Sample Request For Bank Documents

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Sample Request For Bank Documents

FOR ____________________(State/County/Ju!"!a# D!$tr!"t Here)
(Name of Lener Here),
((our Name($) Here),
Ca$e No'* ____________
Defenant($) ((our Name Here), %ro Se, .ur$uant to ((our State Here) Ru#e$ of C!&!# %ro"eure, f!#e t/e !n$tant
Re0ue$t for %rou"t!on of Do"ument$ to %#a!nt!ff an re0ue$t$ t/at %#a!nt!ff .rou"e t/e fo##o1!n2 1!t/!n t/!rty
(34) ay$ after $er&!"e at t/e are$$ of t/e uner$!2ne*
A' (ou are re0ue$te to .rou"e a## o"ument$ !n your "u$toy, .o$$e$$!on or "ontro#, !n"#u!n2 a## o"ument$
1/!"/ are !n t/e "u$toy of your em.#oyee$, attorney$, "on$u#tant$, a""ountant$, or a2ent$, re2ar#e$$ of t/e
#o"at!on of $u"/ o"ument$'
5' If any o"ument re$.on$!&e to a $.e"!f!" re0ue$t 1a$, 6ut no #on2er !$, !n your .o$$e$$!on, "u$toy or "ontro#,
.#ea$e !ent!fy t/at o"ument an $tate 1/et/er any $u"/ o"ument (a) !$ m!$$!n2 or #o$t7 (6) /a$ 6een
e$troye7 (") /a$ 6een tran$ferre &o#untar!#y or !n&o#untar!#y7 or () /a$ 6een ot/er1!$e !$.o$e of, an, !n
ea"/ !n$tan"e, .#ea$e e8.#a!n !n eta!# t/e "!r"um$tan"e$ $urroun!n2 any $u"/ !$.o$!t!on t/ereof'
C' A## o"ument$ are to 6e .rou"e !n or 1!t/ t/e!r or!2!na# f!#e fo#er$, f!#e 9a":et$, en&e#o.e$, or "o&er$'
D' In an$1er!n2 t/e$e re0ue$t$ for .rou"t!on you are re0u!re to furn!$/ a## !nformat!on, o"ument$ an/or
t/!n2$ t/at are a&a!#a6#e to you or $u69e"t to your rea$ona6#e !n0u!ry, !n"#u!n2 !nformat!on an t/!n2$ !n t/e
.o$$e$$!on, "u$toy or "ontro# of any of your$entat!&e$, !n"#u!n2, 1!t/out #!m!tat!on, your attorney$,
a""ountant$, a&!$or$, a2ent$, or ot/er .er$on$ !re"t#y or !n!re"t#y em.#oye 6y or "onne"te 1!t/ you an
anyone e#$e ot/er1!$e $u69e"t to your "ontro#'
E' T/e re#e&ant t!me .er!o !$ from January ;44< unt!# t/e .re$ent, un#e$$ ot/er1!$e !n!"ate'
F' Any o"ument a$ to 1/!"/ a "#a!m of .r!&!#e2e !$ or 1!## 6e a$$erte $/ou# 6e !ent!f!e 6y aut/or, $!2natory,
e$"r!.t!on (!'e', #etter, memo, te#efa8), t!t#e (!f any), ate$, are$$e$ (!f any), 2enera# $u69e"t matter, .re$ent
#o"at!on an "u$to!an an a "om.#ete $tatement of t/e 2roun$ for t/e "#a!m of .r!&!#e2e $/ou# 6e $et fort/'
A' T/e term =o"ument> or =o"ument$> a$ u$e /ere!n furt/er $/a## mean*
a' a## 1r!t!n2$ of any :!n (!n"#u!n2 t/e or!2!na#$ an a## non?!ent!"a# "o.!e$, (1/et/er !fferent from t/e
or!2!na#$ 6y rea$on of any notat!on$ mae on $u"/ "o.!e$ or ot/er1!$e), !n"#u!n2 1!t/out #!m!tat!on,
"orre$.onen"e, note$, $tatement$, tran$"r!.t!on$, "/e":$, form$, a..#!"at!on$, re"e!.t$, re"or$, $ummar!e$,
!ntra?off!"e "ommun!"at!on$, notat!on$ of any $ort of "on&er$at!on$ or !nter&!e1$, te#e./one "a##$ or ot/er ora#
"ommun!"at!on$, an a## raft$, a#terat!on$, mo!f!"at!on$, "/an2e$, an/or amenment$ of any of t/e fore2o!n2'
6' a## 2ra./!" or aura# re"or$ or$entat!on$ of any :!n, !n"#u!n2 1!t/out #!m!tat!on, ./oto2ra./$, "/art$,
2ra./$, .#an$, ra1!n2$, m!"rof!"/e, m!"rof!#m, &!eota.e, re"or!n2, an mot!on .!"ture$7
"' a## e#e"tron!", me"/an!"a#, or e#e"tr!"a# re"or$ or$entat!on$, 1/et/er tran$"r!6e or not, !n"#u!n2
1!t/out #!m!tat!on, ta.e$, "a$$ette$, !$"$ an ta.e re"or!n2$, an
5' T/e term =a## o"ument$> a$ u$e /ere!n $/a## mean e&ery o"ument, a$ ef!ne a6o&e, !n your .o$$e$$!on,
"u$toy or "ontro#, or !n t/e .o$$e$$!on, "u$toy or "ontro# of your off!"er$, !re"tor$, em.#oyee$, .r!n"!.a#$ or
a2ent$' If more t/an one &er$!on or "o.y of a o"ument e8!$t$ an any $u"/ &er$!on or "o.y 6ear$ mar:!n2$ or
notat!on$ 1/!"/ are not on ot/er &er$!on$ or "o.!e$ of t/e o"ument, ea"/ $u"/ &er$!on or "o.y !$ !n"#ue 1!t/!n
t/e mean!n2 of t/e term @o"ument'>
C' T/e term$ =you> or =your> $/a## mean t/e .er$on or ent!ty to 1/om t/!$ o"ument re0ue$t !$ !re"te an, !f
any ent!ty, a## off!"er$, !re"tor$, em.#oyee$ an a2ent$ of t/e ent!ty'
D' T/e term ="ommun!"at!on> a$ u$e /ere!n $/a## mean t/e tran$m!tta# of !nformat!on (!n t/e form of fa"t$,
!ea$, !n0u!re$, or ot/er1!$e) &er6a##y, !n 1r!t!n2, ora##y, 6y te#e./one, !n .er$on, at meet!n2$, e#e"tron!"a##y, or !n
any 1ay or !n any form, an !n"#ue$, 6ut !$ not #!m!te to ema!#$, te8t$, t1!tter an $!m!#ar form$ of e#e"tron!"
"ommun!"at!on, #etter$, fa8e$, te#e2ra./$, te#e8e$, !nter?an !ntra?off!"e memorana or "ommun!"at!on$,
en&e#o.e$, an a## ot/er 1r!tten "ommun!"at!on$ of 1/ate&er form, note$ an memorana of meet!n2$, ta.e$
ot/er $oun re"or$ an tran$"r!.t$, &!eota.e$, or f!#m$'
E' T/e term ="on"ern!n2> a$ u$e /ere!n $/a## mean re#at!n2 to, referr!n2 to, e$"r!6!n2, $u..ort!n2, e&!en"!n2,
or "on$t!tut!n2'
F' T/e term =an> an =or> $/a## 1/ere t/e "onte8t .erm!t$ 6e "on$true a$ =an/or> $o a$ to 6e !n"#u$!&e rat/er
t/an e8"#u$!&e'
A' T/e term$on> $/a## mean any natura# .er$on, tru$t, .artner$/!., or2an!Bat!on, 6u$!ne$$, ent!ty or
H' T/e term =re#ate to,> =re#ate$ to> or =re#at!n2 to> mean$ !n any 1ay !re"t#y or !n!re"t#y, "on"ern!n2, referr!n2
to, !$"#o$!n2, e$"r!6!n2, "onf!rm!n2, $u..ort!n2, e&!en"!n2 or$ent!n2'
I' T/e .a$t ten$e $/a## 6e "on$true to !n"#ue t/e .re$ent ten$e an &!$a &er$a to ma:e t/e re0ue$t !n"#u$!&e
rat/er t/an e8"#u$!&e'
C'T/e $!n2u#ar $/a## 6e "on$true to !n"#ue t/e .#ura# an &!"e &er$a to ma:e t/e re0ue$t !n"#u$!&e rat/er
t/an e8"#u$!&e'
;'Any referen"e to t/e Note an -ort2a2e refer$ to t/e $.e"!f!" o"ument$ a##e2e 6y .#a!nt!ff to 6e
!n&o#&e !n t/e !n$tant .ro"ee!n2$'
C' Any an a## o"ument$ or "orre$.onen"e 1/!"/ !n any 1ay e$"r!6e, e.!"t, referen"e, re#ate to, or refer to
t/e a##e2at!on$ "onta!ne !n t/e uner#y!n2 fore"#o$ure "om.#a!nt, !n"#u!n2 1!t/out #!m!tat!on any an a##
o"ument$ re#!e u.on !n!n2 $a! "om.#a!nt'
;' Co.!e$ of t/e #e2a# $er&!"e$ an reta!ner a2reement$ for ea"/ #a1 f!rm$ent!n2 .#a!nt!ff !n t/e !n$tant
a"t!on !n"#u!n2 1!t/out #!m!tat!on t/e $"o.e of $er&!"e$ to 6e .ro&!e an fee$ for /an#!n2 t/!$ a"t!on'
3' T/e or!2!na# -ort2a2e an Note !n&o#&e !n t/!$ a"t!on 1/!"/ $/a## 6e mae a&a!#a6#e for !n$.e"t!on an
"o.y!n2 at a mutua##y "on&en!ent t!me an #o"at!on'
D' Co.!e$ of a## o"ument$ 1/!"/ $u..ort .#a!nt!ff+$ "#a!m t/at !t o1n$ t/e uner#y!n2 Note an -ort2a2e
!n"#u!n2 1!t/out #!m!tat!on "o.!e$ of any an a## tran$fer$, a$$!2nment$, mer2er$, .ur"/a$e an $a#e a2reement$,
enor$ement$ or ot/er o"ument$ t/at emon$trate .#a!nt!ff /a$ $tan!n2 to 6r!n2 t/!$ Com.#a!nt !n Fore"#o$ure
at t/e t!me $u!t 1a$ f!#e'
<' Co.!e$ of any an a## o"ument$ 1/!"/ "reate or emon$trate t/e e8!$ten"e of a nom!nee or a2en"y
re#at!on$/!. 6y, 6et1een, or ot/er1!$e re#at!n2 to (Name of t/e5an:/%#a!nt!ff !n t/e La1$u!t) an (Name of t/e
Lener L!$te !n (our Note an -ort2a2e)an 1/!"/ $u..ort$ .#a!nt!ff+$ a##e2at!on t/at !t /a$ $tan!n2 to 6r!n2
t/!$ Com.#a!nt !n Fore"#o$ure'
E' Co.!e$ of any an a## o"ument$ re#!e u.on 6y t/e %#a!nt!ff to .ro&e 1/o a"tua##y o1ne t/e -ort2a2e an
Note !n t/!$ "a$e at t/e t!me $u!t 1a$ f!#e !n"#u!n2 1!t/out #!m!tat!on "o.!e$ of re#e&ant !nterna# ru#e$ an
2u!e#!ne$ re#at!n2 to re"or!n2 tran$fer$ an a$$!2nment$ 1!t/ t/e!ate $tate .ro.erty re"or$ off!"e'
F' If t/e or!2!na# Lener !$ no #on2er t/e o1ner of t/e Note an/or -ort2a2e, "o.!e$ of a## o"ument$ !ent!fy!n2
ea"/ $u""e$$!&e o1ner of t/e Note an/or -ort2a2e an t/e term$ of t/e tran$a"t!on for ea"/ $u""e$$!&e o1ner
!n"#u!n2 t/e "urrent o1ner'
G' Co.!e$ of t/e ent!re uner1r!t!n2 f!#e re#ate to t/e Note an -ort2a2e !n"#u!n2 1!t/out #!m!tat!on "o.!e$ of
a## #oan a..#!"at!on$, f!nan"!a# $tatement$ an ot/er o"ument$ $u6m!tte 6y efenant$ or ut!#!Be 6y .#a!nt!ff$
!n ma:!n2 !t$ uner1r!t!n2 eterm!nat!on$ !n t/e !n$tant matter'
H' A "o.y of a## o"ument($) t/at are re#!e u.on 6y t/e %#a!nt!ff to emon$trate t/e %#a!nt!ff /a$ $tan!n2 to
6r!n2 an ma!nta!n t/!$ #a1$u!t'
