This document discusses the tension between human welfare and biological conservation. It reviews research integrating social, economic, and biological concerns into conservation approaches like ecosystem services and community-based conservation. While progress has been made, more work is needed to address conservation's most pressing problems. The authors conclude conservation must (1) integrate more sophisticated social scholarship, (2) be informed by detailed understanding of costs and benefits across space/time/society with equitable cost distribution, and (3) acknowledge social concerns accompanying biodiversity conservation and sometimes argue for conservation solely for biodiversity's sake rather than direct human benefits.
This document discusses the tension between human welfare and biological conservation. It reviews research integrating social, economic, and biological concerns into conservation approaches like ecosystem services and community-based conservation. While progress has been made, more work is needed to address conservation's most pressing problems. The authors conclude conservation must (1) integrate more sophisticated social scholarship, (2) be informed by detailed understanding of costs and benefits across space/time/society with equitable cost distribution, and (3) acknowledge social concerns accompanying biodiversity conservation and sometimes argue for conservation solely for biodiversity's sake rather than direct human benefits.
This document discusses the tension between human welfare and biological conservation. It reviews research integrating social, economic, and biological concerns into conservation approaches like ecosystem services and community-based conservation. While progress has been made, more work is needed to address conservation's most pressing problems. The authors conclude conservation must (1) integrate more sophisticated social scholarship, (2) be informed by detailed understanding of costs and benefits across space/time/society with equitable cost distribution, and (3) acknowledge social concerns accompanying biodiversity conservation and sometimes argue for conservation solely for biodiversity's sake rather than direct human benefits.
This document discusses the tension between human welfare and biological conservation. It reviews research integrating social, economic, and biological concerns into conservation approaches like ecosystem services and community-based conservation. While progress has been made, more work is needed to address conservation's most pressing problems. The authors conclude conservation must (1) integrate more sophisticated social scholarship, (2) be informed by detailed understanding of costs and benefits across space/time/society with equitable cost distribution, and (3) acknowledge social concerns accompanying biodiversity conservation and sometimes argue for conservation solely for biodiversity's sake rather than direct human benefits.
When Agendas Collide: Human Welfare and Biological
Conservation KAI M. A. CHAN,
Department of Biological Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, U.S.A.
Woods Institute for the Environment, Stanford University; E501 Encina Hall, Stanford, CA 94305-6055, U.S.A. Abstract: Conservation should benefit ecosystems, nonhuman organisms, and current and future human beings. Nevertheless, tension among these goals engenders potential ethical conflicts: conservationists true motivations may differ from the justifications they offer for their activities, and conservation projects have the potential to disempower and oppress people. We reviewed the promise and deficiencies of integrating social, economic, and biological concerns into conservation, focusing on research in ecosystem services and efforts in community-based conservation. Despite much progress, neither paradigm provides a silver bullet for conservations most pressing problems, and both require additional thought and modification to become maximally effective. We conclude that the following strategies are needed to make conservation more effective in our human-dominated world. (1) Conservation research needs to integrate with social scholarship in a more sophisticated manner. (2) Conservation must be informed by a detailed understanding of the spatial, temporal, and social distributions of costs and benefits of conservation efforts. Strategies should reflect this understanding, particularly by equitably distributing conservations costs. (3) We must better acknowledge the social concerns that accompany biodiversity conservation; accordingly, sometimes we must argue for conservation for biodiversitys sake, not for its direct human benefits. Keywords: community-based conservation, distribution of costs and benefits, ecosystem services, ethics, local communities, mediation, poverty, transdisciplinarity Cuando las Agendas Chocan: Bienestar Humano y Conservaci on Biol ogica Resumen: La conservaci on debera