Shadowrun Equipments

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Most equipment in the Shadowrun listing is pretty straightforward converted to GURPS, as they have little to no mechanical effect.
Those will e left untouched. !thers, li"e weapons, armor, vehicles and many others, will need more wor".
Equipment listing
Melee Weapons
#ll the stats for the laded melee weapons in this section are accounting for the fact that the weapons are of fine quality, giving
them $% to damage.
&%' ( )rawling increases damage*
&+' (Treat as cheap for purpose of rea"age*
&,' ( !n a failed -T roll, victim is stunned for as long as weapon is in contact plus .+/(-T0 seconds longer, and can then roll vs. -T(, to recover*
&1' ( 2an snare an opponent or a weapon, the whip cuts into its target, inflicting its damage every turn it is pulled taut until the victim escapes*
&3' ( # 4drop weapon5 critical miss indicates the wielder hit himself or a friend*
&6' 7 Spring(loaded thrusting point*
&8' 7 2omes with retractale GPS moitor, micro(lighter, can e light with a two(hour duration phosphorescent light in the flat side of the lade and has a compartment that will hold one small item*
&9' 7 :t ta"es one second to e;tend .no time with <ast =raw0. -oldout (% when collapsed.
Projectile and Thrown Weapons
The statistics on these weapons , in some cases, were a little twea"ed for alance reasons.
Weapon Damage Acc Range Weight RoF Shots ost ST !ul" A#al$ %otes
Short )ow Thr$% imp + ;%3>;+/ +>/.% % %.+0 3//? %/@ (3 +
Aong )ow Thr$, imp , ;+/>;+3 ,>/.% % %.+0 83/? %% (8 + &,'
2omposite )ow Thr$, imp , ;+/>;+3 1>/.% % %.+0 %.///? %, (8 +
Aight 2rossow %d imp + %,3>%9/ 1>/.% % %.10 ,//? B (1 + &%'
Medium 2rossow %d$, imp 1 ++/>+83 6>/.% % %.10 3//? %% (3 1R
-eavy 2rossow +d$% imp 1 +9/>,3/ B>/.% % %.10 83/? %1 (6 9R
Shuri"en Thr(% cut % ;/.3>;% /.% % T.%0 ,/? 3 / +
Throwing Cnife Thr(% imp / ;/.3>;% /.+3 % T.%0 +/? 3 (% +
=efiance DE Shoc"er
-T(1./,30 aff
/ %/ +>/.% % 1.,i0 %3/? 8 (+ (
Famaha Pulsar
-T(,./,30 aff
/ +/ +>/.% , 1.,i0 %3/? 9 (+ (
&%' 7 Must e readied with two hands ut can e shot with only one hand
&+' ( !n a failed -T roll, victim is stunned for as long as weapon is in contact plus .+/(-T0 seconds longer, and can then roll vs. -T(, to recover*
&,' 7 2omposite )ows consider the ST of the user as + points higher for purpose of damage and range.
Pistol and Re#ol#ers
Weapon Damage Acc Range Weight RoF Shots ost ST Rcl !ul" A#al$ %otes
Raecor Sting .+3#2P %d(%./.30 pi( / B/>B3/ /.B>/.+ +;1 3;1.,0 ,3/? 3 + / 6R &%',&6'
Streetline Special .,9/#2P +d(+ pi % %%/>%+// %.+>/., , 6.,0 %//? 8 + (% 1R &%'
2olt #merica A,6 .,9/#2P +d(% pi + %+3>%3// %.8>/.1 , %%.,0 %3/? 9 + (% 1R
<ichetti Security 6// 3.8mm +d$+.+0 pi( + %8/>%8// %.9>/.6 , ,/.,0 13/? 9 + (% 6R &+', &,'
-ammerli 6+/S Bmm +d$+ pi , %6/>%9// %.8>/.+ , 6.,0 63/? 6 + (% 9R &1',&3'
Famaha Sa"ura <uu"i 3.8mm ,d.+0 pi( + %9/>%9// G,.1>% 3 %/.30;1 +.///? %% % (+ %/R &,'
#res Predator :H .1/SIJ +d$+ pi$ + %6/>%9// +>/.6 , %3.,0 ,3?/ %+ + (+ 1R &3'
#res Hiper Slivergun %/mm< %d(%./.30 imp + %3/>%6// +.+>/.1 ,;, ,/.,0 3//? %% % (+ 3R &6',&8'
2olt Manhunter .%/mm#uto ,d(% pi$ + %3/>%6// +.1>/.9 , %6.,0 ,//? %, , (+ 1R &+'
Remington Roomsweeper %+G 1d pi$$ % 1/>9// 3>/.9 + 9.,i0 +3/? %, 6 (+ 6R &+'
Ruger Super Jarhaw" .131 2asull 1d$+ pi$ + +%/>+,// ,.6>/.1 , 6.,i0 +3/? %1 3 (+ ,R
2es"a )lac" Scorpion .,9/#2P +d pi + %9/>%B// G,.+>% B ,3.,0 33/? 8t + (+K 9R &9'
Steyr TMP .,9/#2P +d(% pi + %9/>%B// G,.9>/.B %3 ,/.,0 6//? 9t + (+K 9R &9'
&%' 7 Made from special, non(metallic materials, the Raecor Sting is virtually undetectale y M#= Scanners .(90, while the Streetline Special, although hard to detect, is less so .(10*
&+' 7 Aaser sight*
&,' 7 =etachale folding stoc"*
Weapon Damage Reach Parr& ost Weight ST A#al$ !ul" %otes
2omat #;e
Sw$1 cut
thr$, imp
%, +K
6//? 9l %+@ 9R (+
<orearm Snap()lades Thr cut 2 / %3/? /.9l ( 6R G$% &%'
or w> two hands
Sw$+ cut
Thr$+ imp
Sw$, cut
Thr $+ imp
%, +
%, +
%.///? 3l 3
1R /
Cnife Sw(% cut
Thr imp
2, %
+/? %l 6 ( G$%
Monofilament Sword Sw$, cut
thr$, imp
83/? ,l %/ 9R / &+'
Survival Cnife Sw(% cut
Thr imp
2, %
3/? %.+l 6 ( G$% &8'
Sword Sw$% cut
thr$% imp
,3/? ,l %/ 1R /
2lu Sw$% cr % / ,/? ,l %/ ( /
D;tendale )aton Sw cr % / 3/? +l 6 ( / &9'
Sap Thr cr 2 / ,/? %l 8 ( G$% &%'
Staff Sw$+ cr
thr$+ cr
%, +
%, +
3/? 1l 8 ( (+
Stun )aton
Sw(% cr
-T(,./,30 aff
2, % / 1//? %.3l 6 1R /
Monofilament Jhip Sw$%d(+.%/0
%(8K (+U ,.///? /.3l 3 %+< (+ &1',&3'
Pole #rm Sw$6 cut
thr$1 imp
+, ,K
%.///? %+l %,@
1R (,
Shoc" Glove
Thr(% cr
-T(,./,30 aff
2 / +//? /.+3l ( ,R G$+ &%'

&1' ( Gas vent*
&3' 7 Smartlin"*
&6' 7 Uses special sliver ammunition*
&8' 7 :ntegral sound suppressor .(1 to listens rolls0*
&9' 7 :f fired with only one hand ST raises to B .%% for the Steyr TMP0 and recoil raises to ,.
Weapon Damage Acc Range Weight RoF Shots ost ST Rcl !ul" A#al$ %otes
#C(B8 2arine 3.13;,Bmm 1d$+ pi( , ,6/>+3// 6.8>/.+ %% ,/.,0 1//? %/t + (1K 1R &%',&+'
-C(++8E .Bmm +d$% pi 1 %6/>%9// G8>% %+ +9.,0 9//? 6t + (,K 9R &%',&,',&1'
-C MP(3TE Bmm ,d(% pi 1 %8/>%B// 6.3>/.9 %, +/.,0 33/? 8t + (,K 1R &%',&3',&6'
:ngram Smartgun E .1/SIJ +d pi$ , %3/>%+// 8.+>%.+ %3 ,+.,0 63/? 9t + (,K 6R &%',&,',&3', &6'
ULi :H %/mm #uto ,d pi$ , %6/>%9// 8.3>%.+ 9 +1.,0 3//? Bt , (,K 1R &%',&6'
&%' 7 =etachale folding stoc"* if fired without it, ST raises y + points, #cc drops % point, rcl raises % point and ul" lowers y % point*
&+' 7 <ine .Reliale0*
&,' 7 Smartgun*
&1' 7 Sound supressor .(+ to listen rolls0*
&3' 7 Gas(vent system, $% for purposes of shots hit in a urst
&6' 7 Aaser sight*
Assault Ri)les
Weapon Damage Acc Range Weight RoF Shots ost ST Rcl !ul" A#al$ %otes
#C(B8 3.13;,Bmm 3d$+ pi( 1 11/>,/// 9.9>%.+ %% ,9.,0 3//? Bt + (3 1R &%'
#res #lpha 3.36;13mm
Grenade Aauncher +3;3Bmm
3d$+ pi(
%.8//? 9t +
(6 %+< &+',&,'
<M -#R 6.3;3/mm 8d pi( 3 83/>,83/ %%.1>%.9 %/ ,3.,0 %.///? %/t , (3 9R &,'
-C EM,/ 3.36;3%mm
Grenade Aauncher +3;3Bmm
Underarrel Shotgun %+G
2arine Hersion 3.36;13mm
Sniper Hersion 8.6+;3%mm
AMG Hersion 3.36;13mm
3d$+ pi(
3d pi$$
3d(% pi(
8d(% pi(
3d$, pi(
%3< &+'
&%' 7 <ine .Reliale0*
&+' 7 Smartgun*
&,' 7 Recoil compensation, $% for purposes of shots hit in a urst*
&1' 7 :maging Scope .variale, ;+ to ;B magnification, $% to $, onus, % second per onus0*
&3' 7 )ipod and medium(weight arrel*
&6' 7 May e swapped y the underarrel shotgun*
Sport and Sniper Ri)les
Weapon Damage Acc Range Weight RoF Shots ost ST Rcl !ul" A#al$ %otes
Ruger %// 8.6+;3%mm 8d(% pi( 3 83/>,83/ 9>/., , 3.,0 B//? %/t , (6 1R &%'
PNSS Dlephant Rifle .18/ MD 9d$, pi$ 3 61/>1/// %1>/., % +.,i0 6.///? %,t 3 (8 %+R &+'
Ranger #rms SM(1 .,// Magnum Bd$+ pi( 6 6//>,+// G%/>% , %3.,0 6.+//? %%t 1 (8 %6< &%',&,',&1'
Jalter M#(+%// 8.6+;3%mm 8d pi( 8 9//>1/// %+>/.3 , %/.,i0 3.///? Bt , (6 %/< &%',&+',&3'
&%'7 :maging Scope .variale, ;+ to ;B magnification, $% to $, onus, % second per onus0, .;+ to ;%6 for the Ranger #rms SM(1 and the Jalter M#(+%//0*
&+' 7 <ine .#ccurate0*
&,' 7 2an e disassemled and reassemled in 3 minutes with a test of #rmoury .-and Jeapons0 $1*
&1' 7 Hery effective silencer .(, to hearing0*
&3' 7 Smartgun*
Weapon Damage Acc Range Weight RoF Shots ost ST Rcl !ul" A#al$ %otes
Mosserg #M(2M=T %+G +d$+ pi( , 1/>9// 9>+ 6;9 %/.,0 %.///? %+t % (3 %+R &%'
Remington BB/ %+G 3d pi$ , 1/>9// 9>/.9 , 9.,i0 33/? %/t 1 (3 %1R &+'
&%' 7 Uses only special flechette ammunition*
&+'7 :maging Scope .variale, ;+ to ;B magnification, $% to $, onus, % second per onus0*
Machine *uns
Weapon Damage Acc Range Weight RoF Shots ost ST Rcl !ul" A#al$ %otes
:ngram Jhite Cnight 3.36;13mm 3d$, pi( 3 9//>,+// G%B>,.3 %3 %//.30 +.///? %%t + (6K %+< &%',&+'
Stoner(#res M+/+ 8.6+;3%mm 8d pi( 3 B//>,83/ G+B>6.3 %/ %//.30 1.3//? %,t + (8 %+<
Ultima; -MG(+ %+.8;BBmm 6d;+ pi 3 %9//>86// 33>,/ 6 %//.30 8.3//? +%t + (B %3< &,', &1'
&%' 7 =etachale folding stoc"* if fired without it, ST raises y + points, #cc drops % point, rcl raises % point and ul" lowers y % point*
&+' 7 Special integral gas(vent that gives $+ for the purpose of determining how many shots hit in a urst*
&,' 7 :ntegrated tripod*
&1' 7 Recoil compensation, $% for purposes of shots hit in a urst*
Assault annons
Weapon Damage Acc Range Weight RoF Shots ost ST Rcl !ul" A#al$ %otes
Panther EEA+3;%%/mm
%/d pi$
6d cr e;
1 %///>++// G+9>9 % %3.30 3.3//? %6t 3 (9 +/< &%'
&%' 7 Smartlin"*
*renade +aunchers
Weapon Damage Acc Range Weight RoF Shots ost ST Rcl !ul" A#al$ %otes
#res #ntioch(+ 1/mmG Grenade % %/>11/ G%/>1 % 9.,i0 6//? Bt + (1 9< &%',&+'
#rmTech MGA(%+ 1/mmG Grenade % %/>11/ G%3>6 , %+.,0 +.///? %%t + (3 %/< &%'
&%' 7 <irst Range figure is minimum range, not %>+=*
&+' 7 Smartlin"*
Missile,Roc"et +aunchers
Weapon Damage Acc Range Weight RoF Shots ost ST Rcl !ul" A#al$ %otes
#Ltechnology Stri"er 66mm Missile , +/>%+// G%+>1 % % %.///? 9t % (3 %/< &%',&+'
Mitsuishi Fa"uso"u MRA 66mm Missile , +/>%+// ,3>%6 + 1.3i0 %+.///? %%t % (8 +/< &%',&+'
&%' 7 <irst Range figure is minimum range, not %>+=*
&+' 7 -arLardous ac"last +d cr in +(yard area*
&,' 7 2an use roc"ets .use statistics in the tale0 or missiles.
