Nat Reviewer 6
Nat Reviewer 6
Nat Reviewer 6
Part I Reading
I. Choose the affix !hi"h if added to the #nder$ined !ord "o%&$etes the %eaning of the senten"e.
____1. Dad told me a story, the he ____told the same story to my younger sister.
a. re b. dis c. mis d. pre
____2. I like apples, but Jane and Shane ____like apples.
a. re b. dis c. mis d. pre
____3. he patient !as ad"ised to ____continue taking the medicine.
a. re b. dis c. un d. pre
____#. It is ____ possible to gather all the beauti$ul $lo!ers $rom a one%hectare garden.
a. im b. dis c. mis d. pre
____&. 'arlos ____ located his hipbone !hen he $ell badly last month.
a. un b. dis c. im d. pre
____(. )e can sho! kind _____ to those people in need.
a. ment b. $ull c. ity d. ness
____*. +e ga"e me !ords o$ encourage _____.
a. ment b. $ull c. ity d. ness
____,. he comple- _____ o$ the problem makes it di$$icult to sol"e.
a. ment b. $ull c. ity d. ness
____.. he coach !as ner"/e0 _____ during the game.
a. al b. ous c. $ul d. tion
____11. he price o$ the dress is reason _____.
a. ish b. able c. ment d. tion
II. Choose the "orre"t fig#re of s&ee"h of ea"h of the fo$$o!ing.
____11. +er cheeks are like the petals o$ a rose.
a. metaphor b. simile c. hyperbole d. personi$ication
____12. In the company o$ the play$ul sea the !ind blo!s and sings all day.
a. metaphor b. simile c. hyperbole d. personi$ication
____13. he sun !as the chariot o$ $ire.
a. metaphor b. simile c. hyperbole d. personi$ication
____1#. +er back is broader than 2t. 3po4s slope.
a. metaphor b. simile c. hyperbole d. personi$ication
____1&. I !andered lonely as a cloud.
a. metaphor b. simile c. hyperbole d. personi$ication
III. Choose the "orre"t %eaning of the #nder$ined !ord as it is #sed in the senten"e.
____1(. 5ou smell terrible.
a. emit bad odor b. detect something $ishy c. arouse suspicion d. $eel bad
____1*. he senator brushed o$$ the baseless accusation.
a. dismissed c. mo"ed lightly or heedlessly
b. remo"ed something by using a brush d. considered seriously
____1,. hey are going to stage a li"e sho!.
a. ali"e b. per$ormed in $ront o$ an audience c. energetic d. li$elike
____1.. hey har"ested a lot o$ mangoes this year.
a. share b. a considerable 6uantity c. a parcel o$ land d. an acre
____21. he guard !as posted all night at the !atchto!er.
a. place !here !atches are made c. place $or obser"ing and guarding
b. place !here !atches are sold d. place !here there is a !atch in a to!er
IV. Read ea"h of the fo$$o!ing se$e"tions and ans!er the '#estions that fo$$o!.
The (ish
3nimals that li"e entirely in !ater are called $ish. hey ha"e streamlined bodies
that are co"ered !ith scales. hey easily mo"e through the !ater by means o$ their $ins
and tails. Some o$ their $ins act as keels and some are used $or keeping their balance
and steering. 3 $ish breathes by means o$ gills, taking in the !ater by opening its mouth,
absorbing the o-ygen into its blood, and passing the air out through the gills4 openings.
here are o"er t!enty%$our thousand di$$erent kinds o$ $ish in the !orld.
____21. +o! does a $ish mo"e in the !ater7
a. by its $ins and tails c. by $lopping its $ins
b. by s!aying its $ins d. by mo"ing its body
____22. +o! many kinds o$ $ish are there in the !orld7
a. o"er 21 thousand b. o"er 3& thousand c. o"er 2& thousand d. o"er 2# thousand
____23. )hat is the selection about7
a. ho! a $ish mo"es b. ho! a $ish breathes c. kinds o$ $ish d. the $ish
The Lioness
8nce there !as an argument among all the beasts as to !hich o$ them could
produce the largest number o$ !helps at birth. hey !ent to the lioness and asked her
to settle the dispute.
93nd ho! many do you ha"e at birth7: they asked.
