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Power Quality Distrubance

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Classification of Power Quality Disturbance

using Neural Network

J. Christy
PG student, Industrial Engg.,
hiagara!ar College of Engineering
"adurai, a#il Nadu, India
%. Jeno &eda#ani
PG student, Industrial Engg.,
hiagara!ar College of Engineering
"adurai, a#il Nadu, India
(. )arthikeyan
*sst. Professor, "echanical Engg.
hiagara!ar College of Engineering
"adurai, a#il Nadu, India
Abstract This paper presents an effective
method for classification of power quality
disturbances using wavelet based Neural Network.
Wavelet transform has the ability to analyze these
power quality problems simultaneously in both time
and frequency domain. The energy signatures
extracted from wavelet coefficients are used to
detect and localize the disturbances from the
recorded voltage waveforms. The disturbances of
interest include sag swell !licker and "armonics.
#esults of simulation and analysis demonstrate that
the proposed method can achieve higher correct
identification rate compared to other methods.
$ifferent wavelet features like standard deviation
and entropy method are used to classify and their
classification accuracy is compared in this paper.
Keywords %ower &uality Wavelet Transform
'nergy (ignatures Neural Network
he continuous a'ailability of electric .ower has
beco#e #ore de.endent in our fast growing world. In
recent years, concern o'er the /uality of electric .ower
has been increasing ra.idly since .oor electric .ower
/uality causes #any .roble#s for the affected loads
such as #alfunctions, instabilities, short life ti#e and
so on. 0ar#onics, 'oltage swell, 'oltage sag, and the
flicker could downgrade the ser'ice /uality 12345. o
ensure the Power /uality, .ower disturbance detection
beco#es i#.ortant as well as its location and the ty.e
of disturbances is also essential. raditionally, Power
Quality was !udged by 'isual ins.ection of the
disturbance wa'efor#s that needs enor#ous a#ount of
data which leads to co#.lication.
It is desirable to de'elo. auto#atic #ethods for
detecting, identifying, and analy6ing 'arious
disturbances 17895. * nu#ber of techni/ues ha'e been
in'estigated in the literature for the auto#atic
classification of different ty.es of .ower /uality e'ents.
*#ong these techni/ues, the #ost widely used are the
fast :ourier ransfor# ;::< and the (hort i#e
:ourier ransfor# ;(:< techni/ues. :or non3
stationary signals, the :: and (: cannot track the
signal dyna#ics .ro.erly because :: can only show
the e=istence of certain fre/uency co#.onents while
(: is li#ited to a fi=ed window width 1>5. 0owe'er
using :ourier ransfor# alone is inade/uate for feature
e=traction due to the transient nature of #ost .ower
/uality signals where ti#e infor#ation is re/uired for
analy6ing such signals. 0eydt and Galli 1?5 .ro.osed
wa'elet techni/ues for the identification of the .ower
syste# transient signals. Pedro et al 1@5 .ro.osed a new
algorith# to detect and to classify the .ower /uality
disturbance. * hybrid sche#e using wa'elet and
su..ort 'ector #achine has been .ro.osed by
)arthikeyan 1A5. *le=andre et al 12B5 .ro.osed a three3
.hase .ower /uality disturbances detection,
classification and diagnosis tool using kal#an filter,
while the classification and diagnosis were done using
wa'elets and fast :ourier transfor#s. Ji et all 1225
.resented a no'el algorith#, "or.hological Gradient
Ca'elet ;"GC<, for the detection of .ower
disturbances. "GC is a nonlinear wa'elet transfor#
that in'ol'es #or.hological o.eration in the
deco#.osition .rocess and .resents the gradient
infor#ation in the out.ut. (ush#a .ro.osed 1245 a
#ethod to detect 'oltage swell using wa'elet based
neural network. Doris .resented 1275 a techni/ue based
on fu66y logic to categori6e .ower /uality e'ents.
"ishra et al 12E5 .resented an ( transfor# based
.robabilistic neural network classifier for the
recognition of .ower /uality disturbances. Jaeho et al
.ro.osed 1295 a auto#atic detection #ethod using
neural network and described about .ower /uality data
ac/uisition syste#.
E'en though the accuracy of each #ethod is
significant, they increase the co#.utation ti#e with the
increase in le'el of deco#.osition of wa'elet. o
o'erco#e this li#itation, this .a.er .ro.oses a new
#ethod for detection as well as for classification using
wa'elet based Neural Network.his .a.er .resents a
no'el classifier consisting of two #ethods.
he rest of the .a.er is organi6ed as followsF In
section II, the .ro.osed wa'elet based Detection
sche#e is discussed. In section III, Classification using
Neural Network is discussed. In section I&, +esults
based on the .ro.osed #ethod is discussed. :inally,
section & concludes this .a.er.
Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathur
he Pro.osed #ethod of .ower disturbance
detection and classification is shown in the :ig. 2.
:igure 2 :lowchart for .ower disturbance detection and
he starting .oint for classification is the si#ulation
of .ower disturbances. he ne=t ste. is taking Ca'elet
transfor# to locali6e the disturbance and detect the
occurrence of disturbance. he ne=t ste. is :eature
e=traction to find the ty.e of e'ent occurred. Nor# of
the signal, entro.y, standard de'iation, a'erage residual
is the significant energy signature of the wa'elet. he
energy characteristics of different disturbances are
e=tracted and stored in the training stage itself.
:inally, we can classify the ty.e of e'ent using the
Neural Network.
A. Modelling of Power Disturbance Events
* nu#ber of .ower /uality e'ents of 'arious ty.es
ha'e been si#ulated and corres.onding wa'efor#s are
obtained. he signals under consideration are .ure sine,
sag, swell, flicker and har#onics. *ll the signals were
generated using "atlab coding. +odney says 12>5 that
the e'ents will follow certain characteristics and #odel.
Nu#erical #odel were shown below in able IF
*DGE I. N-"E+IC*G ",DEG :,+ (I"-G*I,N ,: DI(-+DED
'vent 'quation
Pure (ine Ca'e
< 4 sin; H th ft a +
(ag ( ) [ ]
u u s
n n n 2
+ +
(well ( ) [ ]
u u s
n n n 2

