HPLC User Guide
HPLC User Guide
HPLC User Guide
By: www.pharmaguideline.com
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High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC):
HPLC is a popular method of analysis
because it is easy to learn and use and is
not limited by the volatility or stability of
the sample compound. The history section
illustrates the HPLC's evolution from the
1970's to the 1990's. Modern HPLC has
many applications including separation,
identification, purification, and
quantification of various compounds. It is
important for those using HPLC to understand the theory of operation in
order to receive the optimum analysis of their compounds. For those
interested in purchasing or using an HPLC we have included a list of
manufacturers, a troubleshooting guide, technical assistance, and a
bibliography to help reduce your personal research and referencing time.
Once you have completed the theory of operation, you will be qualified to
take a quick quiz to test your understanding of HPLC systems.
High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is a form of liquid
chromatography to separate compounds that are dissolved in solution.
HPLC instruments consist of a reservoir of mobile phase, a pump, an
injector, a separation column, and a detector. Compounds are separated
by injecting a plug of the sample mixture onto the column. The different
components in the mixture pass through the column at different rates
due to differences in their partitioning behavior between the mobile liquid
phase and the stationary phase.
History of HPLC
Prior to the 1970's, few reliable chromatographic methods were
commercially available to the laboratory scientist. During 1970's, most
chemical separations were carried out using a variety of techniques
including open-column chromatography, paper chromatography, and
thin-layer chromatography. However, these chromatographic techniques
were inadequate for quantification of compounds and resolution between
Similar compounds. During this time, pressure liquid chromatography
began to be used to decrease flow through time, thus reducing
purification times of compounds being isolated by column
chromatogaphy. However, flow rates were in consistant, and the question
of whether it was better to have constant flow rate or constant pressure
was debated.
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High pressure liquid chromatography was developed in the mid-1970's
and quickly improved with the development of column packing materials
and the additional convenience of on-line detectors. In the late 1970's,
new methods including reverse phase liquid chromatography allowed for
improved separation between very similar compounds.
By the 1980's HPLC was commonly used for the separation of chemical
compounds. New techniques improved separation, identification,
purification and quantification far above the previous techniques.
Computers and automation added to the convenience of HPLC.
Improvements in type of columns and thus reproducibility were made as
such terms as micro-column, affinity columns, and Fast HPLC began to
The past decade has seen a vast undertaking in the development of the
micro-columns, and other specialized columns. The dimensions of the
typical HPLC column are: XXX mm in length with an internal diameter
between 3-5 mm. The usual diameter of micro-columns, or capillary
columns, ranges from 3 m to 200 m. Fast HPLC utilizes a column that is
shorter than the typical column, with a length of about 3 mm long, and
they are packed with smaller particles.
Currently, one has the option of considering over x# types of columns for
the separation of compounds, as well as a variety of detectors to interface
with the HPLC in order to get optimal analysis of the compound. We hope
this review will provide a reference which all levels of HPLC users will be
able to find quick answers to their HPLC problems.
Although HPLC is widely considered to be a technique mainly for
biotechnological, biomedical, and biochemical research as well as for the
pharmaceutical industry, these fields currently comprise only about 50% of
HPLC users. Currently HPLC is used by a variety of fields including
cosmetics, energy, food, and environmental industries.
Chromatography is a separations method that relies on differences in
partitioning behavior between a flowing mobile phase and a stationary
phase to separate the the components in a mixture.
A column (or other support for TLC, see below) holds the stationary phase
and the mobile phase carries the sample through it. Sample components
that partition strongly into the stationary phase spend a greater amount
of time in the column and are separated from components that stay
predominantly in the mobile phase and pass through the column faster.
As the components elute from the column they can be quantified by a
detector and/or collected for further analysis. An analytical instrument
can be combined with a separation method for on-line analysis.
Examples of such "hyphenated techniques" include gas and liquid
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chromatography with mass spectrometry (GC-MS and LC-MS),
Fouriertransform infrared spectroscopy (GC-FTIR), and diode-array UV-
VIS absorption spectroscopy (HPLC-UV-VIS).
Specific chromatographic methods:
Gas chromatography (GC)
Applied to volatile organic compounds. The mobile phase is a gas and the
stationary phase is usually a liquid on a solid support or sometimes a
solid adsorbent.
High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
A variation of liquid chromatography that utilizes high-pressure pumps to
increase the efficiency of the separation.
Liquid chromatography (LC)
Used to separate analytes in solution including metal ions and organic
compounds. The mobile phase is a solvent and the stationary phase is a
liquid on a solid support, a solid, or an ion-exchange resin.
Size-exclusion chromatography (SEC)
Also called gel-permeation chromatography (GPC), the mobile phase is a
solvent and the stationary phase is a packing of porous particles.
Thin-layer chromatography (TLC)
A simple and rapid method to monitor the extent of a reaction or to
check the purity of organic compounds. The mobile phase is a solvent
and the stationary phase is a solid adsorbent on a flat support.
A useful classification of the various LC techniques is based on the type
of distribution (or equilibrium) that is responsible for the separation. The
common interaction mechanisms encountered in LC are classified as
adsorption, partition, ion-exchange, gel permeation or size exclusion, and
chiral interaction. In practice, most LC separations are the result of
mixed mechanisms. A brief description of the separation mechanisms is
presented below.
Adsorption: When the stationary phase in HPLC is a solid, the type of
equilibrium between this phase and the liquid mobile phase is termed
adsorption. All of the pioneering work in chromatography was based
upon adsorption methods, in which the stationary phase is a finely
divided polar solid that contains surface sites for retention of analytes.
The composition of the mobile phase is the main variable that affects the
partitioning of analytes. Silica and alumina are the only stationary
phases used, the former being preferred for most applications.
Applications of adsorption chromatography include the separation of
relatively non-polar water-insoluble organic compounds. Because of the
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polar nature of the stationary phase and the impact of subtle variations
in mobile phase composition on the retention time, adsorption
chromatography is very useful for the separation of isomers in a mixture.
Partition: The equilibrium between the mobile phase and a stationary
phase comprising of either a liquid adsorbed on a solid or an organic
species bonded to a solid is described as partition. The predominant
type of separation in HPLC today is based on partition using bonded
stationary phases. Bonded stationary phases are prepared by reaction of
organochlorosilane with the reactive hydroxyl groups on silica. The
organic functional group is often a straight chain octyl (C-8) or octyldecyl
(C-18); in some cases a polar functional group such as cyano, diol, or
amino may be part of the siloxane structure. Two types of partition
chromatography may be distinguished, based on the relative polarities of
the phases.
When the stationary phase is polar and the mobile phase relatively less
polar (n-hexane, ethyl ether, chloroform), this type of chromatography is
referred to as normal-phase chromatography. For this reason, the use of
silica as the stationary phase (as in adsorption chromatography) is also
considered to be a normal phase separation method.
When the mobile phase is more polar than the stationary phase (which
may be a C-8 or C-18 bonded phase), this type of chromatography is
called reversed-phase chromatography. Reversed-phase
chromatography separations are carried out using a polar aqueous-
based mobile phase mixture that contains an organic polar solvent such as
methanol or acetonitrile. Because of its versatility and wide range of
applicability, reversed-phased chromatography is the most frequently used
HPLC method. Applications include non-ionic compounds, polar
compounds, and in certain cases ionic compounds.
Ion-exchange: Ion-exchange separations are carried out using a
stationary phase that is an ion-exchange resin. Packing materials are
based either on chemically modified silica or on styrene-divinylbenzene
copolymers, onto which ionic side groups are introduced. Examples of
the ionic groups include (a) sulfonic acid (strong cation exchanger), (b)
carboxylic acid (weak cation exchanger), (c) quaternary ammonium
groups (strong anion exchanger), and (d) tertiary amine group (weak
anion exchanger). The most important parameters that govern the
retention are the type of counter-ion, the ionic strength, pH of the mobile
phase, and temperature. Ion chromatography is the term applied for the
chromatographic separation of inorganic anions/cations, low molecular
weight organic acids, drugs, serums, preservatives, vitamins, sugars,
ionic chelates, and certain organometallic compounds.
The separation can be based on ion-exchange, ion-exclusion effects, or
ion pairing. Conductivity detectors in ion chromatography provide
universal and sensitive detection of charged species. The employment of
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some form of ion-suppression immediately after the analytical column
eliminates the limitation of high background signal from the mobile
phase in conductivity detection.
Size Exclusion: High molecular weight solutes (>10,000) are typically
separated using size exclusion chromatography - gel filtration or gel
permeation. In size-exclusion LC, the components of a mixture are
separated according to their ability to penetrate into the pores of the
stationary phase material. Packing materials used are wide-pore silica
gel, polysaccharides, and synthetic polymers like polyacrylamide or
styrene-divinylbenzene copolymer. In gel filtration the mobile phase is
aqueous and the packing material is hydrophilic, while in gel permeation
an organic mobile phase is used and the stationary phase is
hydrophobic. Size-exclusion applications include the separation of large
molecular weight biomolecules, and molecular weight distribution
studies of large polymers and natural products. For a homologous series
of oligomers, the retention time (volume) can be related to the logarithm
of the molecular mass.
Chiral Interaction: Chiral compounds or enantiomers have identical
molecular structures that are mirror images of each other. Rapid and
accurate stereochemical resolution of enantiomers is a challenge in the
field of pharmaceuticals and drug discovery. A chiral stationary phase
contains one form of an enantiomeric compound immobilized on the
surface of the support material. Typically, derivatives of optically active
polysaccharides that are chemically bonded to silica form the packing
material. A chiral separation is based on differing degrees of
stereochemical interaction between the components of an enantiomeric
sample mixture and the stationary phase.
