Mun of San Juan v. CA - 10
Mun of San Juan v. CA - 10
Mun of San Juan v. CA - 10
- versus -
&n' "!O" CHEUN,
.R. No. )*)+*,
A"st #, $%%&
# E C I S I O N
In t()s a**ea! +, -a, o. a *et)t)on .or re/)e- on certiorari nder
R!e 0& o. t(e R!es o. Cort, *et)t)oner Mn)1)*a!)t, o. San 2an
r"es s to ann! and set as)de t(e 'e.ision '&te' ,/ Se(te01er
o. t(e Cort o. A**ea!s )n CA-G6R6 CV No6 78#%9, a..)rm)n"
-)t( mod).)1at)on an ear!)er de1)s)on o. t(e Re")ona! Tr)a! Cort at
Pas)" C)t, )n an a1t)on .or dama"es t(ereat 1ommen1ed +, *r)/ate
res*ondent Lara B)"!an"-a-a a"a)nst, amon" ot(ers, t(e (ere)n
T(e mater)a! .a1ts are not at a!! d)s*ted:
Under a :Contract For Water Service Connections;
)nto +, and +et-een t(e Metro*o!)tan <ater-or=s and Se-era"e
S,stem >M<SS? and @-o= C(en" as so!e *ro*r)etor o. @6C6
<ater-or=s S,stem Constr1t)on >@C, .or s(ort?, t(e .ormer en"a"ed
t(e ser/)1es o. t(e !atter to )nsta!! -ater ser/)1e 1onne1t)ons6 Art)1!e
44 >S1o*e o. <or=?, *ara"ra*( $6%4 o. t(e a"reement *ro/)des:
2.01 The CONTRACTOR agrees to install water service
connections, transfer location of tapping to the nearest main, n!erta"e
separation of service connection, change rste! connections, within the
service area of the #$%% specifie! in each &o' or!er covere! '( this
Contract, from the water main p to the installation of the verticals.
Tapping of the service pipe connection an! monting of water meter shall
'e n!erta"en e)clsivel( or solel( '( the #$%%*
On $% Ma, 4#88, @C -as ")/en a 2o+ Order +, t(e Sot(
Se1tor O..)1e o. M<SS to 1ond1t and e..e1t e'1a/at)ons at t(e
1orner o. M6 Paterno and Santo!an Road, San 2an, Metro Man)!a, a
nat)ona! road, .or t(e !a,)n" o. -ater *)*es and ta**)n" o. -ater to t(e
res*e1t)/e (oses o. -ater 1on1ess)ona)res6
T(at same da,, @C d)s*at1(ed .)/e >&? o. )ts -or=ers nder
ProAe1t En")neer Ernesto Battad, 2r6 to 1ond1t t(e d)"")n"
o*erat)ons )n t(e s*e1).)ed *!a1e6 T(e -or=ers )nsta!!ed .or >0?
+arr)1ades made * o. t-o-)n1( t()1= GI *)*es -e!ded to"et(er, 467
meters -)de and 46$ meters ()"(, at t(e area -(ere t(e d)"")n" )s to
ta=e *!a1e6 T(e d)"")n" o*erat)ons started at # oB1!o1= )n t(e morn)n"
and ended at a+ot 7 oB1!o1= )n t(e a.ternoon6 T(e -or=ers d" a
(o!e one >4? meter -)de and 46& meters dee*, a.ter -()1( t(e, re.)!!ed
t(e e'1a/ated *ort)on o. t(e road -)t( t(e same "ra/e! and stone
e'1a/ated .rom t(e area6 At t(at t)me, on!, C o. t(e Ao+ -as .)n)s(ed
)n /)e- o. t(e .a1t t(at t(e -or=ers -ere st)!! reD)red to re-e'1a/ate
t(at *art)1!ar *ort)on .or t(e ta**)n" o. *)*es .or t(e -ater
1onne1t)ons to t(e 1on1ess)ona)res6
Mean-()!e, +et-een 4% oB1!o1= and 44 oB1!o1= )n t(e e/en)n" o.
