Kajang Local Plan For Sustainable Development

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Civil & Structural Department

Faculty of Engineering & Built Environment

The National University of Malaysia

KKKH 4284




Kajang is an old town in the eastern part of Selangor, situated 21 kilometers from Kuala Lumpur.
Kajang is the district capital of Hulu Langat governed by the Majlis Perbandaran Kajang. This
city is included in Klang Valley or Greater Kuala Lumpur because the position of Kajang is
between the three major cities (Kuala Lumpur, Seremban and Putrajaya). Since 2004, a few
townships have been developed in Kajang, such as Taman Prima Saujana, Sungai Chua, Taman
Kajang Perdana (Kajang Highlands) and many more. Many high-end developments have
flourished in Kajang such as Twin Palms, Sri Banyan, Country Heights, Jade Hills and Prima
Paramount. However, its center is inadequately transformed. Urban renewal is needed in order to
change the old Kajang center. Thus, a new Kajang Local Plan for Sustainable Development will
be proposed.

Producing a self reliance town with a higher quality of living in Kajang that make up the
community are providing a healthy, productive, meaningful life for all community residents,
present and future.
The plan shall address four broad sustainable development objectives:

1. Maintenance of high and stable levels of economic growth and employment
2. Social progress which recognises the needs of everyone
3. Effective protection of the environment
4. Prudent use of natural resources
The plan shall include the Sustainable Development Principles as follows:

1 Quality of Development
2 Integrating Transport and Development
3 Minimum environmental impact due to surge in travel demands
4 Development Access: Pedestrians, disabled people, cyclists, public transport, private transport
5 Parking
6 Urban Design Principles
7 Context: compatible with existing landforms and natural features, retain, and where possible
enhance important existing urban spaces, townscape, parkland, natural or historical features;
respect the existing layout of buildings within the street space, integrate into the local community
8 Safety and Security
9 Landscape and Biodiversity
10 Renewable Energy
11 Air Quality
12 Water Quality and Drainage

1.0 Quality of Development
Producing a self reliance town with a higher quality of living in Kajang that make up the
community are providing a healthy, productive, meaningful life for all community residents,
present and future. Whilst not all people and cultures value quality of life in the same way, some
of the basic issues to consider when determining quality of life include the availability
of employment, levels of homelessness and crime, and the presence of environmental pollution.

Plan 1 a)Vibrant Centre City-compact city; mixed used activity centres and corridors

Figure 1:Location of Development at Kajang City

1.Proposed Development in Kajang (Masjid as the Centre)
2 a)

2 b) Proposed Urban Structure for Kajang Development
1. Vibrant, transit-supportive, mixed use centres and corridors
It has potential for comprehensive higher intensity and higher quality urban development
Growth to strategic Areas
a) Activity Area-Major, Community and Neighbourhood

b) Corridors-Urban and Neighbourhood

Manner in which new growth can be directed with the Activities Centres and Corridors
a) Provide concentration of Jobs and people close to major transit facilities
b) Meet the residential and employment thresholds for each type of activity centre and
c) Support a concentrated built form that optimizes public investment and infrastructure
d) Provide a range of housing types, tenures, unit sizes and affordibilty
e) Are walkable and have excellent connectivity
2. Transit-supported Landuse Framework
Area with the potential medium or higher density housing forms and greater mixed use will be
connected to the primary transit network which is a network of high frequency transit service
that operates every 10 minutes.
a) Locating higher density developments and transits supportive uses in Centres and
Corridors along the Primary Network
b) Increasing development densities near transit stations on Primary Transit Network
c) Ensuring Design and mix of land use in these areas emphasing on pedestrian oriented
environment and support transit
d) Managing traffic in station areas, particulary to reduce pedestrian or vehicular conflicts

Design to encourage transit use(Refer Figure 2 a)
Diversity- Mixing Land use
Distance- Locating the right uses next to transit
Design- Creating a quality Pedestrian environment
Density- Intensity of people living or working in the area

3. Livable and vibrant City Centre

Reinforce the downtowns position as Kajang City principle business Centre, premiere urban
living environment and centres for arts, culture, recreation and tourism

a) Faster, distinctive complete community with strong sense of place
b) Reinforced the stability of neighbourhood

Effective protection of the environment and Prudent use of natural resources

The design of cities affects their inhabitants safety, health and sense of wellbeing.