C4' Co.!e$ of any an a## o"ument$ t/at %#a!nt!ff !nten$ to re#y u.on at tr!a# t/at /a&e not a#reay 6een
.ro&!e to t/e Defenant'
CC' Co.!e$ of o"ument$ .ro&!e to t/e Defenant at t/e t!me of a..#!"at!on t/rou2/ "#o$!n2, !n"#u!n2 a## TILA
an RES%A !$"#o$ure$'
C;' Co.!e$ of any an a## efau#t not!"e$ $ent to efenant 6y .#a!nt!ff an/or any .r!or o1ner or $er&!"er of t/e
Note or -ort2a2e 1/!"/ .ur.ort to "om.#y 1!t/ t/e a""e#erat!on an not!"e re0u!rement$ "onta!ne !n t/e Note
an/or -ort2a2e a$ 1e## a$ any an a## ot/er not!"e re#ate o"ument$'
C3' Co.!e$ of any an a## "orre$.onen"e $ent to efenant$ 6y .#a!nt!ff or any .r!or o1ner or $er&!"er of t/e
Note an -ort2a2e !n"#u!n2 1!t/out #!m!tat!on$ "o.!e$ of a## not!"e$ !n!"at!n2 a "/an2e !n t/e o1ner$/!. or
$er&!"!n2 of t/e Note an -ort2a2e a$ re0u!re 6y t/e re#e&ant #oan o"ument$'
CD' Co.!e$ of any an a## o"ument$ or !nformat!on re#at!n2 to efenant$ an !n .o$$e$$!on of t/e .#a!nt!ff or
.r!or o1ner or $er&!"er of t/e Note an -ort2a2e t/at /a&e not .re&!ou$#y 6een !$"#o$e a6o&e'
C<' Co.!e$ of a## !nterna# ru#e$ an .ro"eure$ .erta!n!n2 to o"ument retent!on an mea$ure$ em.#oye
to .re&ent t/e #o$$ or e$tru"t!on of re#e&ant mater!a#$ .erta!n!n2 to t/e fore"#o$ure .ro"e$$ !n"#u!n2 t/e
!ent!f!"at!on of t/e e8a"t #o"at!on 1/ere t/e Note an -ort2a2e /a&e 6een $tore'
CE' Co.!e$ of a## non?"onf!ent!a# em.#oyment re"or$ for ea"/ em.#oyee !n&o#&e !re"t#y or !n!re"t#y !n
/an#!n2 any a$.e"t of t/e fore"#o$ure .ro"e$$ .r!or to or ur!n2 t/e .enen"y of t/e $u!t'
CF' Co.!e$ of a## #!"en$e$ an aut/or!ty to .ro&!e notary $er&!"e$ re0u!re for ea"/ of t/e notary .u6#!"$ ut!#!Be
for any .ort!on of t/e .#ea!n2$ or f!#!n2$ ut!#!Be !n t/!$ "a$e 6y .#a!nt!ff'
I HERE5( CERTIF( t/at a true an "orre"t "o.y of t/e fore2o!n2 1a$ furn!$/e &!a US -a!# t/!$ _____ ay of
___________ to (Name an are$$ of attorney for t/e 6an: /ere)'
Date t/!$ ______
ay of _________, ;4C_
((our Name Here)
((our Name an Are$$ Here)
Cease & Desist Letters
Cease & Desist Letters can be written to, or copied to, entities such as the
Servicer's C!"#ecutive area, the Servicer's Le$al Department %see #ecutive
Contacts pa$e&, and the Foreclosure 'ttorne("ntit( pointin$ out errors or
instances o), )or e#ample, in*
a& +iolation o) ,otice Requirements, and"or
b& +iolation o) State Civil Statutes, and"or
c& +iolation o) Criminal Statutes, and"or
d& +iolation o) ,otice in para$raph -- o) Deed to Secure Debt
#ample /0
+iolation* 'ssi$nment o) Securit( 1nstrument to Servicer,
not to Secured Creditor
Fannie 2ae 3rust, owner, !ne 4est Bank servicer
SC5D6LD F!R '7R1L 8, -90-
3!* 'nthon( De2arlo Certi)ied mail / ::::::::::::::::::
2cCurd( and Candler LLC Fa# number* ;;9<-8=<>0>-
?oseph !ttin$, C! Certi)ied mail / :::::::::::::::::
!ne 4est Bank FSB Fa# number* @-@<A8A<=-9;
BBB ast 4alnut 'venue
7asadena, C' >0090
Fa#* @-@<A8A<=-9;
Re)erence 7ropert(* 0-8 'n( Street, Cit(, State Cip
7ursuant to OCGA 44-14-162.2D Foreclosures under power o) sale << 2ailin$
or deliver( o) notice to debtor E 7rocedures
3his is a demand )or a cease and desist o) )oreclosure proceedin$s because
(ou are violating t! "tat! "tat#t!D See attached evidence )rom the Fannie
2ae website which indicates that the( own the loan or the loan is in a Fannie
2ae trustD Fou have advertised that (ou are representin$ !ne 4est Bank FSB
and !ne 4est Bank as i) the( are the secured creditorD Fou have personal
knowled$e that !ne 4est Bank FSB is onl( the Servicer which does not have
standin$ to )oreclose in the state o) Geor$iaD
1n the state o) Geor$ia, onl( the Secured Creditor can )orecloseD
!CG' H ==<0=<0@-D-
%a& ,otice o) the initiation o) proceedin$s to e#ercise a power o) sale in a
mort$a$e, securit( deed, or other lien contract shall be $iven to the debtor b(
the"!$#%!& $%!&ito% no later than 89 da(s be)ore the date o) the proposed
)oreclosureD Such notice shall be in writin$, shall include the name, address, and
telephone number o) the individual or entit( who shall have )ull authorit( to
ne$otiate, amend, and modi)( all terms o) the mort$a$e with the debtor, and
shall be sent b( re$istered or certi)ied mail or statutor( overni$ht deliver(, return
receipt requested, to the propert( address or to such other address as the
debtor ma( desi$nate b( written notice to the "!$#%!& $%!&ito%D 3he notice
required b( this Code section shall be deemed $iven on the o))icial postmark
da( or da( on which it is received )or deliver( b( a commercial deliver( )irmD
,othin$ in this subsection shall be construed to require a "!$#%!& $%!&ito% to
ne$otiate, amend, or modi)( the terms o) a mort$a$e instrumentD
Recentl(, Governor Deal si$ned into e#istence !CG' 0@<B<09- Residential
mort$a$e )raud and (ou are in violation speci)icall( o)*
!CG' 0@<B<09-
%A& Files or causes to be )iled with the o))icial re$istrar o) deeds o) an( count( o)
this state an( document such person knows to contain a deliberate
misstatement, misrepresentation, or omissionD
7ursuant to !CG' 0@<B<09A %a& 7unishment, (ou are $uilt( o) a )elon(, and this
crime is punishable b( imprisonment )or not less than one (ear nor more than
ten (ears, b( a )ine not to e#ceed IA,999, or bothD
7ursuant to !CG' 0@<B<09A %b& 7unishment, (ou and (our )irm will be
investi$ated )or en$a$in$ or participatin$ in a pattern o) residential mort$a$e
)raud or a conspirac( or endeavor to en$a$e or participate in a pattern o)
residential mort$a$e )raudD 3his violation is punishable b( imprisonment )or not
less than three (ears nor more than -9 (ears, b( a )ine not to e#ceed
I099,999D99, or bothD
Because (ou have personal knowled$e that (ou are knowin$l( violatin$ state
statutes, 1 will be le)t no other option but to report (ou to the Geor$ia Bar
'ssociation and others, and pursue le$al means, not onl( civill( but criminall( to
sue (ou )or wron$)ul )oreclosure, )or )ilin$ )raudulent documents, )or the)t b(
takin$ and the)t b( conversion, and other violationsD
1 will be sendin$ this same notice to Federal 5ousin$ Finance '$enc( !))ice o)
the 1nspector General, Geor$ia stateJs 'ttorne( General, and the !))ice o) the
Comptroller o) the Currenc(D
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::
5omeowner Date
0& Fannie 2ae letter showin$ loan owned b( certi)icate holders o) Fannie 2ae
-& ,otice o) Sale letter )rom 2cCurd( and Candler LLC
8& ,otice o) Sale 6nder 7ower advertisement
'nthon( De2arlo
2cCurd( and Candler LLC
Si# 7iedmont Center
Suite ;99
8A-A 7iedmont Road ,
'tlanta, G' 8989A
7hone number* =9=<8;8<0@0-
Fa# number* =9=<8;9<;-8-
Federal 5ousin$ Finance '$enc( !))ice o) the 1nspector General
7hone number* B99<;>8<;;-=
Fa#* -9-<==A<-9;A
!))ice o) the Comptroller o) the Currenc(
7hone number* B99<@08<@;=8
Fa#* ;08<88@<=890
'ttorne( General Sam !lens Certi)ied 2ail :::::::::::::::::
Fa#* =9=<@A;<B;88
7hone* =9=<@A@<8899
?oseph !ttin$, C!
!ne 4est Bank FSB
BBB ast 4alnut 'venue
7asadena, C' >0090
Fa#* @-@<A8A<=-9;
#ample /-
+iolation* Servicer"Foreclosure 'ttorne( did not )ollow ,otice Requirements
C'S ',D DS1S3 F!RCL!S6R 7R!CD1,G
SC5D6LD F!R '7R1L 8, -90-
3!* Larr( ?ohnson Certi)ied mail / ::::::::::::::::::
?oel Freedman Fa# number* ;;9<-8=<>0>-
?ohnson & Freedman, LLC
?oseph !ttin$, C! Certi)ied mail / :::::::::::::::::
!ne 4est Bank FSB Fa# number* @-@<A8A<=-9;
BBB ast 4alnut 'venue
7asadena, C' >0090
Fa#* @-@<A8A<=-9;
Re)erence 7ropert(* 0-8 'n( Street, Cit(, State Cip
7ursuant to Foreclosures under power o) sale << 2ailin$ or deliver( o) notice to debtor
and !CG' H ><08<0=0D 3imin$ o) advertisements*
3his is a demand )or a cease and desist o) )oreclosure proceedin$s because (ou are
in violatation o' "tat! "tat#t!".
