End of World Predictions Oct 98 (Brahma Kumaris)

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1 Om shanll .&Iiirl/iuftart 2lh ?ttober,lg\t]

Letter *'ilh d!rctilwtt fron Dadi Ptitktslt;ttanJ

Iteloved8.4rDttlt'r chr!clrenand rhrlinrtrrriretrtiisiels and b:ofhcr;trho arc rullnin,rBaba'scenttes.please

acceptlote nndrerit,) branceii r-'rttlilarlhtrban
IlelovoriLrapDada litys: coll of'tlrr, i:nr.i no\\ri; i) Bc[r:[ncir l]c;rorver. 2.1Be rrrercif'ul.3) Imbibe
qualiiicationsaccrr'Jingto youL rrirr .11C'onslarrti\' :tu in lir:titl*s l:airpines.r 5) Experiencepleasure
\ ourstlfandalsogil e otltcritlti r;rrlt'er1'etittlc,.r

Ilorn ti:neto:ime BapDadagives fhe signal:(lhilclr'crt. lhcrearc an(iih!-rcrvill be narry adversesituations

brrtyou have fo rnaintainau els\itlcd :ir;clqrcal sfsur), \'orr haveto remainunshakeable
in the rl1>rld, and
irnrnovrlrlelike Angad- rlt presc!)t.rvi: continuull.,:
lre;utlrertervsllt:it in some placesthere6fe the natural
calamitimand i* someplacesther; lre r,vir rs eic Tire;eis a!sr-l
it lo1rrl'stc:llingbecausethis periodis now
';er1tarropra&anald also thc intcllr;'cts of peoplerr;,-.
t.uttc4rradhari.Iiittetore, I arntvnting this lettcrto all
ofycu todaytr dra\',i atieruionto a fciv thirrss
All of i,u mr-ista]:c be heaiingin llie;terts [hat ailtrud -]I D,-:ctrnrbrr
ig1)q.due to the microchipdesign,
t h o r n i r a F o f r $ i h i l i t y n i m a n y r y p * s n f pl il n
i ; h: rlr*;r:nt iss i : q r : i ; l i n g i h u r n l r n i r i p s a h r o ; t C t o h c g
of atteotionto this. The govct'nncnts of nrany countrics ai:rirai{ hilve also announcedthat each citizcn
shouldstark enoughfood ar,rJdrink. clothes,rh'i:',kincu.dierqic. I'ecarr.se if around3l'r December19919,
sonethingdces wong becauscuf the rnicrochip.fhr-t 'thererr-irtrhl l--,ra.negative iurpacton thesethings
and alsoia i:ting ableto purchlsetheil. TIle go\'ernor!,rlt
hasalsoarrrrt.rLrtced that everycitizenshouldkegp
enoughcaih vith them becauieall the Lr.rr:.is c(\r;ldal.i(r$; rr'ri.'r''rli'-. .'tnArl,:r'r".,r ir rvouldthen bc
impt:ssrhleto drarvany casht'r'onlthc banks.

Selove,J.BapDaca has e;t;lla;ne<l k) r:s ch()u1. lll thesetlringrin a-rir.;r;rre: Clrildrer:,a tjnre.,vill comewitel
vou rvill not get eien a ilrop ol r"aler Ai 5lril",a iinririheri \*ill b* a ir-,tof:tealing and lcbbing etc Ever
so, Babar;;rvs; Children,r,,C)uare illl lrrr'Lreri1'tileseth:ir,isirnd lher'::irretherei3 ;ri; nEedfol you to ibaf 01
rvon.vsbfruisn)thin-{. Houer'+t. ii i:r ris-stt:tial tU b.''-:;i:eii:!al'-l 1o ier:r[in iautious. \.Viththis thouglrtii
ilinrl, I aiit wiiting a itw thiirgs u,hich yttLls:r(tul'r ir-' 1i'r,,1:
n'r' iliT\riltl.r:r liai,e been ,jaulioncditboutthj:
';teviousi... -f
{l$o,bui I anLstill rrriring ti cu ,1!i?rj11 thil ','L.u:rhnr}ia! irli hiri* rr ,iletk of cssentials
ibr at lcastI
to "l montlrs You l:eep
sltrtul'J tltese things i n slrrck ::-:i-rrrc
i:ilircr' Llr:cr-lbe r r-ir
afler December accordingtr
.i0uf corivcnlence