beneficiar a los ecosistemas, a los organismos no humanos y a los seres humanos actuales y futuros. Sin embargo, las tensiones entre estas metas engendran potenciales conflictos eticos: las verdaderas motivaciones de los conservacionistas pueden diferir de las justificaciones que ofrecen por sus actividades, y los proyectos de conservaci on tienen el potencial de reducir facultades y oprimir a la gente. Revisamos la promisi on y deficiencias de la integraci on de aspectos sociales, econ omicos y biol ogicos a la conservaci on, de la concentraci on de la investigaci on en los servicios ecosistemicos y los esfuerzos de la conservaci on basada en comunidades. A pesar de muchos progresos, ning un paradigma proporciona una soluci on directa a los problemas m as apremiantes de la conservaci on, y ambos requieren de reflexiones y modificaciones adicionales para ser afectivos al m aximo. Concluimos que se requieren las siguientes estrate- gias para que la conservaci on sea m as efectiva en un mundo dominado por humanos. (1) La investigaci on en conservaci on necesita integrar aspectos sociales de manera m as sofisticada. (2) La conservaci on debe ser Current address: Institute for Resources, Environment & Sustainability, University of British Columbia, 438 AERL, 2202 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada, email Current address: Nicholas School for the Environment, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708, U.S.A. Paper submitted November 27, 2005; revised manuscript accepted June 8, 2006. 59 Conservation Biology Volume 21, No. 1, 5968 C 2007 Society for Conservation Biology DOI: 10.1111/j.1523-1739.2006.00570.x 60 Human Welfare and Conservation Chan et al. informada por el entendimiento detallado de la distribuci on espacial, temporal y social de los costos y ben- eficios de los esfuerzos de conservaci on. Las estrategias deben reflejar este entendimiento, particularmente mediante la distribuci on equitativa de los costos de conservaci on. (3) Debemos mejorar el reconocimiento de las preocupaciones sociales que acompa nan a la conservaci on de la biodiversidad; consecuentemente, algunas veces debemos argumentar por la conservaci on en favor de la biodiversidad, no por sus beneficios directos para los humanos. Palabras Clave: comunidades locales, conservaci onbasada encomunidades, distribuci onde costos y beneficios, etica, mediaci on, pobreza, servicios ecosist emicos, transdiciplinariedad Introduction The crux of conservation is the relationship between peo- ple and the landscapes that house biodiversity, and the appropriate nature of that relationship has been debated at length within the conservation community (Karanth & Madhusudan 1997; Saberwal 1997; Redford & Sander- son 2000; Schwartzman et al. 2000). Recently, Chapin (2004) has questioned whether international conserva- tion organizations are dealing ethically with local people and with their corporate donors, while Nature (Nature 2005) has editorialized that certain tropical conservation groups are becoming too cozy with despotic regimes. Per- ceived conflicts between conservation and human wel- fare have alienated potential allies by engendering the sentiment that conservationists are unconcerned with peoples problems or are using people only to further other ends. Although it is possible to debate the depth and extent of these conflicts, the mere perception of conflictregardless of its originhas crucial implica- tions for the success of conservation and must be ad- dressed. Many members of the public see environmentalists as misanthropes, pursuing largely biocentric ends (Shel- lenberger & Nordhaus 2004). Controversies such as the jobs-versus-owls showdown in the U.S. Pacific North- west have left communities near areas of conservation concern resentful of environmentalists (Satterfield 2002). Likewise, there are both pro-growth conservatives (Beck- erman 1995) and pro-welfare liberals (Rosenberg 2004) who see environmentalists as throwing up barriers to progress and livelihoods, respectively. What and where are the convergences between conservation and human well-being, andwhat andwhere are the divergences? How should conservationists respond to convergences and di- vergences, given that every conservation initiative will involve both? We briefly review the ethics of conservation and then discuss the extent of convergence or conflict between the needs of people and of biodiversity. We focus primar- ily on the following question: How can researchers help practitioners conserve biodiversity in light of the trade- offs between needs? Justifying Conservation in a World of Human Needs Some environmental ethicists have persuasively justified conservation based on concern for nonhuman organisms (e.g., Singer 1993; Rolston 1995; Varner 1998). How- ever, many projects also promise economic dividends (Daily & Ellison 2002), and conservationists have in- creasingly made use of that promise in promoting