The document outlines various aspects of conducting case study research including defining case study methodology, how to use the case study method, and providing examples of sample case study questions. Key steps in conducting case studies include determining research questions, selecting cases and data collection methods, preparing and collecting data, analyzing and evaluating the data, and preparing a report. The sample case questions provided cover topics like industry analysis, market expansion, investment decisions, profitability analysis, and pricing strategies.
The document outlines various aspects of conducting case study research including defining case study methodology, how to use the case study method, and providing examples of sample case study questions. Key steps in conducting case studies include determining research questions, selecting cases and data collection methods, preparing and collecting data, analyzing and evaluating the data, and preparing a report. The sample case questions provided cover topics like industry analysis, market expansion, investment decisions, profitability analysis, and pricing strategies.
The document outlines various aspects of conducting case study research including defining case study methodology, how to use the case study method, and providing examples of sample case study questions. Key steps in conducting case studies include determining research questions, selecting cases and data collection methods, preparing and collecting data, analyzing and evaluating the data, and preparing a report. The sample case questions provided cover topics like industry analysis, market expansion, investment decisions, profitability analysis, and pricing strategies.
The document outlines various aspects of conducting case study research including defining case study methodology, how to use the case study method, and providing examples of sample case study questions. Key steps in conducting case studies include determining research questions, selecting cases and data collection methods, preparing and collecting data, analyzing and evaluating the data, and preparing a report. The sample case questions provided cover topics like industry analysis, market expansion, investment decisions, profitability analysis, and pricing strategies.
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What is case study?
Case studies emphasize detailed contextual analysis of a limited number of events Case study is an empirical inquiry that investigates a contemporary phenomenon within its real-life context How to use case study method? Robert K. Yin and ta!e" R. #. stated that there are six steps namely" $etermine and define the research questions elect the cases and determine data gathering and analysis techniques %repare to collect the data Collect data in the field #valuate and analyze the data %repare the report In the case study!! & case study is an in-depth study as compared to studies with many observations 'breath(. )sually answers one or more questions which begin with *how* or *why.* +o conduct a literature review to assist in defining the research questions. +o find out what has already been done by literature review Case Studies and "#actice - ,nteresting" real world situations with insights into the studies of management - $ecision ma!ing - may become easier - better quality of decisions - faster decision ma!ing - -or!ing in teams Case Studies So$utions - $ifferent from normal homewor! design - .ften more than one answer - depends on assumptions and problem definition - +ime is well spent - confidence in a decision-ma!ing position - parallels to real-world situations Attac%in& the Case - %roblems with quantity of information - first too much/later not enough - olution0 - see! additional information - ma!e assumptions - $ecide which questions to as! - ,nstructor will be more interested in the analyses and process than in absolute correctness Ste's o( "#o)$em Ana$yses - Read the case thoroughly - $efine the central issue - $efine the firms goals - ,dentify the constraints to the problem - ,dentify all the relevant alternatives - elect the best alternative - $evelop an implementation plan SAM"LE CASE *UESTIO+S I+DUST,Y A+ALYSIS & group of investors is considering building a large restaurant in the downtown arts district of a large city. -hat factors should they consider1 MA,-ET E."A+SIO+ CASE & ).. snac! food manufacturer is considering entering the &sian mar!et with a new product line. hould this client pursue entering this mar!et1 I+/ESTME+T CASE &n #ast Coast high-end clothing manufacturer is considering opening retail stores in the 2idwest to handle the growing demand for their product. -hat factors should they consider1 ",O0ITA1ILITY CASE Your client manufactures diapers for babies. +he board wants to !now if its advertising campaign for a new premium line of diapers has been successful. 3ow would you evaluate the campaign4s performance1 ",ICI+G CASE &n inventor of a new electronic gadget wants to !now0 5( -hat is the mar!et for his goods" and 6( how to produce it and 7( -hat the pricing structure should be. -hat steps should be ta!en1 Indust#y ana$ysis case2 A &#ou' o( in3esto#s is conside#in& )ui$din& a $a#&e #estau#ant in the downtown a#ts dist#ict o( a $a#&e city! What (acto#s shou$d they conside#? -ey 4uestions to as% you#se$(2 2ar!et/Competition 3ow big is the mar!et1 -ho else in in the mar!et1 -hat level of product differentiation exists1 3ow concentrated is the industry1 3ow difficult it is to enter/exit this industry1 -hat are the economies of scale1 3ow steep is the learning curve1 Customer/supplier relations ,s the company in a position of negotiating power1 &re there multiple substitutes for supplies1 8inancials -hat !ey financials need to be considered1 -hat ris! factors can be identified1 Ma#%et e5'ansion case2 A U!S! snac% (ood manu(actu#e# is conside#in& ente#in& the Asian ma#%et with a new '#oduct $ine! Shou$d this c$ient 'u#sue ente#in& this ma#%et? -ey 'oints to conside#2 2ar!et/Competition -here would you find information on mar!et size1 ,s the mar!et downsizing" stagnant or growing1 -ho else in in the mar!et1 3ow does the client compare with these competitors1 Customer needs -hat customer segments need to be identified1 3ow are the needs of these segments different1 &re these needs currently being met1 Can the client meet these needs1 #conomics -hat are the costs involved in this expansion1 3ow great is the R.,1 In3estment case2 An East Coast hi&h6end c$othin& manu(actu#e# is conside#in& o'enin& #etai$ sto#es in the Midwest to hand$e the &#owin& demand (o# thei# '#oduct! What (acto#s shou$d they conside#? -ey 4uestions to as% you#se$(2 ustainability of profits ,s this mar!et loo! continually profitable1 ,s this the correct segment to move into1 Competition -hat is the client4s competitive position in this mar!et1 -hat differentiates the product1 %rice/Costs 3ow do pricing structures compare1 3ow are the costs distributed1 "#o(ita)i$ity case2 You# c$ient manu(actu#es dia'e#s (o# )a)ies! The )oa#d wants to %now i( its ad3e#tisin& cam'ai&n (o# a new '#emium $ine o( dia'e#s has )een success(u$! How wou$d you e3a$uate the cam'ai&n7s 'e#(o#mance? -ey 4uestions to as% you#se$(2 Costs -hat are the fixed costs1 variable1 -hat economies of scale exist1 ,s plant utilization up1 Customers 3ow sensitive are customers to price1 3ow is the mar!et segmented1 "#icin& case2 An in3ento# o( a new e$ect#onic &ad&et wants to %now2 89 What is the ma#%et (o# his &oods: and ;9 how to '#oduce it and <9 What the '#icin& st#uctu#e shou$d )e! What ste's shou$d )e ta%en? -ey 4uestions to as% you#se$(2 2ar!et -hat type of mar!et is it1 -hat will the mar!et bear1 Competition 3ow does the client4s position compare to others in the industry1 3ow will the competition respond to pricing changes1 Customer 3ow will customers respond to pricing changes1 -hat demand is there for this product1
Roadmap to Cima Gateway Success: Roadmap to help you pass your CIMA Gateway exams - A practical guide: Roadmap to help you pass your CIMA Gateway exams - A practical guide