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Network Information Worksheet for Commissioning the SECVT 1

Use this worksheet to:
provide information to network administrators or
Information Technology (IT) departments regarding
the network requirements for connecting a Serial to
Ethernet Converter (SECVT) and operating an N2
tunneling application on their Internet Protocol (IP)
networks (pages 1-2)
gather the IP network and address information
from network administrators or IT departments that
are required to commission an SECVT and
connect it to their IP networks (pages 2-4)
record and organize the network, address, and
device information related to commissioning an
SECVT and N2 tunneling application (page 5)
Provide a copy of this worksheet to your customers
network administrator or IT department and ask that
individual to provide the required information on pages
SECVT and N2 Tunneling Application
The SECVT enables N2 tunneling over Ethernet, which
allows remote N2 devices to communicate with
supported Network Automation Engines (NAEs) over
IP networks.
SECVTs and supported NAEs are designed to tunnel
N2 data over Ethernet IP networks, which enables
bidirectional N2 data communication between
N2 devices and supported NAEs without dedicated
hardwire N2 buses. Up to 32 N2 devices can be
connected to the N2 bus on the SECVT (Figure 1).
NAEs and SECVTs are compliant with Ethernet
standards and designed to operate on 10 Mbps or
100 Mbps networks.
Refer to the SECVT Technical Bulletin (LIT-1201790)
for more information about the SECVT and
N2 tunneling applications.
Figure 1: N2 Tunneling Application Showing N2 Data Tunneled
between a Supported NAE and Remote N2 Devices
Ethernet IP
N2 Data
N2 Bus
N2 Data Tunneled
Over Ethernet
Cluster of Remote N2 Devices
on the SECVT N2 Bus
Network Information Worksheet for Commissioning
Code No. LIT-12011170
Release 4.0
Issued March 17, 2008
Supersedes November 9, 2007
Network Information Worksheet for Commissioning the SECVT 2
Network Requirements
IP Network Requirements
To support SECVTs, the IP network must provide the
static or Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
(DHCP) IP addresses on the network for SECVTs
and NAEs
a continuous data stream at a minimum of
14 kbps between the supported NAE and the N2
devices on the SECVT N2 bus (Figure 1)
total message cycle times of 100 ms or less
between the supported NAEs and the N2 devices
on the SECVT N2 buses are strongly
Note: The total message cycle time is the time it
takes for a data message to travel from an NAE to
a target N2 device, plus the time it takes for the
message reply to travel back to the NAE. Some N2
applications can tolerate total message cycle times
of up to 1000 ms. Refer to the SECVT Technical
Bulletin (LIT-1201790) for more information on the
recommended total message cycle times for N2
tunneling applications.
Network Address Requirements
N2 tunneling applications require the following IP
network address information to commission the
SECVT and configure the supported NAEs:
Static IP Addresses
a static IP address, subnet mask, and default
gateway for each SECVT
a static IP address, subnet mask, and default
gateway for the supported NAE using static
DHCP IP Addresses
a unique host name for each SECVT
Note: The host name may contain a maximum of
15 characters and may be comprised of letters,
numbers, and dashes.
DHCP server IP address and Domain Name
System (DNS) server IP address
a static IP address, subnet mask, and default
gateway for a supported NAE using static
a host name for a supported NAE using DHCP
Required Network Information for
Commissioning an SECVT and
N2 Tunneling Application
A J ohnson Controlsrepresentative should indicate
how many SECVTs are required for the N2 tunneling
application and where to place the SECVTs.
How many SECVTs are going to operate on the
customers IP network? _____________________
The IP network administrator or IT department should
provide the following information (on pages 2-4) to:
determine the viability of an SECVT and
N2 tunneling application on the IP network
provide the necessary address values required to
commission the SECVTs and configure the
supported NAEs in an N2 tunneling application
Required IP Network Latency Information
Please provide answers for the following:
1. Can the entire IP network provide consistent total
message cycle times of 100 ms or less between
the supported NAEs and the SECVTs? ______
If yes, go to Question 3 in this section.
If no, go to Question 2 in this section.
2. Which subnets of the IP network cannot provide
consistent total message cycle times of 100 ms or
less, and what total message cycle times can those
subnets provide?
Note: Use Table 1 to identify subnets where the
total message cycle times could exceed 100 ms.
If the network latency is unknown, you can use the
PATHPING test described in the SECVT Technical
Bulletin (LIT-1201790) to determine the total message
cycle times on the IP network.
You can also estimate network latency by filling in the
appropriate values in Table 2 and calculating the total
message time delay between the supported NAE, the
N2 devices, and back to the NAE.
Table 1: Identify the Subnets with Total Message
Cycle Times Greater Than 100 ms
NAE Subnet SECVT Subnet Total Message
Cycle Time
Network Information Worksheet for Commissioning the SECVT 3
3. Do any hardwire Voice Over Internet Protocol
(VOIP) systems operate on the network, or are any
VOIP systems planned for the network? ________
If yes, go to the next question.