Special Weapons
Weapon Damage Acc Range Weight RoF Shots ost ST Rcl !ul" A#al$ %otes
#res S(::: Super Squirt special ( %+ G%1>%/ Net +/.,0 3//? 3t ( (, 1 &%'
<ichetti Pain :nducer -T(, aff .% yd0 , 1/>%+/ /+>/3>%% % %/ +.///? 6 % (+ 9R &+',&,'
Parashield =art Pistol %%mm=
%d pi(
drug effect
% %3>3/ ,>/.% , 3.,0 6//? 6 + (% 6R
Parashield =art Rifle %%mm=
%d pi(
drug effect
, 13>%3/ 6.6>/.+ , %/.,0 %.8//? 9t + (, 6R
&%' 7 2anshoot any non(corrosive liquid*
&+' 7 =eliver a -T(ased affliction attac" with no armor divisor* add the targetGs =R to -T to resist. :f he fails to resist, he suffers from the Agon& affliction for as long as he is in the eam, for for one second afterward*
&,' 7 Meeds to e pluged on an energy source for %// seconds to recharge.
Firearm Accessories
Air'urst +in"- This grenade>roc"et launcher smartgun accessory uses the distance to the target as determined y the rangefinder
and programs the minigrenade>roc"et to e;plode in the air after it has traveled the target distance. :t follows the rules under
Attacking an Area.. This upgrade gives $1 to the attac" roll 7 or only $% if the target is flying. Use the square of the margin of
failure to determine scatter distance on a miss. Jhen used for indirect fire, apply the rules for airurstO the fragments rain down
from aove, negating penalties to hit crouching, "neeling, sitting, and prone targets, and ypassing any cover that isnGt overhead.
!ipods- Jhen firing from a prone position using the ipod, treat the weapon as if it were raced and reduce its ST requirement to
+>, of the listed value .round up0.
onceala'le .olster-2oncealale holsters are padded, designed to soften the hard edges of a hidden handgun. Most are worn inside
the pants, with a shirt over the top of the gun .)ul" (% or worse0, or on the an"le .)ul" / only0. (% to <ast(=raw, $% to -oldout.
*as(/ent S&stem-Gas(vent recoil compensation systems vent a weaponGs arrel gases at a specific vector to counter arrel clim. :t
gives $% to weapon s"ill, ut only to determine the ammount of ullets that hit in a urst.
*&ro Sta'ili0ation-Straps on and has a chest plate in front, with a supporting arm and three hydraulic Points positioned to allow
universal motion and easy suspension. :t has the same effect as a ipod .ST requiriment and racing0, ut can e used while
standing up or moving. The user must still operate the weapon normally, using his own hands to aim and fire it. :t is universal for
any longarm or heavy weapon.
.idden Arm Slide- #ttached to the forearm and worm under clothing, this slide can accommodate a pistol(siLed weapon .ul" (%
or etter0. Jhe the wrist sensor detects nerve impulses that mean the wearer wants to draw, the holster ePects the weapon toward the
hand. This lets the weapon e readied instantly. Dach item requires a separate holster. :t adds $1 to <ast(=raw.
Imaging Scope- 2an use magnification from ;+ .$% acc0 up to ;%/ .$, acc0. #dds (% to ul". 2an use any vision enhancement.
+aser Sight- :f you can see your targeting laserGs aiming dot, you get $% to hit whether or not you too" an #im maneuver. :f your
target can see it, he gets $% to =odge 7 ut the GM may require a <right 2hec".
Periscope- This adPustale 4off(a;is viewer5 attaches to a top(mount and allows you to target a weapon around corners.
1uic"(Draw .olster- -olster custom(uilt for speed. $% to <ast(=raw .Pistol0.
Shoc" Pad- This shoc"(asoring pad can e mounted on the rigid shoulder stoc" of a rifle, shotgun, or heavy weapon, and lowers
ST y % point.
Silencer- Gives (1 to -earing chec"s* it lowers damage, giving (% point of damage per damage die.
Smart Firing Plat)orm- This is a non(moile rootic tripod equipped with a remote(control pivot that allows for a %9/ degree
firing arc and 6/ degree inclination. The platform can e controlled via remote, via smartlin" or via Pilot Program .S"ill level %+,
with $% Targeting Software0. :t has a Sensor rating of %+.
Smartgun S&stem- :ncorporates a laser range finder .$% to aimed shots0 and a small camera, while "eeping trac" of ammunition,
heat uildup and material stress. :t gives $% to attac" rolls with smartlin"ed weapons. Retrofitting a firearm with an internal
Smartgun syste, doules the weaponQs price. #n e;ternal smartgun system can instead e attached to the top our underarrel mount
of the weapon. The camera can e equipped with vision enhancements.
Sound Supressor- Gives (+ to -earing chec"s to automatic weapons. Must e replaced at every ,// shots. :t lowers damage, giving
(% point of damage per damage die.
Spare lips- Fou "now what they are. Specific for each weapon and cannot e used on other weapons, even from the same
category, unless specifically noted.
Speed +oader- #llows the shooter to reload a revolver as if it was a semi(automatic pistol, :< the speed loader was previously
loaded. :t ta"es + seconds per ullet to load a speed loader.
Tripod- #ny minimum ST is ignored while the weapon is mounted on a tripod. :t ta"es at least , seconds to mount or dismount a
weapon from one.
Accessor& Weight ost A#al$
#irust Ain" ( 3//? 6R
)ipod % %//? +
2oncealale -olster /,+3 83? +
Gas(Hent System /,3 1//? 6R
Gyro StailiLation ,/ ,.///? 8
-idden #rm Slide % ,3/? 1
:maging Scope + ,//? ,
Aaser Sight ( %//? +
Periscope /,3 3/? ,
Ruic"(=raw -olster /,3 %//? 1
Shoc" Pad /,3 3/? +
Silencer /,3 +//? 9<
Smart <iring Platform 6/ +.///? %+<
Smartgun System ( 1//? 3R
Sound Supressor /,3 ,//? %+<
Spare 2lips /,+3 3? 1
Speed Aoader /,+ +3? +
Tripod +/ ,//? 1
# more detailed ammunition tale can add to the game, giving a monetary reason for some characters to use the more readily
availale caliers in the mar"et.
ali'er ost Weight ali'er ost Weight
.+3#2P %? /./%+ 3.36;13mm ,? /./+8
.,9/#2P %? /./+% 6.3;3/mm ,? /./,
3.8mm ,? /./%, 8.6+;3%mm ,? /./36
Bmm +? /./+6 .18/ Mitro D;press 3? /.%+
.1/SIJ +? /./,3 .,// Magnum 1? /./69
%/mm#uto +? /./1+ %+.8;BBmm 3? /.+3
%+G +? /.%, +3;%%/mm 13? /.81
.131 2asull 1? /./66 %%mm= %? /./+
3.13;,Bmm %.3? /./+, Taser =art 3/? /./+
APDS- Aowers damage type one category .down to pi(0, gives armor divisor .+0 and gives $% damage per die .no onus to weapons
already with pi(0. Multiply cost y 1*
Assault annon- D;plosive shells already factored in the weapon stats.
E2plosi#e Rounds- Gives armor divisor ./.30 and increases the damage type one category .up to pi$$0. Multiply cost y +.3*
E2(E2plosi#e Rounds- :ncreases damage type one category .up to pi$$0 and transform the damage dice to + dice plus fi;ed onus
for dice in e;cess of + .$, for one die, $8 for two die 7 a 1d$+ pi assault rifle would do +d$B pi$$0. Multiply cost y 3*
Flechette Rounds- =ivide damage y + and add a 4;15 after the R!< .;, if pi(, ;6 if pi$, ;9 if pi$$0. =amage is always pi, unless
the weapon is already pi(. Multiply cost y 3*
*el Rounds- =ivide damage y +, changes damage type to cr, gives armor divisor of ./.+0 and gives doule "noc"ac" .calculated
efore the damage divisor0. Multiply cost y %.3*
Injection Darts- :nPect the drug in the second after it hits. 2annot penetrate rigid armor with =R ,$.
Regular Ammo- Used to "ill things. 2aseless.
Tracer- Tracers urn out at %>+= range. Jithin that range, they function as incendiary attac"s, and ma"e it easier to oserve and
correct automatic weapons fire .on any turn immediately after a long urst of automatic fire, the shooter may add a non(cumulative
$% to s"ill0. Multiply cost y 3, they are used at % per 1 regular shots.
Grenades came in two modelsO +3mm mini(grenades, launched from Grenade Aaunchers and that e;plode on impact and 1/mm
hand(grenades, the siLe of a golf all and thrown y hand. They can e wirelessly configured to e;plode from + to 3 seconds after
eing released.
Flash'ang *renades- 1/mm only, it effects are a Hision( and -earing()ased affliction that affects a %/(yard radius. The Protected
-earing and Protected Hision advantages .or equivalent* e.g., hearing protection and dar" goggles0 each give $3 to the -T roll.
<ailure to resist means youQre stunned* roll against -T(3 to recover each turn. #lso creates smo"e in the area of effect.
Flash(Pa"- The random stroing effect linds people, acting li"e a Hision()ased affliction that affects a 3 yard radius .$% onus to
resist at 8 yards, $, at %/ yards0. The Protected Hision advantage .or equivalent* e.g. dar" goggles0 give $3 to the -T roll. <ailure to
resist means youQre linded* roll against -T(B to recover each turn while you are in the area of effect and -T(3 after you left the
area. Aasts %/ seconds. 1/mm only.
Fragmentation *renade- #lso called defensive grenades.
.igh E2plosi#e *renade- #lso called offensive grenade, ecause it can e thrown farther than its casualty radius.
*as *renade- This can(shaped grenade fill a %/(yard radius for ,/ seconds. 2an use any chemical gas.
Smo"e(*renade- Similar to the gas grenade, it fills an are of %/(yard radius for ,/ seconds. The standard smo"e is grey, lac" or
sand colored, and gives (%/ to sighting and to aiming visual attac"s through it. :t acts as a mild irritant to those inside it.
Thermal(Smo"e- Similar to the smo"e(grenade, ut with hot smo"e, that loc"s thermographic vision the same way.
*renade Damage 34mm Damage 56mm Weight ost A#ail$ %otes
<lashang Grenade -T(3 aff .%/yd0 ( % l ,/? 6R &%'
<lash(Pa" -T(3 aff .3 yd0 ( %.3 l +//? 1 &%'
<rag Grenade 6d cr e; &,d' 1d$+ cr e; &+d' /.3 l ,3? %/< &%',&+'
-D Grenade Bd cr e; 8d cr e; /.3 l 13? 8< &%',&+'
Gas Grenade Special Special % l +/?$2hemical 1$2hemical &%',&+'
Smo"e(Grenade Special Special % l ,/? 1R &%',&+'
Thermal(Smo"e Special Special % l ,3? 6R &%',&+'
&%' 7 #ll standard grenades have )ul" (%*
&+' 7 2an e fired from a grenade launcher, )ul" /, weight half as much as a standard grenade of the same type.
Roc"ets and Missiles
Roc"ets and missiles are shot from the same launchers, ut, while roc"ets are 4dum5 weapons, missiles came with loc"ing
controls, allowing them to correct they traPectory to their target in midflight. #ll missiles follows the standard GURPs rules for
-oming Jeapons, with their asic s"ill level depending on their Sensor RatingO S"ill level S 9$Sensor Rating.
Roc"et,Missile Damage Weight ost A#ail$ %otes
3d;,.%/0 cr e;
6d cr e;
6l %.///? +/< &%',&+'
3d;+ cr e;
6d cr e; &3d'
3l 3//? %6< &%', &,'
-igh D;plosive
3d;+ cr e;
6d;+ cr e;
3l 83/? +/< &%',
&%' 7 Missiles cost an e;tra equals to it sensor rating ; 3//*
&+' 7 =onQt e;plodes unless it hits a =R%/$ target, change damage to 3d;, cr with no lin"ed e;plosion*
&,' 7 =amage in rac"ets is cutting fragmentation, treat it as a large area inPury.
D;plosives follow the rules on -igh(Tech for effects. <or easy of playing, each one is descried in terms of their most common
4wor" loads5.
ommercial E2plosi#e- Generally used in large loads for legal purposes. # +l charge does 8d;, cr e; damage, while a more
common /.3l 4stic"5 does 8d cr e;.
Plastic E2plosi#e- Shadowrun defines a large range of ratings possile, ut : thin" that it is unnecessary as the different charges
needed can e emulated using a larger or smaller load. # small, rectangular, /.+3l charge does 8d cr e;, larger, military style
e;plosive pac"s 4e;pac"s5 comes in %.3l, doing 6d;, cr e;, finally, large, ac"pac" siLed e;plosive pac"s, used as traps or anti(
tan" mines, weight 3l and does 8d;8 cr e; damage.
Foam E2plosi#e- # /.%l lo of foam does 1d cr e; damage. # can holds up to %l of foam e;plosive, doing 8d;+ cr e;.