Successful chromatography requires a proper balance of the
intermolecular forces between the solute, the mobile phase, and the
stationary phase. Method development tends to be more complex in
HPLC relative to GC because in the latter the mobile phase is inert and
makes no contribution to the separation process. The important criteria
to consider for method development are resolution, sensitivity, precision,
accuracy, limit of detection, limit of quantitation, linearity,
reproducibility, and time of analysis and robustness of the method. In all
of these, the column quality plays an important role since the peak
shape affects all criteria required for optimum separation. The factors
that affect the column efficiency have already been described above.
Column dimensions and particle size affect the speed of analysis,
resolution, column backpressure, detection limit, and solvent
consumption. HPLC methods have traditionally been developed using
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columns measuring 10, 15 or 25 cm in length and 4.6 mm ID. Short
columns of 5 cm or less in length and 1 or 2 mm ID are now available;
when packed with particles of size 5 micron or less, very high efficiency
columns are obtained. The advantages of using shorter columns are
lower backpressures, dramatic solvent savings, greater sensitivity,
reduced analysis time, and applicability to small sample quantities - all
achieved without compromising resolution. Using these columns,
gradient methods may be used to achieve very rapid analyses of samples
that contain a wide polarity range of analytes. The future of reversed-
phase HPLC method development will involve a significant increase in the
use of use narrow-bore and micro-bore columns.
Often in choosing a column for partition chromatography, the polarity of
the stationary phase is matched roughly to that of the analytes in the
sample; a mobile phase of different polarity is used for elution. The
analytes must be soluble in the mobile phase and the solvent must be
compatible with the analytical method. As a general guide, use normal
phase chromatography for the separation of polar compounds and
reversed-phase chromatography for components that are in the
moderately polar to non-polar range.
Normal phase chromatography commonly involves the use of silica,
aminopropyl, diol, and cyanopropyl stationary phases. These columns
may be used to separate polar compounds such as amines, anilines,
nitroaromatics, phenols, and pesticides.
Isocratic elution in reversed-phase chromatography is typically
accomplished using a mobile phase mixture of water and another solvent of
lower eluting strength (acetonitrile, methanol). In cases where the time of
analysis is compromised or when the resolution is poor, gradient
elution using 2 or 3 different solvents is recommended.
The relative polarity of a solvent is a useful guide to solvent selection in
partition chromatography. The relative polarities of the listed solvents
may differ slightly depending on the literature source, since the scale
used to measure polarity may be different. The following should suffice as a
general reference for relative solvent polarity.
Fluoroalkanes (least polar)
Carbon tetrachloride
Diethyl ether (ether)
Methylene chloride
Tetrahydrofuran (THF)
Ethyl acetate
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Acetic acid
Water (most polar)
There is a strong dependence of the retention time on the mobile phase
composition, and the retention parameter may be easily altered by
variation of solvent polarity. This is the easiest way to improve
chromatographic resolution of two overlapping species or to decrease
overall separation time for components with widely differing retention
values. A good starting point is a mixture of water and a polar organic
solvent (methanol or acetonitrile). The effect of mobile phase polarity on
elution time can be tested at a few different solvent proportions. If greater
selectivity is required, a mobile phase comprising of 3-4 solvents may be
used. Theoretical calculations have indicated that a mobile phase
mixture of water, THF, methanol, and acetonitrile may be used to resolve
most reversed-phase applications within a reasonable length of time.
The various analytes to be separated may also be arranged based on the
polarities of their functional groups. A general guide to relative solute
polarity going from non-polar to the most polar group is as follows:
Hydocarbons (least polar)
Water (most polar)
Unfortunately, theoretical predictions of mobile phase and stationary
phase interactions with a given set of sample components are not always
accurate, but they do help to narrow down the choices for method
development. The separation scientist must usually perform a series of trial-
and-error experiments with different mobile phase compositions until a
satisfactory separation is achieved.
Basis of the separation process:
As explained in the introductory section, chromatographic separation
process based on the difference in the surface interactions of the analyte
and eluent molecules.
Let us consider a separation of a two component mixture dissolved in the
eluent. Assume that component A has the same interaction with the
adsorbent surface as an eluent, and component B has strong excessive
interaction. Being injected into the column, these components will be
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forced through by eluent flow. Molecules of the component A will interact
with the adsorbent surface and retard on it by the same way as an eluent
molecules. Thus, as an average result, component A will move through the
column with the same speed as an eluent.
Molecules of the component B being adsorbed on the surface (due to
their strong excessive interactions) will sit on it much longer. Thus, it will
move through the column slower than the eluent flow.
Figure below represents the general shape of the chromatogram for this
Usually a relatively narrow band is injected (5 - 20 ul injection volume).
During the run, the original chromatographic band will be spread due to
the noneven flows around and inside the porous particles, slow
adsorption kinetics, longitudinal diffusion, and other factors. These
processes together produce so called band broadening of the
chromatographic zone. In general, the longer the component retained on
the column, the more broad its zone (peak on the chromatogram).
Separation performance depend on both component retention and band
broadening. Band broadening is, in general, a kinetic parameter,
dependent on the adsorbent particle size, porosity, pore size, column
size, shape, and packing performance. On the other hand, retention does
not depend on the above mentioned parameters, but it reflects molecular
surface interactions and depends on the total adsorbent surface.
High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) is one mode of
chromatography; the most widely used analytical technique.
Chromatographic processes can be defined as separation techniques
involving mass-transfer between stationary and mobile phases.
HPLC utilizes a liquid mobile phase to separate the components of a
mixture. These components (or analytes) are first dissolved in a solvent,
and then forced to flow through a chromatographic column under a high
pressure. In the column, the mixture is resolved into its components. The
amount of resolution is important, and is dependent upon the extent of
interaction between the solute components and the stationary phase.
The stationary phase is defined as the immobile packing material in the
column. The interaction of the solute with mobile and stationary phases
can be manipulated through different choices of both solvents and
stationary phases. As a result, HPLC acquires a high degree of versatility
not found in other chromatographic systems and it has the ability to
easily separate a wide variety of chemical mixtures.
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Fast and high-efficient separation of some aromatics. Hypersil-C8 (100x2)
3 mm, 60% MeOH in Water, 1.5 ml/min., 1 - Benzamide, 2 - Benzil Alcohol,
3 - Acetophenone, 4 - Methyl Benzoate, 5 - Phenetole, 6 - Naphthalene, 7 -
Benzophenone 8 - Biphenyl.
Liquid Chromatography was first discovered in 1903 by M.S.Tswett, who
used a chalk column to separate the pigments of green leaves. Only in
1960's the more and more emphasis was placed on the development
Some Basic HPLC Theory:
The following is a very simplified and general overview of HPLC theory.
For another excellent source of background reading, try the on-line HPLC
textbook written by Prof. Yuri Kazakevich and Prof. H.M.McNair of Seton
Hall University. You can access it by the link in his homepage for
Analytical Chemistry.
The goal of any chemical analysis is to separate a sample (blood, urine,
water from a well, etc.) into its individual components in order to
evaluate each component free from interference from the other
components. Chromatography is a general technique that separates a
mixture into its individual components. Those components are referred to
as analytes--the chemical compounds of interest to the analyst.
Chromatography is then coupled with a detection system that can
characterize each type of analyte appropriately. High performance liquid
chromatography (HPLC) is one such method. It is used to analyze liquid
samples or the liquid extract of a sample.
The fundamental basis for HPLC consists of passing a sample (analyte
mixture) in a high pressure solvent (called the mobile phase) through a
steel tube (called a column) packed with sorbents (called the stationary
phase). As the analytes pass through the column they interact between
the two phases--mobile and stationary--at different rates. The difference
in rates is primarily due to different polarities for the analytes. The
analytes that have the least amount of interaction with the stationary
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phase or the most amount of interaction with the mobile phase will exit
the column faster. Repeated interactions along the length of the column
effect a separation of the analytes. Various mixtures of analytes can be
analyzed by changing the polarities of the stationary phase and the
mobile phase.
The many types of columns on the market today can help refine your
HPLC method. (Drop by SRIF to look at our catalogs!) Choosing the right
column is essential in obtaining good HPLC results. Obviously, the
polarity of the stationary phase can be altered significantly. The
stationary phase is typically bonded to a support phase, usually
consisting of porous beads. The pore sizes can be varied to allow certain
sized analytes to pass through at different rates. Furthermore, the
dimensions of the column can be varied to allow different sample sizes to
be analyzed.
Changes in the polarity of the mobile phase is another variable that can
effect the efficiency of your HPLC separation. The mobile phase polarity is
generally the opposite of your stationary phase. Our multisolvent delivery
system allows the polarity of the mobile phase to be changed during the
course of the HPLC run. The rate at which the polarity is changed defines
the "gradient." This gradient technique helps to further seperate mixtures of
variously polar analytes.
As the analytes exit the column, they can be detected by various means.
Refractive index, electrochemical, or ultraviolet-absorbance changes in
the mobile phase can indicate the presence of an analyte. The amount of
analyte leaving the column will determine the intensity of the signal
produced in the detector. The detector measures a signal peak as each
analyte leaves the column. By comparing the time it takes for the peak to
show up (called the retention time) with the retention times for a mixture of
known compounds, the components of unknown sample mixtures can be
identified. By measuring the signal intensity (response) and
comparing it to the response of a known amount of that particular
analyte, the amount of analyte in the mixture.
Our most popular detector at SRIF is the photodiode array detector. The
PDA can continuously scan various wavelengths of the UV spectrum. As an
analyte peak is detected, the UV spectrum is recorded. This 3rd
dimension is useful in identifying compounds and determining if the
peak consists of an individual analyte or a mixture of analytes that
wasn't effectively separated.
All aspects of the SRIF HPLC system are controlled by a PC using
Millenium Windows-based software. This software controls an
autosampler which injects samples at proper intervals. It controls the
mobile phase gradient, the solvent flow rate, mobile phase pressure, and
it measures the signals produced by the detector. The results of your
sample run can then be interpreted and printed in a variety of report
See our section on qualtitative analysis for more information!
