ENG 1450 Outline

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Course Outline Page 1 of 4 August 25, 2013

ENG 1450 Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering
Course Outline Fall Term 2013 and Winter Term 2014

Course Objectives
This course introduces the fundamentals of electrical and computer engineering, including circuit analysis and
selected topics on digital logic and electric motors. A number of standard electrical devices and components are
presented in this course. The laboratory sessions involve the use of and familiarization with basic equipment and
methods used in the workplace.

A minimum grade of 60% in pre-calculus Mathematics 40S, or the former Mathematics 40S, Physics 40S, and
Chemistry 40S.

Course Content
The following topics will be covered:
Fundamentals of electric circuits
Kirchhoffs laws, voltage and current division, independent and dependent sources
Capacitors and inductors
Sinusoidal AC circuits
Introduction to operational amplifiers, semiconductor devices, optical devices, electric motors
Boolean logic, logic gates, combinational logic

Accreditation Units
Mathematics: 0
Natural Science: 0
Complementary Studies: 0
Engineering Science: 100%
Engineering Design: 0

Web Page

C. Paul and F. Vahid, Selected Chapters from Paul: Fundamentals of Electric Circuit Analysis and Vahid: Digital
Design, University of Manitoba, ENG 1450. John Wiley & Sons, 2011.

Evaluation Details
Students must receive a minimum of 50% on the final examination in order to be eligible to receive a passing
grade. Students who are unable to write the mid-term exam for medical (or other acceptable) reasons will have
their final examination weighted to include the mid-term weighting. Students must complete all the laboratories in
order to be eligible to receive a passing grade.

Fall term: Monday, October 21, 2013, 6:30-7:30pm
Winter term: TBA

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Fall term:
A01: Prof. Gabriel Thomas, Ph.D., P.Eng.
Room: E3-555 EITC
Telephone: (204) 474-6758
Email: Gabriel.Thomas@ad.umanitoba.ca
A02: Prof. Cyrus Shafai, Ph.D., P.Eng.
Room: E1-534 EITC
Telephone: (204) 474-6302
Email: Cyrus.Shafai@ad.umanitoba.ca

Winter term:
A01: Prof. Sherif Sherif, Ph.D.
Room: E2-390 EITC
Telephone: (204) 474-6893
Email: Sherif.Sherif@ad.umanitoba.ca
A02: Prof. Jun Cai, Ph.D., E.I.T.
Room: E1-554 EITC
Telephone: (204) 474-6419
Email: Jun.Cai@ad.umanitoba.ca

Summer term:
A01: TBA

Office Hours
The instructors will be available following the lectures and for further consultation during normal office hours.
Appointments may be made by email or phone. Individual instructors may post specific office hours.

Teaching Assistants
Fall term:
Zeinab Dastgheib dastghei@cc.umanitoba.ca
Siavash Malektaji malektas@cc.umanitoba.ca
Hamidreza Mirzaeian mirzaeih@cc.umanitoba.ca
Sharmitha Bhadra umbhadra@cc.umanitoba.ca
Md Obaej Tareq umtareq@cc.umanitoba.ca
Ehsan Tahmasebian tahmasee@cc.umanitoba.ca
Winter term:
Summer term:

Voluntary Withdrawal Date
Fall term: Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Winter term: Wednesday, March 19, 2013
Summer term: TBA

Attendance at lectures and laboratories is essential for successful completion of this course. Students must
satisfy each evaluation component in the course to receive a final grade.
It is the responsibility of each student to contact the instructor in a timely manner if he or she is uncertain
about his or her standing in the course and about his or her potential for receiving a failing grade. Students

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should also familiarize themselves with Sections 4 and 6 of the Regulations dealing with incomplete term
work, deferred examinations, attendance and withdrawal.
No programmable devices or systems (such as calculators, PDAs, iPods, iPads, cell phones, wireless
communication or data storage devices) are allowed in examinations unless approved by the course

Academic Integrity
Students are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the highest ethical standards of the Profession of
Engineering and evince academic integrity in all their pursuits and activities at the university. As such, in
accordance with the General Academic Regulations and Requirements of the University of Manitoba, Section 7.1,
students are reminded that plagiarism or any other form of cheating in examinations, assignments, laboratory
reports or term tests is subject to serious academic penalty (e.g. suspension or expulsion from the faculty or
university). A student found guilty of contributing to cheating in examinations or term assignments is also subject
to serious academic penalty.

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Learning Outcomes (approximately 5 recommended)
1. Understand fundamental circuit theory and apply elementary circuit reduction and energy conservation
techniques in the DC analysis of RLC circuits.
2. Apply circuit analysis techniques to solve electric circuits containing energy storage elements (L and C)
in the sinusoidal AC steady state (phasor analysis).
3. Understand the representation of numbers in binary and hexadecimal notation and simple arithmetic
operations in these bases. Understand basic Boolean algebra and logic, and apply this knowledge through
the use of truth tables to design simple logic circuits from a written/verbal explanation of a problem.
4. Hands-on measurement and development of electric and digital circuits in a range of applications
spanning the discipline.

Expected Competency Level **
Attribute* Learning
Outcome A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12
1 2 4 2 3
2 3 4 3 2
3 2 2 3 2
4 2 2 3 2 3 4 3 1 1 2

A1 A knowledge base for engineering
A2 Problem analysis
A3 Investigation
A4 Design
A5 Use of engineering tools
A6 Individual and team work
A7 Communication skills
A8 Professionalism
A9 Impact of engineering on society/environment
A10 Ethics and equity
A11 Economics and project management
A12 Life-long learning
**Competency Levels:
1 - Knowledge (Able to recall information)
2 - Comprehension (Able to rephrase information)
3 - Application (Able to apply knowledge in a new situation)
4 - Analysis (Able to break problem into its components and
establish relationships)
5 - Synthesis (Able to combine separate elements into whole)
6 - Evaluation (Able to judge of the worth of something)

Student Contact Time (Hrs)
Lectures: 3 hrs lecture/week ! 13 weeks/term = 39 hrs
Laboratories: 3 hrs laboratory ! 10 weeks = 30 hrs
Tutorials: 0 hr tutorial ! 0 weeks = 0 hrs

Component Value (%) Methods of Feedback * Learning Outcomes Evaluated
Assignments 0 1, 2, 3, 4
Quizzes 10 F, S 1, 2, 3, 4
Laboratories 20 F, S 1, 2, 3, 4
Mid-Term Test 20 F, S 1, 2, 4
Final Examination 50 S 1, 2, 3, 4
* Methods of Feedback: F - formative (written comments and/or oral discussion), S - summative (number grades)

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