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Infants Preferences for Familiarity and

Novelty During the Course of
Visual Processing
Beverly J. Roder
Infants to Adolescents
Acton, Massachusetts
Emily W. Bushnell
Department of Psychology
Tufts University
Anne Marie Sasseville
Childrens Psychiatric Center, Kruse Unit
Miami, Florida
At 4 months, infants were shown a series of brief choice trials between a stimulus
that always remained the same and another that was different on every trial. The point
when a consistent preference for the novel stimulus commenced was identified for
each infant, and their preferences for the familiar and novel stimuli in trials preceding
that point were examined. Infants who saw objects or faces as stimuli both exhibited
selective attention to the familiar stimulus prior to preferring novel stimuli, although
infants shown kaleidoscope patterns did not. These results document a preference for
familiarity early in processing with a procedure that is not subject to ambiguities due
to individual differences in processing speed or to collapsing data across infants. The
results support a nonlinear model for memory formation during infancy and under-
INFANCY, 1(4), 491507
Copyright 2000, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
Requests for reprints should be sent to Beverly J. Roder, Infants to Adolescents, P.O. Box 525,
Acton, MA 01720, or Emily W. Bushnell, Department of Psychology, Tufts University, Medford,
MA 02155. E-mail:
score recently voiced concerns that in research on cognitive development, infants at-
tention to perceptual familiaritynovelty must be carefully disentangled from con-
ceptual knowledge.
Fantzs (1964) observation that human infants repeatedly exposed to a visual stim-
ulus subsequently prefer or selectively attend to a novel stimulus catalyzed the field
of infant perception. Researchers first seized on the preference for novelty as a
means to study infants basic sensory abilities to discriminate colors, forms, orien-
tations, levels of complexity, and so forth (cf. Bornstein, Kessen, & Weiskopf,
1976; Caron & Caron, 1968, 1969; Cohen, Gelber, & Lazar, 1971; Cornell, 1975;
Martin, 1975; McGurk, 1972). The habituation paradigmwas next adapted to study
higher level perceptual processes, including size and shape constancy (Caron,
Caron, & Carlson, 1979; Day & McKenzie, 1981; McKenzie, Tootell, & Day,
1980), memory across delays and interference (Cohen, DeLoache, & Pearl, 1977;
Fagan, 1973; Pancratz & Cohen, 1970), and face perception (Barrera & Maurer,
1981; Cohen & Strauss, 1979; Dirks & Gibson, 1977; Fagan, 1972). Currently,
methods capitalizing on the novelty preference are also being used to examine cog-
nitive capacities such as categorization (Eimas & Quinn, 1994; Younger, 1993;
Younger & Cohen, 1986), individuation and numerosity (Wynn, 1995; Xu &
Carey, 1996), and infants knowledge of the physical world (Baillargeon, 1987;
Leslie & Keeble, 1987; Needham & Baillargeon, 1993).
The preference for a novel stimulus is generally taken, both theoretically and
empirically, as an indication that a representation of the alternative (familiar) stim-
ulus exists in memory. Models specify that on being confronted with a stimulus,
the organism seeks to match it with a known quantity from previous experience
(see Bornstein, 1985; Cohen & Gelber, 1975; Miller, Galanter, & Pribram, 1960;
Sokolov, 1958/1963). If no match pertains, the organism attends to the stimulus
and begins to construct a neuronal representation of it; however, to the extent that
the stimulus is congruent with something already represented in memory, attention
to it is inhibited and deployed elsewhere. With young individuals and complex
stimuli, this process is assumed to be incremental, so that both the formation of a
representation in memory and the loss of interest in the concordant stimulus unfold
over time. The reality of these presumed mental activities is supported by reliable
individual differences in the rate of habituation (Bornstein & Benasich, 1986; Co-
lombo, Mitchell, & Horowitz, 1988; Pecheux & Lcuyer, 1983) and significant
correlations between the strength of ones preference for novelty in infancy and
traditional measures of IQ at later ages (see meta-analytic reviews by Bornstein &
Sigman, 1986, and McCall & Carriger, 1993). Thus, habituation to a repeated
stimulus and the related preference for novelty are thought to reflect some variable
aspect of neurological functioning, such as speed of processing or the effective-
ness of attentional control and disengagement mechanisms (Bornstein, 1985; Co-
lombo, 1995; Colombo & Mitchell, 1988; Johnson, Posner, & Rothbart, 1991;
McCall, 1994).