98ne,: she said de$iantly, 9but that one is a lion.:
/No matter ho! much you ha"e do not argue !ith 6uality.0
____2#. )hat !as the argument about7
a. !ho could con6uer the largest !help
b. !ho could produce the largest number o$ !helps at birth
c. !ho !as the greatest among the beasts
d. !hy the lioness !as considered the greatest among them
____2&. )hy !as the lioness de$iant7
a. because she could produce only one lion
b. because she could not produce the largest number o$ !helps
c. because she !as proud o$ being able to produce a 6uality o$$spring though it !as only one
d. because she did not care !ho produced the largest number o$ !helps at birth
____2(.)hat is meant by 9No matter ho! much you ha"e, ne"er argue !ith 6uality.:
a. here is ad"antage in number. c. Numbers !ill make up $or 6uality.
b. he more there is, the better. d. ;uality is better than 6uantity.
A Wise )#*er
9I ha"e a good ne!s today, mother,: said <ily as she put do!n the big basket
she !as carrying.
9)hat4s your ne!s,<ily7: asked mother.
9<ook at my basket,: said <ily e-citedly. 9I bought many things. See, I still ha"e
some change le$t.:
9=ut !hy7: asked mother, pu>>led.
____2*. )here did <ily come $rom7
a. the school b. playing c. the market d. the canteen
____2,. )hat did she sho! to her mother7
a. things on her study table c. things in her school bag
b. things she bought in the market d. things she got $rom the canteen
____2.. )hy !as <ily4s ne!s good7
a. She still had some change le$t a$ter buying many things $rom the market.
b. She $ound a !allet !ith money in the market.
c. She did not pay $or the goods she got $rom the market.
d. She !as able to get something $rom the market.
____31. )hy do you think !as mother pu>>led7
a. She could not understand !hy <ily had to go to the market.
b. She kne! that prices o$ goods !ere high.
c. <ily had told the truth $or the $irst time.
d. <ily had lied again to her mother.
Three Pests
he house$ly is a household pest. It may bring disease germs to us on its $eet.
It eats many di$$erent kinds o$ $oods. In its search $or $ood it may gather typhoid germs
on its $eet and lea"e them on clean $ood.
he clothes moth does much damage. It also gets into $urniture that has cloth on
it. he lar"a o$ the clothes moth eats !ool, $ur and $eathers.
he sil"er$ish also destroys property. It is an insect that is o$ten $ound among
books. It eats the paste used to glue the back o$ books. 8$ten it eats o$$ gold lettering
to get at the paste under it.
____31. I$ you !ere to outline the selection,!hich o$ the $ollo!ing !ould not be included as a main
a. he 'lothes 2oth b. he +ouse$ly c. he Sil"er$ish d. he 'ockroach
____32. he $irst paragraph gi"es t!o possible subtopics. hese are
a. ?ood eaten and diseases brought c. +abitat and en"ironmental concerns
b. <i$e cycle and reproduction d. ?oods and germs
____33. 3 possible subtopic gi"en by the second paragraph is 9Damage caused:. )hich o$ the
$ollo!ing is a detail that may $all under this subtopic7
a. It eats cloth on pieces o$ $urniture. c. It brings diseases to us.
b. Its lar"a eats !ool and $ur. d. 3 and = abo"e
____3#. )hich o$ the $ollo!ing is not gi"en as possible subtopic by the third paragraph7
a. Damage caused b. )here $ound c. )hat is eaten d. +o! it gro!s
____3&. =ased on the conte-t o$ the selection, the !ord pest means
a. a harmless insect c. an insect that brings disease
b. an annoying insect d. an insect that destroys "aluable ob@ects
The +ngratef#$ Sna,e
It !as !inter and the $orest !as co"ered !ith sno!. 3 $ather and his son !ere
!alking in the $orest !hen they sa! a $ro>en snake in the path. he boy !anted to
keep the snake $or his pet and begged $or his $ather4s appro"al to take it home. he
$ather agreed, but !arned his son o$ the dangers o$ ha"ing a snake $or a pet. So, they
brought the snake home and put it in $ront o$ the $ireplace.
3s the sno! began to melt, the snake gradually returned to its original color.
he boy !as so e-cited !hen he sa! the snake mo"e. +e !as about to touch the snake
!hen it suddenly attacked. <uckily, the $ather sa! !hat !as about to happen and s!i$tly
killed the snake !ith a bolo. he child !as sa"ed $rom the ungrate$ul snake.
