Social Thinkers MCQ'S

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The document discusses concepts from sociology such as types of authority, rational actions, ideal types, and contributions of thinkers like Marx, Weber, and Durkheim.

Some of the main concepts discussed include types of authority (charismatic, traditional, rational-legal), rational actions (zweckrational, wertrational), ideal types, bureaucracy, and social stratification. Key figures mentioned include Marx, Weber, Durkheim, and Mukherjee and their works.

Key figures mentioned include Karl Marx and his work on social classes, Max Weber and his concepts of bureaucracy and types of authority, Emile Durkheim and his work on social facts and collective conscience. D.P. Mukherjee is also discussed for his work on Indian culture and social change.

Max Weber

Q. The Methodology of Social Science book is written by:

(a) Karl Marx
(b) Max Weber
(c) Emile Durkheim
(d) Auguste Comte

Q. ___________ is an analytical construct that serves the
investigator as a measuring rod to ascertain similarities as well as
deviation in concrete cases.
(a) Social action
(b) Ideal types
(c) Authority
(d) Rationality

Q. The stratification order/s of society is/are
(a) Economic class
(b) Social status
(c) Political power
(d) All of the above

Q. Increasing bureaucratization threatens an:
(a) Simplicity
(b) iron cage
(c) Rationalization
(d) Authority

Q. Rules can be ignored, leading to inefficiency is dysfunction of:-
(a) Authority
(b) Power
(c) Rationality
(d) Bureaucracy

Q. Monarchial System is _____________ type of authority.
(a) Rational-legal authority
(b) Traditional authority
(c) Charismatic authority
(d) None of the above

Q. ________ is power that is exercised with the consent of the
(a) Authority
(b) Power
(d) Bureaucracy

Q. _____________ is the ability to impose one's will onto another,
even when the other objects.
(a) Authority
(b) Power
(c) Rationality
(d) Bureaucracy

Q. ________________ are goaloriented organizations.
(a) Authority
(b) Power
(c) Rationality

Q. Practical rationality is characterized by
(a) acceptance of given realities or constraints in society, and simply
calculating the best way to deal with them
(b)transcending daily realities in pursuit of enlightenment such as the
"meaning of life"
(c) a value system in which behaviors are limited
(d) "universally applied rules, laws, and regulation"

Q. Ideal capitalism has following component/s
(a) private ownership
(b) pursuit of profit
(c) competition
(d) all of the above

Q. Ideal Type is :
(a) striving for a goal which may not be rational, but is pursued by rational
(b) to attain a particular goal are rationally chosen
(c) A sort of measuring rod, devised of the most "logically consistent"
features of a phenomenon
(d) d. None of the above

D.P Mukherjee
Q. Presidential Address to the newly formed Indian Sociological
(a) 1948
(b) 1950
(c) 1955
(d) 1947
Q. Appointed Professor (by special order of the Vice Chancellor) at
Lucknow University in year:
(a) a. 1945
(b) 1946
(c) 1948
(d) 1949

Q. Served as a Member of the U.P. Labour Enquiry Committee in
(a) 1945
(b) 1946
(c) 1947
(d) 1948

Q. Mukerji were published later that year in the form of a long
essay on the
(a) sociological understanding of Indian culture
(b) Factor of change
(c) dominant force of Indian culture
(d) none of the above

Q. buddhi-vichar
(a) is the dominant force for change.
(b) Is the dominant force of Indian culture
(c) Is change
(d) Factor of change

Q. D.P. Mukherjee appointed Professor of Economics at Aligarh
Muslim University in year:
(a) 1947
(b) 1949
(c) 1953
(d) 1955

Q. The book Modern India Culture is written by:
(a) R. K. Mukherjee
(b) A. R. Desai
(c) G. S. Ghurye
(d) D. P. Mukherjee

Q. The principles of social change as given by Mukherjee is/are:
(a) shruti,
(b) smriti
(c) anubhava.
(d) All of the above

Q. _________ is full name of D.P. Mukherjee
(a) Dhurjati Prasad Mukerji
(b) Dev Prasad Mukerji
(c) Devendra Prasad Mukerji
(d) None of above

Emile Durkheim
Q. Social structure of society involves the assessment of the
(a) Nature
(b) Number
(c) Arrangement
(d) All of the above

Q. The totality of beliefs and sentiments common to average
citizens of the same society forms a determinate system which has
its own life is called:
(a) Morality
(b) Collective conscience
(c) Social facts

Q. Durkheims examples of social facts are
(a) Laws
(b) Morals
(c) Beliefs
(d)All of the above

Q. The term sui generis was used by :
(a) Karl Marx
(b) Max Weber
(c) Emile Durkheim
(d) Auguste Comte

Q. According to Durkheim Socially sanctioned behaviour is:
(a) Rewarded
(b) Punished
(c) Approved
(d) None of the above

Q. 5. According to Durkheim Social facts are moral in nature as
they divide the world into:
(a) a. Sacred and profaneb. Moral and immoral
(b) Moral and immoral
(c) c. Sacred and immoral
(d) d. Moral and bad