These interpretations of habituation and the preference for novelty are compli-
cated, though, by observations that infants sometimes prefer the familiar stimulus
after exposure rather than a novel one. Initially, it seemed that a preference for the
familiar may be an immature response, characteristic only of very young infants
(Hunt, 1970; Wetherford & Cohen, 1973). However, in later research, familiarity
preferences were also exhibited by older infants, specifically when their exposure
to the familiar stimulus was relatively brief (Hunter, Ross, & Ames, 1982; Rose,
Gottfried, Melloy-Carminar, &Bridger, 1982; Wagner &Sakovits, 1986) or when
the familiar test choice was similar but not completely identical to the stimulus
previously experienced (Gibson & Walker, 1984). It is now thought that a prefer-
ence for the familiar tends to occur when its match with a memory representation is
vague or only partial, as would be the case when construction of the representation
had only just begun (Hunter &Ames, 1988; Rose et al., 1982; Wagner &Sakovits,
1986). This conceptualization is compatible with earlier, optimal level theories
of the determinants of infant attention (cf. Berlyne, 1970; McCall, 1971).
This idea, then, is that a preference for the familiar reflects an early phase of
processing, whereas a preference for novelty ensues as processing nears comple-
tion. This supposed sequence of preferences, however, has not yet been demon-
strated over the course of individual instances of forming a representation of a
particular, single stimulus. Rather, it has been inferred from the responses of dis-
tinct groups of infants exposed to a stimulus for different durations or from the re-
sponses of individual infants exposed to several different stimuli, each for a
different duration. Furthermore, both of these strategies rely on analyzing the
grouped data of all infants exposed to a certain stimulus for a given duration, de-
spite the fact that individual infants may process the stimulus at different rates.
Thus, the chance responding observed by Rose et al. (1982) and Wagner and
Sakovits (1986) at durations intermediate to those yielding familiarity and novelty
preferences could reflect a genuine phase in the formation of a memory representa-
tion or it could simply derive from the collapsing together of fast processors al-
ready preferring the novel stimulus with slow processors still preferring the
In the research reported here, we adapted Fantzs (1964) original procedure to
assess each infants preference for familiarity versus novelty multiple times
throughout a single, continuing instance of habituation. Our aim was to examine
the time course of stimulus processing more precisely and individually than has
been done to date. We considered this worthwhile not only to better understand in-
fants visual processing in and of itself, but also because the issue of a preference
for familiarity has become involved in a major debate within the field of infancy.
Several researchers (Bogartz, Shinskey, & Speaker, 1997; Bogartz, Shinskey, &
Schilling, this issue; Haith, 1998; Schilling, this issue) have questioned the conclu-
sions of Baillargeon and her colleagues (Baillargeon, 1987; Baillargeon &Graber,
1987; Baillargeon, Spelke, & Wasserman, 1985) that very young infants compre-
hend the permanence and identity of objects. These challengers argued that in-
fants heightened attention to certain impossible test events may reflect nothing
more than a preference for the more familiar test display. In light of this contro-
versy, it is important to further explore the reality of a familiarity preference dur-
ing infants processing of visual stimuli.
The final sample consistedof 72infants (36boys and36girls), eachtestedwithin10
daysof beingexactly4monthsold(M=145.4days, SD=5.2days). Twenty-sixad-
ditional infants were also tested but not included in the final sample because of ex-
perimenter error andequipment problems (n=12) or becausetheyweretoosleepyor
fussy to complete at least 15 trials (n = 14). All of the infants were full-term and
healthyaccordingtoparental reports. Theywererecruitedbymail solicitationbased
on the birth records of several communities neighboring Tufts University. Respon-
dents to the mail solicitation in this area were predominantly White, middle-class,
two-parent families. The infants were tested individually in a university laboratory
in the presence of a parent, who had provided informed written consent.