I, St',rckup tlrir:k1n.gts,&ier Very',r'tii li'1,rr'rnti':iltle li) rl(:sitnrc,.,!)r iDs.1tvoLrrplace-thunyou call he\,(

a hend-prrnlp. SOthat er,en r','lellytr':ltl,-rn'tire'.',.'tiitcir:litr'. ,11lc,ili','t,ttiravc sotngnleans0irJralvint
lvdidf. 1..ajryciise,a hatil ]-rtt
ttifr is bcrltr li,r'iIi'rl..irrr_r iln(l..,,'rl.-r
r',.ii:'-.r Lre'.rsedi'or cooking.
?, You shculdha',,eeucughcajlr frr (io','r'rthii c\prl(':s irl lle csrifc r.llatn t'lom r,,ourbankto lastyou fo
0t leeif jlnf lr trvo incttthi. Als.r. hitle elriiurl,rr::,slisi;l: ','r'.:;'-' thal il: ycu are una!:leto dtg,.van'
:nDne]'lionry('rirrbaniiirt [):csurbet..vrlt :rrnu],:] lr:r,--i-r:ri:hilr:e{i
riir,:r',;l! sufi'icientsrock. Ranreshbha
haselsosuggesier! that if yLruhlrvean1 lrlolil\, : Tri.riix*J dtposii.r'rtL;rhould iranst-er someOi that to .
savingsaccr:urtt so thai v(ru arc iilllc t,r ilia"v i1 r',ltrrrev:r j'i\r r:t'-iir
3. h the last week oi D;cernb,:rl!)!l!i "1ndthe i'rir u*k lf Jrnirarl'lt]00. everyoneshouldhy to hnv
yogabhatthiproqranrnciirtthcil.o,'',n 1:'iaccsiii: uitl;,.jreDr;...,tr';l'1oga thatyouareableto develo
thr pnr*-rrrrf yntrr m'nri, thnl i r, ri,--unr',-' nlric ti iri,:rerr,- ynrir r,'ill.porr.,oL :rnd:rt tlrs endit io thil otng
thalxill he!pus lo becontefiarrrrillict
4. A specialsignalis beil-uciverrro rrll r.,fvou llt,..tLiri:Dad.rir ill iurre orrthat evening,nccordingto th
pr*giturme.andfiany bl.Othcr-s trid srstersfl'onrtjrttrtrl plirursir:rr.;been5;iventheir turn, Howevet
] vuouldstll! like to esyrccielil, irtlviselrll uf yo,,rLitn .,i,.rslrrriiiilr,rrl',,nrrrkea prcgranlrngto contei
]lfadltuban at'ielha'"ingc:irefiill.,ii,il:1i(lete(l tir.-t-.'.iiii::;illr:tair,!ir r.-..llrt:it.inci:s
r,,heleveryou ale. l
'"i:uare:irleto crrll1e arlCrrc:i-,| lJrrtrD,rdr rrrtiriririir ltt'li,:t,,: .riicr l ln' I),lcetnber, thanthatis eve
beter. Pic:s,:irell1,'ecia11,.'r:iiit'll.illh:tf ih*rc tlrr.- il:i,.i.,.!rc Jr..,f.ti,)n+at the ce[ties.artdyr-rU shoul
ctrrtrecnrpt)tlrtdg.' 1t'i\fLotllcr Gitapathshala nearby l( wi
nlla mtke surethatyOucon t leavcYour pr1)gllllnlrlesso^that all brothersRr
cxhitrilit-rnr trt,ptrhlir-:
alsoire very goodif you dLtnc'rl'L'it1anv y(ll lllir.,.r,oto rtreccntrclirr rnornittgclass.but it rvouldt
$istersareableto stayin thcir llon1Es.
Lcstifyou tlid norgo touringor sighnccin!duli;r:r qol)n
thilis ii-,1)-ourcl-:llrr-l.s irs\:o\rreceivethisletter'
S. i* unaUuyall the-necessa,"L paratlnfor cookingartdif yc
gasf-orcc0kinl,btll ltlsokctp a str-ri:k ol'colll,ketostrre,
-' Youmavlr0tve
pcn.ill tf it is snitablefor thebiggercentre
il ""i i.L*, iirenalsor.*p'.,rougt stockol'dicicl o|
voucanslsokeePbicYcles etc
gtr ll print oul o{'thc full accountg
Z. ilte cenlresrvhokeeprheir i1t;olillt!in the corlplltetsshr-trltl
kcfoserte 1irnrtr-'s:tnd lil:le carlhen.lamps for lighthandvwi
f. if electricityis cut otl, thenhrvtrcan(lle:i,
essential nedicinesin stock'
\tcrc ()Jrcrict-l in.thesethree.tofout moltlhs A
S, ii *""10 be goorlif no nervccntresor fjitr Parhsh.rla:i
ofthis conrlitron, u.* ,,rgnutting us Io attitinotrr|erfcul5titgetlll'uluhtheporvcrfirlspirilurlBndelvol
of yoga..
-thcir cf ll thc ii.otiiirrgLrms in Bharatafldson€ plac(
fO. ici, tave alreatlybeetliolil rcut the pilgrrniaFc
rairici are very'far have alreatlvbcgurr pilgrirna'gciu No\/clnber-and,othersrvill do sc i
p.rrrU*. This unlirlited progiarlrnehad a.1,'carh hecn J:la,utedbcforehandand if anv nBcessal
cna,gesneeoto be madefor theiifst w-eek {}i'Januiw.thenthir tvill bc alsobe done