Q. Durkheim was influenced by to elaborate the term sociology:
(a) Karl Marx
(b) Max Weber
(c) Saint Simon
(d) Auguste Comte

Q. Book The Division of Labour in Society was written in year:
(a) 1895
(b) 1893
(c) 1999
(d) 1889

Q. Book The Division of Labour in Society was written by:
(a) Karl Marx
(b) Max Weber
(c) Emile Durkheim
(d) Auguste Comte

Q. Book Suicide was written in year:
(a) 1895
(b) 1897
(c) 1999
(d) 1889

Q. Book Suicide was written in year:
(a) 1895
(b) 1897
(c) 1999
(d) 1889

Q. Book Suicide was written by
(a) Karl Marx
(b) Max Weber
(c) Emile Durkheim
(d) Auguste Comte

Q. Book The Rules of Sociological Methods was written in year:
(a) 1895
(b) 1896
(c) 1999
(d) 1889

Q. Book The Rules of Sociological Methods was written by:
(a) Karl Marx
(b) Max Weber
(c) Emile Durkheim
(d) Auguste Comte

Q. According to Emile Durkheim Sociology is the ________ of
society :
(a) Natural science
(b) Real science
(c) Positive science
(d) None of the above

Q. Social facts are _______to the individual
(a) External
(b) Constraint
(c) Internal
(d) None of the above

Q. High degree of integration is found in ____________type of
(a) Egoistic
(b) Altruistic
(c) Anomic
(d) Fatalistic

Q. Low degree of integration is found in ____________type of
(a) Egoistic
(b) Altruistic
(c) Anomic
(d) Fatalistic

Q. Social Phenomenon should be studied empirically using the
scientific method. This definition of sociology was given by:
(a) Karl Marx
(b) Max Weber
(c) Emile Durkheim
(d) Auguste Comte

Q. Laws are less harsh, less punitive, less intensely felt, and less
shared in
(a) Primitive societies
(b) Modern societies
(c) Mechanical solidarity
(d) Organic solidarity

Q. Law is repressive and the deviant is severally punished in
(a) Primitive societies
(b) Modern societies
(c) Mechanical solidarity
(d) Organic solidarity

Q. Durkheim has given two types of Solidarity:
(a) Organic and mechanical solidarity
(b) Religion and suicide
(c) Fact and socialism
(d) Unity and solidarity

Q. No division of labor is there in:
(a) Mechanical solidarity
(b) Organic solidarity
(c) Both
(d) None of the above

Q. High division and specialized labor is present in-
(a) Mechanical solidarity
(b) Organic solidarity
(c) Both
(d)None of the above

Q. Dukheim is also know as Father of sociology of-
(a) Religion
(b) Suicide
(c) Social facts
(d) Functionalism

Q. The book The Division of Labor in Society gives the analysis on:
(a) Unity and solidarity
(b) First application of the scientific method to study social phenomena
(c) Suicide is an individual and antisocial act, which can be understood
(d) Sociology is capable of understanding the rates of suicide and the
factors which help determine such rates

Q. Emile Durkheim was born in-
(a) Germany
(b) France
(c) England
(d) Russia

Karl Marx
Q. ________ according to Marx, is a condition in which humans
become dominated by the forces of their own creation
(a) Surplus class
(b) Surplus value
(d) None of the above

Q. The concept of Historical Materialism was established in
(a)The German Ideology
(b)The Hegal Ideology
(c) The Engels Ideology
(d) The French Ideology

Q. Manifesto of the Communist Party
(a) discusses the main principles of the socialism.
(b) discusses the main principles of the capitalism
(c) both a and b
(d) none of the above

Q. Example of Class-less societies
(a) communism
(b) capitalism
(c) both a and b
(d) none of the above

Q. Alienation of Labor is
(a) the proletariat is completely separated from the fruits of his labor
(b) the Bourgeoisie is completely separated from the fruits of his labor
(c) both a and b
(d) none of the above

Q. Another name for dialectical materialism is
(a) Scientific socialism.
(b) Dialectical Materialism
(c) materialism
(d) capitalism

Q. Marxs theory of History is called
(a) Dialectical Materialism
(b) materialism
(c) capitalism

Q. The book The Das Kapital was written by:
(a) Karl Marx
(b) Max Weber
(c) Emile Durkheim
(d) Auguste Comte

Q. The book The communist Manifesto was written by:
(a) Karl Marx and Fredrich Engels
(b)Max Weber
(c)Emile Durkheim
(d) Auguste Comte

Q. __________formed the Communist Correspondence Committee
(a) Marx
(b) Marx and Hegal
(c) Marx and Engels
(d) Marx, Hegal and Engels