____3(. )hy !as the snake brought home by the $ather and his son7
a. It !as co"ered by sno!. c. It !ould be kept as pet.
b. It could be used as a house dAcor. d. It !ould be ser"ed as dinner.
____3*. )hy !as the snake killed7
a. It !as about to go out o$ the house. c. It suddenly attacked the boy.
b. It bit the $ather. d. he hunters caught it.
____3,. )hat is the ending o$ the story7
a. he snake returned to the $orest.
b. ?ather s!i$tly killed the snake !ith a bolo.
c. he boy !as sa"ed $rom the ungrate$ul snake.
d. he boy !as bitten by the snake.
Insects ha"e many enemies, big and small. =irds, snakes, spiders, $ish, and
other insects hunt them $or $ood. heir greatest enemy is man. 2an sprays poison
and pesticides to get rid o$ them. Insects make him sick or attack his animals and crops.
Insects ha"e de"eloped many !ays to protect themsel"es. Some insects like
bees ha"e stings that hurt their attackers. 8thers like stick bugs, bedbugs and certain
beetles send o$$ bad odors that dri"e a!ay their enemies. Still others like spiders and
grasshoppers discharge smelly or poisonous $luids. 2any caterpillars ha"e hairs that
irritate the skin.
'amou$lage or protecti"e coloration has been used by many insects to escape
their enemies. )alking sticks look like harmless and li$eless sticks. 3 "ariety o$ moths
are either green, gray or bro!n to match the color o$ their surroundings. Some other
insects ha"e patterns on their skin and !ings that blend !ith sunlight and shado!.
____3.. )hich is the topic sentence o$ the paragraph 17
a. Sentence # b. Sentence & c. Sentence 1 d. Sentence 3
____#1. )hich is the main idea o$ the second paragraph7
a. Spiders ha"e poisonous $luids. c. +o! insects protect themsel"es.
b. Insects that gi"e o$$ bad odors. d. Di$$erent kinds o$ insects.
____#1. he last paragraph talks o$
a. protecti"e coloration b. color insects4 !ings c. insects4 !ing patterns d. a "ariety o$ moths
____#2. )hich makes a good title $or the selection7
a. Di$$erent Insects c. )ays Insects Brotect hemsel"es
b. Brotection and 'oloration d. In the Insect )orld
A S$a& in the (a"e
2anuel <. ;ue>on !as $i"e tears old !hen he $ought !ith a boy o$ his age. +e
slapped the boy hard in his $ace. +is $ather sa! !hat he did, but he did not get angry.
Instead, he called 2anuel and said to him calmly, 95ou do not slap anybody in the $ace.
hat4s a big insult. I$ you had to $ight somebody, use your $ists.:
he incident !as repeated !ith another boy. 2anuel4s $ather let the day passed
!ithout saying a !ord. 2anuel thought his $ather had not caught him.
9Did you do something yesterday that I told you not to do7: asked his $ather.
2anuel ans!ered a 6uick 9No.:
93 liar does not deser"e any respect and he might as !ell be insulted,: his $ather
said as he ga"e 2anuel a strong slap in the $ace.
____#3. he story seems to sho! that 2anuel ;ue>on
a. !as a habitual liar c. got angry 6uickly
b. !as o$ten scolded by his $ather d. could get !ell !ith his $riends
____##.he story seems to sho! that 2anuel4s $ather
a. did not lo"e him b. !as "ery strict c. spoiled him d. !as a disciplinarian
____#&. )hy did 2anuel lie to his $ather7
a. It !as his habit to tell lies. c. +e kne! his $ather did not see the second incident.
b. +e thought his $ather $orget things easily. d. +e !as a$raid o$ !hat his $ather !ould do to him.
____#(. )hy did hi $ather slap 2anuel7
a. to stop him $rom slapping children c. +e told a lie.
b. +e !as angry !ith him. d. o punish him.
____#*. )ho !as 2anuel <. ;ue>on7
a. a man slapped by his $ather c. one o$ the country4s presidents
b. a man !ho ne"er slaps another man d. a boy $ond o$ slapping
____#,. )hat is the moral o$ the story7
a. Ne"er slap a person. c. 3 liar does not deser"e any respect.
b. <iar should be slapped. d. 3 slap hurts a man4s dignity.
