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American National Standard

For Insulators
Composite-Line Post Type


National Electrical Manufacturers Association

Approved February 12, 2002

American National Standards Institute, Inc.
ANSI C29.17-2002

The information in this publication was considered technically sound by the consensus of persons
engaged in the development and approval of the document at the time it was developed.
Consensus does not necessarily mean that there is unanimous agreement among every person
participating in the development of this document.

NEMA standards and guideline publications, of which the document contained herein is one, are
developed through a voluntary consensus standards development process. This process brings
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ANSI C29.17-2002
Approval of an American National Standard requires verification by
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Consensus is established when, in the judgment of the ANSI Board
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Published by

National Electrical Manufacturers Association
1300 North 17th Street, Rosslyn, VA 22209

Copyright 2002 by National Electrical Manufacturers Association
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ANSI C29.17-2002

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ANSI C29.17-2002


Foreword ...........................................................................................................................v

1 Scope ...........................................................................................................................1

2 Normative Standards......................................................................................................1

2.1 Reference to American National Standards......................................................1

2.2 References to other standards..........................................................................1

3 Definitions.......................................................................................................................2

3.1 Composite line post insulator ............................................................................2

3.2 Cantilever breaking load (CBL) of a composite line post insulator....................2

3.3 Specified cantilever load (SCL) .........................................................................2

3.4 Specified tensile load (STL)...............................................................................2

4 Dimensions.....................................................................................................................2

5 Marking ...........................................................................................................................2

6 Classification of Tests.....................................................................................................3

6.1 Prototype tests...................................................................................................3

6.2 Design tests.......................................................................................................4

6.3 Sample tests......................................................................................................4

6.4 Routine tests......................................................................................................4

7 Prototype Tests...............................................................................................................4

7.1 Tests on interfaces and connection of end fittings ............................................4

7.2 Assembled core load tests ................................................................................5

7.3 Housing tracking and erosion tests ...................................................................7

7.4 Core material tests ............................................................................................7

7.5 Flammability tests..............................................................................................7

8 Design Tests...................................................................................................................8
ANSI C29.17-2002

8.1 Low frequency wet flashover test......................................................................8

8.2 Low frequency dry flashover test.......................................................................8

8.3 Lightning critical-impulse tests, positive and negative.......................................8

8.4 Radio-influence voltage and visible corona test................................................8

9 Sample Tests..................................................................................................................8

9.1 Sample selection...............................................................................................8

9.2 Verification of dimensions..................................................................................8

9.3 Galvanizing test.................................................................................................9

9.4 Verification of cantilever strength test................................................................9

9.5 Specified tensile load test..................................................................................9

9.6 Retest procedure for sample tests ..................................................................10

10 Routine Tests ...............................................................................................................10

10.1 Tensile load test ..............................................................................................10

10.2 Visual examination..........................................................................................10


1 Prototype testing.............................................................................................................3


1 Class 250 design parameters for horizontal line posts
with mounting base and drop eye fitting.........................................................................3


1 Electrodes for the voltage test......................................................................................12

2 Temperature cycling profile..........................................................................................12

3 Typical horizontal clamptop end fitting..........................................................................13

4 Typical blade style end fitting........................................................................................13

5 Typical detachable gain base for use with round poles................................................14

6 Typical detachable flat base.........................................................................................14
ANSI C29.17-2002
Foreword (This Foreword is not part of American National Standard C29.17-2002.)

This first edition of this standard was based on a NEMA proposed standards publication for composite line
post insulators used on overhead transmission lines. It was developed at the request of American
National Standards Committee on Insulators for Electric Power Lines, ASC C-29.

This standard was processed and approved for submittal to ANSI by ASC C-29. Committee approval of
the standard does not necessarily imply that all committee members voted for approval. At the time it
approved this standard, the ASC C-29 Committee had the following members:

Jack Varner, Chairman
Gerard Winstanley, Secretary

Organization Represented: Name of Representative:

Department of Energy D. Ruff

Electric Light and Power Group N. DeSantis
A. S. J agtiani
D. H. Shaffner
J . Varner

Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers J . Cartwright
T. Grisham
R. Harmon
T. A. Pinkham
H. Schneider

National Electrical Manufacturers Association A. Baker
R. A. Bernstorf
H. Bower
A. De La O
R. Hill
G. Powell
A. Schwalm
R. Stanley
M. Spalding
G. A. Stewart
Q. Yu

Other Members R. Gemignani
E. Grandt

ANSI C29.17-2002

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ANSI C29.17-2002

For Insulators
Composite-Line Post Type

1 Scope

This standard describes the qualification test procedures for composite line post insulators that are made
of a fiberglass-reinforced resin matrix core, elastomeric weathersheds and metal end fittings. The
insulators are intended for use on overhead lines in electric power systems, 70kV and above. Mechanical
and electrical performance levels specified in this standard are applicable to new insulators.