their efforts. Research on the links between natural ecosys- tems and human welfare has demonstrated that many conservation projects will benefit humanity (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 2005). Such winwin scenarios in which conservation and economic growth are clearly coupledhave become the holy grail of conservation bi- ology (Rosenzweig 2003). Nevertheless, these benefits are often difficult to identify, slow to materialize, dif- fuse, or discouraged by high transaction costs. Moreover, the benefits may accrue only to certain sectors of soci- ety, such as local political elites or geographically remote firms, while shutting out some local stakeholders whose actions may ultimately determine the fate of the land- scape. Most importantly, it usually takes years for the long- term benefits of conservation to outweigh the short-term costs, whereas much shorter time horizons hold sway in economics, politics, and peoples day-to-day decisions. Thus, even the rosiest winwin conservation scenario will have detractors and opponents. The remaining ques- tion is not whether to pursue conservationwe must. Rather the question is how to achieve conservation given that economics is more likely than ecology to inform policy and that the same ethics that justify conservation also demand that we be mindful of poverty and associ- ated human suffering (e.g., Singer 1993, 1999). There can be no universal prescription for how to make conserva- tion work and no panacea for conflicts between conser- vation and human interests. Nevertheless, there can be a standard set of issues for conservationists to keep in mind. We considered two areas of research and activity that have beenapproachedenthusiastically inrecent years and that illustrate the promise and deficiencies of explicitly integrating social, economic, and biological concerns in conservation planning. Conservation Biology Volume 21, No. 1, February 2007 Chan et al. Human Welfare and Conservation 61 Insight from Research on Ecosystem Services Nature provides a set of benefits to human populations that have broadly been labeled ecosystem services (Daily 1997; Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 2003, 2005). Ecosystem services are supplied by natural and seminat- ural systems and fall into four categories: production of goods, provision of life-support processes (e.g., water pu- rification, crop pollination), provision of life-fulfilling pro- cesses (e.g., aesthetic cultural, and scientific inspiration), and preservation of future options regarding presently unrecognized values (Daily et al. 2000). Although a conservation paradigm rooted in the con- cept of ecosystem services appeals to many in both sci- entific and nonscientific communities (Economist 2005), some conservationists have expressed concern that a purely anthropocentric approach will be insufficient to protect biodiversity (e.g., Myers 1997; Redford&Sanjayan 2003). It is generally unclear which elements of biodiver- sity are critical for service provisionwill an ecosystem- service-oriented approach value functionally redundant species only as insurance against risk to other species? The designation of biodiversity itself as providing life- fulfilling ecosystem services partly sidesteps this prob- lem. If biodiversity can be valued inherently in this way, incorporating ecosystemservices into conservation agen- das becomes less a paradigm switch than a shift or expan- sion. The real test, however, of whether an ecosystem service will facilitate conservation is not whether aca- demics can valuate it, but whether someoneor some organizationis able and willing to do what is necessary to secure it. Western conservationists are clearly more willing and able to pay for biodiversity conservation than, say, African peasants (who may be willing but unable; Pringle 2005) and multinational corporations (which may be able but unwilling; Revkin 2005). Furthermore, biodiversity protection per se is subject to compromise in managing the whole portfolio of ser- vices because it is impossible to maximize imperfectly correlated goals simultaneously. And the life-fulfilling ben- efits arising from biodiversity are imperfectly correlated with other ecosystem services: although some minimum level of biodiversity is required for ecosystem function, the relationship is variable and context dependent (Kre- men 2005; Srivastava & Vellend 2005). Some lines of ev- idence suggest a plateau of certain ecosystem functions and services at intermediate levels of biodiversity (Loreau et al. 2001; Bell et al. 2005), whereas other evidence sug- gests that species losses may considerably impair the pro- vision of services (Ostfeld &LoGiudice 2003; Sekercioglu et al. 2004; Zavaleta & Hulvey 2004; Larsen et al. 2005; Lyons et al. 2005). This imperfect relationship is exac- erbated because non-native species often perform cer- tain services better than native species. For