74 Ma, 4#88, Pr)s1)!!a C(an -as dr)/)n" (er To,ota Cro-n 1ar -)t(
P!ate No6 PD@ ##4 at a s*eed o. t()rt, >7%? =)!ometers *er (or on t(e
r)"(t s)de o. Santo!an Road to-ards t(e d)re1t)on o. P)na"!a+anan,
San 2an, Metro Man)!a6 <)t( (er on +oard t(e 1ar and seated on
t(e r)"(t .ront seat -as Ass)stant C)t, Prose1tor Lara B)"!an"-a-a6
T(e road -as .!ooded as )t -as t(en ra)n)n" (ard6 Sdden!,, t(e !e.t
.ront -(ee! o. t(e 1ar .e!! on a man(o!e -(ere t(e -or=ers o. @C (ad
ear!)er made e'1a/at)ons6 As a res!t, t(e (mers on t(e r)"(t arm
o. Prose1tor B)"!an"-a-a -as .ra1tred6 T(ere*on, Pr)s1)!!a C(an
1onta1ted B)"!an"-a-aBs (s+and -(o )mmed)ate!, arr)/ed at t(e
s1ene and +ro"(t ()s -).e to t(e Card)na! Santos Eos*)ta!6
D)s*at1(ed to t(e s1ene o. t(e a11)dent to 1ond1t an
)n/est)"at)on t(ereo., P.16 Fe!)' Ramos o. t(e Tra..)1 D)/)s)on o. t(e
San 2an Po!)1e Stat)on, *on arr)/)n" t(ereat, sa- Pr)s1)!!a C(anBs
1ar a!read, e'tra1ted .rom t(e man(o!e and *!a1ed +es)de t(e
e'1a/ated *ort)on o. t(e road6 A11ord)n" to t()s *o!)1e o..)1er, (e d)d
not see an, +arr)1ades at t(e s1ene -(en (e arr)/ed !ess t(an an
(or !ater6 A Traffic Accident Investigation Report
-as t(erea.ter
*re*ared and s)"ned +, P.16 Ramos6
At t(e (os*)ta!, t(e attend)n" *(,s)1)an, a.ter (a/)n" *er.ormed
a 1!ose red1t)on and a**!)1at)on o. a+d1t)on s*!)nt on B)"!an"-a-a,
*!a1ed a *!ast)1 1ast on (er r)"(t arm6 Barr)n" 1om*!)1at)ons, t(e
)nAr, s(e s..ered -as e'*e1ted to (ea! )n .or >0? to s)' >9? -ee=s,
a!t(o"( s(e mst re/)s)t (er do1tor .rom t)me to t)me .or 1(e1=-*
and re(a+)!)tat)on6 A.ter some t)me, t(e *!ast)1 1ast -as remo/ed6
B)"!an"-a-a ssta)ned no de.orm)t, and no tenderness o. t(e area o.
t(e )nAr, +t s(e 1o!d not s!ee* on (er r)"(t s)de +e1ase s(e st)!!
.e!t *a)n )n t(at *ort)on o. (er +od,6 A Medical Certificate
on (er
)nAr)es -as )ssed +, Dr6 Anton)o R)/era6
ConseDent to t(e .ore"o)n" )n1)dent, B)"!an"-a-a .)!ed +e.ore
t(e Re")ona! Tr)a! Cort at Pas)", Metro Man)!a a 1om*!a)nt .or
dama"es a"a)nst M<SS, t(e Mn)1)*a!)t, o. San 2an and a nm+er
o. San 2an mn)1)*a! o..)1)a!s6
Later, B)"!an"-a-a amended (er 1om*!a)nt t-)1e6 In (er
se1ond amended 1om*!a)nt, s(e )n1!ded @C as one o. t(e
A.ter de *ro1eed)n"s, t(e tr)a! 1ort rendered Ad"ment )n .a/or
o. B)"!an"-a-a adAd")n" M<SS and t(e Mn)1)*a!)t, o. San 2an
Ao)nt!, and se/era!!, !)a+!e to (er6 Dated $# Fe+rar, 4##$, t(e
d)s*os)t)/e!, reads )n .!!, t(s:
$+,R,-OR,, foregoing consi!ere!, &!gment is here'( ren!ere!
!eclaring the #nicipalit( of %an .an, #etro #anila an! the
#etropolitan $aterwor"s an! %ewerage %(stem &ointl( an! severall(
lia'le to the plaintiff [/iglang0awa]. /oth !efen!ants are or!ere! to pa(
plaintiff the amonts of1
2a3 415,657.88, for actal !amages sffere! '( the plaintiff*
2'3 418,000.00, for moral !amages*
2c3 410,000.00, for e)emplar( !amages*
2!3 48,000.00, for attorne(9s fees* an!
2e3 to pa( the costs.
%O OR:,R,:.