People need better air, better water, less noise, and more space and nature to be healthier. As
with all biological systems, diversity is essential for health and renewal. Active street edges,
traffic management, the provision of shelter and clear pathways between private and public space
all contribute to personal safety. Quality of life includes the human qualities of vibrant social
and leisure opportunities, social inclusiveness and support for cultural identity, a healthy natural
environment, and the simple sense for both residents and visitors that congenial amenities and
facilities are available. A better designed urban environment engenders more regular physical
activity through walking and cycling. Comfortable and stimulating spaces that incorporate
streets, squares, parks and gardens make a vital contribution to the health and wellbeing of
residents, visitors, workers and shoppers.
A city is an amalgam of moods, habits, customs and lifestyles. The interrelationships between
these elements contribute greatly to the sense of identity of a city and its places. Local culture
plays a key role in encouraging rehabilitation of built or environmental heritage to reinforce a
communitys sense of belonging and greater city pride.

Social progress which recognises the needs of everyone
Economic security
The design of cities affects their economic prosperity and stability.

Recognition that good design has direct and indirect economic dividends has been slow to gain
momentum in Australian cities. However, attractive and liveable places are vital factors
supporting economic growth in a fluid, global economy and influence decisions to invest locally
or elsewhere. Cities that give priority to cultural development are seen as more socially cohesive
and more economically dynamic and therefore more desirable places to live. Cultural
opportunities improve the quality of city life and are one of the deciding factors in settlement
In Melbourne, the follow-on effects of increased inner city living has introduced new street use
patterns as the local population uses the central city as a new recreational base. The public
environment supports this increased economic activity at a macro scale it is part of the image
marketed nationally and internationally; at a micro level it is frequently the space that fosters
networks to develop in an organised or incidental manner.
True economy, however, is a proportioning system a means of balancing needs, wants and
resources rather than growth for its own sake, let alone growth out of kilter with the
environment that supports it.
Economic stability and prosperity also involve mutually
supportive and complementary land use mixes. Combining facilities and spaces on an urban
scale focuses on efficient use of space and prolongs the lifespan of the built environment.

Democratic participation
The design of cities affects social cohesion and cultural vitality via civic interactions and shared

A city is sustainable when its people live in harmony in their common space, creating a web of
interconnected communities with a strong culture of social justice, equity and open decision
For example, the expression of cultural values through conservation of historic places
can sit equally alongside the integration of good contemporary design and art into the public
environment. A safe, comfortable engaging public realm also helps to attract social activity,
foster social connectedness and build a sense of community.
Just as biodiversity is an essential component of ecological sustainability, so is cultural diversity
essential to social sustainability. Places should be meaningful (allowing people to make strong
connections between the place, their personal lives and the larger world), democratic (accessible
to all groups), and responsive (designed and managed to meet the needs and aspirations of
Social inclusion is regarded as an integral condition of sustainable development,
recognising the importance of public space to the processes of social learning, public
participation, equity, social inclusion and social integration. The involvement of local residents,
interest groups and stakeholders, non-government organisations and groups with special needs is
seen as central to the concept of sustainability.
A sustainable city provides a higher quality of life for now and the future. Today, communities
are being challenged to examine their expectations and aspirations. They are being invited to
develop new partnerships to achieve outcomes of economic, environmental, political, social and
cultural value. Communities are becoming increasingly attuned to the spirituality of time and
place, the interconnectivity of resources, and the multipurpose functions the landscape can serve.

Plan 2): Integrating Transport and Development

A good traffic management is aimed to optimizing the existing infrastructure and improving the
flow capacity at the city. Strategies that can be applied in Kajang City centre are:
i. Redirecting the movement pattern of using the private transport to the public transport
and also improving the service for public transport such as subway, busses and taxi

ii. Upgrading the road systems by widening and implementing the smart grid system for the
transportation systems.

iii. Making a new Bus Rapid Transit Systems (BRT):
BRT is a high performance of public transportation bus service that combines the bus lanes
with high quality bus station. Traffic light will be delayed for oncoming buses. It will
decrease the amount of time between stops. A part from that, a computer chip inside the bus
signal will sensor on the road. Then, it will alert the passengers at the next station if the bus
running on time. Besides, fair is paid by using prepaid systems. So it can reduce the waiting
time at bus stop and waiting platform are elevated to allow for quicker entry and exit to the
bus. After that, the busses will travel in their own lanes which keep the bus system
independent to the congested traffic.

iv. Subway or underground Metro systems Usage.