example, fast- growing non-native eucalypts may be ideal for forestry or carbon sequestration but minimally useful in biodiversity protection (Myers 1984). In other cases the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem services will pit the interests of current and future people against one another. For example, cur- rent North American farming practices assume that Eu- ropean honeybees (Apis mellifera) are more economical crop pollinators than a suite of indigenous insects (Kre- men et al. 2002). But preferential use of A. mellifera as a lone pollinator today may jeopardize future crop pol- lination because of susceptibility to disease and invasive species (USDA-NASS 2000). In the mid- or long-term, con- servation of the native bee community might best assure the continuity of the pollination service (Kremen et al. 2002). To understand the practical significance of incongru- ence between the interests of contemporary human be- ings, future generations, and nonhuman organisms, we must understand how conservation projects are likely to pay off in terms of human welfare. Two problems con- found the evaluation of social impacts of conservation projects, however. First, the costs and benefits of con- servation are not evenly spread over all peoples, places, and times. The winners might be distant in space and time from the losers, necessitating analyses at multiple scales. For example, the benefits of conserving a Mada- gascar forest were estimated to accrue at both global and local scales, but witha significant opportunity cost of fore- gone logging concessions for the national government (Kremen et al. 2000). More generally, Balmford and Whit- ten (2003) argue that future generations and the global community typically benefit most from tropical conser- vation, whereas local communities and nations bear the costs. Conservation efforts intended to dissipate develop- ment or resource extraction pressures necessarily entail costs to those local people who rely on such activities (Gadgil & Guha 1993; Salafsky et al. 2001). Second, it is likely that impacts that are damped lo- cally will simply shift to another location. Mayer et al. (2005) allege that forest protection in China and Finland has shifted logging pressure to Russia. Unfortunately, the areas least able to institute successful conservation pro- grams are often the most susceptible to degradation re- sulting from successful conservation actions elsewhere (Gadgil & Guha 1993). The knowledge that will allow resolution of these dilemmas has been slowin building. Research on the ben- efits of conservation has generally been conducted sep- arately from research on the negative impacts, and each strand suffers frombiases and limitations. Nearly a quarter century of work has explored the implications of the har- vest of nontimber forest products (NTFPs) for forest con- servation, but recent reviews highlight the many uncer- tainties that impede effective management and policy de- velopment. It is difficult to determine sustainable harvest Conservation Biology Volume 21, No. 1, February 2007 62 Human Welfare and Conservation Chan et al. levels and manage extraction even of well-known prod- ucts such as the Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa Humb. & Bonpl.) (Boot & Gullison 1995). The long-term impacts of NTFP harvest on ecosystem-level processes are also poorly understood (Ticktin 2004). Moreover, the eco- nomic potential of NTFPs is highly context dependent (Arnold&Ruz-P erez 2001; Belcher et al. 2005). Divergent outcomesboth ecological and economicstem from complex interactions among the development of mar- kets for NTFPs, the method and level of extraction, and the household economic strategies of harvesters (Crook & Clapp 1998; Arnold & Ruz-P erez 2001; Belcher et al. 2005). Aside from the special case of NTFPs, quantitative anal- ysis of conservation benefits has typically been the arena of ecosystem-services research, which is in its infancy despite a dramatic recent expansion. Most studies focus on a single service (Turner et al. 2003) and suffer from the linked problems of inappropriate methods and in- adequate context-specific data, which limits relevance to public policy (1998. Special section: forum on valu- ation of ecosystem services. Ecological Economics 25:1 136; Ludwig 2000; Xue & Tisdell 2001; Balmford et al. 2002). A cynical interpretation of the ecosystem-service liter- ature (McCauley 2006) would be a scramble to illustrate instances of mutual gain for people and biodiversity. True, most valuation studies in the ecological literature have emphasized considerable overlap between nature con- servation and the supply of services (Kremen et al. 2000, 2004; Xue & Tisdell 2001; Mols & Visser 2002; Knowler et al. 2003; Ricketts 2004; Ricketts et al. 2004), but this re- flects the need for proofs-of-concept before ivory-tower ideas can take root on the ground. That said, the degree of overlap