Ask and It Is Given
Ask and It Is Given
Ask and It Is Given
For those unfamiliar, Ask and It Is Givenis a book written by Esther and Jerry Hicks who
the wisdom of a group of beings from another dimension who are collectively called Abraham!"
If you#re like me, that freaks you out a bit! $%
&aybe it#s my 'atholic upbringing or a lack of imagination, but I still get a little uncomfortable
with the idea that people channel other beings! In any case, this book rocks! If you haven#t read
it yet, I recommend you get it! If it#s been awhile since you read it, I think it might be time for
a re(read)
*he book is one big +uote! It#s pretty much *he ,ible for the -aw of Attraction and .with *he
/cience of Getting 0ich.see my 1oteson that as well%% the foundation of *he /ecret!
I#d pretty much have to copy2paste the book to share all the goodness in it! Alas, that#s not the
point of these notes3 so, I#m going to bring you some of my favorite big ideas and trust you#ll
en4oy them)
.And, of course, much more importantly, I trust you#ll live the ideas the resonate with you)%
*HE -A5 6F A**0A'*I61
Every thought vibrates, every thought radiates a signal, and every thought attracts a matching
signal back! 5e call that process the -aw of Attraction! *he -aw of Attraction says$ *hat which
is like unto itself is drawn! And so, you might see the powerful -aw of Attraction as a sort of
7niversal &anager that sees to it that all thoughts that match one another line up!"
*hat#s the best definition of *he -aw of Attraction I#ve read!
.-ike I said, this book is pretty much *he ,ible for *he -aw of Attraction! $%
In the book, Esther and Jerry compare *he -aw of Attraction to tuning a radio! 8ou want to
listen to something on 9:;!<F&= 8ou don#t e>pect to hear it if your radio#s set to ?@!< do you=
course not! *he radio waves of one fre+uency can only be received by a matching tuner, right=
/ame thing in the real" world!
If you want to receive love and abundance in your life, you need to set your tuner to the same
vibrational fre+uency as love and abundance, no=
*o put it bluntly$ If you#re a 4erk, do you e>pect to receive an overwhelming abundance of love in
your life= It#s I&A6//I,-E! 8ou#re putting out all kinds of 4erk" energy and that#s pretty much
what you#ll get back!
I can see it in my own life and I#m sure you can, too! -et#s take the most mundane e>ample$ I#m
calling customer service for something! 1ow, I can be an impatient, angry 4erk and guess what=
Ask and It Is Given
-earning to &aster 8our Besires
,8 E/*HE0 A1B JE008 HI'C/ D HA8 H67/E E ;::F D G9F AAGE/
*he -aw of Attraction
*une in, baby)
A Hisionary
I create my reality!
Emotional Fuel Gauges
/ource Energy Full or E"=)
8our 1ew Job
8ou#re hired) 9st Iuestion$ 5hat do
you want=)="
'an 8ou Imagine=
6f course you can!
*icket to /ource Energy!
;; Arocesses
-ive the -aw of Attraction!
/egment Intending
5hat do you intend=)=
It#s your show))
9 Ahilosophers1otes J Ask and It Is Given
It is our desire that you
become one who is happy
with that which you are
and with that which you
haveKwhile at the same
time being eager for more!
*hat is the optimal creative
vantage point$ *o stand on
the brink of what is coming,
feeling eager, optimistic
anticipationKwith no feelings
of impatience, doubt, or
unworthiness hindering
the receiving of itKthat is
the /cience of Beliberate
'reation at its best!"
L Esther and Jerry Hicks
If the conversation is long enough, typically even the nicest customer service agent will respond
in kind!
6n the other hand, I can think about how grateful I am that I live in a world that even allows me
to have the problem" for which I#m seeking support and call with an energy of gratitude and
eagerness to light this person#s day up! 5hat happens= I have a great little e>change with the
agent and we both get off the phone with a smile!
5hy is that=
Esther and Jerry would tell you it#s *he -aw of Attraction! 8ou#re going to get back what you put
out! *hat which is like unto itself is drawn!"
I would definitely agree! /o pick your radio station consciously .love songs, perhaps 3%, and
sure you#ve got yourself tuned in to hear the wonderful music!
A HI/I61A08
/o, for an observer, the better it gets, the better it gets3 or the worse it gets, the worse it gets!
However, one who is a visionary thrives in all times!"
I love this!