Q. According to Marx democracy is a temporary alliance of
(a) the proletariat with parts of the bourgeoisie and petty bourgeoisie
(b) the lumpen proletariat and bourgeoisie
(c) bourgeoisie and petty bourgeoisie
(d) all of the above

Q. By property Marx means
(a) items that can be used to produce: land, tools, buildings.
(b) personal property or land or buildings used as residences.
(c) Both a and b
(d) None of the above

Q. Montagne is
(a) a. The proletariat is represented by socialists
(b) The urban petty bourgeoisie is epresented by democratic republicans.
(c) The coalition of the urban petty bourgeoisie with the proletariat is
called the social democrats.
(d) None of the above

Q. The petty bourgeoisie
(a) makes its living by selling its labor to private employers; it owns no
(b) b. makes its living by using its own labor to work small amounts of
(c) c. makes its living by owning property and allowing the proletariat to
use the property in return for owning the product
(d) consist of persons who have no fixed means of making a living and
therefore are not a class.

Q. The lumpen proletariats
(a) makes its living by selling its labor to private employers; it owns no
(b) makes its living by using its own labor to work small amounts of
(c) makes its living by owning property and allowing the proletariat to use
the property in return for owning the product
(d) consist of persons who have no fixed means of making a living and
therefore are not a class.
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Q. The proletariat
(a) makes its living by selling its labor to private employers; it owns no
(b) makes its living by using its own labor to work small amounts of
(c) makes its living by owning property and allowing the proletariat to use
the property in return for owning the product
(d) consist of persons who have no fixed means of making a living and
therefore are not a class.

Q. Karl Marx was born in
(a) Germany
(b) France
(c) England
(d) Russia

Max Weber
Q. Webers principles of bureaucracy is/are:
(a) Functional specialization
(b) Hierarchy of authority
(c) System of rules
(d) All of the above
View Answer

Q. Over-attachment to rules can be inefficient is a dysfunction of :
(a) Authority
(b) Power
(c) Rationality
(d) Bureaucracy

Q. Resistance to innovation and change is key problem of
(a) Authority
(b) Power
(c) Rationality
(d) Bureaucracy

Q. Responsibilities are assigned on merit rather than hierarchy in:
(a) Ideal type of Bureaucracy
(b) Ideal type of Authority
(c) Ideal type of Power
(d) Ideal type of Rationality

Q. System of rules devised for rational reasons are called:
(a) Charismatic
(b) Traditional
(c) Rational- legal
(d) None of the above

Q. Personal authority of individual is called:
(a) Charismatic
(b) Traditional
(c) Rational- legal
(d) None of the above

Q. The ideal types are not:
(a) Hypothesis
(b) Ethical ideal
(c) Averages
(d) All of the above

Q. Person follows teachings of a prophet, or lives a certain way in
hopes of receiving "eternal salvation" is an example of
(a) Zweckrational action
(b) Wertrational action
(c) Affective action
(d) Traditional action

Q. Person pursues college degree to hopefully obtain a job that
grants financial security is an example of:
(a) Zweckrational action
(b) Wertrational action
(c) Affective action
(d) Traditional action

Q. Zweckrational Action means:
(a) a. to attain a particular goal are rationally chosen
(b) b. striving for a goal which may not be rational, but is pursued by
rational means
(c) action via emotional means.
(d) None of the above.

Q. Sociology is study of social action between individuals. This
definition is given by:
(a) Max Weber
(b) Saint Simon
(c) Auguste Comte
(d) Karl Marx

Q. The sociology of Religion book is written by:
(a) Administration
(b) Bench or desk
(c) Rules
(d) None of of the above

Q. The French word Bureaucracy means:
(a) Administration
(b) Bench or desk
(c) Rules
(d) None of of the above

Q. Who coined the term Bureaucracy.
(a) Max Weber
(b) Emile Durkheim
(c) Vincent De Gourney
(d) d. Herbert Spencer

Q. Economy and society book is written by:
(a) Saint Simon
(b) Auguste Comte
(c) Karl Marx
(d) Max Weber

Q. The Protestant Ethics and Spirit of Capitalism book is written
(a) Karl Marx
(b) Max Weber
(c) Emile Durkheim
(d) Auguste Comte

Q. Q.1. Where was Max Weber born?
(a) Germany
(b) France
(c) England
(d) Italy

Part A
Q. Person follows teachings of a prophet, or lives a certain way in
hopes of receiving "eternal salvation" is an example of
(a) Zweckrational action
(b)Wertrational action
(c)Affective action
(d)Traditional action

Q. Zweckrational Action means:
(a) to attain a particular goal are rationally chosen
(b) striving for a goal which may not be rational, but is pursued by rational
(c)action via emotional means.
(d)None of the above.

Q. Which of the following countries is known as 'Land of the Thunder
(c) Bhutan
(d) Japan

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