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Assignment Cover Sheet: American International University Bangladesh

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Faculty of Businss A!"inist#ation

Assignment Cover Sheet
Students must complete all details except the faculty use part.
Dcla#ation an! Stat"nt of Aut$o#s$i%&
1. I/we hold a copy of this assignment, which can be produced if the
original is lost/ damaged.
2. This assignment is my/our original work and no part of it has been
copied from any other students work or from any other source except
where due acknowledgement is made.
. !o part of this assignment has been written for me/us by any other
person except where such collaboration has been authori"ed by the
lecturer/teacher concerned and is clearly acknowledged in the
#. I/we ha$e not pre$iously submitted or currently submitting this work for
any other course/unit.

No. Student Name Student
1 Rahman MD. Shabbir 06-06586-1 19.10.08
2 Kaiser Md. Imru 06-06!29-1 19.10.08
! "annath Khatune 06-0#055-2 19.10.08
$ %&a 'i(is Mashud 06-06#66-2 19.10.08
Proposal on
%lease submit all assignments to your sub&ect lecturers or the office of the concerned
Proposal Title: )he *rgani+ationa Stru,ture o- .he&ron
Proposal Number: 01 Due Date 19.10.2008 Semester: /a 200#-2008
Subject Code: 1178 Subject Name: *rgani+ationa )heor0 Section: '
Course Instructor: /arheen 1assan Degree Program: '.'.2
'roup !ame (if applicable)*
The Organizational Structure of Chevron
Submitted to
Farheen Hassan
Course Instructor
Submitted by
Rahman d! Shabbir I"# $%&$%'(%&)
*aiser d! Imrul I"# $%&$%+,-&)
.annath *hatune I"# $%&$/$''&,
0va 1il2is ashud I"# $%&$%/%%&,
113 Program
3merican International 4niversity& 1angladesh
)!$ Introduction
Chevron at a Glance
.he&ron is one o- the argest integrated energ0 ,om3anies in the 4ord.
1ead5uartered in San Ramon6 .ai-ornia6 and ,ondu,ting business in
a33ro7imate0 180 ,ountries6 the ,om3an0 is engaged in e&er0 as3e,t o- the
oi and natura gas industr06 in,uding e73oration and 3rodu,tion8 re-ining6
mar(eting and trans3ortation8 ,hemi,as manu-a,turing and saes8 geotherma
and 3o4er generation.
Company Roots
)he ,om3an0 tra,es its eariest roots to an 18#9 oi dis,o&er0 at 9i,o .an0on6
north o- :os 2ngees6 a -ind that ed to the -ormation o- the 9a,i-i, .oast *i
.o.6 4hi,h ater e&o&ed into the Standard *i .o. o- .ai-ornia and6 ater6
.he&ron .or3. 2nother ma;or root in the geneaogi,a ,hart is the 1901
-ormation o- )he )e7as /ue .o. in 'eaumont6 )e7as. It ater be,ame (no4n
as )he )e7as .o. and6 e&entua06 )e7a,o In,. In 20016 these entities merged
to -orm .he&ron)e7a,o. )he name 4as ,hanged to .he&ron in 2005 to
,on&e0 a ,earer6 stronger and more uni-ied 3resen,e in the goba
mar(et3a,e. )he a,5uisition o- <no,a .or3oration in 2005 strengthened
.he&ron=s 3osition as a goba energ0 eader6 enhan,ing assets in (e0 basins
around the 4ord.
7lobal Scope
)he ,om3an0=s di&erse and high0 s(ied goba 4or( -or,e stands at
a33ro7imate0 566000 em3o0ees >e7,uding about 66600 ser&i,e station
em3o0ees?. .he&ron and its 3eo3e ,ontinue to ta(e great 3ride in a
,ommitment to ,ommunit0 3artnershi3s6 so,ia res3onsibiit0 and
en&ironmenta e7,een,e.
1uman Resour,e Manager
S5uare 9harma,euti,as :imited 'angadesh
Re# Re8uest for an 0ducational Survey at your organization
Dear Sir@Madam6
.ongratuation -or 0our su,,ess-u o3eration through out the ,ountr0.
It gi&es us 3easure to in-orm that 2meri,an Internationa <ni&ersit0 'angadesh >2I<'?
beie&es in 5uait0 edu,ation 4ith some taste o- 3ra,ti,a orientation in the rea 4ord
situation. Ae 3re-er to send our students to di--erent organi+ation as a 3art o- their
edu,ation 3rogram. 2 in-ormation 3ro&ided b0 0ou 4i be stri,t0 used -or a,ademi,
3ur3ose on0.
)he undersigned student>s? o- ''2 are assigned to 4or( on an assignment on
B%m3o4erment in S5uare 9harma,euti,as :imitedC.
NameD ID NoD
12S2N MD. R2KI'<: 0#-08895-2
2:2M MD. IS)I2E 0#-091!8-2
12SS2N MD. 2S1I/ 0#-08956-2
Ae are tr0ing to groom our 0oung students to be,ome e--e,ti&e and e--i,ient -uture
manager in the so,iet0. Four ,o-o3eration in this regard 4oud be high0 a33re,iated and
4oud 4or( as a miestone -or our -uture ,iti+ens.
>/arheen 1assan?
9ermission granted b0D
/arheen 1assan
.ourse )ea,her
S,hoo o- 'usiness 2dministration
2meri,an Internationa <ni&ersit0 'angadesh >2I<'?.
Re# Submission of term paper# :0mpo;erment<
Dear Madam6
It is our great 3easure to submit the re3ort tited :0mpo;erment< that 0ou assigned us a
3artia re5uirement o- the ,ourse BIntrodu,tion to 'eha&iora S,ien,eC. Ae are than(-u
to 0ou -or ao4ing us the o33ortunit0 to do the term 3a3er on this to3i,.
)he resear,h attem3t to oo( into the 3oint and ana0sis o- em3o4erment. It aso -o,uses
on the 3oint o- an organi+ation use an em3o4erment. It aso -o,uses on the 3oint o- an
organi+ation use an em3o4erment 3oi,0 and ,onse5uen,es o- em3o4erment 3ra,ti,es.
Ae 4i a4a0s be a&aiabe -or an0 su33ementar0 inter3retation or ,ari-i,ation that
ma0 re5uire. )his re3ort de-inite0 gi&es us an e7,e3tiona e73erien,e that 4i be in use
in the -uture.
Ae ho3e that our resear,h 4i i&e u3 to 0our e73e,tations and 4i thro4 ight on the
12S2N MD. R2KI'<: 0#-08895-2
2:2M MD. IS)I2E 0#-091!8-2
12SS2N MD. 2S1I/ 0#-08956-2
Grou3 NameD
,!$ Ob=ectives
,!) 1road ob=ective

