Old English Literature
Old English Literature
Old English Literature
THE GERMANIC CONQUEST (after the Roman withdrawal)
- three maor Germani! tri"e#$ the A!"#$%% the S&'(!% and the )*+$% (&a'an#)
- the !ame from (enmar) and Norwa
- #*!!e##f*ll in+aded the Roman !olon of ,ritain in the -
and .
- "ro*'ht with them their lan'*a'e% #0e!ifi! 0oeti! tradition% their 0a'ani#m and their
warrior tradition#
- dri+en the Chri#tiani#ed Celti! inha"itant# of ,ritain we#tward# to 1ale# and Cornwall
and northward# into the Hi'hland# of S!otland
- the !oloni#ation wa# e+ident in new 0la!e-name#% the e2!e0tion# were the name# of the
fortified Roman town# whi!h were delineated " the 3atin-deri+ed #*ffi2e# chester and
- !la#h of reli'ion# and +al*e# "etween the Roman# and the &a'an# (al#o refle!ted in
- "e'an in the late .
- in the #o*th the mi##ion wa# entr*#ted to a 'ro*0 of ,enedi!tine# #ent from Rome "
,(-$ G.$"(./ +0$ G.$&+% the mi##ion wa# led " A*"*%+1!$% the fir#t Ar!h"i#ho0 of
Canter"*r (the #o*thern )in'dom# "e!ame Chri#tian)
- a !hain of mona#terie# wa# e+ent*all e#ta"li#hed
- in North*m"ria the Chri#tianit !ame from Ireland
- " the end of the 5
!t/ all the )in'dom# of An'lo-Sa2on En'land had a!!e0ted the
di#!i0line and order of Roman Chri#tianit
- the old r*ni! al0ha"et of the Germani! tri"e#% whi!h #eem# to ha+e "een *#ed lar'el for
in#!ri0tion#% wa# 'rad*all re0la!ed " Roman letter# (*ntil the 6
!t/ literat*re wa#
tran#mitted orall 7 the (.&# -0&%$)
- newl im0o#ed written literat*re wa# in 3atin
- En'land wa# th*# "ro*'ht into the main#tream of 1e#tern E*ro0ean !*lt*re
- B$2$ (.58 7 58-) wa# the fir#t 'reat En'li#h hi#torian% who wrote The Ecclesiastical
History of the English People% whi!h i# an indi#0en#a"le re!ord of the ad+an!e of
Chri#tianit in En'land (it al#o treated En'land a# a *nit e+en tho*'h it wa# #till di+ided
amon' #e+eral )in'dom#)
- A#3*1! (58- 7 69:) wa# the mo#t re#0e!ted and widel a!!om0li#hed #!holar at the
infl*ential !o*rt of Charlema'ne% where he e#ta"li#hed ed*!ational ##tem; thro*'h him%
,ritain "e!ame )nown thro*'ho*t E*ro0e
The #i2 )in'dom# that En'land wa# di+ided into in the 5
and 6
</ North*m"ria (r*led in the 5
=/ Mer!ia (r*led in the 6
8/ Ea#t An'lia
:/ >or)
-/ ?ent
./ 1e##e2 with the !a0ital 1in!he#ter (r*led in the @
The "ilin'*al #it*ation (0rior <9..)$
a) OE 4$.!&3*#&. 7 lo!all #0o)en lan'*a'e#; OE diale!t# were hi'hl infle!ted and had
man "orrowin'# from the S!andina+ian lan'*a'e# and from 3atin% the mo#t im0ortant
wa# the 1e#t-Sa2on (1e##e2)% whi!h "e!ame the lin'*i#ti! norm for modern En'li#h/
") L&+1! 7 lit*r'
- in the 6
!t/ the )in'# of Mer!ia rei'ned to 0eo0le of En'land; at the "e'innin' of the @
!t/ the throne wa# tran#mitted to 1e##e2
- the Ai)in'# !ontrolled the 'reater 0art of En'land; in 656 )in' Alfred defeated the
Ai)in'# in the ;&++#$ (< E21!"+(! #o that En'land wa# di+ided into two 0art#$ 6$%%$'
and D&!$#&= (ea#t of 1atlin' Street 7 E##e2% Eat An'lia% North*m"ria)
AlfredB# le'a!$
- he referred to the ton'*e whi!h he #0o)e and in whi!h he wrote a# Cen'li#!D
- he 'a+e hi# attention to 'ood 'o+ernment and to #!holar#hi0
- he wanted to !han'e the "ilin'*al #it*ation in En'land " 0romotin' and a##i#tin' in the
tran#lation of 3atin wor)# into OE (" defeatin' 3atin and !reatin' a new lan'*a'e)%
therefore he "ro*'ht man ed*!ated 0eo0le from E*ro0e to En'land to tran#late
- in order to !reate the An'lo-Sa2on tradition ori'inal wor)# in OE were 0rod*!ed a# well
and the tran#lation# were 0ara0hra#ed #o that the !o*ld "e re'arded a# ori'inal#
- he en!o*ra'ed the !om0ilation of The An'lo-Sa2on Chroni!le# (65< 7 <<-:) 7 annal#
written " +ario*# a*thor# ea!h ear to de#!ri"e hi#tor (non-fi!tion)
?in' AlfredB# tran#lation#$
- ori'inall " &o0e Gre'or the Great
- )in' Alfred added the ,.$<&3$% in whi!h he de#!ri"ed hi# literar 0ro'ramme% e20lained
hi# aim# and idea#$ E wanted to !reate li"eral ed*!ation and to de+elo0 L1;$.&# A.+% (non-
reli'io*# di#!i0line#)$ 'eometr% rhetori!% hi#tor% literat*reF
E !laimed that not onl reli'io*# theme# were im0ortant
E !om0lained a"o*t the low le+el of En'li#h learnin'% that onl 3atin
wor)# were a+aila"le and that mo#t of the OE wor)# had "een de#troed " the Ai)in'#
E wanted to "rin' literat*re to ordinar 0eo0le
- ori'inall " Oro#i*#
- a hi#tori!al wor)% an en!!lo0edia of te2t# de#!ri"in' the 'rowth of Chri#tianit in