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It is known that the resolving power of a chromatographic column
increases with column length and the number of theoretical plates per
unit length, although there are limits to the length of a column due to
the problem of peak broadening. As the number of theoretical plates is
related to the surface area of the stationary phase it follows that the
smaller the particle size of the stationary phase, the better the
resolution.Unfortunetly, the smaller the particle size, the greater the
resistance to eluant flow. All of the forms of column chromatography so
far discussed rely on gravity or lower pressure pumping systems for the
supply of eluant to the column. The consequences of this is that the flow
rates achieved are relatively low and this gives greater time for band
broadening by simple diffusion phenomena. The use of faster flow rates
is not possible because it creates a back-pressure which is sufficient to
damage the matrix structure of the stationary phase, thereby actually
reducing eluant flow and imparting resolution. In the past decade there
has been a dramatic development in column chromatography technology
which has resulted in the availability of new particle size stationary
phase which can with stand these pressures and of pumping systems
which can give reliable flow rates. These developments, which have
occurred in adsorption, partion, ion-exchnage, exclusion and affinity
chromatography, have resulted in faster and better resolution and
explain why HPLC has emerged as the most popular, powerful and
versatile form of chromatography.
Originally , HPLC was referred to as high pressure liquid chromatography
but nowadays the term high performance liquid chromatography is
preferred since it better describes the characteristics of the
chromatography and avoids creating the impression that high pressure are
an inevitable pre-requisite for high performance. This is now known not to
be the case and the term medium pressure liquid chromatography (MPLC) has
been coined for some separations.
The new technology in stationary phases has been applied to thin-layer
chromatography giving rise to high performance thin layer
chromatography (HPTLC). In general, however, the impact of this new
technology has not been quite so great as it has been in column
All factors affecting separations on liquid column chromatography apply
to this technique also e.g. plate height, sample distribution between the
stationary and liquid phases, and the selection of the stationary and
liquid phases. Various methods of development of the chromatography
(elution, gradient elution etc.) can be used with this technique.
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Solvents must be degassed to eliminate formation of bubbles. The pumps
provide a steady high pressure with no pulsating, and can be
programmed to vary the composition of the solvent during the course of
the separation. Detectors rely on a change in refractive index, UV-VIS
absorption, or fluorescence after excitation with a suitable wavelength.
The different types of HPLC columns are described in a separate
A schematic diagram of a typical HPLC unit is shown in Figure. The
system consists of:
1. A solvent reservoir and mixing system.
2. A high pressure pump.
3. A sample inlet pump.
4. A column.
5. A detector and recording unit.
The appropriate solvents (mobile liquid phase) from the reservoirs are
allowed to enter the mixing chamber where a homogenous mixture is
A pump capable of maintaining high pressure draws the solvent from the
mixing chambers and pushes it through the column.
The sample is injected through a port into the high pressure liquid
carrier stream between the pumps and the column. The separation takes
place on the column which vary from 50-100 cm in length and 2-3 mm
in i.d. Typical flow rates are 1-2 ml/min with pressure up to several
thousands psi. The column effluent passes through a non-destructive
detector where a property such a ultraviolet absorbance, refractive index
or molecular fluorescence is monitered, amplified and recorded as a
typical detector response vs retention time chromatography. The effluent
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may be either discarded, recyled or saved for the further studies in a
fraction collector which is synchronized with the detector.
Apparatus and Materials:
The Column:
The columns used for HPLC are generally made of stainless steel and are
manufactured so that they can withstand pressures of 5.5 X 107 Pa (8000
p.s.i).Straight columns of 20 to 50 cm in length and 1 to 4 mm in
diameter are generally used thought smaller capillary columns are
available. The best columns are precision bored with an internal mirror
finish which allows efficient packing of the column. Porous plugs of
stainless steel or Teflon are used in the ends of the columns to retain the
packing materials. The plugs must be homogenous to ensure uniform
flow of solvents through the column. It is important in some separation
involving liquid partition and ion-exchange that the column temperature
is thermostatically controlled during the analysis.
Column Packing: Three forms of column packing materials are available
based on a rigid solid structure. These are:
(i) Microporous supports: Where microporus ramify through the
particles which are generally 5 to 10 m in diameter.
(ii) Pellicular (Superficial porous): supports where porous particle
are coated onto an inert solid core such as a glass bead of about
40 m in diameter.
(iii) Bonded phases: where the stationary phase is chemically
bonded onto an inert support.
Column Efficiency:
Column efficiency refers to the performance of the stationary phase to
accomplish particular separations. This entails how well the column is
packed and its kinetic performance (Bidlingmeyer, 1984). The efficiency of a
column can be measured by several methods which may or may not be
affected by chromatographic anomalies, such as "tailing" or
appearance of a "front." This is important because many
chromatographic peaks do not appear in the preferred shape of normal
Gaussian distribution. For this reason efficiency can be an enigmatic
value since manufacturers may use different methods in determining the
efficiency of their columns (Bidlingmeyer, 1984).
Calculation of column efficiency value:
All the following methods use this formula that measures N, or number of
theoretical plates:
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Inflection Method- Calculation is based upon inflection point which
appears at 60.7% of the peak height for a normal Gaussian peak. At this
point the width of the peak is equivalent to two standard deviation units.
Any asymmetrical aspect of a peak should not affect this calculation
since the width is measured above the anomalous occurance (i.e., tailing
or fronting).
Half-peak height Method- As the name suggests, the measurement is
based upon the width at 50% of peak height. For the same reason as
inflection method, this measurement is not affected by asymmetry;
however, this method is more reproducible from person to person since
width at 50% peak height is less prone to be varied.
Tangent Method- Tangent lines are drawn on each side of the peak and
the width is the distance between the two lines at the base of the peak.
Therefore, it is more sensitive to asymmetrical peaks and variation in
efficiency values is usually seen from user to user.
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Sigma Methods- These methods measure peak width at decreasing levels
of peak height. Thus, the three sigma method measures width at 32.4%
of peak height, the four sigma method measures at 13.4%, and the five
sigma method measures at 4.4%. The five sigma method is most
sensitive to asymmetry because the width is measured at the lowest
Height/Area Method- This method utilizes the fact that the area of a
peak is a function of its height and standard deviation. To determine
efficiency, values for peak height and area are used in a different
A computer is usually necessary to use this method in order to calculate
the area and height.
Moment Method- This method entails disregarding peak shape and
expresses parameters of the peak in statistical moments. The zero
moment, 0, is the peak area. The first moment, 1, is the mean and
occurs at the center of the peak (which is the maximum peak height in
normal Gaussian peaks). The second moment, 2, is the variance of the
peak. This is a detailed method where appropriate data systems are
needed. For a more detailed discussion, a reference is provided.
These methods were evaluated by computer simulation based on
efficiency values obtained on a series of synthetically modified Gaussian
peaks (i.e., increasing the 'tailing') and compared to the actual value based
on the moment method (which was determined to be the most accurate).
Briefly, the results were as follows:
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Inflection Low
Half-peak height Low
Tangent Low
Height: Area ratio Medium
Four sigma Medium
Five sigma High
Asymmetry High
There are various columns that are secondary to the separating column or
stationary phase. They are: Guard, Derivatizing, Capillary, Fast, and
Preparatory Columns.
Guard Columns are placed anterior to the separating column. This
serves as a protective factor that prolongs the life and usefulness of the
separation column. They are dependable columns designed to filter or
remove: 1) particles that clog the separation column; 2) compounds and
ions that could ultimately cause "baseline drift", decreased resolution,
decreased sensitivity, and create false peaks; 3) compounds that may
cause precipitation upon contact with the stationary or mobile phase;
and 4) compounds that might co-elute and cause extraneous peaks and
interfere with detection and/or quantification. These columns must be
changed on a regular basis in order to optimize their protective function.
Size of the packing varies with the type of protection needed.
Derivatizing Columns- Pre- or post-primary column derivatization can be
an important aspect of the sample analysis. Reducing or altering the
parent compound to a chemically related daughter molecule or fragment
elicits potentially tangible data which may complement other results or
prior analysis. In few cases, the derivatization step can serve to cause
data to become questionable, which is one reason why HPLC was
advantageous over gas chromatography, or GC. Because GC requires
volatile, thermally stabile, or nonpolar analytes, derivatization was
usually required for those samples which did not contain these
properties. Acetylation, silylation, or concentrated acid hydrolysis are a
few derivatization techniques.
Capillary Columns- Advances in HPLC led to smaller analytical columns.
Also known as microcolumns, capillary columns have a diameter much
less than a millimeter and there are three types: open-tubular, partially
packed, and tightly packed. They allow the user to work with nanoliter
sample volumes, decreased flow rate, and decreased solvent volume
usage which may lead to cost effectiveness. However, most conditions
and instrumentation must be miniaturized, flow rate can be difficult to
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reproduce, gradient elution is not as efficient, and care must be taken
when loading minute sample volumes.
Microbore and small-bore columns are also used for analytical and small
volumes assays. A typical diameter for a small-bore column is 1-2 mm. Like
capillary columns, instruments must usually be modified to
accommodate these smaller capacity columns (i.e., decreased flow rate).
However, besides the advantage of smaller sample and mobile phase
volume, there is a noted increase in mass sensitivity without significant
loss in resolution.--Capillary Electrophoresis.
Fast Columns- One of the primary reasons for using these columns is to
obtain improved sample throughput (amount of compound per unit
time). For many columns, increasing the flow or migration rate through
the stationary phase will adversely affect the resolution and separation.
Therefore, fast columns are designed to decrease time of the
chromatographic analysis without forsaking significant deviations in
results. These columns have the same internal diameter but much
shorter length than most other columns, and they are packed with
smaller particles that are typically 3 m in diameter. Advantages include
increased sensitivity, decreased analysis time, decreased mobile phase
usage, and increased reproducibility.