It is because, we can minimizing the usage of the land use. A part from that, by using
subway we can reduce the emission of carbon monoxide and also reducing the noise
pollution in the city. This metro system is an electric passenger transport system with
high capacity and high frequency of services that totally independent from other traffic,
road or pedestrian. The location of the subway connecting the residential area to the
commercial area at the centre of the city and also to the Sungai Langat region. This
Subway also linkage to Balakong which is industrial area. Currently under progress, is
the Klang Valley MRT from Sungai Buloh to Kajang.

v. Tram system in Kajang
A tram-train is a light-rail public transport system where trams run through from an urban
tramway network to main-line railway lines which are shared with conventional trains. This
combines the tram's flexibility and accessibility with a train's greater speed, and bridges the
distance between a main railway stations and a city centre.
There is also a train-tram, which is a train modified to also run on tramlines. Generally, the tram-
train and train-tram are interchangeable, although a train-tram is based on a train design modified
to also run as a tram and a tram-train is based on a tram design modified to also run on a train
The tram-train concept was pioneered with the Karlsruhe model in Germany, and has since been
adopted on projects such as the RijnGouweLijn in the Netherlands, at Mulhouse in France and
in Kassel and Saarbrcken in Germany.
Smart Transportation as used in Singapore will be utilized,a system that touches other modes of
transport and need to keep moving.All the places will be connected and the components like
buses,train and subway will be able to make decision together through shared data.The sensors
on the road will be sending information to Traffic Management and thus gives traffic alert to
commuters to make a better decision before travelling so that do not get stuck in jam.

A network of tramways will be forming part of the public transport system in Kajang
Benefits of Tram System in Kajang City
a) Low-floor Vehicles
b) Ease of access
c) Efficient Service
d) Broad Network

Plan 3): Minimum environmental impact due to surge in travel demands

I. CAR BOOKING & SHARING (Using one instead of owning one)
Car sharing is popular in cities around the world because it is cost-effective for members and it
benefits our environment. Sharing cars reduces demand for new cars and encourages more
sustainable travel patterns, as members use public transport and walk and cycle more than people
who don't share a car. Car share users are charged by time and distance, at a rate set by each
operator. Costs associated with fuel, vehicle maintenance and insurance are usually included in
the operator's hire fees. Car booking can be done through call or online system .Various mobile
points are available where the booked car can be collected from the nearest station
Bremen Car Sharing Benefits
700 private cars replaced by Car-sharing (3100 customers)
The Bremen Car-Sharer shows a reduction of about 5 million kilometres driven less
by car (per year)
Increase the use of Public Transport and environmentally friendly transport
Reduction of CO
emissions of about 1.9 tons per year
Improve environment qualities of cities
How Car Sharing works
Car-Sharing is a tool for sustainable and energy efficient urban development
It gives an alternative to car-ownership - and supplements the environmentally
friendly modes of transport
Reduce Parking Demand
Reduce the cost of Housing
It is a kind of 'mobility insurance' for cases when other modes are not sufficient
The integration into intermodal chains and into urban development is key factors of
the further development


Emission standards for the definition of a clean vehicle will be specified
The most severe exhaust emission standard for internal combustion engines issued to
Economic incentives to switch to more environmentally friendly fuels will be

a) Clean Diesel Buses

All new buses have to fulfilled the EEV emission standard so that the entire fleet meets
the EEV standard

b) Clean cars

Compressed natural gas (CNG)
- In January 2011, there were approximately 350 CNG
vehicles that resulted in a 60% decrease in NOx
- Partnership with gas provider

- Partnership with energy provider
- Reduce the energy and emission of greenhouse gases
- The silent and emission free brings new possibilities for
improvement in quality of urban life.

Plan 4): Development Access: Pedestrians, disabled people, cyclists, public transport,
private transport

a) Collective Transport (Public Transport)
Easy interchange between different Public Transport modes
- buses
- bicycle
- taxi

b) Cycling Individual Transport Modes

The bicycle is the ultimate zero-emission-vehicle
cycle streets with priority for cyclists
Provides layers, well defined signs for people with a visual impairment

Cycle parking with good bicycle racks (decentralised~ 2500 racks inner city
On-street bike racks

Figure 3:Complete Infrastructure for Cyclist to encourage cycling

Interchange / Bike Parking

Safe storage at Central Station
Bike-racks at all regional train stops


One of the most common problems facing the population growth is having more than one private
car for each family in Kajang. As more and more people owns cars, more parking lots become
necessary. Parking as part of an overall transportation system is one of the crucial issues of our
times. As the number of automobiles increase exponentially, the need to house them in close
proximity creates a challenging design problems. Unfortunately, parking lots can adversely
effect the environment as well as detract from the community center.

