Club Leadership Plan Worksheet

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Club Leadership Plan Worksheet

Club leaders should use this worksheet to create their clubs own club leadership
plan. The strategies listed below are common ways for clubs to adapt the best
practices of effective Rotary clubs to suit their needs. The RI Strategic Plan the
Planning Guide for Effective Rotary Clubs and the Recommended Rotary Club
!ylaws are based on these best practices. "se this worksheet as an opportunity
to gather and review all of your clubs official documents and make any
necessary changes or updates.
Rotary Club of Cotabato City # South
$ame of club president% &apor '&appy( )uituar
Rotary year of office% *+,- # *+,.
Best Practices Checklist
/ur club has developed a strategic plan that addresses the clubs long#
range goals for the ne0t three to five years including those related to
service pro1ects membership The Rotary 2oundation public image and
leadership development. 3"se a separate sheet to describe how the club
will carry out its activities in each of these areas. 4ttach it to this
The club has completed the Planning Guide for Effective Rotary Clubs to
set annual goals for the upcoming Rotary year that support the clubs
long#range goals.
Club assemblies have been planned for the following dates to prepare for
the upcoming year and keep club members informed%
Club assembly after district assembly%
Club assembly in preparation for governors official visit%
Club assembly to solicit innovative ideas from all members%
/ther club assemblies%
The club has developed a communication plan so that all members are
The club has developed a system to ensure continuity in leadership
including officers committees and long#term service pro1ects. The system
Succession planning
6ocumentation of procedures
6ecision making
The club has amended its bylaws to reflect its structure and practices.
4ll members have reviewed the bylaws.
4ll members have been given the opportunity to suggest changes.
2ellowship activities have been planned for the year. 3"se a separate
sheet to describe them and attach it to this worksheet.5
7eekly meetings include time for networking and sociali8ing.
Club activities include family members.
9embers provide input on social activities.
The club has developed a system for keeping all members active in the
4ll members have been appointed to a committee.
4ll members are involved in a service pro1ect.
$ew members have been assigned activities to help them get
The club has developed a comprehensive training plan.
President#elect attends P:TS on .
4ll incoming club leaders attend district assembly on .
$ew member orientation is offered .
Club members are encouraged to attend
6istrict Rotary 2oundation seminar on
6istrict membership seminar on
6istrict leadership seminar on
6istrict conference on
The club has established committees that support its needs.
/ur club has the following committees%
Public relations
Service pro1ects
Rotary 2oundation

Club board of directors receives club committee reports every .
Check that your club is using the latest version of the Recommended Rotary
Club !ylaws. Outline any enhancements to the bylaws on a separate sheet and
attach it to this worksheet.

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