It#s a twist on the classic psychological idea that where we put our locus of control! 8ou#ve
probably heard it before! Aerhaps many times! /imply, in any given moment, we can choose to
be creators of our reality or passive observers2victims of our reality!
8ou can pretty much determine, scientifically, whether someone is consistently happy or not
on where they put control!
If you put control outside of yourself .e>ternal locus of control%Kmeaning you blame a bad
economy or bad relationship or someone#s bad breath for all your problems, then guess what=
8ou#re going to go up and down with the circumstances of your world$ economy is goodM
good .or at least better%3 relationship is goodM you#re good! *urn it around and eek) *here you
go! 8our life sucks!
As Esther and Jerry say$ !!! the better it gets, the better it gets3 or the worse it gets, the worse it
1ow, 4u>tapose that with a creator, a visionary, someone who realiNes they can choose how
will look at the world and how they will interpret every event .internal locus of control%! *hey are
independent of the ups and downs of their outside world and, you guessed it$ they#re much .))%
more consistently happy!
As Esther and Jerry say$ 6ne who is a visionary thrives in all times!"
How about you=
5here#s yourlocus of control=
*he book is all about empowering you to step into your role as a conscious creator of your
reality! It#s an incredibly powerful thing to do!
O nudges you O
5hat are you waiting for= $%
.E&6*I61A-% F7E- GA7GE/
5hen the fuel gauge on your vehicle indicates that the tank is empty, you do not criticiNe the
indicator! 8ou receive the information that it has offered you, and you do something about
adding more fuel to your tank! /imilarly, a negative feeling is an indicator that your current
; Ahilosophers1otes J Ask and It Is Given
8ou are here to e>perience
outrageous 4oy!"
L Esther and Jerry Hicks
Enthusiasm is one of the
most powerful engines of
success! 5hen you do a
thing, do it with all your
might! Aut your whole soul
into it! /tamp it with your
own personality! ,e
active, be energetic, be
enthusiastic and faithful,
and you will accomplish
your ob4ect! 1othing
great was ever achieved
without enthusiasm!"
L 0alph 5aldo Emerson
choice of thoughts has you offering a vibration that is so out of harmony with your /ource
Energy that you are currently disallowing your full connection to that Energy /tream! .8ou could
say your tank is reaching empty!% 8our emotions do not create, but they do indicate what you
currently attracting! If your emotions are helping you know that your choice of thoughts is not
taking you in the direction that you desire to go, then do something about that$ 0eplenish your
connection by choosing better(feeling thoughts!"
*hat#s really cool!
A big theme of the book is the fact that our feelings are a wonderful guidance system to check in
and see how closely aligned we are to /ource Energy .or /pirit, the *ao, God, whatever you call
Are you depressed and feeling hopeless=
7mM *hat#s a pretty good .actually, make that a definitive% indicator that your /ource Energy
tank is on empty" and you need to fill up with some more positive thoughts to get yourself more
closely aligned with source)
8ou feeling overflowing enthusiasm for life, a 4oyful desire to create and to serve==)=
,I1G6))) *hat, my friends, is the perfect indicator you are aligned! 8our tank is full! 8ou#re
ready for a great trip with nothing to worry about) G6B is in the house! .-iterally, actually!
Bid you know the word enthusiasm" comes from the two little Greek words enand theos=
Enthusiasm" literally means God within!" How cool is that=)=) $%
All that#s e>citing! ,ut here#s the most powerful part!
Just as you#d never criticiNe your fuel gauge for telling you that you#re running low on gas, don#t
.ever)% criticiNe yourself and your emotions for telling you that you#re currently running low on
good thoughts and /ource Energy)
Again, you#d 1EHE0 get upset at your fuel gauge when you see it close to E!" 8ou#d simply pull
over to the nearest gas station and fill up with some gas, right=
/o, how about this$ *he ne>t time you#re feeling depressed2stressed2angry take a look at your
fuel gauge," notice that you#re running a little low on /ource Energy," feel as much gratitude
as you can possibly muster .))))%, and pull over to the ne>t gas stationKwhether that#s doing
some affirmations, going for a run or hike, playing with your baby, doing some volunteer work,
dancing to your favorite song, meditating, thinking of all of the things you#re grateful for, doing
a random act of anonymous kindnessM whatever your gas station" is, fill up with /ource
and you#ll be back on the road in no time))))) $%
.And, a friendly reminder, this is BEFI1I*E-8 all .yes, A--)% supposed to be F71! .A--
'AA/! $%
/o smile, dance, and en4oy this precious life of yours) .I commit to doing the same! In fact, time
for a little 4umping on my rebounder to my favorite song! *hat always makes me laugh like a
little kid! .Good sign I#ve got a full(tank, of course, eh= $%
6C! I#m back! *hat was fun! *ank is full! -et#s rock!