2 Normative standards

2.1 Reference to American National Standards

When the following standards referred to in this document are superseded by a revision approved by the
governing body, that revision shall apply.

American National Standard Test Methods for Electrical Power Insulators, ANSI C29.1-1996

American National Standard for Composite Suspension Insulators for Overhead Transmission Lines
Tests, ANSI C29.11-1996

2.2 References to other standards

IEEE Standard Techniques for High-Voltage Testing, IEEE Std. 4-1995

IEEE Dictionary of Electrical and Electronic Terms, IEEE Std. 100-1984

ASTM Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware, ASTM A153-1995

ASTM Test Method for Rubber Property Durometer Hardness, ASTM D2240-95

ASTM Practice for Operating Light Exposure Apparatus (Xenon-Arc Type) With and Without Water for
Exposure of Nonmetallic Materials, ASTM G26-95

ASTM Practice for Operating Xenon Arc-Type Light-Exposure Apparatus With and Without Water for
Exposure of Plastics, ASTM D2565-92a

ASTM Practice for Operating Light- and Water-Exposure Apparatus (Fluorescent UV-Condensations
Type) for Exposure of Nonmetallic Materials, ASTM G53-95

IEC Methods of test for the determination of the flammability of solid electrical insulating materials when
exposed to an igniting source, IEC 60707

ISO 3452 Crack Detection

ANSI C29.17-2002

3 Definitions

See Section 3 of American National Standard for Composite Suspension Insulators for Overhead
Transmission Lines Tests, ANSI C29.11 and Section 2 of American National Standard Test Methods for
Electrical Power Insulators, ANSI C29.1 for the definition of common terms used in the standards. The
following definitions are specific to this standard.

3.1 Composite line post insulator

This insulator design consists of a resin impregnated fiberglass core, an elastomeric housing, and is
equipped with metallic end fitting attachment devices. Mechanical loading of this insulator design is
primarily applied in a cantilever mode, although tensile, compression, and longitudinal loading may be
applicable for specific installations to support electrical line conductors.

3.2 Cantilever breaking load (CBL) of a composite line post insulator

The maximum load that is reached when tested in accordance with clause 9.4 of this specification.

NOTE Damage to the core is likely to occur at loads lower than the insulator failing load.

3.3 Specified cantilever load (SCL)

The specified cantilever load rating of the insulator is defined by the manufacturer. It shall be below the
CBL as demonstrated when tested under the conditions defined in clause 9.4 of this specification.

3.4 Specified tensile load (STL)

The tensile load which can be withstood by the insulator when tested in accordance with the test protocol
described in clause 9.5. This value is considered to be equivalent to a one minute withstand. This value
is specified by the manufacturer.

4 Dimensions

General dimensions and characteristics of the insulator design type of class 250 will be in accordance with
Chart I. Unless otherwise agreed, a design tolerance specification, as follows, may be applied on
dimensions that are not defined.

+/- (0.04 x +0.05) inches, when x is <12 inches

+/- (0.025 x +0.23) inches, when x is >12 inches
(maximum limited to 2 inches)

The shape and spacing of weathersheds are not a part of this standard.

5 Marking

Each insulator shall bear symbols identifying the name or trademark of the manufacturer, a manufacturing
date code or year of manufacture, and the Specified Cantilever Load (SCL) in pounds or thousands of
pounds (K). The marking may also include the manufacturers historical working load rating, identified as
the RCL, or the MDCL to comply with IEC ratings. The markings shall be legible and durable.