En'land% hi#tori!al e+ent#; al#o in!l*de# tra+elo'*e#% 0#alm#F
- !lo#e to the ori'inal; )in' Alfred added !ertain 0art# with hi# own 0oint of +iew
- ori'inall " ,oethi*#
- C0hilo#o0hD G 0o#iti+e #*"#tit*te for ManB# e2i#tential tra*ma "e!a*#e it 'i+e# an#wer#
- ori'inall " St/ A*'*#tine% the fir#t "i#ho0 of Canter"*r
- monolo'*e#
- ori'inall " ,ede the Aenera"le
- man hi#tori!al fa!t#; al#o fi!tion
- 0re!io*# #o*r!e for the #t*d of the OE !*lt*re
After )in' AlfredB# death% the Ai)in' atta!)# "e!ame #*!!e##f*l/ Hrom 6@@ till <9<.% En'land
wa# r*led " a (ani#h )in' Can*te the Great% and the OE tradition wa# almo#t de#troed
((ani#h infl*en!e)/
The !hara!teri#ti!# of fe*dal #o!iet refle!ted in literat*re$
- hi'hl hierar!hi!al #o!iet (#o!ial 0ramid)
- anonmo*# !en#or#hi0 ha# left *# with a 'enerall ele+ated% ele+atin'% and A&#$B3$!+.$2
literat*re% one whi!h la# a #tre## on the 41.+*$% (< & +.1;&# 3(AA*!1+/% on the +1$% (<
#(/&#+/ ;$+=$$! +0$ #(.2 &!2 #1$"$A&!% on the #i'nifi!an!e of 1!21412*&# 0$.(1%A% and
on the 0owerf*l #wa of C=/.2D (fate) G fatali#ti! attit*de toward# death
The main literar 'enre#$
=/ HEROIC E&IC (relation#hi0 "etween )in' and lord#; #tron' narrati+e element#)
:/ 3>RICA3 &OETR> (#e!*lar)
./ HISTORICA3 1OR?S% ANA3S (written " mon)#; a"o*t )in'#% hi#torF; alwa#
!ontained #ome fi!tion)
Common feat*re# of OE literat*re$
a) ima'e# of $41#E2&.F!$%% +#/ "((2!$%%E#1"0+ 7 the im0a!t of Chri#tianit and the we#tern
!on!e0t of the "i0olar% the "la!)Iwhite +iew of the world
") (.2$. +#/ 30&(% 7 0a'an #o!ietJlawle##ne## +#/ Chri#tianitJlaw ('reat de#ire for order in
!) a0o!al0ti! +iew of the world
d) 0oetr wa# a 0*"li! and !omm*nal art% it wa# de#i'ned for 0*"li! re0etition% re!itation and
e) 0rofe##ional 0oet or scop wa# the ori'inal im0ro+i#er of a #on' on heroi! theme#
Ho*r mo#t #i'nifi!ant #*r+i+in' +ol*me# of OE +er#e% the man*#!ri0t$
=/ THE EKETER ,OO? (The Wifes Lament, The Wanderer, The Seafarer, Deor, Widsith,
The Rin)
All are the 0rod*!t# of mona#ti! scriptoria (writin'-room#) and written on 0ar!hment "
anonmo*# a*thor#/
- re0re#ented " a lar'e n*m"er of reli'io*# wor)#
A$+0$#=(#2G R*#$ (< S+ B$!$213+
- a tran#lation (0ara0hra#e) " a mon)
- the #tle #how# 'reat )nowled'e% er*dition% +er#alit
A$#<.13$ - wrote #ermon# homilie# and a"o*t the li+e# of #aint# (whi!h wa# a 0o0*lar 'enre)
- #ome of hi# writin'# were *#ed a# te2t"oo)# for mon)#
- hi# wor)# were intended to in#tr*!t
- 6*#<%+&! $ emotional% not +er dida!ti!; anal#i# of the !hara!ter#; Cthe Ai)in'# !ome to
En'land "e!a*#e the En'li#h #in #o m*!hD
C&$2A(!G CH/A!D
- !om0o#ite a*thor#hi0
- the earlie#t dated 0oem
- a 'ro*0 of 0eo0le 'athered in an a""e !om0etin' in writin' 0oem#
- God i# de#!ri"ed a# an a!t*al% down-to-earth fi'*re
- !ele"ration of the di+ine 0re#en!e
- #o*r!e$ the ,i"le
- oral ori'in# of the OE 0oetr
- a mon)% who *#ed theme# from the ,i"le
- #emi-reli'io*# 7 a"o*t li+e# of 0eo0le
- 'enre$ ;1;#13&# -&.&-0.&%$ 7 #torie# 0*t in +er#e
- !om0le2% meditati+e% #o0hi#ti!ated
- all*#ion# to an!ient !la##i!al tradition
- The Fates of the Apostles$ mi##ionar Mo*rne# and martrdom# of Chri#tB# di#!i0le#
"ein' !a#t in the role# of Nordi! heroe#
- C)*#1&!&D and CE#$!$D$ introd*!tion of a new 'enre 7 the life of a #aint% and of women in
0oetr; female #aint# de#!ri"ed a# down-to-earth !hara!ter#
The Dream of the Rood$
- anonmo*#
- 0rofo*nd% mo+in' and intelle!t*all #o0hi#ti!ated
- the C2.$&A 41%1(!D "$!.$
- rood G !ro##
- 0art <$ the a*thor tell# a"o*t hi# dream to a 'ro*0 of 0eo0le; the !ro## #0o)e a"o*t it#
- 0art =$ !ro## *r'ed the #0ea)er to tra+el and 0romote it# !*lt
- 0art 8$ the #0ea)er wo)e *0 and hi# life !han'ed
- !ro## 7 2*+/ (< 0*A&! $'1%+$!3$ (world +#/ #0irit*alit)% the 1!%+.*A$!+ (< %&+1(!
CS(*# &!2 B(2/D$
- anonmo*#
- the C%(*#B&!2B;(2/D "$!.$ 7 a"o*t d*alit of h*man e2i#ten!e
- the form of a de"ate "etween the "od and the #o*l whi!h are 0er#onified
- the N*e#tion$ whi!h one i# more im0ortantO
- the idea$ life after death% whi!h i# determined " the life on earth% i# more im0ortant
D$(. +0$ ,($+G CD$(.D
- *n)nown a*thor 7 #!o0
- an ele' a"o*t the 0ro!e## of 0oeti! !reation
- the 0oet want# to "e!ome famo*# and to !reate a mon*ment to him#elf to #e!*re hi#
- 0ro0a'anda of Chri#tianit
- A33ITERATION$ re0etition of !on#onant# (%+&4$%) in the word# that are #tre##ed% th*#
intere#tin' #o*nd effe!t# are a!hie+ed 7 alliterati+e #o*nd (otherwi#e t0i!al for the heroi!