Preparatory Columns- These columns are utilized when the objective is
to prepare bulk (milligrams) of sample for laboratory preparatory
applications. A preparatory column usually has a large column diameter
which is designed to facilitate large volume injections into the HPLC
Accessories important to mention are the back-pressure regulator and
the fraction collector. The back-pressure regulator is placed
immediately posterior to the HPLC detector. It is designed to apply
constant pressure to the detector outlet which prevents the formation of
air bubbles within the system. This, in turn, improves chromatographic
baseline stability. It is usually devised to operate regardless of flow rate,
mobile phase, or viscosity. The fraction collector is an automated device
that collects uniform increments of the HPLC output. Vials are placed in
the carousel and the user programs the time interval in which the
machine is to collect each fraction. Each vial contains mobile phase and
sample fractions at the corresponding time of elution. Packings for
columns are diverse since there are many modes of HPLC. They are
available in different sizes, diameters, pore sizes, or they can have special
materials attached (such as an antigen or antibody for immunoaffinity
chromatography). Packings available range from those needed for specific
applications (affinity, immunoaffinity, chiral, biological, etc.) to those for
all-purpose applications. The packings are attached to the internal
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column hull by resins or supports, which include oxides, polymers,
carbon, hydroxyapatite beads, agarose, or silica, the most common type.
Essential to any scientist's experimentation is reproducibility of results
in order to further support or reject data or hypotheses. For a
chromatographer, a separation that has been accomplished or optimized
must be able to be repeated in subsequent HPLC analyses. Any anomaly
that occurs can usually be attributed to either 1) the age of the column,
2) the chromatographer or 3) the manufacturer. Certain measures can
limit the effects of age and the user. For example, proper column storage
with the appropriate liquid interface, such as methanol for certain
reverse-phase columns, with each end capped tightly assures no drying
of the resin and increases "life" of the column. Use of a guard column can
prevent the user from potentially contaminating or introducing unwanted
particles into the column. Identifying the manufacturer as the chief
culprit is many times unwarranted among peers or supervisors. However,
there are certain instances where the irregularities can be aimed at the
manufacturers. In these cases, column-to- column or batch-to-batch
variations in the commercially available products must be addressed.
Recently, a disparity in results originated from separation of proteins
using reverse-phase HPLC. Aprotinin, a 58-amino acid polypeptide, was
the protein separated using a C4 column (Column 1) at pH 5 with
sodium phosphate/ammonium sulfate buffer and an acetonitrile
gradient. A new column (Column 2) from the same batch was acquired
from the manufacturer and the resultant separation was characterized
by different retention time, "tailing", and some loss of efficiency:
The manufacturer admitted to changing the column packing procedure
(using distilled water instead of tap water) upon inquiry. A similar study
was performed using a C4 column produced by another manufacturer. In
this case, biosynthetic human growth hormone (bhGH), a 191-amino
acid protein, and TS-bhGH, a derivative of bhGH containing a tri-sulfide
bridge (instead of a di-sulfide bridge), were separated at neutral pH with
high resolution and efficiency. However, when another column (Column
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was purchased and tested, the separation of hGH and bhGH was totally
The company had no explanation for the occurance. However, it was
determined that the original company had been taken over by another
company since the first column was acquired, and the parent company
could not trace the difference in batches. A scientist, more than any
other user, should not assume a simplified situation where consistent
results will be attained from the same model unless proven. In the case
of chromatography, stationary phases should constantly be tested,
calibrated, or analyzed. By no means should unwanted results be
immediately attributed to faults of the manufacturer. On the other hand,
the manufacturer should not be immune to reproach regarding divergent
columns. In either case, the onus is placed on the user.
Mobile Phase:
The mobile phase in HPLC refers to the solvent being continuously
applied to the column, or stationary phase. The mobile phase acts as a
carrier for the sample solution. A sample solution is injected into the
mobile phase of an assay through the injector port. As a sample solution
flows through a column with the mobile phase, the components of that
solution migrate according to the non-covalent interactions of the
compound with the column. The chemical interactions of the mobile
phase and sample, with the column, determine the degree of migration
and separation of components contained in the sample. For example,
those samples which have stronger interactions with the mobile phase
than with the stationary phase will elute from the column faster and
thus have a shorter retention time, while the reverse is also true. The
mobile phase can be altered in order to manipulate the interactions of
the sample and the stationary phase. There are several types of mobile
phases, these include: Isocratic, gradient, and polytyptic.
In isocratic elution compounds are eluted using constant mobile phase
composition. The separation of compounds can be described using
several equations:
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(Snyder, 1983)
All compounds begin migration through the column at onset. However, each
migrates at a different rate, resulting in faster or slower elution
rate. This type of elution is both simple and inexpensive, but resolution of
some compounds is questionable and elution may not be obtained in a
reasonable amount of time <>(Snyder, 1983).
In gradient elution different compounds are eluted by increasing the
strength of the organic solvent. The sample is injected while a weaker
mobile phase is being applied to the system. The strength of the mobile
phase is later increased in increments by raising the organic solvent
fraction, which subsequently results in elution of retained components.
This is usually done in a stepwise or linear fashion. There are several
equations that describe gradient elution:
<> (Snyder,
1983)At the onset of sample introduction, the compounds are initially
retained at the inlet of the column. As the solute capacity, or k', for the
compound decreases, the compound begins to migrate through the
stationary phase. Each of the other compounds in the sample
subsequently migrate as their k' values decrease. Compared with
isocratic elution, resolution and separation are improved, and
bandwidths are nearly equal:
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Isocratic vs. Gradient Elution:
The Knox equation describes column efficiency or plate number N in
relation to certain experimental conditions, such as column length,
column diameter, temperature, flow-rate, molecular weight, etc.
(Equation). Plate number N is equal to plate height value H divided by
particle diameter (dp). Plate height value H is in turn equal to column
length L divided by N. Two of the Knox coefficients, B and C, depend on
k' and size of the compound. In the equations above, k' in the isocratic
equations is replaced with average k' in the gradient equations. In fact,
this is the only difference in the bandwidth and resolution equations
between the two. Thus, separation and height of the peak are dictated by
the exact same conditions for both isocratic and gradient
elution <>(Snyder, 1983).
>From the equation for capacity factor in gradient elution, it can be seen
that average k' value depends on flow-rate, gradient time, and column
dead volume. This differs in isocratic elution where k' is not dependent on
time of separation, flow- rate, or column dimensions.
A special feature in gradient elution is linear-solvent strength (LSS)
gradients. These give approximately equal values of average k' for
samples eluting at different times during separation. This is the reason
why gradient elution can yield constant bandwidths for different
compounds and equal resolution for pairs of compounds which have
similar alpha or separation factor values.
Polytyptic Mobile Phase, sometimes referred to as mixed-mode
chromatography, is a versatile method in which several types of
chromatographic techniques, or modes, can be employed using the same
column. These columns contain rigid macro porous hydrophobic resins
covalently bonded to a hydrophilic organic layer. SEC, IEC, hydrophobic or
affinity chromatography are some of the methods that may be utilized. By
changing the mobile phase, the mode of separation is thereby
changed which allows the chromatographer to achieve the desired
selectivity in the separations.
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Stationary Phase:
The stationary phase in HPLC refers to the solid support contained
within the column over which the mobile phase continuously flows. The
sample solution is injected into the mobile phase of the assay through
the injector port. As the sample solution flows with the mobile phase
through the stationary phase, the components of that solution will
migrate according to the non-covalent interactions of the compounds
with the stationary phase. The chemical interactions of the stationary
phase and the sample with the mobile phase, determines the degree of
migration and separation of the components contained in the sample.
For example, those samples which have stronger interactions with the
stationary phase than with the mobile phase will elute from the column
less quickly, and thus have a longer retention time, while the reverse is
also true. Columns containing various types of stationary phases are
commercially available. Some of the more common stationary phases
include: Liquid-Liquid, Liquid-Solid (Adsorption), Size Exclusion, Normal
Phase, Reverse Phase, Ion Exchange, and Affinity.
Liquid-Solid operates on the basis of polarity. Compounds that possess
functional groups cabable of strong hydrogen bonding will adhere more
tightly to the stationary phase than less polar compoounds. Thus, less
polar compounds will elute from the column faster than compounds that
are highly polar.
Liquid-Liquid operates on the same basis as liquid-solid. However, this
technique is better suited for samples of medium polarity that are soluble in
weakly polar to polar organic solvents. The separation of non-
electrolytes is achieved by matching the polarities of the sample and the
stationary phase and using a mobile phase which possesses a markedly
different polarity.
Size-Exclusion operates on the basis of the molecular size of compounds
being analyzed. The stationary phase consists of porous beads. The
larger compounds will be excluded from the interior of the bead and thus
will elute first. The smaller compounds will be allowed to enter the beads
and will elute according to their ability to exit from the same sized pores
they were internalized through. The column can be either silica or non-
silica based. However, there are some size-exclusion that are weakly
anionic and slightly hydrophobic which give rise to non-ideal size-
exclusion behavior.
Normal Phase operates on the basis of hydrophilicity and lipophilicity by
using a polar stationary phase and a less polar mobile phase. Thus
hydrophobic compounds elute more quickly than do hydrophilic
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Reverse Phase operates on the basis of hydrophilicity and lipophilicity.
The stationary phase consists of silica based packings with n-alkyl
chains covalently bound. For example, C-8 signifies an octyl chain and C-18
an octadecyl ligand in the matrix. The more hydrophobic the matrix on each
ligand, the greater is the tendancy of the column to retain
hydrophobic moieties. Thus hydrophilic compounds elute more quickly than
do hydrophobic compounds.
