Guide To Design of Seawalls and Breakwaters

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Guide to Design of Seawalls and Breakwaters
Civil Engineering Office
Civil Engineering Department
The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
First published, July 2003
Prepared by :
Civil Engineering Office,
Civil Engineering Department,
101 Princess Margaret Road,
Homantin, Kowloon,
Hong Kong.
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The Port Works Design Manual presents recommended standards and methodologies
for the design of marine works in Hong Kong. It consists of five separate volumes, namely,
Part 1 to Part 5. Part 1 mainly covers design considerations and requirements that are
generally applicable to various types of marine works. Part 2 to Part 5 are concerned with
specific design aspects of individual types of works including piers, dolphins, reclamations,
seawalls, breakwaters and beaches. This Manual supersedes the Port Works Manual
prepared in the 80s.
This document, Port Works Design Manual: Part 4, gives guidance and
recommendations on the design of seawalls and breakwaters. It was prepared by a working
committee comprising staff of the Civil Engineering Office and Special Duties Office with
reference to the latest local and overseas design standards and experiences in consultation
with other Government departments, engineering practitioners and professional bodies.
Many individuals and organizations made very useful comments, which have been taken into
account in drafting the document. An independent review was undertaken by experts before
the document was finalized. All contributions are gratefully acknowledged.
Practitioners are encouraged to comment at any time to the Civil Engineering Office
on the contents of this document, so that improvements can be made to future editions.
C C Chan
Head, Civil Engineering Office
May 2003

Working Committee of Port Works Design Manual : Part 4
The preparation of the document was overseen by Chief Engineer/Technical Services :
Ir Anthony Loo
The document was drafted by the following staff of the Civil Engineering Office :
Ir Lee Wai-ping
Ir Wong Chi-pan
Ir Wong Ching-piu
Assistance and advice were provided by the following staff of the Civil Engineering Office and
Special Duties Office :
Ir Chiu Mau-fat
Ir Ko Wai-kuen
Ir Lam Chi-keung
Ir Li Yuen-wing
The document was reviewed by :
Professor Yoshimi Goda, Yokohama National University
Professor Lee Chack-fan, the University of Hong Kong
Extracts from British Standards are reproduced by permission of British Standards Institution (BSI)
under licence number 2001/SK0316. British Standards can be obtained from BSI Customer Services,
389 Chiswick High Road, London W4 4AL, United Kingdom.
Extracts from CIRIA Special Publication 83 Manual on the use of rock in coastal and shoreline
engineering are reproduced by permission of CIRIA. This document may be obtained from CIRIA,
6 Storeys Gate, Westminster, London SW1P 3AU.
Extracts from R&D Technical Report W178 Overtopping of Seawalls : Design and Assessment
Manual are reproduced by permission of Environment Agency, 2440 The Quadrant, Aztec West,
Almondsbury, Bristol, BS32 4AQ.
Extracts from Random Seas and Design of Maritime Structures published by World Scientific are
reproduced by permission of Professor Yoshimi Goda.
1.1 Purpose 9
1.2 Definitions and References 10
2.1 General 11
2.2 Breakwaters 11
2.2.1 Functions 11
2.2.2 Rubble Mound Breakwaters 11
2.2.3 Vertical Breakwaters 12
2.2.4 Composite Breakwaters 12
2.2.5 Selection 12
2.3 Seawalls 13
2.3.1 Functions 13
2.3.2 Concrete Blockwork Seawalls 13
2.3.3 Caisson Seawalls 14
2.3.4 Wave Absorption Vertical Seawalls 14
2.3.5 Rubble Mound Sloping Seawalls 14
2.3.6 Selection 15
3.1 General 17
3.2 Breakwaters 17
3.2.1 General 17
3.2.2 Wave Penetration 17
3.2.3 Port Operation and Navigation 18
3.2.4 Environmental Effect 19
3.3 Seawalls 20

4.1 General 21
4.2 Site Investigation 21
4.3 Stability 21
4.3.1 Factor of Safety against Soil Shear Failure 21
4.3.2 Soil Conditions 22
4.3.3 Loading 23
4.4 Settlement 23
4.5 Types of Foundation 24
4.5.1 Dredging 24
4.5.2 Deep Cement Mixing 24
4.5.3 Stone Columns 26
4.5.4 Comparison of Foundation Types 27
4.6 Design Approach 27
4.6.1 Dredging 27
4.6.2 Deep Cement Mixing 28
4.6.3 Stone Columns 28
5.1 General 31
5.2 Wave Run-up 31
5.3 Wave Overtopping 31
5.3.1 Mean Overtopping Rate 31
5.3.2 Permissible Overtopping Rate 32
5.4 Wave Reflection 33
5.4.1 Reflected Wave Height 33
5.4.2 Wave Reflection in the Harbour 34
5.4.3 Wave Absorption Structures 34
5.5 Wave Transmission 34
6.1 General 37
6.2 Rubble Mound Structures 37
6.2.1 General 37
6.2.2 Weight of Armour Units 37
6.2.3 Thickness and Extent of Armour Layer 39
6.2.4 Underlayers and Core 40
6.2.5 Slope of Structure 42
6.2.6 Crest 42
6.2.7 Crest Structures 42
6.2.8 Toe Protection 43
6.2.9 Breakwater Head 43
6.3 Vertical Structures 44
6.3.1 General 44
6.3.2 Overturning, Sliding and Bearing Capacity 45
6.3.3 Design Wave Height 46
6.3.4 Impulsive Wave Pressure 47
6.3.5 Toe Protection 47
6.3.6 Breakwater Head 47
6.4 Vertical Wave Absorption Seawalls 48
7.1 General 49
7.2 Foundation Dredging 49
7.2.1 General 49
7.2.2 Samples of Dredged Materials 49
7.2.3 Dredging Profile and Depth 49
7.2.4 Disposal of Dredged Materials 50
7.3 Soil Strengthening 51
7.4 Fill Placement 51
7.5 Rock Armour and Underlayers 52
7.6 Concrete Armour 53
7.7 Bermstones 54
7.8 Concrete Seawall Blocks 55
7.9 Facing Stones and Copings 55
7.10 Caissons 56
7.11 Joints for Seawall Caissons 56
8.1 General 59
8.2 Marine Facilities 59
8.3 Maintenance Facilities 60

9.1 General 63
9.2 Pumphouses 63
9.2.1 General 63
9.2.2 Layout and Location 63
9.2.3 Structure and Design 63
9.2.4 Ties and Waterstops 64
9.2.5 Screens, Guides and Fittings 65
9.3 Slipways and Ramps 65
9.3.1 Location and Basic Dimensions 65
9.3.2 Slipway Design 66
9.3.3 Ramp Design 67
9.4 Outfalls and Intakes 67
9.5 Beacons 68
List of Tables 75
Tables 77
List of Figures 85
Figures 87

1.1 Purpose
The purpose of the Port Works Design Manual (the Manual) is to offer guidance on the
design of marine works and structures normally constructed by the Government of the Hong
Kong Special Administrative Region. Such works and structures include public piers, ferry
piers, dolphins, reclamations, seawalls, breakwaters, pumphouses, beaches and associated
marine facilities. The Manual has been written with reference to the local conditions and
experience. Therefore, it may also provide a source of useful data and design reference for
other marine works and structures constructed by other organizations or parties in Hong
The Manual is issued in five separate parts. The titles of these parts are :
z Part 1 General Design Considerations for Marine Works
z Part 2 Guide to Design of Piers and Dolphins
z Part 3 Guide to Design of Reclamation
z Part 4 Guide to Design of Seawalls and Breakwaters
z Part 5 Guide to Design of Beaches
The recommendations given in the Manual are for guidance only and should not be taken as
mandatory. Compliance with these recommendations does not confer immunity from
relevant statutory and legal requirements. Because of the variable nature of the marine
environment, the design of marine works and structures relies particularly on the use of sound
engineering judgement and experience. Practitioners should be aware of the limitations of
the assumptions employed in a particular theoretical or computational method. Since the
marine environment is a field where active research and development are continuing, it is
beyond the scope of the Manual to cover all analysis and design methods. Practitioners
should be prepared to explore other methods to suit a particular problem and should also
realize that many of the methods will continue to evolve.
This part (Part 4) of the Manual gives guidance and recommendations on the design of
seawalls and breakwaters, covering aspects on the choice of types and layouts of structures,
foundation, hydraulic performance, structural stability, construction and maintenance. It
also includes design of minor marine structures and facilities normally associated with the
construction of seawalls and breakwaters. Worked examples are provided in Appendix D to
illustrate the application of the design methods. In using this part of the Manual, readers

should refer to other parts of the Manual on particular aspects, as necessary.
1.2 Definitions and References
The definitions of terms and meanings of symbols for the purpose of this part of the Manual
are given in the Glossary of Terms and Glossary of Symbols at the end of this document.
Meaning of symbols not shown in the glossary is given in each case in the text.
The titles of the publications referred to in this part of the Manual are listed in the reference
section. Readers should consult these original publications for more detailed coverage of
particular aspects. For Works Bureau Technical Circulars (WBTC) or Environmental,
Transport and Works Bureau Technical Circular (Works) which are updated regularly,
reference should be made to their latest issues.

2.1 General
This chapter discusses the characteristics of various types of breakwaters and seawalls, and
provides general guidance on the selection of an appropriate structural form for these
2.2 Breakwaters
2.2.1 Functions
A breakwater is a structure employed to reflect and dissipate the energy of water waves and
thus prevent or reduce wave action in a water area it is desired to protect. Breakwaters may
be constructed to form a harbour or typhoon shelter and create sufficiently calm water,
thereby providing protection for safe navigation, berthing and mooring of vessels, and other
harbour activities. Breakwaters may sometimes serve as aids to navigation or shore
protection or as both. There are three main types of breakwaters, namely, rubble mound
breakwater, vertical breakwater and composite breakwater.
2.2.2 Rubble Mound Breakwaters
Rubble mound breakwater is a commonly used type of breakwater structure in Hong Kong
(see Figure 1). It is typically constructed with a core of quarry-run stone that is protected
from wave action by one or more rock underlayers and an outer layer composed of massive
rocks or specially shaped concrete armour units (Figure 2). A concrete crest structure may
be constructed on the mound to provide access or, with the incorporation of a wave wall, to
prevent or reduce wave overtopping.
Figure 1 indicates the components of a typical rubble mound breakwater. Their functions
are summarized as follows:
z Foundation Provides embankment stability.
z Scour protection apron Prevents erosion.
z Core Provides bulk of structure and reduces wave transmission.
z Toe mound Supports the main armour and prevents toe scouring.
z Underlayer Acts as filter between core and armour layer and bedding for

placement of armour.
z Rear face armour Protects core from overtopping waves and against wave
action inside the harbour.
z Main armour Provides wave protection.
z Concrete crest structure Provides access and reduces wave overtopping.
The properties of armour rock should comply with the requirements given in Section 21 of
the General Specification for Civil Engineering Works (GS) (Hong Kong Government, 1992).
For armour design, it is recommended that the specific gravity of the rock, if obtained locally,
should be taken as 2.6. This figure corresponds to the minimum requirement of specific
gravity given in Section 21 of the GS. A value higher than 2.6 should not be used for design
without extensive testing, both prior to construction, where a rock source has been identified,
and during construction for quality control.
2.2.3 Vertical Breakwaters
A vertical breakwater is one in which wave attack is resisted primarily by a vertically faced
structure extending directly from seabed level. Structures comprising reinforced concrete
caissons are common forms of vertical breakwaters. They are usually designed for floating
into position from a dry dock or a floating dock and sinking to the seabed foundation.
Typical sections of caisson type vertical breakwaters are shown in Figure 1.
2.2.4 Composite Breakwaters
A composite breakwater is a combined structure consisting of a vertical structure placed on a
rubble mound that is submerged at all tidal levels. Typical cross section of a composite
breakwater with reinforced concrete caisson is shown in Figure 1. This type of structure
may be used as a breakwater in very deep water where the volume of rock required for a
rubble mound structure is not available or when it is not practicable to design a vertical face
structure to carry the design wave loading to the full depth.
2.2.5 Selection
The following factors should be considered when selecting the type of structures:
z Layout of breakwaters.
z Environmental conditions.