( ) [ ]

f m
f f
+ + 4 2

( ) [ ]


4 sin
he Pure sine wa'e is with #agnitude IaJ and ti#e
.eriodItJ in #illisecond, and IthJ re.resents the .hase
angle shift. &oltage sag is a #o#entary 'oltage dro. in
#agnitude ranging fro# B.A.u to B.2.u. It has a ty.ical
duration fro# half a cycle to 2#in. ,n the other hand,
'oltage swell is a #o#entary 'oltage rise ty.ically
caused by unbalance fault fro# the ad!acent .hase. he
swell #agnitude is .ositi'e ranging fro# 2.2.u to
2.@.u. I(nJ is the #agnitude of the signal. :licker is a
.ower /uality disturbance where the 'oltage #agnitude
fluctuates o'er ti#e. It is ty.ically caused by electric
arc furnace and wind far#. he sinusoidal function
with fm flicker #agnitude and ff flicker fre/uency is
#odulated with the .ower syste# sinusoidal wa'efor#.
0ar#onic is a .eriodic .ower /uality disturbance that
is caused by nonlinear loads at the distribution syste#.
0ar#onic li#its are defined in IEEE standard 92A3
2AA4 and it is #easured as total har#onic distortion.
B. Wavelet Transform
he wa'elet transfor# is useful in analy6ing the
transient .heno#ena associated with trans#ission line
faults and Kor switching o.erations. he wa'elet
transfor# can be acco#.lished in three different ways
in signal analysis as CC, C( and DC. Co#.ared
with continuous wa'elet transfor#, the discrete wa'elet
transfor# is sufficient to deco#.ose and reconstruct
#ost .ower /uality .roble#s. It .ro'ides enough
infor#ation and offers high reduction in the
co#.utation ti#e
1) Discrete Wavelet Transform he discrete
wa'elet transfor# is one of the three for#s of wa'elet
transfor#. It #o'es a ti#e do#ain discriti6ed signal
into its corres.onding wa'elet do#ain. his is done
through a .rocess called Lsub3band codificationM,
which is done through digital filter techni/ues.
Dasically, the DC e'aluation has two stages. he first
consists on the wa'elet coefficients deter#ination. he
first stage gets the coefficients fro# this signal. :ro#
these coefficients, the second stage is achie'ed with the
calculation of both the a..ro=i#ated and the detailed
'ersion of the original signal, in different le'els of
resolutions, in the ti#e do#ain. *t the end of the first
le'el of signal deco#.osition, the resulting 'ectors will
be the le'el 2 wa'elet coefficients of a..ro=i#ation
and of detail. In fact, for the first le'el, these wa'elet
coefficients are called c*2 ;n< and cD2 ;n<, as stated
bellow in ;2< and ;4< res.ecti'elyF
( ) ( ) ( )