E2plosi#e Weight ost A#ail$
2ommercial D;plosive %l %//? 9R
Plastic D;plosive %l 3//? %6<
<oam D;plosive %l 3//? %+<
lothing and Armor
lothing,Armor +ocations DR Weight ost A#ail$ %otes
<eedac" 2lothing Haries ( varies $3//? $9 &%'
Aeather Nac"et>=usting Torso, waist, arms % 1 +//? (
#ctionner )usiness 2lothes Torso, arms, legs G9>, , %.3//? 9 &8'
#rmor 2lothing Torso, upper arms G9>, %.6 3//? + &8'
#rmor Nac"et Torso, waist, groin,
arms, upper legs
G%9>6 B B//? + &+',&8',&%/'
#rmor Hest Torso G%%>, +.3 6//? 1 &+',&8'
2amouflage Suit #ll minus face,
hands and feet
G%8>1 %% %.+//? 1 &+',&,',&8',&%/'
2hameleon Suit #ll minus face,
hands and feet
G%6>1 %+ 9.///? %/R &+',&1',&8',&%/'
<ull )ody #rmor #ll minus head,
hands and feet
G+/>9 %6 6.///? %1R &+',&8'
Uran D;plorer Numpsuit #ll minus head,
hands and feet
G%,>1 %/ 3//? 9 &+',&3',&8',&%/'
Ained 2oat Torso, waist, groin,
arms, upper legs
G%3>3 B 8//? ( &+',&6',&8',&%/'
2omat )oots <eet G%1>6 , %//? ( &9'
Uran -elmet
S"ull, sides of face
<ace, eyes
( &B'
2omat -elmet
S"ull, sides of face
<ace, eyes
&%' 7 <eedac" is a property that can e applied to any cloth or armor.
&+' 7 #rmor values are for torso, groin and waist, for other locations, =R is 9>+ .1>% for #rmor Hest, %+>, for <ull )ody #rmor0.
&,' 7 Reversile armored suit with a hood, that can e used with two different patterns.
&1' 7 Thermo(optic 2hameleon Surface. :t gives $1 to Stealth s"ill against ordinary and infrared vision, $+ against Aow(Aight Hision, and $% against Ultrassonic Hision. This onus is halved if moving.
&3' 7 )uilt(in music player and iomonitor.
&6' ( $+ onus on -oldout rolls to conceal small .up to )ul" (%0 items on its inside.
&8' 7 Halues efore the slash are used against piercing and slashing damage only, against all others, the second, lower value should e used.
&9' 7 The first value is only from attac"s from ellow.
&B' 7 The first value is used against crushing attac"s, the second, lower damage, should e used against all others.
&%/' 7 The =R is for the torso, arms and legs have 1 less points of =R.
Armor Modi)ications
These modifications can e added to any armored clothing, ut they canQt add more =R than the clothing already has, so a Rating 6
fire resistance #rmor Hest .=R 60 will only have 6 e;tra =R against fire, not %+ as the rating announces.
hemical Protection- Jater resistant, non(porous and impermeale materials that help protect the wearer against contact(vector
chemical attac"s at $% to -T rolls per rating. :f the clothing protects the head completely, or if it is a helmet, then it also protects
against inhalation(vector attac"s.
hemical Seal- !nly availale to full(ody armors, it completely protects the wearer against poisons, gases .e;cluding corrosive
gases that simply eat through the sealT0, diseases and other contact or airorne attac"s and infections. :t has a % hour o;ygen
Fire Resistance- Provides rating ;+ e;tra points of =R against urning attac"s.
Insulation- Provides rating ;+ e;tra points of =R against cold .corrosive0 attac"s and rating onus to -T to resist cold. )onus are
halved if it is soa"ed in cold water.
%onconducti#it&- Protects agains surge damage, giving rating ;+ e;tra points of =R against urning surge damage and giving
rating onus to -T to resist eing affected y surge effects.
Shoc" )rills- They are contact(ased tasers, that discharge when someone comes in contact with the wearer, hit him or, otherwise,
touch him. :t effects are a %d(1 urn attac" with a -T(,./,30 aff follow(up. :t holds %/ charges, recharging at the rate of % charge per
minute when connected to a power source. :t needs the nonconductivity upgrade to e ale to not affect the user.
Thermal Damping- #dd its rating as a penalty to thermographic sensors to detect the user. #lso affect eings with thermographic
Modi)ication A#ail$ ost
2hemical Protection 9 Rating ;+3/?
2hemical Seal $6 3.///?
<ire Resistance 1 Rating ;%//?
:nsulation 1 Rating ;%3/?
Monconductivity 6 Rating ;+//?
Shoc" <rills 6R +//?
Thermal =amping %/< Rating ;3//?
Jith the e;ception of shoc" troops, that actually use the Shield s"ill, the most common use of shield is as cover.
!allistic Shield- <eatures a clear plastic window that can e targeted at (9 .=R 60 and a ladder frame in the inside so as to e used to
clim over small ostacles.
Riot Shield- 2lear shield used y shoc" troops.
Taser Shield- # Riot Shield with the Shoc" <rills upgrade, it holds +/ charges, recharging at % charge per minute when connected
to a power source.
Shield D! ost Weight DR,.P A#ail$
Riot Shield + +//? 6 9>,/ 6R
)allistic Shield + %.3//? %9 %3>13 %+R
Taser Shield + 83/? 9 9>,/ %/R
7ther equipments
!nly special or important equipment will e descried.
Datachips and so)twares
Dataso)t- General information files, from dataases to te;too"s to literature.
Mapso)t- Self(updating maps of variale locations. Some will e harder to find than others.
Tutorso)ts- They act li"e teachers in a specialiLed field of "nowledge, and are availale for different s"ills. They s"ill level are at
9$rating for easy s"ills, 8$rating for average s"ills, 6$rating for hard s"ills and 3$rating for very hard s"ills.
Acti#eso)t- They require a specialiLed implant of s"illwire, as emulate physical and mental s"ills, that require muscle memory and
logical decision ma"ing. #s such, they level are limited y the S"illJire System rating. They can have , levels, corresponding to %,
+ or 1 points invested on the s"ill.
8nowso)t- Cnowsofts replicate Cnowledge s"ills, actively over(writing the userQs "nowledge with their own data. Cnowsofts must
e accessed with a direct neural lin" .either a sim module or dataPac"0.
+inguaso)t- Ainguasofts replicate language s"ills, allowing the user to spea" a foreign language as fluently as her native
language. Ainguasofts may also e used as real(time translation programs. Ainguasofts must e accessed with a direct neural
lin" .either a sim module or dataPac"0. The only have one level.
So)tware A#ali$ ost
=atasoft ( Rating ;%/?
Mapsoft ( Rating ;3?
Tutorsoft ( 83/
#ctivesoft +, 1 or 9 .%, + or 10 ;%/.///?
Cnowsoft %, + or 1 .%, + or 10 ;3.///?
Ainguasoft + %.3//?
ID and redstic"s
erti)ied redstic"- These are 4money carriers5 not registered to a single person, and, as such, are the currency of choice in the
Fa"e +icense- #vailale to all "ind of restricted items or activities. :t is not an 4all pass5, the user still must have a good reason to
e carrying the item or practicing the activity or face interrogation, even with the fa"e license. Dach level of license has it level, that
is used against the verification systemQs rating. Rating is B $ license level. %ote- #ll licenses are assigned to a particular :=, if this
:= is fa"e .see elow0, then oth must e chec"ed.
Fa"e SI%- These can leave datatrails Pust li"e real, valid ones. Rating is B $ S:M level.
ID,redistic"s A#ali$ ost
2ertified 2redstic" ( +3?
<a"e Aicense Rating ;,< Rating ;%//?
<a"e S:M Rating ;,< Rating ;%.///?
8it- The very asic for repairing. #nything less than this counts as improvised equipment. :t is less usefull for designing or
improving e;isting designs .(3 to relevant s"ill0. :t fits in a large o;.
Shop- <iting on the ac" of a pic"up truc", this shop counts as quality equipment for ma"ing repairs .$% to s"ill0 and as asic
equipment for designing and improving e;isting things .no penalty0.
Facilit&- # large, non(moile ay, with large machines and stoc"ed with stoc" parts, it counts as the very est for ma"ing repairs
.$+ to s"ill0 and as good quality equipment for designing and improving things .$% to s"ill0.
Tools A#ali$ ost
Cit ( 3//?
Shop 9 3.///?
<acility %+ %//.///?
/isual Sensors 9 Imaging De#ices
!inoculars- These handheld devices can mount any "ind of enhancements, and come standard with vision magnification ;+ to ;%6
.ut it cannot e used as a targeting scope0.
amera- 2ommon handheld cameras, capale of recording video, trideo and sound. They can have any vision enhancement. Micro
versions are availale, ut only have % point of capacity for enhancements.
ontact +enses- !nly have % point of capacity for enhancements.
*oogles- Aarge and roust, they canQt pass as common glasses, ut are rugged and do not easily fall.
*lasses- Mormal glasses, that can use vision enhancements.
Monocles- Mormally mounted as a flip(down device on helmets, or in a round frame with a fine chain, for the steampun" fanatics.
Endoscope- This is a %(meter fieroptic cale, of which the first +/ centimeters are made up of myomeric rope and an optical lens
on each side. #llows the user to loo" around corners, through door slits, or into narrow spaces.
Periscope- #n A(shaped tue with two mirrors, the periscope allows the user to loo" .or shoot0 around corners.
/isual Sensors 9 Imaging
A#ali$ apacit& ost
)inoculars .%(,0 ( Rating Rating ;3/?
2amera .%(60 ( Rating Rating ;%//?
Trideo ( &%' (
2ontact Aenses 6 % %//?
Googles .%(60 ( Rating Rating;3/?
Glasses .%(10 ( Rating Rating;+3?
Monocles .%(10 1 Rating Rating;+3?
Dndoscope 9 ( +3/?
Periscope , % 3/?
/ision Enhancements
Flare ompensation- Gives the wearer Protected Sense .Hision ( $3 to resist vision ased afflictions0.
Image +in"- The image lin" either displays visual information .te;t, pictures, movies0 in the field of vision or proPects it onto the
userQs retina with a laser. Hisual data is typically #R data received y the userQs P#M, ut other input is also accepted.
+ow(+ight /ision- Gives the wearer Might(Hision 8.
Smartlin"- Jhile the implanted version gives a full allistic processor with realtime information, the 4wearale5 version acts more
li"e a red dot proPected directly on the user field of view, giving $% to any weapon connected through it. =ifferently from laser
sights, it has no range limit.
Thermographic /ision- Gives the wearer :nfravision.
:ltrasound- Gives the wearer the Scanning Sense .sonar0 advantage, with ase range of 1/ yards while on ground .1// yards
/ision Enhancement- !nly one level, gives $% to Perception .Hision0 tests.
/ision Magni)ication- :t is simply a Loom feature, e;isting from anything from ;+ to ;61. Hersions with multiple settings are at
doule the price of the most e;pensive setting.
/ision Enhancement A#ali$ apacit& ost
<lare 2ompensation + &%' 3/?
:mage Ain" ( &%' +3?
Aow(Aight Hision 1 &+' %//?
Smartlin" 1R &+' 3//?
Thermographic Hision 6 &+' %//?
Ultrasound 9 &,' %.///?
Hision Dnhancement 1 &+' +//?
Hision Magnification + &,' %//? ; vision onus
Audio Sensors 9 Enhancers
Ear'uds- Drgonomic ear plugs with little capacity.
.eadphones- <ull headset, used as a helmet or incorporated in one.
Microphone- Fou "now what it is.
Audio Sensors 9 Enhancers A#ali$ apacit& ost
Daruds .%(+0 ( Rating Rating ;3/?
-eadphones .%(10 ( Rating Rating ;%/?
Microphones .%(60 ( Rating Rating;3/?
Audio Enhancements
Audio Enhancement- Gives $% to Perception .-earing0 tests.
Select Sound Filter- #dd =iscriminatory -earing .Mo memoriLale, Must succeed on a Perception .-earing0 roll0.
Spatial Recogni0er- Gives $+ to Perception .-earing0 tests e;clusivelly to determine the direction of a sound source.
Audio Enhancement A#ali$ apacit& ost
#udio Dnhancement + &%' +//?
Select Sound <ilter 9 &,' 6//?
Spatial RecogniLer 6 &+' %//?
Sensors are divided y siLe, which limits the capacity and range and y type, that defines what capailities it does have.
Atmospheric Sensor- Uotoriously unreliale ecause of things li"e the #wa"ening, Pollution and the general whim of the climate.
They can e used normally to predict the general climate .if it gonna rain, snow, if it gonna e windy or dry and other general
information0, ut is at (3 for anything more specific, li"e what volume of rain will gonna pour, or at what time of the day it gonna
snow. Aevel S 9$+; sensor rating.
amera- Fep, it is a sensor after all.
&'erware Scanner- -igh precision millimeter(wave scanner proPected to detect cyerware, ut can also e used to detect
contraand and other hidden equipments. Short range .only %3 meters0. Aevel S B$; sensor rating.
Directional Microphone- Used to eavesdrop conversation at long range. )loc"ed y loud noises and solid oPects. )ase range %//
meters. Aevel S Unmodified -earing roll of the user.
*eiger ounter- Pic"s up the radiation level on the surroundings. )ase level S %3.
+aser Microphone- This sensor ounces a laser eam against a solid oPect li"e a windowpane, reads the virational variations of
the surface, and translates them into the sounds that are occurring on the other side of the surface. Ma;imum range is %// meters.
Aevel S -earing roll of the user $% per sensor rating.
+aser Range Finder- This simple sensor emits a laser eam that is reflected off a targetQs surface and pic"ed up y a detector to
calculate the e;act distance. :t must e aimed at the target .Dlectronic !perations roll, acc %/0.
MAD Scanner- The M#= .Magnetic #nomaly =etection0 scanner is used to detect weapons and concentrations of metal. :t has a
ma;imum range of 3 meters. Aevel S %/$+; sensor rating.
Microphone- Fou "now what is it.