)o (no4 the organi+ationa stru,ture o- .he&ron and ho4 it o3erates 4ith the stru,tured
design o- the organi+ation.

,!, Specific ob=ectives
)o -o,us on the areas o- di--erent stru,ture
)o -o,us on di--erent e&es o- stru,ture
1o4 di--erent stru,ture integrate 4ith ea,h other
)o -o,us on the maintenan,e a,ti&ities
1o4 the0 de&eo3 the stru,ture
Aho is main0 res3onsibe -or de&eo3ing the stru,ture
1o4 di--erent stru,tures ,ontroed
.orre,ti&e a,tions i- an0 mista(es done 4hie de&eo3ing the stru,ture
/ina0 4ho a33ro&es the stru,ture
2n0 -uture 3anning o- de&eo3ing the stru,ture
+!$ Scope
2-ter reading the re3ort6 readers 4i ha&e a brie- idea about ho4 the stru,ture o- an
organi+ation is being de&eo3ed6 ho4 it o3erates6 4hat are the re5uirements -or
de&eo3ing the organi+ationa stru,ture and other ne,essar0 in-ormation regarding the
organi+ationa stru,ture. Ae ho3e that this re3ort 4i not on0 -u-i our stud0 3ur3ose
but aso 4i a,t as a guideine to he3 those 4ho 4ant to de&eo3 the organi+ationa
stru,ture or (no4 ho4 it is being de&eo3ed.

