This document provides instructions for a plyometric cardio workout and a lower body strength workout that can be done at home. The plyometric workout consists of 2 sets of 15 repetitions for various jumping exercises like jump squats, jumping jacks, and running butt kicks. The lower body strength workout includes exercises like basic squats, lunges, calf raises and a wall sit with variations to make the exercises more advanced. It recommends doing 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions for each exercise, and finishing with 30-45 minutes of medium intensity cardio like jogging or jumping rope.
This document provides instructions for a plyometric cardio workout and a lower body strength workout that can be done at home. The plyometric workout consists of 2 sets of 15 repetitions for various jumping exercises like jump squats, jumping jacks, and running butt kicks. The lower body strength workout includes exercises like basic squats, lunges, calf raises and a wall sit with variations to make the exercises more advanced. It recommends doing 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions for each exercise, and finishing with 30-45 minutes of medium intensity cardio like jogging or jumping rope.
This document provides instructions for a plyometric cardio workout and a lower body strength workout that can be done at home. The plyometric workout consists of 2 sets of 15 repetitions for various jumping exercises like jump squats, jumping jacks, and running butt kicks. The lower body strength workout includes exercises like basic squats, lunges, calf raises and a wall sit with variations to make the exercises more advanced. It recommends doing 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions for each exercise, and finishing with 30-45 minutes of medium intensity cardio like jogging or jumping rope.
This document provides instructions for a plyometric cardio workout and a lower body strength workout that can be done at home. The plyometric workout consists of 2 sets of 15 repetitions for various jumping exercises like jump squats, jumping jacks, and running butt kicks. The lower body strength workout includes exercises like basic squats, lunges, calf raises and a wall sit with variations to make the exercises more advanced. It recommends doing 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions for each exercise, and finishing with 30-45 minutes of medium intensity cardio like jogging or jumping rope.
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Card Plyometric Workout:
3 cards = number of activity
2 sets of 15 jump suats 2 sets of 15 jumpin! jacks 2 sets of 15 alternatin! jump lun!es 2 sets of 15 "i!" knees 2 sets of 15 mountain climbers 2 sets of 15 runnin! butt kicks 2 sets of 15 #ide pus" ups 2 sets of 15 jumpin! jacks 2 sets of 15 bicycle crunc"es Home Training For Legs: Basic Squat: $tand in front of a c"air or benc" #it" your feet s"oulder #idt" apart and #ei!"t in eac" "and% do#n at your sides& 'end your knees as t"ou!" you are sittin! on t"e c"air% keepin! your #ei!"t on your "eels& W"en your le!s are parallel #it" t"e seat of t"e c"air (but not sittin!)% slo#ly rise to your ori!inal standin! position& Perform 3 sets of 15 * 2+ repetitions& Advanced Squat: $ame as above but incorporate a jump at t"e top of t"e motion& Basic Plie Squat: ,ake a #ide stance #it" your toes pointin! out#ard& -oldin! one dumbbell #it" bot" "ands bet#een your le!s% standin! upri!"t% slo#ly bend your knees in t"e direction of your toes until your knees are .+ de!rees& $lo#ly return to t"e startin! position& Perform 3 sets of 15 * 2+ repetitions& Advanced Plie Squat: $ame as above% only alternate suattin! #it" toes pointed out and t"en toes pointed front for a double suat for eac" rep& Basic Lunge: Wit" #ei!"t in eac" "and by your side% take a !iant step for#ard #it" your ri!"t le! so your t"i!" becomes parallel #it" t"e floor (no knees !oin! beyond t"e toe)& Pus"in! back#ard of t"e same le!% return to your startin! position& /epeat #it" t"e left le!& Perform 3 sets of 15 * 2+ repetitions% #it" one rep bein! t"e ri!"t and t"en t"e left le!& Advanced Lunge: $tand #it" dumbbells !rasped to sides& 01tend one le! back on forefoot& 2o#er body on ot"er le! by fle1in! knee and "ip of front le! until knee of rear le! is almost in contact #it" floor& /eturn to ori!inal standin! position by e1tendin! t"e "ip and knee of t"e for#ard le!& /epeat #it" t"e left le!& Wall Sit: Wit" your back touc"in! t"e #all% move your feet a#ay from t"e #all so t"at t"e #all is supportin! you& 'end your knees so t"at t"e le!s form a .+ de!ree an!le& -old as lon! as you can& /epeat 3 times& Advanced Wall Sit: $ame as above% only "old a #ei!"t in your lap& 3ou may even super set #it" jump suats& 4 5 * 5 lb& medicine ball is perfect for t"is& Calf Raises: Position your toes and balls of feet on a block #it" arc"es and "eels e1tendin! off and restin! on t"e floor& /aise your "eels by e1tendin! ankles as "i!" as possible& 2o#er "eels by bendin! your ankles until your calves are stretc"ed& Perform 3 sets of 2+ * 3+ repetitions& Dumell Calf Raises: $ame as above e1cept t"is time add one dumbbell in eac" "and and "old at your side& Cardio: 6or ma1imum results% perform 3+ * 7+ minutes of medium intensity cardio at "ome as #ell& C"oose an activity suc" as speed #alkin!% jo!!in!% "ikin!% bikin!% roller* bladin!% soccer or tennis& 8umpin! rope or an e1ercise video are also !reat options& 0ven mo#in! t"e la#n #it" a pus" mo#er and cleanin! "ouse can be effective cardio& 8ust be sure to !et your "eart rate up enou!" to reac" your fat burnin! 9one&