Stimuli and Apparatus
Three different sets of stimuli were employed to explore the generality of the ef-
fects under investigation. The objects set included 35 mmcolor slides of 25 differ-
ent commonplace objects (e.g., a coffee mug, a box of crayons, a toy truck, a change
purse), each photographed against a black background. The faces set included 35
mm color slides of 25 different 4-month-old infants, each facing forward and dis-
playing a neutral expression. These infants were photographed wearing a large
black bib and sitting in front of a black drape, so that only the infants face appeared
against a field of black. The kaleidoscopes set included 35 mm color slides of 25
different multicolored kaleidoscope configurations, each photographed against a
black background. These stimuli were provided by our colleague R. G. Cook, who
had employed them in a prior study of animal memory (see Wright et al., 1990).
Within each set of 25 stimuli, 6 were randomly selected to serve as a familiar stimu-
lus and multiple duplicates were made of these.
The testing environment consisted of a table with a gray three-sided enclosure.
The side panels of the enclosure extended the width of the table and served to pre-
vent the infant from viewing the observers, the recording equipment, and so on.
The center panel of the enclosure was a 69 cm tall 94 cm wide Polacoat screen,
on which the stimulus slides were rear-projected two at a time. When projected,
the two stimuli appeared side by side approximately 60 cm in front of the infant
and separated by a space of 20 cm (18 of visual angle) and each stimulus covered
approximately 50 cm
of the viewing screen.
Procedure and Design
Each infant sat on a parents lap across the table from the projection screen. The
parent was instructed to hold the infant steady and to refrain from soliciting or di-
recting the infants attention in any way. Each infant was then presented with an ini-
tial familiarization (F) trial, followed by a series of at least 14paired comparison (P)
trials. The Ftrial was intended to establish a minimal level of familiarity with one of
the stimuli of the set being shown to the infant (objects, faces, or kaleidoscopes). It
consisted of two identical slides of one of the six stimuli selected to serve as famil-
iar. These duplicates were presented side by side for 3 sec starting when the infant
had first fixated one or the other of them for 0.1 sec. The subsequent P trials each
consisted of a repetition of this same familiar stimulus presented side by side with a
different one of the other 24 slides in the relevant set. The order in which the 24 dis-
tinct novel stimuli occurred across the various Ptrials was randomly determined for
each infant. Each P trial was presented for 8 sec, starting when the infant had first
fixated either one of the stimuli for 0.1 sec. Brief, fixed-length trials were employed
so that infants relative preferences for a familiar versus a novel stimulus could be
sampled frequently and at equally spaced, periodic points during the course of pro-
cessing. Interstimulus intervals were approximately 2 sec to 3 sec, and P trial pre-
sentations ensued until the infant became too fussy or disinterested to continue. If
an infant was still actively participating after all 24 distinct Ptrials had been shown,
the series of P trials was presented again in the same order.
Twenty-four infants (12 boys and 12 girls) were shown trials with the objects
slides, another 24 infants were shown trials with the faces slides, and the remaining
24 were shown trials with the kaleidoscopes slides. Each of the six stimuli chosen
from each set of slides to serve as a familiar stimulus was the designated familiar
stimulus for 2 boys and 2 girls, with the other five potential targets then serving
among the novel stimuli in P trials for those infants. For one half of the infants
shown each type of stimulus (objects, faces, kaleidoscopes), the familiar stimulus
was always presented on the right side of the screen during P trials; for the other
one half of the infants, the familiar stimulus was always presented on the left side.
The familiar stimulus was presented on the same side throughout the P trials for
any given infant so that infants could actively anticipate where the familiar and
novel stimuli would appear (see Haith, Hazen, & Goodman, 1988; Wentworth &
Haith, 1992) and thus deliberately choose to direct their attention toward one or the
other during each relatively brief P trial.