Motion Sensor- This sensor uses a mi; of ultrasound and low(power infrared to detect motion and drastic changes in the amient
temperature. Aevel S %/$sensor rating. !posed y stealth.
7l)actor& Scanner- The olfactory sensor pic"s up and analyLes the molecules in the air. :t wor"s in the same way as the
)ooster. Aevel S 9$+; sensor rating.
Radio Signal Scanner- The radio signal scanner locates and loc"s in on radio traffic from R<:= tags, wireless networ"s, and other
trans(mitters, and is especially useful at capturing signals originating from neary. The scanner can also measure a signalQs strength
and pinpoint its location. Treat the scanner as if it were a Sniffer program with level B$+; sensor rating.
Sensor Si0e apacit& Signal
R<:= % /
Micro % +
-andheld>Mini =rone , ,
Mounted>Small =rone 3 1
Medium =rone 6 1
Aarge =rone 9 1
Hehicular %+ 3
Sensor T&pe A#ali$ apacit& ost
#tmospheric Sensor + &%' Rating ;+3?
2amera ( &%' %//?
2yerware Scanner 1R &%' Rating ;83?
=irectional Microphone 1 &%' 3/?
Geiger 2ounter 1 &%' 3/?
Aaser Microphone 9R &+' Rating ;3/?
Aaser Rangefinder 9 &%' %//?
M#= Scanner 6R &%' Rating ;83?
Microphone ( &%' 3/?
Motion Sensor 1 &%' Rating ;3/?
!lfactory Scanner 1 &%' Rating ;3//?
Radio Signal Scanner 1R &%' Rating ;+3?
Securit& De#ices
8e& +oc"- Jhile rare in high(tech areas, they are still surprisingly common in less developed areas. The device rating is used as a
penalty on the Aoc"pic"ing test.
Magloc"- =oule the device rating is used as a penalty on the Security test.
Restraints- Metal restraints are Pust li"e modern(day ones ut lighter and stronger. To rea" free of the restraints, win a Ruic"
2ontest of ST
or ma"e an Dscape roll at (6 .(9 if oth arms and legs are cuffed0. The first try ta"es one second* further attempts require %/ minutes
of struggle. #lso availale with collar and %/Q leash .same weight0 for animals, slaves, etc. :t is padded to avoid arasions and can
e a handcuff or leg iron. ST +/ and =R %/. 2ufftapes loo"s li"e duct tape, ut the stic"y side is a memo(ry polymer that tightens if
the prisoner struggles. # two(foot(long strip has ST +/, and is sufficient to restrain arms or legs. Dach failure to escape does one
point of damage to the taped area. 2ufftape has =R %* si; points of cutting, corrosion, or urning damage severs it.
Securit& De#ices A#ali$ ost
Ceyloc" ( Rating ;%/?
Magloc" ( Rating ;%//?
Restraint ( metal ( +/?
Restraint ( plasteel 6R 3/?
Restraint( plastic .per %/0 ( %?
2ontainment Manacles 6R +//?
!rea"ing and Entering Tools
Autopic"er- 2an e used to try to loc"pic" loc"s without training. Dffective s"ill level is only 6 plus device rating.
ellular *lo#e Molder- 2an e used to mimic fingerprint, giving a onus equal to the device level.
hisel- !r goatQs foot, it is still very effective in the future.
8e&card opier- 2an ma"e a copy of a card, with the <orgery s"ill at B $ device rating.
+oc"pic" Set- The tool of the trade for rea"ing and entering, this counts as asic equipment in oth conventional and electronic
Magloc" Sequencer- 2an e used to try to loc"pic" magloc"s withou training. Dffective s"ill level is only 6 plus device rating.
Miniwelder- This device produces a lightning arc that, while too small to e used as a weapon, can rea" open a arrier in short
notice. :t runs for ,/ minutes, and deals +d.30 urn damage, with reach 2.
Mono)ilament hainsaw- Jhen you asolutelly must destroy something with class. :t does sw$%d$% .+0 cut damage with reach %,
uses an armor divisor of .30 when pressed against immovale oPects .or victims...0 and can e clumsy wielded in comat with =E(
3, #;e>Mace(,, Polearm(1 or Two(-anded <lail(1.
Wireclippers- =o +d.+0 cut to rope, ared wire, thin cale, etc. Aarger versions does 9d.+0 cut at twice the price and thrice the
!rea"ing and Entering Tools A#ali$ ost
#utopic"er 9R Rating ;%//?
2ellular Glove Molder %+< Rating ;+//?
2hisel ( +/?
Ceycard 2opier 9< Rating ;,//?
Aoc"pic" Set 6R ,//?
Magloc" Sequencer Rating ;,< Rating ;+//?
Miniwelder + +3/?
Monofilament 2hainsaw 1 ,//?
Jireclippers ( +3?
hemicals and Drugs
*lue Spra&er- <ast(drying aerosol glue that harden in only 3 seconds of contact with air. :t has ST %6 and each attempt at rea"ing
something glued y it open ta"es at least 3 seconds.
Thermite !urning !ar- #fter ignited, it does +d urning damage per second .or 3d, if carefully applied to a stale and non(moving
surface0 for aout ,/ seconds. Dach %/ points of damage inflicted y it also reduces =R y %.
hemicals and Drugs A#ali$ ost
Glue Sprayer + %3/?
Thermite )urning )ar %6R 3//?
Sur#i#al *ear
2ommon survival gear includes the following O
hemsuit- This slic", impermeale garment is worn over other clothes and provides a onus equal to its rating to -T to resist
chemical agents. :f worn with chemical resistant armor, only the highest chemical protection rating applies.
lim'ing *ear- :ncludes an ascent>descent harness, gloves, carainers, crampons, and so forth.
Di#ing *ear- This underwater equipment includes a partial face mas" with snor"el, a reathing regulator, an air tan" with + hours
of air, a wet suit, and a uoyancy compensator .an inflatale vest that can e used to send a diver to the surface when she canQt get
there on her own0. The regulator and air tan" protect against inhalation vector to;ins Pust li"e a gas mas". The wet suit provides a $%
onus to -T to resist cold.
Flashlight- Modern flashlights use long(lasting superright AD=s. =uraility and rightness depend on the siLeVthe igger, the
etter. #lso availale in low(light and infrared versions.
*as Mas"- This air(supplied respirator completely covers the userQs face and provides immunity to inhalation(vector to;ins. :t
comes with a %(hour
clean air supply, and can e attached to larger air tan"s. :t cannot e comined with a regular respirator.
*ec"o Tape *lo#es- These gloves are made of a special dry adhesive that incorporates millions of fine microscopic hairs that
onds to other surfaces. :ndividually these onding forces are insignificant, ut when comined, they are strong enough to stic" a
troll upside(down on a ceiling. Gec"o tape gloves come as a set that includes gloves, "nee(pads and slip(on soles. # character using
them is treated as if she were performing assisted climing. These gloves are useless when wet. # character trying to remove
someone attached to a surface must win a contest of ST against the target, and the target gets $+ to the test if he has more than two
memers attached.
*PS- This device measures signals received from either wireless access points or GPS .Gloal Positioning System0 satellites and
triangulates the userQs e;act location .plus or minus 3 meters0. 2ommlin"s do this automatically in wireless environments, of course,
so GPS units are primarily used in the wilderness or areas without wireless coverage.
.a0mat Suit- The haLmat suit covers the whole ody and includes an internal air tan" with 1 hours of air. #s long as it is not
damaged, it provides the user with a chemical seal and protects from contact and inhalation vector to;ins. Dven if reached, it still
provides good chemical protection .gamemasterQs discretion0.
+ight Stic"- )end, snap, and sha"e it for a couple of hours of chemical light.
Magnesium Torch- #ctivate for 3 minutes of right torchlight.
Micro Flare +auncher- The flare launcher can shoot colored flares aout +// meters into the air, illuminating an area the siLe of a
city loc" for a couple of minutes and negating the modifier for poor or low lighting. :f wielded as a weapon, use Guns .Pistol0O dam
%d$+ urn, #cc %, Range +/>,//, ST /, rcl %.
Rappeling *lo#esO These gloves are made of a special faric that allows the wearer to get a tighter grip on a grapple line, giving her
a $+ ST onus on all tests to hold her grip on the line. These gloves are necessary in order to use ultrathin microwire.
Respirator- # respirator is a filtering device worn over the mouth and nose that protects against inhalation(vector. The respirator
adds its ratings as a onus to -T to resist to;ins.
Sur#i#al *ear A#ali$ ost
2hemsuit Rating ;+ Rating ;%//?
2liming Gear ( +//?
=iving Gear 6 +///?
<lashlight ( +3?
Gas Mas" ( +//?
Gec"o Tape Gloves %+ +3/?
GPS , +//?
-aLmat Suit 9 %///?
Aight Stic" ( 3?
Magnesium Torch ( +/?
Micro <lare Aauncher ( 3/?
Micro <lares ( +3?
Rappeling Gloves ( 8/?
Respirator ( Rating ;%//?
!iomonitor- This compact device measures life signs 7 heart rate, lood pressure, temperature and so on. The iomonitor can also
analyse lood, sweat, and s"in samples. Used y medical services and patients who need to monitor their own health, iomonitors
can e worm as an armand or wristand or integrated into clothing. :n game terms, it adds $+ to first(aid or physicisians test to
diagnostic the wearer.
Disposa'le S&ringe- Made of plastic with a metal needle, syringes are intended for a single use. 2an e used to apply inPection(
vector to;ins.
Med"it- The med"it includes drug supplies, andages, tools, and a .tal"ative0 doctor(e;pert system that will advise the user on
techniques to handle most typical medical emergencies .including fractures, gunshot wounds, chemical wounds, and poisoning, as
well as offering advice for the treating of shoc", handling lood loss, and
of course performing resuscitations0. -alf the med"itQs rating is used as a onus on all <irst #id Tests, and replaces the characterQs
s"ill if the character doesnQt possess it .the med"it s"ill level is 9$rating0. :t must e refilled regularly .usually after every five uses0.
=onQt leave home without itW =ocJagon offers first(class medical care on a +1(hour house .or street0 call asis. <our contract
services are availaleO asic, gold, platinum, and super(platinum. # =ocJagon contract requires the filing of tissue samples .held in
a secure vault staffed y onded guards and mages0 and comes with a iomonitor R<:= tag implant or wristand .asic service0 that
can e activated to call for help and then to serve as a homing eacon for roving =ocJagon amulances and choppers. Rupture of
the and will also alert a =ocJagon representative.
!nce a call from a contract(holder is confirmed, most =ocJagon franchises guarantee arrival of an armed trauma team in less than
ten minutes, or else the immediate medical care is free. Resuscitation service carries a high premium .3,///?0, as does -igh Threat
Response .-TR0 service .ase 3,///?0. :n the latter case, the client .or her heir0 is e;pected to pay medical ills up to and including
death compensation .+/,///?0 for =ocJagon employees.
Gold service includes one free resuscitation per year, a 3/ percent reduction on -TR service charges, and a %/ percent discount on
e;tended care. Platinum service includes four free resuscitations per year and a 3/ percent discount on e;tended care. There is no
charge for -TR services, ut employee death compensation still applies. Super(Platinum suscriers are entitled to five free
resuscitations a year and do not have to pay for -TR services or death compensation.
=ocJagon will not respond to calls on e;traterritorial government or corporate property without permission from the controlling
Slap patches
Slap patches are adhesive =MS!(ased drug dispensers that allow continual, safe administration of necessary chemicals. They are
applied directly to the patientQs s"in. #pplying a slap patch to an unwilling patient requires a successful melee attac" .touch only0.
Antidote Patch- #dd the rating of an antidote patch as a onus to -T to any to;in resistance tests made within +/ minutes
after it has een applied .this only applies for to;in the antidote protects against0.
Stimulant Patch- This patch allows a user to ignore the inPury penalties of crippling inPuries .ut not of dismemermentW0
and that of maPor wounds, giving $rating to the -T test to recover from stun or avoid "noc"down. :t also gives the user the -igh
Pain Threshold #dvantage for rating ;%/ minutes. Jhile a stimulant patch is in effect, the character is unale to rest.
Tranq Patch- This patch inflicts fatigue damage at %d per rating. #n -T test at (% per rating past one can e made for half damage.
The user recovers naturally.
Trauma Patch- :f placed on a dying patient, it allows her to ma"e an -T test at $, .plus the penalties for leeding as usual0 to
stailiLe herself and stop leeding.
+ate2 Face Mas"- Jhen the mage has her day off, you can still disguise yourself with this handy piece of equipment. The mas"
includes a disposale lifecast "it that produces a true(to(life late; face replica. Mew disguises may e programmed with a =E ased
=isguise(, test, the margin of success is then added to the =isguise test to actually use the mas". The mas" and "it can only e used
%anopaste Disguise- The use of cheap cosmetics and late; ased disguises are a thing of the past with the development of a
versatile iostatic nanite paste. !nce spread across the affected area, the paste utiliLes the odyQs ioelectric charge to power itself.
:t can e programmed to change color and te;ture or to display patterns. The paste can also rememer preset configurations. # small
container of paste covers the userQs face and hands, while the large container coats the entire ody. The nanopaste may e
programmed in the same manner as the late; face mas" .aove0, ut the rating of the nanopaste is added to the =E ased =isguise
test. The nanopaste disguise lasts for +1 hours.
!iotech A#ali$ ost
)iomonitor ( ,//?
=isposale Syringe 1 %/?
Med"it ( Rating ;%//?
Medical supplies ( Rating ;+3?
=oc Jagon )asic ( 3.///? per year
=oc Jagon Gold ( +3.///? per year
=oc Jagon Platinum %+ 3/.///? per year
#ntidote Patch .%(60 Rating Rating ;3/?
Stimulant Patch .%(60 Rating ;+ Rating ;+3?
Tranq Patch .%(%/0 Rating ;+ Rating ;+/?
