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Rehabilitation of Severely Worn Dentition and Partial Edentulism by Fixed and Removable Prostheses: A Clinical Report

International Journal of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry, April-June 2013;3(2):57-61

Rehabilitation of Severely Worn Dentition and Partial
Edentulism by Fixed and Removable Prostheses:
A Clinical Report
Vaibhav Deorao Kamble
The esthetic and functional rehabilitation of severely worn
dentition and partial edentulism is probably one of the most
intellectually and technically demanding tasks faced by the
restorative dentist. The severe wear of teeth and missing teeth
has multiple implications in relation to loss of anterior guidance,
reduction of vertical dimension and disfgurement of the occlusal
plane. Hence, restoring vertical dimension without compromising
occlusal, functional and esthetic requirements is utmost
essential for long-term success. This clinical report describes the
rehabilitation of patient with severely worn dentition and missing
posterior teeth using the integration of fxed and removable
prostheses. This case reports improvement in phonetics and
occlusions with esthetic enhancement by restoring suffcient
interocclusal space.
Keywor ds: Worn dentition, Partial edentulism, Vertical
dimension of occlusion, Full mouth rehabilitation, Fixed and
removable prostheses.
How to cite this article: Kamble VD. Rehabilitation of Severely
Worn Dentition and Partial Edentulism by Fixed and Removable
Prostheses: A Clinical Report. Int J Prosthodont Restor Dent
Source of support: Nil
Confict of interest: None
Some missing teeth can cause multiple biological, esthetic
and functional complications.
Due to loss of some natural
teeth, relationship between teeth in the same arch and
with the opposing dentition might be severely affected.

Further rehabilitation will be complicated due to invasive
treatment like intentional endodontics, orthodontics, crown
lengthening procedure, and alteration of vertical dimension
of occlusion (VDO).
According to cause, tooth wear can be
categorized as abrasion, erosion and attrition which occur
in combination in most clinical conditions.
The excessive
teeth wear can lead to occlusal disharmony, pulpal disorders,
compromised esthetics, mastication and speech.
It is utmost
essential to identify the factors causing excessive occlusal
wear and to analyze loss of VDO.
In many cases, VDO is
maintained by growth of alveolar bone and eruption of teeth.
Growth of alveolar bone compensates for tooth structure loss
as an adaptive mechanism in severely worn dentition. Hence,
VDO should not be modifed without vigilant approach.
Dahl et al used removable anterior occlusal device in
severe localized attrition to develop suffcient interocclusal
space for restoration.
Nowadays the adhesive resin or an
overlay splint is used.
Management of severely worn
dentition and partial edentulism is a complicated clinical
situation in terms of diffculty in achieving an esthetically
and functionally acceptable restoration as well as the cost.