e0i! tradition)
- a #oliloN* " a #!o0
- a0o!al0ti!% ima'e# of death
- a"o*t the 0ro!e##e# of writin' 0oetr and the #!o0B# +o!ation in #o!iet
- the idea$ 0oem# are im0ortant for tran#mittin' )nowled'e thro*'h 'eneration#
CT0$ 6&!2$.$.D and CT0$ S$&<&.$.D $
- theme#$ </ EKI3E (+ol*ntar or for!ed)
8 8/ 3AST SURAIAOR 7 the a0o!al0ti! +i#ion
:/ TRANSCIENCE (#hortne## of life) 7 wrd
- the monolo'*e# #0ea) of the e2i#tential tra*ma
- the 0oem# tran#!end the 0ro"lem# of fe*dali#m
- +er infl*ential in the =9
!t/ "e!a*#e of the t0i!al =9
!t/ feelin'#$ a0o!al0ti!% nihili#ti!%
re#i'ned into fate% no a!ti+e de#ire to !han'e it% loneline## I i#olation (1/H/ A*den$ CThe
- CT0$ 6&!2$.$.D$ E the narrator !laim# to ha+e lo#t hi# lord (<(.3$2 $'1#$) and i# now
!onfronted with a "itterl alienatin' +i#ion of froPen wa+e#% #ea-"ird# and winter !old
E the em0tine## and the winter +iolen!e are rendered a# the em"odiment
of the fail*re of h*man relation#hi0#% of loneline## and e2ile
E the narrator !annot find the !on!e0t of God% i# not a "elie+er
E he find# !omfort in %$#<B.$#1&!3$ 7 God i# not the onl an#wer
E hierar!h #ho*ld "e 0re#er+ed
- CT0$ S$&<&.$.D$ E the e2ile i# %$#<B1A-(%$2
E tho*'h the Seafarer deli'ht# in the #e!*rit of life on #hore% he al#o
di#tr*#t it
E !ontra#t "etween the !omfort# of a #ettled life on land and the hard#hi0#
and dan'er# of the #ea
E lri!al; reali#ti! de#!ri0tion#
E e20erien!e# at #ea re0re#ent +$A-+&+1(!% <(. A&!% "*t he i# a"le to
&oem# dealin' with women$
- CT0$ 61<$H% L&A$!+D +#/ CT0$ H*%;&!2H% M$%%&"$D$ a de"ate of two 0oint# of +iew
a"o*t the role# in marria'e
- C)*21+0D$ a female warrior a# the 0rota'oni#t% a woman #aint; di#!*##e# the 0o#ition of
women in OE #o!iet
&oem# a"o*t animal#$
- CT0$ 60&#$D and CT0$ ,0($!1'D$ de#!ri"e the 0re#en!e of di+init% of God in thi# world;
mthi!al +al*e; the animal# #m"oliPe the Nat*re; Ca 0ath of whaleD G the #ea
- the fir#t maMor 0re#er+ed narrati+e 0oem and arti#ti! literar a!hie+ement in En'li#h
- !om0o#ite a*thor#hi0
- #tr*!t*re $ 8999 line# of +er#e% #e0arated into :8 #e!tion# 7 fitt#; di+ided into = 0art#
- form $ heroi! +er#e; alliteration; in OE tradition +er#e# !ontained a +arin' n*m"er of
#lla"le# at lea#t one of whi!h had to "e a!!ented% a!!ent# were 'rammati!al (#ome were
artifi!ial); 0$A1%+130$% (half-line#) were lin)ed " #ta+e#% I/ (!B4$.%$% II/ (<<B4$.%$%
3&$%*.& G themati! and 0honeti! "rea)
- #tli#ti! de+i!e# $ VARIATION (in !onne!tion with 0aralleli#m)$ re0eatin' the
information 'i+en in the <
line% and addin' nothin' #*"#tantiall new in the =
KENNING$ a de#!ri0ti+e !om0o*nd% a 0rimiti+e OE meta0hor formed " ma)in' new
!om0o*nd# *#in' a no*n and #ome other 0art of #0ee!h% *#ed freN*entl to ma)e 0oem#
more 0oeti!% "e!ame #tereot0e# and e+en !li!hQ#% e2am/ seagoer, ringdispenser; HEITI$
#*"#tit*tion of one no*n for another% e2am/ spear ! "ood; UNDERSTATEMENT$ a
de#!ri0tion of #th " minimiPin' it% " #tatin' it# o00o#ite% !a0t*re# attention% ha# a
h*moro*# effe!t% itB# !lo#e to e2a''eration
- theme# $ </ #tr*''le "etween the for!e# of 'oodJli'ht and e+ilJdar)ne##
=/ the theme of a 'ood )in' and he #ho*ld "eha+e
8/ fratri!ide
:/ re+en'e a# a ne+er endin' !ir!le
-/ tran#ien!e
./ !o*ra'e% loaltF
- iron $ the (ani#h #o!iet i# r*ined from within% altho*'h it i# 0owerf*l and *nited on the
o*t#ide; the )in' of Geat# i# de#troed de#0ite the fa!t that the dra'on wa# defeated
- #eo"lf !an 0ro0erl "e !alled an Ce0i!D 0oem in the #en#e that it !ele"rate# the
a!hie+ement# of a hero in narrati+e +er#e
- #eo"lf refer# "a!) to an a'e of mon#ter #lain'# in S!andina+ia% "*t it inter0ret# them a#
#tr*''le# "etween 'ood and e+il% "etween h*manit and the de#tr*!ti+e for!e# whi!h *ndo
h*man order; Grendel% the fir#t mon#ter of the 0oem% i# #een a# the enem of God
- the e0i! #how# a tran#ition from the "ar"arian (0a'an% Ai)in') world into the Chri#tian
!i+iliPation; the 0a'an #o!iet re0re#ent# +en'ean!e% in!e#t% )illin' of famil mem"er#
- !hao# +#/ order
- #eo"lf meditate# "etween a #ettled and *n#ettled !*lt*re% "etween one whi!h enMo# the
"enefit# of a #ta"le% ordered% a'ri!*lt*ral #o!iet and one whi!h reli#hed the re#tle##ne## of
the wanderin' warrior hero
- " "attlin' a'ain#t manife#tation# of e+il% GodB# 0*r0o#e# !o*ld "e realiPed
- in the =
0art% the moti+e for e+il id different from that in the <
0art 7 it i# material% +0$
3*#+ (< "(#2
- rea#on# for de#tr*!tion of the (ani#h )in'dom are "oth $'+$.!&# (Grendel) and 1!+$.!&#
(wea)ne## of the (ani#h #o!iet and la!) of loalt)
- the e0i! trie# to e#ta"li#h new +al*e#% a new !ode of "eha+io*r for #o!iet$ !o*ra'e%
loalt% fame a!hie+ed thro*'h heroi! deed#% no"ilit
- M>THO&OESIS G !reation of mth# thro*'h literat*re
- L/R/R/ Tol)ien$ ,eow*lf% the Criti!# and the Mon#ter#$ the main theme of #eo"lf i# the