Shortage of Parking and Poor Parking Management System at Public Transport Area

Parking lots should be designed to allow for users and deliveries to reach easily on site, circulate
through the parking lots and exit the site. Clear, easily understandable circulation should be
designed into the project to allow drivers and pedestrian to move through the site without

5.1 Park and Ride System

Kajang cities frequently find it difficult to cover all passengers needs through the public
transport network. Park and Ride solutions offer a good solution to satisfy transport needs in a
sustainable manner. An improved Park and Ride service is foreseen to reduce on-street parking,
while generating revenue that will balance maintenance costs. The measure consists of three
main components: the introduction of a new Park and Ride car park and improvements to
existing ones, better public transport connections, and the development of an electronic system
through which one can book parking spaces in advance.
The main objectives of the measure are to:
Increase the use of public transport;
Decrease congestion and pollution in the urban area; and
Improve mobility in the city.

Propose Park and Ride System

5.2 Multi-Storey Park
Every day, Kajang city centre receives many people from outside Kajang or its own. Thus, it is
expected for many private vehicles to come in and out at regular intervals and cause heavy traffic jam.
Furthermore, it is expected that people outside of Kajang will bring their own private vehicles
and will face with difficulties in finding appropriate parking spaces. By providing a multi storey
parking at a suitable location, people can park their vehicles at an affordable and reasonable price
outside of the city centre. Public transportation such as bus, shuttle bus, taxis and public bicycles
should be provided outside or at walking distance from the building. Kajang Municipal Council could
introduce a pass such as being done by MyRapid for the people who uses the multi storey parking to
ease their access in the city centre by public transports.

Propose Multi-Storey Park

Since, we want to propose Kajang local plan into a sustainable development which is
environmental friendly, so we also provide bicycle parking facilities around our town in order to
encourage peoples to use bicycle.

5.3. Vault Parking System
Automatic or robotic parking is undoubtedly the future solution to the decades old problem of
traffic congested urban gridlock, exasperated by the lack of dedicated car parking space. Faced
with restricted parking possibilities on numerous projects, Vault Parking Systems sought a
solution to the parking issues which often hindered and sometimes curtailed the viability of
urban planning and development projects due to the lack of parking space.
1. Maximise space efficiency, life cycle cost, energy efficiency
2. Maximise renewable energy use and efficiency
3. Minimise pollution
4. Maximum safety
5. Minimum risk of damage
6. Maximise operating and management efficiency
7. Speed of parking and retrieval of vehicles
8. Streamlined architectural and engineering design

Propose Vault Parking System
5.4 Specialization Park for Handicapped
Designated parking bays are for the exclusive use of vehicles displaying the official disabled
persons parking badge, providing the badge holder is accompanying the vehicle. People who use
wheelchairs and those whose disability renders them unable to bend their leg/legs require
additional space at the side and rear of the vehicle to allow them to manoeuvre without causing
damage to their own or other peoples property. Flush dropped kerbs should always be provided
next to parking bays. It is also important that other cars do not park in front of the dropped kerbs
as this could prevent a wheelchair or scooter user from getting on a pavement safely.

Propose Parking for Handicapped

Handicapped Parking Design
5.5 Parking-Meter System
An others plan to solve the problem on traffic congestion is by increase the parking that will be
run under a parking-meter system. Then, we will duplicate parking rate during weekends to
encourage people for using the public transportation than their own cars to get around.

Parking Meter System


Urban design principles combine aspects of architecture, landscape architecture. Public works,
transportation system and public arts to create dynamic urban environment. However with
increasing activities of these disciplines, it is better to conceptualized as a design practice that
intersects all of the aspects.
The design principles seek to foster good development without inhibiting design creativity and
flexibility. The basic principles of the designs are contextual sitting, the importance of pedestrian
environment, architectural sensitivity, respect for historic structures and durability of building
materials. These design principles should guides architects and developers and should serve as a
basis to design review committees. Urban Design is the practice of shaping the physical features
and to make high-quality connections between places and buildings for the enjoyable and safe
activity of people. While creating places for people, urban design must respect and enhance the
natural environment and use resources efficiently.