1n the state o) Geor$ia strict notice requirements e#istD Fou have violated*
!CG' H ==<0=<0@-D- which requires that ,otice o) the initiation o) proceedin$s to e#ercise a
power o) sale in a mort$a$e, securit( deed, or other lien contract shall be $iven to the debtor
b( the secured creditor no later than 89 da(s be)ore the date o) the proposed )oreclosureD
3here was no notice mailed b( certi)ied and re$ular mailD
%a& Such notice shall be in writin$, shall include the name, address, and telephone number o)
the individual or entit( who shall have )ull authorit( to ne$otiate, amend, and modi)( all terms
o) the mort$a$e with the debtor, and shall be sent b( re$istered or certi)ied mail or statutor(
overni$ht deliver(, return receipt requested, to the propert( address or to such other address
as the debtor ma( desi$nate b( written notice to the secured creditorD 3he notice required b(
this Code section shall be deemed $iven on the o))icial postmark da( or da( on which it is
received )or deliver( b( a commercial deliver( )irmD ,othin$ in this subsection shall be
construed to require a secured creditor to ne$otiate, amend, or modi)( the terms o) a
mort$a$e instrumentD
%b& 3he notice required b( subsection %a& o) this Code section shall be $iven b( mailin$ or
deliverin$ to the debtor a cop( o) the notice o) sale to be submitted to the publisherD
1n all cases where the law requires citations, notices, or advertisements b( probate court
Kud$es, clerks, sheri))s, count( baili))s, administrators, e#ecutors, $uardians, trustees, or
others to be published in a newspaper )or 89 da(s or )or )our weeks or once a week )or )our
weeks, it shall be su))icient and le$al to publish the same once a week )or )our weeks, that is,
one insertion each week )or each o) the )our weeks, immediatel( precedin$ the term or da(
when the order is to be $ranted or the sale is to take placeD
Fou are also in violation o) !CG' H ><08<0=0 which requires the advertisement to be
published in a newspaper )or 89 da(s or )or )our weeks or once a week )or )our weeks
immediatel( precedin$ the date o) the saleD 3he advertisement did not run = consecutive
!CG' H ><08<0=0
1n all cases where the law requires citations, notices, or advertisements b( probate court
Kud$es, clerks, sheri))s, count( baili))s, administrators, e#ecutors, $uardians, trustees, or
others to be published in a newspaper )or 89 da(s or )or )our weeks or once a week )or )our
weeks, it shall be su))icient and le$al to publish the same once a week )or )our weeks, that is,
one insertion each week )or each o) the )our weeks, immediatel( precedin$ the term or da(
when the order is to be $ranted or the sale is to take placeD 3he number o) da(s between the
date o) the )irst publication and the term or da( when the order is to be $ranted or the sale is
to take place, whether more or less than 89 da(s, shall not in an( manner invalidate or render
irre$ular the notice, citation, advertisement, order, or saleD
Because (ou have personal knowled$e that (ou are knowin$l( violatin$ state statutes, 1 will
be le)t no other option but to report (ou, and pursue le$al means, not onl( civill( but criminall(
to sue (ou )or wron$)ul )oreclosure, )or the)t b( takin$ and the)t b( conversion, and other
1 will be sendin$ this same notice to Geor$ia stateJs 'ttorne( General and the !))ice o) the
Comptroller o) the Currenc(D
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::
5omeowner Date
#ample /8
+iolation* Servicer < in the ,otice o) De)ault %required to be sent prior to 'cceleration& < did not
meet requirements speci)iced in the Securit( 1nstrument, para$raph --D 'ccelerationL
RemediesD See para$raph --D
C'S ',D DS1S3 F!RCL!S6R 7R!CD1,G
SC5D6LD F!R '7R1L 8, -90-
?oseph !ttin$, C! Certi)ied mail / :::::::::::::::::
!ne 4est Bank FSB Fa# number* @-@<A8A<=-9;
BBB ast 4alnut 'venue
7asadena, C' >0090
Fa#* @-@<A8A<=-9;
Re)erence 7ropert(* 0-8 'n( Street, Cit(, State Cip
7ursuant to Securit( 1nstrument %Securit( Deed&, para$raph --, (ou did not in)orm me o) m(
ri$ht to brin$ a court actionD
3his is a demand )or a cease and desist o) )oreclosure proceedin$s because (ou are
in violation o) the securit( a$reement )iled in the o))ice o) the Superior Court Clerk, Cherokee
Count(, Geor$ia, book 0-8=, pa$es 0<=D
Fou did not in)orm me o) m( ri$ht to brin$ a court actionD
!n pa$e 0- o) 0= o) the Securit( 1nstrument $iven b( ?ane Doe to 4ashin$ton 2utual Bank,
F', dated 8"0A"-99= and recorded on 8"-="-99=, 7ara$raph -- states*
--D 'ccelerationL RemediesD Lender shall $ive notice to Borrower prior to acceleration )ollowin$ BorrowerJs
breach o) an( covenant or a$reement in this Securit( 1nstrument %but not prior to acceleration under Section 0B
unless 'pplicable Law provides otherwise&D 3he notice shall speci)(* %a& the de)aultL %b& the action required to
cure the de)aultL %c& a date, not less than 89 da(s )rom the date the notice is $iven to Borrower, b( which the
de)ault must be curedL and %d& that )ailure to cure the de)ault on or be)ore the date speci)ied in the notice ma(
result in acceleration o) the sums secured b( this Securit( 1nstrument and sale o) the 7ropert(D 3he notice shall
)urther in)orm Borrower o) the ri$ht to reinstate a)ter acceleration and the ri$ht to brin$ a court action to assert
the non<e#istence o) a de)ault or an( other de)ense o) Borrower to acceleration and saleD 1) the de)ault is not
cured on or be)ore the date speci)ied in the notice, Lender at its option ma( require immediate pa(ment in )ull o)
all sums secured b( this Securit( 1nstrument without )urther demand and ma( invoke the power o) sale $ranted
b( Borrower and an( other remedies permitted b( 'pplicable LawD Borrower appoints Lender the a$ent and
attorne(<in<)act )or Borrower to e#ercise the power o) saleD Lender shall be entitled to collect all e#penses
incurred in pursuin$ the remedies provided in this Section --, includin$, but not limited to, reasonable attorne(sJ
)ees and costs o) title evidenceD
Because (ou have personal knowled$e that (ou are knowin$l( violatin$ state and )ederal
statutes, 1 will be le)t no other option but to report (ou, and pursue le$al means, not onl( civill(
but criminall( to sue (ou )or wron$)ul )oreclosure, )or the)t b( takin$ and the)t b( conversion,
and other violationsD
1 will be sendin$ this same notice to Geor$ia stateJs 'ttorne( General and to the !))ice o) the
Comptroller o) the Currenc(D
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::
5omeowner Date
Accept the Warranty Deed (with Certificate of Acceptance below).
For additional help, please )ill in the )orm belowD 3his is part o) the S!l'-(!l) portion o) Foreclosure
De)enseD See Foreclosure De)ense )or more tools and tips (ou can do in preparation )or le$al actionD
See LawchekDcom )or individual statesD
' conve(ance o) real estate is a trans)er o) real estate )rom one person to anotherD '
deed is one )orm o) conve(ance, trans)errin$ a title to real estate )rom one person to
anotherD 3itle means ownership o) real estateD 3he person trans)errin$ title is known as the
M$rantorN and the person receivin$ the title is known as the M$ranteeDN 3here are several t(pes
o) deedsD !ne )orm o) deed is a*a%%ant+ &!!&D ' warrant( deed is a deed which warrants
$ood and clear title to the real estate trans)erredD 1n man( states, it o)ten includes some or all
o) the )ollowin$ covenants* seisin, quiet enKo(ment, ri$ht to conve(, )reedom )rom
encumbrances and de)ense o) title a$ainst all claimsD Covenant o) seisin is an a$reement,
contract, or promise that the $rantor possesses a quantit( and qualit( o) land described in the
deed or other conve(anceD 3he covenant o) quiet enKo(ment is an a$reement, contract or
promise that the $rantee to a deed or other conve(ance will have the land in peace and
without disturbance )rom other persons with hostile claims to the landD ' covenant o) ri$ht to
conve( is an a$reement, contract or promise that the $rantor has a ri$ht to trans)er title to the
landD 3he covenant a$ainst encumbrances is an a$reement, contract, or promise that there
are no encumbrances a$ainst the land described in the deed or conve(anceD 'n
encumbrance is a claim b( another person a$ainst the landD !ne e#ample o) an
encumbrance is a mort$a$e or other lien a$ainst the real estateD3he covenant o) de)ense o)
title a$ainst all other claims means that the $rantor will de)end the $rantee should other
persons or entities make hostile claim a$ainst the $ranteeJs title to real estate which arise
)rom events occurrin$ prior to the trans)er o) titleD
' warrant( deed must be in writin$ and must be si$ned b( the $rantorD 1t must be recorded to
put third persons, such as creditors and subsequent purchasers, on notice as to the trans)erD
'll other warranties or covenants must be e#pressl( stated to be included in the deedD
Fil! an A$$!)tan$! o' t! ,a%%ant+ D!!&

1, Name without last name )amil( Last Name, the livin$ man, and Name without last
name )amil( Last Name , the livin$ woman, in the capacit( o) Entire Name exactly as listed
on Warranty Deed including capitalization, am recorded as the Grantee on the 4arrant(
Deed )or that real estate described as
on the attached certi)ied cop( o) said 4arrant( DeedD
1t is m( )ree will, act, and deed to 'cknowled$e m( 'cceptance o) the 4arrant( Deed
recorded in 7lat Book , 7a$e , Name of County Count(, State and the law)ul
ownership o) the propert( under the terms o) the 4arrant( DeedD
1 ask that the record on )ile in the !))ice o) the Superior Court Clerk, Name of
County Count(, State, be updated to show m( 'cceptance o) the 4arrant( Deed, and to
show Entire Name exactly as listed on Warranty Deed including capitalization as the
law)ul owner o) that real estateD
3his m( )ree will, act, and deed, under m( hand and seal*
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
3hird 7art( 4itness Name without last name )amil( Last Name
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
3hird 7art( 4itness Name without last name )amil( Last Name
State o) ::::::::::: &
Count( o) ::::::::: &
!n this da( o) Month , in the (ear o) -90-, be)ore me :::::::::::::::::::::::::::,
a ,otar( 7ublic, personall( appeared Name without last name )amil( Last Name , known or
identi)ied to me on the basis o) satis)actor( evidence to be the Livin$ 2an %and Livin$
4oman, i) applicable& whose name is subscribed to in the within instrument, )irst bein$ dul(
sworn, acknowled$ed be)ore me that he e#ecuted the same as his )ree will, act, and deedD
S'L :::::::::::::::::::::::
,otar( 7ublic

2( Commission #pires on :::::::::::::
3ake two %-& Certi)icates o) 'cknowled$ment and 'cceptance to the courthouse Land and
Deed records or Recorder o) Deeds %depends on the state&D
7ull a C!%ti'i!& cop( o) the 4arrant( Deed )rom the courthouse Land and Deed records or
Recorder o) Deeds %depends on the state&D
Fil! t! C!%ti'i$at! o' A$0no*l!&g1!nt an& A$$!)tan$! *it t! C!%ti'i!& $o)+ o' t!
,a%%ant+ D!!&.
%Get O)ile<stampedO cop( o) Certi)icate o) 'cknowled$ment and 'cceptance )or (oursel)&D
'sk the Clerk when a C!%ti'i!& cop( o) the Certi)icate o) 'cknowled$ement and 'cceptance
will be availableD
7ull a C!%ti'i!& cop( o) the Certi)icate o) 'cknowled$ement and 'cceptance upon availabilit(D
Dear Sir or 2adam* 7lease accept this letter on behal) o) the above<named propert( owner and borrowerD 4hile this letter is
written in part )or purposes o) settlement and compromise it is alread( a demand letter which can and will be used as
necessar(D 1t is there)ore not a con)idential communication protected under the rules o) settlement disclosures and
Fou have previousl( been presented with proper notices o) deceptive lendin$ practices in the closin$ on the above<
re)erenced loansD Said notices were accompanied b( 7roposed Resolutions under the Federal 3ruth in Lendin$ 'ct and the
Real state Settlement 7rocedures 'ctD
,otwithstandin$ the above, (our a$ents have threatened )oreclosure, sale and eviction o) the homeowner"borrower, despite
the )acts that the borrower is not in de)ault, the lender and trustee are i$norant o) an( )acts to state a))irmativel( that the
borrower is or is not in de)ault, the lender is in de)ault o) its obli$ations under applicable Federal and State laws, the lender at
the closin$ the servicin$ a$ent are not the real parties in interest %iDeD, the( lack standin$ to proceed to Kudicial or non<Kudicial