8670 1E5 J6,
8our work is to simply determine what you want!"
I love that! Iuick +uestion for you$ 5hat do you want=
G Ahilosophers1otes J Ask and It Is Given
If you have the ability to
imagine it, or even to think
about it, this 7niverse
has the ability and the
resources to deliver it
fully unto you!"
L Esther and Jerry Hicks
*here#s nothing capricious
in nature, and the implanting
of a desire indicates that
its gratification is in
the constitution of the
creature that feels it!"
L 0alph 5aldo Emerson
/top reading this and get out your favorite 4ournal .you do have one, right= and you#re using it
often, right=%! *urn to a fresh page! At the top of the page write *hings I want$" and then create
a nice little .or big)% list of everything you can currently think of that you#d like to be, you#d like
to do, and you#d like to have!
I#ll wait! $%
8ou do it= Good)
Asking ourselves what we want is probably the most important thing we can possibly do for
ourselvesKwhether it#s about big life visions2goals or in(the(moment stuff!
For e>ample, let#s imagine you#re in an argument with your significant other .or colleague or
friend or whatever%! I know, it never happens to me either but let#s pretend! $%
1ow, you#re in this argument! In the middle of it, take a deep breath and ask yourself, 5hat do I
want right now!"
&y hunch is the answer is 16*, I want to argue)))"6dds are it#s more likely, I want so and so to
understand why I care so much about this issue3" or, I want this argument to end and I want to
show up as the highest version of myself I#m committed to being)"
AhhhM *HA*#s what you really want! And, knowing that, you can create it)
6C! How about this= 8ou#re stressed2overwhelmed with your work! Eek! Aause! *ake a deep
breath! Ask yourself, 5hat do I want=" 16*, for the record, How am I going to get it done="
but 5hat do I want="
/omething magical happens when you ask yourself that simple +uestion! 5hen you#re really
clear on the 5hat" the How" seems to take care of itself) *ry it out! AndM one more +uestion$
5hat do you want= $%
5hich leads us to the ne>t important point of this whole -aw of Attraction business$
'A1 867 I&AGI1E=
If you have the ability to imagine it, or even to think about it, this 7niverse has the ability and
the resources to deliver it fully unto you!"
5ow! I love that!
If you don#t believe Esther and Jerry, how about Emerson .see 1otes%= *here#s nothing
capricious in nature, and the implanting of a desire indicates that its gratification is in the
constitution of the creature that feels it!"
If you want to read those a couple more times, that#s cool! I#ll 4ust wait here till you#re ready to
go on! $%
/o, if you#re taking notes, it goes something like this$
9! Get clear on what you want!
;! Cnow that you wouldn#t have the desire if you2the 7niverse didn#t have the ability to bring it
to life!
G! Joyously and enthusiastically do the ne>t little thing in front of you!
KP Biligently, patently, persistently follow 9(G, and you#re bound to be successful)
F Ahilosophers1otes J Ask and It Is Given
As you are moving
through such a day, you
will feel the power and
the momentum of your
intentions building3 you
will find yourself feeling
gloriously invincible3 you
will feel as if there is
nothing that you cannot be,
do, or have as you are seeing
yourself again and again in
creative control of your
own life e>perience!"
L Esther and Jerry Hicks
5hen you change the way
you look at things, the
things you look at change!"
L 5ayne Byer
Appreciation of others and the appreciation of yourself are the closest vibrational matches to
/ource Energy of anything we have ever witnessed anywhere in this 7niverse!"
*hat#s beautiful!
Appreciation! It#s I&A6//I,-E to feel stressed2depressed2etc! when you are appreciating
someone or something in your life! How could you= 8our tank is full of /ource Energy! 6C! /o,
knowing this, what can we do to live with more appreciationKthereby more consistently tapping
into and flowing with /ource Energy=)=
*his concept is so important that Gay and Catie HendricksKtwo of my favorite people and the
living embodiment of conscious relationshipsKactually teach people how to give and receive
appreciation in their wonderful 'onscious -iving and -oving 5orkshops!" *hey base their
teaching on the scientific findings that the happiest marriages are those that have a ratio of Q
appreciations2positive interactions to 9 criticism2negative interactions!