Throughout each infants series of trials, an experimenter crouched behind the
projection screen and monitored the infants visual behavior by looking through a
peephole at the bottom center of the screen. This experimenter was naive with re-
gard to the position of the familiar and novel stimuli for each session; she recorded
the duration and sequence of fixations to the left and right stimuli on each trial by
operating push-buttons connected to a computer. Trial-by-trial interobserver
reliabilities with this scoring procedure and similar-aged infants have ranged from
r = .96 to r = .99 in related studies in our laboratory (see Bushnell & Roder, 1985;
Roder, Bates, Crowell, Schilling, & Bushnell, 1992). A second experimenter also
stationed behind the projection screen operated the computer and the slide projec-
tors. The computer signaled the beginning and end of each trial, and the experi-
menter advanced the slides accordingly.
A preliminary 2 (sex) 6 (familiar stimulus) 14 (trials) analysis of variance was
conducted for each group on the durations of looking to the familiar stimulus across
the first 14 P trials, for which every infant had contributed data. These analyses
showed no effects for sex or for the stimulus chosen to serve as familiar for any of
the three stimulus types. Thus, within each stimulus type, the data were collapsed
across sex and familiar stimulus in all further analyses.
Next, the data for each infant were examined to identify when in the series of P
trials the infant began to demonstrate a systematic preference for the novel stimu-
lus. A novelty percentage was calculated for each overlapping block of three suc-
cessive P trials (e.g., for Trials 2, 3, and 4; Trials 3, 4, and 5; Trials 4, 5, and 6; etc.)
for each infant; this novelty percentage was the sum of the durations of looking to
the three novel stimuli in the block divided by the sum of the durations of looking
to both the novel and the familiar stimuli in the block. Novelty percentages were
calculated for blocks of trials rather than for individual trials to reduce variability
produced by momentary changes in state and by idiosyncratic preferences for par-
ticular stimuli. Our aim was to capture the infants online preference for generic
novelty relative to the familiar stimulus. The novelty percentages for each infant
were then examined to locate a criterial run of five consecutive overlapping
blocks each exceeding 60%, and the trial number that began this run was noted.
This point in the series of P trials was taken to be the point at which the infant had
formed a nearly complete representation of the familiar stimulus and was habitu-
ated to it. This criterion was intended to be a stringent one, unlikely to be achieved
by chance. If the probability of any one block exceeding 60% by chance is crudely
and conservatively estimated to be no greater than .5, then the probability that each
of the next four trials (for a total of five consecutive blocks) would also exceed
60% by chance is less than .05, roughly, (.5)
= .031.
Of the 24 infants in each group, 20 infants shown the objects stimuli, 17 shown
the faces stimuli, and 17 shown the kaleidoscopes stimuli evidenced a criterial run.
On average, infants who evidenced a criterial run began it at trial 8.0 (SD = 5.2)
with the objects stimuli, at trial 11.2 (SD = 7.7) with the faces stimuli, and at trial
10.2 (SD= 5.5) with the kaleidoscopes stimuli. There were 7 infants shown the ob-
jects stimuli, 2 shown the faces stimuli, and 2 shown the kaleidoscopes stimuli
who began the criterial run at the very first P trial. These data suggest that the ob-
jects stimuli were processed somewhat more quickly than the faces and kaleido-
scopes stimuli.
The behavior of the fewinfants in each group who never achieved a criterial run
toward the novel stimulus is ambiguous. It is possible that these infants were rela-
tively slow processors and never formed a sufficiently complete representation of
the familiar stimulus to be habituated to it. However, it is also possible that these
infants merely had a spontaneous attraction to the particular familiar stimulus they
were shown or a bias toward the side on which it was shown. Similarly, the infants
who began the criterial run at the first P trial may have been very fast processors
who formed an essentially complete representation of the familiar stimulus from
just the brief F trial exposure to it. Alternatively, they may have had a spontaneous
aversion to the familiar stimulus they were shown or a side bias toward the side
where the novel stimulus was shown.
In the subsequent analyses on the time course of forming a representation, both
those infants who never achieved a criterial run and those who achieved it begin-
ning at the first P trial were eliminated. One way to look at these exclusions is that
we examined data only from the infants in the most normative (for their age) por-
tions of the processing speed continuum; very fast and very slow processors were
considered outliers whose data could have unduly influenced the results of pri-
mary interest. Another way to look at the exclusions is that we examined data only
frominfants who attended to both stimuli and to both sides during the early P trials.