sale&, the trustee and lender lack authorit( to proceed but have intentionall( and )raudulentl( )iled papers and posted notices
as thou$h the authorit( was presentD
4 5R4135 D2',D 35 ,'2S ',D C!,3'C3 1,F!R2'31!, 'L!,G 4135 ' DSCR1731!, !F 35
SC6R13F S!LD, 35 'SS1G,2,3 2'D, 'GR2,3S S1G,D, B34, 'LL !F 35 2!R3G'G BR!PRS,
R'L S3'3 BR!PRS, D+L!7RS, '77R'1SRS, 2!R3G'G 'GGRG'3!RS, 1,+S32,3 B',PRS,
R3'1L !R !35R SLLR !F SC6R131S ',D 35 1,+S3!RS 45! 76RC5'SD 35 SC6R131SD
Based upon in)ormation received )rom the e#perts in this case and based upon our own )actual and le$al investi$ation there
appear to be claims in addition to the claims stated in prior correspondence, which claims based upon the )ollowin$
summar(, are in most cases not e#clusive and there)ore the demands stated in this letter and prior correspondence (ou have
received, which is incorporated herein as speci)icall( as i) set )orth at len$th hereat, should all be considered cumulativeD
6sur(* 's a result o) the arti)iciall( in)lated M)air market valuesN utiliQed b( L,DR et al, its a$ents, servants and"or
emplo(ees, to induce the borrower to si$n the mort$a$e documents and purchase the propert(, the e))ective (ield now vastl(
e#ceeds the le$al lendin$ limit in the State o) Florida, i) the borrower pa(s in accordance with the mort$a$e and note
indenturesD ' quick review o) the usur( law in Florida will reveal that while it has been rela#ed somewhat to accommodate
predator( lendin$ throu$h credit cards and pa(da( loans, it remains somewhat strin$ent in connection with other loans and
allows the borrower to to cancel the loan and collect dama$esD 5ence, Kust )or the record, in the unlikel( event we do not
settle this case, demand is herewith made )or )ull satis)action o) the mort$a$e and note plus three times the value o) the note
in dama$es, plus attorne( )ees and costs o) 09R o) the value o) the o) the claim which is the principal o) the note plus three
times the principal o) the noteD
Securit( +iolation* 3he subKect mort$a$e was part o) a purchase transaction in which the propert( was sold with promises
and assurances that the value would $o up, the rental value would assure a return on investment, and that the investor need
not per)orm an( work, since the maintenance and other )actors would be done b( third parties S the Condominium
'ssociation, the real estate broker, the mana$ement o))ice etcD 3his constitutes, despite the appearance o) other MusesN the
sale o) a securit( under the Securities 'ct o) 0>88 and other applicable Federal and state Securities lawsD 3he sale o) this
securit( was improper, lackin$ disclosure, ri$hts to rescind under the securities laws, and lackin$ in disclosure as to the true
nature o) the transaction and the true position o) the parties, includin$ but not limited to the )act that the MlenderN was in
actualit( actin$ as a conduit, removin$ the essential aspect o) risk<sharin$ in the normal lender<borrower relationship, that the
risk o) loss was not onl( real but unavoidable because o) the arti)iciall( in)lated values, and that the Bu(er should consider
the purchase to be a hi$h<risk investment with the possibilit( o) total lossD Since the sale o) 351S securit( was part o) lar$er
plan to sell securities to Mquali)iedN investors usin$ )alse ratin$s and )alse assurances o) insurance, to$ether with a promised
rate o) return in e#cess o) the revenue produced b( the underl(in$ e))orts, the sale o) 351S securit( was part o) lar$er 7onQi
scheme wherein securities were sold at both ends o) the spectrum o) the supplier o) capital %the investor& and the consumer
o) the capital %the borrower and the seller o) the propert(&D Since compensation arisin$ )rom the transaction with this borrower
was not disclosed to the borrower, the transaction lacked proper disclosure and is subKect to rescission, compensator( and
punitive dama$esD 5ence, Kust )or the record, in the unlikel( event we do not settle this case, demand is herewith made )or
)ull satis)action o) the mort$a$e and note plus three times the value o) the note in dama$es, plus attorne( )ees o) 09R o) the
value o) the o) the claim which is the principal o) the note plus three times the principal o) the noteD
Common Law Fraud in the 1nducement and Fraud in the e#ecution o) the closin$ documents includin$ but not limited to the
settlement statement, the mort$a$e and noteD 5ence, Kust )or the record, in the unlikel( event we do not settle this case,
demand is herewith made )or )ull satis)action o) the mort$a$e and note plus three times the value o) the note in dama$es,
plus punitive and"or e#emplar( dama$es plus attorne( )ees o) 09R o) the value o) the o) the claim which is the principal o)
the note plus three times the principal o) the noteD
Little F3C 'ct %Florida&* while the transaction clearl( involves interstate commerce, Florida law provides )or much the same
remedies as described above )or un)air and deceptive lendin$ or business practicesD 5ence, Kust )or the record, in the unlikel(
event we do not settle this case, demand is herewith made )or )ull satis)action o) the mort$a$e and note plus three times the
value o) the note in dama$es, plus punitive and"or e#emplar( dama$es plus attorne( )ees o) 09R o) the value o) the o) the
claim which is the principal o) the note plus three times the principal o) the noteD
31L' claims have been summariQed in prior correspondenceD Because the transaction is not a pure )irst mort$a$e residential
transaction, the 31L' e#ception )or rescission does not appl( and we there)ore demand rescission in addition to the above<
stated claimsD 5ence, Kust )or the record, in the unlikel( event we do not settle this case, demand is herewith made )or )ull
satis)action o) the mort$a$e and note plus three times the value o) the note in dama$es, plus punitive and"or e#emplar(
dama$es plus attorne( )ees o) 09R o) the value o) the o) the claim which is the principal o) the note plus three times the
principal o) the noteD
RS7'* Fou have )ailed to properl( respond to the claims under the act are are currentl( in violationD 5ence, Kust )or the
record, in the unlikel( event we do not settle this case, demand is herewith made )or )ull satis)action o) the mort$a$e and
note plus three times the value o) the note in dama$es, plus punitive and"or e#emplar( dama$es plus attorne( )ees o) 09R o)
the value o) the o) the claim which is the principal o) the note plus three times the principal o) the noteD
R1C!* 's stated above there were multiple parties in multiple states in a scheme spannin$ virtuall( all continents in which
)alse, misleadin$ and non<con)ormin$ statements were made to investors and borrowers alike, wherein L,DR et al acted
in concert with other NlendersN and investment bankers to arti)iciall( create the appearance o) hi$her market values )or
propert( and the )alse appearance o) trends that did not in actualit( e#ist, but )or the M)ree mone(N %secured under )alse
pretenses& pumped into a )inancial s(stem and real estate market consistin$ o) )alse and deceptive hi$h pressure sales
tactics whose obKectives were to $et the borrowerJs si$nature without re$ard )or the consequences to either the borrower or
the investorD 5ence, Kust )or the record, in the unlikel( event we do not settle this case, demand is herewith made )or )ull
satis)action o) the mort$a$e and note plus three times the value o) the note in dama$es, plus punitive and"or e#emplar(
dama$es plus attorne( )ees o) 09R o) the value o) the o) the claim which is the principal o) the note plus three times the
principal o) the noteD
6nder Federal Law, (ou are a provider o) )inancial services and"or products to a borrower whom (ou or (our a$ents,
predecessors, or successors intentionall( deceived at the closin$ o) the loan, conspired to misrepresent the proper appraised
value o) the propert(, and have now i$nored (our basic responsibilities o) presentin$ a response to the notices and
correspondence alread( on )ile with (ou and re$ulator( a$encies, who have been in)ormed o) (our ille$al and improper
,otwithstandin$ the above, the borrowers are now )aced with the apparent prospect o) losin$ their house, their credit ratin$,
and have been required to seek the services o) le$al counsel to )orestall the loss, )or which services demand is herewith
made under the terms o) the mort$a$e and all applicable Federal %31L', RS7', R1C!& and State LawDD
F!6R C!,D6C3, 1F F!6 7R!CD, C!,S31363S CR121,'L 35F3 ',D C1+1L 35F3 !F 35 R'L 7R!7R3F
S6B?C3 3! 35 2!R3G'G, ,!3 ',D 7R!CD1,GS F!6 5'+ 7!S3D ',D F1LDD 'ccordin$l( (our position,
in the absence o) an( authorit( to do so under law is invalid and ille$alD !, B5'LF !F 35 B!RR!4R"5!2!4,R
D2',D 1S 5R4135 2'D 35'3 'LL FF!R3S '3 S'L, +1C31!, !R F!RCL!S6R B S3!77D
122D1'3LF 'S 35 7R!7R3F 1S SC5D6LD F!R +1C31!,"S'L 41351, ' F4 D'FSD
'n( )urther attempts at collection will result in )urther action taken on behal) o) the borrowers )or all remedies available in law
and equit( in both administrative proceedin$s, and Kudicial )orums possessin$ competent Kurisdiction, which will seek
dama$es )or un)air trade trade practices, treble dama$es under applicable law )or R1C!, F3C and little F3C violations,
consequential dama$es and re)unds, attorne( )ees, court costs, and all other available remedies in law or equit(D
E#$%e# &' F(e#e($)* +ann
,- Co.'($g/% 0112 B3$l# F(ee#o4 Hol#$ngs! ALL RIGHTS RESER5ED
Notice: T/$s (e.o(% )on%a$ns )o.'($g/%e# 4a%e($al. T/$s $n6o(4a%$on $s 6(ee 6o( personal use only. No
.a(% o6 %/ese 4a%e($als 4a' &e (e.(o#3)e# $n an' 6o(4 7 e8)e.% 6o( .e(sonal 3se 7 w$%/o3% .e(4$ss$on
6(o4 %/e )o.'($g/% /ol#e(.
D$s)la$4e(9 T/$s (e.o(% $s $n%en#e# .3(el' as a )o443n$)a%$on o6 $n6o(4a%$on $n
a))o(#an)e w$%/ %/e ($g/% o6 6(ee I% #oes no% )ons%$%3%e legal o( %a8 a#v$)e.
An'one see*$ng s3)/ a#v$)e s/o3l# )ons3l% a )o4.e%en% .(o6ess$onal.Rea#e(s a(e
s.e)$6$)all' a#v$se# %o .a' all legal %a8es %/e' a(e s3&:e)% %o! an# %o o&e' all laws %o %/e
le%%e(. Ne$%/e( %/e a3%/o( no( %/e .3&l$s/e( ass34es an' (es.ons$&$l$%' 6o( %/e
)onse;3en)es o6 an'one a)%$ng a))o(#$ng %o %/e $n6o(4a%$on $n %/$s (e.o(%.
A .owe(63l wea.on %/a% )an &e 3se# 6o( &o%/ $n#$v$#3als an# &3s$nesses %o s%o.
%e((o)(a%s! $n)l3#$ng IRS %a8%o(%$on$s%s $s %/e <Re63sal 6o( Ca3se w$%/o3% D$s/ono( 7
.C.C. =7>?0.< @.C.C. A n$6o(4 Co44e()$al Co#e.B O6%en! w/en a %e((o)(a% sen#s
'o3 a le%%e( $% %a*es %/e 6o(4 o6 a <)o44e()$al $ns%(34en%.< T/3s 'o3 )an 3se .(ov$s$ons
o6 %/e .C.C. %o (es.on#.
Fo( %/e %e)/n$)al #e%a$ls! a weal%/ o6 e8a4.les! an# legal )$%a%$ons! I (e)o44en# %/a%
'o3 a);3$(e C/($s%o./e( Alan An#e(sonCs T/e Sove(e$gn)' Pa)*age @s.elle# w$%/ a <)<B
77 /%%.9DDwww.4anan#wo4an&alan)e.)o4D$n#e8./%4l.
T/$s (e.o(% @TL0EIB )ons$s%s o69
0. Ins%(3)%$onsF
G. Gene(al )o44en%sF
=. E8a4.le le%%e( o6 (e63salF
H. Le%%e( 6(o4 SECF
>. <S3..le4en%al In6o(4a%$on< 6(o4 S.E.C.
0. Ins%(3)%$ons
Fo3( .a.e( $%e4s o( #o)34en%s we(e (e)e$ve# 6(o4 %/e SEC9
@aB An envelo.e @sen% &' (eg$s%e(e# 4a$l! (e%3(n (e)e$.% (e;3es%e#BF
@&B A le%%e( %o Ioe Blow! .age 0 77 see H. &elowF
@)B Page G o6 %/e le%%e( %o Ioe Blow @%/e %wo .ages we(e no% s%a.le# %oge%/e(BF
@#B <S3..le4en%al In6o(4a%$on< 6o(4 SEC 0EEG 77 see >. &elow 77 6o3( .ages s%a.le#
+a*e )o.$es 6o( 'o3( (e)o(#s o6 all %/e $%e4s $n %/e )on#$%$on 'o3 (e)e$ve# %/e4.
On ea)/ o6 %/e 6o3( $%e4s @%/e 6$(s% .age o6 SEC 0EEGB w($%e $n la(ge le%%e(s w$%/ a &l3e
o( &la)* 6el%7%$. .en <Re63sal 6o( Ca3se w$%/o3% D$s/ono( 7 .C.C. =7>?0.<
Aga$n 4a*e )o.$es 6o( 'o3( (e)o(#s o6 all %/e $%e4s @w$%/ %/e <Re63sal...< now w($%%en on
J($%e a le%%e( o6 (e63sal 77 see =. &elow. +a*e a )o.' o6 %/e le%%e(.
+a$l! &' (eg$s%e(e# 4a$l! (e%3(n (e)e$.% (e;3es%e#! w$%/$n %/(ee &3s$ness #a's o6
(e)e$v$ng %/e %e((o)(a% le%%e(! %/e 6o3( $%e4s .l3s 'o3( le%%e( o6 (e63sal! %o %/e %e((o)(a%
w/o sen% 'o3 %/e 6o3( $%e4s.
Have %/e Pos% O66$)e )le(* s%a4. &o%/ 'o3( (e)e$.% an# %/e )o.' o6 'o3( le%%e( o6 (e63sal.
"ee. 6o( 'o3( (e)o(#s.
J/en 'o3 (e)e$ve %/e (e%3(n (e)e$.%! a## $% %o 'o3( (e)o(#s.
T/a%Cs $%K
G. Gene(al )o44en%s
An $4.o(%an% .($n)$.le $s $nvolve# /e(e. Yo3 wan% %o 4a*e $% )lea( %o %/e %e((o)(a%s %/a%
%/e' 6a$le# %o $n%$4$#a%e 'o3! %/a% 'o3C(e no% go$ng %o .(ov$#e %/e4 w$%/ an'
$n6o(4a%$on! %/a% %/e'C(e go$ng %o /ave %o wo(* %o )olle)% an' $n6o(4a%$on %/e' wan%! an#
%/a% 'o3C(e go$ng %o &e a <%o3g/ n3% %o )(a)*.<
In an' a%%a)*! %/e ea(l$e( 'o3 s%o. %/e %e((o)(a%s %/e &e%%e(.