#tr*''le "etween e+il and 'oodne##% e+il i# 0re#ent and ha# to "e fo*'ht !on#tantl
The fir#t 0art 7 'enealo'$
The (ane# are de#!ri"ed a# a 0ro#0ero*# tri"e with a dna#ti! tradition/ &ro#0erit i#
#m"oliPed " the 'oodne## of the )in' Hroth'ar/ Mead-hall% the !entral hall where all the
lord# meet and drin)% and Heorot% the !o*rt% are the #m"ol# of 0ower and *nit of the (ani#h
)in'dom/ A #*0ernat*ral !reat*re Grendel (e+il)% who had )illed hi# "rother and li+e# i#olated
in the moor#% enter# the (ani#h )in'dom/ (*rin' the ni'ht% he enter# the mead-hall% where
e+er"od i# a#lee0/ He ta)e# one of the lord# in hi# !a+e and eat# him/ Ni'ht atta!)# !ontin*e
for <= ear#/ The (ane# !all for the o*n' warrior ,eow*lf to !ome from Geatland (Sweden)
and #a+e them/ He i# #eiPed " Grendel/ In the "attle% ,eow*lf !*t# off GrendelB# arm% and
Grendel ret*rn# to hi# !a+e% where he die#/ E+il ret*rn# in the form of GrendelB# mother% who
!ome# to ta)e +en'ean!e *0on the (ane#/ In the ni'ht% #he #eiPe# one of the olde#t% wi#e#t
lord#% and ,eow*lf i# a'ain a#)ed to !onfront the mon#ter/ He 'oe# to the moor# and !an onl
rea!h the !a+e thro*'h water/ In a fier!e fi'ht ,eow*lf i# almo#t )illed% "*t he )ill# the
mon#ter with a #word and ta)e# her head to the (ane# a# a +i#i"le 0roof/ He ret*rn# to
Geatland% where he i# 'reeted a# a hero and 'i+en the )in'B# da*'hter Hreawar*/ He "e!ome#
the )in' of the Geat#/ In the end of the <
0art% there i# a fire in the mead-hall a# a #m"oli!
0*rifi!ation and a downfall in order for #omethin' new to ha00en/
The #e!ond 0art 7 the 0re#ent time (a fla#h forward)$
,eow*lf% an old )in'% ha# r*led the Geat# for man ear#/ E+il a00ear# a'ain in the form of a
+er 'reed dra'on/ It# !entral moti+e i# mone% and it i# an'r "e!a*#e it# trea#*re had "een
#tolen from it " a f*'iti+e #la+e/ ,eow*lf #till li+e# in the all*#ion of hi# o*th and want# to
do e+erthin' " him#elf% he i# a totalitarian r*ler/ He fi'ht# the dra'on% "*t doe#nBt tr*#t hi#
lord# at fir#t/ 1hen he i# almo#t )illed% he !all# for hel0 from the lord#/ The are no lon'er
loal and donBt hel0 him/ Howe+er% one of them% 1i'laf% i# "ra+e eno*'h to hel0 him/ He i#
the o"+io*# #*!!e##or/ ,e!a*#e ,eow*lf wa# fi'htin' for mone and wa# e'oi#ti!% he ha# to
die/ He i# "*ried in a 0a'an wa/ 1i'laf "e!ome# the new )in'/
- the 0rota'oni#t i# a martr% 'enero*#l throwin' awa hi# life and tho#e of hi# roal
+a##al#% for the #a)e of hi# lie'elord% ?in' Ethelred% and for hi# nation
- the e0i! i# more 0oeti! than #eo"lf
- #hort dramati! 0oem# !ontainin' element# of fol)lore and #*0ernat*ral element#
- in!l*de a!t*al hi#tori!al fi'*re# (Can*te% Attila% Eormanri!)
- theme#$ #a!rifi!e% loalt% !o*ra'e% the )in' 7 thane relation#hi0
C&ea!ef*l +el+etD re+ol*tion (C+el+etD o!!*0ation)$
1illiam the ConN*eror fo*nd En'land a fe*dal land% r*led " a nati+e ari#to!ra! and ordered
" a ri!h and infl*ential Ch*r!h/ The ConN*e#t re#*lted in the #*00lantin' of an En'li#h-
#0ea)in' *00er !la## " a Hren!h-#0ea)in' one/ 1illiam left En'land trilin'*al% with a literate
!ler' #till refined " 3atin% "*t with Norman Hren!h definin' a new r*lin' !la##
(#*0er#trat*m) and with En'li#h (OE #trat*m) now lar'el !onfined to the r*led/ It wa# onl
in the mid-fo*rteenth !ent*r that En'li#h wa# 0ermitted to "e *#ed in 0etition# to &arliament%
in le'al 0ro!ed*re% and in le'al do!*ment# #*!h a# will# and deed#/
The Hren!h !on#idered them#el+e# more !*lt*red and #o0hi#ti!ated/ The new )in' wa#
'enerall in!lined to re#0e!t e#ta"li#hed En'li#h in#tit*tion# and !*#tom#/ Tho#e who #ettled
0ermanentl in En'land wo*ld #oon "e !allin' them#el+e# En'li#h/ Rea#on# for their
inho#tilit toward# the En'li#h were$
- the #tarted to feel ,riti#h "e!a*#e the relied onl on the e#tate# in ,ritain (the lo#t the
land in Hran!e)
- 1illiam the ConN*eror wa# a N*ite demo!rati! An'lo-Norman )in'
- the En'li#h were not defeated a# far a# their lan'*a'e i# !on!erned
=/ EAST MI((3AN( (the normati+e lan'*a'e% thro*'h Cha*!er)
8/ 1EST MI((3AN(
The reli'io*# !entre mo+ed from 1in!he#ter to C&!+$.;*.//
The lin'*i#ti! #it*ation$
!oe2i#ten!e of two lan'*a'e#$ the Old En'li#h (the maMorit) and the Norman Hren!h
diale!t (<9R)
from the <=
!t/ onward#% f*#ion (amal'amation) and di#a00earan!e of the OE lan'*a'e
too) 0la!e
the Hren!h made man mi#ta)e# trin' to learn the OE% !on#eN*entl a new% M122#$
E!"#1%0 #&!"*&"$ de+elo0ed$ a h"rid !om"ination of OE Germani! root# and the
Hren!h-3atin 'rammar; more than <9 tho*#and word# of Hren!h and 3atin ori'in# were
added in the #o !alled C"orrowin' 0ro!e##D; ME "e!ame a +er #*"tle and fle2i"le
lan'*a'e% more #o0hi#ti!ated meanin'# were e20re##ed " Hren!h word#; it wa# m*!h
#im0ler than OE (man infle!tion# and !a#e endin'# di#a00eared% new 0refi2e# and
#*ffi2e# !ame into *#e)
The fir#t or'aniPed *ni+er#it #t*die# de+elo0ed$
- TRIAIUM$ 'rammar% rhetori!% lo'i!