z Operational conditions.
z Navigation requirements.
z Construction conditions and periods.
z Construction cost.
z Availability of construction material.
z Maintenance.
In general, it is necessary to compare the merits and costs of different types of structure under
the respective site conditions and project constraints before a decision is made. A general
comparison of the applications of the three types of breakwater is shown in Table 1.
2.3 Seawalls
2.3.1 Functions
A seawall can be used as a soil retaining structure of a reclamation or as an armouring
structure to protect a shoreline from erosion against wave and current actions. Seawalls
may be vertical or sloping. Vertical seawalls have the advantage that they can provide
marine frontage for vessel berthing and cargo handling. If necessary, wave absorption units
can be included on vertical seawalls to reduce wave agitation inside a harbour.
2.3.2 Concrete Blockwork Seawalls
Concrete blockwork seawalls are gravity structures made up of precast concrete blocks.
Typical layout of a concrete blockwork seawall is shown in Figure 3.
Concrete blockwork structures are commonly used in Hong Kong. They have the following
z Relatively low cost of construction.
z Long history of satisfactory performance with negligible need for maintenance.
z Flexibility to cope with some differential foundation settlement.
z Damage from vessels in accidents is usually minor.
z Incorporation of landings, pumphouses and drainage outfalls is relatively
Disadvantages of concrete blockwork structures relate mainly to the relatively long

construction period required, and the need for a large casting yard and stacking area with
marine frontage. These disadvantages, however, can generally be reduced in significance
with adequate project planning, as many such blocks can now be cast in the Mainland and
delivered to site when required. Another disadvantage is that vertical walls reflect waves,
with the consequence that wave activity in an adjacent area is increased.
2.3.3 Caisson Seawalls
Apart from precast concrete blocks, the earth retaining function of a seawall can be provided
by means of concrete caissons as shown in Figure 3. The caissons are usually cast in a dry
dock or on a floating dock and transported to the site by floatation before sinking into the
designated locations. Because of the relatively high mobilization cost for a caisson seawall,
it is usually not economical to use caissons for a short seawall or in limited water depth.
2.3.4 Wave Absorption Vertical Seawalls
Vertical seawalls with solid face are highly reflective of wave energy. This may not be
acceptable inside a harbour as wave agitation will affect vessel operation and navigation.
Wave reflection can be reduced by introducing wave absorption units on the vertical seawalls.
A wide variety of wave absorption vertical seawall have been developed over the years under
different wave conditions and application constraints in different places. An example of a
wave absorption seawall is shown in Figure 3. It contains a wave absorption chamber with
perforated front wall that allows flow into and out of the chamber. The degree of wave
absorption capacity depends very much on the size of the wave absorption chamber relative
to the incoming wavelength. Normally, wave reflection is minimized when the width of the
chamber is 10% to 20% of the incoming wavelength, provided the perforation ratio, defined
as the ratio between the area of the perforations and the total area of the front wall, is around
30%. The suitability of the application of the seawall at a particular site should be subject to
model tests.
2.3.5 Rubble Mound Sloping Seawalls
A typical cross-section of a rubble mound sloping seawall is shown in Figure 4. The slope
of the seawall is generally protected by rock armour. If the wave condition renders the rock
size not economically available in the market, concrete armour units can be used as an
alternative to protect the slope of the seawall.

The advantage of a rubble mound sloping seawall are :
z Construction generally simpler and faster than a vertical seawall.
z More tolerable to differential settlement.
z Reduced reflected wave height due to dissipation of wave energy on the slope
of the structure.
z Less wave overtopping than a vertical wall with a solid face.
z Easier to carry out maintenance.
A sloping seawall may not be a suitable form of construction if marine frontage for vessel
berthing or cargo handling is required. However, a piled deck structure can be constructed
over the rubble mound to form a berth for vessels. Another drawback is that a wider
clearance has to be provided for marine traffic due to the underwater slopes, which may
sometimes be not practicable when water space is limited.
2.3.6 Selection
Factors to be considered in selecting the type of seawall are similar to those for breakwaters
listed in Section 2.2.5, with due consideration of the relative merits and demerits of
individual types of seawalls discussed in Sections 2.3.2 to 2.3.5. If reinforced concrete is
used, reference should be made to Chapter 6 of Part 1 of the Manual on the concrete
specification and corrosion protection measures.

3.1 General
This chapter provides general guidelines on designing the layout of breakwaters and seawalls,
in particular on the setting and alignment of these structures.
3.2 Breakwaters
3.2.1 General
The layout of breakwaters for typhoon shelter or harbour basin should be determined by
considering the following factors :
z Required sheltered conditions for vessels at berth or anchorage.
z Maneuvering areas for vessels within the sheltered area.
z Adequate stopping distance for vessels entering the entrance at a safe
navigating speed.
Analysis should be carried out when determining the layout of breakwaters to evaluate the
extent of wave penetration, the requirements of port operation and navigation, and the
environmental impact. Since the size of the sheltered area is determined by
manoeuverability, vessel characteristics, berthing and mooring requirements, Marine
Department and users should be consulted in designing the layout.
3.2.2 Wave Penetration
Wave diffraction through the entrance of breakwaters will affect the degree of shelter
provided and spread of waves into the basin. Hence, it is first necessary to establish the
wave conditions just outside the entrance, then to determine the effect of the entrance in
permitting waves to enter the sheltered area, and finally to determine the responses at critical
positions. Wave direction is important and, whilst the greatest shelter should be provided
against the largest waves, less critical wave conditions from other directions should also be
considered in the layout. Some important points that should be noted are summarized
below :
z The layout of the heads of the main and lee breakwaters should preferably be

designed to give an overlap to prevent direct penetration of the most severe
waves into the protected area (See Figure 5).
z The overlap of the main and lee breakwaters against the direction of wave
propagation should ensure that no direct penetration of the incident waves will
reach the anchorage areas for small vessels.
z Wave transmission through the structure can occur with a very porous rubble
mound, for example, one constructed only of large rocks, where the degree of
transmission increases appreciably with wave period. Therefore, this type of
structure should be avoided for breakwaters of harbour basin or typhoon
z The effect of waves generated from vessels in adjacent fairways should be
considered in locating the entrance of a harbour for small vessels. Normally,
ship waves do not interfere the navigation and anchorage of ocean-going
z The entrance location should avoid penetration of swells or long period waves
that may induce possible resonance motion on vessels inside the basin.
z Where wave overtopping is a problem, a wave wall may be constructed on the
structure to reduce the overtopping quantity. For vertical and composite
breakwaters, the wave wall can be constructed of concrete as an integral part of
the breakwaters. There is no joint between the wave wall and the concrete of
the caissons. The wave wall is not subject to uplift, and the horizontal wave
force acting on the wave wall is added to the wave force acting on the caisson
part for the examination of the stability of the upright sections.
A preliminary estimate of the degree of diffraction in a sheltered area may be estimated using
the diagrams in Figures 6 and 7. A fairly flat seabed is assumed in these figures. For more
realistic estimate of the wave conditions, mathematical wave modelling may be applied.
Guidance on mathematical wave modelling is given in Chapter 2 of Part 1 of the Manual
General Design Consideration for Marine Works.
3.2.3 Port Operation and Navigation
Currents can be generated across an entrance of the harbour basin or typhoon shelter as a
result of the deflection of currents around the head of the breakwater. A wide entrance may
ease navigation but this will be in conflict with the objective of limiting wave penetration.
Some compromise may be necessary, and the advice of Marine Department and experienced
mariners is essential in determining the optimum layout of breakwaters at the entrance, taking
into account any limits on navigation and port operation.

Reflection from the seaward face of a solid face vertical breakwater can set up standing wave
patterns which can result in increase wave agitation and affect navigation in front of the
breakwater. This effect may be reduced if the alignment is convex outward in the seaward
side instead of a straight one. A concave alignment, which will create severe wave
concentration on the seaward side of the structure, should be avoided. Wave absorption
chamber may be constructed on vertical breakwaters to reduce wave reflection. A wave
study on the change in wave climate due to new breakwaters should be carried out to
ascertain the effect on port operation and navigation.
3.2.4 Environmental Effect
A breakwater may cause change in the hydrodynamic regime. Hence, it is necessary to
undertake hydraulic study and environmental impact assessment to ensure that the changes in
flow and wave climate during and after construction will have no unacceptable effects on :
z Tidal flushing and water quality.
z Ecology.
z Siltation and seabed scouring.
z Sediment transport and shoreline stability of existing beaches.
An example of the impact on sediment transport is illustrated in Figure 5, showing the
possibility of up-drift sediment accretion and down-drift erosion of the shoreline after the
construction of breakwaters. Up-drift accretion can eventually cause the formation of a bar
across the entrance of breakwaters which will then require frequent maintenance dredging.
Down-drift erosion can lead to loss of beaches and the need for coastal protection measures,
which can extend a long way from the harbour. Such impact should be carefully assessed
when longshore sediment transport is a major feature of the shoreline. Examples of how
beaches will behave after construction of breakwaters on a sandy coast are given in OCDI
The construction of breakwaters will result in an area of water relatively undisturbed by
waves and currents. As far as is practicable no major drainage sources should be allowed to
discharge into the harbour basin or typhoon shelter, resulting in pollution and settlement of
sediment in the sheltered water. Openings or culverts may be provided at suitable positions
along the breakwaters to increase flow circulation. The effect of wave penetration should be
assessed when determining the positions of these openings.

3.3 Seawalls
Seawalls are usually edge structures of reclamation. The determination of their layout with
respect to alignment, crest level, operation, navigation and environment are related to the
reclamation design, and is covered in Part 3 of the Manual Guide to Design of Reclamation.
Specific aspects are listed as follows :
z Wave reflection from solid face vertical seawalls can lead to wave agitation in
the harbour, affecting port operation and navigation. Vertical seawalls with
wave absorption units or rubble mound sloping seawalls should be considered
to reduce the effect of reflection at a particular site.
z Vertical seawalls are generally required where marine frontage is required for
vessel berthing and cargo handling, or where water space is not sufficient to
accommodate the underwater slope of rubble mound seawalls.
z Seawalls built to protect land from wave actions may be provided with wave
walls to minimize the amount of wave overtopping. A wave wall or a parapet
wall can be constructed as an integral part of a seawall. It also serves to
prevent people promenading at the waterfront from falling into the sea.