Base# on %/e ava$la&le $n6o(4a%$on! 'o3 4a' &e a&le %o 6$g3(e o3% w/a% %($gge(e# %/e
a%%a)* an# /ow se($o3s $%Cs l$*el' %o &e. In %/$s $ns%an)e! 6(o4 %/e a##(ess 3se# &' %/e
SEC @$% $n)l3#e# a 4a$l )o#e 6(o4 a #$(e)%74a$l .$e)eB $% was )lea( %/a% %/e' /a# (e)e$ve#
one o6' XCs 4a$l.$e)es. So Ioe! Blow @no%e %/e )o44a $n %/e na4e $s a
<)o44on7law wa'< o6 w($%$ng 'o3( na4eB ass34e# %/a% $% was 4o(e o6 a <6$s/$ng
e8.e#$%$on< %/an an a%%a)*. He .$)%3(e# an SEC )le(* w/ose :o& $s %o sen# o3% all %/ese
<6$s/$ng le%%e(s.< I6 so4eone $s s%3.$# eno3g/ %o .(ov$#e %/e $n6o(4a%$on as*e# 6o(! %/en
%/e SEC 3ses %/a% $n6o(4a%$on %o na$l %/e$( v$)%$4. So4e <6$s/< w$ll <&$%e!< .(ov$#$ng %/e
SEC %e((o)(a%s w$%/ <wo(*.<
Now .$)%3(e %/e SEC )le(* ge%%$ng /e( <6$s/$ng le%%e(< &a)* w$%/ a <(e63sal 6o( )a3se.<
He( :o& #es)($.%$on al4os% )e(%a$nl' #oesnC% %ell /e( w/a% %o #o ne8%. So s/e .(o&a&l'
.asses %/e .a.e(s 3. %o /e( &oss. He .(o&a&l' .3%s $% $n a <.en#$ng 6$le< w/e(e $%
Te((o)(a%s %en# %o o.e(a%e on ;3o%as. T/e' also #o so4e 6o(4 o6 )os%7&ene6$% anal'ses.
E8)e.% 6o( %/e 4a$l.$e)e! %/e' /ave no 63(%/e( $n6o(4a%$on on' X. I%Cs go$ng %o
)os% %/e4 %o o&%a$n $n6o(4a%$on on' X. T/e' /ave no $#ea o6 %/e s$Le o6' X. T/e' #onC% *now %/e .(os.e)%s o6 )olle)%$ng 4one' 6(o4' X.
+eanw/$le %/e(e a(e all %/e <eas' .$)*$ngs< w/o l$*e s3)*e(s .(ov$#e %/e $n6o(4a%$on
%/e SEC )an 3se %o na$l %/e4 an# se.a(a%e %/e4 6(o4 %/e$( 4one'. J$%/ )oo.e(a%$ve
v$)%$4s! %/e )os%s a(e low an# %/e &ene6$%s /$g/.
I6 an'one 6(o4' X )ons3l%e# an a%%o(ne'! g3ess w/a% w/a% %/e s/'s%e( wo3l#
sa'9 <I6 'o3 #onC% .(ov$#e %/e $n6o(4a%$on vol3n%a($l'! %/e'Cll s3&.oena 'o3 an# 4a*e
l$6e 43)/ 4o(e #$66$)3l%. G$ve 4e a (e%a$ne( o6 M8!??? an# ICll /el. 'o3 .(e.a(e %/e
$n6o(4a%$on .(o.e(l'.< T/e s/'s%e( en#s 3. ge%%$ng %/o3san#s an#' X ge%s
na$le#. @I6 %/e a%%o(ne' we(e %o /el. 'o3 #(a6% a <(e63sal 6o( )a3se!< /e )o3l# /a(#l'
)/a(ge 4o(e %/an a 6ew /3n#(e# #olla(s.B
T/e )os%7&ene6$% anal's$s 77 w/e%/e( #one )ons)$o3sl' o( no% 77 .l3s %/e 6a)% %/a% 4os%
%e((o)(a%s %en# %o &e laL' an# $n)o4.e%en%! $n#$)a%e %o %/e4 %/a% %/e' s/o3l# .3(s3e %/e
<eas' .$)*$ngs< an# 6o(ge% a&o3% %/e <%o3g/ n3%s.< @Howeve(! $%Cs alwa's .oss$&le %/a%
%/e'Cll a%%e4.% %o 4a*e an e8a4.le o6 so4eone %o .(ove a .o$n% 77 even $6 $% )os%s %/e4 a
6o(%3ne %o #o so. DonC% &e)o4e )
In %/$s' X 4a%%e(! %/e SEC #$# no%/$ng 63(%/e(. T/e one le%%e( @=. &elowB
s%o..e# %/e4 )ol#.
An'%/$ng <w(ong< w$%/ a <)o44e()$al $ns%(34en%< sen% %o 'o3 &' an IRS %a8%o(n$on$s%!
6o( e8a4.le! )o3l# &e $%e4$Le# $n 'o3( le%%e( o6 (e63sal. s3all'! w/en 'o3 ge% a le%%e(
6(o4 a %e((o)(a%! %/e le%%e(/ea# sa's so4e%/$ng l$*e <S De.a(%4en% o6 I3s%$)e.< All %/e
IRS le%%e(s ICve seen /ave on %/e le%%e(/ea# <De.a(%4en% o6 %/e T(eas3(' D In%e(nal
Reven3e Se(v$)e< 77 no <S.< So! &ase# on %/e$( le%%e(/ea# 'o3 #onC% *now w/$)/
)o3n%(' o( s%a%e @$6 an'B %/e' (e.(esen%. @I s3s.e)% $% wo3l# &e 6(a3#3len% 6o( %/e IRS
%a8%o(%$on$s% %o )la$4 %/a% %/e'C(e %/e <S De.a(%4en% o6 T(eas3('!< so %/e' #onC%.
Ano%/e( (eason 6o( (e63sal wo3l# &e a <na4e< w($%%en $n all 3..e(7)ase le%%e(s. <+'
na4e $snC% <IOE BLOJ<F $%Cs <Ioe! Blow.<
An 3ns$gne# le%%e( wo3l# also &e a (eason 6o( (e63sal. IRS %a8%o(%$on$s%s o6%en sen#
le%%e(s <s$gne#< &' a <non7e8$s%en% .e(son.< Yo3 )an )all o( v$s$% %/e IRS o66$)e %o
#e%e(4$ne $6 %/e <s$gne(< $s a (eal .e(son. I6 no%! %/$s wo3l# &e a (eason 6o( (e63sal.
I s%(ongl' (e)o44en# %/a% 'o3 a);3$(e C/($s%o./e( Alan An#e(sonCs T/e Sove(e$gn)'
Pa)*age 77 /%%.9DDwww.4anan#wo4an&alan)e.)o4D$n#e8./%4l 77 6o( 4an' 4o(e e8a4.les.
+os% IRS le%%e(s )on%a$n 4an' <w(ong< %/$ngs @o6%en %en o( 4o(eB %/a% 'o3 )an $%e4$Le
$n 'o3( (e63sal.
A% %/e en# o6 'o3( le%%e(! 'o3 )o3l# g(an% %/e4 %en #a's %o )o((e)% %/e$( e((o(s. I6 %/e'
#onC%! %/en %/a% 6a)% )ons%$%3%es an a#4$ss$on &' %/e4 %/a% %/e$( e((o(s a(e e((o(s an# %/e$(
#e4an#s a(e n3ll an# vo$#. Yo3 )o3l# also %ell %/e4 %/a% $6 %/e' nee# 4o(e %/an %en #a's!
%/e' s/o3l# (e;3es% an e8%ens$on w$%/$n %en #a's! w/$)/ 'o3 w$ll g(an%.
Pa(%$)3la(l' w$%/ %/e IRS %e((o)(a%s! 'o3 nee# %o o(gan$Le 'o3( a66a$(s so %/e(e a(enC% an'
asse%s %/e' )an eas$l' 6$n# an# se$Le. T/$s $s ve(' $4.o(%an%. DonC% e8.e)% a <Re63sal 6o(
Ca3se...< %o s%o. %e((o)(a%s 6(o4 se$L$ng w/a%eve( %/e' )an 6$n#.
=. E8a4.le o6 Le%%e( o6 Re63sal
+on%/ 88! 011E
ANNA LIA @Law Cle(*B
Re9 Do)34en%s Da%e# +on%/ 88! 011E
Dea( +a#a49
En)lose# .lease 6$n# 'o3( @6$(4l' a%%a)/e#B 6o3( @HB #o)34en%s @CC .a.e( $%e4sB.
T/ese .a.e( $%e4s a(e "Re!"e# Fo$ C%!"e Wit&o!t Di"&o'o$" an# %$4el' (e%3(ne# %o
'o3! .3(s3an% %o CC =7>?0! 6o( %/e 6ollow$ng (easons! $n)l3#$ng &3% no% e8)l3s$ve %o
0B T/e na4e <+(. Ioe Blow< $s no% %/e )o((e)% s.ell$ng o6 4' na4e an# %/e(e6o(e $s a
4$sno4e( no% (e)ogn$Le# &' 4'sel6.
GB Yo3( le%%e( as*s 6o( vol3n%a(' )o4.l$an)e 6(o4 4e. "I Re!"e." I w$ll no% &e /el# $n a
s%a%e o6 $nvol3n%a(' se(v$%3#eD.eonageDslave('! as I a4 no% a Fe#e(al no( S%a%3%o($l'
#e6$ne# <.e(son.<
=B Ne$%/e(' X no( Ioe! Blow /as an' *nowle#ge o6 a )on%(a)% w$%/ 'o3 o( 'o3(
o(gan$La%$on! *now$ngl' s$gne# &' 4'sel6. No one )an &e /el# l$a&le 6o( an' )on%(a)%
%/a% #oes no% &ea( /$s s$gna%3(e.
HB No a66$#av$% o6 $n:3(' a))$es 'o3( .a.e( $%e4sF an# Ioe! Blow an#' X
#en' %/a% s3)/ an $n:3(e# .a(%' e8$s%s.
F3(%/e(! Ioe! Blow /as no% wa$ve# an# w$ll no% wa$ve s3&:e)% 4a%%e( o( .e(sona
(oe) *+o, &%" %'# ,i++ %+,%-" #e.%'# %++ o &i" /o#-0i1e' !'%+ie'%2+e $i0&t" %'#
+i2e$tie") ,%i1i'0 'o'e %t %'- ti.e o$ %'- $e%"o') i'c+!#i'0 2!t 'ot +i.ite# to &i"
!'%+ie'%2+e $i0&t to ti.e %'# t&e $i0&t to "2e +et %+o'e."
Wit&o!t 3$e4!#ice UCC 1-506.
Ioe! Blow
s3$ :3($s! s3$ gene($s
7. Lette$ $o. SEC
M"#$% &&, 1996
CERTIFIED MAIL P &&& &&& &&&
M'( )"* B+",
C"-./#0 X
A#01$'**$ 123
A#034$0, ST 1235
D*/' M'( B+",5
T/e Se)3($%$es an# E8)/ange Co44$ss$on @<Co44$ss$on<B $s (es.ons$&le 6o( %/e
a#4$n$s%(a%$on o6 %/e 6e#e(al se)3($%$es laws. Je a(e w($%$ng %o (e;3es% %/e $n6o(4a%$on
se% 6o(%/ &elow (ela%$ng %o %/e na%3(e an# e8%en% o6' XCs a)%$v$%$es.