Trauma Patch + 3//?
Aate; <ace Mas" 9 3//?
Manopast =isguise Small 2ontainer %+ 3//?
Manopast =isguise Aarge 2ontainer %6 %.///?
Misc$ Electronics
#ll these items are wireless(equipped.
Electronic Paper- This electronic sheet is roughly the siLe of a piece of paper and can e folded to fit into a poc"et. :t digitally
displays any input data and can act as a customiLale touchscreen controller.
.olo Projector- This device proPects a trideo hologram into any open space within 3 meters. Though holos can e quite realistic, a
Perception .Hision0$1 Test is usually sufficient to distinguish a hologram from a real oPect or person.
RFID- R<:= .Radio <requency :dentification0 tags form an integral part of every product that leaves the production line. Ranging
in siLe from microscopic to the siLe of a price tag, tags have a stic"(to(anything adhesive ac"ing and can sometimes e difficult to
spot. Tags are programmed to transmit small amounts of dataO serial numers, product specs, and pricing .for distriution and
retail0* arrows and advertisements .for geo(tagging locations and oPects, leaving a virtual #R message for anyone who comes y0*
:= .for employee trac"ing and access control0* owner contact information .in case an item is stolen0* vehicle registration* etc. Tags
can e used as trac"ing devices, periodically transmitting to local scanners or to the wireless Matri; .along with the local access
pointQs GPS data0, though their limited range ma"es them useless in dead Lones. R<:= Tag data is often fi;ed, ut in some cases is
reprogrammale. Tags are readale y anyone with a commlin". They have a Signal rating of %. The physical location of a tag can
e found with a radio signal scanner. Tag data can e erased with a tag eraser or programmed with an Ddit program .which is what
runners do to create fa"e tags0. <i;ed tag data can only e altered if the tag is physically accessed, requiring an Dlectronic
!perationsO Security(+ and %3 minutes. =ata on a tag may e encrypted.
Securit& Tags- Security(conscious megacorps often implant security tags in their salarymen and valued citiLens .usually in the hand
or arm0. These tags are used to monitor employeesQ wor"place activities, grant clearance to authoriLed devices and areas .and alert
security when detected in unauthoriLed areas0, and provide a means of trac"ing in case of aduction. These same tags are also used
on criminals, oth in the Point and when released on parole>monitoring conditions. Parents and schools also use them to trac"
Security tags are hardened so that they cannot e erased with a tag eraser. Tags can e easily implanted under the s"in.
Removing them requires a <irst(#id test and 3 minutes, or Physician$1 s"ill and 3 minutes. Many security systems will trigger an
alert if a security tag in their ounds is deactivated.
Sensor Tags- These tags are equipped with single rating % sensor and are programmed to monitor a certain
oPect>person>environment and respond to certain conditions. Sensor tags are used for diagnostic purposes in various devices,
vehicle components, and cyerware, as well as to monitor temperature in food shipments, and many similar purposes.
Stealth Tags- Stealth tags are encoded to remain silent and only respond to transmissions with the proper passcodes. They cannot
e located with a commlin" or ug scanner .unless the codes are "nown0.
They typically use special frequencies and other tric"s to avoid detection. These tags are also disguised so as not to loo" li"e R<:=
tags .additional $+ on tests to hide them with the -oldout s"ill0. Stealth tags are often used as a ac"up for security tags, and may e
implanted in the same way.
ommunications and ountermeasures
.eadjammer- The headPammer is used y security personnel to prevent the use of headware commlin"s and communication
systems. Jhen the headPammer is attached to a personQs head and activated, it wor"s in the same way as a Pammer, ut its effects
are limited to that personQs head.
;ammer- This device floods the airwaves with electromagnetic Pamming signals to loc" out wireless and radio
communication. The Pammer automatically Pams any device with a Signal rating lower than its =evice rating, devices with the
same rating will e Pammed unless the user succeeds on an Dlectronic !perationsO Dlectronic Jarfare test. -e can try to ma"e the
equipment wor" even when Pammed y a higher rating Pammer, ut the test is at (3 per difference in rating. The area Pammer affects
a spherical areaVits rating is reduced y % for every 3 meters from the center. The directional Pammer affects a conical area with a
,/(degree spreadVits rating is reduced y % for every +/ meters from the center. Jalls and other ostacles may prevent the
Pamming signal from spreading or reduce its effects.
Micro(Transcei#er- This classic short(range communication device is perfect for discreet operations. The micro(transceiver
consists of an earud and adhesive suvocal microphone. The transceiverQs Signal rating is equal to its =evice rating.
Tag Eraser- This handheld device creates a strong electromagnetic field that urns out R<:= tags. The eraser must e rought
within % centimeter of the target, ut will automatically urn any non(hardened tag out, no test required. The eraserQs
electromagnetic field is also capale of erasing>scramling other non(optical electronic circuit systems at the gamemasterQs
discretion. The eraser cannot urn out security R<:= chips.
White %oise *enerator- This device creates a field of random noise, mas"ing the sounds within its area. #ll Perception Tests to
over(hear a conversation within %/ meters of a white noise generator receive a penalty equal to + plus the generatorQs rating. :f more
than one generator is in use, only count the highest rating.
Misc Electromagnetic A#ali$ ost
Dlectronic Paper ( +/?
-olo ProPector ( +//?
Security Tag 1 %//?
Sensor Tag 1 3//?
Stealth Tag 6 3?
-eadPammer .%(60 6R Rating ;+3/?
Nammer .%(%/0 Rating;,< Rating ;3//?
Micro(Transceiver .%(60 Rating ;+ Rating ;+//?
Tag Draser 6< %3/?
Jhite Moise Generator .%(60 Rating $% Rating ;3/?
:n this conversion, cyerware is ought with oth money and character points. Starting characters can uy then using character
points only.
:n addition to wireless functionality, most cyerware devices are equipped with a direct neural interface .=M:0 that allows the user
to mentally activate and control their functions. They can also e lin"ed to other cyerware implants. #s an optional rule, the GM
can impose over the character implanting cyerware the need to 4uy5 social or mental disadvantages totalling half the amount of
points invested on cyerware.
These small comple; devices are inserted into the head .typically constructed via less(invasive nanosurgery0. :tems that have a
2apacity rating may e installed in cyerlims instead.
ommlin"- #n implanted version of the commlin", popular with hac"ers and salarymen on the go. # Sim Module .modified for
hot sim or not0 may e implanted at additional cost .ut not point cost0. Accessory: Implanted Commlink [1].
ontrol Rig- This implant harnesses the raw data(coordinating and synchroniLation power of the middle rain for the e;press
purpose of directly manipulating rigged vehicles>drones. The control rig provides a $+ onus on all Hehicle s"ill tests while the
rigger is 4Pumped into5 a vehicle>drone via full virtual reality .a , seconds action0. This onus does not apply to other drone
manipulation through the Matri;. Talent !ri"ing and #iloting $kills % le"els &no reaction 'onus -()* no fast learning -()*
temporary disad"antage: electrical -%+)* limitation: only to adaptapted "e,icles and drones -() - [1.].
ranial !om'- #n illegal method of coercion, cranial oms are the ultimate headache. Cin" oms are designed to damage only
part of the victimGs head, either rendering specific headware useless or damaging the rain to cause lindness, stuttering, hearing
loss, etc. Microoms are Pust powerful enough to "ill the earer. #rea oms do the same, ut also affect a last area li"e either a
fragmentation or high e;plosive grenade. The oms can e remote( or time(detonated, or even set to discharge y sound
recognition. :n game terms they are not considered advantages or disadvantages, ut can Pustify things li"e unvoluntary duty.
&'ere&es- This system offers +/>+/ vision for oth eyes and in(cludes an image lin" and an eye recording unit .for no e;tra cost0,
as well as capacity for various enhancement systems.!ne eyeO /ne eye &0itigator -1+)-* Accessories: imagelink and "ideo
recorder [-%]. )oth eyesO 2lindness &0itigator -1+)-* Accessories: imagelink and "ideo recorder [-1.].
E&e Recording :nit- The eye recording unit connects to the userQs optical nerves and records all data directly into attached
stor(age .accessile y the userQs P#M0. To prevent data theft, the user can opt to ma"e this storage only accessile y special
means .sim module, dataPac", etc.0. Accessory: 3ecorder [1].
Flare ompensation- #n implanted version of the flare compen(sation enhancement. #rotected 4ision &Temporary !isad"antage:
5lectrical -%+)- [6].
Image +in"- #n implanted version of the image lin" enhance(ment. Accessory: Image Link [1].
+ow(+ight /ision- This accessory allows the user to see normally in light levels as low as starlight. Total dar"ness still renders the
user as lind as an unmodified person. 7ig,t 4ision 1 &Temporary !isad"antage: 5lectrical -%+)- [8]
7cular Drone- This enhancement only affects one eyeall per purchase ut it installs a small spyall drone in the userQs ocular
cavity. The spyall functions as a normal cyereye until the user chooses to remove it and control it as though it were a standard
spyall drone .Aone Star i)all0. # user who chooses to replace oth eyes with ocular drones is effectively lind while oth drones
are operating apart from her. Mot availale as a retinal modification. Accessory: !rone 2ay &Temporary !isad"antage: 5lectrical
-%+)* Temporary !isad"antage: /ne-eye -1()- [1].
Protecti#e o#ers- These can protect oth cyer and normal eyes, and confer hard damage resistance over the area. #vailale in
transparent or one(way reflective versions. TransparentO !amage 3esistance % &#artial: eyes -9+)- [%]. !ne(way reflectiveO
!amage 3esistance % &#artial: eyes -9+)-* :nnusual ;eatures: 0irrowed 5yes [1].
Retinal Duplication- 2an e loaded with a recording of some(one elseQs retina to create an almost perfect reproduction. Dach
duplicated retina has it own rating, that must e used against the rating of the iometric device to e fooled. Accessory: 3etinal
!uplicator [1].
Smartlin"- #n implanted version of the smartlin" enhancement Talent: All weapons wit, smartlink 1 le"el &no reaction 'onus
-()* no fast learning -()* temporary disad"antage: electrical -%+)* limitation: only to smartlinked weapons -()- [6].
Thermographic /ision- #n implanted version of the thermo(graphic vision enhancement Infra"ision &Temporary
!isad"antage: 5lectrical -%+)- [<].
/ision Enhancement- #n implanted version of vision enhancement. Acute 4ision &up to % le"els* temporary disad"antage:
electrical -%+)- [%=le"el].
/ision Magni)ication- #n implanted version of the vision magnification enhancement. Telescopic 4ision &:p to . le"els*
temporary disad"antage: electrical -%+)- [6=le"el].
.eadware apacit& A#ail$ ost
2ommlin" &+' ( 2.000? $ 2ommlin"
2ontrol Rig ( 8 10.000?
2ranial )om ( Cin" / 16F 2.000?
2ranial )om ( Micro / 16F 5.000?
2ranial )om ( #rea / 20F 10.000?
2yereyes )asic System .%(10 Rating ; 1 -, 4, 6 or 8 Rating x 3//?
Dye Recording Unit ( 4 2.000?
<lare 2ompensation &%' 4 750?
:mage Ain" ( 4 500?
Aow(Aight Hision &+' 4 1.000?
!cular =rone &6' 6 3.000?
Protective 2over ( 4 100?
Retinal =uplication .%(60 &%' 16F Rating x 15.000?
Smartlin" &,' 8R 1.000?
Thermographic Hision &+' 4 1.000?
Hision Dnhancement .%(+0 &Rating' Rating x 3 Rating x 1.500?
Hision Magnification .%(,0 &Rating' Rating x 4 Rating x 1.500?
Ai"e eyeware, earware can e installed within a complete cyerear re(placement .83X of the cost0 or as an inner ear modification.
Upgrades usually involve oth ears, so the userQs hearing is not unalanced.
&'erears- These implants usually Pust replace the inner ear .though sometimes the auricle as well, if the user desires, wich
can Pustify Unnatural <eatures0, and offer perfect hearing within normal ranges. They include a sound lin" and an ear recording unit
.at no e;tra cost0, as well as capacity for various enhancement systems. !eafness &mitigator -1+)-* Accessories: soundlink* sound
recording [-6]
Audio Enhancement- #n implanted version of audio enhance(ment. Acute >earing &up to % le"els* temporary disad"antage:
electrical -%+)- [%=le"el]
!alance Augmenter- The alance augmenter enhances the inner earQs natural alance mechanism. #erfect 2alance &temporary
disad"antage: electrical -%+)- [1%].
Damper- This implant protects the user from sudden increases in sound as well as damaging sound levels. #rotected >earing
&Temporary !isad"antage: 5lectrical -%+) [6].
Ear Recording :nit- The ear recording unit connects to the userQs auditory nerves and records all data directly into unlimited
data storage that can e accessed y the userQs P#M. To prevent data theft, the user can also opt to ma"e this storage only accessile
y special means .dataPac", etc.0. Accessory: $ound recorder [1].
Select Sound Filter- #n implanted version of the select sound filter audio enhancement. !iscriminatory ,earing &temporary
disad"antage: electrical -%+)- [1%].
Sound +in"- The sound lin" plays audio .recordings, movie soundtrac"s, music, etc. 0 from lin"ed sources .P#M, dataPac",
etc.0 directly into the userQs .cyer0ears. 2ommonly used for #R sound. Accessory: soundlink [1].
Spatial Recogni0er- #n implanted version of the spatial recog(niLer enhancement. Acute >earing le"el % &only to locate t,e origin
of a sound -(+)- [%].