NOTE The manufacturers recommended working cantilever load may be included in the marking. It can be listed as the MDCL, or
the Reference Cantilever Load (RCL) and may be as much as 50% of the SCL.
ANSI C29.17-2002
6 Classification of Tests

6.1 Prototype tests

The purpose of these procedures is to verify the suitability of the product design, materials, and method of
manufacture. The prototype tests are described in Section 7. When a composite post insulator design
has met the prototype tests, the results will be considered valid for the entire class of insulators shown in
Chart I, or equivalent design, as defined by the manufacturer. The following characteristics shall define
the design:

a. The core and housing are of the same materials composition and method of manufacture as
the tested insulator.

b. The end fittings are of the same design and material, and use the same method of attachment
to the core as the tested insulator.

c. The housing or core sheath is of the same or greater thickness.

d. The maximum cantilever bending moment stress in the rod at SCL is the same or less than
that for the tested insulator.

e. The depth and design of the connection zone of the ground end fitting (most highly stressed)
are the same as that for the tested insulator.

The prototype test report will include a drawing of the insulator tested, with applicable dimensions. These
dimensions will at a minimum include those defined for the applicable class, or as modified by the test
apparatus limitations. The prototype test will be performed only once for the same class of insulator.

To allow for manufacturing variations, the weathershed diameter, thickness, and shape may vary up to
15% before prototype tests must be repeated. In addition, the housing thickness and covering of the
metal end fittings may vary up to 15% before prototype tests must be repeated. Prototype testing of the
insulator is not required for a greater thickness of the weathershed and housing, or increased rod
dimensions that exceed the 15% variation limitation.

When changes in the design occur, which exceed the classification limits, prototype testing shall be
repeated in accordance with the schedule, as shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Prototype testing

If the following design
criteria changes
7.1 7.2 7.3 7.3.2 7.4 7.5
Shed Material
Shed Design
Housing Material
Housing Design
Core Diameter
Core Material
Attachment Method
End Fitting Material
End Fitting Design

NOTE Prototype testing is not required for design changes that increase the thickness of the weathershed and/or housing.

ANSI C29.17-2002
Test descriptions:

7.1 Tests on Interfaces and Connection of End Fittings.
7.2 Assembled core load tests.
7.3 Housing tracking and erosion tests.
7.3.2 Aging or weathering test.
7.4 Core Material Tests
7.5 Flammability test.

6.2 Design tests

These tests verify those characteristics of a composite insulator which depend on its size and shape.
Their requirements are given in Section 8. The design tests will be performed only once for the same
class of insulator.

6.3 Sample tests

These tests verify the conformance of the post insulators to the manufacturing requirements given in
Section 9. The samples are selected from production lots.

6.4 Routine tests

These tests are for the purpose of verifying the final quality acceptance of the manufactured insulators.
These tests are performed according to the requirements of section 10.

7 Prototype tests

Prototype testing is done in five parts as described in Sections 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, and 7.5. The test
specimens will pass the tests in each part in sequence. Prototype tests are to be performed only once for
each class of insulator, as defined in Section 6.1. The results will be recorded in a test report. The test
report will constitute the evidence of successful completion of the prototype tests.

7.1 Tests on interfaces and connection of end fittings

7.1.1 Test specimens

Four insulators, representative of the production process and design, shall be selected. One of these
shall be reserved as a reference for the power frequency voltage test in The insulator length
(metal-to-metal) will be at least 15 times the core diameter. If shorter insulators are tested, the results are
valid only for insulators up to the length tested.

The insulators shall be subjected to the routine mechanical test, per section 10.

7.1.2 Pre-stressing
The following tests (, shall be carried out on three test insulators in the sequence indicated
below. Thermal-mechanical test

The three insulators will be loaded in cantilever and subjected to the temperature cycle described in Figure
2. The load shall be selected so as to produce the same bending moment at the base of the insulator as
is exerted by 50% of the SCL in normal application.

Each 24 hour cycle has a minimum of 8 hours at both +50C and 35C +/- 5K. The 24 hour cycle shall
be run twice, with the direction of the load reversed after the first cycle.
ANSI C29.17-2002

The test may be interrupted for the load direction reversal and for maintenance of the test equipment for a
total duration of 2 hours. Water immersion test

The three test insulators will be immersed in boiling water for 42 continuous hours (de-ionized water with
0.1% NaCl or tap water adjusted to a conductivity of 1650 S/cm +/- 50 S/cm at 20C - 25C). After the
42 hour boiling period, the insulators will remain in the vessel until the water cools to approximately 50C.
This temperature will be maintained until the verification tests are started.