6.1 Public Space and Street
The public space should be the great as the living room of the city which is the place where
people come together to enjoy the city and each other. Public spaces make high quality life in the
city possible. Public spaces ranges from grand central plazas and squares, to small and local
neighborhood parks. The parks design and management should take into account recreational
requirements of all target age-groups. Different age-groups have different motives to visit the
park and different interests in activities that they are going to undertake.
Besides, our Kajang city should provide street which is the connections between spaces and
places, as well as being spaces themselves. We defined the streets by their physical dimension
and character as well as the size, scale and character buildings that line them. The pattern of our
street network is part of what defines a city and makes city unique.

Propose Public Space and Street

6.2 Integrated City Linkages

Besides that, our transportation system must be complete and having integrated city linkages to
connects the parts of cities and help shape them and enable movement throughout the city. It is
include road, rail, bicycle and pedestrian networks. The balance of these various transport
systems is what helps definethe quality and character of cities, and makes them either friendly or
hostile to pedestrians.

Propose Integrated City Linkages

6.3 Landscaping and Installation

The landscape or others installation must be provide like fountains, sculptures, water gardens
and special lighting to developed the best city or green part of the city that weaves throughout in
the form of urban parks, street trees, plants, flowers, and water in many forms. The landscape
helps define the character and beauty of a city and creates soft, contrasting spaces and elements
and also created an aesthetical value. The best city also must be provided with a high quality of
street lighting.

Landscape Installation

City Green Part and Lighting


New development should respond positively and integrate well with its surroundings, taking full
account of site features and local character. Its should be neighbourly and, where appropriate,
reinforce local distinctiveness and should never be designed in isolation from its local context.
Consider the wider context of the local setting, the characteristics of the site for development,
and strategies for the overall design character of a proposal, to be attractive and function well,
the plan should take into account the following:
7.1 Respecting the local site
Respecting existing development patterns should not rule out different forms of layout and
characteristics of the local setting. Indeed, in many instances, this can help to provide variety,
inject character and ensure that land within the established boundaries of towns and villages is
used efficiently. Much, of course, depends on the character of the area concerned and the nature
of development proposed. Departures from existing street patterns should be carefully conceived,
and not be produced by accident.
The context of the site should be analyzed to ensure that the development will:
Respect the qualities of the best of the surrounding landscapes and townscapes
Provide spatial characteristics and building forms that are sympathetic to the
Respond to existing land uses and provide an appropriate mix of dwelling and uses
Integrate with existing patterns of movement

The Existing Building and Facilities in Kajang Town

7.2 Responding to the site

New development should respond positively and sympathetically to existing local landscape
features or characteristics of the site, including established patterns of fields or gardens, trees,
hedgerows, ponds and ditches. These features can provide a framework for new development,
that will help to integrate it into its surroundings and achieve the quality desired. Responsive
design also requires consideration to given to neighbours - it can help to ensure that adjacent
properties are not unduly overlooked or overshadowed, and that potential conflicts between say
new houses and local commercial activities are minimized.
This section illustrates relevant aspects for undertaking the necessary site evaluation, and
includes guidance on assessment of the history of the site, landform, flora and fauna, climate and
noise and nuisance.
The characteristics of the site should be analyzed to ensure that the development will:
Respect the history of the site, and appropriately protect and integrate features of the
archacological and built heritage
Respond to the form of the land, its contours and views to and from the site
Make the best use of existing vegetation and protect or create, appropriate conditions for
flora and fauna to thrive
Promote designs that respond to the microclimate of the site, and that might contribute to
the energy efficiency of the buildings designed.

The Existing Conditions in Kajang Town

7.3 Creating Attractive Surrounding and Spaces to Live
The existing pattern of development within an area can provide a good starting point for the
layout of new buildings and spaces. Incorporating elements of existing local building patterns
into the structure of new developments can help to give them a clear identity and a sense of
belonging. New development should generally respect the scale and massing of existing
buildings nearby, and should not dominate its neighbours. The aim of the designer should be to
create a sense of harmony and visual continuity between new and old.
The department will wish to see designs that have:
A distinctive overall sense of place that takes into account the characteristics of the site
and its setting
Quality and sustainability in the overall layout, in the form and detailed design of the
buildings, and the spaces around
A visually attractive human scale in each of the places created within the development
An appropriate use of trees and other plants
A feeling of security and a sense of vitality in all parts of the layout.