4.1 General
The structure and its foundation should be designed so that, during the design life, foundation
displacements and movements are kept within the limits that the structure can tolerate
without affecting its structural integrity and functional capability. This chapter gives general
guidance on the design of foundations for seawalls and breakwaters. The information given
in BS 8004 (BSI, 1986), although mainly related to the foundations of buildings and general
engineering structures, may also provide useful reference for marine structures. One
important aspect in the design of foundation is the stability of the seabed and the possibility
of scour and undermining around the structure under wave and current actions. This is
covered in Chapter 6 of this part of the Manual.
4.2 Site Investigation
Reference should be made to Geoguide 2 (GCO, 1987) for guidance on good site
investigation practice, Geoguide 3 (GCO, 1988) for guidance on description of rocks and
soils in Hong Kong, and Geospec 3 (GEO, 2001) for model specification for soil testing.
Specific details of site investigation and soil testing for marine works are given in Chapter 4
of Part 1 of the Manual.
Difficult ground conditions generally refer to the existence of unfavourable subsoil strata on
site. The presence of such conditions, if not properly handled, may lead to both problems at
the construction stage and during the future use of seawalls, breakwaters and reclamation.
Guidelines for site investigation in such conditions are given in the report Study on Coastal
Subsoil Geotechnical Conditions (CED, 2003). A summary of the guidelines, including
the spacing of the points of exploration, depth of penetration and vertical intervals of in-situ
tests and soil sampling, is shown in Appendix A.
4.3 Stability
4.3.1 Factor of Safety against Soil Shear Failure
The global factor of safety should be used when designing the foundation of marine works
against slip failure. It may be taken as the ratio of average available shear strength of the

soil along the critical slip surface to that required for maintaining equilibrium. Where soil
properties have been tested, the following minimum factors of safety are recommended :
Loading Conditions Factor of Safety against Soil Shear Failure
Normal 1.3
Extreme 1.2
Accidental 1.2
For temporary loading conditions, the factor of safety against soil shear failure should be
assessed for each individual case by the designer.
The loads for calculating the factors of safety should be unfactored values with no allowance
for partial safety factors (see Chapter 5 of Part 1 of the Manual).
4.3.2 Soil Conditions
The factor of safety should be determined on the basis of a full knowledge of the soil
properties at the site. The values of geotechnical parameters for design should be
determined from careful assessment of the range of values of each parameter. Particular
attention should be given to the quality of ground investigation and the adequacy of test data
with respect to the inherent variability of the materials encountered. Reasonably
conservative selected values should be adopted and sensitivity checks within the upper and
lower limits of design parameters should be carried out if the level of confidence is low. If
sensitivity analysis results are not conclusive, additional investigation and testing should be
carried out to obtain more reliable information.
For structures founded on silty/clayey material (low permeability), consolidation takes a long
time and the most critical period for stability is during construction and just after completion.
The undrained shear strength of the founding strata is the controlling critical factor for overall
stability. The designer should determine the appropriate undrained shear strength as well as
the long term (drained) parameters, and assess the foundation stability under all conditions.
Undrained shear strength of silty/clayey soil can be determined from in-situ vane shear tests,
using a reduction factor on the measured vane shear value, where appropriate.
Unconsolidated undrained triaxial tests can also be used, provided samples are obtained using
sampling techniques which avoid disturbance during sampling. However, the results of
unconsolidated undrained tests may not be very reliable due to possible disturbance during
sampling. Hence, they should be used to supplement the in-situ soil strength obtained from
the field tests. Consolidated undrained tests can simulate the long-term performance of the

soil samples and their results can be used to assess the long-term stability of the structures.
In view of the comparatively poor consolidation characteristics of clayey/silty soil, care
should be exercised in adopting the consolidated undrained test results in the analysis of
short-term stability. In-situ vane shear test results should be used for such analysis as far as
Field and laboratory tests to determine suitability of the founding material should be
identified at the design stage. Validity of the design assumptions should be checked during
construction by incorporating requirements for appropriate tests in the contract documents.
Advice should be sought from geotechnical specialists, where appropriate.
4.3.3 Loading
All of the appropriate loads and loading conditions described in Chapter 5 of Part 1 of the
Manual and the various loading stages on the structure under the most severe load
combinations should be examined. If it is expected that other loading conditions could be
critical, they should also be investigated.
In seawall design, the live load should be determined according to the designated land use
behind the seawall. Temporary surcharge preloading on the seawall may be more critical
than the permanent loads or future live loads. This should be checked in the design.
Particular attention should be paid to fill placement behind the structure when clayey/silty
deposits remain under the foundation. Rapid fill placement may induce instability on the
foundation as the excess pore water pressure due to the fill loading will take some time to
dissipate completely. The effect of the filling rate or the stages of loading on stability
should be investigated with respect to the shear strength of the underlying soil at the time of
The induced pore pressures must be measured during construction and further filling must not
be allowed to proceed before the required dissipation has been achieved. Provision for
suitable instrumentation should be specified in the contract.
4.4 Settlement
The settlement expected during the design life of seawalls and breakwaters should be
assessed to ensure that it is acceptable to the proposed use of the structures. In general, the

residual settlement after completion of construction should be limited to not more than a
maximum between 150 mm and 300 mm, depending on the type, importance, stability and
usage of the structure and the site condition. For settlement-sensitive installations or
facilities, more stringent requirement may be needed and should be determined in
consultation with the client and users.
4.5 Types of Foundation
4.5.1 Dredging
Dredging for the foundation of seawalls or breakwaters may involve totally or partially
removing the marine deposits and replacement with sand or rubble fill in order to provide
adequate foundation stability and to prevent excessive settlement. Normally, dredging is
stopped when a firm stratum has been reached. This method, though relatively simple,
requires the disposal of dredged sediments, in particular when the quantity is large. In
addition, removal of soil is generally discouraged unless there is strong justification
(see ETWB TCW 34/2002 (ETWB, 2002)).
Partial removal of marine deposits, leaving the stiffer or stronger deposits in place, reduces
the dredging and fill quantities compared to the full-dredge method. Partial dredging may
be carried out in conjunction with installation of vertical drains and staged construction.
The main purpose of vertical drains is to accelerate the consolidation of the remaining soil so
that the target settlement due to primary consolidation can be achieved within shorter period.
Staged construction allows sufficient time for the marine deposits to consolidate and gain
strength between stages of construction. The extent of marine deposits to be left is subject
to thorough ground investigation, soil testing and detailed design. Partial dredging normally
requires longer construction period for consolidation to take place. This aspect should be
account for when assessing the cost and programme implications.
4.5.2 Deep Cement Mixing
The principle of deep cement mixing (DCM) is based on chemical reactions between clay and
chemical agents. Lime and Portland cement are the two most commonly used admixture
stabilizers. The purpose of mixing chemical additives with the soil is to improve the
stability, strength and stress-strain properties of the soil. The stabilization mechanism
generally involves the following chemical reaction processes :

z Cement reacts with the pore water of soft clay to form a series of hydrates.
z Hydrates exchange ions with clay particles and form large conglomerates.
z Clay particles react with the excess calcium ions from the hydration process
and form non-soluble compounds.
DCM is implemented in the field by machines with rotation blades that supply chemical
agent into the soil for in-situ mechanical mixing to form DCM piles. The DCM stabilized
soil can take the form of pile, wall or block as shown in Figure 8, which is summarised as
follows :
z Pile Type - This is formed by placing DCM piles at grid pattern. It is usually
adopted when the superstructure is relatively light and differential settlement is
not a problem. Piles with depth up to 60 m have been used in Japan.
z Wall Type - When DCM piles are constructed close together in one direction
with overlapping, the wall type DCM foundation is formed. It is usually
adopted for superstructures with large length to height ratio and sensitive to
differential settlement.
z Block Type - When DCM piles are constructed close together in perpendicular
directions with overlapping, the block type DCM foundation is formed. It is
usually adopted for heavy superstructure with stringent differential settlement
The advantages of DCM are :
z By stabilizing native soil using chemical additives, DCM does not require
dredging and filling to form the foundation as in the conventional dredging
z The operation of DCM would not cause lateral displacement of the soil being
treated. Therefore, effect on adjacent structures or foundations is minimal.
z The weight of DCM-treated soil is basically unchanged. Therefore, no
additional surcharge will be induced on the underlying soil strata.
z DCM is flexible in application because the amount of stabilizing agent and
form of treatment can be adjusted to suit different soil properties and
engineering requirements.
The following limitations should be considered in the choice of the method :
z Its cost may be several times higher than that of a conventional dredging

z Stringent quality control and monitoring is required during the mixing process
to ensure that the required strength is developed in the soil. It may be
necessary to carry out field trials to obtain an optimal site-specific soil to
cement ratio for practical application.
z The rotating blades of the DCM machine may not work properly if obstructions
of size larger than 250 mm are encountered during the mixing process.
z Investigations should be carried out to assess the possible environmental
impacts associated with marine application of DCM and to determine if
mitigation measures are necessary for a particular site.
z It does not work well in certain soils, notably those which have a high organic
content and acidic soils (Suzuki, 1982).
4.5.3 Stone Columns
Stone columns is a grid of densely packed columns of gravel installed in the soil (see
Figure 9). Their diameter generally ranges from 0.6 m to 1.0 m and the size of gravel
normally ranges from about 75 mm to 100 mm. By constructing stone columns in a square,
rectangular or triangular grid pattern, the ground is transformed into a composite mass of
vertical, compacted granular cylinders with intervening soil. This method provides the
advantages of increasing the average shear strength and decreasing the compressibility of the
treated soil. Since gravel is a good drainage material, installation of stone columns in
clayey soil also accelerates the dissipation of excess pore water pressure and hence the
The technique utilizes the vibroflot equipment for forming cylindrical holes in the soil. For
marine application, stone columns are generally formed by penetrating the vibroflot to the
desired depth and gravel is pumped through a supply duct to the bottom of vibroflot where
the gravel is forced out by air pressure through a mud protection shield as the vibroflot is
lifted. The vibroflot also compacts the gravel and displaces the gravel outwards, hence
mobilizing the lateral resistance of the soil against the displaced gravel. Compaction is
continued until the lateral resistance to the displacement of the soil by the gravel is fully
developed. The maximum practical length of stone columns is about 30 m.
The advantages of stone columns are :
z Stone columns share the external loads with the native soil in the form of a
composite foundation, and hence the method effectively utilizes the original

ground without dredging in principle.
z It immediately increases the rate of settlement of the soil in the presence of
gravel that acts as drainage material.
z It is flexible in application because the diameter and spacing of the stone
columns can be easily adjusted to suit different site conditions.
The limitation of the method are :
z The method is more costly than the conventional dredging method, although it
may be cheaper than the DCM method.
z Stone columns may not be feasible if the strength of the soil to be treated is too
z Stringent quality control is required during the installation process as the
integrity of the stone columns is crucial in the whole system.
z Installations of stone columns may cause lateral or upward soil displacement
and result in heaving of the seabed. The extent should be investigated in the
z The soil in the vicinity of the stone columns may be disturbed to a certain
extent during installation. The effect of strength reduction should be included
in design.
4.5.4 Comparison of Foundation Types
A comparison of the application of the above three types of foundation is given in Table 2.
4.6 Design Approach
4.6.1 Dredging
The extent and depth of dredging should be determined by means of a thorough slip surface
analysis. Guidance on the use of such methods may be found in the Geotechnical Manual
for Slopes (GCO, 1984) and Works Bureau Technical Circular 13/99 (WB, 1999).
Chapter 6 of Part 1 of the Manual has indicated that, when decomposed granite is used as fill
for underwater foundations, the deposited layer should normally not exceed 15 m thick and
should not contain Grade VI materials as defined in Table 4 of Geoguide 3 (GEO, 1988).
The purpose is to limit excess pore pressures within the construction period for maintaining