Earware A#ali$ ost apacit&
2yerear )asic System .%(10 (, 1, 6 or 9 Rating ;1//? Rating x4
#udio Dnhancement Rating ;, Rating x1.500? [Rating]
)alance #ugmenter %/ 5.000? [4]
=amper 1 750? [1]
Dar Recording Unit 1 500? *
Select Sound <ilter Rating ;, Rating x1.500? [Rating]
Sound Ain" ( 250? *
Spatial RecogniLer 9 750? [2]
)odyware that does not have a 2apacity rating must e installed directly into the userQs ody* it cannot e installed into
)odyware with a 2apacity rating may e installed in cyerlims, costing less .83X0.
!one +acing- The cellular structure of the userQs ones is aug(mented with lattice chains of reinforcing plastics and metals to
im(prove the onesQ integrity and tensile strength, ut the augmentation also adds e;tra weight. )one Aacing is incom(patile with
)one =ensity #ugmentation ioware.
PlasticO !amage 3esistance 1 &toug, skin -6+)-* 5?tra >it #oint 1* $triking $T 1 &only unnarmed -6+)- [<].
#lumniumO !amage 3esistance % &toug, skin -6+)-* 5?tra >it #oints %* $triking $T % &only unnarmed -6+)- [18].
TitaniumO !amage 3esistance . &toug, skin -6+)-* 5?tra >it #oints .* $triking $T . &only unnarmed -6+)- [%6].
osmetic Modi)ication- !utpatient treatments that ta"e aout + hours can e otained to alter the userQs appearanceVshape, color(
ation, and pigmentation of the face and ody along with addition or removal of hair .fieroptic hair with changing color patterns is
still very popular0. D;otic modifications li"e scaly s"in, colorful fur, cat ears, or" tus"s, or tails are more difficult to come y. This
can Pustify any change in appearance, from -ideous up to -andsome and, for the most e;otic modifications, can also Pustify
Unnatural <eatures.
Dermal Plating- =ermal plating consists of hard plastic and metal fier plates onded to the userQs s"in. The plates are clearly
visile and can e styliLed for surface te;ture and color. =ermal plating cannot e comined with orthos"in. =amage Resistance +
.semi(alative (+/X0 &9>level'.
Fingertip ompartment- #llows the storage of micro(siLed items .gamemasterQs discretion regarding what can e fit into
the compartment0 in the tip segment of a finger. :nserting or retrieving an oPect ta"es two seconds. :tems held within are
completely concealed. The fingertip compartment is a very popular storage device for a monofilament whip, with the fingertip
acting as control weight. D;tending a monofilament whip from a fingertip compartment ta"es one second, while retracting it
requires three seconds. #ayload 1 [1].
*rapple *un- This is an implanted version of the grapple gun. Accessory: @rapple @un [1].
Internal Air Tan"- The internal air tan" replaces part of one lung with a pressuriLed internal air reserve that allows the user to hold
her reath for up to + hours. This allows e;tended underwater operations as well as protection from inhalation(vector to;ins7
assuming the user holds her reath. Refilling the air tan" .through an inta"e valve located under the ricage0 ta"es 3 minutes.
!oesnAt 'reat, &o?ygen storage: %( times -(+)- [1+].
Muscle Replacement- :mplanted, vat(grown synthetic muscles replace the userQs own. 2alcium treatments and s"eletal
reinforcement allow an overall increase in the userQs strength. :t cannot e comined with muscle augmentation or muscle toner
ioware. $triking $T B1* Lifting $T B1* !C B1 [%<=le"el].
Reaction Enhancers- )y replacing part of the spinal column with superconducting material, a characterQs reaction time can e
increased. Reaction enhancers are incompatile with most other :nitiative(oosters. 5n,anced !odge * 5n,anced #arry and
5n,anced 2lock &%(=le"el-.
Simrig- This is an implanted version of the e;ternal simrig. Accessory: simrig [1].
S"illwires- S"illwires are a system of neuromuscular control(lers placed alongside the odyQs natural nervous system to
override muscular movement. S"illwire systems allow the use of activesofts with a rating up to the s"illwire rating. # s"illwire
system can handle a numer of s"illsofts with a total rating equal to its own
rating ; +. 2hanging the current selection of s"illsofts ta"es one second. 0odular a'ilities: C,ip $lot &% slots per rating*
temporary disad"antage: electrical -%+)- [1<] plus [6] points for rating 1*[1] for rating % or [1.] for rating ..
Smuggling ompartment- Smuggling compartments may only e placed in parts of the ody that can e easily hollowed
out>replaced. These compartments allow the storage of micro(siLed items .the game(master has final determination on what a
compartment can hold0. :nserting or retrieving an oPect ta"es , seconds. #ayload [1=le"el* up to .].
Touch +in"- The touch lin" is a small unit attached at the ase of the spine that allows for the processing of tactile information
.te;ture, temperature, etc.0 directly to the userQs neural system. This information is usually received via the userQs P#M, ut it can
also e input from other sources. Accessory: Touc, link [1].
Wired Re)le2es- This highly invasive operation implants a mul(titude of neural oosters and adrenalin stimulators in strategic loca(
tions all over the ody, catapulting the patient into a whole new world where everything around her seems to move in slow
motion. The system includes a trigger to turn the wired refle;es on and off .ta"ing less than a second0. Jhen activated, wired
refle;es confer a onus of $% to asic speed. Jired refle;es cannot e comined with any other form of :nitiative enhancement,
e;cept Reaction Dnhancers. 5?tra 2asic $peed B6 &temporary disad"antage: 5lectrical -%+)* costs fatigue: % points per minute
-1()- [1.=le"el].
!od&ware A#ali$ ost apacit&
)one Aacing ( Plastic 9< 3.///? -
)one Aacing ( #lumnium %+< 15.000? -
)one Aacing 7 Titanium %6< 40.000? -
2osmetic Modification /+>%+>%, 200?(%/.///? -
=ermal Plating .Rating;30R Rating x5.000? -
<ingertip 2ompartment 1 750? [1]
Grapple Gun 9 1.500? [5]
:nternal #ir Tan" 1 650? [3]
Muscle Replacement .Rating;30R Rating x5.000? -
Reaction Dnhancers .Rating;30R Rating x10.000? -
Simrig 9 5.000? -
S"illwires Rating ;3 Rating x3.000? -
Smuggling 2ompartment 6 1.500? [2]
Touch Ain" 6 1.000? -
Jired Refle;es %+R>+/R 32.000?>%//.///? -
:n todayQs world of transplant(friendly ioware, the use of cyerlims is sometimes viewed as crude and outdated. !n the other
hand, they are cheap and easy to service and upgrade, so in the end they ecame even more popular for the less fortunate.
#dditionally, since cyerlims are capale of superior performance than natural ones and are compatile with a variety of
specialiLed technologies, this "ind of cyerware remains in high demand.2yers"ulls and 7 torsos are included in this category,
though they are in fact shells rather than full replacements.
2yerlims may e either ovious or synthetic, the only difference in game terms is the monetary cost, although ovious ones can
Pustify Unnatural <eatures. Synthetic cyerlims cost doule.
Synthetic ones are indistinguile from real lims without touching them or with others tests .Hision(1 to perceive that something is
not right with the lim0.
!asic &'erlim's
)asic cyerlims have the same capailities as normal lims, ut they donGt feel pain, donGt tire and are more resilient.
!ne handO /ne ,and &mitigator -1+)-* !amage 3esistance 1 &partial -<+)- [-6]
D;tra #rmorO !amage 3esistance 1=le"el &partial -<+)- [1=le"el]
Two handsO 7o ;ine 0anipulators &mitigator -1+)-* !amage 3esistance 1 &partial -6+)- [-8]
D;tra #rmorO !amage 3esistance 1=le"el &partial -6+)- [.=le"el]
!ne armO /ne arm &mitigator -1+)-* !amage 3esistance 1 &partial -8+)- [-6]
D;tra #rmorO !amage 3esistance 1=le"el &partial -8+)- [%=le"el]
D;tra StrenghtO Arm $T: /ne arm 1=le"el &temporary disad"antage: electrical -%+)- [.=le"el]
Two armsO7o ;ine 0anipulators &mitigator -1+)-* !amage 3esistance 1 &partial -.+)- [-8]
D;tra #rmorO !amage 3esistance 1=le"el &partial -.+)- [.=le"el]
D;tra StrenghtO Arm $T: Two arms 1=le"el &temporary disad"antage: electrical -%+)- [6=le"el]
!ne legO 0issing Leg &mitigator -1+)-* !amage 3esistance 1 &partial -6+)- [-.]
D;tra #rmorO !amage 3esistance 1=le"el &partial -6+)- [.=le"el]
Two legsO #araplegic &mitigator -1+)-* !amage 3esistance 1 &partial -%+)- [-(]
D;tra #rmorO !amage 3esistance 1=le"el &partial -%+)- [6=le"el]
Dnhanced MovimentO 2asic 0o"e 1=le"el &temporary disad"antage: 5lectrical -%+)- [6=le"el]
TorsoO !amage 3esistance % &partial -1+)- [9]
D;tra #rmorO !amage 3esistance 1=le"el &partial -1+)- [D6*(E=le"el]
S"ullO!amage 3esistance % &partial -(+)- [(]
D;tra #rmorO !amage 3esistance 1=le"el &partial -1+)- [D%*(E=le"el]
&'erlim's A#ali$ ost apacit&
2yer(hand>foot + 3.///? 4
2yer(arm 1 15.000? 15
2yer(leg 1 15.000? 20
2yer(torso %+ 20.000? 10
2yer(s"ull %6 10.000? 4
Prices in the ta!e are "or o#io$s c%er!i&s
&'erlim' Accessories
These items may only e installed in cyerlims.
&'erarm *&romount- Jhen activated, counterweights pop out of the userQs wrist and provide her with etter alance and
reduced recoil for improved firing capaility. The effects are similar to a gyro stailiLation system for the arm wielding the weapon
.and for any weapon held on two hands0, and not cumulative with the onus from a gyro(stailiLation system. Arm $T: /ne arm B%
&Lifting $T only-6+)-. [6]
&'erarm Slide- Similar to the hidden arm slide, the cyerarm slide uses the same rules, ut has the added advantage of total
concealment. Spotting a cyerarm slide requires a vision(ased Perception test at (1, plus a onus equals to the ul" of the weapon.
#ayload [1].
&'er .olster- 2yer holsters can e installed in cyerarms, cyerlegs, and cyertorsos. They can hold a pistol(siLed weapon or
smaller within the lim, and are completely enclosed until activated and popped out. :nserting a weapon ta"es , seconds, and
retrieving it ta"es only + seconds. . Spotting a cyer holster compartment requires a vision(ased Perception test at (1.#ayload [1].
.&draulic ;ac"s- This implant requires two cyerlegsVeach hy(draulic Pac" consumes an amount of 2apacity in its leg equal to its
rating. Dach rating point adds a $% to the Numping s"ill, and, if the user falls, they remove 3 meters from the effective distance with
a successful Numping or #croatics chec". Fumping skill B1 per le"el &temporary disad"antage: electrical -%+)- [%=le"el].
+arge Smuggling ompartment- )ecause it is installed in a cyer(lim, this version of the smuggling compartment is larger, and
can hold pistol(siLed items .gamemaster has the final say on what fits0. Spotting a smuggling compartment requires a vision(ase
Perception test at (1. :nserting or retrieving an oPect ta"es at least 3 seconds.#ayload &up to t,ree le"els- [1=le"el]
&'erlim' Accessories A#ali$ ost apacit&
2yerarm Gyromount %+< 6.///? [4]
2yerarm Slide %+R 3.000? [8]
2yer -olster 9R 2.000? [7]
-ydraulic Nac" B Rating x2.000? [Rating 'er !i&]
Aarge Smuggling 2ompartment +/R 10.000? [5]
&'er(implant weapons
<or street samurai who never want to go anywhere unarmed, cyer(implant weapons are the way to go.
&'erguns- 2yerguns are usually installed into cyerarms, though there have een reports of cyerleg(mounted versions, and
in rare occasions they are implanted directly into a natural lim. =epending on the siLe of the gun, it can ta"e up part of the
userQs fore(arm or replace it altogether, with the functional parts of the arm uilt around it. The guns fire either through a hidden
port in the palm, or y folding ac" the userQs hand at the wrist. To meet their stealth requirements, most of their parts are uilt from
non(metallic compounds, while the remaining metallic parts are incorporated into the .cyer0armQs structure. Dach lim can only
hold one cyergun.#ll cyerguns have internal magaLines .m0 and can e equipped with a hidden e;ternal ammo port, though once
the clip is attached the cyergunQs presence ecomes quite ovious. #ll cyerguns are pre(equipped with smartgun systems. Aaser
sights, silencers, and sound suppressors are also availale* other weapon accessories .li"e gas(vent systems0 cannot e
installed.5?tra arm &weapon mount -<+)- [%].
&'erimplanted Weapons A#ali$ ost apacit&
2yergun %6R or weapon ,.+//? plus weapon 1 '!$s (o$!e $!)
-and RaLors %/< 1.500? [3]
-and )lades %/< *00? [2]
Spurs %+< 1.800? [3]
Shoc" -and 9R 1.000? [3]
&'er Melee Weapons- 2yer melee weapons are the classic toys of raLoroys and gillettes. They are availale as cyerlim
upgrades,ut are also in heavy use as standalone systems implanted into the userQs natural hands.
-and raLors are +.3(centimeter, chromed steel or caron fier lades that replace the userQs fingernails or slide out from
eneath synthetic nail replacements.Claws: $,ort claws [(].
-and lades slip out of the side of the hand opposite the thum, parallel to the hand.Claws: Talons [<].
Spurs consist of a variale numer of lades protruding from the userQs wrist or "nuc"les. Claws: Long Talons [11].