I# "'6*' $" 3/''0 "7$ "7' '*1."#1484+4$4*1 7#6*' $%* 9*6*'/+
1*37'4$4*1 +/,1, ,* %*'*80 '*:7*1$, .7'17/#$ $" $%* C"--4114"#;1
/7$%"'4$0 7#6*' S*3$4"# 20 "9 $%* S*37'4$4*1 A3$ "9 1933 /#6 S*3$4"#
21 "9 $%* S*37'4$4*1 E&3%/#<* A3$ "9 193 $%/$ C"-./#0 X ="+7#$/'4+0
.'"673* $%* 9"++",4#< 6"37-*#$1 /#6 4#9"'-/$4"#5
1( 3".4*1 "9 /++ .'"-"$4"#/+ /#6 /6=*'$414#< -/$*'4/+ 71*6 80 C"-./#0
X 67'4#< $%* ./1$ 0*/'>
2( /++ 4#=*1$"'1 "' *#'"++**1 4#, "' .7'3%/1*'1 "9 C"-./#0 X;1
.'"<'/-1, "' 49 $%* /8"=* 41 #"$ /=/4+/8+*, /++ 6"37-*#$1 ,%43%
'*9+*3$ $%* /8"=* 4#9"'-/$4"#>
3( / +41$ "9 /++ .*'1"#1 ,%" 1"+434$ 4#=*1$"'1 9"' C"-./#0 X;1
.'"<'/-1 ?*(<( $%"1* 4#="+=*6 4# $%* @A P'"<'/-@B, "' 49 $%* /8"=* 41
#"$ /=/4+/8+*, /++ 6"37-*#$1 ,%43% '*9+*3$ $%* /8"=* 4#9"'-/$4"#>
( /++ "99*'4#<1 -/$*'4/+1 71*6 80 C"-./#0 X $" 1*++ "' *#'"++
4#64=467/+1 4# 4$1 =/'4"71 .'"<'/-1>
5( 6"37-*#$1 17.."'$4#< $%* 3+/4-1 @<7/'/#$**4#<@ '*$7'#1 "#
4#=*1$-*#$1 9"' 4#=*1$"'1C*#'"++**1C./'$434./#$1 4# C"-./#0 X;1
6( C"-./#0 X;1 94#/#34/+ 1$/$*-*#$1 9'"- 4#3*.$4"# $" 6/$* ?4(*(
8/+/#3* 1%**$1, 4#3"-* 1$/$*-*#$1, /#6 3/1% 9+",1 1$/$*-*#$1B> /#6
7( 6*$/4+*6 4#9"'-/$4"# "# /++ $%* .'"<'/-1 .'"-"$*6 80 C"-./#0 X
?*(<( D+41$ "9 .'"<'/-1E, *$3(B( S73% 4#9"'-/$4"# 1%"7+6 4#3+76*
6*$/4+1 "# %", $%*1* .'"<'/-1 /'* 94#/#3*6(
B*3/71* $%* 9/3$1 /3:74'*6 /1 / '*17+$ "9 $%41 4#:74'0 -/0 8*
3"#146*'*6 9"' ."1148+* *#9"'3*-*#$ /3$4"# 80 $%* C"--4114"# "' "$%*'
+/, *#9"'3*-*#$ /<*#34*1, 0"7 -/0 ,41% $" 3"#17+$ ,4$% 0"7' /$$"'#*0
,4$% '*1.*3$ $" $%41 -/$$*'( I$ 1%"7+6 8* 7#6*'1$""6 $%/$ 0"7 /'* #"$
7#6*' /#0 3"-.7+14"# $" 97'#41% $%* '*:7*1$*6 4#9"'-/$4"# "'
6"37-*#$1( I# $%41 '*</'6, 0"7' /$$*#$4"# 41 64'*3$*6 $" $%* *#3+"1*6
@S7..+*-*#$/+ I#9"'-/$4"# 9"' P*'1"#1 R*:7*1$*6 $" S7..+0 I#9"'-/$4"#
V"+7#$/'4+0 "' D4'*3$*6 $" S7..+0 I#9"'-/$4"# P7'17/#$ $" /
C"--4114"# S78."*#/@ ?F"'- 1662B( T%41 '*:7*1$ 41 3"#946*#$4/+ /#6
1%"7+6 #"$ 8* 3"#1$'7*6 /1 /# /6=*'1* '*9+*3$4"# "# /#0 .*'1"#,
1*37'4$0, 4117*' "' $'/#1/3$4"#(
I# =4*, "9 $%* C"--4114"#;1 '*1."#1484+4$0 $" .'"$*3$ 4#=*1$"'1, 4$
41 4-."'$/#$ $%/$ ,* '*3*4=* 0"7' '*1."#1* /1 1""# /1 ."1148+*, 87$
#"$ +/$*' $%/# A.'4+ !, 1996( I9 0"7 %/=* /#0 :7*1$4"#1, .+*/1* 3/++
$%* 7#6*'14<#*6 /$ ?213B 965-3!5( T%/#F 0"7 9"' 0"7' /$$*#$4"# 4#
$%41 -/$$*'(
V*'0 $'7+0 0"7'1,
A##/ L4/7
L/, C+*'F
SEC F"'- 1662
>. <S3..le4en%al In6o(4a%$on< 6(o4 S.E.C.
Jas/$ng%on! D.C. G?>H1
S3..le4en%al In6o(4a%$on 6o( Pe(sons Re;3es%e# %o S3..l'
In6o(4a%$on 5ol3n%a($l' o( D$(e)%e# %o S3..l' In6o(4a%$on
P3(s3an% %o a Co44$ss$on S3&.oena OSEC 0EEG @G71EBP
F%+"e St%te.e't" %'# Doc!.e't"
Se)%$on 0??0 o6 T$%le 02 o6 %/e n$%e# S%a%es Co#e .(ov$#es as 6ollows9
J/oeve(! $n an' 4a%%e( w$%/$n %/e :3($s#$)%$on o6 an' #e.a(%4en% o( agen)' o6 %/e
n$%e# S%a%es *now$ngl' an# w$ll63ll' 6als$6$es! )on)eals o( )ove(s 3. &' an' %($)*!
s)/e4e! o( #ev$)e a 4a%e($al 6a)%! o( 4a*es an' 6alse! 6$)%$%$o3s o( 6(a3#3len% s%a%e4en%s
o( (e.(esen%a%$ons! o( 4a*es o( 3ses an' 6alse w($%$ng o( #o)34en% *now$ng %/e sa4e %o
)on%a$n an' 6alse! 6$)%$%$o3s o( 6(a3#3len% s%a%e4en% o( en%('! s/all &e 6$ne# 3n#e( %/$s %$%le
o( $4.($sone# no% 4o(e %/an 6$ve 'ea(s! o( &o%/.
I6 'o3( %es%$4on' $s %a*en! 'o3 s/o3l# &e awa(e o6 %/e 6ollow$ng9
0. Record. Yo3( %es%$4on' w$ll &e %(ans)($&e# &' a (e.o(%e(. I6 'o3 #es$(e %o go o66 %/e
(e)o(#! .lease $n#$)a%e %/$s %o %/e Co44$ss$on e4.lo'ee %a*$ng 'o3( %es%$4on'! w/o w$ll
#e%e(4$ne w/e%/e( %o g(an% 'o3( (e;3es%. T/e (e.o(%e( w$ll no% go o66 %/e (e)o(# a% 'o3(!
o( 'o3( )o3nselCs! #$(e)%$on.
G. Counsel. You /ave %/e ($g/% %o &e a))$e#! (e.(esen%e# an# a#v$se# &' )o3nsel o6
'o3( )/o$)e. Yo3( )o3nsel 4a' a#v$se 'o3 &e6o(e! #3($ng an# a6%e( 'o3( %es%$4on'F
;3es%$on 'o3 &($e6l' a% %/e )on)l3s$on o6 'o3( %es%$4on' %o )la($6' an' o6 %/e answe(s
'o3 g$ve #3($ng %es%$4on'F an# 4a*e s344a(' no%es #3($ng 'o3( %es%$4on' solel' 6o(
'o3( 3se. I6 'o3 a(e a))$e# &' )o3nsel! 'o3 4a' )ons3l% .($va%el'.
I6 -o! %$e no% a))$e# &' )o3nsel! .lease a#v$se %/e Co44$ss$on e4.lo'ee %a*$ng
'o3( %es%$4on' w/eneve( #3($ng 'o3( %es%$4on' 'o3 #es$(e %o &e a))$e#!
(e.(esen%e# an# a#v$se# &' )o3nsel. Yo3( %es%$4on' w$ll &e a#:o3(ne# %o a66o(# 'o3 %/e
o..o(%3n$%' %o a((ange %o #o so.
Yo3 4a' &e (e.(esen%e# &' )o3nsel w/o also (e.(esen%s o%/e( .e(sons $nvolve# $n %/e
Co44$ss$onCs $nves%$ga%$on. T/$s 43l%$.le (e.(esen%a%$on! /oweve(! .(esen%s a .o%en%$al
)on6l$)% o6 $n%e(es% $6 one )l$en%Cs $n%e(es%s a(e o( 4a' &e a#ve(se %o ano%/e(Cs. I6 'o3 a(e
(e.(esen%e# &' )o3nsel w/o also (e.(esen%s o%/e( .e(sons $nvolve# $n %/e $nves%$ga%$on!
%/e Co44$ss$on w$ll ass34e %/a% 'o3 an# )o3nsel /ave #$s)3sse# an# (esolve# all $ss3es
)on)e(n$ng .oss$&le )on6l$)%s o6 $n%e(es%. T/e )/o$)e o6 )o3nsel! an# %/e (es.ons$&$l$%'
6o( %/a% )/o$)e! $s 'o3(s.
=. Transcript Availability. R3le E o6 %/e Co44$ss$onCs R3les Rela%$ng %o Inves%$ga%$ons!
0N CFR G?=.E! s%a%es9
A .e(son w/o /as s3&4$%%e# #o)34en%a(' ev$#en)e o( %es%$4on' $n a 6o(4al
$nves%$ga%$ve .(o)ee#$ng s/all &e en%$%le#! 3.on w($%%en (e;3es%! %o .(o)3(e a )o.' o6 /$s
#o)34en%a(' ev$#en)e o( a %(ans)($.% o6 /$s %es%$4on' on .a'4en% o6 %/e a..(o.($a%e
6ees9 Provided, however, %/a% $n a non.3&l$) 6o(4al $nves%$ga%$ve .(o)ee#$ng %/e
Co44$ss$on 4a' 6o( goo# )a3se #en' s3)/ (e;3es%. In an' even%! an' w$%ness! 3.on
.(o.e( $#en%$6$)a%$on! s/all /ave %/e ($g/% %o $ns.e)% %/e o66$)$al %(ans)($.% o6 %/e w$%nessC
own %es%$4on'.
I6 'o3 w$s/ %o .3()/ase a )o.' o6 %/e %(ans)($.% o6 'o3( %es%$4on'! %/e (e.o(%e( w$ll
.(ov$#e 'o3 w$%/ a )o.' o6 %/e a..(o.($a%e 6o(4. Pe(sons (e;3es%e# %o s3..l'
$n6o(4a%$on vol3n%a($l' w$ll &e allowe# %/e ($g/%s .(ov$#e# &' %/$s (3le.
H. Perjury. Se)%$on 0EG0 o6 T$%le 02 o6 %/e n$%e# S%a%es Co#e .(ov$#es as 6ollows9
J/oeve( . . . /av$ng %a*en an oa%/ &e6o(e a )o4.e%en% %($&3nal! o66$)e(! o( .e(son! $n an'
)ase $n w/$)/ a law o6 %/e n$%e# S%a%es a3%/o($Les an oa%/ %o &e a#4$n$s%e(e#! %/a% /e
w$ll %es%$6'! #e)la(e! #e.ose! o( )e(%$6' %(3l' .... w$ll63ll' an# )on%(a(' %o s3)/ oa%/ s%a%es
o( s3&s)($&es an' 4a%e($al 4a%%e( w/$)/ /e #oes no% &el$eve %o &e %(3e... $s g3$l%' o6
.e(:3(' an# s/all! e8)e.% as o%/e(w$se e8.(essl' .(ov$#e# &' law! &e 6$ne# 3n#e( %/$s %$%le
o( $4.($sone# no% 4o(e %/an 6$ve 'ea(s o( &o%/ ....
>. Fifth Amendment and oluntary Testimony. In6o(4a%$on 'o3 g$ve 4a' &e 3se# aga$ns%
'o3 $n an' 6e#e(al! s%a%e! lo)al o( 6o(e$gn a#4$n$s%(a%$ve! )$v$l o( )($4$nal .(o)ee#$ng
&(o3g/% &' %/e Co44$ss$on o( an' o%/e( agen)'.
Yo3 4a' (e63se! $n a))o(#an)e w$%/ %/e ($g/%s g3a(an%ee# %o 'o3 &' %/e F$6%/
A4en#4en% %o %/e Cons%$%3%$on o6 %/e n$%e# S%a%es! %o g$ve an' $n6o(4a%$on %/a% 4a'
%en# %o $n)($4$na%e 'o3 o( s3&:e)% 'o3 %o 6$ne! .enal%' o( 6o(6e$%3(e.
I6 'o3( %es%$4on' $s no% .3(s3an% %o s3&.oena! 'o3( a..ea(an)e %o %es%$6' $s vol3n%a('!
'o3 nee# no% answe( an' ;3es%$on! an# 'o3 4a' leave w/eneve( 'o3 w$s/. Yo3(
)oo.e(a%$on $s! /oweve(! a..(e)$a%e#.
E. Formal !rder Availability. I6 %/e Co44$ss$on has $ss3e# a 6o(4al o(#e( o6
$nves%$ga%$on! $% w$ll &e s/own to you #3($ng 'o3( %es%$4on'! a% 'o3( (e;3es%. I6 'o3
#es$(e a )o.' o6 %/e 6o(4al o(#e(! .lease ma"e 'o3( (e;3es% $n w($%$ng.
S!2.i""io'" %'# Sett+e.e't"
R3le >@)B o6 %/e Co44$ss$onCs R3les on In6o(4al an# O%/e( P(o)e#3(es! 0N CFR
G?G.>@)B! s%a%es9
Pe(sons w/o &e)o4e $nvolve# $n . . . $nves%$ga%$ons 4a'! on %/e$( own $n$%$a%$ve! s3&4$%
a w($%%en s%a%e4en% %o %/e Co44$ss$on se%%$ng 6o(%/ %/e$( $n%e(es%s an# .os$%$on $n (ega(#
%o %/e s3&:e)% 4a%%e( o6 %/e $nves%$ga%$on. .on (e;3es%! %/e s%a66! $n $%s #$s)(e%$on! 4a'
a#v$se s3)/ .e(sons o6 %/e gene(al na%3(e o6 %/e $nves%$ga%$on! $n)l3#$ng %/e $n#$)a%e#
v$ola%$ons as %/e' .e(%a$n %o %/e4! an# %/e a4o3n% o6 %$4e %/a% 4a' &e ava$la&le 6o(
.(e.a($ng an# s3&4$%%$ng a s%a%e4en% .($o( %o %/e .(esen%a%$on o6 a s%a66 (e)o44en#a%$on
%o %/e Co44$ss$on 6o( %/e )o44en)e4en% o6 an a#4$n$s%(a%$ve o( $n:3n)%$on .(o)ee#$ng.