depends on the scale of biodiversity protection. In many of the above analyses, there are scales of and approaches to land management that would benefit bio- diversity but may not be justified by service values alone (see also Xu et al. 2003; Hietala-Koivu et al. 2004). Conversely, studies documenting the social costs of conservation suffer fromtheir own biases and limitations. Such research (particularly in the developing world) has traditionally been the province of anthropologists, his- torians, and geographers and has tended to overempha- size socioeconomic injustices associated with conserva- tion projects (e.g., Leach &Mearns 1996; Neumann 1998; Sundberg 1998; Brockington 2002) with minimal con- sideration of potential or realized mutual benefits. This perspective is understandable: these scholars are filling a niche left vacant by conservationists who have typically ignored the unpleasant aspects of nature protection. We need a better, integrated accounting of the benefits and costs of nature conservation, which will probably only occur when teams of natural and social scientists work together. Finally, three key market failures continue to prevent Adam Smiths invisible hand from favoring an efficient al- locationof resources toconservationinitiatives (Balmford et al. 2002). As a result conservation efforts that really are winwin(inthe aggregate) may nevertheless be popularly perceived as beneficial only for biodiversity. First, deci- sion makers have imperfect information regarding ecosys- tem services and their value. The disaster-mitigation ser- vice of coastal mangroves was revealed widely only after the crushing tsunami of 26 December 2004 (Danielsen et al. 2005). Second, there are often considerable posi- tive externalities of conservation (impacts that have no market value), whereas landscape conversionwith its negative externalitiesoften yields immediate, tangible economic rewards (Balmford et al. 2002). The disaster- mitigation service of mangroves has no economic market, whereas the conversion of such mangroves to shrimp la- goons yields substantial private benefits. Third, there are many intervention failures (e.g., perverse subsidies, es- pecially in agriculture, fisheries, and forestry; Myers & Kent 2001) that artificially enhance the private benefits of conversion. Thus, a fuller characterization of ecosystem services might provide incentive for individuals, businesses, and governments to internalize long-term and diffuse bene- fits and to foster nature conservation as part of a diverse portfolio of strategies. But a detailed understanding of the benefits of conservation will only guide policy in conjunc- tion with an equally detailed understanding of the costs, and it is likely that even a comprehensive assessment of conservations positive externalities will not ensure the preservation of biological diversity to the extent that most conservationists desire. Insight from Community-Based Conservation Efforts Another focus of conservation activity at the interface of nature and society has been in community-based conser- vation. Such projects attempt to win support for conser- vation from local people by ceding management author- ity, ownership, or economic benefits of those resources to those people (Western & Wright 1994). Early enthu- siasm for community-based conservation has declined in the face of mixed results (Berkes 2004), with critiques emanating from both social and biological perspectives. Community-based conservation projects have occasion- ally failed socially because local people bore an inordinate share of the costs associated with conservation of a re- source and received an inadequate share of the authority andbenefits (Songorwa et al. 2000; Salafsky et al. 2001). In other cases the model has not provided adequate protec- tion to the resources themselves (Barrett &Arcese 1995). Barrett et al. (2001) suggest that community-based con- servation is most effective when resource access is re- stricted by strong local systems. This is undoubtedly true Conservation Biology Volume 21, No. 1, February 2007 Chan et al. Human Welfare and Conservation 63 from the perspective of nature, if not necessarily that of people, and there are successes on record (Dinerstein et al. 1999). Nevertheless, the same institutions that provide the necessary strong local control of threatened resources are also vulnerable to corruption and exploitation, as when local elites monopolize the flow of benefits into the community (Homer-Dixon 1999). Zimbabwes CAMP- FIRE program, cited by some as an example of success- ful community-based conservation (Getz et al. 1999), has been roundly criticized by some social scientists noting widespread local disenchantment with both the program and the local officials administering it (Alexander & Mc- Gregor 2003). In many of these cases history has obstructed community-based conservation projects. For example, Good Neighborliness