T*&hoid in Ca$a%-a
+ealth !orkers con$irmed .13cases o$ typhoid in 1, "illages in 'alamba, <aguna.
Some &,111 residents asked assistance $rom the local go"ernment. he number o$ cases
could rise as the source o$ the disease could not be traced. )ater contamination !as
eyed as the culprit.
here is no potable !ater distribution in some parts o$ the country. Cesidents bring
!ater to their homes in pails impro"ised $rom biscuit cans. hey get !ater $rom an all
purpose !ater source D !here "illagers bathe, do their laundry, !ash dishes. In some
areas, the !ater source ser"es as the carabao pool. No !onder, that there is an outbreak
o$ !ater%borne diseases like typhoid, cholera and diarrhea.
he disease outbreak !ill e"entually be contained. =ut such incident !ill occur
again i$ access to sa$e !ater remains inade6uate.
____#.. he editorial appears on _______________ page o$ the ne!spaper.
a. opinion b. $oreign ne!s c. entertainment d. $ront
____&1. )hat is the 6uestion ans!ered by the second paragraph7
a. )hat did the go"ernment do to help the local people7
b. +o! did the go"ernment help the local people7
c. )hat are the !ater%borne diseases7
d. )hy !as there an outbreak o$ !ater%borne disease in 'alamba7
____&1. 3n all purpose !ater source re$ers to a place !here
a. !ater puri$ication is demonstrated c. !ater distribution is done
b. !ater come together d. "illagers bathe, do their laundry and !ash dishes
____&2. )hich o$ these tells an opinion7
a. he residents asked medical assistance $rom the local go"ernment.
b. here !as an outbreak o$ typhoid in 'alamba.
c. )ater%borne diseases are typhoid, cholera and diarrhea.
d. here is no potable !ater distribution in some parts o$ the country.
V. The fo$$o!ing are the e.ents that %a,e #& a stor*. Read the% and rearrange the% in their
%ost $ogi"a$ se'#en"e.
____&3. a. ?irst the co! looked in.
b. hree animals entered an open gate.
c. 2ama dro"e the animals a!ay.
d. <ast came a big dog.
e. Ne-t came the little pony.
a. e%d%c%b%a b. c%e%a%b%d c. b%a%e%d%c d. d%c%a%b%e
____&#. a. he grasshoppers replied, 9he de!.:
b. In a short time, the ass died o$ hunger.
c. 3n ass heard some grasshoppers chirping and !as highly enchanted.
d. he ass resol"ed that, $rom thereon, he !ould li"e only upon de!.
e. Desiring to possess the same charms o$ melody, he ordered the grasshoppers to tell him
the $ood they eat that gi"e them their beauti$ul "oices.
a. c%e%a%d%b b. c%d%a%b%e c. e%d%a%c%b d. b%a%c%e%d
____&&. a. he +indu returned !ith the palm lea$ $rom the mountain.
b. he +indu rode the !ooden horse and $le! through the air.
c. he Eing agreed to gi"e his throne and daughter in e-change $or the !ooden horse.
d. )hen the Eing sa! this, he !hispered something to the 'hie$ )arrior.
a. a% b%c%d b. c%d%b%a c. d%b%c%a d. b%d%a%c
____&(. a. 3ndroclus e-plained his $riendship !ith the lion.
b. he lion recogni>ed 3ndroclus and licked his hand.
c. 3ndroclus and the lion $aced each other.
d. he Fmperor $reed 3ndroclus and the lion.
e. 3 "ery $ierce and large lion !as thro!n into the arena to $ight 3ndroclus.
a. e%c%b%a%d b. a%b%c%d%e c. c%d%b%a%e d. b%e%a%c%d
VI. (o#r "hoi"es are gi.en after ea"h ite%. (ro% these "hoi"es se$e"t the senten"e that -est
s#%%ari/es the gi.en detai$s.
____&*. )hat plains areG
le"el lands along banks and ri"ers
le"el lands bet!een mountains or hills
le"el lands along sea coasts
a. Blains are le"el lands along ri"ers and hills.
b. Blains are le"el lands along ri"ers and seacoasts.
c. Blains are le"el lands bet!een mountains or hills.
d. Blains are le"el lands along banks or ri"ers, bet!een mountains or hills, and along seacoasts.