the stability of the structure. Further details are given in GEO Report No. 33 entitled An
Evaluation of the Suitability of Decomposed Granite as Foundation Backfill for Gravity
Seawalls in Hong Kong (GEO, 1993).
For settlement assessment, reference may be made to the principle given in Chapter 4 of
Part 3 of the Manual.
4.6.2 Deep Cement Mixing
The DCM treated soil normally has large shear strength and deformation modulus with very
small strain at failure compared to the original soil. Therefore, the DCM treated soil may be
considered as a rigid structure. A feasible DCM scheme for marine gravity structures will
generally involve analysis of the following :
z Analysis of the overall stability against shear failure, both through the stabilised
foundation and beneath it.
z External stability against sliding, overturning and bearing capacity at the
bottom surface of the stabilized body under the design external loads acting on
the boundary of the stabilized body (See Figure 10).
z Internal stability against the internal stresses (including compressive, tensile
and shear) induced by the external loads on the stabilized body; the strength
being dependent on the soil properties and the soil-cement mixing ratio.
z Amount of reduction of settlement as compared with the original soil.
The design of DCM foundation requires specialist knowledge and experience. Specialist
input should be sought if this type of foundation is adopted. Reference may be made to
Ye et al. (1997) for further details of the design methodology.
4.6.3 Stone Columns
Design of stone-column foundation involves the determination of the diameter, length,
spacing and pattern of the stone columns, and the size of gravel for forming the columns.
The design process will involve analysis on the following :
z Bearing capacity of individual columns and the stone-column group against
vertical stresses from the structure.
z Overall stability including slip failure analysis of the composite ground made
up of the stone columns and the soil.

z Assessment of settlement of the composite ground so that the residual
settlement after completion of the works is within acceptable limit.
The design of stone-column foundation requires specialist knowledge and experience.
Specialist input should be sought if this type of foundation is adopted. Reference may be
made to Mitchell and Matti (1981) and Ye et al. (1997) for further details of the design

5.1 General
This chapter provides general guidance on assessing the hydraulic performance of the
structures on wave run-up, overtopping, transmission and reflection. Some empirical
methods of estimating the magnitude of these parameters for simplified structural
configurations and wave conditions are given. These methods, mostly based on results of
laboratory testing, provide an estimate of the order-of-magnitude of the parameters only.
Where complicated situations are encountered and the predictions are less reliable than are
needed, physical model tests should be conducted to confirm the hydraulic performance of
the structures.
5.2 Wave Run-up
Wave action on a structure will cause the water surface to oscillate over a vertical range
generally greater than the incident wave height. The extreme high level reached by waves
on a structure is the wave run-up. It is the vertical height above the still water level to which
water from an incident wave will run up the face of the structure. In case of vertical
structures, the run-up height is that of the crest of standing waves in front of them. The run-
up level can be used to assess the required level of the crest of the structure or as an indicator
of the occurrence of wave overtopping.
For design purpose, the amount of wave run-up is often indicated by R
, and is defined as
the run-up level exceeded by 2% of the incident waves. Over most wave conditions and
slopes, a rubble slope will dissipate more wave energy and result in less run-up than a smooth
or non-porous slope does. This reduction is influenced by the permeability of the armour,
filter and underlayers, and by the steepness and period of the waves. Methods to estimate
the amount of wave run-up for rubble mound structures are given in Appendix B. Designers
should take note of the range of testing conditions on which these methods are based.
5.3 Wave Overtopping
5.3.1 Mean Overtopping Rate
In the design of seawalls and breakwaters, the controlling hydraulic response is often the

wave overtopping. If the crest level of a structure is exceeded by the wave run-up, wave
overtopping will occur. Overtopping is not a continuous process but an intermittent
occurrence at times of attack of individual high waves varying from one wave to another.
The degree of wave overtopping is normally measured by the mean rate of overtopped water
per metre run of the structure (m
/s/m). Methods to estimate the overtopping rate for rubble
mound and vertical structures are given in Appendix B.
Wave overtopping is affected by many factors; even a small modification of the geometry of
a structure may change the amount of overtopping. Although there is no reliable conclusion,
the increase of wave overtopping by an onshore wind is large when the quantity of
overtopping is small and the wind effect decreases gradually as the overtopping rates
increases. Hence, the methods given in Appendix B can only be used to provide general
indication of the order of magnitude of the overtopping rate. More accurate estimate of the
overtopping rate should be determined through hydraulic model tests.
5.3.2 Permissible Overtopping Rate
Wave overtopping can cause inconvenience or danger to personnel and vehicles, interruption
to operations and flooding, and can induce instability to the crest and rear amour of the
structure. The permissible rate of overtopping water depends on the usage of the crest of the
structure or the land behind the structure, the strength of pavement against the impact of
falling water mass, and the capacity of drainage facilities. Suggested limits of overtopping
are (CIRIA, 1991):
Safety Considerations (m
Danger to personnel
Unsafe to vehicle
Damage to unpaved surface
Damage to paved surface
The above values are mean overtopping rates; peak values can be up to 100 times the
If there is pedestrian and vehicle movement or other operations on or near the structures, the
permissible overtopping rates for personnel and vehicle should be satisfied for normal
environmental conditions. For extreme environmental conditions, the checking of the
overtopping discharge against the permissible rates for personnel and vehicle may not be
necessary if operations such as pedestrian and vehicle movements cease at the structure.
However, if the usage on or near the structure in extreme environmental conditions is critical,

designers should determine on individual situations whether the permissible values for
personnel and vehicle have to be met in extreme environmental conditions.
Damage to surface behind the structure due to repeated wave overtopping under extreme
environmental conditions can affect the structural safety due to loss of fill from the core of
the structure by erosion and leakage. The permissible overtopping rates for damage to
unpaved or paved surface should be checked for extreme environmental conditions.
5.4 Wave Reflection
5.4.1 Reflected Wave Height
All coastal structures reflect some portion of the incident wave energy. The amount of wave
reflection is often described by a reflection coefficient, C
, defined in terms of the incident
and reflected wave heights, H
and H
, or the incident and reflected wave energies, E
and E
= =
The reflection coefficient of solid vertical structure is normally greater than 0.9 whereas the
reflection coefficient of rubble mound structure can vary from about 0.3 to 0.6, depending on
the wave steepness and the slope of the structure. Empirical formulae which may be used to
estimate the reflection coefficient for rubble mound structures are given in Appendix B.
The total wave height, H
, due to the incident and reflected waves may be calculated by the
principle of summation of energy components :
H = H
total i r
The theoretical basis of the above equation is that the significant wave height is proportional
to the square root of the total wave energy, irrespective of the shape of the wave spectrum.
The equation, however, is not applicable in the immediate vicinity of structures because of
the fixed phase relationship between the incident and reflected waves. The equation is only
applied to a distance of about one wavelength or more from the reflective structure as the
phase interference cancels out among the various components of random sea waves.

5.4.2 Wave Reflection in the Harbour
When waves are reflected by a structure, the reflected waves causes increased agitation of the
water in front of the structure and can affect vessel navigation and operations. New marine
structures in the Victoria Harbour should be designed to achieve a reflection coefficient less
than 0.5 for waves with periods less than 5 s (WB, 1995) to reduce the impact of reflected
waves on vessels.
5.4.3 Wave Absorption Structures
Waves acting on a vertical structure can be absorbed by introducing wave absorption unit to
reduce the reflected wave energy. The performance of the wave absorption structures is
related to the incident wave period and should be determined by physical model testing. An
example of wave absorption structure is shown in Figure 11. It consists of a wave chamber
with perforated front wall. The main cause of energy dissipation is the energy loss of the
water jets through the perforations at their outlets. Once the water jets are ejected from the
outlets of the perforations, their kinetic energy is consumed by turbulence and eddies and
cannot be recovered into the form of kinetic energy again by the entropy principle. The
speed of water jets or the amount of the kinetic energy is controlled by the water level
difference between the outside and the inside of the wave chamber, or the phase lag between
the incident and reflected waves.
Physical model testing should be carried out to determine the most appropriate layout of the
perforations, including the width and depth of wave absorption chamber and perforation ratio
of the front wall. Perforation ratio is defined as the ratio between the total area of the
perforations and the total area of the front wall. The model tests should cover different
wave heights, periods and directions as well as water levels that occur at a particular site.
Wave absorption structure, if adopted within the Victoria Harbour, should be designed to
cater for vessel waves with short periods in the range of 2 to 5 s.
5.5 Wave Transmission
Wave transmission is applicable to breakwater constructed with low crest level where waves
overtop and transmit wave energy into sheltered waters. Long period waves transmitted
through the breakwaters can cause movement of vessels and affect operations within the

harbour behind the breakwaters.
Wave transmission is described by the coefficient of transmission, C
, defined in terms of the
incident and transmitted wave heights, H
and H
, or the incident and transmitted wave
energies, E
and E
= =
The transmission performance of low-crested breakwaters is dependent on the structure
geometry, principally the crest freeboard, crest width, water depth, permeability, and on the
wave conditions, principally the wave period. Some empirical formulae based on the results
of hydraulic model tests to estimate the transmission coefficient are given in Appendix B.

6.1 General
This chapter provides general guidance on assessing the structural stability of breakwaters
and seawalls. However, as each design rule has its limitations, it may be necessary to
perform physical model studies to verify the design for critical structures exposed to
unfavourable environmental conditions.
Guidance on the determination of loads, loading conditions and combinations for the design
of breakwaters and seawalls can be found in Chapter 5 of Part 1 of the Manual General
Design Considerations for Marine Works.
6.2 Rubble Mound Structures
6.2.1 General
The stability of rubble mound structures relies on whether the armour units can remain stable
on the slope to protect the inner core of the structure under wave action. The underlayers,
bedding layers, core, toe protection and geometry of the structure such as crest width, height,
slope and layer thickness interplay with the armour to provide the necessary stability of the
structure as a whole. The design of these elements is discussed in this section. Guidance
on checking the foundation stability against slip failure is given in Chapter 4 of this part of
the Manual.
The definition sketch for rubble mound breakwaters and seawalls is shown in Figure 12.
6.2.2 Weight of Armour Units
Common methods to determine the weight of armour units include the Hudson formula and
the Van der Meer formulae, details of which are given in Appendix C. General comments
on the application of these formulae on rock armour are given below.
(1) Hudson Formula
The Hudson formula, developed for rock armour, was derived from results of regular wave
tests for armour stability in conditions when the crest of the structure is high enough to

prevent major overtopping. The formula has been widely used because of its simplicity and
the long period of application. The formula, however, does not take account of many
factors such as wave period and spectrum, angle of incident wave, shape, type and
interlocking of armour units, method of placing armour units, size and porosity of underlayer
material, and effect of the crest elevation relative to wave height. The formula should not be
used for a low crest structure.
(2) Van der Meer Formula
The Van der Meer formulae were established from the results of a series of model tests using
irregular waves which better reflect the real conditions of the sea state. These formulae are
based on a wide set of model data and are considered as the most widely applicable of the
prediction methods currently available. The Van der Meer formulae are more complex than
the Hudson formula and take account of the following variables which are not included in the
latter :
z Wave period.
z Breaker parameter.
z Duration of storm.
z Permeability of the core of the structure.
z Damage level.
z Breaking wave conditions.
Details of the formulae and range of applicability are described in Appendix C. In the
formulae, the permeability of the structure is represented by a notional permeability factor P
(see Figure 13). The suggested values of P range from 0.1 for a relatively impermeable core
to 0.6 for a virtually homogeneous rock structure. Designers should note that the values of
P are only assumed and not related to the actual core permeability. For good design practice,
the formulae should not be used for conditions outside those given in Appendix C, and
sensitivity of the calculated rock weight should be performed for all parameters in the
formulae, including the full range of wave period.
(3) Crest and Rear Face Armour
The stability of armour on the crest of a rubble mound structure may be less than the stability
of those on the seaward slope because of the reduced interlocking among armour units on the
crest. For breakwaters, wave overtopping may also induce instability on the rear face
armour. No analytical methods are available for determining the size of these armour units.