Una+!e to a11e*t t(e Ad"ment, +ot( B)"!an"-a-a and t(e
Mn)1)*a!)t, o. San 2an -ent to t(e Cort o. A**ea!s via ord)nar,
a**ea! nder R!e 04 o. t(e R!es o. Cort, -()1( a**ea! -as t(ereat
do1=eted as CA-.R. C3 No. 4/+,56
As stated at t(e otset (ereo., t(e a**e!!ate 1ort, )n a de1)s)on
dated %8 Se*tem+er 4##&, a..)rmed -)t( mod).)1at)on t(at o. t(e tr)a!
1ort, to -)t:
appeale! from is AFFIRMED 't mo!ifie! as follows1
1. The Appellees ;C an! #$%% an! the Appellant %an
.an are here'( or!ere! to pa(, &ointl( an! severall(, to [/iglang0awa] the
amonts of 480,000.00 '( wa( of moral !amages, 480,000.00 '( wa( of
e)emplar( !amages an! 48,000.00 '( wa( of attorne(9s fees, withot
pre&!ice to the right of the Appellee #$%% for reim'rsement from the
Appellee ;C n!er the Contract, ,)hi'it <60#$%%=1
2. The conterclaims of the Appellees an! Appellant %an
.an an! the cross0claim of the latter are DISMISSED. $ithot
prononcement as to costs.
%O OR:,R,:. 2$or!s in 'rac"et spplie!3.
T(ere.rom, *et)t)oner Mn)1)*a!)t, o. San 2an 1ame to t()s
Cort t(r t(e *resent re1orse, on )ts s+m)ss)ons t(at:
T+, R,%4ON:,NT A44,??AT, CO@RT +A% :,C>:,: A
A@,%T>ON O- %@/%TANC, NOT +,R,-OR, :,C>:,: /B T+,
%@4R,#, CO@RT.
T+, R,%4ON:,NT A44,??AT, CO@RT +A% :,C>:,: A
A@,%T>ON 4RO/A/?B NOT >N ACCOR: $>T+ T+, ?A$ AN:
<)t( no s)m)!ar re1orse (a/)n" +een ta=en +, t(e ot(er
*art)es, t(e Cort s(a!! !)m)t )tse!. to t(e !)a+)!)t, or non-!)a+)!)t, o.
*et)t)oner mn)1)*a!)t, .or t(e )nAr, ssta)ned +, B)"!an"-a-a6
In den,)n" !)a+)!)t, .or t(e s+Ae1t a11)dent, *et)t)oner essent)a!!,
an1(ored )ts de.ense on t-o *ro/)s)ons o. !a-s, name!,: >4? Se1t)on
40#, 3453G5 o. Batas Pam+ansa B!"6 77H, ot(er-)se =no-n as t(e
Lo1a! Go/ernment Code o. 4#87I and >$? Se1t)on 8, Ord)nan1e 8$-
%4, o. t(e Metro*o!)tan Man)!a Comm)ss)on6
Pet)t)oner ma)nta)ns t(at nder Se1t)on 40#, 3453G5 o. t(e Lo1a!
Go/ernment Code,
)t )s o+!)"ed to *ro/)de .or t(e 1onstr1t)on,
)m*ro/ement, re*a)r and ma)ntenan1e o. on!, municipal streets,
a/enes, a!!e,s, s)de-a!=s, +r)d"es, *ar=s and ot(er *+!)1 *!a1es6
rgo, s)n1e Santo!an Road )s 1on1eded!, a nat)ona! and not a
mn)1)*a! road, )t 1annot +e (e!d !)a+!e .or t(e )nAr)es s..ered +,
B)"!an"-a-a on a11ont o. t(e a11)dent t(at o11rred on sa)d road6
Add)t)ona!!,, *et)t)oner 1ontends t(at nder Se1t)on 8,
Ord)nan1e No6 8$-%4, o. t(e Metro*o!)tan Man)!a Comm)ss)on, -()1(
>n the event of !eath, in&r( an!Cor !amages case! '( the non0
completion of sch wor"s an!Cor failre of one n!erta"ing the wor" to
a!opt the reDire! precationar( measres for the protection of the general
p'lic or violation of an( of the terms or con!itions of the permit, the
permitteeCe)cavator shall assme fll( all lia'ilities for sch !eath, in&r(
or !amage arising therefrom. -or this prpose, the e)cavatorCpermittee
shall prchase insrance coverage to answer for thir! part( lia'ilit(,
on!, t(e ProAe1t En")neer o. @C and M<SS 1an +e (e!d !)a+!e .or t(e
same a11)dent6
T(e *et)t)on mst (a/e to +e den)ed6
tea1(es t(at .or !)a+)!)t, to ar)se nder Art)1!e
o. t(e C)/)! Code, o-ners()* o. t(e roads, streets, +r)d"es,
*+!)1 +)!d)n"s and ot(er *+!)1 -or=s, )s not a 1ontro!!)n" .a1tor, )t
+e)n" s..)1)ent t(at a *ro/)n1e, 1)t, or mn)1)*a!)t, (as 1ontro! or
s*er/)s)on t(ereo.6 T()s, -e made 1!ear )n Cit! of Manila vs.