Sustainability in the Form and Detailed Design of the Buildings and the Spaces Around


Security and safety environmental sustainability are not only compatible goals, but security is
also a component and integral part of sustainability. Sustainability has been considered the
broader, more encompassing category, and the role and importance of security as an element of
sustainability is often not explicity recognized.
Kajang is one of the cities that always have crime cases. Parallel with Kuala Lumpur Structure
Plan, where more cities in Malaysia, a true microcosm of the country, and it leads by example in
the harmonious coexistence of its multi-ethnic and multi-religious society, Kajang Structure Plan
will propose and take other initiatives to make Kajang is one of the safety city. Over the next 20
years, Kajang City aims to build on this achievement to create a society secure in its community
integration and social harmony that does none the less celebrate the diversity of its culture.
Hence, we have to proposed plan that can reduce crime and increase the safety the city.

8.1 Sufficient of Police Stations, Posts and Patrols.
Kajang communities require sustainable security to overcome the challenges presented by post-
conflict environments. We believe that policing cannot exist in isolation, and must be developed
in harmony with existing and traditional community security structures and the justice sector so
that those who are in conflict with the law have access to legal representation and due process.
Interactions between citizens, district safety committees, legal assistance groups and police will
have significantly improved through training and provision of better equipment. Specialist
support for women's security concerns will be provided, including in cases of sexual offences
and gender-based violence.
Patrol is typically the largest function in police agencies around the world, and the majority of
officers tend to be assigned to general service duties. Patrol officers generally spend their time
responding to emergency calls for service from the public, deterring crime through their
presence, and carrying out special assignments from supervisors. This system works hand by
hand with the police force to increase the dispatch of police patrol to the scene.

Police Patrol Service
8.2 Place the Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV).
Safety and security are the most valuable factor that rise the city to the most sustainable ever. To
be sure that this principle run correctly and efficiently, we must establish a fully major CCTV
System that cover the hall city with unreachable cameras with (360) degree view. CCTV
presence will makes people feel safe and more secure.
The objectives of the CCTV System are defined as:
To help reduce the fear of crime.
To help deter crime.
To help detect crime and provide evidential material for court proceedings.
To deter vandalism.
To improve public protection.
To assist in the overall management of towns where CCTV is sited.
To enhance community safety, boost the economy and encourage greater use of the town
centre, shopping mall, and etc.
To assist the Local Authority in its enforcement and regulatory functions within the town
To assist with traffic management.
To assist in supporting civil proceedings help detect crime.

Propose CCTV System in the City

8.3 Build Overhead Bridge or Zebra Crossing for Pedestrians

With the aim to ensure safe road crossing for pedestrians and minimize traffic disruptions, we
has decided to construct an overhead pedestrian walking bridge and zebra crossing at Kajang.
Jaywalking by pedestrians is one of the contributing factors for traffic congestion and road
accidents in the city. So, we should construct pedestrian bridges at expanded road sections where
vehicles moving at a comparatively high speed, thus, increasing road accidents involving
This pedestrian bridge or zebra crossing makes it clear the little importance given by the
authorities concerned for ensuring pedestrian safety. Many people do not have proper knowledge
of traffic rules. It is also the reason why many pedestrians are found crossing roads despite red
signal. In the context, pedestrian bridges are more helpful than traffic signal lights for ensuring
pedestrians safety. Since despite the presence of traffic lights and zebra crossing, pedestrians
mostly cross road recklessly, hindering traffic flow. An intersecting overhead bridge in the road
sections can ensure comfortable walking and maintain smooth flow of vehicles at the same time.

Propose Facilities for Pedestrians

For the purposes of this project, the landscape and biodiversity subcategory are classified into
two points namely:
a) Physical landscape
The physical landscape of Kajang can be enhanced through implementation of green
approach to everyday living such as the green-roofing system and vegetated wall
structures. This approach does not require a large area as it can be mounted on pre-
existing structures. The landuse for Kajang requires the buildings to be closely built to
one another and even after redevelopment this factor remains.

Green-roofing concept proposed

Vegetated wall structure proposed

Apart from that, various shrubberies can be planted along the road and walkways.