____&,. Einds o$ soil
sticky soil called clay
porous soil called sand
$ertile soil called loam
a. Soil may be sticky, porous or $ertile.
b. he kinds o$ soil are clay, sand and loam.
c. Sticky soil is called clay !hile porous soil is called sand.
d. 'lay, sand and loam posses di$$erent characteristics.
____&.. Ced is a primary color. 2i- it !ith yello! and it becomes orange. 2i- it !ith blue and it
becomes purple.
a. Ced becomes orange !hen mi-ed !ith yello! and purple !hen mi-ed !ith blue.
b. Ced becomes orange or purple !hen mi-ed !ith other colors.
c. 8range and purple come $rom red.
d. Ced is a primary color !hich !hen mi-ed !ith yello! becomes orange.
____(1. Flena is se"en years old. Flena is her sister. She is $i"e years older than another sister, Fmma.
Fmma is t!o years older than Flena.
a. Flena, *H Fmma, . and Flna, 1#, are sisters.
b. Flena is se"en years old !hile Fmma, another sister is nine years old.
c. Fmma and Flna are older than Flena.
d. Flena is younger than both Flna and Fmma.
VII. An idio% is #sed in ea"h of these senten"es. Se$e"t the %eaning of ea"h idio% fro% the
"hoi"es gi.en. Write the $etter of the "orre"t ans!er on the s&a"e &ro.ided.
____(1. 8ne o$ our classmates re$uses to do his cleaning task in the room. +e is a regular mule.
a. disobedient b. sickly c. happy d. la>y
____(2. +e is in hot !ater because he cannot e-plain the reason !hy he !as absent yesterday.
a. bathing in hot !ater b. !ithout any !orry c. $eeling !armd. in trouble
____(3. +e kne! that his $ather !ould scold him because o$ !hat he had done. +e had to $ace the
a. buy a 'D $or his $ather c. hum a tune
b. $ace his $ather d. dance !ith his $ather
____(#. 2y brother le$t $or abroad !ith a hea"y heart.
a. $ull o$ sadness c. !ith an ailment
b. !ith much anticipation d. !ith a stone in his heart
____(&. It is al!ays ad"isable to hold one4s tongue i$ one is not sure o$ !hat to say.
a. grasp one4s tongue b. keep 6uiet c. pout d. bit one4s tongue
____((. )e all kno! that a liking $or the opposite se- at an early age is @ust a passing $ancy.
a. $or sho! o$$ b. !ill last long c. not permanent d. $or en@oyment
____(*.2any schools blacklist students !ho ha"e bad records.
a. consider potential leaders c. consider good e-amples
b. consider undesirables d. consider student assistants
____(,. <ast night, out o$ the blue mother told us a story.
a. e-pected to happen b. as scheduled c. to make us happy d. une-pectedly
____(.. he prodigal son in the =ible !as considered by the $amily as a black sheep.
a. one !ho !ants to take care o$ sheep c. one !ho brings dishonor to the $amily
b. one !ho s6uanders money d. one !ho makes the $amily proud
____*1. )e ran across a $riend and in"ited her $or dinner.
a. escaped unnoticed c. @oined a race
b. hit by a car d. met by chance
VIII. Read the stor* and -ased on the detai$s "o%&$ete the "a#se and effe"t state%ents -e$o!.
Since it !as Saturday, =enny didn4t go to school. +e !as tired, so he !as
sleeping late. he phone rang, and !oke =enny up. It !as his neighbor, Een. Een talked
so$tly. 3s s result, =enny heard only, 9... cat4s on !indo!sill.: =enny !ent to the !indo!.
Sure enough, there !as a tiny cat on the !indo!sill. =enny held up her $a"orite cat $ood
and iny came inside.
____*1. =enny !oke up because
a. a $riend arri"ed c. he heard someone knocking on his door
b. the phone rang d. he heard some commotion outside
____*2. Een talked so$tlyH so
a. =enny couldn4t hear anything he said c. +e !anted to borro! =enny4s cat.
b. =enny couldn4t understand !hat he said. d. =enny couldn4t hear e"erything he said.