7.1.3 Verification tests

The following verification tests (,, shall be completed within 48 hours following the
removal of the insulators from the water. Visual examination

The housings shall be inspected visually. No cracks or crazing of the elastomeric shed or housing are
permitted. Steep-front impulse test

The three test specimens will be fitted with a sharp edged electrode, consisting of a clip made of copper
strip approximately 20mm wide and less than 1mm in thickness. The electrode will lie firmly on the
housing or sheath between the weathersheds, forming two sections of 500 mm or smaller axial length. If
the test specimens have an insulating length that is less than or equal to 500mm, the voltage will be
applied between the end fittings (no clip is necessary).

An impulse voltage with a steepness of of at least 1000 kV/s will be applied to each test section. Each
section will be stressed with 25 impulses of positive polarity and 25 impulses of negative polarity. Each
impulse shall cause an external flashover of the test section. No punctures of any part of the insulator
shall occur.

The electrodes used to form the test sections will be removed prior to the power frequency voltage test. Power frequency voltage test

The dry power frequency flashover voltage will be determined by averaging five flashover voltages on
each insulator per ANSI/IEEE 4. The flashover voltage will be reached within 1 minute by increasing the
voltage linearly from zero. The flashover voltage of the reference insulator will be determined using the
same procedure.

The average flashover voltage for each test insulator will be at least 90% of the flashover voltage of the
reference insulator.

The three test insulators and the reference insulator will be allowed to reach thermal equilibrium with the
surrounding atmosphere. All four insulators will then be subjected to 80% of the reference insulator
flashover voltage for 30 minutes. No puncture of any part of the insulator shall occur, and the temperature
of the shank (measured immediately after the test) will not be more than 20C above the ambient
ANSI C29.17-2002

7.2 Assembled core load tests

7.2.1 Core time-load test Test specimens

Three insulators manufactured on the production line using the standard end fittings shall be selected.
The section length (pole face to line attachment) shall be between 15 and 24 times the diameter of the
core, or the longest length to be manufactured, whichever is less. Core time load test

Each insulator shall be gradually loaded to 40% of the SCL or the manufacturers RCL (whichever is
greater) at a temperature of 20C 10 K. The load shall be applied to the insulator at the conductor
position, approximately perpendicular to the intended orientation of the conductor and approximately
perpendicular to the core of the insulator. The load shall be maintained for at least 96 hours. Evaluation Visual examination

After removal of the load, visually inspect the base end fitting for cracks or permanent deformation. All
threaded connections must be intact and usable. Dissection and dye penetration

Cut each insulator 90 to the axis of the core and about 50 mm from the base end fitting, then cut the
base end fitting longitudinally into two halves in the plane of the previously applied cantilever load. The cut
surfaces shall be smoothed by means of fine abrasive cloth (grain size 180).

The cut halves shall be visually inspected for cracks and delamination. The presence of cracks or
delamination in the fiberglass rod shall constitute failure.

A dye penetration test shall be performed on the cut surfaces in accordance with ISO 3452 to reveal
cracks. The presence of cracks or delamination in the fiberglass rod shall constitute failure.

7.2.2 Tensile load test Test specimens

Three insulators manufactured on the production line using the standard end fittings shall be selected. Tensile test

A tensile load shall be applied to each insulator in line with the axis of the core of the insulator. The load
shall be increased rapidly but smoothly from zero to approximately 75% of the STL and shall then be
gradually increased in a time between 30 s and 90 s until the STL is reached. If the STL is reached in less
than 90s, the load shall be maintained for the remainder of the 90 s. At the conclusion of the 90s, the load
shall be removed. Evaluation

The test shall be regarded as passed if there is no evidence of:
pull out of the core from the end fitting.
breakage of the end fitting.
ANSI C29.17-2002

7.3 Housing tracking and erosion tests

7.3.1 Test specimen

Two insulators or test specimens will be tested, in accordance with ANSI C29.11. The specimen length
will be chosen such that the leakage distance falls between 200 and 700 mm and includes at least two

If the same elastomeric materials and manufacturing method have been previously qualified, per ANSI
C29.11, this qualification section will not be repeated. Test chamber

The test is to be performed in a test apparatus as defined in ANSI C29.11. Test conditions

The test is to be performed for a duration of 1000 hours as described in ANSI C29.11. Evaluation

No tracking is allowed. No weathershed punctures are allowed. Erosion is not allowed to reach the core.

