Lab0 C
Lab0 C
Lab0 C
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// File: lab0.c
// Date: 08-20-2010
// Authors: Roman Lysecky
// Description: Software code for Lab 0 assignment for ECE 372 Fall 2010. Sampl
e code toggles
// a user specified LED on the Microchip 16-bit 28-pin starter boa
rd. The user
// specified LED is received using the PIC's UART.
// Requirements: This softwrae code requires the MPLAB C30Compiler (MPLAB C Comp
iler for PIC24
// MCUs).
// Credits: Software code based upon sample code provided with Microchip 16
-bit 28-pin
// Development board.
// *****************************************************************************
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// Include file for PIC24FJ64GA002 microcontroller. This include file defines
// MACROS for special function registers (SFR) and control bits within those
// registers.
#include "p24fj64ga002.h"
#include <stdio.h>
// *****************************************************************************
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// Configuration bits for CONFIG1 settings.
// Make sure "Configuration Bits set in code." option is checked in MPLAB.
// This option can be set by selecting "Configuration Bits..." under the Configu
// menu in MPLAB.
// These settings are appropriate for debugging the PIC microcontroller. If you
need to
// program the PIC for standalone operation, change the COE_ON option to COE_OFF
// *****************************************************************************
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// Configuration bits for CONFIG2 settings.
// Make sure "Configuration Bits set in code." option is checked in MPLAB.
// This option can be set by selecting "Configuration Bits..." under the Configu
// menu in MPLAB.
// *****************************************************************************
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// Defines to simply UART's baud rate generator (BRG) regiser
// given the osicllator freqeuncy and PLLMODE.
#define XTFREQ 7372800 // On-board Crystal frequency
#define PLLMODE 4 // On-chip PLL setting (Fosc)
#define FCY (XTFREQ*PLLMODE)/2 // Instruction Cycle Frequency (Fo
#define BAUDRATE 115200
#define BRGVAL ((FCY/BAUDRATE)/16)-1
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// Global variables can be accessed by both the main application code and the in
// service routines. Descriptions should be provided to clearly indicate what th
e variable
// is used for. Well chosen variables names are also benficial.
// Variable used to determine which LED will be toggled by the Timer 1 interrupt
// This variable will be set by commands recieved from the UART.
// By default we will toggle LED4.
int ledToToggle = 4;
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int main(void)
// Varaible for character recived by UART.
int receivedChar;
// RPINR18 is a regsiter for selectable input mapping (see Table 10-2) f
// for UART1. U1RX is 8 bit value used to specifiy connection to which
// RP pin. RP9 is used for this configuration. Physical Pin 18.
RPINR18bits.U1RXR = 9;
// RPOR4 is a register for selctable ouput mapping (see Regsiter 1019) f
// pins RP9 and RP8. The register for RP8 is assigned to 3 to connect
// the U1TX output for UART1 (see table 10-3). Physical Pin 17.
RPOR4bits.RP8R = 3;
// Use LATB to write value to PORTB. This enables a Read-Modify-Write
// behavior used in the interrupt later. Set the current output to
// 0 .
LATB = 0;
// TRISB controls direction for all PORTB pins, where 0 -> output, 1 ->
// Configure RB15, RB14, RB13, and RB12 as outputs.
TRISBbits.TRISB15 = 0;
TRISBbits.TRISB14 = 0;
TRISBbits.TRISB13 = 0;
TRISBbits.TRISB12 = 0;
// **TODO** SW1 of the 16-bit 28-pin Starter Board is connected to pin R
// Assign the TRISB bit for this pin to configure this port as an input.
// Clear Timer value (i.e. current tiemr value) to 0
TMR1 = 0;
// Set Timer 1's period value regsiter to value for 250ms. Please note
// T1CON's register settings below (internal Fosc/2 and 1:256 prescalar)
// = 7372800 * 4
// = 29491200
// Fosc/2 = 29491200 / 2
// = 14745600
// Timer 1 Freq = (Fosc/2) / Prescaler
// = 14745600 / 256
// = 57600
// PR1 = 250 ms / (1 / (T1 Freq))
// = 250e-3 / (1 / 57600)
// = 250e-3 * 57600
// = 14400
PR1 = 14399;
// Clear Timer 1 interrupt flag. This allows us to detect the
// first interupt.