For each infant retained as outlined previously, we next examined the relative
preference for the familiar as compared with the novel stimulus from the first P
trial to the trial that began the criterial run; that is, over the trials during which the
infant was presumably forming a sufficient (for habituation) representation of the
familiar stimulus. Note that the number of precriterial trials involved here was dif-
ferent for each infant; it depended on when the criterial run was achieved. Thus,
this analysis was something like Cohen and Gelbers (1975) use of backward ha-
bituation curves, except that we did not then collapse the data for each precriterial
trial across infants. Instead, the total duration that each infant looked toward the fa-
miliar stimulus over the course of the precriterial trials was divided into deciles to
approximate the points at which the individual infants processing of the familiar
stimulus was 10%completed, 20%completed, 30%completed, and so forth. Next,
the duration of looking toward the novel stimulus during each of the 10 intervals
defined by fractions of attention to the familiar stimulus was noted, and a novelty
percentage for each decile was computed. This treatment of the data effectively
standardized it across infants, so that relative preferences for the familiar versus
the novel stimuli could be evaluated at proportionally equivalent points during
processing despite individual differences in processing speed. Thus, the values in
successive deciles reflect the unfolding of an infants preference for a stimulus as it
became increasingly recognizable.
The mean novelty percentages for each decile and each stimulus type are dis-
played in Table 1. Also displayed in Table 1 are two-tailed t values comparing
each decile mean with the 50% to be expected by chance. Note that except for two
deciles with the kaleidoscopes stimuli, all of the novelty percentages in Table 1 are
less than 50%, indicating a consistent preference for the familiar stimulus during
precriterial processing. This preference is especially clear with the objects and
faces stimuli, where the novelty percentages for more than half of the deciles are
significantly less than 50% in each case.
However, it should be noted that the novelty percentages for the later deciles
shown in Table 1 may favor the familiar stimulus partly because of how criterial
runs were defined. That is, for each infant, the novelty percentage for the trial
block immediately preceding the criterial run had to be 60% or less; if it were
greater than 60%, that block would have begun the criterial run (see also Cohen &
Menten, 1981). This constraint would involve a different number of deciles for
each infant, depending on how many P trials preceded the criterial run. For exam-
ple, a fewinfants achieved the criterial run after just four or five trials; for these in-
fants each decile represents only a fraction of a trial in time, and therefore, the
values in as many as the last three deciles (70% to 100%) could be artifactually
low. At the other extreme, a few infants took 20 or more trials to reach criterion;
for these infants a decile might represent several trials in time, and thus only the
latter portion of the very last decile might be affected. For most infants, all of the
values are valid except for perhaps the one in the last decile.
We also examined the different portions of each infants processing time in an-
other way. These additional analyses do not provide as complete a picture as the
deciles analyses, but they are not subject to the previously discussed constraint.
For the second set of time-course analyses, we again worked backward from the
Although the data in Tables 1 and 2 derive froma subset of the full sample of infants tested, that sub-
set includes infants who were tested with each of the six possible familiar stimuli within each stimulus
type. Hence, the familiarity preferences observed were not due to any incidental differences in stimulus
salience. Similarly, the infants representedinTables 1and2include some whosawthe familiar stimulus
on the right and some who sawit on the left. With the objects stimuli, 7 infants sawthe familiar stimulus
on the right and 6 sawit on the left; with the faces stimuli, 7 infants sawthe familiar stimulus on the right
and 8 on the left; and with the kaleidoscopes stimuli, 9 infants sawthe familiar stimulus on the right and
6 on the left.