Mounted study models and diagnostic mock-up can provide
valuable information for the evaluation of VDO. An occlusal
splint or provisional restoration can be useful adjunct to
confrm the patients tolerance to modifed VDO.
clinical report describes the full mouth rehabilitation of
severely worn dentition and missing posterior teeth with
integration of fxed and removable prosthesis.
A 56-year-old partially dentate male patient reported to the
Department of Prosthodontics, Government Dental College
and Hospital, Nagpur, for the treatment of severely worn
dentition and missing posterior teeth. His chief complaint
was diffculty in mastication due to attrition of anterior
teeth and absence of posterior teeth. Medical history
revealed that patient has hypertension and diabetes. Intraoral
examination revealed loss of tooth structure especially
in anterior teeth with sharp edges and craters in dentin
(Figs 1A to C). Discrepancy was found between centric
occlusion and maximum intercuspation as guided in
centric relation with bimanual manipulation technique as
described by Dawson. The periodontal examination revealed
generalized bleeding on probing. Maxillary right second
molar and mandibular left second molar were grade II mobile
with furcation involvement. The radiographic examination
included panoramic radiograph to evaluate the periodontal
health (Fig. 2). The bone resorption in the interdental
and edentulous region was found to be moderate. On the
basis of clinical and radiographic examination, the patient
was diagnosed to have excessive wear with loss of VDO
(Turners Category No. 1).
According to the prosthodontic
diagnostic index (PDI), patient was classifed as a PDI
class IV; maxillary and mandibular Kennedy class I with
insuffcient tooth structure and guarded prognosis for some
abutments and requiring re-establishment of the occlusion
with a change in the VDO.
VDO was assessed by phonetic
evaluation, interocclusal space measurement and facial
Following preprosthetic phase and oral
Vaibhav Deorao Kamble
Fig. 1A: Pretreatment view of teeth in occlusion
Fig. 1B: Maxillary occlusal (mirror) view
Fig. 1C: Mandibular occlusal view
Fig. 2: Pretreatment panoramic radiograph
prophylaxis, maxillary and mandibular impressions were
made in irreversible hydrocolloid (Neocolloid, Zhermack,
Rovigo, Italy). Diagnostic casts were fabricated from
type III gypsum product (Kalstone; Kalabhai Karson,
Mumbai, India) and mounted on a semiadjustable articulator
(Whip Mix; Model 8500, Whip Mix Corp, Louisville, USA)
with a face bow (Quick mount face bow; Model 8645,
Whip Mix Corp, Louisville, USA) and an interocclusal
record that was made with Lucia jig and polyvinyl siloxane
bite registration material (EXABITE II; GC Corp., Tokyo,
Japan). A mandibular occlusal splint was fabricated in acrylic
resin (Travelon Clear Denture Material, Dentsply India,
Gurgaon, India) with uniform occlusal contacts to permit free
horizontal movement of mandible to deprogram the muscles
completely. Patient was instructed to wear the occlusal
splint for maximum permissible hours per day for 3 months.
The occlusal splint assisted the effect of increased VDO
on the temporomandibular joint (TMJ ) and surrounding
musculature. Improvement in speech, esthetics and comfort
confirmed the patients adaptation to the new restored
VDO. The treatment plan was full mouth rehabilitation
with porcelain fused to metal restorations with crown
lengthening surgery and removable cast partial dentures
to replace missing posterior teeth. Crown lengthening of
severely worn teeth was carried out to obtain a suffcient
clinical crown length.
Increase in interocclusal space was
determined 3 mm in the anterior teeth and 1 to 2 mm in
the posterior teeth. Diagnostic wax-up was performed to
establish group function occlusion, which helps to distribute
the forces over the greatest possible area on the working side
during lateral excursions of the mandible.
Provisional fxed
restorations were fabricated using a vacuum formed matrix
(Drufolen H; Dreve Dentamid GmbH, Unna, Germany).
Maxillary and mandibular interim RPDs were fabricated to
ft with provisional restorations. The provisional restorations
were cemented with temporary luting cement (Freegenol
Temporary pack; GC Corp., Tokyo, Japan) and interim RPDs
delivered (Fig. 3). During 3 months provisional period, the
patients functions such as mastication, TMJ discomfort,
mandibular movements, muscle tenderness, speech and
swallowing were evaluated. Customized anterior guide table
was fabricated with acrylic resin (Rapid Repair; Dentsply
India, Gurgaon, India) at modifed occlusion. Final tooth
Rehabilitation of Severely Worn Dentition and Partial Edentulism by Fixed and Removable Prostheses: A Clinical Report
International Journal of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry, April-June 2013;3(2):57-61
Fig. 3: Provisional restorations and interim RPD at raised VDO
preparation was performed, and definitive impressions
were made with polyvinyl siloxane impression material
(Exafex & Examix; GC America Inc, Alisip, Illinois, USA)
by putty wash technique. Bite registration was recorded
using provisional crown and occlusal registration material
(StoneBite; Dreve Dentamid GmbH, Unna, Germany).
Porcelain fused to metal restorations were fabricated and
cemented with glass ionomer cement (GC Fuji I, GC
Corporation, Tokyo, Japan) (Figs 4 and 5). While fabricating
porcelain fused to metal restorations rest seats for maxillary
and mandibular cast partial dentures were prepared in wax
pattern. The functional impression on posterior alveolar
ridge in both arches was made with tray attached to the RPD
framework, and the altered cast was fabricated. After the
adaptation of framework and the trial of waxed-up denture,
the defnitive prostheses were fabricated and delivered with
minor occlusal adjustment in bilateral balanced occlusal
scheme in opposing RPDs (Figs 6A to C). Oral hygiene
instructions were given to the patient. Patient is being
followed up regularly and is satisfed with prostheses. There
was no complaint of any pain or discomfort in the TMJ
region during 3 years of clinical service.
Fig. 4: Cementation of PFM restorations. Maxillary occlusal
(mirror) view
Patients requiring extensive rehabilitation present with
extrusion of teeth, malpositioned teeth or periodontal
problems. Severely worn dentition is common problem
seen in the population and restorative challenge for dentists.
Excessive wear due to any reason can adversely affect the
esthetics, function and health of stomatognathic system.