____*3. Eenny called because
a. he !anted to "isit =enny c. he !anted to tell =enny that his cat !as on the !indo!sill
b. he !anted to borro! =enny4s cat d. he !anted to return his cat
____*#. =enny didn4t go to school since
a. it !as Saturday b. he !as on "acation
b. it !as a holiday d. he !as sick
____*&. he cat !ent inside
a. !hen =enny held up her $a"orite cat $ood c. since it !as already raining
b. a$ter Een commanded her to come in d. because she sa! a mouse inside the house
I0. Read ea"h state%ent -e$o! then "hoose the "hara"ter trait that it i%&$ies.
____*(. I4m the princeI 8pen the gate and let the boy inI
a. po!er$ul b. kind c. boast$ul d. proud
____**. 5ou look tired and hungry. 5ou ha"e been treated so badly. 'ome !ith me.
a. po!er$ul b. co!ardly c. proud d. kind
____*,. I4ll run as $ast as I could because it4s already dark.
a. po!er$ul b. co!ardly c. proud d. kind
____*.. I am the strongestI I can knock out anyone !ith one punch.
a. po!er$ul b. co!ardly c. proud d. boast$ul
____,1. I !ork $or long hours, 2onday to Sunday, to gi"e my children good li$e.
a. industrious b. kind c. boast$ul d. proud
0. Choose the next &ossi-$e e.ent for ea"h gi.en sit#ation.
____,1. 'lara goes to her room. She shuts the door and takes out her reading book.
a. listen to the radio c. !atch tele"ision
b. do her home!ork d. practice dance steps
____,2. It is 2onday. Jilbert needs to buy his medicine, but the drugstore is "ery $ar $rom his house.
+e cannot use his car because its plate number ends in 2.
a. +e !ould @ust take a cab. c. +e !ould bring his car out.
b. +e !ould @ust take a !alk. d. +e !ould @ust stay at home.
____,3. 3ileen is "ery e-cited to @oin the dance contest. She goes to the music room !ith her brother,
a. hey listen to music. c. hey practice $or the contest.
b. hey read a book. d. hey !atch a mo"ie.
____,#. It !as uesday morning. 3ndy !oke up late and !as already late $or school. +e !alked as
$ast as he could. 'rossing the street hurriedly, he heard a car screech.
a. he car bumps 3ndy. c. 3 classmate alights and gi"es him a ride.
b. he car bumps another car. d. 3 masked man alights and kidnaps 3ndy.
____,&. Dina !as !alking home alone one dark cloudy night. She $elt someone !as $ollo!ing her.
a. She ran as $ast as she could. c. She screamed to get the attention o$ the people around.
b. She looked back to check i$ someone is behind her. d. She !ent to the police station.
0I. Read the "ata$og entr* then ans!er the '#estions that fo$$o!.
?il. 2ali@an, Joey
*1*.,# Short Stories in the Philippines
J3r 2anilaG he ?ilipino =ookstore
1..&. 33( pp., 21 K cm
1 Short story. 1 title
____,(. )ho is the author o$ the book7
a. 2ali@an, Jo@o b. 2aliyan, Joey c. 2ali@an, Joey d. 2aliyan, Jo
____,*. )hat is the book all about7
a. short stories in 3merica c. short stories in the Bhilippines
b. culture in the Bhilippines d. culture in 3merica
____,,. )hat kind o$ card catalog is it7
a. author b. sub@ect c. title d. re$erence
____,.. )here and !hen !as the book published7
a. 2anilaG1..& b. Ne! 5orkG 1.., c. 8-$ordG 1.., d. 2anilaG 1..,
____.1. ?il *1*.,# J3r is the book4s
a. re$erence number b. call number c. phone number d. title number
Part II Lang#age
I. Choose the senten"e that "orre"t$* "hanges the dire"t "o%%and or re'#est into an indire"t "o%%and or
____1. 'onnie said, 9<i>a, tell me ho! you celebrate Independence Day.:
a. 'onnie said to <i>a tell me ho! to celebrate Independence Day.
b. 'onnie told <i>a to tell her ho! she celebrates Independence Day.
c. 'onnie told <i>a to tell he ho! she celebrated Independence Day.
d. 'onnie told <i>a ho! she celebrated Independence Day.
