SAP Security T-codes provide frequently used security transactions such as SU01 for creating and changing users, PFCG for maintaining roles, and SU10 for mass changes. The Firefighter strategy allows users to perform duties outside their normal roles in emergency situations while logging all activities for auditing. Firefighter is a web-based application that automates defining Firefighter IDs, assigning owners and controllers, and logging transactions during firefighting. Firefighter roles include Administrator, Owner, Firefighter, and Controller to control access and audit firefighting task performance.
SAP Security T-codes provide frequently used security transactions such as SU01 for creating and changing users, PFCG for maintaining roles, and SU10 for mass changes. The Firefighter strategy allows users to perform duties outside their normal roles in emergency situations while logging all activities for auditing. Firefighter is a web-based application that automates defining Firefighter IDs, assigning owners and controllers, and logging transactions during firefighting. Firefighter roles include Administrator, Owner, Firefighter, and Controller to control access and audit firefighting task performance.
SAP Security T-codes provide frequently used security transactions such as SU01 for creating and changing users, PFCG for maintaining roles, and SU10 for mass changes. The Firefighter strategy allows users to perform duties outside their normal roles in emergency situations while logging all activities for auditing. Firefighter is a web-based application that automates defining Firefighter IDs, assigning owners and controllers, and logging transactions during firefighting. Firefighter roles include Administrator, Owner, Firefighter, and Controller to control access and audit firefighting task performance.
SAP Security T-codes provide frequently used security transactions such as SU01 for creating and changing users, PFCG for maintaining roles, and SU10 for mass changes. The Firefighter strategy allows users to perform duties outside their normal roles in emergency situations while logging all activities for auditing. Firefighter is a web-based application that automates defining Firefighter IDs, assigning owners and controllers, and logging transactions during firefighting. Firefighter roles include Administrator, Owner, Firefighter, and Controller to control access and audit firefighting task performance.
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SAP Security T-codes
Frequently used security T-codes SU01 - Create/ Change User SU01 Create/ Change User PFCG - Maintain Roles SU10 - Mass Changes SU01D - Dislay User SU!M - Reorts ST01 - Trace SU"# - $uthori%ation analysis
Q How to create users? &'ecute transaction SU01 and (ill in all the (ield) *hen creating a ne+ user, you -ust enter an initial ass+ord (or that user on the .ogon data ta/) $ll other data is otional) Q What is the difference between USOBX! and USOBT!? The ta/le US0123C de(ines +hich authori%ation chec4s are to /e er(or-ed +ithin a transaction and +hich not 5desite authority- chec4 co--and rogra--ed 6) This ta/le also deter-ines +hich authori%ation chec4s are -aintained in the Pro(ile Generator) The ta/le US01T3C de(ines (or each transaction and (or each authori%ation o/7ect +hich de(ault 8alues an authori%ation created (ro- the authori%ation o/7ect should ha8e in the Pro(ile Generator) Q What authori"ation are re#uired to create and $aintain user $aster records? The (ollo+ing authori%ation o/7ects are required to create and -aintain user -aster records9 S3US&R3GRP9 User Master Maintenance9 $ssign user grous S3US&R3PR09 User Master Maintenance9 $ssign authori%ation ro(ile S3US&R3$UT9 User Master Maintenance9 Create and -aintain authori%ations Q %ist &'( User Ty)es Dialog users are used (or indi8idual user) Chec4 (or e'ired/initial ass+ords) Possi/le to change your o+n ass+ord) Chec4 (or -ultile dialog logon $ Ser8ice user - 0nly user ad-inistrators can change the ass+ord) :o chec4 (or e'ired/initial ass+ords) Multile logon er-itted Syste- users are not caa/le o( interaction and are used to er(or- certain syste- acti8ities, such as /ac4ground rocessing, $.&, *or4(lo+, and so on) $ Re(erence user is, li4e a Syste- user, a general, non-ersonally related, user) $dditional authori%ations can /e assigned +ithin the syste- using a re(erence user) $ re(erence user (or additional rights can /e assigned (or e8ery user in the Roles ta/) Q What is a deri*ed ro+e? Deri8ed roles re(er to roles that already e'ist) The deri8ed roles inherit the -enu structure and the (unctions included 5transactions, reorts, *e/ lin4s, and so on6 (ro- the role re(erenced) $ role can only inherit -enus and (unctions i( no transaction codes ha8e /een assigned to it /e(ore) The higher-le8el role asses on its authori%ations to the deri8ed role as de(ault 8alues +hich can /e changed a(ter+ards) 0rgani%ational le8el de(initions are not assed on) They -ust /e created ane+ in the inheriting role) User assign-ents are not assed on either) Deri8ed roles are an elegant +ay o( -aintaining roles that do not di((er in their (unctionality 5identical -enus and identical transactions6 /ut ha8e di((erent characteristics +ith regard to the organi%ational le8el) Follo+ this lin4 (or -ore in(o Q What is a co$)osite ro+e? $ co-osite role is a container +hich can collect se8eral di((erent roles) For reasons o( clarity, it does not -a4e sense and is there(ore not allo+ed to add co-osite roles to co-osite roles) Co-osite roles are also called roles) Co-osite roles do not contain authori%ation data) !