Generally, the size of the crest and rear face armour should not be less than that of the main
armour. Physical model tests are recommended for severely overtopped or submerged
structures to determine the required size of the armour.
(4) Concrete Armour Units
Information on the use and design of particular concrete armour units should be obtained
from literature published by the originator or licensee of the unit. BS 6349:Part 7:1991
(BSI, 1991) also provides some general guidance on the use of these units.
6.2.3 Thickness and Extent of Armour Layer
The thickness of the armour layer t
may be obtained from the following formula :

1/ 3

where W
= Weight of an individual armour unit (N).
n = Number of armour layers.

= Layer thickness coefficient.

= Unit weight of armour unit (N/m
The average number of armour units per unit area N
may be determined by the following
formula :
2 / 3




where p = Volumetric porosity.
The thickness of randomly placed rock armour should normally be designed to contain a
double layer of rocks (n = 2), with layer thickness coefficient equal to 1.15 and volumetric
porosity equal to 0.37. The average number of armour units per unit area should be
specified to ensure that sufficient units are placed on the structure. For concrete armour
units, two layers of units are normally provided but in any case the method of placing should
been based on careful testing or as recommended by the originator or licensee of the concrete

armour units.
The armour layer should extend below the lowest design water level to a depth equal to 2
times H
. For deep water structures, the slope below the level at which the primary armour
terminates should be protected by rock having a size not less than that required for the
underlayer. In shallow water where the waves break, the armour in the primary layer should
be extended over the entire slope.
6.2.4 Underlayers and Core
The weight of the underlayer rock should normally be taken as not less than one-tenth of the
weight of the armour. The size of individual underlayer rock should be within 30% of
the nominal weight selected. This applies where the armour layer is made up of rock. For
concrete armour units, recommendations on the weight of underlayer rock can be found in
BS 6349:Part 7:1991.
The thickness of the underlayer t
should contain at least two layers of rock and may be
determined from the following formula :
1/ 3
t =nk

where W = Weight of a rock in the underlayer (N).
n = Number of rock layers.

= Layer thickness coefficient, equal to 1.15 for rock.

= Unit weight of rock (N/m
For the filter action between successive underlayers and between the lower underlayer and
the core, the filter criteria given in BS 6349:Part 7:1991 (BSI, 1991) may be used to
determine the size of the underlayers in relation to the core :
4 to 5
4 D
20 to 25
where D is the nominal size of an equivalent cube.
Suffix c refers to core.

Suffix u refers to underlayer.
Suffixes 15 and 85 refer to the percentage of material passing through that size.
When applying the above criteria, some disturbance of the finer material and possible
migration through the overlying material due to varying wave induced water movements is
still possible. A conservative approach should be adopted in the design of the filter.
When the rubble mound structure is protecting a reclamation, adequate filter should also be
provided to prevent loss of fine material through the core. The following filter criteria is
given in BS 6349:Part 7:1991 :
4 to 5
4 D
20 to 25
where D is the nominal size of an equivalent cube.
Suffixes 15, 50 and 85 refer to the percentage of material passing through that
The following points should be noted when designing the filter layer between the rubble
mound structure and the reclamation fill :
z No filter layer should contain more than 5% of material by weight passing
63 m sieve and that fraction should be cohesionless.
z Filter material should be well graded within the specified limits and its grading
curve should have approximately the same shape as the grading curve of the
protected material.
z Where the retained fill material contains a large proportion of gravel or coarser
material, the filter should be designed on the basis of the grading of that
proportion of the protected material finer than a 20 mm sieve.
z Where the retained fill is gap graded, the coarse particles should be ignored and
the grading limits for the filter should be selected on the grading curve of the
finer soil.
z Where a filter protects a variable soil, the filter should be designed to protect
the finest soil.
z The thickness of filter layers should be ample to ensure integrity of the filter

when placed underwater. In practice, the thickness of filter layer at 1 m below
and 0.5 m above water level should be the minimum thickness of 4D
z The filters should cover the full depth of the structure.
6.2.5 Slope of Structure
The slope angle of the structure depends on hydraulics and geotechnical stability, and should
generally be not steeper than 1 (vertical) : 1.5 (horizontal).
6.2.6 Crest
The crest elevation should be determined from wave run-up and overtopping considerations.
An allowance for the settlement that will occur in the design life of the structure may also be
included in determining the crest elevation.
The crest width should be sufficient to accommodate any construction, operation and
maintenance activities on the structure. For rubble mound breakwaters, the minimum crest
width B should be sufficient to accommodate at least three crest armour units and may be
determined from the following formula :

1/ 3
B =3k

where W
= Weight of an individual armour unit (N).

= Layer thickness coefficient.

= Unit weight of armour unit (N/m
6.2.7 Crest Structures
A crest structure may be constructed on the structure to provide access or act as a wave wall
to prevent or reduce overtopping. Typical form of crest structures for rubble mound
breakwaters are shown in Figure 14. The underside of the crest structure may be keyed into
the underlying material to increase sliding resistance.

6.2.8 Toe Protection
Wave action in front of the structure can cause severe turbulence at the seabed. In particular,
the toe of the structure can be exposed to the action of breaking waves in shallow water,
leading to erosion of seabed material and scouring of toe. Figure 15 shows different toe
details for rubble mound structures under different wave and ground conditions. The extent
of toe protection and the rock size at toe may be determined from Figure 16 for the case of
rubble mound in front of vertical and composite breakwaters. Where currents are combined
with wave action, it is suggested that the weight of the rock for protection against wave scour
should be increased by 50% (BSI, 1991). Alternatively, the shear stresses due to the
combined effect of waves and currents may be calculated to determine the required toe
Fine material at the seabed is liable to be scoured. The design may place rubble to act as a
falling apron as shown in Figure 17 for toe protection.
6.2.9 Breakwater Head
The breakwater head may be more exposed than other parts of the structure for the following
reasons :
z The head is usually exposed to attack by waves approaching from a wider
range of directions.
z Increased wave disturbance can arise due to reflection or diffraction by the
structure or by the other breakwater at the entrance of the typhoon shelter or
harbour basin, or due to the effect of the slope around a breakwater head on
wave refraction, or by the effect of the presence of dredged channel or change
in seabed level as a result of littoral drift or bar formation.
z Currents can be more pronounced than other parts of the breakwater.
z The curvature of a breakwater with roundhead construction can reduce the
interlock between the armour units. The wave action at the roundhead will
result in higher water velocities over parts of the rear slope than elsewhere; it is
often found that this is the region of the least armour stability.
BS 6349:Part 7:1991 recommends that the breakwater head should be designed with greater
strength than the breakwater trunk in order to achieve comparable stability under the same
wave conditions. This can be achieved by :

z Using larger armour units or flatter slope, or by a combination of both.
z Increasing the thickness, and hence the permeability, of the armour layer.
z Increasing the crest width.
Such measures should be applied around the head and along both sides of the trunk for a
distance of typically 1 to 2 times the overall height of the breakwater tip. A smooth
transition should be provided between the roundhead and the trunk. A typical breakwater
roundhead construction is shown in Figure 18.
Some types of concrete armour units, such as Tetrapod and Dolos, are less stable under
oblique waves than under waves perpendicular to the structure (BSI, 1991). The above
measures should be adopted when units displaying such characteristic are used.
The measures at the breakwater head should also be considered at the following conditions :
z Where the breakwater has sharp changes in direction.
z At the ends of the breakwater where there is a junction with a vertical structure.
z Where other types of construction or structure such as extensive culvert wing
walls have been incorporated into a length of the breakwater.
The length of structure to be considered as corresponding to head conditions is dependent on
site conditions, crest level and armour slope, and must be decided by the designer in each
case. For small structures with significant junctions or discontinuities where head
conditions apply, it may be justified to use configuration corresponding to head conditions for
the full structure length.
The above guidance should also be applied to rubble mound seawalls if similar breakwater
head conditions are encountered.
6.3 Vertical Structures
6.3.1 General
Vertical structures derive their stability largely from their self-weight. Failure by
overturning occurs when the overturning moment due to the disturbing forces exceeds the
restoring moment due to the weight of the structure. Sliding takes place when the frictional
resistance between the base of the structure and the foundation is insufficient to withstand the

disturbing forces. Bearing capacity failure occurs when the contact pressure beneath the
base of the structure exceeds the bearing capacity of the foundation. The wave action can
lead to toe scour or undermining, affecting the stability of the structure. If slip surface is
developed in the structure or foundation, slip failure will occur. Recommended minimum
factors of safety against soil shear failure are given in Chapter 4 of this part of the Manual.
Minimum factors of safety against overturning, sliding and bearing capacity are given in this
6.3.2 Overturning, Sliding and Bearing Capacity
The following minimum factors of safety against overturning, sliding and bearing capacity
failure of a vertical structure under various loading conditions are recommended :
Loading Conditions Overturning Sliding Bearing Capacity
Normal 2.0 1.75 2.5
Extreme 1.5 1.5 2.0
Accidental 1.5 1.5 2.0
For overturning, it is recommended that the resultant should lie within the middle third of the
base width under normal loading conditions when transient loads are ignored.
For sliding, the recommended factors of safety also apply to sliding at horizontal block
interfaces in the case of concrete blockwork seawall. The coefficient of friction at the
interface of two concrete blocks and at the interface of a concrete block and a levelled rubble
mound foundation may be taken as 0.6.
The factors of safety for temporary loading conditions should be assessed by the designer for
each individual case.
The methods of calculating the above factors of safety for vertical seawalls and breakwaters
are given in Figures 19 and 20. The factors of safety should be assessed under the most
severe combinations of loading, wave positions and water levels.
Chapter 5 of Part 1 of the Manual recommends that a tidal lag of not less than 0.7 m and
1.0 m above the still water level under normal loading conditions and extreme loading
conditions respectively may be applied in relatively simple ground conditions behind a
seawall. On the basis of this assumption, typical water levels shown in Table 3 should
normally be considered in seawall design. However, it should be noted that for different
types of structures, different loading cases and conditions, the critical still water level may be