The shoc" hand features shoc" pads uilt into the "nuc"les or palm of the handVthese inflict a nasty shoc" to anything
they are in contact with when activated. Shoc" hands deal Dlectricity damage have %/ charges .each0* when plugged in they
recharge at a rate of one charge per %/ seconds. Affliction: $tun le"el . &melee attack range touc,* no parry -.()* limited-use:
1+=day G slow reload -()- [1(] H
)ioware is the ne;t step in augmentation. :nstead of replacing ody parts with electronic machines, ioware augments the odyQs
own functions and is integrated as if it were a natural feature. This application of iotechnology is a tric"y usiness, as the fine
alance etween the odyQs numerous organic systems must e maintained. )ionics and ioengineering techniques have improved
greatly over the last decade, ma"ing ioware the new state of the art technology. Jhile itQs more e;pensive monetarily, it is very
low on the psyque cost and difficult to distinguish from the originalVvery useful if you want to "eep a low profile. :f the GM is
enforcing mental and social disadvantages for uying cyerware, ioware should follow the same rule, ut at half the rate of the
Adrenaline Pump- This small, muscular sac is implanted in the lower adominal cavity and connected to each of the two
suprarenal glands. Jhen dormant, the pump serves as a reservoir for adrenaline and noradrenaline. Jhen activated, the sac
contracts, sending a surge of concentrates into the loodstream. Stress and other emotional states such as anger, fear, or lust might
also activate the pump* certain disadvantages, li"e erser"er, may activate it on a failed control roll. Jhen the adrenaline pump is
triggered, the user gains -ard to Sudue at $% perr ating. The adrenaline pumpQs rating is also added to ST, =E and Jillpower
characteristics. The pump wor"s for Rating ; %=6 turns* this duration cannot e ended prematurely. Jhen the duration ends, the
user crashes, immediately ta"ing one point of fatigue damage for every turn the pump was active.Jhile an adrenaline pump is in
effect, the character is unale to rest. #fter the effects have worn off, the pump requires %/ minutes to regenerate its supplyVduring
that that time it cannot e activated. 5?tra $T* 5?tra !C* 5?tra Iill#ower* >ard to $u'due &uncontrolla'le* no control roll to
regain control -1()* costs fatigue 1+ per use -(+)* limited use: 1=day* slow reload -.()- [<=le"el].
!one Densit& Augmentation- :n a long and painful process, the molecular matri; of the suPectQs ones is altered for density and
strength. The procedure also strengthens ligaments, ut as a side effect increases the characterQs weight. 2haracters with one
density augmentation deal Physical damage in unarmed comat. )one =ensity #ugmentation is incompatile with the )one Aacing
implant. !amage 3esistance 1 &toug, skin -6+)-* 5?tra >it #oint 1* $triking $T 1 &only unnarmed -6+)- [<=le"el].
at<s E&es- Hat(grown replacement eyes with a structure that amplifies light and enhances the userQs night vision, providing her
with natural low(light vision. 2atQs eyes are slit and reflective. This ioware is not compatile with cyerware eye enhancements.
7ig,t-4ision 9* :nnatural ;eatures: eyes [<].
Digesti#e E2pansion- This treatment e;pands the range of sustances a metahuman can safely digestVincluding roots, grass, peat,
and a numer of plants that are normally considered inedile. :t also includes a modification of the taste uds and olfactory senses to
ma"e it easier to 4stomach5 unusual foods. :t also helps the user resist ingestion(vector poisons and to;ins. 3educed Consumption 1
&Cast-iron stomac, -(+)-* 3esistance &Common: poison and to?ins* B.>T -%=.* only ingested -(+)- [6].
Enhanced Articulation- # numer of procedures li"e Point(surface coating, relurication, and tendon and ligament augmentation
lead to more fluid muscle and Point action. This ioware may e comined with onuses from other sources .refle; recorder,
specialiLation, etc.0.;le?i'ility [(].
Muscle Augmentation- Using a iological weaving treatment, special vat(grown muscle cales are raided into e;isting muscle
fiers, enhancing the muscleQs mass and performance. :t is not compatile with muscle replacement, ut can e comined with
muscle toner. $triking and Lifting $T B1 [<=le"el].
Muscle Toner- This treatment incorporates vat(grown elastic muscle fiers into e;isting muscle tissue, increasing muscle tension
and fle;iility. :t is not compatile with muscle replacement, ut can e comined with muscle augmentation. !CB1 [%+=le"el].
7rthos"in- Jeaves an energy(diffusing material Pust eneath the s"in providing the equivalent of personal armor, while eing
virtually indistinguishale from unaugmented s"in. :t cannot e comined with dermal plating. !amage 3esistance % &semi-a'lati"e
-%+)- [<=le"el].
Pathogenic De)ense- #n enhancement of the spleen, this treatment spearheads the production of more effective and aggressive
leu"ocytes .white lood cells0. Pathogenic defense adds $, to to;in resistance tests against iological .not chemical0 to;ins and
diseases. 3esistance &:ncommon: 'iological to?ins and diseases* B. to >T ?1=.- [6].
Platelet Factories- Platelet factories increase the odyQs aility to handle Physical damage y accelerating the production of
platelets within one marrow, thus lessening the trauma from large wounds and quic"ly stopping leeding. 7o 'lood &only for
'leeding -8+)- [%].
S"in Poc"et- Jith this ioware, a concealed flap of s"in covers a poc"et capale of holding several small items .gamemaster
determines what can fit0, weighing no more than % "ilogram. Spotting a s"in poc"et requires a vision(ased Perception test at (,. :t
ta"es , seconds to add or remove an item.#ayload 1-. [1=le"el].
Suprath&roid *land- Placed on top of an individualQs e;isting thyroid gland, the suprathyroid gland supersedes the metaolic
functions of the thyroid, optimiLing cataolism and anaolism. The altered metaolism produces more energy and effectively
supercharges the recipient. 2haracters with a suprathyroid gland have a tendency toward hyperactivity and must ingest twice as
much food and drin" as a normal person to fuel the higher metaolic rate. STB1* !CB1* >TB1* Increased Consumption [.+].
S&m'iotes- These tailored microorganisms introduced into the userQs loodstream greatly enhance its regenerative functions. To
fuel the symiote activity, the character must increase her consumption of food and drin".3apid >ealing* Increased Consumption [-
(] or 4ery 3apid >ealing* Increased Consumption [(].
S&nthacardium- #rtificially enhanced myocardium enales the heart to perform at higher levels. ;it* 5?tra ;atigue #oints % [11].
Tailored Pheromones- The suPectQs ody is altered to release specially designed pheromones to sutly influence others. Tailored
pheromones add their rating as a onus on social any situation where they can reach the target. [6=le"el].
To2in E2tractor- # specially cultivated cluster of cells implanted into the liver improves the efficiency and e;pands the spectrum
of cataolic activity .the rea"down of comple; sustances0. 3esistant&Common: #oisons* B. >T-[(].
Tracheal Filter- This filter is implanted at the top of the trachea, Pust elow the laryn;, to asor airorne impurities and "eep them
from reaching the lungs. 3esistant &/casional: Air'orne #oisons* B. >T-[.].
!ioware A#ali$ ost
#drenaline Pump .Rating ;60< Rating ;,/.///?
)one =ensity %+ Rating ;+/.///?
2atGs Dye 1 8.3//?
=igestive D;pansion 1 20.///?
Dnhanced #rticulation %+ 40.///?
Muscle #ugmentation .Rating ;30R Rating x7.///?
Muscle Toner .Rating ;30R Rating x8.///?
!rthos"in .Rating ;10R Rating x30.///?
Pathogenic =efense 9 20.///?
Platelet <actories %+ 25.///?
S"in Poc"et 1 5.///?
Suprathyroid Gland +/< 45.///?
Synthacardium 9R 20.///?
Tailored Pheromones .Rating ;10< Rating x15.///?
To;in D;tractor 6 40.///?
Tracheal <ilter 6 30.///?
ultured 'ioware
2ultured ioware must e tailor(made for the intended recipient, so it is more e;pensive and ta"es longer to acquire.
ere'ral !ooster- Merve tissue, along with convolutions and gyri .ridges and furrows0, is added into the frontal loes of the
cererum. The e;tra cells and increased surface area improve rain functions. The cereral ooster augments the userQs :R attriute
y its rating.IJB1&#erception -1-[1(=le"el].
Damage ompensator- 2ompensators are implanted rions of transmissive nerve fier that ypass the safety inhiitors, allowing
their host to act while suffering from physical and mental trauma. The user gains -igh Pain Threshold and is harder to e put down,
oth y stunning and y death. >ig, #ain T,res,old* >ard to Kill* >ard to $u'due [16].
Mnemonic Enhancer- )y attaching a highly concentrated growth of gray matter to the rain, the capacity of oth short( and long(
term memory is increased. 5idetic 0emory [(].
Pain Editor- The editor is a cluster of specialiLed nervous tissue designed to filter sensory stimuli. #s long as the pain editor is
active, the user can ignore any stunning or "noc"down caused y lows and trauma .e;cept eing actually moved, li"e pushes or
high(damage concussive impacts0. The suPect feels no pain and is unaware of the e;tent of damage ta"en without e;amining
herself or eing informed y a iomonitor. Jhile active, the pain editor provides a onus of $% to the userQs Jillpower, ut reduces
her Perception y % point. #dditionally, the user is effectively num. >ig, #ain T,res,old* IillpowerB1* #erception-1* !o not
pass out w,en all t,e fatigue points are spent* instead* 'egins to spend from ,it points* resistant &common: stun attacks and effects-
&temporary disad"antages: 7um'* #erception-1 -%()-[%.].
Re)le2 Recorder- Jith this enhancement, e;tra neural material is grown ing small clusters around the thirty(one pairs of spinal
nerves to allow memoriLation of certain 4learned5 motor refle;es. The refle; recorder adds % to a specific s"ill physical s"ills.
Multiple recorders may e ta"en for multiple s"ills, ut the effects donQt stac". This onus may e comined with onuses from
other sources. $kill 'onus B1 to specific skill &p,ysical only- [%=skill].
Sleep RegulatorO The sleep regulator modifies the hypothalamus region of the rain, allowing for longer periods of wa"efulness.
The recipient requires less sleep per day and the sleep she gets tends to e deeper and more restful. The sleep regulator allows a
character to get y with three hours of sleep each night and stay awa"e for 19 hours efore modifiers start to ta"e effect. Less $leep
&. ,ours=day-[1+].
S&naptic !ooster- Jith this ioware, the nerve cells ma"ing up the spinal cord are encouraged to replicate and lengthen, providing
a wider 4datapath5 for the transmission of impulses and decreasing the amount of time required for the signal to traverse the
distance. The synaptic ooster cannot e comined with any other form of :nitiative enhancement. 5?tra 2asic $peed B6 &costs
fatigue: % points per minute -1()- [11=le"el].
ultured !ioware A#ali$ ost
2ereral )ooster Rating ;6 Rating ;%/.///?
=amage 2ompensator 6< 30.///?
Mnemonic Dnhancer %/ 15.///?
Pain Dditor %9< 40.///?
Refle; Recorder %+ 25.///?
Synaptic )ooster .Rating ;60R Rating x80.///?
Drones and /ehicles
*round ra)t
Dodge Scoot- This electric(powered scooter is perfect for whiLLing down city streets. 2ompact and affordale, the Scoot is
availale in a wide variety of colors, and the plastic chassis can e shop(modified to customer specs.
.arle&(Da#idson Scorpion- This i"e is a classic, heavy(odied road hog, fitted with light armor. The Scorpion remains a favorite
with go(gangers and the occasional simstar.
=amaha *rowler- This durale off(road cycle was populariLed y the 42al<ree Rangers5 tridshow, is popular with thrill(see"ers
and wilderness uffs. 2omes with either electric or hyrid iofuel engine.
Su0u"i Mirage- This racing i"e is a fast street machine whose slic" styling ma"es it a favorite with go(gangs and sees use in the
2omat )i"e circuit. This is the latest iteration of the SuLu"i classic.
.onda Spirit- # slee" three(wheeled two(seater with an electric engine, the Spirit is popular with commuting sprawl dwellers. The
Spirit is availale with a ule hood for ad weather.
Ford Spiral >>6Ti- # mid(range sports coupY aimed at the low(price sports car mar"et. The %%3Ti is practical for inner(city
commuting and fashionale enough to show off on a night out on the town.
Mercur& omet- This standard sedan is famous for its reliaility and economy. :ts traditional lines, four doors, an capacious
luggage storage has made it the estselling family car in Morth #merica, replacing the <ord #mericar.
To&ota *opher- # classic pic"up with great off(road suspension, superior handling, and a loyal customer ase. # little dated, the
Gopher sees widespread use in rural areas and Third Jorld nations than"s to its low(maintenance hardy design.
Mitsu'ishi %ights"&- =ecadent, secure, and high(tech, this limo is the standard transport for corp e;ecutives and media stars.
<eatures concealed armor and a chemical seal as well as variety of lu;ury amenities.
Eurocar Westwind ?444- The latest in a classic series of slee", low(slung speed machines from the Duropean automa"er. :ts
aerodynamic, hatchdoor design is popular among powercar lovers ma"ing it a challenger to the ever popular Saa =ynamit 899 T:.
This turocharged lu;ury sportscar offers improved suspension and high performanceVat a hefty price.
GMC Bulldog Step-Van: +ne o" ,-s to'se!!ers, this ca'acio$s ar&ore( #an is "a#ore( % (e!i#er% (ri#ers, sec$rit%
"orces, an( sha(o.r$nner tea&s.
GMC Everglades: /his genera!-'$r'ose air-c$shion #ehic!e can e easi!% con#erte( "ro& a 'assenger to a cargo cra"t
an( is a co&&on sight in .e!!-tra#e!!e( .ater.a%s an( &arsh% areas.