Shrubberies proposed on curbs

Grassed railtrack proposed

b) Biodiversity
Biodiversity enriches leisure activities such as hiking, birdwatching or natural history
study. Many cultures view themselves as an integral part of the natural world which
requires them to respect other living organisms. The general public responds well to
exposure to rare and unusual organisms, reflecting their inherent value. Kajang already
has an existing suitable location for such activities which is the Langat River. However,
as it stands now the Langat Rivers condition does not have the capacity to accommodate
users as a recreational location.

Langat River condition

To rectify this matter, first and foremost the river needs to be rehabilitated through
various means. At the same time, the responsibilities of looking after the rivers well
being needs to be shared with the general public by making the campaign directly
involves them and making it the peoples project instead of the governments project by
conducting communal activities involving the rivers restoration. To convert the river into
a biodiversity port, platforms can be built into the water body to allow the community to
have a close contact with water and vegetation.

Langat River park proposed

Sunlight, or solar energy, can be used directly for lighting homes and other buildings, for
generating electricity, and for hot water heating, solar cooling, and a variety of
commercial and industrial uses.
The sun's heat also drives the winds, whose energy, is captured with wind turbines. Solar
energy is chosen because of the natural climate of the area as well as to suit the limited
space in Kajang as the solar panels can be directly mounted on roofs as well as other
outer surfaces of a building.

Solar panel proposed for residential and commercial roofs

Another way of making Kajang more energy efficient is by utilising wind energy and
taking it one step further. By installing wind turbines directly on lamp posts, the wind
generated will not only be maximised but also can be used to power the road lamps
themselves thus reducing the dependency on electricity provided by power grids.

Wind turbine on lamp posts proposed
The improvement of air quality in Kajang is dependent upon the other sustainable
development and is the result of different cumulative efforts. The industrial sector located
in Kajang generates harmful emissions into the air that may compromise the health of the
general public. To counter this, the factories and other industrial buildings could be
monitored and the emission quality could be enhanced through:
Requiring the industry to prepare permit applications for construction or operation
permits, annual operation reports, renewal application, permit transfers and permit
Air pollution control equipment feasibility and design studies
Air dispersion modeling
Air toxics monitoring
Air curtain, solid and bio-hazardous waste incinerator consulting
Resource for energy recovery and source testing.
Catalytic or thermal incinerator consulting

The current state of drainage in Kajang is worrying as flash floods occur almost every
time intense rainfall happened.

Flash floods in Kajang

The livelihoods of Kajang residents are constantly crippled by this phenomenon. To
reduce the occurrence of flash floods, the urban water management needs to be upgraded
to increase the infiltration rate of the city as well as reducing total runoff. The concept to
be employed is the Sponge City concept where the living systems utilises trees as well as
other natural landscape and soft infrastructure to slow and absorb runoff before it causes

Sponge City Concept

Apart from that, water recycling such as rainwater harvesting and grey water recycling can be
implemented to reduce water wastage.

Greywater recycling proposed

Redevelopment projects can be small or large ranging from a single building to entire new
neighborhoods or "new town in town" projects.

The process of redevelopment of Kajang is a decision made to improve the lifestyle as well as
the sustainability of Kajang residents as well as adapting the landuse to enhance the citys value.
The choices of building that should be conserved and reused or just demolished for the area of
land it occupies will depend on the importance and adaptability of the building and site. Some of
the determining criteria include:

- The societal value of a given site; that is, the importance to the community of the use of a
site by community members or visitors.
- The potential for the reuse of a particular site; the physical damage sustained to the site
and its support of future use, the character of the existing site in terms of the proposed
- The historical importance of the site; in terms of both the physicality of the street-scape
and the area, as well as of the role of the site in the communitys understanding of the
- The natural ecological conditions of the site; whether the site is suitable climatically or
can support the proposed environmental work needed in the site.

Urban renewal has been seen by proponents as an economic engine and a reform mechanism
and by critics as a mechanism for control. It may enhance existing communities, and in some
cases result in the demolition of neighbourhoods. From past assessments, it is observed that
the redevelopment of a town has been responsible for the rehabilitation of communitiesas
well as displacement. Replacement housing might be difficult to control, leading to an
increase in crime, and such structures might in themselves be dehumanising. Urban renewal
is usually non-consultative. However, to ensure that this project meets a successful end, the
processes and proposals need to be consulted with various parties ranging from the
government, the residents, consultants as well as potential investors.


1)Calgary Development

2)Bremen Best Practices

3)Kajang Blogspot

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