the minimum, maximum or some intermediate levels within those shown in Table 3, and
therefore should be assessed by the designers for each case. The ground water level should
take into consideration the worst credible ground water conditions, for example, in the case
where flow from land sources is significant. Tidal lag is not applicable to breakwaters.
The major lateral loads acting on a vertical seawall and a vertical breakwater are different.
The critical lateral loads for a vertical seawall may include the lateral earth pressure due to
fill and surcharge behind the seawall and the wave suction in front of the structure under the
effect of a wave trough. For a vertical breakwater, as the structure is surrounded by water,
the critical lateral load may be the wave load due to a wave crest acting on the seaward face
of the structure with gentle wave condition inside the shelter. This should be noted in the
6.3.3 Design Wave Height
The design wave height for assessing the structural stability should be taken as the maximum
wave height H
In deepwater, the most probable maximum value of H
, as mentioned in Chapter 2 of Part 1
of the Manual, is given by :
H (0.706 ln N )H (1.6~2.0 )H
max 0 1/ 3 1/ 3
where H
is the significant wave height.
is the number of waves during a peak of storm events.
For design purpose, to assess the wave pressure under wave crest, H
is generally taken as
if the structure is located seaward of the surf zone. Within the surf zone where wave
breaking takes place, the design wave height is taken as the highest of the random breaking
waves H
at the location of a distance equal to 5H
seaward of the structure as given by the
Goda method in Appendix A of Part 1 of the Manual. The design wave period can be taken
as the significant wave period. The corresponding wave pressure formulae according to
Goda are given in Section 5.10.3 of Part 1 of the Manual.
To assess the wave pressure under wave trough, the maximum wave height H
is taken to be
. It should be noted that the solution for wave pressure under a wave trough, in
particular that of breaking waves, has not yet been fully developed. But as far as the

pressure of standing waves is concerned, the wave pressure distribution under the trough may
be determined according to the Sainflou theory as given in Section 5.10.3 of Part 1 of the
Reference should be made to Section 5.10.2 of Part 1 of the Manual regarding the wave
conditions to be considered in design. Typical wave conditions with respect to water levels
are given in Table 3.
6.3.4 Impulsive Wave Pressure
An impulsive wave pressure will be exerted on a vertical wall when incident waves begin to
break in front of the wall and collide with it, having a wave front which is almost vertical.
The impulsive pressure caused by breaking waves is much greater than the pressure usually
adopted in the design of vertical structures mentioned above. Hence, these structures should
be located in such a way to avoid direct exposure to impulsive breaking wave pressure. A
rubble mound breakwater may be more suitable in such a situation. If space is limited or if
little wave transmission is to be allowed, a vertical breakwater protected by a mound of rock
or concrete blocks of the energy-dissipating type may be an alternative design.
It is difficult to describe precisely the occurrence condition of the impulsive breaking wave
pressure but the possibility of its generation may be judged to a certain extent with reference
to the guideline given in Table 4. It should be noted that the guideline is of a rather
qualitative nature, and many cases may fall in the border zone. This uncertainty is
inevitable because the phenomenon is affected by many factors in a complex and delicate
manner. Physical model testing should be carried out if in doubt. Further guidance on the
assessment of the impulsive breaking wave pressure can be found in Goda (2000).
6.3.5 Toe Protection
The extent of toe protection and the rock size at the toe may be determined in accordance
with the guidance given in Section 6.2.8 of this part of the Manual.
6.3.6 Breakwater Head
In contrary to rubble mound breakwaters, upright sections of vertical and composite
breakwaters at their head sections may be designed in the same manner as for their trunk
sections. However, the bermstones at the breakwater heads are more susceptible to scour,
because they are exposed to strong wave-induced currents around the corners of the upright

sections. The effects of scour may be reduced by :
z Providing an outer face curved on plan for upright section at the breakwater
z Increasing the anti-scour protection : the width of the protection and the weight
of the rock or blocks may be increased by at least 50%; such protection should
be continued along the main face for a suitable distance.
6.4 Vertical Wave Absorption Seawalls
The loading and stability analysis of vertical wave absorption seawalls should generally
follow those guidelines for vertical structures mentioned in previous sections. In the
presence of wave absorption chamber, the wave pressure on various structural elements of the
chamber should be assessed to determine the worst loading combinations. For side walls
and bottom slabs, the Extended Goda Formulae that take in account the effect of impulsive
wave pressure may be applied to estimate the wave loading. Details of the Extended Goda
Formulae are given in Tsinker (1997).
Information on the magnitude of wave pressure on top slabs of wave absorption seawall is
limited. Laboratory model testing had once been carried out for wave absorption seawall
(HKU, 1998) with removable panels on the front face of the seawall. The testing results
indicated that the uplift pressure increased significantly when the front panel was removed.
Without the front panel, waves directly impinged onto the rear wall and caused higher run-up
along the rear wall and against the top slab, and resulted in significant increase in the uplift.
The testing conditions and results are summarized in Table 5. However, there is still much
uncertainty about wave impact pressures and the physical processes that govern it. Most
researchers believe that small-scale experiments tend to over-predict impact pressures. It
should be noted that both the overtopping pressure and the uplift are highly sensitive to the
difference in elevation between the still water level and the slab soffit. Designers should
exercise great care when trying to apply test results under different design wave conditions
and levels of slab soffit.

7.1 General
This chapter covers aspects requiring attention during supervision of the construction of
seawalls and breakwaters. The General Specification for Civil Engineering Works (GS)
(Hong Kong Government, 1992) should be referred to for information on general
construction requirements.
7.2 Foundation Dredging
7.2.1 General
The quality of the remaining material at and below the bottom of the dredged trench is an
important consideration in determining the dredging level. The stability of trench side slope
is also important as it is required to be stable until the trench has been filled with foundation
material. These dredging parameters are related to the overall stability of the structure and
should be determined through a thorough stability analysis mentioned in Chapter 4 of this
part of the Manual.
7.2.2 Samples of Dredged Materials
Sampling of dredged material should commence when the depth of dredging has reached
about 5 m above the design founding level. Samples should then be taken at regular depth
intervals of approximately 2 m to identify any change in stratum or material quality. Each
sample should have a mass of about 1 kg and be labeled with location, depth, level, date, time
and dredging method. The sample should preferably be taken from the centre of a grab or
bucket load. For a trailer suction dredger, the sample should be taken from the pipe
discharging into the hopper.
7.2.3 Dredging Profile and Depth
Normally, the level of dredged foundation trench is determined by relying on the rule of
thumb of 70% sand content (by weight) in the dredged material. The rationale is to ensure
that the sand content of material in-situ below the dredging level is not smaller than that of
the backfill material so as to avoid undue stability and long term settlement problems.

For foundation dredging in particular where clayey or silty materials remain at the trench
bottom, measures to determine suitability of the founding material, including field and
laboratory tests, should be identified in the design stage and specified in the contract. Field
tests to assess the in-situ soil strength includes vane shear test, standard penetration test and
cone penetration test as described in Chapter 4 of Part 1 of the Manual. To ensure the
compatibility between design assumptions and actual site conditions, comparison should be
made between information on soil stratification and strength parameters obtained during the
design stage and those revealed during construction, taking into account the following
information :
z Soil strata according to the information revealed from samples collected from
dredged material.
z Vertical and lateral variability of the soil profiles along the foundation of the
z Results of the in-situ sand content tests, hand vane shear tests or other field
z Difficulty or obstruction encountered in the dredging works.
If there are substantial deviations in soil strata from the design assumptions or if suitable soil
stratum is encountered prior to reaching the design depth, stability calculations should be
reviewed to determine if the dimensions of the dredged trench are adequate.
If the soil at the designed depth is not suitable, dredging should be continued until a suitable
stratum is reached. Alternatively, instead of dredging further downwards, the width of the
dredged trench may be widened, subject to further stability calculation based on the strength
reflected from the in-situ field tests. A combination of widening and deepening the
foundation trench may be adopted to optimize the dredging effort.
In case of doubt, further ground investigation and field or laboratory testing should be
conducted to confirm the soil conditions.
7.2.4 Disposal of Dredged Materials
Disposal requirements of dredged materials are given in ETWB TCW 34/2002 on
Management of Dredged/Excavated Sediment (ETWB, 2002).
It is generally not necessary to physically ensure that dredged materials are disposed of at
designated disposal ground, as this is a legal requirement of the dumping permit issued by

and policed by the Environmental Protection Department. However, periodic checks should
be made that the contractor's barges are properly licensed and have appropriate dumping
permits. The periods between the barges leaving full from the site and returning empty
should also be checked to ensure they are compatible with the time that the trip to the
appropriate disposal ground should take.
7.3 Soil Strengthening
When applying deep cement mixing or stone-column technique, stringent quality control and
monitoring are required to ensure that the required strength is developed in the soil. These
measures may include :
z Trial soil treatment on site to ascertain the soil strengthening parameters with
respect to actual soil conditions before full-scale construction of the foundation.
z Performance control of the treatment process and depth of treatment; for
example, the gravel consumption rate and compaction effort versus depth in the
construction of stone columns; or in deep cement mixing, the consumption of
stabilizing agents, the penetration time and withdrawal velocity of mixing
equipment versus depth.
z Water quality monitoring to detect if there is leakage of stabilizing agents to the
water environment in deep cement mixing or intermixing of soil and gravel
with seawater during the installation of stone columns.
z Monitoring of the stability of adjacent seabed or structures.
z Undertaking verification and acceptance tests of the treated soils.
z Post construction monitoring on the stability and settlement behaviour of the
Specialist input is required in drafting the specification for these techniques and supervising
their application on site.
7.4 Fill Placement
The rate of fill placement behind a just-completed seawall should be controlled. In
particular, for seawall foundation resting on silty or clayey soil, the excess pore water
pressure developed during filling may not be able to dissipate if the rate of filling is high, and
this will induce instability to the seawall. On the other hand, if the loading condition at

construction, during which the undrained shear strength of the silty or clayey soil before
consolidation takes place is critical, has been checked in the design, the rate of fill placement
will probably be not of prime concern in principle. Nevertheless, as a good engineering
practice, placement of large quantity of fill behind a just-completed seawall within a short
period should be avoided and the dissipation of excess pore water pressure in the founding
material should be monitored during construction.
The presence of tension cracks or rapid increase in settlement on newly reclaimed land may
indicate the possibility of movements of the founding strata, which could lead to the failure of
a seawall. When such sign is observed on site, all works including the filling operation and
the construction of seawalls should be stopped, and the project engineer should immediately
initiate a thorough investigation to identify the cause and develop a remedial plan, if
necessary. The construction work should be resumed only upon the rectification of the
cause of potential failure.
To allow for subsequent settlement during the construction period, the levelling rock fill at
the top of the foundation may be raised above the required design level. The amount
depends on many variables, including the characteristics of the underlying foundation
material, the thickness of any sand and rock filling, the mass of the works to be constructed
on the foundation, and the expected construction period. This amount of set-up should be
specified in the contract.
Where fill will be deposited in a foundation trench, it is important to check that there has
been no significant deposition or accumulation of soft deposits in the bottom of the trench
between completion of dredging and the start of filling. This is particularly important when
there has been a period of high waves during a storm. Such checking can be carried out by
diver, grab sampling or repeating the survey, or a combination of these as appropriate. No
fill should be placed until the dredged profile is agreed and approved.
7.5 Rock Armour and Underlayers
Rock in armour layers and underlayers in rubble mound construction should normally be
placed from the bottom to the top of a section, in such a manner and sequence that
individual rock pieces interlock and do not segregate and the interstices are kept free of small
rock fragments. These requirements are particularly important as they relate directly to
design assumptions covering stability against wave attack and wave run-up. There should
be no free pieces on the surface of a completed layer, and all pieces should be wedged and

