Card Plyometric Workout: 3 Cards Number of Activity: Basic Squat

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Card Plyometric Workout:

3 cards = number of activity

2 sets of 15 jump suats
2 sets of 15 jumpin! jacks
2 sets of 15 alternatin! jump lun!es
2 sets of 15 "i!" knees
2 sets of 15 mountain climbers
2 sets of 15 runnin! butt kicks
2 sets of 15 #ide pus" ups
2 sets of 15 jumpin! jacks
2 sets of 15 bicycle crunc"es
Home Training For Legs:
Basic Squat:
$tand in front of a c"air or benc" #it" your feet s"oulder #idt" apart and #ei!"t in
eac" "and% do#n at your sides& 'end your knees as t"ou!" you are sittin! on t"e
c"air% keepin! your #ei!"t on your "eels& W"en your le!s are parallel #it" t"e seat
of t"e c"air (but not sittin!)% slo#ly rise to your ori!inal standin! position& Perform
3 sets of 15 * 2+ repetitions&
Advanced Squat:
$ame as above but incorporate a jump at t"e top of t"e motion&
Basic Plie Squat:
,ake a #ide stance #it" your toes pointin! out#ard& -oldin! one dumbbell #it"
bot" "ands bet#een your le!s% standin! upri!"t% slo#ly bend your knees in t"e
direction of your toes until your knees are .+ de!rees& $lo#ly return to t"e startin!
position& Perform 3 sets of 15 * 2+ repetitions&
Advanced Plie Squat:
$ame as above% only alternate suattin! #it" toes pointed out and t"en toes pointed
front for a double suat for eac" rep&
Basic Lunge:
Wit" #ei!"t in eac" "and by your side% take a !iant step for#ard #it" your ri!"t
le! so your t"i!" becomes parallel #it" t"e floor (no knees !oin! beyond t"e toe)&
Pus"in! back#ard of t"e same le!% return to your startin! position& /epeat #it" t"e
left le!& Perform 3 sets of 15 * 2+ repetitions% #it" one rep bein! t"e ri!"t and t"en
t"e left le!&
Advanced Lunge:
$tand #it" dumbbells !rasped to sides& 01tend one le! back on forefoot& 2o#er
body on ot"er le! by fle1in! knee and "ip of front le! until knee of rear le! is
almost in contact #it" floor& /eturn to ori!inal standin! position by e1tendin! t"e
"ip and knee of t"e for#ard le!& /epeat #it" t"e left le!&
Wall Sit:
Wit" your back touc"in! t"e #all% move your feet a#ay from t"e #all so t"at t"e
#all is supportin! you& 'end your knees so t"at t"e le!s form a .+ de!ree an!le&
-old as lon! as you can& /epeat 3 times&
Advanced Wall Sit:
$ame as above% only "old a #ei!"t in your lap& 3ou may even super set #it" jump
suats& 4 5 * 5 lb& medicine ball is perfect for t"is&
Calf Raises:
Position your toes and balls of feet on a block #it" arc"es and "eels e1tendin! off
and restin! on t"e floor& /aise your "eels by e1tendin! ankles as "i!" as possible&
2o#er "eels by bendin! your ankles until your calves are stretc"ed& Perform 3 sets
of 2+ * 3+ repetitions&
Dumell Calf Raises:
$ame as above e1cept t"is time add one dumbbell in eac" "and and "old at your
6or ma1imum results% perform 3+ * 7+ minutes of medium intensity cardio at "ome
as #ell& C"oose an activity suc" as speed #alkin!% jo!!in!% "ikin!% bikin!% roller*
bladin!% soccer or tennis& 8umpin! rope or an e1ercise video are also !reat options&
0ven mo#in! t"e la#n #it" a pus" mo#er and cleanin! "ouse can be effective
cardio& 8ust be sure to !et your "eart rate up enou!" to reac" your fat burnin! 9one&

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