- QUA(RIAIUM$ a#tronom% arithmeti!% m*#i!% 'eometr
- the rhetori! wa# the mo#t im0ortant$ literar ori'inalit wa# of a minor im0ortan!e
Norman infl*en!e on the theme# in literat*re$
the ConN*e#t effe!ti+el eliminated *00er-!la## 0atrona'e of OE #e!*lar 0oetr and 0ro#e
and 'rad*all #*00lanted it with a new literar !*lt*re% re#0on#i+e to wider infl*en!e#%
international in o*tloo)
theme# that were !ommon thro*'ho*t E*ro0e$ CHIAA3R>% COURT3> 3OAE%
CHURCH a# an in#tit*tion
for the fir#t time% En'land !ame in !lo#er !onta!t with the !ontinental E*ro0e and "e!ame
a 0art of the E*ro-tradition% !*t off from the S!andina+ian infl*en!e and !onne!ted with
the literat*re of antiN*it 7 the !la##i!al Gree) and Roman literat*re "e!ame the new
The ,i"le$ the fir#t tran#lation of the ,i"le into En'li#h wa# made " 6/3#1<< 7 a maMor !riti!
of the Roman Catholi! Ch*r!h% now !on#idered more a# a reformer than a# a writer/
" the mon) 6*#<%+&!% who wanted to )ee0 the OE tradition ali+e
!oe2i#ten!e of Old En'li#h amon' Hren!h and ME
A(cre(e R)*le$ in#tr*!tion and !omfort of three o*n' ari#to!rati! women who had
ele!ted to withdraw into a life of #olitar 0raer and !ontem0lation to identif with
Chri#tB# #*fferin'; the #tr*''le to a"andon the #e!*lar life for reli'ion; Chri#t i# not
de#!ri"ed a# #*0ernat*ral 7 he #ho*ld not "e feared
The !entral !on!ern# of the ME literat*re$
- HEU(A3ISM% whi!h !ame to 0erfe!tion
- the !la#h "etween the 1!21412*&# and the 3(##$3+14$% the dilemma "etween -.14&3/ and the
%(31&# 3(##$3+14$ 2$A&!2% (< %(31$+/
The inter0retation of literar wor)#$
3ITTERA$ the lowe#t% literal le+el
SENSUS$ the #i'nifi!an!e of theme#
SENTENTIA$ the #m"oli! and meta0hori!al
The te!hniN*e# of ME writin'$
the !ode of the ME writin'$ SO3AS I SENTENCE ((*l!e et Utile) 7 entertainin' and
*#ef*l (the infl*en!e of the Gree) and 3atin writer#)
AM&3IHICATION$ "roadenin' 0art# of the te2t; the *#a'e of re0etition#% !om0ari#on#%
a0o#tro0he#% fla#h-"a!)#% #*"0lot#% de#!ri0tion# (mo+in' awa from the main line of
the 3EA&ING-AN(-3INGERING NARRATION$ #)i00in' the le## im0ortant 0art# and
lin'erin' at de#!ri0tion#
STOC?-(ESCRI&TIONS$ 0re#!ri"ed% 'eneraliPed% #tereot0e de#!ri0tion#; de#!ri0tion#
of 0eo0le and detail# were +er im0ortant
A,,REAIATION$ #hortenin' the 0art# of the te2t that the a*thor !on#idered le##
Heat*re# of 0oetr$
the S>33A,IC 3INE re0la!ed the alliterati+e line$ a!!ent# and #lla"le# were !o*nted S
the &33$!+*&#B%/##&;13 %/%+$A
A3EGORICA3 RE&RESENTATION a# the !entral 0oeti! de+i!e$ alle'or 7 an element
i# 'i+en and a )e i# needed to de!ode what the element re0re#ent#
- the re#0on#i"ilitie# of the Cno"le##e o"li'eD 7 the !ode of "eha+io*r of an ideal )ni'ht$
3(*.+$%/5 "$!$.(%1+/5 3(*.&"$ in defendin' the !o*ntr or the hono*r of a lad% -1$+/
(defendin' the Ch*r!h)% #(/&#+/ to the ?in' and to the lad% -.(+$3+1(! (< +0$ -((. from
inM*#ti!e% ;$0&41!" 1! & "$!+#$A&!B#1F$ =&/ to the lad
- the Cr*#ade# "e!ame the mean# for im0o+eri#hed )ni'ht# to ma)e mone 7 ".$$2$ in
literat*re it i# the root of e+il and the 'reate#t #in
COURTL? LOVE "etween a )ni'ht and hi# lad% in+ol+in' !om0le2 #o!ial and
0#!holo'i!al r*le#; a !om"ination of two line# of infl*en!e$
- !hi+alri! $ !o*rtl lo+e rai#e# !o*ra'e% 'enero#it% loalt and demand# total #*"mi##ion to
the lad; lo+e #tart# a# a friend#hi0 (#emi-0latoni! attit*de); the )ni'ht i# in lo+e with a
#o!iall eN*al mem"er (of the #ame ran))
- !o*rtl $ the tro*"ado*r i# of a lower ran) than the lad and i# '*ided #olel " hi# lo+e; he
#ee# lo+e a# a !on!e0t and i# in lo+e with it; he ha# to !on#tantl 0rai#e% hono*r and #er+e
hi# lad% "*t ha# to "e di#!rete; the #tre## i# on the 0ro!e## of !o*rt#hi0 7 the 0erfe!t lo+er
ha# to #ati#f the lad% #how #in!erit% fidelit and a"andon all hi# 0ride
ME4URA$ moderation and "alan!e 7 the lo+er ha# to di#0la hi# wi#dom and "alan!e of
hi# "eha+io*r
RATIO AMORIS$ lo+e wa# !ontrolled " rea#on% "*t the #aw rea#on and emotion# a#
A(U3TER>$ !o*rtl lo+e *#*all o!!*rred "etween a married woman and an *nmarried
man; !o*rtl lo+e #tre##ed the need for ad*ltere## lo+e% it wa#nBt M*d'ed har#hl% "e!a*#e
marria'e# were 0re-arran'ed and were not a re#*lt of lo+e and were #een a# a #o!ial form
SENSUA3IT>$ !ame after the friend#hi0 and #0irit*al lo+e
The infl*en!e of !o*rtl lo+e$
Cha*!er$ the tran#lation of The Roman!e of the Ro#e; Troil*# and Cri#ede 7 ironi!