Teotico, et al
At an( rate, n!er Article 2157 of the Civil Co!e, it is not
necessar( for the lia'ilit( therein esta'lishe! to attach that the !efective
roa!s or streets belong to the province, cit( or mnicipalit( from which
responsi'ilit( is e)acte!. $hat sai! article reDires is that the province,
cit( or mnicipalit( have either Econtrol or spervisionE over sai! street or
roa!. ) ) )
It )s ar"ed, (o-e/er, t(at nder Se1t)on 40#, 3453G5 o. t(e Lo1a!
Go/ernment Code, *et)t)oner (as 1ontro! or s*er/)s)on on!, o/er
mn)1)*a! and not nat)ona! roads, !)=e Santo!an Road6
Sad!,, *et)t)oner .a)!ed to ta=e note o. t(e ot(er *ro/)s)ons o.
Se1t)on 40# o. t(e same Code, more *art)1!ar!, t(e .o!!o-)n":
%ection 1F7. Powers and Duties. G 213 The sangguniang bayan shall1
2''3 Reglate the !rilling an! e)cavation of the gron! for the la(ing of gas,
water, sewer, an! other pipes* the 'il!ing an! repair of tnnels, sewers, !rains
an! other similar strctres* erecting of poles an! the se of crosswal"s, cr's an!
gtters therein, an! a!opt measres to ensre p'lic safet( against open canals,
manholes, live wires an! other similar haHar!s to life an! propert(, an! provi!e
&st compensation or relief for persons sffering from them* 2@n!erscoring
C!ear )t )s .rom t(e a+o/e t(at t(e Mn)1)*a!)t, o. San 2an 1an
:re"!ate; t(e dr)!!)n" and e'1a/at)on o. t(e "rond .or t(e !a,)n" o.
"as, -ater, se-er, and ot(er *)*es -)t()n )ts terr)tor)a! Ar)sd)1t)on6
Do+t!ess, t(e term :re"!ate; .ond )n t(e a.oreDoted
*ro/)s)on o. Se1t)on 40# 1an on!, mean t(at *et)t)oner mn)1)*a!)t,
e'er1)ses t(e *o-er o. 1ontro!, or, at t(e /er, !east, s*er/)s)on o/er
a!! e'1a/at)ons .or t(e !a,)n" o. "as, -ater, se-er and ot(er *)*es
-)t()n )ts terr)tor,6
<e mst em*(as)Ge t(at nder *ara"ra*( 3453++5 o. Se1t)on
40#, supra, o. t(e Lo1a! Go/ernment Code, t(e *(rases :re"!ate t(e
dr)!!)n" and e'1a/at)on o. t(e "rond .or t(e !a,)n" o. "as, -ater,
se-er, and ot(er *)*es;, and :ado*t measres to ensre *+!)1,
a"a)nst o*en 1ana!s, man(o!es, !)/e -)res and ot(er s)m)!ar (aGards
to !).e and *ro*ert,;, are not mod).)ed +, t(e term :mn)1)*a! road;6
And ne)t(er 1an )t +e .a)r!, )n.erred .rom t(e same *ro/)s)on o.
Se1t)on 40# t(at *et)t)onerBs *o-er o. re"!at)on vis"#"vis t(e a1t)/)t)es
t(ere)n ment)oned a**!)es on!, )n 1ases -(ere s1( a1t)/)t)es are to
+e *er.ormed )n mn)1)*a! roads6 To or m)nd, t(e mn)1)*a!)t,Bs
!)a+)!)t, .or )nAr)es 1ased +, )ts .a)!re to re"!ate t(e dr)!!)n" and
e'1a/at)on o. t(e "rond .or t(e !a,)n" o. "as, -ater, se-er, and
ot(er *)*es, atta1(es re"ard!ess o. -(et(er t(e dr)!!)n" or e'1a/at)on
)s made on a nat)ona! or mn)1)*a! road, .or as !on" as t(e same )s
-)t()n )ts terr)tor)a! Ar)sd)1t)on6
<e are t(s )n .!! a11ord -)t( t(e .o!!o-)n" *ronon1ements o.
t(e a**e!!ate 1ort )n t(e de1)s)on nder re/)e-:
$hile it ma( 'e tre that the :epartment of 4'lic $or"s an!