IFS0bits.T1IF = 0;
// Enable the interrupt for Timer 1
IEC0bits.T1IE = 1;
// Setup Timer 1 control register (T1CON) to:
// TON = 1 (start timer)
// TCKPS1:TCKPS2 = 11 (set timer prescaler to 1:256)
// TCS = 0 (Fosc/2)
T1CON = 0x8030;
// Set UART1's baud rate generator register (U1BRG) to the value calcula
ted above.
// Set UART1's mode register to 8-bit data, no parity, 1 stop bit, enabl
// UARTEN = 1 (enable UART)
// PDSEL1:PDSEL0 = 00 (8-bit data, no parity)
// STSEL = 0 (1 stop bit)
U1MODE = 0x8000;
// Set UART2's status and control register
// UTXISEL1:UTXISEL0 = 00 (U1TXIF set when character
// written to trasmit buffer)
// UTXEN = 1 (trasnmit enabled)
// URXISEL1:URXISEL0 = 01 (U1RXIF set when any character
// is received in receive buffer)
// RIDLE = 0 (Reciver is active)
U1STA = 0x0440; // Reset status register and enable TX &
// Clear the UART RX interrupt flag. Althouhg we are not using a ISR for
// the UART receive, the UART RX interrupt flag can be used to deermine
// we have recived a character from he UART.
IFS0bits.U1RXIF = 0;
// printf by default is mapped to serial communication using UART1.
// 1. You must specify a heap size for printf. This is required
// becuase printf needs to allocate its own memory, which is
// allocated on the heap. This can be set in MPLAB by:
// a.) Selecting Build Options...->Project from the Project me
// b.) Selecting the MPLABLINK30 Tab.
// c.) Entering the size of heap, e.g. 512, under Heap Size
// 2. printf function is advanced and using printf may require
// significant code size (6KB-10KB).
// Print a message requesting the user to select a LED to toggle.
printf("Select LED to Toggle (4-7): ");
// The main loop for your microcontroller should not exit (return), as
// the program should run as long as the device is powered on.
// **TODO** Modified the main loop of the software application s
uch that
// whenever the SW1 is continuously pressed, the currently selec
ted LED
// will blink twice as fast. When SW1 is released the LEDs will
blink at
// the initially defined rate.
// Use the UART RX interrupt flag to wait until we recieve a cha
if(IFS0bits.U1RXIF == 1) {
// U1RXREG stores the last character received by the UAR
T. Read this
// value into a local variable before processing.
receivedChar = U1RXREG;
// Echo the entered character so the user knows what the
y typed.
printf("%c\n\r", receivedChar);
// Check to see if the character value is between '4' an
d '7'. Be sure sure
// use single quotation mark as the character '4' is not
the same as the
// number 4.
if( receivedChar <= '7' && receivedChar >= '4' ) {
// Assign ledToToggle to the number correspondin
g to the number
// entered. We can do this by subtracting the va
lue for
// the character '0'.
ledToToggle = receivedChar - '0';
// Print a confirmation message.
printf("Toggling LED%d\n\r", ledToToggle);
else {
// Display error message.
printf("Invalid LED Selection!\n\r");
// Clear the UART RX interrupt flag to we can detect the
// of another character.
IFS0bits.U1RXIF = 0;
// Re-print the message requesting the user to select a
LED to toggle.
printf("Select LED to Toggle (4-7): ");
return 0;
// *****************************************************************************
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// Defines an interrupt service routine that will execute whenever Timer 1's
// count reaches the specfied period value defined within the PR1 register.
// _ISR and _ISRFAST are macros for specifying interrupts that
// automatically inserts the proper interrupt into the interrupt vector
// table
// _T1Interrupt is a macro for specifying the interrupt for Timer 1
// The functionality defined in an interrupt should be a minimal as possible
// to ensure additional interrupts can be processed.
void _ISR _T1Interrupt(void)
// Clear Timer 1 interrupt flag to allow another Timer 1 interrupt to oc
IFS0bits.T1IF = 0;
// Toggle the LED Specified by the User.
LATB ^= ((0x1000)<<(7-ledToToggle));
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