attit*de toward# !o*rtl lo+e% it i# e2a''erated
Arth*rian roman!e$ a !!le of roman!e# de#!ri"in' ?in' Arth*r and hi# )ni'ht#
Ca0ellan*#$ a man*al for lo+er# 7 Cthe lo+er i# in a'on *ntil the lad a!!e0t# himD
The Meta0h#i!al &oet#$ wrote in the tradition of !o*rtl lo+e
the Ai!torian era$ !o*rtl lo+e wa# tri+ialiPed
,A33A($ - *#*all #*n'; at fir#t a 0art of the oral tradition
- the "allad #tanPa$ : line# (alternatin' : and 8 a!!ent# 0er line)% rhme a"!"
EKEM&3UM$ a fa"le *#*all ta)en from the animal world
HA,3IAU$ de#!ri"in' animal#B 0h#i!al a!ti+itie# (im0orted from Hran!e
TRAAE3OGUE$ e20erien!e# and o"#er+ation# of a tra+eller
CHRONIC3E$ fa!tion (#emi-literar)
3A>$ a #hort narrati+e 0oem
REAER(IE$ a 0oem that !ele"rate# the ret*rn of #0rin'% +italit% life% a "e'innin' of
#omethin' new
3IHE OH A SAINT$ a"o*t the #e!*lar life of a #aint (#emi-reli'io*#)
,O(> AN( SOU3
(E,ATE$ "etween two 0eo0le or animal#; The Owl and the Ni'htin'ale di#!*## different
a00roa!he# to life% the owl i# life-denin'% the ni'htin'ale !laim# the im0ortan!e of
entertainment and f*n
(REAM AISION$ infl*en!ed " The Roman!e of the Ro#e; the narrator i# *na"le to #lee0%
when he doe# fall a#lee0 he ha# a +i#ion in hi# dream% he *#*all wa)e# *0 in a "ea*tif*l
'arden whi!h re0re#ent# hi# 2$%1.$ <(. -$.<$3+1(!% he alwa# wa)e# *0 with a '*ide who
ta)e# him to a 0la!e where #e+eral 0eo0le are in+ol+ed in a 2$;&+$ &;(*+ +0$ 2*%A (< #1<$
(0h#i!al +#/ #0irit*al)% *#*all no !on!l*#ion i# 'i+en 7 the narrator wa)e# *0 #*ddenl and
=1+0(*+ &!%=$.%
- #tre## i# on the 0lot and ad+ent*re#
- e0i#odi! in #tr*!t*re
- reali#ti! te!hniN*e# in de#!ri"in' 0lot#
- a 'reat deal of #*0ernat*ral
- the ad+ent*re# of 0rota'oni#t# were "oth 0h#i!al and #0irit*al
- !on#tant tem0tation# for 0rota'oni#t#
- !hara!ter# were tra'i!$ the #tarted hi'h% e20erien!ed a downfall% #*ffered% were made to
#ee thin'# a"o*t them#el+e# and #o!iet and "e!ame more h*m"le and aware
- #o!ial "a!)'ro*nd wa# al#o de#!ri"ed% lower !la##e# and women were well re0re#ented
- !o*rtl no+el re0re#ent# the de!line of the t0i!al medie+al +al*e#
- S1. G&=&1! &!2 +0$ G.$$! K!1"0+
- S1. O.<$( 5 K1!" H(.!5 H&4$#(3 +0$ D&!$$ the 0rota'oni#t# (tra'i! heroe#) are mem"er#
of no"ilit who lo#e their 0o#ition# and tr to re'ain their wealth% !a#tle#F% *#*all the
are #*!!e##f*l; thro*'h #*fferin' the "e!ome more h*m"le; "*t the are not onl a"o*t
ari#to!ra!% the are al#o a"o*t lower !la##e#% women are a# im0ortant a# men; little
Hren!h infl*en!e; the fo!*# i# on the a!tion rather than on !o*rte#
- Marie de Hran!e (<=
!t/)$ L&1%$ amator en!o*nter# of )ni'ht# and ladie# in a world
informed " "oth !hi+alro*# a!tion and #*0ernat*ral infl*en!e; fir#t to *#e the Celti!
- Im0orted from the !ontinent
- the ari#to!rati! literar 'enre (written " and for ari#to!ra!) 7 a00ealed to the +al*e# and
ta#te# of no"ilit
- la"elled a# an Ce#!a0i#tD 'enre (e#!a0e from realit)
- !on#idered a# the "e'innin' of the tri+ial 0o0*lar literat*re
- tend# to 0re#ent the heroe# a# )ni'ht# 0*r#*in' a lonel N*e#t% "*t al#o #tre##e# the
im0ortan!e of the #hared% !omm*nal +al*e# of a !hi+alri! world
- e2a''erated in de#!ri0tion# of emotion#
- theme#$ )ni'ht#% !o*rtl lo+e
- at the "e'innin' % the were written in the alliterati+e +er#e; 'rad*all the #tanPai! +er#e
form# !ame into *#e
- toward# the end of the ME 0eriod% literar te2t# written from the lower !la## 0oint of +iew
- roman!eB# #0irit wa# imitated " the romanti! literat*re (ad+ent*re% e2oti!% !o*rtl lo+eF)
- the di+i#ion " Lean ,odel a!!ordin' to the #*"Me!t matter$
a) A&++$. (< F.&!3$ (a"o*t ?in' Charle# the Great)
") A&++$. (< B.1+&1! 7 the Arth*rian roman!e
!) A&++$. (< R(A$ (a"o*t the !la##i!al antiN*it% L*li*# Cae#ar)
d) !(!B&.+0*.1&! A&++$. (< B.1+&1! (!hara!ter# #tron'l !onne!ted with the En'li#h
fol)lore and the Celti! root#)
- ?in' Arth*r wa# a militar leader of the Celt# in the fi'ht a'ain#t the Sa2on# in the -
nowada#% heB# a fi!titio*#% #*0ernat*ral fi'*re
- ?in' Arth*r a00ear# "oth in En'li#h and Hren!h literat*re/ The lin) i# hi# Celti! ori'in#/
- ?in' Arth*r i# mentioned for the <
time " G$(<<.$/ (< M(!A(*+0 in The Hi#tor of
the ?in'# of ,ritain (<=
!t/)% whi!h i# the "a#i# for the de+elo0ment of the Arth*rian
- 1a!e of Ler#e (a 0rie#t)$ Roman de ,r*t; the ,riti#h +er#ion wa# 0rod*!ed " L&/&A(!$
,r*t (<=
!t/) 7 #tre##in' the lin) to the an!ient Rome
- C0.I+1$! 2$ T.(/$% !on!entrated on 3an!elot and on the tradition of !o*rtl lo+e (Hren!h
intere#t for the Celti! "e!a*#e of ,rittan)
- 3an!elot lo#e# #i'nifi!an!e% the )ni'ht Galahad i# de#!ri"ed a# an ideal )ni'ht and a# Ca
!ha#teD 7 the onl one who !an #ear!h for the H(#/ G.&1# (G +italit% new life)
- Arth*rB# fa"led !o*rt "e!ame a fi2ed 0oint to whi!h a whole +ariet of le'end#% Celti!