S3&4$ss$ons &' $n%e(es%e# .e(sons s/o3l# &e 6o(wa(#e# %o %/e a..(o.($a%e D$v$s$on
D$(e)%o(! Reg$onal D$(e)%o(! o( D$s%($)% A#4$n$s%(a%o( w$%/ a )o.' %o %/e s%a66 4e4&e(s
)on#3)%$ng %/e $nves%$ga%$on an# s/o3l# &e )lea(l' (e6e(en)e# %o %/e s.e)$6$)
$nves%$ga%$on %o w/$)/ %/e' (ela%e. In %/e even% a (e)o44en#a%$on 6o( %/e
)o44en)e4en% o6 an en6o()e4en% .(o)ee#$ng $s .(esen%e# &' %/e s%a66! an' s3&4$ss$ons
&' $n%e(es%e# .e(sons w$ll &e 6o(wa(#e# %o %/e Co44$ss$on $n )on:3n)%$on w$%/ %/e s%a66
T/e s%a66 o6 %/e Co44$ss$on (o3%$nel' see*s %o $n%(o#3)e s3&4$ss$ons 4a#e .3(s3an% %o
R3le >@)B as ev$#en)e $n Co44$ss$on en6o()e4en% .(o)ee#$ngs! w/en %/e s%a66 #ee4s
R3le >@6B o6 %/e Co44$ss$onCs R3les on In6o(4al an# O%/e( P(o)e#3(es! 0N CFR
G?G.>@6B! s%a%es9
In %/e )o3(se o6 %/e Co44$ss$onCs $nves%$ga%$ons! )$v$l laws3$%s! an# a#4$n$s%(a%$ve
.(o)ee#$ngs! %/e s%a66! w$%/ a..(o.($a%e a3%/o($La%$on! 4a' #$s)3ss w$%/ .e(sons
$nvolve# %/e #$s.os$%$on o6 s3)/ 4a%%e(s &' )onsen%! &' se%%le4en%! o( $n so4e o%/e(
4anne(. I% $s %/e .ol$)' o6 %/e Co44$ss$on! /oweve(! %/a% %/e #$s.os$%$on o6 an' s3)/
4a%%e( 4a' no%! e8.(essl' o( $4.l$e#l'! e8%en# %o an' )($4$nal )/a(ges %/a% /ave &een! o(
4a' &e! &(o3g/% aga$ns% an' s3)/ .e(son o( an' (e)o44en#a%$on w$%/ (es.e)% %/e(e%o.
A))o(#$ngl'! an' .e(son $nvolve# $n an en6o()e4en% 4a%%e( &e6o(e %/e Co44$ss$on w/o
)onsen%s! o( ag(ees %o )onsen%! %o an' :3#g4en% o( o(#e( #oes so solel' 6o( %/e .3(.ose o6
(esolv$ng %/e )la$4s aga$ns% /$4 $n %/a% $nves%$ga%$ve! )$v$l! o( a#4$n$s%(a%$ve 4a%%e( an#
no% 6o( %/e .3(.ose o6 (esolv$ng an' )($4$nal )/a(ges %/a% /ave &een! o( 4$g/% &e!
&(o3g/% aga$ns% /$4. T/$s .ol$)' (e6le)%s %/e 6a)% %/a% ne$%/e( %/e Co44$ss$on no( $%s
s%a66 /as %/e a3%/o($%' o( (es.ons$&$l$%' 6o( $ns%$%3%$ng! )on#3)%$ng! se%%l$ng! o( o%/e(w$se
#$s.os$ng o6 )($4$nal .(o)ee#$ngs. T/a% a3%/o($%' an# (es.ons$&$l$%' a(e ves%e# $n %/e
A%%o(ne' Gene(al an# (e.(esen%a%$ves o6 %/e De.a(%4en% o6 I3s%$)e.
F$ee#o. o I'o$.%tio' Act
T/e F(ee#o4 o6 In6o(4a%$on A)%! > .S.C. >>G @%/e <FOIA<B! gene(all' .(ov$#es 6o(
#$s)los3(e o6 $n6o(4a%$on %o %/e .3&l$). R3le 2= o6 %/e Co44$ss$onCs R3les on
In6o(4a%$on an# Re;3es%s! 0N CFR G??.2=! .(ov$#es a .(o)e#3(e &' w/$)/ a .e(son )an
4a*e a w($%%en (e;3es% %/a% $n6o(4a%$on s3&4$%%e# %o %/e Co44$ss$on no% &e #$s)lose#
3n#e( %/e FOIA. T/a% (3le s%a%es %/a% no #e%e(4$na%$on as %o %/e val$#$%' o6 s3)/ a
(e;3es% w$ll &e 4a#e 3n%$l a (e;3es% 6o( #$s)los3(e o6 %/e $n6o(4a%$on 3n#e( %/e FOIA $s
(e)e$ve#. A))o(#$ngl'! no (es.onse %o a (e;3es% %/a% $n6o(4a%$on no% &e #$s)lose# 3n#e(
%/e FOIA $s ne)essa(' o( w$ll &e g$ven 3n%$l a (e;3es% 6o( #$s)los3(e 3n#e( %/e FOIA $s
(e)e$ve#. I6 'o3 #es$(e an a)*nowle#g4en% o( (e)e$.% o6 'o3( w($%%en (e;3es% %/a%
$n6o(4a%$on no% &e #$s)lose# 3n#e( %/e FOIA! .lease .(ov$#e a #3.l$)a%e (e;3es%!
%oge%/e( w$%/ a s%a4.e#! sel67a##(esse# envelo.e.
A!t&o$it- o$ So+icit%tio' o I'o$.%tio'
Persons #irected to $upply %nformation Pursuant to $ubpoena. T/e a3%/o($%' 6o(
(e;3$($ng .(o#3)%$on o6 $n6o(4a%$on $s se% 6o(%/ $n %/e s3&.oena. D$s)los3(e o6 %/e
$n6o(4a%$on %o %/e Co44$ss$on $s 4an#a%o('! s3&:e)% %o %/e val$# asse(%$on o6 an' legal
($g/% o( .($v$lege 'o3 4$g/% /ave.
Persons Re&uested to $upply %nformation oluntarily. One o( 4o(e o6 %/e 6ollow$ng
.(ov$s$ons a3%/o($Les %/e Co44$ss$on %o sol$)$% %/e $n6o(4a%$on (e;3es%e#9 Se)%$ons 01
an#Do( G? o6 %/e Se)3($%$es A)% o6 01==F Se)%$on G0 o6 %/e Se)3($%$es E8)/ange A)% o6
01=HF Se)%$on =G0 o6 %/e T(3s% In#en%3(e A)% o6 01=1F Se)%$on HG o6 %/e Inves%4en%' A)% o6 01H?F Se)%$on G?1 o6 %/e Inves%4en% A#v$se(s A)% o6 K1H?F an# 0N CFR
G?G.>. D$s)los3(e o6 %/e (e;3es%e# $n6o(4a%$on %o %/e Co44$ss$on $s vol3n%a(' on 'o3(
Eect o Not S!88+-i'0 I'o$.%tio'
Persons #irected to $upply %nformation Pursuant to $ubpoena. I6 'o3 6a$l %o )o4.l'
w$%/ %/e s3&.oena! %/e Co44$ss$on 4a' see* a )o3(% o(#e( (e;3$($ng 'o3 %o #o so. I6
s3)/ an o(#e( $s o&%a$ne# an# 'o3 %/e(e a6%e( 6a$l %o s3..l' %/e $n6o(4a%$on! 'o3 4a' &e
s3&:e)% %o )$v$l an#Do( )($4$nal san)%$ons 6o( )on%e4.% o6 )o3(%. In a##$%$on! $6 %/e
s3&.oena was $ss3e# .3(s3an% %o %/e Se)3($%$es E8)/ange A)% o6 01=H! %/e Inves%4en%' A)% o6 01H?! an#Do( %/e Inves%4en% A#v$se(s A)% o6 01H?! an# $6 'o3! w$%/o3%
:3s% )a3se! 6a$l o( (e63se %o a%%en# an# %es%$6'! o( %o answe( an' law63l $n;3$('! o( %o
.(o#3)e &oo*s! .a.e(s! )o((es.on#en)e! 4e4o(an#a! an# o%/e( (e)o(#s $n )o4.l$an)e
w$%/ %/e s3&.oena! 'o3 4a' &e 6o3n# g3$l%' o6 a 4$s#e4eano( an# 6$ne# no% 4o(e %/an
M0!??? o( $4.($sone# 6o( a %e(4 o6 no% 4o(e %/an one 'ea(! o( &o%/.
Persons Re&uested to $upply %nformation oluntarily. T/e(e a(e no #$(e)% san)%$ons an#
%/3s no #$(e)% e66e)%s 6o( 6a$l$ng %o .(ov$#e all o( an' .a(% o6 %/e (e;3es%e# $n6o(4a%$on.
3$i'ci8%+ U"e" o I'o$.%tio'
T/e Co44$ss$onCs .($n)$.al .3(.ose $n sol$)$%$ng %/e $n6o(4a%$on $s %o ga%/e( 6a)%s $n
o(#e( %o #e%e(4$ne w/e%/e( an' .e(son /as v$ola%e#! $s v$ola%$ng! o( $s a&o3% %o v$ola%e
an' .(ov$s$on o6 %/e 6e#e(al se)3($%$es laws o( (3les 6o( w/$)/ %/e Co44$ss$on /as
en6o()e4en% a3%/o($%'! s3)/ as (3les o6 se)3($%$es e8)/anges an# %/e (3les o6 %/e
+3n$)$.al Se)3($%$es R3le4a*$ng Boa(#. Fa)%s #evelo.e# 4a'! /oweve(! )ons%$%3%e
v$ola%$ons o6 o%/e( laws o( (3les. In6o(4a%$on .(ov$#e# 4a' &e 3se# $n Co44$ss$on an#
o%/e( agen)' en6o()e4en% .(o)ee#$ngs! nless %/e Co44$ss$on o( $%s s%a66 e8.l$)$%l'
ag(ees %o %/e )on%(a(' $n w($%$ng! 'o3 s/o3l# no% ass34e %/a% %/e Co44$ss$on o( $%s s%a66
a);3$es)es $n! a))e#es %o! o( )on)3(s o( %0$ee" w$%/! %'- .os$%$on! )on#$%$on! (e;3es%!
(ese(va%$on o6 ($g/%! 3n#e(s%an#$ng! o( an' o%/e( s%a%e4en% %/a% .3(.o(%s! o( 4a' &e
#ee4e#! %o &e o( %o (e6le)% a l$4$%a%$on 3.on %/e Co44$ss$onCs (e)e$.%! 3se! #$s.os$%$on!
%(ans6e(! o( (e%en%$on! $n a))o(#an)e w$%/ a..l$)a&le law! o6 $n6o(4a%$on .(ov$#e#.
Ro!ti'e U"e" o I'o$.%tio'
T/e Co44$ss$on o6%en 4a*es $%s 6$les ava$la&le %o o%/e( gove(n4en%al agen)$es!
.a(%$)3la(l' n$%e# S%a%es A%%o(ne's an# s%a%e .(ose)3%o(s. T/e(e $s a l$*el$/oo# %/a%
$n6o(4a%$on s3..l$e# &' 'o3 w$ll &e 4a#e ava$la&le %o s3)/ agen)$es w/e(e a..(o.($a%e.
J/e%/e( o( no% %/e Co44$ss$on 4a*es $%s 6$les ava$la&le %o o%/e( gove(n4en%al agen)$es
$s! $n gene(al! a )on6$#en%$al 4a%%e( &e%ween %/e Co44$ss$on an# s3)/ o%/e(
gove(n4en%al agen)$es.
Se% 6o(%/ &elow $s a l$s% o6 %/e (o3%$ne 3ses w/$)/ 4a' &e 4a#e o6 %/e $n6o(4a%$on
0. To )oo(#$na%e law en6o()e4en% a)%$v$%$es &e%ween %/e SEC an# o%/e( 6e#e(al! s%a%e!
lo)al o( 6o(e$gn law en6o()e4en% agen)$es! se)3($%$es sel67(eg3la%o(' o(gan$La%$ons! an#
6o(e$gn se)3($%$es a3%/o($%$es.
G. B' SEC .e(sonnel 6o( .3(.oses o6 $nves%$ga%$ng .oss$&le v$ola%$ons o6! o( %o )on#3)%
$nves%$ga%$ons a3%/o($Le# &'! %/e 6e#e(al se)3($%$es laws.
=. J/e(e %/e(e $s an $n#$)a%$on o6 a v$ola%$on o( .o%en%$al v$ola%$on o6 law! w/e%/e( )$v$l!