programs sponsored by the Tan- zania National Parks have failed because of distrust and miscommunication, fueled by collective memories of colonial abuses, between local Maasai and conservation groups (Igoe 2003). The portrayal of conservation as cul- tural imperialism, although rebutted by Terborgh and van Schaik (2002) on ethical grounds, nonetheless re- mains a practical problem in areas where the coercive hand of the state has blurred the line between colonial and postcolonial regimes. Many protected areas in for- mer colonies were gazetted by Europeans and essentially for Europeans (Anderson & Grove 1987), whereas oth- ers were established in the aftermath of independence with the explicit aim of enticing wealthy international tourists. Community-based projects aim to counter these exclusionary models and emphasize the local benefits of conservation (Salafsky & Wollenberg 2000). But rural in- habitants may nevertheless perceive these processes as parallela coercive partitioning of space that privileges the interests of foreign elitesdespite whatever bene- fits they might derive from that partitioning (Neumann 2001). Terborgh and van Schaiks (2002) contention that just compensation, transparency, and public account- ability will prevent the repetition of past injustices is probably correct, but only if these principles are brought out of abstraction and applied as an integral part of every new conservation plan. Community-based conservation research offers in- sights into promotion of conservation from the bottom up (Jones & Murphree 2004). But we can only expect such projects to yield sustainable gains for biodiversity if the gains for people are linked and are themselves sus- tainable (Salafsky et al. 2001). Dealing with Conflict Merely recognizing that biological conservation and hu- man welfare are both ethical imperatives and that they are (imperfectly) interlinked will not solve any problems. Efforts to design globally applicable strategies, when a patchwork of locally and regionally tailored approaches is required, also will fall short. Nevertheless, we suggest some ways in which conservation researchers can help guide effective conservation policy. Broad Engagement with Social Issues and Social Scholarship When conservation biologists presume to prescribe or demand policies based only on biological considerations, it suggests indifference to human concerns. Although bio- logical concerns ought sometimes to overrule social con- cerns in matters of public policy, they should do so only if the respective impacts have been considered carefully. Earnest efforts to understand the concerns of people and institutions relevant to areas of conservation signifi- cance will require earnest efforts to work with social sci- entists in addition to local communities. Calls for trans- disciplinary work in conservation (e.g., Daily & Ehrlich 1999; Mascia et al. 2003; Max-Neef 2005) have been in fashion for some time, and they have yielded some im- portant advances, particularly when the collaborations have been between ecologists and economists. In par- ticular, integrated ecological-economic models have pro- duced new insights into the relationship between eco- logical function and economic benefit (Guo et al. 2000; Costanza et al. 2002; Nalle et al. 2004; Polasky et al. 2005). Conservation biologists have collaborated much more rarely with cultural anthropologists, human geogra- phers, or social historians. This is a shame because these are the scholars who can best inform conservationists about the social and cultural implications of conservation work. They also can provide clarity about the sometimes- controversial methods (such as consensus building and argument-based models) used to manage the conflict of- ten associated with conservation efforts (Peterson et al. 2005, 2006; Leach 2006). We suspect that the divergent philosophies and research styles of these disciplines have obstructed collaboration: for example, the epistemologi- cal challenges to objectivity commonly raised in the social science literature alarm many natural scientists (Guyer & Richards 1996). Perhaps contrary to common sentiment among natural scientists, so-called relativist scholarship may offer unex- pected and useful insights (Ludwig 2001). Social scien- tists have repeatedly pointed out that a particular set of facts may be socially constructed and interpreted in in- numerable ways, a lesson that has implications for how researchers relate to people. Because academic science cannot lay sole claim to truth, researchers should demon- strate humility and respect and cultivate an attitude of mutual learning. Western tropical conservation biologists in particular would do well to recognize the plurality of knowledge systems across cultures (Robertson & Hull Conservation Biology Volume 21, No. 1, February 2007 64 Human Welfare and Conservation Chan et al. 2001; Pedynowski 2003) and that their relative wealth