Mean Novelty Percentages for Each Stimulus Type for Standardized Deciles of Precriterial Processing
Decile of Precriterial Processing
Stimulus Type 0%10% 10%20% 20%30% 30%40% 40%50% 50%60% 60%70% 70%80% 80%90% 90%100%
M 33.85 39.92 37.46 29.85 29.38 34.30 32.30 26.31 38.85 43.54
SD 24.30 26.62 23.44 21.98 25.27 20.70 24.84 23.21 19.57 20.65
t(12) 2.30* 3.17*** 2.82** 2.63** 2.47* 3.53*** 2.50*
M 45.31 30.25 37.50 31.56 21.38 36.00 37.63 25.19 22.06 23.13
SD 29.00 27.44 27.35 27.03 23.37 27.59 27.59 27.88 28.99 26.86
t(15) 2.79** 2.64** 4.74*** 3.45*** 3.73*** 3.87***
M 38.33 47.80 53.67 51.47 46.60 44.93 46.20 29.60 32.87 32.53
SD 28.43 29.22 22.39 21.31 30.53 30.81 22.07 30.77 27.93 28.81
2.48* 2.29* 2.26*
Note. Infants who did not achieve a criterial run or who achieved it beginning at the first preference trial are excluded from this analysis. t values are for
one-sample tests of each novelty percentage against the chance value of 50%. Probabilities are two tailed.
*p < .05. **p < .02. ***p < .01.
trial that began the criterial run for each infant. Unlike the trial just before the
criterial run, the trial that was two before the run (e.g., Trial 10 if the run began at
Trial 12) was not constrained by its definition; we therefore took the three-trial
block ending with this last pure trial to represent a late portion of each infants
processing of the familiar stimulus. We then took the block of three trials midway
between the first P trial and the trial that began the infants criterial run to represent
a middle portion of processing and the first three P trials to represent an early
portion of processing. Note that for infants who achieved the criterial run relatively
soon in the series of P trials, the trials involved in the early, middle, and late por-
tions of processing might overlap, whereas for infants who achieved the run later
in the series, the trials involved would be separated by a number of other P trials.
Thus, as with the deciles procedure, this treatment of the data identified propor-
tionally equivalent points during processing despite individual differences in pro-
cessing speed. The units of time sampled were always three-trial blocks, though,
rather than individually tailored fractions of each infants processing time as in the
deciles analyses.
The mean looking times and novelty percentages for the early, middle, and late
portions of precriterial processing for each stimulus type are displayed in Table 2.
We have also included the same measures for the very last (hence, postcriterial)
block of trials for comparison. Within each stimulus type, the novelty percentages
for each portion of processing were compared to the chance value of 50% with
two-tailed t tests. As with the decile analyses, the results of these analyses indicate
a clear preference for the familiar stimulus during precriterial processing with the
objects and the faces stimuli. This preference is evident during all three portions of
precriterial processing with the objects stimuli and during the middle and late por-
tions with the faces stimuli. With the kaleidoscopes stimuli, however, there is
again no evidence for an early preference for the familiar stimulus; instead, infants
shown these stimuli favored the novel stimulus during the early and middle trial
blocks prior to the criterial run.
The pattern of results indicated in Table 2 is also evident when the behavior of
individual infants is considered. Of the 13 infants included in the analyses for the
objects stimuli, 9, 8, and 9 of them looked longer at the familiar than at the novel
stimulus during early, middle, and late processing, respectively, and of the 15 in-
fants included for the faces stimuli, 9, 12, and 11 of them did so. For the kaleido-
scope stimuli, though, just 3, 3, and 4 of the 15 infants looked longer at the familiar
stimulus during the successive phases of precriterial processing. With all three
types of stimuli, infants generally continued to favor the novel stimulus once they
had achieved the criterial run. For instance, on the last block of trials shown to
them (well beyond the criterial runsee Table 2), 11 of the 13 infants included in
the ojects analyses, 11 of the 15 included in the faces analyses, and 12 of the 15 in-
cluded in the kaleidoscopes analyses looked longer at the novel than at the familiar
stimulus. This continued preference for the novel stimulus after the criterial run
Mean Looking Times and Novelty Percentages for Unconstrained Portions of Pre- and Postcriterial Processing
Precriterial Processing Postcriterial Processing
Early Processing Middle Processing Late Processing Final Block of Trials
Sec to
Sec to
Sec to
Sec to
Sec to
Sec to
Trials to
Sec to
Sec to
M 11.8 7.8 40.8 11.7 7.7 39.7 11.4 7.2 37.5 11.1 5.0 12.7 72.0 29.7
SD 4.2 3.6 16.2 3.7 3.4 15.4 2.7 3.6 14.4 3.6 5.0 6.3 26.3 10.1
t(12) 2.04* 2.42** 3.14*** 3.01**
M 10.2 9.7 46.5 11.7 7.1 35.3 11.3 7.8 40.0 12.5 6.4 10.2 60.5 27.6
SD 4.6 5.9 25.1 4.5 5.2 24.6 4.0 4.2 21.8 7.4 4.5 5.8 26.7 6.3
t(14) .55 2.32** 1.78 1.53
M 8.3 11.9 59.0 7.3 11.0 58.7 7.5 10.7 55.3 11.3 5.1 11.3 66.0 23.5
SD 3.2 3.2 12.8 1.6 3.9 12.0 2.2 4.8 18.0 4.9 3.9 6.7 28.4 5.3
2.73** 2.82** 1.15 2.18**
Note. Infants whodidnot achieve a criterial runor whoachievedit beginningat the first preference trial are excludedfromthese analyses. Two-tailedt tests versus 50%.