7.3.2 Aging or weathering test

The manufacturer shall test and provide information on the elastomeric materials of the insulator, as
defined in ASTM D2565, ASTM G52 or G53, that shows no indication of cracking or crazing after one
thousand hours.

7.4 Core material tests

7.4.1 Dye penetration test

Ten samples will be prepared and tested in accordance with ANSI C29.11. There will be no dye solution
penetration through the sample after fifteen minutes of exposure.

7.4.2 Water diffusion test

Six samples will be prepared in accordance with ANSI C29.11. The electrodes will be modified to provide
total coverage of the cross sectional area, which insures puncture of the rod sample. The test
arrangement is shown in Figure 1. No puncture or surface flashover is allowed. The current during the
test shall not exceed 1-mA, rms.

7.5 Flammability test

The manufacturer shall test and provide information on the elastomeric materials of the insulator as
defined in IEC 61109, section 5.5.1. The material is to be rated as category FVO, per IEC 60707, as
required by IEC 61109.

ANSI C29.17-2002
8 Design tests

Design tests are to be performed on full insulators, as determined by the manufacturer, to establish an
accurate representation for the electrical capabilities of each insulator class, as described in Chart 1.

8.1 Low frequency wet flashover test

This test is to be performed on one insulator in accordance with ANSI C29.1.

8.2 Low frequency dry flashover test

This test is to be performed on one insulator in accordance with ANSI C29.11.

8.3 Lightning critical-impulse tests, positive and negative

These tests are to be performed on one insulator in accordance with ANSI C29.11.

8.4 Radio-influence voltage and visible corona test

One insulator is to be tested in accordance with ANSI C29.1. The purchaser for their application can
request this test by agreement with the manufacturer. The test shall be performed at 1.15 times the
nominal line-to-ground operating voltage. RIV levels shall be less than 100 micro-volts.

If a light amplification device or other corona detection device is used, there shall be no visible corona on
the test specimen at the hardware to housing interface.

9 Sample tests

9.1 Sample selection

The insulator(s) shall be selected from the lot at random. The purchaser has the right to make the
selection. The insulator(s) shall be subjected to the applicable sample tests.

For lots of more than 200 insulators, the following table of samples shall apply.

Tests Number of
Verification of
Galvanizing test 3
Cantilever load test 1
Specified Tensile
Load Test

For lots smaller than 200 insulators, the number of samples tested shall be by agreement between the
user and manufacturer.

In the event of a failure of the sample to satisfy a test, the retest procedure of 9.6 shall be applied.

9.2 Verification of dimensions

The insulators in the sample shall be checked for dimensions against the dimensions on the
manufacturers drawing. If tolerances are not given on the drawing, the tolerances given in clause 4 shall
ANSI C29.17-2002

9.3 Galvanizing test

For ferrous end fittings and bases, the specified size of sample shall be tested in accordance with section
6 of ANSI C29.1. Five to ten measurements shall be uniformly and randomly distributed over the entire
surface. Both the average thickness value for each individual specimen and the average of the entire
sample shall equal or exceed the following:

Average of
Average of
3.4 3.1
Nuts/bolts 2.1 1.7

9.4 Verification of cantilever strength test

9.4.1 Test setup

For clauses 9.4.2 and 9.4.3, the sample insulator shall be subjected to a cantilever load in the normal
vertical loading direction, or approximately perpendicular to the core of the insulator if the insulator is to be
mounted vertically. The load shall be applied at the conductor mounting position, approximately
perpendicular to the typical direction of the conductor.

9.4.2 Cantilever strength verification

The sample insulator shall be loaded at an approximately constant rate of less than 40% of the S.C.L. of
the insulator per minute. The position of the end fitting to which the load is being applied shall be
monitored. A load of at least 40% of the S.C.L. shall be held for one minute. During the 1 minute hold,
the position of the top end fitting shall be monitored. Where L represents the unloaded section length of
the insulator in inches, a position shift exceeding (0.008*L)
inches shall constitute failure of the test. At
the conclusion of the 1 minute hold, the load shall be removed.

9.4.3 Cantilever breaking load (C.B.L.) test

By agreement between the customer and manufacturer, the C.B.L. test may be performed. The load
shall be applied at an approximately constant rate of less than 40% of the S.C.L. of the insulator per
minute. The direction of loading shall be free to pivot in a plane defined by the axis of the insulator and
the anchoring point of the loading device. The failing load (Cantilever Breaking Load) shall be the
maximum load attainable under these loading conditions.