and education often creates a power imbalance between them and the people they work among (Foucault 1980; Song & MGonigle 2001). Obviously, many tropical conservation biologists have arrived at organic and highly functional understandings of the social and political contexts in which they work. Others apparently have not (Chapin 2004). In any case efforts to break down disciplinary boundaries (Ludwig et al. 2001) will achieve important advances in communi- cation, both within academic culture and across global cultures. Spatial, Temporal, and Social Distributions of Costs and Benefits Conservation biologists are aware of the importance of determining the biological benefits of a prospective con- servation effort. Hence we have seen biodiversity inven- tories (Kremen et al. 1994), biodiversity hotspots (My- ers et al. 2000) and coldspots (Kareiva & Marvier 2003), priority ecoregions (Olson et al. 2001), and optimal re- serve design (Meir et al. 2004), among other approaches. Whereas most conservationbiologists nowappreciate the need to work with society, methods for characterizing hu- man costs and benefits are considerably more primitive (National Research Council 2005). This problemrequires investments in effort and technology similar in scope to those that have been applied to the biological facets of conservation planning, with a focus on the distributional complexities. The long-term prospects of conservation efforts are likely to be determined not just by the aggregate costs and benefits, but also by their distribution across time and space (e.g., Kremen et al. 2000; Balmford et al. 2002; Hanley et al. 2003). Economic analyses frequently assume distributional issues will be corrected after efficiency has been maximized (Sen 1999), but we suggest otherwise. When attempting to establish a conservation or restora- tion project in an impoverished place, we need a detailed understanding of the distribution of impacts to ensure ef- fectiveness, equity, and sustainability (Costanza & Folke 1997). For example, which individual(s) will receive the lions share of revenue from the proposed project, and which other individuals should we therefore strive to see employed in some conservation-related capacity? Pre- cisely where is conflict over restricted access to fuelwood likely to arise? Exactly how much time will it take before watershed benefits from forest restoration begin to make themselves felt? Better questions will enable better solu- tions. If village X will suffer most from restricted access to fuelwood, a development organization should be en- gaged to help ensure an adequate supply of power there. If it will take 5 years for a watershed restoration project to provide positive benefits, community Y should be pro- vided with 5 years of compensatory alternatives. Conservation biologists should consider how the pri- vate costs stemming from conservation initiatives vary with socioeconomic stratum and adjust their proposals accordingly. Balmford et al. (2002) note that the result of landscape conversion is often short-term private gain, but it is also true that there are many people eking out an existence by means of such gains. The humanitarian implications of conservation projects that obstruct these private gains are presumably different if the bearer is a subsistence farmer as opposed to an executive in a large corporation (and failure to recognize this difference is already causing consternation among antipoverty advo- cates: GRAIN 2005; Lovera 2005). A fuller accounting of the distribution of costs and benefits will reveal when and where solutions for societal gain would incur dev- astating private losses, and thus when, where, and how policy reform for global gain should be accompanied by compensation of private loss. Project Justification The recognition that conservation is proceeding too slowly and that people are loss-averse (Arrow 1965; Tver- sky & Kahneman 1986) has led many to reframe con- servation. We hear less about undoing human damage to nature and more about salvaging nature for economic reasons (Balmford et al. 2002). This is an appropriate tac- tic in many situationsparticularly where relative wealth and stability allow people to pay and to plan for distant time horizonsand will do much to foster new conser- vation partnerships in coming years. Wherever clearcut winwin scenarios can be identified, they should obvi- ously be pursued doggedly and the results publicized. Such happy coincidences will do much to extinguish the notion that there cannot be environmental stewardship alongside economic growth and welfare. Nevertheless, we must guard against the assumption that economics can single-handedly rescue conservation. To assume this would be to believe (in the face of contrary evidence) that market forces would always favor conser- vation. Alternatively, we must satisfy ourselves that bio- diversity that cannot survive in the marketplace is not worth