*p < .05 < p < .10. **p < .05. ***p < .01.
(where such a preference exists by definition) supports our reasoning from proba-
bilities that the run is a valid index of habituation.
The results for two of our three stimulus types indicate that over a series of
choice trials, there was a systematic preference for the familiar stimulus prior to
a robust preference for novelty. Infants shown everyday objects and those shown
infant faces both exhibited a phase of selective attention to a target stimulus that
was repeated on every trial before they ultimately shifted to exhibit a consistent
preference for a novel stimulus. These results corroborate the notion that the
time course of forming a memory representation in infancy involves an initial
familiarity preference as the representation is beginning to coalesce, followed by
a novelty preference once the representation is nearer completion. This progres-
sion had previously been inferred from results with distinct groups of infants
whose processing was interrupted after exposures of different durations (Hunter
et al., 1982; Rose et al., 1982; Wagner & Sakovits, 1986). Here however, the
progression is confirmed over the course of individual, continuing instances of
processing. That is, the same infants who preferred a given stimulus after short
exposure later favored an alternative to that same stimulus after continued expo-
sure. Thus, the sequence of preferences we observed could not have been af-
fected by any ambiguities due to individual differences or due to collapsing data
across infants.
A second interesting finding is that our results give no indication that a period
of no preference separates the preferences for familiarity and novelty. Instead, our
results show that once the familiarity preference is established for individual in-
fants, it remains fairly robust before giving way, rather abruptly, to the novelty
preference. This suggests that the random preference sometimes observed fol-
lowing the preference for familiarity in prior research (see Rose et al., 1982; Wag-
ner & Sakovits, 1986) is probably an artifact of grouping data.
The fact that a preference for familiarity precedes the preference for novelty as
infants examine visual stimuli means that the formation of memory representa-
tions is neither a linear nor an all-or-none process. At the very least, three stages
are involved; an initial neutral stage prior to any significant exposure, an interme-
diate stage corresponding to the familiarity preference, and a final stage corre-
sponding to the novelty preference. Thus, theories and simulations of infant
attention and memory will need to incorporate these distinct preferential phases.
Certainly from a utilitarian point of view, a preference for familiarity early in pro-
cessing that is eventually supplanted by a preference for novelty is an adaptive ar-
rangement. The former ensures that sufficient attention is devoted to any given
visual input for its representation in memory to be rich in detail and well consoli-
dated, whereas the latter ensures that attention is eventually released for process-
ing other stimuli. This allows information in the environment to be dealt with
comprehensively as well as serially, enabling accurate and long-term recognition
for a vast array of objects and events.