If no, go to the next section.
4. Can the VOIP system negatively impact a
continuous data stream or the network latency?
If yes, inform the J ohnson Controls
If no, go to the next section.
Required IP Network Bandwidth Information
N2 tunneling applications require that the IP network
consistently provides enough total available bandwidth
to support a continuous data stream at 14 kbps
between the supported NAE and the SECVT. Please
provide answers for the following:
1. Can the IP network support a continuous data
stream and the minimum bandwidth? ________
If yes, go to the next question.
If no, inform the J ohnson Controls
If you are unsure that the total available bandwidth on
your network can support an N2 tunneling application,
you can estimate the total available bandwidth using
Table 3 on page 3.
Use the following formula to calculate the percent of
total available bandwidth that is used by the required
14 kbps data stream.
% Total Available Bandwidth = (14 kbps/worst case
total available bandwidth in kbps) x 100
2. Does the IP network have a total available
bandwidth of less than 256 kbps? ________
If yes, what is the worst case total available
bandwidth on the network? ________ kbps
If no, go to next section.
Required IP Address and Port Information
Universal Datagram Protocol (UDP) Port
The SECVT tunnels N2 data to a designated UDP port
on the supported NAE. The default UDP Port value is
4096 in the SECVT and NAE User Interfaces (UIs).
Are the default UDP Port values (4096 and 4097)
available on the IP network? ________
If yes, use the default UDP Port value of 4096 for
NAE N2 Trunk 1 (use 4097 for NAE N2 Trunk 2 if
required), and go to the next section.
If no, which UDP Port values are assigned for the
N2 Trunks in the N2 tunneling application?
UDP Port value for N2 Trunk 1_____________
UDP Port value for N2 Trunk 2_____________
SECVT Host Name and Network Address Values
Use Table 4 to provide the network address values on
the Network tab in the SECVT UI. For DHCP
addressing, enter the SECVT host name. For static
addressing, enter the SECVT static IP address, subnet
mask, and default gateway.
Table 2: Estimating Network Latency (Total Message Cycle Time) on IP Networks
Network Device on Message Path Quantity of Network
Time Delay at
Network Device in
Total Time Delay in
ms (= Quantity x
Time Delay)
Network Address Translators
Total Quantity of Network Devices
Traversed One-Way =
Total Quantity of Network Devices
Traversed Round-Trip =
Network Information Worksheet for Commissioning the SECVT 4
Table 3: Estimating the Total Available Bandwidth on the IP Network
Physical Layer Data Rate
Guaranteed Data Rate
(in bps)
Percent of Data Rate
Used (%)
Total Available
Bandwidth =
Guaranteed Data Rate x
(100% - Percent Used)
1 Gbps LAN
100 Mbps LAN
10 Mbps LAN
T1 (64 kbps)
Fractional T1
Table 4: Host Name and Network Address Values for the SECVTs on the IP Network
SECVT Host Name
(for DHCP Addressing)
SECVT IP Address
(for static addressing)
Subnet Mask
(for static addressing)
Default Gateway
(for static addressing)
Table 5: Host Name and Network Address Values for the NAE on the IP Network
NAE Host Name
(for DHCP Addressing)
NAE IP Address
(for static addressing)
Subnet Mask
(for static addressing)
Default Gateway
(for static addressing)
Published in U.S.A.
Network Information Worksheet for Commissioning the SECVT 5
Metasys and Johnson Controls are registered trademarks of Johnson Controls, Inc.
All other marks herein are the marks of their respective owners. 2008 Johnson Controls, Inc.
Building Efficiency
507 E. Michigan Street, Milwaukee, WI 53202
N2 Network Controllers and Devices
Each SECVT can support up to 32 N2 devices on the
SECVTs N2 bus. All of the N2 devices on an SECVT
N2 bus use the same IP address as the SECVT. Each
N2 device has a Net N2 Address that identifies the N2
device to the supported NAE.
Each SECVT communicates with a single supported
NAE on the network. Multiple SECVTs can be mapped
to an NAE. Refer to the SECVT Technical Bulletin
(LIT-1201790) for more information on device
quantities in N2 tunneling applications.
Use Table 6 to record and organize N2 device
information about the devices connected to an SECVT
N2 bus and mapped to an NAE N2 Trunk. You must
enter the N2 Device Name, Controller Type and Net N2
Address values into the NAE UI.
Table 6: N2 Devices Connected to N2 Bus on SECVT (IP Address ______________________________)
Mapped to NAE (IP Address _______________________________ N2 Trunk Number ______)
N2 Device
Net N2
Controller/Device Function in Building Automation System (BAS)

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