( you +ant to change the authori%ations 5that are reresented /y a co-osite role6, you -ust -aintain the data (or each role o( the co-osite role) Creating co-osite roles -a4es sense i( so-e o( your e-loyees need authori%ations (ro- se8eral roles) !nstead o( adding each user searately to each role required, you can set u a co-osite role and assign the users to that grou) The users assigned to a co-osite role are auto-atically assigned to the corresonding 5ele-entary6 roles during co-arison) Q What does user co$)are do? !( you are also using the role to generate authori%ation ro(iles, then you should note that the generated ro(ile is not entered in the user -aster record until the user -aster records ha8e /een co-ared) ;ou can auto-ate this /y scheduling reort PFCG3T!M&3D&P&:D&:C; on a daily) What is ,-.!-, in authori"ation /rou)s Access to specific tables and reports can be restricted using authorization groups. For example, if we consider that user 'JOHN' has access browse table using transaction !"# but as user administrator, $ou want to restrict the access to onl$ "% specific tables. &n A', these "% tables can be assigned to one authorization group (let's sa$ the authorization group 'A)*+',. -hen $ou create the role to be assigned to JOHN, $ou assign .alue 'A)*+' in the authorization group field for authorization ob/ects 01A)20+& and 01A)20*3&. 1his will ensure that JOHN can browse onl$ these "% tables which belong to authorization group 'A)*+'. 1he same concept applies to reports as well. 1able 14+&4 stores the authorization groups for all tables while table 1++A1 stores the authorization groups for all reports in A'. 5ou ma$ notice that some tables ha.e no authorization groups 6 which basicall$ means that an$ user with authorizations to browse tables can browse these tables. 1he user does not need an$ authorization group in her profile to browse these tables. 5ou ma$ also notice that some tables ha.e an authorization group '7N*7'. '7N*7' is slightl$ better from a )3AN8 authorization group since onl$ users with an$ authorization groups in their profile can access these tables. o, it doesn't matter what authorization group is specified in the user's profile 6 as long as there is an authorization group in the user profile, the user can access tables assigned to authorization group '7N*7'. 0irefi/hter Strate/y The Fire(ighter alication allo+s ersonnel to ta4e resonsi/ility (or tas4s outside their nor-al 7o/ (unction) Fire(ighting is a ter- descri/ing the a/ility to er(or- tas4s in e-ergency situations) Fire(ighter ena/les users to er(or- duties not included in the roles or ro(iles assigned to their user ids) Fire(ighter ro8ides this e'tended caa/ility to users +hile creating an auditing layer to -onitor and record Fire(ighter usage) Fire(ighter is an $1$P/ased and +e//ased alication that auto-ates all acti8ities related to (ire(ighting, including de(ining o( Fire(ighter !Ds and Fire(ighters, assign-ent o( Fire(ighter !D 0+ners and Controllers, and the logging o( all transactions e'ecuted during (ire(ighting) Fire(ighter ro8ides a solution (or syste-atic handling o( e-ergency situations and at the sa-e ti-e -anaging the ris4 (or the secial access necessary to resol8e the issue) The logging o( transactions during the rocess ro8ides the caa/ility to re8ie+ acti8ities used during an e-ergency situation) 0irefi/hter &o+es'User To access Fire(ighter user -ust /e assigned a Fire(ighter role) Ad$inistrator o Fire(ighter $d-inistrators ha8e co-lete access to the Fire(ighter rogra-) $d-inistrators are the only Fire(ighter user that can create Fire(ighter !D ass+ords) Owner o 0+ners can assign Fire(ighter !Ds to Fire(ighters < Controllers) *hen accessing the Fire(ighter rogra- 0+ners only see Fire(ighter !Ds assigned to the- /y the Fire(ighter $d-inistrator) 0+ners can not assign Fire(ighter !Ds to the-sel8es in the (ire(ighters ta/le to er(or- (ire(ighting tas4s, another o+ner needs to assign the-) 0irefi/hter o Fire(ighters ha8e access to the Fire(ighter !Ds assigned to the- and can use the Fire(ighter !Ds to er(or- any tas4s er-issi/le /y the Fire(ighter !D roles) !ontro++ers o Controllers are resonsi/le (or auditing the usage o( Fire(ighter !Ds /y 8ie+ing the Fire(ighter .og reort and recei8ing e-ail noti(ication o( Fire(ighter !D logins)
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