education is increasingly becoming an area of interest and concern to
many nations of the developing world. This is so because many countries have realized that
education plays a crucial and pivotal role in development at national, regional and international
levels. Statistics are a potent and effective tool for the development of quality in education. As
education systems become increasingly complex, so also is the availability of accurate, up-to-
date statistics a clear imperative. This by no way suggests that statistics on their own ensure or
guarantee quality, but rather that their availability are a condition for achieving it. Alternatively,
statistics can be viewed as part of the broader process of quality assurance that includes
educational planning, policy formulation, management, monitoring and evaluation of the
education systems, and highlighting the role played by statistics in strengthening the process

In the progress of educational planning collection and analysis of relevant statistical information
concerning the education system and related socio-economic factors forms one of the basic
elements, as providing the quantitative foundation for projections regarding the future
development of the educational organization.
In different fields of education statistical knowledge is used as follows:
a. In the Field of Economics:
We all know that the study of economy or economics depends on different variables,
based on the economic data of a specific economy. This is just another way of saying that
economics is completely based on the study of economic statistics. Economics statistics are used
for calculating various factors such as GDP (Gross Domestic Product) and GNP (Gross National
Product), which are essential for knowing our exact economic condition. Statistics also alert us
about any trend developing, which can be utilized for developing sound economic strategies.

b. In the Field of Natural & Social Sciences:
For any of the natural sciences, experimentation is very important. Now, for the precise
measurement of results, their tabulation, i.e. recording and comparison, is required, which is
nothing but a form of statistics. Similarly, in social sciences scenario, it is very important to
consider all the data related to the subjects in observation. Since social science spectrums
includes a great number of subjects, mass data collection and assimilation is inevitable. This can
be a really tedious task, if not done using proper statistical channels.

c. In the Field of Astronomy:
Astronomy is an ancient art and one of the most primitive too. Star gazing may be one of the
easiest things to do in the night, but capturing exact distances in the space and predicting
celestial events can be next to impossible, if a statistical approach is not used. Astronomers have
been using statistical methods, like method of least squares, for a long time for calculation
of celestial distances and comparing objects.
d. In the Field of Business:
In business structures, there may be nothing more important than statistical data and vice versa.
Every business collects data about its consumers and their needs. This data is then assimilated
and interpreted in order to form the base of their future plans and goals. Only on the basis of
accurate data collection and assimilation can accurate projections for the future of the business
be derived. Everything, right from expansion plans, disinvestment moves and new business and
product proposals depend on such statistical calculations. Any small mistake here can spell doom
for the business.

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