The test is passed if the C.B.L. is greater than or equal to the S.C.L.

9.5 Specified tensile load test

One sample insulator, either randomly selected from or representing the lot, shall be subjected to a
tensile loading test to demonstrate that the lot is capable of meeting the S.T.L. If the sample is
representative of the lot it shall have the same rod diameter and end fitting configuration as the lot, but
need not include weathersheds or housings and may use a rod length different from that of the lot, so long
as the core rod length is at least 10 times diameter of the core. If a detachable base is used, it should be
removed and attachment made to the end fitting which is crimped to the core rod. Attachment to the line
end fitting shall be made in the attachment zone and shall represent a typical means of service loading,
but need not include actual service hardware. Attachment means shall be at the manufacturers
ANSI C29.17-2002

The tensile load shall be applied rapidly, but smoothly, from zero to 75% of the S.T.L. and then gradually
be increased to the S.T.L. in a time between 30 and 90 seconds. If 100% of the S.T.L. is reached in less
than 90 seconds, the load shall be sustained at the S.T.L. for the remainder of the 90 seconds. The load
shall then be increased until the insulator fails. The failure load shall be recorded.

9.6 Retest procedure for sample tests

If only one insulator or metal part fails to comply with the requirements of a sample test, a new sample
equal to twice the quantity originally submitted to that test shall be subjected to retesting. The retesting
shall comprise the test in which failure occurred, preceded by those tests that may be considered as
having influenced the results of the original test.

If two or more insulators or metal parts fail to comply with any of the sample tests or if any failure occurs
during the retesting, the complete lot is considered as not complying with the standard and shall be
withdrawn for examination by the manufacturer.

Provided the cause of the failure can be clearly identified, the manufacturer may sort the lot to eliminate all
the insulators with this defect. The sorted lot may then be resubmitted for testing. The number then
selected shall be three times the first quantity chosen for tests. If any insulator fails during this retesting,
the complete lot is considered as not complying with this standard and shall be withdrawn by the

10 Routine Tests

Routine tests are to be performed on every insulator produced.

10.1 Tensile load test

Every insulator shall be subjected, at ambient temperature, to a tensile load of at least 50% of the S.T.L.
for at least 10 seconds. No partial or complete pull out of the core from the end fitting shall occur.

10.2 Visual examination

The mounting of the metallic parts will be in conformance with the manufacturer's design drawing.
Individual superficial defects in the elastomer housing and weathersheds shall not exceed 25 square
millimeters and the maximum depth of such defects shall not exceed 1 mm.

ANSI C29.17-2002
Chart 1 Class 250
design parameters for horizontal line posts
with mounting base and drop eye fitting

Design Section Length Minimum CIFO Values Min 60 Hz Flashover Values SCL (LBF)
Type Min. Inches Max. Inches Positive (kV) Negative (kV) Dry (kV) Wet (kV) Min.

250 - 41 41 (1041) 47 (1192) 480 495 290 260 3800
250 47 47 (1194) 54 (1372) 550 560 340 310 3300
250 54 54 (1372) 60 (1524) 650 680 410 365 2850
250 60 60 (1524) 66 (1676) 760 780 470 405 2650
250 66 66 (1676) 75 (1905) 850 885 525 465 2300
250 75 75 (1905) 85 (2159) 920 1010 590 520 2000
250 85 85 (2159) 95 (2413) 1100 1180 715 605 1750
250 95 95 (2413) 105 (2667) 1275 1360 795 675 1600
250 -
105 (2667) 115 (2921) 1445 1500 880 745 1300

The SCL values shown represent manufacturers ratings for line posts manufactured with nominal 2.5 inch diameter rod.
Leakage distance should be at least 16 mm/kV (line to line)
Metric values in parentheses ().


ANSI C29.17-2002

Figure 1 Electrodes for the voltage test

Figure 2 Temperature cycling profile

ANSI C29.17-2002

Figure 3 Typical horizontal clamptop end fitting
(To be used with a trunnion clamp. Reference ANSI C29.7 for dimensional details.)

Figure 4 Typical blade style end fitting

ANSI C29.17-2002

Figure 5 Typical detachable gain base for use with round poles

Figure 6 Typical detachable flat base

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