Ion-Exchange operates on the basis of selective exchange of ions in the
sample with counterions in the stationary phase. IE is performed with
columns containing charge-bearing functional groups attached to a
polymer matrix. The functional ions are permanently bonded to the
column and each has a counterion attached. The sample is retained by
replacing the counterions of the stationary phase with its own ions. The
sample is eluted from the column by changing the properties of the
mobile phase do that the mobile phase will now displace the sample ions
from the stationary phase, (ie. changing the pH).
Affinity operates by using immobilized biochemicals that have a specific
affinity to the compound of interest. Separation occurs as the mobile
phase and sample pass over the stationary phase. The sample compound or
compounds of interest are retained as the rest of the impurities and
mobile phase pass through. The compounds are then eluted by changing
the mobile phase conditions.
Injectors for HPLC:
Samples are injected into the HPLC via an injection port. The injection
port of an HPLC commonly consists of an injection valve and the sample
loop. The sample is typically dissolved in the mobile phase before
injection into the sample loop. The sample is then drawn into a syringe
and injected into the loop via the injection valve. A rotation of the valve
rotor closes the valve and opens the loop in order to inject the sample
into the stream of the mobile phase. Loop volumes can range between 10
l to over 500 l. In modern HPLC systems, the sample injection is
typically automated.
Stopped-flow Injection is a method whereby the pump is turned off
allowing the injection port to attain atmospheric pressure. The syringe
containing the sample is then injected into the valve in the usual
manner, and the pump is turned on. For syringe type and reciprocation
pumps, flow in the column can be brought to zero and rapidly resumed
by diverting the mobile phase by means of a three-way valve placed in
front of the injector. This method can be used up to very high pressures.
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HPLC Pumps:
There are several types of pumps available for use with HPLC analysis,
they are: Reciprocating Piston Pumps, Syringe Type Pumps, and
Constant Pressure Pumps.
Reciprocating Piston Pumps consist of a small motor driven piston which
moves rapidly back and forth in a hydraulic chamber that may vary from
35-400 L in volume. On the back stroke, the separation column valve is
closed, and the piston pulls in solvent from the mobile phase reservoir.
On the forward stroke, the pump pushes solvent out to the column from
the reservoir. A wide range of flow rates can be attained by altering the
piston stroke volume during each cycle, or by altering the stroke
frequency. Dual and triple head pumps consist of identical piston-
chamber units which operate at 180 or 120 degrees out of phase. This
type of pump system is significantly smoother because one pump is
filling while the other is in the delivery cycle.
Syringe Type Pumps are most suitable for small bore columns because
this pump delivers only a finite volume of mobile phase before it has to be
refilled. These pumps have a volume between 250 to 500 mL. The pump
operates by a motorized lead screw that delivers mobile phase to the
column at a constant rate. The rate of solvent delivery is controlled by
changing the voltage on the motor.
In Constant Pressure Pumps the mobile phase is driven through the
column with the use of pressure from a gas cylinder. A low-pressure gas
source is needed to generate high liquid pressures. The valving
arrangement allows the rapid refill of the solvent chamber whose
capacity is about 70mL. This provides continuous mobile phase flow
Detectors and Detection Limits:
The detector for an HPLC is the component that emits a response due to
the eluting sample compound and subsequently signals a peak on the
chromatogram. It is positioned immediately posterior to the stationary
phase in order to detect the compounds as they elute from the column.
The bandwidth and height of the peaks may usually be adjusted using
the coarse and fine tuning controls, and the detection and sensitivity
parameters may also be controlled (in most cases). There are many types
of detectors that can be used with HPLC. Some of the more common
detectors include: Refractive Index (RI), Ultra-Violet (UV), Fluorescent,
Radiochemical, Electrochemical, Near-Infra Red (Near-IR), Mass
Spectroscopy (MS), Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), and Light
Scattering (LS).
Refractive Index (RI) detectors measure the ability of sample molecules to
bend or refract light. This property for each molecule or compound is
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called its refractive index. For most RI detectors, light proceeds through a
bi-modular flow-cell to a photodetector. One channel of the flow-cell
directs the mobile phase passing through the column while the other
directs only the mobile phase. Detection occurs when the light is bent
due to samples eluting from the column, and this is read as a disparity
between the two channels.
Ultra-Violet (UV) detectors measure the ability of a sample to absorb
light. This can be accomplished at one or several wavelengths:
A) Fixed Wavelength measures at one wavelength, usually 254 nm
B) Variable Wavelength
measures at one wavelength at a time, but can
detect over a wide range of wavelenths
Diode Array measures a spectrum of wavelengths simultaneously
UV detectors have a sensitivity to approximately 10-8 or 10
Fluorescent detectors measure the ability of a compound to absorb then
re-emit light at given wavelengths. Each compound has a characteristic
fluorescence. The excitation source passes through the flow-cell to a
photodetector while a monochromatic measures the emission
Has sensitivity limit of 10-9 to 10-11 gm/ml.
Radiochemical detection involves the use of radio labeled material,
usually tritium (3H) or carbon-14 (14C). It operates by detection of
fluorescence associated with beta-particle ionization, and it is most
popular in metabolite research. Two detector types:
A) Homogeneous
- Where addition of scintillation fluid to column effluent
causes fluorescence.
- Where lithium silicate and fluorescence caused by
beta-particle emission interact with the detector cell.
Has sensitivity limit up to 10
-9 to 10-10 gm/ml.
Electrochemical detectors measure compounds that undergo oxidation or
reduction reactions. Usually accomplished by measuring gain or loss of
electrons from migrating samples as they pass between electrodes at a given
difference in electrical potential.
Has sensitivity of 10
to 10
Mass Spectroscopy (MS) Detectors- The sample compound or molecule is
ionized, it is passed through a mass analyzer, and the ion current is
detected. There are various methods for ionization:
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A) Electron Impact (EI)
- An electron current or beam created under high
electric potential is used to ionize the sample migrating off the column.
Chemical Ionization-
A less aggresive method which utilizes ionized gas
to remove electrons from the compounds eluting from the column.
Fast Atom Bombarbment (FAB)-
Xenon atoms are propelled at high
speed in order to ionize the eluents from the column.
Has detection limit of 10
to 10
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Detectors- Certain nuclei with odd-
numbered masses, including H and 13C, spin about an axis in a random
fashion. However, when placed between poles of a strong magnet, the
spins are aligned either parallel or anti-parallel to the magnetic field,
with the parallel orientation favored since it is slightly lower in energy.
The nuclei are then irradiated with electromagnetic radiation which is
absorbed and places the parallel nuclei into a higher energy state;
consequently, they are now in "resonance" with the radiation. Each H or
C will produce different spectra depending on their location and adjacent
molecules, or elements in the compound, because all nuclei in molecules
are surrounded by electron clouds which change the encompassing
magnetic field and thereby alter the absorption frequency.
Light-Scattering (LS) Detectors- When a source emits a parallel beam of
light which strikes particles in solution, some light is reflected, absorbed,
transmitted, or scattered. Two forms of LS detection may be used to
measure the two latter occurrences:
Nephelometry- This is defined as the measurement of light scattered by a
particulate solution. This method enables the detection of the portion of
light scattered at a multitude of angles. The sensitivity depends on the
absence of background light or scatter since the detection occurs at a
black or null background.
Turbidimetry- This is defined as the measure of the reduction of light
transmitted due to particles in solution. It measures the light scatter as a
decrease in the light that is transmitted through the particulate solution.
Therefore, it quantifies the residual light transmitted. Sensitivity of this
method depends on the sensitivity of the machine employed, which can
range from a simple spectrophotometer to a sophisticated discrete
analyzer. Thus, the measurement of a decrease in transmitted light from a
large signal of transmitted light is limited to the photometric accuracy and
limitations of the instrument employed.
Near-Infrared Detectors- Operates by scanning compounds in a
spectrum from 700 to 1100 nm. Stretching and bending vibrations of
particular chemical bonds in each molecule are detected at certain
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wavelengths. This is a fast growing method which offers several
advantages: speed (sometimes less than 1 second), simplicity of
preparation of sample, multiple analyses from single spectrum, and no
consumption of the sample.
Applications for HPLC
Preparative HPLC refers to the process of isolation and purification of
compounds. Important is the degree of solute purity and the throughput,
which is the amount of compound produced per unit time. This differs from
analytical HPLC, where the focus is to obtain information about the sample
compound. The information that can be obtained includes
identification, quantification, and resolution of a compound.
Chemical Separations can be accomplished using HPLC by utilizing the
fact that certain compounds have different migration rates given a
particular column and mobile phase. Thus, the chromatographer can
separate compounds (more on chiral separations) from each other using
HPLC; the extent or degree of separation is mostly determined by the choice
of stationary phase and mobile phase.
Purification refers to the process of separating or extracting the target
compound from other (possibly structurally related) compounds or
contaminants. Each compound should have a characteristic peak under
certain chromatographic conditions. Depending on what needs to be
separated and how closely related the samples are, the chromatographer
may choose the conditions, such as the proper mobile phase, to allow
adequate separation in order to collect or extract the desired compound
as it elutes from the stationary phase. The migration of the compounds
and contaminants through the column need to differ enough so that the
pure desired compound can be collected or extracted without incurring
any other undesired compound.
HPLC of Proteins and Polynucleotides.
Identification of compounds by HPLC is a crucial part of any HPLC
assay. In order to identify any compound by HPLC a detector must first
be selected. Once the detector is selected and is set to optimal detection
settings, a separation assay must be developed. The parameters of this
assay should be such that a clean peak of the known sample is observed
from the chromatograph. The identifying peak should have a reasonable
retention time and should be well separated from extraneous peaks at
the detection levels which the assay will be performed. To alter the
retention time of a compound, several parameters can be manipulated.
The first is the choice of column, another is the choice of mobile phase,
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and last is the choice in flow rate. All of these topics are reviewed in
detail in this document.
Identifying a compound by HPLC is accomplished by researching the
literature and by trial and error. A sample of a known compound must be
utilized in order to assure identification of the unknown compound.
