Aikido Shihan Hiroshi Tada The Budo Body Part 2

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Aikido Shihan Hiroshi Tada: The Budo Body, Part 2
Written by Christopher Li
Aikido Shihan Hiroshi Tada: The Budo Body, Part 2
Posted on Saturday, August 18th, 2012 at 4:16 pm.
Hiroshi Tada Sensei meets Tempu Nakamura
This is part 2 of the English translation of an interview in
Japanese with Hiroshi Tada. You may want to read part 1
first to learn about Tada Senseis samurai ancestry and
his encounters with Shotokan Karate Founder Gichin
In this section Tada begins to explore his relationship
with Tempu Nakamura, who was also a great influence
on Shin-Shin Toitsu Aikido Founder Koichi Tohei.
Hiroshi Tada The Budo Body, Part 2
(English translation by Christopher Li)
Uchida: Sensei, when did you first become a student?
Tada: March 4th, Showa year 25 (1950).
Uchida: At that time what had you heard about Ueshiba Sensei?
Tada: I wrote an article for Aikido Tanyu (Note: read the English tranlsation of that essay in The Day I
about what my father heard from Ichiro Yano, the former president of Dai-Ichi ) Entered Ueshiba Dojo
Seimei, when I was an elementary school student. Also, I had two uncles in Manchukuo (Note: Japanese
, Shizuo Arai and Motoki Yamazaki, and in the summer of Showa year 17 (1942) we occupied Manchuria)
went to Yamazakis home in Shinkyou (Changchun) (Note: New Capitol, the capitol city of Japanese
. That was just at the time of the tenth anniversary of the founding of Manchukuo, occupied Manchuria)
and there was a big demonstration in Shinkyou at the Shinbuden (). I just missed seeing it by a little bit.
Uchida: That is the demonstration where the famous Mr. Tenryu was encountered, wasnt it? There were
many distinguished members, such as Hakudo Nakayama (Note: Hakudo Nakayama arranged the
short-lived marriage between Nakakura Kiyoshi and Ueshibas daughter, Matsuko)
The Chureito (Memorial Tower) in Shinkyou, Manchukuo 1942
Tada: Thats right. With relation to archery, the Soke of Honda-Ryu was there.
My father knew him well, and we took a picture with the Soke in Shinkyou in
front of the Chureito (). I still have that picture.
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There was a cousin in the Arai household who was a year older than me, in the
second year of middle school. He went to see the demonstration and told me
that Ueshiba Senseis demonstration was incredible. I wanted to start right then,
but my mother passed away and the war was becoming harder so it was
impossible. I kept the demonstration program that my cousin gave me for a long
time after that
In any case, Wakamatsu-cho was burned out all the way up to the Ueshiba
Dojo, and when I started there were still refugees living in the Dojo. There was a
divider in the dojo, and out of 60 tatami mats a family was living on 20 of the
mats. There were about 40 tatami left between the planks, of which about 20
were in tatters.
Uchida: What was training like at that time? Kisshomaru Ueshiba Doshu was employed at that time,
wasnt he?
Tada: Thats right. We called him Waka-Sensei then, but we would have training in the morning before he
left for work, and then again in the evening from around 6:30 p.m.. We would train for an hour from 6:30
a.m., and then we would always train until past 10:00 a.m..
Uchida: What kind of people were there at that time?
Tada: In total there were no more than five or six people, but it was usually students from Waseda or
people from the . Nishi-kai
The Nishi Shiki goldfish exercise () adopted into many
Aikido warm-up routines
Uchida: Yes, Katsuzo Nishi () of the Nishi Shiki Health
Tada: People related to that. People who came in by way
of an introduction from Nishi Sensei. There wasnt anybody
at that time who entered without an introduction. Thats
because the Ueshiba Dojo absolutely never advertised,
even now it is the same. There were two brothers who
entered Hitotsubashi University from the Naval Academy
after the war, Arisaku and Keizou Yokoyama it was through Arisakus introduction that I began to go to
the and the . Tempukai Ichikukai
Uchida: What was Tempu Nakamura Sensei doing after the war? The Tempukai was started in the
Taisho Era , wasnt it? (Note: 1912-1926)
Tada: Taisho year 8 (1919). There is a book called Unmei wo Hiraku (Opening Destiny / , Kodansha
1994) with a forward written by Mr. Hikoichi Sugiyama. Mr. Sugiyama is the current chairman of the
Tempukai, and was a doctor in the psychology department of Tokyo University. Tempu Sensei was just
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slightly older than Ueshiba Sensei. When he passed away in Showa year 43 (1968) he was 92 years old.