The restorative dentist also confronts the emotional problems
of patients who often present with complicating conditions as
a consequence of having avoided the extensive time required
for proper rehabilitation. Thus, it is extremely important to
shorten the period of rehabilitation as much as possible and to
provide the patient with esthetic, comfortable and functional
restorations that contribute to successful treatment. This
clinical case illustrates the plausibility of removable partial
denture rehabilitation of missing posterior teeth and severely
worn dentition. Rehabilitation included a trial occlusal splint
device, provisional restorations, and defnitive restorations
were chosen. The patient was carefully evaluated for
3 to 6 months to evaluate the patients tolerance to altered
Depending on patients adaptive capacity, the
provisional restorations and period can be modifed with
careful monitoring. Integration of fxed and removable
prosthodontics can be a viable alternative of rehabilitating
patients with moderate/severe tooth wear and partial
edentulism. This approach provides a relatively simple,
noninvasive and cost-effective way to achieve improvements
in appearance and function of the dentition. This integrated
approach also provide arch stabilization, preserve the path
of insertion, maintain vertical dimension and denture-
supporting structures, enhance the esthetic appearance
and comfort of the patient, and may be used as a template
for the defnitive implant restorations. Abutment teeth are
subjected to stresses under masticatory function and at rest.
An RPD framework is designed maximize the support and
stability by multiple rests on the remaining abutment teeth
Fig. 5: Cementation of PFM restorations. Mandibular occlusal
view. Note: rest seats prepared for defnitive RPD
Vaibhav Deorao Kamble
prostheses. An implant-supported prostheses has defnitely
a lot of advantages as improved retention, stability and
support, prevents bone loss, improved esthetics but the
economical constraints and medical condition of the patient
had restrained to present treatment option. This approach
is simple and reversible and allows for controlling and
monitoring the support and stability of the abutment
teeth. The procedure described is indicated for lengthy
restorations, when the dental treatment involves complex
and extensive procedures such as surgical, periodontal
or endodontic treatments and when fxed prostheses and
removable partial prostheses are needed in the same arch.
If resorption of residual ridge progresses, restorations can
get exposed to excessive occlusal loads. In this patient,
there was collapse of VDO and need for reorganization of
occlusion. When reorganizing the occlusion, it is essential
to precede restorative procedures with a period of occlusal
device therapy to ensure that a stable maxilla-mandibular
relationship has been achieved. An occlusal device was given
to the patient to ensure his accommodation to increased
VDO. A multidisciplinary approach was taken to rehabilitate
the patients mutilated dentition in an organized way. The
successful integration of fxed and removable prosthodontics
has resulted in accurately ftting, esthetic and functionally
effcient prostheses. Because the compliance of patients in
wearing free-end saddle dentures has been shown to be poor,
the education on wearing RPD is necessary.
Regular recall
and maintenance visits are therefore essential to ensure the
long-term success of RPDs.
In this clinical report, raising VDO using provisional
prosthetic phase based on accurate diagnosis showed
successful rehabilitation for severely worn dentition and
partial edentulism and subsequently improved the patients
esthetics and oral function, and established favorable plane
of occlusion. In patients with limited fnances, low esthetic
concerns, or medical limitations, this may be a viable or often
the only treatment option. Irrespective of the aforementioned
factors, all patients with severely worn dentition with
decreased VDO and missing teeth should be presented with
this treatment option.
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Rehabilitation of Severely Worn Dentition and Partial Edentulism by Fixed and Removable Prostheses: A Clinical Report
International Journal of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry, April-June 2013;3(2):57-61
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Vaibhav Deorao Kamble
Senior Lecturer, Department of Prosthodontics, VSPMs Dental
College and Research Centre, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India, Phone:
9561381468, e-mail:

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