mth#% reli'io*#% literar and moral !on!e0t# !o*ld "e atta!hed
- the element# that were added later$ Merlin% death% A+alon% E2!ali"*r (the ma'i!al #word)
+IR ,AWAI% A%D THE ,REE% -%I,HT (<:
fo*nd with three other man*#!ri0t#$ &earl% &*rit and &atien!e (themati!all different)
written in the Midland diale!t
one of the la#t wor)# written in the alliterati+e +er#e
Sir Gawain i# one of the )ni'ht# of the Ro*nd Ta"le and re0re#ent# an ideal medie+al
)ni'ht with militar #)ill#% !o*rte# (#e2*al re#traint) and h*milit (toward# the Ch*r!h)%
"*t la!)in' indi+id*al !hara!teri#ti!#
two #*"-0lot#$ </ the B$0$&21!" G&A$ (the framewor)% the !entral 0lot) and =/ the
S$2*3+1(! (< +0$ L&2/ (the e2!han'e of 'ift#)
the N*e#t theme$ 0h#i!al and #0irit*al N*e#t (intro#0e!ti+e Mo*rne)
dramati! atmo#0here
the #m"oli#m of the animal# that 3ord ,ertila) h*nt# $ the <
da$ deer 7 wi#dom% the =
da$ "oar 7 inde!i#i+ene##% the 8
da$ fo2 - in#in!erit
mo#t !riti!# #ee the roman!e a# an alle'ori!al re0re#entation of the tem0tation# of !hi+alr
inter0retation# $ </ Celti!$ the Green ?ni'ht re0re#ent# the ret*rn of life and fertilit
=/ Chri#tian$ the Green ?ni'ht re0re#ent# e+il and death that Gawain
#*!!e##f*ll fi'ht#
8/ ne*tral$ Gawain i# the main !hara!ter who 0a##e# from inno!en!e to
e20erien!e 7 the 'rowin' *0 0ro!e## (d*rin' the Mo*rne he learn# a"o*t him#elf)
</ MORTE ARTHUR 7 the alliterati+e +er#ion$
- the #tre## i# on the 0oliti!al "attle and de+elo0ment of ,riti#h dna#tie#; Arth*r i# "oth the
)in' and the fir#t )ni'ht; he 0ro+e# him#elf a# a !o*ra'eo*# militar leader (0h#i!al
#tren'th); he i# !om0ared to Charle# the Great; he i# )illed in the "attle with hi# ne0hew%
who want# to dethrone him
- the e0i#ode# are +er dramati!
- the heroi!-e0i! +er#ion$ it !reate# a hero o*t of Arth*r
- an e2am0le of mtho0oe#i# (!reatin' a 0owerf*l hi#tori!al fi'*re wa# im0ortant for
national identit)
=/ 3E MORTE (BARTHUR 7 the #tanPai! +er#ion$
- #tanPa#% #lla"i! metri!al ##tem (Hren!h infl*en!e)
- Hren!h infl*en!e al#o on the #*"Me!t matter$ ad*ltere## lo+e "etween 3an!elot and
G*ene+ere% "*t itB# not M*d'ed morall% it i# 'i+en a# a hi#tori!al fa!t with an im0ortant
infl*en!e; it al#o #m"oliPe# the de!line of the 0ower of the )in'dom and of the !o*rtl
lo+e +al*e#
- dna#ti! #tr*''le# "etween Mordred and Arth*r
- dan'er for the )in'dom !ome# from within
- Arth*r re0re#ent# ho0e for the ,riti#h )in'dom
the 0rede!e##or of the de+elo0ment of the no+el
written in 0ri#on; 0rinted in <:6- " 1illiam Ca2ton
the ear 1485 re0re#ent# the t*rnin' 0oint$ the end of the 1ar of Ro#e# "etween 3an!a#ter
(Malor) and >or)% and the de!line of +al*e# of !o*rtl lo+e and )ni'hthood% whi!h are
onl the ill*#ion# and a#0iration# of the 0eriod
re'arded a# the "e#t 0ro#e wor) of ME 0eriod
Malor loo)ed "a!) to the fir#t e#ta"li#hment and the 'lorio*# realiPation of the ideal# of
)ni'hthood while the En'land of hi# own a'e wa# witne##in' the "lood de!line of the
a*thorit of a militar ari#to!ra!