>!$ ethodology
>!) Source of information
Primary# )he basi, in-ormation b0 inter&ie4ing the to3 o--i,ia o- the ,om3an0
4ho are reated to 1R de3artment.
Secondary# '0 bro4sing the 4ebsites be,ause 4e ha&e to gather other basi,
in-ormation o- the organi+ation -rom 4eb. 2so &isiting the organi+ation 4i he3
>!, Study 3pproach
*ur stud0 a33roa,h 4i be resear,h based.
>!+ Research instruments
>!+!)?uestionnaire# Ae 4i 3re3are a set o- around 20 5uestions and as( the
inter&ie4ee to ans4er them.
>!+!, echanical Instrument# 4e 4i use ,om3uter to t03e the entire re3ort and aso
4hie bro4sing the internet to gather se,ondar0 in-ormation.
>!> Sampling plan
>!>!) Sampling unit# the human resour,e manager o- .he&ron
>!' Contact method
>!'!) ail ?uestionnaire# i- inter&ie4 remains in,om3ete then 4e 4i send
them 5uestionnaire in the -orm o- e-mai -or its tota ,om3etion
>!'!, Telephone intervie;# 4e ,an -i7 a33ointment and ,an ta(e intensi&e
inter&ie4 o&er 3hone
>!'!+# personal intervie;# 4e 4i go 3ersona0 and ta(e inter&ie4 4ith
5uestionnaire6 4e 4i aso dis,uss about the di--erent as3e,ts o- the issue

'!$ 3ctivity schedule
3ctivity @ee2
1 2 ! $ 5 6 # 8 9
Identi-0 grou3
Identi-0 the target
.onta,t the target
9re3are 5uestionnaire
Data ,oe,tion
Data 3ro,ess6 ana0sis
.orre,ti&e a,tions a-ter
re&ie4ing re3ort
Re3ort submission
Good da06 4e are the students o- 2meri,an Internationa <ni&ersit0-
'angadesh >2I<'?. Ae ha&e ,ome o&er here to 3er-orm a sur&e0 on
organi+ing o- 0our 4e-(no4n organi+ation and 4e need 0our he3 to do
this. )his is a 5uestionnaire in the ne7t 5 3ages and 4e sha be grate-u to
0ou i- 0ou sa,ri-i,e 0our 3re,ious minutes to -i u3 some muti3e ,hoi,e
9ease gi&e 0our in-ormation beo4. DonHt 4orr0I Fou ,an ans4er the
5uestions b0 ,on,entrating.
>2 ,a3s?
An Empirical Study On The Motivational Process In Corporation
otivation Chec2up A The Positives
01. Ahat 3ra,ti,es are used in 0our organi+ation to moti&ate its em3o0eesK
'0 gi&ing
o Interesting 4or(8
o Good 4ages
o /u a33re,iation o- 4or( done6
o Good 4or(ing ,ondition8
o /eeing o- being in on things8
o )a,t-u dis,i3ine6
o Lob se,urit0
o 9romotions and gro4th in the organi+ation8
o 9ersona o0at0 to em3o0ees8
o S0m3atheti, he3 4ith 3ersona 3robemsB
02. Do 0ou thin( that em3o0ees o- 0our organi+ation are moti&atedK
1. Fes 2. No
0!. Do 0ou thin( the em3o0ment and mi7ture 3ro,ess in 0our organi+ation is
1. 9oor 2. /air !. Good $. Mer0 good 5. %7,eent
0$. Four o3erationa a--iiation among others in 0our organi+ationK
1. 9oor 2. /air !. Good $. Mer0 good 5. %7,eent
05. Is 0our ;ob 3ro3er0 a33raised b0 the administrationK
1. 9oor 2. /air !. Good $. Mer0 good 5. %7,eent
An Empirical Study On The Motivational Process In Corporation
06. Do 0ou thin( the authorit0 shoud enarge the o33ortunities -or ne4 ,omers
or the0 shoud (ee3 on im3ro&ing the e7isting 4or( -or,eC
1. 'eginners 2. %7isting 4or(-or,e
0#. 1o4 mu,h ,on&in,ed do 0ou ha&e on 0our su3eriorK
1. 9oor 2. /air !. Good $. Mer0 good 5. %7,eent
08. 2re 0ou ,ontented 4ith 0our ;ob 4agesK
1. Fes 2. No
09. Do 0our -ee enthusiasti, to ta(e an0 res3onsibiit0 other than those assigned
on 0ouK
1. :ess enthusiasti, 2. %nthusiasti, !. Mer0 enthusiasti,
10. )he methods o- a33raising the ;ob in reation to other ;obs in the ,om3an0K
1. 9oor 2. /air !. Good $. Mer0 good 5. %7,eent
11. Does 4or(ing in nationa ban( e73ress an0 s0mbo o- status on 0our 3artK
1. Fes 2. No
12. Ahat do 0ou 4ant -rom 0our ;obK