Identification of compounds can be assured by combining two or more
detection methods.
Quantification of compounds by HPLC is the process of determining the
unknown concentration of a compound in a known solution. It
involves injecting a series of known concentrations of the standard
compound solution onto the HPLC for detection. The chromatograph of
these known concentrations will give a series of peaks that correlate to
the concentration of the compound injected.
Picture 1:
Using the area of a triangle equation (A=1/2b x h) to calculate the area
under each peak, a set of data is generated to develop a calibration
curve. This is done by graphing peak area vs. the concentration of the
sample solution. Most graphs can be generated using a computer
software program such as Excel or Cricketgraph. From this graphing
software, a best-fit line can be derived, and the equation of that line can
be determined. This equation of a line, y=mx + b, generated by the data, is
the calibration curve equation.
Picture 2:
The equation of the line is then used in the following manner: A scientist
injects a sample of unknown concentration x (x-axis of calibration curve)
onto the HPLC; the chromatograph gives a peak output of area y (y-axis of
the calibration curve). The area, y, is then in the equation of a line
y=mx + b from the calibration curve, and the concentration is found by
solving the equation for x.
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With UV detection, several solvent systems were proposed for the
separation of phospholipid classes but they are generally based on
acetonitrile or hexane/2-propanol. With the first,
phosphatidylethanolamine elutes before phosphatidylcholine which is
itself eluted before sphingomyelin. The acidic lipids, such as
phosphatidic acid, cardiolipin and phosphatidylinositol, are eluted before
phosphatidylethanolamine. Mobile phases containing hexane/2-propanol
allow also phosphatidylethanolamine to be eluted before
phosphatidylcholine, but the latter and sphingomyelin are not well
separated. In contrast, phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylserine are
eluted between phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylcholine. As
phospholipids are ionic molecules, a counter-ion is required in the
running solution. Sulfuric and phosphoric acids have been proposed but
better results were obtained with the addition of 0.5 mM serine (Christie
WW, J Chromatogr 1986, 361, 396).
With the light-scattering detection new eluting systems were designed to
avoid the interferences from non volatile modifiers added to the solvents
(acids, salts...).
All that applies to intact phospholipids and enables to determine
their relative amount and possibly their composition after post-detector
Sometimes, the direct HPLC separation is not enough efficient and a
previous deacylation is needed. Thus, for the fine analysis of
polyphosphoinositides, the total phospholipids or fractions purified by
TLC are deacylated and the water soluble products
(glycerophosphoinositol phosphates) are separated by HPLC with an
anion exchange column.
Two types of separation are selected:
Separation based on a silica column
First method:
The proposed method used a ternary gradient and was used to separate all
lipid classes but can be easily adapted for the separation of only
phospholipid classes
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HPLC system, light scattering detector
3m silica column (10 cm x 4.6 mm)
Iso-octane, tetrahydrofurane (THF), 2-propanol, chloroform.
Mobile phase A: iso-octane/THF, 99/1 (v/v)
Mobile phase B: 2-propanol/chloroform, 80/20 (v/v)
Mobile phase C: 2-propanol/water, 50/50 (v/v)
The gradient of solvents is complex and combined with a flow gradient for
about 32 min.
The authors demonstrated that they could easily separate lipid classes
from rat tissues in 30 min and detect 1 g or less of any of the separated
lipids. Cerebrosides and sulfatides co-migrated (elution time: about 12
min). However, sphingomyelin was not completely separated from
phosphatidylcholine at the end of the run. The procedure was
reproducible and allows the detection of low levels of phospholipids (200
ng) in a sample of no more than 80 g of total heart lipids.
Second method:
The proposed method is based on a binary gradient of chloroform and
methanol solutions and can be considered as one of the most efficient
methods (Becart J et al., J High Resolution Chromatogr 1990, 13, 126). A
diol column may be used instead of the proposed silica gel column.
HPLC system, light-scattering detector
Lichrospher Si 60, 5 m, 12 cm x 4 mm, Merck
Chloroform, methanol, ammonium hydroxide.
Mobile phase A: chloroform/methanol/ammonium hydroxide,
80/19.5/0.5 (v/v)
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Mobile phase B: chloroform/methanol/water/ammonium hydroxide,
60/34/5.5/0.5 (v/v)
The gradient is: 0-14 min: linear from A/B, 50/50 to 100% B, 14-25 min:
hold 100% B, 25-30 min: 100% B to A/B, 50/50 and 15 min
regeneration before another injection. Samples are dissolved in the
mixture chloroform/methanol/water (70/25/5) before injection. The flow
rate is 1 ml/min.
1: phosphatidylethanolamine, 2: phosphatidylinositol, 3:
phosphatidylserine, 4: phosphatidylcholine, 5: phosphatidic acid, 6 and 7:
sphingomyelin, 8: lysophosphatidylcholine.
Separation based on a diol column
1 - Separation of the classical phospholipids
Olsson NJ at al., J Chromatogr, 1996, 681, 213
HPLC system, light-scattering detector
Nucleosil 100-7 OH DIOL column (25 cm x 4 mm, 7 m from Macherey-
Hexane, 2-propanol, butanol, THF, iso-octane
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Mobile phase A: hexane/2-propanol/butanol/THF/iso-octane/water,
64.5/17.5/7/5/5/1 (v/v)
Mobile phase B: 2-propanol/butanol/THF/iso-octane/water,
73/7/5/5/10 (v/v)
ammonium acetate was added to both solvents (180 mg/l)
The binary gradient was linear over 50 min from 0% to a final
composition of 100% B. The column was maintained at 65C and the
flow rate at 1 ml/min
The authors claimed that the DIOL phase column was notably resistant.
Acidic phospholipids were adequately separated. Moreover, a partial
resolution was obtained between alkenyl-PE and diacyl-PE. A similar
method was proposed for plant lipids (Arnoldsson KC et al., in
"Phospholipids: characterization, metabolism, and novel biological
applications". Cevc G, Paltauf F, Eds, AOCS Press, Champaign, Ill, 1995,
PE: diacyl-phosphatidylethanolamine, PI: phosphatidylinositol, PA:
phosphatidic acid, PS: phosphatidylserine, PC: phosphatidylcholine, SM:
When plasmalogens are present, the corresponding peak is ahead of
diacyl-PE. Complex glycolipids can also be separated with this HPLC
method, cerebrosides being eluted at about 5 min and sulfatides 2 min
before PE. To maintain peaks within the calibrated range of phospholipid
standards, the authors injected no more than 250 g phospholipids.
Further analysis may be run on fractions with a higher column sample
load (about 0.5 mg lipids).
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2 - Separation of phosphatidic acid and lysophosphatidic acid
Holland WL et al., J Lipid Res 2003, 44, 854-8
As phosphatidic acid and its lyso compounds are involved in the
regulation of various cellular processes, there is a necessity to quantify
accurately these bioactive lipids in cellular extracts. Below is described a
method which allows their accurate quantification using a
chloroform/methanol (1/2, v/v) extraction, a diol HPLC column (
Supelcosil LC-318 diol column (25 cm long, 4.6 ID, 5 m particle size), a
ternary basic gradient (Stith BJ et al., J Lipid Res 2000, 41, 1448) and a
light scattering detector.
The use of radio labelled molecules allowed the authors to estimate a
total recovery rate of 48% for phosphatidic acid and 53% for its lyso
compound. A polynomial third-order cubic regression equation was used to
quantify the phospholipids.
A simple HPLC method was described for the simultaneous analysis of
phosphatidylcholine and its lyso derivatives (Adlercreutz D et al., JAOCS
2001, 78, 1007). This method was proposed to be suitable for studying
reactions on the phospholipid and acyl migration of its lyso derivatives.
A review by Van der Meeren P et al. of several HPLC separation
techniques for phospholipid groups may be found in the book "Food
analysis by HPLC" (Nollet LML Ed., Marcel Dekker inc, 1992).
The study of the various phosphoinositide isomers is done after removing
the fatty acyl groups and separating the deacylated forms by HPLC with
a salt gradient. Since the water-soluble derivatives have no absorption
characteristics, the methodology involves the determination of radioactive
products. Thus, an on-line continuous flow liquid scintillation detector is
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required. Nonradioactive forms may be determined using a conductivity
detector (see below).
Deacylation of phospholipids: The lipids dried or adsorbed to silica gel are
treated in a screw-capped glass tube with 1.8 ml of deacylating reagent
(40% methylamine/water/methanol/butanol, 5.4/3.2/9.1/2.3, v/v) at
53C for 50 min (water bath). The mixture (or the supernatant if the
silica gel is present) is then evaporated under a nitrogen flow in a well
ventilated hood.
Water (2 ml) is added to the dried residue, the solution is deeply frozen
and then freeze-dried. The dried samples are resuspended in 2 ml of
water, and extracted with an equal volume of butanol/petroleum
ether/ethyl formate (20/4/1, v/v). The aqueous phase is again freezedried
and stored at -70C until analysis by HPLC.
HPLC analysis of deacylated phospholipids:
Column: Partisphere SAX from Whatman (5 m, 250 x 4 mm).
Elution: a discontinuous gradient obtained from mixing solution A
(water) and solution B (1M (NH4)2HPO4 titrated at pH 8 with conc.
phosphoric acid) according to the table below:
Time Flow A B
(min) (ml/min)(%) (%)
0 1 100 0
5 1 100 0
65 1 82 18
102 1 57 43
102.1 1 100 0
102.2 1 100 0
102.3 2 100 0
122 2 100 0
122.1 1 100 0
122.2 0 100 0
Non-radioactive nucleotides (AMP, ADP and ATP) are added to the
aqueous sample (total volume: 0.1 up to 1 ml) prior filtration and
injection to allow monitoring with a UV detector to evaluate the
reproducibility of elution times. We add 20 l of a mixture containing
200 M of each nucleotide to 1 ml sample.
The method of suppressed conductivity detection was shown to be
efficient in determining the amounts of isoforms of phosphatidylinnositol
monophosphates (PI2P et PI) and biphosphates (PI3,4P2, PI4,5P2 and
PI3,5P2) (Nasuhoglu C et al., Anal Biochem 2002, 301, 243). The major
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anionic head group can be identified down to a detection limit of about
100 pmol but that detection remains 1 to 2 log units less sensitive than
for isotope techniques. That procedure was shown to be efficient in the
study of the activation of phosphatidylinositide kinase.