*he idea is simple$ -EA01 to appreciate more and your happiness will skyrocket)
*ry it out! A'*IHE-8 work on appreciating people in your life today! -ook for all the wonderful
things you can appreciate about your spouse, your children, your boss, your colleagues, the
cashier at the grocery store, the Fed(E> guy! EHE0861E! And share your appreciations!
And get ready for a perma(grin because as you get good at appreciating everyone and
in your life and you#ll be riding a wave of /ource Energy for a long, long time! $%
;; A06'E//E/
0ecogniNing that we all need tools to keep that perma(grin perma, Esther R Jerry offer ;;
Arocesses to keep us connected! In fact, over half .)% the book focuses on specific things we
do and e>ercises we can engage in to keep our mo4o flowing!
&e likes! Here are a couple of my favorites$
/EG&E1* I1*E1BI1G
If you want many things all at the same time, it adds confusion! ,ut when you only focus upon
the specifics of what you want in any particular moment, you bring clarity and power to your
creationKand therefore, speed! And that is the point of /egment Intending$ to stop, as you are
entering a new segment, and to identify what it is you most want so that you may give your
attention to .and therefore draw, power unto% that!"
0emember our discussion about our new 4obs= 8ou know$ the one where we#re supposed to be
asking ourselves 5hat do I want=)"full(time=
*hink of /egment Intending as moment(to(moment .or segment(to(segment% opportunities to
ask yourself what you want to create!
Imagine a day in which you consciously intend each segment!
-et#s say it starts with your head on the pillow! 8ou#re getting ready to go to sleep .and enter
that segment of your day%! As you lie there you set your intention for restful slumber! 5hen you
open your beautiful eyes in the morning, you#re entering a new segment and you can set your
intention for that time$ .5hile I#m lying here, I#m imagining my ideal day and getting e>cited
to live with 4oy and create 4oy in those I#m blessed to be with today)"%
*hen you move into the ne>t segment of your day as you brush your teeth, shower, meditate,
ready to go to the gym or whatever it is you do! /et the intention of doing these things efficiently
Q Ahilosophers1otes J Ask and It Is Given
and with 4oy!
8ou can imagine all the moments of your dayKfrom driving to work to settling in at your desk
to making dinner or going grocery shopping, playing with your kids, talking with you significant
other, and training at the gym! Every single one of these segments gives us another opportunity
to practice being powerful, Beliberate 'reators of our reality!
5ithout a doubt, I am most powerful when I am engaged in this Arocess!
&y intention for this segment of my life as I write these words= *o bring a smile to your
face while you play with ideas that can inspire and empower you to live with more and more
happiness and 4oy) And, to encourage you to re(read Ask and It Is Givenif it#s an old favorite or
to go out and get yourself a copy if you#re feelin# it)
8ou can literally script any life that you desire, and the 7niverse will deliver to you the
people, the places, and events 4ust as you decide them to be! For you are a creator of your own
e>perienceKyou have only to decide it and allow it to be!"
Alright$ you#re a scriptwriter for your life! Imagine you can write the precise script of your life!
Alayfully .key word% pick up a pen, grab your 4ournal, and start writing)
5ho would you be= 5hat would you do= 5hat would you have= Bream! Alay! 'reate)
As Esther and Jerry say, this is a fantastic way to focus the lens of your desirewhile you remain
light and playfuland simply feel the 4oy of living your ideal lifeKbringing you one step closer to
actually e>periencing that 4oy in your life)
/oM &s!2&r! /criptwriter$
5hat is it you plan to do with this precious life of yours=)=
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0alph 5aldo Emerson
As a &an *hinketh
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*he /cience of
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About the Authors of Ask and It Is Given"
E/*HE0 A1B JE008 HI'C/
Jerry and Esther Hicks produce and present the leading(edge Abraham(Hicks
teachings on the art of allowing our natural 5ell(,eing to come forth! 5hile
presenting open workshops in up to S: cities a year, they#ve created more than
S:: books, audios, 'Bs and videos! *heir internationally acclaimed 5ebsite is$
AbrahamHicks!com!.from the book%
About the Author of *his 1ote
,0IA1 J6H1/61
,rian Johnson is a lover of wisdom .aka a Ahilosopher"% and a passionate
student of life who#s committed to inspiring and empowering millions of people
to live their greatest lives as he studies, embodies and shares the universal truths
of optimal living! He harts his 4ob!
,rian Johnson,
'hief Ahilosopher
S Ahilosophers1otes J Ask and It Is Given