1. 2 satis-0ing 3ersona i-e8 $.2n interesting ;ob8
2. Good 4or(ing ,ondition8 5.2 o- the abo&e8
!. 2 good boss8
1!. 2re 0ou satis-ied 4ith the ,urrent 4or(ing hourK
1. Fes 2. No
An Empirical Study On The Motivational Process In Corporation
I- No6 then 0our re,ommendation
o #.00 2.M. - 2D!0 9.M.
o 8.00 2.M. - $D00 9.M.
o 8D15 2.M. - $D!0 9.M.
o 9.00 2.M. - 5.00 9.M.
1$. Do 0ou beie&e in e7isting 3romotion 3oi,0 to e7e,ute -air0K
1. Fes 2. No
15. In ,ase o- 3romotion 4hat shoud be gi&en 3riorit0K
1. Merit 2. 9er-orman,e !. Seniorit0 $. 2
16. 1o4 mu,h se,ured 0ou are 4ith 0our ;obK
1. 9oor 2. /air !. Good $. Mer0 good 5. %7,eent
1#. Do 0ou thin( the measures ta(en b0 the management -or 0our 3ro3osa
gro4th ade5uateK
1. Fes 2. No
18. 2re the -a,iities in 0our 3osition ade5uateK
1. 9oor 2. /air !. Good $. Mer0 good 5. %7,eent
19. 1o4 mu,h toerant 0our su3erior isK
1. 9oor 2. /air !. Good $. Mer0 good 5. %7,eent
20. )he e&e o- re,ognition 0ou ha&e6 a-ter 0ou ha&e ,om3eted ;obs.
1. 9oor 2. /air !. Good $. Mer0 good 5. %7,eent
An Empirical Study On The Motivational Process In Corporation
21. Do 0ou thin( that the re4ard is 3resenting 0our 3er-orman,eK
1. 9oor 2. /air !. Good $. Mer0 good 5. %7,eent
22. Ahi,h (ind o- training method do 0our 3re-erK
1. *n the ;ob8
2. *-- the ;ob8
!. )raining b0 e73erien,ed su3er&isor8
$. :earner shi3 training.
otivation Chec2up A The Degatives
2!. Do 0ou hesitate to go to 0our su3erior in ,ase o- an0 3robemK
1. Fes 2. No
2$. In 0our organi+ation do the em3o0ees -ai to em3hasi+e team4or(K
1. 24a0s 2. Sometimes !. Rare $. Ne&er
25. Do the high e&e authorit0 .riti,i+e 4or(ers in -ront o- othersK
1. 24a0s 2. Sometimes !. Rare $. Ne&er
26. Did the 2uthorit0 Sho4 ,on,ern on0 -or 0ouK
1. 24a0s 2. Sometimes !. Rare $. Ne&er
2#. Dis3a0 3oor 3ersona 4or( habitsK
1. 24a0s 2. Sometimes !. Rare $. Ne&er
28. In 0our organi+ation do the su3erior o&er su3er&ise on 0ouK
1. 24a0s 2. Sometimes !. Rare $. Ne&er
29. Do the su3erior im3ose im3ossibe 4or(oads on 0ouK
1. 24a0s 2. Sometimes !. Rare $. Ne&er
An Empirical Study On The Motivational Process In Corporation
!0. Do the authorit0 -o,us on the negati&es o- 0our 4or(K
1. 24a0s 2. Sometimes !. Rare $. Ne&er

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