In contrast to the results with the objects and faces stimuli, the results with
the kaleidoscopes stimuli did not reveal a familiarity preference during
precriterial processing. If anything, infants shown these patterns may have pre-
ferred the novel stimulus during early and middle processing, although not ro-
bustly enough to meet our criterion. We have no compelling explanation for this
exceptional result, other than to note that the kaleidoscope stimuli differed from
the other two types in several ways. Although in some cases they differed drasti-
cally in color, they were all highly similar in configuration (i.e., all were sym-
metrical, hexagonal designs). They were also meaningless stimuli and ones with
which infants would probably have had no previous experience. Because of one
or more of these features, the kaleidoscope stimuli may have evoked more
back-and-forth comparisons (thus, less preferential responding) during process-
ing. Another possibility is that our criterion for identifying the point of habitua-
tion may have been less appropriate with these stimuli. At any rate, the
kaleidoscope results suggest that an early preference for the familiar may not ex-
ist or may not be readily tapped with every kind of visual stimuli. This qualifica-
tion imposes yet another layer of complexity on models and theories of infant
Still further complexity may stem from the matter of simultaneous versus se-
quential presentations. For some purposes, researchers have treated these two pro-
cedures as interchangeable, although others have held that the they may not tap
infants perceptual abilities with equal sensitivity. Theoretically, a simultaneous
presentation may offer a simpler task, in that infants have a choice between a fa-
miliar and a novel stimulus both of which are physically present. Sequential pre-
sentation, on the other hand, may put a greater strain on memorial resources in that
the infants comparison is between a single physically present stimulus and one
that is held in memory. Although we would expect the same pattern of preferences
in either case, it would not be surprising if the shift to preferring novelty occurred
later in the sequence with the more difficult task.
In any case, our results clearly showthat with at least some kinds of stimuli, the
very same infant may prefer either the familiar stimulus or a novel one, depending
on when in the time course of processing the choice is offered. This principal find-
ing would not affect conclusions concerning simple discrimination or memory
abilities, in which case either kind of systematic preference is logically diagnostic.
However, for conclusions regarding conceptual issues such as infants understand-
ing of objects or numerosity, our finding has important implications. Consider, for
example, studies purporting to show that infants are capable of discriminating be-
tween physically possible and impossible events (e.g., objects seemingly disap-
pearing as in Baillargeon, 1987). In these studies, greater visual interest in the
impossible event is taken as awareness that physical laws governing the natural
world have been violated. However, these studies do not take into account prefer-
ential responses in the context of familiarization time. If familiarization is brief,
we would expect a preference for whichever test event is more perceptually similar
to the habituation experience. Thus, in the Baillargeon study, preference for the
impossible event could have occurred not because of a conceptual understanding
of object permanence, but because that event more closely resembled the habitua-
tion experience. The point is that researchers relying on comparisons of visual in-
terest for disparate events must find ways to ensure that conceptual abilities can be
disambiguated from preferential responses that vary systematically as a function
of level of familiarity.
This is an attainable goal. For example, following the lead of Bogartz et al.
(1997, this issue), infants may be tested after differing periods of exposure to the
initial familiarization stimulus. Alternatively, the familiarization stimulus could
be made perceptually more similar to the possible test event for some infants and to
the impossible one for others (see Schilling, this issue). These methodological cau-
tions become even more critical when one considers the wide range of individual
processing speeds highlighted by our procedure. Even after we excluded infants
who may have been the very fastest and slowest processors, some of the remaining
infants achieved our criterion for full processing after just 4 or 5 preference trials,
whereas others of the same age continued to show interest in the familiar stimulus
for as many as 25 or more trials before achieving the criterion. Indeed, the method
employed here could provide a useful tool for assessing processing speed and
readiness to disengage under different conditions. Like infant-controlled criteria
for habituation, this method accommodates individual differences, but it does so
with repeated online checks against a novel stimulus rather than by keying on at-
tention to the familiar stimulus alone. Thus, nearly 4 decades after Fantzs (1964)
original observation, adaptations of his method may continue to hold promise for
the field of infancy.
Apreliminary report of this work was presented at the biennial meeting of the Soci-
ety for Research in Child Development in Baltimore, April 1987.
The research described was supported by Grant RO1 HD20168 from the Na-
tional Institutes of Health.
We gratefully acknowledge John Roder and Brian Driscoll for preparing soft-
ware used in the data collection and analyses. We also thank Alyce Gomez, Tamar
Springer, and Nanci Weinberger for helping to collect the data, and we thank the
families of the infants who participated in the research.
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