you shouldinfonnall the cefltles,subce[trcs,Gi'.aPethshalas irntihrQrherg andsistersfiom your':iasst

,i"."Jiri"gt sothatall ofthemareal;lcto coliet;tall r!1'Lhct. t',rsiritet:tslbr tlteirhotnes'

BabaalwaysSays:Chil,lren, yott haveto kecpvoLirscft'{is cvei-ii-ailv i]l tvefy mcment However'if any(
yootaveanyquestions nr rv0rrldlikc sritnt'ltclp, lhen1,i-r\li]iilrwlilclilr Yntrrrnlin centre

I hcpethatyou rvill be ableto Undcrslatrrl thesesignltls, ltui rircr; rs reitli;lno rreedtr'rhaveany feart
*1.$;"s.- rlt us,vrhateverhapPens. iL rvili rrenotlti:r'-: :'rt 1 am onCeagainwritings list (
ner', Bril or':.'rr
all thsbasicthingsncedeci
#pt, ,i"faf,r* c-prcryp.5,1p1dr(.:s,('5r-(r,'riirlnttdititt,s. il;irirli ;r)rri'rrri lottrlrr.q;cDnlfc ablc slippefs'an
til' knoryi[tlut:r)f iii]i).r'! t)tl.l]/ii, :;r;ul' litaratttre,atagazlnes, cassatt(
r#i importantof all, flc fr?;-.,srrrcs
di,.iirlt(l);tr' ,,iirir/i, siirdyfi)Pnl',rhc theijrrlecOmff'
krropii/J lhr:.ieL-i{rilitjr.'.s;o
i,ta. Su,h.nl,alsos,1ou1ri
continueJ to giyeu; f ignalj fi)r {:!'sfflhinlllllr:t tiltlcli'riiinc \ow, BapDada rvill ctrnteOn15
afterDirvali. Thesesmailsrgnlrls jutvcLrcen givcnihi ih" e,ll r,t'I)e,Jetliber. N-otvlct Lr:s*t wht
November ''r'il1
happens in thenevrcentury.It is nrf i,ri.rre {[]sircthirl;1terrt'lr'tlir)i ilrc ll3r ccrti:r1 be in thefonl of
Iiis nr'7puredesirelbr all tri you illstflln)tnfictl:r.';,l:rtttllcttanclsiil-eLg who are tlle protectors
of thi
fire of RurJra,
secritioiai ':r t'irstacllii ilf'-\t)l te centresdueto onereasollc
thntif theieis arrryp't'--:l-.)Ienr
inoihar,thcnyou rvi1lend tharrhstaciclii:ai:rfirl11 arrriloviiigivtrillt ihc dlvareness of belongingto on
Babaandnodeother. Createal illnti)sphire rf'ltich llrrrclntl plt,crli:l renrerrrbrance thatthe raysof thi
yv!,asprutdcvcrywgcrcr rrl] dif.i'Jli(]n1;. ,\ii f.bonei,lliltoutg; o1-thc centrerrhoLrldal;o reteiriesttn
porverfulvibrationsthatwhenthetinrccomcs.lheclrrrttscf viclor'-v rr'illLtcat.
,ivillrendlhislctcr-ti iletlwitlr1:ttt'c
It is lnypurehopethaiall of 1,'ou
audthr yitgy*a l-iait t-rurSupportandourProtcctor
ciearedby Babat,erysai'e.I lllrtr',:l- u!1irrr:rttl'1, &nr
will alwaysbeso. Achcha.
LNs of love andrenentbranceto all,
B.K Prakashmanl

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