+ =
n ! hd n v n cA 4 . 2
( ) ( ) ( )

+ =
n ! gd n v n cD 4 . 2
Ne=t, in the sa#e way, the calculation of the
a..ro=i#ated ;c*4;n<< and the detailed ;cD4;n<<
'ersion associated to the le'el 4 is based on the le'el 2
wa'elet coefficient of a..ro=i#ation ;c*2;n<<. he
.rocess goes on, always ado.ting the Ln32M wa'elet
coefficient of a..ro=i#ation to calculate the LnM
a..ro=i#ated and detailed wa'elet coefficients. 0ere
we are using first le'el of deco#.osition.
Ca'efor# *c/uisition
:eature E=traction
Classifier using Neural Network
Classified ,ut.ut
Ca'elet ransfor#
Proceedings of ational Conference on Advanced Computing and CommunicationCACC!!, April"!#, $%!!
:ig. 4 shows .ower disturbance wa'efor# and
its detail. :ig. 4;a< shows the coefficients of detail le'el
D2 of a .ure sinusoidal signal. :ig. 4;b< re'eals the
coefficients of detail le'el 2 of a sinusoidal signal
ha'ing inter#ediate sag. (i#ilarly :ig. 4;c< and :ig.
4;d< shows the coefficients of detail le'el 2 of the
signals with inter#ediate swell and flicker. :ig. 4;e<
shows the coefficients of detail le'el 2 of the signals
with inter#ediate har#onics
:igure 4 "agnitude of detail coefficients of DC ;a<
(inusoidal signal ;b< (inusoidal signal with
inter#ediate sag ;c< (inusoidal signal with inter#ediate
swell ;d< (inusoidal signal with inter#ediate flicker ;e<
(inusoidal signal with inter#ediate har#onics
*ll these signals were analy6ed using Ca'elet
ransfor#. 0ere we ha'e chosen Daubechies E at le'el
2 for the analysis .ur.ose. he gra.h .ertaining to
detail coefficients at le'el 2 i.e., D2 .ro'ides the
necessary infor#ation to .recisely locate the
occurrence of the disturbance. he sudden increase in
the 'alue of the coefficient in detail 2 indicates the
occurrence of a disturbance e'ent. E=tracting #ore
features fro# the deco#.osition wa'e can hel. in the
classification .rocess
". #eature E$traction
Now the signals with abo'e .ower /uality
disturbances are analy6ed by wa'elet transfor# and the
following fi'e distinct features inherent to different
ty.es of .ower /uality e'ents ha'e been e=tracted. he
Energy characteristics of each signal is re.resented in
able II
Nor# 2

! % " e
Nor# 4

4 4
( )

! ! c " e
4 4
4 7
( )
4 E


( )