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Alliance HPLC System
2695 Separations Module [W a t e r s ]
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Alliance HPLC System
The Alliance HPLC System is built around the 2695 Separations Module,
which offers integrated solvent and
sample management.
The 2695 is designed to work with both
Empower and MassLynx software, the
complete range of Waters HPLC column
chemistries and formats, including
Intelligent Speed (IS), Symmetry, XBridge
and XTerra columns, and a variety of
detectors, from UV-visible to single- to
triple-quadrupole mass spectrometers.
The Alliance HPLC System features:
Alliance HPLC System
* Integrated solvent and sample
management functions that ensure consistent system-to-system
performance and high reproducibility
* Alliance HPLC Systems can run with Empower Software for HPLC and
LC/MS and with MassLynx for LC/MS or LC/MS/MS, enabling to you
control operating parameters, and capture, process and store results data
from a personal or networked computer
* A large, intuitive, LCD-based user interface on the 2695 Separations
Module allows rapid system set-up through AutoStartPLUS routines that
streamline daily startups
* Alliance Systems and columns are manufactured to a rigid set of
performance specifications, allowing you to confidently transfer a method
between instruments and still get consistent results, unit to unit and lab
to lab
* Improved control of your column environment via a column heater or
heater/cooler, allowing you to control temperatures whether youre using
single or multiple columns
* Integrated column switching valves permit rapid column selection,
enabling unattended method development
* Physical design that provides easy, tool-free access to pistons, seals,
and the piston seal-wash as well as the lower needle-wash seal of the
sample manager.
Alliance LC and LC/MS systems set the standard for reliability and
performance in today's laboratories that are pressured to run samples,
around the clock, with unsurpassed accuracy.
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The Alliance LC/MS System allows laboratories to perform HPLC and
routine mass spectrometry (MS) for unsurpassed sensitivity and
ruggedness. As part of the Alliance LC/MS System, the ZQ Mass Detector
takes LC/MS speed, sensitivity and ruggedness to a new level.
Automated Method Development:
Manual method development and transfer can be a labor-intensive,
timeconsuming and imprecise processespecially when an end user has to
modify a transferred method.
The Waters Automated Method Development System combines the
Alliance HPLC System with specialized method development features in
Empower Software to evaluate a wide range of experimental conditions.
The system helps you determine the effect of factors such as organic
concentration, pH, temperature, and buffer concentration on your
separation to ensure a method is robust and does not require re-
optimization when transferred.
Data Management:
Alliance HPLC Systems are fully controlled by Waters Laboratory
Informatics products. With Empower Software control of your Alliance
HPLC System, you can acquire and store data, search for results and
develop audit trail information. MassLynx Software provides seamless
system integration and single keyboard control for easy method setup
and processing of chromatographic and spectral data. A number of
MassLynx Software application managers are available to help you
control and manage data for specialized laboratory applications.
2695 Separations Module:
The heart of the Alliance System is the 2695 Separations Module and its
integrated solvent and sample management configuration.
Solvent Management:
The 2695 Separations Modules solvent management system degasses
and blends up to four chromatographic solvents in precise proportions for
smooth, pulse-free solvent delivery, while the latest Performance PLUS
check-valve technology assures minimal downtime.
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Solvent management features:
* Serial flow path with only two inlet check valves, reducing complexity
and enhancing overall ruggedness
* Vacuum degassing using ultra-high efficiency second-generation
polymer membrane technology
* Precise low-pressure quaternary blending (first in-first out) for highly
reproducible gradient profiles across the flow range
* Independently driven pistons produce pulse-free solvent flow without
use of pulse dampeners
* Fixed delay volume (regardless of system back pressure) for consistent,
predictable chromatography
* A programmable flow rate range that covers two orders of magnitude
(from 50 microliters to five milliliters per minute) without the need for
hardware modifications
* Tool-free routine maintenance on plungers/seals/seal-wash
An automated active plunger seal wash is standard on all Alliance HPLC
Sample Management:
Up to 120 industry-standard vials can be accommodated in the 2695
Separations Modules five individual sample carousels. Sample queues
are quick to set upwhether its just one sample or a sequence of
multiple methods from different analysts.
Sample management features:
* Reproducible injections from one to hundreds of microliters
compatible with any analytical scale LC column chemistry
* Variable volume injections with no need to swap loops for analytical
* Carryover management via a programmable needle wash cycle and an
active needle wash solution (without wash vials)
* Programmable inject-needle height that accommodates various vial
geometries and takes into account vial bottom thickness
Programmable syringe draw rate for viscous samples/solvents
* Five independent carousels: Run samples in one carousel while
prepping the next sequence in another, enabling new samples/carousels
to be added into the systemwithout disturbing the ongoing sample
* Sampling routines for automated reference peak addition or automated
pre-column derivitization procedures
* Tool-free lower seal-wash frit and injection syringe replacement, for
easy routine maintenance
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The Flexible and Reliable Workhorse for all Your HPLC Requirements
Alliance HPLC Systems have been continually expanded and perfected to
accommodate an enormous range of real world, problem-solving HPLC
separation challenges.
Other instrument is an Agilent Technologies (formerly part of Hewlett
Packard) 1100 Series HPLC system with quaternary pump, autosampler,
and diode array, electrochemical and fluorescence detectors More
information is available from the Agilent Technologies.
Agilent System- 1100 Series
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Troubleshooting High Performance Liquid
Do you have a problem with any of the following topics:
1. Peaks
2. Leaks
3. Recovery
4. Sensitivity
5. Retention
6. Equilibration
7. Baseline
8. Pressure
Broad Peak Causes and Solutions:
Cause Solution
Analytes eluted early due to
sample overload
Dilute sample 1:10 and reinject
Use smallest possible cell
volume consistent with
Detector-cell volume too large sensitivity needs; use detector
with no heat exchanger in
Decrease solvent strength of
Injection volume too large injection solvent to focus solute;
inject smaller volume
Use low- or zero-dead-volume
endfittings and connectors; use
Large extra column volume
Mobile-phase solvent viscosity
too high
Peak dispersion in injector valve
smallest possible diameter of
connecting tubing (<0.10 in.
i.d.); connect tubing with
matched fittings
Increase column temperature;
change to lower viscosity
Decrease injector sample loop
size; introduce air bubble in
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front and back of sample in
Use smaller-particle-diameter
Poor column efficiency
Retention time too long
Sampling rate of data system
too low
Slow detector time constant
Some peaks broad - late elution
of analytes retained from
previous injection
packing, lower-viscosity mobile
phase, higher column
temperature, or lower flow rate
Use gradient elution or stronger
isocratic mobile phase
Increase sampling frequency
Adjust time constant to match
peak width
Flush column with strong
solvent at end of run; end
gradient at higher solvent
Ghost Peaks: Causes and Solution:
Flush column to remove
Contamination contaminatint; use HPLC-grade
Flush column with strong
Elution of analytes retained solvent at end of run; end
from previous injection gradient at higher solvent
Ion-pair chromatography - Prepare sample in mobile
upset equilibrium phase; reduce injection volume
Oxidation of trifluoroacetic acid
in peptide mapping
Prepare trifluoroacetic acid
solutions fresh daily; use
Check suitability of water by
chromatography - contaminated
running different amounts
through column and measure
peak height of interferences as
function of enrichment time;
clean water by running it
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through old reversed-phase
column; use HPLC-grade water.
Unknown interferences in
Use sample cleanup or
prefractionation before
Negative Peaks Causes and Solutions:
Refractive index detection -
refractive index of solute less
than that of mobile phase
UV-absorbance detection -
absorbance of solute less than
that of mobile phase
Reverse polarity to make peak
Use mobile phase with lower UV
absorbance; if recycling solvent,
stop recycling when recycled
solvent affects detection
Peak Doubling Causes and Solutions:
Replace or clean frit; install 0.5-
um porosity in-line filter
between pump and injector to
Blocked frit eliminate mobile-phase
contaminants or between
injector and column to
eliminate sample contaminants
Use sample cleanup or
Coelution of interfering prefractionation; adjust
compound selectivity by changing mobile
or stationary phase
Coelution of interfering
compound from previous
Flush column with strong
solvent at end of ran; end
gradient at higher solvent
Use higher-capacity stationary
Column overloaded
phase; increase column
diameter; decrease sample
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Replace column, or, if possible,
open top endfitting and clean
Column void or channeling and fill void with glass beads or
same column packing; repack
Injection solvent too strong
Use weaker injection solvent or
stronger mobile phase
Use injection volume equal to
Sample volume too large
one-sixth of column volume
when sample prepared in
mobile phase for injection
Unswept injector flow path Replace injector rotor
Peak Fronting Causes and Solutions
Channeling in column Replace or repack column
Use higher-capacity stationary
Column overloaded
phase; increase column
diameter; decrease sample
Peak Tailing Causes and Solutions:
Use competing base such as
triethylamine; use a stronger
Basic solutes - silanol mobile phase; use base-
interactions deactivated silica-based
reversed-phase column; use
polymeric column
Beginning of peak doubling See peak doubling
Use high purity silica-based
Chelating solutes - trace metals
in base silica
Silica-based column -
degradation at high pH
column with low trace-metal
content; add EDTA or chelating
compound to mobile phase; use
polymeric column
Use polymeric, sterically
protected, or high-coverage
reversed-phase column; install
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silica gel saturatorcolumn
between pump and injector
Silica-based column -
degradation at high
Reduce temperature to less
than 50 C
Decrease mobile-phase pH to
Silica-based column - silanol
suppress silanol ionization;
increase buffer concentration;
derivatize solute to change polar
Minimize number of
connections; ensure injector
Unswept dead volume rotor seal is tight; ensure all
compression fittings
arecorrectly seated
Replace column, or, if possible,
open top endfitting and clean
Void formation at head of
and fill in void with glass beads
or samecolumn packing; rotate
injection valve quickly; use
injection valve with pressure
bypass; avoid pressure shock
Spikes Causes and Solutions:
Degas mobile phase; use back-
Bubbles in mobile phase
pressure restrictor at detector
outlet; ensure that all fittings
are tight
Store column tightly capped;
Column stored without caps flush reversed-phase columns
with degassed methanol
Leak at column or fittings: Causes and Solution:
Catastrophic loose fitting Tighten or replace fitting
Noncatastrophic white powder Cut tubing and replace ferrule;
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at loose fitting disassemble fitting, rinse and
Leak at Detector: Causes and Solution:
Catastrophic detector-seal Replace detector seal or
failure gaskets.