)($4$nal o( (eg3la%o(' $n na%3(e! an# w/e%/e( a($s$ng &' gene(al s%a%3%e o( .a(%$)3la(
.(og(a4 s%a%3%e! o( &' (eg3la%$on! (3le o( o(#e( $ss3e# .3(s3an% %/e(e%o! %/e (elevan%
(e)o(#s $n %/e s's%e4 o6 (e)o(#s 4a' &e (e6e((e# %o %/e a..(o.($a%e agen)'! w/e%/e(
6e#e(al! s%a%e! o( lo)al! a 6o(e$gn gove(n4en%al a3%/o($%' o( 6o(e$gn se)3($%$es a3%/o($%'!
o( a se)3($%$es sel67(eg3la%o(' o(gan$La%$on )/a(ge# w$%/ %/e (es.ons$&$l$%' o6
$nves%$ga%$ng o( .(ose)3%$ng s3)/ v$ola%$on o( )/a(ge# w$%/ en6o()$ng o( $4.le4en%$ng
%/e s%a%3%e o( (3le! (eg3la%$on o( o(#e( $ss3e# .3(s3an% %/e(e%o.
H. In an' .(o)ee#$ng w/e(e %/e 6e#e(al se)3($%$es laws a(e $n $ss3e o( $n w/$)/ %/e
Co44$ss$on! o( .as% o( .(esen% 4e4&e(s o6 $%s s%a66! $s a .a(%' o( o%/e(w$se $nvolve# $n
an o66$)$al )a.a)$%'.
>. To a 6e#e(al! s%a%e! lo)al o( 6o(e$gn gove(n4en%al a3%/o($%' o( 6o(e$gn se)3($%$es
a3%/o($%' 4a$n%a$n$ng )$v$l! )($4$nal o( o%/e( (elevan% en6o()e4en% $n6o(4a%$on o( o%/e(
.e(%$nen% $n6o(4a%$on! s3)/ as )3((en% l$)enses! $6 ne)essa(' %o o&%a$n $n6o(4a%$on
(elevan% %o an agen)' #e)$s$on )on)e(n$ng %/e /$($ng o( (e%en%$on o6 an e4.lo'ee! %/e
$ss3an)e o6 a se)3($%' )lea(an)e! %/e le%%$ng o6 a )on%(a)%! o( %/e $ss3an)e o6 a l$)ense!
g(an% o( o%/e( &ene6$%.
E. To a 6e#e(al! s%a%e! lo)al o( 6o(e$gn gove(n4en%al a3%/o($%' o( 6o(e$gn se)3($%$es
a3%/o($%'! $n (es.onse %o $%s (e;3es%! $n )onne)%$on w$%/ %/e /$($ng o( (e%en%$on o6 an
e4.lo'ee! %/e $ss3an)e o6 a se)3($%' )lea(an)e! %/e (e.o(%$ng o6 an $nves%$ga%$on o6 an
e4.lo'ee! %/e le%%$ng o6 a )on%(a)%! o( %/e $ss3an)e o6 a l$)ense! g(an% o( o%/e( &ene6$% &'
%/e (e;3es%$ng agen)'! %o %/e e8%en% %/a% %/e $n6o(4a%$on $s (elevan% an# ne)essa(' %o %/e
(e;3es%$ng agen)'Cs #e)$s$on on %/e 4a%%e(.
N. In )onne)%$on w$%/ .(o)ee#$ngs &' %/e Co44$ss$on .3(s3an% %o R3le G@eB o6 $%s R3les
o6 P(a)%$)e! 0N CFR G?0.G@eB.
2. J/en )ons$#e(e# a..(o.($a%e! (e)o(#s $n %/$s s's%e4 4a' &e #$s)lose# %o a &a(
asso)$a%$on! %/e A4e($)an Ins%$%3%e o6 Ce(%$6$e# P3&l$) A))o3n%an%s! a s%a%e a))o3n%an)'
&oa(# o( o%/e( 6e#e(al! s%a%e! lo)al o( 6o(e$gn l$)ens$ng o( ove(s$g/% a3%/o($%'! 6o(e$gn
se)3($%$es a3%/o($%'! o( .(o6ess$onal asso)$a%$on o( sel67(eg3la%o(' a3%/o($%' .e(6o(4$ng
s$4$la( 63n)%$ons! 6o( .oss$&le #$s)$.l$na(' o( o%/e( a)%$on.
1. In )onne)%$on w$%/ $nves%$ga%$ons o( #$s)$.l$na(' .(o)ee#$ngs &' a s%a%e se)3($%$es
(eg3la%o(' a3%/o($%'! a 6o(e$gn se)3($%$es a3%/o($%'! o( &' a sel67(eg3la%o(' o(gan$La%$on
$nvolv$ng one o( 4o(e o6 $%s 4e4&e(s.
0?. As a #a%a so3()e 6o( 4anage4en% $n6o(4a%$on 6o( .(o#3)%$on o6 s344a(' #es)($.%$ve
s%a%$s%$)s an# anal'%$)al s%3#$es $n s3..o(% o6 %/e 63n)%$on 6o( w/$)/ %/e (e)o(#s a(e
)olle)%e# an# 4a$n%a$ne# o( 6o( (ela%e# .e(sonnel 4anage4en% 63n)%$ons o( 4an.owe(
s%3#$es! an# %o (es.on# %o gene(al (e;3es%s 6o( s%a%$s%$)al $n6o(4a%$on @w$%/o3% .e(sonal
$#en%$6$)a%$on o6 $n#$v$#3alsB 3n#e( %/e F(ee#o4 o6 In6o(4a%$on A)% o( %o lo)a%e s.e)$6$)
$n#$v$#3als 6o( .e(sonnel (esea()/ o( o%/e( .e(sonnel 4anage4en% 63n)%$ons.
00. In )onne)%$on w$%/ %/e$( (eg3la%o(' an# en6o()e4en% (es.ons$&$l$%$es 4an#a%e# &' %/e
6e#e(al se)3($%$es laws @as #e6$ne# $n Se)%$on G0 @1B o6 %/e Se)3($%$es E8)/ange A)% o6
01=H!0> .S.C. N23@gBB! o( s%a%e o( 6o(e$gn laws (eg3la%$ng se)3($%$es o( o%/e( (ela%e#
4a%%e(s! (e)o(#s 4a' &e #$s)lose# %o na%$onal se)3($%$es asso)$a%$ons %/a% a(e (eg$s%e(e#
w$%/ %/e Co44$ss$on! %/e +3n$)$.al Se)3($%$es R3le4a*$ng Boa(#! %/e Se)3($%$es
Inves%o( P(o%e)%$on Co(.o(a%$on! %/e 6e#e(al &an*$ng a3%/o($%$es! $n)l3#$ng &3% no%
l$4$%e# %o! %/e Boa(# o6 Gove(no(s o6 %/e Fe#e(al Rese(ve S's%e4! %/e Co4.%(olle( o6
%/e C3((en)'! an# %/e Fe#e(al De.os$% Ins3(an)e Co(.o(a%$on! s%a%e se)3($%$es (eg3la%o('
o( law en6o()e4en% agen)$es o( o(gan$La%$ons! o( (eg3la%o(' law en6o()e4en% agen)$es o6
a 6o(e$gn gove(n4en%! o( 6o(e$gn se)3($%$es a3%/o($%'.
0G. To an' %(3s%ee! (e)e$ve(! 4as%e(! s.e)$al )o3nsel! o( o%/e( $n#$v$#3al o( en%$%' %/a% $s
a..o$n%e# &' a )o3(% o6 )o4.e%en% :3($s#$)%$on o( as a (es3l% o6 an ag(ee4en% &e%ween %/e
.a(%$es $n )onne)%$on w$%/ l$%$ga%$on o( a#4$n$s%(a%$ve .(o)ee#$ngs $nvolv$ng allega%$ons
o6 v$ola%$ons o6 %/e 6e#e(al se)3($%$es laws @as #e6$ne# $n Se)%$on G0 @1B o6 %/e Se)3($%$es
E8)/ange A)% o6 01=H!0> .S.C.N23@gBB o( %/e Co44$ss$onCs R3les o6 P(a)%$)e!0N CFR
G?G.0 e% se;.! o( o%/e(w$se! w/e(e s3)/ %(3s%ee! (e)e$ve(! 4as%e(! s.e)$al )o3nsel o( o%/e(
$n#$v$#3al o( en%$%' $s s.e)$6$)all' #es$gna%e# %o .e(6o(4 .a(%$)3la( 63n)%$ons w$%/
(es.e)% %o! o( as a (es3l% o6! %/e .en#$ng a)%$on o( .(o)ee#$ng o( $n )onne)%$on w$%/ %/e
a#4$n$s%(a%$on an# en6o()e4en% &' %/e Co44$ss$on o6 %/e 6e#e(al se)3($%$es laws o( %/e
Co44$ss$onCs R3les o6 P(a)%$)e.
0=. To an' .e(sons #3($ng %/e )o3(se o6 an' $n;3$(' o( $nves%$ga%$on )on#3)%e# &' %/e
Co44$ss$onCs s%a66! o( $n )onne)%$on w$%/ )$v$l l$%$ga%$on! $6 %/e s%a66 /as (eason %o
&el$eve %/a% %/e .e(son %o w/o4 %/e (e)o(# $s #$s)lose# 4a' /ave 63(%/e( $n6o(4a%$on
a&o3% %/e 4a%%e(s (ela%e# %/e(e$n! an# %/ose 4a%%e(s a..ea(e# %o &e (elevan% a% %/e %$4e %o
%/e s3&:e)% 4a%%e( o6 %/e $n;3$('.
0H. To an' .e(son w$%/ w/o4 %/e Co44$ss$on )on%(a)%s %o (e.(o#3)e! &' %'.$ng!
./o%o)o.' o( o%/e( 4eans! an' (e)o(# w$%/$n %/$s s's%e4 6o( 3se &' %/e Co44$ss$on an#
$%s s%a66 $n )onne)%$on w$%/ %/e$( o66$)$al #3%$es o( %o an' .e(son w/o $s 3%$l$Le# &' %/e
Co44$ss$on %o .e(6o(4 )le($)al o( s%enog(a./$) 63n)%$ons (ela%$ng %o %/e o66$)$al
&3s$ness o6 %/e Co44$ss$on.
0>. In)l3s$on $n (e.o(%s .3&l$s/e# &' %/e Co44$ss$on .3(s3an% %o a3%/o($%' g(an%e# $n
%/e 6e#e(al se)3($%$es laws @as #e6$ne# $n Se)%$on G0@1B o6 %/e Se)3($%$es E8)/ange A)% o6
01=H!0> .S.C. N23@gBB.
0E. To 4e4&e(s o6 a#v$so(' )o44$%%ees %/a% a(e )(ea%e# &' %/e Co44$ss$on o( &' %/e
Cong(ess %o (en#e( a#v$)e an# (e)o44en#a%$ons %o %/e Co44$ss$on o( %o %/e Cong(ess!
%o &e 3se# solel' $n )onne)%$on w$%/ %/e$( o66$)$al #es$gna%e# 63n)%$ons.
0N. To an' .e(son w/o $s o( /as ag(ee# %o &e s3&:e)% %o %/e Co44$ss$onCs R3les o6
Con#3)%!0N CFR G??.N=>70 et se&., an# w/o ass$s%s $n %/e $nves%$ga%$on &' %/e
Co44$ss$on o6 .oss$&le v$ola%o(s o6 6e#e(al se)3($%$es laws @as #e6$ne# $n Se)%$on G0 @1B
o6 %/e Se)3($%$es E8)/ange A)% o6 01=H!0> .S.C.N23@gBB! $n %/e .(e.a(a%$on o( )on#3)%
o6 en6o()e4en% a)%$ons &(o3g/% &' %/e Co44$ss$on 6o( s3)/ v$ola%$ons! o( o%/e(w$se $n
)onne)%$on w$%/ %/e Co44$ss$onCs en6o()e4en% o( (eg3la%o(' 63n)%$ons 3n#e( %/e 6e#e(al
se)3($%$es laws.
02. D$s)los3(e 4a' &e 4a#e %o a Cong(ess$onal o66$)e 6(o4 %/e (e)o(# o6 an $n#$v$#3al
$n (es.onse %o an $n;3$(' 6(o4 %/e Cong(ess$onal o66$)e 4a#e a% %/e (e;3es% o6 %/a%
01. To (es.on# %o $n;3$($es 6(o4 +e4&e(s o6 Cong(ess! %/e .(ess an# %/e .3&l$) w/$)/
(ela%e %o s.e)$6$) 4a%%e(s %/a% %/e Co44$ss$on /as $nves%$ga%e# an# %o 4a%%e(s 3n#e( %/e
Co44$ss$onCs :3($s#$)%$on.
G?. To .(e.a(e an# .3&l$s/ $n6o(4a%$on (ela%$ng %o v$ola%$ons o6 %/e 6e#e(al se)3($%$es
laws as .(ov$#e# $n 0> .S.C. N23@aB! as a4en#e#.
G0. To (es.on# %o s3&.oenas $n an' l$%$ga%$on o( o%/e( .(o)ee#$ng.
GG. To a %(3s%ee $n &an*(3.%)'.

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