Chrysler-Nissan Patrol-1: /he Patro!-1 is the &ost co&&on 'atro! car in $se to(a%. 0si(e "ro& an !ight!% ar&ore(
chassis, the
Patro! co&es .ith the enc!ose( (etainee contain&ent, g$n sa"e in the tr$n), an( &a% e c$sto&i1e( .ith a 'o'-$'
GMC Beachcraft: /he 2eachcra"t is a s.i"t, !ight!% ar&e( ho#ercra"t $se( % se#era! 3oast ,$ar( an( sec$rit% "orces
to 'atro! .a-
ter.a%s an( shore!ines. 4t has een )no.n to 'o' $' in 'irate han(s.
res City!aster: /his $ran riot-contro! #ehic!e "$nctions as a &oi!e co&&an( 'ost. +"ten $se( "or $ran 'aci"ication
($ties an(
sec$rit% s$''ort "$nctions this 0P3 "eat$res a che&ica! sea!, !i"e s$''ort 520 &an-ho$rs6, a s&a!! t$rret, an( '!ent% o"
Sa!uvani Criscraft #tter: 0 &i(-si1e cra"t "ine "or '!eas$re oating, the +tter a!so (oes !ight ha$!ing an( $ti!it% .or).
/his "i#e-&eter !ong #esse! "eat$res a "ierg!ass o'en h$!!.
Marine $ech Sea Ny!ph: 0n o'$!ent !$x$r% %acht "or those .ho !i)e to sai! in st%!e. /he !atest seacra"t (esign an(
&a)e "or a great sai!ing ex'erience.
Morgan Cutlass: /his high-' 'atro! oat is !ight!% ar&ore( an( co&es e7$i''e( .ith t.o 'int!e-st%!e .ea'on
&o$nts 5ca'a!e o" &o$nting 8-,s or s&a!!er .ea'ons6 an( a so'histicate( sensor s$ite.
Vul%an Electronaut: 0 2-'erson &ini-s$ a#ai!a!e in a .i(e se!ection o" $ti!it% &o(e!s. +"ten $se( on 'atro! an( short-
range reconnaissance ($ties, an( res$''!% r$ns.
Cessna C&'(: /his ($a!-'ro' cra"t can carr% 'assengers or ser#e as a s$r#ei!!ance '!ane. 4ts !ight "ra&e an( econo&%
ha#e ens$re( so&e are $se( % s&$gg!ing o'erations.
res )ragon: /his so!i(-$i!t, #ersati!e (o$!e-'ro' cargo he!ico'ter can e "itte( .ith extra cargo containers an( is
seen in a .i(e
#ariet% o" ro!es in $ran an( re&ote areas a!! o#er the 9ixth :or!(. 4t a!so sees &i!itar% $se.
*ughes Stallion: /his .or)horse $ti!it% he!ico'ter can e "itte( to carr% cargo, tho$gh it s!o.s the #ehic!e (o.n. 4t is
tra(itiona!!% $se( as a 'eo'!e carrier or !ight cargo !i"ter.
Northrup "asp: /his one-&an rotorcra"t .as (esigne( "or 'o!ice an( sec$rit% ser#ice. /he :as' is !ight!% ar&ore( an(
co&es e7$i''e( .ith a .ea'on &o$nt 5ca'a!e o" &o$nting a 8-, or s&a!!er g$ns6.
GMC Banshee: /his !ight t-ir( #ectore(-thr$st cra"t .as (esigne( "or reconnaissance an( co$rier ($t%.
-ederated Boeing Co!!uter: /his ti! aircra"t sees hea#% $se as an inter-cit% sh$tt!e.
!i"es ST,.P .nd,SR .T Mo#e EWt
+oad SM 7cc DR Range ost A#ail$
=odge Scoot +/ $%>+ B< 3m>8+"m>h %/3"
%//"g / % , +83"m ,.///? (
-arley(=avidson Scorpion ,, $%>+ %+< %/m>%3/"m>h ,//"
+//"g / %$% 6 ,//"m %+.///? (
Famaha Growler +3 $%>+ %%< %,m>%83"m>h %3/"
%6/"g / %$% 3 +,/"m 3.3//? (
SuLu"i Mirage +8 $+>+ %/< +/m>+1/"m>h %9/"
%6/"g / %$% 1 +//"m 8.3//? (
ars ST,.P .nd,SR .T Mo#e EWt
+oad SM 7cc DR Range ost A#ail$
Durocar Jestwind ,/// 38 $+>1 %/< %8m>+B/"m>h %.3/
,//"g , %$% 6 6//"m 93.///? (
<ord Spiral %%3Ti 6/ $%>1 %%< %3m>+%/"m>h %.8/
3//"g , %$, 6 83/"m 13.///? (
-onda Spirit 19 (%>, %/ 8m>B6"m>h B//"
+3/"g + %$% 6 3//"m %/.///? (
Mercury 2omet 36 />1 %%< %/m>%,/"m>h %.1/
6//"g $, %$, 6 B//"m %1.///? (
Mitsuishi Mights"y 8+ (%>1 %+ 9m>%+/"m>h ,.//
1 %$8 %6 %.+//"
%+/.///? (
Toyota Gopher 69 />1 %+< 8m>%,/"m>h +.3/
, %$1 %/ %.+//"
,3.///? (
Truc"s ST,.P .nd,SR .T Mo#e EWt
+oad SM 7cc DR Range ost A#ail$
GM2 )ulldog Step(Han 69 (%>1 %%< 1m>%%/"m>h +.3/
1 %$8 %/ B//"m ,3.///? (
.o#ercra)t ST,.P .nd,SR .T Mo#e EWt
+oad SM 7cc DR Range ost A#ail$
GM2 Dverglades 6, />, %%< 8m>%1/"m>h +.//
6//"g 1 %$, 3 +3/"m +3.3//? 1
Militar& and Securit& ST,.P .nd,SR .T Mo#e EWt
+oad SM 7cc DR Range ost A#ail$
2hrysler(Missan Patrol(% 6/ $+>1 %+ %3m>+%3"m>h %.9/
6//"g 1 %$, %1 83/"m ++.8//? %+R
GM2 )eachcraft 63 $%>, %% %,m>%B/"m>h +.+/
9//"g 1 %$3 +3 3//"m 6,.///? %6R
#res 2itymaster B6 (+>3 %+ %/m>%13"m>h 8.//
1 %$%/ 13>,
13/"m 3%.+//? +/R
!oats and Su's ST,.P .nd,SR .T Mo#e EWt
+oad SM 7cc DR Range ost A#ail$
Morgan 2utlass 66 $%>, %%< %/m>83"m>h +.,/
3//"g 1 %$1 %6 +//"m B/.///? %+R
MT Sea Mymph %13 (,>6 %/< 8m>6/"m>h +3./
8 %$B 9 3.///"
%8/.///? (
S2 !tter 3B $%>, %%< ,m>6/"m>h %.6/
1//"g , %$, 6 ,//"m %+.3//? (
Hul"an Dlectronaut ,3 />+ %+ ,m>,3"m>h 1//"
%3/"g % %$% %1 %3/"m %39.///? %/
Winged Planes ST,.P .nd,SR .T Mo#e EWt
+oad SM 7cc DR Range ost A#ail$
2essna 283/ %%/ (+>, %+< ,/m>1%/"m>h %/./
8 +$+/ 1 +.///"
%61.///? 9
Rotorcra)t ST,.P .nd,SR .T Mo#e EWt
+oad SM 7cc DR Range ost A#ail$
#res =ragon %%+ />+ %%< %1m>%B/"m>h %%./
6 +$1 9 3//"m 1B3.///? %+
-ughes Stallion 96 />+ %%< %8m>+,/"m>h 3.//
3 +$%+ 6 3//"m ++3.///? %+
Morthup Jasp 33 $%>+ %/< %/m>%6/"m>h %.3/
%3/"g , % 6 ,//"m %/6.///? %+R
/T7+,/ST7+ ST,.P .nd,SR .T Mo#e EWt
+oad SM 7cc DR Range ost A#ail$
GM2 )anshee %,3 $%>, %+ 9,m>%+//"m>
3 %$6 13>+
B//"m +.,3/.///? +1<
<ed )oeing 2ommuter B% (%>, %%< %/m>%13"m>h 9.//
6 +$6 6 %.+//"
,+/.///? %6R
0!! (rones are e7$i''e( .ith rigger a(a'tation. 0!! o" the& ha#e a statistic ca!!e( ;Pi!ot<, that is their generic attri$te,
$se( "or => or 4? as the sit$ation ca!! "or it. /he% sti!! can e 'i!ote( nor&a!!%, $t, eca$se o" their si1e, the% are
genera!!% re&ote!% contro!e(.
Shia.ase /an!ushi: /his 7$a(-!eg &icro-(rone ;$g< cra.!er is i(ea! "or 'enetrating c!ose!% con"ine( areas an( is
ca'a!e o" cra.!ing on .a!!s an( cei!ings.
Si%ors%y-Bell Micros%i!!er: ?$iet an( ($ra!e, this s)i&&er is s&a!!er than a can !i( an( can e#en s)i& o#er .ater.
+one Star iBall: =esigne( to e tosse( or ro!!e( into a roo&, this &ini(rone can ro!! on its o.n $t cannot han(!e stairs,
!i's, or !arge ostr$ctions. 0n o""ensi#e #ersion co&es e7$i''e( .ith a $i!t-in "!ash-'a) an( s&o)e grena(e "or an
extra 500@.
MC$ -ly-Spy: /he si1e o" a !arge insect, this "!%ing e%e-in-the-s)% is #er% han(% "or sha( 'eo'!e, gi#en that itAs
har( to s'ot.
B7$i''e( .ith a -ane$#erai!it% 2 a$toso"t, gi#ing it Pi!oting at 12.
0technology Cra.ler: =esigne( to o'erate as a re&ote snoo'er in ro$gh r$ra! or $ran terrain, this s&a!! cra.!er can
han(!e stairs an( other ostac!es. B""icient an( ro$st, the 3ra.!er has an i&'ressi#e a$tono&%.
+oc%heed #ptic-1: /he .ings on this C9/+8 stea!th 5a((itiona! -2 against ra(ar an( in"rare(6 cra"t "o!( $' "or eas%
trans'ort. 4ts 'atente( signat$re !i&iting techo!og% &a)e it a "a#orite o" inte!!igence agencies an( sha(o.r$nners.
GM-Nissan )o2er!an: /he =oer&an is a 'eri&eter-'atro! cra.!er (rone e7$a!!% e""ecti#e ($ring (a%ti&e or night-
ti&e con(itions. 4t co&es e7$i''e( .ith a .ea'on &o$nt 5ca'a!e o" &o$nting a 8-, or s&a!!er g$ns6 as .e!! as
3!earsight 3 5Perce'tionD Cision at 136 an( /argeting 3 5,$nsD 9'eci"ic ,$n at 136 a$toso"ts.
MC$-Nissan 3oto-)rone: /he Roto-=rone is a si&'!e, no-nonsense (rone (esign that is eas% to c$sto&i1e
an( integrate .ea'ons s%ste&s into.
3enra%u Stor!cloud: /his so!ar-'o.ere( &ini-!i&' can sta% in the air "or (a%s high ao#e its s$r#ei!!ance target.
3o&&on!% $se(
as an e%e-in-the-s)% "or site sec$rit% as .e!! as #ario$s air tra""ic contro! "$nctions. B7$i''e( .ith a 3!earsight 3
5Perce'tionD Cision at 136 a$toso"t.
Cy2erspace )esigns )al!atian: /he =a!&atian #ectore(-thr$st recon (rone "eat$res a $ni7$e !i&ite( ho#er ca'ai!it%
an( a st$r(% "ra&e "or its !ight .eight. 8one 9tar has !icense( the (esign "or $ran s$r#ei!!ance ($ties.
CrashCart uto)oc: /he a$to(oc is a &oi!e stai!i1ation $nit - it i&&e(iate!% stai!i1es an% character hoo)e( $' to it.
0$to=oc is e7$i''e( .ith a Rating 4 &e()it.
Steel +yn4 Co!2at )rone: 0 har(ene( gro$n(-co&at &achine, the 9tee! 8%nx 'ossesses "o$r .hee!e( !egs an( a
t$rret .ea'on
&o$nt 5ca'a!e o" &o$nting a 8-, or s&a!!er g$ns6. 4t co&es .ith =e"ense 3 5gi#ing it an a((itiona! E2 to a!! (e"enses6
an( /argeting 3 5,$nsD 9'eci"ic ,$n at 136 a$toso"ts.
Drone ST,.P .nd,SR .T Mo#e Wt Pilot SM DR Range ost A#ail$
Shiawase Canmushi />% $+>1 %/ G%/>%/ ( %% (8 / + hrs %///? 9
Si"ors"y()ell Micros"immer />% $+>3 %/ G%/>%/ ( %% (9 / + hrs %///? 9
Aone Star i)all % $+>, %/ G%3>%3 /.3 %% (6 % % hr %3//? 6
M2T <ly(Spy % $+>1 %/ G%3>%3 /.1 %% (6 % % hr +///? 6
#Ltechnology 2rawler 1 $%>3 %% G+/>3/ 1 %% (1 + 1 hrs %8//? 1
Aoc"heed !ptic(E + $%>, %% G+/>83 , %% (, + % hr %8//? 6
GM(Missan =oerman %/ />3 %% G+/>83 1/ %% (+ %+ 1 hrs ,///? 6
M2T(Missan Roto(=rone B />1 %% G+3>%// ,/ %% (% + + hrs +///? 6
Renra"u Stormcloud 3 (+>3 B G%/>+3 %/ %% / % %+ hrs +6//? 6
2yerspace =esigns =almatian %+ (%>1 %+ G1/>%+/ B/ %% / + + hrs ++//? B
2rash2art #uto=oc %% />1 %% G%/>,/ %// %% / + 1 hrs 1///? 9R
Steel Ayn; 2omat =rone %1 />1 %+ G1/>%+/ %3/ %% / %9 6 hrs 3///? %+R

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