____2. 2yrla said, 9<anie, please e-plain this statement.:
a. 2yrla said to <anie e-plain the statement. c. 2yrla told <anie to e-plain her statement.
b. 2yrla asked <anie to e-plain that statement. d. 2yrla asked <anie to please e-plain their statement.
____3. ?ather said, 9<eo, !rite a letter to your younger sister.:
a. ?ather told <eo to !rite a letter to his younger sister.
b. ?ather told <eo to !rite a letter to my younger sister.
c. ?ather told to !rite a letter to your younger sister.
d. ?ather told <eo that he !rote a letter to his younger sister.
____#. he dentist said, 9=oy, brush your teeth a$ter eating.:
a. he dentist told the boy about brushing his teeth a$ter eating.
b. he dentist told the boy to brush my teeth a$ter eating.
c. he dentist told the boy to brush his teeth a$ter eating.
d. he dentist told the boy to brush their teeth a$ter eating.
____&. Earen said, 9=en,please bring these clean clothes to 2rs. 'onsuelo.:
a. Earen said =en to bring those clean clothes to 2rs. 'onsuelo.
b. Earen told =en to bring these clean clothes to 2rs. 'onsuelo.
c. Earen asked =en to bring these clean clothes to 2rs. 'onsuelo.
d. Earen asked =en to bring those clean clothes to 2rs. 'onsuelo.
II. Choose the $etter that "orre"t$* "hanges the state%ent into a '#estion.
____(. 2iss Jamboa is my $a"orite teacher.
a. )as 2iss Jamboa my $a"orite teacher7 c. 3re 2iss Jamboa my $a"orite teacher7
b. Is 2iss Janboa my $a"orite teacher7 d. )ill 2iss Jamboa be my $a"orite teacher7
____*. She can make us laugh.
a. Does she make us laugh7 c. Is she making us laugh7
b. 'ab she make us laugh7 d. )ill she make us laugh7
____,. I am planning to study Spanish.
a. 3m I planning to study Spanish7 c. )as I planning to study Spanish7
b. Do I planning to study Spanish7 d. )ill I plan to study Spanish7
____.. She teaches $oreign languages.
a. Is she teaching $oreign languages7 c. Did she teach $oreign languages7
b. Does she teach $oreign languages7 d. 'an she teach $oreign languages7
____11. )e are al!ays eager to attend our Fnglish class.
a. 3re !e al!ays eager to attend our Fnglish class7 c. So !e al!ays attend our Fnglish class7
b. )ere !e al!ays eager to attend our Fnglish class7 d. Did !e al!ays attend our Fnglish class7