Uchida: O-Sensei also passed away around the same time.
Tada: Tempu Sensei passed away on December 1st of Showa year 43 (1968). O-Sensei passed away on
April 26th of the next year. I was in Europe.
Uchida: So you werent able to be with either of them at the moment of death?
Tada: No, my grandfather passed away at 93, then Tempu Sensei passed, then O-Sensei passed away.
The next year I returned home. I made it back in time for the first anniversary of Ueshiba Senseis death. I
say returned, but it was that bond that brought me back. If I hadnt returned at that time I might have
stayed away forever.
Uchida: In what year did you become a member of the Tempukai?
Tada: Year 25 (1950).
Uchida: Is that the same year? Was that right after you joined the Aikikai?
Tada: Soon after I joined the Aikikai Mr. Arisaku said, I know a wonderful teacher, wont you come meet
him?, so I went immediately.
Mitsuru Toyama and wife with Tempu Nakamuara
(left), New Years Day 1935
Toyama was a right wing leader associated with
the ultra right-wing Black Dragon Society tied to
Morihei Ueshiba
Uchida: What kind of a person was Tempu
Nakamura Sensei?
Tada: He was an excellent teacher. Tempu Senseis
household was one of the Kazoku (Note: the new
peerage created by the Emperor Meiji / Flower
. Senseis father was named Sukeoki Nakamura (), and was born into the ruling Tachibana Family)
household of the Yanagawa-han then went to the Nakamura household as an adopted son. Later he
became the factory manager of the mint bureau of the Ministry of Finance. For that reason, Senseis
childhood friends that he talked about often were people like Hisaya Iwasaki (Note: Mitsubishis third
. However, Sensei was sent to Kyushu. president)
Uchida: Shuyukan . After that he went into business. (Note: ) Fukuoka Prefectural Shuyukan High School
He was a bank president, wasnt he?
Tada: In Taisho year 8 (1919) he was suddenly overcome with a feeling and gave up all of his business
interests, that was the beginning of the spread of Shin-Shin Toitsu-ho (Note: / The Method of Mind and
. The name of the association was the Toitsu Tetsui Gakkai ( / Unification Philosophy Body Unification)
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and Medical Research Institute), the popular name was the Tempukai. It became a legally established
foundation in the latter half of the the 30s . (Note: Showa era, the 30s were 1955-1965)
Uchida: We are only able to read the transcripts of the lectures, but what was it actually like?
Tada: Tempu Sensei came to focus on Shin-Shin Toitsu-ho through and . Karma Yoga Raja Yoga
Controlling the way one holds their mind in everyday life, then concentrating the spirit, unification.
Uchida: Yoga?
Tada: That is because Tempu Sensei was guided in ascetic yoga training by his teacher Kaliapa.
Uchida: When read it seems like a written philosophy of life, but in the Tempukai you were actually doing
Tada: Yogic philosophy is said to be the essence of Indian philosophy, and among the literati of the West
it is now being called the greatest philosophy of life in the world. The contents of Unmei wo Hiraku were
called true contemplation. At the summer special seminars we had seated meditation in the morning, the
transcripts are from lectures given by Tempu Sensei at that time.
Uchida: Prior to that was there some kind of physical training?
Tada: Normal exercises, a thing called Unification Exercises to stimulate the back muscles (Note:
, and exercises to build the foundations of Kokyu-ho. Then, for muscles that are not normally used)
example, there might be things such as basic telepathy practice.
Continued in part 3, with more on telepathy training.
Honolulu, HI Christopher Li
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