locked together so that they are not free to move without disturbing adjacent pieces in the
same layer.
Armour is the most important layer for the stability of the rubble mound. The armour layer
should be placed as soon as possible following the placement of underlayer to avoid damages
to these layers, which may be difficult to repair. It is advisable to keep a sufficient number
of rock armour in stock on site to ensure rapid placement in case of an unfavorable weather
forecast. Each armour should be placed individually, after inspection to ensure that it is
within the specified weight range, uncracked and of acceptable shape.
The core and underlayers are liable to damage by wave action during construction. If
continuous rough weather is expected, it may be necessary to cease work before the onset of
rough weather and provide temporary protection to the unfinished work. It is advisable to
limit the extent to which the core is constructed ahead of the underlayer, and the underlayer
ahead of the armour, to reduce the risk of storm damage and consequent delay.
For rock armour layers and underlayers above water level, final visual inspections from the
top of the slope and by boat from the bottom of the slope should be carried out in addition to
the normal profile check by survey. Below water level, a final visual inspection by diver is
recommended where possible, depending on visibility, particularly for rock armour layers.
If any significant holes or areas with infilled interstices are detected, whether above or below
water level, it will be difficult for these to be satisfactorily rectified without almost complete
reconstruction of the adjacent areas.
The method of survey should be agreed with the surveyor before the work starts to ensure
that readings are taken at truly representative points but that any high and low spots are also
identified. It should be noted that it is unable to fully control the thickness of armour layer
by sounding or levelling surveys. The number of rock for a stated area specified in the
drawings should therefore be checked to ensure adequate coverage and thickness of the
armour layer.
7.6 Concrete Armour
Concrete armour units are in general mass concrete and only occasionally contain
reinforcement. Opinions are divided on the effectiveness of reinforcement in armour units
as, if the steel corrodes, the adverse effect on durability can outweigh any advantages in using
it (BSI, 1991). High quality concrete should always be used, but caution should be

exercised on the use of high cement contents because of the risk of shrinkage cracking,
particularly with large armour units. Concrete mixes for large units should be designed to
reduce temperature differentials and moulds should be designed to avoid cracking of concrete
due to thermal stresses. Low heat cement is advisable. Concrete production, casting,
curing, stripping of formwork, delivery to stockyard, transporting and placing should be
arranged and programmed to minimize stresses. Sufficient number of armour units may be
kept on site to enable rapid placement to protect the underlayers and the core in case of an
unfavourable weather condition.
Concrete armour units may be placed randomly or in a regular pattern. They range from
massive approximately cubical units such as cubes to the more complex forms such as
Tetrapods and Dolosse. The massive types are intended to function in a way similar to
natural rock, while the more complex units depend upon the interlocking between units to
achieve the hydraulic stability. True random placing is difficult to achieve, and inevitably
results in some units not being as well interlocked as others. Although placing to a
predetermined layout is usually specified for interlocking units, this is also difficult to
achieve except under favourable conditions of good underwater visibility and calm seas.
The result may be a semi-random pattern. Specific recommendations on the placing method
should be checked with the originator or licensee.
Cracks resulting from stresses arising during construction, delivery and placement can
significantly reduce the capacity of the concrete armour units to resist wave loads and
therefore they should be handled with great care under close supervision. Full scale
dynamic loading tests can be carried out on site to check the impact resistance of the units.
These can take the form of drop tests in which a unit is dropped from varying heights onto a
concrete or rubble surface. Results of these tests have shown that the flexural strength may
be reduced by 60% after 6 to 10 impacts. Further information, including suggested
maximum sizes of concrete armour units, can be found in BS 6349:Part 7:1991.
The conditions of the concrete armour units should be closely checked on site. Cracked or
broken units should not be used as armour. A thorough inspection should be made on each
unit immediately before and after placing. Damaged units should be removed immediately
even though it has been placed on the slope.
7.7 Bermstones
Bermstones should be placed as soon as practicable to protect the toe of the structure against

scouring due to waves and currents. Early placement is particularly important when one or
more of the following conditions apply :
z The location is subject to strong currents.
z The location is exposed to wave attack.
z When works are carried out in season during which tropical storms may be
z The water depth in front of the structure is shallow.
Underwater inspection is important to ensure that bermstones have been placed over the
foundation width required and that the gap between bermstones are kept to the minimum.
7.8 Concrete Seawall Blocks
Precast blocks for concrete blockwork structures are normally made of mass concrete with a
characteristic strength of 20 MPa. The ease and accuracy of construction is dependent on
the accuracy of the shape and size of the blocks being used, and the accuracy and consistency
of the levelling stones on top of the foundation. It is important for the levels of the rails or
other profile marks to be checked by surveyor before laying of the levelling stones starts, and
for the levelling stones to be inspected by diver before any block setting.
Daily records for the casting and setting of blocks should be kept. In addition, record
drawings giving the date of setting of each block should be kept in the site office. After the
setting of each layer of blocks has been completed, a diving inspection should be carried out
to check such matters as the accuracy of setting, joint widths, infilling of gaps between
adjacent blocks and cleanliness of the top surface for receiving the next layer of blocks.
7.9 Facing Stones and Copings
The construction of in-situ concrete copings and the pointing of facing stones of a seawall
should preferably be carried out as late as possible in the construction programme in order to
allow for the effects of settlement. Subject to user requirements, the works of these two
items may be delayed until towards the end of the construction period of a project.

7.10 Caissons
Concrete caissons consist of open-topped cells prefabricated in the dry and are usually floated
to their final location for sinking onto prepared foundation in the seabed. Caissons are
generally of rectangular shape in plan and subdivided into cells for strength and for control of
stability during towing, sinking and filling when in the final position.
Filling should be carried out as soon as the caisson is positioned for the sake of stability.
For breakwaters, compartments are completely filled for stability under wave loading. For
seawalls, the seaward compartments may be better left either empty or partially filled to
adjust the overall centre of gravity and reduce bearing pressures if the front wall is not used
for vessel berthing. Fill compaction can be carried out to provide a secure foundation to the
superstructure. Lean concrete may be used in seawall compartment where necessary to
provide increased resistance to impact loads such as vessel berthing loads. The capping
should not be cast until the caissons have been filled. Scour protection against wave and
current actions should also be completed as soon as possible after placing of the caissons.
7.11 Joints for Seawall Caissons
Movement joints should generally be provided in the reinforced concrete capping of seawalls
at centres not exceeding 30 m. The capping should be effectively anchored to the wall and
to the counterforts.
Gaps between caissons for seawalls should generally be closed to prevent water movement
and to protect the bedding layer from scour by high velocity currents caused by wave action.
The joint seal on the seaward face should be made as close as practicable to the seaward face
to keep the depth of the gap between caisson walls to a minimum. Where storm wave action
is possible at any time during construction, the joint should be completed as soon as possible.
Key joints are sometimes necessary to transmit load between caissons to avoid relative
movement and should be capable of shear transmission of 25% of the maximum horizontal
load on either caisson to the adjacent unit (BSI, 1991). Except where caissons are placed on
a rock foundation, some relative settlement is likely to take place and joints should provide
for vertical movement.
Where differential settlement between caissons is possible, the joint faces should be painted
with slip coat such as bitumen to avoid bond between the joint plug and the caissons. The

gap can be sealed at the face using a grout sock or tube, with tremie concrete being used to
form the joint plug.

8.1 General
This chapter gives general guidance on the provision of marine and maintenance facilities on
seawalls and breakwaters.
8.2 Marine Facilities
Marine facilities should be provided on seawalls and breakwaters after consultation with the
Director of Marine and other users. Where there is berthing requirement, public landings,
handrails, ladders and covers may be required to facilitate cargo handling or passenger
loading and unloading. Fenders are normally provided at public landings; but for public
waterfronts and public cargo working areas, fenders are usually not required.
Depending on the cope or crest level, public landings should consist of intermediate landings
to cater for different tidal levels. To prevent passengers from walking on slippery surface,
rough cast finish with thickness of 25 mm should be provided on the landing steps. Capping
units should be provided on the top of the fenders to close the gap between the landing and
the vessel. Landings should be furnished with stainless steel handrails.
Use of timbers as fendering system is not environmentally friendly and not recommended.
If rubber fenders are used, general guidance can be found in Chapter 6 of Part 1 of the
Bollards and mooring eyes are required to allow vessels to berth and moor against the
structure. Standard 10-tonne bollards at about 8 m to 10 m centres are usually provided for
vessels up to 2000 t displacement tonnage. However, bollards of 30 t or higher may be
required, for example, in public cargo working areas, to cater for larger vessels. Mooring
eyes are provided on the vertical face of structures for mooring of small vessels with small
freeboard not practical to have mooring ropes fixed to a bollard. The mooring eyes should
be recessed into the structures so that they will not affect the movement of vessels induced by
waves and tidal variations.
Depending on the use of the structures, the following facilities should also be provided :
z Cranes and mechanical handling equipment.

z Area lighting.
z Stainless steel handrails.
z Navigation light.
z Notice boards.
z Fire-fighting equipment.
z Water and electricity services.
z Marine structure identification plate showing the marine structure number.
The marine structure number should be obtained from the Civil Engineering Department for
structures maintained by this department.
For walkway constructed on the crest of the structure but not designed for public access,
security measures and adequate notices should be provided to avoid misuse by the public.
8.3 Maintenance Facilities
Typical inspection and maintenance accessories to be provided on seawalls and breakwaters
include :
z Stainless steel catladders for access to vertical seawalls and breakwaters.
z Access steps, which may be in the form of precast concrete blocks, constructed
on the slope of rubble mound breakwaters or sloping seawalls, from low tide
level to the crest of the structures.
z Handrails and lifting hooks as appropriate.
Unlike conventional seawalls or breakwaters, structures with wave absorption chambers
require a number of maintenance related considerations that designers should address in the
design, as detailed below.
Due to the presence of perforations, the structural strength of the front panel is significantly
weaker than a solid wall. Hence, if the structure is to be used for berthing of vessels,
particular attention should be paid to the installation of fenders in front of the structure and
the front panel should be checked against the berthing forces. For ease of maintenance, the
front panels may be designed to be readily removable. The construction of a short section
of conventional blockwork landing step or pier structure amid a long length of wave
absorption seawall may be required to meet the berthing requirement.

The perforations on the structure may cause floating debris to be trapped inside the wave
chamber due to the effect of tidal and wave action. Adequate access and facilities should
therefore be provided for routine clearance work. A continuous walkway with anti-slip
finish cantilevered from the rear face of the wave chamber may be constructed as working
platform. Manholes should be specified for access to the walkway. Manhole covers
should be designed to be watertight and fixed by steel bolts designed to withstand the uplift
wave pressure acting on the top slab. To facilitate underwater inspection, openings should
also be provided at the cross wall of the structure. Suitable anchors and lifting hooks should
be provided for fastening of safety belts and for easy maneuvering of maintenance materials
within the wave chambers.
The actual requirements of maintenance facilities are dependent on the nature and type of the
structures and should be agreed with the maintenance authority.