III. Choose the $etter of the !ord that "orre"t$* "o%&$etes ea"h '#estion.
____11. ______________ did you say7
a. )hat b. )hom c. )ho d. )hose
____12. ______________ in"ention is the se!ing machine7
a. )hen b. )here c. )ho4s d. )hose
____13. ______________ o$ these topics do you think are !e going to discuss today7
a. )ho b. )hich c. )hat d. )hen
____1#. ______________ launched the $irst spaceship7
a. )hat b. )hich c. )ho d. )hose
____1&. ______________ is she $rom7
a. )hat b. )hich c. )here d. )hose
IV. Choose the "orre"t tag '#estion that "orre"t$* "o%&$etes the senten"e.
____1(. he children eat rice, ______________7
a. isn4t she b. don4t they c. do they d. didn4t they
____1*. he girl isn4t sick, ______________7
a. is she b. doesn4t she c. !asn4t she d. !as she
____1,. 5ou are $rom Negros, ______________7
a. !eren4t you b. !ere you c. aren4t you d. are you
____1.. She isn4t in"ited to dinner, _______________7
a. !as she b. !ere you c. is she d. isn4t she
____21. 5ou did bring the book, _______________7
a. did you b. !eren4t you c. didn4t she d. !ere you
V. Choose the .er- that "orre"t$* "o%&$etes the %eaning of the fo$$o!ing senten"es.
____21. F"erybody in the theater ______________ disappointed !hen the guest did not arri"e.
a. !as b. is c. !ere d. are
____22. Fach o$ the members o$ the $amily __________ a duty to per$orm.
a. has b. ha"e c. !as d. !ere
____23. Someone ___________ to lead this group no!.
a. ha"e b. ha"ing c. had d. has
____2#. 2ost o$ the students __________ at the school canteen.
a. eats b. eating c. eat d. has eaten
____2&. Some ___________ the little boy !ho is playing alone.
a. tease b. has teased c. teases d. teasing
____2(. I !ish I ____________ $ly to the moon.
a. could b. can c. !ould d. !ill
____2*. I$ only I had much money, I ________ help the children in the orphanage.
a. can b. !ould c. !ere d. could
____2,. I hope I ___________ pursue my ambition in li$e.
a. could b. !ould c. !ere d. can
____2.. =ert ______________ in the gym e"ery day be$ore the coach arri"es.
a. practice b. practices c. practiced d. practicing
____31. he $armers ____________ a bumper crop last year.
a. har"ests b. har"esting c. har"ested d. ha"e har"ested
____31. hey __________ their produce to the market ne-t !eek.
a. take b. !ill take c. takes d. taking
____32. he lungs ____________ our breathing organ.
a. is b. am c. are d. !ill be
____33. 'arl has many admirable _____________.
a. 6uality b. 6ualities c. 6ualitys d. 6ualiteys
____3#. he $armer bought $our additional ________________.
a. o-es b. o-ens c. o-s d. o-en
____3&. I need a pair o$ _________________ to cut this cloth.
a. scissor b. scisorr c. scisorrs d. scissors
____3(. he Bhilippines _______________ many historical places.
a. has b. had c. ha"e d. ha"e had
____3*. 3dd three _____________ o$ !ater.
a. cups$ul b. cup$uls c. cup$ulls d. cups$ulls
____3,. he baker sold additional thirty ____________ o$ bread.
a. loa"es b. loa$ c. loa$s d. loa$es
____3.. 2rs. Santos is proud o$ her t!o ___________.
a. sons%in%la! b. son%in%la! c. son%in%la!s d. sons%in%la!s
____#1. Joan likes to "isit ____________.
a. church b. churchs c. churches d. churchies
____#1. 2easles ____________ all o"er the body.
a. spread b. ha"e spread c. spreads d. spreading
____#2. he boys built _______________ booths than the girls.
a. good b. best c. better d. more better
____#3. he class prepared the presentations $or 'hristmas Day _________ this year than last year.
a. enthusiastically b. most enthusiastically c. more enthusiastically d. enthusiastic
____##. he teacher checked on her students ________ today than in pre"ious days.
a. most $re6uently b. $re6uently c. $re6uent d. more $re6uently
____#&. ?ilipinos !ere ___________ asked to gro! coconuts and abaca because these !ere needed
$or the galleon trade.
a. $orcible b. $orcibly c. more $orcibly d. most $orcibly
____#(. 3mong all the numbers, the guest applauded her per$ormance ___________.
a. e-citedly b. most e-citedly c. more e-citedly d. e-cited
____#*. hey en@oyed the re$reshments ___________.
a. delighted b. more delight$ully c. delight$ully d. most delight$ully
____#,. here are girls !ho per$orm ___________ in gymnastics than in dance.
a. good b. better c. best d. !orst
____#.. he beauti$ul birthday card !as ____________ her mother.
a. on b. $rom c. !ith d. to
____&1. =et!een _______________ !e $inished the @ob 6uickly.
a. !e b. us c. through d. in
____&1. his dress is __________ large $or me.
a. too b. to c. t!o d. toe
____&2. 3l"in sits _____________ Norman and Dan.
a. besides b. bet!een c. belo! d. abo"e
VI. Choose the o&tion that "orre"t$* identifies the str#"t#re of the senten"e. Write
a. si%&$e
-. "o%&o#nd
". "o%&$ex
d. "o%&o#nd1"o%&$ex
____&3. Farl lo"es to play guitar and drums.
____&#. he boys are dancing and the girls are singing.
____&&. Diane and Jerrah had entered the room !hen the bell rang.
____&(. 3lthough he is poor he is trust!orthy.
____&*. 3nts and bees are industrious insects.
VII. Choose the "on2#n"tion that -est "o%&$etes ea"h senten"e. Write
a. and -. -#t ". or d. nor
____&,. 8bey rules ____________ you4ll be punished.
____&.. Study hard ____________ you4ll get high grades.
____(1. Joan tried her best __________ she did not make it to the $inal round.