! " e

Ck is the Discrete wa'elet ransfor# ;DC<
for the sa#.les contained in the nth data
P is the #ean obtained fro# the DC of each
ei is the different inherent features of DC
Neural networks ha'e been used in a board range of
a..lications 12?5. he basic architecture consists of
three ty.es of neuron layersF in.ut, hidden, and out.ut
layers. In feed3forward networks, the signal flow is
fro# in.ut to out.ut units, strictly in a feed3forward
direction. In the signal classification a..lication, the
training e=a#.les are classified according to their
energy signature 'alue. he energy signatures are
selected using the o.ti#i6ation techni/ue of Genetic
*lgorith#. he Network is trained and the Inco#ing
signal is 'erified with the trained neurons and the
classified out.ut is taken.
I&. +E(-G *ND DI(C-((I,N
A. Data &eneration
he si#ulation data was generated in "*G*D
based on the #odel in .a.er 12>5. :i'e classes of
different PQ disturbances, na#ed undisturbed sinusoid
;nor#al<, swell, sag, flicker, har#onics, were
considered. 2B2 cases of .ower /uality disturbance were
generated for training and another 49 cases of each class
were generated for testing. Doth the training and testing
signals are sa#.led at 4B .ointsKcycle and the nor#al
fre/uency is 9B 06. en .ower fre/uency cycles which
contain the disturbance are used for a total of 4BB .oints
B. 'imilarit( Measurement
he trained data are stored in the database. he
synthesis training wa'efor# is co#.ared with the
energy signatures of reference wa'efor#. -sing
#ini#u# distance #ethod the .ower disturbance is
classified. able III shows the sa#.le 'alues of energy
*DGE III. ENE+GO &*G-E ,: 0E DI(-+D*NCE(
Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathur
'ntropy (tandard
(ine B.B2EE @.?A7> 3B.B>7E B.22A@ 37.994?
(ag B.B49A B.B@79 3B.22EB B.2>B? 3B.7?A7
(well B.B4>A B.2B22 3B.2294 B.2>7? 3B.7?A7
!licker B.74>E B.B>2> 34.>E@E B.9>AA 3B.7?A7
B.7?A7 4.E>>7 39E.9?4 3B.2B99 >.2272
Energy signature #ethods considered in the .re'ious
sections are tested on the testing set of different .ower
/uality disturbance in this section. o test the effect of
detection infor#ation on classification of disturbance,
two different #ethods of feature e=traction and
detection based on :ourier transfor# are studied. *
total of 249cases are used for testing, so each e'ent has
49 cases. he features of 'oltage signal like standard
de'iation, entro.y, and co#bination of nor#s, a'erage
residual of the signal are calculated se.arately for each
ty.e of disturbances and finally the .erfor#ance of
different ty.es of feature e=traction is co#.ared here.
Classification results can be described in ter#s of a
confusion #atri=. he table I& shows the classification
result of .ro.osed neural network #odel.
*DGE I&. CG*((I:IC*I,N *CC-+*CO "*+I% ,:
NE-+*G NEC,+)
(ine (ag (well !licker "armonics
(ine 49 B B B B
(ag B 44 4 B 2
(well B B 4E 2 B
!licker B B 4 44 2
B B B 4 47
his shows that the .ro.osed #ethod has the ability to
classify the disturbance #ore accurately. *ccording to
the results of able I&, it is shown that .ower /uality
disturbances of sine is classified .erfectly, but loses
one in swell and 4 in har#onics and 7 in sag and
flicker. . able & shows the .ercentage of recognition
rate for 9 .ower Quality disturbances, res.ecti'ely.
able & shows the total correct classification rates are
about A4.@Q. his shows that .ro.er selection of
energy signature will increase the accuracy with less
consu#.tion ti#e in neural network. :or that we use
genetic algorith# for selecting the energy signature
#ecognition #ate
!!T ($ 'ntropy
(ine 2BB 2BB 2BB 2BB 2BBQ
(ag >B E@ >E ?> @@Q
(well ?> EE ?4 @@ A>Q
:licker EB >B >B ?4 @@Q
0ar#onics 4B ?4 @@ A4 A4Q
otal 9A.4 >E.@ ?>.@R @9.> A4.@Q
&. C,NCG-(I,N
In this .a.er, a new #ethod for the detection and
classification of Power Quality Disturbances in .ower
syste#s using wa'elet based Neural Network is
.resented. he results show that the .ro.osed #ethod
has the ability of detection and classification of different
.ower disturbance ty.es efficiently. his work leads us
to belie'e that the .ro.er wa'elet based energy
signature increases the accuracy of classification with
less co#.utation ti#e.
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