Leak at injection valve: Causes and Solution:
Catastrophic worn or scratched
valve rotor
Replace valve rotor
Leak at Pump: Causes and Solution:
Replace pump seal; check
Catastrophic pump-seal failure piston for scratches and, if
necessary, replace.
Poor sample recovery: Causes and Solution:
Change HPLC mode to reduce
nonspecific interactions; add
Absorption or adsorption of
protein-solubilizing agent,
strong acid or base (with
polymeric columns only), or
detergent such as SDS to
mobile phase.
Increase mobile phase strength
to minimize adsorption; for
Adsorption on column packing basic compounds add
competing base or use base-
deactivated packing
Adsorption on tubing and other
hardware components
Chemisorption on column
Use inert (PEEK), glass-lined, or
titanium tubing and flow-path
Ensure no reactive groups are
present; use polymeric packing;
change column type and mode
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Use short-chain reversed-phase
packing; use 300-A pore
Hydrophobic interactions
between stationary
Less than 99% yield for basic
compounds irreversible
adsorption on active sites
Less than 90% yield for acidic
compounds - irreversible
adsorption on active sites
diameter packing; use
hydrophilic packing or ton-
exchange media; use
hydrophobic interaction
Use endcapped, base-
deactivated, sterically protected,
high coverage, or polymeric
Use endcapped or polymeric
packing; acidify mobile phase
Lack of Sensitivity: Causes and Solutions:
Autosampler flow lines blocked
Detector attenuation set too
First few sample injections -
sample adsorption in injector
sample loop or column
Check flow and clear any
Reduce detector attenuation
Condition loop and column with
concentrated sample.
Injector sample loop underfilled Overfill loop with sample
Not enough sample injected Increase amount of sample inected
Peaks are outside detector's
linear range
Sample losses during sample
Dilute or concentrate sample to
bring detector
response into linear range
Use internal standard during
sample prepartion; optimize
sample preparation method
Sample losses on column See problem: Recovery
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Changing retention times: Causes and Solution:
Buffer retention times
Contamination buildup
Equilibration time insufficient
for gradient run or changes in
isocratic mobile phase
First few injections - active sites
Use buffer with concentration
greater than 20 mM.
Flush column occasionally with
strong solvent
Pass at least 10 column
volumes through the column for
gradient regeneration or after
solvent changes
Condition column by injecting
concentrated sample
Ensure gradient system is
delivering a constant
Inconsistent on-line mobile- composition; compare with
phase mixing manually prepared mobile
phase; partially premix mobile
Selective evaporation of mobile-
phase component
Cover solvent reservoirs; use
less-vigorous helium purging;
prepare fresh mobile phase
Thermostat or insulate column;
Varying column temperature ensure laboratory temperature
is constant.
Decreasing Retention times: Causes and Solutions:
Use mobil-phase modifier,
competing base (basic
Active sites on column packing compounds), or increase buffer
strength; use higher coverage
column packing.
Column overloaded with sample
Increasing flow rate
Decrease sample amount or use
larger-diameter column
Check and reset pump flow
Loss of bonded stationary phase Use mobile-phase pH between
or base silica pH 2 and pH 8
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Thermostat or insulate column;
Varying column temperature ensure laboratory temperature
is constant.
Increasing Retention times: Causes and Solutions:
Check and reset pump flow
Decreasing flow rate
Changing mobile-phase
rate; check for pump cavitation;
check for leaking pump seals
and other leaks in system.
Cover solvent reservoirs; ensure
that gradient system is
delivering correct composition.
Loss of bonded stationary Use mobile-phase pH between
phase pH 2 and pH 8
Slow column equilibration time: Causes and Solutions:
Reversed phase ion pairing -
long chain ion pairing reagents
require longer equilibration time
Use ion-pairing reagent with
shorter alkyl chain length
Slow column equilibration time: Causes and Solutions:
Reversed phase ion pairing -
long chain ion pairing reagents
require longer equilibration time
Use ion-pairing reagent with
shorter alkyl chain length
Varying retention times: Causes and Solutions:
Gradient - insufficient column-
regeneration time
Ion pairing - insufficient
equilibration time
Isocratic - insufficient equilibration
Increase equilibrating time in
mobile-phase A to obtain
constant retention times for
early peaks
Increase equilibration time; ion
pairing may require as much as
50 column volumes for mobile-
phase changeover
Pass 10-15 column volumes of
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mobile phase through column
for equilibration
Disturbance at void time: Causes and Solution:
Air bubbles in mobile phase
Positive-negative - difference in
refractive index of injection solvent
and mobile phase
Degas or use back pressure
restricor on detector
Normal with many samples; use
mobile phase as sample solvent
Drifting baseline: Causes and Solutions:
Use non-UV absorbing mobile
Negative direction (gradient elution)
- absorbance of mobile-phase A
phase solvents; use HPLC grade
mobile phase solvents; add UV
absorbing compound to mobile
phase B.
Use higher UV absorbance detector
wavelength; use non-UV absorbing
Positive direction (gradient elution) - mobile phase solvents; use HPLC
absorbance of mobile phase B grade mobile phase solvents; add
UV absorbing compound to modile
phase A.
Positive direction - contamination
buildup and elution
Flush column with strong solvent;
clean up sample; use HPLC grade
Monitor and control changes in
Wavy or undulating - temperature
changes in room
room temperature; insulate column
or use column oven; cover refractive
index detector and keep it out of air
Noise: Causes and Solutions:
Continous - detector lamp problem Replace UV lamp( each should last
or dirty flow cell 2000 h); clean and flush flow cell
Use proper mixing device; check
Gradient or isocratic proportioning - proportioning precision by spiking
lack of solvent mixing one solvent with UV absorbing
compound and mointor UV
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absorbance detector output
Gradient or isocratic proportioning -
malfunctioning proportioning valves
Clean or replace proportioning
precision valves; partially remix
Occasional sharp spikes - external Use voltage stabilizer for LC system;
electrical interference use independent electrical circuit
Service or replace pulse damper;
Periodic - pump pulses purge air from pump; clean or
replace check valves.
Flush column with strong solvent;
Random - contamination buildup clean up sample; use HPLC grade
Spikes - bubble in detector
Spikes - column temperature higher
than boiling point of solvent
Degas mobile phase; use back
pressure restrictor at detector outlet
Use lower column temperature
Decreasing Pressure: Causes and Solutions:
Insufficient flow from pump
Loosen cap on mobile phase
Leak in hydralic lines from pump to Tighten or replace fittings; tighten
column rotor in injection valve
Leaking pump check valve or seals
Replace or clean check valves;
replace pump seals.
Degas solvent; check for obstruction
Pump cavitation in line from solvent reservoir to
pump; replace inlet-line frit
Fluctuating Pressure: Causes and Solutions:
Bubble in pump
Degas solvent; sparge solvent with
Leaking pump check valve or Replace or clean check valves; replace
seals pump seals
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High back pressure: Causes and Solutions:
Column blocked wth irreversibly
adorbed sample
Improve sample cleanup; use guard
column; reverse-flush column with
strong solvent to dissolve blockage
Column particle size too small (for Use larger particle size (for example
example 3 micrometers) 5 micrometer)
Use at least 10% organic modifier in
mobile phase; use fresh buffer daily;
Microbial growth on column
Mobile phase viscosity too high
Plugged frit in in-line filter or guard
add 0.02% sodium azide to aqueous
mobile phase; store column in at
least 25% organic solvent without
Use lower viscosity solvents or
higher temperature
Replace frit or guard column
Plugged inlet frit Replace endfitting or frit assembly
Use correct solvent with column;
change to proper solvent
Polymetric columns - solvent
change causes swelling of packing
compositionl consult
manufacturer's solvent-
compatibility chartl use a column
with a higher percentage of cross-
Salt precipitation (especially in Ensure mobile phase compatibility
reversed-phase chromatography with buffer concentration; decrease
with high concentration of organic ionic strength and water-organic
solvent in mobile phase) solvent ratio; premix mobile phase
When injector disconnected from
column - blockage in injector
Clean injector or replace rotor
Increasing pressure: Causes and Solutions:
Systematically disconnect
Blocked flow lines
Particulate buildup at head of
components from detector end to
column end to find blockage;
replace or clean blocked component
Filter sample; use .5 micrometer in-
line filter; disconnect and backflush
column; replace inlet frit
Water-organic solvent systems - Ensure mobile phase compatibility
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buffer precipitation with buffer concentration; decrease
ionic strength or water organic
solvent ratio
Models of HPLC:
Agilent -1100 Series Agilent -1100 Series
Alliance -2695 (Waters)
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