conserving. Goods, services, and their providers get bought and sold. They also get discontinued, become obsolete, compete with one another, and go bankrupt (Janzen2001). Markets andtechnology are unpredictable, and they are therefore fickle friends for conservation, which typically seeks to provide biodiversity protection in perpetuity. If we argue, or even imply, that native bees are important because they provide pollination services to coffee farmers, what do we say about bees that be- come obsolete when coffee prices bottomout and coffee farmers become pineapple farmers? What is our plan for Conservation Biology Volume 21, No. 1, February 2007 Chan et al. Human Welfare and Conservation 65 conserving water sheds after technology delivers com- petitively superior filtration and purification? Internaliz- ing externalities and harnessing market forces may buy biodiversity some time, but we should not expect this alone to deliver protection in perpetuity. If a conservation project seems essential for biodiver- sity, how then should conservation biologists build sup- port for it? The first task is to assess whether the eco- nomic or public-health payoffs are likely to be high and sustainable. If they are, then that unit of conservation can be marketed as a number of thingsas a venture in capitalism, as a civic or government responsibility, or as a humanitarian necessityand the appropriate partners solicited (private landowners, local people or their gov- ernments, and international aid or development organi- zations, respectively). If they are not, then it is unwise to promise or even imply the possibility of economic re- turns. There have been cases in the developing world in which conservation programs offered returns that did not materialize (at least on locally relevant timelines), re- sulting in disillusionment and a popular backlash against nature (e.g., Alexander & McGregor 2003). Without the promise of economic returns, we then have conservation for biodiversitys sake, funded by conservation-minded philanthropists and enforced by laws (as far as ethical and practicable). In these cases by all means invite peo- ple in; encourage domestic ecotourism and bioliteracy to nurture biophilic impulses and a sense of pride in the landscape (Wilson 1984; Janzen 2001); and facilitate lo- cal livelihoods by employing local people (e.g., Sheil & Lawrence 2004). But do not expect or wait for people who are not first and foremost conservationists to make the initial capital investment in conservation. Conclusions In the discussion about conservation practice, the cate- gory people has little meaning and must be disaggre- gated. Failure to do so renders debate about the relation- ship between conservation and human concerns sterile at best. We cannot argue issues such as people versus parks (Schwartzman et al. 2000) without asking, Which people? What parks? This point may at first seemobvious. But if it is, one would never know it from browsing the conservation biology literature, where the terms indige- nous peoples, landowners, and the public are regularly encountered, monolithic, and without context. The challenges we pose to conservation biologists (and practitioners) are as follows. Obviously, there is a need to analyze and explain biodiversity and to ask how the char- acterization and internalization of ecosystemservices can generate revenue for conservation. For these efforts to re- sult in widespread and lasting conservation, however, in- vestigators must answer this question with some nuance and with reference to time, space, and socioeconomic conditions. Every project with winners might have losers. Can those losers be identified and their responses antic- ipated? Can that conflict be preemptively defused? Can conflict and harmony be mapped, as can slope and vege- tation, as data layers in geographical information systems, to design better mitigation strategies? Conservation biologists must also become more adept at bridging disciplinary divides and consulting the social science literature for insights about how to design cultur- ally, politically, and socioeconomically appropriate con- servation plans. When possible we should solicitand heedthe advice not only of economists and legal schol- ars, but also of psychologists, ethicists, anthropologists, and geographers. We must embrace unrealized allies in the business and development communities by develop- ing nontechnical planning tools that can be used by non- conservation partners to integrate conservation priorities into their projects. The added time and complexity of in- tegrating these other perspectives introduces an undeni- able trade-off such that integration might appear to be a luxury we cannot afford. 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L96 - Lazos-Chavero E., Zinda J., Et. Al. (2016) Stakeholders and Tropical Reforestation-Challenges, Trade-Offs, and Strategies in Dynamic Environments.-Annotated