9.1 General
This chapter provides general guidelines on the design of marine structures that may be
associated with the construction of seawalls and breakwaters. These include pumphouses,
slipways, ramps, outfalls, intakes and beacons.
9.2 Pumphouses
9.2.1 General
Pumphouses covered by this Manual include sets of individual small units, interconnected
small units and larger units for installation of pumps to provide salt water for buildings such
as those for air-conditioning purposes.
9.2.2 Layout and Location
In the design and construction of pumphouses, the requirements of the size, layout, facilities
and fittings should be agreed in advance with the client. The following points should be
noted when selecting a site for a pumphouse :
z The intake should be remote from sewage outfalls and other sources of
contamination and debris, and also from salt water outlets which discharge
heated water.
z The seabed should be sufficiently deep to accommodate the intake, after
allowance for silting.
z The water in front of the intake should not be stagnant and the adjacent seawall
should not be used for berthing.
9.2.3 Structure and Design
Pumphouses normally consist of reinforced concrete units, precast where placed below water
level and cast in-situ above water level. To ensure that the units are watertight, it is
recommended that the design of all walls and base slabs in contact with seawall should be in
accordance with BS 8007 (BSI, 1987).

Pumphouse units are usually constructed as part of a seawall. To avoid possible future
settlement problems, it is important that the underlying ground is consolidated, for example,
by preloading, before the setting of the pumphouse units. This is particularly important
where a pumphouse is to be constructed as an extension to or immediately behind an existing
seawall. The pumphouse units may be connected to the sea by intakes formed in special
precast concrete blocks. To ensure satisfactory operation of the pumps in all tidal and wave
conditions, it is recommended that the crown of the intake should generally be at a level not
higher than 0.75 mPD.
For ease of construction and to minimize the number of joints, precast pumphouse units
should be individual self-contained units with walls formed to as high a level as possible,
subject to weight limitations, and preferably to a level between mean sea level and mean
higher high water level for harbour locations. For larger pumphouses, sets of units can be
interconnected above the junction between the precast and in-situ concrete level. It is usual
for precast pumphouse units to be cast on a waterfront site, lifted by crane, transported to the
pumphouse site by barge, and set in position by crane. For this method of construction, the
weight of an individual unit is limited by the lifting capacity of available plant; units within
the weight range of 500 kN to 1000 kN are relatively common. Another method of
construction is for the unit to be launched on a slipway after casting, floated, towed to the
pumphouse site and set in position by crane or crane barge.
When using the construction method referred to above which involves transport by barge, it
is usual to test each unit at the casting yard for watertightness by filling the unit with water
and leaving it filled for at least 24 hours. Although this method of testing does not fairly
reflect normal water pressures during pumphouse operation, it is far simpler and less
expensive than immersing the unit in water. Whichever method of testing is adopted, it is
important that, during the design stage, the test loading condition is also checked, with the
reinforcement designed and detailed accordingly. Water or sand is usually used as ballast
during the placing of the precast pumphouse units to guard against buoyancy. Such ballast
should not be removed until a careful design check is made on the buoyancy of the structure.
9.2.4 Ties and Waterstops
BS 8007 recommends that ties used to secure and align formwork should not pass completely
through any liquid-retaining part of the structure, unless effective precautions can be taken to
ensure water tightness after their removal. The ends of any embedded ties should have
cover equal to that required for the reinforcement. The gap left from the end of the tie to the
face of the concrete should be effectively sealed. Although it has been common practice to

provide central waterstops and keys at construction joints between the precast units and in-
situ concrete sections, BS 8007 states that waterstops are not usually required for construction
joints with complete continuity in water-retaining structure. Central waterstops can be
difficult to fix and held in position during concreting, and problems can be experienced when
placing and compacting concrete around the waterstop. Whether or not a central waterstop
is used, extreme care should be taken during surface preparation for construction joints in
pumphouse unit walls.
9.2.5 Screens, Guides and Fittings
Pumphouse intake screen guides may be stainless steel or cast iron sections bolted onto the
outside of the concrete intake blocks, or formed directly as a recess in the concrete intake.
For the former case, the guides should be protected from damage by vessel impact using
securely fixed fenders. For the latter case, the concrete nib between the recess and the outer
face should be detailed with care, with stainless steel sections being used as necessary to
protect and line the recess.
Internal and external steel fittings and fixtures, such as ladders, gratings, guide covers and
runway beams, should be stainless, galvanized or painted with coal tar epoxy, as agreed with
the users. To protect the internal fittings and to guard against the entry of silt and other
deposits, a temporary stopper should be provided to block the intake pipe.
9.3 Slipways and Ramps
9.3.1 Location and Basic Dimensions
A slipway is a structure, consisting of a rail track, cradle and haulage device, used in ship
building and ship repair work for the movement of vessels to and from the sea. The cradle
is used to support the vessel and runs along the rail track, usually of standard flat-bottomed
rails in two, three or four parallel lengths. Wire ropes are usually used to haul the vessel by
means of a winch. Useful information on slipways is given by Grove & Little (1951).
Slipways should be located, where possible, at sites well protected from wave action. The
slipway dimensions will depend on the size of the largest vessel to be slipped; in general the
length of track above high water should exceed the vessel length, and the lower end of the
track should extend to a depth adequate to allow the cradle to clear the vessel at lowest tide.
The overall slipway width should be at least one and a half times the width of the largest

vessel, and the gradient of the track within the range of 1 in 10 to 1 in 25, with about 1 in 15
being normal.
9.3.2 Slipway Design
To a large extent, slipway design will depend on the method of construction. Construction
in the dry within a cofferdam may be more expensive in terms of initial cost than construction
underwater, but will enable better quality of construction and tighter tolerances, resulting in a
significant reduction in likely long term maintenance costs. With piled foundations,
differential settlement will be controlled. With rubble mound foundations, it is essential that
pre-loading is carried out to limit future differential settlement. Track support beams should
be connected by cross-ties to maintain track gauge. Rail track fixing details should allow
for possible relevelling and realignment during the design life of the structure, and also
possible replacement of the upper lengths due to corrosion. Setting tolerances for line and
level will depend on the cradle design, but will normally be significantly tighter than for
general marine works. A tolerance of 10 mm for line and level is considered typical, but
is often difficult to achieve for underwater work.
For the design of the rail track support beams, the main problem relates to the assessment of
the load distribution as the vessel ceases to be waterborne and becomes carried on the loading
cradle. At the start of slipping, with the cradle at the bottom of the slipway, the vessel is
warped into position until bearing is obtained on the first section of the cradle. As slipping
commences, by hauling up the cradle, gradually more and more weight is taken by the first
section, and this load reaches the maximum just as the second section begins to take a share
of the weight. Thereafter, all sections progressively take some load until the vessel is clear
of the water and bearing uniformly over the whole cradle length. The exact value of the
maximum load bearing on the first section, or 'sue' load, depends on the draft and outline of
the vessel concerned, but as a guide can be taken to be about one third of the vessel weight.
Since the sue load is only effective over a relatively short length, it is unnecessary to design
the full slipway length for this load. The lowest length need only be designed to carry the
weight of the cradle plus vessel uniformly distributed. The intermediate length should be
designed for the full sue load or a proportion of the full sue load increasing from the lower
end to the full sue load at the upper end as appropriate.
Care should be taken in estimating the cross distribution of load. With a cradle carried on
two rails only, it is safe to regard the load as being equally divided between them, but where
three or four rails are involved, such an assumption is not recommended due to possible rail
settlement causing the cradle to carry loads unevenly. It is recommended that each rail

should be designed for at least one half of the load.
9.3.3 Ramp Design
In comparison with a slipway, a ramp is a relatively simple structure. It consists essentially
of a concrete slab sloping from about lowest tide level to above high tide level, for the
movement of vehicles, usually from vessels to the shore. Design criteria should be agreed
with the client. Design axle loads are typically 50 kN to 100 kN with a maximum of about
120 kN, with a normal ramp width of about 8 m and a slope of about 1 in 12.
A simple rubble foundation, at least 3 m thick, is usually satisfactory for a ramp, as
settlement problems are not usually significant. The section within the lower tidal range is
usually constructed using precast concrete blocks for ease of construction. The upper
section is usually a normal in-situ concrete slab, typically 0.3 m thick, either reinforced for
crack control or unreinforced with joints at 4 m to 5 m centres. Care should be taken to
ensure that the rubble foundation at the lower end and sides is trimmed, and checked by a
diver, to ensure no projection of rubble above the slab line which might cause damage to
vessel approaching the ramp.
9.4 Outfalls and Intakes
Outfalls should be located well clear of pumphouses, intakes and landing steps, and where
possible, should not be located immediately adjacent to suspended deck structures because of
possible future dredging access problems during desilting. The determination of the invert
levels of stormwater outfalls should take into account possible problems with adjacent vessels,
hydraulic requirements and visual impact. Advice from Drainage Services Department
should be sought.
Outfalls through seawalls are usually made of precast concrete units. For large box culverts,
it may be necessary to form two units with a horizontal joint at about mid-wall height to
reduce unit weights to a reasonable level. Wherever possible, lifting hooks for precast
concrete outfall units should be formed in recesses which can be filled with suitable grout or
concrete after unit setting; in this way, lifting hooks need not be removed and are available
for future use in demolition or modification. Seals between outfall units are usually not
necessary but shear keys are often provided. Where outfalls are constructed in advance of
drainage pipes or box culverts, they should be temporarily sealed by timber boards,
brickwork, concrete or steel plates as appropriate; the loads on the temporary seals due to

waves, water pressure and soil pressure should be assessed.
Intakes are usually formed in seawalls to provide seawater for pumping stations, and are
usually constructed concurrently with the seawalls. Size and location of the intake will be
determined by the client. The invert level should be designed to ensure a continuous supply
of water, unaffected by waves, tides, currents and water temperature variations. The usual
method of construction is to use precast concrete units for the base slab and lower walls, and
cast in-situ concrete for the upper walls and roof slab. Joints between precast concrete units
are usually required by the client to be sealed.
9.5 Beacons
Beacons include lit and unlit beacons located offshore, on the foreshore or rock outcrops and
on land, and navigation lights on marine structures. Lights can be mains- or battery-
powered as appropriate to the location and as required by the Director of Marine. A beacon
located offshore can either be a piled structure, similar to a dolphin in design, or a precast
reinforced concrete gravity structure with enlarged base and rubble foundation, depending on
the seabed conditions and water depth. Beacons located on the foreshore or rock outcrops
can usually be simple precast or cast in-situ concrete structures doweled to underlying sound
rock where possible. They will be topped with steel light posts for final light connection for
lit beacons, or simple steel/concrete marker posts for unlit beacons. Beacons located on
land and navigation lights on structures will generally only be subject to dead and wind loads,
and simple mass concrete foundations for the light posts or marker posts will usually be
Ladders, fenders and mooring eyes as appropriate should be provided for beacons located
offshore. Beacons located on the foreshore, rock outcrops and land should be provided with
landing facilities, either incorporated into the beacon structure or built separately. Fitting
and fixtures such as ladders, handrails and mooring eyes should be stainless steel. Steel
light posts and marker posts should preferably be galvanized and painted after fabrication.

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