Challenges For Exploits
Challenges For Exploits
Challenges For Exploits
Dr. Robert Schuller in his Move Ahead with Possibility Thinking. Outlines eight
steps we can take. They are:
1. Expect problems / challenges at all times.
2. Put each challenge in its proper perspective.
3. Welcome them (challenges) as the real stimulants to success.
4. Remember that every challenge is another opportunity
5. Draw up a challenge -solution list.
6. Use the challenge creatively
7. Cultivate sense of humour.
8. Let the challenge lead you closer to God
Though he knew that Lazarus was dead and buried Jesus simply told his disciples,
“Lazarus hophilos hemon kekoime tai alla poreuomai hina ezupniso auton” (John
11:11). (“Lazarus our friend has fallen asleep; but I am going there to wake him
up”). Better to downsize a challenge that exaggerates it.
Problems challenge your imagination to think deeper, spend more time, devote
greater energy and reorganize your total set-up. When this attitude is developed
you would have learnt to avoid being tense, abrupt, irritable, resentful, jealous,
cynical or even get discouraged when confronted with challenges.
Once Jesus was asked, “Who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born
blind?” Jesus said in reply, “Qute houtos hemarten oue hoi gones autou all’ hina
phanerother ta erga tou theou en auto” (John 9:3). (It was not that this man
sinned, or his parents sinned but that the word of God might be made manifest in
him). In other words, it is no time to worry about why, but an opportunity to show
the world the glory of God as contained in “The Nazarene manifesto” (apology to
The Revd Canon Dr. Israel Okoye). See Isaiah 61:1-3, (Matt. 11:5; Lk. 4:18-19;
A politician who found himself in a controversial issue and was widely criticused,
was once quoted to have said, “I welcome criticism, it gives me an opportunity to
reply to my critics. I have an excuse to make a public statement enthusiastically
pointing out all the good I am doing, have done and am planning to do. Without the
criticism, I could never have had the platform or opportunity to air my plans to
so large an audience.
It is great how many creative possibilities lie hidden in every challenge. Christ
was accused of blaspheming when he told the paralytic man. “Teknon aphuebtia sou
ai amartai (Mk. 2:5) (‘ My Son, your sins are forgiven’) the scribes could not
stomach this. “who can forgive sins but God” (Mk. 2:7) they asked among
themselves. This was enough an opportunity for Christ to once again launch into
action. “the Nazarene manifesto” must be fulfilled. “Why do you question thus in
your heart? Jesus asks. “which is easier, to say to the paralytic, “ Your sins are
forgiven or to say rise take up your pailet and walk? “But that you may know that
the Son of man has authority in earth to forgive sins”. He said to the paralytic
“Soi lego, egeire aron ton krabatton sou kai upage eis oikon sou” (Mk. 2:8) (“ I
say to you rise take up your pailet and go home”).
Take every problem and challenge that comes your way as an opportunity to prove
After the violent uproar that followed his defense speech in Jerusalem ( which he
actually begged for on the ground that he was a Jew, from Tarsus in Cilicai, a
citizen of no mean city) Paul knew he was in a bigger challenge. Not only was he
about to be flogged. He may never have the opportunity and right to speak to the
people again. He had to think fast, deep and big. And he remembered what was
needed most, his Roman citizenship though a Jew by blood. (Acts 22:1ff). It was
therefore convenient for him to ask “Ei anthropon Romion kai akatak riton ezestin
humin mastrixeiv? (Is it lawful for you to scourge a man who is a Roman citizen,
and uncondmned?). Unquestionable, there is a solution to every challenge says Dr.
Next was his experience in Abuja. I cannot remember the story very well but he
ended up trekking all night and arriving at the Church he was invited to, as a
guest preacher for 8.00 a.m. service, at about 7.00 a.m. and had not prepared his
sermon. I could not imagine a bigger challenge any minister can face. Yet he
narrated it in such a way that you would think he enjoy it all.
Challenge is not obstacles. They are for our good. Sometimes God may deny us a
shallow answer in order that we may put our root into eternal and consequently
stand tall and strong in any storm. But even if they are obstacles. What about it?
In the word of Norman Pearls. “ A man who faces no obstacle faces no challenges.
The man who faces no challenges is a man who knows no excitement in life. He will
soon be bored, and boredom is the real old age and next thing to death”