+ighwa(s ma( have isse! the reDisite permit to the Appellee ;C an!Cor
concessionaires for the e)cavation on sai! roa!, the Appellant %an .an is
not there'( relieve! of its lia'ilit( to [/iglang0awa] for its own gross
negligence. >n!ee!, ,vangeline Alfonso, the witness for the Appellant
%an .an na'ashe!l( [sic] a!mitte!, when she testifie! in the Cort a
Do, that even if the :epartment of 4'lic $or"s an! +ighwa(s faile! to
effect the reDisite refilling, the Appellant %an .an was man!ate! to
n!erta"e the necessar( precationar( measres to avert acci!ents an!
insre the safet( of pe!estrians an! commters1
) ) )
The [petitioner] cannot vali!l( shir" from its o'ligation to maintain an!
insre the safe con!ition of the roa! merel( 'ecase the permit for the
e)cavation ma( have 'een isse! '( a government entit( or nit other than
the Appellant %an .an or that the e)cavation ma( have 'een !one '( a
contractor n!er contract with a p'lic entit( li"e the Appellee #$%%.
Neither is the [petitioner] relieve! of lia'ilit( 'ase! on its
prporte! lac" of "nowle!ge of the e)cavation an! the con!ition of the
roa! !ring the perio! from #a( 20, 1755 p to #a( 60, 1755 when the
acci!ent occrre!. >t mst 'e 'orne in min! that the o'ligation of the
[petitioner] to maintain the safe con!ition of the roa! within its territor( is
a contining one which is not sspen!e! while a street is 'eing repaire!
2Corps .ris %ecn!m, #nicipal Corporations, page 1203. ;nowle!ge
of the con!ition of the roa! an! the !efects an!Cor o'strctions on the roa!
ma( 'e actal or constrctive. >t is enogh that the athorities shol! have
"nown of the aforesai! circmstances in the e)ercise of or!inar( care
2Cit( of ?oiseville verss +arris, 150 %othwestern Reporter. page I83.
>n the present recorse, %antolan Roa! an! the Jreenhills area coming
from Ortigas Avene going to 4inagla'anan, %an .an, #etro #anila is a
's( thoroghfare. The gaping hole in the mi!!le of the roa! of %antolan
Roa! col! not have 'een misse! '( the athorities concerne!. After all,
the [petitioner] %an .an is man!ate! to effect a constant an! na'ate!
monitoring of the con!itions of the roa!s to insre the safet( of motorists.
4ersasive athorit( has it that1
>t is the !t( of the mnicipal athorities to e)ercise
an active vigilance over the streets* to see that the( are "ept
in a reasona'l( safe con!ition for p'lic travel. The(
cannot fol! their arms an! sht their e(es an! sa( the( have
no notice. 2To!! verss Cit( of Tro(, I1 New Bor" 80I3.
2$or!s in 'rac"et spplie!3.
Nor 1an *et)t)oner see= s(e!ter on Se1t)on 8 o. Ord)nan1e 8$-%4
o. t(e Metro*o!)tan Man)!a Comm)ss)on6
Con1eded!,, Se1t)on 8 o. t(e Ord)nan1e ma=es t(e
*erm)tteeJe'1a/ator !)a+!e .or deat(, )nAr, andJor dama"es 1ased
+, t(e non-1om*!et)on o. -or=s andJor .a)!re o. t(e one nderta=)n"
t(e -or=s to ado*t t(e reD)red *re1at)onar, measres .or t(e
*rote1t)on o. t(e "enera! *+!)16 S)"n).)1ant!,, (o-e/er, no-(ere 1an
)t +e .ond )n sa)d Ord)nan1e an, *ro/)s)on e'em*t)n" mn)1)*a!)t)es
)n Metro Man)!a .rom !)a+)!)t)es 1ased +, t(e)r o-n ne"!)"ent a1ts6
A.ort)or), not()n" *re/ents t()s Cort .rom a**!,)n" ot(er re!e/ant
!a-s 1on1ern)n" *et)t)onerBs !)a+)!)t, .or t(e )nAr)es ssta)ned +,
B)"!an"-a-a on t(at .ate.! ra)n, e/en)n" o. 74 Ma, 4#886
!HEREFORE, t(e )nstant *et)t)on )s #ENIE# and t(e assa)!ed
de1)s)on o. t(e a**e!!ate 1ort AFFIRME#6
Costs a"a)nst *et)t)oner6