a !om"ination of the alliterati+e and the #tanPai! +er#ion
Malor tra!e# the Arth*rian #tor from the ?in'B# "irth% ed*!ation% a##*m0tion of 0ower
and to hi# !o*rtB# tra'i! de!a
lon' #e!tion# a"o*t the !areer# of 3an!elot% Gareth F% a"o*t the 0*r#*it of the Hol Grail%
a"o*t the ad*ltere## lo+e of 3an!elot and G*ine+ere
6 tale#; #trai'htforward narrati+e
the narrator i# mo+ed into the "a!)'ro*nd; the main !hara!ter# !omment the a!tion 7 more
+iew0oint# and o"Me!ti+it ("alan!ed and !on!entrated on all a#0e!t#)
element# of Celti! fol)lore
in the 6
0art the narrator addre##e# the reader to 0ra for Arth*rB# ret*rn
an im0ortant #o*r!e wa# ChrQtien de Troe#B# 3an!elot (<=
)*#1&! (< N(.=130G R$4$#&+1(!% (< D141!$ L(4$
- fir#t maMor female writer in En'li#h tradition
- an a!!o*nt of her m#ti!al% reli'io*# e20erien!e% "a#ed on her illne##
- #*0remel di#tin'*i#hed% female #0irit*alit
- #he #ee# di+ine lo+e a# 0ro+idin' the an#wer to all the 0ro"lem# of h*man e2i#ten!e 7 the
need for internali#ed life
M&."$./ K$A-$G T0$ B((F (< M&."$./ K$A-$
- a +i'oro*# if #omewhat di#or'aniPed writer% one of the earlie#t and mo#t re+ealin'
a*to"io'ra0her# in En'li#h
- an a!!o*nt of her mental di#order#% her +i#ion#% and her almo#t 0atholo'i!al reli'io#it%
written in a #0irit*al !ri#i#
- a 'ood in#i'ht into the 0o#ition and thin)in' of women at that time
T0$ V1%1(! (< ,1$.% ,#(=A&!
one of the mo#t #ear!hin' Chri#tian narrati+e# in the En'li#h lan'*a'e
e20lorin' and demon#tratin' the a!ti+e in+ol+ement of God in hi# 0h#i!al Creation
at !ertain !r*!ial 0oint# reader# are "idden to re!o'niPe Chri#t him#elf in the
re0re#entati+e h*man fi'*re of &ier#
the Son of God h*m"le# him#elf " ta)in' the form of a !o*ntr wor)man
hi# wor) e#ta"li#hed the 3ondon diale!t% whi!h wa# the lin'*i#ti! and literar norm for the
modern En'li#h
fir#t he wa# a tran#lator$ The Roma*nt of the Ro#e 7 infl*en!ed hi# own wor)
hi# 0oetr e20re##e# and em"odie# a firm #en#e of order% whi!h i# e+ident in hi#
refle!tion# on the nat*re and wor)in'# of the !o#mo#% and in hi# #tead affirmation# of an
orthodo2 Chri#tian "elief in di+ine in+ol+ement in h*man affair#
re!o'ni#ed that the nat*ral and the h*man world# !o*ld "e #een a# interrelated in the
di+ine #!heme of thin'#% and% li)e the )in'dom of hea+en% ordered in hierar!hie#
heB# !on#idered the father of En'li#h 0oetr
"e'innin' of the =9
!t/$ hi# wor)# were !on#idered Chri#tian alle'orie#
the #e!ond half of the =9
!t/$ the #tre## had mo+ed to dialo'i! re0re#entation of medie+al
realit and the !la#h in the medie+al #o!iet that Cha*!er wanted to 0oint at 7 the reli'io*#
and #erio*# life +#/ the !arni+ale#N*e a#0e!t of it
the 0a#t <9 ear#$ the #tre## on the feminine 0er#0e!ti+e and Cha*!erB# #*00o#ed anti-
femini#m% and on Cha*!erB# #o!ial !riti!i#m% the !riti!i#m of all in#tit*tion# and ideolo'ie#
T0$ B((F (< +0$ D*30$%% (dream +i#ion)
T0$ H(*%$ (< F&A$ (dream +i#ion)$ "a#ed on !la##i!al mtholo'
T0$ ,&.#$A$!+ (< F(=#% (dream +i#ion and de"ate)$ on the AalentineB# (a "ird# !hoo#e
their mate#; !riti!i#m of !o*rtl lo+e
T.(1#*% &!2 C.1%$/2$ $ #et into the !la##i!al antiN*it; !o*rtl lo+e i# de#troed "
0a##ion; ,o!!a!!io and ,oethi*#B# infl*en!e 7 !ondemnin' the 0h#i!al life
T0$ C&!+$.;*./ T&#$%$
=: tale# in +ario*# 'enre#
the framewor) i# a 0il'rima'e to Canter"*r - a "road #0e!tr*m of #inf*l h*manit on an
earthl Mo*rne% whi!h ori'inal reader# wo*ld ha+e re!o'niPed a# a 0re+i#ion of% and a
0re0aration for% a hea+enl one
the 0il'rim# re0re#ent the En'li#h #o!iet% "*t are not indi+id*aliPed 0er#onalitie#% the
are t0ified% #tereot0e#; the h*man world determined " the N*e#tion of de'ree% and of
#o!ial 0er!e0tion# !onditioned " ran)
the G$!$.&# ,.(#("*$ #et# o*t the !ir!*m#tan!e# whi!h "rin' the 0il'rim# to'ether at the
Ta"ard Inn "efore the #et off for Canter"*r to 0ra at the tom" of the martred St
Thoma# ,e!)et% and 0re#ent# the 0il'rim# a!!ordin' to their e#tate
a 'ood tale #ho*ld ha+e an im0ortant idea and a moral me##a'e% and #ho*ld entertain and
"e f*nn
the ?ni'ht i# 0la!ed fir#t and i# followed " hi# #on the SN*ire and hi# attendant >eoman
the re0re#entati+e of the Ch*r!h$ the &riore##% N*n% the Mon)% Hriar
the third e#tate (ri!h% middlin' and 0oor)$ Mer!hant% O2ford Cler)% Ser'eant of the 3aw%
the *r"an '*ild#men; the #)illed trade#men; well-off widow with a trade of her own 7 the
1ife of ,ath
Cha*!er !a#t# him#elf in the role of an in!om0etent #tor-teller
the Ho#t of the Ta"ard 0ro0o#e# that ea!h of the 0il'rim# #ho*ld tell two tale# on the wa
to Canter"*r and two on the ret*rn Mo*rne
the ?ni'htB# ta)in' 0re!eden!e a# the fir#t #tor-teller i# not merel a matter of !han!e$
the K!1"0+H% T&#$$ a hi'h minded hi#tor of the ri+alr of two no"le !o*#in# for the lo+e
of a 0rin!e##% a hi#tor ele'antl !om0lemented " a!!o*nt# of #*0ernat*ral inter+ention
in h*man affair#
*nderminin' the !ommonl held medie+al idea of the nat*ral inferiorit of women to men
" re0re#entin' arti!*late and intelli'ent women at the !entre of h*man affair# rather than
on the 0eri0her 7 the 61<$ (< B&+0$ i# !ertainl no model of mee)ne##% 0atien!e and
!ha#tit; #he "*ild# *0 a #0irited !a#e a'ain#t !on+entional% theoreti!al% !leri!all in#0ired